1940 U.S. Federal Census of Canoe Township, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Indiana County > 1940 Census of Canoe Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AirgoodCharles born about 1911
AirgoodCharles born about 1936
AirgoodClyde born about 1894
AirgoodFrank born about 1877
AirgoodOliver born about 1903
AirgoodOliver born about 1939
AirgoodRalph born about 1934
AirgoodThyona born about 1917
AirgoodVirgil born about 1901
AlesciAngelo born about 1899
AlesciJesper born about 1921
AlesciJohn Jborn about 1925
AlesciJosephine born about 1923
AlesciRose born about 1904
AltemoreIrene born about 1912
AltemorePete born about 1909
AltemorePete Jr born about 1935
AltimoreAngeline born about 1915
AltimoreCatherine born about 1927
AltimoreDominic born about 1881
AltimoreFrank born about 1920
AltimoreJohn born about 1925
AltimoreJoseph born about 1917
AltimoreRose born about 1891
AltimoreSamuel born about 1922
AltmanEarl born about 1899
AltmanEmily born about 1903
AltmanHarold born about 1902
AltmanHarold Jr born about 1927
AltmanJimmie born about 1938
AltmanMary born about 1901
AltmanPhyllis born about 1927
AltmanRuth born about 1925
AltmanSally Janeborn about 1930
AndersonAgnes born about 1894
AndersonBetty Maeborn about 1924
AndersonHarold Dborn about 1923
AndersonJanet born about 1926
AndersonJohn born about 1926
AndersonMary born about 1899
AndersonRebecca born about 1929
AndersonRichard born about 1892
AndersonRichard born about 1920
AndersonRudolph born about 1891
AndersonRudolph born about 1923
AnsingerAnna born about 1893
AnsingerEdward born about 1922
AnsingerEleanor born about 1918
AnsingerFrank born about 1888
AntoniccoAnthony born about 1925
AntoniccoJosephine Fayborn about 1929
AntoniccoMary born about 1903
AntoniccoNick born about 1928
AntoniccoPattsy born about 1930
AntoniccoSamuel born about 1923
AntoniccoTony born about 1895
AntoniccoVito born about 1924
AntonucciJoseph born about 1924
AntonucciMinnie born about 1925
ArmstrongHenry Sborn about 1869
ArmstrongJoseph born about 1875
ArmstrongLillie born about 1877
ArmstrongRay Lewisborn about 1919
ArmstrongRussel Leeborn about 1902
ArmstrongSarah Mborn about 1871
ArmstrongWilliam Hborn about 1877
ArrowBetty born about 1924
ArrowCora born about 1903
ArrowMartha born about 1927
ArrowRobert born about 1904
ArrowRobert Kennethborn about 1940
AugustineAgnes born about 1879
AugustineWallace born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaerArlene born about 1934
BaerArval born about 1912
BaerBetty born about 1929
BaerCecil born about 1931
BaerDelbert born about 1930
BaerMary born about 1905
BaerSarah born about 1912
BairCecelie born about 1928
BairMary born about 1924
BairNorman born about 1931
BairRebecca born about 1904
BairWilliam born about 1911
BakerJohn born about 1875
BakerMary Alysborn about 1911
BannHelen born about 1908
BannMurray born about 1881
BaranickAndrew born about 1883
BaranickClarabell born about 1934
BaranickGeorge born about 1923
BaranickJoseph born about 1920
BaranickMargaret born about 1927
BaranickPaul born about 1930
BarenchickBetty born about 1918
BarenchickFrederick born about 1939
BarenchickJohn Pborn about 1914
BarenchickKaren born about 1939
BarlettaThomas born about 1898
BarnettJoseph born about 1870
BarnetteAnna Elizabethborn about 1879
BartholmewBlair born about 1918
BartholmewHarry born about 1885
BartholmewHelen born about 1939
BartholmewLaura born about 1936
BartholmewMary born about 1916
BartholmewMary born about 1920
BartholmewMerle born about 1915
BartholmewRaymond born about 1919
BartlebaughDelvin born about 1932
BartlebaughDenver born about 1912
BartlebaughDenvir Jr born about 1937
BartlebaughMildred born about 1935
BartlebaughStella born about 1912
BasileDonna Leeborn about 1938
BasileElizabeth born about 1919
BasileFloyd born about 1913
BasileFrank born about 1910
BasileJoseph born about 1912
BasileKaren Palletteborn about 1939
BasileLee born about 1916
BasileMargaret born about 1921
BasileRose Marieborn about 1916
BasileSandra Leeborn about 1938
BasileVictoria born about 1918
BaunArthur born about 1922
BaunCarl born about 1903
BaunCarlene born about 1929
BaunClarabelle born about 1921
BaunClyde born about 1898
BaunD Hborn about 1868
BaunDella born about 1876
BaunDorothy born about 1909
BaunEarl born about 1904
BaunEdna born about 1901
BaunEleanor Juneborn about 1931
BaunEmogene born about 1936
BaunEvelyn born about 1924
BaunH Cborn about 1874
BaunHomer born about 1925
BaunLoleta born about 1904
BaunLoyal born about 1903
BaunMarvin born about 1925
BaunMaud born about 1882
BaunMay born about 1883
BaunMiles born about 1878
BaunRalph born about 1905
BaunRichard born about 1931
BaunViolet born about 1902
BaunWilliam born about 1931
BaunWilliam Lborn about 1932
BeamDorothy born about 1931
BeamEther born about 1896
BeamRichard born about 1930
BeamWesley born about 1892
BeamWoodrow born about 1917
BeckFlorence born about 1925
BeckGuy born about 1895
BeckLillian born about 1907
BeckPatrica born about 1938
BeckThomas born about 1927
BecoskyAdelle born about 1916
BecoskyArlene born about 1939
BecoskyStanley born about 1890
BeezerHarvey born about 1874
BeezerLia born about 1874
BellAlberta born about 1930
BellGeorge Aborn about 1926
BellGladys born about 1929
BellHilda born about 1907
BellJack born about 1932
BellRalph Eborn about 1906
BellRobert born about 1933
BellShirley born about 1936
BennettGeorge born about 1939
BennettHarry born about 1892
BennettLeroy born about 1921
BennettMargaret born about 1900
BennettMary born about 1895
BennettMary Maeborn about 1932
BennettPerry born about 1929
BennettRobert born about 1925
BerginiaLouis born about 1870
BerginiaPaul born about 1924
BernardBetty Janeborn about 1933
BernardBeverly Annborn about 1938
BernardCharles born about 1886
BernardCharles born about 1925
BernardDorothy born about 1931
BernardFiore born about 1902
BernardGladys born about 1891
BernardIrene born about 1928
BernardJackie born about 1937
BernardJenevive born about 1930
BernardKenneth Fborn about 1936
BernardMargaret born about 1926
BernardMartha born about 1928
BernardMary born about 1924
BernardSusie born about 1907
BerringerAlex born about 1924
BerringerBillie born about 1931
BerringerBlair born about 1901
BerringerBurr born about 1926
BerringerDella born about 1935
BerringerFannie born about 1928
BerringerJoe born about 1919
BerringerLucinda Janeborn about 1937
BerringerMary Ellenborn about 1939
BerringerNellie born about 1902
BeverinaAnna born about 1882
BeverinaEdward born about 1880
BichoCarl born about 1925
BichoElizabeth born about 1923
BichoHelen born about 1925
BichoJoan born about 1938
BichoJohn born about 1895
BichoJohn born about 1929
BichoKatherine born about 1905
BichoMary born about 1906
BichoMary born about 1930
BichoMichael born about 1901
BichoPatrica born about 1936
BichoWilliam born about 1931
BilesDonna Graceborn about 1938
BilesGrace born about 1905
BilesMelvin born about 1937
BilesOrrie born about 1897
BilesOrrie A Jrborn about 1936
BilesRuth born about 1934
BinneyHelen born about 1907
BinneyJack born about 1930
BinneyJames born about 1934
BinneyJoan born about 1931
BinneyJohn Lborn about 1909
BishopAdam born about 1885
BishopAnnabella born about 1895
BishopBertha born about 1890
BishopBetty Janeborn about 1931
BishopDodd born about 1925
BishopDomer born about 1892
BishopDoyle born about 1927
BishopFlorence born about 1931
BishopFloyd born about 1923
BishopGeorge Sborn about 1869
BishopHoward Jborn about 1911
BishopIrvin Rayborn about 1934
BishopJoseph born about 1915
BishopLuther born about 1938
BishopMargaret born about 1915
BishopMartha born about 1912
BishopMary Alysborn about 1937
BishopMorley born about 1912
BishopPaul born about 1917
BishopWalter born about 1926
BishopWalter born about 1929
BiskopIrvin born about 1878
BiskopSarah born about 1881
BlackBeathia born about 1914
BlackJames born about 1884
BlackMary born about 1884
BlakelyHazel born about 1890
BlakelyMartha born about 1907
BlakelyRonald born about 1934
BlakelyWilliam born about 1882
BlakelyWilliam born about 1910
BlayerHelen born about 1924
BlayerJames born about 1931
BlayerJohn born about 1928
BlayerJoseph born about 1883
BlayerJoseph born about 1923
BlayerLeo born about 1926
BlayerMary born about 1889
BlayerWalter born about 1922
Bloom born about 1922
BloomRobert born about 1919
BofingerHenry born about 1883
BofingerSophia born about 1888
BondAnna born about 1876
BoneAlice born about 1865
BoneDonald born about 1932
BoneJack born about 1929
BoneJanet born about 1903
BoneJoan born about 1938
BoneRaymond born about 1925
BoneStephen Wborn about 1906
BonerAlma born about 1893
BonerBernice born about 1918
BonerClay born about 1888
BonerDorothy born about 1916
BonerJoan born about 1934
BonerMaxine born about 1923
BonicalziFrancis born about 1924
BonicalziGloria born about 1932
BonicalziLetizia born about 1900
BonicalziLouis born about 1926
BonicalziRicco born about 1897
BonicalziRose born about 1936
BordenClaude born about 1877
BortnyikGabor born about 1878
BortnyikMary born about 1888
BortnyikWilliam born about 1928
BoshopDavid born about 1873
BoshopMinnie born about 1885
BosnyakJoseph born about 1884
BostonJimmie born about 1927
BottenhornCarl born about 1898
BottenhornEllen born about 1924
BottenhornFlorence born about 1867
BottenhornHarry born about 1927
BottenhornVelma born about 1903
BottenhornViolet born about 1922
BoucherAlbert Leeborn about 1913
BoucherBonnie born about 1936
BoucherCharles born about 1933
BoucherEleanor born about 1915
BoucherMary born about 1939
BowersAlice born about 1873
BowersArthur born about 1922
BowersAustin born about 1867
BowersCarl Dborn about 1912
BowersCatherine born about 1899
BowersDon born about 1921
BowersDorothy Hborn about 1914
BowersDorothy Jeanborn about 1937
BowersEleanor Fayborn about 1940
BowersEvelyn born about 1924
BowersHarry born about 1898
BowersJay born about 1917
BowersJennie born about 1885
BowersJimmie born about 1934
BowersJohn Bborn about 1903
BowersJoice born about 1927
BowersKathryn born about 1929
BowersKeith born about 1937
BowersKenneth born about 1925
BowersKeziah born about 1923
BowersMildred born about 1912
BowersPaul Rborn about 1935
BowersPhillip born about 1912
BowersSam born about 1901
BowersTheda born about 1905
BowersWilda Mborn about 1901
BowersWilliam Bborn about 1900
BowersWilliam Daleborn about 1920
BoyceThomas born about 1885
BradyEleanor born about 1918
BradyFlorence born about 1884
BradyH Lynnborn about 1912
BradyJesse born about 1883
BradyNorman born about 1922
BradyRonald born about 1909
BraidDavid born about 1903
BraidDavid born about 1925
BraidElmo born about 1934
BraidMary born about 1906
BraidRaymond born about 1927
BraughlerArminta born about 1898
BraughlerBernadine born about 1927
BraughlerDolan born about 1921
BraughlerDuane born about 1939
BraughlerFloyd born about 1886
BraughlerJohn born about 1885
BraughlerLaird born about 1924
BraughlerLorraine born about 1928
BraughlerMaralene born about 1920
BrentJoseph born about 1910
BrentMarjarie born about 1917
BrentNancy Mayborn about 1937
BrentShirley Joanborn about 1936
BrestobishAndy born about 1893
BrestobishAndy born about 1923
BrestobishEdward born about 1924
BrestobishFrank born about 1937
BrestobishHelen born about 1926
BrestobishMargaret born about 1903
BrichellClaire born about 1893
BrichellDan born about 1918
BrichellEdsel born about 1921
BrichellGrace born about 1924
BrichellVelma born about 1895
BrickellBertha born about 1917
BrickellBertha born about 1921
BrickellDelbert born about 1934
BrickellDonald born about 1926
BrickellDorothy born about 1925
BrickellEarl born about 1905
BrickellElda born about 1908
BrickellEmma Janeborn about 1927
BrickellEthel Mborn about 1924
BrickellHoward born about 1926
BrickellJames born about 1936
BrickellJanet born about 1936
BrickellMartha born about 1922
BrickellOlive born about 1904
BrickellRalph born about 1923
BrickellRobert born about 1930
BrickellSamuel born about 1902
BrickellTherman born about 1917
BrickellWilmer born about 1932
BrickellWilson Kborn about 1914
BrillhartEvelyn born about 1914
BrillhartMargaret born about 1937
BrillhartWilliam born about 1916
BrinkAlexander born about 1930
BrinkElenora born about 1930
BrinkJohn born about 1900
BrinkRichard born about 1932
BrinkRobert born about 1935
BrinkVernie born about 1908
BrodzikJohn born about 1883
BrodzikMary born about 1888
BrovonClifford born about 1920
BrovonRoberta born about 1924
BrownArminta born about 1904
BrownBetty born about 1928
BrownBurrell born about 1922
BrownDean born about 1896
BrownDonald born about 1924
BrownEleanor born about 1931
BrownFlorence Eborn about 1897
BrownJames born about 1936
BrownMary Berthaborn about 1926
BrownRobert Bborn about 1894
BrownRobert Hborn about 1927
BrownRuth born about 1930
BudihasWilliam born about 1932
BurkettBob born about 1934
BurkettDollie born about 1918
BurkettHarold born about 1933
BurnClay born about 1895
BurnEffie born about 1897
BurnFoster born about 1921
ButterbaughCharles born about 1927
ButterbaughCharles Jborn about 1878
ButterbaughEdith born about 1881
ButterbaughHarold born about 1929
ButterbaughLemont born about 1907
ButterbaughMarie born about 1931
ButterbaughMildred born about 1908
BykowskiAdolf born about 1881
BykowskiBruno Jborn about 1908
BykowskiDella born about 1925
BykowskiDelores born about 1930
BykowskiEdward born about 1924
BykowskiFrancis born about 1881
BykowskiHenry born about 1913
BykowskiJoan born about 1939
BykowskiMary born about 1910
BykowskiMary born about 1913
BykowskiWilliam born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalabuseDenna born about 1911
CalabuseJoseph born about 1908
CalabuseMary Theresaborn about 1932
CalderwoodAnnetta born about 1869
CalderwoodRalph born about 1905
CalderwoodWard born about 1882
CalhownEsther born about 1903
CalhownWallace born about 1932
CalhownWalter born about 1895
CampbellCatherine born about 1895
CampbellEdward born about 1929
CampbellEva born about 1910
CampbellGeorge born about 1925
CampbellJames born about 1896
CampbellJames born about 1927
CampbellJohn born about 1900
CampbellJohn born about 1927
CampbellKatherine born about 1923
CampbellMary born about 1871
CampbellMary born about 1905
CampbellMary born about 1922
CampbellRobert born about 1924
CaperosoAndrew born about 1856
CaperosoAndrew born about 1902
CaperosoRose born about 1860
CarcellaAnna born about 1907
CarcellaBetty Janeborn about 1932
CarcellaCarmella born about 1906
CarcellaElmer born about 1897
CarcellaJames born about 1929
CarcellaJohn born about 1927
CarcellaJoseph born about 1904
CarcellaLouie born about 1863
CarcellaLouis born about 1913
CarcellaMary born about 1901
CarcellaMary Rose Annborn about 1931
CarcellaRose Marieborn about 1931
CareyAdam born about 1899
CareyGlenna born about 1904
CareyIra Eborn about 1889
CareyRosella Bborn about 1889
CareySilas born about 1858
CarlsonA Blancheborn about 1895
CarlsonCarlton born about 1933
CarlsonJoseph born about 1893
CarlsonRalph Josephborn about 1926
CarlsonWilliam Aborn about 1929
CasadyEugene born about 1934
CasadyHarvey born about 1933
CasadyJames born about 1912
CasadyLois born about 1911
CasadyNorma Graceborn about 1936
CasperDaniel born about 1918
CasperDorothy born about 1925
CasperFrancis born about 1923
CasperMary born about 1884
CasperRichard born about 1928
CassadayEmagene born about 1915
CassadayHarvey born about 1866
CassadayKeziah born about 1868
CasselEleanor born about 1904
CasselJames born about 1901
CatalanoAlbert born about 1937
CatalanoAnna Marieborn about 1926
CatalanoArch born about 1888
CatalanoArch born about 1934
CatalanoAugustina born about 1935
CatalanoCarmela born about 1895
CatalanoFelix born about 1917
CatalanoFrancis born about 1924
CatalanoFrank born about 1939
CatalanoGenial born about 1897
CatalanoGrace born about 1921
CatalanoGrace born about 1932
CatalanoJames born about 1938
CatalanoJean born about 1893
CatalanoJohn born about 1924
CatalanoJosephine born about 1901
CatalanoMarie born about 1918
CatalanoMary born about 1918
CatalanoPatsy born about 1914
CatalanoRose Mborn about 1931
CekovskyElizabeth born about 1925
CekovskyJohn born about 1884
CekovskyJohn born about 1924
CekovskyJullian born about 1936
CekovskyMarion born about 1922
CekovskyMichael born about 1927
CekovskyRosella born about 1930
CekovskyRosellia born about 1897
CeneskiJosephine born about 1926
CeneskiKathyrn born about 1904
CeneskiMargaret born about 1924
CeneskiPauline born about 1930
CessnaBetty born about 1934
CessnaDavid born about 1927
CessnaJane born about 1932
CessnaJoseph born about 1925
CessnaLois born about 1929
CessnaSarah born about 1904
CessnaWilliam born about 1898
ChackCarl born about 1922
ChackCharles born about 1887
ChackJosephine born about 1928
ChackMary born about 1927
ChackTakla born about 1888
CharltonElizabeth born about 1874
CharltonIva born about 1897
CharltonJohn born about 1870
CharltonJohn Jr born about 1895
CharltonNorma Graceborn about 1928
ChenogaAmelia born about 1923
ChenogaAngeline born about 1921
ChenogaElizabeth born about 1925
ChenogaFrank born about 1886
ChenogaLouis born about 1917
CipllaAmada born about 1930
CipllaChristine born about 1909
CipllaDeloris born about 1933
CipllaDominic born about 1938
CipllaGloria born about 1936
CipllaJoseph born about 1893
CipllaJoseph Jr born about 1940
CipllaRose Marieborn about 1933
CipllaTony born about 1928
ClarkRichard born about 1936
ClarkeCharles born about 1873
ClarkeMary Mborn about 1881
ClontyEarl born about 1933
ClontyMelvin born about 1906
ClontyMelvin born about 1935
ClontyRobert born about 1931
ClontySarah born about 1907
CockranLevi born about 1887
CockranOsie born about 1888
CockranSamuel born about 1927
ColemanAlberta born about 1913
ColemanDelbert born about 1930
ColemanElaine born about 1937
ColemanEvelyn born about 1933
ColemanJames born about 1909
ColemanWayne born about 1929
CombattVeto born about 1879
ConawayEdwin born about 1926
ConawayGlenn born about 1908
ConawayMartha born about 1908
ConorsAnn born about 1879
ConorsCatherine Aborn about 1910
ConorsHelen born about 1918
ConorsJames Jborn about 1867
ConorsMargaret born about 1915
ConorsMary born about 1908
ConradIrene born about 1910
ConradMiles born about 1911
ConradVirginia born about 1912
CostriniDonald Jamesborn about 1933
CostriniLaurence born about 1924
CostriniLiborio born about 1881
CostriniLusia born about 1894
CraftA Wborn about 1853
CraftDarleen born about 1929
CraftFrances born about 1910
CraftLouis born about 1917
CraftRay Oborn about 1908
CraftRuby born about 1921
CraigJoseph born about 1916
CraigSusan born about 1879
CraigWilliam born about 1876
CrawfordNannie born about 1869
CressleyLeroy born about 1930
CressleyMerle Leroyborn about 1938
CressleyNorma Lborn about 1937
CressleyRalph born about 1917
CressleyRonald Eugeneborn about 1939
CressleyRoy born about 1897
CressleyRuth born about 1924
CressleyVelma Lborn about 1919
CressleyViolet born about 1899
CummingsAnna born about 1926
CummingsKenneth born about 1928
CummingsMargaret born about 1892
CummingsPatrica born about 1934
CummingsThomas born about 1893
CummingsThomas born about 1924
CymontAlex born about 1892
CymontMary born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaleaskyCatherine born about 1934
DaleaskyDelores born about 1930
DaleaskyDorothy born about 1924
DaleaskyEvelyn born about 1934
DaleaskyFrancis born about 1899
DaleaskyFrancis born about 1928
DaleaskyMargaret born about 1900
DaleskyJohn born about 1890
DaleskyMarcella born about 1927
DaleskyMartha born about 1925
DaleskyMary born about 1900
Darlene born about
DaughertyA Eborn about 1872
DaughertyDennis Jborn about 1868
DaughertyElizabeth born about 1872
DaughertyEllen born about 1903
DaughertyMary born about 1906
DavidsonCharles born about 1875
DavisBlanche born about 1883
DavisDavid born about 1892
DavisDorothy born about 1921
DavisElmer born about 1911
DavisGomer born about 1885
DavisGwen born about 1888
DavisGwendolyn born about 1930
DavisJohn born about 1923
DavisJohn Sborn about 1867
DavisLenore born about 1917
DavisLuther Mborn about 1914
DavisMargaret born about 1866
DavisNeal born about 1926
Deahl??? born about
DeahlHomer born about 1910
DeahlJoan born about 1939
DeahlJonas born about 1911
DeahlMarie born about 1914
DeahlSarah born about 1864
DeahlShirley Maeborn about 1936
DeanJames Eborn about 1886
DeanJames Eborn about 1936
DeanMary Oborn about 1892
DeanMildred born about 1914
DeanVilla Marieborn about 1923
DebernardiAngelo born about 1912
DebernardiLaurence born about 1881
DebertiErsilia born about 1879
DebertiIda born about 1909
DebertiJoseph born about 1879
DebertiMike born about 1907
DebertiRonald born about 1936
DebertiTransquill born about 1880
DehavenChristopher born about 1908
DehavenClifford Earlborn about 1939
DehavenLuella Mayborn about 1937
DehavenVella born about 1918
DeitmanChristine born about 1902
DeitmanElizabeth born about 1924
DeitmanOtto born about 1900
DeitmanOtto Jr born about 1922
DeitmanTheodore born about 1890
DeitmanTheodore Jr born about 1929
DeleskiHenry born about 1922
DeleskiJoseph born about 1886
DeleskiJoseph born about 1930
DeleskiKenneth born about 1931
DeleskiMadlyn born about 1924
DeleskiMary born about 1895
DelvettoPaul born about 1870
DelvittoAmelia born about 1919
DelvittoCharles born about 1892
DelvittoLouise born about 1900
DeptukHelen born about 1938
DeptukIrene born about 1937
DeptukMary born about 1913
DeptukMichael born about 1904
DeptukRosellle born about 1939
DetrieFrank born about 1901
DetrieJessie born about 1933
DetrieJune born about 1936
DetrieLouise born about 1929
DetrieMabel born about 1904
DetrieMargaret born about 1926
DevinsCatherine born about 1891
DevinsClifford born about 1914
DevinsElizabeth born about 1922
DevinsFirn born about 1887
DevinsFlorence born about 1925
DevinsGerald born about 1917
DevinsIola Jborn about 1920
DevinsJames born about 1882
DevinsLeo Lborn about 1930
DevinsMary born about 1928
DevinsMinnie born about 1884
DevinsWinifred born about 1921
DiaddarioDominic born about 1920
DiaddarioJohn born about 1880
DiaddarioLouis born about 1915
DipirroFrank born about 1867
DipirroGuy born about 1911
DipirroJoseph born about 1905
DobmAnna born about 1910
DobmVirgil born about 1910
DolanGenevive born about 1920
DolanJames born about 1929
DolanJoseph born about 1922
DolanMary born about 1892
DolanMary born about 1925
DolanRita born about 1924
DolanThomas born about 1883
DolfiFred born about 1906
DolfiJoan born about 1884
DolfiSam born about 1881
DombDorothy born about 1912
DombHarold born about 1902
DombHarold born about 1930
DombRhoda born about 1883
DoneyCaroline born about 1880
DoneyClifford born about 1914
DoneyHenry born about 1904
DoneyHenry born about 1936
DoneyJohn Cborn about 1876
DoneyJohn Calvinborn about 1939
DoneyMargaret born about 1908
DoneyThelma born about 1920
DryburghAndrew born about 1867
DryburghJohn born about 1863
DudakCarlo born about 1892
DukeJoseph born about 1913
DukeJoseph born about 1936
DukeMargaret Aborn about 1913
DummireElaine born about 1933
DummireHarry born about 1937
DummireLaura born about 1910
DummireOlen born about 1910
DummirePatty Lonborn about 1939
DummireRuth born about 1938
DummireTeddy born about 1935
DummireWillma born about 1932
DunlapAda Lborn about 1876
DunlapJ Bborn about 1869
DunlapLawrence born about 1888
DunlavageAlex born about 1906
DunlavageDavid born about 1931
DunlavageSarha born about 1906
DunlopJames born about 1893
DunlopNorman born about 1921
DunlopRena born about 1900
DunlopRobert born about 1929
DunlopVivian born about 1925
DunmireErma born about 1924
DunmireHarry born about 1887
DunmirePearl born about 1885
DunmireWilliam born about 1928
DutkiewiczCarl born about 1929
DutkiewiczCaroline born about 1896
DutkiewiczLouie born about 1888
DutkiewiczPaul born about 1927
DynkyHelen born about 1937
DynkyJohn born about 1892
DynkyJohn born about 1930
DynkyJoseph born about 1927
DynkyJosephine born about 1909
DynkyMike born about 1933
DynkyWalter born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EakmanCarl born about 1937
EakmanDonald born about 1935
EakmanSamuel Aborn about 1909
EakmanThelma born about 1912
EffieSutter born about 1870
ElderFannie born about 1923
ElderJunna born about 1889
ElderLisle born about 1884
EllenbergerAlice Louiseborn about 1939
EllenbergerAnnabelle born about 1937
EllenbergerBetty born about 1927
EllenbergerMyrtle born about 1907
EllenbergerOakley born about 1907
EllenbergerRobert born about 1934
EllengerbergerJ Eborn about 1870
EllengerbergerTura born about 1874
EllisBen born about 1906
EllisGeorge born about 1930
EllisGladys born about 1927
EllisHenretti born about 1908
EllisRuth born about 1929
EmerickCalvin Cooligeborn about 1925
EmerickMayme Estherborn about 1895
EmerickOrran born about 1930
EmerickOrran Bborn about 1886
EnglishDoris born about 1936
EnglishEli born about 1903
EnglishEugene born about 1932
EnglishIda born about 1924
EnglishJane born about 1926
EnglishJoice born about 1930
EnglishMary born about 1894
EnglishNelda born about 1927
EnglishSam born about 1921
EnterlineBuelah born about 1906
EnterlinePowell born about 1902
EthersonFrances born about 1933
EthersonHelen born about 1903
EthersonJoseph born about 1873
EthersonThomas born about 1897
EthersonWinifred born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FaiplerAlfred born about 1896
FaiplerAlfred born about 1937
FaiplerAmelia born about 1870
FaiplerFlorence born about 1928
FaiplerFrederick born about 1939
FaiplerHelen born about 1909
FaiplerJules born about 1898
FaiplerKatherine born about 1931
FaiplerLoraine born about 1935
FairbanksArnold born about 1909
FairbanksBlanche born about 1878
FamaAnthony born about 1916
FamaCatherine born about
FamaDominic born about 1921
FamaFate born about 1927
FamaJoseph born about 1937
FamaJosephine born about 1929
FamaMary born about 1925
FamaPeter born about 1886
FamaRose born about 1920
FamaSamuel born about 1933
FamaSanta born about 1931
FamaSarah born about 1897
FamaSarah born about 1922
FantanzzoAlfonso born about 1921
FantanzzoCarl born about 1933
FantanzzoCecelia born about 1923
FantanzzoConcetta born about 1902
FantanzzoFrank born about 1925
FantanzzoLeonard born about 1939
FantanzzoMary born about 1935
FantanzzoSalavatore born about 1886
FarreaCarlo born about 1864
FarreaJoseph born about 1896
FarreaMargaret born about 1862
FattoreBernard born about 1918
FattoreDelores born about 1931
FattoreJulius born about 1921
FattoreMary born about 1901
FattorePaul Jr born about 1928
FattoreVirginia born about 1925
FeranceGeorge born about 1914
FeranceHelen born about 1915
FerraraAngelo born about 1900
FerraraDaily born about 1901
FerraraDella Marieborn about 1926
FerraraGloria born about 1921
FerraraHerman Donaldborn about 1929
FerraraJenevive born about 1923
FerraraJoseph born about 1889
FerraraJosephine born about 1927
FerraraRichard born about 1935
FerraraSylvia born about 1936
FerrierBertha Wborn about 1882
FerrierClair born about 1891
FerrierClair Jr born about 1924
FerrierFord Rborn about 1888
FerrierHarold born about 1931
FerrierJohn born about 1918
FerrierJohn J Jrborn about 1940
FerrierRose born about 1921
FerrierSarah born about 1893
Feterman??? born about 1885
FetermanClair born about 1921
FetermanFred born about 1931
FetermanHanry born about 1923
FetermanJames born about 1917
FetermanMarie born about 1893
FetermanThomas born about 1916
FetermanVerona born about 1927
FetzerAmelia born about
FetzerBertha born about 1912
FetzerCharles born about 1936
FetzerElda born about 1938
FetzerKenneth born about 1914
FetzerMilford born about 1935
FillerAnna born about 1893
FillerArthur Samuelborn about 1918
FillerArthur Samuelborn about 1939
FillerBertha born about 1904
FillerBetty born about 1937
FillerDonald Eugeneborn about 1937
FillerEdith born about 1919
FillerGlenn born about 1907
FillerGrant born about 1918
FillerHoward Glennborn about 1932
FillerIra Cborn about 1904
FillerIra Jamesborn about 1935
FillerKenneth Fborn about 1933
FillerLee born about 1901
FillerLovina Joyeborn about 1926
FillerMary born about 1863
FillerMary Mborn about 1878
FillerSelvada born about 1916
FillerWayne born about 1916
FillerWm Grantborn about 1934
FinnIsabell born about 1886
FinnJacob born about 1882
FinnWalter born about 1923
FlegalMargaret Eborn about 1915
FlegalMary Eborn about 1920
FlegalSarah Louiseborn about 1918
FordHomer Mborn about 1910
FormicaDominic born about 1934
FormicaLouis born about 1932
FormicaMargaret born about 1936
FormicaMartha born about 1930
FormicaMary born about 1898
FormicaMary born about 1923
FormicaRose born about 1926
FormicaTony born about 1895
FormicaTony born about 1928
FreedlineBoyd born about 1895
FreedlineBoyd born about 1929
FreedlineHarriett born about 1933
FreedlineJames born about 1926
FrewAndrew born about 1929
FrewDonald born about 1921
FrewDoris born about 1920
FrewHazel born about 1898
FrewJames born about 1898
FrewMargaret born about 1896
FrewRobert born about 1923
FrewWilliam born about 1892
FrewWilliam born about 1925
FrumanCalvin Sr born about 1927
FrumanFreeda born about 1924
FrumanLabria born about 1902
FrumanVivian born about 1937
FryGeorge Cborn about 1865
FryLettie born about 1877
FryerMabel born about 1914
FryerPaul born about 1906
FryerWilliam Paulborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GalentineAlice born about 1907
GalentineMary born about 1934
GalentineMaynard born about 1925
GalentineMerle born about 1932
GallatineBennie born about 1930
GallatineCarl born about 1923
GallatineClaire born about 1922
GallatineEarl born about 1936
GallatineJane born about 1901
GallatineMabel born about 1928
GallatineMary born about 1933
GallatineRex born about 1921
GallatineRuth born about 1926
GallatineShirley born about 1938
GallentineCharles born about 1882
GallentineEffie born about 1893
GallentineElla born about 1928
GallentineEthel born about 1923
GallentineHarold born about 1925
GallentineLouise born about 1934
GallentineMax born about 1931
GamberAnthony born about 1936
GamberBarbara born about 1905
GamberCatherine born about 1933
GamberHelen born about 1931
GamberJames born about 1935
GamberLouis born about 1899
GamberMary Sylviaborn about 1938
GamberRichard born about 1925
GamberRichard born about 1939
GamberSamuel born about 1929
GamberTheresa born about 1927
GanaryJenny born about 1914
GanaryLouis born about 1897
GarberAnna born about 1889
GarberElizabeth born about 1933
GarberJohn born about 1885
GarberJohn born about 1911
GarberJoseph born about 1920
GarberMargaret born about 1928
GarberMartha born about 1922
GarberMary born about 1926
GarberMichael born about 1917
GarberStephen born about 1924
GarveyAnna born about 1901
GarveyWilliam born about 1881
GastonAllen born about 1939
GastonAlta born about 1894
GastonAndrey born about 1914
GastonAnnabelle born about 1924
GastonArron born about 1890
GastonBernell born about 1928
GastonBud Jr born about 1936
GastonBudd born about 1894
GastonCarrie born about 1885
GastonClara born about 1885
GastonClarabelle born about 1924
GastonClark born about 1929
GastonClay born about 1913
GastonDan born about 1935
GastonDon born about 1926
GastonDora born about 1925
GastonEdith born about 1901
GastonEdna born about 1920
GastonEdward born about 1937
GastonEthel born about 1905
GastonEvelyn born about 1937
GastonForest born about 1893
GastonFrank born about 1894
GastonGrace born about 1917
GastonH Greelborn about 1871
GastonHelen Jeanborn about 1939
GastonHilda Mayborn about 1929
GastonHomer born about 1906
GastonHoward born about 1916
GastonHoward Rborn about 1935
GastonI Wborn about 1879
GastonIlene born about 1933
GastonImogene born about 1931
GastonJack born about 1931
GastonJay born about 1931
GastonJene born about 1932
GastonJohn born about 1873
GastonJoice born about 1936
GastonKenneth born about 1919
GastonLaird born about 1914
GastonLaird Jr born about 1940
GastonLaura Janeborn about 1936
GastonLawrence Rayborn about 1937
GastonLeonard born about 1917
GastonLeroy born about 1936
GastonLester born about 1910
GastonLex born about 1923
GastonLouis born about 1922
GastonLuther born about 1883
GastonLuther Jr born about 1924
GastonMarie born about 1926
GastonMartha born about 1927
GastonMax born about 1919
GastonMelvin born about 1878
GastonMinnie born about 1878
GastonMinta born about 1895
GastonOlive born about 1922
GastonOra born about 1905
GastonOra born about 1913
GastonOtto born about 1896
GastonPride born about 1896
GastonQuinley born about 1923
GastonRay born about 1908
GastonSarah born about 1912
GastonShirley born about 1933
GastonShirley Jborn about 1936
GastonSylvia Joanborn about 1939
GastonViola Gborn about 1923
GastonWilda Mayborn about 1938
GastonWilma Jeanborn about 1932
GastonYvonne born about 1938
GaulBurton born about 1886
GaulGerald born about 1917
GaulMaude born about 1894
GaulRuth born about 1923
GealshaAnna born about 1925
GealshaCharlotte born about 1928
GealshaFrances born about 1890
GealshaFrank born about 1918
GealshaHelen born about 1924
GealshaJohn born about 1920
GealshaJoseph born about 1887
GealshaMichael born about 1926
GealshaSarah born about 1932
GealshaStanley born about 1915
GearhartAlice Marieborn about 1937
GearhartDaisy born about 1907
GearhartMerle born about 1931
GearhartPaul born about 1900
GeistAnnabelle born about 1906
GeistClyde born about 1901
GeistGeraldine born about 1926
GeistHazel born about 1934
GeistHomer born about 1911
GeistIrene born about 1913
GeistLelia born about 1931
GeistOrval born about 1938
GeistThelma born about 1936
GettyCatherine born about 1934
GettyCharles born about 1909
GettyDonald born about 1936
GettyEdith born about 1914
GettyJames Jborn about 1932
GibsonDavid born about 1852
GibsonElizabeth born about 1879
GibsonWilliam born about 1879
GiroskeyGeorge born about 1901
GiroskeyGeorge Jr born about 1937
GiroskeyIsabell born about 1913
GiroskeyMary born about 1901
GiroskeySteve born about 1910
GodoAnna born about 1906
GodoAnna born about 1923
GodoElizabeth born about 1932
GodoEmily born about 1937
GodoJoseph born about 1925
GodoMargaret born about 1933
GodoMicheal born about 1896
GodoMicheal born about 1935
GodoOlga born about 1929
GodoWilliam born about 1939
GordanHarry born about 1927
GordanJohn born about 1935
GordanMargaret born about 1906
GordanUlrie born about 1899
GowdridgeCatherine born about 1884
GowdridgeMaurice born about 1917
GowdridgeWilliam Hborn about 1884
GraffiusOra born about 1879
GrayJames born about 1917
GrayMargaret born about 1876
GroveDavid born about 1882
GroveDavid born about 1902
GroveDavid born about 1924
GroveEvelyn born about 1930
GroveGeraldine born about 1923
GroveJohn born about 1908
GroveLillian born about 1934
GroveMae born about 1902
GroveRobert born about 1881
GroveRobert born about 1926
GroveWilliam born about 1934
GuidashDaniel born about 1887
GuidashFrank born about 1918
GuidashGeorge born about 1917
GuidashHelen born about 1927
GuidashLidia born about 1892
GuidashLidia born about 1925
GuidashMartha born about 1931
GuidashSteve born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaleyJohn born about 1881
HaleyMary born about 1883
HamiltonDavid born about 1937
HamiltonGeorge born about 1908
HamiltonGeorge Thomasborn about 1939
HamiltonMary born about 1917
HandersonErnest born about 1866
HandersonMary born about 1864
HannaWilliam born about 1911
HarcharIrene born about 1882
HarcharJohn born about 1886
HarperElizabeth born about 1890
HarperJanet born about 1927
HarperMarie born about 1924
HarperWilliam born about 1919
HarrisDale born about 1919
HarrisDorothy born about 1924
HarrisEdward born about 1883
HarrisHoward born about 1914
HarrisSarah born about 1886
HarryMargaret born about 1876
HarrySouth born about 1874
HarveyBarbara Annborn about 1936
HarveyDavid born about 1916
HarveyH Stantonborn about 1931
HarveyJack Eborn about 1925
HarveyJean born about 1910
HarveyJohn born about 1892
HarveyLeroy born about 1909
HarveyMarshall born about 1866
HarveyMary born about 1897
HastingsMarjorie born about 1928
HawkAlberta born about 1918
HawkAnnie Sonborn about 1889
HawkArron born about 1885
HawkArthur born about 1925
HawkBessie born about 1898
HawkBlair born about 1904
HawkBuela born about 1917
HawkCharles born about 1936
HawkCrecia born about 1896
HawkDavid born about 1864
HawkDennis born about 1939
HawkDollie born about 1893
HawkDonald born about 1931
HawkEdith born about 1932
HawkEdna born about 1892
HawkEdward Eborn about 1876
HawkElmer Hborn about 1876
HawkEtsel born about 1923
HawkEtta born about 1886
HawkGeorge born about 1874
HawkHarold born about 1905
HawkHoward born about 1936
HawkIona born about 1926
HawkJames born about 1880
HawkJohn born about 1880
HawkJosephine born about 1933
HawkLedsel born about 1912
HawkLester born about 1915
HawkLloyd born about 1922
HawkLorena born about 1937
HawkLovinia born about 1877
HawkMary born about 1884
HawkRaymond born about 1915
HawkReed born about 1892
HawkRhoda born about 1886
HawkRichard born about 1922
HawkRonald Eborn about 1939
HawkRuth born about 1923
HawkWilliam born about 1884
HawkWilliam Aborn about 1883
HelflickDavid born about 1868
HendersonClarance Eborn about 1892
HendersonElsie Mborn about 1885
HenryAbe born about 1867
HenryAlpha born about 1914
HenryAlta born about 1907
HenryAvay born about 1920
HenryCarl born about 1902
HenryCatherine born about 1928
HenryDale born about 1898
HenryDale born about 1925
HenryDonald born about 1929
HenryEmma born about 1902
HenryEtta born about 1874
HenryHarry born about 1904
HenryHelen born about 1926
HenryHilda Marieborn about 1935
HenryIda born about 1900
HenryJames born about 1921
HenryJames Wborn about 1921
HenryJohn born about 1859
HenryJohn Robertborn about 1923
HenryLewis Sborn about 1891
HenryLuis born about 1891
HenryMary born about 1896
HenryMary Tborn about 1896
HenryMerle born about 1894
HenryNellie born about 1908
HenryPatrica Annborn about 1933
HenryPauline born about 1925
HenryRalph born about 1922
HenryRalph Nborn about 1922
HenryRay born about 1902
HenryRichard born about 1939
HenryRobert born about 1923
HenrySarah born about 1870
HenrySylvia Janeborn about 1938
HenryThelma born about 1926
HessEtta born about 1880
HessEttabelle born about 1936
HewittAlton Leroyborn about 1911
HewittArthur born about 1921
HewittDorothy born about 1931
HewittForest born about 1925
HewittJay Williamborn about 1939
HewittLillie Geraldineborn about 1917
HewittRaymond born about 1923
HewittVirginia born about 1927
HewittWilliam born about 1882
HewittZola born about 1902
HinderliterCharles born about 1912
HinderliterDelbert born about 1936
HinderliterEsther born about 1913
HinderliterLeroy born about 1934
HodgeBertha born about 1929
HodgeDavid Dborn about 1939
HodgeMilak born about 1903
HodgeNancy Eborn about 1924
HodgePriscila born about 1936
HodgeRichard born about 1927
HodgeRuby born about 1933
HodgeWarren Cborn about 1895
HodgeWilliam born about 1922
HodgsonAnita Dianeborn about 1940
HodgsonBetty born about 1922
HodgsonBlanch born about 1890
HodgsonCarrie born about 1887
HodgsonCharles E Cli???born about 1917
HodgsonChristina born about 1920
HodgsonEvelyn born about 1927
HodgsonIrene born about 1925
HodgsonIrving born about 1890
HodgsonIrving born about 1920
HodgsonJayne born about 1929
HodgsonLloyd born about 1913
HodgsonMariam born about 1924
HodgsonMary born about 1916
HodgsonOdessa born about 1920
HodgsonPaul born about 1925
HodgsonRaymond born about 1929
HodgsonRuth born about 1918
HodgsonViola born about 1918
HodgsonWilliam born about 1888
HodorElizabeth born about 1929
HodorGeraldine born about 1925
HodorMary born about 1906
HodorPeter born about 1900
HodorRobert born about 1926
HonckGeraldine born about 1925
HonckJames born about 1905
HonckR Geraldborn about 1939
HookHelen born about 1915
HookIrene born about 1939
HookJohn born about 1906
HookJohn born about 1933
HookMarion born about 1933
HookSue born about 1917
HowkEthel born about 1923
HowkForest born about 1917
HowkGeorge born about 1890
HowkVelma born about 1893
HudockAlbert born about 1922
HudockCyril born about 1913
HudockJohn Andyborn about 1878
HudockMartin born about 1926
HudockMary born about 1885
HudockPauline born about 1923
HulanCecelia born about 1926
HulanFrank born about 1929
HulanJulia born about 1894
HulanSteve born about 1890
HulanSteve born about 1923
HumbleAoanelle born about 1927
HumbleClarabelle born about 1936
HumbleClarence born about 1904
HumbleHelena born about 1909
HumbleJames born about 1927
HumbleLee born about 1906
HumbleLila born about 1907
HumbleLinda Lonborn about 1938
HumbleMaxine born about 1930
HumbleRobert born about 1932
HunterWilliam born about 1892
HurdElla born about 1867
HurdElla Mayborn about 1928
HurdGrace born about 1902
HurdJack born about 1922
HurdRay born about 1890
HurdRex born about 1923
HutchisonEvelyn born about 1923
HutchisonFrances born about 1924
HutchisonJohn born about 1887
HutchisonMartha born about 1896
HutchisonMary born about 1873
HutchisonRaymond born about 1921
HutchisonRebecca born about 1889
HutchisonThomas Jborn about 1889
HutchisonWesley born about 1925
HutchisonWilliam born about 1891
HyndJames born about 1914
HyndJames Rborn about 1938
HyndMargaret born about 1917
HyndMargaret Jeanborn about 1935
HyndShirley Lborn about 1937
HyndWm Mcclaineborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonJ Jacklineborn about 1927
JacksonJohn born about 1873
JacksonJosephine born about 1892
JacksonThomas Dborn about 1895
JacksonWilliam born about 1886
JacksonWilliam born about 1925
JamesBertha born about 1924
JamesClara born about 1908
JamesElmer Mborn about 1930
JamesHarry Eborn about 1894
JamesHarry Jr born about 1928
JamesJoyce born about 1928
JamesMildred born about 1927
JamesOleta born about 1894
JamesOlewn born about 1926
JamesThurza born about 1866
JamesWilliam born about 1929
JamesWilliam Hborn about 1900
JanochaHenry born about 1914
JedzejekAndrew born about 1894
JedzejekAnna born about 1927
JedzejekJohn born about 1924
JedzejekJoseph born about 1929
JedzejekSophia born about 1900
JedzejekWalter born about 1922
JeffriesHelen born about 1914
JeffriesRobert born about 1912
JeffriesSarah Dianeborn about 1937
JeniriArthur born about 1892
JeniriJane born about 1907
JeniriNorma born about 1931
JeniriSamuel born about 1924
JeniriSteve born about 1926
JeniriVirginia born about 1928
JewarAnna born about 1898
JewarFrank born about 1889
JewarGertrude born about 1933
JewarHelen born about 1920
JohnsonAlfred born about 1911
JohnsonBetty Lonborn about 1937
JohnsonBurton born about 1897
JohnsonCharles born about 1901
JohnsonDavid born about 1919
JohnsonEdward born about 1933
JohnsonEllen born about 1878
JohnsonElmina born about 1913
JohnsonHans born about 1869
JohnsonHelen born about 1913
JohnsonJames born about 1911
JohnsonJimmie born about 1900
JohnsonJohn born about 1873
JohnsonJohn born about 1899
JohnsonJoice Ellenborn about 1939
JohnsonJulius born about 1900
JohnsonLeroy born about 1930
JohnsonLula born about 1912
JohnsonMabel born about 1920
JohnsonMadge born about 1878
JohnsonMargaret born about 1917
JohnsonMary born about 1907
JohnsonRichard Philipborn about 1939
JohnsonSlyvia Jeanborn about 1928
JohnsonWilliam Georgeborn about 1931
JonesAnna born about 1893
JonesH Leroyborn about 1922
JonesJ Theilborn about 1928
JonesJames Kborn about 1922
JonesLotus Eborn about 1897
JonesLotus Willio???born about 1931
JonesR Maxineborn about 1926
JonesRuth Wborn about 1927
JonesWilliam born about 1919
JonesWilliam Hborn about 1894
JonesWilliam Rborn about 1888
JordanEdna Janeborn about 1934
JordanVerner born about 1904
JordanWilkie born about 1910
JosephAndrew born about 1901
JosephAndrew born about 1931
JosephBertha born about 1904
JosephJames born about 1933
JosephLoretta born about 1938
JosephMarcella born about 1937
JosephRonald born about 1935
JurczakLewis born about 1908
JurczakLouise born about 1920
JustkanLillian born about 1917
JustkanRobert born about 1913
JustkanRobert Jr born about 1940
JustkanSharyl born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaneMary Mborn about 1901
KaniaBrunno born about 1912
KaniaJosephine born about 1918
KaniaJosephine born about 1926
KaniaMathew born about 1919
KaniaStanley born about 1922
KaniaVincent born about 1884
KaniaVincent born about 1939
KaniaWanda born about 1925
KanouffDorothy born about 1912
KanouffEarl born about 1935
KanouffHenrietta born about 1927
KanouffHenry Clayborn about 1912
KanouffJane born about 1888
KanouffLaone born about 1933
KanouffMary born about 1889
KanouffMervin born about 1931
KanouffMorris born about 1886
KanouffPaul born about 1910
KanouffRonald born about 1939
KanouffWilliam Aborn about 1883
KawlchickBenjamin born about 1918
KawochickAnthony born about 1892
KawochickEdward born about 1935
KawochickHenry born about 1924
KawochickMary born about 1897
KawochickMary born about 1929
KawochickMatilda born about 1922
KawochickRose born about 1920
KellerDean born about 1928
KellerFred Kborn about 1908
KellerJeneva born about 1909
KellerPatrica born about 1935
KellyDan born about 1927
KellyFrank born about 1937
KellyMargaret born about 1908
KellyPaul born about 1925
KellyRalph Pborn about 1894
KendraAlbert born about 1919
KendraAnna born about 1892
KendraCarl born about 1922
KendraHelen born about 1925
KendraIrene born about 1928
KendraMartha born about 1933
KendraMartin born about 1887
KiddWilbur born about 1863
KishFrank born about 1905
KishMargaret born about 1925
KishMary born about 1885
KishSteve born about 1927
KishTheresa born about 1890
KlineAnna born about 1894
KlineGeorge born about 1919
KlineJoseph born about 1892
KlineSarah born about 1918
KnislyBuela born about 1894
KnislyEverrett born about 1920
KnislyMarie born about 1917
KnislySamuel born about 1895
KnislyWayne born about 1928
KnoxElizabeth born about 1863
KnoxW Jborn about 1876
KollarAnna Maeborn about 1916
KollarCatherine born about 1929
KollarEva born about 1890
KollarHelen born about 1920
KollarJohn born about 1920
KollarJoseph born about 1926
KollarLucille born about 1916
KollarMichael born about 1939
KollarSteve born about 1887
KollarSteve Jr born about 1915
KollarWilliam born about 1912
KopasDonald born about 1936
KopasFrances born about 1875
KopasFrank born about 1914
KopasFrederick born about
KopasJoan born about 1938
KopasJohn born about 1873
KopasJohn born about 1900
KopasJohn born about 1935
KopasJoseph born about 1938
KopasLaurence born about 1933
KopasMary born about 1900
KopasMary born about 1915
KopasMicheal born about 1911
KordakJoseph born about 1888
KordakMay born about 1889
KovatchAlbert born about 1939
KovatchCharles born about 1897
KovatchCharles born about 1929
KovatchElizabeth born about 1926
KovatchHarold born about 1936
KovatchLoyd born about 1932
KovatchMary Janeborn about 1907
KovatchRichard born about 1935
KovatchWilliam Jborn about 1927
KowalchikSteve born about 1915
KralikAndrew born about 1920
KralikGeorge born about 1935
KralikJohn born about 1923
KralikJoseph born about 1921
KralikLouis born about 1895
KralikLouis born about 1925
KralikMargorie born about 1932
KralikMary born about 1899
KralikMary born about 1929
KralikMichael born about 1928
KraynakAndrew born about 1901
KraynakAnna born about 1914
KraynakAnna Mayborn about 1932
KraynakDorothy born about 1935
KraynakJoseph born about 1917
KraynakJulia born about 1907
KraynakMargaret born about 1930
KraynakSusan born about 1919
KredeAnna born about 1900
KredeFred born about 1903
KredeGeorge born about 1909
KredeHelen born about 1906
KredeRichard born about 1898
KringHelen Jeanborn about 1922
KringJessie Mborn about 1900
KringJoseph Mborn about 1897
KromerDaniel born about 1907
KromerDaniel born about 1932
KromerDonald born about 1935
KromerEdward born about 1915
KromerEdward born about 1939
KromerHarold Leroyborn about 1939
KromerIsabell born about 1907
KromerIsabell born about 1920
KromerJack born about 1931
KromerRuth born about 1928
KromerSamuel born about 1939
KubinskiBertha born about 1908
KubinskiFelix born about 1904
KubinskiFrank born about 1940
KubinskiJoan born about 1930
KurtzAnna born about 1918
KurtzBertha born about 1894
KurtzGeorge born about 1920
KurtzMargaret born about 1929
KurtzMichael born about 1891
KurtzMichael born about 1922
KurtzVictor born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambertDorothy born about 1916
LambertJoseph born about 1914
LambertMarjorie Annborn about 1939
LaponiPete born about 1897
LazorationCharles born about 1913
LazorationHelen born about 1913
LeasureArveta born about 1911
LeasureBillie born about 1939
LeasureClaire born about 1935
LeasureEarl born about 1910
LeasureHazel born about 1930
LeasureVernon born about 1938
LeeE Hborn about 1870
LeeLaura Cborn about 1886
LemonFannie Workborn about 1892
LemonJ Cborn about 1875
LeuisBeverly born about 1931
LewisArnold born about 1919
LewisBetty born about 1928
LewisCharles born about 1887
LewisDaryl born about 1931
LewisDavid born about 1927
LewisDonald Mayborn about 1938
LewisEarl born about 1904
LewisEllen born about 1916
LewisEmmeline born about 1932
LewisErmina born about 1925
LewisGoldie born about 1900
LewisHarvey born about 1888
LewisHenretta born about 1903
LewisJ born about 1877
LewisJames born about 1875
LewisJeane born about 1929
LewisJoan born about 1922
LewisMargaret Rborn about 1894
LewisMary Annborn about 1878
LewisMary Lonborn about 1928
LewisOlen born about 1922
LewisPhilip born about 1937
LewisPreston born about 1893
LewisPreston Jr born about 1926
LewisSarah born about 1905
LewisShirley Annborn about 1935
LewisSusan born about 1868
LezakAndy born about 1868
LezakElizabeth born about 1888
LezakElizabeth born about 1917
LezakFrank born about 1901
LezakHelen born about 1925
LezakJohn born about 1888
LezakMary born about 1870
LezakMary born about 1923
LightnerMarian born about 1913
LightnerWalter born about 1917
LimerickAnnabelle born about 1913
LimerickCarl born about 1915
LimerickClaire born about 1938
LimerickMary Janeborn about 1933
LimerickMerle born about 1931
LimerickRobert born about 1934
LimerickThomas born about 1936
LipicoBlanche born about 1925
LipicoCatherine born about 1892
LipicoHelen born about 1931
LipicoJohn born about 1929
LipicoJoseph born about 1923
LipicoStanley born about 1927
LowmasterBen born about 1910
LowmasterBlair born about 1919
LowmasterDaniel born about 1930
LowmasterFloyd born about 1934
LowmasterGeorge born about 1934
LowmasterHelen born about 1925
LowmasterJames born about 1932
LowmasterLeroy born about 1896
LowmasterNancy Jborn about 1862
LowmasterNaomi born about 1932
LowmasterRichard born about 1931
LowmasterRobert born about 1927
LowmasterRuth born about 1901
LowmasterRuth born about 1908
LowmasterT??Illa born about 1908
LowmasterWilliam born about 1903
LowryLottie born about 1873
LowryW Hborn about 1866
LowshingLottie born about 1873
LowshingW Hborn about 1866
LoydeCelma born about 1926
LoydeGlendora born about 1906
LoydeHelena born about 1928
LoydeJames born about 1924
LoydeLaurence born about 1901
LoydrbongCelma born about 1926
LoydrbongGlendora born about 1906
LoydrbongHelena born about 1928
LoydrbongJames born about 1924
LoydrbongLaurence born about 1901
LucasRoy born about 1891
LucashRoy born about 1891
LungerEugene born about 1933
LungerLoretta Mayborn about 1937
LungerMadelene born about 1916
LungerMay born about 1889
LungerPearl born about 1874
LungerRobert Lynnborn about 1935
LungerSamuel born about 1910
LungerThomas born about 1907
LungerThomas Jr born about 1934
LungeyEugene born about 1933
LungeyLoretta Mayborn about 1937
LungeyMadelene born about 1916
LungeyMay born about 1889
LungeyPearl born about 1874
LungeyRobert Lynnborn about 1935
LungeySamuel born about 1910
LungeyThomas born about 1907
LungeyThomas Jr born about 1934
LyonsJames P Jrborn about 1917
LyonsJames P Srborn about 1889
LyonsMyles Jborn about 1922
LyonsVeronica Lborn about 1889
LyorJames P Jrborn about 1917
LyorJames P Srborn about 1889
LyorMyles Jborn about 1922
LyorVeronica Lborn about 1889
LytleAlbert born about 1931
LytleErnest born about 1910
LytleGeorge born about 1886
LytleMyrtle born about 1894
LytteAlbert born about 1931
LytteErnest born about 1910
LytteGeorge born about 1886
LytteMyrtle born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MackEdith born about 1922
MackElaine born about 1919
MackEvelyn born about 1898
MackHenretti born about 1923
MackJohn born about 1936
MackLillian born about 1916
MadoxMary born about 1864
MaioneRosie born about 1878
MaioneTony born about 1876
MakatureFrancis born about 1929
MallinBertha born about 1889
MallinHugh born about 1882
MallinJames born about 1925
MallinMildred born about 1921
MallinRobert born about 1930
MaroglioAngeline born about 1909
MaroglioDolores born about 1927
MaroglioFerdanand born about 1935
MaroglioFred born about 1907
MaroglioJosephine born about 1885
MaroglioPrimo born about 1882
MarshJohn Kennethborn about 1932
MarshJune born about 1913
MarshRoy born about 1911
MarskiJoe born about 1891
MarskiMary born about 1896
MarskiMichael born about 1925
MartinJ Mborn about 1879
MartinSadie born about 1883
MaruschackAndrew born about 1906
MatskoAlbert born about 1931
MatskoFrank born about 1927
MatskoJohn born about 1885
MatskoMary born about 1889
MatskoWilliam born about 1924
MayerJames born about 1938
MayerMable born about 1914
MayerSylvester born about 1915
MayerSylvester Jr born about 1932
McClellandFlorence born about 1904
McClellandGrant Vborn about 1893
McClellandJames Vborn about 1938
McCloskeyAnna born about 1905
McCloskeyMargaret born about 1901
McCloskeyMary born about 1903
McCloskeyPatrick born about 1873
McCloskyBernard born about 1923
McCloskyFrancis born about 1921
McCloskySusan born about 1878
McCloskyWilliam born about 1919
McCoyCarl born about 1914
McCoySusie born about 1922
McCulloughDoris born about 1939
McCulloughEdna born about 1919
McCulloughEmma born about 1891
McCulloughWilliam born about 1885
McCulloughWilliam Mborn about 1915
McDevittAnna born about 1888
McDevittC Oborn about 1877
McFarlandAlbert born about 1925
McFarlandAnna Jeanborn about 1925
McFarlandArmour born about 1881
McFarlandBeatrice born about 1910
McFarlandBetty born about 1924
McFarlandBilly born about 1931
McFarlandBoyd born about 1924
McFarlandCara born about 1886
McFarlandCarl born about 1906
McFarlandCarrie born about 1884
McFarlandClifford born about 1878
McFarlandClifford born about 1923
McFarlandEdgar born about 1919
McFarlandEugene born about 1912
McFarlandFlorence born about 1900
McFarlandFloyd born about 1933
McFarlandGeraldine born about 1929
McFarlandHenry born about 1927
McFarlandHorace Hborn about 1922
McFarlandJeneva born about 1910
McFarlandJohn Eborn about 1883
McFarlandJoseph Rborn about 1877
McFarlandLeon born about 1916
McFarlandLeon born about 1917
McFarlandLester born about 1921
McFarlandMabel born about 1928
McFarlandMartha born about 1916
McFarlandMary born about 1922
McFarlandMaxine born about 1931
McFarlandPaul born about 1919
McFarlandRalph born about 1904
McFarlandRawle born about 1895
McFarlandRonald born about 1929
McFarlandViolet born about 1908
McFarlandWilliam born about 1910
McHaleMatilda Mborn about 1915
McKeownClarance born about 1936
McKeownDorothy born about 1938
McKeownElaine born about 1940
McKeownMargaret born about 1912
McKeownWilliam born about 1905
McMahonAlma born about 1919
McMahonCarl born about 1918
McMahonHarry born about 1937
MeckleyBess born about 1886
MeckleyEvelyn born about 1931
MeckleyEverett born about 1925
MeckleyHelen born about 1924
MeckleyIssac born about 1921
MeckleyLillie born about 1921
MeckleyMyrtle Emmaborn about 1929
MeckleyWilliam born about 1872
MelvinDavid Pborn about 1938
MelvinHenry born about 1913
MelvinJosephine born about 1897
MelvinLarry Jamesborn about 1939
MelvinMary born about 1918
MerlinoCatherine born about 1922
MerlinoFrank born about 1892
MerlinoJames born about 1940
MerlinoJoan born about 1937
MerlinoJoseph born about 1927
MerlinoJosephine born about 1921
MerlinoLucille born about 1924
MerlinoMary Janeborn about 1932
MerlinoPatrina born about 1935
MerlinoRose born about 1902
MerlinoRose Marieborn about 1934
MerlinoSamuel born about 1939
MerlinoTheresa born about 1928
MerrilErma born about 1906
MerrilMary Ellenborn about 1924
MerrilPaul Kborn about 1903
MerrilSidney born about 1926
MillerBernice born about 1930
MillerBurt born about 1894
MillerDolly Lonborn about 1937
MillerForest born about 1909
MillerGlean born about 1892
MillerHattie born about 1928
MillerJesse born about 1898
MillerJesse Jr born about 1920
MillerLawrence born about 1911
MillerMartha born about 1867
MillerMaybelle born about 1925
MillerMinnie born about 1900
MizerockAndrew born about 1918
MizerockGeorge born about 1878
MizerockJohn born about 1912
MizerockJohn born about 1936
MizerockMicheal born about 1924
MizerockMonica born about 1885
MizerockThelma born about 1915
MocekCharles born about 1924
MocekClara born about 1893
MocekFrank born about 1926
MocekHenry born about 1917
MocekMary born about 1933
MocekMary Ellenborn about 1917
MocekPauline born about 1916
MocekRose Marieborn about 1939
MocekSophia born about 1920
MocekStanley born about 1919
MocekStella born about 1927
MocekTheodore born about 1930
MocekWalter born about 1890
MocekWalter Jborn about 1915
MogleIthamar Eborn about 1900
MogleIthamar Sr born about 1925
MogleJanet born about 1926
MogleMary Annborn about 1935
MogleRachel Eborn about 1899
MogleRichard born about 1928
MolinariAngelo born about 1925
MolinariJoseph born about 1889
MolinariJosephine born about 1922
MolinariLouise born about 1923
MolinariMario born about 1929
MolinariRegina born about 1893
MolinariRosie born about 1924
MolinengoAlbert born about 1921
MolinengoAldo born about 1923
MolinengoAlice born about 1918
MolinengoArnold born about 1928
MolinengoGeorge born about 1886
MolinengoJoe born about 1923
MolinengoJoseph born about 1891
MolinengoLucia born about 1893
MolingoJohn born about 1881
MolingoValentina born about 1916
MoniAntonio born about 1890
MoniHerman born about 1919
MoniLeo born about 1922
MoniTheresa born about 1895
MoniWilliam Johnborn about 1928
MonoskeyJosephine born about 1916
MonoskeyPete born about 1914
MonoskeyRobert born about 1939
MonoskyEmory Phillipborn about 1938
MonoskyGeorge born about 1908
MonoskyMargaret born about 1912
MorellCharles born about 1912
MorellMary born about 1877
MorellSalvatore born about 1881
MorellSam born about 1919
MorellSantina born about 1922
MorellSteve born about 1914
MorockAngelo born about 1893
MorockAngelo born about 1929
MorockAnna born about 1919
MorockDorothy born about 1931
MorockEvelyn born about 1925
MorockFrances born about 1924
MorockJoseph Lborn about 1921
MorockMargaret born about 1927
MorrisonElizabeth born about 1873
MosianPauline born about 1858
MosianWilliam born about 1860
MoskelEdward born about 1937
MoskelFrank born about 1912
MoskelFrank born about 1939
MoskelJohn born about 1916
MoskelLena born about 1917
MottoAndrew born about 1882
MottornElla born about 1882
MottornJohn born about 1886
MyersElmer born about 1912
MyersHarry born about 1925
MyersHassie born about 1890
MyersJane born about 1918
MyersMartha born about 1934
MyersWilliam Cborn about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NagyAnna born about 1879
NagyJohn born about 1888
NagyJohn born about 1922
NagyJoseph born about 1877
NagyLidia born about 1864
NagyMargaret born about 1923
NaperalskiaRev Edwardborn about 1890
NealCharles born about 1880
NealElizabeth born about 1927
NealEthel born about 1922
NealEugene born about 1920
NealGladys born about 1917
NealJennie born about 1895
NealLawrence born about 1927
NealLouise born about 1939
NealRonald born about 1913
NealRonald born about 1935
NealVelma born about 1925
NeilAnna born about 1921
NeilCharles born about 1939
NeilEveret born about 1915
NeilKenneth born about 1935
NeilLew born about 1916
NeilTwillia born about 1913
NelsonCarl born about 1905
NelsonCharles born about 1896
NelsonCharles born about 1924
NelsonDonald born about 1928
NelsonFlorence born about 1919
NelsonJackie born about 1931
NelsonMargaret born about 1905
NelsonMary born about 1899
NelsonOlal born about 1872
NelsonReba born about 1892
NelsonWilliam born about 1915
NicholsBert born about 1891
NoerrDorene born about 1932
NoerrGrace born about 1912
NoerrRaybern born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OberlinBarbara born about 1930
OberlinD Williamborn about 1902
OberlinDonald born about 1927
OberlinMargaret born about 1903
OberlinMargarie born about 1924
ObrienElizabeth born about 1918
ObrienFrancis born about 1931
ObrienPaul born about 1930
ObrienRichard Leeborn about 1935
ObrienRobert Jamesborn about 1918
ObrienRose Annborn about 1890
ObrienWilliam born about 1885
ObrienWilliam born about 1922
OlfiFreddie born about 1937
OlfiMary born about 1923
OlfiRose born about 1921
OlsonAnna Maeborn about 1924
OlsonLouis born about 1897
OlsonMarcdla born about 1922
OlsonRuth Ednaborn about 1927
OlsonSamuel born about 1862
OrganAnna Cborn about 1888
OrganMiles born about 1885
OrganPearl born about 1920
OrganThomas born about 1917
OsbornLouise born about 1927
OshipAlice born about 1935
OshipAlto Mborn about 1898
OshipAnna born about 1912
OshipGeorge born about 1906
OshipGeorge born about 1923
OshipHelen born about 1875
OshipJane born about 1937
OshipJohn born about 1900
OshipMary born about 1928
OshipMetro born about 1872
OshipMike born about 1919
OshipPaul born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PainterArveda born about 1912
PainterAudrey born about 1933
PainterBlair born about 1919
PainterCharles born about 1916
PainterCharles Jr born about 1937
PainterClyde born about 1888
PainterDorothy born about 1936
PainterEarl born about 1928
PainterEdith born about 1910
PainterElizabeth born about 1861
PainterElton born about 1924
PainterErnest born about 1917
PainterJohn born about 1894
PainterLawrence born about 1916
PainterMabel born about 1897
PainterNellie born about 1915
PainterPhilip Cborn about 1868
PainterRonald born about 1930
PalloneJohn Williamborn about 1928
PalloneJoseph Mborn about 1923
PaloneJimmie born about 1926
PaloneMatt born about 1910
PardeeArthur born about 1919
PardeeDonald Clydeborn about 1932
PardeeGeorgena born about 1927
PardeeHoward Clydeborn about 1906
PardeeMargaret Louiseborn about 1929
PardeeMary born about 1889
PardeeMary born about 1908
PardeeMary Marieborn about 1925
PardeeNorman born about 1883
PardeePaul Richardborn about 1934
PardeeRobert born about 1922
PariskElizabeth born about 1923
PeaceDonna Pborn about 1929
PeaceMilton born about 1884
PeacePrissie born about 1884
PeltzFrank born about 1880
PeltzHelen born about 1908
PeltzRegina born about 1868
PennJoseph Pborn about 1916
PennRobert Tborn about 1868
PennettAngeline born about 1897
PennettAntonia born about 1880
PennettCarolyn born about 1904
PennettMartin born about 1909
PetersonBernetta born about 1933
PetersonDorothy born about 1910
PetersonE Caroleborn about 1939
PetersonEdwin born about 1907
PetersonMarilyn born about 1937
PetersonPalma born about 1897
PetersonPeter born about 1871
PetersonVivian born about 1935
PhillipiDonald born about 1938
PhillipiEllen born about 1926
PhillipiGlenn born about 1931
PhillipiIda born about 1905
PhillipiLeona born about 1928
PhillipiMalgena born about 1868
PhillipiWalter born about 1900
PhillipiWendell born about 1933
PierceArron born about 1927
PierceBetty born about 1924
PierceBonnie Jeanborn about 1932
PierceClyde born about 1910
PierceEdward born about 1901
PierceHoward born about 1926
PierceJohn Wborn about 1868
PierceLillian born about 1901
PierceLinda Lonborn about 1938
PierceMargaret born about 1871
PierceMaxine born about 1928
PierceRuby born about 1912
PierceRuby born about 1935
PierceRuth born about 1935
PierceS Maltildaborn about 1879
PierceShirley born about 1937
PiferAlvin Jborn about 1895
PiferDorothea born about 1919
PiferEllen born about 1896
PiferJack born about 1929
PiferMary born about 1929
PiferPatrica born about 1933
PiferPeggy born about 1927
PiferRichard born about 1924
PiferRichard born about 1925
PiferShirley born about 1934
PiferThomas born about 1890
PiferThomas born about 1923
PiliaAdelaide born about 1888
PiliaDelia born about 1915
PiliaMary born about 1915
PiliaSeverino born about 1884
PisarcikDorothy born about 1932
PisarcikElizabeth born about 1926
PisarcikEmil born about 1920
PisarcikHelen born about 1899
PisarcikHelen born about 1930
PisarcikJoe born about 1920
PisarcikJoseph born about 1894
PisarcikJoseph born about 1925
PisarcikJosephine born about 1934
PisarcikMary born about 1893
PisarcikMatt born about 1887
PisarcikPaul born about 1928
PisarcikSophia born about 1925
PisarcikSteve born about 1928
PisarcikWilliam born about 1929
PollockAda Gborn about 1875
PollockIda Mayborn about 1906
PollockMartha Tborn about 1870
PollockRobert Cborn about 1881
PosgaySteve born about 1891
PrutznalElvedia born about 1921
PrutznalFrank born about 1881
PrutznalGeorge born about 1889
PrutznalGeorge born about 1922
PrutznalJoan born about 1891
PrutznalJohn born about 1913
PrutznalJoseph born about 1920
PrutznalJoseph born about 1928
PrutznalJulia born about 1932
PrutznalMary born about 1928
PrutznalMike born about 1924
PrutznalStanley born about 1922
PrutznalVirginia born about 1850
PublicBernice born about 1927
PublicChester born about 1928
PublicElizabeth born about 1925
PublicJennie born about 1922
PublicJosephine born about 1926
PublicMary born about 1890
PublicMatilda born about 1923
PublicStanley born about 1888
PughJames born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaberAnna born about 1859
RagerJohn born about 1908
RaineyAndrew born about 1884
RaineyBetty born about 1922
RaineyClair born about 1912
RaineyDelmont born about 1925
RaineyEdward born about 1908
RaineyEmma born about 1885
RaineyRobert born about 1936
RaineyShirley Annborn about 1938
ReddenFannie born about 1889
ReddenJoseph Mborn about 1889
ReeseClyde born about 1898
ReesePhulis born about 1928
ReeseUrsula born about 1902
ReeseWilliam born about 1929
ReesemanCatherine born about 1908
ReesemanDavid Cborn about 1903
ReesemanElezer born about 1931
ReesemanMary Annborn about 1927
ReishPearl born about 1895
ReishWilliam born about 1886
ReishWilliam born about 1921
ReshelGeorge born about 1881
ReshelPlaine born about 1923
RestifoAngeline born about 1926
RestifoDomnica born about 1899
RestifoFrances born about 1936
RestifoGuy born about 1889
RestifoJack born about 1923
RestifoNancy born about 1930
RevakJohn born about 1885
RevakJohn Jr born about 1917
RevakJoseph born about 1923
RevakMary born about 1887
RichardDoris born about 1930
RichardFrank born about 1906
RichardNellie born about 1912
RichardsonH Nborn about 1871
RichardsonMay born about 1875
RichellJohn born about 1873
RichellWoodrovo born about 1913
RiddleClayton born about 1909
RiddleClayton born about 1933
RiddleDonna Maeborn about 1931
RiddleMartha born about 1914
RiddleShirley Annborn about 1937
RishelEmma born about 1865
RishellJames born about 1929
RishellMary Belleborn about 1925
RishellMary Eborn about 1861
RishellMary Leeborn about 1935
RishellMckinley born about 1901
RishellOwanell born about 1910
RishellRichard Aborn about 1937
RishellRuth born about 1894
RishellWinifred born about 1939
RishellZimmerman born about 1885
RobinsonThomas born about 1875
RogersAndrew born about 1903
RogersChristina born about 1899
RogersGeorge born about 1892
RogersJames born about 1893
RogersJohn born about 1895
RogersLeroy born about 1924
RogersRobina born about 1872
RomanAnna born about 1926
RomanAnnie born about 1905
RomanJohn born about 1924
RomanMike born about 1922
RomanPaul born about 1893
RomanRose born about 1872
RomanSam born about 1868
RopchockFrank born about 1913
RopchockFrank born about 1939
RopchockJames born about 1937
RopchockMargaret born about 1914
RosaDelores born about 1929
RosaErnest born about 1937
RosaFrancis born about 1932
RosaFrank born about 1899
RosaMable born about 1907
RosaMarie born about 1904
RosaMelvin born about 1928
RosaMike born about 1906
RosaRosetta born about 1932
RosboroughDale born about 1911
RosboroughDale Jr born about 1933
RosboroughGrace born about 1914
RossDortha ??Anborn about 1910
RoushBertha born about 1919
RoushDora Aborn about 1877
RoushEsther born about 1934
RoushHazel born about 1920
RoushJohn born about 1917
RoushJohn Cborn about 1871
RoushJoseph born about 1917
RoushRoger born about 1938
RoushRuth born about 1916
RoushWilliam born about 1910
RoyAlbert born about 1936
RoyAlexander born about 1896
RoyAlexander born about 1926
RoyDelores born about 1935
RoyDorothy born about 1931
RoyFrank born about 1920
RoyGeorge born about 1938
RoyJohn born about 1929
RoyJulia born about 1906
RoyMargaret born about 1929
RoyPaul born about 1933
RoySophia born about 1924
RupertCarl born about 1922
RupertCora born about 1927
RupertDella born about 1924
RupertElma born about 1928
RupertHenry born about 1916
RupertKenneth born about 1918
RupertRaymond born about 1920
RussinJohn born about 1916
RussoJoe born about 1885
RyenArlene born about 1925
RyenCharles born about 1878
RyenGaynell born about 1928
RyenGertrude born about 1883
RyenHarry born about 1894
RyenHelen born about 1926
RyenHelen born about 1929
RyenMagie born about 1867
RyenMary born about 1904
RyenPaul born about 1923
RyenRaymond ???born about 1880
RyenRuth born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SamoJoseph born about 1894
SamoJosephine born about 1928
SamoPatrina born about 1899
SarnoskeyBernard born about 1936
SarnoskeyCharles born about 1908
SarnoskeyElizabeth born about 1907
SarnoskeyMarine born about 1935
SarnoskeyRobert born about 1938
SavoiaBernard born about 1919
SavoiaCaroline born about 1924
SavoiaHilda born about 1917
SavoiaMargaret born about 1931
SavoiaMarie Mborn about 1940
SavoiaMary born about 1902
SavoiaVincent born about 1893
SavoiaVincent born about 1925
ScendellAnna born about 1887
ScendellBernice born about 1924
ScendellEdward born about 1927
ScendellJoseph born about 1923
ScendellMathew born about 1926
ScottCharles born about 1911
ScottEthel born about 1913
ScottJames born about 1919
ScottJoan born about 1932
ScottMartha born about 1937
SedoskeyHenry born about 1920
SedoskeyJames born about 1922
SedoskeyJoseph born about 1915
SedoskeyMichael born about 1924
SedoskeyRose born about 1888
SedoskeyStanley born about 1919
SegarAlbert Fborn about 1905
SegarArthur Wborn about 1915
SegarBetty Lonborn about 1927
SegarBlanche born about 1907
SegarCarl born about 1933
SegarCharles born about 1935
SegarEmma Jeanborn about 1933
SegarErma born about 1915
SegarEugene born about 1920
SegarHarold born about 1939
SegarHarry Iborn about 1888
SegarHarry Jr born about 1923
SegarHazel born about 1917
SegarLoretta born about 1930
SegarM Sborn about 1883
SegarMary born about 1868
SegarMary born about 1936
SegarMyrtle born about 1885
SegarNorma Jeanborn about 1936
SegarPeggy Janeborn about 1924
SegarPriscilla born about 1857
SegarRichard born about 1928
SegarRobina born about 1909
SegarRonald born about 1937
SegarSamuel born about 1910
SegarSanford born about 1890
SegarSherman born about 1904
SegarVelma born about 1899
SegerEdward born about 1937
SegerMaxine born about 1918
SegerOscar born about 1911
SeitzCharles Cborn about 1937
SeitzDr Charlesborn about 1907
SeitzEthel born about 1908
SeitzJohn Clarenceborn about 1933
SeitzJudith Annborn about 1939
SenickJake born about 1879
SenickRosie born about 1887
SennottGeorge born about 1936
SennottGeorge Eborn about 1909
SennottRose born about 1910
SenottCatherine born about 1928
SenottJoseph born about 1900
SenottJoseph born about 1936
SenottMary born about 1929
SenottPhilmeno born about 1908
SenottRose born about 1932
SerianArch born about 1893
SerianArch born about 1926
SerianBetty Maeborn about 1932
SerianBeverly born about 1939
SerianCarmen born about 1900
SerianFred born about 1903
SerianFred born about 1935
SerianGwendolyn born about 1901
SerianJennie born about 1901
SerianJohn born about 1928
SerianJosephine born about 1867
SerianJosephine born about 1920
SerianLester born about 1918
SerianLouis born about 1868
SerianLouis born about 1919
SerianLucinda born about 1911
SerianMary born about 1899
SerianMary born about 1920
SerianRalph born about 1897
SerianRose born about 1923
SerianRose Marieborn about 1930
SetreeCharles born about 1922
SetreeJames born about 1892
SetreeJames Jr born about 1924
SetreeNamoni born about 1896
SetreeNancey born about 1936
SetreeSelma born about 1914
SetreeWilliam Georgeborn about 1927
ShafferAgnes born about 1901
ShafferAudrey born about 1903
ShafferClay born about 1902
ShafferDonald born about 1930
ShafferDonna Lonborn about 1930
ShafferDorothy born about 1936
ShafferEthel born about 1902
ShafferGene born about 1931
ShafferGordon born about 1935
ShafferGuendolyn born about 1922
ShafferHarry born about 1924
ShafferHoward born about 1919
ShafferJames born about 1932
ShafferJohn Rborn about 1926
ShafferLevi born about 1895
ShafferLevi Jr born about 1925
ShafferLoren born about 1927
ShafferRobert born about 1919
ShafferStearl born about 1900
ShafferThomas born about 1928
ShafferThomas born about 1935
ShafferVirgil born about 1939
ShafferVirginia born about 1939
ShankEdna born about 1917
ShankRaymond born about 1906
ShankRaymond Jr born about 1936
SheesleyEmanuel born about 1884
SheesleyMyrtle Christineborn about 1885
SherryDonald born about 1935
SherryHarry Clairborn about 1930
SherryHarry Eborn about 1909
SherryHazel born about 1910
SherryJames Lewisborn about 1936
SherryMary Elizabethborn about 1894
SherryPatrica Juneborn about 1931
SherryReed born about 1900
ShieldsArron born about 1868
ShieldsDick born about 1922
ShieldsElizabeth born about 1921
ShieldsEsther born about 1897
ShieldsGeorge born about 1895
ShieldsMary born about 1869
ShieldsRachael born about 1924
Shimar??? born about 1932
ShimarBernice born about 1923
ShimarHelen born about 1921
ShimarJacob born about 1889
ShimarJacob Cborn about 1916
ShimarMary born about 1891
ShimarMary Mborn about 1928
ShimelonisAlbert born about 1933
ShimelonisAndrew born about 1923
ShimelonisAnna born about 1916
ShimelonisAnna born about 1925
ShimelonisBernice born about 1930
ShimelonisBetty born about 1927
ShimelonisCatherine born about 1935
ShimelonisEugene born about 1929
ShimelonisHipolite born about 1887
ShimelonisJoan born about
ShimelonisMary born about 1892
ShimelonisWilliam born about 1918
ShirleyAlto Eborn about 1940
ShirleyElmer born about 1917
ShirleyVirginia born about 1920
SholtisDorothy Jeanborn about 1926
SholtisJames born about 1899
SholtisJames born about 1923
SholtisJulia born about 1899
SholtisMary Lonborn about 1935
SholtisNoreen born about 1933
SholtisPatrica born about 1938
SholtisRobert born about 1930
SholtisThomas born about 1928
ShubiyEdward born about 1922
ShubiyFrank born about 1924
ShubiyJohn born about 1925
ShubiyJoseph born about 1933
ShubiyNellie born about 1898
ShubiyStanley born about 1896
ShusterDorothy born about 1939
ShusterIrene Marieborn about 1933
ShusterJohn Josephborn about 1926
ShusterMichael born about 1903
ShusterMichael Jborn about 1929
ShusterSusan born about 1903
SimmondsSandra Leeborn about 1939
SimonGabriel born about 1917
SimonI Ireneborn about 1912
SimonJohn born about 1913
SimonJohn Irvinborn about 1938
SimonJoseph born about 1878
SimonJoseph born about 1923
SimonMary born about 1877
SimonMary Lonborn about 1936
SinclairGeorge born about 1904
SinclairIola born about 1936
SinclairMary Annborn about 1933
SinclairRichard born about 1929
SinclairUna born about 1908
SinclairWilber born about 1938
SitoskeyDoro born about 1919
SitoskeyMargoret Adelleborn about 1938
SitoskeyPatrica Leeborn about 1939
SitoskeySatek born about 1911
SitoskyAdallia born about 1885
SitoskyEdward born about 1916
SitoskyFrances born about 1917
SitoskyJoseph born about 1925
SitoskyMathew born about 1927
SitoskySatek born about 1879
SitoskySophia born about 1922
SitoskyWalter born about 1926
SleeLancelot Sr born about 1875
SleeLancelott Josephborn about 1907
SleeMargaret Eborn about 1904
SleeMary born about 1880
SleeMary Margaretborn about 1934
SleeSally Lowborn about 1938
SmailIssac born about 1885
SmailMargaret Eborn about 1898
SmeeAnna born about 1911
SmeeGeorge born about 1907
SmeeMarie Annborn about 1933
SmeeWilliam Georgeborn about 1937
SmithAdam born about 1874
SmithAlice Ireneborn about 1899
SmithAlma born about 1921
SmithAnna born about 1909
SmithBetty Ganeborn about 1927
SmithBurton Bborn about 1922
SmithClair born about 1880
SmithClarence born about 1916
SmithClyde born about 1902
SmithDonald born about 1934
SmithDorothy born about 1917
SmithE Lunnborn about 1922
SmithEarle born about 1917
SmithEleanor born about 1875
SmithElizabeth born about 1912
SmithErwina born about 1926
SmithEugene born about 1918
SmithFloyd born about 1924
SmithGeorge born about 1880
SmithHoward born about 1914
SmithIra Cborn about 1878
SmithJack Rborn about 1936
SmithJoice born about 1933
SmithJoseph Cborn about 1890
SmithKenneth Rborn about 1935
SmithLaura Mborn about 1879
SmithLawrence born about 1939
SmithLillian born about 1895
SmithLottie Bborn about 1884
SmithMargaret born about 1917
SmithMary born about 1869
SmithMary Janeborn about 1936
SmithMaryln born about 1930
SmithMona Marieborn about 1935
SmithNancy born about 1938
SmithNannie born about 1882
SmithRobert born about 1925
SmithSavilla born about 1879
SmithSusan born about 1898
SmithThurman born about 1888
SmithVirgil born about 1904
SmithVirgil born about 1912
SmithWilliam born about 1928
SmithWilliam Hborn about 1870
SmyresBenjamin born about 1865
SpeliniRobert born about 1931
SpencerCalorn born about 1883
SpencerSertha born about 1890
SpinelleJuan born about 1882
SpinelleSamuel born about 1881
SpinelliArthur born about 1928
SpinelliPearl born about 1909
SpinelliVirgina born about 1936
SprankleCarl born about 1889
SprankleCarl Jr born about 1928
SprankleCarmen born about 1900
SprankleDonald born about 1922
SprankleEdward born about 1917
SprankleEdward born about 1938
SprankleGeorge born about 1899
SprankleJames born about 1924
SprankleJesse born about 1931
SprankleJohn born about 1936
SprankleLarry born about 1935
SprankleMerle born about 1926
SprankleNellie born about 1919
SprankleNettie born about 1928
SprankleNorma born about 1922
SprankleRichard born about 1932
SprankleRobert born about 1938
SprankleRonald born about 1921
SprankleWilliam born about 1926
StahlRalph born about 1932
StahlViolet born about 1917
StahlmanEllen born about 1916
StahlmanPatrica born about 1936
StahlmanPaul born about 1912
StaliniskiLouis born about 1901
StamlerAnn Maeborn about 1896
StamlerCarl born about 1897
StamlerCharlotte born about 1905
StamlerChristian born about 1893
StamlerDaniel Earlborn about 1930
StamlerDorothy born about 1926
StamlerEugene born about 1925
StamlerGeorge born about 1898
StamlerGeorge Fborn about 1924
StamlerGlenn Eborn about 1930
StamlerGlenna Mayborn about 1934
StamlerHenrietta born about 1927
StamlerHerbert born about 1929
StamlerJohn Christianborn about 1936
StamlerMary born about 1931
StamlerPhyllis Annborn about 1936
StamlerWilbert born about 1932
StamlerWilbert born about 1932
StatesA Laroyborn about 1883
StatesAdam born about 1875
StatesAnna Maryborn about 1872
StatesArron born about 1923
StatesBoyd born about 1917
StatesCarl born about 1913
StatesCatherine born about 1914
StatesCatherine born about 1916
StatesChester born about 1934
StatesDarrell born about 1937
StatesDorothy Jeanborn about 1938
StatesEarl born about 1921
StatesEdna born about 1922
StatesElizabeth born about 1882
StatesElizabeth born about 1892
StatesEvelyn born about 1926
StatesFloyd born about 1911
StatesGeraldine born about 1935
StatesGleen Edwardborn about 1935
StatesJohn Tborn about 1879
StatesJoseph born about 1888
StatesKeith born about 1927
StatesLois Kayborn about 1938
StatesMargaret born about 1920
StatesMarian born about 1929
StatesMarle born about 1915
StatesMaude born about 1889
StatesMay born about 1889
StatesMildred Ireneborn about
StatesNancy born about 1937
StatesPearl born about 1878
StatesRonald born about 1935
StatesVada born about 1924
StatesVele born about 1888
StatesViola Pearlborn about 1913
StatesVivian born about 1933
StatesWayne born about 1889
StatesWilliam born about 1881
SteffishAndrew born about 1915
SteffishF Mameborn about 1912
SteffishMary Lowborn about 1936
StembergMary born about 1877
StevensBernon born about 1914
StevensElizabeth born about 1888
StevensJoseph born about 1882
SteverDercy born about 1935
SteverLoura Janeborn about 1937
SteverMargaret born about 1911
SteverWilmer born about 1911
StifflerCharles Hborn about 1874
StifflerChrissie Tborn about 1898
StifflerClarance born about 1920
StifflerHazel born about 1933
StifflerLorretta born about 1922
StilesBetty born about 1923
StilesDaniel born about 1908
StilesDonald born about 1922
StilesElsie born about 1903
StilesHarry born about 1918
StilesIsabell born about 1933
StilesJackie Leeborn about 1939
StilesJames born about 1935
StilesMary born about 1912
StilesPeggy born about 1926
StilesPerley born about 1898
StilesPhyliss born about 1929
StilesRichard born about 1932
StilesWilliam born about 1936
StineyJoseph born about 1903
StiverAnna Mborn about 1887
StiverArron born about 1911
StiverAudrey born about 1924
StiverBertha born about 1918
StiverCharles Lborn about 1884
StiverChauncy born about 1894
StiverClyde born about 1917
StiverConstance born about 1933
StiverDorothy Tborn about 1917
StiverEmmerson born about 1919
StiverGladys born about 1912
StiverGuy born about 1921
StiverHarry Fborn about 1916
StiverHarry Maxborn about 1937
StiverIda born about 1885
StiverJohn born about 1910
StiverLarry born about 1920
StiverLeroy born about 1939
StiverMargaret born about 1931
StiverMarian born about 1922
StiverMarybelle born about 1929
StiverMerle born about 1884
StiverNancy born about 1939
StiverNina born about 1910
StiverOscar born about 1880
StiverS Leeborn about 1887
StiverSarah Mayborn about 1935
StiverTwillia born about 1895
StiverW Stivorborn about 1885
StiverWinfield born about 1897
StonebergEdward born about 1927
StonebergEmma born about 1937
StonebergEugene born about 1929
StonebergEverrett born about 1924
StonebergJohn born about 1892
StonebergKenneth born about 1936
StonebergMarlin born about 1934
StonebergNellie born about 1932
StonebergSarah born about 1905
StonebergShirley born about 1939
Strachan born about 1936
StrachanMargaret born about 1900
StrachanMay born about 1904
StrachenCeclia born about 1890
StrachenDavid born about 1886
StrachenLeroy born about 1914
StrachenVivian born about 1915
StraitwellLeonard born about 1937
StraitwellMax born about 1939
StraitwellMinnie born about 1915
StraitwellWesley born about 1911
StrukCatherine born about 1920
StrukJohn born about 1922
StrukMargaret born about 1931
StrukMary born about 1887
StrukWilliam born about 1883
SuckmanIrene born about 1930
SuckmanJoseph born about 1897
SuckmanJulia born about 1920
SuckmanMary born about 1910
SuckmanMary born about 1922
SulickAnna born about 1903
SulickHelen born about 1923
SulickJohn born about 1934
SulickJosephine born about 1936
SulickSteve born about 1897
SulickSteve born about 1928
SulickWilliam born about 1926
SunderlandClayton born about 1917
SunderlandIra Wardborn about 1935
SunderlandMarriette born about 1920
SutterAlvis born about 1923
SutterAnnabell born about 1930
SutterBernice born about 1925
SutterBonnie Janeborn about 1925
SutterCharles born about 1910
SutterCharles born about 1936
SutterClara born about 1907
SutterDonald Eborn about 1927
SutterEffie born about 1870
SutterFannie born about 1918
SutterGeorge born about 1913
SutterGloria Mayborn about 1935
SutterHelen born about 1931
SutterHenry Lincolnborn about 1932
SutterLorraine born about 1932
SutterLuella Arleneborn about 1937
SutterLynn born about 1888
SutterMarie Angelineborn about 1916
SutterMarlen born about 1939
SutterMarvin born about 1928
SutterOra born about 1892
SutterPaul Bborn about 1890
SutterPaul Jr born about 1923
SutterRay born about 1924
SutterRobert Eugeneborn about 1933
SutterRoxy Cborn about 1891
SutterRuby born about 1921
SutterWayne Daleborn about 1934
SwabAgnes born about 1926
SwabAnnie born about 1905
SwabClarence born about 1931
SwabClifford born about 1908
SwabClifford Jr born about 1933
SwabDelores born about 1935
SwabJohn born about 1936
SwabRuth born about 1928
SwabThomas born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaraskiewiczFed born about 1916
TaraskiewiczHelen born about 1923
TaraskiewiczJohn born about 1913
TaraskiewiczVal born about 1887
TaylorHarry born about 1879
TaylorJames born about 1907
TaylorKenneth born about 1913
TaylorLillian Bborn about 1887
TaylorMargaret born about 1910
TaylorMargaret Lborn about 1935
TaylorMargaret Mborn about 1932
TaylorMary born about 1882
TaylorMildred born about 1914
TaylorNancy born about 1926
TaylorNancy born about 1935
TaylorRonald born about 1933
TaylorWilliam Hborn about 1876
TemchullaDan born about 1927
TemchullaFlorian born about 1937
TemchullaFrank born about 1895
TemchullaFrank Jr born about 1922
TemchullaGeorge born about 1933
TemchullaHelen born about 1929
TemchullaLoraine born about 1936
TemchullaMary born about 1925
TemchullaStella born about 1900
TemchullaSteve born about 1924
TenerowiczFrances born about 1917
TenerowiczFrank born about 1915
TenerowiczJohn Mborn about 1912
TenerowiczStella born about 1916
TenerowiczWalter born about 1916
TerranaAlfred born about 1921
TerranaAnnetta born about 1898
TerranaCharles born about 1926
TerranaClara born about 1930
TerranaGrace born about 1932
TerranaGuy born about 1925
TerranaLouise born about 1935
TerranaPhilip born about 1874
TerranaTeanie born about 1924
TerranaTony born about 1918
TerranoAngelo born about 1920
TerranoAnna born about 1915
TerranoAnthony born about 1897
TerranoCatherine born about 1930
TerranoCharles born about 1893
TerranoCharles born about 1935
TerranoDominic born about
TerranoFrances born about 1892
TerranoFrancis born about 1925
TerranoJennie born about 1931
TerranoJoseph born about 1936
TerranoMary born about 1929
TerranoMary born about 1938
TerranoRegina born about 1932
TerranoRose born about 1911
TerranoRose born about 1929
TerranoStephen born about 1918
TerranoTony born about 1924
ThomasAlberta born about 1904
ThomasAnnabelle born about 1929
ThomasArnold born about 1935
ThomasBerdean born about 1934
ThomasBillie born about 1939
ThomasHarvey born about 1927
ThomasJames Hborn about 1909
ThomasJohn born about 1917
ThomasLewis born about 1876
ThomasMaralene born about 1924
ThomasMargaret Eborn about 1910
ThomasMargaret Eborn about 1935
ThomasPaul born about 1898
ThomasViola born about 1908
ThomasWalter born about 1912
TimblinJames born about 1910
TimblinJaskie born about 1935
TimblinLester born about 1883
TimblinMargaret born about 1888
TimblinPansy born about 1913
TolliniDonald born about 1931
TolliniDorene born about 1929
TolliniEleanor Juliaborn about 1939
TolliniHenretti born about 1910
TolliniJulius born about 1912
TolliniLouis born about 1887
TolliniMario born about 1899
TolliniMary born about 1911
TolliniMicheal born about 1925
TolliniRudolf born about 1915
TolliniSantina born about 1897
TolliniVivian Joanborn about 1940
TomblinLeroy born about 1926
TomblinOlive born about 1892
TomblinOlive born about 1928
TomblinRobert born about 1930
TomblinRussel born about 1888
TomblinTharon born about 1923
TomblinWarren born about 1921
TomkoAnna born about 1907
TomkoGeorge born about 1901
TomkoGeorge born about 1925
TomkoMarian Jeanborn about 1930
TomkoSylvia Annborn about 1939
TorrellCharles born about 1929
TorrellClara born about 1910
TorrellFrank born about 1907
TorrellFrank Jr born about 1931
TorrellThomas born about 1928
TrayerDelano born about 1934
TrayerJames born about 1937
TrayerLeroy born about 1931
TrayerMabel born about 1908
TrayerMerle born about 1907
TrayerMildred born about 1929
TrayerRonald born about 1939
TrebisondaAngeline born about 1931
TrebisondaCatherine born about 1895
TrebisondaJohn born about 1927
TrebisondaJuiseppe born about 1894
TrebisondaMargaret born about 1929
TrongeCarl born about 1917
TrongeCarmila born about 1883
TrongeFelix born about 1863
TrongeMargaret born about 1923
TruanceAlice born about 1900
TruanceCarman born about 1909
TruanceDominic born about 1903
TruanceEllen born about 1903
TruanceFelix born about 1895
TruanceHazel born about 1905
TruanceJenevive born about 1929
TruanceJune Lborn about 1927
TruanceRichard born about 1930
TruanceSamuel born about 1899
TruanceVirginia born about 1927
TygerAbraham born about 1861
TygerAlice born about 1899
TygerArran born about 1916
TygerArthur Eborn about 1909
TygerBarbara Annborn about 1935
TygerByron born about 1935
TygerC Irvingborn about 1874
TygerD Lairdborn about 1898
TygerDonald born about 1922
TygerDorothy born about 1930
TygerErla born about 1937
TygerEsther Fayborn about 1920
TygerGeorge born about 1886
TygerGlade born about 1892
TygerHarold born about 1930
TygerHazel born about 1892
TygerHelen born about 1901
TygerIssas born about 1892
TygerJane born about 1923
TygerJodell born about 1930
TygerJoice Inezborn about 1939
TygerJorce born about 1925
TygerLois born about 1925
TygerLois born about 1939
TygerM Carlborn about 1879
TygerMana born about 1880
TygerMary born about 1868
TygerMary Elizabethborn about 1882
TygerPearl born about 1883
TygerShirley born about 1937
TygerViolet born about 1915
TygerVirdie born about 1873
TygerW Jamesborn about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnsworthAlbert born about 1919
UnsworthBessie Eborn about 1912
UnsworthCharles born about 1901
UnsworthCharles born about 1917
UnsworthDella born about 1893
UnsworthDonald born about 1932
UnsworthEthel born about 1919
UnsworthHoward born about 1925
UnsworthOlive born about 1920
UnsworthRichard born about 1930
UnsworthSarah born about 1906
UnsworthWilliam born about 1889
UnsworthWilliam Hborn about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VadacyAlbert born about 1939
VadacyAnna born about 1909
VadacyBetty Janeborn about 1932
VadacyBeverly born about 1938
VadacyDonald born about 1931
VadacyGeorge born about 1925
VadacyHenry born about 1926
VadacyJohn Jr born about 1903
VadacyKenneth born about 1934
VadacyMarlene born about 1936
VadacyRichard born about 1929
VadasyElizabeth born about 1880
VadasyFrederick born about 1926
VadasyJohn Stone Townborn about 1872
VadasyJohn Thomasborn about 1915
VadasyJulia born about 1918
VadasyRobert born about 1924
VadasyWilliam born about 1918
ValimontAlice born about 1912
ValimontDonald born about 1931
ValimontWilliam born about 1911
ValkoskeyEdna born about 1887
ValkoskeyEdward born about 1910
ValkoskeyJohn born about 1874
ValkoskeyStanley born about 1916
ValkoskeyStella born about 1908
VandykeGertrude born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalchakEdwin born about 1926
WalchakJohn born about 1879
WalshFrancis Dborn about 1889
WalshHelen born about 1893
WaltmanLaura born about 1891
WaltmanVerginia born about 1902
WaltmanWilliam born about 1908
WaltmanWilliam born about 1935
WasholovichAgnes born about 1916
WasholovichBarbara born about 1939
WasholovichJohn born about 1909
WasichiFrances born about 1914
WasichiMike born about 1888
WasichiRose born about 1877
WaskovichAnna born about 1909
WaskovichFred born about 1909
WaskovichFred Jr born about 1933
WaskovichShirley Annborn about 1936
WassilJulia born about 1884
WassilMary Annborn about 1921
WassilPriscilla born about 1926
WassilSteve born about 1879
WeaklandAloria born about 1924
WeaklandAlvin born about 1892
WeaklandCharles born about 1920
WeaklandJohn born about 1930
WeaklandLillian born about 1892
WeaklandViolet born about 1922
WeaverErmina born about 1922
WeaverHarry born about 1939
WeaverJohn born about 1938
WeaverLeonard born about 1914
WeaverOlive born about 1936
WeaverThelma born about 1913
WeaverVera born about 1935
WeaverWilliam born about 1905
WesleyGeorge born about 1940
WetzelFreda Mborn about 1922
WetzelHarold Oborn about 1924
WetzelMerle born about 1920
WetzelMollie born about 1885
WetzelRay born about 1884
WhiteAlvin born about 1923
WhiteArthur born about 1908
WhiteCloid born about 1926
WhiteDeslie Dborn about 1902
WhiteDwight born about 1921
WhiteElda born about 1908
WhiteElda Veeborn about 1930
WhiteEleanor born about 1914
WhiteElla born about 1880
WhiteEugene born about 1933
WhiteFay Wanetaborn about 1928
WhiteFoster born about 1894
WhiteFred born about 1911
WhiteG M Whiteborn about 1866
WhiteGeorge born about 1888
WhiteHarry born about 1885
WhiteHarry Eugeneborn about 1937
WhiteHarry Wadeborn about 1933
WhiteHenry born about 1907
WhiteHiram born about 1882
WhiteHugh Vborn about 1895
WhiteJames born about 1917
WhiteJay Lborn about 1898
WhiteJoan born about 1934
WhiteLawrence born about 1928
WhiteLon Daleborn about 1938
WhiteMargarie Leeborn about 1939
WhiteMary born about 1856
WhiteMerle born about 1891
WhiteMerle born about 1922
WhiteMurray Earleborn about 1935
WhiteNancy Eborn about 1896
WhiteNora born about 1891
WhiteOra born about 1904
WhiteOran born about 1928
WhiteRobert born about 1921
WhiteSarah Janeborn about 1886
WhiteThorvalene born about 1918
WhiteV Mildredborn about 1920
WhiteVirginia born about 1926
WhiteW Arthurborn about 1910
WhiteWill Clarkborn about 1874
WhiteWilliam born about 1926
WhiteZola born about 1908
WilliamsJohn born about 1912
WilliardAlmedia born about 1908
WilliardBetty Maeborn about 1937
WilliardCalvin born about 1933
WilliardDelbert born about 1930
WilliardE Calvinborn about 1880
WilliardEdna born about 1919
WilliardElmer born about 1935
WilliardEmma born about 1915
WilliardEvelyn born about 1939
WilliardHarold born about 1939
WilliardHarry born about 1908
WilliardIrene born about 1901
WilliardJean born about 1939
WilliardJohn born about 1907
WilliardLon born about 1905
WilliardMabel born about 1906
WilliardPaul born about 1929
WilliardRobert born about 1902
WilliardRonald born about 1936
WilliardWalter born about 1932
WilliardYvonne born about 1938
WinebarkClayton born about 1930
WinebarkDuane born about 1937
WinebarkDwight born about 1939
WinebarkEdna Ruthborn about 1901
WinebarkGeorge born about 1922
WinebarkJames Lborn about 1904
WinebarkJoan born about 1933
WinebarkLeola born about 1911
WinebarkMabel born about 1887
WinebarkNorman born about 1927
WinebarkRaymond born about 1888
WinebarkVernon Daleborn about 1933
WinebarkVivian Ireneborn about 1931
WoleySidney Peterborn about 1872
WolfeDonald born about 1925
WolfeFlorence born about 1926
WolfgangAnna born about 1881
WolfgangBetty born about 1926
WolfgangCharles born about 1876
WolfgangCharles born about 1892
WolfgangChloe born about 1899
WolfgangDonna born about 1931
WolfgangDora born about 1925
WolfgangHarry born about 1930
WolfgangIra born about 1895
WolfgangJane born about 1934
WolfgangLee born about 1930
WolfgangRalph born about 1917
WolfgangRussell born about 1905
WolfgangSarahbelle born about 1927
WolfgangTressa born about 1909
WolfordTwillia born about 1919
WoodelI Tborn about 1874
WoodsArthur born about 1929
WoodsClayton born about 1923
WoodsDelmont born about 1933
WoodsDeloris born about 1925
WoodsEdith born about 1905
WoodsErma born about 1935
WoodsHelen born about 1930
WoodsJohn born about 1891
WoodsJohn born about 1938
WoodsRuth born about 1927
WorkEarl born about 1908
WorkFloyd born about 1913
WorkMyrtle born about 1905
WorkNannie Fborn about 1874
WorkS Clarkborn about 1871
WrightBanks born about 1925
WrightBlaine born about 1888
WrightEdna born about 1895
WrightEthel born about 1926
WrightGerald born about 1922
WrightGleen born about 1892
WrightIvan born about 1930
WrightMay born about 1892
WrightViola born about 1926
WrightWilliam born about 1912
WrobelAlfred Hborn about 1929
WrobelDelores Bborn about 1931
WrobelHelen born about 1896
WrobelIrene born about 1922
WrobelJohn born about 1885
WrobelJohn born about 1918
WrobelRose born about 1921
WyattElizabeth Mborn about 1879
WyattKenneth Eborn about 1931
WyattRobert born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YankaskyCharles born about 1937
YankaskyMary born about 1911
YankaskyMike born about 1895
YankaskyMike born about 1933
YanniAda Belle Wifeborn about 1922
YanniEugene born about 1919
YanniFrancis born about 1924
YanniJoseph born about 1885
YanniJoseph Husband born about 1917
YanniJosephine born about 1894
YanniMary born about 1913
YanniMildred born about 1927
YanniNish born about 1921
YansewiczLenore born about 1915
YansewiczLovetta born about 1933
YansewiczShirley born about 1935
YansewiczVirginia born about 1938
YanuseuizAlice born about 1888
YanuseuizFrancis born about 1916
YanuseuizHenry born about 1925
YanuseuizJohn born about 1918
YanuseuizJoseph born about 1882
YanuseuizStanley born about 1920
YanuseuizWalter born about 1921
YeagerJames born about 1902
YeagerJames born about 1926
YeagerMary Lonborn about 1928
YeagerMayme born about 1907
YeagerShirley Annborn about 1931
YesterbskyMary born about 1870
YoheSusanna born about 1861
YorkoAgnes born about 1934
YorkoDonald born about 1935
YorkoDorothy born about 1924
YorkoEdward born about 1926
YorkoEvelyn born about 1928
YorkoMarcella born about 1937
YorkoMary born about 1903
YorkoStephen born about 1930
YorkoSteve born about 1897
YoungAlice born about 1928
YoungAngus born about 1925
YoungBlanche born about 1898
YoungCharles born about
YoungClyde born about 1930
YoungDennie born about 1939
YoungDick born about 1924
YoungDora born about 1927
YoungEarl born about 1925
YoungElsworth born about 1923
YoungFlorence born about 1898
YoungFrank born about 1897
YoungGeorge born about 1896
YoungGrell born about 1867
YoungJoe born about 1923
YoungJohn born about 1921
YoungLouise born about 1936
YoungMargaret born about 1879
YoungRobert born about 1937
YoungW Jackborn about 1932
YoungWilliam born about 1893
YuskoAndrew born about 1874
YuskoFrances born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZattloBeatrice born about 1919
ZattloJoe born about 1876
ZattloMary Carmellaborn about 1886
ZemblinAnn born about 1919
ZemblinAnnie born about 1880
ZemblinJohn born about 1913
ZemblinJoseph born about 1917
ZemblinMargaret born about 1926
ZemblinMike born about 1911
ZemblinPhilip born about 1870
ZlottyAlex born about 1867
ZlottyJulia born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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