1940 U.S. Federal Census of Marlborough Township, Montgomery, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Montgomery County > 1940 Census of Marlborough Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AasenEvelyn Tborn about 1891
AasenRobert born about 1927
AmbrosiaDaniel born about 1892
AngstadtE Lborn about 1904
AngstadtEdith Mborn about 1905
AngstadtGene Aborn about 1931
AngstadtLee Eborn about 1934
ArnoldEthel Iborn about 1915
ArnoldOscar Fborn about 1914
AstonCharles Hborn about 1912
AstonElla born about 1873
AstonEmma born about 1875
AstonEmma Rborn about 1884
AstonFaith born about 1939
AstonFrank born about 1871
AstonHarold Lborn about 1925
AstonHenry born about 1906
AstonJohn born about 1884
AstonMabel born about 1909
AstonPaul Wborn about 1915
AstonRussell born about 1926
AstonSarah born about 1884
AstonSusan born about 1876
AstonWilliam Hborn about 1878

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B Surnames

BadmanEtta Mborn about 1900
BadmanLester Hborn about 1922
BadmanMargrete Eborn about 1921
BadmanRussell Aborn about 1920
BadmanWillard Lborn about 1919
BadmanWilmer Wborn about 1890
BarndtFlorie Hborn about 1895
BarndtHarry Eborn about 1871
BarndtIsaac H Mborn about 1871
BarndtLizzie Bborn about 1872
BarndtNancy Lborn about 1936
BarndtOrvis Rborn about 1931
BarndtPaul Wborn about 1930
BarndtRaymond Nborn about 1933
BarndtRuth born about 1934
BarndtSamuel Nborn about 1909
BarndtSamuel Rborn about 1884
BarndtWinifred born about 1892
BaumanHarry Sborn about 1891
BaumanHarry Sborn about 1896
BaumanRussell Sborn about 1903
BausHenry Eborn about 1916
BausMinnie Mborn about 1912
BaxterBetty Lborn about 1930
BaxterBonnie Lborn about 1936
BaxterEmma Aborn about 1912
BaxterPatricia born about 1939
BeckerCora Bborn about 1888
BeckerNoah Bborn about 1886
BennerEdwin Bborn about 1894
BennerEdwin Eborn about 1925
BennerHelen Jborn about 1917
BennerJulie Eborn about 1923
BennerJulie Vborn about 1863
BennerMeda Wborn about 1897
BennerMerrill Rborn about 1917
BennerMerrilyn born about 1939
BennerPaul Eborn about 1933
BergeyAlma Rborn about 1906
BergeyAnnie Mborn about 1870
BergeyEdna Jborn about 1895
BergeyJulia St Cborn about 1862
BergeyJune Cborn about 1932
BergeyLincoln Rborn about 1866
BergeyRobert Hborn about 1930
BergeyWilliam Hborn about 1901
BergeyWilliam Jr born about 1892
BernhardtEdwin Pborn about 1879
BerrymanAnna Mborn about 1933
BerrymanCharles born about 1932
BerrymanHenry Cborn about 1907
BerrymanJennie Eborn about 1910
BerrymanSallie Mborn about 1937
BerrymanWilliam born about 1935
BilginEmma born about 1884
BilickElla born about 1877
BishopFrank Wborn about 1917
BishopHarry Hborn about 1912
BishopJohn Zborn about 1885
BishopLeona Eborn about 1919
BishopNorita born about 1938
BoligEdwin Tborn about 1889
BoligKatherine born about 1889
BossertElsie Rborn about 1916
BossertElsie Rborn about 1936
BossertEmma Lborn about 1887
BossertMarie Jborn about 1939
BossertRobert W Jrborn about 1940
BossertRobert W Lborn about 1909
BossertWashington Hborn about 1876
BowmanFlorence born about 1916
BowmanNorwood born about 1917
BoyerHenry Mborn about 1877
BradshawStella Fborn about 1881
BrayBarbara Sborn about 1882
BrayMartin Gborn about 1880
BrazesAlbert born about 1920
BrazesAmelia born about 1886
BrazesJohn born about 1888
BrazesValeria born about 1914
BregerDiana born about 1880
BregerGeorge born about 1874
BreiningerAnnie born about 1877
BreiningerLester born about 1918
BreiningerLois Ireneborn about 1931
BreiningerMyrtle born about 1903
BreiningerVera born about 1913
BreiningerWilliam born about 1878
BreiningerWilliam Eborn about 1908
BrewerJohn born about 1898
BrewerRuth Eborn about 1930
BrewerThelmer Tborn about 1923
BrewerViola born about 1903
BreyGladys born about 1925
BreyHannah born about 1900
BreyJean born about 1929
BreyLloyd born about 1902
BreyNancy born about 1936
BreySophia born about 1921
BreyerCharles born about 1915
BreyerElias Pborn about 1920
BreyerElnora born about 1911
BreyerFannie Aborn about 1885
BreyerForrest born about 1904
BreyerH Elizabethborn about 1883
BreyerJohn Jborn about 1887
BreyerLaverne born about 1938
BreyerMildred born about 1920
BreyerPerry Sborn about 1924
BreyerThomas born about 1883
BrimingerAndrew born about 1882
BrimingerElmer Rborn about 1911
BrimingerMaggie born about 1889
BrimingerMildred Fborn about 1920
BrinkmanBlanche Gborn about 1897
BrinkmanCharles Fborn about 1893
BrinkmanElla Mborn about 1897
BrinkmanFrank Wborn about 1895
BrinkmanKathryn Rborn about 1927
BrinkmanLeonard born about 1926
BrinkmanMena born about 1866
BrinkmanRaymond Wborn about 1932
BrinkmanStanley Wborn about 1924
BrinkmanWayne Lborn about 1923
BucherCarrie born about 1883
BucherIrvin born about 1880
BuckAmelia Jborn about 1882
BuckEara born about 1914
BuckElsie Lborn about 1909
BuckFrank Bborn about 1882
BuckJ Paulborn about 1906
BuckJesse Rborn about 1918
BuckJoan Mborn about 1937
BuckPaul Jborn about 1932
BuckWoodrow born about 1914
BuckYacob Nborn about 1876
BurnellAnna born about 1872
BurnellHattie born about 1911
BurnellRobert born about 1906
ButkoAlbert born about 1924
ButkoAnnie born about 1899
ButkoAnnie born about 1932
ButkoFrank born about 1937
ButkoHenry born about 1938
ButkoJohn born about 1926
ButkoJoseph born about 1889
ButkoJoseph born about 1922
ButkoMildred born about 1929
ButkoSarah born about 1931

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C Surnames

CairnsEllen born about 1922
CairnsJohn Kborn about 1928
CairnsSarah born about 1888
CairnsThomas H Pborn about 1884
CairnsThomasina born about 1925
CalhounCharles Mborn about 1879
CalhounEster Cborn about 1930
CalhounHarry Cborn about 1925
CalhounIda born about 1897
CalhounRuth Bborn about 1927
CalhounVirginia Mborn about 1923
CampellDorthy Mborn about 1922
CampellEdna Dborn about 1904
CampellEthel Iborn about 1927
CampellEuphemia born about 1929
CampellJoan Mborn about 1933
CampellJoan Pborn about 1924
CampellJohn Tborn about 1891
CampellLilias Aborn about 1928
CampellMargret Aborn about 1921
CampellMargrete born about 1865
CampellPatsy Aborn about 1938
CampellVeronica Jborn about 1936
CampellWilliam Jborn about 1926
CampellWilliam J Srborn about 1859
CarterEarl Jborn about 1915
CarterEmily born about 1881
CarterGeorge Mborn about 1917
CashattClegg Tborn about 1932
CashattHoward Tborn about 1909
CashattIdella Cborn about 1913
CashattJas H Lborn about 1933
CashattShirley Jborn about 1935
ChristmanAlliene Eborn about 1923
ChristmanAnnie born about 1889
ChristmanJohn Yborn about 1882
ClayborneJames born about 1918
ClayborneJohn born about 1897
ClayborneLee born about 1876
ClayborneSophie born about 1879
ClemmensStanley born about 1928
CressmanCatherine born about 1890
CressmanDaum Rborn about 1938
CressmanFannie born about 1854
CressmanFloyd Bborn about 1935
CressmanJesse Sborn about 1853
CressmanLousie born about 1915
CressmanMargurite Jborn about 1921
CressmanPaul Lborn about 1937
CressmanPauline Yborn about 1939
CressmanRonald Aborn about 1939
CressmanRonald Nborn about 1914
CressmanSeptimus W Jrborn about 1910
CressmanSeptmus Wborn about 1886
CressmanShirley born about 1936
CzechCasimir born about 1915
CzechJoan born about 1940
CzechWanda born about 1918

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D Surnames

DammhowaElisa born about 1869
DammhowaJohn born about 1874
DaumanClara Jborn about 1860
DaumanKatie born about 1897
DaumanMary born about 1895
DiceCharles born about 1885
DieterlyEarnest Wborn about 1910
DieterlyEva Eborn about 1890
DieterlyEvelyn Aborn about 1925
DieterlyHarold Rborn about 1920
DieterlyHerbert Fborn about 1893
DieterlyMerril Jborn about 1940
DieterlyRuth Eborn about 1933
DieterlyStanley Wborn about 1930
DowningCedric Aborn about 1935
DowningCelestine Hborn about 1927
DowningEmma born about 1893
DowningGordon Oborn about 1924
DowningHelen Bborn about 1937
DowningJames Wborn about 1893
DowningNewton Sborn about 1922
DowningReginald born about 1930
DowningRichard born about 1931

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E Surnames

EmbodyCurtis Wborn about 1906
EmbodyHenry Sborn about 1865
EmbodyPauline Sborn about 1913
ErbAmando born about 1888
ErbHarry born about 1893
ErvinCora Mborn about 1934
EspenshipWilliam Lborn about 1883

F Surnames

FaustAdele Aborn about 1891
FaustCarrie Aborn about 1888
FaustHarry Fborn about 1888
FaustSarah Aborn about 1884
FerketicAugust born about 1902
FerketicEdna born about 1903
FillmanAudrey Bborn about 1936
FillmanPauline Bborn about 1913
FillmanWilliam Sborn about 1911
FisherCarol Bborn about 1906
FoegelElsie born about 1923
FoegelFrank born about 1884
FoegelMary born about 1887
FoegelSteven born about 1925
FogelAnna Eborn about 1915
FogelBarbra born about 1929
FogelGrace born about 1917
FogelJacquline Dborn about 1936
FogelJohn Cborn about 1912
FogelMichel Pborn about 1911
FosterDorthy Lborn about 1906
FosterGeorge Sborn about 1880
FosterGeorgette Lborn about 1933
FosterJoseph Jborn about 1926
FosterNoel born about 1930
FosterVirginia Dborn about 1937
FosterWallace Gborn about 1932
FoxEllen Mborn about 1900
FoxWilliam Aborn about 1892
FrankeGustave Mborn about 1868
FrederickArline Mborn about 1918
FrederickFrank Mborn about 1915
FrederickRichard born about 1939
FreidHarvey Dborn about 1920
FreidJonathan Jborn about 1854
FreidNora born about 1894
FreidNorman Wborn about 1895
FreidRichard Hborn about 1936
FriedHenry Kborn about 1860

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G Surnames

GeigerAda Mborn about 1904
GeigerAnnie born about 1887
GeigerAnnie Sborn about 1931
GeigerHarold Wborn about 1936
GeigerHelen Mborn about 1931
GeigerLeroy Wborn about 1924
GeigerSadie Mborn about 1935
GeigerWilson Lborn about 1896
GibbertLewis Kborn about 1857
GibbertMary Aborn about 1864
GilbertDavid Leeborn about 1940
GilbertEarl Sborn about 1913
GilbertHelen Mborn about 1915
GlatzDolores Mborn about 1928
GlatzLouisa Kborn about 1907
GlatzWilliam Gborn about 1937
GlatzWilliam Jborn about 1906
GoettleAmelia Hborn about 1861
GoettleArthur born about 1887
GoettleKathryn born about 1893
GowerBarbram born about 1931
GowerDoris born about 1934
GowerHarold born about 1929
GowerMartha born about 1925
GowerMilton born about 1889
GowerPearl born about 1904
GowerWilson born about 1892
GramasJulia born about 1921
GramasMargrete born about 1894
GramasMartha born about 1925
GramasWilliam born about 1885
GriersonAlbert Eborn about 1882
GriersonLilian born about 1875
GroffHenry Aborn about 1911
GroffJulie Mborn about 1916
GrubbHerbert Jborn about 1924
GrubbLe Royborn about 1932
GrubbLeroy Gborn about 1900
GrubbLydian born about 1903
GrubbMax Gborn about 1888
GrubbPaul born about 1923
GrubbRuth born about 1921
GrubbSevilla Sborn about 1893
GrubbWoodrow Fborn about 1926
GudickAnna born about 1935
GudickJoseph born about 1912
GudickSteva born about 1917

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H Surnames

HaasAdelade Eborn about 1922
HaasLaurence Bborn about 1897
HaasLillian Rborn about 1895
HaflerLinford born about 1916
HaflerNaoma born about 1919
HaflerPatricia Aborn about 1938
HainesRobert born about 1915
HallmanCharles born about 1914
HallmanE Daleborn about 1934
HallmanJohn Rborn about 1932
HallmanMarion born about 1915
HallmanThelma born about 1923
HambergerCarrie Mborn about 1914
HambergerHarry Aborn about 1914
HambergerPhyllis Pborn about 1935
HammGordon Hborn about 1936
HammMyrtle Bborn about 1909
HammWalter born about 1908
HammWalter D Jrborn about 1933
HanckArthur Aborn about 1919
HanckBarbra Eborn about 1923
HanckCarrie Bborn about 1898
HanckEdger Kborn about 1888
HanckEmma Bborn about 1893
HanckHarvey Bborn about 1894
HanckHarvey Fborn about 1919
HanckKenneth Eborn about 1927
HanckLester Eborn about 1917
HanckSarah Mborn about 1924
HanekMelvin Kborn about 1884
HanekMinnie Hborn about 1890
HaringHarry Fborn about 1868
HaringIda Vborn about 1879
HaringLuilla Mborn about 1921
HaringMargerite born about 1895
HaringStanley Aborn about 1891
HarnerMary born about 1856
HarpelEdna Mborn about 1900
HarpelElita Aborn about 1928
HarpelGladys Iborn about 1934
HarpelLilah Jborn about 1930
HarpelSallie born about 1878
HarpelWilliam Fborn about 1905
HartzellHorace born about 1873
HayleyHarry Hborn about 1868
HeistMary Eborn about 1905
HeistRichard Hborn about 1932
HeistWalter Dborn about 1900
HeistWalter D Jrborn about 1930
HeitzAlice Cborn about 1884
HeitzClarance Hborn about 1939
HeitzCliffrod Hborn about 1939
HeitzLewis Hborn about 1873
HendricksEmma born about 1862
HershAlton Hborn about 1925
HershBetty Aborn about 1939
HershFloyd Gborn about 1931
HershFranklin Vborn about 1933
HershHenry Cborn about 1921
HershLester Wborn about 1927
HershLinwood Wborn about 1922
HershMaude Mborn about 1934
HershPearl Mborn about 1900
HershVictor Cborn about 1896
HeterickCharles Hborn about 1893
HeterickElsie born about 1903
HiltebbeitleAnnie Cborn about 1883
HiltebbeitleMorris Mborn about 1874
HinkleEva Fborn about 1930
HinkleHelen Mborn about 1925
HinkleKatie Bborn about 1903
HinkleRichard Jborn about 1936
HinkleRussell born about 1902
HipszerKatherine born about 1892
HipszerMichael born about 1921
HipszerStanley born about 1891
HittnerEthel Mborn about 1892
HittnerGrover Cborn about 1893
HoepflElva born about 1891
HoepflHarry Wborn about 1895
HoepflMorton Cborn about 1921
HookAlfred Gborn about 1903
HookGeraldine Mborn about 1933
HookHazel A Pborn about 1906
HookJanice Nborn about 1937
HubbardAlice Mborn about 1914
HubbardHelen Rborn about 1884
HubbardWilliam Hborn about 1875
HubbardWilliam R Jrborn about 1939
HubbardWilliam R Srborn about 1915

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I Surnames

ImbodyCurtis born about 1908
ImbodyDaniel Bborn about 1868
ImbodyDorthy born about 1912
ImbodyElsie born about 1916
ImbodyGrace Dborn about 1904
ImbodyHelen born about 1923
ImbodyLeroy born about 1902
ImbodyPercy born about 1919
ImbodyRaymond born about 1904
ImbodyVictoria born about 1871
IsettHannah born about 1854

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J Surnames

JabsAmelia Aborn about 1887
JabsEdward Eborn about 1889
JacobyJames Bborn about 1856
JakobyBarbra born about 1933
JakobyDora* born about 1931
JakobyEdith born about 1913
JakobyFrank Cborn about 1917
JakobyHerminia born about 1883
JakobyJulius Eborn about 1883
JakobyJulius Wborn about 1910
JakobyWilliam born about 1939
JohannesHenry Lborn about 1894
JohnsonAnnie born about 1885
JohnsonElmer born about 1906
JohnsonWalter Oborn about 1879
JonesFrank born about 1864
JonesMaggie born about 1862

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K Surnames

KarverAbner Wborn about 1911
KarverAmmon Nborn about 1921
KarverEthel Mborn about 1912
KarverHannah Mborn about 1934
KarverJohn Aborn about 1892
KarverJohn Eborn about 1924
KarverSevilla Bborn about 1890
KavarskyJoseph born about 1888
KavarskyJoseph Pborn about 1927
KempClifford born about 1912
KeyserAgnes born about 1877
KeysonCharles Lborn about 1908
KeysonCharles L Jrborn about 1937
KeysonDonald Jborn about 1934
KeysonHarold Lborn about 1936
KeysonHelen Aborn about 1913
KeysonRobert Eborn about 1939
KeysonRodney Nborn about 1930
KimmererClaude Rborn about 1898
KimmererGeorge Mborn about 1913
KimmererKatherine Mborn about 1873
KimmererOliver born about 1908
KimmererWilliam Rborn about 1896
KingDorthy born about 1935
KingEarnest born about 1896
KingElsie born about 1923
KingGeorge born about 1933
KingHelen born about 1922
KlineAnnie Kborn about 1869
KlineGeorge Sborn about 1899
KlineGrace Vborn about 1934
KlineHomer Kborn about 1931
KlineHulda born about 1921
KlineIrvin Sborn about 1885
KlineLinwood born about 1923
KlineLloyd born about 1925
KlineMae Iborn about 1930
KlineMamie born about 1887
KlineMary Aborn about 1900
KlineMelvin Aborn about 1886
KlineMirion Rborn about 1928
KlineShirley Lborn about 1936
KnockelMarie born about 1883
KnockelRichard born about 1874
KratzelMichel born about 1850
KrauseAnnie Kborn about 1899
KrauseNorman Oborn about 1891
KrimmelCharles Aborn about 1870
KrimmelMary Aborn about 1873
KulpAnna Hborn about 1916
KulpClyde born about 1936
KulpEdwin born about 1915
KulpElsie born about 1922
KulpFranklin Dborn about 1889
KulpGlenna born about 1924
KulpHarold born about 1914
KulpHelen Mborn about 1924
KulpIrvin born about 1889
KulpMarcella born about 1902
KulpMarie Mborn about 1890
KulpWilliam Fborn about 1892

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L Surnames

LantellAmanda Kborn about 1902
LantellVirginia Rborn about 1921
LaverLahrona born about 1919
LaverLloyd born about 1872
LaverMary Jborn about 1882
LeeAlbert Aborn about 1892
LeeAlbert Rborn about 1927
LeeElizabeth Mborn about 1889
LeisterAnna Sborn about 1895
LeisterAnnie Mborn about 1889
LeisterBeatrice born about 1928
LeisterBetty Rborn about 1935
LeisterCharles born about 1879
LeisterDora Mborn about 1928
LeisterDorthy Mborn about 1939
LeisterErma born about 1919
LeisterForrest Fborn about 1909
LeisterFrank Sborn about 1880
LeisterH Claytonborn about 1900
LeisterHarold Wborn about 1917
LeisterHarry born about 1917
LeisterHoward Eborn about 1895
LeisterJennine Aborn about 1883
LeisterJohn Jborn about 1913
LeisterKate Cborn about 1870
LeisterMargie Lborn about 1923
LeisterMary Aborn about 1905
LeisterPatricia born about 1934
LeisterPearl Iborn about 1903
LeisterRobert Wborn about 1908
LeisterThelma Mborn about 1921
LeisterThelma Wborn about 1921
LeisterVerna born about 1912
LeisterViolet born about 1921
LeisterVivian Wborn about 1924
LerschHannah born about 1882
LerschHugo Cborn about 1881
LerschMary born about 1923
LickAaron born about 1881
LoefflerAdolf Rborn about 1913
LoefflerBeulah Sborn about 1911
LoefflerRichard Fborn about 1932
LoeffleurAdolf Rborn about 1913
LoeffleurBeulah Sborn about 1911
LoeffleurRichard Fborn about 1932
LongClayton Eborn about 1900
LongElizabeth Aborn about 1925
LongEstella Fborn about 1898
LongFlorence born about 1904
LongForrest Lborn about 1899
LongHarvey Gborn about 1878
LongHomer Bborn about 1927
LongJohn Sborn about 1891
LongMildred Eborn about 1901
LongMinerva born about 1882
LongMyron Fborn about 1921
LongPaul Bborn about 1916
LongPerry born about 1904
LongRufus born about 1906
LongRussell Bborn about 1930
LongfrancesClayton Eborn about 1900
LongfrancesElizabeth Aborn about 1925
LongfrancesEstella Fborn about 1898
LongfrancesFlorence born about 1904
LongfrancesForrest Lborn about 1899
LongfrancesHarvey Gborn about 1878
LongfrancesHomer Bborn about 1927
LongfrancesJohn Sborn about 1891
LongfrancesMildred Eborn about 1901
LongfrancesMinerva born about 1882
LongfrancesMyron Fborn about 1921
LongfrancesPaul Bborn about 1916
LongfrancesPerry born about 1904
LongfrancesRufus born about 1906
LongfrancesRussell Bborn about 1930

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M Surnames

MaierAnnie born about 1881
MaierWarren Fborn about 1888
MamatuckEmma born about 1892
MamatuckMichel born about 1888
MamatuckMichel born about 1925
MarroneJoseph born about 1915
MarroneJoseph Jr born about 1939
MarroneMargret born about 1917
MartinDallis Dborn about 1897
MartinMargaret Dborn about 1872
McBethAndrew born about 1884
McBethEva born about 1894
MerkelEffort born about 1922
MerkelErwin Pborn about 1895
MerkelLena born about 1888
MerkelMarshall born about 1919
MerkelWoodrow born about 1917
MienholdAnna Jborn about 1927
MienholdCurt Wborn about 1899
MienholdJohanna born about 1900
MillerAlice born about 1877
MillerAmy Aborn about 1918
MillerArlene Mborn about 1935
MillerArthur born about 1939
MillerEarnest Iborn about 1912
MillerFlora Lborn about 1882
MillerForrest born about 1908
MillerGloria born about 1936
MillerHelen born about 1918
MillerHenry born about 1913
MillerJoan Mborn about 1936
MillerMargaret born about 1918
MillerMilton Rborn about 1876
MillerOliver Sborn about 1889
MillerPearl Jborn about 1931
MillerRonald Lborn about 1911
MillerRussel Y Srborn about 1910
MillerStella Mborn about 1911
MillerTillie born about 1885
MillerWilson Hborn about 1874
MillerYoungstead R Jrborn about 1938
MinemacherMary Aborn about 1851
MinkAnthony born about 1865
MinkVictoria born about 1871
MollJohn Aborn about 1875
MollLizzie Dborn about 1882
MorganAdilaide born about 1898
MorganBarbra born about 1924
MorganJesse born about 1893
MorganJesse Jr born about 1926
MorganSamuel born about 1922
MoserAlice Sborn about 1878
MoserBertha Mborn about 1901
MoserDaniel Mborn about 1894
MoserDaniel M Jrborn about 1925
MoserRuben Fborn about 1868
MoserRussell Mborn about 1921
MoserSamuel Wborn about 1921
MoyerAlice Sborn about 1886
MoyerCleta Aborn about 1927
MoyerGeorge Wborn about 1895
MoyerHarold Rborn about 1935
MoyerJames Eborn about 1902
MoyerMyrlin Eborn about 1923
MoyerOswin born about 1874
MoyerRussell Mborn about 1899
MoyerSarah born about 1870
MoyerStella Bborn about 1895
MoyerWarren Dborn about 1921
MyersCharlotte Mborn about 1922
MyersElverda Hborn about 1889
MyersElwood Sborn about 1915
MyersGrover Hborn about 1894
MyersHelen Iborn about 1915
MyersLaura Aborn about 1871
MyersLeroy Rborn about 1918
MyersLilian Cborn about 1932
MyersRichard Eborn about 1939
MyersVera Bborn about 1925
MyersVerna Bborn about 1920
MyersWilliam Eborn about 1911
MyersWilliam Hborn about 1936

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N Surnames

NaceArlene Mborn about 1923
NaceBelson Eborn about 1922
NaceEarnest Hborn about 1920
NaceEdith Mborn about 1937
NaceElsie born about 1905
NaceEva born about 1930
NaceEva Mborn about 1903
NaceEvelyn Vborn about 1918
NaceHannah Mborn about 1896
NaceHorace born about 1888
NaceKatie born about 1926
NaceLloyd Wborn about 1925
NaceMildred born about 1923
NaceSadie born about 1935
NaceWilliam born about 1922
NaceWilliam Bborn about 1900
NaceWilliam Hborn about 1893
NaceWilliam Jborn about 1927

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O Surnames

OskowskiHenry born about 1923
OskowskiJennie born about 1929
OskowskiJohn born about 1931
OskowskiJoseph born about 1926
OskowskiVictoria born about 1894

P Surnames

Pasquale??? born about 1885
PfrommerEva Sborn about 1891
PfrommerGlenna born about 1912
PfrommerHope Cborn about 1933
PfrommerJohn born about 1911
PfrommerMary born about 1931
PfrommerWilliam Fborn about 1886
PiersonAnna born about 1940
PiersonDaniel born about 1914
PiersonEmylin born about 1939
PiersonGertrude born about 1914
PiersonMary born about 1936
PressChester born about 1919
PriceCharles Vborn about 1868
PriceFrances Cborn about 1926
PriceStanie born about 1867
PupzowskiEddie born about 1920
PupzowskiFrank born about 1925
PupzowskiJohn born about 1927
PupzowskiSimon born about 1887
PupzowskiSophie born about 1895

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R Surnames

RahnAlice Sborn about 1873
RahnIrvin Gborn about 1869
RanchArnold Lborn about 1914
RanchBarbra Aborn about 1940
RanchBruce Gborn about 1938
RanchCharles Aborn about 1936
RanchGladys born about 1910
RanchGordon born about 1910
RanchHarry Lborn about 1934
RanchMargaret born about 1912
RanchMarion Eborn about 1932
RaymondCatharine born about 1893
RaymondHomer I Jrborn about 1915
RaymondHomer I Sborn about 1890
ReedAnita Bborn about 1922
ReedCalvin Sborn about 1873
ReedCarrie Eborn about 1872
ReedCarrie F Oborn about 1883
ReedDaisey Mborn about 1920
ReedEmma Sborn about 1881
ReedFrancis Bborn about 1908
ReedNancy Jborn about 1938
ReedWilliam born about 1912
ReifingerCarrie Mborn about 1923
ReifingerCharles Wborn about 1928
ReifingerHazel Lborn about 1930
ReifingerJames Le Royborn about 1932
ReifingerMargaret Aborn about 1907
ReimanBetty Mborn about 1934
ReimanClaude Rborn about 1911
ReimanDorthy born about 1925
ReimanLeroy born about 1916
ReimanMargaret Mborn about 1911
ReimanMarvin Lborn about 1932
ReimanMinerva Sborn about 1881
ReimanRichard Cborn about 1937
ReimanRuth born about 1921
ReimanShirley Lborn about 1935
ReimanWilliam Jborn about 1879
ReinerBetty born about 1929
ReinerMarcella born about 1907
ReinerMartha born about 1931
ReinerOscar born about 1925
ReinerPauline born about 1928
ReinerWilliam born about 1899
ReinerWilliam Jborn about 1933
ReinhartIda Mborn about 1881
ReinhartLevi born about 1862
ReinhartOswin Rborn about 1884
ReissDorthy Mborn about 1923
ReissElla Kborn about 1898
ReissNelvin Dborn about 1895
ReiterEdwin Tborn about 1884
ReiterIda born about 1885
ReiterStanley born about 1910
ReitzJohn Willardborn about 1940
ReitzLeroy born about 1903
ReitzMargrete Eborn about 1910
ReitzNancy born about 1931
ReitzRonald born about 1933
RichmanFrank Jborn about 1864
RichmanMary born about 1869
RichmanMinnie Mborn about 1907
RichmanWilbur Aborn about 1910
RippertEdith Sborn about 1920
RippertErma Sborn about 1922
RippertFrank Mborn about 1886
RippertMaggie Fborn about 1886
RodenhauserGrace born about 1929
RodenhauserJohn Jr born about 1897
RodenhauserMyrtie born about 1889
RodenhauserVirginia born about 1924
RodenhauserWalter born about 1921
RogersMary Lborn about 1876
RoickleGladys born about 1905
RoickleRobert born about 1930
RoickleSamuel born about 1904
RomeikeCharles born about 1890
RomigEdwin Jborn about 1870
RomigEmma Dborn about 1876
RoyerRussell Rborn about 1896
RoyerSallie Jborn about 1871
RuthAlthea Nborn about 1927
RuthElsie Fborn about 1908
RuthFrank Hborn about 1901
RuthFranklin N Jborn about 1924
RuthKenneth Eborn about 1935
RuthMerrill Lborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SarneskyElizabeth Nborn about 1921
SarneskyEva born about 1884
SarneskyMichel born about 1882
SarneskyWilliam Cborn about 1925
SchafferBertha born about 1896
SchafferCalvin born about 1892
SchafferEarl born about 1914
SchafferEdna born about 1918
SchafferEvelyn born about 1919
SchafferFrank born about 1874
SchafferFranklin born about 1918
SchafferGail born about 1940
SchafferHoward born about 1910
SchafferKatherine born about 1918
SchafferLa Verneborn about 1927
SchafferLester born about 1919
SchafferOrestas born about 1872
SchafferRonald born about 1939
SchafferSarah born about 1938
SchafferWilliam Sborn about 1876
SchatzClaude Rborn about 1908
SchatzDonald born about 1925
SchatzDorthy Vborn about 1913
SchatzDurrell born about 1918
SchatzElla Tborn about 1865
SchatzHarold Rborn about 1932
SchatzHarry Eborn about 1885
SchatzRegina born about 1888
SchatzRussell born about 1909
SchatzRuth Annborn about 1940
SchatzSadie born about 1899
SchatzWinfield born about 1895
SchemkancilerHulda born about 1909
SchirkJacob born about 1878
SchlicherAnnie Mborn about 1875
SchnickOliver born about 1865
SchoelkopEarl Mborn about 1928
SchoelkopElizabeth born about 1874
SchoelkopfEarl Hborn about 1903
SchoelkopfFlorence Vborn about 1909
SchoelkopfNancy Dborn about 1936
SchoelkopfWillard Iborn about 1931
SchreinerMax born about 1880
SchulerIda born about 1860
SchwagerAllen Sborn about 1939
SchwagerArlene Mborn about 1915
SchwagerDaniel born about 1900
SchwagerEdward born about 1934
SchwagerElain Sborn about 1935
SchwagerElizabeth born about 1902
SchwagerHarold Cborn about 1909
SchwagerHarold C Jrborn about 1939
SchwagerHarold Eborn about 1930
SchwagerJohn born about 1882
SchwagerMarylin Jborn about 1933
SchwagerNancy Sborn about 1938
SchwagerShirley Mborn about 1935
SchwenkHoward Lborn about 1888
ScottHettie born about 1867
SeitzCatherine born about 1899
SellBeatrice Iborn about 1914
SellClemanent born about 1914
SellFlorence H (King)born about 1930
SellFlorence Mborn about 1911
SellJames Wborn about 1915
SellRichard Jr born about 1934
SenskeAndrew Aborn about 1896
SenskeStella born about 1903
ShakleyEva Iborn about 1871
ShakleyIra Gborn about 1876
ShewellGeorge Hborn about 1901
ShewellGeorge H Jrborn about 1922
ShewellMargrete Iborn about 1934
ShewellMyrtle Uborn about 1905
ShewellRaymond Cborn about 1925
ShewellRichard Dborn about 1927
ShewellThomas Hborn about 1932
ShipeFlora born about 1877
ShipeLewis born about 1918
ShipeMinnie Eborn about 1904
ShipeN Lewisborn about 1876
ShipeRaymond Rborn about 1933
ShipeRichard Rborn about 1937
ShipeWilliam Jborn about 1900
ShipeWilliam Wborn about 1929
ShupeFlorence Mborn about 1904
ShupeHoward born about 1922
ShupeKenneth Cborn about 1924
ShupeMyrtle born about 1922
ShupeStanley Sborn about 1927
ShupeStanton Sborn about 1927
SimmonsIrene Oborn about 1905
SimmonsJohn Dborn about 1928
SimmonsJohn Fborn about 1897
SimmonsKirtty Bborn about 1934
SimmonsOttis Fborn about 1931
SimmonsPatsy Lborn about 1932
SimmonsRuth Lborn about 1929
SimonArthur Dborn about 1906
SimonHelen born about 1909
SimonMartine Mborn about 1937
SimonStanford Cborn about 1932
SimonStella born about 1910
SimonWillard Rborn about 1936
SkiptonDorthy born about 1931
SkiptonEdward born about 1906
SkiptonFranklin born about 1935
SkiptonHenrietta born about 1908
SkiptonJoseph born about 1933
SkiptonMartha born about 1937
SkiptonPaul born about 1938
SmallCharles born about 1927
SmithDavid Eborn about 1856
SmithEmma Jborn about 1861
SmithFranklin Hborn about 1929
SmithFrederick Oborn about 1909
SmithHannah Aborn about 1913
SmithHelen Eborn about 1912
SmithHoward Jborn about 1915
SmithJames Fborn about 1935
SmithJames Hborn about 1880
SmithLouisa Rborn about 1913
SmithMarie Iborn about 1886
SmithWayn Uborn about 1880
SmithWayne Wborn about 1924
SmithWillard Eborn about 1940
SnyderAdam Wborn about 1892
SnyderAdam W Jrborn about 1918
SnyderAmanda Sborn about 1893
SnyderCalvin Fborn about 1922
SnyderCharles Hborn about 1924
SnyderClaire Sborn about 1915
SnyderClara born about 1862
SnyderDaniel Mborn about 1893
SnyderEster Cborn about 1901
SnyderGordon Mborn about 1916
SnyderGrace Aborn about 1920
SnyderHoward Wborn about 1929
SnyderJean Hborn about 1928
SnyderJohn N Jrborn about 1937
SnyderJohn N Srborn about 1913
SnyderJohn Wborn about 1924
SnyderJoyce Mborn about 1928
SnyderKenneth Sborn about 1910
SnyderMartine Eborn about 1926
SnyderMinnie Vborn about 1926
SnyderSamuel Nborn about 1930
SnyderSarah Eborn about 1893
SnyderSarah Kborn about 1932
SowersAnnie born about 1881
SowersJohn born about 1876
SpacekJoseph born about 1917
SpacekVera born about 1918
SpechtElsie Mborn about 1916
SpechtFlora Mborn about 1888
SpechtWilliam Fborn about 1876
SpidelMary Wborn about 1859
SpringerCharles born about 1913
SpringerCharles born about 1934
SpringerPaul born about 1938
SpringerRose born about 1914
StaufferSallie born about 1881
StaufferWayne Wborn about 1880
StevensGloria Mborn about 1939
StevensHarvey Iborn about 1916
StevensLeroy Eborn about 1932
StevensMargaret born about 1913
StevensStanley Tborn about 1914
StevensThomas Kborn about 1876
StevensWilliam Wborn about 1908
StondtMarie born about 1912
StondtWilmer born about 1913
StoudtCharles born about 1864
StoudtEarl born about 1921
StoudtEvelyn born about 1907
StoudtKatherine born about 1914
StoudtMary born about 1867
StoudtMilton Mborn about 1901
StoudtWilliam born about 1896
StubanusGertrude born about 1898
StubanusIsaac born about 1894
StubanusRichard Rborn about 1934
StullLester born about 1923
SturgesHarry Tborn about 1902
SturgisCharlie Pborn about 1903
SturgisFlora born about 1866
SturgisGeorge Cborn about 1908
SturgisThomas Dborn about 1857
SupplerEarl Eborn about 1923
SupplerFrank Lborn about 1925
SupplerJesse Eborn about 1899
SupplerPercy Eborn about 1899
SupplerRobert Wborn about 1928
SwiftAllen Aborn about 1886
SwiftCarrie Lborn about 1887
SwiftMargarite born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThomasCarl Eborn about 1926
ThomasCarrie born about 1921
ThomasEarl W Jrborn about 1924
ThomasEarl W Sborn about 1902
ThomasEffie born about 1916
ThomasElanor Eborn about 1927
ThomasErnest born about 1920
ThomasFaith Dborn about 1935
ThomasFlosse Bborn about 1903
ThomasLoraine Jborn about 1929
ThomasLouise Mborn about 1922
ThomasPauline born about 1924
ThomasRichard Jborn about 1932
ThomasShirley Aborn about 1934
ThomasTheophile born about 1895
ThomasWayne Wborn about 1931
TrumboreArthur Kborn about 1920
TrumboreArthur Sborn about 1879
TrumboreCarrie Sborn about 1887
TrumboreMildred Iborn about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerBetty born about 1931
WalkerClaire born about 1928
WalkerClara Mborn about 1914
WalkerClarence born about 1908
WalkerDavid Aborn about 1885
WalkerDorthy born about 1917
WalkerDorthy born about 1934
WalkerEarl Sborn about 1914
WalkerEdwin born about 1883
WalkerEugenia Mborn about 1914
WalkerEva Vborn about 1917
WalkerFaith Mborn about 1939
WalkerFlorence born about 1912
WalkerFlorence Mborn about 1922
WalkerFrank born about 1912
WalkerGeorge born about 1916
WalkerGloria Aborn about 1926
WalkerGrace Hborn about 1938
WalkerHarold born about 1918
WalkerHenry born about 1878
WalkerHoward born about 1922
WalkerIrvin Iborn about 1913
WalkerKatherine born about 1887
WalkerLarry born about 1936
WalkerLaura born about 1885
WalkerLillian born about 1911
WalkerLloyd Jamesborn about 1935
WalkerLloyd Wborn about 1910
WalkerLoretta born about 1935
WalkerLuther born about 1925
WalkerPaul born about 1927
WalkerRaymond born about 1906
WalkerRobert Mborn about 1917
WalkerRose Marieborn about 1938
WalkerRuth born about 1924
WalkerSadie Mborn about 1921
WalkerShirley born about 1937
WalkerWilliam Sborn about 1919
WalterAllen born about 1876
WalterClara Nborn about 1865
WalterCurtis born about 1920
WalterHorace born about 1913
WalterJesse Rborn about 1858
WalterJohn born about 1910
WalterKatie Sborn about 1924
WalterSallie born about 1879
WardleDonald born about 1939
WardleHoward born about 1884
WardleHoward born about 1910
WardleLeonard born about 1914
WardleLeora Hborn about 1928
WardleLillian born about 1921
WardleVerna born about 1890
WarwoodAlice born about 1891
WarwoodEarnest born about 1892
WarwoodJoseph born about 1865
WeldnerDonald born about 1926
WeldnerEdna born about 1898
WeldnerGrover born about 1894
WeldnerViola born about 1920
WeldnerWilliam born about 1918
WelshRobert Lborn about 1933
WetzelAgnes Lborn about 1880
WetzelAlma Eborn about 1925
WetzelAlvin Eborn about 1900
WetzelCharles Aborn about 1931
WetzelDoris Aborn about 1900
WetzelJack Dborn about 1922
WetzelJohn Wborn about 1878
WetzelRichard Cborn about 1926
WetzelRobert Eborn about 1929
WhiteAlfred born about 1873
WhiteLeonard Pborn about 1920
WhiteNelson born about 1913
WhiteWillie Aborn about 1877
WiederAdolph born about 1873
WiederEmma born about 1888
WilliardDavid Mborn about 1888
WilliardMarjorie Rborn about 1910
WitmerMary Cborn about 1870
WolfDorthy Eborn about 1929
WolfHerbert Rborn about 1905
WolfHerbert R Jrborn about 1937
WolfJean Mborn about 1930
WolfLimford Lborn about 1933
WolfRichard Cborn about 1932
WolfStella Vborn about 1911
WolfeAmandus Fborn about 1887
WolfeCarrie Hborn about 1889
WolfeElsie born about 1920
WolfordElizabeth Mborn about 1906
WolfordWilliam Hborn about 1911
WoodingJoseph born about 1893
WoodwardEva born about 1916
WoodwardJean born about 1936
WoodwardMark born about 1939
WoodwardOren Mborn about 1910
WrightClarence born about 1885
WrightGeorge Hborn about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YedinakAnnie born about 1922
YedinakCarl born about 1915
YedinakJohn born about 1888
YedinakJohn born about 1919
YedinakJoseph born about 1924
YedinakMary born about 1929
YergerSamuel born about 1910
YerkKatie born about 1883
YerkWilson Hborn about 1878
YostDorthy born about 1921
YoungAlice born about 1872
YoungJohn born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZeppBlanche Rborn about 1923
ZeppCharles E Jrborn about 1932
ZeppCharles E Srborn about 1898
ZeppDoris born about 1925
ZeppGrace born about 1927
ZeppJames Rborn about 1938
ZeppJane born about 1930
ZeppMaggie Cborn about 1900
ZeppMargrete born about 1921
ZeppSarah Aborn about 1920
ZiglerFrank born about 1893
ZiglerMary born about 1867
ZippBeulah born about 1924
ZippEmma born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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