1940 U.S. Federal Census of Oliver Township in Perry County, Perry, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Perry County > 1940 Census of Oliver Township in Perry County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AckerMary born about 1917
AckerWilliam born about 1896
AdamsEldora born about 1874
AdamsWilliam born about 1869
AlexanderCarrie born about 1875
AltesEthel born about 1911
AltesJames born about 1911
AltesJames born about 1932
AltesJerry born about 1934
AmslerAlice born about 1938
AmslerArlene born about 1939
AmslerJohn Jborn about 1916
AmslerJohn J Jrborn about 1936
AmslerKathleen born about 1920
AsperWilliam born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaherCharles born about 1914
BaherElvina born about 1920
BaherKenneth born about 1920
BaherRichard born about 1936
BailorBertha born about 1893
BailorGeorge Eborn about 1884
BailorGloria born about 1937
BailorHelen born about 1925
BailorJames Lborn about 1933
BailorJohn Lborn about 1892
BailorKenneth born about 1923
BailorVera born about 1930
BailorVivian born about 1928
BakerAlbert born about 1937
BakerAlda born about 1936
BakerHerbert born about 1905
BakerIlda born about 1905
BakerMary born about 1907
BakerMary Cborn about 1926
BakerRaymond born about 1899
BakerRaymond born about 1900
BakerRhoda born about 1930
BakerRobert born about 1936
BarkleyClarence born about 1891
BarkleyGertrude born about 1898
BarkleyGrover born about 1918
BarmerCarrie born about 1898
BarmerHarry born about 1898
BarrickBelle born about 1892
BarrickCharles born about 1880
BarrickChester born about 1908
BarrickDonna born about 1934
BarrickElizabeth born about 1889
BarrickGerald born about 1910
BarrickGerald born about 1931
BarrickHelen born about 1936
BarrickHerbert born about 1913
BarrickMinnie born about 1884
BarrickMiriam born about 1916
BarrickMyrtle born about 1913
BarrickPerry born about 1890
BarrickReuben born about 1910
BarrickShirley born about 1935
BarrickShirly born about 1931
BarrickWalter born about 1889
BarrickWalter Jr born about 1928
BarrickWilliam born about 1931
BarrickWilliam Hborn about 1874
BeersDorothy born about 1922
BeersGeorge born about 1870
BeersSara born about 1877
BeersVerna born about 1919
BellBlair Rborn about 1915
BellBlair Jr born about 1938
BellDorothy born about 1940
BellFlorence born about 1915
BellHelen born about 1917
BellKenneth born about 1906
BellLeroy born about 1911
BellLorraine born about 1938
BellLouise born about 1936
BellPhilip born about 1936
BensonHarriet born about 1896
BensonOscar born about 1891
BeverlinBetty born about 1939
BeverlinDorothy born about 1938
BeverlinEdna born about 1918
BeverlinHarold born about 1914
BeverlinHarvey born about 1937
BeverlinStella born about 1935
BiltingAudrey born about 1929
BiltingJonathan Fborn about 1901
BiltingPaul born about 1927
BiltingVera born about 1907
BithsiyFlora born about 1881
BithsiyGe born about 1869
BittingCloyd born about 1933
BittingEthel born about 1922
BittingHelen Jborn about 1914
BittingIma born about 1939
BittingLeaman born about 1918
BittingMargaret Rborn about 1890
BittingThomas Wborn about 1887
BlackCharles born about 1869
BlackNessie born about 1878
BlaineJames Dborn about 1899
BlaineMargret born about 1903
BookDaniel born about 1850
BookLucinda born about 1866
BornmanAlice born about 1867
BornmanHarry born about 1881
BornmanLaura Eborn about 1883
BostwickHazel born about 1917
BostwickRichard born about 1935
BoswellAnna born about 1903
BoswellCarol born about 1914
BoswellMargaret born about 1916
BoswellPage born about 1872
BoswellRobert born about 1925
BoyleElmyra born about 1925
BoyleMildred born about 1900
BriaFrancis born about 1931
BriaHeather born about 1936
BriaLaura born about 1905
BriaLeonard born about 1901
BritcherHomer born about 1910
BritcherJessie born about 1882
BritcherLester Eborn about 1917
BritcherRalph born about 1916
BritcherWilliam Iborn about 1872
BrownCharles born about 1889
BrownCloyd born about 1923
BrownHattie born about 1894
BrownJesse born about 1918
BrownLance born about 1939
BrownMable born about 1921
BrownNellie born about 1917
BrownRuby Jborn about 1939
BrownTheodore born about 1927
BrownVera Mborn about 1929
BuffingtonEarl born about 1892
BuffingtonLeroy born about 1918
BuffingtonMary Eborn about 1888
BuffingtonRay born about 1920
BuffingtonWilliam born about 1921
BuppEmma born about 1870
BuppJohn born about 1871
BurdArlene born about 1932
BurdBertha born about 1893
BurdCatherine born about 1924
BurdCharles born about 1914
BurdElanore born about 1929
BurdLaurence born about 1892
BurdLena born about 1920
BurdLeroy born about 1922
BurdLuther born about 1898
BurdMildred born about 1926
BurdMildred born about 1928
BurdVerna born about 1893
BurlyHarry born about 1936
BurlyHelen born about 1928
BurlyMary born about 1909
BurmbaughRichael born about 1937
BurnsAlberta born about 1922
BurnsCarrie born about 1891
BurnsGenieve born about 1924
BurnsJohn born about 1898
BurnsMarion born about 1920
BurnsRobert born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalazJames born about 1924
CalazMildred born about 1924
CampbellAnthony born about 1939
CampbellBessie born about 1886
CampbellBetty born about 1923
CampbellCarrie born about 1917
CampbellCatherine born about 1922
CampbellCharles born about 1900
CampbellClara born about 1917
CampbellElnora born about 1913
CampbellFrank born about 1896
CampbellGeorge Pborn about 1917
CampbellGilbert born about 1930
CampbellGrace born about 1893
CampbellGrace born about 1904
CampbellHelen born about 1933
CampbellIra Tborn about 1873
CampbellJames born about 1921
CampbellJames Aborn about 1869
CampbellJohn born about 1879
CampbellJohn Eborn about 1914
CampbellJoseph born about 1897
CampbellJoseph Jr born about 1928
CampbellLorraine born about 1937
CampbellMarie born about 1896
CampbellMary Mborn about 1876
CampbellOscar born about 1925
CampbellPhyliss born about 1935
CampbellRay born about 1922
CampbellRussel born about 1890
CampbellRuth Eborn about 1939
CampbellSamuel born about 1875
CampbellWayne born about 1937
CappGeorge Lborn about 1924
CappJames Eborn about 1936
CappJeanette born about 1934
CappJohn born about 1928
CappJohn Wborn about 1888
CappKatherine born about 1925
CappLillie born about 1899
CappMartha Gborn about 1937
CappMary Eborn about 1929
CappWilliam born about 1853
CarlChester born about 1913
CarlChester Wborn about 1937
CarlEdith born about 1922
CarlElizabeth born about 1899
CarlGladys born about 1926
CarlIsadell born about 1928
CarlJacob born about 1896
CarlJacob born about 1932
CarlMary born about 1920
CarlOma Vborn about 1883
CarlWilliam Dborn about 1887
CauffmanSara born about 1871
ClayAnnie Mborn about 1871
ClayGeorge born about 1872
ClayMary born about 1874
ClayStanley born about 1914
ClouserAlbert born about 1910
ClouserCarl born about 1918
ClouserCarl born about 1935
ClouserCarrie born about 1916
ClouserCharles born about 1938
ClouserDorothy born about 1907
ClouserEdith born about 1907
ClouserEmma born about 1878
ClouserGrace born about 1906
ClouserJacob born about 1905
ClouserWilliam born about 1899
ColemerJames born about 1876
CollinsConnie born about 1935
CookAnna born about 1901
CookDavid born about 1929
CookElmer born about 1906
CoxDaisy born about 1922
CoxFrederick born about 1890
CoxFrederick Rborn about 1925
CoxLouella born about 1924
CoxWalter born about 1912
CoxWilliam born about 1920
CraneEleanor born about 1915
CraneGeorge born about 1914
CraneMary Kborn about 1938
CreeDean born about 1923
CristAnna Mborn about 1930
CristDonald born about 1932
CristEdna born about 1905
CristEvelyn born about 1928
CristFrank born about 1899
CristGrace born about 1935
CristNaomi born about 1925
CristRichard born about 1939
CristRodger born about 1931
CristWalter born about 1930
CristWilmer born about 1926
CrowNellie Eborn about 1889

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D Surnames

DeanCynthia born about 1935
DeanJerome born about 1934
DeanKatherine born about 1906
DeanSamuel born about 1930
DeanWeibley born about 1903
DerrEleanor born about 1929
DerrLeah born about 1901
DerrThelma born about 1924
DerrWalter born about 1895
DickDaryl born about 1940
DickMartin born about 1929
DietzAmil born about 1905
DietzBilly born about 1931
DietzDonald born about 1934
DietzElizabeth born about 1900
DietzFrances born about 1902
DietzG Louisborn about 1924
DietzGeorge born about 1867
DietzGeorge Aborn about 1897
DietzGeorge Jr born about 1927
DietzHazel born about 1908
DietzJohn born about 1928
DietzNaldie born about 1896
DietzPeggy born about 1939
DietzRobert born about 1926
DietzWalter born about 1939
DoughterAnn born about 1933
DoughterCharles Rborn about 1890
DoughterHavard born about 1924
DoughterLeland born about 1930
DoughterMarie born about 1895
DuffyHale born about 1916
DuffyJean born about 1917
DuffyPatricia born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EbersoleCharles born about 1905
EbersoleCharles born about 1930
EbersoleVerna born about 1909
EbersoleVictor born about 1908
EbersoleWilliam born about 1917
EbrightArletta born about 1914
EbrightChester born about 1914
EhrhartDon born about 1916
EhrhartLee born about 1927
EhrhartPearl born about 1893
EhrhartRalph born about 1918
EhrhartSaul born about 1886
EvansHarry Cborn about 1886
EvansLandis born about 1915

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F Surnames

FaylorCharles born about 1922
FaylorDorothy Rborn about 1914
FaylorHelen born about 1935
FaylorPeggy Jborn about 1932
FaylorRussell born about 1910
FealtmanCarrie born about 1923
FealtmanDonald born about 1930
FealtmanEarl born about 1921
FealtmanGeorge born about 1927
FealtmanHarry born about 1895
FealtmanPearl born about 1900
FealtmanWilliam born about 1860
FisherElizabeth born about 1868
FisherHenry born about 1861
FittlerCatherine born about 1885
FittlerCletus born about 1933
FittlerWilliam born about 1881
FlechLydia born about 1848
FleisherEva born about 1908
FleisherFlorence born about 1915
FleisherHarry born about 1873
FleisherJoseph born about 1909
FleisherLester born about 1921
FleisherOscar born about 1917
FleisherZora born about 1880
FlickingerFrank born about 1924
FlickingerGeorge born about 1902
FlickingerHelen born about 1903
FlickingerPaul born about 1928
FlickingerRobert born about 1926
FlickingerVaulla? born about 1880
FlisherEarl born about 1921
FlisherGeorge born about 1887
FlisherMargaret born about 1888
FlisherPaul born about 1918
FlorieMary born about 1901
FlurieCharles Fborn about 1873
FlurieLizzie Nborn about 1866
FreelandJames born about 1891
FreelandJean Eborn about 1889
FreemanClara born about 1922
FreemanHarold born about 1925
FreemanJohn born about 1923
FreemanLuther born about 1899
FreemanMyrtle born about 1899
FreemanRuby born about 1928
FreetSamuel born about 1923
FryCharles Aborn about 1907
FryCora born about 1920
FryHarold born about 1938
FryMary born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GableHarry Sborn about 1882
GableHomer born about 1905
GableJennie born about 1887
GableRhoda born about 1903
GableRoy born about 1923
GableWelma born about 1921
GardnerArthur born about 1914
GardnerAugust born about 1923
GardnerBetty Jborn about 1932
GardnerEffie born about 1882
GardnerEsther born about 1924
GardnerHoward born about 1919
GardnerIrmin born about 1881
GardnerJane born about 1921
GardnerLucille born about 1926
GardnerMary Lborn about 1938
GardnerOpha Jborn about 1907
GardnerOpha Jr born about 1930
GarlinAnnie born about 1917
GarlinWilliam born about 1918
GeorgeWilhelmina born about 1872
GeorgeWilliam born about 1867
GibbsMarie born about 1903
GibbsSteuart born about 1910
GibmeyBetty born about 1924
GibmeyIda born about 1894
GibmeyMary born about 1921
GibmeyMonann born about 1939
GibmeyRussell born about 1915
GibmeyThomas born about 1894
GipeAnnie born about 1926
GipeBertha Mborn about 1924
GipeBilly born about 1923
GipeCarolyn born about 1928
GipeCharles born about 1899
GipeChester born about 1937
GipeDavid born about 1921
GipeEllenore born about 1919
GipeGladys born about 1923
GipeHarney born about 1906
GipeHarney born about 1937
GipeJacob Wborn about 1912
GipeJean born about 1927
GipeJeanette born about 1895
GipeJohn Eborn about 1911
GipeJohn Wborn about 1889
GipeLucille born about 1916
GipeMargaret born about 1900
GipeMargaret born about 1936
GipeMary Eborn about 1892
GipeMiriam born about 1939
GipeViola born about 1906
GipeWilliam Cborn about 1892
GreenCarrie born about 1884
GreenEdward born about 1926
GreenEdward Fborn about 1908
GreenJames born about 1925
GreenJohn Sborn about 1873
GreenLucinda born about 1920
GreenMary born about 1908
GreenMary born about 1932
GreenPaul born about 1930
GreenWelma born about 1937
GreenWilbur born about 1928
GrnigElizabeth Vborn about 1890
GrnigEmma Cborn about 1860
GrnigRobert Bborn about 1883
GrnigWilbur Dborn about 1885
GrossCarrie born about 1914
GrossJames born about 1914

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H Surnames

HackenbergerLeo born about 1918
HainesCarl born about 1932
HainesDolly born about 1906
HainesDonald born about 1939
HainesFaye born about 1933
HainesLenus born about 1936
HainesLouis born about 1900
HainesMarlin born about 1940
HainesMildred born about 1930
HainesRalph born about 1927
HainesRay born about 1935
HainesStanley born about 1928
HarperDavid born about 1896
HarperDonald born about 1931
HarperFred born about 1902
HarperMargaret born about 1909
HarperMildred born about 1929
HarperPauline born about 1912
HarperRalph born about 1921
HarperRupert born about 1908
HarperSara born about 1894
HaverAlton born about 1930
HaverBlaine born about 1906
HaverDoris born about 1931
HaverPatricia born about 1932
HaverRuth born about 1913
HaverWilliam born about 1936
HeadenMary born about 1872
HeadenSamuel born about 1871
HeiserAfarata? born about 1869
HeiseyChester born about 1924
HeiseyJohn born about 1888
HeiseyRuth born about 1921
HenchCarl born about 1915
HenchChester born about 1886
HenchJean born about 1914
HenchJoan born about 1939
HenchSara Eborn about 1888
HeplerMiriam born about 1913
HeplerSena Bborn about 1874
HimesAlsine born about 1912
HimesDonald born about 1910
HimesJoseph born about 1936
HimesNancy born about 1934
HockenberryElla born about 1908
HockenberryGretchen born about 1931
HockenberryMary born about 1922
HockenberryRaymond born about 1926
HockenberryVirginia born about 1904
HockenberryZella born about 1926
HockenburryChester born about 1917
HockenburryConrad born about 1897
HockenburryHattie born about 1899
HockenburryStanley born about 1923
HohenshildtBertha born about 1890
HohenshildtIrvin born about 1889
HokeBessie born about 1876
HokeCharles born about 1873
HokeJosephine born about 1907
HollyAlbert born about 1901
HollyBlanche born about 1908
HollyClarence born about 1898
HollyDonald born about 1936
HollyIrene born about 1937
HollyJames born about 1939
HollyMiles born about 1907
HollyPaul born about 1927
HollyRalph Lborn about 1915
HollyRobert born about 1929
HolmesCharles born about 1882
HorrellDonna Lborn about 1940
HorrellKathleen born about 1919
HorrellLester born about 1909
HortingCharles Rborn about 1914
HortingHarold born about 1891
HortingKay born about 1917
HortingKirena born about 1922
HortingLillie born about 1906
HortingPeggy born about 1933
HostellerCleona born about 1913
HostellerWayne born about 1921
HostettorFianna born about 1842
HostettorJohn born about 1918
HostettorJohn Gborn about 1871
HostettorMinnie Mborn about 1882
HouserElla born about 1878
HoveArthur born about 1901
HovellAnnie born about 1879
HowellAnnie born about 1926
HowellAnnie born about 1937
HowellAretta born about 1937
HowellBetty born about 1928
HowellBlair born about 1926
HowellCharles born about 1923
HowellCharles Lborn about 1938
HowellDorothy born about 1935
HowellHarold Lborn about 1930
HowellHenry Vborn about 1914
HowellHenry Jr born about 1937
HowellJohn born about 1902
HowellLester born about 1934
HowellLillian born about 1917
HowellLillie born about 1933
HowellLloyd Lborn about 1928
HowellMarguerite born about 1907
HowellMary Jborn about 1932
HowellNora born about 1905
HowellRobert born about 1931
HowellRobert Wborn about 1939
HowellTheodore born about 1903
HultzappleAlice born about 1892
HultzappleBetty born about 1927
HultzappleGladys born about 1922
HultzappleJames born about 1915
HultzappleJane born about 1933
HultzappleKenneth born about 1917
HultzapplePritchet born about 1891
HussGeorge born about 1913
HussRonnie born about 1933
HussSylvia born about 1911
HussWarren born about 1931
HymanLaura Nborn about 1874
HymanMendel born about 1879

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J Surnames

JacobsCarolyn born about 1917
JacobsForrest Lborn about 1912
JacobsForrest Lborn about 1940
JohnAnna born about 1914
JohnJames Aborn about 1910
JonesAlbert born about 1861
JonesArlene born about 1930
JonesBell born about 1905
JonesBetty born about 1931
JonesBeulah born about 1884
JonesCarrie born about 1917
JonesCharles born about 1937
JonesCharles Eborn about 1916
JonesCharles Oborn about 1884
JonesCloyd born about 1938
JonesEugene born about 1927
JonesFaye born about 1921
JonesJacob born about 1914
JonesJoseph born about 1879
JonesLemmel born about 1853
JonesLennes born about 1915
JonesLucille born about 1916
JonesMartha born about 1929
JonesNaldie born about 1912
JonesNora Bborn about 1886
JonesReuben born about 1890
JonesRuth born about 1927
JonesWayne born about 1919
JonesWilliam Cborn about 1889
JuryIrvine Lborn about 1900
JuryLeslie Mborn about 1925
JuryRosy Aborn about 1904
JurySara Mborn about 1923

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K Surnames

KahlerCharles born about 1916
KahlerMarie born about 1912
KaufmannAugusta born about 1893
KaufmannDella born about 1901
KennedyBaraba born about 1933
KennedyDavid born about 1931
KennedyGuy Eborn about 1897
KennedyLay Eborn about 1891
KennedySara Jborn about 1936
KennedyVirginia born about 1911
KinerAnnie born about 1886
KinerBetty born about 1929
KinerCarolyn born about 1929
KinerEthel born about 1912
KinerHarry Cborn about 1884
KinerKathleen born about 1931
KinerMarcia born about 1935
KinerMartin Lborn about 1922
KinerMary born about 1921
KinerRichard born about 1932
KinerThomas Rborn about 1939
KinerZilmer born about 1907
KinesEmma born about 1874
KinesJohn Lborn about 1864
KinneyCharles born about 1891
KippBertha born about 1909
KippCharles born about 1932
KippDoris born about 1936
KippDorothy born about 1910
KippEarl born about 1905
KippFrances born about 1882
KippGrace born about 1935
KippRoscoe born about 1907
KippRuby born about 1936
KippS Morrisborn about 1878
KneppDeloris born about 1930
KneppEmma born about 1911
KneppFaye born about 1937
KneppHenry Wborn about 1928
KneppJohn born about 1903
KraftBurdella born about 1898
KraftEvelyn born about 1923
KraftRalph born about 1900
KraftRobert born about 1928
KurtzChloe born about 1927
KurtzEsther born about 1889
KurtzFrances born about 1926
KurtzJonas born about 1889

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L Surnames

LatchfordAlbert born about 1928
LatchfordAlda born about 1930
LatchfordChester born about 1894
LatchfordChester born about 1933
LatchfordDorothy born about 1936
LatchfordEsther born about 1904
LatchfordFlorence born about 1900
LatchfordFrank born about 1923
LatchfordJames born about 1906
LatchfordJaye born about 1925
LatchfordJohn born about 1928
LatchfordMary born about 1931
LatchfordRalph born about 1938
LatchfordWilliam born about 1927
LaudenslagerArletta born about 1908
LaudenslagerHarold born about 1929
LaudenslagerKetha born about 1933
LaudenslagerLeon born about 1936
LaudenslagerValera born about 1931
LaudenslagerWilbur born about 1909
LayAndrew born about 1909
LayMyra born about 1905
LeachMyra born about 1854
LeahMae born about 1904
LeahRalph Jborn about 1904
LeechHarry born about 1899
LeedyChester born about 1877
LeedyHelen born about 1905
LeedyKenneth born about 1912
LeedyPaul born about 1904
LeedyRichard born about 1933
LeonardAnnie born about 1880
LeonardDavid born about 1930
LeonardGale born about 1932
LeonardJohn born about 1879
LeonardPaul born about 1908
LeshArthur born about 1909
LeshArthur Lborn about 1935
LeshDe Elsa born about 1911
LeshEarl born about 1919
LeshHarold born about 1933
LeshHarold Cborn about 1908
LeshHarry born about 1882
LeshHarry born about 1916
LeshMargaret born about 1881
LeshMary Lborn about 1905
LeshMinnie born about 1922
LewitzkyEsther born about 1916
LewitzkyLottie born about 1890
LewitzkyMildred born about 1904
LittleBenjamin born about 1920
LittleDonald born about 1927
LittleGeorge born about 1936
LittleHarold born about 1932
LittleHarvey born about 1895
LittleHarvey born about 1934
LittleIda born about 1924
LittleKenneth born about 1929
LittleMabel born about 1926
LittleMarie born about 1922
LittleStella born about 1900
LivingstonRussell born about 1926
LongAnnie Eborn about 1889
LongChristopher born about 1884
LongJohn Aborn about 1866
LongJohn Cborn about 1888
LongWilliam Tborn about 1870
LongfrancesAnnie Eborn about 1889
LongfrancesChristopher born about 1884
LongfrancesJohn Aborn about 1866
LongfrancesJohn Cborn about 1888
LongfrancesWilliam Tborn about 1870
LongwellAda born about 1919
LongwellConnie born about 1938
LongwellGeorge Rborn about 1905
LongwellGeorgia born about 1937
LongwillAda born about 1919
LongwillConnie born about 1938
LongwillGeorge Rborn about 1905
LongwillGeorgia born about 1937

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M Surnames

MadenHelen Milesborn about 1913
MadenPatricia born about 1936
ManningAlbert born about 1878
ManningElla born about 1879
ManningLouise born about 1920
ManningLydia born about 1909
ManningMaude born about 1881
ManningRobert Eborn about 1916
MayerDora Wborn about 1885
MayerSara Eborn about 1921
McKensieDonald born about 1921
McKensieEdward born about 1933
McKensieJames Eborn about 1927
McKensieMargaret born about 1895
McKensieRobert born about 1923
McKibbinAnna born about 1929
McKibbinCharles born about 1905
McKibbinHelen born about 1908
McNaughtonHelen born about 1925
McNaughtonLottie born about 1905
McNaughtonNancy Sborn about 1933
McNaughtonRaymond born about 1903
MiddletonPaul Eborn about 1920
MilesEdna born about 1886
MilesMaurice born about 1885
MillerAnnie born about 1869
MillerCarolyn born about 1923
MillerCharles Hborn about 1918
MillerCletus born about 1912
MillerDavid Dborn about 1866
MillerDouglas born about 1898
MillerHarry born about 1895
MillerJames born about 1917
MillerJene born about 1920
MillerJohn Hborn about 1900
MillerJonathan born about 1875
MillerKatherine born about 1920
MillerLaura Eborn about 1890
MillerMaggie born about 1871
MillerMary born about 1908
MillerMary Eborn about 1869
MillerMary Eborn about 1870
MillerPauline born about 1919
MillerRobert born about 1917
MillerTheophilius born about 1866
MillerThomas Vborn about 1890
MillerVirginia born about 1918
MinichFrank born about 1862
MinichLillian born about 1864
MitchellGeorge Wborn about 1881
MitchellGladys born about 1906
MitchellHelen born about 1923
MitchellLottie born about 1885
MoretzDonald born about 1914
MoretzEdith Cborn about 1890
MoyerWilliam born about 1923
MurphyCharles Cborn about 1881
MurphyCloyd born about 1908
MurphyCloyd Dborn about 1933
MurphyDavid born about 1939
MurphyElma born about 1917
MurphyEmma born about 1886
MurphyJames Fborn about 1869
MurphyMargaret born about 1936
MurphyMildred born about 1923
MusserHelen born about 1922
MusserWilliam born about 1918
MyersAdelene born about 1919
MyersClara born about 1900
MyersDarlene born about 1922
MyersDonald born about 1939
MyersEthel born about 1924
MyersHelen born about 1925
MyersHerbert born about 1899
MyersKatherine born about 1897
MyersKatie born about 1900
MyersPatsy Aborn about 1939
MyersRobert born about 1920
MyersRussell born about 1895
MyersWilliam born about 1918
MyersWilliam born about 1924

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N Surnames

NewlinThomas Mborn about 1863
NickelAnna born about 1905
NickelCharles Aborn about 1876
NickelElwood Cborn about 1900
NickelMinnie born about 1879
NollEarl Cborn about 1885

O Surnames

OrwanClarence born about 1934
OwenCarrie born about 1877

P Surnames

PageArvilla born about 1912
PageCharles born about 1935
PageChester Cborn about 1909
PageEdith Mborn about 1909
PageFrances born about 1933
PageHarold born about 1937
PageWilliam born about 1870
PattonIda born about 1865
PeeMary born about 1884
PetermanEmma born about 1884
PetermanIrene born about 1907
PotterDora born about 1898
PotterEdna born about 1915
PotterElmer born about 1909
PotterFaye born about 1937
PotterJane born about 1928
PotterJess Eborn about 1883
PotterJoyce born about 1938
PotterMorriss born about 1893
PotterMorriss born about 1918
PotterReynold born about 1939
PotterRhoda born about 1933
PotterRoy born about 1923

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R Surnames

ReisingerWilma born about 1920
ReiterBetty born about 1928
ReiterMildred born about 1937
RhoadesTheodor born about 1905
RhodesAlena born about 1899
RhodesAnnie Jborn about 1934
RhodesArlene born about 1919
RhodesCarolyn born about 1916
RhodesCatherine born about 1891
RhodesCharles Aborn about 1919
RhodesClaire Eborn about 1917
RhodesClarence born about 1893
RhodesCloyd born about 1917
RhodesDavid born about 1936
RhodesElwood born about 1933
RhodesGeorge born about 1890
RhodesGeorge Aborn about 1913
RhodesGeorge Cborn about 1939
RhodesLenus born about 1926
RhodesLucretta born about 1928
RhodesMary born about 1924
RhodesNaomi born about 1922
RhodesOline born about 1918
RiceHomer born about 1883
RiceNettie born about 1881
RilyJeane born about 1869
RodenheiserCharles born about 1896
RodgersMabel born about 1907
RodgersRussell born about 1909
RohmAugusta born about 1877
RohmHarry Aborn about 1863
RohmLillie born about 1880
RubyBertha born about 1929
RubyBetty born about 1925
RubyGrace born about 1922
RubyJanet born about 1933
RubyJohn born about 1926
RubyJohn Fborn about 1900
RubyKenneth born about 1923
RubyRalph born about 1927
RubyRichard born about 1939
RubyShirly born about 1934
RubyThomas born about 1936
RubyZada born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SagleEugene born about 1936
SagleWilliam born about 1933
SarnerMame Bborn about 1870
SarnerSamuel born about 1866
SatzlerElmer born about 1917
SchillAlvin born about 1900
SchillLouise born about 1899
SchillPhyllis born about 1932
SchnarzEugene born about 1926
SeagerAnna born about 1907
SeagerDoris born about 1928
SeagerPaul born about 1903
SeamanGeorge born about 1908
SeamanJoseph Sborn about 1868
SeamanSara Iborn about 1868
ShararCharolette born about 1918
ShararJames Aborn about 1937
ShararJohn born about 1915
SheafferBruce born about 1905
SheafferChristina Fborn about 1892
SheafferEmma Sborn about 1866
SheafferFlorence born about 1916
SheafferHarold born about 1904
SheafferJennie born about 1873
SheafferJoseph Rborn about 1887
SheafferRobert born about 1934
SheafferSamuel born about 1867
SheafferShirly born about 1936
SheafferTheodosia born about 1907
SheafferWilliam born about 1871
SheafferWilliam born about 1939
ShotsbergerLouis born about 1922
ShuffElla born about 1885
ShuffHarry Fborn about 1885
ShullBonnie born about 1938
ShullHary Lborn about 1934
ShullJohn Hborn about 1897
ShullPearl born about 1914
ShullSara Jborn about 1921
SingerAnnie born about 1886
SingerElla Mborn about 1922
SingerRaymond born about 1920
SkidfoldHarry Fborn about 1886
SkydingerHarold born about 1924
SmithBetty born about 1926
SmithCaroline born about 1896
SmithCarrie born about 1890
SmithCarrie born about 1918
SmithChester born about 1911
SmithClarence born about 1895
SmithCyrus Aborn about 1914
SmithElizabeth born about 1859
SmithElmer born about 1894
SmithEmma born about 1928
SmithEugene born about 1923
SmithFaye born about 1929
SmithFaye born about 1929
SmithGregory born about 1928
SmithHarold born about 1902
SmithHarry born about 1886
SmithHarry Lborn about 1904
SmithHarry Nborn about 1931
SmithHelen born about 1923
SmithIda born about 1899
SmithIra Jborn about 1890
SmithJames Wborn about 1934
SmithJean born about 1938
SmithJoan Mborn about 1929
SmithJohn Hborn about 1918
SmithLenus born about 1927
SmithLorena born about 1910
SmithLoretta Mborn about 1938
SmithMaggie Eborn about 1863
SmithMargaret born about 1897
SmithMarry Fborn about 1888
SmithMary Eborn about 1887
SmithMary Eborn about 1920
SmithMyrtle born about 1895
SmithNellie Fborn about 1887
SmithPark born about 1925
SmithPaul born about 1924
SmithRaymond born about 1937
SmithRaymond born about 1937
SmithVerna born about 1901
SneathCatherine born about 1877
SnyderDaisy born about 1884
SnyderEdna born about 1893
SnyderGrace born about 1928
SnyderHazel Rborn about 1917
SnyderJohn born about 1889
SnyderLee born about 1913
SnyderWilliam born about 1868
StahlWilliam born about 1915
StambaughClara born about 1884
StambaughJohn born about 1891
StamlaughClair born about 1910
StamlaughDoris born about 1934
StamlaughElizabeth born about 1915
StamlaughKay born about 1938
StamlaughLouis born about 1931
SteiglemanAnna born about 1921
SteiglemanWilliam born about 1920
StitzelGoldie born about 1923
StitzelMerwin born about 1911
StitzelShelly Jborn about 1939
StoneFred born about 1892
StoneMary born about 1891
StrichlandDorothy born about 1922
SwegerMarlin born about 1917
SwegerVirginia born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TrostAnnie Cborn about 1864
TrostLawrence born about 1918
TroupFianna born about 1864
TroupMary Aborn about 1874
TroutBetty born about 1923
TroutCarl born about 1920
TroutCharles born about 1903
TroutDavid born about 1929
TroutDonald born about 1932
TroutFrank born about 1859
TroutFrank born about 1930
TroutHarriet born about 1927
TroutIrene born about 1905
TroutIrene born about 1909
TroutJames born about 1911
TroutJanet born about 1937
TroutJulia born about 1926
TroutLary born about 1936
TroutLeonard born about 1939
TroutLouis born about 1934
TroutLoyd born about 1928
TroutNettie born about 1886
TroutRuth born about 1928
TroutStewart born about 1939
TroutSylvia born about 1932
TroutWilliam born about 1885
TroutmanCynthia born about 1920
TroutmanDennis born about 1915
TroutmanDonald born about 1931
TroutmanEdna born about 1921
TroutmanElsie born about 1923
TroutmanEugene born about 1937
TroutmanFreda born about 1939
TroutmanGeorge born about 1911
TroutmanHarry born about 1919
TroutmanHarry born about 1938
TroutmanIrish born about 1867
TroutmanMartha born about 1892
TroutmanMary born about 1913
TroutmanRichard born about 1934
TroutmanRobert born about 1933
TroutmanSamuel born about 1887
TroutmanWilliam born about 1924
TroutmanWilliam born about 1932
TroutmanWilliam Fborn about 1917
TruslerRoy born about 1920
TurnbaughBenjamin born about 1888
TurnbaughBenjamin born about 1938
TurnbaughBetty born about 1934
TurnbaughCarl born about 1926
TurnbaughCharles born about 1939
TurnbaughDonald born about 1937
TurnbaughEthel born about 1908
TurnbaughEugene born about 1928
TurnbaughFairy born about 1926
TurnbaughHarold born about 1923
TurnbaughHelen born about 1901
TurnbaughHelen born about 1930
TurnbaughJames born about 1932
TurnbaughJohn Rborn about 1900
TurnbaughKenneth born about 1938
TurnbaughMargaret born about 1928
TurnbaughPearl born about 1936
TurnbaughRobert born about 1925
TurnbaughRuth born about 1937
TurnbaughWilliam born about 1939
TwinbaughGeorge born about 1880
TwinbaughLaura born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VeckerCharles born about 1894
VeckerRuth born about 1894
VonglahnEdwin born about 1889
VonglahnHelen born about 1889

W Surnames

WalizeArlene born about 1934
WalizeFranklin born about 1911
WalizeGeorge born about 1862
WalizeLoria Cborn about 1908
WalizeRussell born about 1928
WalkerMaxime born about 1927
WalkerMay Hborn about 1902
WalkerNaomi born about 1903
WallaceBessie born about 1926
WallaceFlorence born about 1898
WallaceJohn born about 1923
WallaceMary Eborn about 1934
WallaceRoy born about 1883
WarrenGayle born about 1934
WarrenGrace born about 1910
WarrenHarry born about 1896
WarrenHazel born about 1931
WarrenJack born about 1925
WarrenMyrtle born about 1905
WarrenSara born about 1923
WarrenWilliam born about 1900
WeiserBetty born about 1927
WeiserEarl born about 1895
WeiserEarl born about 1936
WeiserEthel born about 1930
WeiserHarry Eborn about 1938
WeiserHester born about 1899
WeiserRobert born about 1924
WellsEva born about 1918
WertzCora born about 1869
WhitekettleEsther born about 1898
WhitekettleGladys born about 1938
WhitekettleGrafin born about 1934
WhitekettleMargaret born about 1931
WhitekettleMartha born about 1924
WhitekettleMerle born about 1927
WhitekettleMervin born about 1930
WhitekettleMorriss born about 1899
WhitekettleZelda born about 1922
WilsonGladys Mborn about 1900
WilsonJohn Bborn about 1903
WilsonMarion Eborn about 1929
WilsonMary Cborn about 1929
WilsonPaul Aborn about 1897
WilsonPaul Aborn about 1926
WilsonPearl Aborn about 1901
WoodwardMinnie born about 1893
WoodwardSarah born about 1924
WrightAnna born about 1916
WrightAnnie born about 1884
WrightDorothy born about 1922
WrightEarl born about 1938
WrightHarold born about 1914
WrightHelen Lborn about 1926
WrightJanet born about 1940
WrightKenneth born about 1936
WrightPaul born about 1917
WrightRuth born about 1918
WrightWayne Eborn about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZieglerCharles born about 1919
ZieglerEffie Mborn about 1889
ZieglerJohn Dborn about 1887
ZieglerLorenza born about 1921
ZieglrArthur born about 1930
ZieglrHenerietta born about 1912
ZieglrJulia born about 1932
ZieglrSylvester born about 1907
ZieglrVada born about 1910
ZimmermanLarry born about 1892
ZimmermanMabel born about 1920
ZimmermanSara born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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