1940 U.S. Federal Census of Laporte Township, Sullivan, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Sullivan County > 1940 Census of Laporte Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

ArmesJohn Wborn about 1898

B Surnames

BatsfordMary Cborn about 1870
BettoEarl born about 1886
BettoPearl Lborn about 1890
BurkCyril Lborn about 1891
BurkEdward Cborn about 1866
BurkElla born about 1869

C Surnames

CoxBeatrice born about 1935
CoxBruce Lborn about 1905
CoxDavid born about 1939
CoxEdwin born about 1928
CoxIrene born about 1908
CoxJames born about 1930
CoxNancy born about 1937

E Surnames

EmigPeter Dborn about 1900
EmigThedore Rborn about 1906

F Surnames

FairmanBowman born about 1909
FairmanCharles born about 1915
FairmanEldicia born about 1901
FairmanEmma born about 1875
FairmanGeraldine born about 1926
FairmanIrwin born about 1903
FairmanLloyd Jborn about 1870
FairmanMarguerite born about 1911
FiesterAlice born about 1897
FiesterCarlene born about 1926
FiesterDewey born about 1897
FiesterDonald born about 1930
FiesterFred Lborn about 1928
FiesterGrace born about 1888
FiesterHenery Lborn about 1912
FiesterJoan born about 1936
FiesterL Clairborn about 1914
FiesterPaul born about 1928
FiesterSelma born about 1922
FiesterWarren born about 1921

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G Surnames

GalderArden Sborn about 1892
GalderBelva born about 1897
GalderFloye born about 1925
GalderHarold born about 1934
GavittAlda born about 1869
GavittAlma Aborn about 1908
GavittBetty Jborn about 1926
GavittFrances Mborn about 1931
GavittLee R Jrborn about 1902
GavittMark Wborn about 1937
GavittMorgan born about 1871
GavittMorgan Eborn about 1927
GavittPaul Sborn about 1928
GavittRuby Lborn about 1933
GreenEliza born about 1853
GuntherAnna Louiseborn about 1939
GuntherHoward born about 1902
GuntherKathryn Maeborn about 1939
GuntherMary born about 1919
GuntherWarren Williamborn about 1937

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H Surnames

HessColleen Mborn about 1919
HessEthel born about 1892
HessGene born about 1923
HessHoward Hborn about 1894
HessJerald Uborn about 1940
HessKarr Dborn about 1916
HessLeroy Mborn about 1938
HessMaria born about 1879
HouseknechtH Hborn about 1900
HouseknechtLaura Eborn about 1888

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J Surnames

JordanDennis born about 1939
JordanGeraldine born about 1915
JordanLenard born about 1935
JordanRussel born about 1936
JordanShirley born about 1937
JordanWalter Cborn about 1914

K Surnames

KargeHoward born about 1932
KargeJunior born about 1926
KargeLeo born about 1928
KargeLynn born about 1928
KargeRaymond Wborn about 1898
KargeRuth Mborn about 1902
KernMargaret born about 1905
KernRaymond born about 1900
KernRobert born about 1922
KitchenD born about 1874
KitchenHarold born about 1912
KitchenLena born about 1881
KorgeEunice born about 1932
KorgeHelen born about 1915
KorgeIrene born about 1936
KorgeWalter Cborn about 1895
KrauseAnn born about 1936
KrauseDella born about 1907
KrauseFrancis born about 1906

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L Surnames

LittleAlice born about 1872
LittleBasil born about 1903
LittleBessie Eborn about 1881
LittleEarl Eborn about 1910
LittleEllen Dborn about 1882
LittleFrank Lborn about 1911
LittleHarry born about 1901
LittleJ Eborn about 1871
LittleLlewellyn born about 1873
LittleLloyd born about 1904
LittleMarie Sborn about 1909
LittleMarion born about 1925
LittleMarlin born about 1929
LittleMary born about 1886
LittleRaymond Lborn about 1918
LittleWilliam Lborn about 1876

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M Surnames

MatthewsMary born about 1901
MeyerBetty Bborn about 1903
MeyerGeorge Wborn about 1928
MeyerJane Marieborn about 1927
MeyerKathleen born about 1922
MeyerMaxine born about 1925
MeyerRaose Fborn about 1897
MurryCharles Pborn about 1899
MurryLeo born about 1888
MurryLouise born about 1861
MurryVeronica born about 1886

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O Surnames

OnielJohn born about 1903
OnielMrs John born about 1895

R Surnames

RouseJohn Jborn about 1884
RouseMary Tborn about 1895
RouseThomas born about 1894
RouseThomas Rborn about 1890

S Surnames

ShafferCollins born about 1913
ShafferHazel born about 1916
ShafferRonald born about 1939
SharrowWaldron born about 1898
SniderBert Eborn about 1891
SniderLenna born about 1893
SnyderEmna born about 1888
SnyderOscar born about 1869
SonesHenry Wborn about 1912
SonesLois born about 1931
SonesPearl Fborn about 1912
SpearyErnest born about 1874
SpearyJackie Ronaldborn about 1935
SpearyJudson Earnestborn about 1931
SpearyLeona born about 1910
SpearyLille born about 1881
SpearyLois born about 1925
SpearyMarion Louiseborn about 1927
SpearyRuth born about 1922
SpearyWalter Kborn about 1906
StijerBenjamin born about 1899
StijerCarl Francisborn about 1938
StijerDealia Hborn about 1905
StijerMariam Louiseborn about 1929
StijerNina Marieborn about 1925
StijerPatricia Joyceborn about 1930

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T Surnames

TaylorRosa born about 1878
TeaseBrade born about 1888
TeaseCecil Mborn about 1892
TeasePauline born about 1916

V Surnames

VogelBertha born about 1883
VogelCharles born about 1877

W Surnames

WelshMrs John born about 1863
WorthingtonBeatrice born about 1928
WorthingtonCharles Eborn about 1884
WorthingtonEarl Fborn about 1913
WorthingtonEmma Bborn about 1886
WorthingtonEthel born about 1921
WorthingtonGuy Eborn about 1920
WorthingtonJ Cborn about 1882
WorthingtonJessie born about 1890
WorthingtonJoan born about 1939
WorthingtonNorma Iborn about 1920
WorthingtonThereld Eborn about 1922

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