1940 U.S. Federal Census of Tuscarora Township in Perry County, Perry, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Perry County > 1940 Census of Tuscarora Township in Perry County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AckardDonald Cborn about 1935
AckardIra Oborn about 1895
AckardJoan Lborn about 1936
AckardOlive Sborn about 1911
AndersonCleda Gborn about 1892
AsperAnna Cborn about 1881
AsperBonnie Kborn about 1939
AsperClara Cborn about 1912
AsperDorothy Bborn about 1937
AsperEarnest Lborn about 1916
AsperGrace Mborn about 1931
AsperJames Fborn about 1929
AsperOrval Rborn about 1910
AsperRonald Lborn about 1940
AsperShirley Aborn about 1935
AsperSintlia Mborn about 1933

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B Surnames

BailerLiona Mborn about 1879
BailorCharles Tborn about 1932
BailorDalariga V Cborn about 1938
BailorFrorence Mborn about 1926
BailorGeorge Mborn about 1906
BailorHenry Eborn about 1924
BailorKathrine Mborn about 1909
BailorMorris Mborn about 1927
BakerCarl Mborn about 1933
BakerDorothy Aborn about 1927
BakerEarl Dborn about 1901
BakerEarl Lborn about 1921
BakerEdna Jborn about 1935
BakerEdward Jborn about 1932
BakerEthel Eborn about 1897
BakerFreda Iborn about 1905
BakerJame Lborn about 1905
BakerJames Eborn about 1928
BakerJunior Mborn about 1928
BakerMarion Cborn about 1930
BakerMaud Eborn about 1882
BakerMelvin Rborn about 1888
BakerThomas Wborn about 1872
BakerVictoria Dborn about 1867
BakerVivian Eborn about 1924
BarnesAnnie Jborn about 1877
BarnesHarry Eborn about 1875
BarnesMary Cborn about 1923
BarnesRoscoe Mborn about 1919
BarnsBetty Lborn about 1935
BarnsDavid Aborn about 1912
BarnsEthel Mborn about 1926
BarnsJohn Lborn about 1901
BarnsLenus born about 1935
BarnsLester Eborn about 1900
BarnsLester Eborn about 1921
BarnsMabel Jborn about 1928
BarnsMary born about 1914
BarnsRobert born about 1937
BarnsRussell Jborn about 1940
BenerOtto Cborn about 1925
BensonClarence Rborn about 1935
BensonElmer Jborn about 1894
BensonMary Lborn about 1897
BinnerAlfred Dsborn about 1933
BinnerCora Lborn about 1904
BinnerDaniel Hborn about 1930
BinnerGarden Fborn about 1924
BinnerOtto Jborn about 1904
BinsonAlonza Wborn about 1897
BinsonCatsie Eborn about 1908
BinsonDavis Eborn about 1930
BinsonJenie Cborn about 1938
BinsonJune Bborn about 1923
BinsonMae Bborn about 1934
BinsonMary Jborn about 1926
BinsonNaince Cborn about 1920
BinsonPaul Nborn about 1940
BinsonWayne Aborn about 1936
BirchlerPaul Bborn about 1919
BixlerEffie Mborn about 1897
BixlerHarry Rborn about 1898
BixlerPauline Eborn about 1923
BlackBeverly Aborn about 1935
BlackConstance Lborn about 1928
BlackDelorsa Annborn about 1929
BlackElianor Hborn about 1905
BlackElinor Kborn about 1938
BlackGeorge Bborn about 1907
BlackJessie Iborn about 1933
BlackMary Jborn about 1931
BlackStila Mborn about 1906
BoyerBeatrice Bborn about 1934
BoyerBruce Bborn about 1932
BoyerErma Kborn about 1923
BoyerKatty Aborn about 1896
BoyerMildred Jborn about 1927
BoyerRufus Rborn about 1898
BoyerVera Mborn about 1925
BrattonBurnace Aborn about 1935
BrattonClara Gborn about 1925
BrattonDona Hborn about 1933
BrattonHarvey Aborn about 1939
BrattonLogan Lborn about 1886
BrownBetty Maeborn about 1930
BrownClara Mborn about 1887
BrownDavid Mborn about 1887
BrownGeorge Hborn about 1883
BrownHarry Fborn about 1939
BrownJack Tborn about 1933
BrownJames Aborn about 1887
BrownJohn Nborn about 1863
BrownKatherine Mborn about 1921
BrownMary Kborn about 1876
BrownWallis Eborn about 1931
BrownWilliam Iborn about 1878
BrusonBlanch Lborn about 1902
BrusonCharles Dborn about 1924
BrusonFranklin Eborn about 1930
BrusonGrace Iborn about 1928
BrusonGrant Dborn about 1902
BuckerMartha Sborn about 1884
BurdCarl Eborn about 1910
BurdDoria Jborn about 1940
BurdDorthy Hborn about 1914
BurdElsie Jborn about 1868
BurdHiram Sborn about 1866
BurdJohn Wborn about 1907
BurkipileBlanch Eborn about 1893
BurkipileCavin Jborn about 1890
BurkipileHarry Rborn about 1893
BurkipileVirginia Mborn about 1924
BurrellJohn Lborn about 1885
BurrellRebecca Lborn about 1885
ByersBeatrice Mborn about 1921
ByersCharles Cborn about
ByersEarl Lborn about 1937
ByersFlorence Fborn about 1902
ByersGeorge Wborn about 1927
ByersGlen Eborn about 1929
ByersJohn Wborn about 1925
ByersLesie Eborn about 1934
ByersLouis Pborn about 1930
ByersRowland Eborn about 1898
ByersSamuel Eborn about 1936
ByersShirley Aborn about 1938
ByersWayne Eborn about 1926

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C Surnames

CampbellAnabelle born about 1921
CampbellAnn Aborn about 1937
CampbellBertha Eborn about 1909
CampbellBlanch Mborn about 1893
CampbellCatherine Hborn about 1911
CampbellCharles Vborn about 1910
CampbellClarence Rborn about 1916
CampbellDonald Mborn about 1923
CampbellErma Rborn about 1911
CampbellHoward Rborn about 1901
CampbellJames Lborn about 1933
CampbellJay Cborn about 1934
CampbellJohn Lborn about 1932
CampbellLewis Sborn about 1891
CampbellLuther Wborn about 1925
CampbellMae Sborn about 1912
CampbellMargret Mborn about 1882
CampbellMarie Aborn about 1937
CampbellMildred Aborn about 1928
CampbellRussell Jborn about 1930
CampbellRuth Eborn about 1939
CampbellShirley Mborn about 1935
CampbellSilvester born about 1889
CampbellThomas Mborn about 1920
CampbellWilliam Bborn about 1887
CampbellWilliam Eborn about 1913
CheesemanEllen Mborn about 1879
CoxWarren Lborn about 1938
CreeMary Eborn about 1920
CrocketCatherine Aborn about 1939
CrocketHarold Rborn about 1937
CrocketJess Kborn about 1910
CrocketKenneth Eborn about 1933
CrocketMary Lborn about 1935
CrocketMinnie Rborn about 1916
CrullJoseph Mborn about 1877
CrullMary Jborn about 1881
CrumAmos Eborn about 1880
CrumId Lborn about 1884

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D Surnames

DaguillIda Mborn about 1917
DelancyLaurence born about 1922
DienerCharles Lborn about 1886
DienerLillie Mborn about 1893
DillmanAlice Sborn about 1886
DillmanDaniel Nborn about 1914
DillmanMary Bborn about 1907
DimmAustin Aborn about 1868
DimmDora Hborn about 1868
DobynJohn Aborn about 1912
DobynLula Fborn about 1875
DobynRoy Tborn about 1904
DobynThomas Jborn about 1871
DobynWalter Aborn about 1915
DonohoePat Jborn about 1888
DunkleRosabelle Kborn about 1919
DurhmanLoyd Sborn about 1888

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F Surnames

FeltmanDervin Eborn about 1906
FeltmanGerldine Nborn about 1928
FeltmanSylvania born about 1910
FeltmanTuman Rborn about 1932
FliecherAlmira Jborn about 1917
FliecherGeorge Mborn about 1915
FolgemanArline Rborn about 1926
FolgemanAudrey Mborn about 1932
FolgemanEunice Gborn about 1929
FolgemanGrace Fborn about 1906
FolgemanIsaac Dborn about 1939
FolgemanJessie Aborn about 1934
FolgemanOscar Gborn about 1937
FolgemanViolet Rborn about 1935
FolgemanWilliam Lborn about 1902
FolgemanWilliam Lborn about 1928
FortneyClara Aborn about 1886
FortneyWilliam born about 1878
FosselmanAnnie Rborn about 1875
FosselmanDan born about 1898
FosselmanDonald Wborn about 1930
FosselmanEllen Eborn about 1902
FosselmanHarold Rborn about 1934
FosselmanJessie Eborn about 1939
FosselmanLamont born about 1914
FosselmanLaura Cborn about 1899
FosselmanLeddy Eborn about 1930
FosselmanMildred Iborn about 1924
FosselmanPauline Nborn about 1924
FosselmanVincent Bborn about 1887
FosselmanWarren Cborn about 1921
FrankinberryGeorge Jborn about 1905
FrankinberrySara Eborn about 1906
FrankinberryWilma Iborn about 1931
FryBertha Mborn about 1884
FryCharles Wborn about 1882
FryChester Cborn about 1919
FryDavid Jborn about 1879
FryDelbert Dborn about 1922
FryElizabeth Eborn about 1867
FryGeorge Hborn about 1921
FryLoy Oborn about 1937
FryMargaret Hborn about 1881
FryMartha Jborn about 1898
FryMary Aborn about 1885
FryMary Pborn about 1927
FryMildred Sborn about 1917
FryRaymond Cborn about 1917
FryRoman Mborn about 1922
FryRuth Bborn about 1929
FrySamuel Dborn about 1915

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G Surnames

GilbaughAlda Aborn about 1920
GilbaughKenneth Dborn about 1920
GoodlingArlene Eborn about 1936
GoodlingLucian Wborn about 1909
GoodlingMiriam Aborn about 1919
GordonDonald Eborn about 1918
GordonEster Lborn about 1909
GordonEugene Rborn about 1930
GordonFlorence Cborn about 1935
GordonKatherne Eborn about 1883
GordonRoy Sborn about 1906
GordonSamuel Fborn about 1876
GordonVirginia Eborn about 1928
GrossCarry Bborn about 1879
GrossCloyd Tborn about 1908
GrossHelen Eborn about 1910
GrossJames Nborn about 1874

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H Surnames

HainlyRobert Bborn about 1893
HallAnna Sborn about 1870
HallGrace Eborn about 1903
HallHarry Mborn about 1912
HallJames Tborn about 1932
HallJohn Aborn about 1926
HallJohn Kborn about 1903
HallLarry Eborn about 1939
HallMarian Eborn about 1917
HallRichard Mborn about 1935
HallRoy Eborn about 1936
HallWilliam Bborn about 1928
HamptonEthel Rborn about 1903
HamptonHarry Lborn about 1898
HamptonHelen Maeborn about 1924
HamptonMary Eborn about 1875
HamptonTruman Eborn about 1909
HarrisJohn Jborn about 1934
HerrisBessie Mborn about 1900
HerrisLouis Jborn about 1868
HimesClaud Oborn about 1894
HimesMary Sborn about 1879
HoffmanHollis born about 1910
HoffmanLeo Eborn about 1933
HoffmanLillie born about 1914
HokeCharlet Fborn about 1939
HokeCletus Eborn about 1930
HokeDella Gborn about 1890
HokeElla Mborn about 1912
HokeEugene Rborn about 1925
HokeFrank Fborn about 1879
HokeGloria Jborn about 1937
HokeIsadore Fborn about 1919
HokeJohn Nborn about 1927
HokePaul Mborn about 1907
HokeWayne U Gborn about 1922
HolleyFrank born about 1908
HoltzappleClara Dborn about 1869
HoltzappleRoy born about 1908

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J Surnames

JonesEdyth Cborn about 1892
JonesJay Lborn about 1885
JonesMargaret Iborn about 1858
JonesRuth Aborn about 1918
JonesSirley Aborn about 1922
JonesWillard Fborn about 1925

K Surnames

KarstitterMerde Iborn about 1907
KarstitterThomas Fborn about 1883
KarstitterThomas Rborn about 1920
KassnerMary Eborn about 1935
KellElsie Mborn about 1914
KellJohn Eborn about 1875
KerrAnnie Eborn about 1893
KerrBillie Dborn about 1936
KerrCarolyn Lborn about 1936
KerrCarter Lborn about 1878
KerrCharles Iborn about 1897
KerrCharlet Bborn about 1898
KerrDavid Gborn about 1934
KerrElizabeth Mborn about 1911
KerrEmma Sborn about 1871
KerrGlenn Jborn about 1910
KerrHarold Eborn about 1925
KerrInez Eborn about 1930
KerrJohn Fborn about 1920
KerrLella Nborn about 1889
KerrMary Eborn about 1911
KerrMary Eborn about 1939
KerrNevin Aborn about 1884
KlinDona Lborn about 1931
KlineWilliam Wborn about 1887
KniselyHellen Aborn about 1912
KniselyJohn Wborn about 1933
KniselyMerle Bborn about 1911
KretzingAlice Rborn about 1933
KretzingAnna Aborn about 1925
KretzingFae Bborn about 1927
KretzingJacob Eborn about 1931
KretzingKatherine Lborn about 1921
KretzingLarry Iborn about 1938
KretzingMae Eborn about 1897
KretzingMartha Eborn about 1935
KretzingPaul Rborn about 1899
KretzingThalma Hborn about 1929

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L Surnames

LandisWilber born about 1918
LaneErnest Rborn about 1898
LaneMalfred Wborn about 1901
LaneMary Cborn about 1904
LauverAlice Eborn about 1928
LauverAnna Eborn about 1907
LauverEdward Cborn about 1907
LauverJacob Pborn about 1891
LauverMyrtle Mborn about 1926
LauverNora Eborn about 1900
LedersEster Mborn about 1907
LedersRuth Kborn about 1916
LedersSamuel Hborn about 1891
LedersSamuel H Jrborn about 1920
LehmanAlbert Eborn about 1900
LehmanDaisy Aborn about 1881
LehmanEdwin Eborn about 1932
LehmanElizabeth Cborn about 1876
LehmanJohn Eborn about 1927
LehmanJohn Hborn about 1881
LehmanMinnie Mborn about 1909
LehmanNaoma Mborn about 1871
LehmanRoy Sborn about 1887
LeinaweaverAlice Rborn about 1900
LeinaweaverJames Lborn about 1929
LeinaweaverJoice Hborn about 1934
LeinaweaverLee Tborn about 1900
LeinaweaverWilliam Mborn about 1927
LeshAlbert Bborn about 1906
LeshAlberta Gborn about 1931
LeshBeatrice Iborn about 1932
LeshBessie Eborn about 1908
LeshBetty Lborn about 1938
LeshDolly Mborn about 1935
LeshDonald Eborn about 1937
LeshJacob Pborn about 1868
LeshJessie Sborn about 1912
LeshJoseph Eborn about 1932
LeshNorah Eborn about 1870
LeshRichard Aborn about 1933
LeshRoscoe Lborn about 1909
LeshRoscoe Lborn about 1930
LesterWax Fborn about 1929
LewisEunice Eborn about 1899
LewisGuy Rborn about 1898
LewisIva born about 1929
LewisMarjorie born about 1924
LewisMartha Gborn about 1926
LongHarry Cborn about 1926
LongMayme Eborn about 1889
LongRoy Dborn about 1890
LongacreBetty Aborn about 1924
LongacreEmma Jborn about 1877
LongacreIbra Bborn about 1874
LongacreJoy Cborn about 1900
LongacreSara Eborn about 1901
LongakerBetty Aborn about 1924
LongakerEmma Jborn about 1877
LongakerIbra Bborn about 1874
LongakerJoy Cborn about 1900
LongakerSara Eborn about 1901
LongfrancesHarry Cborn about 1926
LongfrancesMayme Eborn about 1889
LongfrancesRoy Dborn about 1890
LoyRuth Eborn about 1922
LoyaRuth Eborn about 1922
LyonsBessie Mborn about 1917
LyonsCharles Dborn about 1936
LyonsDona Kborn about 1938
LyonsLaurance born about 1936
LyonsWayne Aborn about 1913
LyonsWilliam Cborn about 1859
LyorBessie Mborn about 1917
LyorCharles Dborn about 1936
LyorDona Kborn about 1938
LyorLaurance born about 1936
LyorWayne Aborn about 1913
LyorWilliam Cborn about 1859

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M Surnames

MarksAlvin Eborn about 1927
MarksEldon Eborn about 1897
MarksMerrill Eborn about 1925
MatherAlice Eborn about 1924
MatherAsa Fborn about 1889
MatherRoxanna born about 1887
MatilloHarry Wborn about 1914
MatilloMaud Rborn about 1892
McClainHarry Lborn about 1908
McCoyLaura Bborn about 1896
McCoyThomas Eborn about 1850
McDonaldAlbert Sborn about 1925
McDonaldAnn Aborn about 1927
McDonaldJosephine Mborn about 1930
McDonaldMartha Mborn about 1906
McDonaldMax Eborn about 1932
McDonaldSaylor Tborn about 1929
McDonaldWilliam Jr born about 1934
McDonaldWm J Bborn about 1900
McLainBertha Mborn about 1888
McLoyAnnie Rborn about 1876
McLoyGirld Eborn about 1917
McLoyJames Eborn about 1939
McLoyJay Rborn about 1902
McLoyJerome Hborn about 1874
McLoyVilot Sborn about 1921
McNaughtonAlice Lborn about 1926
McNaughtonArlene Jborn about 1934
McNaughtonCatherine born about 1907
McNaughtonFrank Cborn about 1882
McNaughtonFrank C Jrborn about 1925
McNaughtonGee Dborn about 1881
McNaughtonHarold Eborn about 1921
McNaughtonJane Lborn about 1924
McNaughtonJoseph Rborn about 1931
McNaughtonLeona Mborn about 1923
McNaughtonMargaret Jborn about 1886
McNaughtonNancy Tborn about 1929
McNaughtonOlive Mborn about 1897
McNaughtonPearl Vborn about 1922
McNaughtonRay Lborn about 1927
McNaughtonRusell Rborn about 1901
McNaughtonStella Iborn about 1890
MeiserRobert born about 1908
MeiserWilliam Aborn about 1875
MickeyHoward Lborn about 1890
MickeySusan Fborn about 1895
MillerCharles Hborn about 1891
MillerDoris Hborn about 1935
MillerFederick Hborn about 1939
MillerFern Hborn about 1937
MillerFloy Lborn about 1889
MillerGurtrude Hborn about 1916
MillerHiram Hborn about 1933
MillerJames Wborn about 1884
MitchellAlice Mborn about 1911
MitchellFrank Mborn about 1907
MitchellFrank M Jrborn about 1939

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N Surnames

NaylorRobert born about 1920

O Surnames

OckardRobert Kborn about 1929
OrrisBetty Mborn about 1923
OrrisFrank Wborn about 1917

P Surnames

PadenMarie Fborn about 1908
PadenStyles E Rborn about 1904
PattonElmer born about 1928
PattonHarold Eborn about 1930
PattonHilton Eborn about 1924
PattonKathryn Iborn about 1938
PattonMary Sborn about 1922
PattonMaxwell Cborn about 1896
PattonMerdel Eborn about 1897
PattonThomas Eborn about 1930
PattonWm Mborn about 1918
PhilabaumDorthy Eborn about 1920
PhilabaumLarr Rborn about 1939
PhilabaumWilber Rborn about 1919
PortzlineGeorge born about 1875
PotterArdella Nborn about 1931
PotterBanks Cborn about 1884
PotterGerldane Tborn about 1932
PotterHerbert Hborn about 1929
PotterJune Iborn about 1928
PotterLeroy Gborn about 1926
PotterMerime Bborn about 1934
PotterMinnie Eborn about 1887
PotterRaymond Wborn about 1924
PotterWilbert Wborn about 1930
PowellRew Cborn about 1894
PowellSara Cborn about 1867

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Q Surnames

QuickMary Lborn about 1938

R Surnames

ReffnerLouisa Mborn about 1917
ReisingerDavid Eborn about 1931
ReisingerEd Dborn about 1867
ReisingerHarry Sborn about 1901
ReisingerMargaret Aborn about 1909
ReisingerMary Eborn about 1938
ReisingerWilliam Tborn about 1856
ResingerElla Mborn about 1871
RhoadesBarbra born about 1875
RhoadesEdward born about 1881
RibokGeorge Hborn about 1886
RibokJack Cborn about 1922
RibokMary Lborn about 1878
RibokWilliam Eborn about 1915
RiceArthur P Oborn about 1903
RiceCarl Jborn about 1914
RiceDanial Eborn about 1893
RiceEdna Nborn about 1893
RiceFrank Gborn about 1890
RiceHarry Bborn about 1923
RiceHarry Sborn about 1884
RiceIda born about 1919
RiceJanet Lborn about 1916
RiceJay Eborn about 1878
RiceJohn Jborn about 1915
RiceJonathan Lborn about 1925
RiceLottie Bborn about 1881
RiceNora Lborn about 1905
RiceRosie Hborn about 1896
RiceThomas Nborn about 1918
RomboeAlbert born about 1885
RumbergerAdam Bborn about 1896
RumbergerCharles Tborn about 1884
RumbergerElner born about 1882
RumbergerJohn Wborn about 1918
RumbergerThomas Fborn about 1914

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S Surnames

SadanGilbert Cborn about 1900
SadanReba Iborn about 1901
SadanVirginia Rborn about 1920
ScottJohn Gborn about 1881
ShafferClyde Eborn about 1927
ShafferDonald Lborn about 1939
ShafferLillie Mborn about 1919
ShafferMargaret Aborn about 1894
ShafferMax Eborn about 1931
ShafferRobert Eborn about 1937
ShafferRobert Lborn about 1913
ShafferRobert Mborn about 1865
ShafferWayne Aborn about 1925
SheafferElmer Eborn about 1868
SheafferEva born about 1878
SheafferLouis Cborn about 1939
SheafferMacdonald Cborn about 1910
SheafferOlive Mborn about 1909
SheelyClarence Mborn about 1894
SheelyMary Eborn about 1906
ShellenbergerChester born about 1927
ShellenbergerHerbert Hborn about 1929
ShellenbergerLena Mborn about 1900
ShifferAnnie Lborn about 1886
ShifferClark Nborn about 1939
ShifferEmily Mborn about 1919
ShifferGladys Vborn about 1918
ShifferHenry Oborn about 1915
ShifferPhilis Fborn about 1931
ShifferSara Kborn about 1925
ShifferStanely Wborn about 1923
ShifferWilliam Hborn about 1883
ShifferWm Jr born about 1923
ShullAlfred Jborn about 1914
ShullBertha Eborn about 1912
ShullBurtha Maeborn about 1924
ShullCarry Vborn about 1887
ShullClarence Lborn about 1887
ShullEleanor Mborn about 1938
ShullLeroy Dborn about 1936
ShullSusan born about 1885
ShumanGeorge Bborn about 1870
SicristBlake born about 1906
SicristDorothie born about 1919
SicristGale born about 1916
SicristHoward Dborn about 1932
SicristIrvin Bborn about 1875
SicristJane born about 1923
SicristJennie Eborn about 1880
SicristLee Ennaborn about 1906
SicristLeroy Jborn about 1903
SicristRonald Iborn about 1938
SicristWane Lborn about 1928
SingerCharles born about 1910
SissonGurtrude born about 1869
SkopesWilliam Cborn about 1899
SlottebergerAdam Iborn about 1904
SmithBertus born about 1919
SmithBryan Oborn about 1897
SmithDonald Rborn about 1930
SmithElsie Mborn about 1910
SmithHazel Gborn about 1904
SmithJames Cborn about 1880
SmithMary Aborn about 1932
SmithMary Aborn about 1933
SmithMildred Iborn about 1935
SmithShirley Eborn about 1937
SmithWilliam Hborn about 1861
SpinggleSamuel Dborn about 1895
SpriggleClara Mborn about 1893
SpriggleIda Mborn about 1866
StaileyJacob Iborn about 1905
StaileyJohn born about 1915
StarlyLuther born about 1860
StoneroadCharles Rborn about 1886
StoneroadClarence Pborn about 1934
StoneroadGrace Eborn about 1937
StoneroadHellen Mborn about 1912
StoneroadMary Lborn about 1933
StoneroadNathan Lborn about 1922
StoneroadRay Aborn about 1929
StoneroadRussell born about 1925
StoneroadVerna Iborn about 1931
StraupJomina Lborn about 1870
StraupWesley Eborn about 1872
StroupHettie Mborn about 1853
SwalisJohn born about 1922
SwartzEdwin Aborn about 1911
SwartzElsie Mborn about 1914
SwartzVerna Mborn about 1938
SwegerAlbert Rborn about 1920
SwegerCharlet Eborn about 1906
SwegerDewey Cborn about 1899
SwegerJohn Lborn about 1891
SwegerLaura Mborn about 1891
SwegerMary Eborn about 1919
SwegerRoland Dborn about 1894
SwegerRoy Gborn about 1925

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T Surnames

TannerEmma born about 1929
ThomasPaul Dborn about 1916
TresslerMax Bborn about 1918
TroutJoice Jborn about 1937
TroutKatherine Eborn about 1935
TroutMartha Mborn about 1915
TroutWilliam Aborn about 1914
TroxelLuther born about 1881
TysonDonald Lborn about 1939
TysonGrace Mborn about 1920
TysonHarry Aborn about 1918
TysonOlie Eborn about 1891
TysonRuben Rborn about 1919

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V Surnames

VernonFern Eborn about 1916
VernonLeslie Rborn about 1912

W Surnames

WaltzmerArthur Rborn about 1920
WaltzmerEster Mborn about 1916
WartzBlanch Mborn about 1907
WartzPaul Lborn about 1907
WartzShirley Dborn about 1939
WenseKenneth born about 1912
WentzCharles Rborn about 1924
WentzFoster Rborn about 1905
WentzGuy Vborn about 1908
WentzJohn Wborn about 1871
WillibeyAnnie born about 1870
WilsonKathrine Eborn about 1894
WirlandHarry Hborn about 1877
WirlandMargret Aborn about 1917
WirlandNora Jborn about 1888
WirlandPaul Kborn about 1921
WirlandRaymond Rborn about 1915
WirlandRaymond Jr born about 1937
WirlandRuth Mborn about 1939

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Y Surnames

YarkBenjamin Cborn about 1922
YohnDavid Wborn about 1876
YohnSheridan Lborn about 1913

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