1940 U.S. Federal Census of East Mahoning Township, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Indiana County > 1940 Census of East Mahoning Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AckersonArthur born about 1907
AckersonArthur Jr born about 1931
AckersonGloria Maeborn about 1939
AckersonHoward born about 1918
AckersonIsabell born about 1913
AckersonNora Maeborn about 1918
AckersonPatty Annborn about 1932
AckersonShirley born about 1935
AdamsonCharlotte born about 1897
AdamsonClifford born about 1922
AdamsonEda Maeborn about 1933
AdamsonJean born about 1925
AdamsonJoseph born about 1892
AirgoodBetty born about 1935
AirgoodDorothy born about 1917
AirgoodPaul born about 1911
AirgoodShirley born about 1938
AkinsClifford born about 1936
AkinsDonald born about 1923
AkinsLeroy Gborn about 1916
AkinsMary born about 1896
AkinsViolet born about 1926
AkinsWilliam born about 1893
AkinsWilliam Rborn about 1934
AndersonLaura born about 1886
AndersonLeroy born about 1885
AneyJohn born about 1920
AneyRalph born about 1923
AneySarah born about 1891
AnthonyBertha born about 1915
AnthonyClifford born about 1935
AnthonyJohn Rborn about 1939
AnthonyLeroy born about 1937
AnthonyMark born about 1913
AulCarrie born about 1877
AulDanks born about 1873
AulDoris Jeanborn about 1935
AulEarl born about 1930
AulEarnest born about 1934
AulEdward born about 1936
AulElla born about 1872
AulElsie born about 1904
AulEmerson born about 1937
AulGlen born about 1903
AulLoney born about 1876
AulRalph born about 1918
AulVeda born about 1914
AultmanEd born about 1877
AultmanJoseph Gborn about 1845
AultmanMinnie born about 1880

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B Surnames

BarclayArch born about 1910
BarclayElvie born about 1875
BardayAlferetta born about 1926
BardayErnest born about 1923
BardayHallie born about 1907
BardayHomer born about 1903
BardayJohn born about 1936
BardayRichard born about 1931
BardayTheodore born about 1927
BardayWilliam born about 1938
BartholomewLaura born about 1887
BartholomewLawrence born about 1883
BeattyAnna born about 1880
BeattyAnnabelle born about 1872
BeattyClara Mborn about 1866
BeattyClarence born about 1875
BeattyHarry born about 1886
BeattyJames Hborn about 1875
BeattySusan born about 1864
BeatyAlma born about 1899
BeatyCarl born about 1889
BeatyCarl Lborn about 1924
BeatyClayton Sborn about 1923
BeatyLeda Gborn about 1926
BheMerl born about 1888
BheMilton born about 1883
BiezerGus born about 1877
BlackBetty Leeborn about 1922
BlackBeverly Annborn about 1940
BlackCaroline born about 1925
BlackDoris Jeanborn about 1931
BlackHarry born about 1890
BlackIsabel born about 1921
BlackJohn born about 1924
BlackMartha Leeborn about 1896
BlackOlive born about 1899
BlackRichard born about 1921
BlackRuth born about 1913
BlackRuth born about 1923
BlackRuth born about 1926
BlackWalter Dborn about 1894
BlackWilbur born about 1910
BlackWilson Rborn about 1928
BlystoneBert born about 1927
BlystoneCleo born about 1922
BlystoneDelbert born about 1929
BlystoneEdith born about 1933
BlystoneHelen born about 1898
BlystoneIrene born about 1925
BlystoneLeda born about 1935
BlystoneRalph born about 1939
BlystoneRoy born about 1891
BotsfordRuth born about 1914
BoulayGertrude born about 1888
BoulayJames Tborn about 1886
BownerHelen born about 1920
BowserDale born about 1909
BowserMary Sborn about 1911
BowserNaomi Nborn about 1934
BowserWilliam Dborn about 1938
BradyAnna Jborn about 1876
BradyDorian born about 1923
BradyMabel born about 1885
BradyRoy born about 1877
BrilhartIda born about 1869
BrilhartMilton born about 1866
BrownBarnsley born about 1925
BrownBernard born about 1920
BrownBertha born about 1865
BrownEdith born about 1898
BrownFrancis Aborn about 1923
BrownJune born about 1922
BrownLouise born about 1922
BrownLovanna born about 1879
BrownMeryl born about 1922
BrownRichard born about 1914
BrownRichard born about 1927
BrownRichard Cborn about 1900
BrownRichard Leeborn about 1939
BrownWilliam Sborn about 1870
BurnsEvelyne born about 1913
BurnsHarrey born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellRobt Sborn about 1871
ClydeRobt born about 1887
CockhartBetty born about 1918
CockhartElmer born about 1918
CockhartMary born about 1881
CockhartMary Lborn about 1923
CockhartS Edgarborn about 1886
ConrodAlta born about 1899
ConrodJames born about 1927
CoonCharles Fborn about 1915
CoonDarleene Wborn about 1938
CoonLouaine Mborn about 1936
CoonLula born about 1919
CoonRichard Cborn about 1940
CorbettAlice Eborn about 1888
CorbettEdward born about 1872
CorbettEthel Eborn about 1916
CorbettWayne Hborn about 1921
CraigElla born about 1895
CraigKarl Mborn about 1899
CrawfordAda born about 1866
CrawfordElizabeth born about 1870
CrawfordSwartz born about 1875
CromerC Gordonborn about 1921
CromerCyrus Gborn about 1891
CromerErnest Lborn about 1927
CromerKathryn born about 1898
CromerReed Hborn about 1924
CromerRichard Aborn about 1923
CromerRobert Dborn about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DehavenEdward born about 1893
DehavenEdward born about 1918
DehavenLeonard born about 1924
DehavenViola born about 1911
DickeyNora Nborn about 1867
DiltzJay born about 1917
DiltzMaud born about 1896
DiltzRobert born about 1887
DunmireFlorence born about 1890
DunmireIra born about 1872

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E Surnames

EdwardsArthur born about 1937
EdwardsClarence born about 1911
EdwardsGrace born about 1909
EdwardsOneda born about 1916
EdwardsSondra born about 1939
ElderBlanche born about 1923
ElderElizabeth born about 1913
ElderEugene Eborn about 1886
ElderH Joneborn about 1885
ElderLarue born about 1919
ElderRobert born about 1930
ElderWayne Lborn about 1919
EmerickFrank Bborn about 1914
EmerickIsabel born about 1925
EmerickRobt Lborn about 1885
EmerickVesta Lborn about 1924
EmerickWilliam Hborn about 1873

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F Surnames

FairmanGeorge Hborn about 1935
FairmanLester Lborn about 1938
FairmanStella born about 1915
FairmanWalter born about 1908
FairmanWalter Jr born about 1939
FairmanWiley Mborn about 1936
FrontAdophus born about 1915
FrontJane Mborn about 1921
FrontPatricia born about 1939
FulmerDayle born about 1917
FulmerDuane born about 1939
FulmerElla born about 1918
FulmesJames Wborn about 1888
FulmesMary Cborn about 1887

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G Surnames

GahaganGlen born about 1928
GahaganHarry Eborn about 1883
GahaganIrena born about 1923
GahaganLuther born about 1925
GahaganMabel born about 1885
GahaganMerle born about 1932
GahaganPaul born about 1915
GearhartEdwin Daleborn about 1933
GeorgeWilliam born about 1923
GettyAnna born about 1937
GettyBelle born about 1874
GettyEdward Bborn about 1887
GettyHerbert Wborn about 1913
GettyJ Williamborn about 1865
GettyJohn Wborn about 1915
GettyLucile born about 1919
GettyMargaret born about 1935
GilpatrickCaroline Hborn about 1888
GilpatrickJoan Hborn about 1922
GilpatrickMurry Jborn about 1880
GinterWendel born about 1923
GoodAlma Laweborn about 1903
GoodCarrie born about 1878
GoodFrank born about 1923
GoodKelso born about 1895
GoodRalph Jborn about 1902
GoodVernie born about 1896
GoodWilliam born about 1872
GriffithBeulla born about 1925
GriffithClair born about 1893
GriffithDee born about 1923
GriffithEsther born about 1926
GriffithGay born about 1892
GriffithHarley born about 1920
GriffithJames born about 1922

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H Surnames

HaddenSamuel born about 1890
HaddenSherman born about 1866
HamilMargaret born about 1873
HamiltonAnnie born about 1889
HamiltonBlaine born about 1921
HamiltonJohn born about 1923
HamiltonOlive born about 1869
HanchbargerDora born about 1896
HanchbargerRay born about 1894
HanchbargerRayetta born about 1924
HanchbargerSara born about 1926
HarshbargerPhillip Eborn about 1870
HastingsCarl born about 1875
HastingsJames Bborn about 1911
HastingsJohn born about 1914
HastingsJosephine born about 1901
HastingsMary Lborn about 1874
HastingsMerideth born about 1905
HaysPaul born about 1892
HazeletDella born about 1883
HeneyJames born about 1920
HickoxMargaret Aborn about 1861
HillJoseph born about 1906
HillJoseph Wborn about 1939
HillRozella born about 1918
HillRuth Eborn about 1938
HomilBlair born about 1878
HomilDonald born about 1922
HomilMabel Eborn about 1884
HooperGardner Harryborn about 1869
HooperStella born about 1871
HooverAnnie born about 1881
HooverCharles born about 1881
HooverCharles Rborn about 1909
HooverClara born about 1913
HooverFrancie Jeanborn about 1929
HooverHelen Louisborn about 1933
HooverShelby Leeborn about 1938
HopkinsAmanda Jborn about 1862
HopkinsThomas born about 1866
HoppinsMargaret born about 1885
HoppinsPaul born about 1888
HughesClifford born about 1892
HughesTwila born about 1892
HunterNancy born about 1901
HunterRay Dborn about 1892

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I Surnames

IrwinAnna Bborn about 1877
IrwinWilmer Mborn about 1877
IsanbergCatherine born about 1888
IsanbergJeanne born about 1925
IsanbergWilliam born about 1882

J Surnames

JarockJoseph born about 1922
JohnsonDonald born about 1938
JohnsonHarald born about 1909
JohnsonMargaret Lborn about 1930
JohnsonS Graceborn about 1914
JohnsonWilliam born about 1940
JohnstonHazel born about 1924
JohnstonPansy born about 1903
JohnstonWilliam born about 1929
JohnstonWilliam Cborn about 1902

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K Surnames

KalieBetty born about 1935
KalieCharles born about 1932
KalieDolly Annborn about 1931
KalieEstle born about 1914
KalieJames Eborn about 1933
KalieJoseph born about 1918
KalieKenneth born about
KalieShirley born about 1939
KellenBlaine born about 1921
KellenDaniel born about 1892
KellenEugene born about 1926
KellenLouise born about 1924
KellenRonald born about 1930
KellenRuth born about 1890
KellenWilliam born about 1890
KenJ Cborn about 1862
KephartAnnie born about 1893
KinterBlair born about 1912
KinterGrace born about 1909
KinterLisle born about 1893
KinterMargretta born about 1911
KinterRaymond born about 1908
KohlheppC Wborn about 1872
KohlheppDale born about 1920
KohlheppIda born about 1871
KohlheppLillian born about 1904
KohlheppMay born about 1910
KostrykJune born about 1916
KostrykNick born about 1914
KostrykTwila Maeborn about 1939
KrytzerEtta Mborn about 1869
KunselmanHoward born about 1916
KunselmanLarue born about 1916
KunselmanNancy born about 1931
KunselmanPatricia born about 1935
KunselmanSamuel born about 1939
KuntzEarl born about 1912
KuntzFlorence born about 1906

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L Surnames

LambingBessie born about 1889
LambingGuy born about 1881
LambingLisle born about 1928
LambingMae born about 1931
LawsonCharles born about 1866
LearnBertha born about 1921
LearnClarence born about 1922
LearnDora born about 1892
LearnQ Cborn about 1893
LearnWilmer born about 1918
LeasureClifford Aborn about 1940
LeasureHarry born about 1911
LeasureJennie born about 1880
LeasureJohn born about 1920
LeasureKenneth born about 1936
LeasureLouise born about 1920
LeasureMary born about 1910
LeasureSilva Jeanborn about 1939
LeasureWade born about 1882
LeckwatchGenile born about 1935
LembingCharles born about 1886
LembingDollie born about 1891
LemmonNoble G Sbborn about 1905
LewisArthur born about 1922
LewisArthur born about 1929
LewisBlair born about 1902
LewisCarrie born about 1885
LewisClifford Aborn about 1919
LewisDale born about 1934
LewisDean born about 1936
LewisDorothy born about 1926
LewisEarl born about 1938
LewisEileen born about 1939
LewisFlorence born about 1902
LewisHoward born about 1921
LewisJean born about 1923
LewisJoseph born about 1884
LewisMary born about 1907
LewisNina Mborn about 1894
LewisP Qborn about 1893
LewisRichard born about 1932
LewisSara Louiseborn about 1933
LewisSarah born about 1924
LianneClay born about 1896
LightcapCarol born about 1938
LightcapCharles born about 1901
LightcapFaye born about 1893
LightcapFern born about 1893
LightcapFlorence Cborn about 1901
LightcapHarrey born about 1865
LightcapHarriet born about 1873
LightcapHarry born about 1898
LightcapIda Mborn about 1866
LightcapMabel born about 1889
LightcapMaria born about 1859
LightcapRuby born about 1929
LightcapRuth born about 1925
LightcapSloan born about 1902
LittleBertha born about 1910
LittleBlair born about 1921
LittleClarence born about 1901
LittleDorothy born about 1931
LittleJames born about 1875
LittleJess born about 1913
LittleMartha Rborn about 1880
LittleMary Graceborn about 1936
LittleMaxine born about 1930
LittlePaul born about 1928
LittleRichard born about 1919
LittleShirley born about 1934
LochardBernard born about 1920
LochardBernard Lborn about 1933
LochardLaura Bborn about 1890
LochardLawrence born about 1889
LochardLouellen born about 1918
LongFrank born about 1880
LongLawrence born about 1919
LongRuth born about 1918
LongSara born about 1883
LongfrancesFrank born about 1880
LongfrancesLawrence born about 1919
LongfrancesRuth born about 1918
LongfrancesSara born about 1883
LoughryAnna Bborn about 1873
LoughryAnna Mborn about 1892
LoughryBilly Rborn about 1926
LoughryCarolton Gborn about 1928
LoughryDallas Jborn about 1886
LoughryElmma born about 1903
LoughryEva Mborn about 1886
LoughryGeorge born about 1905
LoughryJohn born about 1873
LoughryNorman born about 1877
LoughryRobert Jborn about 1924
LoughtenAnna Bborn about 1873
LoughtenAnna Mborn about 1892
LoughtenBilly Rborn about 1926
LoughtenCarolton Gborn about 1928
LoughtenDallas Jborn about 1886
LoughtenElmma born about 1903
LoughtenEva Mborn about 1886
LoughtenGeorge born about 1905
LoughtenJohn born about 1873
LoughtenNorman born about 1877
LoughtenRobert Jborn about 1924
LowmanHerbert born about 1863
LowmerHerbert born about 1863
LungerCharles born about 1919
LungeyCharles born about 1919

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M Surnames

MarshallCharles Mborn about 1931
MarshallJohn born about 1929
MarshallMary born about 1904
MarshallTruman born about 1905
McCallCarl born about 1927
McCallDolly born about 1887
McCallHarry born about 1886
McCallLoyd born about 1923
McCallSadie born about 1865
McCoyElla born about 1876
McCoyElla Marieborn about 1940
McCoyElsworth born about 1863
McCoyNora born about 1917
McCoyOrd born about 1913
McCoyRichard Aborn about 1939
McCoySharp born about 1917
McGeeAnn Ruthborn about 1920
McGeeElaine born about 1935
McGeeEthel born about 1901
McGeeIvan born about 1927
McGeeJames Aborn about 1893
McGeeKeith born about 1931
McGeeMilton born about 1896
McGeeShirley born about 1929
McGrownEarnest born about 1876
McGrownMinnie born about 1878
McMillenBerta born about 1886
McMillenJoyle born about 1918
McMillenL Cborn about 1887
McMillenOrange born about 1889
McMillenStella born about 1893
McMiltonJeddie born about 1883
MeanorElla born about 1857
MenserAmanda Cborn about 1868
MenserClair born about 1894
MenserDorothy born about 1924
MenserEsther born about 1898
MenserEthel born about 1923
MenserGeorge Aborn about 1900
MenserMary born about 1900
MenserNova born about 1924
MenserRalph born about 1899
MenserWilliam born about 1926
MeonoAlonzo born about 1876
MeonoDella born about 1876
MeonoLavern born about 1917
MillerEsther Eborn about 1912
MillerHerbert born about 1908
MillerMartha born about 1884
MillerShirley born about 1936
MitchellCallie born about 1889
MitchellFrank born about 1870
MitchellJohn Pborn about 1876
MitchellMaggie born about 1889
MontgomeryCarlton born about 1929
MontgomeryCora born about 1889
MontgomeryGrace Mborn about 1926
MontgomeryRuth born about 1935
MontgomeryWilliam born about 1888
MooreAlice born about 1906
MooreCraig Eborn about 1932
MooreEffie born about 1885
MooreEvelatte Bborn about 1902
MooreFrank Eborn about 1934
MooreGertrude born about 1891
MorrisonCharles born about 1876
MorrisonCora born about 1878

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N Surnames

NelsonCecil born about 1922
NorthMarjorie born about 1929
NorthNathaniel born about 1898
NorthRalph born about 1927
NorthRichard born about 1935
NorthRonald born about 1923
NorthTwila born about 1903
NulfCatherne born about 1878

P Surnames

PainterGeorge born about 1918
PainterGuy born about 1886
PainterJames born about 1929
PainterLenetta born about 1934
PainterLunetta born about 1894
PainterMona Belleborn about 1923
PainterRichard born about 1932
PainterSylvia born about 1924
PainterThomas born about 1927
PallackAnna Cborn about 1857
PallackClark born about 1887
PallackHerbert born about 1926
PallackLaura born about 1934
PallackMary Lborn about 1891
PallackWallace born about 1928
PattsJohn born about 1920
PefferBeth born about 1888
PefferClair born about 1925
PefferHarrey born about 1933
PefferHenry Aborn about 1884
PefferHomer born about 1907
PefferMabel born about 1913
PefferMartha born about 1929
PefferMildred born about 1909
PefferNaomi born about 1940
PefferRalph born about 1937
PefferRalph Jborn about 1909
PfeifferEdward born about 1876
PfeifferHarry born about 1884
PfeifferLeland born about 1916
PfeifferMinnie born about 1881
PfeifferO Wborn about 1872
PfeifferOllie born about 1871
PfeifferRoy born about 1904
PfeifferRuth born about 1884
PhillipiEarl Mborn about 1875
PhillipiJohn born about 1899
PhillipiMinnie born about 1870
PhillipiRichard born about 1916
PollockClara born about 1907
PollockFrank Mborn about 1892
PollockRalph born about 1910
PollockRalph Mborn about 1939

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R Surnames

RamaleBuelah born about 1888
RamaleDorothy born about 1921
RamaleHarry born about 1918
RamaleParker Bborn about 1866
RamaleRoy born about 1892
RankinAlfred born about 1908
RankinEdward Caralborn about 1939
RankinMae born about 1918
RapacukFrancis born about 1898
RapacukJohn born about 1921
RapacukPeter born about 1893
RapacukStanley born about 1917
RayMary born about 1871
ReedThomas born about 1900
RishelAlvin born about 1908
RishelCaroline born about 1939
RishelCharles born about 1906
RishelDelores born about 1935
RishelEllen Marieborn about 1940
RishelHelen born about 1909
RishelIrene born about 1939
RishelMartha born about 1907
RishelWilliam born about 1933
RitchieEdna born about 1883
RitchieGeorge born about 1875
RitchieJames born about 1921
RobeyCatherine born about 1923
RogerMelvin born about 1927
RogerSylvester born about 1929
RorabaughDella born about 1922
RorabaughErnest Cborn about 1898
RorabaughFrank born about 1874
RorabaughHarry born about 1927
RorabaughHelen born about 1924
RorabaughHope born about 1924
RorabaughLisle born about 1926
RorabaughNellie born about 1900
RorabaughSadie born about 1879
RustinBetty born about 1935
RyanHelen born about 1919
RyanJames born about 1907
RyanJames Wborn about 1940

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S Surnames

SheesleyDora Maeborn about 1938
SheesleyJames born about 1908
SheesleyJeannette born about 1922
ShesleyBen Fborn about 1885
ShesleyFloyd Dborn about 1922
ShesleyFred Hborn about 1925
ShesleyRoxie Mborn about 1895
ShontJohn Chasborn about 1938
SimpsonAda born about 1899
SimpsonBerna born about 1888
SimpsonBerna born about 1926
SimpsonClara Lborn about 1875
SimpsonEvelyn born about 1932
SimpsonGeorge born about 1915
SimpsonJannet born about 1939
SimpsonJohn born about 1874
SimpsonJoyce born about 1921
SimpsonKenneth born about 1936
SimpsonLinus born about 1885
SimpsonMarion born about 1909
SimpsonNathanat born about 1915
SimpsonRichard born about 1934
SimpsonRobt born about 1875
SimpsonWalter Cborn about 1899
SmithBessie born about 1891
SmithClara born about 1927
SmithClarence born about 1882
SmithCora born about 1894
SmithEdith born about 1878
SmithFrank born about 1924
SmithGlen born about 1906
SmithGrace born about 1919
SmithHoward born about 1877
SmithInd born about 1921
SmithJames born about 1904
SmithLeui born about 1884
SmithMargaret born about 1929
SmithPearle Mborn about 1916
SmithRobert born about 1917
SmithRolan born about 1892
SmithSutton born about 1920
SmithWallace born about 1894
SmithWilliam born about 1934
SnyderEdward Lborn about 1885
SnyderEdward L Jrborn about 1926
SnyderMartha born about 1864
SpencerAlbert born about 1910
SpencerLaura born about 1911
SpencerVonnie born about 1875
StaffyHarald born about 1905
StaffyLavara born about 1907
StaffyNan born about 1870
StaffyRuby born about 1933
StaffyRuth born about 1930
StaffyTod born about 1886
StapeltonEdward born about 1932
StapeltonGerald born about 1934
StapeltonJames born about 1921
StapeltonJohn born about 1925
StapeltonJosephine born about 1902
StapeltonJosephine born about 1938
StapeltonLeo born about 1930
StapeltonMargaret born about 1924
StapeltonPatrick born about 1897
StapeltonWilliam born about 1927
StearBert born about 1907
StearBert Rborn about 1933
StearGladys born about 1913
StearLiza Janeborn about 1935
StearNorma Jeanborn about 1931
SteeleAlherta Rborn about 1916
SteeleArthur born about 1911
SteeleCharles born about 1911
SteeleClaire born about 1889
SteeleClark born about 1880
SteeleDonald born about 1923
SteeleEarl Rborn about 1926
SteeleElmer born about 1873
SteeleEvelyn Ruthborn about 1940
SteeleGertrude born about 1909
SteeleHorace born about 1921
SteeleJohn Aborn about 1885
SteeleLester Dborn about 1894
SteeleMarjorie born about 1926
SteeleMary born about 1894
SteeleNancy Carolborn about 1937
SteeleNeda born about
SteeleRuby born about 1887
SteeleRuth born about 1879
SteeleSarah born about 1873
SteeleViola born about 1888
SteffeyAnnie Sborn about 1868
SteffeyGlen born about 1900
SteffeyJoaiak born about 1868
SteffeyLeroy born about 1925
SteffeyMargaret born about 1882
SteffeyNorman born about 1876
SteffeyWilda born about 1900
StephensonClarence born about 1919
StephensonDavid Eborn about 1887
StephensonGrace Mborn about 1889
StephensonRebecca Aborn about 1924
SteuartGertrude Nborn about 1894
SteuartMerle born about 1892
StewartJames Eborn about 1900
StewartO Pearleborn about 1897
StreamsBessie born about 1907
StreamsBlair born about 1883
StreamsCatherine born about 1908
StreamsDonald born about 1939
StreamsEsther born about 1913
StreamsEvelyn born about 1922
StreamsFredrick born about 1934
StreamsGerald born about 1938
StreamsGrace born about 1934
StreamsGuy born about 1903
StreamsHarry born about 1897
StreamsHelen born about 1925
StreamsIda Bborn about 1874
StreamsMargaret Lborn about 1916
StreamsMartha born about 1898
StreamsMax born about 1896
StreamsMayre born about 1930
StreamsNannie Eborn about 1888
StreamsRalph born about 1918
StreamsRichard born about 1936
StreamsRobert born about 1933
StreamsRuth born about 1919
StreamsWilliam Mborn about 1868
SwanAnna Mborn about 1882
SwanCharolette born about 1919
SwanFrank born about 1907
SwanGlen Cborn about 1885
SwanHelen born about 1909
SwanHoward Gborn about 1912
SwanJames Bborn about 1914
SwanRuth born about 1929

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T Surnames

ThompsonAlof born about 1881
ThompsonEugene born about 1930
ThompsonMargaret born about 1903
ThompsonMarilin Kborn about 1935
ThompsonRobert Bborn about 1917
ThompsonRobt Hborn about 1875
ThompsonSteele born about 1903
ThompsonWiletta born about 1879
TurnbullGrant born about 1927
TurnbullJoseph born about 1884
TurnbullLillie born about 1884
TurnbullVernon born about 1925

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U Surnames

UplingerJohn born about 1906
UplingerLester born about 1929
UplingerRita born about 1935
UplingerViola born about 1910

V Surnames

VanhornBelle born about 1858
VanleerLeopald born about 1891
VanleerVerner born about 1890

W Surnames

WalkerCarl born about 1899
WalkerCaroline born about 1900
WalkerDorothy born about 1923
WalkerEunice born about 1933
WalkerJohn born about 1896
WalkerJohn Cborn about 1881
WalkerJohn Earlborn about 1931
WalkerLewis born about 1864
WalkerLydia born about 1901
WalkerLydia born about 1924
WalkerMargaret born about 1867
WalkerMartha born about 1928
WalkerMary born about 1896
WalkerMurry born about 1902
WalkerOlive born about 1877
WalkerOlive born about 1900
WalkerPaul Wborn about 1892
WalkerRaymond Lborn about 1895
WalkerRobert born about 1925
WalkerRuie Aborn about 1882
WalkerSara Annborn about 1930
WalkerThomas born about 1910
WaltmanArnelda born about 1932
WaltmanDuane born about 1939
WaltmanFloyd born about 1930
WaltmanLoyd born about 1905
WaltmanMary born about 1907
WeaverGertrude born about 1897
WeaverJohn born about 1922
WeaverLester born about 1920
WeaverRobert born about 1881
WeaverRobert born about 1928
WeaverThomas born about 1917
WetzelAlice born about 1878
WetzelEdward Bborn about 1915
WetzelHarry Hborn about 1880
WhitakerAlbert Fborn about 1900
WhitakerBerdine born about 1922
WhitakerJ Sborn about 1867
WhitakerJanile born about 1931
WhitakerKathleen born about 1924
WhitakerLaura born about 1874
WhitakerMabel Aborn about 1902
WhitakerWanda born about 1926
WhitinerRobert born about 1936
WilliamsCornelia born about 1895
WilliamsElenor Leonborn about 1930
WilliamsLeon born about 1920
WilliamsLile born about 1888
WilliamsLile Wborn about 1916
WissingerCarl born about 1935
WissingerGeorge born about 1937
WissingerHarry Cborn about 1908
WissingerMartha born about 1909
WissingerMary born about 1939
WitzelEssie born about 1885
WitzelGeorge born about 1885
WitzelLena Gborn about 1919
WitzelSamuel Jborn about 1915
WorkEdgar Sborn about 1878
WorkLiggie born about 1883
WorkLucile born about 1896
WorkRoss born about 1927
WorkWalter born about 1895
WorthJohn born about 1910
WorthJohn Hborn about 1872
WorthKenneth born about 1917
WorthLaura born about 1874
WynkoopDean born about 1902

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