1940 U.S. Federal Census of Union in Woodward County, Woodward, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Woodward County > 1940 Census of Union in Woodward County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsGordon born about 1923
AlleyCarmetta Jborn about 1931
AlleyCorbett Lborn about 1895
AlleyCorbett Lborn about 1937
AlleyDonald Jborn about 1925
AlleyEldon Edithborn about 1934
AlleyGladis Mborn about 1893
AlleyJack Bborn about 1922
AlleyVerle Donborn about 1927
AmesNorman born about 1873
AshClifford born about 1901

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B Surnames

BaconMyrtle born about 1882
BaconVerdner born about 1921
BaconVernard born about 1915
BaconW Mborn about 1874
BalkBernard Sborn about 1916
BalkJuanita born about 1921
BallElmer born about 1913
BallHallie born about 1885
BallJohn born about 1863
BallJohn Jborn about 1914
BeatteyDela born about 1880
BeatteyHarmy born about 1917
BeatteyJames Leonborn about 1923
BerryCleo born about 1907
BerryDon born about 1888
BerryDorothy born about
BerryEarl born about 1912
BerryEarnest Lborn about 1932
BerryFloyd born about 1901
BerryIva Pborn about 1914
BerryJohn Dborn about 1906
BerryLeona Eborn about 1936
BerryRaymond born about 1926
BerryRetta Jeanborn about 1936
BerryRosa born about 1892
BerryVeda Yoouneborn about
BerryViola born about 1931
BerryWalter born about 1924
BerryWillard Mborn about 1934
BirdAlonza born about 1873
BirdAnna born about 1874
BirdFred born about
BirdJack born about 1917
BirdPaul born about 1919
BirdRalph born about 1913
BlackEthel born about 1880
BlackLula born about 1878
BlackMattie born about 1890
BlackRobert Rborn about 1884
BlevensAllene born about 1918
BlevensEdna Eborn about 1894
BlevensMeredith born about 1920
BlevensWalter Cborn about 1898
BlevensWayman born about 1921
BraleyArthur born about 1907
BrankellDonald Lborn about 1930
BrankellJ Sborn about 1894
BrankellJimmie Dborn about 1935
BrankellJone Sborn about 1924
BrankellVerda Aborn about 1898
BrankleCharley born about 1904
Bronkell??? born about 1927
BronkellEarl Mborn about 1902
BronkellEthel Lborn about 1906
BronkellRalph Gborn about 1933
BrownHanna born about 1861
BruchLena born about 1913
BruchRoy born about 1883
BryanA Aborn about 1900
BryanGertie born about 1887
BurgeMontez born about 1939
BurgeRuby Mborn about 1915
BurkhartDwight born about 1936
BurkhartLouisia* Mborn about 1905
BurkhartLovone born about 1931
BurkhartMerle born about 1934
BurkhartV Rborn about 1907
BurnettDorothy born about 1920

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C Surnames

CallowayJames born about 1906
CallowayJimmie Dborn about 1936
CallowayMary Lynnborn about 1935
CallowayNaomi born about 1912
CallowayNaomi Kborn about 1939
CallowayNellie Lborn about 1911
CampbellGlen born about 1917
CanadayClyde born about 1892
CanadayMartha born about 1895
CarterAncil born about 1878
CasivantFa born about 1897
CasivantHelen born about 1930
CasivantMarie born about 1931
CasivantPearl born about 1908
ChalkWanda Fborn about 1931
ChalkWanda Leeborn about 1935
ChaseC Cborn about 1914
ChaseF Hborn about 1869
ChaseR L Cborn about 1917
ChaseRuthie Hborn about 1881
ChaseThos Mborn about 1874
ChaureAnna born about 1892
ChaureFrank born about 1882
ChaureRaleigh Cborn about 1882
ChaureVerlen Dborn about 1918
ChaureVirgil born about 1928
ChenworthHannah Mborn about 1895
ChenworthLula Maeborn about
ChenworthWiley Mborn about 1889
ChristensonAnna born about
ChristensonCharley born about 1891
ChristensonNeila born about 1920
ClarkAlbert born about 1928
ClarkAlfred born about 1930
ClarkArmol born about 1902
ClarkJ Hborn about 1872
ClarkLora Maeborn about 1933
ClarkPhillip born about 1912
ClarkThomas born about
ColeChester Aborn about 1885
ColeFlorence Rborn about 1890
CollierCary born about 1934
CollierColette born about 1939
CollierGilbert born about 1907
CollierVaudeth Oborn about 1911
CollierWilbert born about 1932
Conrad??? born about 1900
CookM Jborn about 1882
CookRosie born about 1892
CopelandCarl born about 1905
CopelandRoberta born about 1923
CosteyLela born about 1931
CoxBetty Jeanborn about 1926
CrennanAnna Mborn about 1869
CrennanMichael born about 1862
Croicout??? born about 1894
CroicoutBilly born about 1924
CroicoutDeon born about 1928
CroicoutFred born about 1926
CroicoutGene born about 1928
CroicoutJesse Kborn about 1931
CroicoutWilliam born about 1889
CurtisHomer Hborn about 1916
CurtisLouis Eborn about 1917
Cutshaw??? born about 1935
CutshawBerthella born about 1939
CutshawGertrude Aborn about 1912
CutshawWilliam Jborn about 1909

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D Surnames

DanielsKenneth born about 1913
DatsonCarlos born about 1889
DatsonCarolyn born about 1922
DatsonKathryn born about 1926
DatsonLois born about 1929
DatsonRuby born about 1899
DatsonWilliam born about 1923
DauphinChristine born about 1912
DauphinCora born about 1890
DauphinDwight born about 1938
DauphinJanet born about 1934
DauphinKarl born about 1936
DauphinMax born about 1881
DauphinMaxine born about 1931
DauphinOtto born about 1873
DauphinWilliam Oborn about 1902
DauthinC Cborn about 1917
DauthinDal Rborn about 1936
DauthinEvlyn born about 1919
DauthinJerald Leeborn about 1940
DavisCharley Iborn about 1889
DeckerIda Mayborn about 1901
DeckerJeneva born about 1929
DeckerM Fborn about 1897
DeckerMervin Dborn about 1922
DepewJ Eborn about 1870
DepewRozella born about 1929
DepewWilber Tborn about 1924
DepewZella born about 1884
DevoirsEdna born about 1905
DevoirsFlorene Hborn about 1925
DevoirsFrank Bborn about 1939
DevoirsH Jborn about 1903
DevoirsLeona Mborn about 1927
DevoirsRalph Lborn about 1929
DevoirsVera Mborn about 1932
DingeeCharley born about 1886
DonaldBessie Lborn about 1875
DonaldJohn Cborn about 1874
DotsonRachel born about 1868
DrakeElmer Gborn about 1865
DrakeLaura Lborn about 1867
Dunkin??? born about 1918
DunkinRoy born about 1916
DuttonA Nborn about 1882
DuttonAmon Eborn about 1911
DuttonArmeta Yborn about 1930
DuttonHellen Vborn about 1924
DuttonLela Iborn about 1928
DuttonLista Mborn about 1889
DuttonN Wayneborn about 1922
DuttonOscar Rborn about 1919
DuttonWilbert Eborn about 1933

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E Surnames

EckerJames born about 1930
EckerLee born about 1897
EckerLena born about 1906
EckerRobert born about 1931
ElwardAngues* Sborn about 1897
ElwardJimmy born about 1934
ElwardMarianna born about 1927
ElwardMildred born about 1900
ElwardVictorin born about 1933
ElwardWilmetta born about 1924
ElwoodDole born about 1924
ElwoodDonald born about 1928
ElwoodDuane born about 1925
ElwoodE Maeborn about 1907
ElwoodEllen Mborn about 1937
ElwoodGolie born about 1904
ElwoodNeigrion born about 1905
ElwoodRoland born about 1928
ElwoodRonald born about 1898
ElwoodSylvilla Maeborn about 1930
EnderesbyFlavel born about 1933
EnderesbyHarriet Rborn about 1939
EnderesbyHomer born about 1909
EnderesbyOpal born about 1907
EversaleMary born about 1886
EversaleO Tborn about 1877
EversaleVera Mayborn about 1918
EversaleWilliam born about 1920

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F Surnames

FordeNeoma born about 1905
FordeWill Oborn about 1898
Frazier??? Hborn about
FrazierMary born about 1856
FrazierThomas Sborn about 1847
FreedMarle born about 1916
FreedNelda born about 1912
FreedNelda born about 1917
FussellClarence born about 1911
FussellFred born about 1915
FussellJ Lynnborn about 1936
FussellMary born about 1879
FussellNina born about 1921
FussellSamuel born about 1869
FussellThurman Bborn about
FussellViolet born about 1910

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G Surnames

GaileyBeverly Annborn about 1935
GaileyEvelyn born about 1915
GaileyJohn born about 1910
GaileyJohn Douglasborn about 1938
Gardner??? born about 1926
GardnerGladys Maysborn about 1924
GardnerJohn Aborn about 1874
GardnerMary Eborn about 1886
GardnerMary Gleraborn about 1921
GardnerRobert born about 1930
GeorgeClara Eborn about 1890
GeorgeFlorence born about 1890
GeorgeSamuel Cborn about 1888
GeorgeWillie Bborn about 1888
GodmanJames born about 1925
GoochClaude born about 1925
GoochMinnie Pborn about 1891
GoochPauline born about 1922
GoochRay Wborn about 1892
Good??? born about 1913
GoodDavid born about
GoodDouglas Mborn about 1880
GoodFlora born about 1934
GoodFloyd born about 1931
GoodFrances born about 1907
GoodLois born about 1913
GoodMabel born about 1929
GoodRosie born about 1933
GrahamElmer Eborn about 1874
GrahamRosa Mborn about 1882
GriffinAna born about 1905
GriffinCharley born about 1902
GriffinHarold Dborn about 1930
GriffinViola born about 1923
GrossHelen born about 1928

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H Surnames

HallerHarriet born about 1895
HallerJ Fredborn about 1885
HaskinsA Vericeborn about 1901
HaskinsAdmiral Rborn about 1865
HaskinsArnold Gborn about 1935
HaskinsEdith Aborn about 1937
HaskinsLester Dborn about 1933
HaskinsMarita born about 1939
HaskinsMary born about 1912
HaskinsMattie born about 1875
HawkC Mborn about 1880
HawkMary born about 1883
HeatonFlora Hborn about 1899
HeatonIvan born about 1928
HeatonJuanita born about 1923
HeatonMarvin born about 1933
HeatonRoy born about 1925
HeatonRuth born about 1904
HendersonDixie born about 1938
HendersonEvertt born about 1916
HendersonInez born about 1917
HendersonLee Royborn about 1938
HendersonMellia Mborn about 1900
HendersonMerle born about 1914
HendersonRonan born about 1939
HendersonRuth born about 1912
HendersonVernice born about 1920
HendersonW Eborn about 1890
HensleyFloyd born about 1921
HensleyHellen born about 1925
Hern??? born about
Hern??? born about 1916
HerringHiram born about 1938
HerringJohn born about 1908
HerringJohn Rborn about 1940
HerringShirley Janeborn about 1936
HerringStella born about 1913
HighfillAma born about 1924
HighfillB Rborn about 1902
HighfillBobby born about 1932
HighfillCecil born about 1921
HighfillCharley born about 1895
HighfillElizabeth born about 1893
HighfillElmer born about 1888
HighfillIrene born about 1901
HighfillJack born about 1924
HighfillJane born about 1929
HighfillLela born about 1931
HighfillLeslie born about 1893
HighfillLouis born about 1926
HighfillMalie* born about 1927
HighfillMary born about 1926
HighfillReva born about 1930
HighfillVera born about 1935
HildrethAbb born about 1893
HildrethBetty born about 1932
HildrethLillie born about 1910
HildrethVan born about 1920
HildrethViola born about 1928
HinderliterLeonard born about 1915
HinderliterMary Anna Leeborn about 1920
HobbsForrest born about 1927
HobbsFrank born about 1872
HobbsJames born about 1922
HobbsLois born about 1924
HobbsTressie born about 1890
HodgesHugh born about 1904
HodsdenGladys born about 1901
HodsdenMaxine born about 1921
HodsdenRichard born about
HodsdenWilliam Hborn about 1898
HollenEster Annborn about 1926
HollenJoseph Wborn about 1879
HollenLolen born about 1923
HollerFaisy born about 1910
HollerJames Eborn about 1936
HollerJessie Eborn about 1884
HollerLona Maeborn about 1932
HollerRobert Lborn about 1938
HollerVirginia Fborn about 1931
HollowayMerle Gborn about 1927
HollowayRosie born about 1878
HollowayW H Tborn about 1872
HornDonald born about 1926
HornEverett born about 1882
HornGilbert Cborn about 1893
HornJess born about 1929
HornMarvin born about 1931
HubbardAmbernetta born about 1914
HubbardClifford born about 1915
HubbardPaula born about 1935
HubbardStanley born about 1938
HunsakerHenry Lborn about 1890
HunsakerLillian Mborn about 1900
HurstE Cborn about 1908
HurstEthel born about 1917
HurstJeannine born about 1939
HutchinsClint Cborn about 1893

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I Surnames

IrwinAnn Eborn about 1873
IrwinCarl born about 1876
IrwinDenmer born about 1920

J Surnames

JacksonBlanche born about 1879
JacksonFrank born about 1873
JanneyCecil born about 1918
JanneyPaul born about 1927
JanzenDelisa born about 1904
JanzenElmer born about 1924
JanzenFrank Rborn about 1903
JanzenLarene born about 1926
JennyGeorge born about 1924
JennyJulia Aborn about 1899
JennyThomas born about 1885
JennyWilliam Pborn about 1886
JohnsonFrank born about 1880
JohnsonJohn born about 1871

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K Surnames

KammerzellArchia born about 1914
KammerzellFrancis Mborn about 1912
KammerzellMaude born about 1918
KammerzellPete born about 1880
KammerzellStella Sborn about 1923
KendallDale Oborn about 1928
KendallDora Mborn about 1891
KendallJack born about 1891
KennedyFlorence Jborn about 1937
KennedyJohn Hborn about 1908
KennedyMae Belleborn about 1914
KlineClaudia born about 1918
KlineCleo born about 1915
Krazer??? born about 1906
KrazerCharles Hborn about 1908
KrazerJesse Juaniteborn about 1923

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L Surnames

LamunyonThomas born about 1875
LehmanDarrel born about 1931
LehmanElmer born about 1903
LehmanMildred born about 1929
Lehr Bonitaborn about 1931
LehrAlton born about 1903
LehrAmitai born about 1931
LehrBonie Leeborn about 1928
LehrCarl ?born about 1937
LehrCarl Wborn about 1906
LehrClarence born about 1932
LehrJettie Jeanborn about 1926
LehrLoreta born about 1936
LehrLula born about 1903
LehrOpel born about 1901
LehrRobert born about 1930
LehrVada Rossborn about 1928
LehrVerneta born about 1939
LeittenAddie Mborn about 1879
LeittenJess born about 1890
LewisC Nelsonborn about
LewisCecil Edwardborn about 1918
LewisDelbert Lborn about 1924
LewisEthel born about 1920
LewisJulia born about 1881
LewisOlie born about 1912
LewisP Gborn about 1915
LewisWilliam Eborn about 1879
LewisZoe born about 1888
LintnerCarl born about 1911
LintnerLydia born about 1890
LintnerMabel born about 1914
LintnerMary born about 1919
LintnerWalter born about 1885
LockartBessie born about 1923
LockartFlorence Aborn about 1897
LockartJus* born about 1893
LockartRoy born about 1919
LockartViola born about 1929
Lockhart??? born about 1923
LockhartAnnie Eborn about 1914
LockhartDanne born about 1936
LockhartFost Hborn about 1917
LockhartGarold born about
LockhartH Dborn about 1907
LockhartMarge born about 1922
LongNell born about 1907
LongPhillip born about 1908
LoomisAlbert Wborn about 1880
LyonsMary Zborn about 1873
LyonsMaud born about 1881
LyonsWill Lborn about 1879

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M Surnames

MaddenCharles Mborn about 1890
MaddenJames born about 1925
MaddenMadge born about 1901
MaddenMarlyn born about 1922
MadduxAlice Mborn about 1882
MadduxC Dborn about 1876
MadduxElmer born about 1935
MadduxGlend born about 1936
MadduxHearld Eborn about 1919
MadduxNorma born about 1916
MadduxO Eborn about 1908
MadduxRoger born about 1938
MaggardClarice born about 1920
MaggardDarlene born about 1938
MaggardEdd born about 1901
MaggardLucy born about 1911
MaggardMarvin born about 1930
MaggardPauline born about 1937
MaggardPearl born about 1911
MaggardVirginia Mborn about 1929
MattesonElden born about 1912
MattesonLola born about 1908
MattesonWesley born about 1933
MayCharlotte Dixieborn about 1923
MayChristina born about 1920
MayErnestine born about 1926
MayNinon born about 1886
MayWilliam Fborn about 1873
MayWilliam Fred Jrborn about 1928
McCaughtryWilliam born about 1923
McFeatersG Eborn about 1879
McFeatersGrace born about 1912
McFeatersJimmie Dborn about 1940
McFeatersM Mborn about 1905
McFeatersRussel born about 1900
McFeatersTommie Lborn about 1939
McGeeEloise born about 1928
McGeeG Jacksonborn about 1882
McGeeMinie born about 1896
McNaughtGertrude born about 1924
McNaughtLee born about 1885
McNaughtLuella born about 1883
Miller??? born about 1893
MillerBilly Joneborn about 1936
MillerBonnie Mborn about 1924
MillerClara Mborn about 1899
MillerDelmer Gborn about 1933
MillerDoris Jborn about 1931
MillerJoie Leeborn about 1938
MillerLorn Sborn about 1928
MillerLouis Joneborn about 1932
MillerLouis Mborn about 1936
MillerMelven born about 1910
MillerMyrtle born about 1911
MillerRubby Bborn about 1931
MillerVerdis* Iborn about 1926
MooreMaggie born about 1870
MorreClair born about 1908
MorreDella born about 1897
MorreHarold born about 1903
MorreJames Sborn about 1939
MorreJennie born about 1912
MorreNorman Cborn about 1938
MorreSandra Jborn about 1935
MorrisEmma born about 1913
MorrisMagbeth born about 1933
MorrisVera Lewisborn about 1936
MorrisVictor born about 1909
MunsellAnna born about 1887
MunsellFrancis born about 1925
MunsellLamont born about 1922
MunsellLyman born about 1919
MunsellMaxine born about 1922
MunsellNoble Jborn about 1884

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N Surnames

NeelA Cborn about 1914
NeelLois Nborn about 1920
NickleA Sborn about 1882
NickleMattie born about 1887
NickleTullia Fborn about 1862
NickleWylma born about 1918

O Surnames

OldsLloyd Mborn about 1922

P Surnames

PattersonAurillin born about 1877
PattersonH Cborn about 1880
PattersonH Dborn about 1872
Pauly??? Hborn about 1912
Pauly??? Lborn about 1925
PaulyBilly Dborn about 1926
PaulyEmna Aborn about 1909
PaulyJeraldine born about 1929
PaulyLillie born about 1919
PaulyLuke born about 1881
PaulyNellie Bborn about 1891
PhillipsBeatrice born about 1922
PhillipsBessie born about 1918
PhillipsBety Leseborn about 1939
PhillipsBeulah born about 1915
PhillipsCarl born about 1918
PhillipsDon born about 1939
PhillipsEdna born about 1888
PhillipsFrancis born about 1887
PhillipsG Lborn about 1886
PhillipsGarland Rborn about 1903
PhillipsGradilld* born about 1929
PhillipsHarley born about 1938
PhillipsI Aborn about 1890
PhillipsI Dborn about 1935
PhillipsImogene born about 1931
PhillipsJ Charleyborn about 1874
PhillipsJimmie born about 1911
PhillipsJoan born about 1935
PhillipsJohn born about 1926
PhillipsLeasy Eborn about 1927
PhillipsLois Annborn about 1940
PhillipsLouise born about 1931
PhillipsMadline born about 1914
PhillipsMarie Cborn about 1903
PhillipsMary born about 1915
PhillipsMayzell born about 1939
PhillipsOrlie born about 1924
PhillipsRoy born about 1910
PhillipsTheo born about 1933
PhillipsTroy born about 1908
PhillipsZelma born about 1913
PowellBessie Ruthborn about 1935
PowellFrank Mborn about 1889
PowellFred born about 1937
PowellHelen Mborn about 1904
PowellJohn Fborn about 1929
PowellJuanita born about 1930
PresnallClarabelle born about 1886
PresnallFred born about 1885
PresnallGayle born about 1919
PresnallLloyd Burkeborn about 1924
PresnallVesta Oleveborn about 1921
Pruett??? Wborn about 1919
PruettA Fborn about
PruettLalon* born about 1921
PruettMay born about 1895
PurtisGlen born about 1914
PurtisHary Wborn about 1893
PurtisLeland born about 1922
PurtisLena born about 1892

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Q Surnames

QuinlanElla Jborn about 1873

R Surnames

ReedFannie Cborn about 1888
ReedGeneva born about 1912
ReedGlays born about 1934
ReedHenry born about 1928
ReedJ Leoborn about 1919
ReedJohn born about 1936
ReedJohn Aborn about 1909
ReedLouise born about 1935
ReedMary born about 1923
ReeseEva born about 1891
ReeseFreddie Cborn about 1928
RobertsonBelle born about 1888
RobertsonLee born about 1898
RobinsonEllis born about 1927
RobinsonFloyd born about 1933
RobinsonForrest born about 1892
RobinsonHazel Aborn about 1892
RobinsonHugh Wborn about 1903
RobinsonHugh Wborn about 1923
RobinsonLeslie born about 1926
RobinsonMary Lborn about 1926
RobinsonMilton born about 1886
RobinsonNana born about 1904
RobinsonNorma Jeanborn about 1931
RobinsonOpal born about 1906
RobinsonRobert Jamesborn about 1934
RobinsonRoy born about 1888
RobinsonVaughn Dborn about 1926
RussellBetty Jborn about 1925
RussellL Layborn about 1892
RussellVera Wborn about 1899
RussellWandis Lborn about 1928
RutledgeBessie born about 1939
RutledgeFay born about 1915
RutledgeGeo Nborn about 1906
RutledgeMalba born about 1937
RutledgeWayne born about 1938

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S Surnames

SaylorHattie Aborn about 1858
ScootArleta Jborn about 1934
ScootDaisy Bborn about 1903
ScootElmer Jborn about 1913
ScootMary Daronborn about 1937
SimmonsArthur born about 1872
SimmonsKirkie born about 1886
SmithAhlrich born about 1898
SmithAunadel Mborn about 1922
SmithDonovan born about 1904
SmithEloise born about 1903
SmithJess born about 1887
SmithSalley Lborn about 1900
SmithVernie born about 1891
StanleyLeonard born about 1922
SternAlise born about 1922
SternEva Leborn about 1929
SternLeo Leslieborn about 1932
SternLeon born about 1919
SternMabel born about 1900
SternMarion born about 1924
SternMildred born about 1925
SternPhyllis born about 1928
SternTheo Lesterborn about 1932
SternWarren born about 1921
StewartCharles born about 1916
StewartCharles Wborn about 1888
Stine??? Dborn about 1925
StineBertha Bborn about 1899
StineBertha Mborn about 1927
StineHarry Cborn about 1919
StineLester Mborn about 1921
StineRandell Bborn about 1923
StineT Dborn about 1898
StollBertha Eborn about
StollBonnie born about 1930
StollEdward ?born about 1887
StollFloyd born about 1903
StollLovella Lborn about 1932
StollOpal born about 1911
StoretJathan born about 1923
StoretLouis Dborn about 1928
StoretOrilla Jborn about 1900
StoretPhyllis born about 1930
StoretRomana born about 1934
StoretRonald Kborn about 1922
StoretTho Pborn about 1901
StoretThomas Wborn about 1925
StrineDavid Oborn about 1859
StrineDrusillia Aborn about 1859

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T Surnames

TolleJohn born about 1916

V Surnames

ValentineJuanita born about 1917
VanhussBetty Louborn about 1929
VanhussHarby born about 1880
VanhussHarlean born about 1938
VanhussLavara Vborn about 1911
VanhussMary Ilaborn about 1927
VanhussWillam Bborn about 1907

W Surnames

WalkerBety Jborn about 1938
WalkerJackie Rborn about 1931
WalkerMabel born about 1913
WalkerTed Eborn about 1910
WaltersArline born about 1922
WaltersLawell born about 1919
WaltersPearl born about 1900
WaltersWiley born about 1894
WaltersWiley Jborn about 1923
WarwickBilly Eborn about 1930
WarwickIna born about 1906
WefieBessie born about 1928
WefieBilly born about 1933
WefieCarol Annborn about 1935
WefieDeloris born about 1925
WefieDorothy born about 1931
WefieJames Fborn about 1886
WefieLenard born about 1927
WefieLureene* born about 1923
WefieMargret born about
WefieMarie born about 1929
WefieMaryellen born about 1938
WefieMaude born about 1901
WhitcombDenzil Rborn about 1919
WhitcombGlen born about 1915
WhitcombGordon born about 1925
WhitcombHarold born about 1929
WhitcombJames born about 1927
WhitcombJesse born about 1886
WhitcombKeith born about 1932
WhitcombLydia born about 1892
WhitcombWalter born about 1921
WhitcombWayne Oborn about 1917
WhiteDon born about 1933
WhiteEthel born about 1915
WhiteGrace Mborn about 1886
WhiteJ Bborn about 1886
WhiteJ Bborn about 1912
WhiteJore Pborn about 1936
Whitenack??? born about 1917
WhitenackArchie Rborn about 1893
WhitenackBeth Annborn about 1925
WhitenackGilbert born about 1930
WhitenackPearl born about 1898
WhitenackWilliam born about 1937
WomackLester born about 1934
WomackLetha born about 1938
WomackLucile born about 1913
WomackOscar born about 1908
WynnCurt born about 1898
WynnErma Louborn about 1933
WynnLyle Edwardborn about 1923
WynnZannet born about 1905

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Y Surnames

YoungMilly born about 1915
YoungRalph born about 1910
YoungRalph Jr born about 1936
YountCarrie Jborn about 1878
YountIra Mborn about 1876

Z Surnames

ZaerrElenor Lborn about 1891
ZaerrHenry born about 1881

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