1940 U.S. Federal Census of Oneida Township, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Huntingdon County > 1940 Census of Oneida Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AultCarl Cborn about 1900
AultCharlotte born about 1900
AultElmer born about 1934
AultMelvin born about 1924
AultMerian born about 1929

B Surnames

BarrBetty Anneborn about 1936
BarrGeorge born about 1905
BarrGeorge Jr born about 1939
BarrSusie born about 1913
BeattyCharles born about 1936
BeattyMae born about 1913
BeattyMartha born about 1938
BeightolGerldine born about 1927
BeightolJamet Louborn about 1933
BeightolLloyd born about 1891
BeightolMargaretta born about 1909
BeightolPeggy born about 1930
BenettClarence born about 1908
BenettClarence Jr born about 1932
BenettDonald born about 1934
BenettGladys born about 1939
BenettHelen born about 1911
BenettRichard born about 1936
BennettAlethea born about 1912
BennettWilliam born about 1912
BiddleMildred born about 1920
BigelowJacob born about 1913
BigelowMary born about 1916
BigelowRobert born about 1937
BigelowSarah Eborn about 1938
BlackDavid Rborn about 1893
BlackEric Mborn about 1925
BlackJane Rborn about 1921
BlackJune Eborn about 1932
BlackMarie Eborn about 1861
BlackRichard Pborn about 1922
BlackRuth Eborn about 1901
BlackWilliam Gborn about 1927
BlairBarbara born about 1939
BlairCloyd Gborn about 1900
BlairDorothy born about 1929
BlairElwood born about 1926
BlairHelen born about 1922
BlairIrene born about 1924
BlairJane born about 1921
BlairMabel born about 1900
BlairMartha born about 1931
BlairSamuel born about 1916
BlairWallace Eborn about 1897
BookwalterElla born about 1900
BookwalterJessie born about 1903
BowmanBetty born about 1934
BowmanJessie born about 1936
BowmanMargaret born about 1932
BowmanMilton born about 1910
BowmanNora born about 1917
BrennemanLauretta born about 1890
BriningerBlair born about 1907
BriningerBlair Jr born about 1933
BriningerElizabeth born about 1908
BriningerIda Raeborn about 1927
BumgardnerAlfred born about 1908
BumgardnerEugene born about 1921
BumgardnerLottie born about 1903
BumgardnerMichel born about 1906
BumgardnerShirley Marieborn about 1938
BumgardnerVirginia born about 1919
BumgardnerW Rborn about 1906
BumgardnerWanda born about 1932
BunnFred born about 1920
BunnMartha born about 1898
ButlerRose born about 1882
BylerChris born about 1913
BylerMargaret born about 1919

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C Surnames

CampbellMary born about 1883
CareyMabel born about 1871
CassattCharles Wborn about 1904
CassattCloyd born about 1936
CassattDorothy born about 1938
CassattEthal born about 1909
CassattHarry born about 1871
CassattHarry Iiiborn about 1928
CassattHarry Jr born about 1901
CassattHenrietta born about 1873
CassattJames born about 1939
CassattJohn born about 1937
CassattRalph born about 1932
CassattRaymond born about 1912
CassattSusan born about 1911
CassattSusan born about 1934
CassattWalter born about 1940
CassattWilliam born about 1900
CassattWilliam Jr born about 1932
ChandlerErnie Oborn about 1884
ChandlerJosephine born about 1913
ChristnerAda born about 1888
ChristnerCarl Eborn about 1926
ChristnerClarence born about 1933
ChristnerIrvin born about 1883
ChristnerIrvin Sborn about 1921
ChristnerJack Bborn about 1919
ChristnerJoe Eborn about 1923
ClarkHelen born about 1914
ClarkJack born about 1915
ClarkJack Jr born about 1936
CoffmanHarold born about 1928
CoulterHazel born about 1898
CoulterThomas Jborn about 1876
CramerClair born about 1908
CramerPearl born about 1905
CrownoverAlice born about 1912
CrownoverBertha born about 1869
CrownoverEarnest born about 1907
CrownoverJames born about 1891
CrownoverMelda born about 1907
CrownoverWilliam born about

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D Surnames

DearmittBarbara born about 1934
DearmittCharlotte born about 1907
DearmittGerald born about 1927
DearmittJames born about 1924
DearmittLawanda born about 1928
DearmittRobert born about 1904
DearmittRoberta born about 1930
DearmittVilot born about 1905
DearmittVirginia born about 1927
DearmittWilliam born about 1899
DeckerJune born about 1865
DeforrestDonald born about 1898
DeforrestDonald Jr born about 1923
DeforrestJean born about 1922
DeforrestKathryn born about 1903
DeforrestLee born about 1939
DeforrestPaul born about 1925
DellDanial Eborn about 1926
DellPatricia Aborn about 1927
DetwilerCharles born about 1900
DetwilerJoseph Eborn about 1930
DetwilerRuth born about 1902
DetwilerRuth Aborn about 1935
DixonAnna born about 1922
DonaldsonBlair Eborn about 1906
DonaldsonMae Wborn about 1908
DysardAdella born about 1931
DysardBetty born about 1926
DysardBeverly born about 1940
DysardBlair born about 1911
DysardEsther born about 1903
DysardEthel Gborn about 1912
DysardGlenn born about 1936
DysardJohn Lborn about 1936
DysardKenneth born about 1935
DysardMarian Eborn about 1934
DysardMary born about 1912
DysardNanomi born about 1925
DysardNora born about 1907
DysardPercy born about 1908
DysardRobert Cborn about 1914
DysardRobert Eborn about 1931
DysardSandra born about 1938
DysardWilfred born about 1939

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E Surnames

EdwardsAlice born about 1890
EllisBetty Anneborn about 1934
EllisCalvert Nborn about 1904
EllisDavid Wborn about 1936
EllisElizabeth Wborn about 1904
EvansJames Eborn about 1880

F Surnames

FaganAlma born about 1920
FaganJames Rborn about 1939
FaganJohn Rborn about 1921
FeasterJames Cborn about 1883
FerrenbergElsie born about 1898
FerrenbergHarry born about 1935
FerrenbergJames born about 1927
FerrenbergRichard born about 1933
FerrenbergWilliam Gborn about 1881
FisherJessie Aborn about 1876
FitteryCharles Rborn about 1934
FitteryLeana born about 1917
FitteryMarie Yvooneborn about 1938
FosterAlice born about 1901
FosterCalvin born about 1912
FosterGerald born about 1926
FosterJ??? born about 1882
FosterWalter born about 1876
Frew born about 1900
FrewRichard born about 1897

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G Surnames

GardnerCharles born about 1886
GarnerAllen born about 1920
GarnerAlmeda born about 1920
GarnerClair Oborn about 1894
GarnerDorothy born about 1921
GarnerElzy born about 1918
GarnerMiles Iborn about 1875
GarnerPearl born about 1915
GatesFrank born about 1890
GeissingerBetty born about 1935
GeissingerClarance born about 1905
GeissingerMary Kborn about 1933
GeissingerRichard born about 1929
GeissingerRobert born about 1937
GeissingerVerna born about 1908
GermannBess born about 1916
GermannCharles born about 1914
GlennyBeverly Jborn about 1937
GlennyCharles born about 1919
GlennyEdna Jborn about 1918
GlennyEmma born about 1873
GlennyGertrude born about 1882
GlennyJackie Leeborn about 1939
GlennyJames Aborn about 1912
GlennyRobert born about 1924
GlennyThomas born about 1880
GraftonBeverly born about 1932
GraftonHarold Jborn about 1901
GraftonKathryn born about 1906
GrayElizabeth born about 1905
GrayJames born about 1922
GreenDonald born about 1923
GreenElda born about 1904
GreenJack born about 1925
GreenJoyce born about 1938
GreenMaxine born about 1930
GroveDorothy born about 1917
GroveEarl born about 1914
GroveJames born about 1939
GroveWilliam born about 1938
GuislerElizabeth born about 1912
GuislerWilliam born about 1905
GuislerWilliam Jr born about 1939

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H Surnames

HalkAmelia born about 1890
HalkElizabeth born about 1925
HalkHarry Eborn about 1883
HanawaltMartha born about 1905
HanawaltThomas born about 1890
HardyChester born about 1897
HardyConstance born about 1935
HardyGordon born about 1899
HardyThelma born about 1935
HardyVesta born about 1899
HardyWilliam born about 1930
HardyZella born about 1907
HarmanClair born about 1884
HarmanGeorge born about 1920
HarmanOliver Jborn about 1884
HawnAbram born about 1878
HawnCarrie born about 1918
HawnDale born about 1918
HawnElla born about 1882
HawnHenry born about 1907
HawnJames born about 1881
HawnMary born about 1906
HawnMas born about 1888
HawnPaul born about 1914
HearnAlice born about 1913
HearnAveril born about 1914
HearnBeatrice born about 1916
HearnBlanche born about 1871
HearnCharles born about 1932
HearnHarold Sborn about 1936
HearnLester born about 1903
HearnMable born about 1938
HearnMuriel born about 1929
HearnPaul born about 1934
HearnRonald born about 1905
HearnWalter Sborn about 1907
HearnWilliam born about 1940
HeffnerCecile born about 1896
HeffnerOlive born about 1907
HenryJewett born about 1908
HenryJohn Henryborn about 1938
HenryPhyllis born about 1913
HessCarl born about 1909
HessCatherine born about 1921
HessDorothy born about 1937
HessFedrick born about 1935
HessHelen born about 1913
HessJean born about 1932
HessKennth born about 1908
HessLunna Lborn about 1884
HessMax born about 1937
HessPearl born about 1904
HessThomas born about 1930
HessThomas Aborn about 1884
HessWilliam born about 1938
HickLydia born about 1905
HickR Joannborn about 1932
HickRichard born about 1930
HickThad born about 1905
HigdonJean Mborn about 1939
HoffmasterLouise born about 1920
HoffmasterMaicon born about 1912
HortonEvelyn born about 1931
HortonIrvin born about 1907
HortonPhoebe born about 1911
HouckEthel born about 1910
HouckRichard born about 1908
HummelRichard born about 1921
HuntDr William Tborn about 1904
HuntHelen born about 1905
HuntPatricia born about 1935
HuntPenelope born about 1939

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I Surnames

IckesPearl born about 1889
IsenbergHarold born about 1935
IsenbergMargaret born about 1914
IsenbergRaymond born about 1912
IsenbergRaymond Jr born about 1931

J Surnames

JacksonBertha born about 1903
JacksonCharles Hborn about 1904
JacksonClarance born about 1910
JacksonClark born about 1908
JacksonGrant born about 1873
JacksonHattie born about 1882
JacksonJohn born about 1905
JacksonMae born about 1910
JacksonMarie born about 1904
JacksonPatricia born about 1931
JacksonPaul born about 1907
JacksonRobert born about 1934
JacksonShirley born about 1938
JacksonTheodore born about 1933
JacksonVictor born about 1936

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K Surnames

KearnsMartha born about 1933
KellerElizabeth born about 1871
KiddPaul Rborn about 1907
KiddSarah Louiseborn about 1910
KnodeCharles born about 1932
KnodeClair born about 1904
KnodeClair Hborn about 1926
KnodeCloyd born about 1892
KnodeEarl born about 1929
KnodeFredrick born about 1911
KnodeHelen born about 1938
KnodeIseball born about 1920
KnodeJohn born about 1922
KnodeJohn born about 1924
KnodeKathrine born about 1900
KnodeKenard born about 1936
KnodeLee born about 1925
KnodeLula born about 1902
KnodeMary born about 1922
KnodeMary Eborn about 1940
KnodePhyllis born about 1937
KnodeRichard born about 1934
KnodeShirley born about 1939
KnodeViola born about 1936
KnodeWalter born about 1908
KreptsMargaret born about 1893
KyperAuther Bborn about 1935
KyperBlair born about 1902
KyperElna born about 1897
KyperFredrick born about 1926
KyperHarold Rborn about 1927
KyperJames Hborn about 1929
KyperJane Louiseborn about 1928
KyperJohn born about 1891
KyperMildred born about 1930
KyperNettie born about 1894
KyperRay born about 1923

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L Surnames

LairdEdith born about 1902
LairdFredrick born about 1897
LairdHazel born about 1929
LairdNatalie born about 1937
LaneyAugust Lee Jrborn about 1909
LaneyCarrie born about 1904
LaneyDaisy born about 1888
LaneyEarl born about 1905
LaneyErma born about 1913
LaneyKermit born about 1911
LaneyLawrance born about 1873
LaneyMargaretta born about 1910
LaneyMary Eborn about 1873
LewisCyrus born about 1907
LewisJames born about 1938
LewisKathleen born about 1919
LockeIda born about 1868
LongRichard Bborn about 1897
LongWallace born about 1868
LongabaughHarry born about 1883
LongfrancesRichard Bborn about 1897
LongfrancesWallace born about 1868

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M Surnames

ManlyEvelyn born about 1907
ManlyThomas born about 1937
MansbergerDavid born about 1881
MansbergerDenis born about 1903
MansbergerFlorence born about 1880
MansbergerRobert born about 1933
MansbergerWinifred born about 1910
McCamantAnna born about 1909
McCamantHenry born about 1905
McCartneyAline born about 1931
McCartneyEarnest born about 1907
McCartneyMary born about 1908
McCoolArline born about 1931
McCoolBeluah born about 1907
McCoolCharlette born about 1901
McCoolClarence born about 1887
McCoolFreda born about 1917
McCoolGeorge born about 1911
McCoolHarry born about 1903
McCoolIrene born about 1916
McCoolJames born about 1878
McCoolJames Hborn about 1918
McCoolLloyd born about 1915
McCoolOnna born about 1932
McCoolThomas born about
McCrackenJoseph Eborn about 1898
McCrackenJoseph Fborn about 1867
McDivittMaude Vborn about 1872
McElwainE Blairborn about 1920
McElwainMinnie born about 1867
McKenzieFayette Aborn about 1879
McKenzieMargaret Iborn about 1919
McKenzieNettie born about 1882
McQuiggCharles Jborn about 1885
McQuiggDaisy born about 1888
MentzerHelen born about 1922
MillerAnna born about 1871
MillerBarbara born about 1928
MillerBarbara Cborn about 1933
MillerBruce Cborn about 1910
MillerBruce C Jrborn about 1938
MillerBulah born about 1919
MillerDallas born about 1914
MillerDorothy born about 1916
MillerElsie born about 1885
MillerEmanual born about 1928
MillerFaye Pborn about 1939
MillerJanet born about 1926
MillerJohn Rborn about 1926
MillerJosphine born about 1900
MillerKurtz born about 1902
MillerLouise born about 1917
MillerRachel born about 1923
MillerSamual born about 1883
MillerStacha born about 1902
MillerWinifred born about 1910
MillingtonHattie Sborn about 1860
MillsJoseph born about 1928
MooreAllen born about 1930
MooreAuthor born about 1938
MooreBlair Aborn about 1897
MooreChloy born about 1882
MooreClara Maeborn about 1929
MooreMyrtle born about 1906
MooreWilliam born about 1896
MoranEileen born about 1926
MoranElizabeth born about 1901
MoranEstelle born about 1929
MoranJohn Pborn about 1897
MoranJohn P Jrborn about 1925
MoranMary Janeborn about 1932
MoranRosanne born about 1937
MoranThomas born about 1935
MorningstarBartha born about 1877
MorningstarCharles Tborn about 1881
MorningstarDavid born about 1920
MorningstonFaye born about 1922
MorningtonDanial born about 1917
MorningtonEmma born about 1880
MorningtonJacob born about 1878
MorrisonChalmer born about 1909
MorrisonJohn Oborn about 1880
MorrisonMary Eborn about 1880
MusserJacob Lborn about 1877

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N Surnames

NealElla Bborn about 1877
NealJohn Bborn about 1868
NewellRachel born about 1881
NorrisBetty Janeborn about 1933
NorrisClarance Jr born about 1929
NorrisClarence born about 1905
NorrisDonald Leeborn about 1939
NorrisEdith born about 1912
NorrisHelen Louiseborn about 1936
NorrisRichard Bborn about 1935

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O Surnames

OmerBarbara Rborn about 1937
OmerDoris Mborn about 1930
OmerDorothy Bborn about 1908
OmerThomas Jborn about 1908
OrnerJoel Pborn about 1895
OrnerPines Jr born about 1925
OrnerRoseann born about 1901
OswaltElizabeth born about 1900
OswaltEvelyn born about 1919
OswaltJanet born about 1925

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P Surnames

PheasantBarbara born about 1908
PheasantDr C Cborn about 1901
PoulsonDorothy born about 1913
PoulsonEmily Eborn about 1887
PoulsonEmily Jeanborn about 1927
PoulsonMiriam born about 1924
PoulsonRev O Bborn about 1882
PoulsonSarah born about 1922
PowellDavid born about 1919
PriceAlexander Kborn about 1882
PriceAlexander L?born about 1929
PriceCharles Kborn about 1887
PriceDavid born about 1891
PriceDavid born about 1923
PriceEdward born about 1925
PriceEmma born about 1888
PriceJoseph born about 1927
PriceMaxine born about 1929
PriceOlive born about 1908
PurdyBertha born about 1922
PurdyBessie born about 1919
PurdyElizabeth born about 1878
PurdyRobert born about 1875
PurdyRobert Tborn about 1918
PurdyRomie Jborn about 1936
PurdyRuth born about 1939
PurdyWilliam born about 1916

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R Surnames

ReffordIrene Mooreborn about 1908
ReffordJoan born about 1939
ReffordLester Wallaceborn about 1902
ReynoldsDean born about 1913
ReynoldsHamilton born about 1889
ReynoldsHiram born about 1917
ReynoldsRichard born about 1923
ReynoldsRuth born about 1892
RhodesCleo born about 1913
RhodesRhoda born about 1889
RhodesRuth born about 1926
RhodesWilliam Fborn about 1889
RichardsAlbert Mborn about 1923
RichardsLuella born about 1897
RichardsRalph Cborn about 1895
RichardsonDorothea born about 1910
RichardsonWilma born about 1906
RinkerCaroline born about 1908
RinkerCharles born about 1902
RinkerElizabeth born about 1937
RinkerIrene born about 1934
RinkerNancy born about 1936
RockwellDonald Mborn about 1906
RockwellKatherine born about 1910
RockwellKenneth born about 1936
RockwellMarian born about 1939
RohlandAnnabel Mborn about 1907
RohlandBetty Mborn about 1927
RohlandConnie born about 1896
RohlandGertrude Eborn about 1875
RohlandHelen born about 1932
RohlandJohn Cborn about 1909
RohlandRuth born about 1914
RohlandThomas born about 1892
RohlandThomas Rborn about 1919
RohlandWilliam Mborn about 1877
RossAmos Aborn about 1893
RossAmos Jr born about 1929
RossAnna born about 1866
RossDavid Wborn about 1922
RossEthel born about 1897
RossHarold Fborn about 1928
RossIssac Dborn about 1918
RossJames Wborn about 1926
RossJoseph Bborn about 1890
RossLula Eborn about 1890
RossRobert born about 1899
RowlandCharles Lborn about 1886
RowlandMargaret Hborn about 1881
RupeMary born about 1888
RupeWallace born about 1884
RupertAlta born about 1932
RupertBerley born about 1916
RupertBlair born about 1920
RupertCloyd Albertborn about 1939
RupertDale born about 1927
RupertFrank born about 1914
RupertGlayds born about 1921
RupertJanet born about 1925
RupertJohn born about 1939
RupertMabel born about 1920
RupertMary born about 1888
RupertPaul born about 1911
RupertRay born about 1918
RupertSamuel born about 1880

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S Surnames

SchultzDaniel born about 1864
SchultzMary Jborn about 1864
SheltromCharles born about 1918
SheltromDorothy born about 1920
SheltromWilliam born about 1938
ShirleyGladys born about 1909
ShirleyWilliam born about 1903
ShopeSamuel born about 1914
ShopeWarren born about 1937
ShopeWilda born about 1914
ShowalterEdward born about 1892
SimpsonBarbara Annborn about 1932
SimpsonCynthia born about 1939
SimpsonGeorge M Jrborn about 1910
SimpsonGrace Mborn about 1905
SimpsonIsabel born about 1911
SimpsonRichard born about 1901
SimpsonSusan Claudaborn about 1931
SloanErma born about 1916
SloanJames born about 1911
SloanRonald born about 1936
SnyderChester born about 1931
SnyderDavid born about 1911
SnyderFredrick born about 1898
SnyderHilda born about 1935
SnyderLillian born about 1939
SnyderMary born about 1875
SnyderRubin born about 1916
SnyderSarah born about 1908
SnyderWarren born about 1901
SpeckChristie born about 1907
SpeckEsther born about 1899
SpeckEugene born about 1929
SpeckHerman born about 1924
SpeckLorenzo born about 1901
SpottsNorman Sborn about 1897
StambaughEthel born about 1923
StambaughFlorence born about 1923
StambaughM Gretnaborn about 1897
StambaughMarian born about 1929
StambaughRussell Bborn about 1894
StambaughRussell B Jrborn about 1920
StanoskiJohn born about 1911
StanoskiJohn Sborn about 1937
StanoskiWinifred born about 1918
StapletonElma born about 1907
StapletonReed born about 1905
StapletonThomas born about 1869
StatesFlorence born about 1915
StatesJohn Eborn about 1910
StatesMargaret born about 1875
StatesSylvia born about 1934
SteeleA Wayneborn about 1885
SteeleDr Fredrickborn about 1908
SteeleMargaret Mborn about 1884
SteeleMary Janeborn about 1920
StiverElizabeth born about 1904
StoverBoaz born about 1916
StoverMabel born about 1915
StreightiffWilliam born about 1873
SverreOlaf born about 1906
SwangerAnna born about 1915
SwangerElden born about 1917

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T Surnames

ThompsonJames born about 1912
ThompsonJames Lborn about 1938
ThompsonNatalie born about 1911
ThornburyElizabeth born about 1903
ThornburySedgely born about 1901
ThornburyThomas born about 1937
TrigoBrooks born about 1883
TrigoEmma born about 1885
TrigoJohn born about 1914

U Surnames

UttleyBetty born about 1922
UttleyHerman born about 1919

V Surnames

VarnerDelores born about 1929
VarnerDonald born about 1933
VarnerHarry born about 1924
VarnerKennth born about 1931
VarnerNellie born about 1897
VarnerNellie born about 1939
VarnerPaul born about 1927
VarnerRaymond born about 1911
VarnerRaymond Jr born about 1938
VarnerSarah born about 1920

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W Surnames

WaldAudrey born about 1929
WaldEmma Gborn about 1890
WaldJohn Rborn about 1888
WaldJohn R Jrborn about 1922
WaldRichard Rborn about 1925
WeaverlingEthel born about 1922
WeaverlingMarie born about 1894
WeaverlingPaul born about 1885
WeaverlingRobert born about 1919
WeaverlingRolla born about 1926
WeaverlingRonald born about 1926
WhiteJennie born about 1859
WibleMartha born about 1917
WibleMyra Leeborn about 1939
WibleOrin Jborn about 1912
WibleOrin J Jrborn about 1934
WibleWanda born about 1936
WilliamsMinnie born about 1890
WilliamsWilliam Hborn about 1884
WilloughbyClair born about 1893
WilloughbyMary born about 1896
WilsonDorothy Leeborn about 1938
WilsonFrank born about 1911
WilsonHenry born about 1869
WilsonJames born about 1864
WilsonJohn born about 1868
WilsonKathryn born about 1912
WilsonMary born about 1863
WilsonMary born about 1911
WilsonSandra Kborn about 1939
WoodsDoris born about 1930
WoodsElvin born about 1908
WoodsFrances born about 1908
WoodsSandra born about 1938

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Y Surnames

YoderDerbin Lborn about 1939
YoderJohn Wborn about 1909
YoderJohn W Jrborn about 1935
YoderLester Mborn about 1936
YoderMarlin Wborn about 1937
YoderMary Eborn about 1915

Z Surnames

ZebrowskiJenie born about 1918
ZookConstance Cborn about 1932
ZookHelen Mborn about 1912
ZookHerbert born about 1879
ZookLotta Jborn about 1882
ZookRalph Aborn about 1904
ZookThomas Wborn about 1928

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