1940 U.S. Federal Census of Spring Township in Perry County, Perry, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Perry County > 1940 Census of Spring Township in Perry County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBirtha Jborn about 1886
AdamsWalter Sborn about 1884
AlbrightBertha Lborn about 1901
AlbrightJohn Dborn about 1921
AlbrightRuth Jborn about 1924
AlfredJeanette Aborn about 1918
AlfredW born about 1919
AndersonDaniel Aborn about 1860
AndersonEllen Nborn about 1876
AndersonWilliam Jborn about 1858
AnthonyElmer born about 1914
ArmstrongBlanche Eborn about 1908
ArmstrongCarl Hborn about 1910
ArmstrongEthel Gborn about 1909
ArmstrongHarold Rborn about 1936
ArmstrongHerman Wborn about 1923
ArmstrongIra Cborn about 1933
ArmstrongLawrence Eborn about 1908
ArmstrongNorma Jborn about 1939

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B Surnames

BaerDaniel born about 1884
BaerFern Aborn about 1939
BaerGertrude Aborn about 1914
BaerRosie Aborn about 1895
BaerStanley Lborn about 1912
BaerVernon Oborn about 1916
BairAgnes Sborn about 1887
BairEdward Gborn about 1881
BakerDavid Cborn about 1939
BakerJohn Wborn about 1868
BakerKathryn Sborn about 1916
BakerRoy Wborn about 1917
BarrickCharlotte Rborn about 1932
BarrickLloyd Rborn about 1935
BarrickMary Annaborn about 1937
BarrickPaul Eborn about 1939
BarrickRussell Eborn about 1911
BarrickStella Mborn about 1915
Baughman??? Eborn about 1933
BaughmanAnn Mborn about 1929
BaughmanHarry Tborn about 1939
BaughmanJames Rborn about 1931
BaughmanJennie Aborn about 1867
BaughmanMargaret Cborn about 1938
BaughmanSteela Wborn about 1907
BaughmanThelma Mborn about 1918
BaughmanThomas Cborn about 1885
BaughmanWilliam Dborn about 1917
BeckerCharles Hborn about 1899
BeckerDale Hborn about 1925
BeckerDorothy Lborn about 1936
BeckerMary Fborn about 1899
BeckerSamuel Dborn about 1931
BeederEdward Wborn about 1879
BeederGeorge Wborn about 1878
BeichlerBenjamin Hborn about 1889
BeichlerBetty Mborn about 1923
BeichlerEdith Mborn about 1892
BeichlerHelen Rborn about 1922
BiererCatherine Eborn about 1852
BillmanIrvin Sborn about 1884
BillmanMary Eborn about 1885
BillmanV Jeanetteborn about 1922
BistlineAlvin Lborn about 1896
BistlineEdward Iborn about 1894
BistlineRalph born about 1870
BistlineSusan Jborn about 1876
BlumenscheinArthur Jborn about 1915
BlumenscheinEva Iborn about 1896
BlumenscheinJohn Fborn about 1894
BlumenscheinKenneth Lborn about 1935
BlumenscheinLeonard Fborn about 1930
BolzeBruice Lborn about 1926
BolzeCharles Sborn about 1920
BolzeClyde Pborn about 1905
BolzeCora Mborn about 1904
BolzeDavid Gborn about 1879
BolzeDonald Lborn about 1915
BolzeDoris Jborn about 1933
BolzeElizabeth Eborn about 1919
BolzeFaye Eborn about 1925
BolzeForest Bborn about 1911
BolzeFrank Bborn about 1920
BolzeHulda Maeborn about 1924
BolzeLewis Wborn about 1877
BolzeLuther Wborn about 1884
BolzeMary Ettaborn about 1917
BolzeMary Jborn about 1877
BolzeMary Janeborn about
BolzeMiles Dborn about 1912
BolzeRonald Pborn about 1933
BolzeSara Aborn about 1875
BolzeWalter Mborn about 1874
BowerCharles Eborn about 1918
BowerClarence Mborn about 1897
BowerHarry Mborn about 1928
BowerIda Mborn about 1890
BowerJacob born about 1881
BowerJohn Aborn about 1929
BowerJune born about 1934
BowerMary Eborn about 1902
BowerRuth Eborn about 1926
BowersMilton Lborn about 1880
BoyerA Aliceborn about 1862
BoyerAllen Eborn about 1864
BoyerGeorge Hborn about 1860
BoyerIda Mborn about 1867
BrinerDavid Iborn about 1867
BrinerEdward Gborn about 1889
BrinerFlorence Eborn about 1888
BrinerRalph Eborn about 1921
BrinerSara Gborn about 1919
BrinerStelle Gborn about 1901
BritcherAnnie Sborn about 1865
BrownawellBeatrice born about 1927
BrownawellCharles born about 1938
BrownawellJoseph Oborn about 1871
BrownawellMary Aborn about 1899
BrownawellMary Gborn about 1915
BrownawellNorman Pborn about 1936
BrownawellPaul Aborn about 1910
BrownawellRuth Hborn about 1926
BrownawellStella Aborn about 1887
BrownawellSusan born about 1875
BrownawellVernace Sborn about 1907
BrownawellWilliam born about 1934
BrownawellWilliam Sborn about 1911
BrunnerGeorge born about 1921
BrunnerPaul born about 1923
BunklebergerLena Mborn about 1920
BunklebergerLouise Eborn about 1882
BunklebergerMary Eborn about 1883
BunklebergerRay Eborn about 1907
BuppCharlotte Bborn about 1896
BuppChauncey Hborn about 1898
BuppEmmett Lborn about 1923
BurkepileElsie Vborn about 1934
BurkepileJohn Wborn about 1923
BurkepileLottie Eborn about 1903
BurkepileOlive Bborn about 1929
BurkepileVerna Mborn about 1925
BurkepileViolet Aborn about 1927
BurkepileWalter born about 1898
BurkepileWalter Rborn about 1939
ByersJohn Wborn about 1913

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C Surnames

CaldwellA Vborn about 1876
CarlCharles Cborn about 1858
CarrFrances Mborn about 1936
CarrGeorge Mborn about 1915
CarrRonald Eborn about 1935
CarrShirley Rborn about 1939
CarrVirginia Rborn about 1915
ClelanBeatrice Vborn about 1907
ClelanDorothy Jborn about 1927
ClelanEmma Mborn about 1931
ClelanErnest born about 1905
ClelanErnest Rborn about 1939
ClelanJames Aborn about 1935
ClelanJames Fborn about 1873
ClelanJames Fborn about 1918
ClelanJohn Nborn about 1906
ClelanJohn Nborn about 1930
ClelanNeal Eborn about 1934
ClelanOlive Pborn about 1914
ClelanRomaine Eborn about 1928
ClelanSarah Eborn about 1877
ClessBobby Kborn about 1931
ClessHarvey Lborn about 1873
ClessJohn Cborn about 1909
ClessJohn Cborn about 1936
ClessMaurice Mborn about 1904
ClessWilma Oborn about 1914
ClouseBlaine Rborn about 1939
ClouseLeo Eborn about 1908
ClouseSara Iborn about 1920
ClouserDavid Eborn about 1917
ClouserFaye Qborn about 1935
ClouserGrace Hborn about 1892
ClouserJohn Lborn about 1921
ClouserLarry Wborn about 1940
ClouserLee Aborn about 1904
ClouserLee Aborn about 1938
ClouserMary Fborn about 1932
ClouserMey Sborn about 1905
ClouserReuben Bborn about 1887
CollinsDoris Iborn about 1937
CollinsGladys Iborn about 1925
CollinsHarold Cborn about 1928
CollinsMillie Mborn about 1907
CollinsPearl Mborn about 1926
CollinsWesley Hborn about 1901
CompClair Eborn about 1934
CompDonald Wborn about 1928
CompDorothy Mborn about 1922
CompEllwood Cborn about 1897
CompHelen Eborn about 1920
CompLena Mborn about 1938
CompM Susanborn about 1898
CompOscar Sborn about 1924
CooperH Russellborn about 1890
CooperRosa Mborn about 1892
CooperRuth Bborn about 1890
CornmanW Scottborn about 1888
CrawfordAlice Cborn about 1905
CrawfordHarry Bborn about 1892
CrawfordJames Lborn about 1939
CrawfordLarue Aborn about 1923
CrawfordLuther Aborn about 1900
CrawfordLuther Jr born about 1937
CrawfordM Ruthborn about 1889
CrawfordSylvia Mborn about 1929
CrockettE Marieborn about 1921
CrockettGeorge Hborn about 1906
CrockettLee Wborn about 1938
CrozielG Glennborn about 1929
CrozielGeorge Aborn about 1905
CrozielPaul Rborn about 1935
CrozielRobert Sborn about 1933
CrozielRuth Wborn about 1906
CrozierAlice Cborn about 1903
CrozierAnnie Eborn about 1881
CrozierCharles Wborn about 1926
CrozierDorothy Wborn about 1925
CrozierHarry Rborn about 1903
CrozierLester Rborn about 1923
CrozierR Jackborn about 1929
CulbertsonJames Hborn about 1914

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D Surnames

DannerSara Cborn about 1926
DoudrickAnna Bborn about 1904
DoudrickWilliam Gborn about 1900
DrumbellerClaude Aborn about 1906
DrumbellerGrace Klborn about 1904
DrumbellerJean Fborn about 1931
DumCharles Aborn about 1889
DumClarence Wborn about 1904
DumDonald Lborn about 1935
DumEsther Mborn about 1922
DumFae Eborn about 1930
DumGrace Lborn about 1906
DumHarold Lborn about 1927
DumHazel Iborn about 1909
DumJames Aborn about 1882
DumJoyce Aborn about 1934
DumMartha Mborn about 1891
DumMartin Eborn about 1916
DumMildred Juneborn about 1930
DumOlive Cborn about 1906
DumPaul Gborn about 1905
DumSara Annborn about 1937
DumSarah Bborn about 1889
DumStanley Jborn about 1932
DumThomas Gborn about 1907
DumThomas Gborn about 1933
DumklebergerAlice Rborn about 1887
DumklebergerJ Parkborn about 1883
DuncanDavid Mborn about 1859
DuncanEllwood Cborn about 1917
DuncanPearl Mborn about 1879
DunklebaughMildred Mborn about 1914
DunklebaughMossaline Bborn about 1880
DunklebaughS Valleyborn about 1889
DunklebergerAnna born about 1867
DunklebergerBirtha Eborn about 1894
DunklebergerCalvin born about 1886
DunklebergerCharles Bborn about 1868
DunklebergerClara Iborn about 1867
DunklebergerCora Mborn about 1890
DunklebergerEarl born about 1928
DunklebergerEdgar Jborn about 1875
DunklebergerEdith Mborn about 1899
DunklebergerGordon Cborn about 1897
DunklebergerJ Lloydborn about 1920
DunklebergerK Edwardborn about 1923
DunklebergerLeslie Sborn about 1893
DunklebergerMiles Dborn about 1900
DunklebergerRhoda Eborn about 1928
DunklebergerRoland Eborn about 1929
DunklebergerRuth Eborn about 1889
DunklebergerS Ellenborn about 1860
DunklebergerTwila Mborn about 1900
DurhamSamuel Sborn about 1869

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E Surnames

EberlyGeorge Wborn about 1872
EbertArthur Fborn about 1899
EbertDora Mborn about 1903
EbertDorothy Mborn about 1927
EbertRoy Fborn about 1925
EbyAnnie Hborn about 1891
EbyEdward Hborn about 1925
EbyEugene Eborn about 1919
EbyHerbert Aborn about 1888
EbyRoy Wborn about 1925
EllermanCarl Lborn about 1931
EllermanEmma Sborn about 1865
EllermanKenneth Eborn about 1935
EllermanLee Wborn about 1920
EllermanLenus Fborn about 1862
EllermanLewis Aborn about 1864
EllermanLuther Sborn about 1906
EllermanMarguerite Cborn about 1898
EllermanMarie Sborn about 1938
EllermanMary Jborn about 1916
EllermanMary Mborn about 1937
EllermanRay Dborn about 1928
EllermanRoy Gborn about 1923
EllermanWalter Aborn about 1896
EvansFranklin Jborn about 1891

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F Surnames

FleisherHarold Eborn about 1921
FoltzDavid Wborn about 1879
FoltzEvelyn Mborn about 1921
FoltzMinnie Mborn about 1889
FooseDaisy Mborn about 1885
FooseEdna Janeborn about 1919
FooseHarry Dborn about 1891
FooseHerbert Rborn about 1886
FooseKeeley Jborn about 1892
FooseMargaret Lborn about 1898
FooseMartha Eborn about 1930
FooseMary Aborn about 1882
FooseRobert Eborn about 1926
FooseRuth Eborn about 1924
FooseSamuel Sborn about 1856
FooseStella Mborn about 1900
FooseWilliam Eborn about 1920
FosterCatherine Aborn about 1923
FosterEdna Mborn about 1893
FosterFlorence Eborn about 1874
FosterNellie Mborn about 1921
FosterNorman Cborn about 1879
FosterRobert Eborn about 1873
FosterRoy Eborn about 1891
FosterTessie Fborn about 1894
FreyDaniel Eborn about 1914
FreyElmer Eborn about 1907
FritzBetty Rborn about 1933
FritzDale Eborn about 1930
FritzEdgar Vborn about 1904
FritzEleanor Fborn about 1922
FritzFrank Gborn about 1893
FritzGene Bborn about 1935
FritzHelen Lborn about 1937
FritzMabel Rborn about 1909
FritzMaynard Eborn about 1932
FritzMildred born about 1904
FritzPaul Rborn about 1933
FryBetty Aborn about 1936
FryCharles Lborn about 1928
FryCharles Rborn about 1939
FryClarence Jborn about 1898
FryEarl Rborn about 1897
FryGrace Rborn about 1906
FryHarry Eborn about 1896
FryHelen Mborn about 1900
FryJ Royborn about 1914
FryJanet Mborn about 1929
FryMargaret Cborn about 1865
FryPearl Aborn about 1916
FryRella Mborn about 1900
FryeMary Fborn about 1888
FullerAdam Pborn about 1920
FullerArlene Lborn about 1927
FullerBenjamin born about 1892
FullerBenjamin born about 1933
FullerClyde Wborn about 1924
FullerEve born about 1929
FullerFae Rborn about 1929
FullerGeorge Wborn about 1907
FullerLottie Eborn about 1893
FullerMartin Lborn about 1923
FullerSarah Eborn about 1887
FullerWilliam Wborn about 1869

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G Surnames

GarlinCharles Eborn about 1896
GarlinClarence Jborn about 1912
GarlinEdward Lborn about 1885
GarlinEsther Eborn about 1917
GarlinRalph Eborn about 1917
GarlinRay Sborn about 1938
GarlinSarah Mborn about 1890
GarmanMary born about 1922
GrayCharles Wborn about 1875
GrayDaisy born about 1879
GrayFrieda Lborn about 1915
GrayJack Jborn about 1924
GrayKathren Eborn about 1885
GrayMartha Eborn about 1851
GrayWinifred Hborn about 1882
GumpherFred Aborn about 1914
GumpherLaura Cborn about 1912
GumpherRonald Eborn about 1939
GutshallAlice born about 1877
GutshallHarry Aborn about 1872
GutshallSamuel Eborn about 1870

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H Surnames

HallBetty Lborn about 1924
HarroldMatilda born about 1933
HeckendornDavid Kborn about 1865
HenchBetty Aborn about 1922
HenchDoris Fborn about 1935
HenchEdward Mborn about 1890
HenchFrank Eborn about 1913
HenchJohn Gborn about 1885
HenchMalinda Jborn about 1858
HenchMargaret Fborn about 1898
HenchMary Mborn about 1891
HenchMary Sborn about 1893
HenchRuby Eborn about 1922
HenchThomas Eborn about 1895
HenchThomas Rborn about 1919
HenryAnna Mborn about 1915
HenryBessie Mborn about 1882
HenryGeorge Wborn about 1874
HenryLenora Cborn about 1933
HenryMargaret Aborn about 1896
HenryMark Eborn about 1914
HenryOsbert Lborn about 1916
HenryRalph Cborn about 1896
HenryRobert Lborn about 1915
HenryRoy Aborn about 1918
HenryRuth Aborn about 1920
HenryRuth Rborn about 1923
HenrySamuel Dborn about 1882
HenrySarah Jborn about 1888
HessAlvin Cborn about 1884
HessAnnie Mborn about 1884
HessNorman Gborn about 1906
HoffmanBessie Sborn about 1892
HoffmanBetty Sborn about 1931
HoffmanBlanche Mborn about 1928
HoffmanCarrie Mborn about 1939
HoffmanDaisy Gborn about 1879
HoffmanGeorge Wborn about 1914
HoffmanGeorge Wborn about 1939
HoffmanGeraldine Eborn about 1923
HoffmanIrene Nborn about 1914
HoffmanJohn Aborn about 1897
HoffmanJohn Aborn about 1934
HoffmanRalph born about 1929
HoffmanShirley Eborn about 1937
HostelterAddie Maeborn about 1916
HostelterBetty Jeanborn about 1934
HostelterEarl Fborn about 1937
HostelterHarold Rborn about 1933
HostelterHomer born about 1908
HostelterJoan Cborn about 1938
HublerCarrie Wborn about 1888
HublerFrank Lborn about 1888
HullCatherine born about 1911
HullCloyd Mborn about 1908
HullCloyd Mborn about 1939
HullTheodore Mborn about 1868
HurichMary Mborn about 1885

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I Surnames

IckesArlene Sborn about 1920
IckesEdgar Nborn about 1890
IckesIda Tborn about 1889
IckesLeah Jborn about 1923

J Surnames

JacobsAnna Lborn about 1926
JacobsCarvin Jborn about 1859
JacobsCharles Eborn about 1869
JacobsCyrus Pborn about 1862
JacobsEarl Rborn about 1918
JacobsGerald Lborn about 1938
JacobsMargaret Mborn about 1901
JacobsMartha Jborn about 1889
JacobsMary Lborn about 1899
JacobsMary Rborn about 1929
JacobsSherwood Bborn about 1920
JacobsSura Mborn about 1924
JacobsWalter Rborn about 1901
JacobsWard Aborn about 1898
JacobsWilliam Jborn about 1898
JacobsWilson born about 1917
JohnsonEdna Lborn about 1901
JohnsonGlenn Eborn about 1928
JohnsonIrene Mborn about 1924
JohnsonJohn Eborn about 1925
JohnsonJohn Wborn about 1895
JohnsonMatha Eborn about 1936
JohnstonCarrie Hborn about 1897
JohnstonLeroy Hborn about 1898
JonesBarabar Jborn about 1927

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K Surnames

KaneSara Fborn about 1885
KellAlfred Sborn about 1876
KellEdith Eborn about 1904
KellLester Wborn about 1900
KellMargaret Mborn about 1873
KellMinnie Bborn about 1875
KellRay Aborn about 1903
KellRonald Sborn about 1938
KellerAbbie Hborn about 1879
KellerAnnie Eborn about 1933
KellerCatherine Iborn about 1910
KellerDale Eborn about 1938
KellerEdward Oborn about 1904
KellerGeorge Eborn about 1908
KellerGlenn Eborn about 1939
KellerLester Mborn about 1932
KellerLilie Vborn about 1930
KellerRhoda Mborn about 1936
KellerRobert born about 1917
KellerRosalie Aborn about 1939
KellerWilliam Hborn about 1869
KellerWilliam Hborn about 1931
KennedyA Leeborn about 1931
KennedyAnna Cborn about 1868
KennedyArthur Lborn about 1896
KennedyCharles Bborn about 1867
KennedyMarks Lborn about 1927
KennedyMary Lborn about 1925
KennedyRuth Lborn about 1904
KinerClayton Fborn about 1921
KinerClyde Sborn about 1935
KinerEdgar Vborn about 1895
KinerEdith Pborn about 1895
KinerHarold Rborn about 1931
KinerPaul Eborn about 1933
KinerVernon Mborn about 1929
KingsboroughGladys Aborn about 1921
KingsboroughJohn Hborn about 1873
KingsboroughNancy Bborn about 1879
KistlerBenjamin Fborn about 1874
KistlerFae Uborn about 1924
KistlerFlorence Eborn about 1879
KistlerGarth Bborn about 1930
KistlerIrene Aborn about 1898
KistlerJames Mborn about 1937
KistlerJohn Wborn about 1909
KistlerMack Dborn about 1900
KistlerMarion Eborn about 1929
KistlerRuth Eborn about 1905
KitnerJohn Sborn about 1925
KitnerJohn Wborn about 1884
KitnerMary Eborn about 1895
KlingArthur Cborn about 1921
KlingFaye Mborn about 1931
KlingJen Eborn about 1926
KlingKarl Kborn about 1923
KlingMarion Lborn about 1892
KlingRay Lborn about 1924
KullerClara born about 1883
KullerLuther Mborn about 1864

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L Surnames

LatchfordBetty Maeborn about 1938
LatchfordDorothy Louiseborn about 1939
LatchfordGrace Iborn about 1919
LatchfordJames Eborn about 1910
LeonardWilliam Yborn about 1928
LiddickJohn born about 1900
LiebyFlorence Iborn about 1921
LiebyRobert Jborn about 1918
LightPhoche Mborn about 1874
LightonDolly Maeborn about 1933
LightonHobson Sborn about 1891
LightonNora Aborn about 1905
LightonSophia Marieborn about 1936
LoweHarold Eborn about 1917
LoweJames Lborn about 1912
LoweLillian Mborn about 1917
LowekeHarold Eborn about 1917
LowekeJames Lborn about 1912
LowekeLillian Mborn about 1917
LoyGeorge Eborn about 1874
LoyMaud Mborn about 1879
LoyaGeorge Eborn about 1874
LoyaMaud Mborn about 1879
LyonsBessie born about 1883
LyonsBetty Aborn about 1925
LyonsDorothy Mborn about 1923
LyonsGeorge Rborn about 1880
LyorBessie born about 1883
LyorBetty Aborn about 1925
LyorDorothy Mborn about 1923
LyorGeorge Rborn about 1880

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M Surnames

MachamerElla Lborn about 1889
MachamerJonas born about 1861
MakibbinLouise Mborn about 1911
MakibbinPatrica Aborn about 1932
MakibbinRobert Hborn about 1908
MakibbinRobert Hborn about 1931
McAlicherAlice Mborn about 1877
McAlicherCatherine Eborn about 1907
McClintockIva Vborn about 1891
McClintockKenneth born about 1911
McMahonAmanda Fborn about 1896
McMahonHarry Fborn about 1923
McMahonKathryn Mborn about 1921
McMahonWm Hughborn about 1920
McVeyGeorge Hborn about 1877
MeadathCarey Mborn about 1889
MeadathEdythe Gborn about 1879
Meredith??? Bborn about 1908
MeredithDorothy Eborn about 1913
MeredithRoy Dborn about 1932
MesbitAndrew Aborn about 1865
MesbitFredrick Eborn about 1903
MesbitLucy Bborn about 1867
MesbitMaud Mayborn about 1939
MesbitRobert Sborn about 1901
MesbitRuth Vborn about 1917
MillerFrank Sborn about 1874
MilllerAndrew born about 1870
MilllerFrances Mborn about 1922
MilllerMargaret Aborn about 1888
MilllerMartin Lborn about 1926
MilllerVerna Aborn about 1919
MinichJohn Eborn about 1921
MitchellBetty Mborn about 1925
MitchellCharles Wborn about 1931
MitchellCloyd Aborn about 1892
MitchellDana Eborn about 1935
MitchellGeorge Wborn about 1929
MitchellJohn Aborn about 1930
MitchellMarie Lborn about 1902
MitchellNorman Cloydborn about 1920
MittenHarry born about 1924
MohlerGale Wborn about 1923
MohlerNevin Jborn about 1889
MooreDaniel born about 1870
MooreJohn Wborn about 1901
MooreMinnie Aborn about 1875
MorrisonFlorence Vborn about 1912
MorrisonGuy Wborn about 1906
MorrisonLee Eborn about 1936
MorrisonSusie Pborn about 1888
MyersDorothy Vborn about 1929

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N Surnames

NeelyDonald Jborn about 1939
NeelyFrances Aborn about 1914
NeelyFrank Pborn about 1873
NeelyMelvin Aborn about 1910
NeviusCarrie Eborn about 1910
NeviusCharles Hborn about 1930
NeviusRichard Bborn about 1932
NeviusVincent Bborn about 1903
NollChester Rborn about 1907
NollDorothy Aborn about 1931
NollPauline Eborn about 1932
NollRachel Mborn about 1906
NollRobert Lborn about 1927

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O Surnames

OwenAlbert Aborn about 1905
OwenBlanche Mborn about 1901
OwenIda Cborn about 1884
OwenJohn Tborn about 1881
OwenR Brooksborn about 1924
OwenRobert Cborn about 1919
OwenRobert Lborn about 1930

P Surnames

PalmDavid Sborn about 1871
PalmDoris Eborn about 1934
PalmEdith Eborn about 1896
PalmEdward Hborn about 1883
PalmEllwood Cborn about 1931
PalmEmmet Lborn about 1927
PalmRalph Mborn about 1936
PeckMary Bborn about 1895
PeckPhilip Eborn about 1892
PekaryHarriet Cborn about 1874
PekaryJames Eborn about 1915
PekaryJohn Aborn about 1867

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R Surnames

ReapsomeAdda Jborn about 1896
ReapsomeAmy Wborn about 1902
ReapsomeBetty Mborn about 1921
ReapsomeClair Bborn about 1896
ReapsomeEdward Dborn about 1893
ReapsomeJane Pborn about 1924
ReapsomeMack Jborn about 1891
ReapsomeRalph Gborn about 1894
ReapsomeRebekah born about 1902
ReederDoris Jeanborn about 1929
ReederEvelyn Bborn about 1905
ReederForest Wborn about 1904
ReiberCurtise Gborn about 1864
ReiberHazel Vborn about 1887
ReisingerAnnabelle Mborn about 1918
ReisingerDonald Eborn about 1923
ReisingerEsther Mborn about 1932
ReisingerJames Lborn about 1937
ReisingerJohn Vborn about 1912
ReisingerRosie Iborn about 1914
ReisingerWilliam Pborn about 1934
RheamGeorge Mborn about 1875
RheamMelvin Cborn about 1868
RhinesmithDaisy Eborn about 1875
RhinesmithMargaret Eborn about 1853
RiceAmos Eborn about 1886
RiceBetty Joanborn about 1936
RiceCelia born about 1880
RiceCharlotte Fborn about 1929
RiceClark Bborn about 1903
RiceDana Lborn about 1903
RiceDaniel born about 1863
RiceDonald Bborn about 1908
RiceDonna Lborn about 1939
RiceDorothy Eborn about 1937
RiceHarriet Eborn about 1874
RiceJ Arthurborn about 1933
RiceJohn Mborn about 1872
RiceJohn Mborn about 1906
RiceLeroy Cborn about 1930
RiceLillian Lborn about 1929
RiceLula Bborn about 1886
RiceMary Cborn about 1911
RiceMary Eborn about 1903
RiceMildred Rborn about 1902
RiceMyrl Mborn about 1912
RicePearl born about 1888
RicePearl Fborn about 1925
RiceRobert Oborn about 1931
RiceSusan Jborn about 1935
RobinsonHelen Bborn about 1890
RobinsonWalter Dborn about 1895
RutterCarl Rborn about 1900
RutterEdyth Jborn about 1926
RutterGeorge Kborn about 1934
RutterJohn Dborn about 1929
RutterRuth Jborn about 1907

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S Surnames

SaltzburgKatherine born about 1872
SaylorHoward Dborn about 1874
ScheyElla born about 1854
ScheyEthel Mborn about 1893
ScheyJohn Cborn about 1857
ScheyLawrence Eborn about 1892
SchreiberCalvin born about 1919
SheafferCecil Marieborn about 1940
SheafferEsther Mborn about 1921
SheafferJohn Dborn about 1916
ShearerAlice Aborn about 1882
ShearerAnna Mborn about 1865
ShearerDavid Fborn about 1858
ShearerEugene Jborn about 1918
ShearerGladys Mborn about 1928
ShearerJames Eborn about 1905
ShearerJohn Cborn about 1863
ShearerJohn Zborn about 1928
ShearerLillian Janeborn about 1925
ShearerRuth Eborn about 1893
ShearerVernon Lborn about 1893
SheibleyAlice Mborn about 1895
SheibleyCharles Cborn about 1885
SheibleyDavid Aborn about 1915
SheibleyDavid Hborn about 1909
SheibleyDean Hborn about 1922
SheibleyEdwin Lborn about 1937
SheibleyGoldie Lborn about 1922
SheibleyHarry Bborn about 1890
SheibleyKathryn Lborn about 1892
SheibleyMabel Jborn about 1881
SheibleyNancy Annborn about 1932
SheibleyPeggy Louborn about 1932
SheibleyRomaine Iborn about 1920
SheibleyRuby Lborn about 1918
SheibleySara Mborn about 1911
SheibleyWilson Jborn about 1916
ShermanAmadna Eborn about 1919
ShermanChester Dborn about 1915
ShermanFred Aborn about 1939
ShermanRobert Eborn about 1938
ShiebleyGladys born about 1920
ShullGertrude born about 1883
ShullHenry Sborn about 1865
ShullRoy Gborn about 1919
ShullW Frederickborn about 1878
ShullW Jeanborn about 1924
ShultzClyde Aborn about 1905
ShultzHelen Aborn about 1901
ShultzRobert Lborn about 1931
ShultzWilliam Eborn about 1928
SimontonCarrie Lborn about 1925
SimontonClara Aborn about 1900
SimontonWalter Hborn about 1898
SloopElmer Hborn about 1907
SloopOlive Eborn about 1913
SnyderGertrude Eborn about 1878
SnyderJohn Hborn about 1920
SnyderJohn Sborn about 1888
SnyderMargaret Eborn about 1865
SommerRobert Lborn about 1886
SommerSallie Eborn about 1887
SommerVirginia Rborn about 1921
SouderEmmanuel born about 1849
SouderMinnie Dborn about 1875
SowersJennie Aborn about 1874
SowersSilas Lborn about 1867
SpottsCharles Aborn about 1876
SpottsElizabeth Gborn about 1884
SpottsFrank Pborn about 1875
SpottsGeorge Hborn about 1917
SpottsGrace Eborn about 1872
SpottsGrace Lborn about 1932
SpottsLaura Wborn about 1898
SpottsMargaret Gborn about 1934
SpottsRoy Mborn about 1907
SpottsSamuel Jborn about 1870
SpottsSamuel Oborn about 1875
StambaughClinton Mborn about 1895
StambaughDale Cborn about 1930
StambaughGeorge born about 1869
StambaughHarry Kborn about 1918
StambaughHattie Mborn about 1892
StambaughHoward Jborn about 1899
StambaughJames Lborn about 1930
StambaughJane Mborn about 1879
StambaughJean Aborn about 1923
StambaughJohn Dborn about 1911
StambaughKathryn Sborn about 1915
StambaughMary Eborn about 1893
StambaughMay Fborn about 1872
StambaughRichard Rborn about 1935
StambaughRuth Nborn about 1900
StambaughSarah Jborn about 1871
StambaughSibert Aborn about 1895
StambaughWilliam Oborn about 1921
SteeleAbram Mborn about 1870
SteeleAnna Mborn about 1887
SteeleFred born about 1923
SteeleHerbert Lborn about 1929
SteeleJesse Aborn about 1926
StoneBelle Janeborn about 1940
StoneCharles Wborn about 1918
StoneFlorence Eborn about 1877
StoneGeorge Wborn about 1874
StoneJohn Cborn about 1939
StoneMary Rborn about 1896
StoneMelvin born about 1899
StoneMildred Eborn about 1920
StoneRichard Lborn about 1934
StonerJames Aborn about 1876
StonerSyvilla Rborn about 1917
StonerWayne Sborn about 1934
StonerWebster Mborn about 1912
Stouffer born about 1889
StoufferPaul born about 1920
StrineClyde born about 1882
StrineMayme Jborn about 1874
SundyEllwood Aborn about 1918
SundyJennie Cborn about 1886
SundyJohn Lborn about 1891
SwabRoy Wborn about 1906
SwabWilliam Hborn about 1868
SwartzCynthia Bborn about 1910
SwartzFlorence Eborn about 1936
SwartzHerman Pborn about 1916
SwartzPaul Wborn about 1937
SwegerClarence born about 1891
SwegerG Glennborn about 1923
SwegerGeorge Aborn about 1882
SwegerGertrude Rborn about 1895
SwegerMelvin Pborn about 1924
SwegerRobert Mborn about 1923
SwegerThomas Eborn about 1916
SwegerTillie Lborn about 1888
SwegerVerna Gborn about 1930
SwegerWilliam Cborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThomasAnnie Lborn about 1869
ThomasRichard Sborn about 1874
TurnerTillie born about 1925

U Surnames

UtleyEmma Tborn about 1873

W Surnames

WagnerMary Eborn about 1886
WagnerSusan Lborn about 1870
WarnerGeorge Wborn about 1903
WarnerGladys Lborn about 1926
WarnerMargaret Aborn about 1926
WarnerRobert Eborn about 1930
WaxEvelyn Eborn about 1897
WaxJ Parkborn about 1899
WaxMary Eborn about 1865
WeaverGeorge Wborn about 1870
WeibleyDonald Wborn about 1917
WeibleyJean Rborn about 1921
WeibleySarah Arleneborn about 1938
WeiserRobert born about 1925
WeldonPearl born about 1891
WeldonWalter Cborn about 1888
WellerGertrude Eborn about 1922
WentzelDavid Hborn about 1925
WentzelDora Lborn about 1933
WentzelDorothy Rborn about 1921
WentzelFanny Aborn about 1894
WentzelGeorge Aborn about 1897
WentzelHenry Rborn about 1865
WentzelMary Eborn about 1902
WentzelMiles Lborn about 1901
WhiteCharles Rborn about 1878
WhiteKatie Nborn about 1872
WilliamsEllen Nborn about 1924
WilliamsRuth Aborn about 1926
WilloughbyNathan Nborn about 1903
WilsonAnna Mayborn about 1925
WilsonCharles Lborn about 1922
WilsonCharles Wborn about 1894
WilsonJohn Sborn about 1935
WilsonLeon Aborn about 1937
WilsonMarion Lborn about 1929
WilsonMatilda Mborn about 1900
WilsonRebecca Jborn about 1931
WilsonRichard Bborn about 1923
WiltClarence Kborn about 1893
WiltClarence Mborn about 1915
WiltDean Rborn about 1918
WiltM Marieborn about 1920
WiltMyrtle Mborn about 1893
WiltRichard Nborn about 1928
WolfJacob Aborn about 1871
WolfPaul Eborn about 1926
WolfSamuel Eborn about 1865
WolfSarah Fborn about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YohnBenjamin Eborn about 1921
YohnBetty Joanborn about
YohnBlanche Lborn about 1886
YohnDavid Wborn about 1882
YohnDavid Jr born about 1924
YohnMary Iborn about 1915
YohnRobert Oborn about 1929
YohnRussel Wborn about 1912

Z Surnames

ZeiglerAlfred Gborn about 1919
ZeiglerBessie Cborn about 1935
ZeiglerCharles Rborn about 1867
ZeiglerDavid Mborn about 1889
ZeiglerDorothy Pborn about 1900
ZeiglerDorothy Pborn about 1931
ZeiglerElmer Wborn about 1924
ZeiglerEttie born about 1866
ZeiglerFay Lborn about 1936
ZeiglerFrank Wborn about 1900
ZeiglerGeorge Hborn about 1923
ZeiglerJay Annborn about 1929
ZeiglerJohn Eborn about 1900
ZeiglerKarl Dborn about 1928
ZeiglerLeroy Rborn about 1927
ZeiglerLillian Rborn about 1925
ZeiglerMary Jborn about 1890
ZeiglerMary Jborn about 1930
ZeiglerNatalie Jborn about 1925
ZeiglerNewel Sborn about 1932
ZeiglerRalph Eborn about 1869
ZeiglerRalph Wborn about 1898
ZeiglerWilliamina born about 1868
ZorgesAdam Hborn about 1883
ZorgesAnnie Vborn about 1885
ZorgesDoris Aborn about 1927
ZorgesGeorge Rborn about 1917
ZorgesRobert Sborn about 1922
ZorgesWilliam Eborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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