1940 U.S. Federal Census of North Mahoning Township, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Indiana County > 1940 Census of North Mahoning Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonLaroe Dr born about 1903
AndersonLouise born about 1908
ArabianBetty Louborn about 1928
ArabianFrank born about 1911
ArabianMartha born about
ArabianWilliam born about 1935
AulFloyd Lyleborn about 1939
AulFloyd Wborn about 1916
AulLeola Janeborn about 1939
AulViolet Maeborn about 1916

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B Surnames

BachPaul born about 1918
BackHarry born about 1879
BaranCecilia born about 1928
BaranEmily born about 1925
BaranGeorge born about 1927
BaranMildred born about 1931
BaranStanley born about 1924
BarrettAletha born about 1911
BarrettBessie born about 1892
BarrettClarabell born about 1937
BarrettEulalia born about 1933
BarrettFrances Gborn about 1937
BarrettFrank born about 1936
BarrettLloyd born about 1909
BarrettMarie born about 1931
BarrettMinerva born about 1921
BarrettMond born about 1915
BarrettMuray born about 1889
BarrettRobert born about 1912
BarrettRobert Cborn about 1936
BartholomeuCarl born about 1893
BartholomeuIone born about 1899
BartholomeuMadline born about 1928
BartholomewAaron Lborn about 1889
BartholomewCynthia born about 1863
BartholomewJacob born about 1858
BartholomewOrpha born about 1923
BaunAda Gleanborn about 1907
BaunDorothy Jeanborn about 1925
BaunJames born about 1928
BaunOrn born about 1899
BeattyRosenvelt born about 1904
BechJ Sborn about 1860
BechMary Rborn about 1862
BechNansie Eborn about 1911
BeckAnna Violaborn about 1902
BeckBlair born about 1895
BeckCavie Wborn about 1867
BeckEarl Wborn about 1887
BeckElmer Cborn about 1896
BeckGertrude born about 1881
BeckJ Lborn about 1888
BeckSara Belleborn about 1939
BeckVernie born about 1898
BeckWayne born about 1926
BeesAlice born about 1885
BeesGeorge born about 1922
BeesJesse born about 1883
BehmAnna born about 1910
BehmBertha Ireneborn about 1913
BehmEsther La Reneborn about 1919
BehmGeorge Wilsonborn about 1915
BehmIrvin born about 1904
BehmJohn Wilsonborn about 1858
BehmMartha born about 1930
BehmMary Maeborn about 1906
BehmSalome born about 1876
BehmSara born about 1928
BlaseBernice born about 1934
BlaseEarl born about 1935
BlaseEdith born about 1932
BlaseF Eborn about 1868
BlaseFlorence born about 1929
BlaseHamilton Mborn about 1896
BlaseJessie Pearlborn about 1928
BlaseLaurabelle born about 1925
BlaseLeota born about 1900
BlaseLouise born about
BlaseMary Aborn about 1872
BlaseMax born about 1931
BlaseMinta born about 1939
BloseAndy born about 1907
BloseRobert Aborn about 1913
BrewerAbraham born about 1865
BrewerAnna born about 1898
BrewerCarl born about 1926
BrewerGladys born about 1924
BrewerNancy born about 1869
BrewerPaul born about 1901
BrewerPaul Jr born about 1922
BrewerRoxie born about 1929
BrilhartBessie Mborn about 1900
BrilhartJacob Lborn about 1900
BrilhartJames Rborn about 1924
BrilhartRobert Cborn about 1927
BrownAlice Lborn about 1870
BrownEmma born about 1880
BrownHoward Nborn about 1918
BrownMary Missborn about 1864
BrownNorman born about 1862
BrownW Cborn about 1869
BushEmma Bellborn about 1927
BushEmory Mborn about 1891
BushJohn born about 1906
BushKenneth born about 1909
BushLula Gretaborn about 1918
BushMelzena Mborn about 1893

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C Surnames

CarbaughAlda Graceborn about 1928
CarbaughClarence born about 1894
CarbaughLena Graceborn about 1891
CarrClarence born about 1895
CarrDorothy born about 1920
CarrHarry born about 1922
CarrIva Pearlborn about 1897
CarrRuth born about 1926
CasadayAnnabel Gborn about 1928
CasadayCree Eborn about 1888
CasadayEmery Cborn about 1916
CasadayEtta born about 1887
CasadayGlen Cborn about 1918
ChamberAnna Louiseborn about 1920
ChamberDonald Bborn about 1912
ChamberElizabeth Janeborn about 1935
ChamberEvelyn Maeborn about 1929
ChamberGenieve Maeborn about 1927
ChamberJohn born about 1889
ChamberJohn Jr born about 1926
ChamberMary Eborn about 1915
ChamberMary Virginiaborn about 1924
ChamberNancy born about 1890
ChamberThelma Eborn about 1939
ChambersFredrick born about 1924
ChambersHarry born about 1868
ChambersOlive born about 1873
ChapmanAnna Missborn about 1877
ChapmanD Fborn about 1882
ChapmanElla Blaseborn about 1888
ChapmanHelen Fborn about 1919
ChesleyJames Aborn about 1921
ChesleyWilda Mrs born about 1882
ClarkGeorge born about 1926
CochranAlvin Clairborn about 1939
CochranAlvin Royborn about 1923
CochranBlair born about 1880
CochranDorothy born about 1921
CochranEugene born about 1917
CochranJames Lborn about 1874
CochranJohn born about 1877
CochranMary Eborn about 1883
CochranMinnie born about 1887
CochranRaul born about 1884
ColganElizabeth born about 1862
CoonA Esselborn about 1889
CoonEllis Lborn about 1920
CoonG Raymondborn about 1923
CoonJ Bborn about 1884
CoonJames Hborn about 1912
CoonJune Lborn about 1916
CoonRalph Warrenborn about 1925
CoonRobert Jborn about 1936
CoonRonald Lborn about 1939
CormanLe Royborn about 1921
CoyHugh Dborn about 1873
CoySara Adaborn about 1884
CraftAlice Maryborn about 1937
CraftAlvin Jackborn about 1932
CraftBertha Naomaborn about 1938
CraftDoyle born about 1898
CraftDoyle Jr born about 1923
CraftHarold Bborn about 1931
CraftJerald Richardborn about 1928
CraftJoseph Walterborn about 1930
CraftLeroy Edwardborn about 1924
CraftMarian Marieborn about 1940
CraftMary born about 1900
CraftTerry born about 1935
CroasmunE Lborn about 1862
CroasmunMary Aborn about

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D Surnames

DickeyGibson Wborn about 1874
DickeyMinnie Mborn about 1879
DiltzElla M Mesborn about 1861
DiltzLena born about 1894
DombEllen Mborn about 1868
DombJames Bborn about 1908
DombWilliam Eborn about 1905
DormireBessie born about 1886
DormireWm Gborn about 1875
DornAlvin Mborn about 1914
DornD Aborn about 1885
DornEdward born about 1869
DornEllsworth born about 1880
DornEmma Rborn about 1882
DornJennie born about 1872
DornLouelle born about 1875
DornWilliam born about 1877
DukeGlenn born about 1932
DukeJohn born about 1902
DukeJohn Rborn about 1926
DukeMary Eborn about 1923
DukeSara born about 1897

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E Surnames

EirhartCalvin born about 1886
EirhartCharles Aborn about 1874
ElkinClara Bborn about 1895
ElkinClyde Sborn about 1896
ElkinElla Maeborn about 1923
ElkinEmma Ruthborn about 1924
ElkinEmma Wborn about 1861
ElkinEssie Minervaborn about 1898
ElkinJ Claytonborn about 1895
ElkinJack Bechborn about 1924
ElkinNancy Charlotteborn about 1930
ErbArthur Rborn about 1894
ErbCara born about 1899
ErbCara Madborn about 1926
ErbEdward Clydeborn about 1896
ErbLotta Winifredborn about 1928
ErbMargaret Joanborn about 1932
ErbMelvine Le Royborn about 1924
ErbRichard Alvinborn about 1930
ErbRobert Lesterborn about 1935
EwingAlberta born about 1938
EwingDorothyea born about 1936
EwingHarold born about 1933
EwingLeona born about 1931
EwingOw born about 1900
EwingPriscillia Mborn about 1905
EwingRonald born about 1925

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F Surnames

FabainRobert Jborn about 1920
FallonDavida born about 1893
FallonL Cborn about 1881
FetterhoffAnnabell born about 1929
FetterhoffBruce Cborn about 1922
FetterhoffByron Eborn about 1920
FetterhoffDennis Mborn about 1928
FetterhoffDollie Eborn about 1894
FetterhoffEthel born about 1921
FetterhoffLincoln born about 1896
FetterhoffM Lborn about 1885
FetterhoffMarlin born about 1917
FetterhoffMyrtle born about 1907
FetterhoffRobert Lborn about 1937
FetterhoffWalter Bborn about 1897
FooseAlbert born about 1881
FooseCharles Lynnborn about 1912
FooseFrances Leonaborn about 1917
FooseNorman Eugeneborn about 1936
FooseSamuel born about 1866
FooseWilhelmina born about 1870
FooseWilliam born about 1868
FrenDora born about 1907
FrenStephen born about 1889
FreyerCharles born about 1900
FreyerElizabeth born about 1893
FreyerThomas born about 1902
FreyerVerona born about 1860
FreyerWilliam born about 1898

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G Surnames

GambleEleanor born about 1925
GambleElmer born about 1925
GambleL Ruthborn about 1893
GambleMerle born about 1935
GambleSamuel born about 1892
GambleSara Janeborn about 1918
GaneGeorge Wborn about 1886
GaneMartha Aborn about 1880
GaneSadie C Misborn about 1858
GarlandG P Revborn about 1905
GarlandNellie born about 1905
GarlandPaul Rborn about 1933
GarlandRichard Dborn about 1938
GarlandRoyena born about 1938
GaulBesie born about 1890
GaulEdna Nborn about 1893
GaulRobert born about 1928
GordonCatherine born about 1913
GordonCyrilla born about 1935
GordonDon born about 1918
GordonRalph born about 1914
GordonRichard born about 1937
GouldAlice Mrsborn about 1881
GourleyDonald born about 1923
GourleyEdith Lborn about 1887
GourleyW Maxborn about 1884
GrahamLoris Dborn about 1922
GreimJosephine born about 1866
GreimLeone* born about 1889

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H Surnames

HamiltonErma born about 1900
HamiltonJames born about 1864
HamiltonJay born about 1896
HamiltonJay Deeborn about 1927
HamiltonLaura born about 1861
HamiltonLaurabel born about 1929
HanesilleAlbert born about 1923
HanesilleFred born about 1919
HanesilleGeorge born about 1915
HanesilleJohn born about 1893
HanesilleJohn Jr born about 1918
HanesilleMargaret born about 1926
HanesilleMary born about 1896
HanesilleRichard born about 1928
HanesilleWilliam born about 1921
HarrickGeorge born about 1909
HarrickMichael born about 1907
HawkHarry Rborn about 1910
HawkJ Mborn about 1877
HawkMartha born about 1874
HazeletteHoward born about 1924
HazeletteMargery Aliceborn about 1923
HazeletteMurr born about 1899
HazeletteMurr Jr born about 1932
HazeletteWinifred born about 1901
HazeletteWm born about 1883
HazeletteWm Ronaldborn about 1920
HeberlingEssie born about 1916
HeberlingRaymond born about 1933
HeberlingRuby born about 1936
HeberlingRuth born about 1932
HeberlingSmith born about 1911
HeitzenratenClarence born about 1896
HeitzenratenDale born about 1926
HeitzenratenDolly Zoneborn about 1899
HeitzenratenElizabeth Mborn about 1867
HeitzenratenJ Nborn about 1868
HeitzenratenRoy born about 1924
HeitzenraterElmer born about 1929
HeitzenraterIrvin born about 1909
HeitzenraterMargaret born about 1936
HeitzenraterMary born about 1910
HeitzenraterRobert born about 1934
HelenDenaie born about 1928
HicksBetty born about 1920
HicksCarolyn Leeborn about 1939
HicksCharles Bborn about 1901
HicksGeorge born about 1859
HicksJack Dborn about 1937
HicksJanet Leeborn about 1939
HicksJess Dborn about 1911
HicksJoan born about 1935
HicksMary Bborn about 1878
HicksMerle Bborn about 1916
HicksMildred born about 1906
HicksPaul Eborn about 1918
HicksRalph born about 1905
HicksRobert Aborn about 1919
HicksShirley born about 1929
HilliardJames born about 1931
HolbenRhoda Mborn about 1867
HomamBudd born about 1927
HomamClyde born about 1925
HomamDavid born about 1939
HomamDorothy born about 1919
HomamEleanor born about 1923
HomamElmer born about 1886
HomamHazel born about 1896
HomamJohn born about 1931
HomamLea born about 1937
HomamNorma Jraseborn about 1934
HomamRobert born about 1921
HomamWilliam born about 1916
HomanAlbert Royborn about 1930
HomanCharlotte Maeborn about 1939
HomanLeni born about 1899
HomanMargaret born about 1889
HomanMarth born about 1881
HomanVina born about 1905
HooverDoras Janeborn about 1920
HooverEdna Janeborn about 1889
HooverEdna Jeanborn about 1926
HooverEleanor Annborn about 1927
HooverElizabeth born about 1904
HooverHerbert Merleborn about 1890
HooverJohn Lborn about 1902
HooverJohn Williamborn about 1918
HooverKenneth Merleborn about 1916
HooverLetha born about 1924
HooverMartha Mborn about 1919
HooverPaul born about 1930
HooverR Cborn about 1892
HooverRoy born about 1927
HooverVera Gborn about 1891
HueyElizabeth born about 1888
HueyWilliam Mborn about 1875
HugerC E Mrborn about 1878
HugerClara born about 1915
HugerEdward Kborn about 1913
HugerElla Mborn about 1889
HugerEvelyn Maeborn about 1919

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I Surnames

IrvinDora Dborn about 1885
IrvinSamuel born about 1882

K Surnames

KahagenAnna Maeborn about 1896
KahagenC Fborn about 1890
KahagenKenneth Fborn about 1924
KahagenPhilips Maeborn about 1931
KahagenRaymond Mborn about 1920
KanoufFrank born about 1897
KanoufFrank Jr born about 1935
KanoufMary born about 1899
KelichnerLouis born about 1918
KellermanJosephine born about 1918
KellermanLloyd born about 1913
KellyHilda born about 1923
KellyMary Jborn about 1920
KellyVida Clydeborn about 1926
KellyVida Ruthborn about 1882
KenanBessie born about 1924
KenanE Hborn about 1899
KenanMartha born about 1927
KenanMona born about 1901
KenanShirley born about 1928
KinsellJ Mborn about 1880
KippertBertha Mrs born about 1875
KippertCharles born about 1877
KippertEliza born about 1885
KippertJohn born about 1914
KippertJoseph born about 1925
KippertPaul born about 1920
KnaufH Pborn about 1869
KnaufJennie Aborn about 1877
KnoxC Pearlborn about 1881
KnoxCharles born about 1923
KnoxClara born about 1936
KnoxClark born about 1926
KnoxDonald born about 1930
KnoxFrances born about 1937
KnoxHarold born about 1934
KnoxJohn born about 1922
KnoxMartha born about 1927
KnoxRalph born about 1924
KnoxRichard born about 1931
KnoxRobert born about 1870
KnoxRuth born about 1897
KnoxVirgil Sborn about 1901
KuntzAnnabelle born about 1914
KuntzCarl born about 1940
KuntzCarolyn born about 1940
KuntzSamuel Aborn about 1907
KuntzWilliam born about 1936

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L Surnames

LambingHarry Jborn about 1890
LeckwatchEvelyn born about 1935
LeckwatchJulia born about 1915
LeckwatchMike born about 1913
LeissackGeorge born about 1914
LeissackMary born about 1901
LewisGladys born about 1937
LewisI Mborn about 1872
LewisIsabel Mborn about 1876
LewisJune born about 1917
LewisKing Bborn about 1940
LewisRichard born about 1939
LewisRobert born about 1936
LewisRonald born about 1938
LewisWilliam Walkerborn about 1916
LittleFloyd Jborn about 1916
LittleIda born about 1927
LittleMargaret born about 1929
LittleViola born about 1907
LloydEleanor Ruthborn about 1934
LloydEva Myrtleborn about 1938
LloydL Sborn about 1879
LloydMary Bborn about 1908
LloydMax Mborn about 1908
LloydMyrtle born about 1880
LloydPatricia Lborn about 1931
LooseJ Nborn about 1882
LooserJ Nborn about 1882
LowHoward born about 1928
LowaHoward born about 1928
LungerGeorge born about 1876
LungerIda born about 1878
LungerPauline born about 1918
LungeyGeorge born about 1876
LungeyIda born about 1878
LungeyPauline born about 1918

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M Surnames

MaeEdna Niomaborn about 1917
MaeWalter Carlborn about 1884
ManitiAgnes born about 1926
ManitiFlorence born about 1928
ManitiJessie Jamesborn about 1938
ManitiJohn born about 1895
ManitiJosephine born about 1932
ManitiMary born about 1908
ManitiMary Roseborn about 1934
ManitiNicholas born about 1929
ManitiStella born about 1935
MarshallAlice Eborn about 1919
MarshallAlice Marieborn about 1935
MarshallJanice Elaneborn about 1940
MarshallL Vborn about 1914
MarstellerCatherine born about 1919
MartinDonald Eborn about 1923
MartinEleanor Maryborn about 1932
MartinElizabeth born about 1866
MartinElmer born about 1897
MartinEmma born about 1867
MartinIdabell born about 1906
MartinIsabell born about 1940
MartinJoan born about 1935
MartinJohn Aborn about 1925
MartinMinnie born about 1876
MartinVernon Cborn about 1930
MartinWalter Le Royborn about 1931
MartinWilliam Cborn about 1915
MaukFlora Maeborn about 1880
MaukGeorge born about 1920
MaukH Mborn about 1895
MaukHarry Wborn about 1867
MaukJean born about
MaukLaura born about 1898
MaukRichard born about 1936
McConnaugheyClyde born about 1904
McConnaugheyClyde Jr born about 1933
McConnaugheyD Cborn about 1863
McConnaugheyHattie Aborn about 1905
McConnougheyBinnie Miseborn about 1878
McConnougheyElizabeth born about 1853
McConnougheyWade born about 1887
McCormickBetty Lborn about 1933
McCormickEdward born about 1938
McCormickElizabeth born about 1892
McCormickElmer Eborn about 1899
McCormickGeorge Jborn about 1935
McCormickHelen born about 1914
McCormickJack born about 1935
McCormickJennie Lborn about 1913
McCormickJohn born about 1902
McCormickMax Nealborn about 1921
McCormickMildred Nborn about 1938
McCormickNobel Bborn about 1898
McCormickNorma Jeanborn about 1929
McCormickP Bborn about 1873
McCormickRichard born about 1934
McCormickSamuel born about 1912
McCormickWa born about 1873
McCrukenJames born about 1890
McIssacHannah Jborn about 1870
McIssacRobert Jborn about 1862
McLaughlinEdna born about 1890
McLaughlinKenneth born about 1926
McLaughlinLois born about 1928
McLaughlinStewart born about 1882
MeansGlenn born about 1911
MeansJames Arthurborn about 1938
MeansMary Leeborn about 1934
MeansRuth born about 1912
MildredIrene Pearlborn about 1936
MillerBertha Iborn about 1874
MillerC Mborn about 1877
MillerCharles H Jrborn about 1917
MillerJ Hborn about 1868
MillerMinerva Janeborn about 1868
MillerVera Nborn about 1900
MitchellFlora Mrs born about 1866
MooreRobert Dborn about 1909
MortAnnie Mrs born about 1872
MortRaymond born about 1894
MottramHarriet born about 1857
MottranAlice Mborn about 1891
MottranAnna Maeborn about 1938
MottranDavid born about 1917
MottranEffie born about 1901
MottranGeneva Eborn about 1925
MottranHarold born about 1911
MottranHazel born about 1909
MottranJacob born about 1887
MottranLester born about 1880
MottranMargaret Jborn about 1914
MottranMildred Ireneborn about 1930
MottranNedra Leeborn about 1934
MottranPaul born about 1924
MottranSamuel born about 1899
MottranSara Meraborn about 1859

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N Surnames

NacurCarl born about 1888
NacurMary Ettaborn about 1886
NealAdabell born about 1901
NealAlex Mborn about 1890
NealAlice Mborn about 1865
NealBert Wendallborn about 1933
NealCarny Kinterborn about 1930
NealCharles Bruceborn about 1889
NealClair born about 1933
NealDorothy born about 1934
NealEugene born about 1906
NealFrederick born about 1930
NealMargaret Evelynborn about 1924
NealMariam born about 1937
NealMarie born about 1924
NealMary Eborn about 1879
NealMildred Lucilleborn about 1921
NealNellie Jborn about 1902
NealNora Lborn about 1889
NealRobert Ealeborn about 1921
NealSidney Merleborn about 1899
NealW Wborn about 1877
NealWilliam born about 1931
NicholAleda born about 1894
NicholArthur born about 1890
NicholCatherne Louiseborn about 1922
NicholIsabell born about 1921
NolderHarry born about 1920

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O Surnames

OlsonArthur born about 1889
OlsonMinerva Jborn about 1880

P Surnames

PainterDoloress born about 1927
PainterDuane Guyborn about 1924
PainterElva Rozellaborn about 1900
PainterEmma Jborn about 1877
PainterHoward Raulborn about 1898
PainterJ Aborn about 1877
PainterLeonard Paulborn about 1922
PainterWilliam Lloydborn about 1928
PalmerCeceil Mrs born about 1886
ParsonHarry born about 1919
ParsonJohn born about 1877
ParsonLiola born about 1923
ParsonNettie born about 1888
PattersonMary Elizabethborn about 1885
PattersonRobert born about 1885
PefferAlbert born about 1930
PefferAmelia Lborn about 1881
PefferCharles Hborn about 1915
PefferClark Wilsonborn about 1874
PefferEdith Pearlborn about 1887
PefferEleanor Janeborn about 1930
PefferElmer born about 1907
PefferGeorge Wilsonborn about 1881
PefferGerald Fredeickborn about 1932
PefferGladys born about 1903
PefferHarry Cborn about 1882
PefferHoward Mborn about 1888
PefferIciebell born about 1880
PefferJane born about 1857
PefferLawrence born about 1905
PefferMildred born about 1910
PefferMyrtle born about 1911
PefferReese Fborn about 1898
PefferRobert born about 1932
PefferRuth Eldaborn about 1898
PefferSamuel Wborn about 1896
PefferWilbur Reeseborn about 1929
PefferWinona Bellborn about 1887
PenberthyAlice born about 1928
PenberthyEster born about 1885
PenberthyFrances* born about 1930
PenberthyJames born about 1926
PenberthyJohn born about 1917
PenberthyThomas born about 1883
PenberthyThomas Jr born about 1916
PenberthyVirginia born about 1923
PenberthyWilliam born about 1919
PfeifferKenneth born about 1910
PfeifferMyrtle Emmaborn about 1910
PfeifferPatricia Eborn about 1932
PollockMie Mary Mborn about 1862
PollockTracy Tborn about 1898
PopelchuckAnn born about 1916
PopelchuckBetty born about 1918
PostailwaitC Eborn about 1866
PostailwaitJ Scottborn about 1876
PostailwaitMargaret born about 1867
PostailwaiterJohn Jr born about 1926
PostailwaiterW Kborn about 1916
PostalwaiteM Eborn about 1875
PowellGuy born about 1886
ProkayAndy born about 1921
ProkayAnna born about 1937
ProkayElizabeth born about 1933
ProkayEmery born about 1893
ProkayErnest born about 1936
ProkayGeorge born about 1928
ProkayJue born about 1926
ProkayMargaret born about 1929
ProkayMary born about 1896
PurceAnn M Mreborn about 1881

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R Surnames

ReedBlanche born about 1903
ReedElva J Cborn about 1896
ReedEugene born about 1924
ReedKathleen born about 1931
ReedOscar Sborn about 1921
ReedRoy born about 1897
ReedWilliam born about 1927
RentowichKathyrn born about 1895
RepineJohn Kborn about 1862
RoneyAnnie Mborn about 1873
RoneyEllsworth Hborn about 1901
RoneyH Eborn about 1871
RoneyMargaret born about 1916
RosboroughBessie born about 1890
RosboroughCharles born about 1886
RosboroughCleone born about 1894
RosboroughErma born about 1922
RosboroughFred born about 1921
RosboroughJames Gborn about 1890
RosboroughJean born about 1929
RoweClara Bborn about 1868
RudolphClara Mborn about 1870
RudolphE Cborn about 1870
RuthDale Lborn about 1918
RuthHazel born about 1920
RuthIda Claraborn about 1880
RuthS Cborn about 1891
RutlerRuth Kellyborn about 1918

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S Surnames

SadlerAlta born about 1912
SadlerRalph born about 1909
SchrockAlma born about 1898
SchrockCurtis born about 1893
ScottCatherine Annborn about 1934
ScottCharles Elmer Srborn about 1879
ScottDonald Boydborn about 1936
ScottGeorge Albertborn about 1939
ScottHazel Jameborn about 1908
ScottJames Elmerborn about 1940
ShafferArlene born about 1920
ShafferBrook Jborn about 1898
ShafferDaisy Bellborn about 1935
ShafferEmma born about 1894
ShafferHarry Mborn about 1901
ShafferLouella born about 1912
ShafferMary Oliveborn about 1928
ShafferOlive Mborn about 1873
ShafferRichard Allenborn about 1939
ShafferRosetta Janeborn about 1869
ShafferRuth Lborn about 1913
ShafferSamuel Bborn about 1870
ShafferSara Mrs born about 1877
ShafferShirley Leeborn about 1933
ShafferW Hborn about 1869
ShafferWilliam born about 1928
ShickC Dborn about 1881
ShieldsAnna born about 1940
ShieldsAnna Maeborn about 1939
ShieldsArlene born about 1929
ShieldsBarbara Annborn about 1938
ShieldsBarbara Ruthborn about 1940
ShieldsBetty born about 1934
ShieldsClara Janeborn about 1933
ShieldsDanie ???born about 1940
ShieldsDonald born about 1905
ShieldsDorothy born about 1923
ShieldsEdward Eborn about 1900
ShieldsElery born about 1935
ShieldsElmer born about 1904
ShieldsEvelyn born about 1937
ShieldsGeorge born about 1926
ShieldsInay Mborn about 1913
ShieldsIrene born about 1938
ShieldsJames Rborn about 1903
ShieldsJennie born about 1911
ShieldsKenneth born about 1911
ShieldsLeroy Daleborn about 1927
ShieldsLowis born about 1908
ShieldsMabel Iborn about 1901
ShieldsMaggie Emmaborn about 1876
ShieldsMary born about 1928
ShieldsMary Agnesborn about 1922
ShieldsMary Kathyrnborn about 1895
ShieldsMaxine born about 1913
ShieldsMorton born about 1890
ShieldsOdell born about 1900
ShieldsRhoda Ellenborn about 1923
ShieldsRoseanna born about 1910
ShieldsRuth born about 1916
ShieldsRuth born about 1930
ShieldsScott Mborn about 1871
ShieldsShirley born about 1936
ShieldsViolet Maryborn about 1917
ShieldsWilliam born about 1937
SilmerJoan Hborn about 1926
SilmerRichard Cborn about 1922
SilmerWill Mrs born about 1894
SlonigerEvelyn born about 1931
SlonigerFlorence born about 1928
SlonigerHarry born about 1906
SlonigerJoseph born about 1865
SlonigerJoseph born about 1865
SlonigerLola born about 1908
SlonigerRay born about 1934
SlonigerRobert born about 1929
SmailAlice born about 1882
SmailAlice born about 1937
SmailBennie born about 1935
SmailHarry Wborn about 1904
SmailHelen born about 1928
SmailJean born about 1931
SmailJohn born about 1878
SmailSusanna born about 1903
SmithCarl Fborn about 1884
SmithDaniel born about 1866
SmithGertrude born about 1892
SmithGordon born about 1911
SmithKathern born about 1887
SmithKathern born about 1916
SmithMabel born about 1918
SmithMary Fborn about 1871
SmithOwen born about 1871
SmithSophia born about 1861
SmithSophia Mrs born about 1861
SmouseHarry born about 1875
SprankleAnna born about 1879
SprankleBernie Sborn about 1886
SprankleClair Cborn about 1886
SprankleDale born about 1897
SprankleEffie born about 1897
SprankleIrene born about 1902
SprankleKemp born about 1896
SprankleLeonard born about 1929
SprankleLeopold born about 1920
SprankleM Wborn about 1867
SprankleMalinda born about 1855
SprankleMinta born about 1892
SprankleNancy born about 1927
SpranklePaul born about 1898
SpranklePriscillia born about 1853
SprankleRichard born about 1922
StateFlora Mrs born about 1862
StearA Floydborn about 1884
StearBertha Butlerborn about 1888
StearLawrence Irvinborn about 1916
StearM E Mrs born about 1865
StearMrs Ettaborn about 1881
StearRichard Eborn about 1915
StearRuth Ceceliaborn about 1922
StearWird born about 1908
StevensMaude B Meoborn about 1890
StutchellClarence Bborn about 1925
StutchellDorothy Jborn about 1926
StutchellHenry Cborn about 1892
StutchellIda Bellborn about 1928
StutchellLillian Wborn about 1904
SutlerCatherine born about 1898
SutlerClifford born about 1924
SutlerCraig born about 1938
SutlerJune born about 1927
SutlerThomas born about 1896
SutterBetty born about 1918
SutterCarl born about 1930
SutterDonald born about 1923
SutterEvelyn born about 1927
SutterJane born about 1923
SutterJay Bborn about 1894
SutterLester Mborn about 1881
SutterLester Jr born about 1923
SutterLillian born about 1894
SutterLula Mrs born about 1884
SutterLulabell born about 1920
SutterRhoda Mrs born about 1860
SutterRobert born about 1924
SwanJ Eborn about 1871
SwanJohn Mouowborn about 1910
SwanLaila born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaggerDelsie Gborn about 1904
TaggerEdward born about 1934
TaggerGard Aborn about 1898
TaggerGeorge born about 1938
TaggerJames born about 1931
TaggerNorma Jeanborn about 1936
TaggerRobert born about 1927
TaggerRonald born about 1940
TaggerWilliam born about 1924
TyrIda born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UncapherAndrey Gborn about 1931
UncapherMary Jborn about 1913
UncapherWilmer Lborn about 1901

V Surnames

VandugneWilliam born about 1890
VanhornEllen Ireneborn about 1939
VanhornJohn Sborn about 1914
VanhornMarion Cborn about 1916
VanleerEtta Mborn about 1868
VanleerGary born about 1938
VanleerGrant born about 1866
VanleerLucille born about 1913
VanleerTheeodore born about 1911
VarnerMargaret A Mesborn about 1860
ViteGertrude born about 1889
ViteW Hborn about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WachEdna Sborn about 1892
WachGeorge Eborn about 1930
WachJohn Cborn about 1870
WachobAnnie born about 1877
WachobCrist born about 1899
WachobEster born about 1910
WachobG Uborn about 1873
WachobJane born about 1926
WachobJohn born about 1939
WachobLouise born about 1904
WachobLyle born about 1929
WachobMargaret born about 1868
WachobSally born about 1925
WachobVerner born about 1909
WachobWilliam born about 1935
WaddingBetty born about 1921
WaddingHelen born about 1931
WaddingMadge born about 1902
WaddingWayne born about 1924
WainwrightFrank Aborn about 1939
WainwrightGirvin Rborn about 1920
WeaverSara Janeborn about 1857
WetzelMary born about 1876
WetzelSilas Cborn about 1873
WhitakerAllen born about 1930
WhitakerBerniece born about 1908
WhitakerEdward Eborn about 1926
WhitakerGeorge born about 1901
WhitakerImogene born about 1928
WhiteFrank Cborn about 1892
WhiteMargaret born about 1893
WhitesellLester Pborn about 1892
WhitesellLouise born about 1929
WhitesellPaul Rborn about 1917
WhitesellRichard born about 1933
WhitesellVella Violaborn about 1891
WhitesellViola born about 1925
WhitticareQuentin born about 1862
WilhelmEmma Misborn about 1862
WilsonCharles born about 1865
WilsonMargaret born about 1873
WinebergBlake born about 1885
WinebergDonald Leeborn about 1935
WinebergGladys born about 1909
WinebergHazel born about 1892
WinebergLousie born about 1928
WinebergLucille Lborn about 1926
WinebergMargaret born about 1934
WinebergMarian born about 1932
WinebergRalph born about 1890
WinebergRobert Sborn about 1928
WinebergRosella born about 1907
WinebergSara Bellborn about 1919
WinebergWalter born about 1905
WingertCharles born about 1886
WingertHenry born about 1920
WingertMimie born about 1891
WingertRosa born about 1853
WolfeLaura Maeborn about 1883
WolfeOwen Gborn about 1883
WulfurtAnna born about 1863
WulfurtBetty born about 1928
WulfurtGrace born about 1925
WulfurtH Bborn about 1888
WulfurtIsa Maeborn about 1939
WulfurtLaura born about 1890
WulfurtLester born about 1895
WulfurtMally Annborn about 1938
WulfurtMary born about 1918
WulfurtMerle born about 1922
WulfurtMona Bellborn about 1927
WulfurtNanbell* born about 1937
WulfurtPearl born about 1896
WulfurtThomas born about 1935
WulfurtWilliam born about 1902
WyantDavid born about 1914
WyantMabel Eborn about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoasA Iborn about 1880
YoasClarabell born about 1915
YoasElizabeth born about 1882
YoasGeorge born about 1926
YoasOrpha born about 1917

Z Surnames

ZenerEsther Salomeborn about 1872
ZenerMary Missborn about 1864
ZenerWm Hborn about 1866
ZlynioEva born about 1890
ZlynioMary born about 1909
ZlynioPeter born about 1874

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