1940 U.S. Federal Census of South Burrell, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Indiana County > 1940 Census of South Burrell

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AlocatiBetty Jeanborn about 1932
AlocatiGuido born about 1925
AlocatiRonald born about 1929
AmmonCorine born about 1927
AmmonDorothy born about 1898
AmmonEdward born about 1924
AmmonEvelyn born about 1923
AmmonJosephin born about 1934
AmmonMaurice born about 1930
AmmonPhilip born about 1893
AnnechinoCarman born about 1923
AnnechinoDominick born about 1924
AnnechinoJoseph born about 1897
AnnechinoJoseph Jr born about 1928
AnnechinoPeter born about 1926
AnnechinoRose born about 1902

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B Surnames

BlackDonald Jr born about 1934
BlackPearl born about 1896
BlackRoy born about 1902
BlochanFrank born about 1930
BlochanJoseph born about 1930
BoganAlga born about 1930
BoganHanny born about 1899
BoganIgnse born about 1888
BoganMildred born about 1929
BoganPaul born about 1932
BothelJohn born about 1852

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C Surnames

CappoEmma born about 1920
CappoOrland born about 1921
CappoRaymond born about 1915
CappoRaymond Jr born about 1939
CappoRichard born about 1916
CappoRose born about 1880
CappoZamo born about 1919
CheeryHelen born about 1923
ColenchHerman born about 1914
ColenchMarilyn born about 1936
ColenchMary born about 1913
ColenchPatricia born about 1938

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D Surnames

DaoisCangeron Jr born about 1924
DaoisHarold born about 1925
DarnleyBetty Jborn about 1925
DarnleyDelores Juneborn about 1937
DarnleyEdgar Pborn about 1919
DarnleyElsie Eborn about 1927
DarnleyElsie Pborn about 1899
DarnleyHazel Mborn about 1933
DarnleyJohn Pborn about 1890
DarnleyLoyd Tborn about 1921
DarnleyWilliam born about 1929
DavisCameron born about 1880
DavisMae born about 1890
DesalleLoretta Jborn about 1940
DesallePearl born about 1906
DesallePearl born about 1925
DesallePerry born about 1905
DoudsCarol born about 1939
DunklJohn born about 1883
DunklMary born about 1888
DurekaAnna born about 1881
DurekaGeorge born about 1911
DurekaJohn born about 1872
DurekaPaul born about 1922

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E Surnames

EdgarAnson born about 1899
EdgarAnson Jr born about 1923
EdgarBarbara Lborn about 1938
EdgarDona Leeborn about 1939
EdgarElsie Graceborn about 1899
EdgarHugh born about 1928
EdgarJacoline Rborn about 1936
EdgarLetty Jeanborn about 1930
EdgarRia Louiseborn about 1934

F Surnames

ForshaTwila born about 1938
ForshaViolet born about 1912
ForshaVirgel Jr born about 1935
ForshaVirgil born about 1913
ForshaeBlanche born about 1885
ForshaeLillian born about 1924
ForshaeRawllie born about 1878

G Surnames

GeorgeDorothy born about 1930
GeorgeElizabeth born about 1933
GeorgeFrank born about 1929
GeorgeGeorge born about 1936
GeorgeJames born about 1921
GeorgeKatherine born about 1893
GeorgeLouis born about 1924
GeorgeMary born about 1923
GeorgeSteve born about 1891
GeorgeSteve Jr born about 1914
GliskJoseph Aborn about 1888
GrdjanFrank born about 1885
GrumblingMilton Sborn about 1862

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H Surnames

HannahJohn born about 1874
HofirekBarbara born about 1936
HofirekBertha born about 1922
HofirekCecelia born about 1885
HolckAnna Mborn about 1910
HolckAudry Jborn about 1930
HolckMichael born about 1904
HolleyHazel born about 1915
HolleyMerium born about 1932
HolleyWilliam born about 1909
HooperClifford Jborn about 1899
HooperFrank Oborn about 1875
HooperMary born about 1875
HooperRosetta Eborn about 1902
HorrellAnnabelle born about 1938
HorrellDavid born about 1930
HorrellJames born about 1935
HorrellJohn Eborn about 1902
HorrellMae born about 1908
HorrellStanley born about 1933
HumphriesHelen born about 1922

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J Surnames

JantoslkEdward born about 1933
JantoslkEmma born about 1901
JantoslkHelen born about 1921
JantoslkJoseph born about 1897
JantoslkJoseph born about 1923
JantoslkJulia born about 1924
JantoslkMary born about 1920
JantoslkRose Annborn about 1926
JerlekovicIvan born about 1888
Jones??? Kborn about 1926
JonesAlvin born about 1928
JonesAnna Marieborn about 1919
JonesBetty born about 1905
JonesCarl Alfredborn about 1928
JonesChester Dborn about 1923
JonesDavid Cborn about 1936
JonesElsie born about 1888
JonesHomer Wborn about 1934
JonesJ Eborn about 1926
JonesJames born about 1886
JonesJessie born about 1911
JonesJoesph Lborn about 1924
JonesLaura Maeborn about 1915
JonesLeonard born about 1913
JonesLouis born about 1925
JonesMartin Eborn about 1895
JonesNora born about 1894
JonesPaul born about 1913
JonesRaymond born about 1934
JonesSara born about 1921
JonesThelma born about 1914
JonesWendell Cborn about 1929

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K Surnames

KimmAgnes born about 1923
KimmGladys born about 1926
KimmHenry born about 1886
KimmMinnie born about 1894
KivisnekCharles born about 1913
KivisnekMike born about 1915
KlalnikAnna born about 1880
KlalnikBetty born about 1921
KlalnikHelen born about 1917
KovacikEugene born about 1934
KovacikMildred born about 1912
KovacikMildred born about 1936
KovacikRose Annborn about 1939
KovacikVincent born about 1907
KremenikCecilia born about 1885
KremenikJoseph born about 1884
KremenikJoseph born about 1911
KremenikSteven born about 1925
KurnocikSophie born about 1894

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L Surnames

LatimerGeo Fborn about 1911
LatimerGeo F Jrborn about 1935
LatimerMary Eborn about 1912
LibengoodAlice born about 1926
LibengoodAlvilda Mborn about 1922
LibengoodCharles Fborn about 1870
LibengoodClara Jeanborn about 1928
LibengoodGerald Cborn about 1923
LibengoodHelen born about 1930
LibengoodHomer born about 1898
LibengoodJohn Dborn about 1931
LibengoodMareau born about 1924
LibengoodMary born about 1868
LibengoodMila Annborn about 1935
LibengoodNancy born about 1933
LibengoodPaul born about 1920
LibengoodRaymond Eborn about 1926
LibengoodSara Eborn about 1906
LisckyAgnes born about 1921
LisckyAndy born about 1891
LisckyTwila born about 1894
LivengoodAlleen born about 1926
LivengoodArthur born about 1895
LivengoodArthur Jr born about 1931
LivengoodCharles Wborn about 1886
LivengoodDale born about 1923
LivengoodDoris born about 1933
LivengoodElane born about 1938
LivengoodErma born about 1928
LivengoodGrace born about 1904
LivengoodHelen born about 1918
LivengoodLily born about 1883
LivengoodRobert born about 1916
LivengoodSarah born about 1936
LivengoodWayne born about 1939
LongAlma Dborn about 1870
LongEllis born about 1909
LongJames born about 1927
LongJohn Aborn about 1889
LongMerle born about 1931
LongMythe born about 1892
LongRichard born about 1914
LongWilbur born about 1928
LongfrancesAlma Dborn about 1870
LongfrancesEllis born about 1909
LongfrancesJames born about 1927
LongfrancesJohn Aborn about 1889
LongfrancesMerle born about 1931
LongfrancesMythe born about 1892
LongfrancesRichard born about 1914
LongfrancesWilbur born about 1928
LowryRuth born about 1910
LowshingRuth born about 1910
LukacAlbert born about 1924
LukacMary born about 1895
LukacMildred born about 1926
LukacWilliam born about 1885
LukacekAlbert born about 1924
LukacekMary born about 1895
LukacekMildred born about 1926
LukacekWilliam born about 1885
LytleFred Sborn about 1922
LytleRuberta born about 1890
LytleSheldon born about 1886
LytteFred Sborn about 1922
LytteRuberta born about 1890
LytteSheldon born about 1886

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M Surnames

ManningNellie born about 1914
MarshBessie born about 1887
MarshErnest born about 1900
MarshEsther born about 1924
MarshGeorge born about 1901
MarshKatherine born about 1911
MarshLeonard born about 1934
MassiminoDalphene born about 1922
MassiminoMarie born about 1888
MassiminoNick born about 1881
MatkovichMarko born about 1875
McCradyBessie born about 1901
McCradyCarol born about 1938
McCradyDona born about 1932
McCradyJene born about 1930
McCradyMildred born about 1925
McCradyRichard born about 1922
McCradyWilliam born about 1898
McGinityBlaine born about 1927
McGinityElmer born about 1921
McGinityEvelyn born about 1923
McGinityFrank Aborn about 1871
McGinityFrank Jr born about 1912
McGinityGeneve born about 1926
McGinityGertrude born about 1903
McGinityJane born about 1920
McGinityJane born about 1927
McGinityMary Eborn about 1925
McGinityMaude born about 1888
McGinityNorman born about 1929
McGinityRalph Rborn about 1902
McGinityRaymond born about 1923
McGinityRichard born about 1931
McGinityWilliam born about 1927
MermerWalter born about 1929
MistrikElizabeth born about 1894
MistrikMargaret born about 1919
MistrikMichael born about 1912
MistrikSteve born about 1884
MitrikFrank born about 1886
MoscoBarbara born about 1916
MoscoEugene Rborn about 1938
MoscoMichael born about 1914
MrenkoLouise born about 1931
MrenkoPauline born about 1928
MuirAnnie born about 1895
MuirBetty Janeborn about 1928
MuirBetty Louborn about 1934
MuirCarry born about 1910
MuirDoyle born about 1915
MuirEllsworth born about 1906
MuirEllsworth Jr born about 1937
MuirEva Maeborn about 1926
MuirFred born about 1929
MuirGoldie born about 1905
MuirHarry born about 1927
MuirLe Roy Merleborn about 1932
MuirLoraine born about 1925
MuirLutha Tborn about 1939
MuirRaymond born about 1898
MuirRobert Wborn about 1939
MuirSara Janeborn about 1931
MuirThomas born about 1939
MuirWillavene born about 1915
MuirWillis Jamesborn about 1930
MunderoffJohn born about 1884
MyersAlthea born about 1924
MyersCalvin born about 1918
MyersEmory born about 1914
MyersGloria born about 1928
MyersGrace born about 1893
MyersJames born about 1935
MyersStewart Mborn about 1883
MyersSylvia born about 1930
MyersThomas born about 1937

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N Surnames

NestickMary born about 1906
NestickMary Eborn about 1925
NestickThomas born about 1893
NewpherAllie born about 1882
NewpherJohn born about 1912
NewpherW Hborn about 1877
NicomedeDeloras born about 1933
NicomedeEdith born about 1913
NicomedeHenry born about 1910
NicomedeRobert born about 1939
NovakDonald born about 1939
NovakElizabeth born about 1909
NovakMartha Mborn about 1929
NovakMary born about 1916
NovakRobert born about 1937
NovakThomas born about 1910
NovakThomas Jr born about 1934
NovakVincent Robartborn about 1914

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O Surnames

OakesAdeline born about 1937
OakesBetty born about 1935
OakesEllis born about 1915
OakesEva born about 1939
OakesThelma born about 1918

P Surnames

ParawskiFrank born about 1885
ParawskiMargaret born about 1887
PattonBlanche born about 1908
PattonDonald born about 1929
PattonRay born about 1905
PattonThomas born about 1936
PetrikovicEva born about 1919
PetrikovicJoseph born about 1915
PierceBlanche Aborn about 1902
PierceDavid Cborn about 1903
PitrotrosBetty Mborn about 1927
PitrotrosDorothy born about 1928
PitrotrosFlorence born about 1910
PitrotrosHelen Lborn about 1934
PitrotrosShirley Lborn about 1937
PitrotrosVirginia Lborn about 1932
PrattRobert Eborn about 1869

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R Surnames

RagerGrace born about 1882
RagerJohn Cborn about 1874
ReffnerAgnes born about 1898
ReffnerAlbert born about 1897
RichAllie born about 1931
RichBen born about 1896
RichGeorge born about 1936
RichHanny born about 1902
RichLouise born about 1932
RichNeddy born about 1934
RipinskyE born about 1884
RipinskyHenry born about 1914
RipinskyMabel born about 1913
RisingerAnna born about 1888
RisingerJ Wborn about 1877
RoriniBetty born about 1887
RoriniJoseph born about 1928
RoriniJosephine born about 1927
RoriniMary born about 1921
RoriniSteven born about 1919

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S Surnames

SantarelliArlandi born about 1920
SantarelliChistine born about 1928
SantarelliConny born about 1922
SantarelliJohn born about 1923
SantarelliLucy born about 1885
SantarelliTony born about 1885
SantarelliTony Jr born about 1918
SchrockWilliam born about 1937
SeaburnEthel born about 1917
SeaburnMargaret born about 1926
SeaburnRichard Fborn about 1913
ShelenskiPaul born about 1928
ShurviaJosephine born about 1905
SmithAlma born about 1930
SmithBetty born about 1929
SmithDan born about 1884
SmithDorothy born about 1910
SmithElmer born about 1908
SmithGeorge Dborn about 1905
SmithGladys born about 1931
SmithGrace born about 1910
SmithHelen born about 1927
SmithJames born about 1934
SmithJohn Hborn about 1908
SmithJohn Iborn about 1901
SmithLloyd born about 1925
SmithPaul born about 1935
SmithThelma born about 1913
SmithVada born about 1928
SmithWilliam born about 1913
SowersDaniel born about 1854
SowersEdward Dborn about 1881
SowersFrankie born about 1929
StevensDelphine born about 1914
StevensEmeida born about 1881
StevensLouis born about 1910
StevensOmada born about 1905
StevensPatrick born about 1900
StevensTheodore born about 1871
StreveczykJane born about 1926
StreveczykLillie born about 1888
SturbuckAnna born about 1893
SturbuckJohn born about 1887
SturbuckJohn born about 1919
SturbuckJoseph born about 1921

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T Surnames

ThompsonEthel born about 1911
ThompsonGeorge born about 1902
ThompsonGlenn born about 1932
ThompsonJean born about 1926
ThornburgJohn Kborn about 1863
ThornburgLizzie Lborn about 1867
TrinkaGabriella born about 1891
TrinkaHelen born about 1925
TrinkaJoseph born about 1884
TrinkaPaul born about 1932

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U Surnames

UrbanAnna born about 1932
UrbanAugust born about 1904
UrbanFrances born about 1930
UrbanMary born about 1911

V Surnames

VirobikAnna born about 1894
VirobikFrank born about 1884
VirobikJoseph born about 1920
VirtzekChristina born about 1910
VirtzekJohn born about 1914
VukmanJohn born about 1924
VukmanJoseph born about 1926
VukmanMary born about 1937
VukmanSteven born about 1895
VukmanThresa born about 1902

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W Surnames

WalkerBetty Lborn about 1925
WalkerBlaine Fborn about 1907
WalkerBloine Sborn about 1929
WalkerCarl Eugeneborn about 1936
WalkerLouise born about 1907
WalkerNorman Fborn about 1939
WarholaAndy born about 1921
WarholaEllen born about 1926
WarholaEmma born about 1932
WarholaFred born about 1892
WarholaKatherine born about 1892
WarholaMargaret born about 1924
WarholaOlga born about 1929
WattsHoward born about 1917
WesterJr Brooksborn about 1931
WesterMary Dborn about 1914
WoolweaverJames born about 1875
WoolweaverJessie born about 1890
WoolweaverMargaret born about 1917

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Y Surnames

YeagerDoris born about 1930
YeagerEvelyn born about 1907
YeagerGeorge born about 1900

Z Surnames

ZilkaAmel born about 1918
ZilkaJoseph born about 1924

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