1940 U.S. Federal Census of Port Carbon, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Schuylkill County > 1940 Census of Port Carbon

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AchenbachElizabeth born about 1919
AchenbachJames born about 1916
AchenbachMary Janesborn about 1937
AckermanBetty born about 1927
AckermanCharles born about 1905
AckermanCharles born about 1930
AckermanDorothy born about 1932
AckermanEmily born about 1910
AckermanRobert born about 1933
AdamsArthur born about 1925
AdamsBarbara Annborn about 1939
AdamsEdna born about 1920
AdamsEsther born about 1912
AdamsGlenn born about 1928
AdamsHarold born about 1919
AdamsJessie born about 1886
AdamsJoseph born about 1916
AdamsJoseph born about 1938
AdamsLoretta born about 1930
AdamsMeyrle born about 1926
AdamsRobert born about 1939
AdamsVertie born about 1891
AdamsVirginia born about 1922
AdamsWallace born about 1920
AiegelDory born about 1876
AlexanderHoward born about 1885
AlexanderSarah born about 1866
AllisonAmanda Eborn about 1859
AllisonBeatrice Lborn about 1927
AllisonEliza Rborn about 1882
AllisonFrank born about 1897
AllisonIry born about 1894
AllisonKate born about 1878
AllisonKezich Cborn about 1938
AllisonLois Ruthborn about 1935
AllisonMary Elizabethborn about 1925
AllisonMary Iborn about 1906
AllisonMay Nborn about 1874
AllisonRobert Eborn about 1895
AllisonWilliam Cborn about 1902
AnslowGeorge born about 1908
AppleLucy Mborn about 1867
AshelmanAnna born about 1882
AshelmanSamuel born about 1882
AtkinsonAlbert born about 1919
AtkinsonCharlotte born about 1939
AtkinsonCordie born about 1923
AtkinsonHattie born about 1889
AtkinsonOlive born about 1917
AuenLillian born about 1915
AuenMarjorie born about 1925
AuerAdolph born about 1881
AuerDebrosh born about 1882
AuerWilliam born about 1921
AumanJestinna born about 1888
AumanRichard born about 1938
AumanWildred born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyAnna born about 1897
BaileyEdna born about 1911
BaileyJames born about 1902
BaileyJohn Fborn about 1881
BaileyPearl Aborn about 1883
BalanHamer Cborn about 1915
BalanThes born about 1915
BalanVance born about 1938
BalulisAdam born about 1915
BalulisAnna born about 1910
BalulisDorothy born about 1928
BalulisEdward born about 1903
BalulisEness born about 1915
BalulisJanette born about 1940
BalulisJoan born about 1933
BalulisJohn born about 1912
BalulisLillian born about 1930
BalulisMary born about 1905
BalulisMary Jr born about 1927
BaranowskiElizabeth born about 1924
BaranowskiFlorence born about 1928
BaranowskiMartha born about 1926
BaranowskiMary born about 1904
BaranowskiMichael born about 1895
BarnesFlorence born about 1899
BarnesGeorge born about 1890
BarnesJames born about 1928
BarnesLillian born about 1924
BarnesMelvin born about 1924
BarnesRalph born about 1906
BarnesVirginia born about 1892
BarnoskyElizabeth born about 1872
BarnoskyGeorge born about 1887
BasarabJohn born about 1934
BasarabJulia born about 1912
BasarabMichael born about 1908
BasarabMichael born about 1932
BasarabaMary born about 1876
BasarabaMary born about 1913
BasslerIvy born about 1878
BatterbyCharles born about 1902
BawerBertha born about 1900
BawerCharles born about 1901
BawerClyde Wborn about 1924
BawerFloyd born about 1898
BawerJane born about 1924
BawerLouise born about 1906
BawerPaul Sborn about 1926
BayleWinifred born about 1872
BeadleAgnes Janeborn about 1910
BeadleAlan born about 1938
BeadleGeorge Oborn about 1910
BeadleJanet born about 1939
BeardIda born about 1865
BebeheimerAlta born about 1882
BebeheimerAudrey born about 1914
BebeheimerDarlington born about 1912
BebeheimerEdwin Lborn about 1865
BebelheimerCharles born about 1855
BebelheimerElsie born about 1896
BebelheimerEmma born about 1894
BebelheimerJackquline born about 1939
BebelheimerJohn Cborn about 1914
BebelheimerMarion born about 1915
BebelheimerPearl born about 1917
BebelheimerRonddell born about 1908
BebelheimerSamuel born about 1940
BebelheimerSandra born about 1938
BebelheimerShirley born about 1937
BeblehimerAmelia born about 1893
BeblehimerJohn Aborn about 1887
BeddallAgnes born about 1886
BeddallEdward born about 1885
BeddallEleanor born about 1916
BeddallGeorge born about 1907
BeddallMaldred Jborn about 1935
BeirJoseph born about 1854
BencingerCarmen born about 1928
BencingerDorothy born about 1922
BencingerGeorge born about 1897
BencingerJoan born about 1935
BencingerLucy born about 1900
BencingerMorlene born about 1939
BencingerOlive born about 1924
BensingerBer born about 1887
BensingerBurtis born about 1927
BensingerCharles born about 1874
BensingerClaude born about 1903
BensingerEdith born about 1896
BensingerEmma born about 1903
BensingerGertrude born about 1889
BensingerHarold born about 1893
BensingerMarjorie born about 1934
BensingerMarlyn born about 1922
BensingerMary born about 1921
BensingerWilliam born about 1920
BerdanierIrvin born about 1921
BerdanierLucy born about 1901
BerdanierPhyllis born about 1927
BerdanierThelma born about 1930
BerdanierWilliam born about 1897
BerninGertrude born about 1897
BerninMelvin Beinerborn about 1897
BernoskyAldona born about 1922
BernoskyBertha born about 1903
BernoskyEleanor born about 1928
BernoskyFrances born about 1919
BernoskyFrank born about 1892
BetzRichard born about 1910
BetzRichard Tborn about 1935
BetzRuth born about 1910
BeuryMary born about 1862
BichtBetty born about 1922
BichtFances born about 1920
BichtFrances born about 1868
BichtFred born about 1895
BichtHelen born about 1924
BichtJoan born about 1928
BichtLillian born about 1896
BichtLillian born about 1919
BichtOlive born about 1926
BichtOtto born about 1865
BichtRaymond born about 1917
BichtRobert born about 1915
BickelmanJohn born about 1880
BickelmanMary born about 1917
BickelmanSusan born about 1882
BickelmanSusie born about 1903
BigelisAnthony born about 1913
BigelisCharles born about 1906
BigelisDominick born about 1908
BigelisFlorence born about 1914
BigelisJohn born about 1875
BiltheiserDorothy born about 1894
BiltheiserHarry born about 1893
BiltheiserJoan Marieborn about 1929
BiltheiserWilliam born about 1927
BlakitisAlbert born about 1919
BlakitisGeorge born about 1889
BlamBertha born about 1880
BlamBertha born about 1918
BlamJohn born about 1873
BlewCharles born about 1936
BlewKathryn born about 1908
BlewLaura born about 1938
BlickleyAgnes born about 1930
BlickleyAnaa born about 1902
BlickleyAnna born about 1932
BlickleyEdward born about 1927
BlickleyElizabeth born about 1868
BlickleyJoseph born about 1902
BlickleyJoseph Jr born about 1923
BlickleyMary born about 1925
BlickleyRegina born about 1937
BobbyAnn Marieborn about 1930
BobbyGeorge born about 1895
BobbyJames born about 1935
BobbyJoseph born about 1924
BobbyMary born about 1899
BohannonCatherine born about 1919
BohannonJennie born about 1897
BohannonJohn born about 1928
BohannonMary born about 1925
BohannonPatrick born about 1894
BommDorothy Eborn about 1914
BommMary Tborn about 1889
BommTheodore Eborn about 1891
BoweCatherine born about 1911
BoweSarah born about 1873
BoweWilliam born about 1872
BraceyEleanor born about 1931
BraceyMargaret born about 1906
BraceyNettie born about 1929
BraceyRobert born about 1934
BraceyRonald born about 1939
BraceyWilliam born about 1902
BraceyWilliam born about 1928
BramleyGeorge born about 1870
BranchFred Cborn about 1877
BranchFrederick Aborn about 1918
BranchNora born about 1878
BranchViolet born about 1916
BraukusAdele born about 1907
BraukusAnna born about 1886
BraukusAnna born about 1918
BrennanMelvia Aborn about 1937
BrennonElla Cborn about 1895
BrennonMary born about 1871
BridgghanCalvin born about 1903
BridgghanDorothy born about 1924
BridgghanElizbaeth born about 1923
BridgghanFlorence born about 1926
BridgghanGrace born about 1902
BridgghanHarris born about 1928
BridgghanWilliam born about 1930
BriestAnna born about 1886
BriestCharles born about 1885
BriestCharles born about 1928
BriestChristopher born about 1921
BriestMary born about 1915
BrightbillAnita born about 1930
BrightbillDorothy born about 1923
BrightbillEmily born about 1899
BrightbillJanathan born about 1890
BrightbillRobert born about 1932
BrilliusCharles born about 1887
BrilliusFrancis born about 1916
BrilliusMary born about 1916
BrilliusMillie born about 1918
BrilliusNell born about 1913
BrilliusTillie born about 1890
BrobstAnna born about 1901
BrobstEarl born about 1909
BrobstElma born about 1890
BrobstFranklin born about 1939
BrokinsJoseph born about 1921
BrokinsMary born about 1890
BrokinsSimon born about 1915
BrokinsWilliam born about 1875
BrokinsWilliam born about 1913
BrownAnna born about 1900
BrownAnna Theresaborn about 1938
BrownEdward born about 1937
BrownMargaret Dborn about 1917
BrownRoberta Jeanborn about 1939
BrownWilliam born about 1927
BullBessie born about 1879
BullJonathan born about 1870
BullRobert born about 1875
BullWilliam born about 1900
BullWilson Rborn about 1922
BungerCharles Mborn about 1885
BurgerGeorge born about 1895
BurgerMary born about 1898
BurnsCammilus born about 1909
BurnsDaniel Jr born about 1939
BurnsDavid Lborn about 1916
BurnsDonald born about 1935
BurnsFrank born about 1908
BurnsGiles born about 1884
BurnsGiles Jr born about 1922
BurnsLewis born about 1937
BurnsMareie born about 1919
BurnsMary born about 1885
BurnsMildred born about 1918
BurnsWillim born about 1925
BuscavageAnna born about 1922
BuscavageFrank born about 1917
BuscavageMichael born about 1940
BuselJoseph born about 1916
BuselMary born about 1916
BusztaChristine born about 1932
BusztaJohn born about 1881
BusztaJohn born about 1923
BusztaJulia born about 1928
BusztaSylvester born about 1934
BusztaTillie born about 1889
BusztaWalter born about 1920
ButtsCecil born about 1910
ButtsHarold born about 1902
ButtsHarold Jr born about 1930
ButtsWalter born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CappelCatherine born about 1937
CappelFlorence born about 1920
CappelHarry born about 1917
CappelHarry born about 1940
CappelJean Dborn about 1933
CappelJohn born about 1912
CappelMinervia born about 1937
CappelMiriam born about 1915
CareyGussie born about 1888
CarterAlbert born about 1905
CarterMildred born about 1912
CasselberryDorothy born about 1929
CasselberryGordon born about 1904
CasselberryRuth born about 1906
CauleyBridget born about 1878
CauleyJames born about 1913
CauleyJenny born about 1881
CauleyMargaret born about 1877
CauleyMargaret Sborn about 1871
CauleyMary Sborn about 1868
CauleyMaurice born about 1875
CavanaughElmer born about 1912
CavanaughJoan Marieborn about 1940
CavanaughJohn born about 1934
CavanaughMargaret born about 1911
CavanaughVincent born about 1937
CawleyCharles born about 1885
CawleyJohn born about 1917
CawleySafie born about 1884
CebatorisAlbert born about 1912
CebatorisAnthony born about 1909
CebatorisCatherine born about 1884
CebatorisCatherine born about 1920
CebatorisHelen born about 1914
CebatorisJeanette born about 1940
CebatorisJoseph born about 1876
CebatorisJoseph born about 1919
CebatorisMary born about 1915
CesurCerilla born about 1892
CesurJoseph born about 1928
CesurLouis born about 1924
CesurMary born about 1923
ChildsAlfred born about 1926
ChildsCatherine born about 1935
ChildsEdward born about 1929
ChildsMary born about 1924
ChildsRobert born about 1930
CiceroAngeline born about 1923
CiceroElizabeth born about 1929
CiceroFreddie born about 1938
CiceroJoseph born about 1917
CiceroPhilip born about 1930
CiceroRose born about 1897
CiceroSamuel born about 1883
CliffJoseph born about 1863
CliffMary born about 1865
CockillChester born about 1886
CockillJohn born about 1897
CollinsCatherine born about 1928
CollinsJames born about 1890
CollinsJoseph born about 1925
CollinsLeo born about 1926
CollinsMargaret born about 1899
CollinsMargaret born about 1921
CollinsThomas born about 1923
CollinsWilliam born about 1928
ComerPatrick born about 1892
ComerWilliam born about 1894
CondrackAdolph born about 1913
CondrackHelena born about 1917
ConnellyAnna born about 1872
ConnellyEdward born about 1900
ConnorsCatherine born about 1877
ConnorsJohn Jborn about 1912
ConnorsJoseph born about 1914
ConnorsJudy born about 1939
ConnorsMarie born about 1918
ConnorsPatrick born about 1870
ConradAlice born about 1898
ConradAnn Ellenborn about 1930
ConradCordie born about 1894
ConradHarry born about 1875
ConradJohn Wborn about 1892
ConradSarah born about 1875
ConradThomas born about 1926
ContwellHugh born about 1907
ContwellJohn born about 1922
ContwellMargaret born about 1896
ContwellRobert born about 1896
ContwellRobert born about 1926
CooganDaniel born about 1923
CooganElizabeth born about 1887
CooganElizabeth born about 1914
CooganFrancis born about 1915
CooganJames born about 1880
CoonanMary Lborn about 1871
CoonanNellie Rborn about 1880
CooneyDaniel born about 1912
CooneyDorothy born about 1906
CooneyJohn born about 1910
CooneyMary born about 1879
CooperBetty born about 1924
CooperBurton born about 1896
CooperChester Gborn about 1900
CooperElizabeth born about 1905
CooperEthel born about 1929
CooperHarold born about 1926
CooperJean born about 1923
CooperKenneth born about 1925
CooperMary born about 1901
CooperOlive born about 1927
CooperWilliam born about 1861
CordsonMartha born about 1890
CorpencyAnna born about 1913
CorpencyJoseph born about 1912
CorrellFrancis born about 1922
CoslowFrances born about 1908
CoslowGeorge born about 1900
CoslowGeorge born about 1929
CostelloJack born about 1937
CostelloJoseph born about 1933
CostelloMary born about 1902
CostelloRita born about 1927
CraweBlanche born about 1893
CraweDorothy born about 1925
CraweEdward born about 1920
CraweGladys born about 1927
CraweJohn born about 1892
CraweJohn born about 1918
CrochunisAgusta born about 1878
CrochunisAnna born about 1903
CrochunisAnna Maeborn about 1934
CrochunisJoseph born about 1908
CrochunisJoseph Jr born about 1931
CrochunisMadglene born about 1919
CrochunisSimon born about 1916
CrochunisSophie born about 1912
CrochunisThomas born about 1937
CroweElizabeth born about 1934
CroweEmma born about 1904
CroweJoseph born about 1931
CroweJoseph Lborn about 1904
CrowleyClara born about 1885
CrowleyMaime born about 1900
CulvenMary born about 1904
CunniusCharles Sr born about 1872
CunniusHelen born about 1873
CurryFrancis born about 1911
CurryRegina born about 1911
CurryRegina born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaltonJoseph born about 1928
DalyDaniel Aborn about 1881
DamboskyAlbert born about 1920
DamboskyBeatrice born about 1931
DamboskyEdward born about 1922
DamboskyMikose born about 1891
DarkerEarl born about 1917
DarkerEarl Jr born about 1939
DarsetRobert born about 1932
DaskusAnthony born about 1907
DaskusAnthony born about 1936
DaskusMargaret born about 1910
DavidsonBertha born about 1893
DavidsonDaryl born about 1929
DavidsonTheryn born about 1923
DavidsonWilliam born about 1889
DavisAnna born about 1905
DavisJean born about 1915
DavisJohn Aborn about 1905
DavisJohn Hborn about 1926
DavisMargaret born about 1875
DavisMay born about 1900
DawlingEllen born about 1856
DawlingKatherine born about 1892
DawlingMary born about 1888
DawlingRichard born about 1886
DaynoskiElia born about 1929
DaynoskiHelen born about 1924
DaynoskiJohn born about 1919
DaynoskiJoseph born about 1885
DaynoskiLeo born about 1922
DaynoskiPeter born about 1926
DaynoskiStella born about 1893
DaynoskiStephina born about 1933
DaynoskiTeddy born about 1915
DeibertHerbert born about 1912
DeibertMary born about 1913
DeibertRobert born about 1934
DeibertShirley born about 1937
DemanovichCatherine born about 1911
DemanovichJames born about 1927
DemanovichProctor born about 1909
DembroskyAnna born about 1913
DemterAnna born about 1875
DemterMichael born about 1914
DemterProkee born about 1866
DeramoAnna born about 1921
DeramoArthur born about 1915
DerrAnna born about 1911
DerrPatricia born about 1938
DerrWalter born about 1912
DevineRose born about 1890
DevineRose born about 1890
DevlinMary born about 1874
DevlinSimon born about 1876
DewaldIda born about 1865
DewittAlbert born about 1914
DewittEdith born about 1919
DewittHoward born about 1889
DewittMary born about 1875
DewittRose born about 1889
DicusBetty born about 1923
DicusCatherine born about 1930
DicusEdna born about 1892
DicusGeorge born about 1915
DicusRay born about 1892
DicusRobert born about 1917
DilzerFrank born about 1880
DilzerLillie born about 1879
DoboshinskyAnna born about 1921
DoboshinskyEva born about 1890
DoboshinskyFlorence born about 1923
DoboshinskyPeter born about 1882
DodjunasAlbert born about 1912
DodjunasDella born about 1924
DodjunasEdward born about 1922
DodjunasFlorence born about 1930
DodjunasJoseph born about 1876
DodjunasRaymond born about 1920
DonahueCatherine Wborn about 1923
DonahueCharles born about 1925
DonahueEdward Jr born about 1921
DonahueEdward Sr born about 1889
DonahueEleanor born about 1917
DonahueElizabeth born about 1889
DonahueFrancis born about 1923
DonahueGertrude Tborn about 1921
DonahueGertrude Wborn about 1895
DonahueJames Eborn about 1929
DonahueMartin Jborn about 1887
DonahueMartin Mborn about 1926
DonahueMartin Pborn about 1919
DorodJoseph born about 1900
DorodJoseph Jr born about 1922
DorodMary born about 1924
DorodRuth born about 1901
DorodThomas born about 1939
DorodWilliam born about 1928
DoudoFrancis born about 1911
DoudoLaura born about 1912
DoyleAgnes born about 1906
DoyleCatherine born about 1894
DoyleEthel born about 1898
DoyleEthel born about 1936
DoyleFrancis born about 1902
DoyleJohn Cborn about 1881
DoyleJohn Jr born about 1924
DoyleMargaret born about 1932
DoyleMary Jborn about 1931
DoyleMelvia born about 1922
DoyleVincent born about 1898
DrotterMary born about 1916
DudashAnna born about 1930
DudashJohn born about 1926
DudashMary Aborn about 1924
DudashThomas born about 1933
DudickAnna born about 1913
DudickPaul born about 1908
DudickT Robertborn about 1934
DuffyCharles born about 1925
DuffyJames born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EbowinseCharles W Aborn about 1871
EbowinseIrene Mborn about 1880
EdwardsCharles born about 1908
EdwardsDoris born about 1914
EdwardsGale born about 1939
EllisLola born about 1905
EllisMary Eborn about 1876
EllisStanley born about 1911
ElonisIsabel born about 1919
ElonisRonald born about 1938
EnamoskiAnna born about 1890
EnamoskiHelen born about 1926
EnamoskiHelene born about 1926
EnamoskiStanley born about 1923
EnamoskiStella born about 1927
EnglishBarbara Aborn about 1940
EnglishCatherine born about 1910
EnglishRobert Fborn about 1911
EricksonEvelyn born about 1915
EricksonKatharine born about 1938
EricksonPerry born about 1910
ErisonAedis born about 1911
ErisonGene born about 1936
ErisonSandra born about 1939
ErisonSonford born about 1903
ErisonWillard born about 1932
ErnstAaron born about 1873
ErnstClara born about 1873
EvanJohn born about 1901
EvanJohn Jr born about 1928
EvansAnna born about 1910
EvansClaire born about 1911
EvansElaine born about 1925
EvansElizabeth born about 1887
EvansElleen born about 1936
EvansElsie born about 1902
EvansFlorence born about 1934
EvansHarry born about 1937
EvansHazel born about 1917
EvansHilda born about 1922
EvansJacob born about 1883
EvansLucetta born about 1939
EvansMayberry born about 1897
EvansMyrtle born about 1915
EvansPearl born about 1927
EvansRichard born about 1868
EvansRichard born about 1922
EvansRichard Jr born about 1898
EvansRobert born about 1909
EvansWilbert born about 1911
EvansWilliam born about 1897
EvansWilliam born about 1907
EverdaleAlice born about 1939
EverdaleCarline born about 1920
EverdaleCharles born about 1912
EverdaleEffie born about 1887
EverdaleElmer born about 1923
EverdaleJohn born about 1914
EverdaleJoyce born about 1938
EverdaleLouis born about 1922
EverdaleLoyde born about 1926
EverdaleMary born about 1911
EverdalePercy born about 1891
EverdalePercy born about 1915
EverdaleWarren born about 1927
EverlyBertha Nborn about 1892
EverlyEmma J Jrborn about 1915
EverlyHerbert Sborn about 1887
EverlyWilliam Cborn about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FallsFrederick born about 1913
FallsLoretta Nborn about 1890
FarleyRobert born about 1918
FarleyRuth born about 1916
FarnsworthLucille born about 1931
FarnsworthMary born about 1905
FarnsworthWilliam born about 1906
FeesHoward born about 1935
FegleyAlice born about 1916
FegleyHarold born about 1914
FegleyJames born about 1937
FegleyRonlad born about 1939
FisherBeverly Aborn about 1936
FisherBonita born about 1923
FisherCharles Aborn about 1890
FisherDallas born about 1926
FisherDorothy born about 1910
FisherElsie born about 1915
FisherFlorence born about 1930
FisherLois born about 1928
FisherLouis born about 1910
FisherLouis born about 1939
FisherMary Eborn about 1922
FisherMary Oborn about 1897
FisherNancy Jborn about 1935
FisherNorma born about 1925
FisherWalter born about 1909
FlanmenSally born about 1864
FoxAlvenat born about 1924
FoxDorothy born about 1900
FoxEdith born about 1897
FoxEllen born about 1870
FoxEllis born about 1897
FoxNellie born about 1902
FoxPearl born about 1921
FoxRobert born about 1925
FoxRose born about 1898
FoxThomas born about 1870
FoxVirgina born about 1936
FoxWilliam born about 1892
FrankRoland born about 1902
FrantzAlberta born about 1899
FrantzAnita Janeborn about 1928
FrantzBeatrice born about 1905
FrantzClair born about 1928
FrantzEsther born about 1898
FrantzGeorge born about 1895
FrantzGeorge born about 1924
FrantzJean born about 1919
FrantzJune Sborn about 1930
FrantzNorma born about 1923
FrantzOscar born about 1897
FrantzTillie born about 1881
FrantzWilliam born about 1902
FrantzWilliam born about 1925
FreemanBetty born about 1919
FreemanDaniel born about 1890
FreemanJohn born about 1858
FreemanMiria born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GallagherBernadette born about 1925
GallagherEdward born about 1905
GallagherJenny born about 1857
GallagherJoseph born about 1897
GallagherKathlene born about 1923
GallagherMargaret born about 1905
GallagherMary born about 1897
GallagherMary born about 1930
GallagherRosemarie born about 1929
GarisWilliam Hborn about 1870
GarriganMary born about 1870
GassCharles born about 1921
GassElmer born about 1892
GassFrancis born about 1922
GassJohn born about 1919
GassMary born about 1902
GassMary born about 1923
GebhardtElizabeth born about 1907
GebhardtMelba born about 1925
GebhardtRalph born about 1905
GeguzysAbert born about 1916
GeguzysArnold born about 1939
GeguzysFlorence born about 1918
GerhardCharles born about 1900
GerhardElwood born about 1861
GerhardJean born about 1925
GerhardLarenne born about 1918
GerhardtJanet born about 1938
GerhardtLucy born about 1908
GerhardtRobert born about 1903
GernitskyGeraldine born about 1912
GettisElsie born about 1934
GettisJames born about 1932
GettisLewis born about 1927
GettisMary born about 1877
GilfillanJ Rayborn about 1892
GilfillanRobert born about 1928
GilfillanRuth Mborn about 1895
GillingerCarrie born about 1884
GillisAnna born about 1895
GillisAnna born about 1924
GillisAnthpny born about 1892
GillisEdward born about 1935
GillisElgert born about 1920
GillisLeo born about 1931
GillisLeonard born about 1931
GillisTheresa born about 1927
GillisWalter born about 1923
GlasserAnna born about 1883
GlasserCaroline born about 1886
GlasserDonald born about 1923
GlasserDorothy born about 1916
GlasserDorothy born about 1916
GlasserEarl born about 1920
GlasserMargaret born about 1916
GlasserMarie born about 1928
GlasserMillard born about 1916
GlasserWilliam born about 1885
GlassmierBetty born about 1922
GlassmierBurd born about 1897
GlassmierCharles born about 1920
GlassmierEmily born about 1898
GlennonEthel born about 1895
GlennonEthel born about 1921
GlennonMichael born about 1890
GoodmanCyril born about 1912
GoodmanDora born about 1885
GoodmanDorothy born about 1912
GoodmanHarry Mborn about 1872
GoodmanHarry Mborn about 1901
GoodmanJoseph born about 1908
GoodmanMinnie Eborn about 1876
GossDora born about 1893
GossGlenn born about 1912
GossHarold born about 1925
GossIra born about 1886
GossIra Jr born about 1923
GossJames born about 1927
GossRita born about 1926
GossRita born about 1928
GrabishChester born about 1936
GrabishFrances born about 1910
GrabishJoseph born about 1909
GrandiElizabeth born about 1915
GrandiElizabeth born about 1928
GrandiEmil born about 1912
GrandiFred born about 1881
GrandiIda born about 1911
GrandiJoann born about 1938
GrandiMarie born about 1924
GrandiVictoria born about 1918
GrayJune born about 1909
GrayLillie Sborn about 1900
GrayMary Bborn about 1873
GrayRuth born about 1898
GrayViolet born about 1876
GreenHarry born about 1902
GreenJanet born about 1901
GregoryHannah born about 1913
GregoryWilliam born about 1912
GreoskiJohn born about 1908
GreoskiJohn born about 1933
GreoskiJoseph born about 1931
GreoskiJosephine born about 1913
GriffieMaude born about 1915
GrinevichJohn born about 1935
GuenschHerman Pborn about 1887
GuenschLaura born about 1889
GulkoAlice born about 1919
GulkoCharlotte born about 1937
GulkoEddie born about 1925
GulkoFrank born about 1913
GulkoJosephine born about 1919
GulkoLeo born about 1886
GulkoRosalie born about 1936
GulkoStella born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaasEdith Eborn about 1876
HaasHoward born about 1874
HaasJane Louborn about 1939
HaasMargaret born about 1902
HaasWilliam born about 1900
HahnEdward born about 1895
HahnFrancis born about 1922
HahnImgne born about 1924
HahnNellie born about 1896
HalbnerFannie Aborn about 1877
HalpinThomas born about 1905
HannonMary Fborn about 1871
HannorGeorge born about 1908
HannorHarriet born about 1914
HannorJoseph born about 1917
HannorKermit born about 1907
HannorPhobe born about 1884
HarigCalrence born about 1907
HarigCharles born about 1933
HarigClarence Jr born about 1931
HarigEmma born about 1913
HarigHoward born about 1939
HarigPauline born about 1937
HarigRobert born about 1934
HarigShirley born about 1935
HarmanAgnes born about 1933
HarmanAnna born about 1910
HarmanDeloras born about 1936
HarmanMary born about 1931
HarmanRose Marieborn about 1939
HarmanWilliam born about 1909
HarmanWilliam born about 1940
HarnerEmana Cborn about 1880
HarnerHarvey Eborn about 1878
HarnerRichard Eborn about 1911
HarronCharles born about 1890
HarronCharles Wborn about 1918
HarronJanice born about 1927
HarronMargaret born about 1878
HarronRiba born about 1922
HarronRuth born about 1925
HarronSusan born about 1891
HartnettCelia born about 1899
HartnettJohn born about 1897
HartnettRaymond born about 1891
HartnettWilliam born about 1905
HaslenGeorge born about 1886
HaslenGeorge born about 1918
HaslenHelen born about 1911
HaslenJulia born about 1884
HaslenMary born about 1914
HayElizabeth born about 1919
HayEmma born about 1889
HayMamie born about 1888
HaySamuel born about 1887
HayWilliam Hborn about 1879
HayesLillian born about 1896
HayesMary Eborn about 1933
HayesWilliam born about 1894
HayesWilliam Jr born about 1930
HeinEnola born about 1916
HeinFrank born about 1911
HeirPhobe born about 1853
HeisAlietha born about 1922
HeisAntos born about 1920
HeisBeulah born about 1890
HeisBruce born about 1923
HeisJane born about 1924
HeisLamar born about 1918
HeislerElizabeth born about 1894
HeislerGeorge born about 1925
HeislerHenry born about 1893
HeislerMargaret born about 1928
HeislerMary Eborn about 1927
HeislerRobert born about 1923
HemlerElizabeth born about 1878
HemlerEllen born about 1884
HemlerMary born about 1874
HerbertJohn born about 1902
HerbertWilliam born about 1870
HeryogFrank born about 1867
HessJohn born about 1908
HessJohn born about 1937
HessLucy born about 1913
HexezoBetty born about 1923
HeywoodJohn born about 1873
HeywoodMartha born about 1901
HilliardAndrew born about 1902
HilliardJohn born about 1904
HilliardMary born about 1870
HoarnJoseph born about 1892
HoffmanBetty Jane Sborn about 1925
HoffmanDoris born about 1907
HoffmanEdwin born about 1904
HoffmanGertrude born about 1926
HoffmanLeslie Rborn about 1934
HoffmanLeslie Wborn about 1905
HoffmanRuth born about 1907
HoffmanRuth born about 1928
HoffmanWilliam Lborn about 1932
HojsakCelia born about 1922
HojsakWalter born about 1915
HolshueRichard born about 1931
HolshueRusel born about 1930
HolshueTissie born about 1901
HoltzerLeverne born about 1922
HoltzerLoura born about 1899
HoltzerWilliam born about 1895
HoskinsAlfred born about 1877
HoskinsMary born about 1881
HowellFreida born about 1934
HowellJoseph born about 1906
HowellMary born about 1913
HowellRonald born about 1938
HoyEdward born about 1939
HoyGeorge born about 1935
HoyJohn born about 1889
HoyMabel born about 1884
HoyMarvin born about 1915
HoyRobert born about 1931
HoyVirginia born about 1912
HoyWilliam Hborn about 1908
HrebickJohn born about 1892
HrebickSue born about 1898
HuberAmanda born about 1843
HubietaHarrold born about 1921
HubietaLouise born about 1901
HubietaRichard born about 1926
HubietaWarley born about 1899
HughesCatherine born about 1901
HughesJames born about 1905
HuletCharles born about 1897
HuletCharles born about 1937
HuletEmma born about 1907
HuletMarian born about 1899
HuletMatthew born about 1905
HulockAudolph born about 1897
HulockJohn born about 1904
HulockJosephine born about 1926
HulockLucy born about 1904
HulockMary born about 1925
HulockSophie born about 1929
HummelKathryn born about 1912
HylandEdward born about 1911
HylandEdward born about 1939
HylandSusan born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IllingworthClara born about 1891
IllingworthLaura born about 1863

J Surnames

JanesCarol Sborn about 1924
JanesEsther Hborn about 1899
JanesJohn Dborn about 1896
JohnsGeorge born about 1907
JohnsJames born about 1934
JohnsThelma born about 1911
JonesAnna born about 1903
JonesDaniel born about 1928
JonesEarl born about 1932
JonesEdmond born about 1901
JonesEthel born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KachelineAdela born about 1911
KachelineCharles born about 1911
KadisAnna born about 1891
KadisAnna born about 1920
KadisHelen born about 1926
KadisMary born about 1922
KadisMillie born about 1928
KadisWilliam born about 1890
KadisWilliam born about 1917
KaminskyAlexandra born about 1885
KaminskyMary born about 1910
KaminskyStella born about 1920
KaneMarie born about 1869
KaneThomas Pborn about 1871
KantnerBenjamon born about 1900
KantnerCharles born about 1896
KantnerDorothy born about 1931
KantnerJames born about 1937
KantnerJean born about 1925
KantnerKatie born about 1899
KantnerMarian born about 1900
KearnsJames born about 1887
KemmeryAlice born about 1908
KemmeryCharles born about 1928
KemmeryHarry born about 1896
KemmeryOlive born about 1932
KemmeryRobert born about 1904
KemmeryRuth born about 1930
KempskiJoseph born about 1890
KempskiJosephine born about 1914
KempskiThobephobe born about 1894
KendallHenry born about 1912
KendallHenry Jr born about 1938
KendallJames born about 1888
KendallMargaret born about 1882
KendallMary Annborn about 1939
KendallMildred born about 1914
KenvinMary born about 1873
KershnerCharles born about 1914
KershnerKitty born about 1916
KershnerKitty Annborn about 1935
KindigBarbara born about 1933
KindigLloyd born about 1903
KindigMarjorie born about 1909
KippIra Bborn about 1910
KippMinerva born about 1922
KirkEmma Fborn about 1858
KirkFrances born about 1917
KirkHarney born about 1870
KirkLouise born about 1877
KleinschmidtAnnie born about 1881
KleinschmidtCatherine born about 1865
KleinschmidtJosephine born about 1878
KleinschmidtWilliam born about 1875
KlemerAnna born about 1915
KlemerDolores born about 1938
KnittleGrace born about 1916
KnittleRay born about 1915
KnittleRay born about 1936
KnowlesJoann born about 1937
KnowlesKathryn born about 1906
KnowlesKenneth Wborn about 1905
KocherCatherine born about 1913
KocherRay Josephborn about 1913
KocherRoy J Jrborn about 1940
KocherWilliam born about 1878
KockettAntonette born about 1910
KockettElizabeth born about 1939
KockettEva born about 1908
KockettEvelyn born about 1930
KockettGeorge born about 1929
KockettJohn born about 1904
KockettJohn born about 1928
KockettJoseph born about 1926
KockettMichael born about 1904
KockettMichael born about 1928
KonradHenrietta born about 1921
KonradHenry Rborn about 1894
KonradMary born about 1893
KoonsBessie born about 1904
KoonsEarl born about 1910
KoonsJames born about 1921
KoonsJohn born about 1903
KoonsMargaret born about 1876
KopackCharles born about 1938
KopackEdward born about 1935
KopackFrank born about 1894
KopackGeorge born about 1931
KopackHarold born about 1929
KopackHelen born about 1925
KopackJohn born about 1918
KopackJoseph born about 1921
KopackMary born about 1898
KopackMetro born about 1920
KopackThomas born about 1923
KopffAlice born about 1867
KopffGust born about 1866
KostLorrain born about 1922
KostichAgnes born about 1932
KostichHarvy born about 1890
KostichStella born about 1909
KostichWalter born about 1929
KotchCatherine born about 1883
KotchFrank born about 1916
KotchPauline born about 1915
KotchSteophen born about 1922
KozloskiAgnes born about 1917
KozloskiThomas born about 1915
KozloskiThomas born about 1939
KozloskiWilliam born about 1939
KozloskyAlbert born about 1920
KozloskyMaryb born about 1886
KrammesAnna born about 1899
KrammesDaniel born about 1897
KrammesElmer born about 1876
KrammesLily born about 1880
KrankowskiLeonard born about 1922
KrankowskiMatthew born about 1893
KrankowskiPaul born about 1930
KrankowskiVictoria born about 1898
KraterArabella born about 1897
KraterArnold born about 1923
KraterEleanor born about 1927
KraterFloyd born about 1915
KraterFrank born about 1890
KraterFranklin born about 1915
KraterMaud born about 1890
KraterMima born about 1914
KraterRonald born about 1920
KraterTyson born about 1894
KraterWarren born about 1917
KrausAnita born about 1936
KrausCatherine born about 1914
KrausJohn born about 1915
KrauseJessie born about 1900
KrebsAnna born about 1906
KrebsArlene born about 1925
KrebsBertha born about 1891
KrebsCharles born about 1901
KrebsCora born about 1885
KrebsIda born about 1895
KrebsJacob born about 1895
KrebsLeurean born about 1861
KrebsRuth born about 1904
KrebsRuthann born about 1935
KrebsTillie born about 1869
KrebsWilliam born about 1882
KremmerAnna born about 1876
KremmerSarah born about 1913
KriegerCharles born about 1916
KriegerGarfield born about 1886
KriegerOlive born about 1893
KritakJohn born about 1915
KritakJoseph born about 1880
KritakJoseph born about 1919
KritakKathryn born about 1885
KritakMargaret born about 1923
KritakMary born about 1923
KritakSusan born about 1912
KrupskyElizabeth born about 1914
KrupskyJoseph born about 1910
KrupskyJoseph born about 1936
KrupskyMichael born about 1935
KubeillisAlice born about 1932
KubeillisEdward born about 1929
KubeillisHelen born about 1910
KubeillisMatthew born about 1893
KubilusFrank Kborn about 1911
KubilusFrank Jr born about 1930
KubilusVincent born about 1929
KussDoris born about 1918
KussJacob born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambertAlberta Fborn about 1902
LambertDonald Aborn about 1921
LambertGardon Aborn about 1926
LambertHarry Wborn about 1901
LambertMarjorie Gborn about 1923
LankenPeter born about 1863
LauckAlbert born about 1928
LauckAlia born about 1936
LauckGeorge born about 1926
LauckJett born about 1901
LauckJett born about 1939
LauckJoan born about 1934
LauckJohn born about 1924
LauckMarie born about 1907
LazarchickAnna born about 1914
LazarchickJohn born about 1913
LazarchickRobert born about 1937
LearyMargaret born about 1918
LearySteve born about 1916
LeddyAlice born about 1923
LeddyAnnie born about 1892
LeddyEdward born about 1880
LeddyGenevive born about 1916
LeddyHelen born about 1915
LefflerAmelia born about 1885
LegutkoDorothy born about 1930
LegutkoFrank born about 1919
LegutkoJoseph born about 1923
LegutkoLawrence born about 1884
LegutkoStella born about 1890
LegutkoSylvester born about 1925
LegutkoTheresa born about 1922
LegutkoValentine born about 1917
LeibyEdmund born about 1900
LeibyGeorge born about 1903
LentzGeorgenia born about 1876
LentzGertrude born about 1906
LeoAlexander Hborn about 1872
LeoLaura born about 1873
LescakAnna born about 1861
LeshefskiJohn born about 1875
LewisBlanche born about 1886
LewisLeone born about 1917
LimeAnna Eborn about 1875
LimeJohn Fborn about 1874
LinkArden born about 1898
LinkEdwin born about 1907
LinkEdwin born about 1932
LinkEleanor born about 1925
LinkEmma Eborn about 1878
LinkLaura born about 1931
LinkMary Kborn about 1911
LinkRobert born about 1930
LinkRuth born about 1898
LinkVirginia born about 1921
LipshawCatherine born about 1926
LipshawGeorge born about 1937
LipshawHelen born about 1924
LipshawJohn born about 1894
LipshawJohn Jr born about 1918
LipshawMartha born about 1931
LipshawMary born about 1901
LipshawMary born about 1922
LipshawNicholas born about 1928
LlewellynBertha born about 1894
LlewellynGeorge Rborn about 1922
LlewellynJean born about 1925
LockmarGeorge born about 1921
LockmarMargaret born about 1922
LockmarMary born about 1885
LonderganDoris born about 1913
LonderganValentine born about 1915
LonderoDoris born about 1913
LonderoValentine born about 1915
LonerganAnna born about 1911
LonerganDaniel born about 1934
LonerganEdward born about 1927
LonerganEugene born about 1931
LonerganJoan born about 1929
LonerganJohn born about 1919
LonerganKathryn born about 1904
LonerganLillian born about 1926
LonerganLoretta born about 1939
LonerganMargaret born about 1939
LonerganMary Tborn about 1926
LonerganMichael born about 1933
LonerganThomas born about 1901
LonerganThomas born about 1925
LonerganWilliam born about 1876
LonerganWinafred born about 1935
LonergardAnna born about 1911
LonergardDaniel born about 1934
LonergardEdward born about 1927
LonergardEugene born about 1931
LonergardJoan born about 1929
LonergardJohn born about 1919
LonergardKathryn born about 1904
LonergardLillian born about 1926
LonergardLoretta born about 1939
LonergardMargaret born about 1939
LonergardMary Tborn about 1926
LonergardMichael born about 1933
LonergardThomas born about 1901
LonergardThomas born about 1925
LonergardWilliam born about 1876
LonergardWinafred born about 1935
LongMary born about 1922
LongThomas born about 1914
LongfrancesMary born about 1922
LongfrancesThomas born about 1914
LucasAnthony born about 1904
LucasJoseph born about 1934
LucasJulia born about 1907
LucasThomas born about 1935
LucashAnthony born about 1904
LucashJoseph born about 1934
LucashJulia born about 1907
LucashThomas born about 1935
LurwickBertha born about 1866
LurwickCharles born about 1921
LurwickEdward born about 1926
LurwickElizabeth born about 1920
LurwickMary born about 1894
LurwickVincent Sr born about 1893
LurwickWilliam born about 1918
LutzLydia Sborn about 1854
LutzakLydia Sborn about 1854
LynaghJames born about 1919
LynaghJohn born about 1903
LynaghJohn born about 1917
LynaghKathryn born about 1878
LynaghMary born about 1921
LynaghRobert born about 1911
LynaghWilliam born about 1913
LynahanJames born about 1919
LynahanJohn born about 1903
LynahanJohn born about 1917
LynahanKathryn born about 1878
LynahanMary born about 1921
LynahanRobert born about 1911
LynahanWilliam born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacalarneyCharles born about 1899
MadaraJohn Bborn about 1854
MaderGeorge born about 1880
MaderLouisa born about 1880
MaeverAnne born about 1893
MaeverHazel born about 1921
MaeverWilliam born about 1886
MajorBerle born about 1913
MaleyEllen born about 1917
MaleyKathleen born about 1936
MaleyRose born about 1895
MaleyThomas born about 1916
MalloAndrew born about 1884
MalloCatherine born about 1925
MalloEva born about 1921
MalloFrank born about 1916
MalloHelen born about 1935
MalloJohn born about 1926
MalloMary born about 1891
MalloPaul born about 1928
MalloPeter born about 1918
MargarathElizabeth born about 1857
MaserFlorence born about 1927
MaserFred born about 1906
MaserOlga born about 1906
MaskowskiAdella born about 1917
MaskowskiEdward born about 1917
MaskowskiMildred born about 1940
MaslummoslumBarbara born about 1890
MaslummoslumJoseph born about 1885
MaslummoslumLeo born about 1911
MastellerMarvin born about 1916
MastellerRuth born about 1914
MathewsAlbert born about 1917
MatthewsFrank born about 1914
MatthewsFrank born about 1939
MatthewsMary born about 1914
MaurerDarvin born about 1939
MayCharles born about 1882
MayFred born about 1878
MayGilda born about 1892
MayHarold born about 1894
MayMarion born about 1897
MayMary Louiseborn about 1925
McBreenCharles born about 1924
McBreenGerald born about 1931
McBreenJames born about 1897
McBreenJames born about 1926
McBreenMarion born about 1928
McBreenMary born about 1900
McCallEsther born about 1900
McCallJohn Bborn about 1896
McCallWilliam born about 1918
McCarthyAnna born about 1938
McCarthyCatherine born about 1929
McCarthyDorothy born about 1925
McCarthyElsie born about 1899
McCarthyFrancis born about 1937
McCarthyJames born about 1887
McCarthyJames born about 1930
McCarthyJoanne born about 1933
McCarthyJohn born about 1926
McCarthyLloyd Wborn about 1895
McCarthyLloyd Jr born about 1927
McCarthyMargaret born about 1931
McCarthyMarsella born about 1934
McCarthyMary born about 1897
McCarthyMary Fborn about 1925
McCarthyPatricia born about 1932
McCarthyRobert born about 1935
McCarthyRonald born about 1938
McCordJennie Lborn about 1876
McCordJohn Pborn about 1876
McCordMelvia born about 1900
McCreadyHelen born about 1918
McCreadyJohn born about 1915
McCreadyJoseph born about 1892
McCreadyMarie born about 1920
McCreadyMary born about 1893
McCredyAnn born about 1939
McCredyCatherine born about 1922
McCredyKathryn born about 1899
McCredyLeo born about 1899
McCredyLeo born about 1929
McCredyVivian born about 1923
McDonaldAnnie born about 1876
McDonaldCatherine born about 1917
McDonaldEdward born about 1875
McDonaldJohn born about 1905
McDonnellEuphmia born about 1893
McDonnellGeraldine born about 1929
McDonnellJohn Gborn about 1919
McDonnellJohn Hborn about 1895
McDonnellJoseph Mborn about 1921
McDonnellMarrie born about 1881
McDonnellRobert born about 1893
McDonnellTheresa born about 1927
McGintyMargaret born about 1930
McGintyMarian Eborn about 1916
McGintyPatricia Annborn about 1935
McGintyRose born about 1897
McGintyRose Maryborn about 1928
McGintyWilliam born about 1926
McGowanAgnes born about 1937
McGowanEllen born about 1917
McGowanJames born about 1914
McHallJames born about 1915
McHallMary born about 1915
McKennaCatherine born about 1872
McKennaJohn born about 1897
McKennaMary born about 1868
McKennaMyrtle born about 1905
McNeelyAlice born about 1904
McNeelyDoris born about 1929
McNeelyHarry born about 1905
McNeelyRobert born about 1924
MeatzFlorence born about 1895
MeatzGeorge Aborn about 1890
MerosAndrew born about 1914
MerosAnthony born about 1883
MerosChester born about 1916
MerosEleanor born about 1928
MerosJennie born about 1926
MerosJohn born about 1923
MerosJoseph born about 1920
MerosMichael born about 1919
MerosSadie born about 1925
MerosVeronica born about 1891
MertzCharles Kborn about 1928
MertzCharles Lborn about 1895
MertzGeorge born about 1899
MertzMargaret born about 1900
MetrickAnthony born about 1894
MetrickCatherine born about 1897
MetrickHelen born about 1920
MetrickJohn born about 1918
MichalskiAnnie born about 1882
MichalskiHelen born about 1928
MichalskiJohn born about 1892
MichalskiJohn born about 1926
MichalskiJustine born about 1922
MillerAnna Mborn about 1868
MillerArlene born about 1920
MillerBarbara born about 1939
MillerDelma Eborn about 1921
MillerDoris born about 1923
MillerDorothy born about 1928
MillerElva born about 1906
MillerEmma Lborn about 1868
MillerEmma Louiseborn about 1931
MillerGeorge Aborn about 1895
MillerHenry born about 1867
MillerIda Aborn about 1868
MillerJohn Jborn about 1890
MillerJohn Lborn about 1918
MillerKathryn born about 1899
MillerLeray Aborn about 1923
MillerLilian Eborn about 1896
MillerLouis born about 1891
MillerLouis Jr born about 1927
MillerMary born about 1893
MillerMary Louborn about 1932
MillerMinnie Eborn about 1898
MillerNathan born about 1935
MillerRalph born about 1905
MillerRalph Fborn about 1925
MillerRemay born about 1932
MillerRobert Wborn about 1897
MillerWilliam Aborn about 1870
MillingtonEdward born about 1881
MillingtonElsie born about 1881
MillingtonEmma born about 1880
MillingtonHelen born about 1918
MillingtonLucy born about 1919
MillingtonMartha born about 1910
MillingtonRichard born about 1914
MillingtonThomas born about 1881
MilsonJoseph born about 1915
MinarickAndrew born about 1915
MinarickDolores born about 1939
MinarickJohn born about 1936
MinarickMargaret born about 1918
MinichFlorence born about 1905
MinichJohn born about 1898
MitchellAnna born about 1896
MitchellElizabeth born about 1924
MitchellJohn born about 1892
MohlAlma born about 1907
MohlAnna born about 1905
MohlClayton born about 1903
MohlClco born about 1925
MohlClyde born about 1927
MohlHoward born about 1933
MohlHoward Aborn about 1906
MoodyEdith born about 1891
MoodyJohn born about 1914
MooreCarrie born about 1881
MooreClifton born about 1908
MooreDoris born about 1921
MooreGeorge born about 1903
MooreMary born about 1913
MooreMary Sborn about 1909
MooreSamuel born about 1873
MorganClarence born about 1897
MorganSophie born about 1899
MorganVernovo born about 1900
MorgansAlice born about 1919
MorgansDora Mborn about 1902
MorgansJohn born about 1922
MorgansWilliam born about 1920
MorgansWilliam Bborn about 1896
MorleyAnna born about 1923
MorleyFrancis born about 1933
MorleyJames born about 1894
MorleyJane born about 1895
MorleyVeronica born about 1930
MorleyVincent born about 1921
MorleyWilliam born about 1926
MoyerGeorge Wborn about 1878
MoyerSallie born about 1910
MuchaMary born about 1912
MuchaShirley born about 1936
MuchaWilliam born about 1911
MuldowneyJames born about 1896
MulhallMargauerite born about 1931
MulhallMary born about 1900
MulhallRose Mborn about 1929
MulhallThomas born about 1896
MulhallThomas born about 1928
MullRobert born about 1924
MunemacherSallie born about 1882
MurtonEdward born about 1893
MurtonEdward born about 1932
MurtonMary born about 1929
MurtonRobert born about 1921
MurtonSarah born about 1924
MurtonVelma born about 1931
MurtonVerna born about 1900
MurtonVerna born about 1931
MusavageElizabeth born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NagleBeryl born about 1927
NagleMaude born about 1894
NagleWalter Fborn about 1879
NelsonAlice born about 1906
NelsonGeorge born about 1926
NolanJames born about 1881
NolanMary born about 1883

O Surnames

OakesGeorge born about 1886
OcealusAgatha born about 1904
OcealusEdward born about 1927
OcealusGeorge born about 1925
OcealusPeter born about 1903
OdonnellThomas born about 1933
OlochnowiczAlbert born about 1921
OlochnowiczCatherine born about 1926
OlochnowiczEdward born about 1919
OlochnowiczIsabella born about 1928
OlochnowiczJohn born about 1885
OlochnowiczMary born about 1923
OlochnowiczWalter born about 1922
OppaldAnna born about 1864
OtfinowskiJoseph born about 1856
OtfinowskiVirgina born about 1857
OtooleEdward born about 1909
OtooleJames born about 1870
OtooleJohn born about 1906
OtooleMary born about 1880
OtooleMary Jr born about 1903
OtooleThomas born about 1916
OtterbineFrederick born about 1866
OtterbineRosa born about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaclunasMary born about 1932
PalanStanley born about 1910
PaltanavageBarbara born about 1918
PaltanavageJoseph born about 1901
PankiewiczAndrew born about 1930
PankiewiczAnna born about 1891
PankiewiczElizabeth born about 1933
PankiewiczFrank born about 1928
PankiewiczJohn born about 1927
PankinGeorge born about 1893
PankinMable born about 1897
PankinMary Janeborn about 1920
PatricherBrayon born about 1922
PatricherGertrude born about 1899
PatricherLevan born about 1899
PaulEsther born about 1891
PaulMinnie Lborn about 1876
PeddingWalberge born about 1862
PerculaJohn born about 1917
PerculaMartin born about 1891
PerculaVernica born about 1901
PetchunisJohn born about 1880
PetersAllen Jborn about 1920
PetersC Robertborn about 1924
PetersCharles Eborn about 1900
PetersGrant born about 1922
PetersJohn Jr born about 1927
PetersVictoria born about 1900
PetreLester born about 1894
PetreViola born about 1899
PitcavageAnna born about 1925
PitcavageJohn born about 1916
PitcavageJoseph born about 1891
PitcavageMary born about 1930
PitcavageMatilda born about 1924
PitcavageVincent born about 1928
PloplisJessie born about 1898
PolterJames born about 1928
PomianElizabeth born about 1907
PomianMarie born about 1928
PomianStanley born about 1905
PomianStanley born about 1931
PostEdward born about 1930
PostJulia born about 1911
PostMargaret born about 1933
PostNicholas Jr born about 1907
PostPatricia born about 1936
PozonskiEva born about 1883
PozonskiFrances born about 1919
PozonskiHelen born about 1926
PozonskiJoseph born about 1916
PozonskiMartin born about 1874
PozonskiPeter born about 1923
PozonskiWilliam born about 1921
PratcavageAlbert born about 1926
PriceMarian born about 1890
PriceMarian Eborn about 1927
PrutzmanGeorge born about 1934
PurcellJohn born about 1884
PurinAnna born about 1907
PurinLouis born about 1916
PurinOlga born about 1919
PuttavageJohn born about 1918
PuttavageStanley born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RadzievichAnna born about 1907
RadzievichCharles born about 1907
RadziewiczAlbert born about 1931
RadziewiczAnna born about 1908
RadziewiczCatherine born about 1928
RadziewiczCharles born about 1934
RadziewiczJoan Marieborn about 1940
RadziewiczJoseph born about 1903
RadziewiczJoseph born about 1937
RadziewiczLeonard born about 1930
RahmerBetty born about 1928
RahmerCleveland born about 1895
RahmerDorothy born about 1919
RahmerHarold born about 1920
RahmerMarian born about 1899
ReadingAnna born about 1884
ReadingCharles born about 1922
ReadingCharles born about 1939
ReadingJoseph born about 1882
ReedyElmer born about 1906
ReedyNellie born about 1910
ReelmanJosephine born about 1904
ReelmanMarian born about 1928
ReelmanMarie born about 1913
ReelmanMartin born about 1888
ReeseAmelia Mborn about 1926
ReeseBessie Zborn about 1889
ReeseBessie Z Jrborn about 1909
ReeseCharles Gborn about 1883
ReeseJoan Annborn about 1929
ReeseJohn Wborn about 1923
ReevesThurston born about 1916
RehrigDonald born about 1914
ReigleCharlotte born about 1912
ReillyElla Mayborn about 1881
ReillyPeter born about 1875
ReillyThomas born about 1918
ReynoldsKenneth born about 1909
ReynoldsKenneth born about 1939
ReynoldsMartha born about 1916
ReynoldsMary born about 1880
RichardClaud born about 1890
RichardEdna born about 1893
RichardsonElaine born about 1939
RichardsonJohn born about 1926
RichardsonMary born about 1904
RichardsonMildred born about 1933
RichardsonPeter born about 1900
RichardsonWilliam born about 1924
RiegelJames Eborn about 1874
RiegelJean born about 1903
RiegelLawrence born about 1902
RiegelLawrence Wborn about 1924
RiegelMary born about 1878
RileyFrancis Jborn about 1900
RileyMary Eborn about 1903
RiogersHoward born about 1928
RiogersMary born about 1907
RizzutoAngelo born about 1906
RizzutoBernie born about 1931
RizzutoCatherine born about 1929
RizzutoEmma born about 1938
RizzutoErnest born about 1933
RizzutoJanetta born about 1934
RizzutoJoseph born about 1936
RizzutoJosephine born about 1930
RizzutoSadie born about 1909
RobertsCaroljean born about 1939
RobertsDorothy born about 1928
RobertsEsther born about 1906
RobertsHarold Carrollborn about 1889
RobertsMorris born about 1930
RoguskyJosephine born about 1891
RoguskyMatilda born about 1924
RoguskyPeter born about 1883
RoguskyRamon born about 1929
RolandAnna born about 1938
RolandJoseph born about 1940
RolandRosei born about 1909
RosebergerGloria born about 1924
RosebergerJacob born about 1890
RosebergerNellie born about 1888
RowcotskyAdam born about 1918
RowcotskyBeatrice born about 1927
RowcotskyJohn born about 1922
RowcotskyMary born about 1891
RowcotskyMary born about 1914
RudloffJohn born about 1881
RudloffNyda born about 1875
RugelHarold born about 1903
RugelMinnie born about 1903
RummelFred born about 1870
RummelJosephine born about 1884
RummelKatie born about 1881
RummelLaura born about 1909
RummelMargaret born about 1925
RummelMildred born about 1913
RummelOscar born about 1874
RummelRussel born about 1903
RummelWalter Aborn about 1877
RunkleArthur born about 1927
RunkleBess born about 1888
RunkleDaniel born about 1894
RunkleEarl born about 1886
RunkleEthel born about 1895
RunkleGeorge born about 1860
RunkleGeorge born about 1936
RunkleGlynn born about 1931
RunkleIrene born about 1900
RunkleJohn born about 1929
RunkleMarian born about 1922
RunkleWillard born about 1898
RuppertHarold born about 1906
RuppertHarold born about 1936
RuppertMary born about 1910
RuthsAnna Maeborn about 1927
RuthsFrances born about 1924
RuthsValeria born about 1928
RyanMelacki born about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SahaldCarl born about 1916
SahaldClyde born about 1922
SahaldGeorge born about 1893
SahaldLillian born about 1917
SahaldRuth born about 1895
ScarrettMary born about 1906
ScarrettWilliam born about 1873
SchachHenry born about 1877
SchartleEmily born about 1909
SchartleJanice born about 1927
ScheafferCharles Wborn about 1938
ScheafferCharlotte Mborn about 1933
ScheafferEdna Mborn about 1899
ScheafferHerman born about 1922
ScheafferI Zola Bborn about 1925
ScheafferMarlen born about 1918
SchmuttLouis born about 1893
SchmuttTheresa born about 1900
SchneiderBlanche born about 1902
SchneiderHelen born about 1934
SchneiderJohn Hborn about 1901
SchneiderKitty Lawborn about 1931
SchockElizabeth born about 1895
SchockJane born about 1871
ScholingCarl born about 1905
ScholingCarl born about 1931
ScholingHyancinthe born about 1909
ScholingVirginia born about 1927
SchottHelen born about 1925
SchottJames born about 1926
SchottJane born about 1932
SchottMargaret born about 1902
SchottMary born about 1923
SchottRobert born about 1934
SchraedleyAmelia born about 1883
SchraedleyAndrew born about 1885
SchraedleyCharles born about 1923
SchraedleyG Raymondborn about 1880
SchraedleyGeorge born about 1907
SchraedleyGertrude born about 1893
SchraedleyStewart born about 1909
SchroddingSallie born about 1873
SchrodingBlanche born about 1915
SchrodingCarmen born about 1908
SchrodingCarmen born about 1927
SchrodingClaire born about 1921
SchrodingClayton born about 1891
SchrodingClyde born about 1915
SchrodingGeorge born about 1889
SchrodingGrace born about 1911
SchrodingHenry born about 1883
SchrodingJanet born about 1929
SchrodingJeanne born about 1922
SchrodingLynn born about 1898
SchrodingMable born about 1890
SchrodingMable born about 1891
SchrodingRobert born about 1909
SchrodingRobert born about 1928
SchultzCatherine born about 1918
SchultzMary born about 1877
SchultzWilliam born about 1916
SchumacherGeorge born about 1861
SedlockAndrew born about 1913
SedlockAnna born about 1886
SeitzingerGermiel born about 1890
SeitzingerMary born about 1890
SeitzingerThomas born about 1919
SeltzerEthel born about 1893
SeltzerMary Eborn about 1866
SeltzerRay born about 1888
SenkusCharles born about 1910
SenkusCharles born about 1939
SenkusJoan born about 1935
SenkusTheresa born about 1916
ShamisJosephine born about 1922
ShamisRaymond born about 1904
ShamusConstance born about 1924
ShapellaDorthy born about 1930
ShapellaElizabeth born about 1911
ShapellaJoseph born about 1902
ShappellAnna born about 1892
ShappellFrank born about 1877
SharerEdith born about 1914
SharerHerschel born about 1912
ShattasCharles born about 1894
ShattasElizabeth born about 1919
ShattasFlorence born about 1926
ShattasJoseph born about 1922
ShattasVeronica born about 1899
SheafferCharles Aborn about 1895
ShellhammerDoris born about 1919
ShellhammerElla Mborn about 1894
ShellhammerEllis born about 1890
ShellhammerKate born about 1866
ShermanEarl born about 1900
ShermanMirian born about 1902
ShermanRobert born about 1926
SherriffsAlice born about 1923
SherriffsFlorence born about 1925
ShevokisAnna Mayborn about 1917
ShevokisAnthony born about 1922
ShevokisJoseph born about 1918
ShevokisMary born about 1884
ShevokisMary born about 1919
ShevokisMichael born about 1873
SheylockAnn Marieborn about 1938
SheylockGerald born about 1939
SheylockMarie born about 1917
SheylockNestor born about 1914
ShieldsBernadette born about 1921
ShieldsCharles born about 1916
ShieldsDaniel born about 1910
ShieldsDaniel born about 1938
ShieldsDenise born about 1937
ShieldsFrancis born about 1919
ShieldsJohn born about 1930
ShieldsMargaret born about 1919
ShieldsMary born about 1888
ShipeCatherine born about 1918
ShipeCharles Jr born about 1901
ShipeCharles Sr born about 1881
ShipeDoris born about 1926
ShipeEmily born about 1931
ShipeGeorge born about 1917
ShipeIrvin Fborn about 1883
ShipeJean born about 1921
ShipeJune born about 1927
ShipeLeah born about 1880
ShipeLeah born about 1920
ShipeLouis born about 1915
ShipeVerna born about 1924
ShipeVernon born about 1929
ShipeViola born about 1905
ShipeWilliam born about 1909
ShireyAgnes born about 1919
ShireyAnna born about 1877
ShireyCharles born about 1877
ShireyClarice born about 1915
ShireyClayton Jr born about 1920
ShireyClayton Sr born about 1889
ShireyElizabeth born about 1873
ShireyNaomi born about 1912
ShireyPhobe born about 1893
ShisslerIsabella Gborn about 1868
ShultzHerman born about 1924
ShultzJohn born about 1929
ShultzLewis born about 1922
ShultzLewis Mborn about 1894
ShultzMary born about 1890
ShumacherFlorence born about 1893
ShumacherNela born about 1924
ShumacherPhillip born about 1887
ShumackFrank born about 1875
ShumackFrank born about 1915
ShumackJohn born about 1912
ShumackJulia born about 1918
ShumackMike born about 1910
ShumanAnna born about 1903
ShumanEdward born about 1921
ShumanJohn born about 1892
SiegfriedCatherine born about 1918
SiegfriedWilliam born about 1916
SilesBernard born about 1928
SilesBridget born about 1875
SilesMichael Vborn about 1875
SimpsonAllan born about 1912
SimpsonCharles born about 1875
SimpsonDoris born about 1912
SimpsonEllen born about 1914
SimpsonJoan born about 1874
SimpsonJoseph Eborn about 1881
SimpsonJoyce Annborn about 1933
SimpsonKathryn born about 1883
SimpsonMarie born about 1907
SimpsonWilliam born about 1880
SimpsonWilliam Cborn about 1911
SitcoskeAlice born about 1924
SitcoskeAnthony born about 1917
SitcoskeJoseph born about 1884
SitcoskeMarie born about 1927
SitcoskeTheresa born about 1925
SitcoskeVictoria born about 1892
SitcoskeVictoria born about 1919
SitcoskeVincent born about 1918
SkutchesAnthony born about 1887
SkutchesEva born about 1890
SkutchesGeorge born about 1912
SkutchesHelen born about 1917
SmeltzerDonetta born about 1926
SmeltzerNorman born about 1923
SmeltzerWilliam born about 1924
SmithHenry born about 1885
SmithMargaret born about 1914
SmithPaul Mborn about 1911
SmithSylvia born about 1911
SmykHelen born about 1922
SmykJohn born about 1917
SmykJoseph born about 1931
SmykJulia born about 1897
SmykMary born about 1928
SmykMetro born about 1920
SmykStephen born about 1891
SmykWillaim born about 1924
SnarponisHelen born about 1896
SnarponisHelen born about 1928
SnarponisMercedes born about 1924
SnarponisPete born about 1892
SninskyHelen born about 1913
SninskyMary born about 1939
SninskyMichael born about 1912
SninskyMichael born about 1937
SnyderDavid born about 1912
SnyderDavid born about 1935
SnyderGladys born about 1914
SnyderJames born about 1932
SnyderKerry born about 1938
SomoskyAlbert born about 1913
SomoskyAnna born about 1909
SomoskyCatherine Lborn about 1935
SomoskyJoseph born about 1908
SomoskyJoseph born about 1918
SomoskyMary born about 1883
SomoskyStanley born about 1898
SomoskyVincent born about 1938
SpencerMinnie born about 1871
SpencerRobert born about 1923
SponslerAlma born about 1917
SponslerClayton born about 1879
SponslerJenny born about 1885
SpudisCosimer Cborn about 1894
SpudisMargaret born about 1895
StammMinnie born about 1886
StancavageAlberta born about 1920
StancavageAnna born about 1892
StancavageAnna born about 1919
StancavageMargaret born about 1919
StancavageMary born about 1920
StancavageWilliam born about 1917
StanusLeo born about 1926
StanusVeronica born about 1884
StarnettAnn born about 1940
StarnettJohn born about 1903
StarnettLoretta born about 1933
StarnettMary born about 1913
StatlerCharles Lborn about 1876
StatlerDorothy born about 1876
StaudenmierFarnk born about 1939
StaudenmierJoseph born about 1910
StaudenmierMary born about 1913
StauffenbergFay Mborn about 1915
StauffenbergHenry Aborn about 1892
StauffenbergHenry A Jrborn about 1934
StauffenbergMillie born about 1896
SteckleyElmer born about 1894
SteinertFlorence Iborn about 1901
SteinertHarrison Wborn about 1926
SteinertPaul Aborn about 1898
StepenavageCatherine born about 1909
StepenavageDolores born about 1932
StepenavageWilliam born about 1909
StephensonJean born about 1919
StephensonLa Rue born about 1919
SteppAlice born about 1914
SteppDavid Hborn about 1880
StevensonC Earlborn about 1892
StevensonMarian born about 1892
StilesEmily born about 1915
StilesEmily born about 1915
StilesJohn Jborn about 1914
StilesPatricia born about 1937
StilesPatricia born about 1937
StineForrest Cborn about 1908
StineMyrle born about 1911
StineThomas born about 1939
StlesFrancis born about 1910
StlesSarah born about 1914
StockunasHelen born about 1889
StokesJohn born about 1901
StokesMariam born about 1931
StokesMarian born about 1903
StokesZirdlyn born about 1924
StoszkusAnna born about 1905
StoszkusAnna born about 1935
StoszkusBenedict born about 1901
StoszkusIsabella born about 1925
StoszkusJoseph born about 1931
StoverFannie born about 1892
StoverGeorga born about 1892
StrakaJoeseph born about 1911
StrakaSteve born about 1880
StrakaSteve Jr born about 1906
SulimaAnna born about 1917
SulimaMartha born about 1921
SuvaEdward born about 1933
SuvaFlorence born about 1911
SuvaMary Annborn about 1934
SuvaMichael born about 1904
SweeneyEdward born about 1889
SweeneyEdward born about 1928
SweeneyEugene born about 1937
SweeneyJames born about 1930
SweeneyJulia born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TarasAma born about 1919
TarasDorothy born about 1938
TarasJohn born about 1912
TarasMichael born about 1939
TaronisCharles born about 1914
TaronisLilian born about 1921
TeeBridget born about 1875
TeeElizabeth born about 1900
TemplinMauria Dborn about 1898
TemplinStella born about 1900
ThomasAlfred born about 1887
ThomasCharles born about 1926
ThomasCharles born about 1934
ThomasDavid Wborn about 1882
ThomasEdith Mborn about 1887
ThomasEdith Rborn about 1863
ThomasEdward born about 1901
ThomasEmily born about 1932
ThomasFrancis born about 1928
ThomasGeorgine born about 1938
ThomasGeraldine born about 1929
ThomasHannah born about 1913
ThomasJames born about 1907
ThomasJames born about 1934
ThomasJeanette born about 1894
ThomasKathryn born about 1882
ThomasLaura Eborn about 1879
ThomasMary Tborn about 1906
ThomasMiranda born about 1897
ThomasRegina born about 1927
ThomasRobert born about 1922
ThomasRosa born about 1901
ThomasShirley born about 1932
ThomasWarren born about 1929
ThomasWayne born about 1922
ThomasWilliam born about 1879
ThomasWilliam born about 1901
ThomasWilliam born about 1926
ThomasWilliam Rborn about 1896
ThompsonMaryjane born about 1868
ThopmsonClara born about 1889
ThopmsonMargaret born about 1864
ThornburgEmma born about 1891
ThornburgWalter born about 1893
TilinskiAlbert born about 1915
TilinskiAnna born about 1920
TilinskiCharles born about 1891
TilinskiJohn born about 1913
TilinskiMary born about 1891
TolanAnna born about 1927
TolanCatherine born about 1909
TolanCatherine born about 1930
TolanCecelia born about 1936
TolanDorothy born about 1913
TolanDorothy born about 1937
TolanJames born about 1940
TolanJoseph born about 1908
TolanJoseph born about 1932
TolanJoseph born about 1934
TolanTheresa born about 1932
TolanWilliam born about 1905
TolanWilliam born about 1929
TooleAgnes born about 1880
TooleJoseph born about 1901
TooleJoseph born about 1925
TooleMargaret born about 1926
TooleMary born about 1905
TooleThomas born about 1932
TraceyFrances born about 1914
TrayElizabeth born about 1927
TrayFlorence born about 1895
TrayJoseph born about 1906
TrayJoseph born about 1936
TrayMartha born about 1933
TrayRose Maryborn about 1931
TrayWanda born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UmbenhauerAda born about 1907
UmbenhauerRobert born about 1905
UmbenhauerWilliam Aborn about 1936
UmholtzGertrude born about 1912
UmholtzGertrude Lborn about 1935
UmholtzThomas born about 1907
UmholtzThomas Jr born about 1932

V Surnames

VaiseMary born about 1916
VaisePatricia born about 1937
VaiseVincent born about 1940
VaiseVinecnt born about 1914
VasuraAnna born about 1915
VasuraJoseph born about 1915
VasuraJoseph born about 1938
VinikaitisJohn born about 1939
VinikaitisJoseph born about 1939
VinikaitisRita born about 1915
VinikaitisWilliam born about 1907
VisgardaJohn born about 1923
VisgardaJoseph born about 1919
VisgardaMargaret born about 1892
VisgardaMary born about 1921
VisgardaTeresa born about 1932
VogelsangAgnes born about 1914
VogelsangHarry born about 1913
VogelsangRonald born about 1936
VogranBernard born about 1937
VogranJohn born about 1912
VogranJohn born about 1934
VogranMargaret born about 1935
VogranMary born about 1913
VolinskyJoseph born about 1918
VolinskyPearl born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaderBarbara born about 1893
WaderDaniel born about 1918
WaderRaymond born about 1895
WadlingerCharles Sr born about 1886
WagnerMary born about 1902
WalfeJoseph born about 1911
WankAdam born about 1911
WankHelen born about 1939
WankJoeseph born about 1935
WankStanley born about 1934
WankStephina born about 1912
WarmkesselClaire born about 1924
WarmkesselEdith Louiseborn about 1923
WarmkesselEdith Mborn about 1893
WarmkesselEmma born about 1899
WarmkesselHarvey born about 1897
WarmkesselHildegarde Aborn about 1927
WarmkesselJames Tborn about 1921
WarmkesselJoan born about 1930
WarmkesselJosephine Eborn about 1925
WarmkesselWalter Eborn about 1888
WarmkesselWarren born about 1922
WarnerAlice born about 1915
WarnerAllen born about 1912
WarnerAnna born about 1910
WarnerHarvey born about 1904
WarnerLois Anneborn about 1939
WarnerRobert born about 1937
WebberArlene born about 1929
WebberCharles born about 1920
WebberEdward born about 1931
WebberGeraldine born about 1935
WebberHarold born about 1936
WebberHelen born about 1939
WebberIrvin Eborn about 1896
WebberJames born about 1923
WebberJohn born about 1921
WebberMable born about 1919
WebberMartha Lborn about 1898
WebberMary born about 1924
WebberShirley Annborn about 1934
WeberElizabeth born about 1861
WeberJohn born about 1894
WeberMary born about 1892
WeigandC Edwardborn about 1924
WeigandCarl born about 1894
WeigandJanet born about 1920
WeigandMerlie born about 1895
WeissDalores born about 1937
WeissJeanne born about 1933
WeissJennie born about 1915
WeissRichard born about 1935
WeissRobert born about 1911
WentzelAnna born about 1900
WentzelSarah born about 1910
WentzelThomas Tborn about 1905
WentzelWilliam born about 1900
WesnerDoris born about 1917
WesnerIsable born about 1880
WesnerJean born about 1919
WesnerKathryn born about 1913
WesnerLeland born about 1909
WesnerLeland born about 1938
WesnerNathan born about 1887
WesnerRalph born about 1881
WheelerCatherine born about 1867
WheelerElizabeth born about 1924
WheelerMargaret born about 1921
WheelerMary born about 1867
WheelerMary born about 1894
WheelerWilliam born about 1860
WhiskerGrace born about 1917
WhiskerJames born about 1939
WhiskerMatthew born about 1915
WhiskerNancy born about 1937
WicszgardiAlbert born about 1923
WicszgardiCharles born about 1888
WicszgardiMargaret born about 1894
WicszgardiStasia born about 1916
WildesAnna born about 1921
WildesCatherine born about 1924
WildesMargaret born about 1889
WilkinsonArthur born about 1911
WilkinsonEdna born about 1910
WilliamsBella born about 1896
WilliamsClara born about 1894
WilliamsErral born about 1895
WilliamsHenry born about 1896
WilliamsHenry born about 1930
WilliamsLaura born about 1938
WilliamsMary born about 1918
WilliamsMildred born about 1923
WilliamsRichard born about 1936
WilliamsStella born about 1921
WillinghamCharles born about 1924
WillinghamEllen born about 1928
WillinghamGarnt born about 1939
WillinghamMargaret born about 1934
WillinghamSadie born about 1905
WillinghamSadie born about 1926
WillinghamShirley born about 1936
WillinghamUlysse born about 1903
WilsonDorothy born about 1920
WilsonEva born about 1892
WilsonIda born about 1894
WilsonMillan born about 1919
WilsonWilliam born about 1890
WingertLaura born about 1878
WingertRuth born about 1904
WintersJohn born about 1923
WintersMay born about 1896
WintersNick born about 1895
WintersteenCarrie Kborn about 1876
WintersteinEdith Bborn about 1893
WintersteinLeroy born about 1921
WixtedBernard born about 1938
WixtedJames born about 1915
WixtedMary born about 1917
WnekCatherine born about 1870
WnekJoeseph born about 1870
WohlVerna born about 1930
WolfeBetty born about 1923
WolfeCatherine born about 1902
WolfeJohn Jborn about 1897
WoodDorothy born about 1927
WoodJohn born about 1923
WoodMary born about 1924
WoodMaude born about 1902
WoodTiley born about 1901
WusterAnna born about 1892
WusterHelen born about 1923
WusterJean born about 1931
WusterWilliam born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YakubonisAnthony born about 1919
YakubonisDorothy born about 1917
YankauskieBeatrice born about 1923
YankauskieConstance born about 1891
YastViolet born about 1915
YingstFrank Cborn about 1876
YingstMaud Lborn about 1882
YokubonisAlbert born about 1921
YokubonisMary born about 1890
YorkFrances born about 1887
YostGeorge born about 1922
YostRuth born about 1896
YoungElsie born about 1886
YoungWilliam born about 1887
YuskavageCassie born about 1884
YuskavageJohn born about 1913
YuskavagePete born about 1910
YuskavageThomas born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZackusAlice born about 1932
ZackusAndrew born about 1905
ZackusAndrew born about 1936
ZackusEleanor born about 1931
ZackusLouise born about 1930
ZackusMarie born about 1935
ZackusMildred born about 1910
ZackusRichard born about 1938
ZeigherCarrie born about 1872
ZeigherWilliam Jr born about 1871
ZeiglerBarbara Anneborn about 1935
ZeiglerClarence born about 1898
ZeiglerEsther born about 1909
ZeiglerFrank born about 1893
ZeiglerMargaret born about 1906
ZeiglerRaymond born about 1906
ZemantauskiAlbert born about 1928
ZemantauskiJohn born about 1904
ZemantauskiJoseph born about 1927
ZemantauskiJulia born about 1906
ZemantauskiLillian born about 1935
ZemberCarl Oborn about 1900
ZemberPhillip born about 1934
ZemberRichard born about 1930
ZemberSophie born about 1905
ZerbeyAnna born about 1911
ZerbeyArleen born about 1937
ZerbeyCarolyn born about 1929
ZerbeyDaniel born about 1931
ZerbeyDoris born about 1934
ZerbeyDorothy born about 1911
ZerbeyFrank born about 1864
ZerbeyMary born about 1909
ZerbeyNorman born about 1899
ZerbeyRita Mayborn about 1932
ZerbeyShirley born about 1935
ZerbeyStanley born about 1909
ZerbeySusan born about 1915
ZerbeyWilbur Wborn about 1893
ZerbeyWilliam born about 1928
ZerbeyWinifred born about 1939
ZerolesGeorge born about 1930
ZerolesGeorge Jborn about 1906
ZerolesLillian born about 1928
ZerolesMary born about 1926
ZerolesMary Aborn about 1906
ZigmundHelen born about 1917
ZigmundMargaret born about 1893
ZigmundMatthew born about 1894
ZigmundWilliam born about 1925
ZimmerauskaAdolph born about 1903
ZimmerauskaDolores born about 1929
ZimmerauskaJulia Annborn about 1937
ZimmerauskaNellie born about 1911
ZobaElvin Jr born about 1935
ZobaEugene born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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