1940 U.S. Federal Census of Avondale, Chester, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Chester County > 1940 Census of Avondale

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AldermanEsther Sborn about 1903
AldermanGeorge Eborn about 1933
AldermanLois Annborn about 1934
AllbrightGeorgia born about 1874
AndersonKatie Fborn about 1877
AringtonThomas Gborn about 1915
ArringtonAngus born about 1908
AtleyCharles Lborn about 1933
AtleyE Wilsonborn about 1928
AtleyH Earlborn about 1932
AtleyJanet Eborn about 1931
AtleyMabel Mborn about 1903
AtleyPearl Eborn about 1926

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B Surnames

BakerA Thomasborn about 1879
BakerAnna Mac Macborn about 1930
BakerDorothy Eborn about 1922
BakerFlorence Rborn about 1875
BakerFrances born about 1934
BakerHarold Bborn about 1932
BakerIsaiah Rborn about 1910
BakerIsaiah Rborn about 1929
BakerIsaiah R Jrborn about 1929
BakerJune Eborn about 1932
BakerLydia Kborn about 1912
BakerPaul Hborn about 1930
BakerRichard Aborn about 1935
BakerRobert Eborn about 1933
BakerRuth Mborn about 1895
BakerThomas Jr born about 1912
BakerWilliam Aborn about 1927
BakerWilliam Bborn about 1890
BaughtonAlice Mac Macborn about 1938
BaughtonMary Eborn about 1907
BaughtonRichard Aborn about 1937
BaughtonStanley Pborn about 1909
BerryFrank E Jrborn about 1920
BerryWilliam Mborn about 1875
BilesLydia Aborn about 1869
BlittersdorfDorothy Lborn about 1926
BlittersdorfLulu Hborn about 1898
BlittersdorfW Tborn about 1883
BlittersdorfWilliam R Jrborn about 1933
BoddyAnna Mborn about 1890
BodyGeorge Eborn about 1911
BodyMary Aborn about 1939
BodyMildred Lborn about 1910
BohnJohn born about 1891
BouyerElla Aborn about 1881
BouyerLe Roy Rborn about 1913
BouyerW Harveyborn about 1875
BowmanGeorge born about 1912
BowmanMargaret Jborn about 1910
BowmanRichard born about 1939
BoyseGilbert Hborn about 1892
BoyseMary E Bborn about 1890
BrintonCora Aborn about 1884
BrintonWilliam Gborn about 1866
BrisonAmie Jborn about 1874
BrisonEdward born about 1877
BrosiusJanet Eborn about 1910
BrosiusLaura Hborn about 1883
BrownAlfred Aborn about 1877
BrownAmelia Aborn about 1876
BrownAnnabelle born about 1889
BrownDonald Kborn about 1933
BrownEarl Hborn about 1930
BrownEdward Cborn about 1907
BrownEdward Gborn about 1927
BrownElva Eborn about 1908
BrownJames Wborn about 1911
BrownJean Aborn about 1931
BrownJeanne Pborn about 1938
BrownJohn Rborn about 1891
BrownLewis born about 1909
BrownLorry Eborn about 1936
BrownMarie Lborn about 1917
BrownMartha born about 1918
BrownMary Jeanborn about 1938
BrownPhoebe Aborn about 1861
BrownRichard Cborn about 1934
BrownRobert Mborn about 1928
BrownWilliam Lborn about 1872
BrownWoodlie Nildaborn about 1881
BrownYvonne Eborn about 1939
BryantA Leonborn about 1898
BryantEdythe Jborn about 1907
BryantHoward Mborn about 1916
BryantIdea Mborn about 1879
BryantJane Mborn about 1927
BryantMilton Lborn about 1938
BuckalewAubrey Eborn about 1920
BuckalewEverett Aborn about 1895
BuckalewHelen Fborn about 1902
BuffesMary born about 1888
BurrellDewitt Bborn about 1900
BurrellEva Lborn about 1913
BurrellLilliam Nborn about 1935
BurriesRichard born about 1912
ButlerAnthony born about 1926

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C Surnames

CaliffCarrie Mborn about 1869
CarhartCatherine Pborn about 1907
CarhartJohn Gborn about 1900
CarhartJohn G Jrborn about 1935
ChambersCharles Eborn about 1880
ChambersCharles E Jrborn about 1923
ChambersClarence Wborn about 1914
ChambersGertrude Eborn about 1917
ChambersLizzie Sborn about 1887
ChambersLorna Cborn about 1915
ChambersNancy Jborn about 1936
ChambersRobert Lborn about 1926
ClevelandAnna Lborn about 1915
ClevelandB Pearlborn about 1917
ClevelandBarbara Bborn about 1928
ClevelandCharles Eborn about 1879
ClevelandClara Belleborn about 1881
ClevelandHerbert Aborn about 1911
ClevelandHugh Aborn about 1910
ClevelandMary Hborn about 1906
ClevelandNancy Mborn about 1940
ColeAlfred born about 1910
ColeRay Tborn about 1915
ColeVera Mborn about 1920
ConnellCatherine Cborn about 1910
ConnellLouis C Jrborn about 1910
ConnellMichael Jborn about 1869
ConnerC Geraldborn about 1924
ConnerCatherine Lborn about 1920
ConnerDorothy Lborn about 1930
ConnerF Agnesborn about 1938
ConnerFrances Mborn about 1932
ConnerGail Mborn about 1937
ConnerHelene Mborn about 1921
ConnerJ Cliffardborn about 1893
ConnerJ Paulborn about 1922
ConnerJames Aborn about 1927
ConnerJames Fborn about 1898
ConnerJennie Kborn about 1896
ConnerKathryn Eborn about 1910
ConnerM Haroldborn about 1933
ConnerMarie Lborn about 1925
ConnerMichael Jborn about 1934
ConnerOrville Wborn about 1907
ConnerOrville W Jrborn about 1928
ConnerP Joanborn about 1935
ConnerRobert Jborn about 1928
ConnerRosanna born about 1930
ConnerRose Aborn about 1897
ConteFrank born about 1875
CookBenjamin Sborn about 1930
CookHarvey Mborn about 1864
CookIrving Cborn about 1895
CookMary Sborn about 1906
CooperAnna Bborn about 1859
CooperBertha Mborn about 1925
CooperEleanor Hborn about 1902
CooperHarold Fborn about 1892
CooperJeannette Eborn about 1929
CornellViolet born about 1917
CotIda Fborn about 1862
CramptonCarl Lborn about 1898
CramptonCarl L Jrborn about 1920
CramptonClifford born about 1937
CramptonGeneva born about 1924
CramptonJulia born about 1907
CramptonLola Aborn about 1928
CramptonLouise Jborn about 1939
CramptonNorris Hborn about 1925
CramptonRuth born about 1922
CramptonTheodore born about 1933
CrossanA Bessborn about 1932
CrossanClara Eborn about 1873
CrossanEvelyn Mborn about 1934
CrossanHarry Hborn about 1870
CrossanHarry H Jrborn about 1906
CrossanJoyce Mborn about 1937
CrossanRichard Eborn about 1932
CrossanRuby Gborn about 1910
CrouchCatherine Mborn about 1910
CrouchLeo Vborn about 1898
CubbageFlorence Eborn about 1930
CubbageGeraldine Sborn about 1928
CubbageLaura born about 1865
CubbageMarian Lborn about 1923
CubbagePearl Wborn about 1905
CubbageTalbert born about 1894
CubbageThomas born about 1865
CubbageThomas Fborn about 1906
CubbageThomas F Jrborn about 1926
CubbageWilliam Wborn about 1900
CubbageWilliam W Jrborn about 1927

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D Surnames

DaryRachel Mborn about 1865
DavidgeDavid Dborn about 1931
DavidgeElmira Gborn about 1928
DavidgeKathryn Eborn about 1923
DavidgeSarah Aborn about 1897
DavidgeWilliam Pborn about 1895
DavidgeWilliam Pborn about 1921
DavisErnest Kborn about 1910
DavisErnest K Jrborn about 1937
DavisMae Wborn about 1916
DavisW Geneborn about 1938
DavisWilliam Hborn about 1896
DeboardIda Mborn about 1904
DegincomoAdeline Mborn about 1929
DegincomoMartha Mborn about 1906
DegincomoPatsy born about 1906
DennisonDorothy Iborn about 1913
DennisonLillian Eborn about 1874
DevinsCharles Hborn about 1883
DiceccoJames born about 1921
DiceccoJohn born about 1900
DiceccoMary born about 1898
DiceccoMary born about 1919
DiceccoRuth born about 1922
DiceccoTheodore born about 1923
DickersonHazel Lborn about 1921
DickersonM Elaineborn about 1927
DickersonMabel Virginiaborn about 1930
DickersonMargie Dborn about 1889
DickersonWilliam Cborn about 1881
DickinsonCarrie Eborn about 1898
DickinsonEmma Sborn about 1880
DickinsonHarold born about 1930
DickinsonHoward Wborn about 1896
DickinsonMarion born about 1923
DickinsonNorwood born about 1913
DickinsonVictoria born about 1931
DicksonLlewellyn born about 1914
DigiacomoCarmine born about 1878
DolingLavaun born about 1922
DoughertyCharles Mborn about 1905
DoughertyHelen Lborn about 1905
DoughertyMary Louiseborn about 1929
DoughertyNorwood Nborn about 1897
DoughertyThomas Mborn about 1934
DoughertyWilliam Hborn about 1931

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E Surnames

EastburnScott born about 1919
EasthmanClara Mborn about 1888
EasthmanHarry Lborn about 1883
EdmundsMae Eborn about 1920
EdwardsJames Wborn about 1903
EdwardsMargaret Sborn about 1912
EdwardsRobert Wborn about 1934
EvansJohn born about 1896
EvansLinda Zborn about 1896
EvansMargery Eborn about 1920
EvansThomas Pborn about 1922
EwingBessie Pborn about 1881

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F Surnames

FecondsJoseph born about 1890
FecondsJuido Aborn about 1925
FecondsMarie Gborn about 1891
FecondsMarie Tborn about 1922
FecondsVincent Aborn about 1917
FeldmanLizzie Mborn about 1881
FeldmanSander Aborn about 1881
FernanMargaret Eborn about 1869
FineyLena born about 1924
FordClara Lborn about 1871
FoxJohn born about 1859
FoyCharles Iborn about 1888
FoyCharles I Jrborn about 1917
FoyE Janeborn about 1920
FoyGrace Mborn about 1889

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G Surnames

GallagherCarrie born about 1876
GallagherClyde Jborn about 1919
GallagherGeorge N Eborn about 1909
GallagherNewton Eborn about 1866
GallagherPearl Aborn about 1915
GallowayFrances Jborn about 1924
GallowayJuanita Fborn about 1895
GallowayLeonard born about 1890
GarnerDorothy Mborn about 1928
GarnerFrederick Rborn about 1931
GarnerHorace Lborn about 1902
GarnerMary Aborn about 1907
GentreyBarbara Aborn about 1938
GentreyCoy Wborn about 1913
GentreyEverett Gborn about 1919
GentreyVerna Mborn about 1916
GeulinAlma Tborn about 1905
GeulinTherkildson Pborn about 1871
GibbsElwood born about 1870
GibbsWilhemia born about 1875
GilbertElma Pborn about 1910
GilbertErnest Pborn about 1903
GilbertErnest Jr born about 1933
GilbertJohn Rborn about 1935
GilbertVicotr Jborn about 1926
GoodSue Hborn about 1861
GornerElmer Mborn about 1908
GreenBarce born about 1913
GreennerEdward Wborn about 1884
GreggGertrude born about 1895
GreshamGail Aborn about 1936
GreshamNatalie Eborn about 1917
GreshamW Eugeneborn about 1939
GreshamWillard Fborn about 1912
GroffJoseph Hborn about 1854

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H Surnames

HammondCarrie Vborn about 1918
HammondClifford Hborn about 1912
HammondPriscilla Qborn about 1935
HandyBetty Bborn about 1915
HandySidney Wborn about 1915
HarperC Raymondborn about 1932
HarperEdward Bborn about 1929
HarperRobert Wborn about 1927
HarperVera Gborn about 1894
HarperWilliam Hborn about 1887
HarrisLawrence born about 1910
HeessMary Pborn about 1910
HeessRobert Hborn about 1909
HendricksWilliam born about 1930
HensonIda Mborn about 1875
HensonJennie born about 1880
HensonWilliam born about 1862
HensonWilliam Jborn about 1885
HicksBessie Mborn about 1904
HicksCharles Eborn about 1922
HicksDorothy Mborn about 1924
HicksMary Eborn about 1933
HicksWilliam Lborn about 1901
HillCornelia born about 1885
HillNathan Bborn about 1879
HillRachel Aborn about 1882
HodgsonA Mabelborn about 1890
HodgsonErwin Aborn about 1887
HodgsonRuth Alvertaborn about 1926
HoopesAnabelle Sborn about 1880
HoopesOwen Cborn about 1861
HoopesW Pennborn about 1878
HowellMary Rborn about 1851

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J Surnames

JacksonAnna Mborn about 1931
JacksonCharles Rborn about 1929
JacksonE Inezborn about 1937
JacksonFrances Hborn about 1928
JacksonJames Pborn about 1922
JacksonKatherine Lborn about 1927
JacksonMartha Bborn about 1901
JacksonP Gladysborn about 1939
JacksonPhilip Rborn about 1900
JacobElizabeth Jborn about 1924
JacobIsabel Dborn about 1881
JacobKatherine Eborn about 1922
JenkinsC Adelineborn about 1916
JenkinsDonald Mborn about 1903
JenkinsM Ruthborn about 1899
JensenFlorence Tborn about 1900
JensenMarius Bborn about 1895
JohnsonCharles Rborn about 1932
JohnsonGertrude Aborn about 1883
JohnsonGwendolyn Vborn about 1933
JohnsonLewis Aborn about 1886
JohnsonMarion Wborn about 1908
JohnsonMollie Aborn about 1909
JonesHenry A Wborn about 1882
JonesM Estelleborn about 1882
JonesMadeline born about 1922
JonesMary Janeborn about 1853

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K Surnames

KestingAlice Sborn about 1888
KestingEvan Mborn about 1888
KimbleEmma Wborn about 1877
KimbleG Drexelborn about 1909
KimbleGeorge Gborn about 1865
KisorThaddius M Jrborn about 1917

L Surnames

LacklinNancy born about 1927
LafranceAlbert born about 1907
LafranceAnna Rborn about 1923
LafranceMary Eborn about 1920
LafrancePasquale born about 1875
LafranceRachel Nborn about 1884
LafranceTheresa Rborn about 1915
LambornDe Elizabeth born about 1912
LambornEdna Jborn about 1921
LambornGrace Eborn about 1920
LambornJ Wilsonborn about 1914
LambornLydia Mborn about 1888
LambornMartha Janeborn about 1939
LambornNathan Jborn about 1886
LambornNettie Eborn about 1884
LeeAnnie Wborn about 1884
LeeCharles Hborn about 1886
LeeDelphine Rborn about 1913
LeeHerman Hborn about 1910
LentzClara Mborn about 1887
LewisArthur Pborn about 1938
LewisCarrie Lborn about 1908
LewisEthel Aborn about 1931
LewisLucille born about 1934
LewisMary Louborn about 1932
LewisMilton Pborn about 1907
LoganChandler Pborn about 1877
LoganMary Eborn about 1881
LoganaChandler Pborn about 1877
LoganaMary Eborn about 1881
LomaxElizabeth born about 1871
LomaxGeorge Wborn about 1869
LomaxRay Cborn about 1928
LomazoElizabeth born about 1871
LomazoGeorge Wborn about 1869
LomazoRay Cborn about 1928
LongAlice Cborn about 1867
LongBlanche Mborn about 1881
LongFlorence Wborn about 1900
LongHoward Mborn about 1875
LongHoward Mborn about 1922
LongHoward M Jrborn about 1922
LongRalph Wborn about 1892
LongRaymond Hborn about 1936
LongRuth Wborn about 1921
LongfrancesAlice Cborn about 1867
LongfrancesBlanche Mborn about 1881
LongfrancesFlorence Wborn about 1900
LongfrancesHoward Mborn about 1875
LongfrancesHoward Mborn about 1922
LongfrancesHoward M Jrborn about 1922
LongfrancesRalph Wborn about 1892
LongfrancesRaymond Hborn about 1936
LongfrancesRuth Wborn about 1921
LynchEthel Cborn about 1913
LynchLoretta Mborn about 1929
LyncheskiEthel Cborn about 1913
LyncheskiLoretta Mborn about 1929

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M Surnames

MacauleyHarry born about 1877
MacauleyIda Rborn about 1877
MackrethAda Eborn about 1873
MackrethJohn Cborn about 1871
MankindElizabeth Mborn about 1875
MankindFrank Mborn about 1874
MankindMargaret Eborn about 1923
MankindMartin Gborn about 1914
MarstonFrank Bborn about 1905
MarstonFrank Wborn about 1928
MarstonJennie Hborn about 1926
MarstonLouise Eborn about 1875
MarstonReuel Wborn about 1925
MarstonWarren Wborn about 1918
MarvelJosiah Fborn about 1928
MarvelMary Louborn about 1924
MarvelMattie Hborn about 1885
MarvelP Hermanborn about 1878
MarvelRobert Fborn about 1918
MaxwellBetty Rborn about 1895
MaxwellJohn Cborn about 1888
MaxwellLouise Mborn about 1927
MaxwellRuth Sborn about 1924
MaxwellSnow Eborn about 1929
MaxwellWayne Hborn about 1936
McKelveyDaniel Tborn about 1866
McKelveyEllen Aborn about 1859
McKelveyMargaret Aborn about 1866
McKimAda Oborn about 1907
McKimChester born about 1910
McKimEva Mborn about 1935
McKimHarry Aborn about 1876
McKimLaure Iborn about 1920
McKimMildred Gborn about 1919
McKimeBeatrice born about 1899
McKimeBessie Fborn about 1932
MercerDorothy Annborn about 1937
MercerDorothy Sborn about 1913
MercerT Lintonborn about 1907
MercerTheodore Jr born about 1939
MilleBeatrice Eborn about 1889
MilleDurer Lborn about 1927
MilleLe Roy born about 1890
MillerBlanche Mborn about 1905
MillerCharles Sborn about 1926
MillerEarl Gborn about 1895
MillerEarl G Jrborn about 1931
MillerEleanor born about 1867
MillerElla Rborn about 1859
MillerElsie Mborn about 1927
MillerErnest Eborn about 1891
MillerJ Raymondborn about 1887
MillerJ Raymond Jrborn about 1918
MillerMabel Bborn about 1889
MillerMary Eborn about 1868
MillerRobert Eborn about 1926
MillerSue Mborn about 1866
MillerSusanna Tborn about 1882
MinorAbram Tborn about 1899
MinorBetty Lborn about 1932
MinorCorrine Vborn about 1937
MinorDavid born about 1931
MinorEarl Lborn about 1926
MinorFrances Sborn about 1935
MinorJ Ernestborn about 1924
MinorLydia Eborn about 1922
MinorPhilip Tborn about 1930
MinorRoland Aborn about 1933
MinorSusan Eborn about 1903
MinorTheressa Bborn about 1927
MitchellG Rabfordborn about 1917
MoneyMargaret Fborn about 1913
MoneyReynolds born about 1909
MoodyAnna Bborn about 1877
MooreJudith Aborn about 1939
MooreLawrence Cborn about 1888
MooreRichard Dborn about 1917
MooreRuth born about 1918
MorrisCatherine Cborn about 1871
MorrisM Frankborn about 1906
MorrisMargaret Hborn about 1880
MorrisModesta Eborn about 1911
MorrisThomas Fborn about 1938
MullenAnna Bborn about 1901
MullenLeon Wborn about 1920
MullenRalph Aborn about 1925
MullenSamuel Wborn about 1899
MullenSarah Jborn about 1862
MullenWilliam Wborn about 1922

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N Surnames

NederyHarry Jborn about 1883
NegroCarolyn Lborn about 1914
NegroCharles Aborn about 1905
NegroCharles L Jrborn about 1936
NegroJoseph Jborn about 1934
NicholsBareita Eborn about 1906
NicholsEditha Bborn about 1880
NicholsRondel Hborn about 1912
NicholsWillard Pborn about 1871
NormanEleanor born about 1936
NormanHelen born about 1935

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P Surnames

PaisleyE Wadeborn about 1924
PaisleyEdna Lborn about 1929
PaisleyEugene Wborn about 1901
PaisleyEvelyn Gborn about 1932
PaisleyGladys Eborn about 1905
PaisleyHoward Lborn about 1939
PaisleyJanet Lborn about 1935
PaisleyJoseph Fborn about 1937
PaisleyRaymond Jborn about 1927
PaisleyRuth Mborn about 1920
PaisleyWilder Vborn about 1905
PappyAnna Sborn about 1917
PappyHuge born about 1894
PappyJan Hborn about 1936
PappyMillan Wborn about
PassmoreEmma Bborn about 1873
PassmoreThomas Lborn about 1867
PickelAnnie Lborn about 1896
PickelCalvin Cborn about 1929
PickelMaurice Rborn about 1922
PickelMyron Oborn about 1896
PinionBeatrice born about 1933
PinionMargaret born about 1932
PinionRuth Jborn about 1939
PowersJessie Rborn about 1912
PowersKenneth born about 1932
PriggCarl Gborn about 1928
PuscyBella Kborn about 1885
PuseyEdna Nborn about 1911
PuseyHorace Hborn about 1916
PuseyIrene Lborn about 1916

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Q Surnames

QuarllJessie Sborn about 1854

R Surnames

RakestrawJesse born about 1885
RenardDorothy Lborn about 1921
RenardE Jeanborn about 1927
RenardMargaret born about 1929
RenardViolett Vborn about 1893
ReynoldsCharles born about 1921
ReynoldsGeorge Gborn about 1904
ReynoldsJerome Kborn about 1871
ReynoldsMargaret Wborn about 1877
ReynoldsNorman Hborn about 1900
ReynoldsPauline Eborn about 1900
RicciuttiJoseph born about 1902
RichardsonCarlton Gborn about 1929
RichardsonFlorence Hborn about 1908
RichardsonGeorge Cborn about 1883
RichardsonJean Aborn about 1936
RichardsonLeslie Tborn about 1906
RichardsonLydia Sborn about 1886
RichardsonMildred Hborn about 1908
RichardsonN Fayborn about 1931
RichardsonNorma Jborn about 1937
RichardsonRalph Eborn about 1904
RichardsonSylvia Iborn about 1935
RicksAnna Lborn about 1904
RicksOrlando born about 1902
RigdonFrank Jborn about 1878
RigdonMary Tborn about 1878
RobinsonHannah born about 1855
RobinsonMargaret Jborn about 1860
RobisonIrene Lborn about 1914
RosazzaAgnes Vborn about 1900
RosazzaAnna Mborn about 1903
RosazzaAnthony Jborn about 1896
RosazzaBetty Lonborn about 1934
RosazzaClarence Aborn about 1905
RosazzaEunice Eborn about 1932
RosazzaJames Fborn about 1900
RosazzaJennie born about 1864
RosazzaLouisa Mborn about 1883
RosazzaMartha Tborn about 1894
RosazzaMary Dorothyborn about 1927
RosazzaRalph Dborn about 1933
RosazzaRay Sborn about 1907
RosazzaRaymond Bborn about 1896
RosazzaRichard Pborn about 1937
RosazzaThomas Cborn about 1934
RossAbram Hborn about 1884
RossAlice born about 1876
RossCalvin Mborn about 1904
RossFlorence Bborn about 1885
RossMary Aborn about 1918
RossRoland born about 1866

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S Surnames

SavilleD Francesborn about 1912
SchoffstallGeorge Nborn about 1928
SchoffstallIrene Mborn about 1893
ScottMargaret Lborn about 1906
ScottSilas Rborn about 1906
SharplessAnna Mborn about 1863
SharplessEdward born about 1865
ShockleyDavid born about 1898
SkillenM Mildredborn about 1871
SkillenW Randallborn about 1886
SloanHavard Bborn about 1885
SloanMarian Bborn about 1889
SmackNorman born about 1915
SmaleCarrie Eborn about 1906
SmaleNorma Iborn about 1924
SmithAlexander Bborn about 1872
SmithEmma Hborn about 1866
SmithLewis Eborn about 1900
SmithMamie Cborn about 1892
SmithMary Eborn about 1873
SmithMelba Wborn about 1912
SmithPauline Jborn about
SmithRoland Cborn about 1928
SmithThomas Hborn about 1861
SquireElsie Eborn about 1888
SquireEthel Jborn about 1908
SquireFrank Tborn about 1881
StecleCarrie born about 1889
StokesCalvin born about 1921
StokesGladys born about 1921
StokesJean born about
StoutAlbert Aborn about 1920
StrodeBeverly Iborn about 1937
StrodeEdward Aborn about 1906
StrodeIsabel Wborn about 1908
SulliganHorace born about 1906
SunderlandBeulah Rborn about 1922
SunderlandLutha Cborn about 1921
SurgesonDoris Eborn about 1929
SurgesonLillian Mborn about 1905
SurgesonWilmer Gborn about 1904
SweenyJohnathan born about 1870
SweenyLowisa born about 1882
SwergerCharles H Gborn about 1880
SwergerEdith Cborn about 1902

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T Surnames

TarforRaymond born about 1910
TaylorMary Louiseborn about 1935
TebleRalph born about 1904
ThomasAnnie Jborn about 1864
ThomasBeatrice Dborn about 1899
ThomasCarton Mborn about 1892
ThomasEdward Sborn about 1883
ThomasJ Smedleyborn about 1911
ThomasMae Aborn about 1885
ThomasRuth Sborn about 1911
ThompsonClifford Bborn about 1906
ThompsonDoris Fborn about 1939
ThompsonFrances Mborn about 1909
ThompsonHoward Cborn about 1932
ThompsonMaria Lborn about 1883
ThompsonNorman born about 1912
ThompsonSamuel Aborn about 1934
ThompsonWilliam Hborn about 1897
TimanusEmma Bborn about 1854
TimanusMary Cborn about 1893
TimanusRobert Eborn about 1889
TimanusRobert E Jrborn about 1925
TorelloDaniel born about 1916
TorelloJoseph born about 1922
TorelloJosephine born about 1868
TorelloMarcellino born about 1893
TorelloMary born about 1895
TownsleyC Maudeborn about 1880
TownsleyJ Vincentborn about 1878
TrimbleArthur born about 1901
TrimbleBlanche born about 1900
TrimbleCarlos Bborn about 1933
TrimbleJames A Jrborn about 1925

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V Surnames

ValerioFiliciano Aborn about 1907
ValerioMary Dborn about 1908
ValerioMichael born about 1877
VandeverJames Tborn about 1902
VandeverLuella Rborn about 1914
VandeverMary Louborn about 1939
VaughtAnne Fborn about 1902
VaughtBetty Lborn about 1932
VaughtDorothy Mborn about 1928
VaughtJames Rborn about 1926
VaughtPhyllis Cborn about 1930
VaughtRobert Eborn about 1908
VenoreElizabeth born about 1924
VenoreJohn born about 1913
VenoreMargaret born about 1921
VenoreMiller born about 1911
VenorePaul born about 1880
VenoreVictoria born about 1881

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W Surnames

WalravenKenneth Jborn about 1929
WalravenS Elizabethborn about 1912
WaltonEva Cborn about 1862
WaltonFred Sborn about 1878
WaltonGertrude Kborn about 1865
WatkinC Howardborn about 1921
WatkinEdith born about 1914
WatkinMary Tborn about 1923
WatkinNathaniel Rborn about 1879
WatkinNathaniel R Jrborn about 1914
WatkinPhilene Hborn about 1891
WatkinSarah Sborn about 1926
WatsonEdward Eborn about 1861
WatsonFlotilla Mborn about 1872
WatsonMary Bborn about 1910
WatsonSandra Lborn about 1939
WatsonStephen Gborn about 1912
WeaverViola Rborn about 1878
WebbAnna Pborn about 1905
WebbEdward Aborn about 1905
WebbRuth Anneborn about 1931
WebbWilliam Pborn about 1933
WebsterGrambill Jborn about 1881
WeekesAlexander H Jrborn about 1910
WelshAnna born about 1901
WelshJames Jborn about 1892
WelshJames Jr born about 1920
WharryReba Bborn about 1898
WhartonGeorge Fborn about 1875
WhartonKatie Mborn about 1875
WhiteArthur Cborn about 1901
WhiteKatharine Eborn about 1927
WhiteMary born about 1910
WhiteNaomi born about 1929
WilsonDonald Gborn about 1939
WilsonFred born about 1919
WilsonInez born about 1937
WilsonLaura Annborn about 1933
WilsonLenord Wborn about 1931
WilsonLou born about 1905
WilsonMary Gborn about 1908
WilsonOscar born about 1923
WilsonPaul born about 1907
WilsonPauline Gborn about 1928
WilsonUlyses Gborn about 1935
WilsonWilliam Jborn about 1906
WindsorBeatrice Yborn about 1898
WindsorDonald Gborn about 1928
WindsorGary Rborn about 1934
WindsorGrant born about 1900
WoodWarren Wborn about 1886
WoodwardAnita Mborn about 1924
WoodwardCharlotte Rborn about 1931
WoodwardHarry F Jrborn about 1915
WoodwardIsabel Mborn about 1920
WoodwardJames Rborn about 1937
WoodwardRichard Jborn about 1936
WoodwardWilliam Hborn about 1870

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Y Surnames

YocunFrederic Wborn about 1914
YocunSara Pborn about 1913
YossThelma born about 1918
YossWalter Vborn about 1916

Z Surnames

ZarresAngela born about 1896
ZarresFrancesco born about 1935
ZarresYolanda born about 1930

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