1940 U.S. Federal Census of Porter Township in Huntingdon County, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Huntingdon County > 1940 Census of Porter Township in Huntingdon County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AllisonClair Dborn about 1908
AllisonDonald Cborn about 1936
AllisonJosephine Eborn about 1912
AltmanshoferMadaline Hborn about 1924
AltmanshoferMargaret born about 1898
AltmanshoferMargaret Mborn about 1873
AltmanshoferMax born about 1869
AltmanshoferMax Jborn about 1898
AltmanshoferTess Hborn about 1898
AltmanshoferWilliam born about 1896
AltmanshoferWilliam Eborn about 1921
ArderyCelia Mborn about 1905
ArderyDavid Hborn about 1931
ArderyFrancis Gborn about 1926
ArderyMary Cborn about 1924
ArderyPauline Jborn about 1933
ArderyRaymond Eborn about 1903
ArnoldRebecca Sborn about 1878
ArnoldRose Cborn about 1858

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B Surnames

BagshawLena born about 1903
BagshawRhoda born about 1873
BaileyAnnie Jborn about 1905
BaileyHelen Lborn about 1926
BaileyJohn Hborn about 1920
BaileyJoseph Gborn about 1894
BaileyJoseph Mborn about 1923
BaileyMicheal born about 1929
BairdFrancis Gborn about 1915
BairdHenretta born about 1890
BairdJohn Sborn about 1918
BairdWilliam Pborn about 1890
BareSarah born about 1926
BealElzabeth born about 1866
BealJames Hborn about 1874
BeckDerna Mayborn about 1938
BeckLouis Sborn about 1902
BeckRaymond Lborn about 1927
BeckViola Jborn about 1908
BilgerFrank Jborn about 1876
BilgerMargaret Cborn about 1911
BilgerSadie Jborn about 1876
BlackAnna born about 1872
BlackDonald Rborn about 1911
BlackEdna Mborn about 1888
BlackLizzie born about 1865
BlackLynn Jborn about 1887
BlackNorman born about 1899
BlackRobert Hborn about 1920
BookwalterAllan Sborn about 1908
BookwalterGreta Eborn about 1909
BookwalterJane Gborn about 1931
BookwalterRobert Rborn about 1927
BowserClyde Eborn about 1921
BowserEllsworth Rborn about 1930
BowserJulia Mborn about 1906
BowserLouis Iborn about 1903
BowserLouis Rborn about 1926
BowserWilliam Dborn about 1872
BoydArvilla Gborn about 1927
BoydFrancis Mborn about 1921
BoydJesse Hborn about 1896
BoydJohn Hborn about 1897
BoydJohn Hborn about 1932
BoydLevi Gborn about 1918
BoyerBernice born about 1869
BoyerMary Pborn about 1872
BradfieldJames Fborn about 1874
BradfieldLaura Eborn about 1880
BrammElsie Mborn about 1900
BrammElsie Mborn about 1936
BrammGeorge Oborn about 1891
BrammRay Cborn about 1933
BrammRay Mborn about 1931
BrammRichard Bborn about 1938
BrennemanAlice Rborn about 1923
BrennemanAnton Fborn about 1880
BrennemanBetty Eborn about 1925
BrennemanCharles born about 1919
BrennemanCharles Lborn about 1885
BrennemanDoris Iborn about 1929
BrennemanDorothy Bborn about 1920
BrennemanEvelyn born about 1907
BrennemanHazel Dborn about 1918
BrennemanHelen born about 1928
BrennemanHilda born about 1907
BrennemanJane born about 1933
BrennemanJohn born about 1932
BrennemanKatie born about 1888
BrennemanKenneth born about 1918
BrennemanNettie Wborn about 1886
BrennemanOscar born about 1880
BrennemanPearl born about 1925
BrennemanRichard born about 1931
BrennemanRobert born about 1921
BrennemanRobert born about 1928
BrennemanRuth Bborn about 1888
BrennemanShirley Annborn about 1938
BrennemanSylvia Gborn about 1916
BrennemanVirgil born about 1925
BrennemanWilliam born about 1923
BrennemanWilliam Cborn about 1906
BrennemanWilliam Jborn about 1915
BretzBertha Jborn about 1876
BretzWilliam Wborn about 1877
BrindelDaniel Jborn about 1895
BrodinLudwig born about 1920
BrownHarry born about 1865
BrownMabel Hborn about 1881
BrownPhilip born about 1921
BrownRobert born about 1922
BruliaAnna Rborn about 1917
BruliaAntony Lborn about 1874
BruliaDelores Aborn about 1939
BruliaFrank Rborn about 1915
BruliaGeorge born about 1926
BruliaJohn born about 1921
BruliaThelma Aborn about 1886
BuckBeulah Eborn about 1910
BuckCarl Gborn about 1905
BuckWalter Mborn about 1929
BurketCarson Lborn about
BurketCharles Lborn about 1938
BurketCharles Wborn about 1911
BurketHelen Mborn about 1916
BurkeyCatherine Lborn about 1911
BurkeyCharles Wborn about 1936
BurkeyClyde Rborn about 1932
BurkeyLeroy Aborn about 1906
BurkeyLerry Oborn about 1935
BurkeyMary Pborn about 1939
BurnsDonald Lborn about 1926
BurnsEdward Rborn about 1896
BurnsGeorge Aborn about 1925
BurnsMinnie Mborn about 1900
BurnsOris Rborn about 1928
BurnsPatricia Sborn about 1930
ButlerCurtis born about 1921
ButlerFrancis born about 1902
ButlerGladys Aborn about 1936
ButlerJohn Gborn about 1900
ButlerMarvin Dborn about 1932
ButlerMaxine born about 1928
ButlerMyrtle Aborn about 1906
ButlerRobert born about 1934

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C Surnames

CambridgeBenjamin born about 1874
CarolusClara Lborn about 1913
CarolusEvelyn Mborn about 1934
CarolusJean Eborn about 1932
CarolusJohn Mborn about 1867
CarolusJohn Mborn about 1930
CarolusJohn Wborn about 1906
CarolusMary Jborn about 1873
CarolusNorman born about 1915
ChilcoteDonald Eborn about 1929
ChilcoteElizabeth Rborn about 1919
ChilcoteEmory Hborn about 1902
ChilcoteFrancis Eborn about 1900
ChilcoteJean Eborn about 1921
ChilcoteJohn Wborn about 1864
ChilcottJesse Tborn about 1861
ChilcottPrudence born about 1866
ClarkMabel born about 1881
CoffmanBenjamin born about 1911
CoffmanGeary born about 1891
CoffmanGrace born about 1891
CoffmanHoward born about 1914
ConradCarl born about 1920
CookBenjamin Bborn about 1895
CookElzabeth Jborn about 1901
CookJohn Bborn about 1928
CookMartha Lborn about 1931
CrownoverGeorge Wborn about 1895
CrumBeverly Mborn about 1936
CrumClair Wborn about 1905
CrumNorman Pborn about 1934
CrumVirginia Mborn about 1912
CunninghamEtta born about 1862

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D Surnames

DaughertyCatherine born about 1914
DaughertyCatherine Mborn about 1934
DaughertyMary Eborn about 1913
DaughertyPaul Lborn about 1912
DaughertyPaul L Jrborn about 1935
DavisBrabara Aborn about 1935
DavisCharallotte Oborn about 1902
DavisHarold Wborn about 1922
DavisHarry Lborn about 1902
DavisHarry Wborn about 1874
DavisRachel Cborn about 1902
DavisRichard Hborn about 1930
DavisRobert Sborn about 1896
DellBlanche Wborn about 1872
DellJames Mborn about 1862
DevoreDorothy Hborn about 1906
DevoreGeorge Eborn about 1925
DevoreJean Lborn about 1927
DevoreWilbert Bborn about 1930
DivelyDona Jborn about 1931
DivelyJohn Lborn about 1887
DivelyMartha Eborn about 1889
DivelyNorma Bborn about 1922
DivelyRena Jborn about 1928
DixonPearl Eborn about 1904
DixonRobert born about 1912
DixonRonald Rborn about 1935
DixonWilliam Hborn about 1900
DomvichAndrew born about 1899
DomvichAndrew born about 1931
DomvichCatherine born about 1905
DomvichHelen born about 1924
DomvichStephen born about 1925
DoppLena born about 1909
DoppWilliam Cborn about 1903
DoppWilliam Rborn about 1933
DoslinSteve born about 1928
DumoEsmeralva born about 1906

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E Surnames

EckleyBetty Mborn about 1933
EckleyClara Cborn about 1912
EckleyDona Pborn about 1939
EckleyDonald Rborn about 1910
EdginMiles born about 1890
EstepElizabeth born about 1939
EstepFrancis born about 1916
EstepHoward Jborn about 1912
EstepJeanetta born about 1934
EstepRose Mborn about 1938
EstepThelma born about 1936

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F Surnames

FatherCarl Mborn about 1937
FatherJoan Mborn about 1938
FatherMargaret Mborn about 1913
FatherMelvin Jborn about 1910
FinkEdith Jborn about 1926
FinkIsaac Bborn about 1891
FinkMary Eborn about 1895
FinkRaymond Dborn about 1932
FisherMargaret born about 1892
ForestDessie Mborn about 1872
ForestHarry Gborn about 1875
FosterEarl born about 1916
FouseBettie Bborn about 1925
FouseBlanche Mborn about 1898
FouseFred Hborn about 1903
FouseRaymond Cborn about 1910
FrazierClaire Mborn about 1910
FrazierMadaline Mborn about 1912
FrazierMarilyn Lborn about 1935
FrazierShirley Mborn about 1933
FreeG born about 1937
FridayCharles born about 1901
FridayJerry born about 1871
FritzgeraldEarl born about 1917
FroggattDavid born about 1871
FroggattRebecca Lborn about 1876
FryJack born about 1919
FryeAlma Mborn about 1910
FryeDonald Wborn about 1906
FryeElianor Bborn about 1913
FryeEvelyn Mborn about 1913
FryeHarold Eborn about 1909
FryeHarold Kborn about 1936
FryeHarriet Eborn about 1903
FryeS Elwoodborn about 1922
FryeWayne Aborn about 1938
FunkBurton Cborn about 1885

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G Surnames

GallowayEllen born about 1906
GallowayJames born about 1890
GallowayJames born about 1925
GarberAaron born about 1925
GarberAaron Gborn about 1899
GarberAnna Lborn about 1915
GarberBessie Aborn about 1921
GarberCharles Jborn about 1919
GarberDonna born about 1939
GarberHarold born about 1927
GarberHarry born about 1917
GarberHerbert born about 1929
GarberRobert Hborn about 1939
GarberVirginia born about 1922
GarberWarren born about 1921
GarberWilbert born about 1936
GeistJohn Kborn about 1894
GeistMary Dborn about 1903
GillAlta Vborn about 1900
GillElizabeth Hborn about 1926
GillKenneth Gborn about 1928
GillMargaret Jborn about 1921
GillPaul Eborn about 1938
GillPaul Iborn about 1898
GillRobert Iborn about 1922
GillWilliam Eborn about 1935
GoodFrank born about 1897
GordonAlmeda Dborn about 1919
GordonEmma Sborn about 1880
GordonGeorge Cborn about 1916
GordonJohn Aborn about 1884
GordonViolet Mborn about 1911
GossCharles Lborn about 1888
GossElsie Lborn about 1889
GossMartha Jborn about 1916
GraceCloyd Wborn about 1898
GraceEdith Bborn about 1902
GrossAlfred Nborn about 1937
GrossEstella born about 1911
GrossWalter Aborn about 1905
GroveBlnache Eborn about 1908
GroveCarl Aborn about 1912
GroveChalmer Rborn about 1906
GroveCharles Dborn about 1938
GroveEvelyn Vborn about 1911
GroveHarold Kborn about 1912
GroveWesley Dborn about 1931
GuyerJames Rborn about 1884

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H Surnames

HallJohn born about 1892
HallJohn Jr born about 1917
HallMartha born about 1919
HallNora born about 1891
HamerRalph born about 1877
HarnerLois born about 1909
HarperAdah Rborn about 1875
HarperWalker Jborn about 1880
HawnCarolyn Fborn about 1902
HawnEarl born about 1939
HawnGeorge Nborn about 1902
HawnGladys Mborn about 1936
HawnMary Cborn about 1931
HawnMerle born about 1939
HeimelWilliam born about 1918
HellerHelen Jborn about 1906
HellerKim born about 1934
HellerLeslie Cborn about 1906
HellyerEdward born about 1875
HellyerIda born about 1878
HelselAustin born about 1887
HenneyElizabeth born about 1906
HenneyJoseph born about 1929
HenneyOrval Eborn about 1873
HerncaneFrank born about 1882
HerncaneWilliam Sborn about 1871
HetrickBruce born about 1895
HetrickDella born about 1897
HetrickDonald born about 1918
HetrickEster born about 1923
HetrickLloyd born about 1928
HeverlyGeraldine born about 1912
HeverlyRobert Jborn about 1911
HofferMartin born about 1908
HoffmasterJames Wborn about 1930
HoffmasterJosephine Cborn about 1925
HoffmasterLeona Eborn about 1902
HoffmasterLillian Gborn about 1929
HoffmasterWilliam Cborn about 1900
HouckAnna Eborn about 1912
HouckBetty Jborn about 1929
HouckDora Aborn about 1935
HouckDoris Jborn about 1935
HouckEdward Bborn about 1929
HouckHelen Aborn about 1916
HouckKenneth Jborn about 1912
HouckLaura Lborn about 1933
HouckPatsy Jborn about 1937
HouckWalter Hborn about 1930
HouckWilliam Bborn about 1910
HouckWillis Jborn about 1879
HouseholderAnna Aborn about 1882
HouseholderKenneth Wborn about 1922
HustonElizabeth born about 1885
HutchinsonCarrie Cborn about 1889
HutchinsonSamuel Mborn about 1862
HuyetteDora born about 1895
HuyetteLaura born about 1853
HuyetteNorman born about 1887

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I Surnames

IngramWarren born about 1854
IrvinCarlton Lborn about 1898
IrvinHelen Oborn about 1896
IrvinJean born about 1927
IrvinLeon born about 1926
IsenbergAlfred Lborn about 1906
IsenbergAnnie Cborn about 1863
IsenbergBlair Wborn about 1880
IsenbergDorothy born about 1915
IsenbergEthel born about 1910
IsenbergEugene Lborn about 1926
IsenbergLex born about 1931
IsenbergMabel born about 1904
IsenbergMabel Mborn about 1906
IsenbergMary Cborn about 1882
IsenbergMax born about 1931
IsenbergNaomi Mborn about 1908
IsenbergNorman born about 1902
IsenbergRoy born about 1911
IsenbergSamuel born about 1891
IsenbergWheller Gborn about 1891
ItingerAnna born about 1866
ItingerBernard born about 1913
ItingerErnest Aborn about 1900
ItingerGertha Mborn about 1901
ItingerJean Iborn about 1925
ItingerJohn born about 1887
ItingerKenneth Lborn about 1934

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J Surnames

JacksonGrace Lborn about 1886
JacksonLloyd Mborn about 1916
JacksonVictor Nborn about 1883
JonesArd born about 1879
JonesBenjamin Dborn about 1904
JonesBenjamin Dborn about 1928
JonesClara Aborn about 1881
JonesElla Mborn about 1900
JonesGene born about 1939
JonesPatricia Aborn about 1934
JonesRalph Cborn about 1916
JonesRalph Lborn about 1915
JonesRobert Fborn about 1925
JonesWilliam Hborn about 1918

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K Surnames

KauffmanBertha born about 1906
KauffmanScott born about 1903
KeithAlice Vborn about 1892
KeithCharles Fborn about 1926
KeithHarry Dborn about 1928
KeithJean Bborn about 1930
KeithJesse Mborn about 1889
KeithJohn Sborn about 1918
KeithMargaretta born about 1932
KeithMay Eborn about 1923
KellyOlive born about 1870
KellyWalter born about 1864
KenagaClara Eborn about 1870
KenagaWilliam Gborn about 1869
KenyanAlferd born about 1876
KenyanElsie Oborn about 1888
KerlinCaroline born about 1908
KerlinClarance born about 1928
KerlinClarence born about 1897
KerlinHazel born about 1930
KerlinJohn born about 1935
KingAdalyn Gborn about 1910
KingJohn Wborn about 1905
KingJohn W Sborn about 1932
KnodeAllen Aborn about 1889
KnodeJanet Mborn about 1921
KnodeKenneth Eborn about 1920
KnodePearl Vborn about 1890
KunzDavid Gborn about 1927
KunzJohn Aborn about 1898
KunzJohn Bborn about 1931
KunzMary Eborn about 1926
KunzRobert Gborn about 1929
KunzRuth Gborn about 1898
KyleBetty born about 1928
KyleDonald born about 1924
KyleDoris born about 1922
KyleEthel born about
KyleGreta born about 1917
KyleJames born about 1891
KyleJoel born about 1920
KyleNoami born about 1930
KyleRobert born about 1927

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L Surnames

LairdBertha born about 1872
LairdHarry born about 1867
LancasterEdward Wborn about 1920
LancasterMary J Dellaborn about
LancasterVirginia Aborn about 1925
LankardBlaine born about 1880
LankardDella born about 1889
LankardElmer born about 1913
LankardHelen born about 1923
LankardHiram Aborn about 1877
LankardJoann born about 1885
LankardVelma born about 1916
LaporteE Elizabethborn about 1913
LaporteEllen Mborn about 1875
LaporteElmer Gborn about 1873
LaporteElmer Jborn about 1911
LaporteElmer Jborn about 1938
LaporteMary Eborn about 1936
LaportePaul Fborn about 1917
LaporteRex Eborn about 1938
LaporteRuth Annborn about 1934
LaporteSara Jborn about 1913
LaporteSara Jborn about 1939
LeamerEmma Jborn about 1883
LeamerFrank Sborn about 1883
LeamerPearl Aborn about 1917
LecroneHarriet born about 1910
LecroneHarvey Wborn about 1874
LecroneJohn born about 1939
LecronePaul born about 1909
LecroneRichard Pborn about 1931
LecroneSusan Aborn about 1876
LegonNancy born about 1914
LegonSteve born about 1892
LightnerCharles born about 1928
LightnerGeorge Mborn about 1908
LightnerGeorge Mborn about 1939
LightnerGlenn born about 1925
LightnerHelen born about 1914
LightnerMerle born about 1923
LightnerMerle born about 1924
LightnerPalmer born about 1932
LightnerPorter born about 1883
LightnerStella born about 1891
LongOliver Aborn about 1860
LongSarah born about 1850
LongfrancesOliver Aborn about 1860
LongfrancesSarah born about 1850
LysonEdith Bborn about 1878
LysonJohn Mborn about 1908
LyspoldEdith Bborn about 1878
LyspoldJohn Mborn about 1908
LytleCora Mborn about 1891
LytleRussell Aborn about 1889
LytteCora Mborn about 1891
LytteRussell Aborn about 1889

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M Surnames

MacnightFrank Hborn about 1874
MacnightMarion Fborn about 1888
MaddenElmer Sborn about 1933
MaddenFrancis Bborn about 1910
MaddenHarry Wborn about 1893
MaddenVirginia Aborn about 1936
MandesClara Bborn about 1901
MandesHarry Sborn about 1899
MandesJohn Hborn about 1926
MandesJudith Eborn about 1921
MandesKay Rborn about 1937
MandesMartha Jborn about 1931
MandesThelma Mborn about 1923
MartinAlice born about 1921
MartinFrancis born about 1924
MartinJohn born about 1891
MartinJohn Jr born about 1926
MartinMaude born about 1892
McAlevyClyde Dborn about 1895
McAlevyEdith Bborn about 1895
McAlevyPaul Sborn about 1919
McAlevyRoy Dborn about 1926
McCartyAlfred born about 1904
McCartyChester Pborn about 1911
McCartyChester Pborn about 1939
McCartyDonald Eborn about 1919
McCartyGeorge Bborn about 1864
McCartyHelen Cborn about 1939
McCartyMadaline Mborn about 1913
McCartyMary born about 1902
McCartyMary Eborn about 1936
McCartyNaomi Mborn about 1934
McCartyRaymond Bborn about 1907
McCartyRebecca Hborn about 1910
McCrumEster Eborn about 1899
McCrumGeorge Walterborn about 1919
McDanielBetty Lborn about 1914
McDanielChester Aborn about 1883
McDanielJean Aborn about 1915
McDanielWilliam Wborn about 1919
McIlvainBeverly Jborn about 1933
McIlvainCarol Mborn about 1937
McIlvainCharles Mborn about 1939
McIlvainIrwin Aborn about 1908
McIlvainPearl Eborn about 1912
McMannElla Mborn about 1891
McMannJohn Cborn about 1891
McMannJohn Kborn about 1919
McMannMildred Lborn about 1930
McNittAnna Mborn about 1893
McNittAnna Mborn about 1926
MeirleyDuane born about 1879
MeirleyFred born about 1906
MeirleyHelen born about 1905
MeirleyRobert born about 1903
MenchBessie Jborn about 1885
MenchSameul Eborn about 1875
MertiffPercy born about 1906
MeyshFrank Lborn about 1890
MeyshJohn Sborn about 1928
MeyshJoseph Pborn about 1926
MeyshMary Mborn about 1911
MickeyAnna Jborn about 1894
MickeyBetty Aborn about 1921
MickeyJohn Fborn about 1893
MickeyMary Jborn about 1924
MierleyElda Lborn about 1883
MierleyLaura born about 1869
MierleyOscar Wborn about 1880
MillHarold born about 1907
MillerElma Cborn about 1892
MillerJohn Lborn about 1896
MillerJohn Lborn about 1931
MontzBladwin born about 1889
MontzClair born about 1914
MontzHelen born about 1925
MontzJohn born about 1923
MontzWarren born about 1921
MontzWilbur born about 1889
MooreGeorge Aborn about 1896
MooreLillie Iborn about 1903
MooreVincent Aborn about 1939
MundoDorothy Aborn about 1911
MundoEdward Tborn about 1911
MundoEdward Jr born about 1936
MundoEldora Mborn about 1934
MundoMilton Dborn about 1937
MyersEdward Bborn about 1919
MyersElmer Lborn about 1907
MyersHenry born about 1857
MyersJennie Eborn about 1881
MyersJennie Sborn about 1869

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N Surnames

NeffAmy Gborn about 1879
NeffGuy Mborn about 1892
NeffJ Fredborn about 1878
NeffJanet born about 1929
NeffJoseph Hborn about 1884
NeffMartha Cborn about 1898
NeffMartha Lborn about 1925
NeffPaul Hborn about 1881
NeffRobert Cborn about 1926
NelsonDona Jborn about 1939
NelsonMildred Mborn about 1906
NelsonPaul Rborn about 1904
NesterukElarion Zborn about 1885

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P Surnames

ParkerDora Lborn about 1883
ParksBetty Jborn about 1934
ParksCloyd Eborn about 1910
ParksMay Vborn about 1911
ParksMyrtle Jborn about 1931
ParksWalter Jborn about 1930
PattersonArleen born about 1890
PattersonJames Iborn about 1928
PattersonJean Eborn about 1927
PattersonJohn Williamborn about 1934
PattersonMargaret born about 1919
PattersonMary Kborn about 1902
PattersonSamuel Hborn about 1899
PattersonSamuel Wborn about 1926
PattersonShirley Annborn about 1930
PayneBeatrice Eborn about 1904
PayneBeatrice Eborn about 1932
PayneDoris Oborn about 1936
PayneJames Mborn about 1901
PeckLinnie Bborn about 1877
PersinIva born about 1916
PersinJesse born about 1913
PheasantGeorge Cborn about 1867
PhilipsFrancis Nborn about 1884
PhilipsGeorge Iborn about 1884
PhilipsGeorge Iborn about 1913
PhilipsJane Hborn about 1913
PhilipsJane Hborn about 1939
PhillipsSue Sborn about 1880
PiperHazel Bborn about 1890
PiperWilliam Cborn about 1889
PollickChester born about 1898
PollickClair born about 1926
PollickEarl born about 1897
PollickEffie born about 1902
PollickFern born about 1921
PollickHelena born about 1922
PollickMary born about 1896
PollickMax born about 1929
PollickWilliam born about 1923
PortCorinne Hborn about 1926
PortEdgar Jborn about 1890
PortHazel Bborn about 1895
PriceAlma Jborn about 1932
PriceAlton Rborn about 1931
PriceGladys Wborn about 1900
PriceHarvey Cborn about 1921
PriceJohn Wborn about 1901
PricePaul Hborn about 1930
PriceRalph Aborn about 1893
PriceViola Hborn about 1895

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R Surnames

RaineyCecil Bborn about 1897
RaineyHarold Rborn about 1924
RaineyLillian Mborn about 1900
RaineyMax Wborn about 1921
RaineyOsborne Cborn about 1919
RakineJohn born about 1886
ReedClair Jborn about 1880
ReedDoras Mborn about 1934
ReedJohn Lborn about 1938
ReedJulia born about 1908
ReedLloyd Aborn about 1939
ReedMarie Kborn about 1909
ReedMarjorie Iborn about 1932
ReedRuth Eborn about 1906
ReedWendell Fborn about 1939
ReedWilliam Aborn about 1904
ReedWilliam Aborn about 1938
ReighMatilda Cborn about 1884
ReighMorris Eborn about 1881
RhodesAnn Fborn about 1917
RhodesBarbara Lborn about 1939
RhodesEdith Rborn about 1878
RhodesHelena born about 1912
RhodesJames Dborn about 1877
RhodesJohn Jborn about 1913
RhodesRichard born about 1919
RichellJames Iborn about 1870
RightnourIrene born about 1904
RightnourWilliam Cborn about 1905
RishelIva Mborn about 1903
RishelSamuel Rborn about 1906
RishelSamuel Rborn about 1930
RodgersGeorge Eborn about 1878
RodgersNellie Cborn about 1894
RossAlverta Cborn about 1925
RossDessie Eborn about 1933
RossElsie Mborn about 1895
RossGrace Lborn about 1926
RossJames Wborn about 1928
RossJohn Cborn about 1885
RossShirley Mborn about 1935
RunkJohn Aborn about 1878
RunkKathryn Rborn about 1929
RunkLavina Mborn about 1858
RunkMary Rborn about 1895
RunkSamuel Eborn about 1928
RupertCharles born about 1919
RupertDelbert Cborn about 1927
RupertEarl Jborn about 1923
RupertElizabeth Sborn about 1931
RupertEthel Aborn about 1939
RupertEthel Mborn about 1897
RupertEthel Mborn about 1904
RupertGary Wborn about 1923
RupertGeraldine Gborn about 1925
RupertHarry Hborn about 1890
RupertIssiac Dborn about 1899
RupertLeaoma Pborn about 1925
RupertMarion born about 1865
RussellCarl Cborn about 1930
RussellClair Cborn about 1897
RussellEmma Eborn about 1902
RussellJames Rborn about 1935
RussellRobert Wborn about 1926
RusslerAlvin Eborn about 1935
RusslerAlvin Lborn about 1903
RusslerBetty Mborn about 1928
RusslerDonald Gborn about 1932
RusslerDoothy Pborn about 1925
RusslerOlive Mborn about 1907

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S Surnames

SallersBessie Mborn about 1895
SallersCarl Fborn about 1893
SallersJohn born about 1932
SallersMaud born about 1930
SallersRobert born about 1937
SamuelsDaniel Cborn about 1890
SamuelsHarry Lborn about 1914
SamuelsMarie Rborn about 1916
SamuelsMartha Eborn about 1892
SassamanAlma Cborn about 1870
SassamanFrancis born about 1909
SassamanHarry born about 1897
SchirmDavid Hborn about 1925
SchirmDona Lborn about 1937
SchirmEdna Mborn about 1910
SchirmHayes born about 1898
SchirmIna Cborn about 1931
SchirmJames Eborn about 1935
SchirmLouis Sborn about 1900
SchirmMay Rborn about 1887
SchirmRobert Wborn about 1929
SchirmSara Mborn about 1921
SchirmThomas Hborn about 1890
SchirmVerna Cborn about 1906
SchirmVirginia born about 1926
SchirmWilliam Cborn about 1933
SchirmWilson Rborn about 1903
SchironAnnabelle born about 1927
SchironBeatrice Rborn about 1906
SchironDavid born about 1896
SchironDavid born about 1932
SchironDell Wborn about 1936
SchironJanet born about 1933
SchironMartha born about 1935
SchmidhamerCarl born about 1910
SchultzCaroline born about 1897
SchultzDelores Mborn about 1930
SchultzMargaret born about 1869
SeigelAlice Mborn about 1862
SeigelFrank Nborn about 1868
ShadeEdward born about 1916
ShadeFreda born about 1915
ShadeGeorge Rborn about 1936
ShadeHarry Rborn about 1909
ShadeMary born about 1922
ShadeNellie born about 1907
ShadeSamuel Eborn about 1938
ShadeWarren born about 1918
ShankEmory born about 1889
SharpAdaline Mborn about 1929
SharpBlnche Eborn about 1909
SharpClara Bborn about 1868
SharpDoris Jborn about 1933
SharpGeorge Cborn about 1908
SharpGeorge Lborn about 1931
SharpJames Sborn about 1931
SharpMabel born about 1901
SharpRay Vborn about 1891
SharpRay Vborn about 1928
SharpSamuel Hborn about 1938
SharpSherdan Sborn about 1870
SharpSylvia Eborn about 1930
SharpVerna Jborn about 1922
SharpWilliam Hborn about 1935
ShawElla Bborn about 1883
ShinglerAnna born about 1897
ShinglerBetty born about 1928
ShinglerElsie Gborn about 1878
ShinglerGenevieve Hborn about 1922
ShinglerWilliam Rborn about 1878
ShoemakerBarbara Eborn about 1939
ShoemakerCharallette Mborn about 1914
ShoemakerLawarnce Wborn about 1911
ShoemakerLeory Hborn about 1933
ShopeHittie born about 1905
ShopeJames born about 1930
ShopeNorma born about 1928
ShopeRobert born about 1938
ShopeWalter born about 1926
ShugertGertrude born about 1871
ShugertJames Mborn about 1909
ShugertWalter Rborn about 1878
SipeAgnes born about 1888
SipeClifton Aborn about 1926
SipeJane Eborn about 1922
SipeJohn Zborn about 1879
SmithAnna Mborn about 1910
SmithAurthur Fborn about 1877
SmithDonald Lborn about 1916
SmithDuane born about 1937
SmithEd Mborn about 1871
SmithFloris born about 1919
SmithMargaret born about 1924
SmithMinnie Wborn about 1880
SmithViola born about 1928
SnyderHope Eborn about 1919
SpachtAnne born about 1924
SpachtGeorge born about 1893
SpachtHelen born about 1893
SpachtJean born about 1926
SpachtKenneth born about 1930
SpeckDallas Lborn about 1906
SpeckEdna Hborn about 1909
SpeckMinnie Cborn about 1909
SpeckRobert Hborn about 1911
SprankleDonald Eborn about 1928
SprankleDorothy Eborn about 1932
SprankleEarl Fborn about 1904
SprankleEmily Kborn about 1907
SprankleErma Jborn about 1925
SprankleGrace born about 1906
SprankleRay Cborn about 1906
SprankleRay Cborn about 1927
SprankleRobert Eborn about 1929
SprankleShirley Annborn about 1939
SpykerBetty Jborn about 1925
SpykerIda Mborn about 1907
SpykerNorman Cborn about 1903
SpykerWilliam Nborn about 1928
StatesBenjamin born about 1900
StatesEmma Eborn about 1863
StatesGrace Eborn about 1888
StevensHelen Mborn about 1890
SteverDonald Cborn about 1907
SteverLillian Oborn about 1905
StewardClara Lborn about 1877
StewardDavid Gborn about 1870
StewartGeorge born about 1917
StewartHarry born about 1880
StewartLulu born about 1881
StingerAlfred Hborn about 1918
StingerChristina Mborn about 1894
StingerDella born about 1890
StingerHelen Mborn about 1919
StingerLandis Sborn about 1904
StingerMary Jborn about 1925
StingerRobert Eborn about 1938
StingerRoss Kborn about 1921
StingerWilliam Aborn about 1888
SwanBetty born about 1924
SwanCharles Mborn about 1885
SwanHelen born about 1928
SwanJay born about 1929
SwanMartha born about 1931
SwanSarah Mborn about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TeeterBernadine Aborn about 1931
TeetersAlberta Rborn about 1930
TeetersAmanda Cborn about 1906
TeetersEugene Rborn about 1937
TeetersFaye Mborn about 1938
TeetersLottie Rborn about 1884
TeetersMargaret Jborn about 1931
TeetersSameul Hborn about 1881
TeetersWalter Hborn about 1907
TeetersWalter Hborn about 1932
ThomasAmbrose Jborn about 1880
ThomasCathrine Jborn about 1936
ThomasFrank Jborn about 1916
ThomasGrace Mborn about 1877
ThomasJohn Rborn about 1914
ThomasMary Eborn about 1918
ThomasRudy Cborn about 1912
TrinnerEdward Jborn about 1892
TrinnerMargaret born about 1920
TrinnerMary Mborn about 1895
TrinnerNorman born about 1926
TrinnerRonald born about 1935
TurnbaughEarl Sborn about 1915
TurnbaughLouise Eborn about 1922
TurnbaughMary Eborn about 1886
TurnbaughWilliam born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VoltzFrancis born about 1867

W Surnames

WagnerHannah Cborn about 1872
WalkerEdith born about 1916
WalkerEdna born about 1926
WalkerEdward born about 1926
WalkerGane born about 1939
WalkerHarry Cborn about 1882
WalkerJames Fborn about 1937
WalkerLester Aborn about 1935
WalkerMargaret born about 1885
WalkerRalph born about 1929
WalkerRaymond born about 1919
WalkerRobert born about 1916
WalkerWilliam Wborn about 1912
WallsGrant born about 1873
WaltersJames born about 1934
WaltersLynn born about 1936
WaltersVirginia born about 1916
WentzelMary Hborn about 1880
WentzelStanley Mborn about 1916
WestbrookC Edgarborn about 1893
WestbrookZulema Pborn about 1899
WhiteMartha born about 1890
WhitselCharles Wborn about 1936
WhitselGeorge Wborn about 1913
WhitselHazel Iborn about 1916
WhitselNorman Eborn about 1938
WhitselRobert Fborn about 1939
WhittakerAnna born about 1884
WhittakerCharles Eborn about 1912
WhittakerEdith born about 1919
WhittakerEdward born about 1871
WhittakerFrances born about 1909
WhittakerHelen born about 1913
WhittakerJohn born about 1921
WhittakerLorraine born about 1915
WhittakerLouise Mborn about 1911
WhittakerMabel born about 1879
WhittakerMary born about 1877
WhittakerRobert born about 1925
WhittakerWalter born about 1911
WhittakerWilbur born about 1876
WilemanAnna Eborn about 1889
WilemanBetty Jborn about 1925
WilemanElmer Lborn about 1903
WilemanGeorge Rborn about 1888
WilemanJane Nborn about 1863
WilsonClair Gborn about 1910
WilsonCloyd Fborn about 1902
WilsonCloyd Fborn about 1939
WilsonDavid Gborn about 1868
WilsonDean Lborn about 1912
WilsonHelen Lborn about 1939
WilsonJane Eborn about 1906
WilsonLouis Rborn about 1933
WilsonMarion born about 1915
WilsonPatricia born about 1934
WilsonPatricia Mborn about 1935
WilsonRuth Eborn about 1926
WilsonWilliam born about 1936
WinterFrancis born about 1882
WinterGeorge Wborn about 1875
WintersSamuel born about 1859
WolfeRobert born about 1920
WolfhoperEleanor born about 1927
WolfhoperEugene born about 1918
WolfhoperFlorence born about 1924
WolfhoperGeorgia born about 1929
WolfhoperIrene born about 1931
WolfhoperMartha Eborn about 1895
WolfhoperMary Janeborn about 1926
WolfhoperPaul born about 1920
WolfhoperPhilip born about 1936
WolfhoperRoy born about 1922
WolfhoperSteve Lborn about 1891
WomerAnna born about 1868
WomerHarry born about 1867
WoodsDonald born about 1892
WoodsEtna born about 1911
WoodsJanet born about 1927
WoodsNancy born about 1932
WoodsRuth born about 1924
WoodsThomas Wborn about 1920
WoolisAlverda Dborn about 1909
WoolisNick born about 1911
WoolvertonElizabeth Hborn about 1908
WoolvertonHugh Cborn about 1919
WoolvertonJohn Fborn about 1927
WoolvertonWilliam Hborn about 1891
WoolvertonWilliam H Jrborn about 1920
WoomerRobert born about 1904
WoomerRobert born about 1925
WorkElva Eborn about 1889
WorkGeorge Mborn about 1888
WorkMartha Lborn about 1921
WrightFlorence Aborn about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YocumAmos Sborn about 1881
YocumArthur Lborn about 1922
YocumCloyd born about 1919
YocumDorothy Lborn about 1932
YocumEdward Rborn about 1870
YocumElizabeth Mborn about 1908
YocumGrace Iborn about 1884
YocumHarry Hborn about 1874
YocumJohn Fborn about 1904
YocumMarjorie Aborn about 1928
YocumRichard Cborn about 1923
YocumRonald Vborn about 1935
YocumRussell born about 1913
YocumSandra Yborn about 1938
YocumWallace Cborn about 1908
YocumWilliam Fborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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