1940 U.S. Federal Census of Morris Township in Tioga County, Tioga, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Tioga County > 1940 Census of Morris Township in Tioga County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AckerEdward born about 1887
AckerMary born about 1882
AlexanderArchie born about 1923
AlexanderAudery Aborn about 1916
AlexanderBernard Hborn about 1915
AlexanderBetty born about 1932
AlexanderBuril born about 1932
AlexanderDonald Bborn about 1936
AlexanderElvin born about 1889
AlexanderGeorge Hborn about 1916
AlexanderGordon born about 1927
AlexanderLeroy Lborn about 1913
AlexanderMable born about 1895
AlexanderMary Jborn about 1922
AlexanderRobert Lborn about 1936
AlexanderVivian Rborn about 1916
AlxeanderAddison born about 1917
AlxeanderBonnie Leeborn about 1940
AlxeanderCatherine born about 1917
AlxeanderJoshpin born about 1883

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B Surnames

BakerHarold Mborn about 1916
BakerNaomi Gborn about 1916
BartlettHellen born about 1867
BesancenyJohn born about 1860
BirminghamAlma born about 1890
BirminghamJohn born about 1902
BirminghamThomas born about 1872
BishopBeryl Eborn about 1912
BishopBetty Lborn about 1930
BishopClerance Aborn about 1901
BishopElla Lborn about 1887
BishopNorman born about 1874
BlackwellAdelbert born about 1901
BlackwellAnna Mborn about 1898
BlackwellAnnette Eborn about 1894
BlackwellArnold born about 1894
BlackwellArthur Hborn about 1884
BlackwellBurdette born about 1933
BlackwellCila born about 1868
BlackwellClifford born about 1906
BlackwellClifford Jr born about 1927
BlackwellEdith born about 1877
BlackwellEdith Jborn about 1887
BlackwellElizabeth born about 1901
BlackwellEllen Lborn about 1932
BlackwellEnio born about 1926
BlackwellFloyd Aborn about 1931
BlackwellFrank born about 1874
BlackwellGlydas born about 1904
BlackwellGurdon born about 1867
BlackwellHary Rborn about 1880
BlackwellJesse born about 1929
BlackwellJohn Hborn about 1921
BlackwellLane born about 1935
BlackwellLeana Mborn about 1925
BlackwellLerone born about 1930
BlackwellMarrella born about 1908
BlackwellMartha Eborn about 1894
BlackwellMary Eborn about 1877
BlackwellMilton Eborn about 1876
BlackwellNelson Lborn about 1934
BlackwellRobert Lborn about 1926
BlackwellRobert Mborn about 1883
BlackwellRoger born about 1931
BlackwellRuth born about 1903
BlackwellSherley Aborn about 1936
BlackwellStalla Mborn about 1897
BlackwellThelma born about 1922
BlackwellWilliam born about 1896
BlackwellWilliam Mborn about 1922
BlackwellWillis Wborn about 1930
BohnertAlma born about 1895
BohnertBaklire Hborn about 1937
BohnertBeverley born about 1933
BohnertDelos born about 1915
BohnertElnor born about 1921
BohnertEugene born about 1931
BohnertFrank Pborn about 1869
BohnertFranklin Aborn about 1907
BohnertHarold born about 1935
BohnertJoe Taylor Bborn about 1935
BohnertMaryan born about 1919
BohnertPeggy Annborn about 1933
BohnertPreston born about 1894
BohnertRaymond born about 1925
BohnertVirginia Mborn about 1929
BounellClayton born about 1874
BounellCora born about 1889
BounellEllen born about 1855
BreedAlice born about 1859
BriggsArnold born about 1925
BriggsBert Lborn about 1894
BriggsBerton Sborn about 1921
BriggsBetty Aborn about 1937
BriggsContance Eborn about 1897
BriggsHelen Mborn about 1926
BriggsHoward born about 1938
BriggsIla born about 1919
BriggsIrving Fborn about 1934
BriggsJames born about 1922
BriggsJohn Eborn about 1876
BriggsKenneth born about 1920
BriggsMary Wborn about 1929
BriggsMyrtel born about 1898
BriggsRobert Rborn about 1919
BriggsWalter born about 1893
BriggsWalter Aborn about 1938
BriggsWalter Jr born about 1933
BriggsWilliam born about 1918
BrionFay Bborn about 1893
BrionRobert born about 1917
BrneJanny Eborn about 1926
BrneM Daudsborn about 1922
BrneMary born about 1900
BrneTony born about 1890
BrneTony Josephborn about 1923
BroughtonAlice Mborn about 1931
BroughtonAlta born about 1882
BroughtonCharles Aborn about 1926
BroughtonCora Aborn about 1866
BroughtonCora Mborn about 1888
BroughtonDaius born about 1870
BroughtonDarius born about 1864
BroughtonDonald Lborn about 1930
BroughtonDorothy Eborn about 1919
BroughtonEamers* Daleborn about 1936
BroughtonEarl born about 1906
BroughtonEdward born about 1890
BroughtonEdwin born about 1881
BroughtonElizbeth born about 1913
BroughtonElwood born about 1915
BroughtonFred born about 1879
BroughtonFredrick Oborn about 1932
BroughtonGeorge born about 1874
BroughtonJames Rborn about 1924
BroughtonKenneth Hborn about 1936
BroughtonMable Hborn about 1892
BroughtonMarjorie Lborn about 1920
BroughtonMary Lborn about 1935
BroughtonMax born about 1888
BroughtonRaymon born about 1933
BroughtonVernon born about 1919
BrownAlice Cborn about 1880
BrownGrant born about 1906
BrownJ Pborn about 1877
BrownPhydelia born about 1879
BrownR Sborn about 1878
BrownWilliam Eborn about 1884
BryonEileen Mborn about 1921
BryonPearl Eborn about 1898
ButlerAffhia Rborn about 1928
ButlerBeverly Jborn about 1938
ButlerFelbee Aborn about 1905
ButlerIra Rborn about 1937
ButlerJune Mborn about 1929
ButlerLeonard born about 1896
ButlerLloyd Dborn about 1935
ButlerLwelen Fborn about 1925
ButlerMabel born about 1922
ButlerManford Iborn about 1933
ButlerOville born about 1899
ButlerRuth Dborn about 1927
ButlerSadie Aborn about 1898
ButlerVilot Mborn about 1923
ButlersDorothe born about 1916
ButtersIseball born about 1887
ButtersRaymond Gborn about 1922

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C Surnames

CampbellAddie Mborn about 1904
CampbellAlice Rborn about 1902
CampbellClarence born about 1895
CampbellEdna born about 1883
CampbellEugene born about 1896
CampbellGeorge Wborn about 1862
CampbellGeraldine born about 1920
CampbellHerman Lborn about 1895
CampbellIrene Aborn about 1935
CampbellJames Hborn about 1892
CampbellJoyce Aborn about 1883
CampbellLouisa born about 1895
CampbellLouisa Aborn about 1937
CampbellMarjorie Jborn about 1938
CampbellNeme Wborn about 1898
CampbellNiola Jborn about 1939
CampbellPurley Bborn about 1895
CampbellRautford born about 1866
CampbellRoberta Mborn about 1932
CampbellS Wborn about 1877
CampbellWalter born about 1882
CampmanAllie born about 1892
CampmanArchie born about 1915
CampmanConstant born about
CampmanHarry born about 1892
CampmanJeane born about 1927
CampmanLewis Aborn about 1916
CampmanRobert born about 1937
CampmanRonald born about 1938
CarlsonCharles Fborn about 1881
CarlsonEric born about 1883
CaulkinsMargette Lborn about 1877
CaulkinsNelson Aborn about 1875
ChappellArthur born about 1922
ChappellClement born about 1921
ChildsEmily Mborn about 1906
ChildsHarry born about 1895
ChildsLucinda Pborn about 1868
ClarkAlonzo Eborn about 1859
CochranHiel Bborn about 1914
CochranLoretta Lborn about 1921
CollinsAnnabel Bborn about 1926
CollinsConstance Eborn about 1936
CollinsDonna Oborn about 1932
CollinsEmiline Mborn about 1937
CollinsFredrick born about 1935
CollinsGeorge born about 1928
CollinsJames born about 1911
CollinsJohn Jborn about 1918
CollinsJoseph Pborn about 1884
CollinsJoseph Rborn about 1910
CollinsLaurence born about 1919
CollinsLula Mborn about 1891
CollinsLula Maeborn about 1923
CollinsMargeie Mborn about 1938
CollinsMarton born about 1924
CollinsMeoma Rborn about 1935
CollinsMildred Aborn about 1912
CollinsPaul born about 1930
CollinsPhyllis Mborn about 1934
CollinsRobert Lborn about 1932
CollinsRuth Lborn about 1914
CollinsThomas born about 1932
CollinsWalter born about 1919
CollinsWilliam born about 1921
CompstockAlbert C Jrborn about 1939
CompstockAudrey Eborn about 1933
CompstockClifton born about 1916
CompstockEdward born about 1904
CompstockFrank born about 1884
CompstockIrwin born about 1878
CompstockIva Tborn about 1904
CompstockMarella Mborn about 1935
CompstockMildred Mborn about 1917
CompstockPansey Eborn about 1895
ComptonHarry Cborn about 1895
CoobEmma Hborn about 1907
CoobFay Eborn about 1931
CoobFred Fborn about 1924
CoobGeorge born about 1894
CoobLeroy Lborn about 1936
CoobMargreat Nborn about 1928
CooleyEmma Lborn about 1868
CooleyVerna Nayborn about 1894
CrawfordGeorge Wborn about 1896

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D Surnames

DaviesOliver Aborn about 1884
DavisFrank Mborn about 1921
DeckerOnalee born about 1928
DeckerSuese born about 1893
DittesRachel born about 1876
DittesStewart born about 1869
DoneFrank Eborn about 1857
DuffeyElla Lborn about 1865
DuffeyEzra Eborn about 1890
DutcherBettey Jborn about 1931
DutcherDale Mborn about 1930
DutcherJennie Jborn about 1904
DutcherKatherine Lborn about 1938
DutcherKay Bborn about 1934
DutcherLowell Vborn about 1936
DutcherMarjorie Lborn about 1927
DutcherRobert Wborn about 1928
DutcherWilliam Fborn about 1901

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E Surnames

EmmickCarry Mborn about 1876
EmmickCatherine Iborn about 1930
EmmickEarl Sborn about
EmmickElmer Eborn about 1865
EmmickEva Bborn about 1900
EmmickGuy Wborn about 1936
EmmickHoward Wborn about 1920
EmmickJames Aborn about 1902
EmmickJune Lborn about 1928
EmmickMrs V A Aborn about 1897
EmmickSamuel Dborn about 1932
EmmickV Aborn about 1893
EmmickWesley born about 1865
EmmickWilliam born about 1854
EmmickWilliam Hborn about 1891
EnglishAnna Vborn about 1904
EnglishJames born about 1859
EnglishRay born about 1897
EnglishVictor Rborn about 1891
EnglishVoleta Mborn about 1925

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F Surnames

FasanoDomnick born about 1877
FavierArthur born about 1906
FavierDoroth born about 1933
FavierEugene born about 1932
FavierHelen born about 1936
FavierMaryan born about 1903
FishHoward Fborn about 1917
FishM Lborn about 1888
FishMazie Jborn about 1892
FoneyFrank born about 1889
FoneyGrace born about 1884
FoulerThomas born about 1877
FowlerAnna Aborn about 1905
FowlerElizabeth Aborn about 1905
FowlerEmma Lborn about 1882
FowlerFillias Mborn about 1930
FowlerHarloyn born about 1927
FowlerRobert Hborn about 1923
FowlerRussell born about 1902
FowlerTomme Cborn about 1900

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G Surnames

GalesAnasraffalona born about 1866
GalesGeorge Wborn about 1865
GalesThelma Mborn about 1905
GalesWilliam Sborn about 1907
GallucciaLawrence born about 1889
GardnerGladys Iborn about 1920
GardnerLula Mborn about 1923
GardnerMelissa Sborn about 1895
GardnerRoy Dborn about 1896
GarnerBertha born about 1876
GarnerJ Arthurborn about 1877
GarverickAmanda born about 1894
GarverickJess born about 1884
GaviseJames Jborn about 1878
GendronBernard Aborn about 1933
GendronBertrand born about 1909
GendronGerald Hborn about 1931
GendronIrene Mborn about 1914
GrahamConnie Mborn about 1933
GrahamEdward Eborn about 1914
GrahamGeorgia Cborn about 1918
GrahamHarry Dborn about 1918
GrahamIrwin born about 1870
GrahamJames Aborn about 1938
GrahamLean Jborn about 1916
GrahamLouise Dborn about 1920
GrahamLroy born about 1886
GrahamLula Lborn about 1884
GrahamLula Mborn about 1888
GrahamMable Lborn about 1893
GrahamMaude Mayborn about 1923
GrahamPhilena born about 1883
GrahamSandra Raeborn about 1940
GrahamWilliam born about 1887
GriffinJ Patrickborn about 1881
GuyArthur Lborn about 1914
GuyBertha Mayborn about 1891
GuyCharles Davidborn about 1920
GuyDora Eborn about 1939
GuyEdna Mborn about 1896
GuyElenora Aborn about 1919
GuyElizabeth Bborn about 1904
GuyMary Aborn about 1939
GuyR Wborn about 1910
GuyW Dborn about 1888
GuyW Mborn about 1862

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H Surnames

HaleyBernadine born about 1906
HaleyJohn born about 1854
HamiltonMary born about 1882
HarrisElizabeth born about 1895
HarrisLloyd born about 1887
HarrisRobert Bborn about 1895
HartBertha Mborn about 1886
HartEmmery born about 1873
HartIrma Jborn about 1910
HartMarth Mborn about 1931
HartWaldo born about 1905
HeatleyCarolyn Eborn about 1928
HeatleyEdwin born about 1918
HeatleyFred Cborn about 1922
HeatleyJohn born about 1888
HeatleyLeah Bborn about 1893
HeatleyNorma Aborn about 1923
HeatleyRobert Edwinborn about 1940
HeatleyRonald Oborn about 1939
HeatleyWillard Sborn about 1925
HenryLinn Rborn about 1917
HenryRobert Lborn about 1936
HeylerAlta Mborn about 1892
HeylerEarl Wborn about 1918
HeylerEdward Eborn about 1926
HeylerElmer Fborn about 1891
HeylerFred Eborn about 1880
HeylerFredrick Fborn about 1932
HeylerGrace Lborn about 1884
HeylerHazel Rborn about 1892
HeylerLucille Bborn about 1916
HeylerMargret Eborn about 1924
HeylerMary Eborn about 1923
HeylerMildred Gborn about 1920
HeylerRobert Fborn about 1886
HeylerRobert Wborn about 1914
HeylerRomaio Fborn about 1920
HeylerWannite Mborn about 1917
HillyardBetty Mborn about 1929
HillyardCharles Rborn about 1901
HillyardHary Wborn about 1932
HillyardJohn Hborn about 1939
HillyardLeon Bborn about 1937
HillyardLeroy Fborn about 1936
HillyardLillian Eborn about 1909
HillyardMary Jborn about 1934
HillyardRobin R Jborn about 1928
HortFloria Mborn about 1876
HostranderAlfred born about 1926
HostranderClaire Lborn about 1933
HostranderFrancis born about 1924
HostranderJosephine born about 1897
HostranderLeslie born about 1896
HostranderMaryann born about 1937
HouseCarrie born about 1891
HouseJackie Leeborn about 1937
HouseJoyce Marieborn about 1934
HouseMelvin born about 1913
HouseNeoma born about 1915
HouseRay born about 1885
HouselHarry born about 1892
HuffJames Dborn about 1892
HulbertKenneth born about 1916
HummelJennie born about 1884
HummelJess born about 1884
HurleyCatherine born about 1871
HurleyEllen born about 1881
HurleyJerry born about 1876
HydeCharles Bborn about 1866
HydeElmer born about 1908
HydeKarthrin Lborn about 1919

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J Surnames

JacksonConstant born about 1892
JacksonErma born about 1904
JacksonPeggy Annborn about 1939
JacksonRonald Joborn about 1937
JohnsonBernice Bborn about 1894
JohnsonBettey Jborn about 1935
JohnsonCharles Bborn about 1900
JohnsonDortha Bborn about 1920
JohnsonGeorge born about 1875
JohnsonHoward Lborn about 1914
JohnsonHoward Sborn about 1891
JohnsonJune Aborn about 1918
JohnsonLeisley Eborn about 1927
JohnsonLeroy Lborn about 1910
JohnsonLouise born about 1915
JohnsonMartha born about 1877
JohnsonRichard Cborn about 1921
JohnsonVerdagine born about 1925
JohnstonClarence born about 1909
JohnstonLula Sborn about 1914
JohnstonMargaret born about 1914
JohnstonRonald born about 1936
JohnstonThomas born about 1932

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K Surnames

KennedyLewis born about 1910
KetchumGeorge Hborn about 1882
KilpatrickClarence born about 1913
KilpatrickLaura born about 1871
KohlerAndrew born about 1867
KohlerElizebth born about 1872
KordelAdaline Nborn about 1919
KordelJohn born about 1935
KordelLewis Jborn about 1909
KordelMary Lborn about 1939
KregerAlfread born about 1899
KregerAlfred Rborn about 1922
KregerAlma Jborn about 1929
KregerClifton Cborn about 1925
KregerEdith Cborn about 1936
KregerHarry Eborn about 1938
KregerLeana Lborn about 1903
KregerLerne born about 1911
KregerPaul Aborn about 1934
KregerRosella Mborn about 1925
KregerRuth Eborn about 1913
KregerSarah Eborn about 1865
KrineEdna Mborn about 1890
KrineJ Aborn about 1884
KrineLeon Eborn about 1910
KrineMargaret born about 1864
KrineMary Annborn about 1916
KrineMary Mborn about 1936
KrinerPaul Wborn about 1920
KrouseErie born about 1888
KrouseKathrin born about 1928
KrouseLouis born about 1887
KrouseSarah Eborn about 1926

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L Surnames

LamountainEdith born about 1884
LamountainOle Dborn about 1890
LaudenslagerGrace Wborn about 1914
LaudenslagerJohn born about 1904
LaudenslagerJohn Lborn about 1938
LaudenslagerJoseph Wborn about 1931
LaudenslagerLula Mborn about
LevanduskiAndrew born about 1890
LevanduskiBurnard born about 1927
LevanduskiHelen born about 1926
LevanduskiPhilip born about 1895
LewisArthur born about 1907
LewisBruce Aborn about 1890
LewisCatherine Eborn about 1856
LewisClareball Mborn about 1918
LewisGrace Eborn about 1876
LewisJames Wborn about 1865
LewisLeroux born about 1911
LewisR Cborn about 1859
LinchAnnie Aborn about 1873
LinchElnore Dborn about 1936
LinchJohn Lborn about 1931
LinchMarjorie Tborn about 1903
LinchMary Aborn about 1885
LinchW Mborn about 1903

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M Surnames

MartinaAnthony born about 1864
MartinaJoseph Lborn about 1926
MartinaRose born about 1899
MartinaWilliam Cborn about 1928
MartinoJohn born about 1898
MartinoJoseph Jborn about 1938
MartinoMarrietta born about 1916
MartinoMildred born about 1920
MartinoMinon Lborn about 1907
MartinoRita Rborn about 1935
MasonEllen Cborn about 1904
MasonJoseph Fborn about 1905
MasonRobert Cborn about 1938
MathewsWilliam born about 1913
MattisonAnna Lborn about 1914
MattisonDonnalec born about 1934
MattisonEugene born about 1913
MattisonKenneth born about 1907
MattisonLlewelllyn Gborn about 1936
McCarthyRobert Bborn about 1936
McNaughtJohn born about 1860
MekosBernard born about 1926
MekosBernice born about 1926
MekosBlanch born about 1886
MekosCora born about 1923
MekosGeorge Lborn about 1915
MekosMark born about 1880
MillerHarry Jborn about 1904
MillerIrene Mborn about 1906
MillerJackson Jborn about 1852
MillerLester born about 1898
MillerMary Mborn about 1869
MillerRobert Fborn about 1904
MillerRobert Rborn about 1929
MillsFanney born about 1873
MoffittFrancies Wborn about 1938
MoffittFrancis Lborn about 1908
MoffittMeta Fborn about 1917
MorrisMargret born about 1900
MorrisonBurich born about 1914
MorrisonEva Hborn about 1888
MorrisonGeorge born about 1876
MorrisonGuy born about 1914
MoyerFreamen born about 1929
MoyerGeorge born about 1920
MoyerHerbert born about 1882
MoyerMaimie born about 1893
MoyerRoxline born about 1930
MullerBrant Jborn about 1938
MullerJude Annborn about 1937
MullerMarian Eborn about 1918
MunsonErvin born about 1892

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N Surnames

NanzandtBlair born about 1922
NanzandtDoria Iborn about 1924
NanzandtJonathan born about 1883
NanzillArthur born about 1923
NichersBaula born about 1922
NichersJennie Eborn about 1939
NichersMary Jborn about 1938
NichersWilliam born about 1905
NicholsonJohn Aborn about 1865
NicholsonKathrin born about 1879
NicholsonMary Dborn about 1923

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O Surnames

OsbeornAmos Bborn about 1939
OsbeornCharles Aborn about 1905
OsbeornChristina born about 1904
OsbeornFred Vborn about 1911
OsbeornMary Mborn about 1883
OsbeornPhilia Mborn about 1933
OsbeornSilvian Bborn about 1934
OsbeornVelma Dborn about 1909
OsbornEdna Mborn about 1935
OsbornGrace Eborn about 1915
OsbornHarry Sborn about 1910
OsbornHelen Rborn about 1933
OsbornMary Aborn about 1932
OsbornNila Vborn about 1932
OstranderEdith Cborn about 1871
OstranderSula Aborn about 1904

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P Surnames

ParsonJames born about 1932
PattAlex Gborn about 1891
PattAlice Mborn about 1897
PattBetty Kborn about 1910
PattBlanch Cborn about 1890
PattConstant Mborn about 1937
PattDonna Mborn about 1939
PattDorothy Aborn about 1929
PattEdna Lborn about 1922
PattEdwin Cborn about 1919
PattErnestine born about 1930
PattHellen Rborn about 1925
PattJohn Pborn about 1922
PattJohn Wborn about 1901
PattKathrine Hborn about 1904
PattLottie Mborn about 1927
PattLucille Jborn about 1928
PattMarcella Pborn about 1926
PattMayren Pborn about 1925
PattPatricia Aborn about 1938
PattPaul Pborn about 1909
PattStanley Jborn about 1886
PattStanley Jborn about 1920
PeakeJesse Rborn about 1877
PeakeSeth Eborn about 1864
PhyllasL Johnsonborn about 1936
PoncoskiThomas born about 1877
PowellDavid Aborn about 1864
PowellEarl Dborn about 1893
PowellEdith Eborn about 1909
PowellEmy Lborn about 1936
PowellGuy Sborn about 1911
PowellJames Dborn about 1928
PowellJames Hborn about 1904
PowellMabel born about 1916
PowellMargaret born about 1872
PowellMargret Eborn about 1929
PriceEster born about 1867
PriceMonarad born about 1908
PrisetClifford Lborn about 1914
PutmanChalot Bborn about 1882
PutmanJames Aborn about 1924
PutmanJames Hborn about 1885
PutmanWahneta Rborn about 1927

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R Surnames

RobertGales Lborn about 1906
RobertsonDonald born about 1931
RobertsonErnest born about 1876
RobertsonErnest Aborn about 1923
RobertsonFrank born about 1880
RobertsonGrace born about 1885
RobertsonLee Nborn about 1903
RobertsonLillian born about 1907
RobertsonMelvin Aborn about 1925
RobertsonNancy born about 1935
RobyErnest Cborn about 1906
RobyLeland Eborn about 1912
RobySherley Aborn about 1929
RoodHomer Mborn about 1894
RoodIsabell Jborn about 1904
RoodLeigh Hborn about 1930
RoodM Jborn about 1857
RoodMary Annborn about 1937
RootAlice Mborn about 1916
RootBruce born about 1891
RootDaisy born about 1891
RootFaye Eborn about 1899
RootHomer born about 1884
RootJames Dborn about 1917
RootJenie Iborn about 1931
RootMadeline born about 1928
RootNellie born about 1926
RootRuth Aborn about 1939
RootVivian born about 1923
RootWanda born about 1921
RoseKathryn Mborn about 1914
RussellHartford Jr born about 1928
RussellLeslie Jborn about 1883
RussellWilliam Dborn about 1930

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S Surnames

SaffordEmma born about 1877
SaffordMelissa born about 1876
SaffordWalter Bborn about 1877
SaffordWilford Gborn about 1877
SaundersJacqueline Oborn about 1934
SaundersMerton born about 1910
SaundersMerton Jr born about 1936
SaundersStanley Wborn about 1937
SaundersTheresa born about 1885
ScarboroughAlice born about 1912
ScarboroughAlton born about 1933
ScarboroughBesse born about 1937
ScarboroughEvan born about 1939
ScarboroughMilton born about
ScarboroughSam born about 1904
ScarboroughShirly born about 1935
ScarboroughTheodoer born about 1932
SchniderAlma born about 1921
SchniderClara born about 1886
SchniderEdward born about 1875
SchniderWard born about 1879
ShefflerAnna Kborn about 1930
ShefflerCharles born about 1904
ShefflerHarry Eborn about 1905
ShefflerJunior C Lborn about 1927
ShortAlfred Wborn about 1939
ShortBaisal born about 1924
ShortCalvin Wborn about 1912
ShortCharles born about 1910
ShortDonald born about 1936
ShortEdna Lborn about 1937
ShortEmma Jborn about 1938
ShortGeraldine born about 1932
ShortHarold born about 1919
ShortIarl born about 1934
ShortIva born about 1890
ShortIva Cborn about 1935
ShortLeana born about 1914
ShortLora Mborn about 1915
ShortLula born about
SignowAndrew born about 1883
SignowJoseph born about 1876
SimmensGrant born about 1871
SippaBertha born about 1881
SippaPaul born about 1883
SmileyJames born about 1885
SmithA Helenborn about 1932
SmithAdah Jborn about 1915
SmithAlta born about 1899
SmithDale Mborn about 1913
SmithDoris Mborn about 1918
SmithLorraine Hborn about 1904
SmithMary Eborn about 1929
SoderquistCharles born about 1876
SomervilleBeatric born about 1905
SomervilleGwendolyn born about 1927
SomervilleJohn born about 1902
SpongHerman Eborn about 1935
SpongJennett Cborn about 1898
SpongLaurance born about 1901
SutchElwood Rborn about 1870
SutchHary Jborn about 1868
SutleyGrant Eborn about 1913
SutleyHazel Iborn about 1890
SutleyHoward Jborn about 1920

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T Surnames

TerryCharles born about 1907
TerryEvaline born about 1929
TerryHarold born about 1932
TerryLeona born about 1911
ThomasWinona born about 1875
ThompsonLaura Bborn about 1893
ThompsonRobert born about 1894
ThompsonRobert Fborn about 1915
ThorntonBarbara Jborn about 1935
ThorntonBeatrice Aborn about 1908
ThorntonBettey Jborn about 1937
ThorntonHerriett Aborn about 1930
ThorntonJackline Eborn about 1933
ThorntonJohn Fborn about 1938
ThorntonKenneth born about 1906
TysonHarry Wborn about 1904

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V Surnames

VromanAlberta Lborn about 1938
VromanLinnea Mborn about 1916
VromanLlyod Aborn about 1911
VromanWilliam Aborn about 1934

W Surnames

WardenWilliam born about 1865
WattsCharles Cborn about 1894
WebbEllen born about 1913
WelliverAnna born about 1872
WelliverElizabeth Lborn about 1903
WelliverHarold Eborn about 1904
WellsHazel Iborn about 1917
WelshFlourance Pborn about 1906
WelshHerbert Wborn about 1901
WelshRobert Lborn about 1929
WelshRoberta Jborn about 1927
WelshRoy Fborn about 1926
WelshRuth Pborn about 1930
WesieOliver Jborn about 1914
WhittleBonita Mborn about 1925
WhittleDennis Mborn about 1929
WhittleGeorge Rborn about 1934
WhittleMatthew born about 1902
WhittleMellie Jborn about 1907
WhittleRobert Lborn about 1932
WilcoxCharles Aborn about 1910
WilcoxCharles Rborn about 1939
WilcoxGladys Eborn about 1915
WilcoxLoy Aborn about 1935
WilcoxPeggy Jborn about 1937
WilliammeeAda Fborn about 1899
WilliammeeArthur Lborn about 1893
WilliammeeArthur Wborn about 1925
WilliammeeDarwin born about 1875
WilliammeeHarry Aborn about 1927
WilliammeeHelen Nborn about 1934
WilliammeeIsabel born about 1862
WilliammeeLeonora Aborn about 1886
WilliammeeLewis Oborn about 1930
WilliammeeRoss Jborn about 1886
WilliammeeWalter born about 1888
WilliamsIna Eborn about 1923
WilliamsInez Lborn about 1923
WilliamsSeth Bborn about 1882
WillianneCorliss Mborn about 1925
WillianneDoris born about 1923
WillianneFloyd Sborn about 1931
WillimmeCorliss born about 1893
WillimmeOlive born about 1896
WillimmeeEthel born about 1899
WillimmeeHarriett born about 1860
WillimmeeRosco Hborn about 1868
WillimmeeRussell born about 1890
WilsonAntia born about 1893
WilsonErnest born about 1920
WilsonKennth Hborn about 1939
WilsonMaymon born about 1923
WilsonPauline born about 1925
WilsonPearl Eborn about 1920
WilsonWayne Cborn about 1937
WilsonWayne Pborn about 1915
WindersAlice Iborn about 1898
WindersClarence born about 1886
WinnieJunior Wborn about 1928
WinnieWallace born about 1895
WinnieWanda born about 1929
WinnieWilfred born about 1924
WinnieWilliam born about 1932
WitherbeeEdith born about 1898
WitherbeeEugene born about 1926
WitherbeeHarry born about 1902
WoodhouseMary born about 1882
WoodhouseNorman born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoggyCleo Jborn about 1931
YoggyColleen Aborn about 1929
YoggyDorothy Jborn about
YoggyDorothy Jborn about 1911
YoggyEsther Aborn about 1930
YoggyGeorge Dborn about 1938
YoggyGeorge Mborn about 1901
YoggyJack Aborn about 1897
YoggyLeana born about 1864
YoggyPatricia Mborn about 1924
YoggyPhyllis Jborn about 1926
YoggyRuth born about 1900
YoungLeana Mborn about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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