1940 U.S. Federal Census of Smithfield Township in Huntingdon County, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Huntingdon County > 1940 Census of Smithfield Township in Huntingdon County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottWilliam Cborn about 1923
AbneyColie born about 1923
AbrahamJohn born about 1916
AckermanWilliam born about 1923
AdamsCharles born about 1921
AdamsSam Dborn about 1921
AgustineJohn born about 1920
AlexanderRoy born about 1923
AlvaroPasquale born about 1921
AmbroseRalph born about 1920
AndersonEthel born about 1898
AndersonJames born about 1921
AndersonJames born about 1924
AndersonL Cborn about 1895
AndersonPaul born about 1918
AndersonRobert born about 1923
AndrewsJohn born about 1875
AnfieldBower born about 1916
AngioliloLouis born about 1921
AnnarumoJimmie born about 1922
AnnumziatoDominick born about 1922
AnthonyH Jborn about 1896
AnthonyJohn born about 1894
AnthonyMerle born about 1916
ApplebyElizabeth born about 1868
AskinsRobert born about 1918
AttlebergerDean born about 1920
AwkersHoward born about 1910
AyresChester Hborn about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BadoraPeter born about 1922
BakerWilliam born about 1923
BallAllen Cborn about 1918
BallingerJames born about 1921
BaneyJoseph born about 1919
BareJames born about 1916
BarnesEdward born about 1918
BarrickAnna born about 1906
BarrickBillie born about 1933
BarrickIsabelle born about 1929
BarrickWilliam born about 1897
BarrisErnest born about 1923
BartolAngelo born about 1919
BatteasteRalph born about 1922
BeamGeorge born about 1914
BeardSamuel born about 1921
BednachMatthew born about 1921
BellClayton born about 1918
BendykRobert born about 1920
BenegasiJohn born about 1920
BennerAlice Jborn about 1931
BensonElva born about 1916
BensonRobert born about 1914
BergantzLewis born about 1881
BergantzLouise born about 1879
BergstresserJennie born about 1894
BergstresserRoland born about 1894
BergstresserSamuel born about 1930
BerkhartChester Fborn about 1921
BernardLinford born about 1921
BertschMargaret born about 1876
BiglowBlanche born about 1892
BiglowCharles born about 1894
BiglowCharles Jr born about 1924
BinghamWilliam born about 1920
BioJohn born about 1923
BirdAlbert born about 1920
BlackHarriet born about 1859
BlackburnRay Mborn about 1921
BlackmanHerman born about 1922
BlairWayne born about 1920
BlettRalph born about 1923
BogetinkGeorge born about 1921
BogishGeorge born about 1920
BollaGeorge Aborn about 1923
BookerHaywood born about 1919
BordnerOscar born about 1917
BorkoJosheph born about 1920
BossermanLewis born about 1923
BostickRaymond born about 1919
BostoniaMike born about 1921
BourekasStephen born about 1920
BowersoxRoy born about 1919
BowersoxWilbur born about 1918
BowmanAurthur born about 1917
BowmanJohn Eborn about 1918
BowmanMary born about 1868
BoydWilliam born about 1922
BoyerGlenn Aborn about 1922
BoyleDaniel born about 1918
BradyMelvin Eborn about 1921
BratcherMaurice born about 1921
BrawleyMilton born about 1923
BrayakEarl Eborn about 1920
BrechtLester Mborn about 1918
BrenchiLouis Aborn about 1918
BrennemanClara born about 1873
BrennemanEdith born about 1904
BrennemanErnest born about 1906
BrennemanJoseph born about 1936
BrennemanRachael born about 1887
BrennemanRay born about 1880
BrennemanRichard born about 1928
BrennemanRobert born about 1926
BrewerRobert Cborn about 1918
BrickleyFlorence born about 1891
BrickleyHarry born about 1886
BrickleyJohn born about 1917
BrittVictor born about 1924
BrockCharles born about 1921
BrodisJames born about 1920
BromageThomas born about 1921
BrownAnna born about 1902
BrownDella born about 1866
BrownJames born about 1921
BrownPhilip Hborn about 1923
BrownRobert born about 1922
BrownRuth born about 1905
BrownWilliam born about 1864
BrubakerHarold born about 1922
BryantEdward born about 1923
BuchinskiEdmund born about 1919
BuckElwood Eborn about 1921
BuckMarvin Oborn about 1920
BuckWilliam born about 1921
BujalskiHenry born about 1922
BundyWilliam born about 1920
BunnGladys born about 1914
BunnWilliam born about 1907
BurgoAlfred born about 1920
BurkeJoseph born about 1919
BurnsEdward born about 1917
BurtonWilliam born about 1920
BushAda Mborn about 1867
BuynakJoseph born about 1921
ByersEarnst born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CainCharles born about 1921
CallaRalph born about 1920
CanniaWalter born about 1922
CarlsonRalph born about 1921
CarrJohn born about 1866
CarrLena born about 1867
CarrWillard Jborn about 1920
CasperJohn born about 1920
CathermanClarence born about 1921
ChapmanWilliam born about 1922
CharlesJack born about 1923
ChesterJ Georgeborn about 1919
ChesterJames born about 1914
ChristopherJoe born about 1910
ClarkCatherine born about 1901
ClarkCharles born about 1917
ClarkClara born about 1874
ClarkDorothy born about 1927
ClarkHarold born about 1929
ClarkJ Hughborn about 1874
ClarkRalph born about 1931
ClarkRobert born about 1906
ClarkThomas born about 1917
ClarkThomas born about 1922
ClarrLester born about 1918
ClearyFrancis born about 1921
ClineRobert born about 1917
ClunePaul Eborn about 1918
CoghlanJohn born about 1921
ColbyMartin born about 1921
ColeEarl born about 1918
ColeGeorge born about 1915
ColeJames born about 1917
CollegeDavid Cborn about 1894
CollegeH Cloydborn about 1925
CollegeMary born about 1905
CollegeRichards born about 1931
CollegeRobert born about 1932
CollinsJoseph born about 1921
ConnerBenny born about 1906
ConnerGladys born about 1910
ConnerVivian born about 1930
CookLilian born about 1859
CooperGeorge born about 1921
CooperHosie born about 1921
CooperRichard born about 1919
CooperWilliard born about 1916
CorlessRobert born about 1922
CoslemonJames born about 1923
CostickJoseph born about 1914
CoulterArthur born about 1918
CoxWilliam born about 1921
CrattyCharles born about 1920
CrazianoHarry born about 1919
CreswellEffie born about 1906
CreswellRichard born about 1932
CreswellRobert born about 1938
CreswellWalter born about 1905
CreswellWalter Jborn about 1935
CroneGeorge born about 1922
CrossJohn born about 1918
CullisonSterling born about 1918
CulmerGeorge born about 1922
CulverTracey born about 1919
CuniffEdward Eborn about 1921
Cunningham born about 1892
CunninghamBetty born about 1932
CunninghamIrvin born about 1933
CutshallRobert born about 1924
CyranaWalter born about 1923
CziglerJoseph born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DahollowJohn born about 1919
DanielsJammie born about 1920
DanielsJunius born about 1920
DankoMike born about 1922
DaughertyRaymond Aborn about 1919
DavisAnne born about 1927
DavisFrances born about 1931
DavisGeorge born about 1904
DavisJoseph born about 1922
DavisWilliam born about 1927
DawsonAlexander born about 1921
DayThomas born about 1919
DearmentJoyce born about 1916
DearmentKenneth born about 1937
DearmentThomas born about 1914
DearmentThomas born about 1936
DeasLouis born about 1923
DecarloVictor born about 1921
DeckerWinifred born about 1918
DeforrestElizabeth born about 1877
DeforrestWilliam born about 1881
DejamesAnthony born about 1921
DellMabel born about 1898
DenglerWayne born about 1916
DesilvaLawrence born about 1918
DetwilerAldus born about 1875
DetwilerJames born about 1904
DetwilerMary Aborn about 1875
DevineJames born about 1921
DevorJohn born about 1920
DianaRussell born about 1915
DibbleNorman born about 1921
DickeyEdith born about 1869
DiggsArthur born about 1922
DiggsErnest born about 1921
DillenFrank born about 1879
DillenKathryn born about 1925
DimartinaQuirino born about 1921
DixonBert born about 1907
DixonChester Leeborn about 1927
DixonJames born about 1884
DixonMary born about 1891
DixonMary Elenborn about 1924
DixonNaoma born about 1911
DodsonMyrtle born about 1901
DodsonWalter born about 1896
DomylkoJohn born about 1921
DonavanRobert born about 1921
DorrahFrank Eborn about 1920
DownesRobert born about 1922
DrabJoseph born about 1920
DriverRichard born about 1923
DroonockGeorge born about 1914
DubortSamuel born about 1916
DuffyThomas born about 1920
DuncanHarold born about 1915
DuncanMargaret born about 1919
DunhamWenzell born about 1918
DutkoCharles born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EatonDonald born about 1920
EbyPaul Wborn about 1922
EdwardsClara born about 1885
EdwardsDorothy born about 1939
EdwardsHarry born about 1891
EdwardsHarry born about 1909
EdwardsHerbert born about 1936
EdwardsJames born about 1916
EdwardsJames Dborn about 1880
EdwardsJuanita born about 1917
EdwardsMadeline born about 1928
EdwardsMary born about 1916
EdwardsPatricia born about 1939
EdwardsPaul born about 1939
EisenhauserHarold born about 1917
ElliottNimrod born about 1921
EnrigRobert born about 1920
ErnesWalter born about 1914
ErnstGuy Lborn about 1920
EvansAndrew born about 1921
EvansWalter born about 1920
EverettEarnest born about 1921
EverettWilliam born about 1922
EvertsEvelyn born about 1912
EvertsGertrude born about 1889
EvertsGladys born about 1930
EvertsHarold born about 1932
EvertsOrville born about 1904
EvertsOscar born about 1926
EvertsPaul born about 1920
EvertsPhillip born about 1880
EvertsRobert born about 1928
EvertsWilbur born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FacklerWalter born about 1924
FaldowskiKazimir born about 1921
FarmerLawrence born about 1920
FarrisFrancis Cborn about 1920
FaucherIvery born about 1920
FeagleyDorris born about 1920
FeagleyHelen born about 1920
FeagleyHerman born about 1880
FeagleyHerman born about 1935
FeagleyIda born about 1893
FeagleyLilian born about 1915
FeagleyMerle born about 1917
FeagleyNettie born about 1874
FeagleyRay Donaldborn about 1940
FeagleyRobert Mborn about 1939
FeagleySara born about 1918
FederouchEdward born about 1921
FennychMike born about 1920
FenstermacherRichard born about 1923
FenstermacherSamuel born about 1917
FerreraAnthony born about 1921
FinneyLeonard born about 1922
FinnottiRichard born about 1921
FleckEstella born about 1876
FleckEugene born about 1902
FleckFrank born about 1868
FleckHope born about 1912
FlynnJames born about 1917
FordJohn born about 1915
ForemanEldridge born about 1921
ForsythLewis born about 1921
FosterWilliam born about 1920
FouseBenjamin born about 1884
FouseGertrude born about 1876
FrankPaul Rborn about 1921
FrankewiczFrank born about 1919
FrazierElizabeth born about 1916
FrazierHarold born about 1914
FrazierHulda born about 1879
FrazierRonald born about 1939
FreerHoward Hborn about 1919
FrettsRobert Eborn about 1922
FritcheyCharley born about 1866
FritcheyEdward born about 1861
FuseoAnthony born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GalbraithElla born about 1889
GalbraithFrances born about 1926
GalbraithFred Wborn about 1921
GalbraithWilliam born about 1887
GalbraithWilliam born about 1919
GallagherOrd born about 1878
GalmoffJames born about 1919
GalomeEdward born about 1920
GarmanCharlene born about 1932
GarmanClarabelle born about 1912
GarmanLester born about 1907
GarnerJames born about 1922
GatesMary born about 1886
GattsJoseph born about 1919
GaulBernard born about 1921
GearhartOliver born about 1870
GehrettCaroline born about 1870
GehrettGeorge born about 1867
GehrettJames born about 1891
GehrettJames born about 1922
GehrettKathrine born about 1894
GehrettRobert born about 1925
GeigerEarnest born about 1918
GeislingerOscar born about 1921
GemberlingLee born about 1918
GenthnerIrvin born about 1923
GermanyRussell born about 1921
GetchelJames Bborn about 1923
GibbsAnna Cborn about 1864
GibbsShirley Rborn about 1920
GilesLeonard born about 1923
GillFaye Normaborn about 1939
GillFrank born about 1919
GillGeneva born about 1934
GillGlenn born about
GillHarold born about 1914
GillRobert born about 1937
GillThelma born about 1914
GillilandGladys born about 1922
GillilandOlive born about 1895
GillilandPaul born about 1897
GillilandRobert born about 1925
GillotteJoseph born about 1922
GirtyAlbert born about 1922
GissS Sborn about 1892
GlassJohn Hborn about 1920
GlovanFrank born about 1920
GoldenJohn Jborn about 1921
GoldenJohn Jborn about 1921
GoodmanBessie born about 1892
GoodmanHarry born about 1925
GoodmanRobert born about 1929
GoodmanVirginia born about 1920
GordonAlice born about 1929
GordonJames born about 1923
GordonJohn Rborn about 1933
GordonRuth born about 1907
GordonStemel Dborn about 1921
GoriRudy born about 1921
GossCharles born about 1920
GossWilliam born about 1918
GracyThelma born about 1905
GrantGeorge born about 1918
Green born about 1928
Green born about 1931
GreenFrances born about 1906
GreeneDelores Jeanborn about 1937
GreeneGeorge Lborn about 1919
GreeneKatherine born about 1916
GreeneOscar born about 1908
GrenlandHarold born about 1937
GrenlandJ Rayborn about 1902
GrenlandLucy born about 1907
GrenlandMax born about 1931
GriffenThomas born about 1921
GrochowskiWalter born about 1924
GrossBetty born about 1918
GrossFrank born about 1897
GrossGrace born about 1898
GrossJane born about 1926
GrossRichard born about 1924
GrossSteward born about 1920
GrubbClara born about 1907
GurgentHerbert born about 1921
GuthrieEdgar Wborn about 1923
GutshallJoseph born about 1910
GutshallPauline born about 1910
GutshallThomas born about 1938
GuyWilliam born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaagEthel born about 1902
HaagLois born about 1923
HaagPaul born about 1897
HaagPaul Rborn about 1921
HadanickJohn born about 1919
HainesHenry born about 1920
HaldenWilliam born about 1917
HallAlbert born about 1922
HallHerbert born about 1923
HallWilliam Eborn about 1920
HalleyAustin born about 1922
HamiltonA Bborn about 1889
HamiltonDorothy born about 1921
HamiltonEliza born about 1860
HamiltonHelen born about 1928
HamiltonJames born about 1924
HamiltonJohn born about 1889
HamiltonMarshall born about 1939
HamiltonMazie born about 1899
HamiltonPaul born about 1916
HamiltonShirley born about 1936
HamiltonWanda born about 1931
HammonEarl born about 1890
HammonMalva born about 1890
HandDouglas Rborn about 1923
HardyHarry born about 1918
HardyJoan born about 1932
HardyMerle born about 1922
HarmonFrank born about 1916
HarrisAlonzo Jborn about 1920
HarrisBenjamin born about 1921
HarrisCharles Mborn about 1921
HarrisClifford born about 1921
HarrisGeorge born about 1918
HarrisSamuel born about 1919
HarshbargerHarry born about 1911
HarshbargerHarry Jr born about 1938
HarshbargerTonnie born about 1911
HartmanBernice born about 1916
HartmanFrances Vborn about 1936
HartmanJohn born about 1911
HartmanKathlene born about 1939
HartmanMargery Ellenborn about 1937
HassellRalph born about 1918
HasslerGuy Eborn about 1921
HauptCharles born about 1922
HauptDelores born about 1934
HauptElba born about 1921
HauptGlenn born about 1926
HauptMyrtle born about 1898
HauptThelmagene born about 1936
HawkinsFrancis born about 1920
HayerElizabeth born about 1907
HayerJanice born about 1937
HayerJohn Jborn about 1930
HazinskiJoseph born about 1918
HeckmanAlbert born about 1918
HeckmanChrist born about 1921
HeffnerAndrew born about 1864
HeffnerCarl born about 1907
HeffnerClarence born about 1923
HeffnerDorathy born about 1930
HeffnerEdna born about 1910
HeffnerEdward born about 1892
HeffnerGladys born about 1922
HeffnerHelen born about 1935
HeffnerJack born about 1928
HeffnerJohn born about 1926
HeffnerMargaret born about 1864
HeffnerPearl born about 1899
HeffnerRobert born about 1927
HeffnerWilbert born about 1896
HeffnerWilliam born about 1933
HefreghtBettie born about 1919
HefreghtClara born about 1892
HefreghtCloyd born about 1888
HefreghtJohn born about 1926
HefreghtLeonard born about 1891
HefreghtVirginia born about 1903
HeimbachElwood born about 1922
HendersonBertha born about 1920
HendersonFrank born about 1891
HendersonJames born about 1916
HennElmer born about 1920
HennJames born about 1919
HenneyEdith born about 1896
HenneyPauline born about 1920
HenneyWilliam born about 1897
HerbaterHenry born about 1900
HerbaterOlive born about 1905
HessHenry born about 1918
HessJoseph born about 1911
HessMatilda born about 1911
HessNeva born about 1934
HewstonCharles born about 1919
HickmanSamuel born about 1922
HiffesWalter born about 1919
HigginsbottomWilliam born about 1921
HintonHenry born about 1924
HirschbeilThomas born about 1921
HoffmanCatherine born about 1878
HolbrookWalter born about 1917
HollandArmeda born about 1908
HollandOrville born about 1910
HollandRobert born about 1929
HollisGeorge born about 1922
HolmesElmer Leroyborn about 1930
HolmesHarold Cborn about 1938
HolmesHarold Wborn about 1911
HolmesMary Cborn about 1916
HoneyblueWilliam born about 1921
HornbergerDebold born about 1920
HrebenickAndrew born about 1923
HuffmanBlanche born about 1879
HuffmanEdward born about 1889
HuffmanJames born about 1876
HuffmanMerle born about 1922
HuffmanSadie born about 1886
HuffmanWilliam born about 1882
HughesThomas born about 1921
HuhnB Lborn about 1870
HuhnCharles born about 1898
HuhnElla born about 1869
HuhnLottie born about 1905
HuhnThomas born about 1916
HulbertBert born about 1923
HummelAlfred born about 1919
HundleyGeorge born about 1924
HunnellBlanche born about 1903
HunnellWilbur born about 1892
HunnellWilbur Jr born about 1924
HuntMilton born about 1920
HurtCharles born about 1919
HylandFrancis born about 1917
HyroopWilliam born about 1918
HysonGeorge born about 1916

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I Surnames

IgnatowiczSamuel born about 1919
IsenbergE Graceborn about 1883
IsenbergFrank born about 1882
IvanWilliam born about 1920

J Surnames

JacksonJames Mborn about 1922
JacksonWilliam born about 1921
JacksonWilliam born about 1922
JacksonWilmer born about 1920
JanoverCharles born about 1923
JenkinsCharles born about 1922
JeromeCharles born about 1912
JoePaul Lborn about 1921
JohnsAlton born about 1895
JohnsBertha born about 1897
JohnsIrvin born about 1917
JohnsKathlene born about 1920
JohnsonAlvin born about 1922
JohnsonBrown Eborn about 1920
JohnsonDe Lores born about 1933
JohnsonEstella born about 1909
JohnsonFay born about 1917
JohnsonFrank born about 1923
JohnsonMartha born about 1899
JohnsonMorgan born about 1919
JohnsonPatricia born about 1933
JohnsonPhilip born about 1921
JohnsonRichard born about 1907
JohnsonRobert born about 1922
JohnsonWilliam born about 1897
JolingerFlorence born about 1927
JonesHarold born about 1923
JonesMarcia born about 1924
JonesNancy born about 1932
JonesRae born about 1900
JonesRobert born about 1923
JonesRonald Aborn about 1923
JonesW Jborn about 1896
JonesWilliam born about 1921
JordanClarence born about 1922
JordonCatherine born about 1895
JordonJosephine born about 1919
JordonPerry born about 1889

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K Surnames

KachuliaJoseph born about 1922
KahaulelioHubert born about 1922
KalasoskiClarence born about 1922
KamnAgnes born about 1884
KamnArthur born about 1916
KamnJohn born about 1880
KannAerrill born about 1905
KannAnna born about 1920
KannBarton born about 1906
KannBlanche born about 1898
KannDon born about 1913
KannDonna born about 1934
KannDorris born about 1934
KannFausten born about 1912
KannFrank born about 1899
KannFred born about 1904
KannFred born about 1927
KannGeorge born about 1932
KannHarold born about 1912
KannHomer born about 1883
KannHomer born about 1918
KannIda born about 1906
KannJennie born about 1881
KannLouise born about 1926
KannMahlin born about 1917
KannMargaret born about 1917
KannPaul born about 1907
KannRay born about 1930
KannVivian born about 1925
KannWilliam born about 1921
KannWilliam Fborn about 1939
KappeJohn born about 1923
KascsakWilliam born about 1913
KatgnskiJoseph born about 1922
KealyWilliam born about 1922
KearneyLester born about 1922
KeeferRobert born about 1921
KeithClara born about 1924
KeithEugene born about 1933
KeithLeon born about 1921
KeithMary born about 1902
KeithRobert born about 1895
KellumRobert born about 1922
KellyGeorge born about 1919
KellyJohn Jborn about 1886
KellyMartha born about 1889
KennedyEdna born about 1912
KennedyRichard born about 1911
KensingerMary born about 1916
KephartMaggie born about 1877
KephartMaurice born about 1877
KerchnerAlice born about 1921
KerchnerFrank born about 1890
KerchnerFrank Jr born about 1918
KerchnerRichard born about 1931
KershawFred born about 1908
KershawJulia born about 1874
KershawWilliam Bborn about 1875
KielkopfWalter born about 1920
KirkAlice Janeborn about 1938
KirkAnna Louiseborn about 1940
KirkJames Pborn about 1911
KirkNancy born about 1936
KirkVirginia born about 1910
KirvelaitisBenjamin born about 1920
KissingerRichard born about 1925
KnightJames Mborn about 1919
KobickWilliam born about 1921
KoskyFrank born about 1917
KosloskiVincent born about 1912
KramerGeorge born about 1923
KranickAndrew born about 1919
KrashoStephen born about 1920
KreisherLester born about 1922
KreppBert born about 1921
KropeskiAmbrose born about 1922
KubinaGeorge born about 1925
KuhnLuther born about 1921
KuhstosMargaret born about 1920
KulpaStanley born about 1921
KyleEdward born about 1902
KyleThomas born about 1911
KylerElsie born about 1891
KylerJacob born about 1914
KylerWalter born about 1873
KyperBerdie born about 1863
KyperCharles born about 1894
KyperD Nborn about 1859
KyperDec Nevinborn about 1939
KyperMartin born about 1938
KyperMatilda born about 1873
KyperPearl born about 1907

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L Surnames

LaalWalter Aborn about 1918
LairdCharles born about 1919
LairdJames born about 1916
LairdJohn born about 1929
LairdLorma born about 1923
LairdVirgia born about 1885
LambThomas born about 1920
LancasterRobert born about 1920
LaneAurthur born about 1919
LaskyEugene born about 1920
LawrenceJoseph born about 1918
LawsonChester born about 1921
LeairRobert Jborn about 1920
LeamerEdward born about 1911
LeamerHarold Bborn about 1935
LeamerLeoda born about 1914
LearCharlotte born about 1927
LearGrace born about 1888
LearJohn born about 1915
LeasesAdam born about 1917
LeddonSamuel born about 1923
LeeMilton born about 1923
LeningerGrace born about 1888
LeningerJacob born about 1884
LeoEdward born about 1923
LerryJames born about 1920
LewickeyGeorge born about 1918
LiffordArlene born about 1932
LiffordClyde born about 1900
LiffordEthel born about 1901
LiffordFlorence born about 1900
LiffordReed Sborn about 1899
LiffordSheldon born about 1926
LiffordStanley born about 1930
LindieDonald born about 1922
LipscombRobert born about 1920
LittleWilbur born about 1919
LockeWalter born about 1892
LockettEdward born about 1918
LockettiEdward born about 1918
LogusMarion born about 1923
LoguskiMarion born about 1923
LongDavid born about 1916
LongLewis born about 1923
LongfrancesDavid born about 1916
LongfrancesLewis born about 1923
LoprestiJohn born about 1922
LoprestyJohn born about 1922
LoserPaul born about 1922
LosertPaul born about 1922
LoutzCarl born about 1920
LoveJames born about 1924
LynnGertrude born about 1877
LynnemeyerGertrude born about 1877
LyonsJames born about 1916
LyorJames born about 1916

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M Surnames

MacckoPeter born about 1917
MachinsonAlexander born about 1921
MadisonMelvin born about 1923
MageeTed born about 1923
MagillFrank born about 1891
MagillMary born about 1894
MagillRobert born about 1928
ManevalRobert Hborn about 1919
MapplesCharles born about 1917
MarcyanisFrank born about 1916
MarkDonald born about 1894
MarkDorothy born about 1926
MarkFrances born about 1924
MarkovickGeorge born about 1922
MarsianoJoseph born about 1921
MartinGail born about 1922
MartinRobert born about 1923
MartinThomas Zborn about 1918
MartinezArmstead born about 1922
MartzCharles born about 1920
MarzJohn born about 1917
MasonWilliam born about 1920
MattaceDominic born about 1919
MatternDelbert born about 1920
MatternLeonard born about 1918
MatticksJack born about 1921
MazzeoMariano born about 1921
McCabeWilliam Rborn about 1917
McCahanEldorene born about 1890
McCahanWenona born about 1909
McCallisterCharles born about 1920
McClureRay Cborn about 1917
McComseyChester Vborn about 1920
McCordAgnes born about 1885
McCordBessie born about 1909
McCordBilly born about 1932
McCordDavid Rborn about 1886
McCordRuth born about 1939
McCordWilliam born about 1909
McCorkleJohn born about 1923
McCoyJoseph born about 1922
McCrackenAnnie born about 1867
McCulloughFrank born about 1919
McDivittJohn born about 1902
McDivittMerle born about 1924
McDivittMyrtle born about 1902
McDoughEdward born about 1921
McEwenDonald born about 1930
McEwenEdward born about 1935
McEwenHoover born about 1874
McEwenRhoda born about 1909
McEwenRobert born about 1907
McEwenRobert Jr born about 1926
McEwenTwila born about 1928
McFarlandHartman born about 1922
McFulieyGeorge born about 1915
McGoodrichGeorge born about 1920
McGrathJoseph born about 1921
McGrawJohn born about 1920
McGrogenRobert born about 1923
McKinneyJohn born about 1918
McLeodEdward born about 1923
McMullenEthel born about 1914
McMullenFrances born about 1909
McNamaraPaul born about 1921
MechlerArthur born about 1918
MeickHarry born about 1919
MelackeyEdward born about 1918
MellettHugh born about 1924
MeluskeyBenjamin born about 1921
MelvinHerbert born about 1922
MentzerJames born about 1921
MetzgarJosephine born about 1858
MicklesKenneth born about 1922
MiheleicGeorge born about 1919
MikielskiCasimir born about 1920
MilesAlice born about 1865
MilesRobert born about 1920
MillburnErvin born about 1922
MillerAda Bborn about 1888
MillerBelmont born about 1917
MillerCharles Bborn about 1923
MillerCloyd born about 1911
MillerFrank born about 1922
MillerIrvin born about 1914
MillerJ Walterborn about 1886
MillerJames born about 1922
MillerRonald born about 1939
MillerViola born about 1913
MillerVirgil born about 1916
MillsDonna born about 1934
MillsElizabeth born about 1931
MillsHarry Eborn about 1903
MillsKenneth born about 1929
MillsLena born about 1906
MillsRichard born about 1937
MillsRobert born about 1935
MiscichowskiAdam born about 1916
MoburgAda born about 1877
MooreEarl born about 1900
MooreFlora born about 1900
MooreFred born about 1881
MooreRay born about 1922
MorelandBlanche born about 1898
MorelandMilton born about 1872
MorelandPhyllis born about 1914
MorningstarAlice born about 1902
MorningstarBertha born about 1892
MorningstarBertha born about 1915
MorningstarBetty born about 1926
MorningstarClarence born about 1918
MorningstarClinton born about 1921
MorningstarFred born about 1891
MorningstarGeraldine born about 1926
MorningstarHelen born about 1924
MorningstarJanice born about 1937
MorningstarJean born about 1923
MorningstarLeroy born about 1917
MorningstarOlive born about 1933
MorningstarRalph born about 1931
MorningstarRuth born about 1928
MorningstarTheda born about 1925
MorningstarWalter born about 1897
MorrisGeorge born about 1919
MorrisPaul born about 1920
MorrisThomas born about 1921
MorrisThomas born about 1922
MoserCharles Wborn about 1920
MotenFrancis born about 1918
MottaFrank born about 1919
MoyerElizabeth born about 1937
MoyerKenneth born about 1911
MoyerMary born about 1914
MoyerSandra born about 1936
MoyleDrucilla born about 1931
MoyleGeorge Dborn about 1937
MoyleHelen born about 1910
MoyleJohn Wborn about 1936
MoylePatricia born about 1934
MoyleThomas Eborn about 1939
MoyleWalter born about 1909
MurphyMaxine born about 1925
MurrayDonna born about 1935
MurrayFrank Wborn about 1923
MurrayLinda born about 1917
MurrayMarvin born about 1937
MurrayPaul born about 1914
MushinskiChester born about 1919
MyersHarry born about 1919
MyersJoseph born about 1921
MyersJoseph Wborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NailCarl born about 1897
NailCarl Jr born about 1934
NailHester born about 1897
NailLois born about 1929
NalfolskyChester born about 1919
NapperAurthur born about 1920
NearhoodLevi born about 1885
NetrickAnthony born about 1920
NicholsRonald born about 1916
NicholsTheodore born about 1924
NiemiFred born about 1922
NissleyJohn born about 1921
NorrisAnita born about 1930
NorrisAnna born about 1906
NorrisLois born about 1935
NorrisM Lborn about 1901
NurseElmer born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OhmerAlbert born about 1917
OlbrishJohn born about 1920
OliverEarnest born about 1919
OrrsCharles born about 1921
OrwigCyrus Bborn about 1909
OrwigGary born about 1937
OrwigIvan born about 1934
OrwigPhyllis born about 1911
OsmulskiStanley born about 1918
OstasiewskiJoseph born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaddudneyHenry born about 1922
PadlaAlexander born about 1921
PajunasAlbert born about 1921
PalmerEdward born about 1921
PampenaCharles born about 1919
PariseMicheal born about 1919
ParkerErnest born about 1923
ParksAthelda born about 1917
ParksDally born about 1922
ParksDonald born about 1920
ParksMargaret born about 1898
ParksMary born about 1914
ParksOrville born about 1914
ParsonsHayes born about 1878
ParzyckFrank born about 1917
PassleyAlfonse born about 1918
PattersonJames born about 1924
PearJoan born about 1936
PearWanda born about 1928
PenningtonJohn Dborn about 1879
PenningtonMrs John Dborn about 1886
PetersonHarold Lborn about 1915
PettleLeroy born about 1919
PhillipsCecil born about 1918
PhillipsGerald born about 1919
PickettGertrude Mayborn about 1886
PickettJeanette born about 1913
PickettRobert born about 1926
PietrzakFrank born about 1922
PilgerRandall born about 1920
PilipzeckHarry born about 1922
PlaczekJoseph born about 1920
PolischeckLeo born about 1922
PollardEdward born about 1924
PollockFlorence born about 1899
PollockPhyllis born about 1921
PollockRandall born about 1919
PollockWarren born about 1889
PolstonReginald born about 1923
PoormanFlora Eborn about 1880
PoormanJames born about 1904
PoormanL Rborn about 1874
PoormanNelson born about 1899
PoperHarry Cborn about 1912
PorterCharles born about 1914
PorterPhilip Wborn about 1922
PorterWillie born about 1923
PrattWeldon born about 1920
ProughClara born about 1921
ProughDale born about 1899
ProughFredrick born about 1938
ProughFrella born about
ProughWilliam Dborn about 1875
PupalitisAlfred born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuimDorothy born about 1917
QuimElmer born about 1893
QuimGladys born about 1923
QuimJohn Robertborn about 1915
QuimMary born about 1888
QuimNorman born about 1925
QuimPaul born about 1919

R Surnames

RaffensbergerWarren born about 1921
RaffertyWalter born about 1918
RaglinRobert born about 1918
RaketichNello born about 1919
RamseurBenjamin born about 1920
RandenbushRobert born about 1916
RattereeJohn born about 1922
RavenJohn born about 1918
ReedDoyle born about 1918
ReevesCharles born about 1924
RepperDon Cborn about 1897
RepperDonn born about 1929
RepperVera born about 1895
RexroadChesley born about 1921
ReynoldsJames born about 1921
RhodesLizzie born about 1887
RicciDaniel born about 1922
RichGeorge born about 1917
RichardsonElmer born about 1921
RichardsonIsom born about 1906
RichardsonRex born about 1916
RichardsonWanda born about 1913
RichmondRobert born about 1923
RigbyThomas born about 1919
RivosechiElmer born about 1921
RobbAlma born about 1883
RobbJohn Cborn about 1880
RobbRaymond born about 1912
RobertsJohn born about 1917
RobertsWilliam born about 1919
RobinsAlonzo born about 1876
RobinsLewis born about 1888
RobinsonJohn born about 1921
RobinsonJohn born about 1924
RobinsonLouis born about 1920
RodenbaughRaymond Aborn about 1921
RodenbaughRonald born about 1923
RodenizerJohn born about 1882
RodenizerLoretta born about 1920
RodenizerMary born about 1899
RodenizerWilliam born about 1918
RodgersCharles born about 1916
RoeCharles born about 1920
RogerIra Aborn about 1918
RogersEdward born about 1922
RogersNoah born about 1920
RohrbaughHarry born about 1922
RollOscar Rborn about 1918
RomeErnest born about 1919
RossVerla born about 1919
RoweLee Rborn about 1922
RumburdGeorge born about 1918
RussellGeorge born about 1922
RussellIrvin Sborn about 1916
RustWilliam born about 1918
RychoroewezStanley born about 1918
RyderCarl born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SahonicSteve born about 1921
SampkinsLeroy born about 1923
SamuelJames born about 1923
SanerMargaret born about 1853
SatinoSamuel born about 1921
SaundersHorace born about 1921
SaurukWalter born about 1919
SauseJoseph born about 1917
SavageUlysses born about 1918
SaweikisAdolph born about 1922
SaylorSusan born about 1864
SayreEdward Gborn about 1921
ScharfJoseph born about 1914
SchiavoneLeonard Jborn about 1920
SchneiderFranklin born about 1919
SchoaffLeo born about 1922
SchoenerOtto born about 1921
SchultzGeorge born about 1915
SchwabJohn born about 1920
ScottCleveland born about 1919
ScottGeorgiana born about 1915
ScottHarold born about 1907
SeamonThomas born about 1923
SeatesThomas born about 1918
SeeleyMilford born about 1921
ShaubEarl born about 1920
ShawMcclelland born about 1921
SheafferDean born about 1926
SheafferEstella born about 1903
SheafferH Wborn about 1900
SheafferMax born about 1925
ShellenbergerBulah born about 1892
ShellenbergerJohn born about 1887
ShenefeltMiles born about 1881
ShenefeltSarah born about 1884
SheridanJohn born about 1919
ShewfeltEmma born about 1934
ShewfeltMartha born about 1910
ShewfeltOscar born about 1905
ShewfeltWanda born about 1931
ShipleyRalph Wborn about 1919
ShirleyWilliam born about 1922
ShoemakerEthel born about 1904
ShoemakerW Wborn about 1877
ShoolWilliam born about 1916
ShopeDoris born about 1938
ShopeDoris born about 1938
ShopeDorothy born about 1921
ShopeEllsworth born about 1915
ShopeEnna born about 1922
ShopeEugene born about 1928
ShopeFrancis born about 1883
ShopeGeorge born about 1917
ShopeGeorge born about 1939
ShopeIrene born about 1927
ShopeLaura born about 1886
ShopeMiles born about 1918
ShopePlymire born about 1922
ShopeRuth born about 1919
ShopeVirginia born about 1925
SickmanJohn born about 1914
Siemienkiewicz born about 1920
SimonettiSamuel born about 1920
SmileyCarlyle born about 1914
SmiriganMike born about 1920
SmithBarbra born about 1927
SmithBernard Lborn about 1940
SmithBetty Janeborn about 1925
SmithCharles born about 1924
SmithDavid born about 1920
SmithDora Mborn about 1928
SmithGail born about 1922
SmithGeorge born about 1900
SmithGrace born about 1891
SmithHelen born about 1900
SmithJames born about 1922
SmithJesse born about 1890
SmithJohn Wborn about 1917
SmithJoseph born about 1921
SmithLaurabelle born about 1922
SmithLeavona born about 1939
SmithLena Mayborn about 1924
SmithMae born about 1898
SmithMelvin born about 1928
SmithPatricia born about 1936
SmithPeggy born about 1932
SmithPhillip born about 1923
SmithR Walterborn about 1923
SmithRaymond born about 1898
SmithRobert born about 1917
SmithRobert Mborn about 1920
SmithRonald Dborn about 1938
SmithRudolph born about 1919
SmithSamuel Gborn about 1932
SmithThomas Cborn about 1926
SmithWilliam born about 1920
SmitkaEdward born about 1921
SnareBlair Lborn about 1881
SnareChester born about 1910
SnareLaura Bborn about 1882
SnareLouise born about 1917
SnareMaurice born about 1875
SnyderAllen born about 1916
SnyderArthur born about 1910
SnyderElsie born about 1914
SnyderIrene born about 1936
SnyderMelvin born about 1922
SnyderRuth born about 1921
SnyderRuth born about 1934
SobocinskyWalter born about 1919
SoldoGeorge born about 1919
SolomonGeorge born about 1917
SpanglerLee born about 1886
SpeckAlva born about 1902
SpeckAnna born about 1913
SpeckBetty born about 1926
SpeckEarl born about 1917
SpeckElsie born about 1907
SpeckHarry born about 1873
SpeckJohn born about 1913
SpeckMurray born about 1932
SpeckNannie born about 1878
SpeckPatricia born about 1936
SpeckPhillip born about 1938
SpellsRobert born about 1925
SpolskiStanley born about 1914
SpositoFrank born about 1920
SpriggleAmber born about 1903
SpriggleLois born about 1928
SpriggleOscar born about 1901
SpriggleOscar born about 1922
SprowGlenn born about 1920
SprowKenneth Sborn about 1917
StankoFrank born about 1905
StankoMary born about 1909
StankoMary Jborn about 1938
StankoRichard born about 1933
SteeleFranklin born about 1923
SteinWilliam born about 1920
SteinerRaymond born about 1919
SteinnetzRichard born about 1921
StemplerJohn born about 1917
SterzalkaFrank born about 1922
StockerJohn born about 1918
StoverThomas Jborn about 1922
StraitWilbert born about 1860
StrattonWilliam born about 1920
StudlerEarnest born about 1922
StuhanJohn born about 1920
StullerThelma born about 1931
StumpCharles Wborn about 1920
SturrGertrude born about 1878
SturrJesse born about 1880
StylesAdessa born about 1899
StylesBetty born about 1927
StylesElmer born about 1903
StylesElva Fborn about 1897
StylesJames born about 1901
SullivanHoward born about 1921
SummersWilliam born about 1917
SumpkinsJohn born about 1924
SwanKenneth born about 1922
SwansonEdward born about 1917
SwartzwelderCharles born about
SwartzwelderCharles Wborn about 1928
SwartzwelderDolores born about 1932
SwartzwelderJohn born about 1930
SwartzwelderMary born about 1902
SwartzwelderMary born about 1938
SweigartHarvey Cborn about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateWilliam born about 1918
TaylorEugene born about 1921
TaylorRaymond born about 1918
TaylorRaymond born about 1921
ThomasHarrison born about 1917
ThomasRobert born about 1923
ThompsonCharles born about 1916
ThompsonElizabeth born about 1880
ThompsonEmma Rborn about 1870
ThompsonGeorge Fborn about 1917
ThompsonGrace born about 1916
ThompsonHarry born about 1878
ThompsonHarry Aborn about 1866
ThompsonLucinda born about 1937
ThompsonMargaret born about 1935
ThompsonTonita born about 1938
ThompsonWilliam born about 1935
ThorntonSidney born about 1918
TitusRaymond born about 1917
ToneyCharles born about 1920
TownsendEdward Bborn about 1920
TrappWilbur born about 1923
TreacyJohn Wborn about 1921
TrechiFrank born about 1921
TressJohn born about 1921
TroouglinaDominick born about 1920
TroupeHerbert Eborn about 1923
TroutJoseph born about 1921
TroutmanGurnie Bborn about 1921
TruaxKenneth born about 1921
TruettCharles Wborn about 1921
TuckerJohn Kborn about 1920
TuckerJoseph born about 1920
TurbettElizabeth born about 1924
TurbettEthel born about 1891
TurbettGerald born about 1919
TurbettHelen born about 1928
TurbettRichard born about 1921
TurbettSteck born about 1895
TurnerArnold born about 1921
TurnerElwood born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UmplebyThomas born about 1920
UnangstClarence Wborn about 1919

V Surnames

VadersJames born about 1923
VanarmanElinor born about 1927
VanarmanElizabeth born about 1883
VanarmanJacob born about 1871
VanburenHenry born about 1922
VaughnRobert born about 1921
VeithEthel born about 1906
VeithShield born about 1939
VelasStephen born about 1921
VeneableJames born about 1920
VinanskyJoseph born about 1915
VogelWilliam born about 1921
VojtickyPaul born about 1922
VolchkoGeorge born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagerWalter Cborn about 1919
WagnerElmer born about 1920
WaiterJoseph born about 1921
WalkerDorris Jeanborn about 1931
WalkerEdyth Gborn about 1915
WalkerHarold born about 1910
WalkerSylvester born about 1919
WallaceWalter Wborn about 1921
WallsIsabelle born about 1890
WallsJesse born about 1887
WalskeskyJoseph born about 1918
WalterGuy born about 1908
WalterPatricia born about 1930
WansleyJentte born about 1919
WashingtonJerome born about 1921
WashingtonOliver born about 1923
WasilewskiJoseph born about 1920
WasylowskiRussell born about 1920
WatersWilliam born about 1921
WatkinsAlfonso born about 1921
WeandEdward born about 1920
WebsterEsther born about 1909
WebsterMarion born about 1927
WebsterWilliam born about 1900
WeidmanRobert born about 1921
WeismanHerman born about 1921
WelshAlbert born about 1919
WertClayton born about 1915
WertzOra born about 1913
WertzPaul born about 1907
WestJohn born about 1916
WestonRobert born about 1920
WestoverAnnie born about 1911
WestoverBessie born about 1918
WestoverDella born about 1906
WestoverH Fborn about 1875
WestoverPaul born about 1904
WestoverWilda born about 1878
WhipkeyWalter born about 1918
WhiteAlfred born about 1924
WhiteGlenda born about 1933
WhitePearl born about 1900
WhiteRobert born about 1903
WhiteriteLloyd born about 1918
WhitmanCarl born about 1920
WhitzelMargurite born about 1901
WibleEffie born about 1887
WibleJohn born about 1892
WibleOlive born about 1894
WiebnerKenneth born about 1916
WieghtClyde born about 1915
WieghtClyde Harryborn about 1936
WieghtLeah Juneborn about 1918
WieghtRonald Leeborn about 1938
WilliamsAndrew born about 1921
WilliamsErnest born about 1902
WilliamsErnest Jr born about 1924
WilliamsGeorge born about 1920
WilliamsJames born about 1923
WilliamsRobert born about 1916
WilliamsZald born about 1906
WilliamsonThomas born about 1922
WillisGeorge Hborn about 1918
WilsonJames born about 1921
WilsonLawrence born about 1922
WilsonWilliam born about 1922
WiltEugene born about 1919
WincerDonald Aborn about 1922
WincerGertrude born about 1886
WincerHarrison born about 1892
WincerZelda Mayborn about 1922
WinowEugene born about 1919
WithersEugene born about 1920
WittesStanley born about 1922
WolfeJack born about 1915
WolfeMargaretta born about 1899
WomerBarbara Annborn about 1935
WomerDonald born about 1930
WomerForest born about 1899
WomerGertrude born about 1900
WomerSarah born about 1932
WoodWilbur born about 1923
WoodsIsaiah born about 1919
WordHerman born about 1921
WorkRobert born about 1919
WymanCharles born about 1924
WynnRobert Lborn about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YahasJohn born about 1921
YettersHope born about 1907
YocumEdward born about 1869
YocumHarold born about 1919
YoungErnest born about 1917
YoungGranville born about 1924
YukasMicheal born about 1921
YulickJohn born about 1921
YurehkoAlexander born about 1920

Z Surnames

ZapponeJohn born about 1923
ZarnickMike born about 1916
ZestowneyJames born about 1922
ZettleJohn born about 1901
ZettleMyrle born about 1901
ZoborowskiFelix born about 1917
ZubrickSteve born about 1919

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