1940 U.S. Federal Census of Springfield Township in Huntingdon County, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Huntingdon County > 1940 Census of Springfield Township in Huntingdon County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonBetty Bborn about 1925
AndersonBoyde born about 1923
AndersonCaroline Kborn about 1940
AndersonCharles born about 1930
AndersonEstle born about 1911
AndersonFreda born about 1936
AndersonGeraldine born about 1923
AndersonJane born about 1898
AndersonLavern born about 1938
AndersonLillian born about 1929
AndersonMadaline born about 1931
AndersonMaxine born about 1927
AndersonMyrtle born about 1899
AndersonNorman born about 1914
AndersonOlive born about 1891
AndersonRichard born about 1940
AndersonRoy born about 1935
AndersonVaulee born about 1925
AndersonViola born about 1917
AshtonFanney born about

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B Surnames

BaithClara Aborn about 1880
BaithFrank Bborn about 1874
BaithGladys born about 1922
BaithHarry born about 1916
BaithMildred born about 1919
BaithNellie born about 1923
BaithPearl born about 1911
BaithPhyllis Cborn about 1940
BaithSamuel born about 1927
BaithWarren born about 1914
BennettEdith Cborn about 1928
BennettGeorge Eborn about 1931
BennettHarold Lborn about 1935
BennettMargaret Eborn about 1910
BennettPaul Hborn about 1937
BennettPaul Mborn about 1905
BockDavid born about 1866
BoyerCharles Rborn about 1913
BoyerClara Bborn about 1885
BoyerD born about 1937
BoyerHilda born about 1917
BoyerJackie born about 1937
BoyerJoan born about 1935
BoyerJohn Hborn about 1890
BoyerLester born about 1920
BoyerMinola born about 1919
BrownAlda born about 1887
BrownAmelia born about 1906
BrownArthur born about 1939
BrownBertha born about 1928
BrownCarlton born about 1907
BrownCarma born about 1930
BrownDonald born about 1925
BrownDorthy born about
BrownEllen Mayborn about 1938
BrownEugene born about 1931
BrownFred born about 1905
BrownFreda born about 1925
BrownFreda Gborn about 1926
BrownGearldine born about 1922
BrownGeorge born about 1872
BrownHarold born about 1927
BrownHoward Oborn about 1874
BrownHubert born about 1919
BrownInez born about 1927
BrownJames born about 1935
BrownJanet born about 1934
BrownLeo born about 1920
BrownLouise born about 1926
BrownMartha born about 1925
BrownMary Ruthborn about 1940
BrownMildred born about 1922
BrownNelson born about 1939
BrownOrvis Mborn about 1899
BrownPaul Sborn about 1899
BrownPhyllis born about 1937
BrownRalph born about 1929
BrownRichard born about 1937
BrownRobert born about 1932
BrownRonald born about 1935
BrownRosena born about 1875
BrownRussel born about 1936
BrownRuth born about 1902
BrownThad born about 1915
BrownVerda born about 1907
BrownViola born about 1932
BrownWilda born about 1935
BrownZella born about 1901

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C Surnames

CarmackFred Cborn about 1926
CovertAlthea born about 1927
CovertAlvin born about 1936
CovertBlaine born about 1932
CovertCharles Oborn about 1884
CovertElizabeth born about 1911
CovertJessie born about 1892
CovertMarie born about 1925
CovertMary born about 1929
CovertMilton born about 1908
CovertVivian born about 1933
CraigShelbie Jeanborn about 1938
CromwellAlbert born about 1925
CromwellAlta born about 1914
CromwellAnnie Lborn about 1904
CromwellAvery born about 1890
CromwellCarrie born about 1868
CromwellCula born about 1928
CromwellDean born about 1930
CromwellDelorus born about 1934
CromwellEllen born about 1887
CromwellGeorge born about 1932
CromwellGladstone born about 1893
CromwellLena born about 1927
CromwellMary born about 1927
CromwellMerrill born about 1902
CromwellOlive born about 1903
CromwellRoy born about 1882
CromwellThomas born about 1864
CutshallAley Fborn about 1865
CutshallBetty Louborn about
CutshallCarolyn born about 1938
CutshallCarrie born about 1906
CutshallClara born about 1885
CutshallH Allenborn about 1911
CutshallHarmon born about 1882
CutshallMae born about 1919
CutshallMartha born about 1916
CutshallMary born about 1889
CutshallMerril born about 1913
CutshallMeryln Daleborn about
CutshallNaomi born about 1924
CutshallPaul born about 1905
CutshallRichard born about 1898

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D Surnames

DavidCharles born about 1918
DavidMary born about 1921
DetwilerColen born about 1917
DetwilerDaisy born about 1923
DetwilerElnor born about 1919
DetwilerFreeman born about 1927
DetwilerGeorge Wborn about 1891
DetwilerJoseph born about 1931
DetwilerLester born about 1922
DetwilerMary born about 1929
DetwilerRuth born about 1896
DetwilerTheodore born about 1935
DetwilerWinafred born about 1925
DickCathleen born about 1926
DickFredrick Jr born about 1928
DickGeorge born about 1930
DickinsonBeverly born about 1935
DickinsonEloise born about 1911
DickinsonPaul Jborn about 1896
DitwilerDavid born about 1907
DitwilerGeorge born about 1874
DitwilerGerald born about 1939
DitwilerHarold born about 1929
DitwilerHoward born about 1930
DitwilerIrene born about 1910
DitwilerJane born about 1901
DitwilerMarjorie born about 1914
DitwilerSarah born about 1879
DitwilerWayne born about 1920
DrakeJames Eborn about 1926
DuffeyBetty born about 1937
DuffeyLilian born about 1939
DuffeyMary born about 1934
DuffeyNewton born about 1886
DuffeyOpal born about 1924
DuffeyRaymond born about 1929
DuffeySusie born about 1903
DuffeyViola born about 1927

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E Surnames

EverhartAdaline born about 1911
EverhartAudrey born about 1936
EverhartEthelda born about 1928
EverhartJackson born about 1933
EverhartWalter born about 1907

F Surnames

FixAmelia born about 1867
FleckA Deslerborn about 1873
FleckBetty born about 1927
FleckDale born about 1937
FleckDallas born about 1905
FleckDean born about 1935
FleckDolores born about 1934
FleckDoris Jeanborn about 1930
FleckEdna Bborn about 1909
FleckElnor born about 1850
FleckEnma born about 1877
FleckEstella Mborn about 1909
FleckGarnetta Gborn about 1938
FleckGeorge Lborn about 1903
FleckInez Emmaborn about 1927
FleckJames Lborn about 1934
FleckJaynelle born about 1910
FleckKathryn Mborn about 1933
FleckLee born about 1939
FleckLeora born about 1910
FleckLewis born about 1928
FleckMarian born about 1928
FleckMerle Eborn about 1935
FleckNaomi born about 1932
FleckPaul born about 1901
FleckRalph born about 1910
FleckRobert born about 1930
FleckVaughn born about 1934
FleckVernon born about 1932
FleckVernon Jborn about 1928
FleckWilda Jeanborn about 1931
FraherBertie born about 1936
FraherHarold born about 1937
FraherMary born about 1908
FraherMerrill born about 1905
FraherMerrill Jr born about 1927
FrehnAnna Graceborn about 1937
FrehnC Harryborn about 1935
FrehnCharles Oborn about 1901
FrehnEdward born about 1869
FrehnGoldie born about 1907
FrehnMarcella born about 1932
FrelonAlbert born about 1924
FrelonBelle born about 1898
FrelonIsaac born about 1922
FrelonRalph born about 1897

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G Surnames

GearingerCora born about 1883
GearingerElsie born about 1903
GearingerWalter born about 1908
GreenRaymond born about 1913
GreenePaul born about 1922
GrissingerAndrew born about 1935
GrissingerBertha born about 1906
GrissingerDoris born about 1932
GrissingerDorthy born about 1932
GrissingerElden born about 1924
GrissingerErnest born about 1902
GrissingerFrorine born about 1929
GrissingerHarvey Lborn about 1893
GrissingerHelen born about 1923
GrissingerJackson born about 1938
GrissingerJerry born about 1939
GrissingerMayne born about 1929
GrissingerPauline born about 1921
GrissingerRuth born about 1898
GrissingerSamuel born about 1926

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H Surnames

HamiltonElizabeth born about 1938
HamiltonJanice born about 1938
HamiltonRobert born about 1913
HamiltonRuth born about 1916
HamiltonSandra born about 1936
HersheyHayes Aborn about 1876
HersheyHayes A Jrborn about 1910
HersheyManerva born about 1877
HessJohn born about 1916
HessJohn Jr born about 1939
HessNancy born about 1916
HoffmanRalph born about 1917

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J Surnames

JacobsLester born about 1915
JacobsLester Leoborn about 1936
JacobsLillian Pborn about 1919
JacobsRichard Lborn about 1939

L Surnames

LairdAlbert Eborn about 1911
LairdGeorge Wborn about 1880
LameHomer born about 1909
LameNorman born about 1935
LameRaymond born about 1937
LameRoxey born about 1903
LaneCorbett born about 1908
LaneMary born about 1913
LaneRobert born about 1922
LeaderCharles born about 1934
LeaderEvalene born about 1928
LeaderJames born about 1898
LeaderLillian born about 1901
LeaderMildred born about 1921
LeaderRonald born about 1936
LeaderWendel born about 1926
LinnJohn Cborn about 1871
LockeAmanda born about 1876
LockeCara Ruthborn about 1939
LockeCarl born about 1905
LockeClair born about 1910
LockeClifton born about 1895
LockeColista born about 1893
LockeDale born about 1914
LockeFreda born about 1895
LockeGeorge born about 1931
LockeGrant Fborn about 1874
LockeHazel born about 1910
LockeHenry born about 1929
LockeIrene born about 1926
LockeIsiah born about 1902
LockeJacob born about 1882
LockeLeslie Daleborn about 1931
LockePauling born about 1913
LockePhilipp born about 1886
LockeReed born about 1920
LockeRoy born about 1897
LongCarl born about 1936
LongDenver born about 1911
LongErma born about 1932
LongFerman born about 1902
LongFreda born about 1928
LongIsabelle born about 1916
LongJohn Sborn about 1870
LongMarion born about 1934
LongMary born about 1911
LongMinnie born about 1873
LongReed born about 1930
LongVeryl born about 1938
LongfrancesCarl born about 1936
LongfrancesDenver born about 1911
LongfrancesErma born about 1932
LongfrancesFerman born about 1902
LongfrancesFreda born about 1928
LongfrancesIsabelle born about 1916
LongfrancesJohn Sborn about 1870
LongfrancesMarion born about 1934
LongfrancesMary born about 1911
LongfrancesMinnie born about 1873
LongfrancesReed born about 1930
LongfrancesVeryl born about 1938

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M Surnames

MaddenAlton born about 1935
MaddenCharles Aborn about 1892
MaddenCharles Hborn about 1906
MaddenCordelia born about 1917
MaddenDavid Pborn about 1873
MaddenDenver born about 1924
MaddenDuane born about 1932
MaddenEmmet born about 1884
MaddenFrank born about 1877
MaddenGeorge Eborn about 1880
MaddenGirtrude born about 1877
MaddenHarry born about 1878
MaddenHazel born about 1918
MaddenIsaiah born about 1909
MaddenJames Hborn about 1937
MaddenKennith born about 1918
MaddenLois born about 1926
MaddenLouemma born about 1886
MaddenLouise born about 1913
MaddenM Elsieborn about 1894
MaddenMarion born about 1934
MaddenMax born about 1920
MaddenMinerva born about 1895
MaddenMyrtle born about 1879
MaddenNorman born about 1919
MaddenPhyllis born about 1934
MaddenReed born about 1920
MaddenRobert born about 1916
MaddenVaughn born about 1914
MathewsAgalia born about 1939
MathewsAgnes born about 1934
MathewsAugusta born about 1922
MathewsBerlin born about 1923
MathewsCharles born about 1920
MathewsEva born about 1901
MathewsHazel born about 1920
MathewsLuther born about 1924
MathewsMaxine born about 1927
MathewsMyrtle born about 1930
MathewsNancy born about 1939
MathewsSamuel Rborn about 1871
McCoyBetty born about
McCoyCharles born about 1917
McCoyCula born about 1915
McCoyEmory born about 1893
McCoyJames born about 1883
McCoyMarjorie Eborn about 1912
McCoyMartha Rborn about 1939
McCoyMary born about 1915
McCoyShelby Jeanborn about 1938
McCoyShirley born about 1938
McCoyW Scottborn about 1912
McKimElizabeth born about 1878
McKimJames Jborn about 1871
MellottElmer born about 1891
MillerLillie Mborn about 1871
MontgomeryLeora born about 1883
MontgomeryWilliam born about 1920
MurphyEdward born about 1890
MurphyOmeda born about 1900

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N Surnames

NodenGeorge Rborn about 1883
NodenOdessa born about 1891
NollEugene born about 1903
NonemakerAubrey born about 1924
NonemakerJohn born about 1922
NonemakerOris born about 1896
NonemakerOrpha born about 1901

P Surnames

PainterJackson Lborn about 1911
ParkCarrie born about 1888
ParkDonald born about 1921
ParkGrace born about 1925
ParkHarry born about 1890
ParkIsaac Sborn about 1870
ParkLaura born about 1931
ParkLois born about 1926
ParkMable born about 1928
ParkMargaret Bborn about 1923
ParkSarah born about 1929

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R Surnames

RamseyAlthea born about 1926
RamseyBetty born about 1931
RamseyClara born about 1907
RamseyDale born about 1927
RamseyDaniel born about 1908
RamseyDelmar born about 1921
RamseyDice born about 1890
RamseyDonald born about 1930
RamseyEdith born about 1904
RamseyEugene born about 1929
RamseyFloyd born about 1900
RamseyFreda born about 1926
RamseyGeorge born about 1917
RamseyHenry Sborn about 1898
RamseyHerbert Cborn about 1911
RamseyHerbert Jr born about 1936
RamseyJackson born about 1939
RamseyMamie born about 1917
RamseyMargaret born about 1934
RamseyMariam born about 1936
RamseyMary Eborn about 1906
RamseyNettie born about 1857
RamseyNettie Maeborn about 1931
RamseyPearl born about 1911
RamseyReba born about 1928
RamseyRobert born about 1923
RamseyRobert Eborn about 1865
RamseyRobert Kborn about 1904
RamseyRonald Cborn about 1933
RamseyS Oliveborn about 1914
RamseyStella born about 1932
RamseyStewart born about 1918
RamseyThelma born about 1940
RamseyThurman born about 1935
RamseyTony Leeborn about 1938
RamseyVaughn born about 1931
RamseyVera born about 1920
RamseyWanda born about 1932
RechartJohn born about 1884
RechartJohn Cborn about 1920
RechartLizzie born about 1886
RechartMartha born about 1928
RechartWillard born about 1926
RechartWilliam Hborn about 1918
ReihartRaymond born about 1932
RoherAmadna born about 1882
RoherCliona born about 1913
RoherEdwinna born about 1912
RoherHarry born about 1872
RoherMelvin born about 1910
RoherRalph born about 1910
RoherTex born about 1939
RohrerFred born about 1917
RohrerJoshua Bborn about 1881
RohrerOlive born about 1883
RorarDixon born about 1884
RorarHunter born about 1869
RorarSteve born about 1886
RunkDorcas born about 1932
RunkMoses born about 1908
RunkRuth born about 1912
RunkWayne born about 1937

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S Surnames

SchetromBlanch born about 1908
SchetromDorthy born about 1931
SchetromElmer born about 1902
SchetromGene born about 1933
SchetromJackson born about 1930
SchetromJune born about 1937
SchetromLester born about 1939
ShawEdna born about 1918
ShawMarshall born about 1913
ShawShirley born about 1939
ShieldsAnna Maryborn about 1928
ShieldsBower born about 1898
ShieldsDorthy born about 1925
ShieldsEvelyn born about 1930
ShieldsMable born about 1896
ShieldsMarie born about 1927
ShoreCarolyn born about 1937
ShoreElizabeth born about 1909
ShoreFloyd born about 1930
ShoreIra born about 1904
ShoreIra Jr born about 1928
ShoreRichard born about 1932
SmithEugene born about 1929
SmithI Newtonborn about 1883
SmithIda born about 1889
SmithLee born about 1915
SnyderCharles Wborn about 1874
SnyderClarence born about 1931
SnyderCloyde born about 1915
SnyderDaisy born about 1937
SnyderEdwina born about 1935
SnyderElmer born about 1879
SnyderEmory born about 1937
SnyderFloyd born about 1928
SnyderFoster born about 1923
SnyderGeorge born about 1934
SnyderHarvey born about 1911
SnyderJennie born about 1878
SnyderLois born about
SnyderMable born about 1893
SnyderMack born about 1921
SnyderMyrtle born about 1916
SnyderRoy born about 1926
SollersDaniel born about 1865
SollersDaniel born about 1933
SollersDonald born about 1936
SollersLola born about 1906
SollersRalph born about 1931
SollersW Thomasborn about 1897
StainsAlfred born about 1920
StainsAlma born about 1931
StainsCarl born about 1934
StainsCloyde born about 1934
StainsClyde born about 1933
StainsEarl born about 1921
StainsEthel born about 1924
StainsHarvey born about 1891
StainsHiram born about 1895
StainsHoward born about 1918
StainsJoseph born about 1885
StainsKenith born about 1922
StainsLester born about 1916
StainsLydia born about 1901
StainsMargaret born about 1930
StainsMildred born about 1927
StainsRaymond born about 1937
StainsRine born about 1894
StainsRoxey born about 1904
StainsVera born about 1926
StainsVerna born about 1936
StainsViolet born about 1925
StainsWayne born about 1928
StainsZelda born about 1915
StallmanHarry Wborn about 1926
StallmanMable born about 1925
StarrMary Eborn about 1874

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T Surnames

TaylorAnna Eborn about 1904
TaylorJesse born about 1897
TaylorMicah Eborn about 1938
TompsonEmma born about 1872

W Surnames

WarnickZedeck born about 1868
WibleAlice born about 1910
WibleBethel born about 1932
WibleBuford born about 1922
WibleCula born about 1930
WibleDale born about 1939
WibleDarline born about 1939
WibleDolores born about 1931
WibleDorthy born about 1938
WibleEster born about 1911
WibleFreda born about 1913
WibleGeraldine born about 1926
WibleGladys born about 1927
WibleGrace born about 1928
WibleGuy born about 1881
WibleHarold born about 1929
WibleHarvey born about 1877
WibleHelen born about 1910
WibleHenry Cborn about 1902
WibleHester born about 1876
WibleHobert born about 1921
WibleHomer born about 1928
WibleJackson born about 1936
WibleJoann born about 1932
WibleJohn Aborn about 1906
WibleJune born about 1924
WibleKay born about 1938
WibleLaura born about 1890
WibleLee born about 1935
WibleLeo born about 1911
WibleLillian born about 1934
WibleLloyd born about 1899
WibleMae Lborn about 1905
WibleMargaret born about 1933
WibleMarie born about 1930
WibleMerril born about 1902
WibleNorman born about 1929
WiblePaul born about 1909
WiblePearl born about 1896
WibleRalph born about 1918
WibleReba born about 1938
WibleReba born about 1938
WibleRichard born about 1894
WibleRobert born about 1935
WibleRobert born about 1937
WibleRobert born about 1939
WibleThelma born about
WibleVera born about 1928
WibleVirgil born about 1893
WibleWilliam born about 1916
WilsonBernedine born about 1936
WilsonBernice born about 1916
WilsonBessie born about 1927
WilsonBetty born about 1933
WilsonChester born about 1940
WilsonDaphne born about 1939
WilsonDonald born about 1938
WilsonDoris born about 1937
WilsonDorthy born about 1936
WilsonEdgar born about 1911
WilsonElnor Lborn about 1921
WilsonEster born about 1930
WilsonFreda born about 1924
WilsonIrene born about 1916
WilsonJennie born about 1893
WilsonJohn born about 1935
WilsonMargaretta born about 1921
WilsonOlive born about 1890
WilsonOtto born about 1907
WilsonPorter born about 1882
WilsonRan born about 1883
WilsonRoy born about 1907
WilsonUnice born about 1933

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