1940 U.S. Federal Census of Buffington, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Indiana County > 1940 Census of Buffington

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsFrances born about 1935
AdamsFrieda born about 1927
AdamsJohn born about 1893
AdamsJohn Qborn about 1929
AdamsMabel Bborn about 1908
AdamsStephen Kborn about 1936
AielloJohn born about 1916
AlbightAnna born about 1892
AlbightDolly born about 1926
AlbightHenery born about 1932
AlbightWalter born about 1893
AlbightWilliam born about 1912
AllbrightCathrine born about 1870
AllbrightEmmett born about 1900
AllbrightLeland born about 1908
AltemusAda born about 1921
AltemusCarrie born about 1895
AltemusDean born about 1923
AltemusHerbert born about 1927
AltemusHugh Mborn about 1895
AltemusIlene born about 1928
AltemusJoan born about 1937
AltemusMargie born about 1936
AltemusRobert born about 1925
AndersonAndrew born about 1906
AndersonFrancis born about 1936
AndersonJohn born about 1926
AndersonJosephine born about 1913
AndersonJosephine born about 1923
AndersonLoucile born about 1939
AndersonMary born about 1917
AndersonMary Cborn about 1937
AndersonStephen born about 1910
AndresonEva born about 1917
AndresonJoseph born about 1908
AndresonJosephine born about 1937
AndresonMartha born about 1939
AnferTysak born about 1885
AntonchakHarry born about 1889
AquiniNicola born about 1932
AquiniVirgina born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BalashAnna born about 1934
BalashChristina born about 1929
BalashEumen born about 1885
BalashGean born about 1891
BalashPauline born about 1932
BalkoAnna born about 1890
BalkoAnna born about 1928
BalkoHelen born about 1931
BalkoJulia born about 1937
BalkoKathyrn born about 1940
BalkoMaike Jr born about 1918
BalkoMargaret born about 1933
BalkoMary born about 1925
BalkoMike born about 1890
BarronGlen Hborn about 1931
BarronHelen Mborn about 1925
BarronLouise Mborn about 1924
BarronPaul Lborn about 1897
BarronReba Iborn about 1898
BaskBassie born about 1906
BaskClearance born about 1926
BaskJessie born about 1905
BeltzFany Jr born about 1907
BeltzMary born about 1912
BeltzRalph born about 1937
BenkoDorothy born about 1921
BenkoFrank born about 1910
BenkoThomas born about 1938
BennettAlex born about 1931
BennettElmer born about 1933
BennettHarry born about 1904
BennettHarry W Srborn about 1863
BennettHarry Jr born about 1937
BennettJean born about 1935
BennettMary Aborn about 1862
BennettMildred born about 1909
BennettRobert born about 1928
BennettVerla Mborn about 1929
BepplerAllen born about 1922
BepplerCharles born about 1916
BepplerHenry Fborn about 1881
BepplerRachel born about 1883
BepplerRobert born about 1923
BeroCharles born about 1880
BirgeLydia Eborn about 1884
BirgeMonroe Cborn about 1879
BirgeOrlo born about 1921
BirgeWaldo born about 1919
BolvinCharles born about 1876
BoringBeatrice born about 1915
BoringBoyd born about 1916
BoringLula born about 1938
BoringWayne born about 1935
BorlandHarry Eborn about 1879
BorlandMary Sborn about 1886
BoychuchAlexander born about 1933
BoychuchAnnie born about 1892
BoychuchGeorge born about 1927
BoychuchMary born about 1926
BrackenArthur Cborn about 1939
BrackenMary Oborn about 1919
BrackenWilliam born about 1918
BrackenWilliam Jborn about 1938
BrehmFred Cborn about 1901
BrehmRoger Cborn about 1928
BrehmSara Lborn about 1923
BrehmVerna born about 1903
BrewerMckee born about 1916
BugalAndy born about 1930
BugalAnna Maeborn about 1935
BugalCathrine born about 1896
BugalCharles born about 1927
BugalGeorge born about 1937
BugalHarry born about 1933
BugalJim born about
BugalJohn born about 1896
BugalJohn Jr born about 1928
BugalMike born about 1920
BurkettClair born about 1925
BurkettClyde Eborn about 1924
BurkettGenei??E Jborn about 1931
BurkettMarie Uborn about 1929
BurkettPearl Eborn about 1922
BurkettRebecca born about 1903
BurkettThomas born about 1897
BurkettThomas Jborn about 1927
BurkettViolet Jborn about 1937
ButerbanghArthur born about 1903
ButerbaughMinnie born about 1878
ButerbaughMorris Dborn about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CameronRobert born about 1888
CampbellAlferd born about 1939
CampbellAnnie born about 1875
CampbellBeatrice born about 1924
CampbellBurgess born about 1930
CampbellCora born about 1905
CampbellCyrus born about 1909
CampbellDewey Gborn about 1899
CampbellDewey Jborn about 1938
CampbellDonald born about 1912
CampbellDorothy born about 1905
CampbellElizabeth born about 1934
CampbellFrances born about 1913
CampbellGeorge born about 1933
CampbellJanet Mborn about 1939
CampbellKathleen born about 1925
CampbellLorraine born about 1935
CampbellMargaret born about 1936
CampbellMorrell born about 1904
CampbellOneida born about 1928
CampbellPearl born about 1917
CampbellShirley born about 1937
CampbellWatson born about 1927
CampbellWilliam born about 1928
ClarkCharles born about 1927
ClarkFlorece born about 1932
ClarkJames born about 1935
ClarkLawrance born about 1910
ClarkPhyliss born about 1939
ClarkRuth born about 1919
ClarksonLeona born about 1921
ClarksonMary born about 1881
ColangeloAngelo born about 1889
ColangeloAnio born about 1927
ColangeloConcetta born about 1920
ColangeloEva born about 1924
ColangeloFannie born about 1895
ColangeloInay born about 1923
ColangeloLydia born about 1924
ColangeloTony born about 1921
ColangeloWilliam born about 1925
ConradAnna Mborn about 1931
ConradDoris born about 1926
ConradIda born about 1898
ConradJanet born about 1935
ConradLinda Mborn about 1907
ConradRalph born about 1924
ConradRobert Cborn about 1928
ConradRussel Fborn about 1905
ConradRuth born about 1932
ConradShirley Jborn about 1937
ConradWilliam born about 1894
CookIda born about 1869
CramerArthur Mborn about 1938
CramerFrank born about 1939
CramerMary Aborn about 1919
CramerThelma born about 1940
CramerWilliam born about 1910
CramerWilliam Cborn about 1936
CrerarAlexsander born about 1876
CrerarJames born about 1905
CrerarMaggie Jborn about 1878
CrespoCarmen born about 1905
CrespoFrances born about 1915
CrespoJames born about 1895
CrespoJames Jr born about 1930
CrespoVincent born about 1931
CresswellCalvin born about 1925
CresswellGrear born about 1875
CresswellJames born about 1925
CresswellMae born about 1927
CresswellMonica born about 1888
CresswellRobert born about 1926
CrissmanAnna born about 1925
CrissmanMary born about 1928
CrissmanRosie born about 1891
CroyleAnnice Eborn about 1935
CroyleHarry born about 1911
CroyleMary Jborn about 1937
CroyleRosella born about 1916
CummingsCharles born about 1898
CumminsAnna born about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanielsBetty Lowborn about 1939
DanielsCarol Jborn about 1934
DanielsChester born about 1924
DanielsClerence Jborn about 1914
DanielsHelen born about 1886
DanielsJohn Jborn about 1910
DanielsJoseph born about 1922
DanielsKathyrn Maeborn about 1916
DanielsLoretta Aborn about 1936
DanielsMary Aborn about 1913
DavisBetty born about 1906
DavisElgie born about 1914
DavisElsie born about 1889
DavisJoan born about 1935
DavisLillie born about 1914
DavisMarlene Cborn about 1936
DavisMary born about 1861
DavisMelvin born about 1904
DavisRuth born about 1926
DavisThomas born about 1939
DavisThomas Jr born about 1862
DavisWendell born about 1924
DavisWilliam Bborn about 1909
DavisWilliam Mborn about 1939
DearmyFrank born about 1885
DearmyPearl born about 1884
DearmyViolet Annieborn about 1928
DebonaClara born about 1922
DebonaElbena born about 1921
DebonaGertrude born about 1939
DebonaJames born about 1916
DebonaJudith born about 1939
DebonaSamuel born about 1880
DebonaVictor born about 1915
DelonisThomas born about 1875
DeyarminAlbert born about 1882
DeyarminCebert Cborn about 1921
DeyarminCloyd born about 1927
DeyarminEdward Lborn about 1924
DeyarminEugene born about 1935
DeyarminMyra born about 1898
DiasAllen born about 1897
DiasAllen Murrborn about 1939
DiasCharles born about 1887
DiasEdna Aborn about 1900
DiasHannah born about 1900
DiasHazel born about 1884
DiasLois born about 1921
DiasMack Hborn about 1925
DiasRobert Mborn about 1885
DiasThornton Lborn about 1896
DickeyDorothy born about 1926
DickeyEvelyn born about 1929
DickeyGoldie born about 1924
DickeyMinnie born about 1899
DickeyWilliam born about 1889
DillCora born about 1875
DillHazel born about 1907
DillJames born about 1937
DillRichard born about 1939
DillWade born about 1936
DillWatson born about 1906
DillWayne born about 1930
DockEugene Mborn about 1922
DockHarry Bborn about 1900
DockJames Aborn about 1934
DockMaggie Janeborn about 1932
DockMargaret Cborn about 1904
DockMarion Eborn about 1924
DockMaurice Rborn about 1937
DuncanEva born about 1894
DuncanJennie born about 1844
DuncanJohn born about 1889
DuncanMargaret born about 1863
DunconCalvin born about 1925
DunconIrene born about 1921
DunconLester born about 1916
DunconMollie born about 1884
DunconRoy born about 1919
DunconWebster born about 1886
DuranaAnn born about 1905
DuranaAnna born about 1924
DuranaDorothy Pborn about 1922
DuranaElizabeth born about 1930
DuranaMartha born about 1927
DuranaSteve born about 1896
DurchakAndrew born about 1882
DutkoAnnie born about 1892
DutkoBarbra born about 1938
DutkoJohn Iborn about 1892
DutkoLula Hborn about 1933
DutkoMargaret born about 1934
DutkoMary born about 1915
DutkoPeter born about 1901
DutkoPhilip born about 1936
DutraBeatrice born about 1928
DutraCarolyn born about 1936
DutraCathrine born about 1932
DutraD'Lee Pborn about 1889
DutraD'Lee P Jrborn about 1940
DutraJanet born about 1938
DutraJohn Jborn about 1930
DutraUrsula born about 1899
DziaguaAnna born about 1928
DziaguaBernard Sborn about 1930
DziaguaJohn born about 1887
DziaguaJoseph Cborn about 1920
DziaguaSophie born about 1889
DziaguaSophie born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EldrigeGiles born about 1877
EmphieldBlair born about 1894
EmphieldDale born about 1935
EmphieldDonald born about 1926
EmphieldIrene born about 1892
EmphieldLemmon born about 1890
EmphieldLillian born about 1890
EmphieldMable born about 1921
EmphieldRaymond born about 1918
EmphieldRichard born about 1937
EmphieldViola born about 1912
EmphieldWilbert born about 1909
EmphieldWilliam born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FairAlice Mborn about 1939
FairDavid Lborn about 1938
FairHallice born about 1914
FairIda Janeborn about 1936
FairOrveta born about 1920
FargoJetta born about 1896
FargoRoy A Revborn about 1894
FenchakAnnie born about 1926
FenchakBarbra born about 1903
FenchakCharles born about 1895
FenchakCharles born about 1924
FenchakGeorge born about 1934
FenchakHelen born about 1932
FenchakJames born about 1922
FenchakMike born about 1930
FitzCarl born about 1906
FitzCharlotte born about 1932
FitzImogene born about 1940
FitzThelma born about 1914
FolinaAntonetta born about 1904
FolinaJohn born about 1925
FolinaMichial born about 1938
FolinaRalph born about 1888
FoxArla born about 1901
FoxArla Jr born about 1930
FoxLevi Eborn about 1932
FultonEarl born about 1918
FultonJohn born about 1922
FultonMargaret born about 1884
FultonNorman born about 1926
FultonRobert born about 1924
FyockAnnabelle born about 1935
FyockBeatress born about 1907
FyockDolores born about 1939
FyockDonald born about 1934
FyockGrant born about 1931
FyockHenery born about 1930
FyockMinnie born about 1937
FyockVirgina born about 1933
FyockWilliam born about 1883

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G Surnames

GeorgeCathrine born about 1906
GeorgeCora born about 1890
GeorgeDean born about 1921
GeorgeIda born about 1895
GeorgeRobert born about 1927
GeroElizabeth born about 1927
GeroGeorge born about 1886
GeroGeorge Jr born about 1926
GeroJulia born about 1896
GibbonsDavid born about 1932
GibbonsDora born about 1884
GibbonsEdna born about 1892
GibbonsErnest born about 1903
GibbonsEtta born about 1867
GibbonsHezel born about 1924
GibbonsJohn born about 1867
GibbonsJohn born about 1916
GibbonsJuna born about 1904
GibbonsLeo Pborn about 1928
GibbonsLeroy born about 1938
GibbonsMabel born about 1936
GibbonsMartha born about 1930
GibbonsSamuel born about 1927
GibbonsStephan born about 1881
GibbonsStephen Dborn about 1926
GibbonsWilda born about 1919
GibbonsWilliam born about 1928
GillesTony born about 1878
GillesZelma born about 1887
GillinAnna born about 1882
GillinAnnabel born about 1924
GillinGrover born about 1886
GillinJay born about 1914
GillinLarry born about 1922
GillinOline born about 1926
GlovackCharles born about 1883
GlovackIrene born about 1914
GlovackJohn born about 1927
GlovackJoseph born about 1909
GlovackSophie born about 1887
GordonLois born about 1930
GrahamEdward born about 1932
GrahamElizabeth Gborn about 1924
GrahamHezel born about 1900
GrahamJohn Hborn about 1901
GrahamMargaret born about 1927
GrahamMary Lborn about 1931
GrahamRonald born about 1939
GrahamSadie born about 1872
GrahamThomas born about 1930
GrahamWilber Hborn about
GritzJoseph born about 1886

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H Surnames

HadukRoko born about 1884
HagensDaniel born about 1886
HagensEmma born about 1896
HagensErnest born about 1919
HagensMerle born about 1914
HagensNorman born about 1918
HagensOrn born about 1913
HagensVincent born about 1918
HamacekAgnes born about 1935
HamacekGeorge born about 1930
HamacekJosephine born about 1940
HamacekMargaret born about 1926
HamacekMary born about 1906
HamacekMary born about 1932
HamacekThomas born about 1898
HamacekThomas born about 1927
HamacekWilliam born about 1937
HarrisThomas born about 1875
HeneryDorothy born about 1931
HeneryElma born about 1906
HeneryHage born about 1934
HeneryJames born about 1926
HeneryJames Mcborn about 1895
HeneryMack born about 1929
HeneryPaul born about 1936
HeneryRobert born about 1939
HeneryRuth born about 1925
HerchbergerEarl born about 1928
HerchbergerGerldine born about 1936
HerchbergerJack born about 1923
HerchbergerJoseph X Hborn about 1892
HerchbergerMary Eborn about 1893
HerchbergerRobert Sborn about 1932
HillTelford born about 1905
HoffmanAlma born about 1902
HoffmanCarley born about 1939
HoffmanIona born about 1926
HoffmanMary born about 1880
HoffmanNora born about 1920
HoffmanNorma born about 1929
HoffmanNorman born about 1909
HoffmanThomas born about 1871
HoffmanThomas Cborn about 1901
HollanbaughDavid born about 1920
HollanbaughDorothy born about 1921
HollanbaughShirley Mborn about 1939
HollenbaughDale born about 1923
HollenbaughLawson born about 1925
HollenbaughLois born about 1926
HollenbaughMargaret born about 1922
HollenbaughMary born about 1922
HollenbaughNorman born about 1939
HollenbaughWalter born about 1892
HooverAllen born about 1924
HooverDoyle born about 1921
HooverFlorence born about 1891
HooverMurry born about 1927
HouseholderArchy born about 1888
HouseholderEthel born about 1932
HouseholderJanet Cborn about 1935
HouseholderMalinda Jborn about 1899
HouseholderRalph Bborn about 1933
HueyBlanch born about 1926
HueyDavid born about 1936
HueyDonald born about 1932
HueyHomer born about 1928
HueyJames born about 1930
HueyLester born about 1901
HueyNina born about 1906
HunterGavendolyn born about 1912
HunterJames Eborn about 1908
HunterMerle born about 1913
HunterRaymond born about 1938
HunterWinifred born about 1915

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I Surnames

IritanoRuth born about 1921
IritanoSam Gborn about 1910
IritanoSam Jr born about 1939
IritanoWilliam born about 1938

J Surnames

JamisonBryce born about 1932
JamisonFrank born about 1908
JamisonZella born about 1908
JiminesAngeline born about 1925
JiminesBennie born about 1923
JiminesEncarnacion born about 1892
JiminesJoe born about 1882
JiminesJoe Jr born about 1933
JiminesTavio born about 1920
JohnsJim born about 1923
JonesSamuel born about 1901

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K Surnames

KameliskiCharles Jr born about 1938
KameliskiCharles Sr born about 1905
KameliskiJulia born about 1901
KapusciarzStanley born about 1887
KaushekAugust born about 1912
KaushekElizabeth born about 1914
KaushekGreta born about 1934
KaushekGretcken born about 1934
KendraAgnes born about 1894
KendraAlexander born about 1935
KendraStanley born about 1929
KendraStanley Sr born about 1892
KendraTaylo born about 1934
KingBertha born about 1878
KingFrank born about 1875
KinterAnna Kborn about 1922
KinterBlanch born about 1891
KinterCarl born about 1923
KinterLeroy born about 1920
KinterWilliam Hborn about 1882
KinterWilliam H Jrborn about 1921
KirsisErnest born about 1891
KlaskAugust Sr born about 1906
KlaskAugusta Jr born about 1935
KlaskGladys born about 1905
KlaskLexie born about 1932
KlaskPearl born about 1931
KoczurStanley born about 1892
KokusJames born about 1928
KokusJoseph born about 1922
KokusMargaret born about 1926
KokusMary born about 1888
KokusPankraci born about 1886
KokusPauline born about 1927
KruseskiAndy born about 1917
KruseskiKate born about 1923
KruseskiMary Annborn about 1940
KubulakAnnie born about 1891
KubulakCaroline born about 1928
KubulakJoseph born about 1885
KubulakMargaret born about 1930
KubulakVeronica born about 1926
KuchenbrodJacob born about 1862
KuchenbrodLaura born about
KuhnsGeorge born about 1899
KuhnsMarie born about 1920
KuhnsNillie born about 1894
KunculaJoseph Aborn about 1935
KuzminskyCathrine born about 1904
KuzminskyHarry born about 1929
KuzminskyJames Jr born about 1939
KuzminskyJim born about 1918
KuzminskyJohn Jr born about 1923
KuzminskyJohn Sr born about 1894
KuzminskyPete born about 1914
KuzminskyRose born about 1925
KuzminskyStephen born about 1931

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L Surnames

LagellaLewis born about 1885
LantzyElla born about 1898
LantzyGeorge born about 1926
LantzyStephen born about 1892
LeeAlvin born about 1930
LeeDonald born about 1940
LeeIda Sborn about 1905
LeeIma born about 1935
LeeShelton born about 1893
LeeVernon Sborn about 1925
LoychMike born about 1859
LucasAreta born about 1857
LucasJames born about 1855
LucashAreta born about 1857
LucashJames born about 1855
LukaJoseph born about 1918
LukacderJoseph born about 1918
LutaChrisopher born about 1918
LutaDavid born about 1881
LutaDavid Jr born about 1923
LutaIda born about 1884
LutaIda born about 1926
LutaLeroy born about 1918
LutaObey born about 1915
LutacorieChrisopher born about 1918
LutacorieDavid born about 1881
LutacorieDavid Jr born about 1923
LutacorieIda born about 1884
LutacorieIda born about 1926
LutacorieLeroy born about 1918
LutacorieObey born about 1915
LyleWilliam Hborn about 1867
LyleburnWilliam Hborn about 1867
LynchCharles born about 1892
LyncheskiCharles born about 1892

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M Surnames

MackAndrew Kborn about 1874
MackAndrew Pborn about 1907
MackBenjimen born about 1916
MackBertha born about 1916
MackClara born about 1873
MackDavid born about 1924
MackDean born about 1940
MackDessie born about 1894
MackDorothy born about 1916
MackEdna born about 1928
MackEmmel born about 1922
MackEthel Mborn about 1940
MackEvelyn born about 1935
MackFrancis born about 1909
MackGenevie born about 1932
MackGeraldine born about 1917
MackHarry Dborn about 1934
MackHarry Lborn about 1889
MackHazel born about 1937
MackHelen born about 1910
MackHerbert born about 1929
MackJohn Cborn about 1918
MackJohn Pborn about 1886
MackJosephine born about 1925
MackKenneth born about 1929
MackLen born about 1913
MackLena born about 1911
MackLogan born about 1913
MackLylie born about 1939
MackLyloid born about 1926
MackLynn born about 1936
MackMargaret born about 1939
MackMarie born about 1931
MackMillicent born about 1927
MackNancy born about 1939
MackNessia born about 1889
MackNorma born about 1936
MackOlive born about 1925
MackRaymond born about 1939
MackRobert born about 1889
MackRobert Jborn about 1938
MackSamuel born about 1900
MackSamuel Jr born about 1929
MackTillie born about 1885
MackVerna born about 1908
MackViolet born about 1917
MackWillard Jborn about 1918
MackWillmar born about 1920
MadillCharles born about 1917
MadillNancy born about 1939
MadillNellie born about 1918
MahalicAndy born about 1922
MahalicAnnie born about 1880
MahalicHelen born about 1927
MahalicJohn born about 1915
MahalicMike born about
MahalicSteve born about 1880
MalinotskiStanley born about 1888
ManceMike born about 1891
MarcusCarl born about 1911
MarcusJosephine born about 1918
MardisDorothy born about 1901
MardisGerald born about 1933
MardisGloria born about 1928
MardisJackson born about 1930
MardisJames Rborn about 1897
MardisJames R Jrborn about 1925
MardisJudithann born about 1940
MardisLee Jamesborn about 1938
MardisLouis Lborn about 1882
MardisMarion born about 1909
MardisPhilip born about 1935
MardisRichard born about 1937
MardisRoger born about 1940
MardisRoy born about 1908
MardisSamuel born about 1864
MardisSara born about 1874
MardisSara Janeborn about 1859
MargolickMargeart born about 1929
MargosiakJohn born about 1907
MargosiakJohn Vborn about 1940
MarskClearance born about 1909
MashAngelo born about 1923
MashAnnie born about 1929
MashDominick born about 1880
MashFrank born about 1921
MashGeorge born about 1926
MashJames born about 1888
MashJoseph born about 1927
MashLucy born about 1906
MashLucy born about 1935
MashMary Jborn about 1915
MashPaul born about 1920
MashPeter born about 1918
MazeyBernice born about 1923
MazeyBessie born about 1891
MazeyBetty born about 1921
MazeyBetty born about 1926
MazeyBrian born about 1940
MazeyJohn born about 1919
MazeyLee born about 1930
MazeyMarcia born about 1938
MazeyRita born about 1918
MazeyRobert born about 1914
MazeyRobert Jr born about 1936
MazzaferriErmenia born about 1883
MazzaferriJoseph born about 1878
MazzaferriMinnie Dborn about 1924
McClarrenHarvey born about 1912
McClarrenJosephine born about 1919
McCloughJohn Rborn about 1868
McCloughJosephine born about 1926
McCloughMargaret born about 1884
McCloughSamuel born about 1917
McCrearyThomas born about 1886
McCuneElla Mborn about 1903
McCuneMaxine born about 1925
McFarlandGrace born about 1898
McFarlandWilliam born about 1880
McKeelAlbert born about 1894
McKeelRose born about 1904
McKeelWilliam born about 1926
McKinstayCharles born about 1914
McLaughlinEdward Aborn about 1926
McLaughlinEllen Lborn about 1891
McLaughlinGrant Eborn about 1937
McLaughlinHelen Aborn about 1924
McLaughlinJames born about 1915
McLaughlinLeola Eborn about 1929
McLaughlinMargaret Gborn about 1916
McLaughlinWilliam Hborn about 1887
MervineEthel born about 1913
MetroBorcziak born about 1920
MetzBerney born about 1865
MewherterBetty Eborn about 1926
MewherterGoldie born about 1889
MewherterJames born about 1914
MewherterKennith born about 1917
MewherterLeslie Iborn about 1929
MewherterThomas Fborn about 1927
MikesellElizabeth born about 1912
MikesellLouis born about 1938
MikesellRoy born about 1905
MishlerBerna Dineborn about 1924
MishlerLuther born about 1917
MisnerClearance born about 1914
MisnerElaine born about 1940
MisnerElizabeth born about 1888
MisnerErnest born about 1907
MisnerEva born about 1916
MisnerGeraldine born about 1938
MisnerHenery Jr born about 1901
MisnerJohn born about 1886
MisnerKenneth born about 1934
MisnerRichard born about 1919
MisnerRobert born about 1936
MisnerStella born about 1928
MisnerWalter born about 1922
MisnerWilbert born about 1910
MitchellAgnes Lborn about 1914
MitchellArthur born about 1911
MitchellIda Bborn about 1894
MitchellJames Eborn about 1931
MitchellMary Annborn about 1935
MitchellRalph born about 1881
MitchellRalph Cborn about 1936
MolinikPaul Jr born about 1930
MolinikPaul Sr born about 1908
MovichSteve born about 1874
MuzickAnna born about 1882
MuzickGeorge born about 1925
MuzickJohn born about 1890
MuzickJohn Jr born about 1920
MuzickMike born about 1921
MuzickPete born about 1917
MuzickSteve born about 1922
MyersJoseph born about 1885
MyersLottie born about 1883
MyresHoy Eborn about 1886
MyresJessie Mborn about 1886

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N Surnames

NiedwrskiGeorge born about 1925
NiedwrskiJack born about 1922
NiedwrskiJoe born about 1923
NiedwrskiVerna born about 1927
NiedwrskiWilliam born about 1920
NigroPauline born about 1919

O Surnames

OndrizekBertha Eborn about 1890
OndrizekClyde born about 1930
OndrizekHerbert born about 1923
OndrizekJoseph born about 1886
OndrizekWalter born about 1920
OverdorffCarrie born about 1875
OverdorffEugene Hborn about 1875
OverdorffHarold born about 1925

P Surnames

PapichCharlie born about 1877
PapichJoseph born about 1914
ParlseyFrancis born about 1932
ParlseyJohn born about 1882
ParlseyJohn born about 1918
ParlseyLawrence born about 1922
ParlseyMargaret born about 1891
ParlseyMargaret born about 1925
PeddicordCora born about 1888
PeddicordHarry Gborn about 1882
PeddicordJames born about 1873
PeddicordNillie born about 1888
PeddicordWilliam born about 1923
PentrichSteve born about 1887
PergrimMinnie born about 1900
PisarchikAnna born about 1916
PluchinskyBarbara born about 1938
PluchinskyFrances born about 1912
PluchinskyJoe Rborn about 1909
PluchinskyWalter born about 1936
PonchioneErminia born about 1922
PonchioneJohn born about 1916
PonchioneRaymond born about 1920
PonchioneVitale Paulborn about 1890
PonchoineFannie born about 1915
PonchoineIrvin born about 1912
PonchoinePaul Iborn about 1938
PriceEdna born about 1893
PriceEdna born about 1936
PriceEvelyn born about 1916
PriceEvelyn born about 1936
PriceGeorge born about 1891
PriceGeorge born about 1935
PriceHarry Bborn about 1940
PriceIda Mborn about 1920
PriceJames Jr born about 1938
PriceJames Sr born about 1913
PriceJohn born about 1912
PriceJohn born about 1937
PriceMaryann born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RabelBetty Janeborn about 1935
RabelElizabeth born about 1910
RabelJohn born about 1908
RacoskyGeorge born about 1890
RagerMargaret born about 1912
RagerMurna born about 1930
RagerRaymond born about 1928
RagerWilliam born about 1905
RamageLulu born about 1909
RamageThomas born about 1907
RamageThomas Bborn about 1935
RankinWilliam Cborn about 1913
ReadMargaret Eborn about 1867
ReegerArlene born about 1939
ReegerEdward born about 1938
ReegerMabon born about 1910
ReegerRuby born about 1919
ReinerJoseph born about 1881
RhineAlma born about 1919
RhineHarvey born about 1937
RhineKenneth born about 1939
RhineWillmar born about 1909
RicheyClark Aborn about 1893
RitcheyBeaulah born about 1911
RitcheyBessie born about 1924
RitcheyJames born about 1939
RitcheyJanet born about 1936
RitcheyPaul born about 1907
RitcheyPaul born about 1933
RockBertha born about 1926
RockEdward born about 1934
RockHelen born about 1924
RockSam born about 1892
RockSophie born about 1893
RockSophie born about 1929
RockStanley born about 1920
RockStella born about 1931
RowleyMargaret born about 1863
RumanishDorthy born about 1931
RumanishGeorge born about 1939
RumanishKathryn born about 1928
RumanishMarco born about 1897
RumanishMark born about 1934
RumanishMary born about 1906
RummelCarolyn Eborn about 1896
RummelFloyd born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SartoriaLouis born about 1870
SehillingMathew born about 1913
SehillingMelvina born about 1920
ShaddleSamuel born about 1887
ShadleJohn Hborn about 1887
ShawDavid born about 1932
ShawEarl born about 1904
ShawEugene born about 1935
ShawEvelyn born about 1911
ShawIrene born about 1930
ShawThomas born about 1937
ShearerAlice Mborn about 1933
ShearerBirdie Jborn about 1929
ShearerJames Mborn about 1927
ShearerNellie Mborn about 1937
ShearerPriscillia born about 1910
SheridanBlanch born about 1899
ShillingFred born about 1921
ShirleyArthur Kborn about 1923
ShirleyDonald Bborn about 1934
ShirleyEugene Cborn about 1932
ShirleyJohn Aborn about 1901
ShirleyKenneth Eborn about 1927
ShirleyLenoard Dborn about 1935
ShirleyLettey Low Nborn about 1937
ShirleyMinerva Rborn about 1924
ShirleyNevada Vborn about 1904
ShirleyRobert Eborn about 1930
ShirleyStanley born about 1921
ShirleyVelma Pborn about 1939
ShulackCathrine born about 1893
ShulackMike born about 1892
ShultzCharles born about 1887
ShusterMary Eborn about 1924
SieversAlice born about 1895
SieversDoloris born about 1931
SieversEdward born about 1886
SieversEdward born about 1929
SieversMary Aborn about 1937
SieversWilliam born about 1935
SilbaughBetty born about 1938
SilbaughDonald Hborn about 1924
SilbaughDorthey Mborn about 1926
SilbaughElla Fborn about 1922
SilbaughEva Graceborn about 1936
SilbaughJosie born about 1904
SilbaughMary born about 1891
SilbaughRella Pborn about 1931
SilbaughRew Aborn about 1901
SilbaughRew Pborn about 1931
SilbaughWilliam Lborn about 1928
SimmonsEdith born about 1906
SimmonsErma born about 1928
SimmonsLawrence born about 1897
SimmonsMyrtle born about 1917
SimmonsVirgina born about 1926
SimmonsWilliam born about 1923
SkoruzaAlbert born about 1884
SkylesElizabeth born about 1886
SkylesHarrison Bborn about 1888
SkylesHarrison Jr born about 1922
SkylesHerbert born about 1920
SmithEugene born about 1922
SnyderAnnabelle born about 1913
SnyderBetty born about 1931
SnyderLeo born about 1925
SnyderWilliam born about 1876
SoplekRudolph born about 1893
SowersEdna born about 1894
SowersEmma born about 1922
SowersFrancis born about 1919
SowersGeorge born about 1882
SowersGeorge Jr born about 1922
SowersGuy born about 1913
SowersKathyrn born about 1916
SowersRobert born about 1925
StanckAlbert born about 1936
StanckJohn born about 1903
StanckJoseph born about 1931
StanckLoranne born about 1928
StanckMargie born about 1923
StanckMary born about 1911
StanckMike born about 1938
StanckPauline born about 1935
StanckRosella born about 1930
StevensEstella Mborn about 1896
StevensGeorge Qborn about 1939
StevensGeorge Jr born about 1916
StevensHerbert Gborn about 1879
StevensHerbert G Jrborn about 1928
StevensIsabella Mborn about 1935
StevensIva Bborn about 1914
StevensShirley Aborn about 1937
StevensThomas born about 1874
StewartDorothy Mborn about 1938
StewartElzie born about 1908
StewartEthel born about 1909
StewartEugene born about 1939
StewartGrace born about 1928
StewartHarold born about 1940
StewartJames born about 1925
StewartJane born about 1935
StewartJohn born about 1875
StewartKathyrn born about 1913
StewartLizzie Sborn about 1859
StewartLouise born about 1933
StewartMatilda born about 1916
StewartNellie Wborn about 1887
StewartRobert born about 1937
StewartWilliam Yborn about 1858
StifflerClell born about 1894
StifflerLeona born about 1931
StifflerLeonard born about 1935
StifflerOlive born about 1921
StifflerRachel born about 1892
StifflerRoy born about 1927
StifflerRussel born about 1923
StilesAlberta Lborn about 1930
StilesAlberta Sborn about 1920
StilesBarbara born about 1935
StilesBertha born about 1905
StilesBeulah Wborn about 1889
StilesBoyd born about 1909
StilesBoyd Eldenborn about 1936
StilesBruce born about 1912
StilesCathrine Lborn about 1934
StilesDonald born about 1924
StilesDonald Cborn about 1939
StilesDorothy Mborn about 1915
StilesElmina born about 1877
StilesFlorence born about 1911
StilesGilbert born about 1908
StilesGlenn born about 1935
StilesHarry Eborn about 1938
StilesHarvey Eborn about 1917
StilesHerbert born about 1906
StilesIda born about 1868
StilesJames Wborn about 1927
StilesJanet Mborn about 1939
StilesLarue born about 1934
StilesLois born about 1938
StilesMabel born about 1912
StilesMack born about 1926
StilesPearl born about 1910
StilesRay Lborn about 1931
StilesRose born about 1919
StilesSamuel Eborn about 1885
StilesThomas born about 1913
StilesThomas born about 1932
StilesTusilia born about 1937
StilesViola born about 1914
StilesWayne born about 1936
StrenkoJames born about 1931
StrenkoJoseph born about 1868
StrenkoJoseph born about 1906
StrenkoMabel born about 1907
StrenkoRoyal born about 1933
StutzmanClifford born about 1939
StutzmanDavid born about 1880
StutzmanDelroy born about 1934
StutzmanDorothy born about 1884
StutzmanDorothy born about 1922
StutzmanEdward born about 1914
StutzmanEugene born about 1937
StutzmanGreta Mborn about 1938
StutzmanJay born about 1932
StutzmanMerle born about 1912
StutzmanRobert born about 1909
StutzmanRobert Jr born about 1935
StutzmanThelma born about 1925
StutzmanTwilight born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TelemannoAndrew born about 1890
TewartBetty Janeborn about 1926
TewartClara Belleborn about 1925
TewartCynthia born about 1903
TewartPatrica Lborn about 1935
TewartRobert born about 1898
TewartRobert born about 1929
TewartSharon born about 1932
TewartWilliam born about 1938
ThomasElizabeth born about 1868
ThomasLeroy born about 1869
ThompsonJames born about 1931
TothElizabeth born about 1880
TothErnest Gborn about 1923
TothFred Zborn about 1916
TothGabor born about 1878
TothMartha born about 1913
TothRonald Sborn about 1939
TothSteve Mborn about 1918
TothWilliam born about 1908
TothWilliam Jr born about 1934
TupasPeta born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UadiskiEthel Mborn about 1921
UadiskiMike born about 1911

V Surnames

VeesilouicGeorge born about 1883
VerlaElizabeth born about 1934
VerlaFrank born about 1922
VerlaJohn born about 1924
VerlaJoseph born about 1886
VerlaKathryn born about 1928
VerlaLeon born about 1930
VerlaLula born about 1920
VerlaMary born about 1889
VinoskyAdam born about 1939
VinoskyMary born about 1875
VinoskyPearl born about 1917
VinoskyPete born about 1916
VinoskySteve born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerEdward born about 1933
WagnerFay born about 1939
WagnerFreida born about 1936
WagnerHelen born about 1937
WagnerHulda born about 1910
WagnerJohn born about 1908
WagnerKenneth born about 1934
WalkerCharles Hborn about 1919
WalkerJoseph Tborn about 1915
WalkerUpton Hborn about 1920
WallsBetty born about 1931
WallsMargaret born about 1936
WallsMarie born about 1910
WallsMildred born about 1938
WallsPeter Cborn about 1890
WallsShirley born about 1933
WeibleChester born about 1891
WidmarAlbert born about 1919
WidmarElizabet born about 1895
WidmarJames born about 1894
WidmarLillian born about 1923
WildeMelvin born about 1937
WildeThomas born about 1900
WilkewiczLucy born about 1880
WilkewiczPete born about 1913
WilkewiczStanley born about 1919
WiresIrvin born about 1936
WiresLucy born about 1863
WiresOrpha born about 1901
WoodringBetty Janeborn about 1923
WoodringHarry Eborn about 1926
WoodringJunior born about 1937
WoodringKathryn Maeborn about 1932
WoodringSadie born about 1874
WoodringSara Annborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarnalCora born about 1880
YarnalElvie born about 1925
YarnalJames born about 1918
YarnalJoseph Wborn about 1939
YarnalLloyd born about 1878
YarnalMillard born about 1901
YarnalMinnie born about 1936
YarnalPaul Lborn about 1938
YarnalPearl born about 1917
YarnalRuth born about 1914
YarnalSara Jborn about 1937
YarnalWalter born about 1908
YoctrzymskiStanely born about 1889
YonishAnthony born about 1909
YonishGeorge Aborn about 1933
YonishRose born about 1915
YonishWilliam Jborn about 1938
YoungBetsy born about 1932
YoungBetty Lowborn about 1934
YoungDolores born about 1931
YoungDorothy born about 1925
YoungDorothy born about 1938
YoungElden born about 1903
YoungEmma born about 1873
YoungGeorgia born about 1913
YoungJanet born about 1934
YoungJoan born about 1938
YoungJoseph Nborn about 1869
YoungMaryann born about 1925
YoungRose born about 1869
YoungRuth born about 1906
YoungVirgil born about 1900
YoungWilliam born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZajderCathrine born about 1920
ZajderHenery born about 1913
ZettaAnna born about 1921
ZettaElizabeth born about 1925
ZettaJosephine born about 1923
ZettaRose Marieborn about 1928
ZettaSara Fborn about 1920
ZettaVictoria born about 1903
ZuzuliaAnnie born about 1929
ZuzuliaGeorge born about 1919
ZuzuliaJames born about 1880
ZuzuliaJames born about 1925
ZuzuliaJohn born about 1920
ZuzuliaMargert born about 1935
ZuzuliaMary born about 1892
ZuzuliaRose born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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