1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hopewell Township in York County, York, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > York County > 1940 Census of Hopewell Township in York County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesQ SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAlmeda born about 1904
AdamsGeorge born about 1904
AkinsGeorge Wborn about 1906
AkinsMargaret Eborn about 1913
AkinsMarvin born about 1936
AkinsMelvin born about 1939
AllenElizabeth born about 1908
AllenGene born about 1929
AllenRobert born about 1934
AllenRuth born about 1933
AllenS Everettborn about 1904
AllisonGrover born about 1919
AllisonHazel born about 1918
AlthouseCatherine Lborn about 1867
AlthouseFrances Eborn about 1924
AlthouseRussell born about 1893
AlthouseRuth Mborn about 1895
AmbermanGladys born about 1914
AmbermanHazel born about 1918
AmbermanJ Oscarborn about 1917
AmbermanJames Tborn about 1910
AmbermanJanet born about 1936
AmbermanShirley born about 1939
AmosBula born about 1912
AmosDolores born about 1933
AmosGlenda born about 1934
AmosJames born about 1910
AmosJames born about 1939
AmosMarlene born about 1938
AmosShirley born about 1936
AmspacherAlbert Mborn about 1863
AndersonA Harryborn about 1886
AndersonAnna Lborn about 1937
AndersonAnna Louiseborn about 1920
AndersonAnna Mayborn about 1923
AndersonAustin born about 1914
AndersonClyde born about 1915
AndersonCreston born about 1891
AndersonDonald born about 1929
AndersonDoris born about 1914
AndersonElizabeth born about 1850
AndersonElizabeth born about 1917
AndersonEthyl born about 1905
AndersonEverett born about 1912
AndersonFreda Jborn about 1887
AndersonH Benderborn about 1881
AndersonH Wborn about 1878
AndersonHazel born about 1925
AndersonJ Haroldborn about 1904
AndersonJ Rayborn about 1881
AndersonJ Spenceborn about 1882
AndersonJames Mborn about 1904
AndersonJane born about 1917
AndersonJanice born about 1936
AndersonJean born about 1909
AndersonJean born about 1937
AndersonJenny Lborn about 1877
AndersonJohn Eborn about 1878
AndersonLillian born about 1882
AndersonLulu born about 1880
AndersonMargaret born about 1882
AndersonMargaret born about 1886
AndersonMargery born about 1930
AndersonMarjorie born about 1935
AndersonMary born about 1880
AndersonMary born about 1896
AndersonMiriam born about 1904
AndersonMiriam born about 1935
AndersonNorman born about 1935
AndersonRalph born about 1895
AndersonSpencer born about 1938
AndrewsCynthia born about 1882
AnstineC Margarettaborn about 1919
AnstineElizabeth Cborn about 1874
AnstineFrederick Nborn about 1917
AnstineHarry Lborn about 1882
AnstineJoan born about 1937
AnstineJoseph Mborn about 1884
AnstineJulia Mborn about 1897
AnstineMyrtle Kborn about 1881
AnstineReese Nborn about 1854
ArcherHelen born about 1918
ArmpriesterJohn born about 1923
AttigElenora born about 1929
AttigJanet born about 1926
AttigLester born about 1889
AttigPaul born about 1903
AttigPauline born about 1902
AttigRuth born about 1894
AyresCharles Lborn about 1926
AyresMaude born about 1882
AyresOscar born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaerDonald born about 1937
BaerJohn Cborn about 1908
BaerMargaret born about 1910
BaerMyrtle born about 1899
BaerOscar born about 1899
BaerPeggy born about 1938
BaerRichard born about 1931
BaerWilfred born about 1923
BairdCynthia Pborn about 1892
BairdFrank Oborn about 1867
BairdM Ceceliaborn about 1875
BairdMildred born about 1919
BairdNellie born about 1908
BakerCaroline born about 1876
BakerEdward born about 1879
BarbriBaldwin born about 1886
BarbriBetty Jborn about 1897
BarbriGeorge born about 1915
BarbriMary born about 1921
BarbriWilliam born about 1919
BarnesCharles Hborn about 1904
BarnesIrma Sborn about 1906
BarnesLila born about 1931
BarnesWallace born about 1929
BartenslagerA Mborn about 1870
BartenslagerAnn Onborn about 1939
BartenslagerAnna Janeborn about 1934
BartenslagerArthur Vborn about 1912
BartenslagerCatherine born about 1923
BartenslagerDelilah born about 1910
BartenslagerDonald born about 1928
BartenslagerDuane born about 1929
BartenslagerFlorence born about 1917
BartenslagerGrace born about 1899
BartenslagerIda Rborn about 1888
BartenslagerJ Rborn about 1888
BartenslagerJoseph born about 1929
BartenslagerLucy Mborn about 1910
BartenslagerLuther Allenborn about 1896
BartenslagerMargaret born about 1933
BartenslagerMrs Frank born about 1880
BartenslagerP Aborn about 1894
BartenslagerPaul born about 1920
BartenslagerRaymond born about 1898
BartenslagerRichard born about 1934
BartenslagerViola born about 1900
BartenslagerVirgie Lborn about 1871
BartenslagerWalter born about 1896
BartonLanthin born about 1918
BattersLevia born about 1923
BellDorothy born about 1896
BellGloria born about 1927
BellMargaret Gborn about 1900
BellOram Sborn about 1892
BenderBetty born about 1926
BenderBlanche born about 1896
BenderHarold born about 1930
BenderJ Milesborn about 1892
BenderJohn born about 1922
BenderRobert born about 1928
BenderSara born about 1919
BenderVirginia born about 1931
BennettAnnie born about 1925
BennettEvelyn born about 1927
BennettMamie Fborn about 1889
BennettMarie born about 1929
BennettSamuel Pborn about 1925
BennettW Fborn about 1887
BerwagerBlanche Mborn about 1899
BerwagerClinton Jborn about 1902
BerwagerDonald born about 1936
BerwagerDoris born about 1932
BerwagerLeonard born about 1921
BerwagerMaynard born about 1923
BlackRobert born about 1920
BladeHelen born about 1911
BladePaul born about 1910
BlakeJohn born about 1906
BlevinsDean born about 1936
BlevinsEverett born about 1917
BlevinsMary Eborn about 1923
BlevinsNancy born about 1938
BlevinsNorman born about 1932
BlevinsRuth born about 1913
BlevinsSamuels born about 1906
BlevinsVester born about 1923
BobbittCharles born about 1904
BobbittCharles Eborn about 1929
BobbittFranklin born about 1933
BobbittGertrude Eborn about 1931
BobbittJames Gborn about 1937
BobbittMae Virginiaborn about 1934
BobbittMarie born about 1906
BobbittSamuel Eborn about 1930
BoochLewis Lborn about 1865
BortnerElize Sborn about 1864
BoschCharles Jborn about 1896
BoschElizabeth Hborn about 1934
BoschMarie born about 1897
BoseFlorence born about 1900
BowersCletus born about 1922
BowersEthyl born about 1898
BowersFrank born about 1887
BowersJ Hborn about 1895
BowersMabel born about 1898
BowersR Mborn about 1897
BowersRichard born about 1924
BowersVirgil born about 1927
BowmanAllie born about 1895
BowmanBertha born about 1911
BowmanDaniel born about 1884
BowmanEvans born about 1909
BowmanLarry Leeborn about 1938
BowmanLydia born about 1886
BowmanMamie born about 1887
BowmanMenerva born about 1882
BowmanRalph Sborn about 1890
BoydHazel born about 1919
BoydJames born about 1914
BoydLarry born about 1937
BrennemanElsie Cborn about 1906
BrennemanFloyd Vborn about 1902
BrennemanRichard born about 1933
BrennermanBlanche born about 1880
BrennermanCalvin Mborn about 1877
BrennermanDonald born about 1927
BrennermanErnest born about 1898
BrennermanGladys born about 1901
BrillhartLula born about 1916
BrillhartMaggie Mborn about 1873
BrillhartReed born about 1912
BrillhartRobert born about 1872
BroseLottie born about 1890
BroseMelvin born about 1897
BrownBertha Jborn about 1886
BrownDora born about 1887
BrownElizabeth born about 1925
BrownGeorge Eborn about 1879
BrownHenry Fborn about 1928
BurrsLouise born about 1865
BushDonie born about 1939
BushElvie born about 1905
BushFlorence Mborn about 1883
BushFloyd Eborn about 1904
BushJean born about 1930
BushLorraine born about 1937
BushNorman born about 1935
BushW Iborn about 1871
BusslerMary born about 1886
BusslerWilliam born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CashnerAlbert born about 1889
CashnerCelia born about 1874
CashnerDollene born about 1934
CashnerDora born about 1894
CashnerElla born about 1915
CashnerErnie born about 1922
CashnerFern born about 1929
CashnerGeorge born about 1881
CashnerHerman born about 1912
CashnerKenneth born about 1936
CashnerLorraine born about 1925
CashnerMiriam born about 1931
CashnerThurlow born about 1924
CashnerWilliam born about 1864
ChildViola born about 1901
ChurchBessie born about 1892
ChurchHoward Tborn about 1896
ChurchMary Kborn about 1929
CollinsMelva born about 1908
CollinsMillie Annborn about 1938
CollinsRobert Aborn about 1908
CooverJessie born about 1916
CooverMorrett born about 1913
CopenhavenFrederic born about 1919
CopenhavenMary Sueborn about 1922
CopenhavenRobert Dborn about 1917
CopenhavenRobert Tborn about 1889
CopenhavenRuth Iborn about 1892
CramerPearl born about 1905
CramerRussell born about 1905
CrossCecil Cborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaughtonArbutis born about 1915
DaughtonBurtis born about 1914
DavisAgnes born about 1900
DavisClarence born about 1897
DavisEdna born about 1890
DavisJohn born about 1890
DavisRoss born about 1918
DavisThomas born about 1867
DayBertram born about 1882
DayElizabeth born about 1859
DayEthyl L Aborn about 1889
DellingerCletus born about 1907
DellingerEdna born about 1911
DellingerEmory born about 1910
DellingerFlorus born about 1921
DellingerGertrude born about 1879
DellingerHarry born about 1875
DevilbissDonald born about 1939
DevilbissE Mborn about 1912
DevilbissJoseph born about 1936
DevilbissMary born about 1914
DiehlBessie born about 1909
DiehlClair Eborn about 1928
DiehlEarl Cborn about 1919
DiehlEugene born about 1911
DiehlGene Wborn about 1933
DiehlGeorge Wborn about 1874
DiehlGlenn born about 1925
DiehlGloria born about 1931
DiehlLester Hborn about 1921
DiehlMetta born about 1915
DiehlMrs Bertha born about 1886
DiehlPaul born about 1893
DiehlRobert born about 1933
DiehlRosie born about 1894
DiehlSarah born about 1873
DiehlShirley Annborn about 1936
DiehlStuart born about 1906
DossFrances born about 1936
DossLillian born about 1919
DossLillie born about 1938
DossMary born about 1940
DossWillard born about 1916
DoxzenAudrey born about 1917
DoxzenMescal born about 1937
DoxzenSandra born about 1939
DoxzenThomas born about 1913
DruckArthur Bborn about 1877
DruckDollie Aborn about 1884
DuncanA Mborn about 1884
DunlapAnna born about 1933
DunlapBetty born about 1930
DunlapDavid born about 1938
DunlapEdward born about 1929
DunlapGlenn born about 1927
DunlapHarold born about 1926
DunlapHelen born about 1925
DunlapHelen born about 1926
DunlapJames born about 1937
DunlapJames Hborn about 1902
DunlapJanet born about 1932
DunlapJohn born about
DunlapLois born about 1935
DunlapMary born about 1936
DunlapMerle born about 1924
DunlapPauline born about 1907
DuttonCora born about 1909
DuttonGeorge born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EasterdayCharles born about 1919
EatonElizabeth born about 1921
EatonEsta born about 1910
EatonEvans born about 1911
EatonFrances born about 1935
EatonGilbert born about 1923
EatonHarold born about 1931
EatonHazel born about 1930
EatonJames born about 1920
EatonJanet born about 1935
EatonJohn born about 1916
EatonKenneth born about 1928
EatonLee born about 1906
EatonLoretta born about 1928
EatonLulu born about 1888
EatonMarietta born about 1909
EatonMarylee born about 1935
EatonRobert born about 1932
EatonRoss born about 1898
EatonVelma born about 1919
EbaughDuane born about 1939
EbaughEvelyn born about 1912
EbaughEverett born about 1909
EbaughJ Haroldborn about 1911
EbaughJanice Mborn about 1938
EbaughPaul Eborn about 1932
EbaughRomaine born about 1911
EbaughWilliam Eborn about 1934
EdieAurora born about 1883
EdieClarence born about 1882
EdieEsta born about 1887
EdieMary born about 1899
EdieMary Aborn about 1875
EdieR Smithborn about 1873
EdieWilliam Eborn about 1864
EitzertA Wborn about 1872
EitzertBertha born about 1873
EitzertRita born about 1896
EppleyCaroline born about 1905
EppleyCatherine born about 1916
EppleyEverett born about 1915
EppleyLevi born about 1883
EppleyLillie Mborn about 1881
EppleyRaymond born about 1935
EppleyRonald born about 1939
EtaughL Cborn about 1903
EtaughM Cborn about 1870
EtaughMary Aborn about 1870
EvansCorinne born about 1928
EvansDella Eborn about 1894
EvansLillie Mborn about 1870
EvansRalph Sborn about 1890
EvansRobert born about 1928
EysterBlahely Aborn about 1936
EysterLloyd Josephborn about 1930
EysterMary born about 1904
EysterStanley born about 1905
EysterWilliam Sborn about 1932

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F Surnames

FagerClarence born about 1908
FagerRichaed born about 1939
FagerRuth born about 1913
FakeAaron born about 1917
FatridgeDaisy Jborn about 1908
FatridgeLawrence Eborn about 1905
FatridgeTerry Leeborn about 1934
FellsBernice born about 1922
FellsClair born about 1931
FellsEdna born about 1900
FellsEthel Eborn about 1938
FellsGeraldine born about 1937
FellsPaul born about 1932
FellsRichard born about 1925
FellsRobert born about 1929
FellsTruman born about 1901
FergusonCharles born about 1939
FergusonCharles Wborn about 1915
FergusonEthyl born about 1916
FishelA Mabelborn about 1881
FishelAlice Rborn about 1874
FishelAlice Rborn about 1880
FishelD Matthew Lborn about 1874
FishelJere born about 1918
FishelLilian born about 1874
FixCharles born about 1931
FixCharles Sborn about 1900
FixNorma Jeanborn about 1935
FixPearl born about 1905
FixWilliam born about 1937
FlahartyC Elizabethborn about 1899
FlahartyH Frankborn about 1890
FlickCatherine born about 1910
FlorryAnnie Eborn about 1878
FlorryWilliam born about 1870
FrankHoward born about 1927
FredwayBeulah Aborn about 1908
FredwayRoss born about 1910
FreeAlmeda born about 1885
FreeEvans Mborn about 1877
FreyCarrie born about 1938
FreyJennie born about 1895
FreyMargaret born about 1921
FultonAlmeda born about 1905
FultonAnna Maeborn about 1896
FultonAnnie Mborn about 1868
FultonGene born about 1928
FultonJohn born about 1893
FultonJoyce born about 1930
FultonMalcolm born about 1901
FultonWalter born about 1925
FultonWilliam born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GableCaroline born about 1922
GableElizabeth born about 1923
GableJames Bborn about 1927
GableJoseph Bborn about 1887
GableLouise born about 1924
GableMary born about 1890
GannetAlma born about 1920
GannetEarl born about 1917
GannetPearl born about
GantzMary born about 1905
GardenerWilliam born about 1887
GehbCarl born about 1892
GehbElizabeth born about 1901
GehbEverett born about 1922
GehbHarold born about 1920
GehbLeonard born about 1898
GehbM Annaborn about 1900
GemmillBruce born about 1923
GemmillCharles Cborn about 1876
GemmillCharles Wborn about 1867
GemmillDoris born about 1932
GemmillDorothy born about 1937
GemmillElizabeth born about 1923
GemmillEvans born about 1929
GemmillEverett Jborn about 1887
GemmillFlo born about 1897
GemmillGlenn born about 1934
GemmillGrace born about 1888
GemmillGrover born about 1898
GemmillHelen born about 1923
GemmillJ Cborn about 1888
GemmillJames Cborn about 1922
GemmillLloyd born about 1920
GemmillMarion born about 1933
GemmillMary born about 1897
GemmillMary born about 1899
GemmillNorma born about 1931
GemmillNorman Hborn about 1901
GemmillPearl Eborn about 1915
GemmillPhyllis born about 1927
GemmillPreston born about 1922
GemmillReba born about 1918
GemmillReginald born about 1929
GemmillRomain born about 1920
GemmillRoy Lborn about 1896
GemmillRuth Kborn about 1900
GemmillSusan born about 1868
GemmillThomas Lborn about 1889
GemmillW J Pborn about 1865
GibbsDella Mborn about 1888
GibbsIda Mborn about 1866
GibbsJ Myrtleborn about 1892
GibbsRussell Aborn about 1893
GiibbsCora born about 1927
GiibbsEdwin born about 1931
GlatfelterGeorge born about 1896
GlatfelterGerald Dborn about 1934
GlatfelterSidna born about 1899
GoldenWilliam born about 1856
GraceyBrenton born about 1925
GraceyElizabeth born about 1931
GraceyEmma born about 1900
GraceyGeorge born about 1923
GraceyPauline born about 1933
GraceyVirginia born about 1928
GrearJuanita born about 1918
GreenAmos born about 1900
GreenBertha born about 1926
GreenCharles born about 1868
GreenClara born about 1907
GreenDelbert born about 1935
GreenMiles born about 1911
GreenPauline born about 1937
GreenSara born about 1929
GreeneBelle Jborn about 1893
GreeneLillia Aborn about 1918
GreeneLucretia born about 1921
GreenePrestina born about 1929
GreeneStephan Aborn about 1890
GreenleyCecil born about 1909
GreenleyMary born about 1912
GroveAlice born about 1915
GroveBenson Rborn about 1937
GroveBetty born about 1939
GroveBlanche born about 1918
GroveCharlotte born about 1937
GroveClarence born about 1910
GroveCyrus born about 1880
GroveD Rossborn about 1879
GroveDolly born about 1885
GroveDorothy born about 1911
GroveDorothy Iborn about 1918
GroveEli Fborn about 1868
GroveEmma born about 1901
GroveFloyd born about 1938
GroveGeorge Fborn about 1882
GroveGladys born about 1916
GroveJesse born about 1922
GroveJunie born about 1883
GroveKathern born about 1927
GroveKathern Mborn about 1902
GroveKenneth born about 1932
GroveKenneth Wborn about 1921
GroveLeroy born about 1936
GroveLester born about 1917
GroveLevi Bborn about 1895
GroveMargaret born about 1926
GroveMartin Sborn about 1895
GroveMary Lborn about 1915
GroveNathalie born about 1939
GrovePaul born about 1930
GroveRobert born about 1936
GroveSamuel born about 1888
GroveSamuel Kborn about 1898
GroveVergie Rborn about 1888
GroveViola born about 1871
GroveWilbur Gborn about 1887
GroveWilliam born about 1937

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H Surnames

HaketMary born about 1885
HallClarence born about 1885
HallEugene born about 1908
HallGrace born about 1907
HallHarry Gborn about 1877
HallIda born about 1892
HallIrvin Cborn about 1903
HallJohn Eborn about 1932
HallJoseph born about 1939
HallMarie Yborn about 1888
HallMary born about 1907
HallMelvin born about 1921
HallNancy born about 1936
HallPaul Dborn about 1906
HallRichard born about 1937
HallRobert born about 1928
HammerBetty born about 1932
HammerJanet born about 1904
HammerPaul born about 1902
HammerRobert born about 1930
HammersMonroe born about 1908
HammondHarry born about 1878
HammondMargaret born about 1921
HammondMildred born about 1900
HammondPearl born about 1921
HammondSamuel born about 1897
HammondSpencer born about 1916
HammondViola born about 1923
HammondVirgie born about 1883
HareStewart Rborn about 1905
HareViola born about 1906
HarmonJames born about 1925
HarmonRena born about 1894
HarrisElnora born about 1911
HarrisMaud born about 1881
HarrisRoy born about 1902
HarrisonGeorgia born about 1883
HaubertHelen born about 1905
HaubertMartin born about 1905
HaughA Fborn about 1891
HaughAllie born about 1901
HaughAnnie Pborn about 1893
HaughDorothy born about 1937
HaughEllen born about 1892
HaughElmer born about 1889
HaughEsther born about 1915
HaughLaura born about 1927
HaughLuther born about 1901
HaughRaymond born about 1934
HaughRuth born about 1915
HaughWalter Cborn about 1914
HedrickMrs W Jborn about 1871
HeffnerBenjamin born about 1925
HeffnerJesse born about 1910
HeffnerMae born about 1911
HeffnerNorman born about 1930
HendrexJenny Aborn about 1887
HendrexJohn born about 1879
HengstElmyra born about 1922
HenryClair born about 1921
HenryMargaret born about 1922
HerseyCharles born about 1937
HerseyElizabeth Pborn about 1904
HerseyErma born about 1926
HerseyEvelyn born about 1928
HerseyEverett Aborn about 1904
HerseyGeorge born about 1863
HerseyGeorge born about 1929
HerseyLottie Eborn about 1899
HerseyMelford born about 1934
HerseyOlive born about 1918
HerseyVernon born about 1896
HerseyWilson born about 1915
HersheyC Eborn about 1906
HersheyMae born about 1902
HersheyMarvin born about 1892
HersheyMrs Marvin born about 1894
HessAlexander born about 1915
HessAnna Lborn about 1872
HessDorothy born about 1921
HessEdna born about 1921
HessEtta born about 1894
HessHomer born about 1900
HessIvan born about 1924
HessLeona born about 1931
HessMaynard S Lborn about 1901
HessNorman Cborn about 1906
HessPaul born about 1919
HessPeryl born about 1934
HessReed born about 1927
HestonJennie born about 1862
HestonJoseph Aborn about 1872
HewlettMary Lborn about 1909
HewlettTolbert Dborn about 1908
HildKathryn born about 1913
HildRussell Gborn about 1905
HildebrandeBlanche born about 1883
HildebrandeWalter born about 1886
HingsheadJohn Emosborn about 1918
HingsheadPauline born about 1921
HoffmasterRuth born about 1917
HollawayClarence born about 1877
HollawayEmma born about 1877
HollawayNorman born about 1927
HollingsheadLuanna born about 1939
HollowayMargie born about 1899
HollowayWillen born about 1899
HortonHoward born about 1919
HostlerHerbert born about 1931
HostlerIda Maeborn about 1887
HostlerMary Bborn about 1908
HostlerMilton Hborn about 1910
HostlerMilton Jborn about 1887
HostlerThelma born about 1929
HudsonJohn born about 1919
HulshartClarence born about 1917
HulshartEvelyn born about 1917
HuntCharles born about 1905
HuntCharles born about 1927
HuntEstella born about 1906

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J Surnames

JenkinsCora born about 1934
JenkinsJane born about 1924
JenkinsMartin born about 1893
JenkinsMarvin Jr born about 1928
JenkinsPearl born about 1926
JenkinsRuth born about 1897
JohnsonMeredith born about 1905
JonesAnna Mayborn about 1939
JonesCarl Sborn about 1898
JonesCarrie born about 1894
JonesCarrie born about 1904
JonesCarroll born about 1914
JonesDeloris born about 1917
JonesDevonne born about 1919
JonesEdna born about 1920
JonesEdward born about 1928
JonesEllwood born about 1910
JonesG Ernestborn about 1899
JonesHazel born about 1932
JonesHelen born about 1930
JonesIda born about 1900
JonesJannita born about 1926
JonesJerry born about 1936
JonesJoseph Wborn about 1851
JonesLouise born about 1927
JonesMabel born about 1915
JonesMaggie born about 1871
JonesMargaret born about 1869
JonesMargaret Eborn about 1901
JonesMarlene born about 1939
JonesMarvin born about 1921
JonesMary Eborn about 1868
JonesMyrtle born about 1897
JonesNorman born about 1939
JonesOscar born about 1896
JonesRosalie born about 1915
JonesSterling born about 1915
JordanHilda born about 1913
JordanJames Mborn about 1900
JordanJennette born about 1870
JordanJoseph Rborn about 1911
JordanLouise Cborn about 1901
JordanS Fredborn about 1913

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K Surnames

KashnerCharles born about 1913
KashnerEarl born about 1915
KashnerFranklin Dborn about 1934
KashnerGloria Aborn about 1937
KashnerIrene born about 1916
KashnerJanette born about 1939
KashnerMyrtle Cborn about 1893
KashnerNoah born about 1883
KashnerPaul born about 1913
KearnsBetty born about 1922
KearnsClarence born about 1887
KearnsEthel Mborn about 1889
KearnsFlorence born about 1888
KearnsHenrey born about 1918
KearnsHoward Cborn about 1883
KearnsHoward Jr born about 1923
KearnsIsabel born about 1918
KearnsOlive born about 1886
KearnsWilliam Bborn about 1886
KearseBarbara Aborn about 1939
KearseGeorge Wborn about 1917
KearseGladys Eborn about 1917
KeenerSue born about 1899
KeenyRhea born about 1898
KefauberBetty Lborn about 1932
KefauberEtta born about 1884
KefauberLuther born about 1886
KefauberLuther Jr born about 1930
KefauberMargaret born about 1926
KefauberMyrtle born about 1923
KefauberOlive born about 1917
KefauberWalter born about 1918
KerlingerCynthia born about 1887
KerlingerHarry Aborn about 1882
KerlingerThelma born about 1902
KilbourneArthur born about 1931
KilbourneDwight Nborn about 1905
KilbourneJohn Dborn about 1926
KilbourneMyrtle Hborn about 1904
KillerRichard born about 1920
KinardCharles born about 1896
KingWilliam born about 1876
KisinerRebecca Jborn about 1879
KlinefelterAllen Cborn about 1896
KlinefelterClarence born about 1918
KlinefelterEdward born about 1898
KlinefelterFlorida Cborn about 1876
KlinefelterMargaret born about 1899
KlinefelterMildred Lborn about 1918
KlinefelterSamuel Aborn about 1873
KlinefelterWillie born about 1920
KnoppRuth born about 1928
KoontzChester born about 1914
KoontzMary born about 1907
KristesenCharlotte born about 1885
KristesenFrederic born about 1876
KunkelBetty born about 1939
KunkelCarrol born about 1914
KunkelLeroy born about 1938
KunkelRose born about 1920
KunkleChetler Hborn about 1881
KunkleDean born about 1911
KunkleGertrude born about 1884
KunkleJames Cborn about 1925
KunkleJean born about 1931
KunkleKathryn born about 1911
KunkleMaude Mborn about 1894
KunkleZ Curtisborn about 1900
KuppFrank born about 1865
KurtzEvelyn born about 1909
KurtzJ Thomasborn about 1905
KurtzJosephine born about 1937
KurtzLinda Lauborn about 1939
KurtzNancy born about 1935
KurtzWilliam born about 1933

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L Surnames

LaniusAlma born about 1894
LaniusC Pborn about 1887
LaniusClyde born about 1908
LaniusConrad born about 1880
LaniusEdith born about 1878
LaniusEdna born about 1909
LaniusGemmill born about 1908
LaniusJ Wborn about 1874
LaniusMargaret born about 1910
LaniusPearl born about 1892
LaniusRichard born about 1936
LaniusRoy born about 1881
LaniusWilliam born about 1930
LavineThomas born about 1934
LeibEtta Gborn about 1892
LeibHarry Rborn about 1896
LeibJanice born about 1923
LeibNellie Gborn about 1872
LeibT Horaceborn about 1894
LentzLulu Lborn about 1885
LeonardEarl born about 1924
LiggetWilliam born about 1875
LiggettGrace Mborn about 1912
LiggettHugh Gborn about 1896
LiggitAnna born about 1880
LiggitCorean Sborn about 1876
LiggitDolly Sborn about 1880
LiggitEdward born about 1880
LiggitMartin born about 1900
LiggitMay born about 1901
LiggitRuth born about 1910
LiggitWilliam born about 1934
LiggitWilson born about 1882
ListCharles born about 1909
ListFlorence born about 1919
ListFrank born about 1881
ListMargaret born about 1879
LittleAlbert born about 1940
LittleCalvin Gborn about 1894
LittleCharles born about 1910
LittleCharles born about 1919
LittleFlorence born about 1918
LittleLulu Vborn about 1898
LittleRuth born about 1939
LittleWilson born about 1937
LokerLucy born about 1871
LokerPauline born about 1864
LoketchLucy born about 1871
LoketchPauline born about 1864
LoweBeatrice born about 1897
LoweCarlyn born about 1922
LoweClark Aborn about 1896
LoweEmory born about 1912
LoweGrover born about 1886
LoweLillie Mborn about 1890
LoweMervin born about 1920
LowekeBeatrice born about 1897
LowekeCarlyn born about 1922
LowekeClark Aborn about 1896
LowekeEmory born about 1912
LowekeGrover born about 1886
LowekeLillie Mborn about 1890
LowekeMervin born about 1920
LoydAnnie born about 1874
LoydRussell born about 1893
LoydallAnnie born about 1874
LoydallRussell born about 1893
LytleCharles born about 1929
LytleGertrude born about 1871
LytleRobert born about 1931
LytleSterling born about 1902
LytleSterling born about 1933
LytleViolet born about 1911
LytteCharles born about 1929
LytteGertrude born about 1871
LytteRobert born about 1931
LytteSterling born about 1902
LytteSterling born about 1933
LytteViolet born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaddoxMargaret born about 1912
MaddoxWilliam Eborn about 1910
MaddoxWilliam E Jrborn about 1937
MallesDorothy born about 1919
MallesLulu Hborn about 1896
MallesMary Aborn about 1868
MallesWalter born about 1923
MallesWilliam Mborn about 1889
ManciniEmma born about 1919
ManciniJohn Aborn about 1918
ManifoldAbbie Gborn about 1879
ManifoldAnna Eborn about 1878
ManifoldNellie born about 1883
ManifoldOscar Eborn about 1877
ManifoldW Rborn about 1880
MannDorothy born about 1937
MannJames born about 1939
MannJohn Lborn about 1915
MannOlive born about 1916
MarkelAnnie born about 1876
MarkelEdwin born about 1920
MarkelFlorence born about 1918
MarkelFrank born about 1868
MarkelIrvin born about 1889
MarkelNathaniel born about 1871
MarkelSophia born about 1891
MarstellerNancy born about 1936
MarstellerRuth born about 1902
MarstellerWarfield born about 1900
MartinFlorence born about 1938
MartinLorraine born about 1918
MartinNeal born about 1913
MartinRichard born about 1939
MatfridgeDianna born about 1939
MatfridgeFlorence born about 1913
MatfridgeGeorge born about 1937
MatfridgeW Lborn about 1909
MatthewsCharlotte born about 1925
MatthewsDon born about 1938
MatthewsEllen born about 1916
MatthewsGerald born about 1911
MatthewsGertrude born about 1892
McClainAndrew born about 1891
McClainArlene born about 1923
McClainCecil born about 1921
McClainDale born about 1928
McClainDean born about 1926
McClainEverett born about 1939
McClainGeorge Eborn about 1912
McClainJanet born about 1938
McClainJohn Rborn about 1872
McClainLois born about 1925
McClainMaggie born about 1891
McClainMarion born about 1905
McClainMary Cborn about 1918
McClainNorman born about 1899
McClearyAbbie born about 1877
McClearyAddie born about 1900
McClearyBen born about 1893
McClearyCharles born about 1876
McClearyEmma Rborn about 1916
McClearyEsther born about 1923
McClearyIsabel born about 1909
McClearyM Tborn about 1897
McClearyNelson Dborn about 1908
McClearyOrville Kborn about 1911
McClearyQuentin born about 1919
McClearyRalph born about 1914
McClungByron Kborn about 1901
McClungCynthia born about 1936
McClungLarry born about 1929
McClungMargaret Sborn about 1902
McClungMary Gborn about 1879
McClungMorgan Eborn about 1876
McConnellBeverly born about 1935
McConnellG Frankborn about 1896
McConnellMargaret Hborn about 1898
McDonaldEdith born about 1911
McDonaldEvans born about 1905
McDonaldFraney born about 1875
McDonaldFrank born about 1875
McDonaldHarvey born about 1876
McDonaldHelen born about 1909
McDonaldIsabel born about 1931
McDonaldLillie Mborn about 1874
McDonaldMenerva born about 1875
McDonaldMorgan born about 1908
McDonaldNancy born about 1938
McDonaldNorman born about 1933
McDonaldWiest born about 1909
McDonaldWillis born about 1879
McDowellElsie born about 1889
McDowellHelen born about 1925
McDowellIda born about 1896
McDowellMary Francesborn about 1919
McDowellMaynard born about 1896
McDowellMaynard Jr born about 1922
McDowellNorman born about 1929
McElwainCarl born about 1894
McElwainElla born about 1871
McElwainGolda born about 1897
McElwainGrace born about 1899
McElwainKenneth born about 1900
McElwainLaura born about 1920
McElwainMargaret born about 1925
McElwainWiley born about 1922
McFatridgeBlanche born about 1876
McFatridgeCarl born about 1907
McFatridgeGrizzella born about 1868
McGuiganAnna born about 1910
McGuiganBruce born about 1913
McGuiganClara Cborn about 1939
McGuiganJoseph Mborn about 1937
McGuiganLloyd Gborn about 1935
McGuiganWilliam born about 1864
McGuiganWilliam Eborn about 1933
McLaughlingElwood born about 1900
McLaughlingNettie born about 1905
McLaughlingNorma born about 1931
McNewThomas born about 1924
McQuayEdward born about 1869
McWilliamsGeorge born about 1904
McWilliamsHelen born about 1931
McWilliamsRosella born about 1904
McWilliamsSterling born about 1926
MeashyEvelyn born about 1914
MeashyLucille born about 1937
MeashyWalter born about 1916
MeasleyEvelyn born about 1926
MeasleyHarry born about 1912
MeasleyHelen born about 1917
MeasleyJohn born about 1890
MeasleyNora born about 1890
MeasleyRosina born about 1912
MeasleyThelma born about 1919
MechtleyEugene born about 1931
MechtleyIvan born about 1930
MechtleyIvan Rborn about 1901
MechtleyMay Gborn about 1900
MellingerElanor born about 1920
MellingerFlorence Aborn about 1893
MellingerJames Fborn about 1865
MellingerLandis born about 1919
MellingerMary Louiseborn about 1927
MellingerMilard born about 1925
MessersmithGeorgia born about 1892
MessersmithGloria born about 1934
MessersmithHilda born about 1914
MessersmithMarion born about 1919
MessersmithNancy born about 1936
MilesCarrol born about 1912
MillerAlmeda Mborn about 1900
MillerAnnie born about 1877
MillerBlanche born about 1915
MillerCalvin born about 1880
MillerCarrie born about 1900
MillerCharles born about 1938
MillerDalone Gborn about 1908
MillerDean born about 1919
MillerEdith born about 1881
MillerEthel Mborn about 1899
MillerEugene born about 1933
MillerFlorence born about 1875
MillerGeorge Aborn about 1865
MillerGeorge Mborn about 1886
MillerGladys born about 1912
MillerIva Lborn about 1885
MillerJ Earlborn about 1899
MillerJoseph Aborn about 1871
MillerJunior Dborn about 1936
MillerLinley Mborn about 1914
MillerLottie born about 1894
MillerMary born about 1857
MillerMary Mborn about 1895
MillerMelford born about 1905
MillerMelvin Tborn about 1898
MillerMervin Tborn about 1895
MillerMyrtle born about 1909
MillerNola born about 1915
MillerPaul born about 1939
MillerRalph Rborn about 1893
MillerSadie Bborn about 1897
MillerSheldon born about 1911
MillerWilliam born about 1929
MillerWillis born about 1878
MitchellAustin born about 1896
MitchellBurnell born about 1915
MitchellEva born about 1901
MitchellGladys born about 1921
MitchellHazel born about 1923
MitchellMartha born about 1916
MitchellMinorie born about 1870
MoffaR Georgeborn about 1899
MontgomeryEmma Pborn about 1875
MontgomeryRalph born about 1914
MontgomeryRhoda born about 1917
MontgomeryW U Gborn about 1868
MorrisRuth Annborn about 1855
MorrisonDale born about 1922
MorrisonLillie Cborn about 1867
MorrisonMargaret born about 1891
MorrisonPaul born about 1917
MorrisonRalph born about 1890
MummyJessie born about 1886
MurleyMargaret born about 1882
MurphyNettie Gborn about 1860
MurrowEugene born about 1932
MurrowHomer Gborn about 1907
MurrowJacklyn born about 1934
MurrowJoan born about 1936
MurrowJoyce born about 1931
MurrowLaura born about 1906
MustardArchie born about 1909
MustardDale born about 1939
MustardLake born about 1936
MustardMatoka born about 1905
MustardWilliam Aborn about 1930
MyersBernard born about 1922
MyersM Hborn about 1915
MyersMrs M Hborn about 1917
MyersRoxanna born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeffHilda born about 1917
NeffLuther born about 1912
NessAlberta born about 1936
NessAnnie born about 1891
NessCatherine born about 1926
NessClyde born about 1933
NessH Lborn about 1890
NessHarold born about 1930
NessRuth born about 1924
NorrisBetty Janeborn about 1927
NorrisClayton Sborn about 1903
NorrisD Marieborn about 1922
NorrisGloria born about 1933
NorrisHarry born about 1889
NorrisMargaruite Rborn about 1933
NorrisMary born about 1906
NorrisMary Leeborn about 1932
NorrisMary Vborn about 1906
NorrisThomas born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OberlanderJanice born about 1937
OberlanderTrema born about 1921
OberlanderWilbur born about 1914
OrrElla Maeborn about 1876
OrrKenneth born about 1907
OrrWilliam Hborn about 1874
OrwigAda born about 1900
OrwigAlvin born about 1926
OrwigArlene born about 1921
OrwigCatherine born about 1915
OrwigCharles born about 1935
OrwigClaudia born about 1892
OrwigDenton born about 1929
OrwigElmer born about 1918
OrwigErnest born about 1894
OrwigEvans born about 1912
OrwigGeraldine Eborn about 1902
OrwigJ Cborn about 1892
OrwigJacob born about 1870
OrwigLawrence Eborn about 1924
OrwigLawrence Wborn about 1899
OrwigLida born about 1900
OrwigLiza born about 1866
OrwigLuther born about 1921
OrwigMaggie born about 1880
OrwigNorman born about 1921
OrwigRuth born about 1931
OrwigShirley born about 1936
OrwigSterling born about 1898
OrwigThelma born about 1927
OvermillerDavid Gborn about 1923
OvermillerDoris born about 1909
OvermillerHarold born about 1910
OvermillerHarry Jborn about 1893
OvermillerLeola born about 1926
OvermillerMargaret Rborn about 1892
OweilerHarvey born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParrCharlotte born about 1931
ParrEvelyn born about 1923
ParrMary born about 1898
PattersonEverett born about 1914
PattersonFrancis born about 1888
PattersonHulda born about 1914
PattersonSlaoma born about 1890
PayneA Bborn about 1883
PayneB Fultonborn about 1878
PayneDorothy born about 1925
PayneEdith born about 1883
PayneErnest Wborn about 1893
PayneEterl born about 1890
PayneEunice born about 1926
PayneFranklin born about 1915
PayneLorena born about 1909
PayneNyella born about 1915
PayneOlive born about 1881
PhillipsEzra born about 1871
PhillipsMary Eborn about 1862
PrallBertha born about 1892
PrallElmer born about 1884
PrallHarold Dborn about 1915
PrallLester Sborn about 1917
PrestonAbbie born about 1872
PrestonBula born about 1897
PrestonCharles Fborn about 1872
PrestonRaymond born about 1897
PriceMrs Blanche born about 1875
PyleClarence born about 1896
PyleElizabeth born about 1918
PylePauline born about 1897
PyleWilliam born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuesenberyJames Eborn about 1911
QuesenberyMartha Wborn about 1917
QuesenberyMozell born about 1914
QuesenberyTexas born about 1878
QuesenberyW Rborn about 1870

R Surnames

RamsayBessie Bborn about 1889
RamsayChares Nborn about 1879
RamsayRuth born about 1930
RamseyCletus born about 1890
RamseyLaura born about 1921
RansingerBlanche born about 1904
RansingerGerry born about 1938
RansingerLuther born about 1903
RansingerMarlin born about 1931
RansingerPatricia born about 1934
ReedyJames born about 1938
ReherdCatherine born about 1906
ReherdEdna born about 1895
ReherdMary Jborn about 1867
ReherdRaymond born about 1894
ReherdT Cborn about 1868
ReherdWalter Bborn about 1892
RehmeyerAnna Maryborn about 1889
RehmeyerBernice born about 1918
RehmeyerCharles Cborn about 1904
RehmeyerClarence born about 1891
RehmeyerClark born about 1904
RehmeyerDonald born about 1939
RehmeyerDoris Pborn about 1927
RehmeyerEdwin born about 1895
RehmeyerElba born about 1920
RehmeyerEmma Mborn about 1901
RehmeyerGeorge born about 1923
RehmeyerGilbert born about 1890
RehmeyerGladys born about 1920
RehmeyerGlenn born about 1922
RehmeyerHarold born about 1926
RehmeyerMinnie born about 1895
RehmeyerMyrtle born about 1892
RehmeyerRichard born about 1940
RehmeyerSarah Mborn about 1890
RehmeyerTheodore born about 1863
RehmeyerWilliam Jborn about 1890
ReichardJohn born about 1925
ReichardMary Sborn about 1892
RhineholdHarry born about 1917
RhodesCharles born about 1913
RhodesJessie born about 1934
RifeWilliam Cborn about 1918
RinehartPaul born about 1913
RinehartSannie born about 1915
RingFrank Jr born about 1906
RingHazel born about 1937
RingJoseph born about 1938
RingMildred born about 1912
RobinsonJames Hborn about 1910
RobinsonR Jborn about 1871
RogersJacobs Aborn about 1858
RohlerGeorge Nborn about 1909
RohlerGeorge Jr born about 1929
RohlerHelen Mborn about 1906
RohlerRichard born about 1933
RohlerShirley born about 1935
RohrbaughMaryetta born about 1919
RohrbaughRussell born about 1916
RossGrace born about 1925
RunkelEdna A Lborn about 1891
RunkelJ Royborn about 1889
RunkelRodney Aborn about 1923
RunkelRuth Eborn about 1915
RyanLillian born about 1897
RyeMargaret born about 1906
RyeRoy Rborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

ScarboroughDorothy born about 1935
ScarboroughPauline born about 1916
SchafferMary Rborn about 1856
SchafferSamuel F Fborn about 1863
SchenecskiJohn born about 1922
SchminkeyEsta Bborn about 1902
SchminkeyGeorge Tborn about 1898
SchminkeyJoanna born about 1935
SchminkeyMargaret Bborn about 1907
SchminkeyRaymond Dborn about 1902
SchminkeyRodney born about 1928
SchmockJemmina born about 1857
SchnetzkaDorothy born about 1915
SchnetzkaEugene born about 1937
SchnetzkaGorman born about 1924
SchnetzkaHilda born about 1933
SchnetzkaMildred born about 1935
SchnetzkaRobert born about 1891
SchnetzkaVerna born about 1928
SeaksClyde born about 1911
SeaksJessie born about 1915
SeitzCarl born about 1923
SeitzCarlyn born about 1931
SeitzEarl born about 1920
SeitzMary born about 1891
ShaefferMae Lborn about 1872
ShaefferMyrl born about 1917
ShanbergerCharles Cborn about 1904
ShaneBrant born about 1869
ShaverCoy born about 1931
ShaverDelma Jborn about 1940
ShaverEthyl born about 1911
ShaverWade born about 1909
ShaverWade Jr born about 1928
ShawAddie born about 1875
ShawAnna born about 1896
ShawBertha Fborn about 1869
ShawCalvin Cborn about 1864
ShawDonald born about 1923
ShawDorcas born about 1908
ShawFay born about 1893
ShawHelen Eborn about 1896
ShawJoe born about 1932
ShawJohn born about 1926
ShawLawrence Bborn about 1877
ShawLeon born about 1890
ShawLou Kborn about 1874
ShawMamie born about 1893
ShawNewton Cborn about 1869
ShawPaul born about 1930
ShawRoberta Fborn about 1916
ShawWright Bborn about 1886
ShawWright Jr born about 1926
ShenbergerBetty Louiseborn about 1935
ShenbergerHelen born about 1915
ShenbergerMorris born about 1912
ShenbergerRomain born about 1937
ShenbergerRuth born about 1919
ShettlePhillip born about 1940
ShettleRuth born about 1920
ShettleStuart born about 1918
ShipleyGrace born about 1927
SielingMary Cborn about 1882
SilkA Evan Tborn about 1934
SilkCharles born about 1907
SilkElva born about 1911
SmithEllen Eborn about 1879
SmithEvelyn born about 1924
SmithLouis born about 1925
SpanglerBeverly born about 1937
SpanglerBeverly born about 1937
SpanglerDavid Hborn about 1882
SpanglerMable born about 1912
SpanglerRichard born about 1928
SpanglerShirley born about 1936
SpanglerTheodore born about 1908
StansburyJames Gborn about 1886
StephensBetty Louborn about 1939
StephensHazel Eborn about 1919
StephensPeggy Jborn about 1940
StermerMary born about 1919
StigelmanRaymond born about 1906
StigelmanViola born about 1907
StoeghElsie born about 1920
StohlerEmma born about 1915
StohlerFrank born about 1905
StohlerFrank Dborn about 1937
StrawbridgeJohn born about 1918
StreetFrank Dborn about 1897
StreetMamie Iborn about 1892
StrouthFrances born about 1922
StuckFred born about 1881
StuckNora born about 1889
SwartzDonald born about 1935
SwartzElizabeth born about 1916
SwartzHoward born about 1913
SweeneyRobert Lborn about 1909
SweitzerAbbie born about 1883
SweitzerHarriet born about 1917
SweitzerOren born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorAlmeda born about 1907
TaylorRoland Eborn about 1903
TaylorShelva born about 1939
ThompsonClaude born about 1892
ThompsonIda born about 1864
ThompsonMrs Claude born about 1900
ThompsonNora Bborn about 1884
TollingerGertrude born about 1870
ToutIvy born about 1910
ToutJohn born about 1907
TredwayMary Bborn about 1906
TredwayRobert born about 1918
TredwayT Irvinborn about 1901
TroutCecil born about 1916
TroutDean born about 1928
TroutHelen Jborn about 1923
TroutHoward born about 1913
TroutJesse Cborn about 1876
TroutKyle born about 1920
TroutRoss born about 1902
TroutSophia Aborn about 1880
TroutV Kyleborn about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UreyEmma born about 1902
UreyRay Jborn about 1900

V Surnames

VanoverBonnie born about 1937
VanoverConely born about 1909
VanoverFrancis born about 1936
VanoverJoyce born about 1934
VanoverOlive born about 1910
VaughnBetty born about 1921
VeachIsabel born about 1929
VeachJanelle born about 1930
VeachMargaret Sborn about 1904
VeachV Mborn about 1906
VondKenneth born about 1918
VondMrs born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaleyHazel born about 1915
WaleyJohn Hborn about 1913
WalkerBeatrice Vborn about 1914
WalkerGeorge Eborn about 1882
WalkerJohn Wborn about 1914
WalkerLaura Eborn about 1886
WaltemireBilly born about 1927
WaltemireCarletta born about 1922
WaltemireDarrel born about 1928
WaltemireDella born about 1890
WaltemireEdith born about 1920
WaltemireHoward born about 1874
WaltemireJessie born about 1929
WaltemireKenneth Sborn about 1940
WaltemireLeora born about 1926
WaltemireSterling born about 1917
WaltemyerA Aborn about 1851
WaltemyerAgnes born about 1873
WaltemyerClarence Gborn about 1882
WaltemyerClaud born about 1922
WaltemyerErnie born about 1915
WaltemyerJ Evanborn about 1901
WaltemyerJ Linfordborn about 1870
WaltemyerJane born about 1871
WaltemyerLottie born about 1899
WaltemyerLydia born about 1868
WaltemyerPearl born about 1884
WaltemyerSarah Eborn about 1872
WaltermyerCharlotte born about 1923
WaltermyerHazer born about 1928
WaltermyerMarie born about 1898
WaltermyerPaul Waltenyerborn about 1899
WaltersMrs Lillie born about 1875
WaltimyerJ Thomasborn about 1884
WaltimyerMyrtle Eborn about 1890
WaltingerEllen born about 1861
WamplerJoseph born about 1914
WarnerEdward Eborn about 1880
WarnerIda Eborn about 1879
WashburnMarion Mborn about 1901
WashburnRuby born about 1911
WebbH Cliftonborn about 1893
WebbMarion born about 1896
WebbRobert born about 1921
WeibleFrederic born about 1917
WhitcraftAnnetta Sborn about 1870
WhitcraftClarence Eborn about 1871
WhitefordCallie born about 1890
WilbertJohn born about 1919
WileyCarl Nborn about 1887
WileyElizabeth Rborn about 1889
WileyImogene born about 1884
WileyMargaret born about 1882
WileyOlive born about 1880
WileyThomas born about 1867
WileyW Eborn about 1876
WilsonBertha born about 1876
WilsonEmma Hborn about 1864
WilsonHarry Cborn about 1890
WilsonJames Aborn about 1878
WilsonMargaret born about 1865
WinemillerArchie born about 1886
WinemillerBelle born about 1881
WinemillerCharles born about 1938
WinemillerCharles Cborn about 1912
WinemillerDale born about 1931
WinemillerDevolis born about 1918
WinemillerDonald born about 1929
WinemillerEverett born about 1924
WinemillerHarold born about 1935
WinemillerJoseph Fborn about 1878
WinemillerKatherine born about 1888
WinemillerKenneth born about 1933
WinemillerMary born about 1927
WinemillerMinnie born about 1894
WinemillerRobert born about 1923
WinemillerRuth Annborn about 1937
WinemillerTerry Lborn about 1939
WinemillerWalter Wborn about 1937
WinzelGeorge born about 1856
WiseBernita born about 1917
WiseEdgar born about 1915
WiseGeraldine born about 1937
WiseJanet born about 1934
WitmerDoris born about 1916
WolfBlanche born about 1905
WolfDora born about 1885
WolfEdith born about 1930
WolfGrace born about 1927
WolfJohn born about 1886
WolfJosephine born about 1932
WolfWilmer Tborn about 1900
WolfWilmer T Jrborn about 1929
WolfeCarroll born about 1924
WolfeCharles Eborn about 1899
WolfeClara born about 1878
WolfeDelores Jeanborn about 1939
WolfeIrene born about 1896
WolfeJohn Wborn about 1909
WolfeJoyce born about 1935
WolfeLevering born about 1930
WolfeLoretta born about 1935
WolfeLydia Maeborn about 1936
WolfeMargaret born about 1913
WolfeOrval born about 1928
WolfePearl Emmaborn about 1936
WolfeRobert born about 1932
WolfeRonald born about 1936
WolfeRussel born about 1916
WolfeRuth Rborn about 1914
WolfeW Cborn about 1873
WoodsEmma Jborn about 1863
WorkmanBurley born about 1916
WorkmanDeliah born about 1894
WorkmanEnzie born about 1915
WorkmanGenevieve born about 1925
WorkmanGladys born about 1922
WorkmanJohn born about 1899
WorkmanJohnnie born about 1935
WorkmanLurethia born about 1932
WorkmanMary born about 1927
WorkmanNella born about 1929
WorkmanThelma born about 1916
WrightBetty born about 1934
WrightDonald born about 1923
WrightHarry born about 1931
WrightHelen born about 1922
WrightHerbert born about 1868
WrightHilda born about 1936
WrightJames Bborn about 1891
WrightMargaret born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YomanLouise Wborn about 1878
YostC Harryborn about 1871
YostCharles born about 1929
YostDonald born about 1935
YostEmma Jborn about 1895
YostJ Vernonborn about 1898
YostJay born about 1938
YostJohn born about 1913
YostLois Janeborn about 1923
YostVisa Rborn about 1873
YoungGeorge Hborn about 1928
YoungLouise born about 1934
YoungNettie born about 1901
YoungRomaine born about 1924
YoungSamuel born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZeiglerGeorge Fborn about 1894
ZeiglerRuth born about 1907
ZellersAllan Sborn about 1899
ZellersBetty born about 1925
ZellersBlanche Mborn about 1898
ZellersEsther born about 1884
ZellersEverett Zborn about 1892
ZellersGertrude born about 1890
ZellersHomer Wborn about 1880
ZellersM Hazelborn about 1901
ZellersMary Jborn about 1875
ZellersMayfield born about 1889
ZellersMyrtle born about 1885
ZellersRuth born about 1893
ZellersS Carlyleborn about 1887
ZieglerElwood Tborn about 1876
ZieglerGrace Aborn about 1885
ZieglerLillie Mborn about 1878
ZieglerRobert born about 1912

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