1940 U.S. Federal Census of Star, Grady, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Grady County > 1940 Census of Star

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsHarold born about 1917
AdamsJohn Eborn about 1920
AdamsLucile born about 1924
AdamsMinnie born about 1882
AdamsonClaud Aborn about 1897
AdamsonClaud Jr born about 1938
AdamsonEugene born about 1922
AdamsonFlorence born about 1921
AdamsonLizzy born about 1902
AdamsonPatsy Lueborn about 1934
AdkinsBobby born about 1934
AdkinsChas Jeanborn about 1936
AdkinsDolly born about 1916
AdkinsEdwin Rborn about 1907
AdkinsEdwin R Jrborn about 1939
AdkinsMay born about 1908
AdkinsMelba born about 1930
AdkinsParks Rborn about 1912
AdkinsShirley Mborn about 1938
AgnesHelen born about 1918
AgnesLawrence born about 1916
AkinsBernard born about 1924
AkinsBernice born about 1924
AkinsBillie Jeneborn about 1929
AkinsDonald Lborn about 1934
AkinsMary Loueborn about 1927
AkinsMinnie born about 1894
AkinsMinnie Fayborn about 1931
AkinsOscar Mborn about 1892
AlexanderBillie Rayborn about 1933
AlexanderEarl Bborn about 1912
AlexanderEulene born about 1915
AlexanderKenneth Doeborn about 1940
AlfordClauda Faeborn about 1925
AlfordGladys born about 1902
AlfordIda born about 1936
AlfordMarvin born about 1937
AlfordMarvin Pborn about 1891
AlfordThelma born about 1932
AlfordWillie Rborn about 1928
AppleBasil Mborn about 1900
AppleCharles Lborn about 1939
AppleCharles Mborn about 1871
AppleJoyce born about 1936
AppleMarion born about 1931
AppleMay born about 1876
AtkinsonGeorge Eborn about 1882
AtkinsonKate born about 1849

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B Surnames

BarkerAlta Mborn about 1916
BarkerBetty Florenceborn about 1935
BarkerDorothy born about 1930
BarkerDud born about 1932
BarkerEddy Vborn about 1939
BarkerEmma Loseborn about 1929
BarkerFannie Bborn about 1883
BarkerHelen born about 1925
BarkerJimmie born about 1940
BarkerMorgan born about 1926
BarkerNaomi born about 1901
BarkerRay Cborn about 1902
BarkerRay Cborn about 1938
BarkerRoy Lborn about 1915
BarnardCho born about 1925
BarnardClaud Rborn about 1891
BarnardDelila born about 1894
BarnardEsther born about 1894
BarnardMike Oborn about 1896
BarnardOtis born about 1922
BarnardWarren born about 1921
BartlettJohn Zborn about 1895
BartlettMaeolla born about 1926
BartlettMittie Tborn about 1924
BartlettOla born about 1903
BartlettSylvia Fernborn about 1939
BartlettWayne born about 1929
BendlyAline born about 1922
BendlyBenny born about 1931
BendlyBoyd born about 1929
BendlyJune born about 1936
BendlyMartin Hborn about 1901
BendlyOlen born about 1927
BendlyOlive born about 1901
BendlyOtis born about 1923
BendlyRuby born about 1933
BendlyRuth born about 1933
BennettDoris born about 1921
BennettOrvil Pborn about 1911
BentleyBetty Sueborn about 1932
BentleyCora Lborn about 1910
BentleyJoe Annborn about 1935
BentleyMary Loraborn about 1928
BentleyWillard Dborn about 1889
BerdEarl Wborn about 1911
BerdEarnest born about 1920
BerdHarold Jr born about 1934
BerdHenry Iborn about 1888
BerdJerald born about 1939
BerdMaggie born about 1907
BerdSarah Cborn about 1887
BerryMillie born about 1869
BerryWilliam Jborn about 1871
BishopAylines born about 1917
BishopDon Lborn about 1939
BishopLamar Zborn about 1913
BlalockAllie born about 1879
BlalockSylvester Jborn about 1876
BlytheCoda Mborn about 1897
BlytheDalton born about 1925
BlytheDavid Mborn about 1878
BowlesMarvin born about 1924
BoylesE Lutherborn about 1904
BoylesElizabeth born about 1931
BoylesEugene born about 1924
BoylesFay born about 1906
BoylesHarold born about 1935
BrowanLou born about 1894
BrowanPink born about 1886
BrownBetsy Cborn about 1928
BrownBillie Rborn about 1929
BrownCarrol Gborn about 1922
BrownCharls Wborn about 1937
BrownCleburn born about 1915
BrownDayle born about 1928
BrownEliza born about 1890
BrownFaye born about 1908
BrownGladys Bborn about 1925
BrownJimmy Dborn about 1934
BrownKathleen born about 1931
BrownLawrence born about 1926
BrownLee born about 1892
BrownLenard Rborn about 1927
BrownLily born about 1879
BrownMarie born about 1913
BrownRhoda born about 1904
BrownSam born about 1901
BrownTom Cborn about 1871
BrownWilliam Hborn about 1884
BrownWoodrow Wborn about 1912
BuneAutrey Lborn about 1919
BuneCharlie Cborn about 1888
BuneKenneth Eborn about 1922
BuneLela Eborn about 1894
BuneSam Bborn about 1916
BurrisAndrew born about 1860
BurrisBurl born about 1927
BurrisJames Hborn about 1890
BurrisJohn Wborn about 1885
BurrisJohn W Jrborn about 1925
BurrisMaud born about 1896
BushBetty born about 1926
BushJohn Eborn about 1888
BushKaty Tborn about 1896
BushRobart born about 1922
ButlerAda born about 1861
ButlerC Lborn about 1856

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C Surnames

CantwellBertie born about 1885
CantwellBeryl born about 1918
CantwellDally Dborn about 1921
CantwellElzy Jborn about 1920
CantwellElzy Wborn about 1887
CantwellHarry Dueneborn about 1938
CantwellHazel born about 1931
CantwellJanet Gaileborn about 1940
CantwellMavis born about 1928
CantwellOpal born about 1918
CantwellTasker Hborn about 1915
CarpenterOscar born about 1917
CaseyLenora born about 1920
CaseyVernon Rayborn about 1939
ChadwickJohn Nborn about 1881
ChadwickRosy born about 1884
CooleyJess Mborn about 1909
CooleyKenneth born about 1939
CooleyRobert born about 1935
CooleyVeata born about 1919
CooplandBetty Joeborn about 1936
CooplandBeulah born about 1920
CooplandCorine born about 1870
CooplandGrady Wborn about 1912
CooplandJimmie born about 1935
CooplandRaymond born about 1907
CooplandSybl born about 1939
CooplandViola born about 1913
CoovingtonLouis Cborn about 1857
CoplandWayne born about 1938
CourcierBlanch born about 1878
CourcierLoui born about 1861
CoxJim Jborn about 1883
CoxWillie born about 1893
CrouchEdwin Zborn about 1905
CrouchJ Dborn about 1927
CrouchJim born about 1907
CrouchPatsy born about 1931
CrouchRoy Eborn about 1902
CrouchWillie born about 1902
CurrellH Jamesborn about 1928
CurrellHall born about 1900
CurrellJohn Wborn about 1873
CurtisBoots born about 1928
CurtisDelbert born about 1929
CurtisDora Vborn about 1889
CurtisEssie born about 1921
CurtisGrace born about 1925
CurtisHays Zborn about 1889
CurtisIva born about 1909
CurtisJunior born about 1923
CurtisLa Donna born about 1939
CurtisLelia Maeborn about 1921
CurtisMarshall born about 1940
CurtisMay born about 1900
CurtisRaleigh born about 1920
CurtisThomas Aborn about 1894
CurtisThomas Lborn about 1861
CurtisWeldon Hborn about 1916
CurtisWillie Jr born about 1909

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D Surnames

DavisCharles born about 1937
DavisEdith born about 1927
DavisEdna born about 1908
DavisGuinn born about 1929
DavisJim Tborn about 1898
DavisRichard born about 1933
DavisWeldon born about 1931
DukeHenryetta born about 1847
DukeRobert Gborn about 1873

E Surnames

EainBennie Joeborn about 1928
EainElla Pheneborn about 1926
EainEmmet Zborn about 1903
EainMartha born about 1908
EainMelba Louiseborn about 1936
EainTherman Royborn about 1927
EannCurtis Bborn about 1916
EannJessie Lborn about 1912
EannJohn Wborn about 1876
EannJulia Mborn about 1890
EdwardsGeorge Gborn about 1878
EdwardsMary Sborn about 1875
EisemanEstell born about 1925
EisemanGrant born about 1902
EisemanMienerva born about 1910
EisemennDonald Rayborn about 1931
EisemennFrank Aborn about 1909
EisemennJerald Deanborn about 1935
EisemennMarie born about 1909
EvertBill born about 1926
EvertFrank Lborn about 1884
EvertLizzie born about 1890
EvertTruman born about 1920
ExalanderLooie born about 1911

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F Surnames

FairArba born about 1926
FairJoe born about 1901
FairMelvin born about 1928
FarmersEtta born about 1895
FarmersGeraldine born about 1926
FarmersJoe Nborn about 1936
FarmersMaurine born about 1933
FarmersRobert born about 1928
FarmersVessie Sborn about 1891
FarmersWillie Vborn about 1919
FiteDanny Brownborn about 1931
FiteLoie Kborn about 1902
FiteOila Iborn about 1900
FordJosei Cborn about 1881
FordRobert Eborn about 1869
FowlerHelen Lavenborn about 1935
FowlerHenry Wborn about 1878
FowlerMary Emlyborn about 1936
FowlerTrudy born about 1914

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G Surnames

GardnerCuit born about 1924
GardnerHarold Deanborn about 1929
GardnerHaskel born about 1915
GardnerHoward born about 1918
GardnerJames Mborn about 1880
GardnerMary born about 1886
GardnerMary born about 1922
GardnerMilton Jr born about 1921
GayleGladys Mborn about 1905
GayleHelen Cborn about 1932
GayleLoree Vborn about 1935
GayleOscar Dborn about 1901
GlennanMaud born about 1891
GlennanPaul born about 1919
GlennanThurlene born about 1928
GlinsonChan born about 1938
GlinsonMaine Leeborn about 1917
GreenBert Zborn about 1895
GreenClyde born about 1920
GreenCrystine born about 1934
GreenDelbert born about 1933
GreenFlossie born about 1894
GreenHarold born about 1926
GreenJaunita born about 1927
GreenJimmy born about 1937
GreenWanda Jeanborn about 1930

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H Surnames

HaleBessie born about 1892
HaleBillie born about 1926
HaleBillie born about 1928
HaleCharles born about 1930
HaleElda born about 1924
HaleGene Zborn about 1918
HaleImogene born about 1923
HaleJames Bborn about 1901
HaleLayman born about 1925
HaleLela born about 1905
HaleLillian born about 1931
HaleLouis born about 1932
HaleLucile born about 1921
HalePal Zborn about 1912
HalePearly Jeanborn about 1928
HaleRandell born about 1936
HaleW Arthurborn about 1890
HallAdelenme born about 1930
HallAlbert Lborn about 1906
HallDonald born about 1929
HallJune born about 1933
HallLuella born about 1939
HallRuda born about 1907
HallsmarkCharles born about 1928
HallsmarkFinas Wborn about 1903
HallsmarkGladyes born about 1905
HallsmarkJoe Annborn about 1934
HallsmarkNorene born about 1930
HallsmarkSandra Faeborn about 1936
HarlclarendAlma Faeborn about 1940
HarlclarendBillie Aborn about 1937
HarlclarendGlenn Aborn about 1913
HarlclarendGlenn Iborn about 1935
HarlclarendNellie Kborn about 1920
HarrellElmer born about 1931
HarrellElmer Eborn about 1909
HarrellJaunita born about 1927
HarrellJewel born about 1904
HarrellMaudie born about 1888
HarrellMelvin born about 1922
HarrellMurel born about 1934
HarrellOlita born about 1929
HarrellRichard Bborn about 1884
HarrellRoy born about 1925
HarrisonDan born about 1905
HarrisonVera born about 1910
HarroldEarnest born about 1921
HarroldElvin born about 1922
HarroldGeorge Rborn about 1895
HarroldLillian born about 1900
HarroldNorene born about 1924
HartEugene Aborn about 1914
HartMary born about 1914
HarveyBill Mborn about 1902
HarveyBrook born about 1911
HarveyFloy born about 1908
HarveySuder born about 1911
HarveyTommy born about 1933
HendersonJ Wborn about 1913
HendersonLeta Juneborn about 1936
HendersonLockey Vborn about 1914
HersasJames born about 1931
HillCena born about 1876
HillCharles Hborn about 1906
HillHarry Charlesborn about 1929
HillHarry Wborn about 1876
HillHashell born about 1908
HimesCatherine born about 1938
HimesDavid born about 1920
HimesImogene born about 1921
HimesJohn Aborn about 1888
HimesLila born about 1898
HintonEarl born about 1897
HintonJoe Dborn about 1894
HintonRuby born about 1926
HisemanEliza born about 1874
HisemanLorence born about 1921
HisemanSamuel Eborn about 1911
HisemanSamuel Hborn about 1864
HoardHigh Hborn about 1911
HoardLela born about 1874
HoardThoman Eborn about 1876
HogueDee born about 1882
HogueHaty born about 1887
HoltAlbert Bborn about 1881
HoltMckay Wborn about 1912
HoltOla Fborn about 1883
HoltOla Pearlborn about 1922
HorningFlorence born about 1889
HorningGeorge Nborn about 1913
HorningHazel born about 1919
HorningLevi Bborn about 1888
HorningLois Eborn about 1917

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I Surnames

IngramBerlie Sborn about 1880
IngramGeorge Rborn about 1874

J Surnames

JacksonGeorge Zborn about 1918
JacksonMary Fannieborn about 1922
JacobsKenneth Wayneborn about 1936
JacobsMay born about 1905
JacobsVernon born about 1923
JacobsWilliam Aborn about 1900
JimisonAlbert Mborn about 1869
JimisonBessie born about 1891
JimisonMahala Eborn about 1868
JohnsonColeallen born about 1928
JohnsonJessie Sborn about 1902
JohnsonMable born about 1904
JonesLincoln Wborn about 1915
JonesRoma Ruthborn about 1935
JonesShirley Juneborn about 1938
JonesVera born about 1919

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K Surnames

KimbroughJenny Pearlborn about 1884
KimbroughJim Wborn about 1882
KimbroughLeom born about 1926
KimbroughMary Francisborn about 1930
KimbroughRecis born about 1918
KimbroughRosie born about 1911
KimbroughWilliam Eborn about 1905
KirkesEva born about 1866
KirkesJames Aborn about 1872
KirkpatrickBarbara born about 1938
KirkpatrickDonald born about 1935
KirkpatrickFoy Lborn about 1906
KirkpatrickJessie Dborn about 1880
KirkpatrickJuanima born about 1935
KirkpatrickLavonda born about 1936
KirkpatrickMable Lueborn about 1917
KirkpatrickNettie born about 1911
KirkpatrickOlga Dborn about 1911
KiteLeona born about 1898
KiteRobert Lborn about 1884
KuntzCharles born about 1939
KuntzJake born about 1905
KuntzOtile born about 1909
KuntzRobert Oborn about 1936

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L Surnames

LambKate born about 1877
LambWilliam Cborn about 1875
LeeEtta born about 1900
LeeJames Eborn about 1881
LeeLeoma born about 1924
LondermilkHarold born about 1935
LondermilkNed Zborn about 1911
LondermilkRuby born about 1913
LooeAnne born about 1884
LoveAnnie Bborn about 1896
LoveCalvin Oborn about 1927
LoveIola born about 1930
LoveZack Wborn about 1891
LovettAdam Dborn about 1884
LovettAlley born about 1921
LovettAlvin born about 1917
LovettCatherine born about 1923
LovettDale born about 1931
LovettFrankie born about 1926
LovettHardi born about 1913
LovettIna born about 1933
LovettMollie born about 1894
LutonskyAntonio born about 1861
LutonskyEdward born about 1896
LutonskyFrank born about 1870
LynchJoe Annborn about 1938
LynchLilian Joyceborn about 1932
LynchLuther Lborn about 1929
LynchLuther Zborn about 1906
LynchRuby born about 1910
LynchWanda Cborn about 1935

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M Surnames

MaberryElla Bborn about 1874
MaberryHenry Vborn about 1874
MaberryMiles born about 1882
MaberryPres born about 1862
MathewsJack Zborn about 1901
MathewsJackie Doeborn about 1934
MathewsOllie Bborn about 1900
MaxwellAnne born about 1900
MaxwellEarl Cborn about 1902
MayEldo Eborn about 1919
MayHardis Lborn about 1906
MayJessie Ileneborn about 1925
MayLily Eborn about 1883
MayMildred born about 1910
MayNelda Sharonborn about 1933
MayOscar Lborn about 1880
McCluseGarlan Eborn about 1904
McCluseHarold Hborn about 1922
McCluseJinnie Eborn about 1929
McCluseMelvin Dborn about 1936
McCluseRuby born about 1904
McLainEdna born about 1916
McLainHarold Wborn about 1934
McLainOtie Wborn about 1910
MillerMuriel born about 1911
MillerSally Annborn about 1939
MillerTony Jborn about 1903
MillsEarnest born about 1915
MillsEthel born about 1917
MillsLottie born about 1934
MillsNoel Nborn about 1938
MooreLahman Zborn about 1915
MooreRoberta born about 1917
MooreYvonne born about 1937
MullinsFrank Gborn about 1890
MullinsGracie born about 1893
MullinsJ born about 1913
MullinsRaymond born about 1924
MullinsRonald Wborn about 1939
MullinsVeda born about 1917

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N Surnames

NeaneyFairy born about 1921
NeaneyKenneth born about 1917
NeaneyLeslie born about 1893
NeaneyLindley Gborn about 1893
NeaneyMatty Ellenborn about 1933
NeaneyNite Fayborn about 1925
NesleyArchie born about 1920
NesleyDavid born about 1939
NesleyEdwin born about 1937
NesleyOpal born about 1917
NesleyTobitha born about 1845

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O Surnames

OwensBoyd born about 1923
OwensDaisy Lborn about 1892
OwensMarie born about 1928
OwensMarvin born about 1925
OwensNeal born about 1934
OwensWallis Lborn about 1892

P Surnames

PaughMattie born about 1890
PaughSam Gborn about 1891
PaughSmith born about 1916
PaughVivian born about 1926
PearsonAllie born about 1913
PearsonAnn Loseborn about 1931
PearsonBoyce born about 1905
PearsonGarrell born about 1936
PeufronElla Zborn about 1893
PhilifoMarion born about 1923
PrevelingHarry born about 1920

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R Surnames

RobertsJohn born about 1886
RobertsRosy born about 1893
RobertsonAlice born about 1864
RobertsonCecil born about 1902
RobertsonCharles Lborn about 1898
RobertsonDorothy Rborn about 1939
RobertsonHelen born about 1922
RobertsonJames Lborn about 1936
RobertsonJordon Jborn about 1900
RobertsonRose born about 1908
RyanBobbie Mayborn about 1931
RyanMaudie Lueborn about 1934
RyanOllie Jborn about 1883

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S Surnames

ScrogginsAndy Rborn about 1909
ScrogginsElizabeth born about 1915
ScrogginsLavern born about 1935
ScrogginsLyndel born about 1938
ScrogginsWendel born about 1934
SertiggsBarbara born about 1939
SertiggsBellie Jborn about 1930
SertiggsCarl born about 1903
SertiggsCora Bellborn about 1902
SertiggsCurtis born about 1928
SertiggsDonny Joeborn about 1936
SessumsMary Mborn about 1879
SessumsWilliam Jborn about 1871
ShackelfordIleta born about 1924
ShackelfordJessie Rborn about 1902
ShackelfordLaveda born about 1923
ShackelfordLeota born about 1926
ShackelfordMary Helenborn about 1930
ShackelfordMelvin born about 1939
ShackelfordOlie Bborn about 1894
ShackelfordOtis Dborn about 1894
ShackelfordPearl born about 1904
ShackelfordRuby Olaborn about 1940
ShackelfordWilliam born about 1928
SharpAuthur Eborn about 1876
SharpMartha born about 1883
SharpWalter born about 1913
ShattsAcy born about 1894
ShattsBula born about 1898
ShattsDewey Gborn about 1891
ShattsDewey G Jrborn about 1927
ShattsGeorge Mborn about 1875
ShattsLavern Aborn about 1925
ShattsMary born about 1890
ShattsNathaniel Cborn about 1920
ShattsTelma Aborn about 1898
ShiderElsie born about 1918
ShiderHenry Eborn about 1885
ShiderLeroy born about 1928
ShiderLily born about 1889
ShiderVernon born about 1922
ShiderWayne born about 1925
ShirleyBen born about 1938
ShirleyCleveland Mborn about 1892
ShirleyEffie born about 1894
ShirleyGeorge born about 1916
ShirleyLavelle born about 1919
ShookAnnie born about 1890
ShookLawrence born about 1917
ShookVelma born about 1923
ShookWill Zborn about 1877
SingletonCora born about 1879
SingletonJim Bborn about 1860
SingsterryGline Zborn about 1914
SingsterryMargret Jborn about 1937
SingsterryMartha Aborn about 1940
SingsterryMaxiene born about 1916
SmithBobby born about 1939
SmithCharles born about 1937
SmithDonald born about 1935
SmithEdwin born about 1930
SmithFloyd born about 1927
SmithGene born about 1929
SmithHenry Bborn about 1898
SmithRay born about 1903
SmithRoy born about 1925
SmitheyDalford born about 1931
SmitheyJosie born about 1901
SmitheyLorene born about 1927
SmitheyRoy Hborn about 1902
SolomonBuddy Bborn about 1915
SolomonMaggy born about 1922
SpearlingLizzie Aborn about 1867
SpearlingSpud Hborn about 1860
StantonDoris born about 1917
StantonDoris born about 1919
StantonGeorge Sborn about 1870
StantonVina born about 1878
StensonDee born about 1893
StensonPenola born about 1893
StewartBetty Joanborn about 1927
StewartEthel born about 1909
StewartJames Mborn about 1867
StewartLula Eborn about 1880
StewartTomas Rborn about 1920
StoveallDovie Bellborn about 1877
StoveallWilliam Aborn about 1871
StroudBillie Wayneborn about 1931
StroudBuster Zborn about 1904
StroudDugles born about 1926
StroudMable born about 1909

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T Surnames

TaylorBessie born about 1913
TaylorEas Aborn about 1897
ThomassonBurl Jborn about 1921
ThomassonDella Bborn about 1882
ThomassonJewell Eborn about 1915
ThomassonLayman Lborn about 1916
ThomassonLion Lborn about 1882
ThomassonMurl Lborn about 1924
TomlinsonCora Kborn about 1937
TomlinsonLouis Vborn about 1912
TomlinsonMary born about 1912
TrustyEmmett born about 1929
TrustyEugene born about 1921
TrustyIla Fayeborn about 1934
TrustyJohn Eborn about 1902
TrustyLola Maeborn about 1934
TrustyOpal Lborn about 1908
TurnerhillAmos born about 1935
TurnerhillEdward born about 1918
TurnerhillEonliane born about 1922
TurnerhillJuanita born about 1924
TurnerhillLela born about 1930
TurnerhillLouis born about 1897
TurnerhillRadulph born about 1922
TurnerhillSarah born about 1895
TurnerhillVirgil Louisborn about 1938

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U Surnames

UnderwoodAudrey born about 1921
UnderwoodEmma born about 1888
UnderwoodLena born about 1925
UnderwoodOtto Fborn about 1887
UsseryJoe Deanborn about 1934

V Surnames

VaughtDonna Maeborn about 1927
VaughtDonnie Eborn about 1886
VaughtElnora Jborn about 1882
VaughtHelen born about 1916
VaughtLavnia born about 1930
VaughtM Adieborn about 1888
VaughtMadge born about 1918
VaughtMaxie born about 1920
VaughtRuby Fernborn about 1939
VaughtWilson Eborn about 1915
VowellEola born about 1919
VowellRobert Cborn about 1909

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W Surnames

WadeElmo born about 1917
WadeGeorge Wborn about 1888
WadeSally born about 1882
WalkerBaford born about 1920
WalkerCharlie Eborn about 1878
WalkerDella born about 1885
WalkerEvie born about 1898
WalkerHoward Zborn about 1891
WalkerJames Wborn about 1876
WalkerMary Lueborn about 1927
WalkerSally born about 1882
WallRichard born about 1915
WernliBarbara Jeanborn about 1937
WernliJoella born about 1910
WernliLenhard Hborn about 1920
WilhelmBilly Donborn about 1935
WilhelmElden Mborn about 1907
WilhelmGlen born about 1930
WilhelmHarold Wayneborn about 1939
WilhelmJerald born about 1932
WilhelmMondena born about 1910
WilkeEver Dborn about 1901
WilkeFlora born about 1907
WilkeHomer Tborn about 1903
WilkeMarlon born about 1927
WilkeUnice born about 1870
WilkeWayne born about 1930
WilkeWilma Leeborn about 1934
WilksHarold Lborn about 1932
WilksHelen Fernborn about 1936
WilksJack Maeborn about 1940
WilksVerna born about 1915
WilksWilliam Bborn about 1904
WilliamAlvin born about 1940
WilliamAnnie born about 1920
WilliamHomer Zborn about 1904
WilliamNeva born about 1938
WilliamsAlta born about 1883
WilliamsRobert Lborn about 1879
WillsGarlan born about 1925
WillsJulia born about 1884
WillsWiley Mborn about 1878
WilsieHomer Zborn about 1892
WinterEllen born about 1873
WinterVinita born about 1911
WintersClintus born about 1916
WintersDonald Oborn about 1937
WintersFrancis Annborn about 1934
WintersHelen born about 1935
WintersOdell born about 1906
WittleAlice born about 1881
WittleDink Eborn about 1881
WittleEtta born about 1900
WiyningerAllene born about 1888
WiyningerDudley born about 1933
WiyningerGaylia born about 1938
WiyningerJake Zborn about 1890
WiyningerMary Vonborn about 1929
WiyningerRuth Annborn about 1931
WollyBetty Mborn about 1933
WollyCahonia born about 1938
WollyEsther born about 1899
WollyHomer Jborn about 1891
WollyJoe born about 1923
WollyPatsy Annborn about 1930
WollyRobinel Sborn about 1929
WollyWilma born about 1926
WooloverArnice born about 1911
WooloverCester born about 1904
WooloverClifford Aborn about 1902
WooloverEmiline Gborn about 1866
WooloverMaxie born about 1935
WooloverWayne born about 1924
WooloverWilliam Mborn about 1864
WootenAlice born about 1906
WootenDale born about 1938
WootenDalmir Bborn about 1901
WootenHarold Deanborn about 1937
WootenHenry Aborn about 1903
WootenZora born about 1909
WrightBessie born about 1901
WrightCarl born about 1926
WrightClaud Zborn about 1902
WrightCorene born about 1932
WrightLenord Cborn about 1897
WrightLorena Zborn about 1874
WrightWillie Zborn about 1907

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Y Surnames

YoungBellie born about 1928
YoungCharlie Dborn about 1904
YoungCharline born about 1939
YoungClamie Wborn about 1933
YoungDon born about 1930
YoungFred born about 1932
YoungFred Zborn about 1910
YoungGeneva born about 1908
YoungJerry Rborn about 1939
YoungJewel born about 1923
YoungJohmie born about 1927
YoungLara Sueborn about 1932
YoungLaurence born about 1892
YoungMarie born about 1913
YoungMollie born about 1908
YoungRay Eborn about 1918

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