1940 U.S. Federal Census of Southwest Madison Township, Perry, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Perry County > 1940 Census of Southwest Madison Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdairCharles Wborn about 1885
AdairDorothy Hborn about 1913
AdairFrank Mborn about 1886
AdairIrvin Jborn about 1889
AdairJay Wborn about 1918
AdairLee Hborn about 1912
AdairLize Jborn about 1892
AdairMary Eborn about 1887
AdairWilmer Gborn about 1896
AndersonDr V Hborn about 1867
AndersonEffie Iborn about 1914
AndersonMar Aborn about 1914
AndersonMary Eborn about 1870
ArnoldElizabeth Mborn about 1907
ArnoldHarold Lborn about 1932
ArnoldKathleen Aborn about 1927
ArnoldMargaret born about 1938
ArnoldMary Aborn about 1936
ArnoldMilton Eborn about 1929
ArnoldWilliam Gborn about 1925
ArnoldWilliam Jborn about 1906

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B Surnames

BaltasserZacharian born about 1876
BaltosserDessie Jborn about 1908
BaltosserDonald Eborn about 1912
BaltosserHelen Fborn about 1926
BaltosserJoann Hborn about 1935
BaltosserSamuel Lborn about 1907
BaltosserWinifred Mborn about 1916
BarrickAlma Yborn about 1938
BarrickBertha Mborn about 1915
BarrickRaymond Eborn about 1934
BarrickRaymond Mborn about 1914
BarrickRonald Mborn about 1936
BeastonDale Jborn about 1927
BeastonMary Jborn about 1903
BeastonMiles Lborn about 1929
BeastonPaul Eborn about 1924
BeastonTreva Jborn about 1934
BeastonWilbur Fborn about 1899
BenderRobert born about 1925
BernheiselL Mayborn about 1884
BernheiselStanleyetta born about 1926
BoldenLoy Aborn about 1900
BoldenMyrtle Dborn about 1900
BoodaEffa Cborn about 1871
BoodaRauben Tborn about 1867
BooseClyde Eborn about 1932
BooseDorothy Jborn about 1937
BooseFlorence Aborn about 1902
BooseGeorge Wborn about 1899
BooseGrace Eborn about 1923
BooseHilda Mborn about 1928
BooseJohn Aborn about 1935
BoosePaul Wborn about 1926
BooseRay Oborn about 1939
BresslerJames Fborn about 1894
BresslerJames F Jrborn about 1931
BresslerMargaret Aborn about 1900
BricknerAdam Eborn about 1934
BricknerAmos Eborn about 1872
BricknerDolly Lborn about 1892
BricknerElmer Eborn about 1892
BricknerEvelyn Hborn about 1928
BricknerJoyce Lborn about 1929
BurdArlene Cborn about 1926

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C Surnames

ClarkAnnie Aborn about 1888
ClarkAudrey Lborn about 1929
ClarkDorothy Mborn about 1921
ClarkEthel Mborn about 1922
ClarkJames Aborn about 1887
ClarkLester Lborn about 1925
ClouseJohn Eborn about 1891
ClouseMadaline Eborn about 1916
ClouseMatilda Eborn about 1868
ClouseMinnie Dborn about 1890
CollinsBaird Eborn about 1937
CollinsEdward Dborn about 1911
CollinsEsther Hborn about 1914

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F Surnames

FishJoseph Sborn about 1866
FisherBeatrice Aborn about 1936
FisherEdna Gborn about 1903
FisherJ Wilmerborn about 1908
FisherLarue Aborn about 1928
FisherLester Bborn about 1904
FisherMarine Mborn about 1933
FisherMelvan Jborn about 1939
FisherMildred Sborn about 1914
FisherRobert Nborn about 1934
FlickingerBenjamin born about 1907
FlickingerDoris Bborn about 1931
FlickingerDorothy Aborn about 1931
FlickingerGlenn Aborn about 1925
FlickingerLaura Mborn about 1908
FlickingerNina Mborn about 1926
FlickingerSarah Aborn about 1870
FooseAlice Eborn about 1932
FooseGeorge Eborn about 1895
FooseRalph Eborn about 1933
FooseRuth Eborn about 1899
FurleerMabel Eborn about 1899
FurleerWarren F Dborn about 1896
FurlesAlbert born about 1872
FurlesKatie Lborn about 1876

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G Surnames

GardnerCloyd born about 1904
GeorgeArd Sborn about 1861
GeorgeElsie Mborn about 1900
GeorgeJohn Jborn about 1918
GeorgeJoy Aborn about 1939
GeorgeMartha Aborn about 1862
GeorgeMary Aborn about 1907
GeorgeMildred Gborn about 1923
GeorgeO Earlborn about 1929
GeorgeOrak Kborn about 1892
GeorgeWalter Aborn about 1898
GeorgeWalter Jr born about 1926
GoodlingArlene Eborn about 1939
GoodlingArthur Lborn about 1920
GoodlingBirtha Mborn about 1907
GoodlingBonnis Lborn about 1936
GoodlingDavid Rborn about 1892
GoodlingDean Wborn about 1928
GoodlingDonald Dborn about 1929
GoodlingDonald Rborn about 1938
GoodlingHelen Kborn about 1930
GoodlingJean Aborn about 1934
GoodlingMarjorie Lborn about 1930
GoodlingMary Aborn about 1894
GoodlingRuby Lborn about 1932
GoodlingVera Gborn about 1925
GoodlingWalter Aborn about 1905
GoodlingWalter A Nrborn about 1936
GroffCharles born about 1893
GustshallSarah Eborn about 1905
GustshallWilmer Dborn about 1900

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H Surnames

HallPaxon born about 1926
HarrisDavid Lborn about 1920
HarrisDean Aborn about 1927
HarrisEthel Kborn about 1920
HarrisGrace Mborn about 1914
HarrisIra Rborn about 1889
HarrisJ Ezraborn about 1889
HarrisJohn Nborn about 1922
HarrisLee Eborn about 1939
HarrisPearl Bborn about 1892
HauckAnna Maryborn about 1875
HauckDavison Uborn about 1880
HenchAlvus Eborn about 1929
HenchCarrie Jborn about 1925
HenchDale Eborn about 1931
HenchElizabeth Jborn about 1923
HenchEugene Eborn about 1926
HenchGlenn Gborn about 1921
HenchHarry Lborn about 1927
HenchHelen Dborn about 1907
HenchHelen Mborn about 1928
HenchJohn Eborn about 1891
HenchLester Sborn about 1903
HenchM Daleborn about 1923
HenchMaggie Mborn about 1858
HenchRuth born about 1892
HenchSarah Aborn about 1933
HenchW Edwardborn about 1919
HenryAnnie Gborn about 1890
HenryBlanche Cborn about 1902
HenryCharles Dborn about 1883
HenryDavid Wborn about 1922
HenryFrank Cborn about 1928
HenryGladys Eborn about 1925
HenryGlenn Wborn about 1938
HenryRoxane Rborn about 1921
HenryRoy Tborn about 1931
HenryThomas Hborn about 1897
HenryViolet Kborn about 1927
HessBetty Cborn about 1929
HessBlanche Mborn about 1878
HessCalvin Tborn about 1884
HessCarrie Bborn about 1931
HessCharles Aborn about 1926
HessCharlotte Vborn about 1928
HessClara Eborn about 1879
HessClarence Lborn about 1892
HessDavid Hborn about 1867
HessEarl Mborn about 1921
HessEsther Lborn about 1934
HessJanet Hborn about 1938
HessJean Eborn about 1930
HessJoseph Aborn about 1874
HessLandis Kborn about 1922
HessLarry Wborn about 1936
HessLaura Bborn about 1900
HessMax Dborn about 1918
HessMeade Lborn about 1919
HessRuby Iborn about 1934
HessRussell Lborn about 1927
HessSadie Wborn about 1903
HessTheodore Rborn about 1926
HessVer Iborn about 1923
HohensheltIda Mborn about 1917
HohensheltJack Wborn about 1939
HohensheltWoodrow Wborn about 1916
HollenbaughIsaac Mborn about 1872
HollenbaughLaura Eborn about 1875
HoltzhoppleJames Rborn about 1872
HoselMarie born about 1924
HullBetty Mborn about 1928
HullEsther Lborn about 1935
HullJennie Cborn about 1912
HullMargaret Mborn about 1931
HullRichard R Jrborn about 1937
HullRichard Wborn about 1904
HullRobert Mborn about 1939
HullTheodore Wborn about 1930
HutchisonMortimer Jr born about 1928

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J Surnames

JohnsonDale Cborn about 1923
JohnsonEmil born about 1929
JohnsonJ Kennethborn about 1926
JohnsonMyrtle Cborn about 1898
JohnsonTrostle Mborn about 1898

K Surnames

KeckMay born about 1915
KellerAnna Mborn about 1931
KellerBetty Mborn about 1928
KellerDavid Jborn about 1912
KellerDavid Jr born about 1935
KellerDell Eborn about 1939
KellerDennis Eborn about 1918
KellerDorothy Aborn about 1916
KellerGrace Aborn about 1890
KellerHarvey Cborn about 1885
KellerMargaret Mborn about 1914
KellerMary Cborn about 1930
KellerRuth Nborn about 1938
KellerWilmer Cborn about 1920
KennedyGlenna Mborn about 1898
KennedyGrace Kborn about 1898
KennedyMargaret born about 1930
KennedyNina Jborn about 1926
KennedyRosemary Eborn about 1923
KennedyRussell Aborn about 1923
KennedyThomas Eborn about 1926
KennedyThomas Sborn about 1876
KennedyZan born about 1897
KerrMartha Jborn about 1918
KinerArthur Lborn about 1911
KinerDella Iborn about 1924
KinerJanet Lborn about 1930
KinerKenneth Tborn about 1918
KinerLaura Jborn about 1890
KinerMinnie Rborn about 1928
KinerPaul Wborn about 1926
KinerRay Wborn about 1922
KinerWilliam Hborn about 1892
KistlerCharlotte Aborn about 1922
KistlerDale Aborn about 1928
KistlerGlenn Fborn about 1924
KistlerJ Clintonborn about 1919
KistlerJacob Cborn about 1889
KistlerMax Jborn about 1921
KistlerRichard Jborn about 1933
KistlerRobert Pborn about 1917
KistlerSarah Jborn about 1892
KlineMargaret born about 1890
KneppLeroy Sborn about 1918
KneppMary Rborn about 1920
KneppRoy Sborn about 1939
KneppStella Aborn about 1940
KuhnBenjamin born about 1883
KuhnCaroline Cborn about 1930
KuhnClyde Wborn about 1921
KuhnDean Eborn about 1922
KuhnDorothy Iborn about 1924
KuhnEarl Dborn about 1914
KuhnFlorence Mborn about 1886
KuhnGeorge Wborn about 1880
KuhnHarold Rborn about 1927
KuhnRoy Eborn about 1925

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L Surnames

LightnerBetty Mborn about 1931
LightnerClara Mborn about 1904
LightnerCyril Hborn about 1897
LightnerHoward Vborn about 1925
LightnerJohn Hborn about 1928
LightnerRobert Pborn about 1936
LightnerSylvia Mborn about 1923
LittleArletta Mborn about 1935
LittleCharlotte Mborn about 1910
LittleGilbert Aborn about 1937
LittleLester Aborn about 1911
LyonsDean Wborn about 1915
LyonsElnina Mborn about 1937
LyonsGail Iborn about 1934
LyonsHelen Gborn about 1927
LyonsJanet Iborn about 1913
LyonsJohn Eborn about 1886
LyonsLois Mayborn about 1939
LyonsMabel Gborn about 1925
LyonsRonald Eborn about 1935
LyonsRuth Lborn about 1922
LyonsWilliam Rborn about 1932
LyorDean Wborn about 1915
LyorElnina Mborn about 1937
LyorGail Iborn about 1934
LyorHelen Gborn about 1927
LyorJanet Iborn about 1913
LyorJohn Eborn about 1886
LyorLois Mayborn about 1939
LyorMabel Gborn about 1925
LyorRonald Eborn about 1935
LyorRuth Lborn about 1922
LyorWilliam Rborn about 1932

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M Surnames

ManningAlverna Eborn about 1910
ManningBettye born about 1935
ManningGeorge Aborn about 1930
ManningHerbert Eborn about 1910
MartinA Marieborn about 1926
MartinEdward Wborn about 1886
MartinGeorge Wborn about 1922
MartinHelen Lborn about 1921
MartinLoy Fborn about 1930
MartinMabel Mborn about 1935
MartinMartha Gborn about 1932
MartinMinnie Lborn about 1927
MartinMinnie Mborn about 1894
MartinNora Pborn about 1887
MartinRussel Jborn about 1889
MartinRuth Iborn about 1929
MartinSarah Gborn about 1879
MartinThomas Aborn about 1917
MartinWilliam Eborn about 1923
McConnellDale Tborn about 1896
McConnellJanet Iborn about 1918
McConnellJean Aborn about 1928
McConnellJoan Mborn about 1931
McConnellMabel Mborn about 1898
MetzJacob Aborn about 1865
MetzSarah Jborn about 1875
MilliganEdna Lborn about 1924
MilliganEdwin Cborn about 1937
MilliganEsther Lborn about 1925
MilliganFlorence Mborn about 1931
MilliganHenry Eborn about 1927
MilliganJean Eborn about 1897
MilliganMartha Jborn about 1929
MilliganMary Eborn about 1921
MilliganMinnie Rborn about 1920
MilliganRichard Eborn about 1935
MilliganRobert Vborn about 1933
MilliganVan B born about 1891
MooseDonna Jborn about 1937
MooseG Deanborn about 1930
MooseGrace Eborn about 1908
MooseJ Donaldborn about 1930
MooseJoseph Eborn about 1903
MooseMabel Iborn about 1900
MooseMary Eborn about 1931
MooseR Leeborn about 1920
MooseSally Fborn about 1866
MooseWalter Lborn about 1895
MooseWilliam Cborn about 1935
MooseWilliam Sborn about 1911
MorrisonAmy Lborn about 1918
MorrisonAnnabelle Mborn about 1898
MorrisonHilda Jborn about 1921
MorrisonLuther Wborn about 1891
MorrisonOlive Mborn about 1891
MorrisonWilliam Cborn about 1894
MorrowDale Lborn about 1927
MorrowDelmer Kborn about 1920
MorrowEva Mborn about 1897
MorrowGarth Oborn about 1922
MorrowJames Mborn about 1886
MorrowJames R Jrborn about 1919
MorrowJoseph Cborn about 1927
MorrowKay Jborn about 1933
MorrowRomaine Eborn about 1923
MorrowRoscoe Mborn about 1894
MorrowRoscoe M Jrborn about 1929
MorrowThomas Fborn about 1923
MoyerAlbert Hborn about 1934
MoyerCarrie Aborn about 1895
MoyerClark Eborn about 1926
MoyerDavid Jborn about 1931
MoyerDorothy Eborn about 1923
MoyerEdward Mborn about 1892
MoyerHerbert Rborn about 1898
MoyerJanet Pborn about 1925
MoyerKenneth Wborn about 1928
MoyerLawrence Aborn about
MoyerMary Mborn about 1900
MoyerThelma Mborn about 1922
MyersCharles Eborn about 1900
MyersCharles Eborn about 1939
MyersCharlotte Yborn about 1937
MyersGenive Eborn about 1935
MyersRomaine Gborn about 1930
MyersTeoka Lborn about 1903

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N Surnames

NaceDavid Aborn about 1921
NaceEdna Mborn about 1919
NaceFranklin Eborn about 1922
NaceJohn born about 1931
NaceJohn Fborn about 1901
NaceLaurence Wborn about 1917
NaceMildred Rborn about 1925
NaceNellie Oborn about 1905
NaceNorma Jborn about
NaceNorman born about 1919
NeidighAletha Aborn about 1914
NeidighJames Mborn about 1904
NeidighJames M Jrborn about 1937
NeidighKentz Wborn about 1888
NeidighLeroy Eborn about 1918
NeidighPatricia Lborn about 1933
NeidighSara Mborn about 1922
NesbitEarl Aborn about 1897
NesbitHelen Iborn about 1937
NesbitJames Rborn about 1869
NesbitJay Hborn about 1908
NesbitLoy Eborn about 1932
NesbitMildred Mborn about 1930
NesbitViolet Bborn about 1905
NesbitWayne Fborn about 1885

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O Surnames

OdellA Guyborn about 1908
OdellV Laferneborn about 1929
OdellZora Aborn about 1904

P Surnames

PageNorman born about 1920
PalmerLouise Hborn about 1930

R Surnames

ReapsomeCecil Jborn about 1936
ReapsomeGrace Hborn about 1901
ReapsomeJohn Cborn about 1895
ReapsomeMary Lborn about 1928
ReapsomeMax Lborn about 1931
ReedBarbara Iborn about 1925
ReedGeorge Bborn about 1899
ReedGlenn Eborn about 1927
ReedMargaret Cborn about 1900
ReedenCharlotte Cborn about 1905
ReedenHelen Eborn about 1928
ReedenRoy Dborn about 1903
ReisingerBeatrice Bborn about 1910
ReisingerDorothy Aborn about 1934
ReisingerHarvey Wborn about 1936
ReisingerMartha Oborn about 1937
ReisingerR Eugeneborn about 1932
ReisingerRaymond Cborn about
ReisingerRoscoe Sborn about 1909
RiceAnna Pborn about 1869
RiceAnnie Jborn about 1881
RiceCorinne Mborn about 1902
RiceDale Cborn about 1927
RiceEdward Mborn about 1875
RiceH Leoborn about 1902
RiceHelen Cborn about 1905
RiceJane Fborn about 1916
RiceLouise Cborn about 1925
RiceLoy Mborn about 1885
RiceMary Aborn about 1876
RiceMaryellen born about 1924
RiceWilliam Gborn about 1894
RobinsonArley Rborn about 1936
RobinsonCarl Rborn about 1939
RobinsonDonaldl Wborn about 1939
RobinsonDoris Vborn about 1930
RobinsonEmma Kborn about 1881
RobinsonErnestine Eborn about 1921
RobinsonHarry Aborn about 1916
RobinsonIrma Mborn about 1919
RobinsonLuther Wborn about 1911
RobinsonOlive Vborn about 1910
RobinsonWilliam born about 1912
RobinsonWilse Jborn about 1881
RockeyGrace Eborn about 1929
RockwellCharles born about 1918
RockwellHarold born about 1922
RohmGloria Mborn about 1935
RohmMabel Eborn about 1904
RohmRaymond Lborn about 1903
RoushJohn Fborn about 1893
RoushLottie Gborn about 1895
RoweAlice Wborn about 1870
RoweBonnie Iborn about 1933
RoweCisna Mborn about 1905
RoweDorothy Mborn about 1925
RoweHarold Eborn about 1930
RoweJohn Wborn about 1894
RoweMargaret Eborn about 1939
RoweRussel Eborn about 1935

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S Surnames

SandersBetty Jborn about 1922
SandersEdgar Lborn about 1925
SandersElizabeth born about 1893
SandersMartin Mborn about 1893
SandersMary Cborn about 1931
SandersPatrick Nborn about 1923
ScottHelen Mborn about 1936
ScottLaura Jborn about 1870
ScottMary Eborn about 1914
ScottMerle Rborn about 1889
ScottRobert Cborn about 1939
ScottRobert Mborn about 1916
ScottWilliam Cborn about 1862
ScottWilmer Tborn about 1938
ShambaughHarvey born about 1884
ShambaughMary Eborn about 1895
ShannonFrederick Pborn about 1939
ShannonJessie Eborn about 1914
ShannonRonald Gborn about 1933
SheafferAlbert Kborn about 1902
SheafferBetty Jborn about 1925
SheafferBetty Jborn about 1928
SheafferClarence born about 1921
SheafferClarence Hborn about 1902
SheafferGrace born about 1917
SheafferHelen Lborn about 1935
SheafferJesse Mborn about 1869
SheafferLillie Mborn about 1884
SheafferMargaret Aborn about 1912
SheafferMargaret Eborn about 1902
SheafferWayne Aborn about 1939
SheafferWilliam Bborn about 1930
SheriffGeorge Aborn about 1909
SheriffGeorge Eborn about 1931
SheriffHoward born about 1865
SheriffIsabelle Mborn about 1910
SheriffRose Bborn about 1875
ShieldsEmma Mborn about 1893
ShieldsHenry Aborn about 1926
ShieldsPaul Pborn about 1922
ShieldsWilliam Aborn about 1892
ShopeArlene Rborn about 1920
ShopeChester Aborn about 1885
ShopeElsie Fborn about 1882
ShopeElsie Mborn about 1898
ShopeFrank Lborn about 1893
ShopeGrace Mborn about 1926
ShopeGrant Eborn about 1935
ShopeIda Mborn about 1864
ShopeMarguerite Fborn about 1924
ShopePatrica Aborn about 1932
ShopeRobert Lborn about 1929
ShumanElmer Bborn about 1877
ShumanSarah Eborn about 1882
SmithAlatha Mborn about 1918
SmithBertha Oborn about 1904
SmithBessie Mborn about 1875
SmithCora Eborn about 1886
SmithEvelyn Mborn about 1925
SmithFern Vborn about 1934
SmithFrank Hborn about 1899
SmithHarry Hborn about 1896
SmithHarry H Jrborn about 1918
SmithHazel Rborn about 1920
SmithIrvin Aborn about 1938
SmithJohn Mborn about 1917
SmithLe Roy Mborn about 1923
SmithLorene Iborn about 1939
SmithLuella Pborn about 1939
SmithMabel Eborn about 1898
SmithMercella Eborn about 1932
SmithNancy Jborn about 1937
SmithPaul Eborn about 1930
SmithPauline Mborn about 1900
SmithRenald Aborn about 1882
SmithRuth Rborn about 1921
SmithWendel Rborn about 1925
SmithWilliam Cborn about 1868
SnyderCarie Cborn about 1893
SnyderElmer Eborn about 1879
SnyderJane Cborn about 1922
SnyderJanet Jborn about 1938
SnyderPaul Rborn about
SnyderPauline Aborn about 1915
SnyderRay Lborn about 1914
SowersAnn Marieborn about 1937
SowersMarie Fborn about 1905
SowersPaul Jborn about 1894
StahlAlverta Eborn about 1889
StahlAnna Iborn about 1923
StahlChester Dborn about 1887
StahlLucy Cborn about 1887
StahlMary Iborn about 1911
StahlRobert Dborn about 1934
StahlRobert Mborn about 1885
StahlThelman Fborn about 1926
StambaughClarence Fborn about 1915
StambaughLloyd Aborn about 1908
StambaughMary born about 1871
StambaughStanley Lborn about 1912
StoneAlfred Lborn about 1935
StoneMartha Janeborn about 1933
StoneMyrtle Mborn about 1904
StoneNorman born about 1904
StoneWayne Eborn about 1937
SwiskerHarry Aborn about 1879
SwiskerMary Aborn about 1874

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T Surnames

ThomasAlbertus Wborn about 1926
ThomasFlorence Lborn about 1902
ThomasHarry Rborn about 1898
ThomasJohn Rborn about 1939
ThomasMary Joanborn about 1929
ThomasRobert Wborn about 1933
TrastleSarah Jborn about 1866
TrastleWilliam Hborn about 1865
TrittFloyd Kborn about 1906
TrittGirtie Eborn about 1906
TrittLeroy Bborn about 1929
TrittPaul Aborn about 1937

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W Surnames

WeibleyLuther Oborn about 1922
WeibleyMelvin Nborn about 1920
WellerAlice Mborn about 1914
WellerFrank Hborn about 1876
WellerHarry Eborn about 1939
WellerHarry Lborn about 1913
WellerJack Hborn about 1936
WellerJames Hborn about 1907
WellerL Berniceborn about 1938
WellerL Wayneborn about 1939
WellerMildred Cborn about 1917
WellerMiles Hborn about 1936
WellerRichard Jborn about 1934
WilemanElsie Mborn about 1889
WilemanJames Hborn about 1884
WiltHarvey Gborn about 1927
WiltJohn Eborn about 1885
WiltMary Jborn about 1900
WiltRobert Lborn about 1919

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Y Surnames

YohnBetty Janeborn about 1925
YohnCarl Gborn about 1935
YohnJoan Aborn about 1939
YohnLouise Mborn about 1930
YohnMary Eborn about 1906
YohnRalph Rborn about 1902
YohnRay Eborn about 1937
YohnRaymond Rborn about 1927
YohnRichard Dborn about 1933

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