1940 U.S. Federal Census of North Bethlehem Township, Washington, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Washington County > 1940 Census of North Bethlehem Township

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAlvie Wborn about 1900
AdamsGrace Aborn about 1936
AdamsGrethel Dborn about 1906
AdamsHelen Vborn about 1926
AdamsMary Lborn about 1928
AezilAndy born about 1889
AirbetsCharles born about 1922
AirbetsFrank born about 1927
AldoBruno born about 1921
AldoFrank born about 1890
AldoLena born about 1912
AldoLeonard born about 1919
AldoMary born about 1891
AldoMollie born about 1916
AllenMargaret born about 1887
AllenWalter born about 1887
AlsonHazel Mborn about 1897
AlsonLudwig born about 1886
AltmanPaul born about 1920
AmosA Jborn about 1870
AmosFinley born about 1885
AmosGlenn born about 1889
AmosLevina born about 1855
AmosLewis born about 1880
AmosMartha Jborn about 1887
AmosMerle Cborn about 1919
AmosOllie born about 1893
AmosRebecca Rborn about 1886
AmosSadie born about 1890
AndasashEmma born about 1924
AndasashMartin born about 1886
AndasashMartin Jr born about 1912
AndrichCharley born about 1890
AngottiMary born about 1911
AngottiPatsy born about 1872
AngottiRose born about 1913
AngottiTheresa born about 1918
AnthonyWhar born about 1889
ArmantrantBaxter born about 1878
ArmantrantLouise born about 1922
ArmantrantMay born about 1881
ArmantrantRobert born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BalkusElizabeth born about 1912
BalkusFrank born about 1912
BaltichAdam born about 1895
BaltichAdam Virginia Jrborn about 1926
BaltichMary born about 1894
BaltichVirginia born about 1924
BangSophie Eborn about 1884
BarnardHerrel Vborn about 1887
BarnardMartha born about 1928
BarnardMary born about 1925
BarnardZella born about 1893
BarnhartArthur born about 1920
BarnhartDoris Mborn about 1935
BarnhartEdward born about 1916
BarnhartFlorence born about 1922
BarnhartGeorge born about 1940
BarnhartHamilton born about 1878
BarnhartHarold born about 1924
BarnhartLester born about 1909
BarnhartNaruco born about 1918
BarnhartPauline born about 1912
BarnhartRuth born about 1928
BarnhartSara born about 1887
BarnhartThomas born about 1938
BartusFrank born about 1890
BastovihAnna born about 1898
BastovihDorthy born about 1930
BazanAnna born about 1884
BazanThomas born about 1888
BeallBessie Cborn about 1886
BeallCharles Fborn about 1884
BeallConnie Infant born about 1940
BeallGerute born about 1893
BeallJoel Eborn about 1890
BeallKenneth born about 1932
BeallLucille born about 1918
BeallNorman born about 1912
BeallRobert born about 1930
BeallRuby born about 1918
BeallViolet born about 1927
BeallWillard born about 1916
BedillionEarnest born about 1904
BedillionElizabeth born about 1905
BedillionEvelyn born about 1930
BedillionNorma Geneborn about 1932
BedillionShirley Mayborn about 1938
BellAddison born about 1883
BellisarioAlbert Jborn about 1909
BellisarioDana born about 1908
BellisarioDonald born about 1936
BellisarioJoseph born about 1918
BellisarioMyra Lborn about 1885
BerardmelliAlbert born about 1919
BerardmelliDick born about 1928
BerardmelliFilomeno born about 1885
BerardmelliGeri born about 1875
BerardmelliIda born about 1926
BerardmelliJoseph born about 1924
BerardmelliRose born about 1918
BergamascoJohn born about 1887
BergamascoMary born about 1886
BeveridgeLeland born about 1918
BeveridgeWillis born about 1922
BieBarbara born about 1939
BieBessie born about 1903
BieCarolyn born about 1926
BieHobart born about 1899
BiglerBlaine Cborn about 1887
BiglerEmma Gborn about 1861
BiglerGrace born about 1887
BiglerKeith born about 1917
BilerJohn Wborn about 1867
BillionFrank born about 1880
BilviPaul born about 1889
BlendaJohn born about 1918
BlendaSteve born about 1922
BlendaWalter born about 1928
BogochenkoAlex born about 1919
BogochenkoAlfonso born about 1884
BogochenkoCatherine born about 1924
BogochenkoElizabeth born about 1923
BogochenkoEster Mborn about 1937
BogochenkoHelen born about 1930
BogochenkoJennie born about 1922
BogochenkoJulia born about 1929
BogochenkoLouise born about 1918
BogochenkoNellie born about 1932
BogochenkoRose born about 1895
BogochenkoVera born about 1916
BolaisJohn Cborn about 1896
BolenskyPete born about 1921
BonvellAaron born about 1867
BonvellAaron Clarkborn about 1921
BonvellFrances born about 1927
BonvellLouise born about 1918
BonvellMaude born about 1882
BonvellMelvin born about 1924
BorovichEva born about 1927
BorovichFrances born about 1893
BorovichJoe born about 1886
BorrorElizabeth Bborn about 1870
BoskiCarl born about 1889
BotrockPete born about 1890
BourghorRichard born about 1937
BozichAnna born about 1911
BozichGeorge born about 1899
BozichGeorgeanna born about 1938
BozichJoseph born about 1931
BozichThomas Gborn about 1940
BradyDonald born about 1926
BradyDora born about 1900
BradyElla born about 1862
BradyJessie Lborn about 1863
BradyLeslie born about 1896
BrooksAnna born about 1871
BrooksClark born about 1889
BrownLulu born about 1866
BrushneckPete born about 1882
BryczekJohn born about 1890
BudinchNick born about 1891
BursonJames Cborn about 1868
BursonSallie born about 1873
ButoutAmelia born about 1920
ButoutFrances born about 1892
ButoutJohn born about 1918
ButoutWilliam born about 1889
ButtonRocco born about 1898
ByersCharles Eborn about 1873
ByersEmma Jborn about 1880
ByersIrvin born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalvinCatherine born about 1914
CalvinGeorge born about 1903
CalvinMike born about 1892
CampbellBlanche born about 1888
CampbellCharles Wborn about 1883
CampbellKenneth Sborn about 1908
CampbellMildred Eborn about 1909
CasperineGroconda born about 1887
CerneAnna born about 1925
CerneCatherine born about 1900
CerneJoe born about 1894
CerneMary born about 1923
ChrobakAnna Sborn about 1937
ChrobakDelta Iborn about 1907
ChrobakJoseph Bborn about 1912
CindrichCarlyne born about 1910
CindrichCarol born about 1939
CindrichJoan born about 1940
CindrichJohn born about 1897
ClarkJeannie Lborn about 1932
ClarkLouise Eborn about 1914
ClarkMarline Vborn about 1937
ClarkOrville Wborn about 1912
ClarkTail Lborn about 1939
ClovisDonnis born about 1906
ClovisElizabeth born about 1874
ClovisFrank Hborn about 1870
ClutterJune born about 1937
ClutterMartha born about 1899
ClutterMartha Rborn about 1939
ClutterMaura born about 1929
ClutterPatricia born about 1933
ClutterRuth born about 1922
ClutterWray born about 1902
ColeAndrea born about 1936
ColeJack born about 1938
ColeLaureen born about 1934
ColeSam Cborn about 1904
ColeSusan born about 1913
CollinsFrank born about 1910
CollinsMarie born about 1914
CollinsTheodore born about 1935
ConbleCora Eborn about 1904
ConbleHernry Wborn about 1900
ConbleJohn Aborn about 1858
ConbleMargaret Sborn about 1913
ConkleRobert born about 1866
ConkovechJoseph born about 1908
ConkovechKatherine born about 1886
ConkovechTony born about 1883
ConnorAaron Fborn about 1902
ConnorAustin born about 1909
ConnorBetty born about 1939
ConnorDora Dborn about 1937
ConnorElenor born about 1939
ConnorEva born about 1929
ConnorIvy Wborn about 1920
ConnorMadelyn born about 1906
ConnorMelba born about 1940
ConnorRoxie born about 1928
CoolidgeWassil born about 1888
CostelloPete born about 1892
CoupleKenneth born about 1915
CravenAnna born about 1882
CravenRuth born about 1910
CrawfordGeorge born about 1903
CrawfordGeorge born about 1928
CrawfordGertrude born about 1927
CrawfordGilbert born about 1927
CrawfordJohn born about 1936
CrawfordSusannah born about 1905
CrawfordVida born about 1903
CrawfordWard born about 1895
CrillElizabeth born about 1868
CrispinWilbur born about 1927
CrumrineBernadine Pborn about 1921
CrumrineBessie born about 1896
CrumrineCecil Lborn about 1923
CrumrineDeems Rborn about 1925
CrumrineDoris Iborn about 1926
CrumrineDuane born about 1892
CrumrineEloise Mborn about 1923
CrumrineEmma born about 1902
CrumrineEmma Luborn about 1919
CrumrineFreda born about 1935
CrumrineGrayson Hborn about 1918
CrumrineIsaac Cborn about 1924
CrumrineJohn Gborn about 1890
CrumrineLeslie Rborn about 1886
CrumrineLucile born about 1914
CrumrineMary Eborn about 1886
CrumrineRaymond Eborn about 1918
CurbishMike born about 1895
CurryAnna Lborn about 1877
CurryMilo Wborn about 1873
CursiIda born about 1918
CursiNicholas born about 1879
CurtisAnna Mborn about 1879
CurtisSara Eborn about 1911
CurtisWilliam Jborn about 1871
CvyanovichMarks born about 1884
CvyanovichMax born about 1920
CvyanovichMiller born about 1922
CvyanovichMillie born about 1890
CvyanovichSophie born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DagueBetty Jborn about 1926
DagueCharles Pborn about 1881
DagueDuane born about 1921
DagueEarnest Cborn about 1914
DagueEarnest Hborn about 1903
DagueElizabeth born about 1885
DagueElmer Cborn about 1862
DagueEstella Gborn about 1886
DagueEthel Gborn about 1892
DagueFrank born about 1897
DagueKenneth born about 1916
DagueMildred born about 1902
DagueRena born about 1879
DagueThomas Cborn about 1890
DavisHelen born about 1910
DavisNancy Fborn about 1939
DavisRoger born about 1914
DavisVeda born about 1918
DavisWilliam born about 1905
DelichTom born about 1885
DelopitroAlexander born about 1890
DelopitroAlexia born about 1937
DelopitroBerthi born about 1922
DelopitroHelen born about 1923
DelopitroMary born about 1901
DelopitroRudolph born about 1925
DiamondClifford born about 1938
DiamondCynthia born about 1927
DiamondEliza born about 1897
DiamondIris born about 1933
DiamondNora Aborn about 1929
DiamondRuby born about 1924
DiamondVirgil born about 1920
DiamondWarren born about 1898
DiamondWarren Sborn about 1936
DickersonHelen born about 1926
DickersonLeo born about 1916
DivelblissCatherine born about 1919
DivelblissFreda born about 1897
DivelblissJohn born about 1881
DivelblissJohn Jr born about 1921
DixonColin born about 1912
DixonDorothy born about 1911
DixonGary born about 1939
DixonShirley born about 1937
DodlekMark born about 1896
DonleyCharles Aborn about 1916
DonleyDavid Pborn about 1939
DonleyHelen Gborn about 1917
DoragisAngelo born about 1927
DoragisJames born about 1924
DoragisJean born about 1920
DoragisRalph born about 1920
DoragisThersea born about 1901
DoragisTony born about 1898
DorkoAnna born about 1926
DorkoElizabeth born about 1889
DorkoFrances born about 1929
DorkoHelen born about 1918
DorkoJoseph born about 1884
DorkoMargaret born about 1928
DorkoMary born about 1924
DorkoMike born about 1914
DorkoRobert born about 1939
DorkoVeronica born about 1931
DovlatovEdna Mborn about 1910
DovlatovFranklin Jborn about 1910
DovlatovFranklin Mborn about 1939
DranzoPhilip born about 1887
DrebertArthur Fborn about 1887
DroskeyPete born about 1885
DrozdikHelen born about 1919
DrozdikMartin born about 1877
DudashAndy born about 1876
DudashAnna born about 1878
DudieAlma born about 1918
DudieJoseph born about 1913
DunklePearl born about 1929
DunnEmma born about 1860
DunnMildred born about 1905
DunnWilbur born about 1904
DurallJohn Lborn about 1884
DurallPearl Cborn about 1881
DziakAnna born about 1910
DziakDora born about 1921
DziakFrances born about 1938
DziakFrank Tborn about 1902
DziakGeorge born about 1916
DziakJulia Aborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdwanickKatherine born about 1890
EdwonvitchEdward born about 1889
EfawJess Wborn about 1884
EfawVila born about 1889
ElliottDonald Pborn about 1906
ElliottJean born about 1926
ElliottJohn Aborn about 1935
ElliottLois born about 1928
ElliottRichard born about 1931
ElliottRuth Lborn about 1938
ElliottZelma Oborn about 1904
EllsworthCassidy Rborn about 1913
EnochDan born about 1890
EvansAgnes born about 1914
EvansDavid born about 1889
EvansFred born about 1938
EvansJohn born about 1891
EvansRonald born about 1936
EverlyFrank Dborn about 1883
EwanickMike born about 1887
EwingAlbert born about 1873
EwingHenry born about 1919
EwingMargaret Mborn about 1879
EwingRobert born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FaberAda Eborn about 1890
FaberEdward Aborn about 1886
FaberEdward E Jrborn about 1927
FattmanArthur Gborn about 1906
FattmanHarry Pborn about 1876
FattmanMary born about 1887
FattmanSara born about 1911
FawkesAlice born about 1919
FawkesAllen born about 1929
FawkesDoroty born about 1925
FawkesGraces born about 1898
FawkesLafayette born about 1895
FederoffSam born about 1876
FeislerMary born about 1913
FeislerRichard Jborn about 1914
FengarGeorge born about 1878
FengarMary born about 1881
FengarSue born about 1917
FerrentoAntona born about 1895
FienDominick born about 1920
FienFrankie born about 1926
FienJoe born about 1922
FienJohn born about 1892
FienJosehine born about 1900
FienLeonare born about 1939
FienLewis born about 1924
FienNancy born about 1925
FisherHoward born about 1909
FisherHoward Fborn about 1932
FisherOlive born about 1910
FisherOpal Mborn about 1929
FlukasMargaret born about 1922
FlukasMary born about 1919
FlukasStanley born about 1909
FlukasSusie born about 1881
FolkensAlbert Jr born about 1894
FolkensAlbert Jr born about 1919
FolkensCatherine born about 1894
FolkensFlorence born about 1928
FolkensWilliam born about 1921
FonnerDorothy Eborn about 1922
FonnerJane born about 1891
FonnerRay Mborn about 1929
ForgieAnna born about 1879
ForgieJames Aborn about 1878
ForsytheFlorence born about 1867
FottaMilton born about 1934
FowlerEarnest born about 1922
FowlerJohn born about 1938
FowlerJohn Hborn about 1893
FowlerMargaret born about 1891
FowlerOrnetta born about 1936
FredeckHoward born about 1891
FriendEdward born about 1939
FriendPauline born about 1914
FriendRalph born about 1904
FriendRichard born about 1937
FriendShirley born about 1935
FutonBetty Gborn about 1926
FutonCora born about 1896
FutonCora Bellaborn about 1930
FutonJohn Mborn about 1891

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G Surnames

GalawayGalway Walterborn about 1911
GalwayFrank born about 1930
GalwayRoy born about 1914
GardnerAnnie born about 1890
GardnerGarfield born about 1919
GardnerSydney born about 1921
GarettIrene Pborn about 1895
GarretBetty Jborn about 1919
GarrettBernard Lborn about 1935
GarrettBradley born about 1938
GarrettCharles Mborn about 1885
GarrettEarnest Lborn about 1910
GarrettIsrael Oborn about 1878
GarrettJacob born about 1882
GarrettRachel Lborn about 1892
GarrettSarah Mborn about 1915
GastieJacob born about 1936
GattenBrady born about 1894
GattenEva born about 1937
GattenHenrietta born about 1925
GattenJean born about 1929
GattenJeannette born about 1905
GattenPauline born about 1931
GattenThomas Hborn about 1919
GattenWilma born about 1924
GaudetteArwilda born about 1934
GaudetteEarnest born about 1928
GaudetteMarie born about 1899
GaymanDecim Lborn about 1886
GaymanEtta born about 1880
GaymanHelmuth born about 1875
GaymanJacob born about 1907
GaymanShelby Jborn about 1877
GaymanStore born about 1881
GehrleinHenry born about 1877
GehrleinKatherine born about 1862
GilmanBert born about 1911
GoodwinDonald born about 1923
GoodwinHenery born about 1888
GoodwinHomer Cborn about 1918
GoodwinJean born about 1927
GoodwinVerna born about 1893
GordonAli Lborn about 1881
GordonOrville Eborn about 1879
GrableCecile born about 1916
GrableEli born about 1876
GrableElizabeth born about 1866
GrableHaven Eborn about 1910
GrableNaomi born about 1882
GrableOdessa born about 1890
GrableSarah born about 1918
GrableWayne born about 1917
GrayCarol born about 1939
GrayEleanor born about 1917
GrayGeorge born about 1894
GrayGeorge E Jrborn about 1915
GrayMary born about 1869
GrayThomas born about 1917
GrayWilliam born about 1922
GrechowskyEva born about 1884
GrechowskyLaura born about 1913
GrechowskyPaul born about 1883
GrechowskyPete born about 1918
GrechowskyWilma born about 1915
GrechowskyWilma Jborn about 1939
GreenFlorine Mborn about 1892
GreenKenneth born about 1889
GreenLois born about 1926
GreggAnna Eborn about 1882
GreggWill Hborn about 1881
GregorAlfred born about 1939
GregorJohn born about 1912
GregorMary born about 1917
GregorMike born about 1880
GregorNellie born about 1875
GregorPearl born about 1917
GregulasDomenic born about 1889
GundlachCharles born about 1921
GundlachHenry Sborn about 1872
GundlachLelola born about 1887
GuralAnna born about 1921
GuralHelen born about 1920
GuralJohn born about 1931
GuralJoseph born about 1919
GuralKathrine born about 1896
GuralMike born about 1888
GuthrieMary Eborn about 1923
GuzaBernard born about 1922
GuzaCatherine Infant born about 1940
GuzaFrancis born about 1924
GuzaFrank born about 1897
GuzaMary born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HadoffMike born about 1886
HalseFraces born about 1911
HalseJanet Lborn about 1938
HalseRobert Wborn about 1912
HalseRobert W Jrborn about 1934
HamovichJoseph born about 1898
HamovichJulia born about 1902
HamovichMichael born about 1922
HamovichPaulina born about 1929
HamovichTony born about 1926
HannaFrank born about 1873
HanzelJoel Jr born about 1878
HanzelSophie born about 1880
HareBessie born about 1896
HartEvelyn born about 1919
HartJudith Aborn about 1940
HartWilliam born about 1915
HarveyElsie born about 1912
HarveyJonas born about 1888
HarveyJonas Earlborn about 1935
HarveyRalph Rborn about 1936
HarveyRobert Lborn about 1933
HarveyWilliam born about 1938
HathawayDewey Jborn about 1898
HathawayJames Wborn about 1920
HathawayJohn Lloydborn about 1927
HathawayMartha Fborn about 1921
HathawayMary Gborn about 1897
HaughtBlanche born about 1900
HaughtWilburt born about 1912
HedgeGloria Rborn about 1925
HedgeHomer Bborn about 1885
HedgeIrene Mborn about 1896
HedgeMary Fborn about 1887
HedgeMaslica Aborn about 1928
HeeneyEnid Bborn about 1926
HeeneyGladys born about 1896
HegedusAndrew born about 1912
HegedusJoseph Aborn about 1939
HegedusMary born about 1917
HeinerFrances Wborn about 1899
HeinerLloyd Eborn about 1897
HelderbrandClearance born about 1903
HelderbrandClearance Wborn about 1937
HelderbrandGeorge Rborn about 1932
HelderbrandGertude born about 1898
HelderbrandGertude Ireneborn about 1928
HelderbrandJohn Bborn about 1934
HelderbrandRuth Aborn about 1927
HelderbrandWilliam Eborn about 1931
HelderbrandWilliam Mborn about 1871
HenchAlbert Hborn about 1891
HenchOlive Aborn about 1888
HendershotCatherine born about 1921
HendershotHarold born about 1936
HendershotHazel born about 1902
HendershotVirginia born about 1932
HendershotWilliam Wborn about 1888
HendersonAda Mborn about 1912
HendersonDonald born about 1911
HendersonDonna born about 1932
HendersonPaul born about 1934
HendersonWayne born about 1936
HeplerNora born about 1880
HeplerWilliam born about 1876
HermanJohn born about 1866
HerrmmanJose born about 1865
HessAnna Lborn about 1894
HessBeverly born about 1921
HessHarriet Lborn about 1850
HessIsaac born about 1851
HessMinnie born about 1897
HessOscar ?born about 1881
HetheringtonEugene born about 1900
HetheringtonNellie born about 1906
HewittDavid Lborn about 1883
HewittLucy Lborn about 1862
HewittViola born about 1884
HilderbrandJosephine born about 1880
HillBlaine Gborn about 1911
HillClearance Eborn about 1870
HillEstella born about 1914
HillHoward Wborn about 1910
HillJoan Eborn about 1934
HillJoseph Bborn about 1907
HillKathryn Dborn about 1918
HillLelia Hborn about 1907
HillMartha Lborn about 1939
HillMaude Sborn about 1871
HillberryAlden Dborn about 1927
HillberryEvea Dborn about 1932
HillberryMabel Gborn about 1911
HillberryMyrlene Jborn about 1929
HillberryRussell Fborn about 1901
HixenbaughWilliam born about 1937
HomerJeannette born about 1875
HootmanFrank Mborn about 1918
HootmanMargaret Mborn about 1918
HootmanNettie born about 1878
HootmanWilliam Aborn about 1871
HornByron born about 1919
HornCharles Lborn about 1877
HornDavid born about 1922
HornFrank Fborn about 1886
HornJohn born about 1864
HornKathryn born about 1921
HornLaverne Wborn about 1878
HornMartha born about 1915
HornRalph born about 1938
HornVaronia born about 1888
HornWilliam born about 1913
HornWillis born about 1909
HorneBeryl born about 1932
HorneBeverly Jborn about 1929
HorneKenneth born about 1907
HorneOlive born about 1909
HorwitzRose born about 1890
HorwitzSam born about 1888
HuffmanBessie Dborn about 1879
HuffmanDiana born about 1925
HuffmanFrank Wborn about 1898
HuffmanIsabelle born about 1908
HuffmanOtto Hborn about 1877
HuffmanRuth born about 1928
HuffmanSheldon Hborn about 1904
HultonCharles born about 1896
HultonCharles Jr born about 1928
HultonFlorence born about 1922
HultonFrances born about 1926
HultonHazel born about 1924
HultonRose born about 1893
HusarchikAnna born about 1916
HusarchikEmil born about 1914
HusarchikEmil R Jrborn about 1938
HusarchikHelen born about 1921
HusarchikJohn born about 1885
HusarchikJoseph born about 1917
HusarchikMary born about 1925
HusarchikVeronica born about 1920
HusarchikViolet born about 1915
HusarchikViolet Annborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngramSylvia born about 1938
IrwinArabelle born about 1858
IrwinBessie born about 1878
IrwinJames Mborn about 1884
IrwinWilliam born about 1907

J Surnames

JackovichAnna born about 1902
JackovichAnna Aborn about 1929
JackovichElli born about 1896
JackovichRose Mborn about 1935
JackovichSteve born about 1923
JenningJohn born about 1869
JenningsDelbert born about 1935
JenningsJona born about 1913
JenningsJoseph born about 1906
JenningsRuth born about 1912
JenningsWarren Kborn about 1909
JohnsonDaniel Sborn about 1885
JonesLaura Jborn about 1915
JonesNadene born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KachmarMetro born about 1883
KarpoffAnna born about 1918
KarpoffFrances born about 1926
KarpoffFred born about 1927
KarpoffJulia born about 1929
KarpoffKay born about 1921
KarpoffMartha born about 1917
KarpoffMary born about 1884
KarpoffMike born about 1913
KarpoffPeter born about 1877
KarpoffTony born about 1922
KearnsHarvey born about 1900
KearnsHarvey born about 1904
KearnsKenneth born about 1935
KearnsLarna born about 1915
KearnsNoma Gborn about 1931
KearnsWayne born about 1928
KefoverAgnes Dborn about 1911
KefoverArthur Kborn about 1881
KefoverHarold Bborn about 1909
KefoverLois Lborn about 1922
KefoverLuella Bborn about 1884
KelleyAlba born about 1917
KelleyAlberta born about 1935
KelleyEarl Lborn about 1919
KelleyLe Roy born about 1912
KelleyMarshall Eborn about 1939
KelleyShirley Cborn about 1919
KellyAveda born about 1921
KellyEarnest born about 1939
KellyPaul born about 1916
KesslerNed born about 1932
KeysJames born about 1883
KinderAtwater born about 1883
KinderEarnest born about 1896
KinderEleanore born about 1930
KinderFloyd born about 1928
KinderFrances born about 1904
KinderFred born about 1915
KinderHelen born about 1912
KinderIsaac Cborn about 1907
KinderLois born about 1936
KinderNorma born about 1933
KinderRena born about 1887
KinderRoy born about 1937
KindleElizabeth born about 1857
KnazervichMary born about 1916
KnestrickEmma born about 1911
KnestrickFrancis Mborn about 1871
KnestrickJames Nborn about 1873
KnestrickMaxine born about 1926
KnestrickRalph Eborn about 1909
KnestrickSylvia born about 1894
KnestrickTillie Aborn about 1874
KnestrickWilda born about 1899
KnistruchAnna Mayborn about 1922
KnistruchFlora born about 1886
KnistruchGlenn born about 1905
KnistruchHarvey born about 1879
KorachDan born about 1904
KorachDaniel born about 1938
KorachHelen Aborn about 1907
KorachMargaret born about 1933
KoskaAnnette born about 1917
KoskaCarl Inf born about 1940
KoskaFloyd born about 1936
KoskaJohn born about 1916
KoskaLoretta born about 1939
KovachikFrank born about 1921
KovachikJoseph Jr born about 1914
KovachikJoseph Sr born about 1875
KovachikMargaret born about 1913
KovachikRudolph born about 1924
KrehelGeorge born about 1888
KrencekAndy born about 1917
KrencekCathrine born about 1928
KrencekCharles born about 1919
KrencekElizabeth born about 1925
KrencekFrances born about 1893
KrencekHelen born about 1932
KrencekJohn born about 1923
KrencekJoseph born about 1935
KrencekLouise born about 1912
KrencekMary born about 1934
KrencekMike born about 1927
KrencekRosy born about 1931
KrencekThomas born about 1889
KrencekThomas born about 1922
KressJack born about 1888
KrevichFrank born about 1888
KrosnoffElizabeth born about 1914
KrosnoffMichael born about 1905
KrosnoffMichael Qborn about 1939
KukovichDora born about 1923
KukovichEdward born about 1930
KukovichEmily born about 1933
KukovichLucille born about 1928
KukovichMary born about 1904
KukovichMiro Gborn about 1899
KuschCharles born about 1902
KuschCharlotte born about 1875
KuschFred born about 1867
KuschViolet born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LadisicBlanche born about 1928
LadisicCatherine born about 1909
LadisicJoe born about 1908
LadisicJoseph born about 1930
LambertWinnetta Sborn about 1889
LapcevicAnna born about 1874
LapcevicDaniel born about 1914
LapcevicHelen born about 1913
LapcevicMary born about 1906
LapcevicMildred born about 1912
LapcevicRobert born about 1914
LapcevicSamuel born about 1874
LasinekWassil born about 1887
LasobikAnna born about 1890
LasobikElizabeth born about 1938
LasobikHelen born about 1929
LasobikJoe born about 1918
LasobikJulie born about 1936
LasobikNicholas born about 1934
LasobikPaul born about 1913
LauderbachBetty Infant born about 1940
LauderbachDonald born about 1924
LauderbachMary born about 1898
LauderbachVirginia born about 1922
LauderbachWayne born about 1900
LauderbachWayne Jr born about 1927
LawrenceBetty born about 1925
LawrenceDavid born about 1894
LawrenceEthel born about 1908
LebaltFrank born about 1919
LeeperFrances born about 1924
LeeperJoseph born about 1926
LeeperJoseph Wborn about 1897
LeeperMary Lborn about 1901
LeepesMabel born about 1933
LeepesRobert born about 1927
LeepesWalter born about 1929
LenhartGeorge born about 1877
LeonardJoe born about 1925
LetavicEdward born about 1935
LetavicKatherine born about 1929
LetavicMargaret born about 1907
LetavicMargaret Jr born about 1927
LetavicMary Aborn about 1930
LetavicMichael born about 1932
LetavicMike born about 1902
LewisAnn born about 1916
LewisDanna Fborn about 1939
LewisDesales born about
LewisStanley born about 1913
LeydaDolores born about 1927
LeydaEmma born about 1897
LeydaSteven born about 1893
LeydaWilliam born about 1924
LoarDock born about 1889
LoarGeorge born about 1926
LoarLeah born about 1907
LoarMadge born about 1931
LocyRebecca born about 1903
LoczRebecca born about 1903
LongAgnes born about 1878
LongHarry born about 1873
LongfrancesAgnes born about 1878
LongfrancesHarry born about 1873
LoreBetty born about 1926
LoreFloyd born about 1922
LoreJacob born about 1890
LoreMildred born about 1916
LoreaniBetty born about 1926
LoreaniFloyd born about 1922
LoreaniJacob born about 1890
LoreaniMildred born about 1916
LucknerJoseph born about 1883
LuckoJoseph born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MalinacJohn born about 1890
ManchaMary Jborn about 1866
ManchaMichael born about 1865
ManciniAnthony born about 1888
ManciniBen born about 1931
ManciniConstance born about 1894
ManciniDomnick born about 1915
ManciniFrank born about 1929
ManciniGeorge born about 1936
ManciniJohn born about 1914
ManciniLena born about 1923
ManciniMary born about 1917
ManciniRocky born about 1922
ManciniRose born about 1919
ManciniSamuel born about 1932
ManciniTheresa born about 1921
MarchezakGeorge born about 1888
MarchezakGeorge Jr born about 1919
MarchezakJohn born about 1925
MarchezakMartha born about 1896
MarchezakMary born about 1923
MarchezakNick born about 1921
MarchezakSteve born about 1917
MardenskyBen born about 1883
MardenskyElizabeth born about 1887
MardenskyJoe born about 1911
MarianEvelyn born about 1915
MarianPrieno born about 1913
MarianPrieno Jr born about 1938
MarinkovichDavis born about 1921
MarinkovichEli born about 1916
MarinkovichGeorge born about 1919
MarinkovichMary born about 1923
MarinkovichRose born about 1920
MarinkovichSteven born about 1939
MarkoieskiMike born about 1880
MartinAlleen born about 1928
MartinClyde born about 1889
MartinEthel born about 1922
MartinGeorgia born about 1899
MartinJessie Mborn about 1894
MartinJohn Aborn about 1892
MartinLillian born about 1900
MartinNathan Gborn about 1895
MartinosTony born about 1885
MartosAugust born about 1913
MartosElizabeth born about 1920
MartosFrance born about 1939
MartosFrank born about 1930
MartosJohn born about 1909
MartosJoseph born about 1910
MartosMagadaline born about 1884
MartosMary born about 1915
MartosPaul born about 1915
MartosSteve born about 1879
MartosSteve Jr born about 1905
MartosVictoria born about 1933
MashinskiFrank born about 1886
MatthewsBernice born about 1919
MatthewsBoyd Dborn about 1870
MatthewsFrank born about 1879
MatthewsHoward born about 1907
MatthewsLloyd Lborn about 1915
MatthewsOlive Aborn about 1872
MatthewsRichard born about 1936
MatthewsRonald Wborn about 1939
MatthewsRussel born about 1912
MatthewsRussel Dborn about 1938
MatthewsWilburt born about 1908
McBurnieAgnes born about 1932
McBurnieAlrada born about 1923
McBurnieCaroline born about 1924
McBurnieDonald born about 1923
McBurnieEster born about 1934
McBurnieFrancis born about 1936
McBurnieHope born about 1912
McBurnieHugh born about 1896
McBurnieHugh born about 1921
McCallisterAnn born about 1932
McCallisterDonald Yborn about 1899
McCallisterDonald Jr born about 1922
McCallisterMarian born about 1924
McCallisterPaul born about 1926
McCallisterSophie born about 1901
McCartyEstella born about 1872
McCluggageVerna born about 1908
McCluggageWilliam born about 1888
McColloughDaniel born about 1874
McColloughMartha born about 1883
McKeeEniz born about 1927
McKeeSarah born about 1932
McKnightWilliam born about 1876
McLurlenJay born about 1922
McMahonThomas born about 1889
McManusEdgar born about 1912
McManusRuth Aborn about 1938
McManusStella Bborn about 1920
McMullenMargaret born about 1927
MedvedJosephine born about 1922
MeholovazkFrank born about 1887
MeszarosJohn born about 1916
MeszarosMary born about 1891
MeszarosSteve born about 1890
MeszarosSteve born about 1915
MeszarosSusie born about 1921
MeyerhoffAlta born about 1935
MeyerhoffAlthea born about 1922
MeyerhoffAnna born about 1893
MeyerhoffBelly Gborn about 1939
MeyerhoffDana born about 1925
MeyerhoffDavid born about 1928
MeyerhoffEdd born about 1890
MeyerhoffMabel born about 1933
MeyerhoffRalph born about 1930
MeyerhoffRay born about 1924
MeyerhoffVirgil born about 1918
MichaloffAnna born about 1918
MichaloffClara born about 1918
MichaloffGertrude born about 1927
MichaloffHarry born about 1891
MichaloffJohn born about 1909
MichaloffMartha born about 1913
MichaloffMary born about 1890
MichaloffVirginia born about 1924
MikesellCharles Aborn about 1868
MikesellGrover Cborn about 1886
MikesellKenneth born about 1938
MikesellPearl born about 1902
MillerCaroline Aborn about 1869
MillerDrexel Cborn about 1902
MillerEsther Mborn about 1900
MillerMiriam Mborn about 1926
MitcehllNell born about 1909
MongEffa Mborn about 1918
MongMary born about 1894
MongPaul Eborn about 1918
MongWilliam Fborn about 1867
MooreBelle born about 1882
MooreCharles Wborn about 1932
MooreGwendolyn Rborn about 1929
MooreHarold Kborn about 1907
MooreKatherine Mborn about 1902
MooreMary Kborn about 1939
MooreMyrl born about 1938
MooreVincent Kborn about 1927
MooreVirginia born about 1914
MooreWilliam Bborn about 1913
MooreWilliam Mborn about 1857
MorellAnna born about 1904
MorellFrank born about 1927
MorellGeorge born about 1924
MorellOlga born about 1922
MorganElizabeth born about 1887
MorganWilliam Bborn about 1881
MorichSteve born about 1890
MorrisHarry born about 1913
MorrisJack born about 1934
MorrisLucile born about 1914
MorrisonDora born about 1895
MorrisonDorothy born about 1924
MorrowThomas Wborn about 1877
MorrowWa??? born about 1884
MoshakBetty born about 1932
MoshakJoseph born about 1931
MoshakMary born about 1910
MoshakMiller born about 1906
MoshakMiller Jr born about 1936
MowelIsaac born about 1882
MowleAllen Jborn about 1908
MowleCharles born about 1914
MowleDonna Rayborn about 1939
MowleDuane born about 1935
MowleMargarie born about 1929
MowleMyria born about 1919
MowleRicard born about 1937
MowleVivian born about 1913
MurrayDoris Jborn about 1935
MurrayJohn Nborn about 1897
MurrayRuby Aborn about 1912
MustafaRegip born about 1900
MustovitchJohn born about 1889
MyersAlva Dborn about 1859
MyersBeulah born about 1907
MyersFloraedith born about 1939
MyersFrank born about 1878
MzarSteve born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashRobert born about 1929
NaunchikClara born about 1913
NaunchikEstella born about 1936
NaunchikFedose born about 1896
NaunchikIrene born about 1929
NaunchikJoseph born about 1939
NaunchikKatherine born about 1932
NaunchikSteve born about 1933
NicholDoris born about 1930
NicholLouise Cborn about 1894
NicholSteven Sborn about 1890
NicholSteven Jr born about 1929
NicholasJohn Sborn about 1872
NicholasSamuel Tborn about 1877
NichollsCora E ?born about 1909
NichollsWilliam Jborn about 1906
NickdilikNick born about 1893
NuccetelliAssunda born about 1887
NuccetelliEmma born about 1919
NuccetelliJosephine born about 1916
NuccetelliLewis born about 1928
NuccetelliMary born about 1926
NuccetelliNick born about 1887
NuccetelliPauline born about 1923
NuccetelliRoland born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OlanichGeorge born about 1885
OneillMartin born about 1886
OneillMary born about 1880
OrumFred born about 1910
OrumGene born about 1938
OrumMarlin born about 1930
OrumOrpha born about 1905
OrumRonald born about 1939

P Surnames

PackAnna born about 1919
PackHazel Aborn about 1940
PackWayne born about 1939
PackWilliam born about 1910
PadishAnna born about 1895
PadishEdward born about 1937
PadishGeorge born about 1928
PadishHelen born about 1930
PadishJohn born about 1922
PadishMargaret born about 1931
PadishMike born about 1888
PadishMike Lborn about 1915
PadishPaul born about 1925
PadonJohn born about 1885
PaporchMetro born about 1888
PaulMerle Jr born about 1936
PaulikasJulius born about 1888
PaulotAnna born about 1908
PaulotAnna born about 1926
PaulotArnold born about 1939
PaulotHelen born about 1929
PaulotMary born about 1924
PaulotMike born about 1897
PaulotMike Jr born about 1936
PeleAlice born about 1928
PeleHelen born about 1908
PeleJoseph born about 1904
PeleMargaret Hborn about 1930
PeleViola born about 1926
PenrockCora born about 1908
PenrockFrank born about 1900
PersinAnna born about 1922
PersinBarbara born about 1897
PersinJohn born about 1919
PersinMike born about 1899
PersinMildred born about 1924
PersinTony born about 1926
PeterskyHelen born about 1927
PeterskyJohn born about 1929
PeterskyJulia born about 1932
PeterskyMary born about 1892
PeterskyMike born about 1935
PetroffEmma born about 1890
PetroffGuy born about 1928
PetroffJohn born about 1896
PetroffJoseph born about 1883
PetroffMary born about 1931
PetroffNorma born about 1921
PetroffRuth born about 1925
PetroffSam born about 1923
PetrovichFrank born about 1879
PetrovichHelen born about 1891
PlattsRay Mborn about 1903
PlattsThomas Jborn about 1884
PlivichAnna born about 1915
PlivichMary born about 1914
PlivichPaul born about 1882
PolenskyAnna born about 1917
PolenskyJohn born about 1907
PolenskyShirley Aborn about 1936
PorterDemas Hborn about 1869
PorterJessie Eborn about 1873
PowellAnna born about 1899
PowellJohn born about 1920
PowellJohns born about 1888
PowellMelleand* born about 1864
PowellSylvia born about 1931
PowellVincent born about 1923
PowellWalter born about 1918
PoyerHelen born about 1891
PoyerHelen Mborn about 1924
PoyerMatt born about 1922
PoyerRose born about 1918
PrenticeAnna Rborn about 1930
PrenticeJames born about 1901
PrenticeJames Jr born about 1926
PrenticeMartha born about 1905
PrenticeWoodrow Aborn about 1928
ProvinsJohn born about 1924
ProvinsMary born about 1901
ProvinsPerry born about 1899
ProvinsVirgil born about 1930
PrugnichJoe born about 1885
PryorLaura born about 1878
PryorSimson born about 1876
PucelJoseph born about 1887
PuscarachJoe born about 1899
PuscarachMat born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RadishNick born about 1884
RadmanMike born about 1902
RagerAnna Eborn about 1914
RagerDoris Jborn about 1940
RagerGeorge born about 1939
RagerJohn born about 1939
RagerMerle Aborn about 1909
RagerShirley Aborn about 1937
RammerAlbert born about 1876
RandolphAnna born about 1916
RandolphClarance born about 1936
RandolphFrance born about 1938
RandolphHager born about 1911
RebichAnna born about 1918
RebichMiller born about 1919
RebichNick born about 1876
RiceAlice Mborn about 1925
RiceAndrew Jborn about 1867
RiceCharles born about 1911
RiceClearance born about 1888
RiceClearance Jr born about 1931
RiceEarnest born about 1933
RiceLulabella born about 1938
RiceRobert born about 1936
RiceSadie born about 1903
RichardsChil born about 1902
RichardsHazel born about 1896
RichardsLloyd born about 1934
RichardsonDora Lborn about 1866
RingClara born about 1901
RingElizabeth born about 1925
RingElmer Rborn about 1896
RingHarold born about 1920
RingNorma born about 1923
RingRuben born about 1922
RobertaDavid Bruceborn about 1929
RobertaDavid Sborn about 1891
RobertaEthel born about 1900
RobertaFrances Mborn about 1925
RobertsAmy Hborn about 1853
RobertsCora Aborn about 1881
RobertsFannie born about 1879
RobertsHomer Lborn about 1894
RobisonGeorge born about 1903
RobisonHidey born about 1934
RobisonRaymond born about 1938
RobisonStella born about 1906
RodgersHelen born about 1922
RodgersMary born about 1880
RomanJohn born about 1892
RomanchikJohn born about 1889
RossBetty Janeborn about 1934
RossDaniel born about 1937
RossDonna L Infborn about 1940
RossDoris born about 1913
RossEthel born about 1892
RossFrank Lborn about 1871
RossFrank L Jrborn about 1909
RossGertude born about 1913
RossGuy born about 1912
RossHaven Cborn about 1902
RossJohn born about 1919
RossJuliet Aborn about 1907
RossMargaret Lborn about 1875
RossMarjorie Lborn about 1932
RossMary Janeborn about 1934
RossRichard born about 1938
RossRobert born about 1926
RossSamuel born about 1887
RossStanley Bborn about 1897
RossWallace Sborn about 1917
RossWilma born about 1922
RoulicJoseph born about 1888
RoulicMary born about 1895
RoziahAnna born about 1935
RoziahJoe born about 1896
RoziahMildred born about 1926
RoziahViolet born about 1906
RudyDolores born about 1932
RushAnnie born about 1927
RushEva born about 1897
RushJacob born about 1868
RushJulia born about 1896
RushOscie Mayborn about 1933
RushSamuel born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalasEdward born about 1935
SalasJerry born about 1938
SalasMary born about 1914
SalasRicardo born about 1937
SampsonAnna Bborn about 1882
SampsonWilliam Kborn about 1887
SandersLucy born about 1861
ScarffCorbeit born about 1921
ScarffEmma born about 1884
ScarffJohn born about 1886
SchlaupitzCarl born about 1923
SchlaupitzFrances born about 1903
SchlaupitzKenneth born about 1920
SchlaupitzPaul born about 1893
SchukaDorofey born about 1884
SchukaNick born about 1913
SchukaViolet born about 1890
SchultzAnna born about 1902
SchultzArleigh born about 1934
SchultzAudrey born about 1931
SchultzEarnest born about 1900
SchultzEdward born about 1936
SchultzFrank born about 1898
SchultzGrace Mborn about 1939
SchultzLilly born about 1902
ScottEllen born about 1926
ScottFlora born about 1911
ScottFrances born about 1930
ScottHawkins born about 1907
ScottHazel born about 1898
ScottHoward born about 1931
ScottJoseph born about 1928
ScottLois Mborn about 1933
ScottMary born about 1900
ServinCatherine born about 1899
ServinMatt born about 1889
ShafferSali born about 1906
ShirchekAndrew born about 1887
ShirchekAndrew Jr born about 1914
ShirchekAnna born about 1897
ShirchekEvelyn born about 1930
ShirchekHelen born about 1923
ShirchekJosephine born about 1932
ShirchekMatilda born about 1927
ShirchekNancy Lborn about 1935
ShirchekNick born about 1919
ShirchekPearl born about 1921
ShirchekSamuel born about 1938
ShoranskyTony born about 1893
ShutzDaniel born about 1889
ShwihekFrank born about 1887
SilverBetty born about 1933
SilverEvelyn born about 1929
SilverMarjorie born about 1927
SilverNick born about 1894
SilverNick Jr born about 1931
SilverRichard born about 1935
SilverSamuel born about 1925
SilverThelma born about 1904
SimonBessie Aborn about 1877
SimonWalter born about 1879
SinhasSam born about 1875
SirrianniBenjamin born about 1919
SirrianniEugene born about 1921
SirrianniFrank born about 1917
SirrianniJoanan born about 1922
SirrianniPete born about 1892
SirrianniRachel born about 1898
SisatialiAnglo Paceborn about 1918
SisatialiGiacomo born about 1894
SisatialiIra born about 1884
SisatialiJames born about 1921
SisatialiMary born about 1916
SitkoAlbinin born about 1911
SitkoPatricia born about 1936
SitkoRose born about 1932
SitkoSteve born about 1908
SkavinskyAndrew born about 1907
SkavinskyAndrew Jr born about 1936
SkavinskyDonald born about 1939
SkavinskyDorothea born about 1939
SkavinskyDorothy born about 1915
SkavinskyJoseph born about 1938
SleshFrank born about 1918
SleshMike born about 1885
SmithAnna Sborn about 1880
SmithClarance born about 1922
SmithEdith born about 1906
SmithEmma Vborn about 1895
SmithFreda born about 1918
SmithHenry born about 1918
SmithHoward Jborn about 1906
SmithJackson born about 1891
SmithKathrine born about 1918
SmithLloyd born about 1915
SmithLucy Eborn about 1870
SmithMary Jborn about 1938
SmithRobert born about 1914
SmithStanley born about 1930
SmithWilliam Lborn about 1889
SmytheHilda born about 1897
SodoskyJoe born about 1885
SokolAnna born about 1917
SokolEdward born about 1924
SokolJohn born about 1894
SokolJohn Jr born about 1916
SokolMolly born about 1895
SokolTheodore born about 1917
SowersDavid born about 1875
SowersElizabeth born about 1866
SowersLucy born about 1892
SpadaforaFrank born about 1889
SpadaforaPaulina born about 1906
SpeicherJohn Eborn about 1873
SpeicherLenora born about 1878
SpragueLuther Sborn about 1915
SprowlsLaura born about 1881
SprowlsRuth born about 1905
SprowlsStockdale born about 1859
SprowlsWalter born about 1902
StarcheeMinnie born about 1869
StasukerfishMary born about 1886
StasukerfishMary born about 1922
StasukerfishMike born about 1920
StasukerfishSam born about 1884
StefanikEva born about 1875
StefanikJoseph born about 1870
StevensCharles Dborn about 1894
StevensDonna Mborn about 1925
StevensFloyd Gborn about 1936
StevensGeorge born about 1917
StevensLawrence Cborn about 1918
StevensLoarine Fborn about 1926
StevensStella Fborn about 1898
StilwellBlair born about 1933
StilwellCarl born about 1920
StilwellDonald born about 1939
StilwellErma born about 1918
StilwellJessie born about 1896
StilwellLoretta born about 1915
StilwellRoy born about 1930
StokyJoe born about 1897
StoreGrace born about 1888
StoreRuth Mborn about 1920
StoreThomas born about 1884
StoreThomas Rborn about 1917
StoughBertha Oborn about 1890
StoughThomas Wborn about 1887
StoutJohn Bborn about 1937
StoutMary Bborn about 1910
StoutPhillip Tborn about 1936
StoutWilliam Bborn about 1907
StowinskyAllen born about 1918
StowinskyExa born about 1884
StowinskyFred born about 1923
StowinskyJohn born about 1880
StowinskyLawerance born about 1925
StrawnDorothy born about 1938
StrawnHomer born about 1910
StrawnVirginia born about 1916
StrawnWalter born about 1919
StuhoffAndy born about 1901
StupakSteve born about 1883
SulitzAndy born about 1908
SulitzAnna born about 1916
SulitzIgnas born about 1921
SulitzJohnny born about 1918
SulitzPete born about 1913
SulitzTekla born about 1882
SunedeckerGeorge born about 1886
SunedeckerLucile born about 1906
SunedeckerLucy born about 1860
SuppoFrank born about 1915
SwaglerCollin born about 1866
SwaglerEdith born about 1901
SwaglerEdith Annborn about 1931
SwaglerMartha Jborn about 1929
SwaglerWilbur Cborn about 1900
SwartDon born about 1930
SwartHerbert born about 1880
SwartInza born about 1895
SwartJanet born about 1926
SwartJesse Aborn about 1872
SwartRobert born about 1928
SwartSussanna born about 1933
SwartThomas born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TebalatAnna born about 1923
TebalatTheresa born about 1938
TebalatWalter born about 1916
TebaltMary born about 1913
TebaltMichael Jborn about 1914
TebaltMichael Jr born about 1938
TheaksonElizabeth born about 1880
TheakstonJames Lborn about 1912
TheakstonJoan born about 1939
TheakstonLillian born about 1934
TheakstonMary born about 1936
TheakstonMildred born about 1912
TheakstonNorman Wborn about 1911
TheakstonRaymond born about 1933
TheakstonRose Mborn about 1938
TheakstonRuth Mborn about 1933
TheakstonShirley Aborn about 1937
TheakstonViolet born about 1910
ThomasAnna born about 1877
ThomasAnna born about 1878
ThomasAnna Dborn about 1901
ThomasDoris Eborn about 1928
ThomasEdsel Hborn about 1932
ThomasHenery Rborn about 1897
ThomasJoe born about 1878
ThomasJulie born about 1915
ThomasMike born about 1890
ThomasPaul born about 1912
ThomasRaymond Cborn about 1917
ThomasRobert Wborn about 1923
ThomasRuth Mborn about 1920
ThomasSteve born about 1895
ThomasVictor born about 1921
ThompsonHarry born about 1884
ThompsonJames born about 1883
TombaughAlice born about 1863
TombaughFrances born about 1894
TosachCody Dborn about 1926
TosachDavid born about 1874
TosachEloise born about 1928
TosachJean Gborn about 1889
TosachKerfoot Dborn about 1922
TowardAlex born about 1882
TowardDorothy born about 1907
TowardJettie born about 1885
TowardRalph Pborn about 1913
TowardRichard Cborn about 1916
TowardWilliam Fborn about 1909
TredidderHedey born about 1905
TrelaJohn born about 1888
TrelaMike born about 1919
TrolliJames born about 1912
TudserEdna Bborn about 1891
TudserGeorge Gborn about 1881
TurnbullEva Lborn about 1939
TurnbullPriscilla Lborn about 1911
TyeMilford born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UlanoskyAlexander born about 1915
UlanoskyJohn born about 1916
UlanoskyLouise born about 1924
UlanoskyMichael born about 1918
UlanoskyNellie born about 1922
UlanoskyRosy born about 1895
UlanoskyVirgle born about 1919

V Surnames

VancePearl born about 1879
VandykeThomas born about 1869
VanvoorhisCharles born about 1881
VanvoorhisLulu Mborn about 1862
VanvoorlueAnna born about 1868
VanvoorlueCharles born about 1865
VanvoorlueFrank born about 1905
VanvoorlueFranklin Rborn about 1936
VanvoorlueFred Hborn about 1897
VanvoorlueMyrtle Eborn about 1906
VarndellRuth born about 1894
VidmarCharles born about 1917
VidmarMargaret born about 1918
VincentiAnnette born about 1883
VincentiSam born about 1880
VinoskyAndy born about 1884
VinoskyAnna born about 1891
VinoskyMary born about 1921
VoorherAlbert born about 1895
VoorherLloyd born about 1919
VoorherMary born about 1892
VoorherRobert born about 1927
VoronaAnna born about 1909
VoronaBetty born about 1929
VoronaConrad born about 1894
VoronaElenor born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeBobby born about 1938
WadeGene born about 1937
WalpDonald Rborn about 1917
WardDonald born about 1918
WardEllen born about 1889
WardThomas born about 1882
WasselAnna born about 1888
WatenlaAlbert born about 1906
WatenlaEva born about 1911
WatenlaWilliam born about 1936
WatkinsEva Pborn about 1915
WatkinsRobert Lborn about 1903
WatkinsRolla born about 1935
WatsonCarolina born about 1909
WatsonClyde born about 1895
WatsonClyde Jr born about 1922
WatsonElizabeth born about 1917
WatsonGarnet born about 1896
WatsonRobert born about 1919
WeaverBetty born about 1916
WeaverCharles Eborn about 1884
WeaverDonald born about 1916
WeaverEleanor Rborn about 1914
WeaverFrances born about 1880
WeaverFred born about 1923
WeaverHenery born about 1912
WeaverHenry Lborn about 1938
WeaverJohn Lborn about 1882
WeaverPaul born about 1914
WeaverZoe born about 1888
WheatonCarl Wborn about 1903
WheatonSusan born about 1903
Wherry??? Rborn about 1905
WherryAnn Lborn about 1934
WherryBarbara Kborn about 1922
WherryBlair born about 1919
WherryCatherine born about 1858
WherryEarnest Cborn about 1884
WherryElla born about 1869
WherryGeorge born about 1895
WherryGeorge Hborn about 1902
WherryGeorge Rborn about 1932
WherryHelen Mborn about 1928
WherryJames born about 1935
WherryJohn Bborn about 1871
WherryJohn Mborn about 1874
WherryKate born about 1873
WherryLloyd Gborn about 1940
WherryMary born about 1898
WherryMary Elizabethborn about 1921
WherryMay born about 1890
WherryPercy born about 1888
WherryVernon Gborn about 1885
WhitfiedAndrew born about 1881
WhitfiedMyrtle born about 1886
WildmanJunior Mborn about 1915
WilliamsBernadine born about 1927
WilliamsCharles Cborn about 1900
WilliamsCharles Jr born about 1935
WilliamsDelano born about 1933
WilliamsDenver born about 1921
WilliamsErma born about 1923
WilliamsMadeline born about 1925
WilliamsRefford born about 1924
WilliamsSheila born about 1930
WilliamsWilkie born about 1902
WilsonAdda Mborn about 1887
WilsonCarl born about 1922
WilsonHoward born about 1901
WilsonHoward Jr born about 1934
WilsonLu??? Stanlyborn about 1937
WilsonLucy born about 1917
WilsonOllie born about 1910
WilsonRalph born about 1925
WilsonSamuel Dborn about 1888
WilsonWilliam born about 1878
WireIsabela Cborn about 1870
WireMary Jborn about 1851
WiseAddison Dborn about 1899
WiseArletta Mborn about 1932
WiseBessie Qborn about 1900
WiseJennie born about 1891
WiseJohn Eborn about 1865
WiseLeila born about 1894
WiseLeonore born about 1870
WiseRichard Oborn about 1929
WolessageeCurt born about 1901
WolessageeGuy born about 1919
WonsettlerAnna born about 1904
WonsettlerChas Eborn about 1874
WonsettlerDella born about 1915
WonsettlerFlora born about 1875
WonsettlerGrace born about 1881
WonsettlerHoward born about 1909
WonsettlerJames Lborn about 1939
WonsettlerJohn born about 1904
WonsettlerJoseph Sborn about 1911
WonsettlerLydia Aborn about 1918
WonsettlerMary born about 1908
WonsettlerMay born about 1878
WonsettlerRonald born about 1936
WonsettlerRuth born about 1915
WonsettlerShirley born about 1937
WonsettlerWalter Wborn about 1915
WytovichAndrew born about 1924
WytovichCatherine born about 1921
WytovichFrances born about 1922
WytovichFrances Annaborn about 1939
WytovichMary born about 1916
WytovichMichael born about 1929
WytovichPeter born about 1927
WytovichSephen born about 1917
WytovichSteve born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YakamenkaTom born about 1895
YankovichEllis born about 1884
YanovichAlex born about 1910
YortyAdaline born about 1915
YortyArthur born about 1939
YortyVanee born about 1917
YoungJerome Mborn about 1861
YoungPermelia Eborn about 1872

Z Surnames

ZarkoGertrude born about 1939
ZarkoGertude born about 1905
ZarkoLois Rborn about 1937
ZarkoVictor born about 1931
ZatkoffStephie born about 1914
ZatkoffSteve born about 1908
ZatkoffSteve Jr born about 1936
ZelliFrances born about 1924
ZelliJoseph born about 1871
ZelliLloyd born about 1911
ZelliSarah born about 1877
ZelliSophie born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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