1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lower Moreland Township, Montgomery, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Montgomery County > 1940 Census of Lower Moreland Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AeneseggerAlbertina born about 1900
AeneseggerHenry born about 1867
AllenEdward born about 1907
AllenFranklin born about 1934
AllenNatalie born about 1931
AllenSusan Aborn about 1905
AllmanFaith born about 1938
AllmanHazel born about 1884
AllmanHiram Jborn about 1934
AllmanLeanore Rborn about 1910
AllmanRichard born about 1912
AllmanSidney born about 1877
AllmanSidney Kborn about 1904
AllmonEmma born about 1914
AllmonWilliam born about 1909
AlywardThomas born about 1903
AndersonAlexander Vborn about 1939
AndersonCarl Sborn about 1899
AndersonCarl Jr born about 1938
AndersonGerda born about 1891
AndersonGusten born about 1913
AndersonHarriet born about 1908
AndersonHelene born about 1903
AndersonMacplee Alexanderborn about 1911
AndersonMargret Vborn about 1938
AndersonNancy born about 1929
AndersonWilliam Fborn about 1887
AngulineRolan born about 1919
ArringtonCatherine born about 1932
ArringtonElizabeth born about 1909
ArringtonGeorge Aborn about 1908
ArringtonTero Eyckborn about 1929
AustinBertrand born about 1876
AustinCharlotte born about 1934
AustinEmily born about 1937
AustinJohn born about 1936
AustinVirginia born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BachtigerFreda born about 1900
BaileyMarion born about 1932
BaileyRobert born about 1934
BaileyRuth born about 1901
BarcalowCornellia born about 1896
BaringtonWilliam Wborn about 1864
BarrettCatherine born about 1917
BarrettDelphine born about 1927
BarrettFranklin born about 1933
BarrettHazel born about 1926
BarrettMary born about 1904
BarrettMarye born about 1907
BarrettRussell born about 1903
BarrettRussell born about 1924
BarrettShepherd born about 1890
BarrettSherley born about 1904
BarrettTheodore born about 1904
BarryDoris born about 1929
BarryEleanor born about 1937
BarryGladus born about 1928
BarryJoseph born about 1900
BarryJoseph born about 1932
BarryMildred Eborn about 1908
BatesMargret born about 1909
BatesNancy born about 1938
BatesWesley born about 1910
BealeAnna born about 1913
BealeLenard born about 1907
BeckFreda born about 1892
BeckGeorge Gborn about 1885
BeckWilliam Cborn about 1919
BeechwoodCatherine born about 1868
BeechwoodChristian born about 1868
BeetConstance born about 1922
BeetMabel Cborn about 1893
BeetWilfred Rborn about 1892
BellCelestine born about 1918
BellDaniel born about 1880
BellJessie born about 1893
BerginEdward Sborn about 1871
BergstromVera born about 1912
BerningerCarl Jborn about 1934
BerningerClara Eborn about 1901
BerningerDominique born about 1899
BerningerMaud born about 1930
BerryAnnie born about 1879
BerryFannie born about 1899
BeryBetty Bborn about 1906
BeryMax Jr born about 1906
BillgerElsie born about 1888
BillgerGeorge born about 1924
BillgerJohn born about 1896
BillgerPaul born about 1926
BisherDavid Hborn about 1917
BisherEleanor Bborn about 1911
BisherMary Gborn about 1878
BleticAddy Mborn about 1885
BleticAlexander Jborn about 1896
BlissElvetta born about 1898
BlissGeorge Sborn about 1872
BlissMargaret Eborn about 1871
BlumhardtHerbert born about 1906
BlumhardtMildred born about 1906
BlumhardtStephen born about 1938
BoodleAndrew born about 1908
BoodleEthel born about 1908
BowerBarbara born about 1936
BowerJohn born about 1901
BowerJohn born about 1930
BowerJoseph born about 1928
BowerMarie born about 1904
BowersWilliam born about 1888
BoxtonLodger born about 1883
BoyceHannah Eborn about 1858
BraninElizabeth born about 1870
BreadyFlorence born about 1887
BrewerEllen Elizabethborn about 1893
BrewerRobert W Aborn about 1878
BriggsAnn born about 1937
BriggsJim born about 1905
BriggsMay born about 1934
BriggsMuriel born about 1932
BriggsNellie born about 1897
BrownAndrew Vborn about 1876
BrownCharles born about 1912
BrownElsie born about 1885
BrownG Tanceborn about 1885
BrownGeorge Lborn about 1914
BrownHelena born about 1911
BrownIda Mborn about 1876
BrownMadge Pborn about 1892
BrownNadine born about 1935
BrownWalter Eborn about 1883
BrownZara born about 1937
BrumnerMabel born about 1875
BryanMary Aborn about 1897
BryanWilliam Hborn about 1897
BuccelloFanney born about 1919
BuckmanAnna Eborn about 1864
BurkardEllen born about 1915
BurkardFrank born about 1916
BurnettBoyd Sborn about 1898
BurnettKathryn born about 1900
BuzbyA Virginiaborn about 1898
ByrnesDorothy Cborn about 1895
ByrnesRobert Hborn about 1882

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C Surnames

CaldwellDavid born about 1907
CaldwellDavid Rborn about 1939
CaldwellFlorence born about 1918
CaldwellGeorge born about 1913
CaldwellLillie born about 1911
CaldwellRonald born about 1928
CalvertAlexander born about 1884
CalvertEdith Mborn about 1890
CalvertElenor Eborn about 1920
CalvertJean Crollborn about 1924
CampbellAgnes born about 1906
CampoliDomenico born about 1884
CampoliJosephine born about 1930
CampoliLaurence born about 1909
CampoliLucille born about 1907
CampoliMarcelene born about 1925
CampoliMargret born about 1932
CampoliMary born about 1887
CampoliPhilomene born about 1921
CampoliTheresa born about 1923
CampoliVirginia born about 1915
CareDelphine born about 1900
CareLawrence born about 1898
CarlinFlorence born about 1871
CarlinJames Wborn about 1866
CarmichaelDuncan born about 1906
CarmichaelDuncan born about 1931
CarmichaelElmyra born about 1900
CarnellIrene born about 1914
CarrFrank Vborn about 1873
CartrightElizabeth born about 1922
CataldoAdeline born about 1906
CataldoAdeline born about 1934
CataldoAnthony born about 1932
CataldoFeleice Aborn about 1922
CataldoJoseph born about 1896
CataldoJoseph Pborn about 1920
CataldoLucey born about 1927
CataldoMargret born about 1929
CattoCatherine born about 1874
CattoJohn born about 1870
CharlesAaron born about 1895
CharlesJanet born about 1931
CharlesLe Royborn about 1926
CharlesMargret born about 1892
CharlesMargret born about 1923
CharlesWilliam born about 1918
ChestnutMargret Lborn about 1879
ChestnutMary Aborn about 1884
ClapierClara Mborn about 1936
ClapierE Raymondborn about 1897
ClapierJoan Mborn about 1933
ClapierMary Eborn about 1905
ClapierRalph Eborn about 1935
ClarkMollie Fborn about 1868
ClarksonElizabeth born about 1913
ClarksonJames born about 1909
ClaytonC Saymourborn about 1869
ClaytonFrances Jborn about 1871
ClintonAnna born about 1902
ClintonJames born about 1897
ClintonRobert born about 1924
CoffeyFrank born about 1903
CoffeyFrank born about 1936
CoffeyJoanne born about 1939
CoffeyMary born about 1907
CoffeyRosemary born about 1936
CoffinGeorge born about 1904
CoffinJames P Seborn about 1880
CoffinKatherine born about 1883
CoffinRoscoe born about 1910
ColemanAlexander born about 1901
ColemanFredelia born about 1901
CommennWalley born about 1915
ConnerErma Bborn about 1901
ConnerJr Wilson Bborn about 1923
ConnerWilson Bborn about 1899
CorriganFrances born about 1930
CorriganFrank born about 1904
CorriganJohn born about 1939
CorriganMargret born about 1928
CorriganMarie born about 1907
CrestCalvin Paulborn about 1930
CrestCarl Rborn about 1925
CrestCharles born about 1888
CrestHelma Rborn about 1921
CrestRose born about 1900
CronlundElizabeth born about 1915
CronlundEmil Mborn about 1878
CronlundMary Sborn about 1882
CrowBertha Dborn about 1912
CrowNellie Aborn about 1882
CullenAlbert born about 1900
CullenBarbar born about 1940
CullenJessie Vborn about 1898
CullenRichard born about 1932

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D Surnames

DaeringAndrew born about 1913
DaeringMargret born about 1914
DairsF Jacksonborn about 1913
DairsGrant born about 1938
DairsJanet born about 1937
DairsVernus born about 1917
DanenbergerAlvin born about 1924
DanenbergerBertha born about 1893
DanenbergerCaroline born about 1931
DanenbergerCatherine born about 1920
DanenbergerElaine born about 1932
DanenbergerEleanor born about 1919
DanenbergerElmer born about 1883
DanenbergerElmer Jr born about 1923
DanenbergerJean born about 1928
DanenbergerJohn born about 1917
DanenbergerJune born about 1934
DanenbergerLolita born about 1922
DarrettFranklyn born about 1932
DarrettIsac Mborn about 1902
DarrettMildred Yborn about 1902
DaviesElliot Mborn about 1928
DaviesHerbert Wborn about 1925
DaviesJay Cborn about 1927
DaviesJohn Gborn about 1921
DaviesJohn Wborn about 1897
DaviesPhilip Tborn about 1924
DaviesSophie born about 1899
DavisAnna Lborn about 1863
DavisAuthor born about 1861
DavisDa Sallieborn about 1866
DavisElizabeth born about 1865
DavisEva Cborn about 1889
DavisEvan Bborn about 1914
DavisH Sheldonborn about 1912
DavisJennie Mborn about 1858
DavisWilliam Sborn about 1884
DeflaviesAnna born about 1904
DeflaviesGeorge Sborn about 1923
DeflaviesNatale born about 1896
DererLena born about 1881
DererWilliam born about 1899
DeshieldGrace born about 1918
DeshieldJr Williamborn about 1936
DeshieldMarie born about 1939
DeshieldWilliam born about 1916
DeshieldYvonne born about 1938
DevoeGrace born about 1885
DevoeLouis born about 1885
DichlIda born about 1911
DichlKathryn born about 1939
DiehlOliver born about 1857
DiehlSarah Hborn about 1861
DilworthEdocia born about 1898
DiquiPierena born about 1880
DiquiRocco born about 1887
DoaneMalinda born about 1906
DoaneMary born about 1925
DoaneWashington born about 1911
DoerrCharlotte Lborn about 1895
DoerrHerbert Eborn about 1900
DoerrJane born about 1922
DoerrJr Herbert Eborn about 1918
DomenjezAlice born about 1887
DomenjezLouis born about 1881
DoronnanCharles born about 1909
DoronnanLucile born about 1909
DorseyLester born about 1915
DostErma born about 1905
DostHoward born about 1905
DoughertyCarrie Eborn about 1891
DoughertyMarion Fborn about 1916
DoughertyWilliam Eborn about 1908
DoughteryVictoria born about 1897
DoyleMary Sborn about 1870
DriscollAlice born about 1928
DriscollAnn born about 1926
DueringEgar Hborn about 1901
DueringHenry born about 1864
DueringMarie born about 1867

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E Surnames

EdwardsEleanor Cborn about 1902
EdwardsWilliam Hborn about 1929
EhertOra Mborn about 1893
EichlerBetty born about 1927
EichlerFrank born about 1885
EichlerMary born about 1884
ElfgrenJosta born about 1905
ElkimCarolyn Downesborn about 1940
ElkimElizabeth Dborn about 1918
ElkimElizabeth Downesborn about 1938
ElkimGeorge W Jrborn about 1915
ElkinsGeorge Wborn about 1886
ElkinsNatalie born about 1887
ElliottEmma Rborn about 1885
ElliottRalph born about 1892
EllisAuthor born about 1868
ElyHarry Dborn about 1873
ElyMary Wborn about 1895
ElyMertle born about 1900
EnglenoyerCharlate Fborn about 1910
EnglenoyerWilliam born about 1937
EnglenoyerWilliam Fborn about 1907
ErbHarvey born about 1897
ErbJames born about 1932
ErbJoan born about 1938
ErbJr Harveyborn about 1930
ErbMarion born about 1911
ErbWilliam born about 1934
ErvingGeorge A Jrborn about 1914
ErvingThelma born about 1919
EvansAlbert Edwardborn about 1880
EvansNewton born about 1862
EwaldEvelyn born about 1894
EwaldJohn born about 1922
EwaldLouis born about 1892
EwaldThomas born about 1930

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F Surnames

FauntleroyAde born about 1891
FedrickhHerman born about 1869
FeidtJ Thorpeborn about 1908
FeidtPriscilla Wborn about 1906
FellenzBarbara born about 1926
FellenzFrank born about 1894
FellenzFrank born about 1920
FellenzJacob born about 1928
FellenzJosephine born about 1896
FellenzJosephine born about 1923
FellenzNicholas born about 1919
FellenzPete born about 1930
FernandezHilda born about 1904
FernandezManuel born about 1904
FesmireAda born about 1923
FesmireBetty born about 1925
FesmireChester born about 1928
FesmireE Arolborn about 1915
FesmireEarnest born about 1909
FesmireEdna born about 1909
FesmireIda Hborn about 1890
FesmireJean born about 1926
FesmireLaura Tborn about 1913
FesmireMarion born about 1934
FesmireMary Eborn about 1885
FesmireP Russellborn about 1883
FesmirePeter Rborn about 1912
FesmireT Williamborn about 1890
FesmireWarren born about 1926
FewtrellElizabeth born about 1932
FewtrellGeorge born about 1899
FewtrellGeorge born about 1937
FewtrellMary born about 1911
FineDorothy born about 1925
FinnEva Lborn about 1898
FinnHarry Bborn about 1899
FinnJoan born about 1924
FinnValerie born about 1928
FischerAlbert born about 1926
FischerCarol born about 1918
FischerFrieda born about 1906
FischerMay born about 1894
FischerOscer born about 1886
FischerWilliam born about 1893
FischerWilliam born about 1904
FlackElenaor born about 1911
FlackGeorge born about 1911
FlackJane born about 1937
FlackRobert born about 1935
FlahertyPatrick born about 1877
FlahertySabine born about 1875
FosterFred born about 1908
FosterHattie born about 1914
FosterPatricia born about 1938
FreemanJay born about 1889
FreemanRena born about 1902
FreemanVivian born about 1925
FriedrickAdam born about 1908
FriedrickAdams born about 1871
FriedrickEmma born about 1905
FriedrickG Williamborn about 1892
FriedrickIsabel born about 1900
FriedrickJohn Aborn about 1917
FriedrickLouisa born about 1898
FriedrickLouisa born about 1939
FriedrickMarion Eborn about 1892
FriedrickRuth Eborn about 1923
FriedrickSarah born about 1911
Fritz3Rd John Hborn about 1940
FritzAdrian born about 1913
FritzBetty Lborn about 1926
FritzHildale Jr John Hborn about 1918
FritzMaude Tborn about 1873
FritzSamuel born about 1866
FullmoreElezabeth born about 1861
FullmoreMiller Fborn about 1855

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G Surnames

GambleHanna born about 1857
GeglerElizabeth Aborn about 1910
GeglerHenry born about 1903
GeglerHenry Sborn about 1939
GehringCharles Gborn about 1930
GehringDonald Eborn about 1934
GehringGeorge Pborn about 1900
GehringIda Kborn about 1898
GeigerAuther born about 1919
GeigerEvelyn born about 1931
GeigerFlorence born about 1925
GeigerGeneive born about 1927
GeigerHelen born about 1923
GeigerJoan born about 1935
GeigerLouis born about 1918
GeigerRobert born about 1934
GeigerSylvia born about 1898
GeigerWilson born about 1897
GeigerWilson Jr born about 1928
GentschDorothy Mborn about 1897
GentschFredericka born about 1862
GentschUloica born about 1895
GenzlingerBoyce born about 1928
GenzlingerGusten born about 1895
GenzlingerIrene born about 1895
GenzlingerRobert born about 1921
GenzlingerVance born about 1930
GlennDebra Annborn about 1937
GlennDorothea born about 1909
GlennGloria Jborn about 1939
GlennHelen born about 1919
GlennJeryl Bornborn about 1940
GlennLawrence born about 1913
GlennPeter Kborn about 1940
GlennRobert born about 1914
GlennRobyn born about 1934
GlennViolia born about 1892
GlennWalter Jborn about 1906
GlennWilliam Cborn about 1892
GlennWilliam Jr born about 1925
GlennWilma born about 1918
GnattFlorence born about 1904
GnattJohn born about 1921
GnattRaymond born about 1896
GnattWilliam born about 1924
GoodavageElizabeth born about 1902
GoodavageJoseph Vborn about 1894
GoodrichEdwin Aborn about 1899
GoodrichGrace Aborn about 1928
GoodrichJane Aborn about 1930
GoodrichMargret born about 1901
GoodrichMary Aborn about 1927
GoodrichRuth Aborn about 1929
GoosheusNancey Louiseborn about 1916
GoosheusVictor Jr born about 1909
GranesClaire born about 1930
GranesEdgar born about 1895
GranesEdgar born about 1921
GranesJoan born about 1933
GranesJohn born about 1925
GranesMary born about 1920
GranesMay born about 1896
GrayCarrie Cborn about 1867
GrayGeorge born about 1866
GraytonLeroy Mborn about 1921
GreenawaltAmelia born about 1881
GreenawaltEthel Mborn about 1916
GreenawaltWayne Eborn about 1917
GreyJosephine born about 1865
GribbelJohn 2Nd born about 1917
GribbelJohn 3Rd born about 1939
GribbelNattalle born about 1918
GrieneMary born about 1885
Grotzinger born about 1887
GrotzingerHermann born about 1887
GrotzingerPaul Johnborn about 1919
GrundeyElsie born about 1890
GrundeyFrank born about 1890
GuardElizabeth born about 1876

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H Surnames

HaacNell Tborn about 1890
HaacNorman born about 1891
HaffnerAdolph born about 1908
HaiterGrace born about 1880
HaiterWilliam Cborn about 1890
HallowellAnna Wborn about 1895
HallowellGeorge Bborn about 1892
HallowellIsrael born about 1863
HallowellJr George Bborn about 1922
HallowellRuth Aborn about 1867
HaltonMargaret born about 1888
HamillerKatherine born about 1917
HamillerWilliam F Jrborn about 1913
HammonJohn born about 1909
HammonMary born about 1908
HannsElwood Gborn about 1900
HannsElwood Gborn about 1930
HannsFlorence born about 1903
HannsFlorence Mborn about 1921
HannsMargaret Aborn about 1928
HarnishElla Mayborn about 1881
HarnishEmma born about 1910
HarnishGilbert born about 1909
HarnishHoward born about 1914
HaslamClara Bborn about 1886
HaslamRobert Sborn about 1886
HasliuVirginia born about 1923
HastingsMargret born about 1919
HeatonClara born about 1875
HeatonGrant born about 1872
HebbsMaura Mborn about 1857
HeebnerSusan born about 1875
HegelandDonald born about 1929
HegelandJessie born about 1898
HegelandJustus Mborn about 1896
HegelandMarie born about 1923
HegelandTustus born about 1927
HendersonCharlotte born about 1895
HendersonForrest born about 1906
HendersonLaura born about 1908
HerbLaura born about 1905
HerbLouis born about 1928
HeringAnna Mborn about 1910
HeringMilton born about 1909
HeringRichard Mborn about 1936
HerrittAlfred Pborn about 1884
HerrittHelen born about 1920
HerrittMinna born about 1884
HerrittOlga born about 1911
HervingFred Mborn about 1932
HervingFred Wborn about 1885
HervingHarriet Eborn about 1909
HervingRuth Eborn about 1928
HewittElizabeth born about 1931
HewittMary Iborn about 1902
HewittRobert Hborn about 1903
HewittRobert Wborn about 1930
HillEthel born about 1937
HillHelen born about 1932
HillJoseph Earlborn about 1882
HillLilian born about 1893
HillLillian born about 1902
HillMajorie born about 1933
HillNorman born about 1901
HillNorman born about 1927
HillRobert born about 1935
HillRoy born about 1930
HillSarah born about 1925
HillStanley born about 1906
HillWilliam born about 1934
HindsGeorge born about 1921
HindsGeorge Oborn about 1886
HindsHelen born about 1922
HindsHenrietta born about 1897
HindsRobert born about 1924
HindsStanley born about 1921
HoffeckerEdward Jborn about 1915
HoffeckerLenna born about 1915
HoffeckerRosemary born about 1940
HokeFranklyn born about 1896
HokeMartha born about 1897
HokeNancy Bborn about 1930
HollowellHenry Wborn about 1919
HollowellMarrian Dborn about 1895
HoltCharles Cborn about 1938
HoltCharles Tborn about 1898
HoltEleanor born about 1939
HoltGenevieve born about 1912
HoltJesse born about 1869
HoltKatharine Cborn about 1866
HomillerStella Mborn about 1888
HomillerWilliam born about 1880
HooverBeatrice Iborn about 1920
HooverClayton born about 1885
HooverEdna born about 1885
HopkinsHelen Bborn about 1897
HopkinsJr William Gborn about 1930
HopkinsLewis Cborn about 1898
HopkinsR Stocktonborn about 1924
HorlatcherBeverley born about 1917
HorlatcherHarry born about 1895
HorlatcherLaura born about 1893
HornChella born about 1900
HornForrest born about 1895
HornVirginia born about 1933
HowardElizabeth born about 1921
HowardKatherine born about 1919
HowardMargret born about 1923
HowardMary born about 1917
HowardPhilip born about 1928
HowardSolange born about 1886
HowardWilfred born about 1887
HummelJeanne born about 1921
HummelLillian Eborn about 1890
HummelRaymond born about 1890
HuostCharles born about 1882
HuostCharles Jr born about 1918
HuostRobert born about 1922
HuostSegrid born about 1892
HuostWilliam born about 1915
HurleyBertha born about 1901
HutchinsAnna Marieborn about 1913
HutchinsBillie born about 1934
HutchinsCharles Sborn about 1915
HutchinsEmma Cborn about 1878
HutchinsEmma Jborn about 1918
HutchinsHerbert born about 1920
HutchinsJacob Walterborn about 1940
HutchinsLaura Jborn about 1904
HutchinsMajorie Eborn about 1923
HutchinsMargret Lborn about 1917
HutchinsWalter Fborn about 1877
HutchinsWilliam born about 1904
HutchinsWoodrow born about 1913
HutchinsWoodrow Jr born about 1938
HynesEleanor born about 1910
HynesSusan Aborn about 1936
HynesSusan Bborn about 1938
HynesWilliam born about 1900

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I Surnames

IungerichHelene born about 1878
IvinsGladys Mborn about 1885
IvinsMarle born about 1924
IvinsRobert born about 1885
IvinsVerna born about 1926

J Surnames

JacobiEdward born about 1908
JacobiEdward born about 1939
JacobiSophie born about 1912
JalandrayJulian born about 1894
JarrettFranklin Hborn about 1865
JarrettLilian Sborn about 1875
JefferiesChester born about 1924
JefferiesEdward born about 1915
JefferiesMildred born about 1920
JefferiesOzzie born about 1894
JeffriesAnna born about 1890
JeffriesIola born about 1918
JeffriesJames born about 1886
JeffriesJames Jr born about 1916
JeffriesJannetti born about 1923
JerylJerald born about 1933
JesterDavid Jr born about 1900
JesterMarguerite Bborn about 1908
JohnsonAlbert born about 1870
JohnsonCarl born about 1910
JohnsonCora born about 1928
JohnsonDorothy born about 1921
JohnsonEdna Mborn about 1896
JohnsonEdward born about 1903
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1923
JohnsonEthel born about 1905
JohnsonHelen Tborn about 1886
JohnsonHerbert born about 1879
JohnsonHerbert Mborn about 1900
JohnsonJoyce Mborn about 1928
JohnsonJr Williamborn about 1917
JohnsonLucille born about 1908
JohnsonMargaret born about 1881
JohnsonMargret born about 1926
JohnsonMary born about 1872
JohnsonWilliam born about 1882
JonesAgnes Eborn about 1903
JonesElmer Sborn about 1903
JonesElmer S Jrborn about 1930
JonesHarold born about 1921
JonesRichard Aborn about 1935
JonesWilliam Rborn about 1935

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K Surnames

KaneMary born about 1911
KershawAlice born about 1913
KershawEdith Eborn about 1921
KershawEdna born about 1925
KershawGrace born about 1923
KershawJames born about 1892
KershawJames born about 1913
KershawJames Jr born about 1937
KershawNellie Eborn about 1891
KeutschEthel born about 1908
KeutschNicholas born about 1887
KingCharles born about 1905
KingJr Charles Hborn about 1938
KingMary Anneborn about 1939
KingMary Tborn about 1907
KnottAlbert born about 1906
KnottAnna born about 1906
KnottFrances Jborn about 1929
KochHerbert born about 1908
KruppDorothy Mborn about 1909
KruppLouise Mborn about 1878
KruppMarie Louiseborn about 1938

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L Surnames

LapperHerbert Fborn about 1889
LapperSarah Aborn about 1880
LaySabina born about 1878
LeeOscer born about 1913
LeedomElla Mborn about 1868
LeedomH Bentonborn about 1866
LeedomHarry B Jrborn about 1896
LeedomMabel Vborn about 1900
LeedomPhea Aborn about 1926
LeedomVerna Jborn about 1932
LeggettIsaiah born about 1923
LeggieriCecilia Mborn about 1914
LeggieriJoseph born about 1939
LeggieriPeter born about 1916
LenhartAudrey born about 1921
LenhartGladys born about 1920
LenhartGordon born about 1940
LenhartMartha born about 1901
LenhartMorris born about 1897
LenhartThelma born about 1924
LennonEdward born about 1881
LennonNellie born about 1883
LeroyElla Mayborn about 1937
LeroyGertude born about 1906
LeroyGrace born about 1934
LeroyJr Morrisborn about 1939
LeroyMaurice born about 1935
LeroyMorris born about 1899
LewisSarah born about 1903
LewisTheodore born about 1902
LieboldAlfred Pborn about 1906
LieboldAmelia born about 1907
LieboldPaul born about 1931
LindsayEmma Rborn about 1891
LindsayHarold Nborn about 1892
LockhartHazel Cborn about 1890
LockhartJr Allen Bborn about 1905
LockheadHazel Cborn about 1890
LockheadJr Allen Bborn about 1905
LodgeEdith born about 1908
LodgeGladys born about 1931
LodgeHarriet born about 1938
LodgeHorace born about 1903
LodgeHorace Jr born about 1925
LodgeWilliam born about 1933
LodgeoEdith born about 1908
LodgeoGladys born about 1931
LodgeoHarriet born about 1938
LodgeoHorace born about 1903
LodgeoHorace Jr born about 1925
LodgeoWilliam born about 1933
LodgerMarie born about 1916
LodgesMarie born about 1916
LoganEva Wborn about 1883
LoganJohn Kborn about 1873
LoganaEva Wborn about 1883
LoganaJohn Kborn about 1873
LoweChristine Sborn about 1898
LowekeChristine Sborn about 1898
LucasAnna born about 1914
LucasGeorge born about 1895
LucasJennie Cborn about 1885
LucasMaggie born about 1902
LucasPhillip born about 1851
LucashAnna born about 1914
LucashGeorge born about 1895
LucashJennie Cborn about 1885
LucashMaggie born about 1902
LucashPhillip born about 1851
LymanAlthea Mborn about 1928
LymanEvangeline born about 1930
LymanMiriam born about 1934
LymberAlthea Mborn about 1928
LymberEvangeline born about 1930
LymberMiriam born about 1934

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M Surnames

MacdonaldAnna born about 1929
MacdonaldJames born about 1925
MacdonaldMary born about 1898
MacdonaldMary Jborn about 1938
MacdonaldPeter born about 1897
Macfarland3Rd Walter Gborn about 1924
MacfarlandAnne born about 1918
MacfarlandJr Walterborn about 1884
MacfarlandLillian born about 1884
MacmullenLouise born about 1899
MacmurtieGeorge born about 1899
MacmurtieIrene born about 1906
MacmurtieJean born about 1932
MakerBeatrice born about 1915
MakerFrancis born about 1907
MaloneMargaret born about 1877
MalschDelia born about 1892
MalschEllen born about 1920
MarcellusEdith born about 1926
MarcellusIda born about 1937
MarcellusLouise born about 1905
MarcellusRoger born about 1928
MarcellusVergil born about 1906
MarcellusVictor born about 1932
MarkleyAnn born about 1871
MarkleyAnna Mayborn about 1904
MarkleyBlanche born about 1888
MarkleyElias born about 1882
MarkleyHorace born about 1887
MarkleyKeneth Cborn about 1901
MarkleyLillian born about 1904
MarkleyMary born about 1876
MarkleyMary born about 1928
MarkleyOswald born about 1868
MarkleyRuth Eborn about 1920
MartellJ Kingsleyborn about 1903
MartellLorrine Cborn about 1903
MartinIda born about 1865
MartinJ Harryborn about 1894
MartinsBernice born about 1904
MartinsPaul Gborn about 1894
MasonAuthor Hborn about 1900
MasonClara Mborn about 1878
MasonEmma Rborn about 1906
MayerMary Eborn about 1887
McCormickGoodeoham born about 1900
McCormickIrene born about 1918
McCormickJennie born about 1879
McCormickWalter Fborn about 1922
McCormickWilliam born about 1906
McDonaldHersthel born about 1908
McDonaldIrene born about 1921
McFarlandElizabeth born about 1919
McFarlandMalcolm born about 1915
McHughClara born about 1891
McHughJack born about 1920
McHughJohn born about 1897
McKeownHelen Mborn about 1902
McKeownJoanne born about 1935
McKeownJr James Jborn about 1933
McKeownStephen Gborn about 1934
McKnightAdeline Tborn about 1884
McKnightAmelia born about 1908
McKnightAuthor born about 1908
McKnightAuthor born about 1933
McKnightDoris born about 1931
McKnightRobert Jborn about 1881
McMahonGeorge born about 1873
McMahonJoie Fborn about 1874
McMahonJosephine born about 1907
McOwenCatherine born about 1884
McOwenEdward born about 1927
McOwenEleanor born about 1923
McOwenJane Cborn about 1867
McOwenLeo Jborn about 1893
McOwenMary born about 1921
MeckEuphemia born about 1868
MeisterCarl Jborn about 1906
MeisterCarl K Jrborn about 1935
MeisterEmma born about 1905
MeisterMargaret born about 1878
MeisterMargaret Kborn about 1930
MesinaIda born about 1899
MesinaSailo born about 1893
MessinaCarl born about 1931
MessinaCatherine born about 1908
MessinaJoseph born about 1896
MessinaJosephine born about 1926
MessinaJr Josephborn about 1930
MessinaLeonard born about 1938
MessinaMark Anthonyborn about 1900
MessinaMary born about 1905
MessinaPauline born about 1931
MessinaThomas born about 1932
MetrowEdward born about 1911
MillerAnna Maeborn about 1909
MillerFrank Mborn about 1928
MillerGeorge Mborn about 1936
MillerHarry Vborn about 1901
MillerJohn Wborn about 1880
MillerMary born about 1909
MillerPauline Fborn about 1890
MillerRobert Aborn about 1906
MillerSydne born about 1921
MontangeRalph born about 1893
MontangeRochel born about 1899
MontangeVirginia born about 1939
MontrelloAlice born about 1924
MontrelloEmily born about 1927
MontrelloEster born about 1918
MontrelloJosephine born about 1926
MontrelloMary born about 1920
MontrelloPauline born about 1899
MontrelloSamuel born about 1888
MontrelloTheodore born about 1928
MontrelloVincent born about 1921
MoroErlma born about 1920
MoroLuciana born about 1914
MorrisAda born about 1881
MorrisIda born about 1891
MurpheyJames born about 1904
MurpheyMary born about 1870
MurpheyThomas born about 1867
MurpheyThomas Jr born about 1898
MurphyTimothy born about 1884
MurrayJean Eborn about 1936
MurrayLenore Tborn about 1919
MurrayR Clydeborn about 1920
MurrayRaymond Cborn about 1919
MurryJohn born about 1915
MuthEugene born about 1909
MuthHerbert Cborn about 1936
MuthHerberta born about 1909
MuthJr Eugeneborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaloneyCharlotte born about 1897
NaloneyDaniel born about 1922
NaloneyFranklin Jborn about 1900
NelsonHannah born about 1871
NiemeyerHelen born about 1903
NiemeyerHelen Bborn about 1910
NiemeyerWilliam born about 1886
NiemeyerWilliam Jr born about 1914
NobleAnne Eborn about 1883
NobleDonald Hborn about 1882
NofodIrene born about 1900
NofodJoan born about 1930
NofodLois born about 1934
NofodOtto born about 1895
NylandHerman born about 1907
NylandIrene born about 1902
NylandRobert born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdhnerLina born about 1907
OdhnerRay born about 1907
OidsCharles Lborn about 1870
OidsJoanahan born about 1924
OidsJocelyn born about 1922
OldroydE Willardborn about 1920
OldroydFredda born about 1898
OldroydFrederick born about 1893
OldroydJanet Lborn about 1930
OldroydJohn Tborn about 1918
Oneill3Rd William Cborn about 1924
OneillHoward Tborn about 1930
OneillJean Bellborn about 1927
OneillJr William Cborn about 1891
OneillKathleen born about 1922
OneillLillian born about 1918
OneillMildred Tborn about 1893
OsborneHugh born about 1873
OsborneMargret born about 1881
OsborneMargret Cborn about 1917
OswaldFlorence born about 1920
OswaldMadalene born about 1894
OswaldPaul Eborn about 1893
OswaldWayne Gborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PageHarry Cborn about 1939
PageHazel Lborn about 1937
PageJr William Tborn about 1935
PageLockhart Cborn about 1910
PageWilliam Tborn about 1910
PalmerLucia born about 1881
PalmerPhilip born about 1875
PalmerPhilip born about 1919
PalopoliAnthony born about 1924
PalopoliJames born about 1888
PalopoliJames Jborn about 1938
PalopoliMadelina born about 1929
PalopoliMarie born about 1896
PalopoliNicolina born about 1922
PalopoliTeresa born about 1919
PalopoliVictoria born about 1917
PancariAnna born about 1920
PareyAnna born about 1857
PartridgeFredrick born about 1908
PartridgeHelen born about 1902
PartridgeHerbert Tborn about 1883
PartridgeMargret born about 1884
PartridgeWilliam born about 1904
PastoreAlbert born about 1922
PastoreEdward born about 1929
PastoreJosephine born about 1919
PastoreMary born about 1894
PastoreNicholas born about 1924
PastoreVincent born about 1926
PastoveFrank born about 1886
PeckBetsy Annborn about 1925
PeckFranklyn Sborn about 1919
PeckJ Raymondborn about 1888
PeckJames Newtonborn about 1919
PeckMarjorie Lyonborn about 1888
PeifferAllen Lborn about 1913
PeifferEvelyn Hborn about 1914
PerdueEmma born about 1886
PerkinsLeslie born about 1898
PfahlElizabeth born about 1918
PhilipsCarmelia born about 1923
PhilipsJames Rborn about 1915
PhilipsJames Jr born about 1938
PhilipsLucey born about 1916
PhillipClarice born about 1905
PhillipEdgar born about 1904
PiersonAdel born about 1891
PilkingtonEmily born about 1868
PleasantRobert born about 1918
PletcherCaroline born about 1912
PletcherDoroth Mborn about 1930
PletcherEffie born about 1882
PletcherFredrick born about 1870
PletcherGail born about 1939
PletcherGwendellyn born about 1934
PletcherHarry Fborn about 1929
PletcherHarry Nborn about 1905
PletcherMariam born about 1931
PletcherMarie Dborn about 1901
PletcherRichard born about 1935
PletcherRobert born about 1932
PletcherRussell born about 1909
PorterAlvina born about 1936
PorterElizabeth born about 1937
PorterHelen born about 1901
PorterRuth born about 1939
PorterThomas born about 1908
PorterThomas Jr born about 1934
PoschJoseph born about 1924
PrescottEtta born about 1916
PriceInez born about 1927
PriceWaverly born about 1908
PropertElaine born about 1935
PropertElmer born about 1933
PropertHenry Jborn about 1906
PropertMary Cborn about 1910
PropertPhyllis born about 1935
PurnellCharles born about 1880
PurnellMarrie Aborn about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaglinAgnus born about 1923
RaglinJohn born about 1900
RaglinMarie born about 1900
RaglinPhilip born about 1924
RamsonClevand born about 1886
RawleyIsabel born about 1910
RedmileMary born about 1877
RedmileThomas born about 1912
RedmileWilliam born about 1872
ReedCharles born about 1908
ReevesLloyd born about 1905
ReevesLloyd Jr born about 1931
ReevesNattalie born about 1935
ReevesStella Eborn about 1910
ReevesStella Eborn about 1933
RennAnn born about 1915
RennGarrett born about 1913
RentzAnna born about 1894
RentzFrank born about 1911
RentzFrank 3Rd born about 1937
RentzGrace Aborn about 1938
RentzHilda born about 1917
ReyanMargret Cborn about 1877
RhoadsC Brewsterborn about 1893
RhoadsC Brewster Jrborn about 1924
RhoadsFred Ric Pborn about 1921
RhoadsMargaret Gborn about 1926
RhoadsPriscilla Sborn about 1902
RhoadsSam born about
RhodesAllen Gborn about 1908
RhodesCatherine born about 1911
RiceIrving born about 1911
RiceKathryn born about 1912
RidgewayAlice Eborn about 1918
RidgewayAlice Hborn about 1894
RidgewayBeatrice Dborn about 1920
RidgewayRichard born about 1925
RidgewayWilliam born about 1893
RidgewayWilliam D Jrborn about 1924
RobertsDaisy Wborn about 1903
RobertsElizabeth Annborn about 1935
RobertsWilliam Hborn about 1931
RobertsWilliam Mborn about 1905
Roden3Rd Lincolonborn about 1931
RodenAnne born about 1908
RodenJr Lincolonborn about 1898
RodenKatherine born about 1932
RodenMarie born about 1914
RolinsonBertha Mborn about 1869
RosenbergerJean born about 1898
RosenbergerRoscoe born about 1898
RosenquistInfa born about 1937
RosenquistPelle born about 1933
RosenquistSiri born about 1904
RosenquistVictor born about 1903
RoufMargret born about 1888
RowandBenjamin born about 1878
RumpfAnna born about 1921
RumpfRaymond born about 1916
RussellAlice Mborn about 1893
RussellLovania born about 1869
RyanJohn born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SachsenmaierEdith Mborn about 1906
SachsenmaierWarren born about 1907
SachsenmaierWarren Jr born about 1940
SaintBenjamin born about 1928
SaintDaniel born about 1915
SaintDavid born about 1916
SaintKatherine Aborn about 1885
SaintLawrence born about 1885
SaintNathanael born about 1924
SaintRachel Bborn about 1914
SaintStephen born about 1919
SaundersJennie Cborn about 1870
SayersEdward Cborn about 1893
SayersMaud Lborn about 1890
SayersMina Cborn about 1897
SayersWilhelmina born about 1868
SchilbergMarie born about 1861
SchmidtDorothy born about 1915
SchmidtEdith born about 1915
SchmidtEdward Jborn about 1886
SchmidtEdward Rborn about 1912
SchmidtLaura born about 1878
SchmidtRuth Annborn about 1929
SchnarrAuther born about 1898
SchnarrDonald born about 1925
SchnarrElaine born about 1930
SchnarrElizabeth born about 1924
SchnarrKathleen born about 1921
SchnarrRonald born about 1925
SchnarrVida born about 1898
SchnarrWillard born about 1922
SchoellWilliam Fborn about 1870
SchottHelen born about 1930
SchottKatherine born about 1937
SchottMargret born about 1905
SchottMargret born about 1927
SchottMary born about 1926
SchottRoy born about 1899
SchroederAlbert Fborn about 1881
SchroederJr Albert Fborn about 1913
SchroederMinerva Jborn about 1885
SchultzElwood Pborn about 1933
SchultzHans Eborn about 1892
SchultzHoward Eborn about 1928
SchultzMargaret Bborn about 1931
SchultzMary Jborn about 1898
SchultzeEdith born about 1893
SchultzeElvira born about 1927
SchultzeHerbert born about 1928
SennerGeorge born about 1908
SennerPearl born about 1908
SevernsNorman born about 1921
ShelmireC Raymond Jrborn about 1929
ShelmireClarence born about 1900
ShelmireGrace Aborn about 1903
ShelmireSpencer Dborn about 1939
ShephardFlorence Vborn about 1897
ShephardSamuel born about 1896
ShumanConstance born about 1902
ShumanEarl Aborn about 1908
ShumanMary Lborn about 1927
ShumanRobert born about 1924
SiplerHorace Cborn about 1895
SiplerJennie Jborn about 1873
SiplerMargret Aborn about 1892
SladeJohn Bborn about 1915
SladeLillian Mborn about 1917
SlaybaughCarl born about 1909
SluggCarrie Sborn about 1869
SmithA Mortonborn about 1915
SmithBene Eborn about 1919
SmithClare born about 1902
SmithDavid born about 1935
SmithDavid Eborn about 1864
SmithElva Bborn about 1888
SmithGeorge Lborn about 1923
SmithHerman Rborn about 1919
SmithJr George Eborn about 1910
SmithJr Williamborn about 1927
SmithMargaret born about 1914
SmithMargret Eborn about 1899
SmithMary Fborn about 1872
SmithNellie born about 1907
SmithNora Sborn about 1920
SmithRobert Wborn about 1939
SmithRupert Hborn about 1871
SmithRuth born about 1910
SmithSilas born about 1900
SmithSpencer Aborn about 1929
SmithWilliam Bborn about 1895
SnellGeorge born about 1854
SnellMaggie born about 1865
SnyderBlanche Eborn about 1874
SnyderElizabeth born about 1914
SnyderFrank born about 1909
SnyderSarah Lborn about 1859
SomersJohn Tborn about 1881
SomersMarion Dborn about 1882
SomersRaymond Hborn about 1923
SomersRuth Aborn about 1912
SoperAndrew born about 1925
SoperBertha born about 1899
SoperEdmund born about 1921
SoperHarry born about 1899
SoperHarry born about 1919
SoperLeona born about 1934
SpoerlJohn Zborn about 1871
SpoerlMirtle born about 1900
SpoerlMyrma born about 1924
SprisslerAlfred born about 1902
SprisslerEster born about 1903
StahlBarbara born about 1886
StahlBarbara born about 1916
StahlEmil Pborn about 1884
StahlEmil Jr born about 1924
StahlGeorge born about 1939
StahlMinnie born about 1911
StahlPaul born about 1937
StahlPaul Johnborn about 1910
StalfordChristina born about 1877
StalfordJoseph Lborn about 1877
StalfordStanley born about 1915
StankeyCollene born about 1907
StaplerFrank born about 1907
StaplerJean Fborn about 1933
StaplerJosephine born about 1907
StarkSue born about 1917
SteebDorothy Bborn about 1899
SteebDorothy Dborn about 1923
SteebE Forrestborn about 1929
SteebHarry Jborn about 1899
SteinourEdgar Dborn about 1911
SteinourGeorge born about 1906
SteinourGeorgianna born about 1936
SteinourMabel Dborn about 1906
SteinourMargret Mborn about 1938
SteinourMildred born about 1918
StewartElizabeth Sborn about 1898
StewartJoan born about 1927
StewartJohn Rborn about 1892
StewartPatricia Sborn about 1923
StockerFred Aborn about 1908
StockerMildred born about 1910
SydnorDorothy born about 1924
SydnorNora born about 1907
SydnorPercy born about 1905
SydnorPercy Jr born about 1928
SydnorRuth born about 1926
SynnestvedtCara born about 1902
SynnestvedtHerbert born about 1896
SynnestvedtHomer born about 1867
SynnestvedtSylvia born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaurerKathryne Eborn about 1875
TaxisAlfred born about 1899
TaxisAlfred born about 1915
TaxisJohn born about 1917
TaxisMary born about 1893
TechlerMay Cborn about 1869
TechlerWilliam Aborn about 1870
ThomasCaroline born about 1910
ThomasHarry born about 1903
ThomasHarry born about 1939
ThompsonAlfred born about 1872
ThompsonElva Cborn about 1897
ThompsonHarry born about 1867
ThompsonMarie born about 1900
ThompsonRobert born about 1930
ThorntonMildred born about 1882
ThorntonWilliam born about 1882
TilmanEdward born about 1911
TilmanJoy Mayborn about 1936
TilmanLola born about 1930
TilmanMannie born about 1932
TilmanOla born about 1912
TinariAnna Fborn about 1913
TinariAuthor born about 1930
TinariCincetta born about 1926
TinariClemtine born about 1935
TinariConcetta born about 1889
TinariFrank born about 1913
TinariJean born about 1922
TinariJr Nickborn about 1920
TinariJr Ralphborn about 1939
TinariLouis born about 1918
TinariNicholas born about 1887
TinariRalph born about 1915
TinariRocco born about 1923
TipmanAddison Fborn about 1897
TipmanRhoda Eborn about 1902
TippingGeorge Wborn about 1867
TippingJennie Aborn about 1878
TomlinsonEmma born about 1881
TomlinsonHazel Mborn about 1908
TomlinsonHelen Lborn about 1881
TomlinsonIssac born about 1867
TompkinsDouglas born about 1919
TompkinsGertrude born about 1873
TompkinsJoel born about 1868
ToweHarry Lborn about 1888
ToweJanet Mborn about 1916
ToweRobert Pborn about 1919
ToweViolet Mborn about 1888
TraurigFrancis Jborn about 1872
TraurigJohana born about 1918
TraurigJoseph Jborn about 1920
TraurigMargret born about 1875
TrotterBagley born about 1906
TrotterEdith born about 1909
TrotterEdith born about 1934
TrotterJosephine born about 1932
TrotterMargret born about 1931
TrotterRichard born about 1936
TumbelstonMuriel born about 1915
TumbelstonWilliam Rborn about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanderbiltJane born about 1930
VanderbiltKatharine born about 1901
VanderbiltRussell born about 1898
VanhornAlice Vborn about 1886
VanhornHarvey Kborn about 1912
VanhornRobert Rborn about 1922
VanhornWilliam Cborn about 1883
VanhornWilliam Wborn about 1927
VanwinkleJohn born about 1896
VanwinkleLucille born about 1896
VasseyFredrick Cborn about 1881
VasseyRafusal born about
VestaThermela born about 1882
VinetCamille born about 1866
VinetGenevive born about 1920
VinetMarie born about 1868
VitaleMary born about 1874
VongerichtenEdmund born about 1888
VongerichtenEthel born about 1894
VongerichtenJoanne born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WahlGeorge Jborn about 1896
WallerJr Littlettonborn about 1887
WallerSadie born about 1889
WalshAnna born about 1888
WalshBeryl born about 1914
WalshCalvin born about 1925
WalshCarson born about 1885
WalshFrancis Wborn about 1888
WalshGeorge Fborn about 1891
WalshHarris born about 1918
WalshLouise born about 1885
WalshMori Annborn about 1865
WalshRobert born about 1889
WaltonMabel born about 1882
WalzAmellia born about 1905
WalzAmellia Pborn about 1927
WalzHarry Wborn about 1887
WalzHoward born about 1924
WamboldJohn born about 1911
WamboldSusana born about 1909
WandallAndrey born about 1931
WandallBetty born about 1914
WandallBetty Janeborn about 1937
WandallBurnadine born about 1924
WandallCharles born about 1935
WandallClyde born about 1911
WandallJoan born about 1939
WandallJoseph born about 1933
WandallLola born about 1921
WandallReba born about 1889
WardAdelaid born about 1911
WardDonald born about 1937
WardGeorge born about 1938
WardHarry born about 1911
WardMarion born about 1921
WardRichard born about 1933
WardRussell born about 1918
WarfieldJoseph born about 1895
WarfieldMary Lborn about 1915
WarfieldWilliam Cborn about 1911
WarfieldWilliam Lborn about 1939
WaringtonErna born about 1882
WaterhouseCharles Wborn about 1851
WaterhouseMartha Jborn about 1873
WatersEdward born about 1882
WatersMargaret Wborn about 1882
WgiovangelloCarmen born about 1902
WgiovangelloClementine born about 1931
WgiovangelloElizabeth born about 1911
WgiovangelloJosephine born about 1939
WgiovangelloMary born about 1937
WgiovangelloTony born about 1930
WhiteBarbey born about 1936
WhiteCharles Fborn about 1898
WhiteCharles F 3Rdborn about 1927
WhiteCyrus born about 1898
WhiteDonald Yborn about 1933
WhiteFrances Marcelleborn about 1904
WhiteHarvey Jborn about 1908
WhiteJennie Eborn about 1902
WhitmanJr Ezra Bborn about 1940
WhitmanJr Ezra Baileyborn about 1910
WhitmanNatalie Pborn about 1915
WhitmanNatalie Pborn about 1937
WhittleCaroline born about 1904
WhittleWilliam H Jrborn about 1902
WidingHerriet Rborn about 1898
WidingJr Philip Oborn about 1932
WidingPhilip Oborn about 1895
WilcoxAnnette Mborn about 1907
WilcoxChanelle Bborn about 1930
WilcoxWilliam Bborn about 1907
WilkensonAlice Mborn about 1893
WilkensonJohn R Jrborn about 1920
WilkensonJohn R Srborn about 1893
WilkensonRichard Aborn about 1924
WillardEdna Aborn about 1891
WillardGeorge Mborn about 1915
WillardHarry Lborn about 1888
WillardMildred Tborn about 1897
WillardRowland Fborn about 1922
WillardRussell born about 1893
WillardThelma Rborn about 1922
WilliamsIsabel Gborn about 1893
WilliamsJohn Ealinorborn about 1871
WilliamsLewis Eborn about 1879
WilliamsMargret born about 1912
WilliamsMary Eborn about 1870
WimkcopBeatrice born about 1926
WimkcopBell born about 1890
WimkcopFerdinand born about 1861
WimkcopFred Dborn about 1893
WimkcopLillian born about 1896
WitteAritz born about 1913
WitteHarriet born about 1914
WitteHarriet Esterborn about 1936
WitteRoger born about 1933
WoodwardAnne Gborn about 1880
WoodwardFrank Hborn about 1880
WoodworthAnnie born about 1865
WoringtonAllen born about 1934
WoringtonGail born about 1940
WoringtonJune born about 1931
WoringtonLeroy born about 1906
WoringtonRobert born about 1935
WoringtonRoberta born about 1911
WorthingtonN Gertudeborn about 1892
WrightEdith born about 1907
WrightElizabeth Mborn about 1903
WrightElmer born about 1902
WrightElmer born about 1926
WrightG Caroellborn about 1901
WrightGerald Nborn about 1935
WrightJr George Cborn about 1924
WrightRobert born about 1928
WunderlickCharles born about 1890
WunderlickFrank born about 1923
WunderlickGladys born about 1897
WynkoopEmma born about 1909
WynkoopHarry Sborn about 1906
WynkoopPatricia Aborn about 1936

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Y Surnames

YardumianRichard born about 1917
YardumianRuth born about 1914
YardumianVahan born about 1940
YerkesElla Jborn about 1859
YerkesStella born about 1918
YerkesWilliam Wborn about 1908

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