1940 U.S. Federal Census of Wells, Blaine, Oklahoma

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Oklahoma > Blaine County > 1940 Census of Wells

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsRachel Gborn about 1909
AdamsVictor Rborn about 1903
AdamsWilliam Dborn about 1931
ArtnerAbraham Jborn about 1885
ArtnerKatherine born about 1885
AvertonAlfrid Wborn about 1928
AvertonEliza Lborn about 1912
AvertonLee Wborn about 1932
AvertonMoses Wborn about 1908

B Surnames

BarnesErvin born about 1892
BarnesLillie Mborn about 1894
BerlandG Heleneborn about 1909
BerlandJack J Wborn about 1913
BerlandJo Annborn about 1929
BiggsArvina Aborn about 1905
BiggsBonnie Mborn about 1939
BiggsByron Eborn about 1937
BiggsJames Eborn about 1907
BiggsLaverne Aborn about 1934
BiggsLeona Aborn about 1930
BiggsLeroy Jborn about 1928
BiggsLester Gborn about 1932
BlehmAlvin Mborn about 1917
BlehmCora Eborn about 1893
BlehmEldon Sborn about 1918
BlehmKenneth Aborn about 1939
BlehmLavonne Cborn about 1936
BlehmLois Lborn about 1920
BlehmSam Fborn about 1889
BlehmVirgil Lborn about 1920
BrickmanAugust born about 1879
BrickmanMary born about 1881
BrickmanVirnon born about 1915
BrooksAlice Lborn about 1933
BrooksAudrey Mborn about 1924
BrooksBrvalle Rborn about 1918
BrooksCloma Eborn about 1934
BrooksDick Dborn about 1928
BrooksDollie Lborn about 1902
BrooksDona Raeborn about 1936
BrooksJimmie Dborn about 1929
BrooksLottie Mborn about 1909
BrooksLoyd Cborn about 1922
BrooksRalph Nborn about 1931
BrooksRamona Fborn about 1930
BrooksRichard born about 1894
BrooksSandra Wborn about 1937
BrooksWilliam born about 1900
BrownAnna Fborn about 1891
BrownFlanora Mborn about 1924
BrownFred Eborn about 1897
BrownGlendora Fborn about 1924
BrownMarion Wborn about 1921

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C Surnames

ConradiArlin Jborn about 1934
ConradiCarl born about 1910
ConradiCarol Jborn about 1937
ConradiDoris Mborn about 1933
ConradiMartha born about 1910
CorriganJoe Pborn about 1920
CorriganWill Eborn about 1869
CoryellAllen Wborn about 1897
CoryellBonnie Cborn about 1908
CoryellDavid Aborn about 1930
CoryellS Kindrickborn about 1934

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D Surnames

DickensonHarry born about 1877
DickensonRay Mborn about 1920
DobbsTom born about 1884
DriwerCarl Wborn about 1923
DriwerClara Belleborn about 1921
DriwerDorothy Pborn about 1925
DriwerEarnest Lborn about 1897
DriwerGeorge Fborn about 1929
DriwerHazel Fborn about 1919
DriwerMabel Aborn about 1896

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E Surnames

EberhardCharles Anborn about 1923
EberhardtMarjorie born about 1915
EberhardtTed Rborn about 1914
EberhardtTheo Lborn about 1938
EbertFrances born about 1924
EbertLeonard Jborn about 1907
EbertOlivia born about 1898
EbertRosie Dborn about 1870
EbertTheda born about 1920
EbertWalter Wborn about 1895
EhrlichIrene Oborn about 1912
EhrlichJacob Jborn about 1890
EhrlichOliver Eborn about 1912
EhrlichRachel Eborn about 1893

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F Surnames

FleshmanCharles Eborn about 1887
FleshmanEdward born about 1862
FleshmanJohnie Lborn about 1922
FleshmanMary Kborn about 1887
FleshmanZena Mborn about 1868
FortsonDona born about 1881
FrusenCharles Hborn about 1901
FrusenKatie born about 1875
FrusenPaul born about 1918

G Surnames

GeirCalvin Eborn about 1920
GeirClarion Cborn about 1921
GeirDonald Rayborn about 1932
GeirEzra born about 1894
GeirMollie born about 1892
GeirRocille born about 1923
GilbertDoris Lborn about 1914
GilbertMayne Eborn about 1909
GleasmanBetty Jborn about 1926
GleasmanClerance Eborn about 1925
GleasmanDonald Lborn about 1932
GleasmanJohn Jborn about 1900
GleasmanJosie Dborn about 1930
GleasmanLewis Aborn about 1923
GleasmanMarie Jborn about 1902
GleasmanOlliver Eborn about 1928

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H Surnames

HaffnerColinda born about 1919
HaffnerConrad born about 1875
HaffnerEmma Gborn about 1916
HaffnerEsther Eborn about 1889
HaffnerJake Jborn about 1883
HaffnerKatie born about 1887
HaffnerMollie born about 1886
HammersleyAllie Mborn about 1873
HammersleyClayton Wborn about 1903
HammersleyGeorge born about 1884
HamptonAscel Cborn about 1903
HamptonCalvin Lborn about 1928
HamptonEsther Vborn about 1939
HamptonJunior born about 1924
HamptonLecia Mborn about 1922
HamptonLucille Zborn about 1904
HamptonLucius Gborn about 1934
HamptonLuevenia Bborn about 1926
HansenAlando Eborn about 1919
HansenDavid Eborn about 1896
HansenMartha born about 1897
HeinrickAverille born about 1919
HeinrickWillie born about 1915
HiebertHenry Jborn about 1885
HiebertHenryetta born about 1930
HiebertJames born about 1938
HiebertRachel born about 1898
HiebertRaymond born about 1932
HiebertVictor born about 1934
HoffnerBeatrice Aborn about 1904
HoffnerDavid born about 1887
HoffnerDonald Lborn about 1937
HoffnerGeorgie Bborn about 1926
HoffnerHulda Lborn about 1924
HoffnerJohn Gborn about 1903
HoffnerJulia born about 1893
HoffnerKathlee Cborn about 1916
HoffnerSam Dborn about 1914
HoffnerWelsey Jborn about 1930

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J Surnames

JantzenAda Gborn about 1928
JantzenAdolph born about 1903
JantzenDonna Mborn about 1939
JantzenDoris Rborn about 1931
JantzenMarie born about 1905
JeffriesBert Fborn about 1891
JeffriesJoseph Aborn about 1925
JeffriesLouisa Eborn about 1890

K Surnames

KandolphArden Hborn about 1907
KandolphLeona Mborn about 1911
KarbsGeorge born about 1886
KarbsKatie born about 1894
KleinAlta Mborn about 1906
KleinArland Fborn about 1906
KlineSol born about 1896
KoetterAmil Hborn about 1924
KoetterHerman Jborn about 1894
KoetterIrene Fborn about 1927
KoetterIrvin Jborn about 1922
KoetterJosephine Pborn about 1898
KoetterMormajo Kborn about 1933
KoetterVincent Bborn about 1920

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L Surnames

LorenzAnnie Kborn about 1886
LorenzCarles born about 1889
LorenzClifford Cborn about 1921
LorenzErmay Mborn about 1920
LorenzHoward born about 1916
LorenzLa Vaughn Mborn about 1914
LorenzVirgil Cborn about 1914
LorenzVirgil Cborn about 1940
LucasBen Jborn about 1899
LucasHarold Bborn about 1925
LucasHylda born about 1901
LucasMae Rborn about 1903
LucasMat Jborn about 1897

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M Surnames

MarshallAlvernia Lborn about 1926
MarshallAvola Jborn about 1935
MarshallCharles born about 1899
MarshallCharles Fborn about 1919
MarshallEugenia born about 1898
MarshallMalta Yborn about 1923
MarshallMerril Jborn about 1923
MarshallPearl Jborn about 1917
MayCharly Mborn about 1922
MayChristena Bborn about 1920
MayDavid Sborn about 1926
MayEmma Lborn about 1900
MayJessie Lborn about 1896
MayVernon Lborn about 1919
McDanielAllie Eborn about 1915
McDanielBobbie Jborn about 1937
McDanielEsther Jborn about 1908
MeierCollean Jborn about 1929
MeierFed born about 1904
MeierJohn Fborn about 1933
MeierPauline Eborn about 1909
MeierRosemary born about 1931
MeierShirley Jborn about 1935
MilliganAnna Mborn about 1882
MilliganGabrel Mborn about 1870
MilliganHarold born about 1916
MilliganMargaret born about 1919
MilliganWilliam Fborn about 1904
MilliganYvonne Mborn about 1939
MorrisonCarl Eborn about 1914
MorrisonClydena Eborn about 1915
MorrisonJimmie Cborn about 1937
MuirAlice Jborn about 1910
MuirJenny Wborn about 1940
MuirSaac born about 1908
MuirYvonne born about 1937

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N Surnames

NighAnnie Eborn about 1905
NighMartha Bborn about 1932

O Surnames

OxleyJesse born about 1901
OxleyJohn Lborn about 1860
OxleyJohn Lborn about 1933
OxleyMable Aborn about 1907
OxleyMalinda Cborn about 1861

P Surnames

PatrickMary born about 1884
PettsBirtha Pborn about 1921
PettsHerchel Bborn about 1914

R Surnames

RauceBooker Fborn about 1911
RauceJewel Eborn about
RouceJames Aborn about 1873
RouceQweenia Eborn about 1874

S Surnames

SchafflerAlinda Vborn about 1920
SchafflerAnna Eborn about 1886
SchafflerArthur Jborn about 1920
SchafflerCarl born about 1889
SchafflerCarl Gborn about 1924
SchafflerClerence Dborn about 1929
SchafflerFred born about 1895
SchafflerHelen Mborn about 1929
SchafflerJacob Cborn about 1890
SchafflerJacob Rborn about 1921
SchafflerJohn born about 1884
SchafflerLeo Aborn about 1923
SchafflerLeonard Wborn about 1921
SchafflerLillie Fborn about 1919
SchafflerLizzie born about 1889
SchafflerLydia born about 1893
SchafflerMarvin born about 1919
SchafflerRachel born about 1904
SchafflerVernita Pborn about 1918
SchefflerBobby Jborn about 1931
SchenkAlbert Lborn about 1897
SchenkBeryl Hborn about 1921
SchenkBessie Mborn about 1894
SchenkEarnest Cborn about 1926
SchenkGeorge Aborn about 1891
SchenkGeorge Fborn about 1919
SchenkJames born about 1924
SchenkLeored born about 1918
SchenkMargaret Cborn about 1922
SchenkMinnie Mborn about 1891
SchenkOtto Lborn about 1893
SchenkTed Rborn about 1920
SchnellAra born about 1917
SchnellLosie Fborn about 1904
ShirleyCline Gborn about 1885
ShirleyJennie Mborn about 1888
StarckAttillia Mborn about 1910
StewartHiram Dborn about 1876
StewartLeah Mborn about 1886
StrackAlbert Aborn about 1911
StrackAnna Mborn about 1873
StrackLorenz Cborn about 1906
StrackMartin born about 1869

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T Surnames

ThompsonBertha Lborn about 1931
ThompsonEvelyn Lborn about 1929
ThompsonGeraldine Oborn about 1934
ThompsonJohn Dborn about 1905
ThompsonMorel Eborn about 1926
ThompsonRosa Lborn about 1927
ThompsonRoy Gborn about 1932
ThompsonRudolph Kborn about 1937
ThompsonRuthie Mborn about 1939
ThompsonShirley Rborn about 1906

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V Surnames

VankornEverett Rborn about 1912
VankornLaura Iborn about 1919
VothCarole Juneborn about 1939
VothHannah born about 1881
VothHenry Lborn about 1893
VothJacob Hborn about 1884
VothSylvia Iborn about 1914

W Surnames

WalkenBernard Hborn about 1864
WalkenMathies born about 1894
WalterBetty Cborn about 1932
WalterBillie Pborn about 1925
WalterClydena Lborn about 1908
WalterDonald Cborn about 1928
WalterEugene Lborn about 1927
WalterKay Yborn about 1939
WalterWiliam born about 1899
WenslerPhilips born about 1874
WillisChristene born about 1937
WillisEdna Mborn about 1932
WillisFred born about 1939
WillisGroun born about 1900
WillisJanie born about 1912
WinterAlta Rborn about 1917
WinterEzra Bborn about 1909
WinterFredrick Aborn about 1912
WinterHelen Lborn about 1915
WinterJames Fborn about 1934
WinterJohn Jborn about 1888
WinterJohn Jborn about 1921
WinterJohn Lborn about 1886
WinterMary born about 1889
WinterMary born about 1891
WinterMildred Wborn about 1918
WinterRuben Bborn about 1912
WinterVa Lera Vborn about 1929

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Y Surnames

YorkDick born about 1908
YorkLeona born about 1910
YoungHenry born about 1884
YoungHildrith Dborn about 1920
YoungKathrene born about 1877
YoungKennith Cborn about 1917

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