1940 U.S. Federal Census of Juniata Township in Philadelphia County, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Philadelphia County > 1940 Census of Juniata Township in Philadelphia County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbramsRichard Aborn about 1929
AcklerJoseph born about 1924
AcklerLouis born about 1862
AcklerMarie born about 1904
AcklerMary born about 1867
AdamsCharles born about 1931
AdamsJames born about 1875
AdamsKay born about 1933
AdamsMary born about 1905
AdamsMary born about 1936
AdamsRichard born about 1901
AdamsRichard born about 1938
AdamsRita born about 1939
AddessaDorothy born about 1901
AddessaMichael born about 1898
AmendFrancis born about 1900
AmendHedwig born about 1910
AmerbussAnna Mborn about 1916
AmerbussHerbert Aborn about 1913
AmerbussMary Aborn about 1938
AmerbussRobert Cborn about 1940
AndersonCharles Eborn about 1881
AndersonJohn born about 1924
AndersonKattie born about 1886
AndersonLulu born about 1910
AndersonMary born about 1871
AndersonThomas born about 1923
AndersonWilliam born about 1927
AndersonWilliam Sborn about 1908
AndersonWilliam Jr born about 1940
AndyFlorence born about 1918
AndyRichard born about 1918
AngerDorothy born about 1905
AngerDorothy born about 1934
AngerHerbert born about 1926
AngerHerbert Hborn about 1904
AngstenzarChris born about 1879
AppeldornEmily born about 1914
AppeldornJohn born about 1912
AppeldornJohn Cborn about 1940
AppeldornRobert Eborn about 1940
AquilerAnna born about 1934
AquilerBetty born about 1927
AquilerGrace born about 1906
AquilerJoseph born about 1907
AquilerJoseph born about 1931
ArmholdAnna born about 1900
ArmholdDavis born about 1899
ArmholdHarry born about 1862
ArnoldErnest Aborn about 1909
ArnoldLillian born about 1911
ArnoldSusan born about 1874
AtkinsonAmeila born about 1883
AtkinsonDavid born about 1924
AtlowEdine born about 1870
AttarosioEdward born about 1928
AttarosioFredrick born about 1892
AttarosioLucy born about 1900
AttarosioMadeline born about 1933
AttarosioVincent born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BackmanCatherine born about 1901
BackmanWalter born about 1898
BainBernard born about 1883
BainMargaret born about 1886
BainSelma born about 1919
BainWilliam born about 1918
BallMinnie born about 1889
BallintineThelma Mborn about 1893
BallintineWilliam born about 1894
BambrizeLois born about 1933
BambrizeMargaret born about 1909
BambrizeRussel born about 1930
BambrizeRussel Eborn about 1905
BanksClara born about 1901
BanksWilliam Hborn about 1902
BantfischFrieda born about 1909
BantfischRudolf born about 1904
BarrathyEdith born about 1909
BarrathyJames born about 1902
BarrathyJames born about 1932
BatesMerril born about 1897
BatesPatrica born about 1908
BauerElizabeth born about 1888
BauerHenrietta born about 1928
BauerMary born about 1905
BauerMary Jborn about 1936
BauerPaul born about 1940
BauerPaul Aborn about 1903
BauerPeter born about 1884
BeachEugene born about 1932
BeachNaomi born about 1909
BeachWalter born about 1906
BealB Conradborn about 1902
BealBeatrice born about 1909
BeaversAmy Hborn about 1899
BeaversGeorge Tborn about 1903
BeemMarian born about 1913
BeemPaul Gborn about 1908
BellBarbara born about 1940
BellBessie born about 1923
BellJames born about 1920
BellThomas born about 1901
BenderRaymond born about 1896
BergerEsther born about 1913
BergerGerald born about 1938
BergerJohn born about 1933
BeringerAda born about 1884
BeringerAustin born about 1881
BerkAnna Mborn about 1907
BerkCharles born about 1939
BerkStephen born about 1900
BermonderCharles born about 1938
BermonderJohn born about 1906
BermonderJohn born about 1934
BermonderMary born about 1906
BertschErnst born about 1900
BertschFay born about 1900
BertschRobert born about 1937
BewleyElsie born about 1909
BewleyGeorge Sborn about 1906
BewleyGeorgia born about 1935
BiddleCaroline born about 1903
BinghamMinnie born about 1916
BinghamSamuel born about 1912
BinghamSamuel born about 1937
BirkettAlice born about 1874
BirkettJoe Sborn about 1873
BlackMary Eborn about 1856
BlairAnna born about 1909
BlairLewis born about 1907
BlairMarian born about 1931
BoehmAnn born about 1939
BoehmBarbara born about 1917
BoehmWalter born about 1915
BohlFrank born about 1911
BohlMarie born about 1914
BohlMarie Lborn about 1933
BolardCatherine born about 1929
BolardIsabelle Aborn about 1910
BoockoffEmily born about 1902
BoockoffJacob born about 1901
BoockoffNorman born about 1927
BoockoffRobert born about 1929
BosslerArthur born about 1900
BosslerKatherine born about 1901
BoyceCharles Fborn about 1910
BoyceMary Sborn about 1914
BoydFrank born about 1891
BoydMargaret born about 1907
BoyleGrace born about 1935
BoyleHugh born about 1909
BoyleHugh born about 1937
BoyleLeonard born about 1901
BoyleMary born about 1902
BradburyBerniece born about 1927
BradburyFredrick born about 1893
BradburyMargaret born about 1895
BradlyCatherine born about 1931
BradlyHenry born about 1933
BradlyJoseph Pborn about 1900
BradlyJosephine born about 1904
BrattJames born about 1933
BrattMargaret born about 1910
BrattRaymond born about 1906
BrattRaymond born about 1931
BrienFlorence born about 1901
BrienJoan born about 1934
BrienJune born about 1927
BrienMatthew born about 1898
BromenangolerBessie born about 1909
BromenangolerBrasel Mborn about 1913
BrownAda born about 1891
BrownAnna born about 1893
BrownBill born about 1883
BrownCharles born about 1900
BrownCharles born about 1904
BrownDolores born about 1928
BrownFlorence born about 1890
BrownIgnacious born about 1903
BrownLucy born about 1913
BrownMargaret born about 1907
BrownRobert Cborn about 1892
BrownSara born about 1877
BucherFrances born about 1938
BucherGladys born about 1920
BucherWalter born about 1917
BuckHarry Jborn about 1890
BuckLottie born about 1888
BucklerMarie born about 1933
BucklerPatrica born about 1939
BucklerSara born about 1910
BucklerThomas born about 1909
BucklerThomas born about 1936
BuckleyAnna Mborn about 1899
BuckleyClifford Sborn about 1892
BuckleyClifford Jr born about 1922
BuckleyDonald Hborn about 1930
BuckleyDorothy Aborn about 1924
BuffingtonDorothy born about 1905
BuffingtonWilliam Rborn about 1905
BurgerAlfred born about 1934
BurgerAmelia born about 1898
BurgerFred born about 1898
BurgerFreda born about 1931
BurkeAlice born about 1930
BurkeEvelyn born about 1924
BurkeMarie born about 1900
BurkeMarie born about 1923
BurnsAbbert born about 1935
BurnsCharles born about 1887
BurnsCharles born about 1919
BurnsElla born about 1923
BurnsEvelyn Mborn about 1903
BurnsFrank born about 1925
BurnsGeorge born about 1930
BurnsJohn born about 1902
BurnsJoseph born about 1932
BurnsMargaret born about 1918
BurnsWilliam born about 1935
BushenEva born about 1890
BushenWilliam Eborn about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CahillCharlotte born about 1916
CahillCharlotte born about 1934
CahillJames born about 1939
CahillJames Tborn about 1911
CaiglerCrescentia Aborn about 1905
CaiglerTheodore Gborn about 1897
CalaBenedict Aborn about 1909
CalaVirginia Vborn about 1908
CambellElla born about 1901
CameronCatherine born about 1903
CanningSusan born about 1862
CappelleFannie born about 1901
CappelleJohn born about 1899
CareyHelen born about 1894
CarlsenHenry Mborn about 1900
CarlsenHenry Mborn about 1929
CarlsenLillian Bborn about 1903
CarlsenMary Eborn about 1933
CarlsenWilliam Wborn about 1925
CarneyEdward born about 1889
CarneyElanor born about 1923
CarneyRose born about 1897
CarneyStephen born about 1918
CarrCatherine born about 1908
CarrRobert Eborn about 1907
CarsonEdward born about 1928
CarsonEvelyn born about 1931
CarsonFrank born about 1896
CarsonMarie born about 1897
CassidyArthur Hborn about 1903
CassidyMargaret born about 1900
CaveViola born about 1881
CerniLouise born about 1904
CerniMartin born about 1900
ChambersEdeith born about 1893
ChapmanCaroline Mborn about 1873
CheneyAnna born about 1888
CheneyHarry born about 1882
ChovjkaMary born about 1878
ChristAlfred Jborn about 1903
ChristAlfred Sr born about 1875
ChristAnna Aborn about 1896
ChristAnna Mborn about 1929
ClarkIda born about 1911
ClarkJames born about 1907
ClarkJames Jr born about 1938
ClarkeCatherine born about 1895
ClarkeCharles born about 1891
ClarkeNellie born about 1887
ClarkeRobert born about 1916
ClausAlbert born about 1896
ClausAlbert born about 1905
ClausAnna born about 1906
ClausElizabeth Cborn about 1899
ClausJoan born about 1932
ClausWarren Aborn about 1922
ClawgesJoseph born about 1937
ClawgesJosephine born about 1918
ClawgesPhilipp born about 1914
ClawgesPhillip born about 1936
ClawgesTheresa born about 1940
ClawgesWilliam born about 1939
ClaytonElla born about 1893
ClaytonElla Mborn about 1933
ClaytonEmma born about 1907
ClaytonMartha born about 1906
ClaytonTheodore born about 1903
ClaytonTheodore Jr born about 1935
ClaytonWilliam born about 1937
ClaytonWilliam Gborn about 1906
CleeHenrietta born about 1874
CleeJoseph born about 1911
ClementDora born about 1901
ClementDorothy born about 1922
ClementJoseph born about 1926
ClementJoseph Jborn about 1897
CoalsonDoris born about 1931
CoconomyEthyl born about 1918
CoconomyHelen born about 1898
CoconomyJames Rborn about 1900
CohenMeta born about 1900
CohenRaymond born about 1929
CohenSal Dborn about 1901
ColsonCharles born about 1874
ColsonLouise born about 1890
ColwellWilliam born about 1853
CondonMargaret born about 1863
ConklinAnna born about 1912
ConklinAnna Mborn about 1882
ConklinBetty born about 1915
ConklinBill born about 1917
ConklinFrancis born about 1913
ConklinJames born about 1918
ConklinMary born about 1919
ConklinSara born about 1921
ConneffVincent born about 1890
ConnellCatherine born about 1899
ConnlyJames Jborn about 1905
ConnlyJohn Mborn about 1879
ConnlyLillian Mborn about 1908
ConnlyLorraine born about 1936
ConnolyEarl Pborn about 1871
ConoverElla born about 1918
ConoverWilliam Aborn about 1906
ConradJoyce born about 1930
ConradMarion born about 1932
ConradMyrtle born about 1905
ConradPauline born about 1907
ConradWalter Aborn about 1905
ConradyWendell born about 1924
ConwayHarry born about 1920
ConwayHerbert born about 1898
ConwayMary born about 1903
ConwayMatthew born about 1921
CookAbil born about 1906
CookArthur Rborn about 1877
CookMartha Mborn about 1880
CookRobert Hborn about 1918
CooleyCatherine born about 1902
CooleyCrywood born about 1922
CorbettFlorence Mborn about 1897
CorbettWarren Aborn about 1893
CornetEdwin born about 1909
CotterEva born about 1916
CotterGeorge born about 1914
CottonJames Hborn about 1864
CraigElsie born about 1898
CraigWilliam Dborn about 1919
CreedonJohn Jborn about 1895
CreedonJohn Jr born about 1928
CreedonNaomi born about 1910
CreedonWilliam born about 1933
CrerendEarl born about 1897
CrerendMary born about 1878
CrogerAlvin born about 1925
CrogerGertrude born about 1905
CrogerLeona born about 1926
CrogerWilliam Jr born about 1902
CrowleyAnna born about 1901
CrowleyFlorence born about 1906
CrowleyJoseph born about 1910
CrowleyMargaret born about 1900
CrowleyMary born about 1910
CrowleyWilliam Jborn about 1906
CublerCecily born about 1934
CublerEdward born about 1920
CublerJoan born about 1930
CublerLeonard born about 1932
CublerMargaret born about 1907
CublerSam born about 1874
CublerSam born about 1908
CummingsClara born about 1909
CummingsElaine born about 1929
CummingsJoan born about 1933
CummingsNancy born about 1936
CummingsRichard Hborn about 1905
CumminsEdith born about 1898
CumminsRobert born about 1896
CumnigEugene born about 1907
CunneffHarold born about 1895
CunneffMary born about 1892
CunninghamHelen born about 1908
CunninghamJohn born about 1900
CunninghamJohn born about 1932
CurryAlbert born about 1926
CurryElizabeth born about 1881
CurryHenry born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisAgnes born about 1910
DavisClara born about 1854
DavisEdward Jborn about 1884
DavisGeorge Fborn about 1937
DavisLaurence Oborn about 1935
DavisLorraine Aborn about 1919
DavisMargaret born about 1906
DavisMartin Fborn about 1904
DavisMary Cborn about 1892
DavisOliver born about 1878
DavisRaymond Jr born about 1933
DavisRaymond Sr born about 1905
DavisRegina Cborn about 1900
DavisWilliam Hborn about 1852
DavisWinfield born about 1916
DconeRocco born about 1901
DconeRosco Jr born about 1938
DconeRose born about 1909
DeageloMarie born about 1899
DeageloThomas born about 1900
DealAlice born about 1911
DealHarold born about 1918
DealHenrietta born about 1921
DealHerbert born about 1878
DealHerrietta born about 1879
DealLydia born about 1922
DealMay born about 1890
DeansMary born about 1890
DecherCarrie born about 1868
DefranciscoAmelo born about 1885
DefranciscoAnthony born about 1913
DefranciscoChristina born about 1915
DefranciscoConnor born about 1919
DefranciscoElizabeth born about 1928
DefranciscoFlorence born about 1892
DefranciscoJohn born about 1918
DefranciscoJoseph born about 1916
DefranciscoMammie born about 1924
DefranciscoRose born about 1917
DefranciscoThomas born about 1922
DegaltnoLouis born about 1910
DegaltnoMary born about 1913
DegeorgeMarie born about 1903
DegeorgePasqall born about 1898
DegeorgeRobert born about 1925
DelandroElizabeth born about 1929
DelaneyFlorence born about 1899
DelaneyGeorge born about 1892
DelaneyJohn born about 1883
DelaneyJohn born about 1908
DelaneyMary born about 1882
DelaneyRobert born about 1910
DelasendroCarmela born about 1927
DelasendroConcetta born about 1899
DelasendroJohn born about 1925
DelasendroJoseph born about 1892
DelasendroRose born about 1923
DelkerAlice Lborn about 1881
DelkerHarbert Gborn about 1882
DelongeMabel Sborn about 1885
DelricciAnthony born about 1929
DelricciCatherine born about 1901
DelricciElizabeth born about 1931
DelricciFranklyn born about 1934
DelricciJohn born about 1924
DelricciJoseph born about 1918
DelricciLaurence born about 1927
DelricciSamuel born about 1888
DelricciThomas born about 1920
DembergerEdward born about 1918
DempsterEthyl born about 1916
DempsterJanet born about 1877
DempsterJanet born about 1939
DempsterJohn born about 1876
DempsterJohn Jborn about 1909
DesmondEdward Bborn about 1894
DesmondEthyl Mborn about 1895
DevinJames Fborn about 1903
DickallElsine born about 1921
DickallWilmer born about 1917
DienerAnn born about 1893
DienerAugustus Tborn about 1891
DigiosaniFrancis born about 1924
DijerraniDomenico born about 1888
DijerraniMillie born about 1894
DijerraniVincent born about 1919
DillmanFrank born about 1876
DinkelacherBeatrice Mborn about 1880
DinkelacherHarry Fborn about 1881
DinkelacherSusanne born about 1909
DitillioDominick born about 1884
DitillioMary born about 1890
DixeyIrene born about 1934
DixeyIsabelle born about 1913
DixeyLouis Eborn about 1899
DominskiAnna born about 1934
DominskiElanor born about 1932
DominskiRaymond born about 1906
DominskiRaymond Jr born about 1927
DominskiStella born about 1906
DonahoeJames Hborn about 1940
DonahoeJohn Jborn about 1905
DonahoeJohn Jborn about 1935
DonahoeMargaret born about 1904
DonahueAnna born about 1913
DonahueFlorence Bborn about 1900
DonahueGerald born about
DonahueJoseph Jborn about 1898
DonahueJoseph J Jrborn about 1928
DonahuePatrica born about 1936
DonahueSara born about 1868
DonahueWarsen born about 1909
DonahueWilliam born about 1867
DonalyAlexander born about 1902
DonnelleyElizabeth born about 1910
DonnelleyFrancis born about 1931
DonnelleyFrancis Pborn about 1898
DonnelleyJoseph born about 1935
DonnelyRobert born about 1865
DonoghyHarry Fborn about 1903
DonoghyLaurence born about 1939
DonoghyMarie born about 1903
DonovanJohn Hborn about 1908
DorlinsCatherine Mborn about 1903
DorlinsMary Tborn about 1876
DorlinsMaurice Fborn about 1905
DorlinsThomas Jborn about 1875
DornAlbert born about 1913
DornArthur born about 1919
DornBertha born about 1887
DornCarl born about 1915
DornMarguerette born about 1916
DoveAlbert born about 1890
DoveAmeila Mayborn about 1890
DoveJohn Albertborn about 1917
DovennicasEnna born about 1915
DovennicasJoseph born about 1915
DowlingAnna born about 1900
DowlingAnne born about 1922
DowningWilliam born about 1900
DoyleCarrie Lborn about 1900
DoyleEdward born about 1926
DoyleJames born about 1935
DoyleWilliam Aborn about 1899
DoyleWilliam Eborn about 1923
DuffEmma born about 1908
DuffThomas born about 1935
DuffThomas Hborn about 1907
DunnDavid Sborn about 1891
DunnElsie born about 1910

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E Surnames

EdensAnna born about 1917
EdensAnna born about 1938
EdensFrancis born about 1933
EdensWilliam born about 1917
EdensWilliam born about 1934
EdwardsAlma born about 1906
EdwardsAnne born about 1913
EdwardsAnnie born about 1884
EdwardsCharles Pborn about 1902
EdwardsCiener born about 1908
EdwardsIda born about 1903
EdwardsJanice born about 1937
EdwardsJohn J Jrborn about 1928
EdwardsRobert born about 1909
EdwardsRobert born about 1921
EichnerEdwin born about 1877
EichnerFlorence born about 1896
EisenbergIda Sborn about 1871
ElliottDorothy born about 1926
ElliottMartha born about 1898
EllisMary born about 1877
EllisThomas born about 1876
EllisWesley born about 1921
EngelAnny born about 1908
EngelDorothy born about 1927
EngelRaymond born about 1907
EngelWanda born about 1912
EngelkeCaroline born about 1905
EngelkeElizabeth born about 1867
ErnoeWalter born about 1895
ErnstBlanche born about 1893
ErnstWalter born about 1910
EsmondCatherine born about 1911
EsmondElizabeth born about 1905
EsmondPatrick Jborn about 1877
EuterJanetta born about 1898
EuterJanetta born about 1931
EuterJohn Jborn about 1903
EuterMargaret born about 1938
EvansFrancis born about 1933
EvansJoseph born about 1924
EvansJoseph Hborn about 1905
EvansMary born about 1906
EvansSara born about 1937
EvansThomas born about 1925
EwingBella Wborn about 1862
EwingEffie Cborn about 1872

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F Surnames

FacklerFrank born about 1873
FaranDolly born about 1931
FaranRalph born about 1898
FaranRichard born about 1926
FaranRose born about 1905
FarrowLouisa Aborn about 1860
FarrowWalter Pborn about 1884
FeenJohn born about
FeenMary born about 1881
FeithDolly born about 1920
FelcishmusHenry born about 1891
FelcishmusStella born about 1895
FentonHanna born about 1878
FentonWilliam born about 1876
FerenceEdward born about 1906
FerenceEdward born about 1927
FerenceFrank born about 1928
FerenceJames born about 1939
FerenceMary born about 1905
FerenceMichael born about 1925
FergusonAlice born about 1919
FergusonDorothy born about 1926
FergusonHelen born about 1922
FergusonMargaret born about 1920
FergusonMary born about 1893
FergusonMichael born about 1894
FiedmanJakob born about 1903
FiedmanJean born about 1914
FiedmanJudith born about 1939
FisherBillie born about 1939
FisherElmer born about 1905
FisherMary born about 1910
FisherMary born about 1931
FisherNellie born about 1899
FisherRenold Wborn about 1898
FisterAlton born about 1902
FitzgeraldWilliam born about 1935
FleckAnne Eborn about 1912
FleckBarbara Aborn about 1933
FleckCharles Rborn about
FleckFred Gborn about 1920
FleckJennette Lborn about 1935
FleckWm Rborn about 1913
FlyVirginia born about 1901
FlyWilliam Sborn about 1895
FlynnCatherine born about 1924
FlynnFrancis born about 1920
FlynnFrank born about 1888
FlynnHenna born about 1894
FlynnJoseph born about 1929
FlynnMary born about 1930
FoerstCharles born about 1906
FoerstElenor born about 1939
FoerstIsabelle born about 1905
FomilsonAlice born about 1869
FomilsonAlice born about 1897
FomilsonClara born about 1905
FomilsonGeorge born about 1930
FomilsonJames born about 1904
FomilsonJames born about 1929
ForceElwood Bborn about 1912
ForceEmily born about 1903
ForceMark born about 1894
ForcePearl Hborn about 1892
ForceThomas born about 1932
FosterMary born about 1881
FosterSamuel Eborn about 1892
FothHelen born about 1906
FothVincent born about 1904
FothVincent born about 1925
FowlerDavid born about 1898
FoxAnnie born about 1870
FoxArthur born about 1871
FoxFrancis born about 1906
FrameCecila born about 1906
FrameHerbert born about 1910
FrameJoan born about 1930
FrazierJeannette born about 1908
FrazierMarie born about 1908
FrazierThomas Wborn about 1908
FrazierWilliam Hborn about 1903
FrazierWilliam H Jrborn about 1938
FreedmanHarry born about 1908
FreedmanRey born about 1916
FreidenbergerEricku born about 1929
FreidenbergerHenry born about 1895
FreidenbergerKarl born about 1919
FreidenbergerMahda born about 1895
FreilAnna Eborn about 1899
FreilJohn Cborn about 1895
FreilThelma Aborn about 1922
FrenchEthyl Fborn about 1905
FrenchJoan Eborn about 1936
FrenchWilliam Gborn about 1900
FrischGenevie born about 1901
FrischLaurence born about 1903
FroschAndrew born about 1892
FroschAnna born about 1895
FroshAndrew born about 1934
FroshHenrietta born about 1931
FultnerAgnes born about 1890
FultnerClara born about 1918
FultnerCordelia born about 1921
FultnerThelma born about 1918
FultnerWalter born about 1917
FultnerWalter born about 1939
FultnerWinfield born about 1915
FurleyB born about 1862
FurleyMary born about 1887
FutterAnthony Jr born about 1902
FutterEthyl born about 1908

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G Surnames

GableEdward born about 1883
GableEdward born about 1923
GableElizabeth born about 1886
GableMarie born about 1923
GallowayAlice born about 1909
GallowayThomas born about 1910
GaltEdward Rborn about 1884
GaltGladys Mborn about 1918
GaltMary Vborn about 1884
GankenFrances born about 1885
GankenSteve born about 1914
GankinEdward born about 1925
GankinFrances born about 1885
GankinJohn born about 1915
GankinJohn born about 1936
GankinJosephine born about 1918
GarrettBilly born about 1939
GarrettEverett Nborn about 1912
GarrettRuth Eborn about 1912
GarryEllen born about 1875
GarryJohn born about 1911
GeissAlbert born about 1933
GeissEdward born about 1902
GeissEdward born about 1928
GeissRobert born about 1936
GeissRuth born about 1906
GelleziAgnes Fborn about 1910
GelleziJohn Fborn about 1916
GelleziMildred Dborn about 1917
GelleziSally Mborn about 1920
GelleziTheresa Eborn about 1881
GeorgeWade born about 1927
GerrowIsabelle born about 1889
GerryEdward born about 1926
GerryGeorge Rborn about 1889
GerryGeorge Jr born about 1923
GerryMary born about 1889
GieseClifford born about 1905
GieseDoris born about 1933
GieseGwendolyn born about 1929
GieseMary born about 1907
GillenEarl born about 1929
GillenEarl Fborn about 1902
GillenJohanna born about 1906
GillieAgnes Aborn about 1873
GillieWilliam Nborn about 1872
GiseErnest born about 1909
GiseErnest born about 1940
GiseMatilda born about 1915
GlabbatzErnest born about 1907
GlabbatzFredrick born about 1929
GlabbatzGeorge born about 1931
GlabbatzHelen born about 1913
GlassmanAbraham born about 1878
GlassmanAnna born about 1887
GlathCharles born about 1894
GlathFlorence born about 1902
GlathJoseph born about 1913
GlathMary born about 1914
GledhillDolores born about 1933
GledhillMary born about 1894
GledhillWalter born about 1900
GodshallCalvin Mborn about 1888
GodshallWalter Eborn about 1920
GodshallWellszetta born about 1891
GoeppnerJohanna Mborn about 1871
GoldackerElizabeth born about 1925
GoldackerEllen born about 1939
GoldackerJoan born about 1935
GoldackerMarie born about 1929
GoldackerNellie Vborn about 1900
GoldackerWilliam Fborn about 1901
GordonElizabeth born about 1925
GordonHugh born about 1898
GordonJames Aborn about 1887
GordonJanet born about 1900
GordonMary born about 1888
GordonRichard Jborn about 1920
GoupaGwendolyn born about 1909
GoupaJohn Tborn about 1906
GrafChristian born about 1880
GrafElizabeth born about 1878
GreenAbraham born about 1897
GreenGertrude Mborn about 1903
GreenJames Fborn about 1879
GreenMillicent born about 1891
GreenViola born about 1896
GreenburgElsie born about 1898
GreenburgHerbert born about 1893
GreenburgMeyer born about 1918
GreenburgRonald born about 1934
GreenowCharles born about 1902
GreenowLouise born about 1907
GregoryAnathon Rborn about 1937
GregoryAnna Mayborn about 1907
GregoryAnthony born about 1907
GriffensteinFrank born about 1871
GriffiesJohn born about 1895
GriffiesJohn born about 1916
GriffiesMargaret born about 1896
GriffithCarrie born about 1889
GriffithGeorge born about 1933
GriggClara Rborn about 1902
GriggSamuel Cborn about 1899
GrimmCharles born about 1881
GrimmMary born about 1882
GrossCharles born about 1888
GrossCharles born about 1902
GrossCharles Jr born about 1917
GrossHelen born about 1932
GrossJosephine born about 1892
GrossJosephine born about 1905
GrossRalph born about 1914
GrossickCatherine born about 1917
GrossickMammie born about 1881
GrossickNorman born about 1914
GrossickWilliam born about 1879
GroverCharles born about 1922
GroverHarry born about 1923
GroverMary born about 1905
GroverWilliam Oborn about 1905
GrumbrechtAlfred born about 1901
GrumbrechtAnna born about 1906
GrumbrechtJoan born about 1931
GrumbrechtMary born about 1878
GundelEnna born about 1906
GundelFredrick born about 1900
GunningAnn Mborn about 1914
GunningCarolyn Lborn about 1915
GunningCarri born about 1882
GunningJames Pborn about 1887
GunningJames P Jrborn about 1917
GwynnJames Sborn about 1923
GwynnSamuel Jborn about 1899
GwynnViola born about 1901

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H Surnames

HachlerCatherine born about 1846
HahlerCarl born about 1900
HahlerFrieda born about 1901
HaightHelen born about 1921
HaightHomer Aborn about 1897
HaightHomer Aborn about 1931
HaightJack born about 1923
HaightJames Cborn about 1933
HaightVera Aborn about 1898
HaneDorothy born about 1911
HaneJames born about 1906
HaneJames Gborn about 1891
HaneJennie born about 1888
HangleyFrank born about 1908
HantonSara born about 1899
HantonWalter born about 1901
HantonWalter born about 1922
HapfLawrence Hborn about 1905
HapfVirginia born about 1905
HarcholFrank born about 1899
HarcholJulia born about 1898
HarcholRobert born about 1937
HardeckerAlfred born about 1894
HardeckerMary born about 1893
HardgroveOrrin Oborn about 1878
HardgroveRose Oborn about 1883
HarperAnn Jborn about 1913
HarperJohn Rborn about 1911
HarringtonJack born about 1938
HarringtonJohn born about 1915
HarringtonMyrtel born about 1919
HarrisonAlberta born about 1901
HarrisonBenjamin born about 1921
HarrisonThomas born about 1888
HarthhorneMary born about 1879
HarthhorneWilliam Jborn about 1878
HartmanGeorge born about 1923
HarwoodCharles born about 1920
HarwoodJohn Nborn about 1899
HarwoodLaura born about 1896
HasonAlexander born about 1866
HasonRose Aborn about 1876
HassanFay born about 1908
HassanSamuel born about 1903
HassonCarolyn born about 1930
HassonEvelyn born about 1933
HassonLouis born about 1909
HassonMildred born about 1911
HassonRichard born about 1937
HattensteinFredrick born about 1917
HattensteinHarold born about 1916
HattensteinHarold Hborn about 1891
HattensteinHelen born about 1892
HausslerElsie born about 1934
HausslerMarie born about 1899
HausslerRobert Hborn about 1895
HautCharles Hborn about 1889
HayesElizabeth born about 1889
HayesElva born about 1920
HayesJames born about 1923
HayesJames Wborn about 1876
HayesRuth born about 1914
HazletBlanche born about 1879
HazletJoseph born about 1879
HeapHerbert born about 1906
HeapNellie born about 1888
HeapPaul born about 1922
HearnAlbert born about 1935
HearnDorothy born about 1929
HearnElva born about 1906
HearnJames born about 1939
HearnMargaret born about 1926
HearnRichard born about 1930
HearnWilliam born about 1928
HearnWilliam Aborn about 1903
HefflerElizabeth born about 1887
HefflerFrank born about 1885
HeidenfelderElsie born about 1894
HeidenfelderWalter born about 1920
HelmEdward Jborn about 1924
HelmHelen born about 1902
HendersonEvylin born about 1914
HendersonWilliam Jborn about 1890
HendricAlice Hborn about 1932
HendricAndrew born about 1906
HendricHelen born about 1940
HendricSusan born about 1904
HendricSusan born about 1937
HendricksonAlbert Jborn about 1894
HendricksonDorothy born about 1921
HendricksonFlorence born about 1904
HendricksonIda born about 1924
HenryPeggy born about 1928
HenryWilliam born about 1885
HerinSadie born about 1908
HerinWilliam Fborn about 1905
HerleyDella born about 1897
HerleyEdward Jborn about 1901
HerleyEdward Jr born about 1932
HershawRonald born about 1935
HewblerEsther born about 1920
HewblerWilliam born about 1915
HickeyElizabeth born about 1902
HickeyElizabeth born about 1919
HickeyJames born about 1899
HigginsEva born about 1901
HigginsLeon Wborn about 1897
HillenbrandFrank born about 1896
HillenbrandIda born about 1891
HillsBessie born about 1906
HillsJames born about 1903
HillsJames born about 1926
HillsRichard born about 1934
HinettFrank born about 1886
HinettGladys born about 1911
HinettNellie born about 1884
HoffmanElizabeth born about 1864
HoltEva born about 1897
HoltJames Bborn about 1897
HoltJames B Jrborn about 1920
HolzKarl born about 1902
HopferHerbert Hborn about 1902
HopferHerbet Jr born about 1930
HopferRose Marieborn about 1927
HordaltkiAlexandri born about 1886
HordaltkiCatherine born about 1890
HornJames born about 1912
HornLarry born about 1937
HornRose born about 1915
HornungDoris born about 1924
HornungGene born about 1935
HornungLeslie born about 1927
HornungMahlon Eborn about 1901
HornungMahlon Jr born about 1926
HornungMary Eborn about 1906
HorwethyArnold born about 1896
HorwethyCaroline born about 1925
HorwethyClara born about 1900
HoskoriaAnna born about 1900
HoskoriaFrancis born about 1895
HoskoriaJenny born about 1926
HoskoriaJohn born about 1926
HoskoriaMichael born about 1921
HuberEdward born about 1899
HuberLouise born about 1866
HuberPaul born about 1894
HudsonBetty born about 1938
HudsonCatherine Mborn about 1926
HudsonEmma born about 1901
HudsonFredrick born about 1869
HudsonFredrick Wborn about 1901
HudsonFredrick Wborn about 1921
HudsonGladys Mborn about 1923
HudsonMary born about 1934
HudsonRobina born about 1875
HudsonRobina born about 1934
HudsonWalter Eborn about 1929
HueyingDorothy born about 1923
HueyingEdgar born about 1900
HueyingHilda born about 1907
HuffMary Fborn about 1911
HuffWinford Iborn about 1904
HughMargaret born about 1912
HughMaria born about 1864
HughWilliam Eborn about 1898
HydressCatherine born about 1920
HydressJulia born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

ImschwellerAlvin born about 1927
ImschwellerElla born about 1905
ImschwellerMargaret born about 1923
ImschwellerPhyllis born about 1925
IngrelliOlga born about 1914
IngrelliPeter born about 1914
IzziAlbert born about 1917
IzziDolores born about 1929
IzziFlorence born about 1921
IzziJohn born about 1910
IzziJosephine born about 1919
IzziLouis born about 1873
IzziLouis Jr born about 1928
IzziMichael born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacobGeorge Jborn about 1900
JacobMarie Mborn about 1904
JanczakAlbin Rborn about 1913
JanczakLeona Mborn about 1916
JenneyAnna Bborn about 1883
JenneyEdgar born about 1881
JenneyElizabeth born about 1908
JenneyThomas born about 1905
JohnstonElizabeth born about 1907
JohnstonElizabeth born about 1910
JohnstonElizabeth born about 1915
JohnstonElizabeth born about 1931
JohnstonElmer born about 1884
JohnstonFrank Rborn about
JohnstonHattie born about 1885
JohnstonJames born about 1908
JohnstonJames born about 1937
JohnstonJoseph Pborn about 1912
JohnstonMargaret born about 1934
JohnstonMary born about 1916
JonesArthur Aborn about 1890
JonesCatherine Fborn about 1892
JonesCatherine Lborn about 1920
JonesDorothy born about 1909
JonesDorothy born about 1930
JonesLaurence Mborn about 1907
JonesLawrence Jr born about 1934
JonesMargaret born about 1939
JonesMary born about 1912
JonesShirley born about 1933
JonesStanley born about 1902
JudickCatherine born about 1882
JudickRichard born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KabeeAmelia born about 1902
KabeePaul born about 1902
KabeePaul born about 1929
KachelriesIvan Aborn about 1903
KachelriesMae born about 1904
KachelriesRobert born about 1930
KachelriesWayne born about 1936
KahnElanor born about 1921
KahnFlorence born about 1902
KahnHerold born about 1920
KahnweireAlfred born about 1902
KahnweireHarriet born about 1902
KandrickCarrol born about 1936
KandrickClarence born about 1901
KandrickElmira born about 1913
KandrickRobert born about 1932
KaneMargaret Pborn about 1910
KaneRaymond born about 1928
KaneRaymond Pborn about 1903
KartnerHoward born about 1879
KartnerMary Hborn about 1897
KeichelEdith born about 1908
KeichelJoseph born about 1900
KelloggCathryn born about 1930
KelloggGenevieve born about 1925
KelloggHelen born about 1900
KelloggLouis Fborn about 1898
KellyCatherine born about 1888
KellyDaniel born about 1877
KellyElsie Jborn about 1931
KellyElsie Mborn about 1909
KellyJoseph born about 1881
KellyWilliam Jborn about 1907
KerbaughBertha born about 1909
KerbaughWilliam born about 1906
KerbaughWilliam born about 1931
KerrGeorge born about 1899
KeysAnna Yborn about 1892
KeysWolbert Aborn about 1885
KeyserFlorence born about 1891
KeyserFranklin born about 1894
KeyserFranklin Gborn about 1917
KingAlice born about 1891
KingHazel born about 1907
KingWalter Rborn about 1904
KlasLillian born about 1919
KleinJakob born about 1888
KleinLouise born about 1886
KniesnerLillian born about 1906
KniesnerWilliam born about 1905
KochHelen Dborn about 1900
KochJohn Mborn about 1889
KolbMartha Jborn about 1909
KolbWilliam Eborn about 1905
KomelskiSara born about 1911
KomelskiTheodore born about 1912
KoynkowskiIsabelle born about 1915
KoynkowskiKasmer born about 1916
KoynkowskiKasmer born about 1938
KrewsonHelen Jborn about 1924
KueckCarrol born about 1936
KueckChester born about 1905
KueckFloyd born about 1913
KueckFrances born about 1912
KuestnerFrancis born about 1929
KuestnerMargaret born about 1920
KuestnerVincent born about 1931
KufiakLouis Jborn about 1893
KufiakMay born about 1886
KuhnsJohn born about 1903
KuhnsMary born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LacosterEugene born about 1901
LacosterMarie born about 1885
LagenellaMagario Aborn about 1884
LagenellaOssandy Mborn about 1888
LainJean born about 1933
LainJoseph born about 1895
LainJoseph born about 1925
LainMarie born about 1896
LandisJean born about 1910
LandisMalcolm born about 1904
LandisMalcolm born about 1930
LandisRonald born about 1932
LatamikAugust born about 1894
LaughlinDolores born about 1929
LaughlinJohn born about 1885
LaughlinLillian born about 1903
LaughlinShirley born about 1927
LaveryEthyl born about 1918
LaveryGeorge Aborn about 1908
LayerCatherine born about 1917
LayerGotthold born about 1913
LayerOtto born about 1939
LeberJoe born about 1888
LeckowCatherine born about 1889
LeckowJohn Jborn about 1889
LeckowJohn J Jrborn about 1920
LeeMary Annborn about 1875
LeebEdward Eborn about 1905
LeebJohn Fborn about 1877
LeibermonAlbert born about 1911
LeibermonElsie born about 1917
LeibermonShirley born about 1938
LeibersRalph born about 1914
LemmonsIda Mborn about 1906
LemmonsOscar born about 1931
LemmonsOscar Hborn about 1900
LenhanAnthony born about 1904
LenhanCatherine born about 1905
LiebermanIda Bborn about 1904
LiebermanMorris born about 1896
LigheJames born about 1899
LindquistAlma Rborn about 1901
LindquistJohn born about 1902
LiottoIrene born about 1920
LiottoMichlaus born about 1913
LiottoNichlaus born about 1939
ListerHarry Mborn about 1867
ListerPauline Sborn about 1868
ListerWarren born about 1925
ListerWarren Sborn about 1904
ListerWilson Hborn about 1915
LittleAlbert born about 1910
LittleBruce born about 1936
LittleElsie born about 1914
LlewellynAgnes born about 1904
LlewellynFrancis born about 1932
LlewellynFrank Sborn about 1903
LlewellynWilliam born about 1938
LodgeLewis Lborn about 1895
LodgeLillian Mborn about 1895
LodgeoLewis Lborn about 1895
LodgeoLillian Mborn about 1895
LoeserJohn Mborn about 1909
LoeserMartha born about 1909
LoeserRalph born about 1931
LoesermanJohn Mborn about 1909
LoesermanMartha born about 1909
LoesermanRalph born about 1931
LoftusCatherine born about 1939
LoftusFlorence born about 1914
LoftusFlorence born about 1936
LoftusJoseph Eborn about 1912
LoftussCatherine born about 1939
LoftussFlorence born about 1914
LoftussFlorence born about 1936
LoftussJoseph Eborn about 1912
LoggeWilliam Cborn about 1872
LohenArtie born about 1928
LohenJohn born about 1925
LohenLessie born about 1927
LohenWilliam born about 1922
LohenbergArtie born about 1928
LohenbergJohn born about 1925
LohenbergLessie born about 1927
LohenbergWilliam born about 1922
LoosArno Pborn about 1882
LoosBeatrice born about 1887
LooschArno Pborn about 1882
LooschBeatrice born about 1887
LopreteDominick born about 1894
LopreteJoseph born about 1892
LopretoDominick born about 1894
LopretoJoseph born about 1892
LoringJohn born about 1915
LoringetJohn born about 1915
LoughinAnn born about 1906
LoughinEugene born about 1904
LoughlenAnn born about 1906
LoughlenEugene born about 1904
LucyIrving born about 1908
LucyakIrving born about 1908
LuggeykoCatherine born about 1870
LuggeykoHelen born about 1920
LuggeykoJessie born about 1899
LuggeykoPaul born about 1898
LumpkinElizabeth born about 1919
LumpkinsElizabeth born about 1919
LundstromGordon born about 1872
LundstrumGordon born about 1872
LutzClara born about 1886
LutzEdward born about 1888
LutzakClara born about 1886
LutzakEdward born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacadamsJames born about 1914
MacdowellMargaret born about 1895
MacdowellRobert born about 1896
MackiewsonMarie born about 1915
MackiewsonVictor born about 1913
MacmillanEva born about 1882
MacmillanJames born about 1878
MagheimerRichard Aborn about 1875
MahrEdward born about 1890
MahrFlorence born about 1895
MalloyRaymond Jborn about 1920
MalloySadie born about 1901
MalloyWilliam born about 1919
ManderAnna born about 1880
MarinoJames born about 1905
MarinoJames born about 1938
MarinoLillian born about 1916
MarinoLillian born about 1939
MarksGrace born about 1909
MarksRose born about 1901
MarondoCharles Fborn about 1902
MarondoDollie born about 1899
MartheChristian born about 1912
MartheWilliam born about 1892
MartinGladys Eborn about 1923
MarwitzEdward born about 1904
MarwitzFreda born about 1912
MarwitzFredrick born about 1893
MarwitzJulia born about 1867
MasonAndrew born about 1908
MasonEdward born about 1900
MasonRose born about 1914
MasterGladys born about 1923
MattsonAnna born about 1873
MattsonCharles born about 1910
MautzEva Mborn about 1901
MautzMary Mborn about 1918
MautzWilliam Pborn about 1893
MautzWilliam P Jrborn about 1916
MavertPearl born about 1901
MavertWilliam Cborn about 1890
McAleeseLavinina born about 1920
McAndrewsAlice born about 1902
McAnenyElizabeth born about 1904
McAnenyJohn Jborn about 1903
McAnenyJohn Jborn about 1933
McAnenyJulia Aborn about 1935
McAuleyFrancis born about 1912
McAuleyMarian born about 1919
McAuleyNancy born about 1938
McBrideAlexander born about 1864
McBridePauline born about 1868
McCallAugustus born about 1917
McCallJames Aborn about 1895
McCallMay born about 1899
McCloskeyAnna born about 1925
McClureCatherine born about 1899
McClureGeorge born about 1899
McCoffryElizabeth born about 1906
McCoffryWilliam born about 1907
McCormickAlice born about 1939
McCormickMargret born about 1908
McCormickMartin born about 1902
McCormickMartin born about 1935
McCuenDoris born about 1916
McCuenWilliam Jr born about 1918
McCullenGrace born about 1912
McCullenJoseph born about 1907
McDonnelEugene born about 1906
McElweeMarian born about 1908
McElweeMary born about 1940
McElweeRobert Rborn about 1908
McFarlandIsabella born about 1910
McFarlandJoseph born about 1908
McFeeleyEdward born about 1912
McFeeleyPatrick born about 1914
McGeeDonald Pborn about 1932
McGeeDorothy born about 1920
McGeeEdward Cborn about 1923
McGeeJoseph Dborn about 1896
McGeeJoseph O Jrborn about 1921
McGeeMarie Aborn about 1919
McGeeMary Aborn about 1896
McGeeRobert born about 1939
McGeeThomas Pborn about 1928
McGlenseyMargaret born about 1872
McGlenseyMartin born about 1901
McGourneFrancis Aborn about 1907
McGourneRegina Gborn about 1908
McGowanAlbert born about 1890
McGowanAlbert Jr born about 1925
McGowanCarrie born about 1890
McGowanPeggy born about 1922
McGrathFrancis born about 1900
McGrathFrancis born about 1927
McGrathJoseph born about 1932
McGrathMary born about 1908
McGroganBertha born about 1930
McGroganDolores born about 1926
McGroganGertha born about 1904
McGroganJohn born about 1899
McGroganJohn born about 1922
McGroganWilliam born about 1924
McGroryRachael born about 1877
McIntryJoseph born about 1923
McKeeHazel born about 1912
McKeeRobert born about 1907
McKinleyIsabelle born about 1893
McLaughlinAlexander Jborn about 1890
McLaughlinAnna born about 1908
McLaughlinJoseph born about 1905
McLaughlinMary born about 1897
McLaughlinRita born about 1929
McLeanIda born about 1878
McMahonBernard born about 1906
McMahonElizabeth born about 1895
McManusJohn Jborn about 1892
McManusMellie born about 1893
McMeathDorothy born about 1932
McMeathHelen born about 1904
McMeathJohn Jborn about 1896
McMeathJohn Pborn about 1923
McNamaraFlorence born about 1899
McNamaraHenry born about 1895
McNamaraThelma born about 1905
McNameeAdelaide born about 1916
McNultyDorothe born about 1930
McNultyFrank born about 1900
McNultyFrank born about 1939
McNultyJulia born about 1904
McNultyMarie born about 1931
MeekAnna Aborn about 1898
MeekAnna Mborn about 1928
MeekLouis Aborn about 1893
MeekLouis Jborn about 1921
MeenanSilly born about 1866
MehrRoland born about 1925
MeileHerman Cborn about 1910
MeileMarie born about 1910
MellorRichard Hborn about 1871
MercerCrescentia Jborn about 1928
MerechAlice born about 1891
MerechFrank born about 1889
MerechWalter born about 1907
MerkeltClarence born about 1911
MerkeltFlorence born about 1913
MetcalfeBernice born about 1923
MeyerSadie born about 1883
MeyleCharles born about 1880
MeyleEdith born about 1907
MiddelburgAnna born about 1932
MiddelburgIsadore born about 1904
MiddelburgMary born about 1910
MiddelburgNancy born about 1935
MikulaJohn born about 1895
MikulaMary born about 1897
MikulaMichael born about 1917
MileyClarence Kborn about 1893
MileyIsebelle born about 1891
MillerAnna Mborn about 1879
MillerDoris Aborn about 1920
MillerEmma Sborn about 1869
MillerFred born about 1905
MimmJohn Jborn about 1911
MimmMildred born about 1917
MinkLeopold born about 1891
MinnieAgnes born about 1910
MinnieEdwin Hborn about 1900
MitchellFrank born about 1900
MitchellIda born about 1901
MitchellLeatrice born about 1928
MitchellMargaret born about 1904
MitchellMargaret born about 1929
MitchellRewben born about 1897
MohrAnna Eborn about 1910
MohrArthur Cborn about 1906
MonollBessie born about 1895
MooneyCatherine born about 1876
MooneyFrank Jborn about 1880
MooreAnna Mborn about 1908
MooreEdward born about 1925
MooreEdward Jborn about 1906
MooreHarry Jborn about 1894
MooreMary born about 1894
MooreMary born about 1930
MooreWilliam born about 1928
MoraJoseph born about 1896
MoraKathryn Bborn about 1898
MorkyBessie Mborn about 1879
MorkyWilliam Jborn about 1877
MorrisEdna Gborn about 1923
MorrisMary born about 1888
MorrisMildred born about 1913
MorrisMildred born about 1933
MorrisWilliam born about 1886
MorrisWilliam born about 1903
MorrisWilliam born about 1932
MorsandAndrew born about 1904
MorsandDorothy born about 1908
MortonAnna born about 1900
MortonMelvin Sborn about 1900
MossEdwin born about 1886
MossaroLeonard born about 1931
MullenFrancis born about 1903
MullenJames born about 1939
MullerHenry born about 1887
MullerMary born about 1893
MulliganJames born about 1934
MulliganMary born about 1907
MulliganThomas born about 1907
MulliganThomas born about 1930
MullinJoseph born about 1902
MunzerWillm born about 1877
MurderFrank born about 1909
MurderFrank born about 1934
MurderJames born about 1936
MurderMildred born about 1914
MurdockDavid born about 1936
MurdockHenry born about 1902
MurdockMargery born about 1927
MurdockMartha born about 1905
MurphEdith born about 1912
MurphJohn born about 1931
MurphJohn Tborn about 1906
MurphWilliam born about 1933
MurphyHelen born about 1935
MurphyHelen Jborn about 1911
MurphyJames Jborn about 1898
MurphyNeil born about 1900
MurphyNelva born about 1901
MurphyPatrica born about 1939
MyerAlma Mborn about 1907
MyerDorothy Eborn about 1928
MyerGeorge Kborn about 1930
MyerMilton born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NausmannJoseph born about 1892
NausmannMatilda born about 1894
NaysmithStephen born about 1882
NealeyDella Eborn about 1914
NealeyLeo Jborn about 1910
NealeyLeo J Jrborn about 1939
NelsonJohn N ?born about 1868
NewmanAllen born about 1897
NewmanEmma Mborn about 1884
NewmanLe Roy born about 1919
NewmanWilliam born about 1895
NewnsCharles Eborn about 1933
NewnsJohn Aborn about 1932
NewnsJohn Bborn about 1898
NewnsMabel born about 1910
NewtonThomas born about 1923
NicholsonCharles born about 1885
NicolaiKattie born about 1880
NigraGenevieve born about 1912
NigraJames Rborn about 1910
NigraJoan born about 1935
NolanAnna Tborn about 1876
NoodbrodeIsabelle born about 1892
NoodbrodeWilliam born about 1889
NoysmithThomas born about 1911
NugentFlorence born about 1929
NugentFlorence Cborn about 1904
NugentFrancis Eborn about 1904
NugentLois born about 1938
NusbaumMaud born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObergArthur Sborn about 1927
ObergJohn Aborn about 1895
ObergJohn Jr born about 1924
ObergTheresa born about 1901
ObrienAlta born about 1899
ObrienEdward born about 1889
ObrienFrancis born about 1933
ObrienFrank born about 1899
ObrienFredrick born about 1901
ObrienIrene born about 1917
ObrienMary born about 1901
ObrienMary born about 1904
ObrienPhyllis born about 1938
OconnerLaura born about 1892
OconnerWilliam born about 1893
OglebyHarriet born about 1876
OkarmaAlbert born about 1928
OkarmaJoseph born about 1921
OlsenRuth born about 1909
OlsenThomas born about 1939
OlsenThomas Dborn about 1905
OneilHarriet born about 1919
OneilHarriett born about 1901
OneilLeonard born about 1900
OttleyFredrick born about 1875
OutlandAlton Cborn about 1932
OutlandHomer Bborn about 1883
OutlandMaud ?born about 1894
OutlandO Rolenaborn about 1887
OwensAndrew born about 1896
OwensEllen born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PanzeStanley Pborn about 1920
PappesJames born about 1913
PappesMargaret born about 1919
PattersonRobert born about 1910
PedrickBriget born about 1875
PeterV Gurreyborn about 1906
PetersAnn born about 1902
PetersDavid born about 1935
PetersErnest born about 1908
PetersThomas born about 1931
PetersonBertha born about 1900
PetersonCharles born about 1885
PetersonElizebeth born about 1888
PetersonLester born about 1899
PfendnerEdward born about 1934
PfendnerHelen born about 1917
PfendnerJohn born about 1903
PfleidererAnna born about 1901
PfleidererFred born about 1907
PhalenMary born about 1909
PhalenRegina Mborn about 1940
PhalenWilliam Pborn about 1910
PhillipsJames born about 1884
PhotesBessie born about 1912
PhotesChristas born about 1900
PhotesHelen born about 1935
PhotesJohn born about 1932
PickeringAlice born about 1921
PickeringLeonard born about 1898
PickeringMyrtle born about 1909
PielHarry Wborn about 1882
PierceHarry born about 1922
PierceJoseph Tborn about 1902
PierceRebecka born about 1902
PlattElanor born about 1911
PlattHarry born about 1889
PlattMary born about 1889
PleichAgnes born about 1914
PleichMary born about 1878
PleichWilliam born about 1921
PolandCelia Vborn about 1875
PortlersWilliam born about 1910
PowellDoris born about 1937
PowellRuth born about 1909
PowellWilliam Cborn about 1908
PriceCatherine Cborn about 1902
PriceFrancis born about 1919
PriceJohn Eborn about 1893
PriceJohn E Jrborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinnJohn Hborn about 1908
QuitmeyerCharles born about 1929
QuitmeyerFrances born about 1925
QuitmeyerHarry born about 1898
QuitmeyerHarry born about 1928
QuitmeyerMildred born about 1906

R Surnames

RadfordEstelle born about 1878
RangnowCarol born about 1913
RangnowDorothy born about 1914
RappoportDavid Wborn about 1911
RappoportLillian born about 1915
ReganBeatrice born about 1914
ReganEmma born about 1896
ReichenbachKarl born about 1892
ReichenbachRebecka born about 1891
ReidnerHarold born about 1889
RichardsonDavid born about 1893
RichardsonDavid born about 1930
RichardsonElizabeth born about 1893
RichardsonEllen born about 1912
RichardsonIra born about 1912
RichardsonIra born about 1937
RichardsonJames born about 1929
RigginGertrude born about 1900
RigginWilliam born about 1894
RoachEdgar Fborn about 1903
RoachHilda born about 1905
RobbinsCharles born about 1927
RobbinsGeorge Wborn about 1895
RobbinsGol??? born about 1922
RobbinsKathleen Lborn about 1900
RobbinsPhillips Aborn about 1926
RobbinsShirley born about 1923
RobertsonGeorge born about 1913
RobinsonHelen born about 1898
RobinsonWilliam born about 1889
RodgersWalter Sborn about 1870
RogersJoseph Fborn about 1872
RogersMary Eborn about 1878
RogersThomas Oborn about 1913
RomanCatherine born about 1923
RomanEdward born about 1928
RomanJack born about 1930
RomanJoan born about 1934
RomanJohn Lborn about 1894
RomanMargaret born about 1903
RomanMargaret born about 1920
RomanMary born about 1933
RomanRose born about 1895
RomanStanley born about 1899
RomanStanley born about 1921
RomanTheresa born about 1926
RomanVirginia born about 1939
RondtChareles Tborn about 1900
RondtCharles T Jrborn about 1920
RondtJoseph Fborn about 1922
RondtMary Aborn about 1898
RosenbluthDavid born about 1904
RosenbluthEdith born about 1906
RosenbluthWanda born about 1937
RoshonFlorence born about 1901
RothfusoElizebeth born about 1876
RothfusoWilliam born about 1870
RussoEthyl born about 1900
RussoFrank born about 1889
RussoNicklaus born about 1922
RussoPeter born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaeleCarl born about 1880
SaeleMary born about 1882
SakatosMargaret born about 1915
SalvucciGarardo born about 1889
SaultsEsther Eborn about 1906
SaultsJames Mborn about 1903
SavageCharles born about 1890
SavageGeraldine born about 1926
SavageVictoria born about 1893
ScheererCaroline born about 1909
ScheererClifford born about 1908
ScheererMarlyn born about 1928
SchelnickAnna born about 1896
SchelnickMax born about 1893
ScherrerAndreas born about
ScherrerAndreas born about 1904
ScherrerMildred born about 1907
ScherrerRobert born about 1928
SchlosserDoris Annborn about 1923
SchlosserFredrick born about 1891
SchlosserFredrick born about 1926
SchlosserIsabel born about 1892
SchmuchHelen born about 1902
SchmuchLouis born about 1927
SchmuchLouis Hborn about 1902
SchoefferLeona born about 1905
SchoenigerDiane born about 1939
SchoenigerEmilie born about 1936
SchoenigerFrances born about 1934
SchoenigerMarie born about 1912
SchoenigerWilliam born about 1904
ScholnickHerrietta born about 1924
SchrobeFredrick born about 1890
SchrobeJohn born about 1922
SchrobeLilian born about 1895
SchultzJohn Jborn about 1930
SchulzeAnn Lborn about 1932
SchulzeHeasther Lborn about 1910
SchulzeHerbert Cborn about 1932
SchulzeMax Hborn about 1907
SchurzberyGrega born about 1893
SchurzberyKarl born about 1887
SchusterJoseph born about 1904
SchusterMarian born about 1919
SchusterMartha Gborn about 1926
SchusterThelma born about 1896
SchusterWalter born about 1921
SchwankLaura born about 1907
SchwankPaul born about 1892
SchwankWolfgang Pborn about 1933
SchweikerAlick born about 1929
SchweikerAnna born about 1865
SchweikerAnnie born about 1906
SchweikerBilly born about 1936
SchweikerDoris Mborn about 1935
SchweikerJoan born about 1935
SchweikerJohanna born about 1905
SchweikerJoseph born about 1904
SchweikerLorraine born about 1923
SchweikerWilliam born about 1904
SchwortzAnna born about 1910
SchwortzJohn born about 1914
SchwortzMargaret born about 1872
ScottDoris born about 1921
ScottDoris Aborn about 1921
ScottMary born about 1875
ScottMary Eborn about 1874
ScottThomas born about 1875
ScottThomas Jborn about 1874
SefickAugust born about 1885
SefickHelen born about 1895
SefickRobert born about 1918
SeixasMarie Lborn about 1892
SeixasWilliam Hborn about 1884
SelverianLouise born about 1914
SelverianNartuhi born about 1940
SelverianYeprod born about 1912
SerfassFredrick born about 1897
SerfassLoretta born about 1898
ShaefferIsabelle Aborn about 1922
ShaefferPricilla born about 1867
ShaefferThomas Wborn about 1918
ShawHelen Eborn about 1915
SherFannie born about 1898
SherSamuel born about 1900
SherrerEthyl born about 1916
SherrerVerna born about 1896
ShoefferSamuel born about 1904
SieenMary born about 1910
SieenPeter Bborn about 1912
SierElizabeth born about 1896
SierElizabeth born about 1928
SierFredrick born about 1916
SierJames born about 1922
SingenHattie born about 1894
SingenSamuel born about 1889
SingenSylvia born about 1920
SingerAlex born about 1912
SingerMary born about 1914
SingerMichael born about 1940
SinglerAnn born about 1939
SinglerEmil born about 1909
SinglerStephen born about 1881
SinglerViola born about 1915
SingmanStella born about 1901
SingmanWilliam Vborn about 1900
SinoffAbe born about 1912
SinoffBernard born about 1908
SinoffClaire born about 1911
SmithAdele born about 1922
SmithAdele Bborn about 1922
SmithAndrew born about 1873
SmithAnnie born about 1877
SmithAnnie born about 1880
SmithArthur Aborn about 1883
SmithCatherine born about 1880
SmithDolores born about 1931
SmithDoris born about 1928
SmithDorothea born about 1910
SmithEdgar born about 1910
SmithEdna Nborn about 1927
SmithEdwin Eborn about 1898
SmithEmma Mborn about 1904
SmithEsther Hborn about 1909
SmithGeorge born about 1880
SmithGeorge born about 1936
SmithGeorge Jborn about
SmithHelen born about 1916
SmithJames born about 1904
SmithJames born about 1930
SmithJos Wborn about 1885
SmithMinna born about 1903
SmithRose Aborn about 1922
SmithRose Fborn about 1899
SnyderCarl born about 1909
SnyderElsie born about 1909
SnyderGeorge Eborn about 1906
SnyderLouise born about 1912
SnyderRosa Leeborn about 1931
SockoloneDeanna born about 1938
SockoloneDorothy born about 1902
SockoloneMiriam born about 1926
SockoloneMorris born about 1891
SogueAnna Bborn about 1892
SogueDoris Aborn about 1922
SogueElmer Eborn about 1890
SondemanEstelle born about 1920
SondemanJames born about 1894
SondemanJames born about 1917
SondemanMargaret born about 1894
SoohasiaGeorge born about 1911
SoohasiaGloria born about 1923
SoohasiaMartha born about 1884
SoohasiaTheodolne born about 1915
SorternoDorothy born about 1908
SorternoJoseph Eborn about 1910
SorternoSusan born about 1939
SpringlerAgnes born about 1900
SpringlerHarold Cborn about 1902
StacheeGeraldine born about 1921
StanavageJohn born about 1891
StanavageJohn Jr born about 1920
StarzmannAdam born about 1902
SteckerFlorence born about 1899
SteckerHerbert born about 1898
SteckerMary born about 1915
SteefleCecilla Mborn about 1929
SteefleEvelyn born about 1904
SteefleFrancis Jborn about 1933
SteefleHarry Eborn about 1897
SteensonHelen born about 1895
SteensonHelen born about 1935
SteensonJames born about 1902
SteensonJames born about 1931
SteinAnna born about 1900
StevensonEthyl Fborn about 1903
StevensonWesley Pborn about 1929
StevensonWilliam Pborn about 1889
StigaleAmelia born about 1912
StigaleDoris Aborn about 1935
StigaleJoseph born about 1904
StigaleLeon born about 1939
StjohnAgnes born about 1910
StjohnDorothy born about 1919
StjohnElizabeth born about 1878
StjohnWilliam born about 1917
StockelEarl born about 1918
StockelEdna born about 1899
StockelJohn born about 1896
StockelJohn born about 1925
StockelJohn born about 1940
StockelMargie born about 1920
StockelWilliam born about 1921
StootwinskiFrances born about 1937
StootwinskiFrank born about 1895
StootwinskiOlga born about 1903
StrandCarl born about 1893
StrandCarl Jr born about 1927
StrandEllen born about 1901
StrangeCharles born about 1929
StrangeLillian born about 1933
StrangeMinnie born about 1918
StrangeMinnie Mborn about 1897
StrangeRobert Aborn about 1897
StrangeRobert Jr born about 1926
StrauchDolores born about 1929
StrauchFlorence born about 1909
StrauchGeorge Wborn about 1900
StrauchGloria born about 1924
StrauchRuby born about 1906
StrauchSamuel Aborn about 1907
StreaneClara born about 1913
StreaneJohn born about 1891
StreaneMary born about 1891
StreichClaire born about 1919
StreichEnna born about 1877
StreichHarry born about 1904
StreichHenry born about 1873
StreichJoseph born about 1913
StreichertAndrea born about 1938
StreichertAndrew born about 1907
StreichertAnna Vborn about 1913
StreichertCarole born about 1939
StuartHarold born about
SucknowIrvines born about 1917
SucknowJacob born about 1889
SummervilleHelen born about 1898
SummervilleJames Wborn about 1892
SummervilleMargaret born about 1922
SutcliffeCharles born about 1905
SutcliffeMary born about 1909
SutterErnestine born about 1897
SutterHelen born about 1924
SutterRudolph born about 1896
SutterRudolph Rborn about 1918
SwanGeorge born about 1879
SwanMaggie Eborn about 1879
SwayerCharles born about 1892
SyamiskiConnie born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaffieldBillie born about 1936
TaffieldJoseph born about 1911
TaffieldMary born about 1912
TaitSamuel born about 1881
TaitSamuel Aborn about 1910
TaxisBeatrice born about 1916
TaxisConrad born about 1879
TaxisEmma born about 1881
TaxisHenry born about 1913
TaylorJohn Jborn about 1896
TaylorLees Aborn about 1896
TaylorLorraine born about 1916
TaylorLyons Charles Jrborn about 1916
TaylorMarie born about 1908
TaylorPearl born about 1899
ThomasBertha born about 1898
ThompsonFred born about 1884
ThompsonIsabelle born about 1897
ThompsonJames born about 1937
ThompsonMary born about 1908
ThompsonThomas born about 1905
TierneyJames Gborn about 1922
TierneyJames R Cborn about 1901
ToddAllen born about 1927
ToddAnna born about 1898
ToddArthur Pborn about 1934
ToddEdwin born about 1921
ToddEdwin Mborn about 1894
ToddMargorie born about 1924
TraimHarold Aborn about 1907
TrammellCharles born about 1869
TravisMary Eborn about 1893
TroryElizabeth born about 1933
TroryJoseph born about 1903
TroryJoseph born about 1926
TroryMary born about 1905
TroryMary born about 1928
TuckerJoan born about 1931
TuckerRenold Wborn about 1921
TuckerWarren born about 1921
TurpinChristina born about 1877
TurpinGeneve born about 1912
TurpinLoon Jborn about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

ValegraMarcos born about 1881
ValegraMarie born about 1928
VallegoAnna born about 1907
VallegoThomas born about 1908
VanmarterAnna born about 1885
VanmarterGeorge born about 1902
VanmarterGeorge Bborn about 1878
VasaturoCharles born about 1921
VasaturoJennie born about 1903
VasaturoJoseph born about 1896
VasaturoJoseph Jr born about 1919
VellnerFrank born about 1903
VellnerMargaret born about 1909
VellnerRobert born about 1927
VellnerRonald born about 1933
VenezialeAlfred born about 1914
VenezialeAntonia born about 1892
VenezialeCarmen born about 1874
VenezialeJoseph born about 1920
VenezialeRose born about 1884
VenezialeSamuel born about 1915
VenezialeSamuel born about 1916
VerlinghieuEmma Mborn about 1909
VerlinghieuJames Jborn about 1906
VickerAlbert Aborn about 1913
VickerElizabeth born about 1918
VickerRobert born about 1939
VilsmierAnna born about 1924
VilsmierG Jr born about 1923
VilsmierGeorge born about 1896
VilsmierJennie born about 1903
VivianArlene born about 1940
VivianHelen born about 1906
VivianJohn Fborn about 1902
VollmerCharles born about 1898
VollmerCharles born about 1924
VollmerLillian born about 1921
VollmerPaul born about 1924
VollmerVerna born about 1900
VvanoneMildred born about 1915
VvanonePatrica born about 1937
VvanoneThomas born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WachterKate born about 1875
WagnerJas Aborn about 1894
WagnerWhite H Cborn about 1907
WahsleEmma born about 1912
WahsleEugene born about 1908
WalkerGrace born about 1930
WalkerJoseph born about 1908
WalkerVirginia born about 1908
WalkerVirginia born about 1935
WallaceEstella born about 1885
WallaceHenry Bborn about 1908
WallaceJames Sborn about 1909
WallaceLouise Nborn about 1910
WallaceMary born about 1911
WallaceRebecca born about 1882
WaltersEva born about 1901
WaltersJoseph born about 1902
WaltersMary born about 1905
WaltersMary Eborn about 1925
WaltersMyrtle born about 1894
WaltersSelden Cborn about 1884
WartleyGertrude born about 1915
WartleySidney Hborn about 1915
WatsonAnna born about 1907
WatsonArdell born about 1925
WatsonEdward born about 1904
WatsonElama born about 1911
WatsonGeorge born about 1912
WatsonHerman born about 1902
WatsonMarilyn born about 1931
WeberAnna born about 1897
WeberBenedict Pborn about 1881
WeberErnst born about 1904
WeberMarie born about 1911
WeberMay Annborn about 1939
WebsterMildred Mborn about 1903
WebsterWilliam born about 1900
WebsterWilliam S Jrborn about 1930
WeidenmillerElizabeth born about 1938
WeidenmillerFredrich born about 1930
WeidenmillerIrvin born about 1932
WeidenmillerMildred born about 1907
WeidenmillerMildred born about 1927
WeidenmillerRussel born about 1907
WeidenmillerRussel born about 1929
WeinburgBertha born about 1908
WeinburgIrving born about 1908
WeinburgJosephine born about 1935
WeissRichard born about 1938
WeissRose born about 1919
WeissSamuel Cborn about 1913
WelfGustav born about 1906
WelfMargaret born about 1911
WelfMargart Jborn about 1938
WelshJohn born about 1900
WendellAlice born about 1928
WendellFrances born about 1890
WendellFrancis born about 1922
WendellHallis Hborn about 1890
WendellLouis H Jrborn about 1920
WendellWilliam born about 1925
WhalenCatherine born about 1903
WhalenCatherine Dborn about 1938
WhalenHarriet born about 1877
WhalenMurth? Aborn about 1932
WhalenWilliam Apborn about 1930
WhalenWilliam F Wborn about 1900
WheelerWilliam born about 1858
WheelerWilliam born about 1858
WiedsAnna Mayborn about 1914
WieseMinerva born about 1909
WieseWilhelmina born about 1865
WieseWilliam Cborn about 1903
WiggelsworthEdgar born about 1889
WiggelsworthEdgar Jborn about 1916
WiggelsworthFlorence born about 1893
WiggelsworthRobert Sborn about 1919
WilehelmeOtto born about 1865
WilhelmElva born about 1899
WilhelmRichard born about 1897
WilhelmRichard Dborn about 1920
WilkEdward Hborn about 1915
WilkHelen born about 1918
WilkMary born about 1887
WilkieEnna born about 1897
WilliamsElenor born about 1910
WilliamsElizabeth born about 1889
WilliamsGeorge born about 1887
WilliamsJohn born about 1906
WilliamsMary Cborn about 1866
WilliamsMyrtle born about 1888
WilliamsRoland Aborn about 1870
WilliamsThomas born about 1887
WilliamsWilliam Cborn about 1917
WilliamsWilliam Wborn about 1890
WilliamsonFaith Eborn about 1939
WilliamsonFrank Cborn about 1907
WilliamsonLenora born about 1916
WinkowskiChester born about 1904
WinkowskiHenrietta born about 1906
WinksEthyl born about 1916
WinksJames Aborn about 1914
WinksRobert born about 1935
WinnDorothy born about 1920
WiseEdward born about 1901
WiseEdward Rborn about 1927
WiseValeria born about 1904
WismerCatherine born about 1908
WismerCatherine Nborn about 1939
WismerRonaild born about 1937
WismerRoy born about 1900
WolfConrad Wborn about 1890
WolfMary born about 1892
WolfWilliam born about 1915
WolfertBarbara born about 1914
WolfertElizabeth born about 1880
WolfertJoseph born about 1911
WolfertLouis born about 1883
WolfertPeter born about 1916
WolfertWendelin born about 1910
WolfertWilliam born about 1922
WoodsFlorence born about 1908
WoodsJohn Aborn about 1938
WoodsWilliam Wborn about 1903
WoodsideJohn born about 1869
WoodsideSamuel born about 1876
WorleyMary born about 1907
WorleyWilliam born about 1904
WorrallCharles Rborn about 1888
WorrallMatilda born about 1862
WyeskowskyWalter born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarkeDorothy born about 1915
YarkeStephen born about 1913
YostLouis Sborn about 1912
YostMargaret born about 1914
YoungMary born about 1909
YoungMichael born about 1911

Z Surnames

ZalskaMarie born about 1914
ZalskaVeronica born about 1893
ZappileDaniel born about 1905
ZappileDaniel born about 1937
ZappileEvelin born about 1929
ZappileLilian born about 1908
ZappileLouise born about 1913
ZappileMarie born about 1927
ZappilePeter born about 1901
ZappilePeter Jr born about 1939
ZeekDoris born about 1924
ZeekFred born about 1904
ZeekLaura born about 1904
ZemeckiAlfonso born about 1904
ZerbeElizabeth born about 1919
ZerbeLydia born about 1893
ZerbePaul Fborn about 1889
ZickelSara born about 1910
ZieglerJanice Aborn about 1934
ZieglerMarion born about 1912
ZieglerWilliam Hborn about 1907
ZimmermanCarrol born about 1938
ZimmermanClaire born about 1912
ZimmermanClaire born about 1935
ZimmermanWilliam born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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