1940 U.S. Federal Census of North Belle Vernon, Westmoreland, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Westmoreland County > 1940 Census of North Belle Vernon

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsGeorge born about 1908
AdamsGeorge born about 1933
AdamsHelen born about 1912
AdamsJames born about 1931
AdamsJames Dborn about 1870
AdamsJohn Cborn about 1930
AdamsSarah born about 1872
AlbrightDavid born about 1886
AlbrightDavid Jr born about 1910
AlbrightKathryn born about 1915
AlbrightSamantha born about 1893
AlkensMike born about 1886
AllenArthur born about 1872
AllenArthur Jr born about 1907
AllenCordelia born about 1907
AllenElla born about 1883
AllenRobert born about 1907
AllisonAmelia born about 1868
AltmaryAlbert born about 1914
AltmaryEdith born about 1926
AltmaryElenor born about 1918
AltmaryEmily born about 1920
AltmaryFreassa born about 1895
AltmaryGabriel born about 1889
AltmaryJean born about 1932
AltmaryLewis born about 1916
AmalongDeloris born about 1927
AmalongFred born about 1878
AmalongGeorge born about 1885
AmalongJerry Leeborn about 1934
AmalongNellie born about 1895
AmalongOlive born about 1867
AmalongRobert Hborn about 1893
AmalongWindell born about 1926
AmbroseAngeline born about 1916
AmbroseBetty Jeanborn about 1931
AmbroseCharles born about 1908
AmbroseEdith born about 1908
AmbroseFidel born about 1928
AmbroseFred born about 1919
AmbroseJames Vborn about 1912
AmbroseJoseph born about 1917
AmbroseMarlene born about 1935
AmbroseTeresa born about 1937
AmbroseTheresa born about 1887
AmbroseVincent Jborn about 1936
AndreisDomonick born about 1874
AndreisLucia born about 1873
AndreisTheresa born about 1910
AngelonaAnna born about 1910
AngelonaDominick born about 1903
AngelonaJoseph born about 1932
AnthenyAlbert born about 1904
AnthenyAnn born about 1913
AnthenyHarry born about 1936
AnthenyLoretta born about 1935
AnthenyPhillip born about 1938
AquilinaCharles born about 1900
AquilinaMargaret born about 1926
AquilinaMary born about 1906
AquilinaRose born about 1927
AshleyBlanche born about 1892
AshleyDonald born about 1935
AshleyJohn born about 1892
AshleyJune born about 1921
AspyAlda Cborn about 1913
AspyArthur born about 1916
AspyBenjamin Aborn about 1881
AspyBuella Jborn about 1894
AspyFreda born about 1916
AspyMargaret Annborn about 1936
AspyRaymond Fborn about 1912
AtheyFrancis Mrs born about 1900
AtkinsonEdward born about 1899
AtkinsonHelen born about 1905
AtkinsonWilliam born about 1930
AtkinsonZane born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaffeniAlbert born about 1919
BaffeniAlden born about 1915
BaffeniAlfred born about 1929
BaffeniJoseph born about 1881
BaffeniTheresa born about 1890
BaffeniVelda born about 1925
BairElizabeth born about 1913
BairVictor born about 1909
BairdButler born about 1887
BakerMartha born about 1914
BakerMartha born about 1938
BakerPerrin born about 1909
BalaskaBarbara Annborn about 1939
BalaskaMary born about 1908
BaldwinJ Eborn about 1879
BandiniAldo born about 1922
BandiniConstant born about 1877
BandiniGertrude born about 1914
BandiniMary born about 1881
BandiniNello born about 1915
BandiniReno born about 1911
BaptistBratice born about 1889
BarnesAlice born about 1924
BarrassEleanor born about 1907
BarrassThomas born about 1906
BarrassWilliam Jerryborn about 1939
BartolozziThomas born about 1916
BassEmma born about 1900
BassErnest born about 1900
BassEster born about 1925
BassJune born about 1923
BassWarren born about 1927
BaumbaughDora born about 1875
BaumgardnerBetty born about 1920
BaumgardnerFlora Janeborn about 1940
BaumgardnerJames Wborn about 1907
BaumgardnerJames Jr born about 1934
BaumgardnerLeo born about 1912
BaumgardnerLeo Jr born about 1939
BaumgardnerLoretta born about 1932
BaumgardnerLottie born about 1911
BaumgardnerMary Belleborn about 1918
BaydAlma Mrs born about 1908
BayleHugh born about 1905
BayleJohn born about 1911
BayleJohn born about 1934
BayleOlga born about 1908
BayleThomas born about 1932
BayleyBertha born about 1894
BayleyHannayh born about 1856
BedfordErnestine born about 1914
BedfordNorris Jeanborn about 1938
BedfordNuella Gayeborn about 1940
BellArthur born about 1897
BellBetty born about 1925
BellElizabeth born about 1905
BellErma born about 1910
BellJohn born about 1905
BenedettiBilly born about 1926
BenedettiElsie born about 1906
BenedettiSamuel born about 1903
BeresikAndy born about 1914
BeresikAnna born about 1886
BeresikJoseph born about 1908
BeresikMary born about 1907
BergDorthey born about 1930
BergMargret born about 1898
BergMargret born about 1927
BergOtta born about 1895
BergRalph born about 1918
BerryAlbert Hborn about 1916
BerryDorothy born about 1918
BerryGladys born about 1918
BerryLorraine born about 1939
BerryRobert born about 1913
BiaginiAlfredo born about 1888
BiaginiJanet born about 1920
BiaginiLouis born about 1917
BiaginiNorma born about 1913
BiaginiVirginia born about 1885
BierwirthCharles born about 1901
BierwirthMary born about 1903
BiggsDorthey born about 1914
BiggsJohn born about 1910
BiggsRobert born about 1939
BillJoseph born about 1912
BillJoseph born about 1939
BillJosephine born about 1908
BindiAlberta born about 1911
BindiCarol Annborn about 1939
BindiHarry born about 1910
BlackburnLouis born about 1871
BlackburnSarah born about 1879
BlairClair born about 1917
BlairMary Rborn about 1888
BlairRaymond born about 1916
BlairThomas born about 1938
BlairWilliam Hborn about 1890
BlobnerJ Jborn about 1899
BoeversDonald born about 1934
BoeversJack born about 1930
BoeversJohn born about 1904
BoeversNellie born about 1904
BogartFlorence Mrs born about 1877
BogartWalter born about 1895
BoltzJ Jborn about 1863
BonucciBlanche born about 1904
BonucciFretz born about 1902
BonucciFretz born about 1931
BornellJames born about 1895
BornellMarie born about 1895
BorselliAlma born about 1900
BorselliChino born about 1893
BorselliDolores born about 1922
BorselliHenry born about 1926
BorselliVelia born about 1921
BorsottoAndrea born about 1939
BorsottoHilda born about 1915
BorsottoLouis born about 1911
BostonElizabeth born about 1888
BostonGeorge Wborn about 1887
BostonMargaret born about 1906
BostonPaul Annborn about 1939
BostonRoss born about 1909
BovardEliza Jborn about 1863
BowersAddison born about 1918
BowersEdward born about 1921
BowersHoward Fborn about 1903
BowersLillian born about 1902
BowersMary Mrs born about 1878
BowersMelvin Lborn about 1931
BowersVernon Hborn about 1925
BrackovitchAnna born about 1922
BrackovitchCatherine born about 1900
BrackovitchDanny born about 1939
BrackovitchDoris born about 1936
BrackovitchEva born about 1922
BrackovitchHelen born about 1928
BrackovitchJohn born about 1924
BrackovitchMike born about 1925
BrackovitchNellie born about 1930
BrackovitchWalter born about 1927
BrackovitchWassen born about 1888
BradleyCecil Gborn about 1885
BradleyFrancis born about 1888
BradleyLouis born about 1912
BreakwellClifford born about 1908
BreakwellClifford born about 1931
BreakwellDoris born about 1906
BreknerHomer born about 1910
BreknerMurle born about 1914
BrenkusMary Mrs born about 1888
BrenogarClyde born about 1890
BrenogarMaude born about 1898
BrenogarRichard born about 1937
BrenogarValeria born about 1921
BrightwellDonna Leeborn about 1936
BrightwellElizabeth born about 1909
BrightwellElma born about 1871
BrightwellRichard born about 1905
BrindzakAndrew born about 1919
BrindzakGeorge born about 1893
BrindzakGeorge Jr born about 1929
BrindzakHelen born about 1900
BrindzakHelen born about 1921
BrindzakMargaret born about 1925
BroganElizabeth born about 1866
BrothyCaroline born about 1891
BrothyMical born about 1887
BrottElla Maeborn about 1925
BrottElmer born about 1892
BrottElmer born about 1912
BrottJames born about 1927
BrottMary born about 1893
BrownellerCatherine born about 1917
BrownellerClair born about 1902
BrownellerGary Cborn about 1918
BrownellerNancy Leeborn about 1937
BugelliAmelia born about 1908
BugelliAugusta born about 1887
BugelliDelma born about 1914
BugelliLouise born about 1880
BullAlice born about 1887
BullArthur born about 1912
BullGeorge born about 1884
BurerEmma born about 1879
BurerHarry born about 1883
BurkeGeorgette born about 1920
BurkeJune born about 1921
BurkeMargret born about 1895
BurkeMargret born about 1924
BurkeMary born about 1918
BurkeNolace born about 1927
BurkeSteven born about 1888
BurrowsBaldwina born about 1885
BurrowsClarence born about 1919
BurrowsDorethy Mayborn about 1936
BurrowsEdward born about 1912
BurrowsHoward born about 1914
BurrowsJames born about 1882
BurrowsJames Eborn about 1934
BurrowsMadaline born about 1902
BurrowsWalter born about 1909
BushDolores born about 1937
BushEmma born about 1912
BushHarry born about 1903
ButlerBarbara born about 1939
ButlerBen born about 1908
ButlerBenjamin born about 1884
ButlerCarlazustine born about 1937
ButlerCrestella born about 1913
ButlerJames born about 1907
ButlerJames born about 1935
ButlerLucille born about 1907
ButlerMary Evaborn about 1915
ButlerMinnie born about 1890
ButlerNorma Jeanborn about 1933
ButlerPatricia born about 1932
ButlerWilliam born about 1910
BuxtonSylvais born about 1900
BuxtonThomas born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CadmanEmnna born about 1892
CadmanJohn born about 1889
CadmanLorma born about 1928
CadmianJames born about 1939
CadmianJohn born about 1912
CadmianLois born about 1908
CadmianRuth born about 1937
CampbellDora born about 1919
CampbellSamual born about 1915
CancianiDolores born about 1926
CancianiJoseph born about 1929
CancianiLena born about 1907
CancianiOliver born about 1901
CancianiRichard born about 1931
CantzGullanne born about 1912
CantzJoseph born about 1905
CappelliEmma born about 1913
CappelliReno born about 1913
CaputoGuedo born about 1907
CaputoMildred born about 1910
CaputoVincenzo born about 1935
CardinaleDominicki born about 1903
CardinaleGloria born about 1930
CardinaleJoe born about 1878
CardinaleJoe born about 1933
CardinaleLouise born about 1928
CardinaleMary born about 1908
CarneyCaroline born about 1939
CarneyDer Waynaceborn about 1934
CarneyDorthy born about 1916
CarneyFrank born about 1909
CarneyVaughn born about 1935
CarrichGeorge Cborn about 1927
CarrichJames born about 1891
CarrichJames Eborn about 1924
CarrichNellie born about 1891
CarvinMargaret born about 1873
CarvinRaymond Rborn about 1898
CarvinWilliam Rborn about 1895
CaseClara born about 1886
CaseJesse born about 1884
CaseMary born about 1919
CastinArnold born about 1887
CastinMarcel born about 1920
CastinMary born about 1895
CastinRussel born about 1924
CatrinoArthur born about 1916
CatrinoEmily born about 1923
CatrinoJoan born about 1937
CatrinoJohn born about 1889
CatrinoMary born about 1895
CavanaughClarice born about 1907
CavanaughEthel born about 1918
CavanaughThomas Jr born about 1906
CavanaughWilliam born about 1910
CawlishawNellie born about 1882
CawlishawWilliam born about 1886
CeccarslliLewis born about 1904
CeccarslliLewis born about 1931
CeccarslliMary born about 1904
CeccarslliMary Leeborn about 1938
CernickyAnna born about 1901
CernickyAnna born about 1922
CernickyAugust born about 1900
CernickyAugust born about 1924
CernickyIrene born about 1927
ChokerBetty Lanborn about 1930
ChokerEvelyn Janeborn about 1933
ChokerMarie born about 1910
ChokerWalter born about 1908
ChokerWalter Eborn about 1935
CimoErnest born about 1906
CimoHelda born about 1913
CimoRoss born about 1931
CinwayEugene Dborn about 1908
CinwayFlorence Rborn about 1909
CinwayFrances Lborn about 1932
ClarkDavid Dborn about 1917
ClarkDavid Kborn about 1892
ClarkKenneth born about 1924
ClarkMargaret born about 1894
ClarkRobert Dborn about 1924
ClausiJosephine born about 1888
ClausiLouis born about 1916
ClausiRocco born about 1890
CleggBetty Juneborn about 1922
CleggJames born about 1904
CleggMary born about 1882
CloustonAnna born about 1863
ColeAnitta Mborn about 1884
ColeJulia Aborn about 1855
ColeW Eborn about 1882
CollinsAnnie born about 1884
ConardCharles Rborn about 1879
ConnathanMary born about 1868
CookEarl born about 1916
CookEarl Jr born about 1939
CookEdith born about 1918
CookMary Mr born about 1870
CooperJ Fborn about 1883
CooperMary born about 1888
CopperAnna born about 1906
CopperJohn born about 1910
CopperJohn Jr born about 1934
CopperRobert born about 1936
CordesAlice born about 1867
CornellEdwin born about 1926
CornellMinnie born about 1897
CornellMyra born about 1923
CornellPeter Rborn about 1893
CorwinClark born about 1861
CorwinDonald born about 1917
CorwinEdna born about 1918
CorwinIsabell born about 1861
CostelloAlbert born about 1910
CostelloKathryn born about 1910
CostelloMargaret born about 1915
CoughenaurElizabeth born about 1855
CoughenaurEthel born about 1888
CoughenourFlorance born about 1909
CoverGeorge born about 1912
CoverHelen born about 1909
CowlishawFrancis born about 1865
CowlishawJames born about 1873
CramerArthur born about 1917
CramerCarl born about 1894
CramerLois born about 1919
CramerMargaret born about 1920
CramerMary born about 1897
CramerSandra Leeborn about 1939
CranshireCatherine born about 1929
CranshirePhyllis born about 1902
CranshireRobert born about 1900
CrawfordCecelia born about 1904
CrawfordGloria born about 1927
CrawfordGuy born about 1893
CrosbyAnna born about 1880
CrosbyGeorge Fborn about 1877
CrosbyGeorge Mborn about 1915
CullerConstance born about 1897
CullerDenese born about 1926
CullerJames born about 1874
CullerJames Sborn about 1916
CullerMayme born about 1877
CullerMilo born about 1881
CullerSara born about 1875
CumbersGertrude born about 1919
CumbersVerona born about 1937
CummingsPeggy born about 1911
CummingsRobert born about 1905
CunninghamDavid born about 1921
CurryJohn born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DauglusSarah born about 1859
DauhertyBarbara born about 1882
DauvinPhillip born about 1922
DaveHarvey born about 1924
DaveIrene born about 1907
DaveJohn born about 1926
DaveWanda born about 1931
DaveWilliam born about 1902
DavisAlvin born about 1925
DavisBlanche born about 1923
DavisEdward Gborn about 1895
DavisGlensen born about 1919
DaynerClarence born about 1923
DaynerElsie born about 1905
DaynerFrank born about 1888
DaynerGeorge born about 1905
DaynerHoward born about 1917
DaynerLouis born about 1900
DaynerMary born about 1892
DelisFilomena born about 1890
DelisFrank born about 1918
DelisJames born about 1923
DelisJoe born about 1927
DelisJoseph born about 1888
DelisMary born about 1916
DelisRose born about 1920
DenonkasCharles born about 1918
DenonkasElizabeth born about 1911
DenonkasElizabeth born about 1933
DenonkasJoan born about 1937
DenonkasJulia born about 1878
DenonkasSteive born about 1869
DenonkasSteive Jr born about 1900
DenonkasWilliam born about 1922
DessentJoseph born about 1900
DessentJoseph Jr born about 1926
DessentMary born about 1905
DgueJames born about 1901
DgueJean born about 1904
DicksonBuella born about 1890
DicksonElmer born about 1925
DicksonRobert Wborn about 1880
DillsArthur born about 1936
DillsRose born about 1911
DimariDonald born about 1937
DimariJoes born about 1898
DimariMary born about 1926
DimariRose born about 1907
DimariVirginia born about 1927
DinlopBetty born about 1926
DobsonGladys born about 1894
DobsonGladys Adeleborn about 1929
DobsonThomas Jborn about 1890
DolfiAlfred born about 1913
DolfiAngelo born about 1888
DolfiEmil born about 1921
DolfiErnest born about 1915
DolfiEvelyn born about 1919
DolfiMary born about 1892
DolfiTheresa born about 1859
DolphAlfones born about 1871
DolphAlphonsina born about 1914
DolphDelma born about 1912
DolphEnice born about 1921
DolphPalmira born about 1881
DominkasElizabeth born about 1909
DominkasFrances born about 1940
DominkasFrank born about 1908
DoniniBarbara Maeborn about 1940
DoniniFrank born about 1909
DoniniFrankie born about 1936
DoniniLily born about 1904
DoniniVictoria born about 1871
DonovonBetty born about 1918
DonovonJames born about 1877
DonovonSicily born about 1876
DrazenCatherine born about 1932
DrazenJennie born about 1940
DrazenJulia born about 1930
DrazenNellie born about 1907
DrazenWassen born about 1890
DregerEdna born about 1888
DregerEdward born about 1888
DreisenGeorge born about 1909
DreisenJudy born about 1937
DreisenMorella born about 1915
DriesmBennie born about 1904
DriesmFrank born about 1872
DriesmNellie born about 1875
DrwinGlenn Eborn about 1926
DrwinHarrison born about 1902
DrwinHarry born about 1933
DrwinLeona Mborn about 1904
DrwinLida Aborn about 1925
DudgeonAlic born about 1902
DudgeonGeorge born about 1877
DudgeonLillian born about 1911
DudgeonRobert born about 1906
DudgeonSarah born about 1877
DudgeonShirley born about 1933
DudgeonWarrin born about 1931
DudickAnna born about 1886
DudickAnna born about 1913
DudickDavid born about 1878
DudickDorothy born about 1922
DudickHarry born about 1900
DudickHarry Jr born about 1935
DudickHelen born about 1904
DudickJean born about 1915
DudickMartha born about 1934
DudickMary born about 1912
DudickMichael born about 1940
DudickNick born about 1909
DudickPaul born about 1925
DudickSophia born about 1853
DudickVictor born about 1906
DudickWalter born about 1919
DudzinJames born about 1900
DudzinJames born about 1923
DudzinLeda born about 1903
DuganEdna born about 1896
DuganThomas born about 1897
DunlevichMary born about 1910
DunlevichPete born about 1894
DunlevichRosetta born about 1933
DurkinElizabeth Mborn about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdwardsDavid Peterborn about 1883
EdwardsMargret born about 1881
EicharEdna born about 1896
EicharHarry born about 1892
EicharJacob born about 1919
EicharJune born about 1923
EtheridgerJames born about 1907
EtheridgerJames born about 1932
EtheridgerMary born about 1910
EvansMarion born about 1904
EvansNina born about 1904
EverettJames Mborn about 1886
EverettMary Eborn about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FalboGiacomina born about 1889
FalboMary born about 1914
FalboNick born about 1916
FalboRalph born about 1888
FalboRalph Jr born about 1920
FalboSalvatore born about 1918
FarhyFlorence born about 1891
FarhyFrank born about 1882
FarhyRuth born about 1926
FarinennCamilla Jborn about 1899
FasterElizabeth Aborn about 1916
FasterRobert born about 1916
FawcettJames born about 1927
FawcettJoan born about 1924
FawcettKathryn born about 1899
FeineigleAnna Cborn about 1937
FeineigleBertram Wborn about 1908
FeineiglePauline born about 1915
FekeAdda born about 1879
FekeClearence born about 1899
FekeDonald born about 1916
FekeGeorge born about 1874
FekeHarriet born about 1919
FelakAlex born about 1884
FelakAndren born about 1920
FelakHelen born about 1888
FelakSteve born about 1916
FerberElizabeth born about 1902
FerberElizabeth born about 1937
FerberLouise born about 1923
FerberRobert born about 1936
FerberRudolph born about 1897
FernsonJ R Mrsborn about 1857
FerrariArnelen Nborn about 1940
FerrariNello Vborn about 1910
FerrariTheresa born about 1910
FewryCharles born about 1934
FieldsTeddy born about 1930
FinleyElmer born about 1881
FinleyMaud born about 1882
FinleyWillard born about 1912
FlennskinElizabeth born about 1916
FlennskinWilliam born about 1935
FlorsCarrie born about 1905
FlorsJack born about 1922
FlorsRoss born about 1901
FlorsSarah Jeanborn about 1926
FlorsThelma born about 1923
FragsonEnnice born about 1924
FragsonMarlyn born about 1929
FragsonRobert born about 1921
FranceschiAngelo born about 1907
FranceschiEugene born about 1905
FranceschiEugene born about 1932
FranchansiBarbara born about 1938
FranchansiLoyed born about 1931
FrautzBertha born about 1891
FrautzCharles born about 1881
FrautzTheodore born about 1933
FriedlineClarence born about 1914
FriedlineCleo born about 1919
FrostClara Lborn about 1886
FrostJohn Dborn about 1888
FuezierAlvian Wborn about 1927
FuezierPearl Eborn about 1890
FuezierWilliam Aborn about 1891
FultenDavid Claudeborn about 1904
FultenDonna born about 1937
FultenEmma born about 1909
FultenRobert born about 1932
FuzierAnn born about 1888
FuzierJ Rborn about 1918
FuzierJack born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaddAlice born about 1896
GaddJoesph born about 1897
GaddJoesph born about 1920
GammittWilliam born about 1898
GandinEdward born about 1901
GandinEdward born about 1940
GandinMarion born about 1916
GandinShirley born about 1937
GarleyHarry Hborn about 1887
GaslinAdeline born about 1860
GaudenBeso born about 1907
GaudenPhyllis born about 1929
GaudenWilliam born about 1904
GaudenWilliam Jr born about 1927
GaughBlanche born about 1902
GaughBlanche Hborn about 1937
GaughCharlotte born about 1865
GaughSylvester born about 1903
GaughSylvester Jr born about 1939
GaulJack born about 1933
GaulRose born about 1903
GaulWilliam born about 1907
GaulWilliam born about 1925
GethensAlbert born about 1920
GethensAlice born about 1910
GethensAlma born about 1879
GethensJean born about 1909
GethensLloyd born about 1908
GethensMarylyn Kayborn about 1935
GethensRobert born about 1916
GethensWilliam born about 1877
GethensWilliam born about 1902
GethensWilliam born about 1931
GibsonJoyce born about 1929
GibsonLena born about 1909
GibsonPatricia born about 1935
GilcristRuth born about 1908
GilcristThomas born about 1936
GilcristThomas Aborn about 1908
GillenElla Marieborn about 1921
GillenGeorge born about 1886
GillenLulu born about 1890
GillenVirginia born about 1926
GilmoreEdward Aborn about 1904
GilmoreFrancis born about 1926
GilmoreFrank born about 1885
GilmoreGary born about 1938
GilmoreHelen born about 1893
GilmoreLuella Mrs born about 1863
GilmoreMay born about 1906
GilmoreNelson born about 1931
GimbellAnn born about 1879
GimbellJ Mborn about 1881
GimbellLois born about 1886
GinglardiEstelle born about 1913
GinglardiPatrica Leeborn about 1937
GinglardiPatsy born about 1909
GinglardiSalma born about 1911
GizzaJohn born about 1916
GizziniArthur born about 1906
GizziniBarry born about 1938
GizziniIrene born about 1910
GoeErnest Jborn about 1880
GoeMattie born about 1882
GoldbergGeraldine Mrs born about 1893
GoldbergHunshul born about 1926
GoldbergMelvin Lborn about 1925
GoldnerDonald Sborn about 1892
GoldnerJosephine born about 1894
GoldnerMary Louiseborn about 1927
GoldnerOlive Jborn about 1921
GradosFred born about 1933
GradosJoan born about 1935
GradosNick born about 1911
GradosStella born about 1916
GrantClarence born about 1909
GrantHelen born about 1914
GrantPaige born about 1918
GrayDominick born about 1922
GrayElizabeth born about 1896
GrayJames born about 1859
GrayJoe born about 1887
GrayMillie born about 1926
GruberJack born about 1913
GruberRuth born about 1913
GuderJoe born about 1889
GuderMary born about 1891
GudlerCatherine born about 1924
GudlerCora born about 1885
GudlerDolores born about 1921
GudlerHarry born about 1912
GudlerHenery born about 1885
GudlerLloyd born about 1918
GuilerElizabeth born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HackinsonElmer born about 1920
HackinsonElvina born about 1884
HackinsonHarry born about 1884
HackinsonJack born about 1923
HackinsonLeo born about 1917
HackinsonMary born about 1910
HackinsonViolet born about 1903
HagnerAnnie born about 1869
HagnerJohn born about 1902
HagnerRoland born about 1937
HagnerThelma born about 1917
HainesLouise born about 1876
HainesWilliam born about 1874
HaleAlfred born about 1899
HaleAlfred born about 1932
HaleBilly born about 1934
HaleFlorence born about 1902
HalgasEarnest born about 1926
HalgasGenenvie born about 1923
HalgasJoes born about 1917
HalgasMary born about 1898
HalgasMax born about 1919
HalgasPete born about 1894
HalgasRudolf born about 1928
HallEdgar Rborn about 1900
HallJames born about 1920
HallSarah Cborn about 1877
HallWilliam born about 1872
HammindElizabeth born about 1872
HammittAlice Pborn about 1880
HammittRobert Lborn about 1876
HandelsmanAnna born about 1919
HandelsmanBenjamin born about 1900
HandelsmanEster born about 1898
HandelsmanEugene Jborn about 1895
HandelsmanFred born about 1923
HardyHarry Wborn about 1897
HardyMargaret born about 1898
HardyWilliam born about 1924
HareOliver born about 1863
HarreJack born about 1935
HarreJoan born about 1930
HarreJohn born about 1906
HarreRuth born about 1908
HarrellCharlotte born about 1902
HarrellElenore born about 1925
HarrellJames born about 1898
HarrellJames born about 1933
HarrellRoy born about 1935
HarrellWilliam born about 1928
HartFrank Cborn about 1884
HartSarah born about 1886
HarveyAlbert born about 1892
HarveyBernard born about 1925
HarveyStella born about 1892
HarveyVerdayne born about 1920
HarveyWilliam born about 1886
HaustenHarriett born about 1879
HaustenHarry born about 1875
HaustenMargaret born about 1903
HaydukCyril born about 1923
HaydukJoe born about 1893
HaydukJoe born about 1914
HaydukJohn born about 1917
HaydukMary born about 1880
HaydukMary born about 1891
HaydukNellie born about 1927
HaydukSteine born about 1885
HaydukSteive born about 1920
HaydukVincent born about 1924
HaydukVirginia born about 1933
HemesAdam born about 1883
HemesGrace born about 1885
HemesJohn born about 1919
HendricksonAlfred born about 1880
HendricksonLily born about 1882
HendricksonOscar born about 1915
HendricksonWallace born about 1909
HennellCarlene born about 1913
HennellRobert born about 1897
HennellRobert born about 1923
HenryChristina Mrs born about 1889
HenryRuth born about 1910
HewettBeta born about 1931
HewettCharles born about 1904
HewettCharles Jr born about 1936
HewettJohn born about 1939
HewettLavina born about 1929
HewettMargaret born about 1909
HickmanJohn Jr born about 1920
HickmanMary born about 1894
HickmanMary Janeborn about 1924
HickmanRobert born about 1928
HickmanSylvester born about 1895
HickmanWilliam born about 1922
HidekMargaret born about 1922
HilleBlanche born about 1872
HilleWilliam born about 1905
HixenbaughBeatrice born about 1879
HixenbaughC Fborn about 1877
HixenbaughLeo born about 1903
HixenbaughNancy born about 1936
HixenbaughRachel born about 1909
HoffmanAnna born about 1898
HoffmanIrene born about 1872
HoffmanR Vborn about 1921
HoffmanRachel born about 1910
HoffmanRussell born about 1897
HoffmanWilliam born about 1889
HoggJulia born about 1877
HoggTaylor born about 1868
HolderMargaret born about 1860
HollisJulise born about 1907
HorachAnna born about 1895
HousemanIrwin born about 1912
HousemanMina born about 1876
HousemanRudy born about 1939
HousemanVirginia born about 1913
HuenbaughBessie born about 1878
HuenbaughEdmund Mborn about 1874
HurlerDoris Jeanborn about 1929
HurlerIsabelle born about 1908
HurlerJohn born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

InghranCarole born about 1939
InghranFrida born about 1915
InghranI Mborn about 1913
InghranRichard born about 1933
InnocentiJosephine born about 1887
InnocentiSelmo born about 1886
IronsAnna Jeanborn about 1931
IronsFlorence born about 1893
IronsJames born about 1890

J Surnames

JarreltElenor born about 1918
JarreltHazel born about 1915
JarreltHelen born about 1890
JarreltOrlande born about 1883
JarreltRobert born about 1920
JarreltRuth born about 1927
JernbergLou born about 1938
JeskoHelen born about 1918
JohnsonBarbara born about 1915
JohnsonBebe born about 1923
JohnsonDolorase born about 1930
JohnsonDorthey born about 1917
JohnsonEdith born about 1905
JohnsonEtta born about 1882
JohnsonHoward born about 1914
JohnsonOrella born about 1907
JonesAlice born about 1917
JonesBarbara born about 1933
JonesCalvin born about 1921
JonesClyde born about 1889
JonesDonna Raeborn about 1934
JonesEdgar born about 1915
JonesEdith born about 1889
JonesElizabeth born about 1918
JonesElizabeth born about 1924
JonesElsie Annborn about 1932
JonesGeorge born about 1927
JonesJ Rborn about 1915
JonesJames born about 1923
JonesJames Hborn about 1890
JonesJane born about 1880
JonesJoesphine born about 1907
JonesJohn born about 1908
JonesLe Roy born about 1900
JonesLulu born about 1905
JonesNancy born about 1933
JonesNancy Eborn about 1896
JonesRuth born about 1928
JonesWilliam born about 1914
JudickEva born about 1893
JudickJohn born about 1893
JudickJohn Jr born about 1923
JudickMartin born about 1920
JudickWilliam born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KasloshyChristina born about 1936
KasloshyJames born about 1907
KasloshyJemmie born about 1931
KasloshyJosephine born about 1909
KaydaMary Eborn about 1909
KeachHarry born about 1906
KeachMazie born about 1908
KeachMyron born about 1938
KeckCarl born about 1906
KeckEmma Janeborn about 1912
KeersAnn born about 1904
KeersBoyd born about 1903
KeezerFrancis born about 1928
KeezerGeorge born about 1900
KeezerGeorge born about 1926
KeezerMary born about 1904
KellerClyde born about 1876
KellerMartha born about 1888
KelleyHarriet born about 1889
KelleyJ Hborn about 1875
KellyHunter born about 1921
KellyJamanina Aborn about 1888
KellyPhillip born about 1877
KertzOlive born about 1888
KertzWalter born about 1877
KesslerElla born about 1864
KesslerFlorence born about 1872
KicoRuth born about 1920
KimballAdelaide born about 1908
KimballDonald born about 1938
KimballDorothy born about 1938
KimballGlenn born about 1917
KimballHarry born about 1909
KimballRose born about 1920
KimbelElsie Eborn about 1887
KimbelHoward born about 1920
KimbelJohn Pborn about 1886
KinchellAlice born about 1898
KinchellBetty born about 1925
KinchellDewayne born about 1891
KinchellElmer born about 1919
KinchellThelma born about 1922
KlawchoAdam Jr born about 1911
KlawchoAnn born about 1915
KlawchoDorothy Leeborn about 1937
KlawchoJohn born about 1912
KlawchoThelma born about 1913
KlawschoAdam born about 1882
KlawschoBernice born about 1926
KlawschoFrank born about 1923
KlawschoIrene born about 1921
KlawschoMary born about 1884
KlawschoMildred born about 1914
KlerowskiCharles born about 1919
KlerowskiJohn born about 1921
KlerowskiKathrine born about 1897
KlerowskiPaul born about 1890
KlerowskiPaul born about 1923
KnausFlorence born about 1925
KnausMary born about 1905
KnausMildred born about 1926
KnausPaul born about 1899
KnausRobert born about 1930
KnightAlbert Hborn about 1905
KnightRuth Lborn about 1905
KoppGanard born about 1883
KoppMavel born about 1884
KosloskyAndrew born about 1908
KosloskyAngelina born about 1913
KosloskyGloria Raeborn about 1936
KozakAlice born about 1919
KozakAnna born about 1898
KozakBill born about 1921
KozakFred born about 1890
KozakSam born about 1924
KreppsBertha Dborn about 1905
KreppsElaine Bborn about 1927
KreppsGrace Annborn about 1934
KreppsJacob Mborn about 1891
KreppsJacob Wborn about 1939
KreppsJay Mborn about 1929
KubinEmil born about 1907
KubinMary Aborn about 1917
KuhnGladys born about 1903
KuhnJack born about 1924
KuhnJohn born about 1878
KuhnJohn Dborn about 1899
KunkleArthur born about 1921
KunkleAruther born about 1881
KunkleBetty born about 1916
KunkleBlanche born about 1881
KunkleBlanche born about 1925
KuppsMargaret born about 1862
KuppsMyrtle born about 1906
KurnsCharles born about 1900
KurnsKathryn born about 1905
KurpnelJohn born about 1922
KurpnelMary born about 1902
KurpnelPaul born about 1895
KuzanMartin born about 1882
KuzanMary born about 1884
KuzanPauline born about 1918
KyleCharles Rborn about 1875
KyleEdith born about 1887
KyleFrank born about 1884
KyleHarriett Gborn about 1882
KylerCharles born about 1922
KylerDenise born about 1928
KylerElmira born about 1921
KylerEugene born about 1920
KylerGeorge born about 1879
KylerGeorge born about 1918
KylerGermaine born about 1893
KylerJohn born about 1915
KylerRalph born about 1925
KylerRobert born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LabroskyAndrew born about 1895
LabroskyAngeline born about 1920
LabroskyDorothy born about 1923
LabroskyMike born about 1924
LabroskyRose born about 1901
LabroskyRussell born about 1918
LacmpAugust born about 1914
LacmpMildred born about 1913
LacmpRuth born about 1936
LambertCharles born about 1932
LambertChester born about 1904
LambertElma born about 1910
LambertElma born about 1930
LambertHarold born about 1901
LambertHarold Jr born about 1936
LambertJames born about 1938
LambertMary born about 1911
LambertPatricia born about 1934
LanisDiane born about 1936
LanisRosiland born about 1929
LanisSally born about 1904
LanisSamuel born about 1900
LaparelliCarmella born about 1891
LaparelliFrank born about 1887
LaparelliFrankie born about 1925
LaparelliJames born about 1915
LaparelliSaralina born about 1921
LargeRobert born about 1872
LargeRosa born about 1888
LauderJames born about 1907
LauderMargaret born about 1915
LaweryBert born about 1912
LaweryNora born about 1908
LaweryRobert Mborn about 1925
LawryBessie born about 1900
LawryCameron born about 1897
LawryJean born about 1922
LawryRobert born about 1928
LeadbeterCora born about 1860
LearEmory born about 1906
LearEmory Jr born about 1939
LearHelen born about 1912
LeasureAgnes born about 1897
LebboroniA Jr born about 1929
LebboroniAdelermo born about 1896
LebboroniGeraldine born about 1922
LebboroniSabina born about 1900
LecomteBertha born about 1886
LecomteGeorge Jborn about 1884
LefeverFrank Jborn about 1881
LehenBertha born about 1872
LehenClyde born about 1920
LehenGeorge Anneborn about 1879
LehenJennie born about 1888
LehenNorma Jeanborn about 1931
LehenSylvester born about 1868
LehenVera born about 1921
LehewFrank born about 1892
LehewNellie born about 1903
LehusGeorge born about 1880
LehusGeorge born about 1920
LehusRachel born about 1880
LemonArie born about 1933
LemonDouglas born about 1890
LemonGeorge born about 1922
LemonHattie born about 1892
LemonJerome born about 1923
LemonJohn born about 1917
LemonLena born about 1926
LemonLevi born about 1924
LeopoldElizabeth born about 1881
LeopoldGeorge born about 1867
LewisElmer born about 1893
LewisEmma born about 1865
LewisJennie born about 1908
LewisLyde born about 1864
LewisSamual born about 1907
LewisSandra Annborn about 1939
LewisThelma born about 1920
LindeyGretchen born about 1917
LindeyJohn Louisborn about 1937
LindeyLouis born about 1917
LindeyWilliam born about 1939
LittledykeRachel born about 1876
LittledykeWilliam born about 1865
LlewellynAnn born about 1925
LlewellynBarbar born about 1929
LlewellynBlodwin born about 1917
LlewellynCarol born about 1915
LlewellynNellie born about 1889
LlewellynRobert born about 1919
LlewellynT Jborn about 1878
LlewellynThomas born about 1931
LombardiFeeney born about 1891
LombardiGuido born about 1887
LombardiJustina born about 1925
LombardiMelia born about 1928
LombardieFeeney born about 1891
LombardieGuido born about 1887
LombardieJustina born about 1925
LombardieMelia born about 1928
LongBertro Mborn about 1877
LongfrancesBertro Mborn about 1877
LongoCatherine born about 1908
LongoHugh born about 1906
LongoJohn born about 1938
LongoWilma born about 1931
LongoWooda born about 1934
LongobarbiCatherine born about 1908
LongobarbiHugh born about 1906
LongobarbiJohn born about 1938
LongobarbiWilma born about 1931
LongobarbiWooda born about 1934
LorettaDolores born about 1935
LorettaEdith born about 1908
LorettaJames born about 1897
LorettaMarie born about 1928
LorettesDolores born about 1935
LorettesEdith born about 1908
LorettesJames born about 1897
LorettesMarie born about 1928
LoriBruno born about 1904
LoriCarlo born about 1876
LoriCharles born about 1932
LoriDorothy born about 1917
LoriJames born about 1937
LoriMary born about 1907
LoriOlga born about 1907
LoriParmita born about 1875
LorianBruno born about 1904
LorianCarlo born about 1876
LorianCharles born about 1932
LorianDorothy born about 1917
LorianJames born about 1937
LorianMary born about 1907
LorianOlga born about 1907
LorianParmita born about 1875
LouckeAnnie born about 1925
LouckeJohn born about 1891
LouckeJohn born about 1926
LouckeJoseph born about 1931
LouckeKatie born about 1891
LouckeMary born about 1923
LouckeSally born about 1928
LoucklAnnie born about 1925
LoucklJohn born about 1891
LoucklJohn born about 1926
LoucklJoseph born about 1931
LoucklKatie born about 1891
LoucklMary born about 1923
LoucklSally born about 1928
LubeckiHelen born about 1894
LubeckiStanley born about 1887
LubeighHelen born about 1894
LubeighStanley born about 1887
LuceBernard born about 1935
LuceCharles Aborn about 1914
LuceClarence born about 1881
LuceEdward born about 1889
LuceGeraldine Jborn about 1917
LuceHazel born about 1896
LuceIda born about 1889
LuceJames born about 1861
LuceJerome born about 1938
LuceLula born about 1864
LuceMary born about 1911
LucePatricia Vborn about 1938
LuceRansom born about 1884
LuceSenna Leeborn about 1935
LuceWoodrow born about 1913
LuceaBernard born about 1935
LuceaCharles Aborn about 1914
LuceaClarence born about 1881
LuceaEdward born about 1889
LuceaGeraldine Jborn about 1917
LuceaHazel born about 1896
LuceaIda born about 1889
LuceaJames born about 1861
LuceaJerome born about 1938
LuceaLula born about 1864
LuceaMary born about 1911
LuceaPatricia Vborn about 1938
LuceaRansom born about 1884
LuceaSenna Leeborn about 1935
LuceaWoodrow born about 1913
LuganskiAndy born about 1919
LuganskiAnna born about 1879
LuganskiJohn born about 1876
LuganskiMary born about 1913
LuganskiMike born about 1910
LuporiArgentinea born about 1869
LuporiJoe born about 1891
LuporiPauline born about 1898
LupovwitzArgentinea born about 1869
LupovwitzJoe born about 1891
LupovwitzPauline born about 1898
LusePauline born about 1901
LuseRalph born about 1901
LuseWilliam born about 1933
LusegangPauline born about 1901
LusegangRalph born about 1901
LusegangWilliam born about 1933
LytleJennie born about 1908
LytleReese born about 1903
LytteJennie born about 1908
LytteReese born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

ManderinoArmand born about 1932
ManderinoDominic born about 1900
ManderinoLouis born about 1928
ManderinoMary born about 1902
ManderinoTheresa born about 1922
ManoleasCatherine born about 1901
ManoleasJohn born about 1895
MaracciniBruno born about 1912
MaracciniBruno Jr born about 1939
MaracciniSalvatora born about 1919
MaracciniSalvatora Fredaborn about 1938
MariniClara born about 1900
MariniJordan born about 1921
MarsdenCharles born about 1898
MarsdenDoris Jesseborn about 1923
MarsdenEvaret Charlesborn about 1925
MarsdenLloyd born about 1931
MarsdenWilla born about 1898
MarsdenWilliam born about 1927
MarshallAmand born about 1927
MarshallE Tborn about 1888
MarshallFrank born about 1904
MarshallGeorge born about 1927
MarshallKathryn born about 1889
MarshallLoraine born about 1928
MarshallPaul born about 1935
MarshallRuth born about 1904
MartinAlexander born about 1894
MartinAnna born about 1928
MartinBessie born about 1923
MartinCharles born about 1886
MartinCharles born about 1917
MartinEleanor born about 1888
MartinElech born about 1927
MartinFreda born about 1895
MartinFrone born about 1912
MartinGuy Fborn about 1877
MartinMaude born about 1877
MartinMyra born about 1862
MartinOlga born about 1911
MartinPatsy born about 1932
MartinPeggy born about 1914
MartinWarren born about 1925
MascowFrank born about 1873
MascowFrank Jr born about 1917
MascowGenevieve born about 1923
MascowInez born about 1913
MascowJessie born about 1884
MascowJohn born about 1921
MavromatiEthyl born about 1898
MavromatiMarie born about 1912
MavromatiNick born about 1894
MavromatiVirginia born about 1922
MayerMary Aborn about 1905
MayerRobert born about 1925
MayerWilliam Mborn about 1901
MayerWilliam Jr born about 1937
MazzeiAngelo born about 1887
MazzeiAngelo born about 1916
MazzeiAnita born about 1928
MazzeiDomonick born about 1921
MazzeiFrank born about 1926
MazzeiJohn born about 1922
MazzeiMary born about 1890
MazzeiPete born about 1911
MazziAlice born about 1904
MazziFrank born about 1901
McCallonJanet born about 1939
McCallonJean born about 1937
McCallonJoan born about 1937
McConnellCharles Rborn about 1903
McConnellEva Graceborn about 1904
McConnellHarold Wborn about 1910
McConnellMartha Jeanborn about 1925
McConnellPeggy Annborn about 1927
McCormikElezebeth born about 1896
McCormikJ Gborn about 1886
McCormikMary Eborn about 1933
McCormikRobert Cborn about 1935
McCulleyDavid born about 1905
McCulleyEdna born about 1900
McCulleyHarvey born about 1870
McCulleyWallace born about 1927
McCuneAlbert born about 1921
McCuneDolores born about 1924
McCuneJohn born about 1882
McCuneMike born about 1910
McCuneRose born about 1913
McCuneVirginia born about 1923
McDonaldBridgette Kborn about 1883
McDonaldGerald Jborn about 1883
McDonaldHenrietta born about 1883
McDonaldJames born about 1924
McDonaldLecia born about 1922
McDonaldRalph born about 1920
McDonaldRobert born about 1918
McDonaldRussell born about 1922
McDonaldWilliam born about 1878
McDonoughKathryn born about 1895
McDonoughM Jborn about 1896
McGraftAudrey born about 1927
McGraftDonald born about 1933
McGraftDorthey born about 1894
McGraftMorris born about 1921
McGraftPaul born about 1929
McGraftRobert born about 1924
McGraftThomas born about 1926
McGraftVirginia born about 1923
McGrowJames born about 1870
McGuireElizabeth born about 1904
McGuireJames born about 1924
McGuireM Cborn about 1890
McGuireRuth born about 1919
McIntoshJames born about 1912
McIntoshMargaret born about 1912
McIntoshSally Annborn about 1937
McIntoshWayne born about 1940
McIntyreDonald born about 1884
McIntyreLina born about 1893
McKeanRobert born about 1898
McKeanRobert Jborn about 1868
McKeemerElizabeth born about 1867
McKeemerInes born about 1888
McKeemerJean born about 1906
McKeemerLouis born about 1863
McKeemerRobert born about 1901
McKeemerRobert Lborn about 1922
McKinleyJane born about 1913
McKinleyLyda born about 1867
McLaneEdgar born about 1887
McLaneJoe Fborn about 1867
McLaneMary born about 1868
McLaughlenEdward born about 1908
McLaughlenEleanor born about 1910
MeansGeorge born about 1904
MeansGeorge born about 1936
MeansLelia born about 1929
MeansMaitlan born about 1909
MeansNadine born about 1930
MearseWilliam born about 1867
MelingerEdwin born about 1919
MelnickAndy born about 1875
MelnickEdward born about 1937
MelnickMary born about 1876
MelnickMary born about 1912
MelnickWadeck born about 1902
MelnickWalter born about 1935
MendiciniAdeline born about 1928
MendiciniAnnie born about 1922
MendiciniJames born about 1920
MendiciniJoseph born about 1927
MendiciniJosephine born about 1903
MendiciniMike born about 1918
MendiciniNorma born about 1930
MendiciniRose born about 1905
MendiciniRose born about 1925
MendiciniTheresa born about 1931
MendiciniTony born about 1897
MendiciniTony born about 1898
MetzConrad born about 1866
MetzJessie born about 1870
MetzKathryn born about 1894
MillerAlice born about 1877
MillerAmenath born about 1901
MillerArmatha born about 1933
MillerBarry Wborn about 1939
MillerBetty born about 1921
MillerCharles Aborn about 1875
MillerCharles Rborn about 1937
MillerCharles Wborn about 1916
MillerCharlotte born about 1938
MillerDale Kentborn about 1939
MillerDora born about 1878
MillerEdith born about 1880
MillerHazel born about 1912
MillerHildren born about 1896
MillerHoward born about 1908
MillerJacqueline born about 1928
MillerJames Aborn about 1880
MillerJames Eborn about 1904
MillerJames Wborn about 1933
MillerJohn born about 1875
MillerJoseph born about 1900
MillerLaverne born about 1926
MillerLily born about 1884
MillerMay Janeborn about 1919
MillerNancy born about 1875
MillerNorma born about 1908
MillerOlga born about 1920
MillerWilliam born about 1878
MilloAlma born about 1880
MilloHenry born about 1882
MitchellJ Kborn about 1865
MitchellMary born about 1866
MobolyDiana born about 1899
MobolyJohn born about 1891
MolerFay Cborn about 1896
MolerFrancis born about 1897
MolerWilliam born about 1927
MooreAlex Fborn about 1912
MooreCarol born about 1935
MooreFrancis born about 1913
MooreJanet born about 1910
MooreRichar Leeborn about 1918
MooreWalter Cborn about 1907
MoranCatherine born about 1908
MoranMichael born about 1907
MorganFlorence Aborn about 1874
MorganFrank Eborn about 1871
MorganJohn born about 1903
MorrellGeorge Wborn about 1886
MorrellMartha Aborn about 1883
MorrisGladys born about 1897
MorrisJohn born about 1898
MorrisMildred born about 1900
MorrisWayne born about 1936
MortonEdward born about 1918
MortonJean born about 1885
MountainEva born about 1871
MountainFred born about 1904
MountainGeorge born about 1870
MountainJoetta born about 1904
MountserAlbert born about 1875
MountserCyncitha born about 1878
MountserHennerith born about 1923
MrtinDolores born about 1932
MrtinElizabeth born about 1893
MrtinElsie born about 1918
MrtinPearl born about 1919
MrtinRobert born about 1926
MrtinSamuel born about 1889
MrtinVera born about 1928
MuirJanet born about 1890
MundyLeana born about 1903
MundyPercey born about 1906
MurphyAnna Bborn about 1864
MurphyJames Rborn about 1890
MurphyMary born about 1888
MurphySamual Wborn about 1863
MyersMarie born about 1926
MyersRosa born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaccaratoDonna Leeborn about 1935
NaccaratoGeorgia born about 1911
NaccaratoJames born about 1907
NaccaratoNorman Jeanborn about 1930
NaccaratoSndey Annaborn about 1939
NazyBetty born about 1931
NazyClara born about 1920
NazyClara Mr born about 1882
NazyDolores born about 1933
NazyJoe born about 1921
NazyJohn born about 1903
NazyJohn born about 1924
NazyJulia born about 1905
NazyLouis born about 1901
NeilAnna born about 1902
NeilClarence born about 1894
NeilHarriet born about 1893
NeilNellie born about 1879
NeilWilliam born about 1932
NelsonClara Leeborn about 1927
NelsonElizabeth Mr born about 1862
NelsonEugene born about 1907
NelsonFrances born about 1863
NelsonGrace born about 1900
NelsonHelen born about 1919
NelsonJames born about 1900
NelsonMildred born about 1921
NelsonRobert Wborn about 1923
NensMrs Lida Gborn about 1886
NiccolaiGina born about 1901
NiccolaiHarry born about 1939
NiccolaiIsabella born about 1907
NiccolaiJean born about 1928
NiccolaiJoan born about 1932
NiccolaiKathleen born about 1938
NiccolaiRalph born about 1936
NicholesBessie born about 1879
NicholesThomas Oborn about 1876
NicholsClara born about 1926
NicholsGeorge born about 1903
NicholsVirginia born about 1908
NicoletteDominick born about 1908
NicoletteFrank born about 1909
NicoletteJohn born about 1878
NicoletteJohn born about 1916
NicoletteJohn born about 1931
NicoletteJoseph born about 1910
NicoletteJulia born about 1881
NicoletteMary born about 1913
NicoletteRose Marieborn about 1938
NicoletteSalvatore born about 1905
NicoletteTony born about 1922
NieceLucille born about 1897
NieceNorman born about 1894
NieceNorman Jr born about 1920
NiedElizebeth born about 1876
NiedJoseph born about 1872
NielPhylis born about 1921
NobleBarry born about 1938
NobleBeverly born about 1939
NobleCharles Lborn about 1908
NobleGrace born about 1915
NoleAngus born about 1876
NoleCharles born about 1935
NoleE Fborn about 1909
NoleE Pborn about 1873
NoleEdward born about 1921
NoleEdward Jr born about 1930
NoleHelen born about 1936
NoleJackie born about 1934
NoleJackie born about 1938
NoleJohn Tborn about 1910
NoleRichard born about 1938
NoleSavilla Jborn about 1917
NoleShirley born about 1934
NoleThomas born about 1919
NoleViolet born about 1910
NoleWilliam born about 1936
NozaryJustine born about 1916
NozaryMichael born about 1914
NozaryMichael Jr born about 1939
NusenAdrian Pborn about 1883
NusenRuth born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObsharskyHelen born about 1919
ObsharskyMarie born about 1915
ObsharskyMary born about 1894
ObsharskySamuel born about 1884
ObsharskyWalter born about 1917
OcepehLawrence born about 1920
OcepehTessie born about 1922
OivenJohn born about 1890
OivenRuby born about 1896
OlechnowskiFrank born about 1922
OlechnowskiMary born about 1930
OndulichDonald born about 1938
OrlandoEmilia born about 1893
OrlandoLeona born about 1916
OrlandoSalvatore born about 1914
OrlandoSanto born about 1887
OrvilleNeil born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaeGeorge Mborn about 1911
PaeMary born about 1915
PanarellaCharles born about 1912
PanarellaJustin born about 1922
ParenteFannie born about 1883
ParenteJean born about 1917
ParenteLois born about 1918
PariseEvelyn born about 1927
PariseFrancis born about 1925
PariseFrank born about 1890
PariseJames born about 1924
PariseJohn born about 1922
PariseTheresa born about 1905
ParkerEmery Sborn about 1915
ParkerFlorence Cborn about 1915
ParkerMary Sborn about 1937
ParkerWayne Hborn about 1939
PassoltHenry born about 1905
PassoltHenry Cborn about 1936
PassoltMary born about 1910
PassoltNancy born about 1932
PasturickAndy born about 1909
PasturickMary born about 1881
PasturickMike born about 1882
PattersonJames born about 1908
PattersonJames Jr born about 1938
PattersonMary born about 1912
PaulAlroy born about 1905
PaulAlroy born about 1936
PaulHelen born about 1912
PelloAnna born about 1906
PelloMichel born about 1906
PenjakSusan Mborn about 1922
PerryAlbert born about 1871
PerryElizabeth born about 1877
PetersArthur Gborn about 1905
PetersGlenn born about 1931
PetersIrene born about 1938
PetersKenneth born about 1934
PetersMarian born about 1911
PetersRuth born about 1929
PetettoAlvin born about 1928
PetettoEmma Jeanborn about 1933
PetettoEunice born about 1908
PetettoGelda born about 1930
PetettoJoe born about 1899
PetettoMary born about 1926
PetettoRocco born about 1890
PethJohn Cborn about 1894
PetittoFrank born about 1897
PetittoJosephine born about 1909
PhillipsErma born about 1914
PhillipsJohn born about 1914
PicchianniAldo born about 1906
PicchianniIda born about 1910
PicchianniWilliam born about 1931
PicchianniYvonne born about 1938
PicckiariniAnna born about 1886
PicckiariniIlvo born about 1910
PicckiariniWilliam born about 1877
PieralliniDennis born about 1935
PieralliniFausca born about 1905
PieralliniFrank born about 1903
PieralliniLaverne born about 1928
PieralliniPhyllis born about 1927
PisarcheckAgnes born about 1932
PisarcheckAnna born about 1908
PisarcheckJoseph born about 1902
PisarcheckMarie born about 1929
PoolufulyMike born about 1894
PosnkaMike born about 1867
PriceHugh Mrs born about 1866
PriceJames Cborn about 1909
PriceMarcus born about 1881
PriceMary Iborn about 1886
PriceSellin Dborn about 1910
ProslaGrace born about 1908
ProslaJames born about 1900
ProvdenenceFrank born about 1872
ProvdenenceMary born about 1876
PupplliBurno born about 1908
PupplliZaluna born about 1910
PuriceHester born about 1877
PuriceKyle born about 1873
PurilliDolores Jborn about 1929
PurilliEugene born about 1903
PurilliEugene Jr born about 1931
PurilliMary born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RadeElla born about 1913
RadeStephen born about 1910
RaffeloElmer born about 1910
RaffeloEugune born about 1927
RaffeloFrank born about 1899
RaffeloRobert born about 1930
RamerAlbert born about 1887
RamerFannie born about 1889
RamerRuth born about 1912
RasboroughAlice born about 1927
RasboroughBetty born about 1930
RasboroughClifford born about 1935
RasboroughHarry born about 1916
RasboroughJess born about 1890
RasboroughMarie born about 1922
RasboroughMyra born about 1895
RasboroughNellie born about 1918
RasboroughWarren born about 1925
ReddingtonRose Annborn about 1930
ReddingtonRose Marieborn about 1930
RedgianJames born about 1908
RedgianJames born about 1939
RedgianMary born about 1936
RedgianRuth born about 1912
ReichardEmil born about 1878
ReichardLizzie born about 1886
ReichardWilliam born about 1900
RichardsArthur Wborn about 1899
RichardsEdward born about 1888
RichardsEthyl born about 1897
RichardsJane born about 1888
RichardsSaloma born about 1889
RichardsVirginia born about 1913
RiderLaura Mborn about 1917
RiderWilliam born about 1910
RinseyJohn born about 1912
RippertSally born about 1862
RitullaBarbara born about 1885
RitullaJacob born about 1880
RizzuttoAlbert born about 1918
RizzuttoJames born about 1906
RizzuttoJames born about 1931
RizzuttoJean born about 1930
RizzuttoJoe born about 1916
RizzuttoLewis born about 1924
RizzuttoMichel born about 1936
RizzuttoPatricia born about 1932
RizzuttoSophie born about 1910
RobertaCharles born about 1891
RobertaGail born about 1928
RobertaKeith born about 1923
RobertaLonae born about 1896
RobertaSam born about 1893
RobertsAllen born about 1917
RobertsDavid Oborn about 1861
RobertsElizabeth Dborn about 1867
RobinsonHarry born about 1882
RoschalkAndy born about 1899
RoschalkEddie born about 1936
RoschalkPhillip born about 1940
RoschalkSinza born about 1937
RoschalkStella born about 1914
RoschalkWasil born about 1853
RowleyAnna born about 1909
RowleyWilliam born about 1909
RowleyWilliam born about 1932
RudishJohn born about 1906
RudishTheresa born about 1914
RuhlAndrew born about 1894
RuhlCharles born about 1917
RuhlGeorge born about 1920
RuhlLenora born about 1896
RunfolaCatherine Pborn about 1940
RunfolaChristenzie born about 1932
RunfolaFrank born about 1908
RunfolaJosephine born about 1930
RunfolaMammie born about 1905
RuppsCraig born about 1928
RuppsDeanne born about 1930
RuppsElla born about 1921
RuppsLouis born about 1889
RuppsLouis born about 1925
RuppsPhillip born about 1922
RuppsSidne born about 1892
RyleIda Mborn about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SabatoniEdith born about 1914
SabatoniOscar born about 1910
SabatoniRichard born about 1936
SaccaroAdele Jborn about 1936
SaccaroCatherine born about 1915
SaccaroGasper born about 1912
SaccaroJoanne Mayborn about 1934
SaleElsie born about 1885
SaleEvelyn born about 1917
SaleHarold born about 1939
SaleJoanne born about 1938
SaleJohn born about 1909
SaleKatharine born about 1918
SamodaMartha born about 1904
SamodaWilliam born about 1903
SandersHazel born about 1894
SandersMarie born about 1917
SandersWilliam born about 1914
SandersWilliam born about 1939
SandersonAugusta born about 1880
SandersonMytrel born about 1919
SandersonWilliam born about 1872
SarnowskyAnna born about 1903
SarnowskyGeorge born about 1931
SarnowskyHelen born about 1923
SarnowskyJoseph born about 1927
SarnowskyMary born about 1924
SarnowskySteve born about 1900
SartzClara born about 1912
SartzJanet born about 1936
SartzJoe born about 1910
SartzMarline born about 1933
SavageAnna born about 1919
SavageMadeline born about 1933
SavageMiller born about 1915
SawdenHoward born about 1893
SchmidtAlice born about 1884
SchmidtJacob born about 1911
SchmidtVera born about 1913
SchochAmna Fborn about 1900
SchochEmil born about 1894
SchwartzKathryn Jborn about 1930
SchwartzLillian born about 1900
SchwartzLouis born about 1897
SchwartzPerry born about 1923
ScottDarlene born about 1939
ScottDonna born about 1933
ScottElizabeth born about 1869
ScottElizabeth born about 1911
ScottLela born about 1897
ScottLowell born about 1931
ScottRobert born about 1910
ScottWalter born about 1896
SeamnanJoe born about 1933
SeghiBeagio born about 1887
SeghiMaryetta born about 1890
SellarsArthur Jborn about 1874
SellarsLouise born about 1878
SemonskyLouis Gborn about 1913
SemonskyMary born about 1915
SepeshyAndrew born about 1932
SepeshyAndy born about 1903
SepeshyJames born about 1940
SepeshyJeanne born about 1911
SepeshyJoanna born about 1931
SepeshyNida Jeanborn about 1938
SepeshyRamma born about 1929
SerondiArchiesie born about 1879
SerondiLoustina born about 1869
SertzJoseph born about 1884
SertzLula born about 1887
SescaC Aborn about 1879
SevearenGeorgina born about 1901
SevearenHarry born about 1901
SevearenRaymond born about 1893
SevearenRuth born about 1920
SheaverBertha born about 1894
SheaverFrederick born about 1890
SheaverRollan born about 1919
SheaverThelma born about 1925
ShekelAlexander born about 1890
ShekelDonald born about 1917
ShekelMellissa born about 1901
ShephardJemmie born about 1930
ShephardMargaret born about 1900
ShephardRoss born about 1902
ShlantaElmer born about 1906
ShlantaMary born about 1911
ShowskyAndy born about 1913
ShowskyMargaret born about 1915
ShowskyMarry born about 1890
ShowskyMike born about 1878
ShowskyMike born about 1922
SickiAngelina born about 1883
SickiArmand born about 1929
SickiClara born about 1915
SickiEdward born about 1916
SickiKarl born about 1935
SickiLena born about 1917
SickiRinaldo born about 1911
SiekirkElizabeth Anneborn about 1873
SiekirkWilliam Mborn about 1872
SimboliAnelito born about 1886
SimboliGuido born about 1917
SimboliJosephine born about 1894
SimboliNorma born about 1916
SimboliRaymond born about 1919
SimckoAnna born about 1890
SimckoDanial born about 1913
SimckoHazel born about 1923
SimckoJohn born about 1914
SimckoMetro born about 1916
SimckoMike born about 1882
SimonBruce born about 1912
SimonDonna born about 1910
SimsJean born about 1921
SinclairAngus born about 1906
SinclairThomas born about 1931
SkrypakJoe born about 1910
SkrypakMary born about 1910
SkrypakVivien born about 1939
SloanEdward Gborn about 1906
SloanFrancis born about 1911
SloanMary Francisborn about 1938
Slonak born about 1870
SlonakJohn born about 1901
SmachFrank born about 1911
SmecknickEve born about 1914
SmecknickJoan born about 1938
SmecknickJohn born about 1913
SmecknickMetro born about 1915
SmecknickWilliam born about 1918
SmerecznakMary born about 1908
SmerecznakMike born about 1908
SmerecznakTayna born about 1937
SmereczniloAlexandria born about 1895
SmereczniloMetro born about 1913
SmereczniloMike born about 1886
SmereczniloVirginia born about 1922
SmithAlice born about 1899
SmithAlma born about 1916
SmithBert born about 1894
SmithBetty Ruthborn about 1925
SmithBob born about 1926
SmithCarole born about 1933
SmithClyde born about 1904
SmithCurtis born about 1911
SmithDolores born about 1926
SmithEvelyn born about 1920
SmithFrancis Sr born about 1904
SmithFredrick born about 1926
SmithGuy born about 1916
SmithHarry born about 1892
SmithJames born about 1921
SmithJanet born about 1922
SmithJerry born about 1932
SmithMargaret born about 1929
SmithMildred born about 1902
SmithMyrtle born about 1907
SmithOla Mayborn about 1896
SmithPauline born about 1898
SmithWalter born about 1930
SmithWilliam born about 1880
SmithWilliam born about 1917
SmochEldridge born about 1907
SmochMary born about 1907
SmthLea born about 1874
SneedLucille born about 1912
SneedMuril born about 1910
SnyderCharles born about 1878
SnyderEdward born about 1906
SnyderEva born about 1884
SolesWilliam born about 1861
SpadaforeJoseph born about 1885
SpadaforeTheresina born about 1887
SpangMattie born about 1879
SpatopreJoesph born about 1908
SpatopreLoretta born about 1905
SpatopreMatalda born about 1872
SpellmanJeso born about 1885
SpenceAudny born about 1929
SpenceHenry Lborn about 1892
SpenceHenry Jr born about 1921
SpenceJames Kborn about 1922
SpenceMartha Mborn about 1900
SpenceWallace born about 1927
SpingerHettie born about 1880
SpingerHoward born about 1875
SpingerHoward Aborn about 1900
SpingerWayne born about 1928
SpoonhowardF Eborn about 1897
SpoonhowardGeorgia born about 1904
SpringerCora Bellborn about 1922
SpringerDonna born about 1930
SpringerJoe born about 1896
SpringerLois born about 1927
SpringerMaude born about 1895
SpringerRobert born about 1919
SpringerRuth born about 1927
StagiLenora born about 1922
StarkAlbert born about 1915
StarkMary born about 1920
SteeleLoretto born about 1901
SteeleMary born about 1910
SteeleWilbur born about 1904
SteenAda born about 1883
SteenLeah born about 1891
SteenMillicent born about 1920
SteenMitchel Rborn about 1892
SteenMitchel Jr born about 1920
SteenWilliam born about 1912
StefenAnna born about 1901
StefenElizabeth born about 1930
StefenGeorge born about 1893
StefenMary born about 1920
StefenTheresa born about 1936
SteinmillerAlice born about 1912
SteinmillerBertha born about 1889
SteinmillerBertha born about 1938
SteinmillerHerman born about 1919
SteinmillerIrene born about 1916
SteinmillerJacob born about 1910
SteinmillerJake born about 1888
StelanJohn born about 1902
StelanJohn Jr born about 1927
StelanSusan born about 1905
StelanThomas born about 1928
StenerAdda born about 1890
StenerAlvin born about 1922
StenerBilly born about 1928
StenerDonald born about 1920
StenerGlenna born about 1915
StenerJames Lborn about 1888
StenerJoan born about 1931
StenerLouis born about 1924
StenerRay born about 1926
StettHolly born about 1881
StettLucille born about 1917
StettThomas Gborn about 1878
StienLughtty born about 1908
StienMarie born about 1906
StoufferCharles Rborn about 1906
StoufferJudith born about 1939
StoufferKenneth born about 1933
StoufferLaurie born about 1932
StoufferMarie born about 1915
StrenskiCharles born about 1887
StrenskiJean born about 1884
StringhillCharles born about 1925
StringhillFrank born about 1910
StringhillFred born about 1915
StringhillInez born about 1923
StringhillJames born about 1907
StringhillJennie born about 1917
StringhillJennie born about 1918
StringhillJoseph born about 1876
StringhillJoseph born about 1937
StringhillJosephine born about 1886
StringhillJosephine born about 1929
StringhillJulie born about 1913
StringhillLeonard born about 1939
StringhillLouis born about 1929
StringhillNellie born about 1911
StringhillRudolph born about 1919
StringhillSammy born about 1921
StringhillTony born about 1904
StrinskiCarl born about 1914
StrinskiMary Louborn about 1916
SundackAlex born about 1878
SurovchakAndrew born about 1913
SurovchakJohn born about 1866
SurovchakMary born about 1871
SurovchakMike born about 1902
SursJohn born about 1861
SuterEdna born about 1886
SuterJimmie born about 1923
SuterJohn born about 1920
SwaderFred born about 1935
SwaderJean born about 1936
SwaderNicholas born about 1913
SwannBernarr born about 1927
SwannBessie born about 1891
SwannDonald born about 1925
SwannElma born about 1921
SwannJohn born about 1918
SwannRaymond born about 1926
SwannRichard born about 1920
SwannVella born about 1923
SwannZella born about 1931
SwannZeryl born about 1922
SwenbaughAda Vborn about 1875
SwenbaughLau Jborn about 1867
SwirlaArnold Fborn about 1916
SwirlaDorothy born about 1919
SzymanskyArdella born about 1924
SzymanskyEdmund born about 1910
SzymanskyRodger born about 1919
SzymanskyStella born about 1922
SzymanskyVictoria born about 1892
SzymanskyWalter born about 1890
SzymanskyZuntin born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TamickPaul born about 1888
TamickVictoria born about 1895
TavernaFrank born about 1876
TavernaNunziata born about 1880
TaylorB Fborn about 1865
TaylorBartrum born about 1900
TaylorByron born about 1922
TaylorInez born about 1902
TaylorJ B Mrborn about 1856
TaylorJohn born about 1925
TaylorNorma Jeanborn about 1926
TaylorRuth born about 1929
TentoriCarlo born about 1880
TentoriEmma born about 1889
TentoriLola born about 1928
TentoriLula born about 1926
TheakstonCarl born about 1902
TheakstonDavid born about 1908
TheakstonHelen born about 1909
TheakstonJohn born about 1931
TheakstonMargaret Jborn about 1939
TheakstonShirley Annborn about 1932
TheeserGeorge born about 1914
TheeserJoe born about 1901
TheeserRose born about 1870
ThomasDavid born about 1881
ThomasEvan born about 1906
ThomasMary born about 1885
ThomasMary born about 1909
ThompsonBertha born about 1888
ThompsonDorothy born about 1918
ThompsonJames born about 1918
ThompsonMary born about 1857
ThompsonRussel born about 1888
TianaMartha born about 1917
TianaSalvatore born about 1909
TianaSandra Aborn about 1939
TintinFosco born about 1908
TintinJennie born about 1871
TintinJoseph born about 1912
TintinMary born about 1910
TintinMike born about 1867
TintonMenin born about 1920
TintonPauline born about 1892
ToddAda born about 1890
ToddElizabeth born about 1879
ToddElla born about 1857
ToddJames born about 1931
ToddLaura born about 1922
ToddRobert born about 1885
ToddRobert Jr born about 1918
ToddWilliam born about 1881
ToiaAlexander born about 1930
ToiaFrank born about 1908
ToiaFrank born about 1922
ToiaJohn born about 1911
ToiaLena born about 1915
ToiaMary born about 1882
TolfAuthur born about 1887
TolfCora born about 1886
TonerBetty born about 1931
TonerBlanche born about 1901
TonerHarold born about 1900
TongDorthey born about 1908
TongHerbert born about 1908
TottenJennie born about 1867
TottenJohn Sborn about 1867
TraaHarold born about 1902
TraaThelma born about 1913
TranceschiAlbert born about 1919
TranceschiAngioleana born about 1881
TranceschiElsie born about 1916
TranceschiMelem born about 1914
TransAlvin Normanborn about 1923
TreadwellHelen born about 1908
TreadwellThomas born about 1938
TreadwellWilliam born about 1907
TrickettBessie born about 1890
TrueRuth born about 1899
TrussaJoseph born about 1916
TurnbullJohn born about 1899
TurnbullMarvin born about 1923
TurnbullPauline born about 1899
TwistCatherine born about 1887
TwistJ Oborn about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UitelliArthur born about 1898

V Surnames

VaioJohn born about 1891
ValdiserriCarl born about 1937
ValdiserriCleo born about 1913
ValdiserriErnest born about 1925
ValdiserriHilda born about 1922
ValdiserriIda born about 1859
ValdiserriJames born about 1907
ValdiserriJean born about 1917
ValdiserriLena born about 1903
ValdiserriLena born about 1925
ValdiserriLillian born about 1913
ValdiserriMarline born about 1938
ValdiserriMary born about 1910
ValdiserriPrescilla born about 1927
ValdiserriRaymond born about 1915
ValdiserriRoger born about 1928
ValdiserriSella born about 1900
ValdiserriWayne born about 1939
ValdisseriAssunta born about 1896
ValdisseriIola born about 1916
ValdisseriLouis born about 1922
ValdisseriNora born about 1915
ValdisseriVico born about 1891
ValdisseriVira born about 1926
VannucciEmma born about 1918
VannucciLestilia born about 1897
VannucciQuinto born about 1890
VannucciWilliam born about 1915
VaughnConna born about 1884
VaughnJames Vborn about 1884
VeachClinton born about 1903
VeachRuth born about 1909
VeggiJosephine born about 1878
VeggiLorraine born about 1921
VeggiVincenzo born about 1889
VeggiWilliam born about 1918
VenneriEdith born about 1912
VenneriJames born about 1902
VenneriJoan born about 1928
VenneriJoesphine born about 1937
VenneriLewis born about 1931
VenneriLorrine born about 1939
VenneriPauline born about 1933
VenneriSam born about 1862
VenneriSam born about 1921
VenneriStella born about 1926
VenneriValantino born about 1924
VenneriVirginia born about 1930
VetzBeryl born about 1886
VetzJames born about 1915
VetzJane born about 1922
VetzMinnie born about 1901
VetzSam born about 1892
VetzThomas born about 1864
VezzaniAnna born about 1908
VezzaniJoanne born about 1935
VezzaniOliver born about 1898
VezzaniPete born about 1865
VivianiBastiste born about 1907
VivianiMary born about 1907
VizzaDonald born about 1933
VizzaJoseph born about 1906
VizzaRachel born about 1903
VizzaVincent born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaddellMargret born about 1920
WalkerCarrie born about 1892
WalkushCecilia born about 1927
WalkushJoseph born about 1873
WalkushJoseph Jr born about 1921
WalkushMary born about 1883
WalkushMelvin born about 1930
WanplerJoseph Dborn about 1893
WanplerMary born about 1895
WanplerMary Joborn about 1921
WardEvelyn born about 1907
WardJames born about 1868
WardJames born about 1925
WardThomas born about 1906
WardThomas born about 1929
WarmanFrank born about 1868
WarmanSarah born about 1865
WasicekAugust born about 1880
WasicekJustina born about 1881
WasiechAugust born about 1912
WasiechHelen born about 1913
WasiechJan born about 1937
WeaverCatherine born about 1871
WelchEldred Aborn about 1899
WelchEldred Jr born about 1935
WelchKathryn born about 1899
WelchMary born about 1936
WelchTravella born about 1932
WellsCharles born about 1923
WellsElezabeth Aborn about 1885
WellsLillie born about 1885
WellsSteward born about 1882
WelshElizabeth Bborn about 1869
WelshGeorge Hborn about 1863
WelshSlyvester born about 1887
WentcelovitchEva born about 1886
WentcelovitchGeorge born about 1902
WentcelovitchPete born about 1876
WentcelovitchTony born about 1913
WestBetty born about 1917
WestI Cborn about 1853
WestMarjorie born about 1919
WestMary born about 1886
WestWayne born about 1885
WestcottGrace born about 1908
WhiteAllaretta born about 1905
WhiteAlma born about 1938
WhiteDoris born about 1916
WhiteEdward born about 1935
WhiteEllis born about 1906
WhiteHarry Eborn about 1936
WhiteHarvey born about 1924
WhiteJames born about 1904
WhiteJames born about 1932
WhiteNancy born about 1939
WhitePatricia born about 1939
WhiteThelma Lborn about 1928
WhitelawEthel born about 1904
WhitelawHarriett born about 1932
WhitelawJoan born about 1936
WhitelawLois born about 1938
WhitelawMary born about 1914
WhitelawPhyllis born about 1931
WhitelawRobert born about 1914
WhitelawRobert born about 1926
WhitelawRobert born about 1934
WhitelawRobert Miss born about 1876
WhitelawRoy born about 1903
WhitelawRoy born about 1929
WhyelRonald born about 1934
WhyelRuby born about 1917
WildeDolores born about 1925
WildeGarnet born about 1897
WilkensonBlanche born about 1912
WilkensonGeorge Wborn about 1888
WilkensonHarriett Jborn about 1875
WilkensonHerbert born about 1884
WilkensonJohn Gborn about 1906
WilkensonThomas born about 1918
WilkensonValeria born about 1889
WilliamHarold born about 1906
WilliamNellie born about 1910
WilliamSally Janeborn about 1929
WilliamWilliam born about 1873
WilliamsJohn born about 1900
WilliamsJohn Jr born about 1933
WilliamsPansy born about 1903
WilsenClea Jborn about 1885
WilsenEarl Fborn about 1884
WinnettA M Jrborn about 1905
WinnettA M Srborn about 1865
WinnettBertie Cborn about 1870
WolfeCarl born about 1903
WolfeCarol born about 1935
WolfeElizabeth born about 1912
WolfeElizabeth born about 1936
WolfeGrace born about 1932
WolfeHoward born about 1938
WoolridgeJosephne born about 1875
WoolridgeLeamius born about 1874
WozneakAlex born about 1907
WozneakCatheren born about 1911
WozneakDonald born about 1932
WozneakGloria Jeanborn about 1938
WozneakRobert born about 1936
WrightBarbara Leeborn about 1935
WrightDorothy born about 1915
WrightPaul Mborn about 1907
WrightPaul Jr born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YanshockAnna born about 1904
YanshockDavid born about 1916
YanshockIstina born about 1879
YanshockMichael born about 1870
YanshockWallace born about 1910
YantT Eborn about 1868
YencsikAndrew born about 1915
YencsikAnna born about 1885
YencsikMike born about 1882
YencsikMike Jr born about 1910
YoungAndrew born about 1872
YoungAnn born about 1903
YoungMartha born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZeliBruno born about 1912
ZeliFernan born about 1910
ZeliLaura born about 1881
ZeliMary born about 1913
ZeliNellie born about 1915
ZeliRaymond born about 1931
ZeliRonnie born about 1935
ZeliSamuel born about 1914
ZeliTony born about 1908
ZeliVincent born about 1881
ZeliWilliam born about 1921
ZemaAnnette born about 1886
ZemaDominick born about 1913
ZemaFrank born about 1925
ZemaLouise born about 1927
ZemaMary born about 1923
ZemaNonzeto born about 1884
ZemaSam born about 1919
ZemaTony born about 1921
ZinoAnnie born about 1890
ZinoAnnie born about 1934
ZinoDoris born about 1932
ZinoEva Jeanborn about 1921
ZinoJohn born about 1913
ZinoMary born about 1930
ZinoMike born about 1881
ZinoMike born about 1915
ZinoPaul born about 1926
ZinoPete born about 1919
ZollarsHarry born about 1912
ZollarsLois born about 1923
ZollarsSadie Mrs born about 1890
ZovodskyCatherina born about 1875
ZovodskyFrancis born about 1908
ZovodskyJoseph born about 1874
ZovodskyMargaret born about 1907
ZucconiCarinne born about 1879
ZucconiHomer born about 1917
ZucconiLenora born about 1912
ZucconiThelma born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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