1940 U.S. Federal Census of Spruce Creek Township, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Huntingdon County > 1940 Census of Spruce Creek Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AlleyAlma born about 1897
AlleyCharles born about 1893
AlleyWayne Cborn about 1924
AngeloAaron born about 1921
AngeloEina born about 1892
AngeloEva born about 1926
AngeloJoe born about 1892
AngeloJoe born about 1928
AngeloOlga born about 1930
AngeloRoland born about 1923
AngeloWilliam born about 1919

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B Surnames

BakerAlice Kborn about 1905
BakerClair born about 1900
BakerClair D Jrborn about 1926
BakerDorthy Lborn about 1925
BakerRonald Eborn about 1935
BakerStanley born about 1930
BakerWendall born about 1927
BellGeorge born about 1879
BellHattie born about 1880
BellJack born about 1923
BellRobert born about 1914
BigelowGladys born about 1914
BigelowJames born about 1900
BigelowPaul born about 1908
BigelowPaul Lborn about 1930
BigleyGuy Hborn about 1878
BigleyHarriet Bborn about 1879
BonsellBarbra Annborn about 1939
BonsellBeverley Jborn about 1935
BonsellCatherine born about 1917
BonsellEffie born about 1872
BonsellJohn born about 1870
BonsellJoseph born about 1915
BowserDavid born about 1913
BowserMargaret born about 1920
BowserMarjorie born about 1939
BowsmenBlair born about 1903
BriggsMary Eborn about 1910
BriggsRalph born about 1900
BriggsShirley Jborn about 1932
BrindleAlice born about 1901
BrindleHarry born about 1899
BrownElizabeth born about 1893
BrownPaul born about 1890
BurketCharles born about 1903
BurketCharles born about 1925
BurketCharolette born about 1929
BurketMalcom born about 1938
BurketMarjorie born about 1938
BurketOlive born about 1900
BurkettBlair born about 1881
BurkettMary born about 1881

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C Surnames

CarperAdaline born about 1928
CarperAnn Sborn about 1909
CarperClaude born about 1906
CarperEbbie born about 1905
CarperElla born about 1875
CarperErma born about 1931
CarperGarrie Eborn about 1904
CarperGeorge born about 1921
CarperJohn born about 1909
CarperJohn born about 1938
CarperJoseph born about 1939
CarperLenora born about 1917
CarperLola born about 1882
CarperMarie born about 1910
CarperMiles born about 1875
CarperPatty born about 1936
CarperPhillip born about 1874
CarperPhillip born about 1933
CarperPhyllis born about 1910
CarperRobert born about 1929
CarperShirley born about 1929
CarperVirginia born about 1924
CarperYvonne born about 1939
CasnerHarry born about 1907
CasnerIva born about 1914
CasnerJane born about 1938
CellaElmira born about 1909
CellaJoseph Aborn about
CellaJoseph Pborn about 1893
ChaseLillie born about 1881
CondronMinnie born about 1878
CondronSilas born about 1861
CorbinBruce born about 1904
CorbinDonna Lborn about 1933
CorbinRichard Bborn about 1935
CorbinRuth born about 1910
CuppGlenn born about 1920

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D Surnames

DeterSara born about 1878
DeterWalter born about 1877
DicksonCatherine born about 1936
DicksonMelvin born about 1937
DomitrovichMildred born about 1907
DomitrovichTony born about 1906

E Surnames

EllenbergerDonald born about 1927
EllenbergerHoward born about 1898
EllenbergerStella born about 1902
EspyClara born about 1871
EspyDora born about 1908
EspyHerman Fborn about 1939
EspyJohn born about 1878
EspyJohn Pborn about 1937

G Surnames

GensimoreCalvin born about 1900
GensimoreCharles Lborn about 1935
GensimoreDonald born about 1922
GensimoreEdward born about 1871
GensimoreEdward born about 1925
GensimoreFannie Mborn about 1903
GensimoreFred born about 1902
GensimoreGlenn Aborn about 1932
GensimoreGrace Mborn about 1900
GensimoreHarry born about 1920
GensimoreJanet Mborn about 1926
GensimoreLarry Rborn about 1937
GillMargaret born about 1877
GillThomas born about 1875
GlassCharolette Vborn about 1931
GlassEsther Mborn about 1939
GlassGeorge born about 1889
GlassGeorge Jr born about 1919
GlassGrant born about 1921
GlassMary Gborn about 1896
GlassMay Lborn about 1926
GordonCarrie born about 1878
GordonWilliam born about 1875
GratsonSteve born about 1884
GrattiusBlair born about 1873
GrattiusJennie born about 1893
GrattiusMarlyn born about 1928
GrattiusRichard born about 1891
GrattiusRichard born about 1923
GrayAlma born about 1921
GrayCharles born about 1921
GrayHazel born about 1917

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H Surnames

HamerBlanche born about 1928
HamerCatherine born about 1914
HamerClarence born about 1910
HamerClarence Jr born about 1939
HamerDale Lborn about 1931
HamerEarl born about 1907
HamerEda born about 1920
HamerEdna born about 1906
HamerElsie Mborn about 1932
HamerHarry born about 1934
HamerJohn Wborn about 1938
HamerLaurence born about 1937
HamerLoyd born about 1926
HamerMarshall born about 1883
HamerMarshall Jr born about 1913
HamerMary born about 1914
HamerOscar born about 1877
HamerRobert Tborn about 1935
HamerRoberta born about 1887
HamerRoberta born about 1923
HamerSidney Nborn about 1933
HamerWilliam Eborn about 1929
HarpsterCharles born about 1934
HarpsterElizabeth born about 1880
HarpsterFred born about 1906
HarpsterGuila born about 1935
HarpsterHazel born about 1907
HarpsterIrene born about 1928
HarpsterNancy born about 1911
HarpsterNorma born about 1937
HarpsterPatricia born about 1930
HarpsterPauline born about 1930
HarpsterPhyllis born about 1932
HarpsterRay born about 1907
HarpsterWilliam born about 1879
HarpsterWilliam born about 1929
HatchCaroline born about 1933
HatchCharolett born about 1928
HatchEdward born about 1923
HatchGeraldine born about 1939
HatchKathyrn born about 1903
HatchLeona born about 1931
HatchMark born about 1896
HeckElsie born about 1865
HendersonHarry born about 1872
HendersonMargaret born about 1879
HildebrandAlma Mborn about 1932
HildebrandHarold born about 1927
HildebrandMabel born about 1899
HildebrandMarjorie born about 1925
HildebrandNorris born about 1896
HildebrandNorris Jr born about 1925
HildebrandRuth Iborn about 1930
HookGeorge born about 1891
HookJant born about 1926
HooverBlanche born about 1900
HooverCatherine born about 1930
HooverEugene born about 1928
HooverGeneva born about 1932
HooverHarvey born about 1889

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I Surnames

IrvinEthel Mborn about 1890
IrvinKent Mborn about 1884
IsenbergPaul born about 1897

K Surnames

KinchBetty born about 1928
KinchBeverley born about 1935
KinchEdna Mborn about 1892
KinchJohn born about 1889
KinchNaomi born about 1924
KinchRalph born about 1922
KurtzAtlas born about 1899
KurtzEdna born about 1938
KurtzJack born about 1934
KurtzKathleen born about 1928
KurtzKenneth born about 1930
KurtzMyrtle born about 1906
KurtzPatricia born about 1936
KurtzRobert born about 1925
KurtzRonnald born about 1933

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L Surnames

LearElijah Dborn about 1880
LearHannah born about 1884
LearLuthur born about 1905
LearRuth born about 1904
LeffWilliam Sborn about 1888
LeidyAgnes born about 1903
LeidyEarl born about 1893
LeidyHarry born about 1866
LeidyIda Mborn about 1869
LeyderDonna Rborn about 1930
LeyderJames born about 1918
LeyderMary Ellenborn about 1928

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M Surnames

McAlevyBertha born about 1921
McAlevyCarrie born about 1927
McAlevyEdgar born about 1886
McAlevyEdgar Gborn about 1939
McAlevyEdna born about 1931
McAlevyHazel born about 1924
McAlevyMarion born about 1896
McAlevyMary born about 1923
McAlevyNora Mborn about 1935
MillerElaine born about 1916
MillerJames born about 1906
MillerJohn born about 1877
MillerKathyrn born about 1908
MillerMarjorie born about 1912
MillerMyrtle born about 1885
MogleCharles born about 1879
MogleGenevieve born about 1905
MogleMarjorie Eborn about 1939
MogleMary born about 1876
MogleSidney born about 1873
MogleSidney Iborn about 1909
MooreMargaret born about 1900
MurrayCharles born about 1891
MurrayDorothy born about 1922
MurrayElsie Bborn about 1890

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P Surnames

PalmaCaroline born about 1906
PalmaFrank born about
PalmaMary born about 1935
ParsonsGilbert born about 1884
ParsonsKathyrn born about 1877
PattersonCatherine born about 1915
PattersonDoris Iborn about 1934
PattersonHarold born about 1910
PollockEllen Mborn about 1914
PollockGene Hborn about
PollockMenno born about 1904

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R Surnames

RahmMary born about 1895
ReedLina born about 1896
ReedSamuel born about 1873
RiceAura born about 1893
RiceJanet born about 1920
RiceJohn born about 1892
RishellEdward born about 1920
RishellMary born about 1919
RobinsonBetty Mborn about 1929
RobinsonJames born about 1910
RobinsonJanet Lborn about 1931
RobinsonMartha born about 1911
RobinsonMorris Leeborn about 1936
RumbergerGlenn born about 1921
RumbergerGrace Aborn about 1920
RumbergerMarjorie born about 1924
RumbergerMary Jborn about 1901
RumbergerRalph born about 1890
RumbergerRalph born about 1922

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S Surnames

SchellLee born about 1913
SchellWilliam Leeborn about 1939
SchellWinerfred born about 1914
SeiberBetty Annborn about 1939
SeiberCalvin born about 1905
SeiberDora Jborn about 1937
SeiberSamuel Sborn about 1936
SeiberVirginia born about 1918
SeinerAlice Mborn about 1921
SeinerCathrine Iborn about 1915
SeinerFrank born about 1913
SeinerGeorge born about 1923
SeinerHelen born about 1928
SeinerJames born about 1933
SeinerJohn born about 1916
SeinerJoseph Lborn about 1938
SeinerJosephine born about 1895
SeinerJosephine Mborn about 1932
SeinerMathew born about 1930
SeinerSamuel born about 1884
SeinerShirley Aborn about 1935
SeinerWilliam born about 1926
ShawleyAlice Mborn about 1907
ShawleyCharles Kborn about 1916
ShawleyCynthia born about 1897
ShawleyDavid born about 1878
ShawleyFlo born about 1927
ShawleyJoel born about 1911
ShowalterElizabeth born about 1867
ShowalterGrace born about 1893
ShowalterGrace born about 1926
ShowalterHarvey born about 1894
ShowalterLawrence born about 1918
ShowalterMary born about 1918
ShowalterMelvin born about 1920
ShultzEsther born about 1879
ShultzWalter born about 1877
SlippeyAlberta Mborn about 1896
SlippeyEleanore Eborn about 1935
SlippeyIrvin born about 1889
SlippeyNorman Hborn about 1938
SmithBertha born about 1881
SmithEarl born about 1898
SmithJoan Cborn about 1937
SmithMarriel born about 1904
SmithMartha born about 1879
SnyderMargaret born about 1928
StoverEdwin born about 1889
StoverEleanor born about 1926
StoverElizabeth born about 1920
StoverJohn born about 1923
StoverMargaret born about 1888
StringerAlbert born about 1917
StringerDonnald born about 1939
StringerEsther Dborn about 1919
StringerJune Mborn about 1921
StringerRay born about 1916
StringerRonald born about 1939
StringerSandra Lborn about 1937
StullEdward born about 1932

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T Surnames

TeetersCharles born about 1913
TeetersMary born about 1915
ThomasCharles born about 1878
ThomasMary born about 1881
TusseyAlmeda Eborn about 1911
TusseyLawrence born about 1907
TusseyLawrence Mborn about 1933
TusseyPhyllis Jborn about 1935

V Surnames

VincenzoCammaroto born about 1893
VincenzoCarmela born about 1922
VincenzoCarmelo born about 1924
VincenzoCatherine born about 1895

W Surnames

WaiteAlice born about 1930
WaiteBeverley born about 1933
WaiteDarleen born about 1934
WaiteDonna Iborn about 1936
WaiteEugene born about 1910
WaiteEugene Aborn about 1935
WaiteGordon Tborn about 1937
WaiteHuberta born about 1910
WaitePauline born about 1913
WaiteRose Maryborn about 1929
WaiteWilbur born about 1910
WarnerSamuel Jborn about 1869
WarnerSamuel J Jrborn about 1910
WebbAnnie born about 1873
WeyerAlton born about 1924
WeyerClair born about 1894
WeyerEvelyn born about 1891
WeyerJess Wborn about 1885
WeyerRuth born about 1898
WeyerVernard born about 1920
WeyerWalter born about 1910
WilcoxJanet born about 1936
WilcoxJohn born about 1859
WilcoxJohn Iborn about 1898
WilcoxLeroy Rborn about 1934
WilcoxMargaret born about 1863
WilcoxMargaret born about 1898

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Z Surnames

ZimmermanHoward born about 1907
ZimmermanJesse Hborn about 1933
ZimmermanJoe Wborn about 1937
ZimmermanMargaret born about 1912
ZimmermanMarjorie Aborn about 1928
ZimmermanRaymond Mborn about 1932

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