1940 U.S. Federal Census of Stilwell, Adair, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Adair County > 1940 Census of Stilwell

A SurnamesI SurnamesQ Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AdairAnita Geneborn about 1930
AdairByal born about 1930
AdairCharles born about 1903
AdairEarl born about 1923
AdairEd Hborn about 1870
AdairEdith born about 1911
AdairIrene born about 1913
AdairJames born about 1907
AdairJimmie born about 1932
AdairJohn Tborn about 1893
AdairLorene born about 1929
AdairLucinda born about 1913
AdairMargaret born about 1923
AdairMartha Mborn about 1872
AdairMary Ellenborn about 1926
AdairNinilou born about 1935
AdairPeggy Virginiaborn about 1934
AdairRoy Lborn about 1911
AdairRussel born about 1921
AdairSara born about 1897
AdairSue born about 1937
AdairWaite Mborn about 1895
AdairWalter born about 1900
AddingtonC Wborn about 1876
AddingtonMary Lborn about 1876
AikinDow born about 1891
AikinLilie born about 1896
AlbertyBetty Joeborn about 1933
AlbertyDonald born about 1933
AlbertyEl Deeborn about 1907
AlbertyGrover born about 1894
AlbertyJoe born about 1883
AlbertyLaverne born about 1923
AlbertyLouella born about 1902
AlbertyMarve Bborn about 1889
AlbertyMary Ireneborn about 1892
AlbertyMyrtle born about 1900
AlbertyRobert born about 1932
AldersonFrancis born about 1920
AldersonOtto born about 1910
AldersonSonga Jeanborn about 1939
AllenAlice born about 1866
AllenBobby Lborn about 1927
AllenCarmen Leeborn about 1923
AllenEdith Vborn about 1896
AllenEdward born about 1885
AllenErnest Warrenborn about 1922
AllenEva born about 1892
AllenH Wborn about 1886
AllenHelen Gborn about 1907
AllenJ Wborn about 1929
AllenLinsey Aborn about 1860
AllenMargie born about 1906
AllenSadie born about 1887
AllenSauanah born about 1863
AllenW Aborn about 1871
AllisonA Lborn about 1895
AllisonDavid Leeborn about 1938
AllisonLoise Geneborn about 1933
AllisonLola born about 1913
AllisonWilla Deanborn about 1934
AmosCharles Hborn about 1856
AmosClaude born about 1900
AmosClaude Ronaldborn about 1937
AmosMarie born about 1911
AndersonAllen born about 1924
AndersonAnna born about 1905
AndersonBernice born about 1940
AndersonDerell born about 1936
AndersonDorthy born about 1927
AndersonErnest born about 1912
AndersonEssa born about 1889
AndersonFleeta born about 1914
AndersonFlorine born about 1930
AndersonGene Tunneyborn about 1928
AndersonGrace Leeborn about 1924
AndersonIrene born about 1922
AndersonJoe born about 1902
AndersonJoseph born about 1871
AndersonLara born about 1881
AndersonLee Royborn about 1932
AndersonLeonara born about 1927
AndersonLucy born about 1925
AndersonMinie born about 1925
AndersonMonroe born about 1875
AndersonOwen born about 1918
AndersonSammy born about 1934
AndersonWindal born about 1933
AndrewsBetty born about 1904
AndrewsCletus Francisborn about 1923
AndrewsGene born about 1926
AndrewsKathren born about 1861
AnglinBill born about 1911
AnglinBilly Faeborn about 1937
AnglinLeta Maeborn about 1932
AnglinNancy born about 1913
ArnoldClyde born about 1889
ArnoldErnest Bborn about 1884
ArnoldLaverne born about 1913
AsbillFlora born about 1909
AsbillPhillip Eborn about 1902
AtchleyClarence Jborn about 1903
AtchleyColyd Rborn about 1907
AtchleyElla Mborn about 1910
AtchleyGary born about 1934
AtchleyJ Sborn about 1870
AtchleyL Oborn about 1905
AtchleyLorene born about 1914
AtchleyMarilyn Ruthborn about 1930
AtchleyMolly born about 1881
AtchleyPerry born about 1936
AtchleyReed born about 1914
AtchleyShirley Annborn about 1935
AtchleyVelma born about 1914
AtkersonBernice born about 1906
AtkersonJeff Dborn about 1901
AtkersonJoan Leeborn about 1934
AtkinsonElisabeth born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaconClayton born about 1901
BaillyAlvia born about 1889
BaillyJoe born about 1882
BakerBilly born about 1933
BakerBob born about 1928
BakerGordon born about 1922
BakerIsola born about 1910
BakerJ Rborn about 1910
BakerMae born about 1903
BakerMamie born about 1901
BakerMax Oborn about 1900
BakerMaxine born about 1927
BakerRobert Lborn about 1904
BakerRuth Marieborn about 1938
BakerWilliam Leslieborn about 1936
BallEthel born about 1921
BallGene born about 1913
BarkerBarbara born about 1939
BarkerBilly Iborn about 1927
BarkerClarence born about 1905
BarkerConnor born about 1904
BarkerEffie born about 1908
BarkerEthel born about 1908
BarkerEugene born about 1928
BarkerFloyd born about 1900
BarkerIda Lborn about 1871
BarkerJoe Rborn about 1930
BarkerJohn born about 1891
BarkerLucille born about 1909
BarkerPearl Eborn about 1898
BarkerVirginia born about 1924
BarkerWanda Faeborn about 1933
BarnesR Aborn about 1873
BarnettAlleyne born about 1892
BarnettClyde born about 1888
BarnettMaryanne born about 1929
BasingerCharles Aborn about 1894
BasingerJoice born about 1904
BatemanBill born about 1911
BatemanBilly Jamesborn about 1934
BatemanBob Gborn about 1919
BatemanCarolyn born about 1939
BatemanDonald born about 1936
BatemanEarl ?ayneborn about 1939
BatemanFern born about 1932
BatemanGeneva born about 1914
BatemanGeneva born about 1920
BatemanJ Bborn about 1934
BatemanJaunita born about 1914
BatemanSharion Louborn about 1938
BatemanSmithy Sueborn about 1936
BatemanWayne born about 1914
BatemanWaynette born about 1939
BatmonDixie Joeborn about 1935
BeanAtha Jeanborn about 1922
BeanCullen born about 1933
BeanDale born about 1926
BeanEdward born about 1924
BeanEva born about 1904
BeanGeorge Pborn about 1902
BeanHelouise born about 1919
BeanMac born about 1892
BeanMac Juniorborn about 1930
BeanMary born about 1911
BeanNeoma born about 1927
BeanPearl born about 1897
BeaverLloyd born about 1904
BeaverRoena born about 1907
BellamyAnna born about 1868
BellamyL Dborn about 1870
BellamyWeste born about 1901
BenefielBurl born about 1938
BenefielLynsel born about 1931
BenefielMoice Bborn about 1909
BenefielMyrtel born about 1910
BenefielNorma born about 1928
BenefielOleta born about 1933
BengeGeorge born about 1903
BengeLena born about 1904
BennettCharlie born about 1892
BennettDorothy born about 1909
BennettDoroty born about 1924
BennettEliza born about 1863
BennettJames Mborn about 1919
BennettMaxine born about 1924
BennettMonroe born about 1917
BerryNancy Jborn about 1863
BibbAddula Raeborn about 1932
BibbBill born about 1907
BibbBilly Louborn about 1938
BibbDweana born about 1935
BibbLouise born about 1912
BibbRichard Overtonborn about 1902
BibgeyFelix born about 1918
BibgeyMarie born about 1921
BigbyA Eborn about 1880
BigbyAlma born about 1939
BigbyAlvin Cborn about 1926
BigbyArsie Nborn about 1922
BigbyBruce born about 1915
BigbyBurl Jborn about 1928
BigbyC Tborn about 1876
BigbyClint born about 1913
BigbyDavid Lborn about 1896
BigbyEdna born about 1886
BigbyEssie born about 1879
BigbyEuphania born about 1929
BigbyEvelyn born about 1915
BigbyGeorge Sborn about 1920
BigbyGilbert Sborn about 1932
BigbyGladys Gborn about 1911
BigbyGuss born about 1904
BigbyIna born about 1915
BigbyJack Lborn about 1907
BigbyJanet born about 1938
BigbyKennith born about 1935
BigbyLettie Lborn about 1898
BigbyLois born about 1939
BigbyMarguie Lborn about 1927
BigbyMildred born about 1920
BigbyNarcissa born about 1878
BigbyRobert Nborn about 1935
BigbyRoberta Gborn about 1919
BigbyRosela Cborn about 1902
BigbySara born about 1918
BigbyTaylor Hborn about 1924
BigbyThomas Bborn about 1878
BigbyThomas Hborn about 1925
BigbyTom born about 1919
BigbyViola born about 1887
BigbyWalter born about 1890
BigbyWilliam J Bborn about 1901
BiggSulia born about 1881
BittingE Tborn about 1906
BittingLola born about 1906
BlackBenny born about 1937
BlackFlorence born about 1925
BlackGeorgie born about 1870
BlackJames born about 1927
BlackLenia Maeborn about 1934
BlackMartha born about 1932
BlackNellie born about 1903
BlackRobert Mborn about 1860
BlackRussell born about 1922
BlackSilvanos born about 1888
BlackburnJaunita born about 1915
BlackburnM Cborn about 1857
BlackburnMary Louisrborn about 1939
BlackburnOrvel born about 1914
BlackburnSusie born about 1875
BlairMose born about 1907
BlakemoreArmo born about 1889
BlakemoreBilly Rayborn about 1924
BlakemoreClarence born about 1888
BlakemoreDora born about 1891
BlakemoreEtta Maeborn about 1922
BlakemoreGevenia born about 1917
BlakemoreHelen born about 1920
BlakemoreJ Dborn about 1920
BlakemoreJ Wborn about 1923
BlakemoreJames Cborn about 1926
BlakemoreMae Jeanborn about 1933
BlakemoreRoy born about 1885
BlakemoreRoy born about 1921
BlakemoreSam born about 1918
BlakemoreTommy Dborn about 1929
BlakemoreUna born about 1892
BlakemoreWilliam Mborn about 1914
BlanckCharles Sborn about 1877
BlanckLillian Bborn about 1879
BlanckWoodman Sborn about 1914
BlankEdith born about 1875
BlankenshipDuane born about 1938
BlankenshipGladys born about 1921
BlankenshipJess born about 1918
BolinCharles Lonnieborn about 1939
BolinEdith Dayborn about 1919
BolinJossie Mayborn about 1890
BolinRichard born about 1920
BolinRobert born about 1922
BolinRuby Ionaborn about
BoneCyprion born about 1911
BoneH Cborn about 1879
BoneKatherine born about 1894
BoneSammie born about 1927
BorenHerman born about 1927
BorenHomer born about 1895
BorenHomer Jr born about 1922
BorenMilford born about 1920
BorenMinnie born about 1888
BowerRobert Aborn about 1922
BoxHazel born about 1927
BoxJ Dborn about 1925
BoxJames Davidborn about 1883
BoxLenora born about 1935
BoxOmadale born about 1932
BoxVerge born about 1893
BoydCurtis born about 1928
BoydJim born about 1868
BoydLuther born about 1938
BoydMary Aborn about 1908
BoydSara Cborn about 1880
BradleyFlord born about 1875
BradleyGeorge Wborn about 1873
BradleyJim born about 1909
BranonPearl born about 1867
BrewerAlfred Wborn about 1901
BrewerAlyine born about 1926
BrewerDavid Eborn about 1914
BrewerEdith born about 1916
BrewerEvin Tborn about 1888
BrewerIra Wayneborn about 1937
BrewerIrene Eborn about 1890
BrewerJack Horperborn about 1928
BrewerJeff born about 1919
BrewerLouisa born about 1890
BrewerMarguerite born about 1901
BrewerPauline born about 1924
BrewerPeggy Paulineborn about 1931
BrewerRobert born about 1886
BrewerThomas born about 1928
BrewerViola born about 1923
BrewerWalter born about 1931
BrewerWilford born about 1931
BrickerBilly born about 1933
BrickerIda born about 1899
BrickerJ Bborn about 1892
BrickerJ Dborn about 1930
BrickerJewell born about 1923
BrickerJim born about 1916
BrickerTherman Haroldborn about 1909
BridgmanChrysteena born about 1887
BridgmanHenry born about 1886
BriggsAllene born about 1901
BriggsAnna Eborn about 1880
BriggsCoy born about 1928
BriggsEthel born about 1895
BriggsFrank born about 1926
BriggsGeorge born about 1904
BriggsGrave born about 1887
BriggsJ Dborn about 1924
BriggsJack born about 1920
BriggsJoe born about 1915
BriggsJohn born about 1890
BriggsLee Oborn about 1880
BriggsLucy born about 1895
BriggsOla born about 1891
BriggsPauline born about 1931
BriggsRoy Lborn about 1927
BriggsSam born about 1912
BriggsU Bborn about 1882
BriggsViolet born about 1908
BriggsW Aborn about 1894
BristowCharlie Geneborn about 1938
BristowH Sborn about 1907
BristowKatherine born about 1921
BrockAlva born about 1919
BrookMonia born about 1906
BrowerFloyd born about 1878
BrowerJelpha Wborn about 1874
BrownAllie born about 1906
BrownCalvin born about 1900
BrownCollie born about 1892
BrownCora born about 1872
BrownCora born about 1930
BrownDavid Wborn about 1933
BrownEthel born about 1932
BrownEva Maeborn about 1917
BrownFlora born about 1918
BrownFrancis born about 1929
BrownGeorge born about 1889
BrownGlena Deneborn about 1935
BrownHarley born about 1925
BrownHazel born about 1939
BrownJohnson born about 1907
BrownJulia Aborn about 1871
BrownKenneth born about 1939
BrownLean Maeborn about 1908
BrownLeona born about 1910
BrownOdera born about 1916
BrownP Lborn about 1914
BrownPascaal born about 1869
BrownRexine born about 1937
BrownVelma born about 1935
BrownVirgel Eborn about 1917
BrunerClarence born about 1890
BrunerErnest born about 1915
BrunerHerbert born about 1917
BrunerJaunita born about 1919
BrunerRuby born about 1917
BrunerRuth Maeborn about 1898
BtockAnderson born about 1883
BuffingtonBruce born about 1902
BuffingtonCulus Thomasborn about 1901
BuffingtonMamie born about 1902
BuffingtonSue Wayneborn about 1924
BuffingtonWauline Aborn about 1920
BuffintonKate born about 1895
BulterJames born about 1926
BurchFrank born about 1889
BurchH Wborn about 1880
BurgessBetsy Annborn about 1904
BurgessHenery born about 1889
BurgessLera born about 1902
BurgessLillie born about 1862
BurgessLizzie born about 1888
BurnettGrace born about 1893
BurnettJames Leslieborn about 1929
BurnettJohn Maxborn about 1915
BurnettRay Wborn about 1921
BurnettRex born about 1919
BurnsHarland born about 1916
BurnsMayme born about 1877
BurnsUim born about 1923
BurtonJoe born about 1898
BurtonLaura Aborn about 1911
ButlerEva born about 1891
ButlerRoss born about 1885
BuzzardBeatrice born about 1924
BuzzardGeorge born about 1889
BynumElza born about 1912
BynumLora born about 1918
BynumWilliam born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalvinAbamy born about 1911
CalvinRobby born about 1914
CalvinRobert born about 1939
CammelRosia born about 1894
CampbellAnne Vborn about 1909
CampbellBesie born about 1898
CampbellBetty Jborn about 1929
CampbellBilly Joeborn about 1938
CampbellBobby Eborn about 1932
CampbellDorothy born about 1933
CampbellE Eborn about 1894
CampbellE Jborn about 1899
CampbellGeorge born about 1905
CampbellHelen born about 1918
CampbellJim born about 1907
CampbellJimmey Dborn about 1936
CampbellJohn Jborn about 1876
CampbellJoseph born about 1889
CampbellRichard Jr born about 1926
CampbellRuth born about 1912
CampbellSalla born about 1898
CampbellViola born about 1930
CardenArdenia born about 1934
CardenGene born about 1909
CardenJohn Fborn about 1870
CardenMax born about 1936
CardenMinnie Mborn about 1868
CardenOllie born about 1915
CarlileChristine born about 1915
CarlileEdward born about 1910
CarlileEdward Jr born about 1933
CarnettJack born about 1872
CarneyCharles born about 1875
CarneyHazel born about 1906
CarrioneFrancille born about 1939
CarrioneJoe born about 1882
CarrioneJoe Jr born about 1937
CarrioneMary born about 1899
CarrioneMary born about 1937
CarsonBarbara Jeanborn about 1924
CarsonBiola born about 1878
CarsonBobby Louborn about 1921
CarsonC Jborn about 1901
CarsonDavid born about 1938
CarsonDonna born about 1939
CarsonFrank born about 1902
CarsonFrank Juniorborn about 1926
CarsonH born about 1875
CarsonHubert Cborn about 1895
CarsonJack born about 1931
CarsonJoe born about 1940
CarsonJoe Hborn about 1910
CarsonJoe Lynnborn about 1935
CarsonJohn Hubertborn about 1922
CarsonLilly Maeborn about 1908
CarsonLucy born about 1913
CarsonMary born about 1900
CarsonMelba born about 1919
CarsonMildred born about 1915
CarsonOsie born about 1903
CarsonPhil Galenborn about 1936
CarsonRufus born about 1912
CarsonSeff Mborn about 1901
CarsonSula Vborn about 1898
CarsonTom born about 1921
CarsonVivian born about 1924
CasteelEdda Fernborn about 1907
CasteelElaine born about 1929
CasteelErman born about 1919
CasteelGlenn born about 1938
CasteelHerman born about 1919
CasteelIvan born about 1935
CasteelJoan born about 1932
CasteelJohn Rborn about 1909
CasteelLilly Jborn about 1939
CasteelMargeret born about 1922
CasteelMary born about 1916
CasteelNancy born about 1886
CasteelRalph born about 1924
CasteelS Lborn about 1870
CatdenCherry born about 1927
CatdenJohn Jr born about 1889
CatdenLois born about 1910
CatheridgeAnna Mayeborn about 1933
CatheridgeJoe Jamesborn about 1924
CatheridgeJohnny Rayborn about 1931
CatheridgeOra Mayeborn about 1901
CatheridgePerra Louborn about 1935
CatheridgePerry born about 1893
CatheyTommy Ruthborn about 1939
CatonBilbert born about 1932
CatonFrank Aborn about 1908
CatonLeathea born about 1935
CatonLela born about 1913
CatonMollie born about 1885
CatonWayne Fborn about 1938
CatronBilly Loisborn about 1930
CatronBobby Leeborn about 1937
CatronDale Warrenborn about 1935
CatronF Aborn about 1906
CatronFred Juniorborn about 1932
CatronLily born about 1911
CatronVesper Lee Royborn about 1929
CatsonEmma born about 1871
CatsonSpencer Gborn about 1867
CaudleJ born about 1867
CaudleJames Morganborn about 1929
CaudleOlive born about 1876
CaughmanCornie born about 1920
CaughmanEmogene born about 1921
CaughmanEva Maeborn about 1930
CaughmanGrace born about 1900
CaughmanLela Jeanetaborn about 1940
CavinLawrence born about 1909
CavinMona born about 1909
CavinessBertha born about 1897
CavinessBonnie born about 1913
CavinessEdith born about 1935
CavinessEffie born about 1904
CavinessGeorge born about 1912
CavinessJames born about 1924
CavinessNellie born about 1928
CavinessRoy born about 1887
CaytonRuby born about 1915
CenterAlyene born about 1924
CenterEcx born about 1887
CenterLeonard born about 1919
CenterMargaret born about 1880
CenterNera born about 1887
CenterSamuel born about 1876
ChadtenBilly born about 1937
ChadtenJessie born about 1918
ChaffinGladys born about 1911
ChaffinJack born about 1900
ChaffinJackie Nadineborn about 1940
ChamberBurl born about 1903
ChamberMildred born about 1921
ChambersAlyene born about 1905
ChambersD Pborn about 1873
ChambersHoward born about 1917
ChambersLem Pborn about 1888
ChambersLemma born about 1875
ChambersMaggie born about 1888
ChambersPaul born about 1905
ChambersPaul Brianborn about 1930
ChandlerRobert born about 1920
ChanlerE Pborn about 1886
ChanlerEva born about 1886
ChanlerJessie born about 1934
ChanlerWayne born about 1922
CharlesC Jborn about 1886
CharlesJessie Maeborn about 1922
ChastainGrace born about 1906
ChatainOpal born about 1926
ChoateJohn born about 1873
ChoatePearl born about 1893
ChooteDora Ruthborn about 1923
ChooteJimmy Rayborn about 1940
ChristianAvia born about 1908
ChristianColta born about 1918
ChristianDuain born about 1937
ChuclateConcene born about 1872
ChuclateJ Bborn about 1939
ChuclateLouise born about 1934
ChuclateNellie born about 1912
ChuclatePatricia born about 1939
ChuclateSally born about 1922
ChurchRobert Mborn about 1883
ChurchRuth Roseveltborn about 1886
ChurchSidney born about 1919
ChurchVirginia Dorisborn about 1920
CironJune born about 1915
ClaphanDud born about 1916
ClaphanNora born about 1917
ClarkBill born about 1914
ClarkFred born about 1885
ClarkHarold born about 1908
ClarkHarriet born about 1875
ClarkHattie Wborn about 1873
ClarkKatherine born about 1922
ClarkPearl born about 1888
ClaxtonBetty Jr born about 1929
ClaxtonBill born about 1905
ClaxtonKenneth born about 1930
ClaxtonMolly born about 1911
ClaxtonR Lborn about 1932
ClaxtonWanda Louborn about 1938
ClayCalvin Juniorborn about 1926
ClayClavin born about 1904
ClayFanny born about 1905
ClementsJerry born about 1931
ClementsLawrence Mborn about 1901
ClementsManen born about 1926
ClementsNan Caroleborn about 1934
ClementsWilma Maeborn about 1901
ClevengerCecile born about 1917
ClevengerEare born about 1907
ClevengerEdward born about 1868
ClevengerFred born about 1912
ClevengerHarold born about 1929
ClevengerLorene born about 1922
ClevengerMargaret born about 1876
ClevengerMurvin born about 1932
ClevengerRoy born about 1905
ClevengerWanda Jeanborn about 1934
ClineJohn Cborn about 1877
ClineMolly Sborn about 1887
ClineNoland born about 1906
ClintonRuby born about 1919
ClynesFrancis born about 1897
ClynesJohn born about 1888
CockHarold born about 1922
CockJ Jborn about 1906
CockerllJanies born about 1884
CockerllStella born about 1884
CockrumEugene born about 1908
CockrumMac Royborn about 1933
CockrumVelma born about 1912
ColeBessie born about 1921
ColeCharles born about 1933
ColeEugene born about 1940
ColeFlorence born about 1929
ColeSamuell born about 1939
ColeSimthye born about 1905
ColeVirble born about 1918
ColeWylie born about 1897
ColeWylie Jr born about 1932
ColemanB Rborn about 1915
ColemanJoyce born about 1913
CollinsAddie born about 1913
CollinsHerbert born about 1929
CollinsWilliam Doyleborn about 1937
CollinsWilliam Rborn about 1903
ColtonChina Aborn about 1893
ColtonLeon Mborn about 1928
ColtonLom born about 1887
ColtonMary Eborn about 1927
ColtonTom Lborn about 1932
ColvinAmmie born about 1882
ConwellAlburtia born about 1926
ConwellAnna Ruthborn about 1936
ConwellEdna born about 1917
ConwellErvin born about 1888
ConwellEugene born about 1914
ConwellGertie born about 1891
ConwellMary born about 1917
ConwellOleta born about 1927
ConwellOrvall born about 1909
ConwellRuth born about 1919
ConwellWayne born about 1917
ConwellWilburtia born about 1926
CookJames Mborn about 1887
CooksonElnora born about 1931
CooksonGeneva born about 1906
CoonsDoris Mborn about 1939
CoonsElborn Sr born about 1886
CoonsElburn N Jrborn about 1913
CoonsJosephine born about 1892
CoonsLilly Pborn about 1916
CoonsShirley Mborn about 1936
CooperDovie born about 1909
CooperEmma born about 1928
CooperHershal born about 1931
CornelousDick born about 1876
CornelousGertrude born about 1918
CornelousMathews born about 1882
CornelousMinta born about 1877
CornsilkBilly Jackborn about 1933
CornsilkCatherine born about 1919
CornsilkCatherne Dborn about 1939
CornsilkDella born about 1915
CornsilkElla born about 1914
CornsilkEmma born about 1896
CornsilkEugene born about 1926
CornsilkFrank born about 1914
CornsilkFrank Jr born about 1938
CornsilkHenry born about 1913
CornsilkJohnson born about 1896
CornsilkKatta born about 1875
CornsilkKenneth born about 1939
CornsilkMary born about 1939
CornsilkRuby born about 1922
CougleEdna Lethaborn about 1918
CougleVivian Sueborn about 1938
CoxBruce born about 1903
CoxCharles born about 1916
CoxDelisca born about 1905
CoxJ Byrlborn about 1897
CoxJ L Jrborn about 1915
CoxJ L Srborn about 1876
CoxJames Michaelborn about 1936
CoxJoe Bruceborn about 1940
CoxNancy Leeborn about 1939
CoxNanette born about 1919
CoxOlive born about 1882
CoxReba born about 1909
CoxVeronna born about 1917
CoxVirginia Leeborn about 1936
CraneA Lborn about 1871
CraneAlfred born about 1919
CraneCentra born about 1895
CraneEugene born about 1926
CraneMarrie born about 1928
CrittenderOla born about 1869
CrockerMartha Lborn about 1872
CrozierBetty Jdborn about 1927
CrozierCharles born about 1929
CrozierMary born about 1891
CrozierMary Louborn about 1919
CrozierO Cborn about 1889
CulbersonAlbert Bborn about 1893
CulbersonDaisy Gborn about 1897
CulbersonInola born about 1915
CulbersonJohn born about 1909
CunninghamJ Cborn about 1900
CunninghamMary Francisborn about 1919
CunninghamMary Lindaborn about 1939
CurryG Wborn about 1863
CurtisBilly Jeanborn about 1938
CurtisDessie born about 1921
CurtisEva born about 1909
CurtisJaunita born about 1918
CurtisLeroy born about 1918
CurtisLulu born about 1878
CurtisOrville born about 1911
CurtisRiley born about 1876
CurtisWalter Jborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaleDonnie Lee Royborn about 1936
DaleEvelyn born about 1929
DaleGeneva Sueborn about
DaleGeorgia Juneborn about
DaleHerbert born about 1940
DaleHoward born about 1911
DaleImogene born about 1924
DaleJoseph born about 1876
DaleLuellen born about 1894
DalePeggy Annborn about 1934
DaleRosa born about 1917
DaleRuth born about 1910
DaleWester born about 1912
DanneburgBealuh born about 1903
DanneburgBeulah born about 1894
DanneburgBilly born about 1932
DanneburgJ Rborn about 1890
DanneburgOwen Galeborn about 1927
DanneburgT Nborn about 1871
DanneburgTommy born about 1931
DannerEugene born about 1926
DannerGertrude born about 1903
DannerHarlon born about 1929
DannerHarve born about 1900
DannerHelen born about 1938
DannerMildred born about 1933
DapperEster D Eborn about 1920
DaughertyElk born about 1856
DaughertyElla born about 1925
DaughertyJaunita born about 1929
DaughertyJim born about 1894
DaughertyMinnie Pborn about 1867
DaughertySusie born about 1898
DaughertyWyly born about 1923
DavisEdward born about 1936
DavisJim Thomasborn about 1872
DavisMary born about 1916
DavisMildred born about 1922
DavisRoy born about 1902
DavisRubby born about 1940
DavisWinnie born about 1938
DavisonEdith born about 1930
DavisonEmma born about 1901
DavisonJessie Jackborn about 1939
DavisonJoseph Fborn about 1897
DavisonLois born about 1915
DavisonMarvin born about 1902
DavisonRaymond born about 1932
DavisonRoy born about 1925
DawsonA Vborn about 1888
DawsonBertha born about 1919
DawsonJames born about 1924
DawsonRosie born about 1899
DeanRobert born about 1907
DentonRobert Oborn about 1905
DentonRose born about 1879
DentonVergie born about 1911
DeutschHarry Lborn about 1912
DeutschMabelle born about 1909
DixonOllie Louborn about 1924
DobbinsCharles Rborn about 1890
DobbinsJoe born about 1913
DobbinsJosephine born about 1924
DobbinsMaria born about 1892
DobbinsVal born about 1918
DodgenBeatrice born about 1904
DodgenJ Mborn about 1897
DodgenMaurice born about 1913
DodgenMinnie born about 1870
DohertyCarol Sueborn about 1939
DohertyEvelyn born about 1920
DohertyRobert born about 1917
DohertyRuby born about 1921
DohertySusie born about 1891
DoldEdith Eborn about 1913
DoldJune born about 1934
DoldLeona born about 1938
DoldOscar Bborn about 1880
DoldOscar B Jrborn about 1936
DoldOtto Aborn about 1912
DotsonLucinda born about 1876
DotsonOtto born about 1906
DudleyHenry Jamesborn about 1931
DudleyJ Rborn about 1876
DudleyJessie born about 1904
DudleyNannie Lborn about 1878
DudleyPairlee born about 1908
DudleyPat born about 1878
DunawayE Bborn about 1884
DunawayJohn born about 1866
DunawayNova born about 1889
DuncanRoxie born about 1893
DuncanThomas born about 1876
DuncanTommie born about 1939
DunhamGeorge born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EagletonBill born about 1936
EagletonClifford born about 1925
EagletonHenry born about 1898
EagletonIrene born about 1927
EagletonNanae born about 1904
EagletonWanda born about 1930
EatonAmos born about 1921
EatonBill born about 1936
EatonBob born about 1932
EatonClealus Cborn about 1927
EatonCurtis born about 1938
EatonEffie born about 1900
EatonFletcher Oborn about 1916
EatonGordon born about 1917
EatonHelen Mayborn about
EatonIrve born about 1899
EatonJohn Thomasborn about 1939
EatonLoraine born about 1934
EatonMary born about 1928
EatonOatmon born about 1926
EatonOdus born about 1922
EatonRuby born about 1920
EatonRuby Leeborn about 1922
EdenBeulah born about 1900
EdenDonald born about 1916
EdenDorothy born about 1924
EdenO Wborn about 1893
EdenRonald born about 1940
EdmistonPearl born about 1887
EdmistonWatson Eborn about 1887
ElkinsCindia Leeborn about 1938
ElkinsFlora born about 1891
ElkinsJewell born about 1921
ElkinsMaggie born about 1911
ElkinsNicie born about 1918
ElkinsRichard Laverneborn about 1940
ElkinsWilliam born about 1917
ElkinsWilliam Jborn about 1870
EllisLelia born about 1908
EllisRoland born about 1912
EllisW Fborn about 1864
ElseyBilly Marieborn about 1935
ElseyJoe Lynnborn about 1932
ElseyJohn Winborn about 1918
ElseyLois born about 1899
ElseyMary Louborn about 1931
ElseyRobert Iborn about 1922
ElseyRobert Oborn about 1892
EmbertonWahzeta born about 1922
EnglishIrene born about 1929
EnglishJuanita born about 1926
EnglishNorma born about 1899
EnyartJack born about 1929
EssaryAngeline born about 1924
EssaryArchie Vborn about 1935
EssaryArtima born about 1879
EssaryAuthor Rborn about 1900
EssaryBuddy born about 1928
EssaryBuddy Aborn about 1867
EssaryDatha born about 1927
EssaryDow born about 1921
EssaryEmitt born about 1896
EssaryEva born about 1901
EssaryGlayds born about 1919
EssaryJhonie Mborn about 1936
EssaryJunior born about 1927
EssaryLucy Maeborn about 1905
EssaryMacky Rayborn about 1932
EssaryMaggie born about 1899
EssaryMyrle Sueborn about 1939
EssaryRay born about 1923
EssaryRaymond born about 1937
EssaryRuth born about 1915
EssarySherman Cborn about 1892
EsterJewell born about 1920
EstesAnna Cborn about 1910
EstesBetty Jeanborn about 1928
EstesBeulah born about 1928
EstesBilly Rayborn about 1939
EstesBurl born about 1924
EstesEulana born about 1885
EstesJames Aborn about 1877
EstesJennine Rossborn about 1911
EstesJoe Jamesborn about 1938
EstesRex born about 1892
EstesSusie born about 1926
EtheridgePhilip Sborn about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarmerJosephine born about 1863
FarmerMarrion Eborn about 1894
FauknerMaxine born about 1930
FaulknerJames Porterborn about 1881
FayNora born about 1876
FeaginsNellie Maeborn about 1883
FeaginsRobert Eborn about 1878
FellowsDine Joeborn about 1938
FellowsHaymon born about 1917
FellowsLeo Vborn about 1877
FellowsLilly born about 1884
FellowsMarjory born about 1919
FellowsWillard born about 1917
FergusonAlsy Eborn about 1864
FergusonCloe Mayborn about 1882
FergusonJohn Wborn about 1881
FerrellDorothy Mborn about 1930
FerrellElizabeth Cborn about 1871
FerrellLeota Oborn about 1911
FerrellMargret Lborn about 1936
FerrellWill Henryborn about 1895
FerrellWyle Hborn about 1933
FieldAndy born about 1866
FieldAra born about 1909
FieldIzola born about 1911
FieldOllie born about 1875
FieldsClarence Sborn about 1900
FieldsEmma Mayborn about 1935
FieldsEva born about 1913
FieldsGeorge Wayneborn about 1938
FieldsMay born about 1921
FieldsVerlie born about 1924
FineBeluine born about 1875
FineBoyce born about 1927
FishinghawkAda born about 1896
FishinghawkLee born about 1894
FishinghowkDorthy born about 1931
FishinghowkJ Tborn about 1934
FishinghowkLeona born about 1927
FishinghowkRuby born about 1924
FittsHattie born about 1893
FitzgeraldBama born about 1897
FitzgeraldGladys born about 1920
FitzgeraldJames born about 1933
FitzgeraldMary born about 1918
FitzgeraldWilliam born about 1889
FlemingLessie born about 1896
FlemingWalter born about 1891
FletcherBen Cborn about 1901
FletcherBilly Rayborn about 1932
FletcherBob Fborn about 1928
FletcherCalvin Lborn about 1885
FletcherCarra born about 1905
FletcherJack born about 1916
FletcherJoe born about 1921
FletcherJulia born about 1873
FletcherLillian born about 1900
FletcherMary Hborn about 1861
FloydDona born about 1886
FloydEarl born about 1874
FloydElbert Clarenceborn about 1918
FloydJewell born about 1911
FoorkillerSampson born about 1880
FordMildred born about 1916
FordOrval born about 1917
ForemanAlfred Rayborn about 1936
ForemanBilly Anneborn about 1934
ForemanDanial born about 1932
ForemanDick born about 1905
ForemanDon born about 1905
ForemanDorothy Ellenborn about 1912
ForemanJackie Cborn about 1935
ForemanJess born about 1937
ForemanJesse born about 1901
ForemanJesse Mosesborn about 1931
ForemanJoseph Edwardborn about 1939
ForemanKatie Leeborn about 1907
ForemanLouinda born about 1923
ForemanLuke born about 1882
ForemanNora Beatriceborn about 1933
ForemanSalla born about 1909
ForemanSamuel born about 1938
ForemanSharlet born about 1900
ForemanWattie born about 1928
FourkillerAlbert born about 1903
FourkillerAnnie born about 1921
FourkillerBetty born about 1933
FourkillerBetty born about 1939
FourkillerBobey Jborn about 1935
FourkillerBuck born about 1927
FourkillerCharley born about 1913
FourkillerChristine born about 1938
FourkillerCiscro Wborn about 1933
FourkillerComdora born about 1936
FourkillerDaisy born about 1917
FourkillerEllen born about 1913
FourkillerEmma born about 1910
FourkillerEva Maeborn about 1928
FourkillerFelix born about 1902
FourkillerFlora born about 1912
FourkillerGeorge born about 1935
FourkillerGeorgia born about 1937
FourkillerGrant born about 1884
FourkillerGrover born about 1937
FourkillerJames born about 1923
FourkillerJannie Leoborn about 1928
FourkillerJoanna born about 1925
FourkillerJoe born about 1925
FourkillerJohn born about 1905
FourkillerJohn Annborn about 1920
FourkillerLarkin born about 1930
FourkillerLiza born about 1915
FourkillerLoeana born about 1895
FourkillerLucille born about 1930
FourkillerMargaret born about 1916
FourkillerMartin born about 1923
FourkillerMary born about 1897
FourkillerPeggy born about 1938
FourkillerRaymond born about 1939
FourkillerRichard born about 1880
FourkillerSara born about 1880
FourkillerSteve born about 1931
FourkillerVirginia born about 1933
FowlerAnna Nborn about 1892
FowlerGeorge Sborn about 1877
FrancisLovetta born about 1901
FrancisLuzana born about 1864
FrancisMary born about 1905
FranksAllan Aborn about 1889
FranksAllien born about 1935
FranksAudrey born about 1936
FranksRuby born about 1908
FredrickClinton Pborn about 1890
FredrickDaisy Bborn about 1895
FredrickIvan Harryborn about 1925
FredrickLeroy born about 1923
FredrickRichard Lborn about 1923
FreemanCora born about 1890
FreemanKieth born about 1889
FrenchCallie born about 1907
FrenchEliza born about 1882
FrenchGeorge born about 1879
FrenchLouise born about 1927
FullertonFreda Mayborn about 1933
FullertonJ Lborn about 1896
FullertonJewell born about 1906
FullertonThomas born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GachesCora born about 1927
GachesRobert born about 1873
GainesBetty born about 1913
GainesDick born about 1911
GainesJack born about 1924
GainsJohn Harrisborn about 1871
GainsLena born about 1886
GannBetty born about 1931
GannEmma born about 1927
GannFannie born about 1925
GannInola born about 1934
GannJennie born about 1900
GannJim born about 1888
GannNina Moeborn about 1923
GannVondel born about 1936
GardnerEarl born about 1918
GardnerIda born about 1886
GardnerMonta born about 1922
GardnerNoah Aborn about 1883
GardnerWayne Eborn about 1939
GarrettDick born about 1900
GarrisonClarence born about 1899
GarrisonEdward born about 1875
GarrisonEmma born about 1892
GarrisonJames Sborn about 1917
GarrisonJoe Jamesborn about 1936
GarrisonMargaret Oborn about 1916
GarrisonRoy born about 1879
GarrisonWilma Iborn about 1906
GaylorMinett born about 1868
GaylorVerna born about 1882
GentryWilliam born about 1877
GeringClarence born about 1912
GeringGladys Ireneborn about 1919
GeringJerry Daleborn about 1940
GettyThelma born about 1907
GibsonWilliam Mborn about 1865
GipsonLon born about 1916
GipsonOpal born about 1918
GlassAda born about 1898
GlassBetty born about 1939
GlassIrene born about 1937
GlassNolie born about 1910
GlassNona Louborn about 1937
GlassVirginia born about 1922
GlasscoxElla born about 1881
GlassleyAlfred born about 1890
GlassleyAlma born about 1927
GlassleyAlta born about 1927
GlassleyFrances born about 1890
GlassleyJohn Fborn about 1921
GlassleyRuby born about 1923
GlenBilly Tborn about 1933
GlennJewell Maeborn about 1928
GlennLois Maeborn about 1937
GlennLosier born about 1906
GlennMarjorie born about 1931
GlennShirley Annborn about 1939
GoeenDode born about 1895
GoodallJohn born about 1888
GoodallMarjorie born about 1922
GoodallPearl Cborn about 1889
GoodallVincent born about 1914
GoodallWilliam Cborn about 1916
GordonBill born about 1917
GordonBobby born about 1935
GordonClara born about 1873
GordonEtta Maeborn about 1918
GordonFlossie born about 1908
GordonJackie born about 1925
GordonJohn Aborn about 1901
GordonNeil Ralphborn about 1914
GordonOra born about 1905
GordonOrene Sueborn about 1938
GossAnnis Aborn about 1876
GossJack Wborn about 1920
GossJoe Mborn about 1907
GossKathryn Lborn about 1924
GossNoah Oborn about 1877
GossOscar born about 1874
GowenBilly Joeborn about 1929
GowenL Dborn about 1924
GowenLou born about 1900
GowenTheodore born about 1925
GravittJulius born about 1875
GravittSara Cborn about 1874
GrayChesley born about 1917
GrayCora born about 1883
GrayFrances Louiseborn about 1920
GrayGrover Cborn about 1890
GrayHamilton born about 1915
GrayLorine born about 1926
GrayMary born about 1893
GrayMelonee Gaynelleborn about 1924
GrayMilton Reeseborn about 1925
GrayW Jborn about 1893
GrayWayne born about 1920
GreenGeorge born about 1904
GreerBess born about 1896
GreerGeorgia born about 1880
GreerJ Fborn about 1896
GreerLorine born about 1890
GreerPatsy Louborn about 1931
GregoryIssacc Sebarmborn about 1864
GrimmittJohn born about 1893
GrimmittMary born about 1897
GriyseyCarol born about 1934
GriyseyDorothy born about 1926
GriyseyJames born about 1893
GriyseyLucille born about 1929
GriyseyNancy born about 1905
GriyseyRoy born about 1938
GriyseySueanna born about 1932
GriyseyVirginia born about 1924
GriyseyWinfred born about 1936
GroomsEarl born about 1913
GroomsEma born about 1891
GroomsHazel born about 1918
GuffeyBilly born about 1933
GuffeyBilly Jeanborn about 1927
GuffeyFred born about 1935
GuffeyJoe born about 1896
GuffeyLeora born about 1907
GuffeyMabel born about 1922
GuffeyOla Mayborn about 1901
GuffeyOlen born about 1907
GuffeyOlonzo born about 1923
GutherieEllis born about 1914
GutheriePershing born about 1919
GuthrieCalvin born about 1933
GuthrieCaroline born about 1935
GuthrieGary born about 1939
GuthrieLee Lborn about 1891
GuthrieLucille born about 1913
GuthrieLuna born about 1896
GuthrieVernon born about 1912
GuyetJoseph born about 1889
GuyetPearl born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HallBobby born about 1927
HallDoris born about 1905
HallDoris Joborn about 1925
HallErtel Ray Jrborn about 1927
HallEstel born about 1901
HallFrank born about 1872
HallSelan born about 1923
HallToy Cborn about 1915
HamptonFlorence born about 1913
HamptonGeorge Wborn about 1898
HancockAgusta Tborn about 1870
HancockHazel born about 1938
HancockHester born about 1908
HancockJoe born about 1933
HancockOllen Jborn about 1931
HancockP Cborn about 1927
HancockPascal born about 1902
HancockRichard born about 1929
HancockRoy born about 1915
HancockRoy born about 1935
HandRosa born about 1927
HankinsBetty born about 1927
HankinsCharles born about 1926
HankinsCharles Wborn about 1881
HankinsGeorgia born about 1888
HankinsJames born about 1916
HannaL Eborn about 1867
HannahBlain born about 1937
HannahDenice born about 1921
HannahDonald born about 1940
HannahGeneva born about 1908
HannahHooley born about 1901
HannahInna born about 1905
HannahJohn born about 1914
HannahJulia born about 1871
HannahMargaret born about 1928
HannahTaylor born about 1930
HannahTom born about 1891
HannahWeetan born about 1935
HardinAubrey born about 1913
HardinEthel born about 1914
HardinFloyd born about 1917
HardinGeorge born about 1920
HardinNorma born about 1889
HardinTom born about 1884
HarmonMarion Eborn about 1878
HarnedyDallas born about 1909
HarnedyWaleah born about 1915
HarperBilly Tomborn about 1925
HarperBobby Daleborn about 1931
HarperJewell born about 1898
HarperLena born about 1906
HarperMary Joeborn about 1927
HarperMaude born about 1901
HarperMinnie Belleborn about 1874
HarrisBertha born about 1881
HarrisEddie born about 1883
HarrisonBessie born about 1902
HarrisonCharles born about 1930
HarrisonCharlie Bborn about 1902
HarrisonE Dborn about 1894
HarrisonEdna born about 1898
HarrisonFranklin born about 1933
HarrisonGladene born about 1931
HarrisonJames Ellisborn about 1929
HarrisonJaunita born about 1927
HarrisonPearl born about 1883
HarrisonRaymon Eborn about 1921
HartD Bborn about 1861
HartLiza born about 1868
HasselBetty Jdborn about 1930
HasselFred born about 1900
HasselFrediline born about 1927
HasselHelen Jborn about 1929
HasselJimmey Dolnborn about 1937
HasselMable born about 1905
HatchettCleburn born about 1904
HatchettCleburn Jr born about 1934
HatchettClyde Leeborn about 1937
HatchettJewell Rborn about 1909
HatchettJoe Jborn about 1939
HatchettLeveta born about 1930
HatchettPauline born about 1927
HatfieldA Vborn about 1934
HatfieldAmos born about 1890
HatfieldBilly Marrieborn about 1930
HatfieldCyntia born about 1893
HatfieldDave born about 1937
HatfieldGeorgia born about 1938
HatfieldHenry Oborn about 1904
HatfieldJ Dborn about 1874
HatfieldJackie born about 1935
HatfieldJames born about 1915
HatfieldJohn born about 1939
HatfieldJohnie born about 1932
HatfieldL Dborn about 1922
HatfieldNetta born about 1928
HatfieldNettie born about 1878
HatfieldOdell born about 1911
HatfieldOren born about 1901
HatfieldSara born about 1930
HatfieldTommie born about 1927
HatleyAlma born about 1898
HatleyAlma born about 1923
HatleyBetty Maeborn about 1933
HatleyHallie born about 1929
HatleyHazel born about 1925
HatleyJames born about 1937
HatleyJessie born about 1936
HatleyLilly Joanborn about 1930
HatleyOllie born about 1926
HatleySalla born about 1922
HatleySam born about 1872
HattisonDenton born about 1874
HattisonEddie born about 1865
HavensErma Aliceborn about 1866
HawesDonel born about 1912
HawesEvert born about 1873
HawesNellie born about 1871
HawkinsCandies born about 1877
HawkinsJess born about 1916
HayesCurtis Eborn about 1895
HayesDora Eborn about 1870
HayesHugh Mborn about 1870
HeltonHattie Aborn about 1871
HeltonPete born about 1862
HembreeAlfred born about 1931
HembreeAlyene born about 1938
HembreeBeatrice born about 1897
HembreeCaluin born about 1914
HembreeCarlott born about 1900
HembreeDan born about 1936
HembreeIvan born about 1933
HembreeKennie born about 1915
HembreeMarie born about 1924
HembreeMonroe born about 1921
HembreeOllie born about 1883
HembreeRay born about 1893
HembreeSam born about 1926
HembreeVernon born about 1928
HembreeWaittie born about 1919
HenderickEugene born about 1938
HenderickPauline born about 1912
HendeyElma born about 1907
HendeyLewana born about 1930
HendeyNowell born about 1902
HendrexSam born about 1858
HendricksMattie born about 1883
HendrikBetty Joborn about 1936
HendrikCharlot born about 1902
HendrikDonel Leeborn about 1929
HendrikDorothy born about 1926
HendrikJack born about 1924
HendrikOwen Nellborn about 1934
HendrikThomas Jborn about 1896
HendrikThomas Jr born about 1931
HenleyEdith born about 1915
HenleyGreen Bborn about 1878
HenleyLoell born about 1921
HenleyMildred born about 1924
HenleyRoy born about 1916
HenleySusie born about 1883
HennemaieEddie Maeborn about 1908
HennemaieN Cborn about 1905
HeritageBen born about 1913
HeritageBilly Wayneborn about 1937
HeritageLeta born about 1917
HeritageWanda Jeanborn about 1939
HeritageWilma Deanborn about 1939
HeritageWynema born about 1940
HillBenny born about 1930
HillBetty Jeanborn about 1928
HillBillie born about 1933
HillBobbie born about 1931
HillDanw born about 1881
HillElmer born about 1905
HillFrank born about 1866
HillJackie born about 1930
HillJanice Sueborn about 1933
HillJennie born about 1879
HillJerry Bobborn about 1938
HillJewell born about 1907
HillJohn born about 1905
HillJohnie Marieborn about 1928
HillLeta Maeborn about 1929
HillLoraine born about 1916
HillLucy Catherineborn about 1897
HillMabel born about 1875
HillMargaret born about 1857
HillMary born about 1935
HillOdis born about 1906
HillRalph born about 1912
HillRoy Leeborn about 1931
HillSusan born about 1875
HillVennie born about 1913
HillWilliam Jborn about 1921
HillWilliam Sborn about 1885
HodgeMargeline born about 1919
HodsonAnnie born about 1904
HodsonCharles Hborn about 1901
HodsonCleburn born about 1924
HodsonEmma Janeborn about 1928
HodsonKennith born about 1936
HodsonStella Mborn about 1934
HoganLucille born about 1922
HoganMarrie born about 1904
HoganRobert born about 1924
HoganWilliam Cborn about 1893
HognerAlyne born about 1923
HognerAnnie born about 1880
HognerBell born about 1902
HognerBenny born about 1934
HognerBetty Leeborn about 1923
HognerCarl Eborn about 1938
HognerCatherine born about 1931
HognerElsea born about 1917
HognerEvelyn born about 1927
HognerFloyd born about 1919
HognerGeorge born about 1876
HognerJeff born about 1921
HognerJoe born about 1867
HognerJunior born about 1927
HognerKatie born about 1895
HognerKenneth born about 1931
HognerLevi born about 1902
HognerLoyd born about 1919
HognerMarie born about 1919
HognerMaudie born about 1927
HognerNancy born about 1874
HognerOllie born about 1915
HognerWanda Sueborn about 1935
HollowayGeorge born about 1918
HollowayGeorgia born about 1924
HollowayVirginia born about 1920
HolmarkIda Maeborn about 1919
HoltBill born about 1927
HoltCarl born about 1923
HoltClealos born about 1922
HoltEthel born about 1918
HoltEtta born about 1888
HoltJ Wborn about 1879
HoltLester born about 1916
HoltLiza born about 1872
HoltRobert born about 1931
HoltSam born about 1898
HomanGeorge Eborn about 1879
HooserCharles born about 1934
HooserLois born about 1910
HooserMary born about 1917
HooserMary Loisborn about 1932
HopkinsEllen born about 1878
HopkinsSam born about 1875
HornCarol Annborn about 1938
HornGeorge born about 1901
HornGeorge Jr born about 1930
HornJewell born about 1907
HornL Bborn about 1883
HorneDella born about 1933
HorneDora born about 1911
HorneElbert born about 1916
HorneGilbert born about 1937
HoskinsIda born about 1899
HoskinsJoe born about 1895
HouseburgAnna born about 1899
HouseburgClifford born about 1896
HouseburgCullus born about 1904
HouseburgCullus Joeborn about 1939
HouseburgElisabeth born about 1856
HouseburgFlorence born about 1922
HouseburgGeorge born about 1921
HouseburgJack born about 1925
HouseburgMary born about 1930
HouseburgSam born about 1895
HoutsMimmie Eborn about 1898
HoutsWilliam born about 1898
HowardBeulah born about 1919
HowardHarry born about 1912
HowardMaggie born about 1874
HowellA Cborn about 1867
HughesEffie Meborn about 1895
HughesEthmer born about 1922
HughesGeorge born about 1890
HughesHelen T Jrborn about 1929
HughesJames Aborn about 1871
HughesMary born about 1908
HughesOtto born about 1896
HughesRachel born about 1870
HughesSavola born about 1924
HughesTom Hborn about 1897
HughesWanda Geneborn about 1930
HulbertCharles born about 1911
HulbertCharles Juniorborn about 1935
HulbertLula Maeborn about 1912
HulbertMary Louborn about 1936
HumphreyEldora born about 1903
HumphreyWilson Wborn about 1926
HunterAberdeen born about 1920
HunterBarbara Galeborn about 1938
HunterFlorence born about 1917
HunterRalph born about 1917
HutchesonAda Maeborn about 1935
HutchesonAlice born about 1926
HutchesonBetty Jeanborn about 1928
HutchesonClemon born about 1911
HutchesonEddie Maeborn about 1936
HutchesonErnest born about 1936
HutchesonJimmy born about 1932
HutchesonLeonard born about 1931
HutchesonMartin born about 1879
HutchesonMary Louborn about 1929
HutchesonTuck born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IdlemanFrank born about 1868
IiamsIris born about 1921
IiamsNoble born about 1917
IiamsNoble Rayborn about 1939
IngramFlo born about 1888
IngramIda Nellborn about 1931
IngramJune born about 1926
IngramR Eborn about 1887
InmanBobbie born about 1935
InmanCorene born about 1938
InmanEttie born about 1917
InmanFloyd born about 1922
InmanJames Aborn about 1887
InmanMary Loisborn about 1936
InmanMay born about 1893
InmanVandea Leeborn about 1931
InmanVelma born about 1919
InmanVirgil born about 1915
InmanWaitte born about 1915
IsaacsFlorence born about 1906
IsaacsHerman born about 1933
IsaacsIke born about 1903
IsaacsJ Cborn about 1929
IsaacsL Cborn about 1929
IsaacsThurman born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JanesAlice born about 1909
JayneDean born about 1925
JayneDon born about 1923
JayneEdward born about 1872
JayneMyrtel born about 1878
JayneRichard born about 1916
JeffriesA Lborn about 1883
JeffriesBilly born about 1916
JeffriesBobbie born about 1925
JeffriesCharles born about 1919
JeffriesHerbert born about 1914
JeffriesMary born about 1883
JenningsCharlie born about 1889
JenningsJack Rborn about 1933
JoeAlberta born about 1899
JoeAudrey Jeanborn about 1924
JoeDana born about 1864
JoeDuane born about 1921
JoeH Oborn about 1889
JohnsonAllie born about 1899
JohnsonAnnette born about 1939
JohnsonAustin born about 1885
JohnsonBell born about 1868
JohnsonBetty Joborn about 1924
JohnsonBeverlyn Annborn about 1940
JohnsonBilly born about 1935
JohnsonBobby born about 1927
JohnsonBurl Rayborn about 1931
JohnsonCharlie born about 1891
JohnsonCicil Leeborn about 1923
JohnsonDelorous born about 1934
JohnsonDenis born about 1925
JohnsonEarl born about 1918
JohnsonEdgar born about 1917
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1887
JohnsonEthel born about 1915
JohnsonFloyd born about 1934
JohnsonFloyd Jborn about 1912
JohnsonGeraldine born about 1920
JohnsonGertrude Mooreborn about 1902
JohnsonHarold Wayneborn about 1939
JohnsonHazel born about 1919
JohnsonHenry born about 1930
JohnsonHenry Hborn about 1866
JohnsonHiram born about 1885
JohnsonHoward born about 1914
JohnsonJ Bborn about 1878
JohnsonJackie born about 1929
JohnsonJennie born about 1911
JohnsonJoe Eborn about 1931
JohnsonJohn born about 1872
JohnsonJohn born about 1894
JohnsonJohn Cborn about 1936
JohnsonJohn Eborn about 1913
JohnsonJohnnie born about 1931
JohnsonJohnnie Reedborn about 1932
JohnsonKenneth born about 1898
JohnsonLeta Mayborn about 1914
JohnsonMarie born about 1910
JohnsonMarilyn born about 1938
JohnsonMartha born about 1889
JohnsonMary born about 1889
JohnsonMiddie born about 1912
JohnsonOrvil born about 1915
JohnsonParlee born about 1904
JohnsonPeggy born about 1888
JohnsonPhillip born about 1905
JohnsonRichard Hborn about 1922
JohnsonRoy Dborn about 1938
JohnsonRuby born about 1914
JohnsonRuby born about 1920
JohnsonSam born about 1887
JohnsonW Jborn about 1924
JohnsonWalter born about 1902
JohnsonWanda Juneborn about 1939
JohnsonWarnada Leeborn about 1925
JonesAlice born about 1890
JonesB Kborn about 1896
JonesBetty Carloniaborn about 1939
JonesBilly Katherineborn about 1928
JonesChole born about 1906
JonesClara born about 1913
JonesHazel born about 1910
JonesJack Edmundborn about 1930
JonesJames born about 1934
JonesJennie born about 1881
JonesJerry born about 1936
JonesLucy born about 1915
JonesMyrl born about 1919
JonesNeva born about 1925
JonesOllie born about 1917
JonesPatsy born about 1938
JonesRobert born about 1920
JonesRobert Jr born about 1939
JonesShirley born about 1937
JonesW Cborn about 1907
JonesWillie born about 1873
JordonCatherine born about 1880
JordonWilliam Aborn about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KainesClyde Rborn about 1906
KainesMaude born about 1907
KeeseeCharlotte born about 1927
KeeseeLewis born about 1922
KeeseeRobert born about 1919
KeethJames Mborn about 1873
KeethJohn Dborn about 1924
KeethJunior born about 1929
KeethMary Eborn about 1890
KeithBeverly Annborn about 1932
KeithLissie born about 1894
KeithSoldiers born about 1886
KellemaArmilda born about 1884
KellemaJ Fborn about 1881
KellemaWalter Eborn about 1916
KellerElbridge born about 1876
KellerJ Bborn about 1921
KellerMinnie Lborn about 1882
KelleyAlbert born about 1904
KelleyArizona born about 1904
KelleyByrl born about 1910
KelleyDella born about 1865
KelleyEugene born about 1929
KelleyEvelyn born about 1936
KelleyHomer born about 1934
KelleyImogene born about 1927
KelleyImogene born about 1929
KelleyJ Hborn about 1865
KelleyJoe born about 1938
KelleyMaggie born about 1909
KelleyMarrie born about 1906
KelleyMccoy born about 1927
KelleyOdus born about 1925
KelleySherman born about 1932
KelleyShirley Annborn about 1937
KellyCordelia born about 1892
KellyMary born about 1874
KerseyBilly Joeborn about 1933
KerseyDell born about 1903
KerseyHosea born about 1900
KetcherMaida born about 1925
KetcherRalph born about 1921
KetcherRalph Wayneborn about 1940
KeyMedena Lborn about 1873
KeySarah Lborn about 1908
KeyW ?born about 1888
KeysJackie Lborn about 1939
KeysJoeanne Jborn about 1936
KeysPatsy Cborn about 1938
KeysVerlie born about 1904
KilllanHugh born about 1895
KilpatrickFerol born about 1892
KincadeMary born about 1878
KinnardDavid born about 1938
KinnardHerbert Cborn about 1908
KinnardJudy born about 1937
KinnardMyrtle born about 1910
KinnardRoger born about 1939
KitcherJunior born about 1931
KnightBill born about 1902
KnightCara Mborn about 1906
KnightFlossie Bellborn about 1922
KnightLaura born about 1874
KnightLee born about 1905
KnightOllie Mayborn about 1928
KnightRobert born about 1912
KnightRobert Gborn about 1878
KnightWilliam Robertborn about
KniteEthel born about 1939
KniteFern born about 1907
KniteLunnia born about 1906
KniteMarie born about 1932
KrebbsBobe born about 1931
KrebbsEluis born about 1912
KrebbsPatricia born about 1936
KrebbsTandy born about 1905
KulpElenor born about 1923
KulpElla born about 1896
KulpJack born about 1928
KulpJannice born about 1921
KulpMelfred born about 1919
KulpRoy Jborn about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LameElizabeth born about 1869
LameLuther Leeborn about 1907
LandersAnnie born about 1873
LaneAndrew Jborn about 1881
LaneClinton born about 1921
LaneMartha born about 1885
LaneSilas born about 1924
LangleyKaty Leeborn about 1919
LangleyWilliam Hborn about 1901
LayElizabeth Annborn about 1931
LayL Mborn about 1889
LayOllie born about 1914
LeachBobby Joeborn about 1940
LeachJunior born about 1938
LeatherwoodBilly Joeborn about 1926
LeatherwoodJewell Leeborn about 1924
LeatherwoodLa??? born about 1874
LeatherwoodLee born about 1885
LeatherwoodManda born about 1892
LeatherwoodOpal born about 1910
LebertyRuth born about 1894
LebertySam born about 1891
LeeAberdeen Nborn about 1936
LeeAmbrose Eborn about 1893
LeeChester born about 1895
LeeDewey born about 1931
LeeEthel born about 1895
LeeEugene born about 1920
LeeEula born about 1883
LeeEuphania born about 1897
LeeGeln Pborn about 1920
LeeGeneva born about 1935
LeeHazel Violaborn about 1904
LeeHenry born about 1881
LeeJ Dborn about 1935
LeeJack born about 1926
LeeJackie Mborn about 1924
LeeJames Allenborn about 1894
LeeJames Allen Jrborn about 1938
LeeJoy born about 1932
LeeJulia born about 1938
LeeKatheryn born about 1923
LeeKenneth born about 1914
LeeLoren born about 1910
LeeLota born about 1904
LeeMargert Annborn about 1933
LeeMargie born about 1928
LeeMargorie Fayborn about 1928
LeeMary Annaborn about 1900
LeeMary Lborn about 1895
LeeMary Mborn about 1866
LeeMax?ll Wborn about 1924
LeeMildred born about 1917
LeeMyrtle Aborn about 1900
LeeObenetta born about 1924
LeeOliver Rborn about 1896
LeeRalph born about 1905
LeeRobert Eborn about 1930
LeeRosemary born about 1930
LeeRoy born about 1882
LeeRuby born about 1900
LeeRuby born about 1926
LeeSamuel born about 1932
LeeVada born about 1929
LeeVance born about 1925
LeeVelma Faeborn about 1927
LeeViolet born about 1909
LeeVirginia born about 1926
LeeW Cborn about 1870
LeeW Dborn about 1867
LeeWinnie Eborn about 1933
LeeheeLizzie born about 1906
LeeperJohn Hborn about 1875
LeslieCarolyn Sborn about 1938
LeslieCleo born about 1907
LeslieE Cborn about 1892
LeslieJoann born about 1931
LeslieJoe Brownborn about 1906
LetherwoodEd born about 1867
LetherwoodElla born about 1871
LewisEstella born about 1869
LewisJ Gborn about 1902
LewisMamie born about 1915
LewisOleta born about 1911
LiffetBertha born about 1893
LiggetEdith born about 1925
LillyElla born about 1880
LillyP Lborn about 1860
LindleAlexander born about 1894
LindleJeff born about 1901
LinshawB Kborn about 1894
LinshawBenny Joeborn about 1929
LinshawMary Eborn about 1909
LittlejohnBertha born about 1894
LittlejohnBishop born about 1877
LittlejohnByrl born about 1931
LittlejohnDora born about 1885
LittlejohnEarl born about 1931
LittlejohnFelex born about 1908
LittlejohnNaomi born about 1902
LittlejohnNapoleon born about 1876
LittlejohnSam born about 1872
LockardDarryl born about 1938
LockardEarl born about 1900
LockardMary Francisborn about 1929
LockardWilkie born about 1903
LocustCicero Wayneborn about 1935
LocustEugene born about 1924
LocustJoe born about 1936
LocustLorine born about 1902
LocustLuke born about 1901
LoneBell born about 1894
LoneBilly born about 1936
LoneClaud born about 1922
LoneEarl born about 1897
LoneJ Tborn about 1929
LoneNoble born about 1926
LonePansy born about 1934
LoneThelma born about 1931
LoneWynema born about 1924
LongBruce born about 1922
LongEuldeon born about 1922
LongJewell born about 1928
LongJohnny born about 1919
LongLuther born about 1919
LongPauline born about 1930
LongTom born about 1888
LongWilliam Daleborn about 1940
LongshoreAnnie born about 1927
LongshoreCorene born about 1925
LongshoreDorothy born about 1928
LongshoreJames Mborn about 1936
LoremanAlex born about 1907
LoremanSamuel born about 1870
LouisJerry Anneborn about 1939
LouisMary born about 1915
LovejoyToy born about 1929
LoweAnnie born about 1882
LoweBetty Jborn about 1921
LoweDelephi born about 1916
LoweEarl born about 1912
LoweFloyd born about 1905
LoweHoward born about 1915
LoweLeon born about 1939
LoweLindsey born about 1881
LoweMarvin born about 1934
LynchHazel born about 1886
LynchJoe Mborn about 1882
LyonsIrene born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MachenseyFred born about 1913
MachenseyLasca born about 1915
MaeHarold Mborn about 1914
MaeVirginia Adairborn about 1912
MalcomEstelle born about 1898
MalcomGeorgia Mayborn about 1924
MalcomJerald born about 1920
MalcomVergil born about 1924
MaloneRona Elizabethborn about 1867
MaloyGladys born about 1919
MansfieldHerman Mborn about 1913
MansfieldLolita born about 1915
ManusChristine born about 1910
ManusJerry born about 1938
ManusRichard Jr born about 1911
ManusRudolf born about 1930
MaplesHeneritta born about 1865
MarcumCarl born about 1920
MarcumCornelius born about 1892
MarcumGlen born about 1925
MarcumMinnie Mborn about 1895
MarlowG Wborn about 1865
MartinMary Eborn about 1884
MartinWalter Hborn about 1879
MartonBell born about 1871
MartonHoward born about 1906
MasonHarriet born about 1851
MathewsCarl born about 1922
MathewsGeraldine Tborn about 1914
MathewsLela Nborn about 1890
MathisAnna Kborn about 1888
MatthewsAmos born about 1910
MatthewsJackie born about 1934
MatthewsLouise born about 1939
MatthewsMacel born about 1912
MattoxGa???lah born about 1917
MattoxWelch born about 1913
MayeEmma born about 1870
MayeGeorge Tborn about 1866
MayoAruel born about 1895
MayoGilbert born about 1921
MayoLula born about 1901
MaysInola born about 1922
MaysNannie Billborn about 1886
MaysRalph born about 1918
MaysRichard Daleborn about 1929
MaysRoy born about 1922
MaysVida born about 1921
MaysW Sborn about 1882
McAnellyIcy born about 1901
McAnellyMargaret born about 1900
McAnnallyAlice born about 1898
McAnnallyJ Dborn about 1920
McAnnallyW Mborn about 1896
McBrienCletta born about 1912
McBrienCorabell born about 1918
McBrienJohn Aborn about 1874
McCalebLara Eborn about 1861
McCalebWilliam Rborn about 1861
McCalefAda Leeborn about 1895
McCalefIrse Evelynborn about 1919
McCalefIrvin born about 1924
McCalefLon Cborn about 1881
McCallmanJames born about 1897
McCallmanJames Richardborn about 1928
McCallmanMargie Bellborn about 1901
McCallmanRobert born about 1923
McCnallyJoseph born about 1863
McCnallyMilinda born about 1867
McCollumBilly Ruthborn about 1934
McCollumCarthel born about 1917
McCollumEdna born about 1903
McCollumFay born about 1928
McCollumFred born about 1888
McCollumGeorge born about 1925
McCollumHerman born about 1939
McCollumJack born about 1937
McCollumJessie born about 1923
McCollumMargeret born about 1919
McCollumMyrtle born about 1931
McCollumRex born about 1915
McCollumRobert born about 1924
McCollumRoy born about 1891
McCollumUlice born about 1912
McCollumViolet born about 1929
McCollumWillie born about 1927
McConellGertrude born about 1891
McCormackBessie born about 1894
McCormackClabe Eborn about 1890
McCullyClara born about 1874
McCullyJoe born about 1903
McCullyMaud born about 1905
McFarlinElizaon born about 1859
McGeeBilly born about 1926
McGeeBoyd born about 1888
McGeeBoyd Jr born about 1923
McGeeCecil Bruceborn about 1936
McGeeCharley born about 1925
McGeeClay born about 1919
McGeeCocile born about 1918
McGeeEdd born about 1915
McGeeEmmitt born about 1927
McGeeGaloria born about 1931
McGeeGilbert born about 1909
McGeeJimmy born about 1939
McGeeJohn Boydborn about 1935
McGeeLillian born about 1919
McGeeMaude born about 1910
McGeeNane Moeborn about 1890
McGeeNanette born about 1937
McGeeRaymond born about 1922
McGivernKatherin born about 1917
McHeganCharles born about 1909
McHeganMarchia born about 1937
McHeganMarrion born about 1908
McIntyreWilliam born about 1853
McKeeB Wborn about 1935
McKeeG Dborn about 1929
McKeeOkniwoke born about 1908
McMurtreyAnna Lauraborn about 1924
McMurtreyMabel born about 1906
McMurtreyMat born about 1894
McNellyBilly Rayborn about 1939
McNellyCharles born about 1930
McNellyMarion born about 1936
McNellyMissouri born about 1910
McNellyMitchell Jr born about 1938
McNellyMyrt Bellborn about 1934
McNellyW Mborn about 1908
McOnnellCleo born about 1921
McQuiteBessie born about 1887
McQuiteEdward born about 1881
McQuiteHaskell born about 1919
McQuiteWalter born about 1915
McReynoldsHarry born about 1906
McReynoldsImogene born about 1928
McReynoldsJunior born about 1931
McReynoldsKenneth born about 1935
McReynoldsRobert born about 1932
MeadousC Lborn about 1875
MerriottCharles born about 1897
MerriottClarence born about 1923
MerriottEugene born about 1927
MerriottFloy born about 1902
MerriottFrank born about 1897
MerriottHattie born about 1904
MerriottIke born about 1870
MerriottJ Cborn about 1934
MerriottRay born about 1932
MerriottSusie born about 1873
MillerEdith born about 1938
MillerErindine born about 1933
MillerFloy born about 1918
MillerJ Bborn about 1935
MillerJames Davidborn about 1859
MillerLois Geneborn about 1930
MillerMarjorie born about 1940
MillerMary Helenborn about 1912
MillerOrlando Gborn about 1901
MillerRobbert born about 1915
MillerRobert Jr born about 1936
MillerVinta Mborn about 1918
MitchelAlton born about 1924
MitchelBeaulah born about 1925
MitchelCathern born about 1923
MitchelJess born about 1884
MitchelMae born about 1891
MitchelNora born about 1892
MitchelOllie born about 1935
MitchelS Lborn about 1888
MitchellAlton born about 1912
MitchellGoldie born about 1913
MitchellIva born about 1884
MitchellJ Hborn about 1849
MitchellJames Fborn about 1918
MitchellJohn Hborn about 1864
MitchellJohn Isaacsborn about 1920
MitchellMargaret Annborn about 1918
MitchellPearl born about 1890
MitchellR Lborn about 1882
MitchellRobert Eugene Jrborn about 1912
MitchellRuby Jeanborn about 1932
MitchellSara Eborn about 1872
MitchellSue Annborn about 1927
MitchellThomas Aborn about 1868
MitchellTommy born about 1911
MitchellWilliam Denmaborn about 1914
MitchellWinnie born about 1895
MorrisBilly Ruthborn about 1935
MorrisBobby Haroldborn about 1930
MorrisCharles Gilbertborn about 1933
MorrisClostia born about 1900
MorrisHubert Eddborn about 1928
MorrisJim Rborn about 1905
MorrisRuth born about 1907
MorrisThelma born about 1923
MorrisW Eborn about 1893
MorseEmma born about 1908
MorseJorney born about 1928
MorseLeroy born about 1932
MorseWilliam Royborn about 1903
MortonA Jborn about 1934
MortonAlletta born about 1936
MortonCarlene born about 1933
MortonClara born about 1916
MortonCletta born about 1905
MortonFred born about 1915
MortonFred Jr born about 1938
MortonGertrude born about 1912
MortonHarold born about 1937
MortonJeral Aborn about 1939
MortonJesse born about 1907
MortonKenneth born about 1938
MortonNina born about 1911
MortonNorma Louiseborn about 1934
MortonOpal Louborn about 1936
MortonSterling born about 1904
MortonWalter born about 1911
MosbergClowie born about 1896
MosbergEarl born about 1919
MosbergJosephe born about 1868
MosbergNorman born about 1929
MosbergStanley born about 1894
MoungerBarbara Janborn about 1937
MoungerElisabeth Sborn about 1907
MoungerG Nborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeeleyAlbert Eborn about 1887
NeeleyBeulah born about 1877
NeffBen born about 1924
NeffBeverly born about 1926
NeffBurche born about 1919
NeffEd born about 1900
NeffElizabeth born about 1937
NeffEugene born about 1923
NeffGeorgie Fayborn about 1931
NeffIona born about 1901
NeffJames Mborn about 1894
NeffJess Fborn about 1905
NeffJoe born about 1895
NeffJunior born about 1939
NeffKennie Mborn about 1910
NeffLouise born about 1917
NeffMae born about 1875
NeffMary born about 1902
NeffMary Louborn about 1928
NeffMaud born about 1895
NeffMikie born about 1931
NeffMildred Lborn about 1928
NeffMonroe born about 1920
NeffPaul Eborn about 1937
NeffPauline born about 1924
NeffRay born about 1925
NeffRobert born about 1922
NeffRosella born about 1934
NeffRussell born about 1933
NeffRuth born about 1933
NeffViva born about 1905
NeffWindall born about 1930
NewmanPerry born about 1913
NewmannCarl born about 1913
NewmannMelba born about 1939
NewmannOpal Cogortborn about 1914
NormanBlunt born about 1909
NormanEffi Paulineborn about 1915
NormanVernon born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OakesDorothy born about 1916
OakesLeone born about 1896
OakesRuth born about 1919
OakesWalker born about 1890
OatmanA Lborn about 1908
OatmanWillis Deliaborn about 1918
OlspnDolores Eborn about 1932
OlspnDorothy born about 1907
OlspnHelen Joyceborn about 1937
OlspnJoseph Bborn about 1902
OnealAuinton born about 1923
OnealBessie born about 1900
OnealBetty born about 1920
OnealCarolyn Annborn about 1939
OnealD Cborn about 1892
OnealDc Juniorborn about 1927
OnealEugene born about 1933
OnealHoyl born about 1920
OnealJimmy Hoytborn about 1938
OnealPaul born about 1924
OnealRachel born about 1903
OnealRoss born about 1898
OnealWilliam born about 1924
OsbonBobby born about 1935
OsbonCarl born about 1939
OsbonDorothy born about 1937
OsbonE Oborn about 1877
OsbonEtchel born about 1893
OsbonJoe born about 1909
OsbonJoe Billborn about 1931
OsbonLoyd born about 1921
OsbonOpal born about 1914
OwenJ Hborn about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaddenBertha born about 1881
PaddenGeorge Wborn about 1875
PaddenJauntia born about 1921
PaddenMillard born about 1927
PadenBetty born about 1936
PadenClifford born about 1900
PadenCloyed born about 1906
PadenFay Cborn about 1912
PadenFloyd born about 1927
PadenGeorge Hborn about 1874
PadenGerta born about 1885
PadenHaywood Aborn about 1906
PadenHelen born about 1934
PadenImogene born about 1932
PadenJ Cborn about 1929
PadenJ Dborn about 1923
PadenJennie born about 1907
PadenJohn Bborn about 1905
PadenLeonard Jborn about 1931
PadenMary Katherineborn about 1934
PadenMary Roseborn about 1920
PadenMaud Aborn about 1872
PadenMyrtle born about 1907
PadenNora born about 1881
PadenShirley Annborn about 1939
PadenSue born about 1928
PadenT Aborn about 1878
PadenThomas Jborn about 1908
PadenUyonne born about 1924
PadenWilma Jeanborn about 1932
PallCleatos born about 1920
PallFrankie born about 1939
PallRoy born about 1914
PaneLizza born about 1876
PanterFrancis born about 1921
PanterGene born about 1917
PanterIvory Cborn about 1923
PanterMary born about 1921
PanterNancy Jeanborn about 1940
PanterOkla born about 1914
PanterRoy born about 1919
PanterRuth born about 1913
PanterVina born about 1893
ParkBilly born about 1927
ParkerEthel born about 1892
ParkerIola born about 1917
ParkerJunior born about 1928
ParkerLiza born about 1904
ParkerLloyd born about 1922
ParkerRufus Gborn about 1888
ParksCarlyn born about 1929
ParrottLeola born about 1910
ParsonDorothy born about 1933
ParsonJoe born about 1903
ParsonJosephine born about 1912
ParsonMary Joeborn about 1939
ParsonRobert Leeborn about 1930
ParsonRoberta Bborn about 1930
PaschalClayton born about 1895
PaschalJack Eugeneborn about 1923
PaschalJames Richardborn about 1930
PaschalTom born about 1923
PaschalWanda born about 1926
PateDemoy born about 1913
PateEdward born about 1937
PateElaine born about 1933
PateGuy born about 1911
PateKoren born about 1939
PatrickAnnette born about 1936
PatrickBeulah born about 1919
PatrickCjharles Danielborn about 1939
PatrickDoyle born about 1922
PatrickMaudine born about 1938
PatrickO Hborn about 1876
PatrickRay born about 1914
PatrickRoberta born about 1933
PatrickRosie born about 1883
PattersonAlma Jeanborn about 1931
PattersonBen Hborn about 1903
PattersonBill born about 1874
PattersonBobby Carleneborn about 1933
PattersonBonnie Bborn about 1935
PattersonCharles Kborn about 1911
PattersonEdward Sborn about 1925
PattersonElenor born about 1931
PattersonEmma born about 1908
PattersonIva born about 1895
PattersonJackie Wayneborn about 1935
PattersonLucy Annborn about 1907
PattersonMaggie born about 1904
PattersonMary Lborn about 1882
PattersonPate born about 1893
PattersonRaymond Hughieborn about 1934
PattersonRuby born about 1910
PattersonVergie born about 1924
PattersonVirginia Annborn about 1940
PattersonVivian Marieborn about 1932
PattersonWilliam born about 1895
PattersonWilliam Jr born about 1908
PattonAda born about 1875
PattonRobert Wborn about 1917
PayneBertha born about 1886
PayneGeorge born about 1873
PendricksJossie born about 1869
PerryRoy Leeborn about 1906
PerryWynema born about 1927
PerryZula born about 1904
PetersArminod born about 1881
PetersHershel born about 1911
PetersJames Rayborn about
PetersPatrica Annborn about 1937
PetersVena Oborn about 1919
PettigrewBen Tborn about 1896
PettigrewBennie born about 1924
PettigrewCarl born about 1914
PettigrewClyde born about 1895
PettigrewCora born about 1892
PettigrewDarkis born about 1896
PettigrewDora born about 1874
PettigrewJim born about 1919
PettigrewJohn born about 1874
PettigrewMary Mborn about 1923
PettigrewWade born about 1922
PettyDaily born about 1938
PettyDaily Eborn about 1880
PettyDora born about 1912
PettyEthel born about 1887
PettyJ Cborn about 1921
PettyJerry born about 1939
PettyJess born about 1908
PettyMarie born about 1936
PettyMary born about 1916
PettyPatriciea born about 1940
PettyRalph born about 1915
PettyVetora born about 1878
PettyWalter Mborn about 1875
PheasantJohn born about 1874
PheasantOllie born about 1880
PhilipsBen born about 1880
PhilipsBetty Sueborn about 1934
PhilipsClyde born about 1907
PhilipsElizabeth born about 1881
PhilipsElvin born about 1925
PhilipsEmma Jeanborn about 1926
PhilipsFred born about 1919
PhilipsGoldie born about 1921
PhilipsJ Uborn about 1871
PhilipsJohnnie Oborn about 1910
PhilipsLenna Mayborn about 1927
PhilipsLillian born about 1925
PhilipsLillie born about 1916
PhilipsMargie Ettaborn about 1916
PhilipsMelvin born about 1921
PhilipsNora born about 1906
PhilipsPlis Bborn about 1886
PhilipsRichard born about 1923
PhilipsRuby Mayborn about 1927
PhilipsSadie born about 1890
PhilipsWillie Deanborn about 1922
PhillipsAdalene born about 1935
PhillipsEll Maeborn about 1867
PhillipsFrances born about 1939
PhillipsHazel born about 1940
PhillipsHerman born about 1925
PhillipsJ Wborn about 1931
PhillipsMinnie born about 1919
PhillipsOlivia Rborn about 1897
PhillipsRay Wayneborn about 1939
PhillipsRoy born about 1920
PhillipsThomas Wborn about 1892
PiersonBillie born about 1928
PiersonBobbie born about 1928
PiersonIda born about 1899
PiersonJames Gborn about 1897
PiersonLillie born about 1897
PiersonOngelo born about 1923
PinkertonCarl born about 1930
PinkertonEllen born about 1909
PinkertonFay Nborn about 1908
PinkertonHarold born about 1933
PodenBenny born about 1892
PodenCherry born about 1925
PodenElanor born about 1917
PodenFreeman born about 1933
PodenInna born about 1900
PodenJess Wborn about 1928
PodenMildred born about 1931
PodenPerry born about 1925
PointsBessie born about 1902
PointsEdward Cborn about 1893
PointsJauntie born about 1927
PointsMarie born about 1925
PointsWilliam born about 1921
PoolDorothy Iborn about 1926
PoolElla Nborn about 1939
PoolGlen Joeborn about 1930
PoolJoseph born about 1879
PoolLen Sborn about 1928
PoolMarlin born about 1934
PoolPeter Lborn about 1887
PoolRobert born about 1932
PoolRosa born about 1880
PoolTimothey Wborn about 1892
PoolViola Iborn about 1907
PoolZelma born about 1929
PoorEvert born about 1918
PoorJohn Wborn about 1904
PoorLeonard born about 1939
PoorMary born about 1880
PoorMaude born about 1924
PoorPearl born about 1905
PottersonHerbert born about 1923
PowersL Sborn about 1856
PriceAlice born about 1933
PriceEllsa born about 1903
PriceEster born about 1931
PriceJames born about 1936
PriceOscar born about 1904
PrickettTom born about 1903
ProckDorothy born about 1924
ProckJoe Geneborn about 1923
ProckMattie Mborn about 1894
ProckPatrica Annborn about 1933
ProckW Gborn about 1886
ProckW I Jrborn about 1927
PumphreyN Hborn about 1872
PurdyEmmett born about 1869
PurdyRhoda Aborn about 1878
PyeattNan born about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuthrieByron born about 1916
QuthrieCora born about 1883
QuthrieEarnest born about 1909
QuthrieOscar born about 1879

R Surnames

RaeseAlma Mayborn about 1924
RaeseR Lborn about 1891
RaeseRuby born about 1894
RaeseTommy Ruthborn about 1921
RayAnna born about 1901
RayAnna Mayborn about 1921
RayAnnabel born about 1931
RayArthur Cborn about 1886
RayBess born about 1894
RayBilly Gardnerborn about 1925
RayBilly Johnborn about 1938
RayHazel born about 1927
RayJ Mborn about 1899
RayJack born about 1919
RayJack born about 1925
RayJoe born about 1927
RayLauretta born about 1926
RayMelvin born about 1935
RayRamon born about 1934
RayThomas Alfredborn about 1920
RayVerda born about 1905
RayWinona Louborn about 1937
RedbirdGladys born about 1901
RedbirdJaunita Sueborn about 1924
RedbirdLitna born about 1884
RedbirdVera Mayborn about 1921
ReedAnnie Lborn about 1889
ReedBilly Joeborn about 1921
ReedClara born about 1892
ReedDennis Fayborn about 1933
ReedEdna Hazelborn about 1912
ReedEmma Deanborn about 1931
ReedEmmett Dborn about 1895
ReedFay born about 1907
ReedGene born about 1923
ReedHatfield H Mborn about 1872
ReedHelen born about 1906
ReedIva born about 1907
ReedJames born about 1931
ReedLawten born about 1909
ReedLillius born about 1910
ReedLinda born about 1934
ReedLolu born about 1872
ReedMyrl born about 1916
ReedQuentin born about 1920
ReedRachel Tborn about 1869
ReedRichard born about 1934
ReedSara born about 1899
ReeuesLawson born about 1893
ReeuesLester born about 1927
ReeuesNola born about 1900
RemdeyMartin born about 1866
RhoadsClaud Sborn about 1873
RhoadsMargrete born about 1875
RhodesAl born about 1915
RhodesBarbara Maeborn about 1935
RhodesBob born about 1909
RhodesClyde born about 1905
RhodesElwood born about 1908
RhodesErb born about 1901
RhodesFlossie Marieborn about 1922
RhodesLavern Francisborn about 1937
RhodesMae born about 1912
RhodesOma born about 1914
RhodesStella born about 1898
RhodesWatie born about 1907
RiceGarland born about 1936
RiceHelen Iborn about 1901
RiceIrma Lborn about 1934
RiceRichard born about 1924
RiceSamuel Aborn about 1895
Rich??? Gborn about 1896
RichStella born about 1900
RichardMay born about 1924
RichardsonErvin born about 1916
RichardsonLoretta born about 1924
RidderBen born about 1889
RidderJack born about 1883
RidderLeroy born about 1924
RidderThomas born about 1926
RidderZola born about 1887
RiddleAlyne born about 1927
RiddleCarrie born about 1905
RiddleClaud Wborn about 1896
RiddleEugene born about 1930
RiddleJewell born about 1924
RiddleReba born about 1933
RidenhourDorothy born about 1910
RiderJ B Jrborn about 1916
RiderJack born about 1935
RiderLinda Sueborn about 1937
RiderLinnie born about 1916
RiderVera Vborn about 1920
RinehartC Hborn about 1879
RinehartRuby born about 1917
RitterBobby born about 1929
RitterBurl born about 1922
RitterChristine born about 1886
RitterChristine born about 1927
RitterEugene born about 1920
RitterFlora born about 1877
RitterG Wborn about 1921
RitterGeorge born about 1870
RitterGranville born about 1883
RitterHenry born about 1931
RitterJewell born about 1922
RitterJoe born about 1925
RitterJosephine born about 1903
RitterLean born about 1925
RitterLeon born about 1917
RitterLester Eborn about 1893
RitterMildred born about 1927
RitterWanda Louborn about 1926
RobbinsGalebria born about 1923
RobbinsGeorge born about 1916
RobertsDarrell W Mborn about 1912
RobertsElla born about 1875
RobertsFrance born about 1885
RobertsMartha born about 1884
RobertsMary Katherineborn about 1916
RobinsonBobby Geneborn about 1935
RobinsonDon born about 1932
RobinsonEarl born about 1939
RobinsonEster born about 1903
RobinsonEunice born about 1916
RobinsonEvert born about 1913
RobinsonG Wborn about 1933
RobinsonGarland born about 1917
RobinsonGlen Durvalborn about 1939
RobinsonImogene born about 1920
RobinsonJ Lborn about 1908
RobinsonJames Carolborn about 1939
RobinsonPearl born about 1937
RobinsonRay Eborn about 1904
RobinsonReba born about 1913
RobinsonReba born about 1914
RobinsonTruman Cborn about 1901
RogersAlbert born about 1881
RogersBeaulah born about 1908
RogersD Aborn about 1871
RogersDorothy born about 1925
RogersEdna born about 1916
RogersEster born about 1927
RogersFlorence born about 1880
RogersHazel born about 1922
RogersHelen born about 1897
RogersJohn born about 1878
RogersMildred born about 1922
RogersRthel born about 1891
RogersSally born about 1890
RogersWarren born about 1921
RoggAndrew born about 1903
RoggNadeen born about 1928
RoggViolet Jeanborn about 1933
RoggZella born about 1908
RossClaude born about 1887
RossElizabeth born about 1875
RossMae born about 1897
RossMorena born about 1897
RouthE Oborn about 1868
RouthL Eborn about 1873
RoweLulu born about 1897
RoweMartin born about 1877
RoweMartin Vborn about 1924
RubleJanie Eborn about 1870
RubleW Tborn about 1872
RubyHall born about 1917
RussellBill born about 1915
RussellFrank born about 1910
RutherfordCharlie Lborn about 1866
RutherfordCharlotte born about 1931
RutherfordMary born about 1870
RutherfordPaul born about 1929
RutherfordPearl born about 1913
RutherfordRuth born about 1919
RutherfordThelma born about 1933
RutherfordVirginia Juneborn about 1937
RutherfordW Eborn about 1890
RutherfordWaleah born about 1939
RutherfordWallace born about
RutherfordWalter born about 1919
RutherfordWilburn J Rborn about 1937
RutledrigeJoshus Jborn about 1869
RutledrigeL Myrtleborn about 1872
RyanMartha Janeborn about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SagerBennie Fborn about 1910
SagerHugh born about 1910
SainJanice born about 1937
SamsLilly born about 1886
SandersAmelia born about 1907
SandersArthur Wborn about 1882
SandersBetty Joeborn about 1922
SandersDoyle born about 1928
SandersEmma born about 1904
SandersFrank Lborn about 1897
SandersFrankie Gborn about 1900
SandersGeorge Cborn about 1922
SandersJoe Perryborn about 1934
SandersJohn Bborn about 1901
SandersJohn Eborn about 1926
SandersLoren born about 1926
SandersMartha born about 1867
SandersMary Lborn about 1888
SandersMary Lborn about 1930
SandersPearl born about 1892
SandersRoberta born about 1924
SandersShirley born about 1936
SandersWilliam Aborn about 1893
SaunderAlice born about 1860
ScacewaterClaudia born about 1910
ScacewaterGerald born about 1935
ScacewaterJack born about 1906
ScacewaterJames born about 1878
ScacewaterJim Jackborn about 1926
ScacewaterL Bborn about 1938
ScacewaterMuirtle born about 1879
ScantlenF Mborn about 1887
ScantlenMabel born about 1888
SchnorLara born about 1864
ScofieldAnna born about 1887
ScofieldGladys born about 1908
ScottBetty born about 1923
ScottBetty born about 1938
ScottBetty Jeanborn about 1938
ScottCarolyn born about 1933
ScottCurtis born about 1932
ScottEffie born about 1916
ScottElmer born about 1917
ScottGeorge born about 1936
ScottJerry born about 1931
ScottJoe born about 1902
ScottJohn born about 1900
ScottJohn born about 1929
ScottJohn born about 1932
ScottKata born about 1906
ScottKate born about 1900
ScottKenneth born about 1916
ScottLen born about 1905
ScottLess born about 1905
ScottLucy Maeborn about 1934
ScottMarjory born about 1924
ScottMartin born about 1894
ScottMaxine born about 1919
ScottNannie born about 1877
ScottSara born about 1939
ScottSolla born about 1927
SearsBeulah Rborn about 1898
SearsLaurence Hborn about 1893
SearsMary Vborn about 1928
SearsMaxine born about 1920
SebastianBetty Sueborn about 1930
SebastianFaye born about 1908
SebastianTed born about 1905
SellersAdalea born about 1939
SellersJess born about 1915
SellersJessie Jborn about 1937
SellersJewel born about 1915
SellersPatsy born about 1889
ShannonClyde born about 1903
ShannonDorothy Mayborn about 1922
ShannonErnest born about 1910
ShannonFrank born about 1893
ShannonGeorge Eborn about 1884
ShannonGeorge E Jrborn about 1928
ShannonHenry Lborn about 1886
ShannonJames Aborn about 1874
ShannonJames Ernest Jrborn about 1936
ShannonJoe born about 1936
ShannonMark born about 1881
ShannonMary Eborn about 1877
ShannonMaxine born about 1927
ShannonMelvin born about 1920
ShannonOma born about 1900
ShannonPink born about 1910
ShannonRay Bborn about 1902
ShannonRuth Eborn about 1903
ShannonTempa born about 1877
ShannonVan born about 1903
ShannonVera born about 1890
ShannonWanda Sueborn about 1927
SheppardJames born about 1900
SheppardLaura born about 1906
SheppardOscar Iborn about 1928
SheppardViola Maeborn about 1932
SheridanEmma born about 1901
SheridanEthel Maeborn about 1927
SheridanGeorge born about 1888
SheridanGeorge Jr born about 1932
SheridanLaurence Leeborn about 1938
SheridanMaty Louiseborn about 1929
SheridanPhillip born about 1935
SherrellIrene born about 1909
SherrellOra born about 1906
ShipleyHelen born about 1917
ShoemakerHarvey Hborn about 1881
ShookFlorence born about 1882
SidwellClaudia born about 1909
SidwellJohn Cborn about 1895
SimmonsEliza born about 1889
SimmonsJames Cborn about 1898
SimmonsJohn born about 1883
SimpsonBilly Joeborn about 1940
SimpsonJoe born about 1906
SimpsonLucile born about 1921
SiscoAlyen born about 1925
SiscoBetty Maeborn about 1929
SiscoDaisy born about 1908
SiscoDelphine born about 1927
SiscoDorthy born about 1927
SiscoEllen born about 1905
SiscoImogene born about 1935
SiscoJames Bborn about 1889
SiscoJimmie born about 1939
SiscoLorene born about 1931
SiscoLouise born about 1931
SiscoLucille born about 1929
SiscoPauline born about 1925
SiscoRevaun born about 1937
SiscoWayne born about 1938
SiscoWillie born about 1893
SiscoWillie Jr born about 1934
SittonMary born about 1889
SittonMaude born about 1895
SittonTom born about 1894
SixkillerC Wborn about 1901
SixkillerFranklin Roe Cloudborn about 1937
SixkillerHelen Irmoleenborn about 1933
SixkillerJerry Travisborn about 1935
SixkillerMyrtle Aborn about 1909
SmallClaud Cborn about 1865
SmallDorthy born about 1932
SmallEarl born about 1906
SmallLaurence born about 1934
SmallMary Lborn about 1939
SmallMary Louborn about 1908
SmallRay born about 1929
SmayJohn Eborn about 1901
SmayJohn E Juniorborn about 1939
SmayLela born about 1907
SmithAvery born about 1904
SmithBill born about 1917
SmithBilly Loisborn about 1937
SmithCaptola born about 1895
SmithCora born about 1895
SmithEdna Lborn about 1919
SmithHannah born about 1877
SmithJack born about 1920
SmithJenive born about 1927
SmithLee born about 1908
SmithMary Annborn about 1928
SmithNora born about 1893
SmithO Lborn about 1889
SmithP Dborn about 1858
SmithRalph Leoborn about 1916
SmithRobert Eborn about 1901
SmithRobert Jr born about 1925
SmithRose born about 1856
SmithSilas born about 1884
SmithSybil born about 1921
SnodgrassElsie born about 1927
SnodgrassEugene born about 1924
SnodgrassEvelyn born about 1912
SnodgrassHelen born about 1922
SnodgrassJ Cborn about 1880
SnodgrassMary born about 1886
SnodgrassWilson born about 1919
SocustIda Maeborn about 1923
SocustMary born about 1897
SocustNannie born about 1915
SocustSusie born about 1921
SolJohn born about 1937
SouageClara born about 1909
SouageNorman born about 1905
SouthworthBeulah born about 1887
SouthworthJames Wborn about 1867
SouthworthJoseph Alfredborn about 1921
SparksBerry born about 1923
SparksBobby Tborn about 1939
SparksC Rborn about 1899
SparksEarl Aborn about 1917
SparksHarmon Tborn about 1873
SparksImogene born about 1919
SparksLizza Aborn about 1887
SparksMay born about 1911
SparksViolet Mborn about 1921
SpencerBobby born about 1939
SpencerEster born about 1901
SpencerJim Vborn about 1901
SpencerMick Lborn about 1936
SpencerShirley born about 1938
SpinksErbe Eborn about 1907
SpinksMarshall born about 1933
SpyresDorothy Katherineborn about 1928
SpyresL Mborn about 1886
SpyresRose Maryborn about 1931
SpyresSally born about 1897
StandBilly Joeborn about 1935
StandJennie Sueborn about 1937
StandKatie born about 1895
StandMary Edithborn about 1920
StandRichard born about 1893
StandRichard Juniorborn about 1930
StandSalla born about 1910
StandTaylor Bborn about 1900
StarArijonia born about 1925
StarBilly Raymondborn about 1933
StarCharles Lborn about 1880
StarCharles L Jrborn about 1924
StarFletcher born about 1914
StarJohn Dborn about 1936
StarMary born about 1880
StarrBetty Jeanborn about 1931
StarrCharlie born about 1908
StarrCora born about 1911
StarrFrank Lborn about 1905
StarrGeorge born about 1885
StarrIla Maeborn about 1926
StarrJack born about 1924
StarrJoe born about 1896
StarrKathleeta born about 1920
StarrLouella born about 1929
StarrLowel born about 1928
StarrLucille born about 1909
StarrMattie born about 1901
StarrOma born about 1888
StarrRex born about 1917
StarrRufus born about 1901
StarrRuth born about 1860
StarrSadie born about 1904
StarrSam born about 1858
StayhomeBill born about 1886
SteinisekCornelius born about 1931
SteinisekEster Sborn about 1908
SteinisekReeves born about 1905
StevensAlfred Eborn about 1890
StevensBetty Louborn about 1928
StevensBeulah born about 1895
StevensBilly Janeborn about 1933
StevensBobby born about 1930
StevensCallie born about 1924
StevensCalvin Nborn about 1920
StevensCarl born about 1926
StevensClara born about 1898
StevensClarence born about 1924
StevensCratley born about 1888
StevensEuphemia born about 1916
StevensGene born about 1915
StevensGene Lavenneborn about 1939
StevensGeneva born about 1922
StevensGrell Iborn about 1913
StevensJess Rborn about 1887
StevensJessie Jr born about 1924
StevensJimmey born about 1929
StevensJoe Allanborn about 1939
StevensKatie Louborn about 1938
StevensLizzie Mborn about 1922
StevensMarjorie born about 1922
StevensMary born about 1919
StevensMary Louborn about 1922
StevensMinnie born about 1894
StevensPatsy born about 1936
StevensPaul born about 1927
StevensRay born about 1920
StevensRuby Lborn about 1913
StevensShirley Jborn about 1935
StewartAnthony born about 1918
StewartDick born about 1932
StewartErnestine born about 1915
StewartFaye born about 1903
StewartJack Frankborn about 1903
StewartJulia born about 1892
StewartJulius born about 1914
StewartL Aborn about 1888
StewartRobert Bborn about 1926
StilweelDoss born about 1912
StilweelFern Ellaborn about 1934
StilweelOpal Aborn about 1914
StilwellBilly born about 1922
StilwellCharlie born about 1896
StilwellGeorge born about 1916
StilwellJames Floydborn about 1935
StilwellJewell born about 1929
StilwellJunior born about 1929
StilwellKenneth born about 1928
StilwellMelodie Dborn about 1919
StilwellRalph born about 1915
StilwellRay born about 1926
StilwellRosa born about 1897
StilwellRosie born about 1896
StilwellSue Annborn about 1940
StilwellThelma born about 1918
StoltzHerman born about 1882
StoltzMyrtel born about 1895
StoryDale born about 1928
StoryElla Maeborn about 1916
StoryLee born about 1921
StorySam Dborn about 1886
StovallCorena Sueborn about 1931
StovallJohn Vborn about 1884
StovallMarjorie Louborn about 1922
StovallMaudie born about 1886
StovallPauline born about 1925
StovallRuth born about 1919
SttJohn born about 1867
SttNancy born about 1874
StubbsMaude born about 1893
StubbsRobert born about 1929
StubbsSam R Aborn about 1887
SynderHarriet born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TabbottCherry born about 1915
TabbottColleen born about 1938
TabbottThornton born about 1914
TaberRose born about 1870
TackettBobby Haroldborn about 1936
TackettEdgar born about 1889
TackettEwel born about 1913
TackettIrene born about 1918
TackettJimmy Daleborn about 1939
TackettMartha born about 1899
TackettTayola born about 1924
TalbottCulla born about 1907
TalbottGeorgia Fayborn about 1939
TalbottJohn Vborn about 1916
TalbottLeonard born about 1919
TalbottRuby born about 1922
TalbottTommy born about 1921
TarepinAnna born about 1909
TarepinPerry Leeborn about 1939
TarepinRichard born about 1918
TaylorBuck born about 1928
TaylorCathern born about 1929
TaylorEugene born about 1926
TaylorEvelyn born about 1930
TaylorIsaac born about 1902
TaylorJackson born about 1900
TaylorMaggie born about 1856
TaylorReba born about 1934
TaylorRebeca Mayborn about 1908
TaylorSarah born about 1875
TaylorWilliam born about 1858
TennantMamine born about 1902
TennantPaesant born about 1891
TennantPauline born about 1922
TerryCarl born about 1915
TerryEmily born about 1915
ThomasBobby Danborn about 1936
ThomasCharles Freemanborn about 1933
ThomasCleval born about 1911
ThomasI Aborn about 1898
ThomasMary Sueborn about 1937
ThompsonClemetin born about 1874
ThompsonFloyd born about 1921
ThompsonJessie Dborn about 1870
ThompsonJohn born about 1896
ThompsonOrville born about 1916
ThompsonRoy Jborn about 1904
ThompsonRoymon born about 1929
ThompsonTiny born about 1891
ThompsonVernon born about 1926
ThomsGeorge Lborn about 1905
ThomsonEtta born about 1901
ThomsonEverett born about 1925
ThomsonOrval Sborn about 1894
ThresherCecil born about 1908
ThresherCrockett born about 1902
ThresherDevon born about 1931
ThresherEddie Mayborn about 1924
ThresherGeorgia Leeborn about 1866
ThresherH Bborn about 1929
ThresherMary Janeborn about 1938
TieskieBill born about 1920
TieskieGeorge Wborn about 1863
TieskieJocey Lborn about 1879
TindleGladys born about 1911
TompsonDorothy born about 1909
TompsonEunice born about 1915
TompsonJames Thomasborn about 1935
TompsonJean born about 1929
TompsonThomas Fborn about 1904
ToneyAddie born about 1901
ToneyBilly born about 1931
ToneyEssie born about 1926
ToneyGarland born about 1922
ToneyJasper New Tborn about 1896
ToneyRaymond born about 1933
ToneyViolet born about 1928
TownsendW Mborn about 1880
TramellBeayford born about 1920
TramellForest born about 1878
TramellMute born about 1876
TrammellCliford born about 1910
TrammellRuby born about 1924
TrasperCallie born about 1923
TrasperRichard born about 1917
TrentKester Dborn about 1912
TrentMary Eborn about 1871
TrentOleta Mborn about 1915
TroupmanAlice Virginiaborn about 1928
TroupmanDon Marieborn about 1938
TroupmanGeorge born about 1880
TroupmanHarriet Eborn about 1886
TroupmanHenry born about 1936
TroupmanJames Fborn about 1909
TroupmanLeonard born about 1917
TroupmanMary Ruthborn about 1935
TroupmanNancy born about 1918
TuckerA Lborn about 1880
TuckerEugene born about 1922
TuckerGarold born about 1927
TuckerIvy born about 1916
TuckerMarvin born about 1917
TuckerRena born about 1885
TurittE Bborn about 1856
TurleyErnest born about 1912
TurleyLois born about 1913
TurnBull Alfredborn about 1878
TurnballBilly born about 1929
TurnballEmitt born about 1912
TurnballNeoma born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanAndy born about 1912
VanBeulah born about 1912
VanElizabeth born about 1885
VanLeta Mayborn about 1932
VanSamuel born about 1873
VaughertAlice born about 1921
VaughertAllen born about 1918
VaughertCleora born about 1920
VaughertJossie born about 1896
VaughertRobert born about 1917
VeeheeMose born about 1891
VeeheeNora born about 1889
VeeheeRichard born about 1915
Vick??? Violaborn about 1901
VickAllene born about 1930
VickBetty born about 1934
VickChristine born about 1935
VickGarvis born about 1932
VickHenry born about 1913
VickIrene Sueborn about 1939
VickJ Nborn about 1883
VickJimmey born about 1935
VickJunior born about 1937
VickLenora born about 1906
VickMarion born about 1890
VickMyrl born about 1928
VickMyrtle born about 1914
VickShirley Annborn about 1938
VickeryJimmy born about 1933
VickeryLoyd born about 1931
VickeryWill born about 1900
VisageLelia born about 1900
VisageMarvin born about 1928
VisageR Lborn about 1897
VolersCharles Davisborn about 1894
VollersChas Davidborn about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeJack born about 1936
WadeJannanna* born about 1930
WadeJoan born about 1929
WadeMadalynn born about 1907
WadeRichard Kborn about 1897
WalkinshawEthel born about 1874
WalkinshawJack born about 1926
WalkinshawJames Mborn about 1875
WalkinshawSalla born about 1906
WalleyAmos born about 1886
WallsBobby Leeborn about 1936
WallsJ Bborn about 1927
WallsOllie born about 1910
WallsRosa Maeborn about 1938
WaltersAlice born about 1935
WaltersBetty born about 1939
WaltersGertrude born about 1902
WaltersHomer born about 1898
WaltersIrene born about 1924
WaltersMary Louborn about 1930
WaltersPauline born about 1927
WaltonClaude born about 1922
WaltonForest born about 1930
WaltonIda born about 1886
WaltonVerna born about 1918
WardEllen born about 1926
WardJ Gborn about 1884
WardLeota born about 1889
WardLula born about 1890
WarshamEva born about 1893
WarshamJ Tborn about 1916
WarshamJames Tborn about 1891
WarshamJunior Burgamborn about 1927
WarshamLillie born about 1896
WarshamRobert Bborn about 1866
WarshamRoy Wayneborn about 1919
WaterElleen born about 1917
WaterGrover Cborn about 1885
WatersCarl born about 1904
WatersCarolyn Ruthborn about 1938
WatersClarence born about 1874
WatersCora Annborn about 1884
WatersDan born about 1901
WatersDavid born about 1922
WatersFelix born about 1901
WatersGeorge born about 1911
WatersHoward born about 1913
WatersJames Hborn about 1878
WatersJohnnie born about 1933
WatersMargert Annborn about 1939
WatersMary born about 1876
WatersMaudie born about 1908
WatersMose born about 1880
WatersOllie Ernestineborn about 1884
WatersRuby Leeborn about 1930
WatkinVivian born about 1921
WatkinsBruce born about 1891
WatkinsEula born about 1903
WatkinsHartzel born about 1912
WatkinsHazel born about 1928
WatkinsIrene born about 1922
WatkinsLena born about 1897
WatkinsPatricia born about 1930
WatkinsVirginia born about 1939
WatkinsWarren born about 1922
WearRobert born about 1889
WearRobert Jr born about 1933
WearRuth born about 1915
WebberJ Rborn about 1928
WelchBruce born about 1912
WelchCharley born about 1890
WelchClyde born about 1915
WelchGeorge Tborn about 1875
WelchJeraldine born about 1931
WelchMercia born about 1874
WelchNona born about 1894
WelchTommie born about 1926
WelchVelma born about 1911
WellsCharles born about 1892
WellsClyde born about 1891
WestAgusta born about 1895
WestBeauna born about 1900
WestBilly Jborn about 1937
WestBob born about 1925
WestCurtis born about 1932
WestDatha born about 1923
WestEdgar Leeborn about 1912
WestErnstine born about 1935
WestLillian born about 1912
WestWelford born about 1918
WhelchelGeorge Cborn about 1895
WhelchelHarvee Marieborn about 1916
WhelchelHattie born about 1889
WhelchelLillie born about 1891
WhelchelLuland born about 1887
WhelchelWillaro born about 1919
WherryElsie Eborn about 1902
WherryEugene Hborn about 1900
WherryPauline Gleeborn about 1924
WhillockBill Pborn about 1883
WhillockRoss born about 1881
WhitakerLoura Kborn about 1872
WhitakerMaud Eborn about 1879
WhiteAlice Clarkborn about 1909
WhiteAlyne born about 1924
WhiteBilloie born about 1921
WhiteBilly born about 1929
WhiteClara born about 1884
WhiteClyde Jewelborn about 1905
WhiteDonald Norisborn about 1934
WhiteElsie Mossborn about 1897
WhiteGeorge born about 1879
WhiteHarold Gborn about 1903
WhiteJ Fborn about 1886
WhiteJ Mborn about 1882
WhiteJerrett born about 1923
WhiteJoe Nborn about 1932
WhiteJohnie born about 1934
WhiteJoy Marieborn about 1928
WhiteLeon born about 1919
WhiteLeonard born about 1919
WhiteNancy born about 1882
WhitePearl born about 1906
WhiteSara born about 1888
WhiteW Gborn about 1901
WickJ Nborn about 1873
WickMary born about 1876
WilksSam born about 1881
WilleyMamie born about 1875
WilliamsAdrien born about 1924
WilliamsBlanch Rborn about 1909
WilliamsCarolyn Jeanborn about 1927
WilliamsClealus born about 1896
WilliamsDewey born about 1910
WilliamsEdgar Sborn about 1904
WilliamsEugene born about 1917
WilliamsH Tborn about 1893
WilliamsJames Eborn about 1907
WilliamsJames Lborn about 1935
WilliamsKenneth born about 1922
WilliamsMarilyn Leeborn about 1926
WilliamsMary born about 1903
WilliamsMary Mborn about 1937
WilliamsPolly born about 1879
WilliamsRosco Aborn about 1931
WilliamsWanda Lborn about 1932
WilliamsonBetty Ruthborn about
WilliamsonJosey born about 1917
WillsDan born about 1853
WillseyDanial Ldborn about 1877
WillseyHelen born about 1933
WillseyLotta born about 1908
WillseyMary born about 1880
WillseyMattion born about 1916
WilsonCarol Claineborn about 1939
WilsonHowell born about 1904
WilsonJoe Pborn about 1891
WilsonJohn Tborn about 1893
WilsonL Deeborn about 1907
WilsonMyrtle born about 1889
WilsonRuby Maeborn about 1923
WilsonSybenie born about 1906
WilsonTrissie born about 1894
WinsorElizabeth Vborn about 1883
WolfLamb born about 1908
WolfLizzie born about 1875
WoodruffJoseph born about 1855
WoodruffMabel Eborn about 1877
WoodruffMary Marthaborn about 1865
WoodruffW Aborn about 1881
WoodsDonald born about 1928
WoodsLillian born about 1903
WoodsWayne born about 1931
WootenDavid Hborn about 1869
WootenGlaydes born about 1914
WootenLara Eborn about 1873
WorleyEdra born about 1929
WorleyJulius Cborn about 1874
WorleyLuke born about 1899
WorleyMaude born about 1898
WorleyRaymond born about 1922
WorleyRoan born about 1922
WorleyRodena born about 1920
WorleySinda born about 1865
WorshamBob Edborn about 1922
WorshamCarrol born about 1930
WorshamFern born about 1915
WorshamMary born about 1915
WorshamMyrl born about 1910
WorshamOpal born about 1898
WorshamOrpha Janeborn about 1873
WorshamRobert born about 1896
WorshamT C Janiceborn about 1916
WorshamTipton Craigborn about 1868
WorshamTommie Daleborn about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YattMildred born about 1926
YattPickens born about 1891
YattVicie born about 1897
YattWalker born about 1857
YerryEdith Iborn about 1910
YerryEdward Cborn about 1909
YoungHaskell born about 1921
YoungLizzie born about 1877

Z Surnames

ZeolaM Burchborn about 1910
ZimmermanBetty born about 1932
ZimmermanJerry born about 1937
ZimmermanOtto born about 1930

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