1940 U.S. Federal Census of Washington Township in Indiana County, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Indiana County > 1940 Census of Washington Township in Indiana County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAnna Mborn about 1935
AdamsEdna Gborn about 1927
AdamsGeorge Bborn about 1862
AdamsGeorge Lborn about 1898
AdamsJohn Rborn about 1900
AdamsMabel Aborn about 1908
AdamsMargaret Eborn about 1930
AdamsMary Lborn about 1927
AdamsMay Sborn about 1886
AdamsonBert Sborn about 1915
AdamsonByerl Lborn about 1912
AdamsonCharles Eborn about 1889
AdamsonClarence Gborn about 1911
AdamsonClarence Jborn about 1936
AdamsonCora Bborn about 1912
AdamsonEdmund Fborn about 1926
AdamsonEldean Rborn about 1928
AdamsonEleanor A Eborn about 1940
AdamsonErma Rborn about 1921
AdamsonGeorge Lborn about 1892
AdamsonGerald Eborn about 1936
AdamsonGladys Lborn about 1911
AdamsonGrace Aborn about 1894
AdamsonHorace born about 1884
AdamsonIda Mborn about 1882
AdamsonJohn Eborn about 1931
AdamsonLeoda Jborn about 1919
AdamsonLeonard Cborn about 1919
AdamsonLillie Iborn about 1891
AdamsonMartha Aborn about 1924
AdamsonWayne Eborn about 1928
AikensBarton born about 1881
AirgoodEunice Vborn about 1938
AirgoodFerne Eborn about 1926
AirgoodMary Oborn about 1906
AirgoodRoy born about 1902
AlexanderMartha Jborn about 1866
AlexanderWilliam Aborn about 1863
AllisonAlexander Hborn about 1899
AllisonCharles Wborn about 1929
AllisonMargaret Eborn about 1898
AllisonRobert Hborn about 1927
AllisonVerna Jborn about 1935
AllshouseArthur Tborn about 1926
AllshouseBert Aborn about 1882
AllshouseEdna Aborn about 1906
AllshouseJohn Aborn about 1891
AllshouseMary Mborn about 1926
AllshouseSara Jborn about 1931
AllshouseVernice Mborn about 1903
AllshouseWilliam Cborn about 1923
AndersonBetty Lborn about 1928
AndersonBlaine Vborn about 1906
AndersonEdna Gborn about 1908
AndersonEleanor Gborn about 1936
AndersonHarry Dborn about 1867
AndersonJohn Mborn about 1897
AndersonMary Lborn about 1933
AndersonRuth Lborn about 1939
AndersonSara Lborn about 1930
AndersonSara Mborn about 1916
AndersonWayne Aborn about 1932
AndersonWilliam born about 1917
AndersonWilliam Dborn about 1939
AulBetty Lborn about 1926

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B Surnames

BagleyMarjorie Eborn about 1927
BaileyDonald Eborn about 1928
BaileyLottie Kborn about 1884
BaileyNorman Aborn about 1881
BarkBert Sborn about 1885
BarkMae Eborn about 1915
BarkSamuel Wborn about 1879
BarkSusie Mborn about 1885
BeattyCora Mborn about 1888
BeattyRobert Cborn about 1869
BellMinnie born about 1863
BlackArthur Pborn about 1897
BlackLouisa Mborn about 1857
BlackWalter Aborn about 1892
BlystoneAlda Lborn about 1924
BlystoneEthel Eborn about 1936
BlystoneJohn Eborn about 1873
BlystoneMartha ???born about 1877
BlystoneReid born about 1915
BlystoneRoy Eborn about 1912
BlystoneWilliam Gborn about 1921
BolckiGeorge born about 1920
BolckiJohn born about 1874
BolckiJoseph born about 1926
BolckiMary born about 1885
BolckiSteve born about 1921
BonatchAnn Rborn about 1921
BonatchAnna Mborn about 1914
BonatchDorothy Jborn about 1922
BonatchGenieve Dborn about 1939
BonatchJoan Mborn about 1939
BonatchJoseph Jborn about 1914
BonatchLouis Jborn about 1917
BonatchTony born about 1911
BoneDonald Wborn about 1927
BoneGeorge Tborn about 1897
BoneHazel Jborn about 1936
BoneHazel Vborn about 1897
BoneMargaret Eborn about 1924
BoneThomas Lborn about 1922
BothellBetty Gborn about 1927
BothellClair M Xborn about 1885
BothellClarence Mborn about 1893
BothellDavid Pborn about 1860
BothellEugene Cborn about 1933
BothellFrank born about 1925
BothellGeorge Aborn about 1922
BothellHelen Iborn about 1903
BothellJames Sborn about 1855
BothellLoyd Wborn about 1926
BothellMary Lborn about 1931
BothellMaurice Wborn about 1908
BothellRichard Bborn about 1929
BothellRobert Pborn about 1930
BothellThomas Lborn about 1924
BothellVerna Eborn about 1916
BothellWilbur Lborn about 1898
BothellWilliam Jborn about 1937
BoyerAnna Mborn about 1858
BoyerEdward Hborn about 1889
BoyerRuth Cborn about 1927
BoyerSara Lborn about 1903
BradyEleanor Gborn about 1936
BradyEllen Mborn about 1918
BradyRobert Aborn about 1908
BrandonAndrew Jborn about 1887
BrandonClarence Lborn about 1917
BrandonEdith Mborn about 1925
BrandonEdward Bborn about 1866
BrandonHazel Sborn about 1920
BrandonHelen Lborn about 1938
BrandonJohn Lborn about 1940
BrandonJohn Pborn about 1877
BrandonMargaret Jborn about 1874
BrandonMary Aborn about 1927
BrandonMinnie Lborn about 1861
BrandonThelma Lborn about 1923
BrandonVeda Lborn about 1907
BreuerCatherine Iborn about 1897
BreuerDwight Oborn about 1923
BreuerOwen Eborn about 1894
BrewerAnna Mborn about 1927
BrewerBertha Aborn about 1925
BrewerCharlie Mborn about 1889
BrewerElsie Iborn about 1893
BrewerEmanuel Lborn about 1912
BrewerErnest Cborn about 1885
BrewerHazel Lborn about 1933
BrewerJames born about 1916
BrewerJessie Jborn about 1922
BrewerLucy Aborn about 1882
BrewerNorman Lborn about 1917
BrewerPaul Rborn about 1919
BrewerSara Jborn about 1938
BrewerViolet Eborn about 1920
BrownAlda Gborn about 1923
BrownAnnie Rborn about 1904
BrownArchie Bborn about 1869
BrownBeatrice Eborn about 1934
BrownCharles Tborn about 1865
BrownCora Lborn about 1903
BrownGeorge Mborn about 1898
BrownJenney born about 1873
BrownLottie Jborn about 1875
BrownMelvin Eborn about 1922
BrowneByron Lborn about 1907
BrowneDorothy Lborn about 1937
BrowneElva Rborn about 1912
BrowneHelen Eborn about 1939
BurnsAdeline Vborn about 1913
BurnsAlberta Gborn about 1914
BurnsAndrew Cborn about 1936
BurnsBobbie Lborn about 1939
BurnsCharles Aborn about 1911
BurnsClark born about 1874
BurnsHazel Vborn about 1931
BurnsJohn Cborn about 1914
BurnsSusin Cborn about 1876
BytnarAnthony born about 1932
BytnarBertha born about 1902
BytnarFrank Aborn about 1920
BytnarHenry born about 1938
BytnarJohn born about 1888
BytnarJohn Lborn about 1924
BytnarJoseph born about 1914
BytnarJulia Jborn about 1926
BytnarMary Aborn about 1918
BytnarMike Jborn about 1922
BytnarStella born about 1928
BytnarSteve born about 1935
BytnarVeronica born about 1930

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C Surnames

CarleyFred Gborn about 1910
CarnahanCharles Lborn about 1882
CarnahanDaisy Mborn about 1883
CarnahanEdward Bborn about 1920
CarnahanElmer Cborn about 1920
CarnahanMargaret Mborn about 1883
CarnesMike born about 1884
CaylorBernard Pborn about 1908
CaylorBernice Jborn about 1940
CaylorJames Aborn about 1934
CaylorLillian Gborn about 1911
CaylorLillian Jborn about 1938
CaylorWayne Eborn about 1929
ChernoiaMake born about 1882
ClarkDoll Eborn about 1873
ClarkEsther Mborn about 1923
ClarkHarry Eborn about 1919
ClarkHarry Wborn about 1879
ClarkLauna Mborn about 1939
ClarkLester Wborn about 1921
ClarkMartha born about 1882
ClarkMartha Sborn about 1923
ClowesElizabeth Sborn about 1857
ClowesJohn Hborn about 1860
ColemanCyrus Lborn about 1905
ColemanMartha Mborn about 1908
CondronKathleen Rborn about 1925
CondronMargaret Lborn about 1902
CondronMargaret Mborn about 1927
CondronMarion Lborn about 1897
ConnerAnnie Cborn about 1881
ConnerArthur Wborn about 1911
ConnerBenjamin Sborn about 1876
ConnerClifford Mborn about 1909
ConnerSadie born about 1916
ConnerThomas Aborn about 1939
ConnorAlbert Rborn about 1904
CopenhaverConstance Jborn about 1939
CopenhaverJohn Eborn about 1906
CopenhaverMary Pborn about 1915
CramerGarfield Aborn about 1902
CramerNittie Mborn about 1921
CribbsAnna Bborn about 1928
CribbsBetty Jborn about 1932
CribbsBlanche Aborn about 1917
CribbsCalvin Lborn about 1892
CribbsFloyd Pborn about 1935
CribbsGeorge Aborn about 1865
CribbsGeorge Hborn about 1926
CribbsJames Rborn about 1905
CribbsLester Aborn about 1918
CribbsMargaret Mborn about 1898
CribbsMartha Eborn about 1863
CribbsMartha Eborn about 1924
CribbsPearl Eborn about 1933
CribbsRoy Bborn about 1939
CribbsRuby Lborn about 1932
CumminsAlbert Fborn about 1935
CumminsAnnie Aborn about 1908
CumminsCarl Lborn about 1933
CumminsClyde Gborn about 1937
CumminsDonald Gborn about 1940
CumminsGeorge Eborn about 1907
CumminsMargaret Lborn about 1932
CumminsWayne Lborn about 1930

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D Surnames

DavisClark born about 1863
DavisHarry Tborn about 1880
DavisRuth born about 1916
DavisSara Jborn about 1904
DellantonioAldo born about 1917
DellantonioGuido born about 1918
DellantonioJoseph born about 1923
DellantonioMario born about 1921
DiceDora Mborn about 1890
DiceThomas Aborn about 1864
DixonEleanor Mborn about 1920
DixonRonald Eborn about 1917
DonahueBelle Mborn about 1922
DonahueEarl Rborn about 1916
DonahueFloyd Aborn about 1892
DonahueGlenn Cborn about 1926
DonahueHelen Gborn about 1917
DonahueLaura Bborn about 1869
DonahueMartha Lborn about 1924
DonahuePearl Hborn about 1896
DonahuePorter Eborn about 1866
DonahueRonald Lborn about 1939
DonahueWard Jborn about 1919
DowneyAlice Mborn about 1915
DowneyCarl born about 1913
DowneyFrank Aborn about 1876
DowneyMary Eborn about 1885
DowneyRonald Cborn about 1940
DowneyWiona Rborn about 1937
DuncanBelle Lborn about 1877
DuncanEffa Mborn about 1879
DuncanMary Nborn about 1868

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E Surnames

EdwardsGeorge Wborn about 1867
ElkinClara Mborn about 1911
ElkinClark Aborn about 1875
ElkinCora Pborn about 1886
ElkinDale Fborn about 1909
ElkinFrances Yborn about 1936
ElkinGertrude Lborn about 1919
ElkinGoldie Eborn about 1927
ElkinLuther Vborn about 1923
ElkinRay born about 1913
ElkinVirginia born about 1920
EmehiserEdna Dborn about 1890

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F Surnames

FairmanAfton Kborn about 1899
FairmanAgnes Bborn about 1886
FairmanAlice Rborn about 1935
FairmanAmber Bborn about 1933
FairmanAnna Eborn about 1879
FairmanAnnabelle born about 1931
FairmanBert Bborn about 1907
FairmanBetty Lborn about 1939
FairmanBlaine Dborn about 1918
FairmanBurnell Wborn about 1923
FairmanByron Gborn about 1926
FairmanCatherine born about 1937
FairmanDonald Dborn about 1922
FairmanEdna Gborn about 1907
FairmanEdward Lborn about 1934
FairmanEdward Rborn about 1936
FairmanEdwin Eborn about 1928
FairmanElizabeth Vborn about 1916
FairmanEugene Rborn about 1925
FairmanEva Lborn about 1913
FairmanFrancis born about 1872
FairmanGerald Cborn about 1928
FairmanHarlan Fborn about 1935
FairmanHazel Sborn about 1905
FairmanHerbert Cborn about 1892
FairmanJack Dborn about 1940
FairmanJackie Lborn about 1932
FairmanJames Aborn about 1927
FairmanJames Eborn about 1871
FairmanJames Rborn about 1929
FairmanJames Wborn about 1896
FairmanJames Wborn about 1927
FairmanJess Eborn about 1906
FairmanJesse Aborn about 1905
FairmanJohn Aborn about 1876
FairmanJohn Aborn about 1928
FairmanJohn Cborn about 1928
FairmanJoseph Kborn about 1936
FairmanLamer Bborn about 1924
FairmanLarry Aborn about 1927
FairmanLawrence Dborn about 1880
FairmanLawrence Dr born about 1911
FairmanLeon Pborn about 1938
FairmanLouise Eborn about 1927
FairmanLucille Mborn about 1929
FairmanMabel Bborn about 1891
FairmanMarjore Aborn about 1908
FairmanMary Bborn about 1872
FairmanMildred Fborn about 1906
FairmanMilton Aborn about 1917
FairmanMurray Gborn about 1909
FairmanMurray Jborn about 1939
FairmanOscar Hborn about 1920
FairmanRalph Eborn about 1939
FairmanRandall Sborn about 1939
FairmanRaymond Oborn about 1912
FairmanRebecca Jborn about 1862
FairmanRichard Cborn about 1931
FairmanRichard Jborn about 1938
FairmanRichard Wborn about 1931
FairmanRobert Pborn about 1926
FairmanRonald Bborn about 1933
FairmanRuby Jborn about 1930
FairmanSara Hborn about 1873
FairmanSara Jborn about 1929
FairmanShirley Gborn about 1937
FairmanThelma Gborn about 1916
FairmanThomas Mborn about 1928
FairmanTwila Aborn about 1908
FairmanVirginia Bborn about 1933
FairmanWalter Mborn about 1901
FairmanWalter Mborn about 1933
FairmanWilliam Dborn about 1864
FairmanWilson Eborn about 1933
FairmanZetta Hborn about 1892
FaithInes Fborn about 1889
FaithJacob Eborn about 1873
FarmerHelen Rborn about 1922
FarmerJames Wborn about 1916
FergusonHelen Nborn about 1899
FergusonPaul Lborn about 1894
FerringerDale Kborn about 1937
FerringerFrances Eborn about 1939
FerringerGrace Aborn about 1933
FerringerLina Mborn about 1911
FerringerMurray Rborn about 1909
FerringerRussell Jborn about 1928
FetterhoffAlice Mborn about 1876
FetterhoffSamuel Tborn about 1861
FikeSara Mborn about 1878
FillerBetty Jborn about 1923
FillerCalvin Wborn about 1932
FillerElden Cborn about 1897
FillerFlora Jborn about 1925
FillerFlora Mborn about 1900
FillerGwenda Mborn about 1922
FillerJames Eborn about 1917
FillerJames Iborn about 1926
FillerJames Iborn about 1939
FillerJordan Cborn about 1929
FillerKay born about 1935
FillerPhyllis Bborn about 1928
FillerVerna born about 1920
FisherAnna Mborn about 1882
FisherCora Lborn about 1870
FisherHarry Kborn about 1865
FisherJosiah born about 1865
FisherTorrence Mborn about 1887
FleegleMarie Jborn about 1875
FlemingCharles Tborn about 1872
FlemingEdgar Jborn about 1903
FlemingEthel Eborn about 1896
FlemingJohn Aborn about 1926
FlemingMartha Mborn about 1923
FlemingMary Eborn about 1871
FlemingMary Mborn about 1900
FlemingMary Vborn about 1906
FlemingMurray Sborn about 1881
FlemingVernik Cborn about 1884
FlemingViola Jborn about 1885
FrechFrancis Tborn about 1913
FrechGeorge Eborn about 1912
FrechJames Hborn about 1933
FrickByron Mborn about 1937
FrickByrono born about 1911
FrickDavid Sborn about 1935
FrickMary Eborn about 1914
FrickSalem Cborn about 1866
FryBetty Dborn about 1928
FryDorothy Vborn about 1931
FryEthelda Vborn about 1912
FryGeorge Lborn about 1882
FryGladys Aborn about 1935
FryHerbert born about 1906
FryHerbert Mborn about 1939
FryJames Wborn about 1934
FryJohn Elmerborn about 1873
FryLaura Bborn about 1878
FryMae Eborn about 1912
FryWilliam Tborn about 1930
FryeFrank born about 1868
FryeHester Mborn about 1916
FryeZetta Bborn about 1867
FulmerDean Rborn about 1923
FulmerHelen Aborn about 1930
FulmerMary Aborn about 1897

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G Surnames

GeorgeClark Aborn about 1892
GeorgeClark Jborn about 1934
GeorgeDonald Lborn about 1936
GeorgeFred Bborn about 1932
GeorgeGertrude Bborn about 1896
GeorgeGlenn Bborn about 1931
GeorgeHelen Gborn about 1924
GeorgeJohn Jborn about 1929
GeorgeRobert Eborn about 1926
GeorgeRoy Cborn about 1927
GewartCharlotte Bborn about 1939
GewartFred Aborn about 1906
GewartGrace Mborn about 1933
GewartHarry Bborn about 1937
GewartHulda Mborn about 1915
GibsonGlenn Lborn about 1902
GibsonGloria Lborn about 1930
GibsonMarilyn Jborn about 1936
GibsonNorman Rborn about 1934
GibsonRonald Gborn about 1932
GibsonRuth Mborn about 1907
GopsheesMat born about 1872
GradenSamuel born about 1868
GrahamAlvin Bborn about 1930
GrahamBernice born about 1932
GrahamDavid born about 1897
GrahamRobert born about 1922
GrahamWilbur Qborn about 1919
GrahamWilliam Dborn about 1928
GrassBarbara Nborn about 1857
GrayCalvin Cborn about 1939
GrayDavid Wborn about 1932
GrayHelen Mborn about 1915
GrayJessie Mborn about 1935
GrayMildred Sborn about 1933
GrayRonald Rborn about 1938
GrayWilliam Pborn about 1896
GrindleJames born about 1927
GrindleRay born about 1894
GrindleVergie Dborn about 1895
GrindleWanda Fborn about 1934
GroveJohn Cborn about 1873
GroveLottie Mborn about 1881

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H Surnames

HaddenCara Aborn about 1939
HaddenHarold Mborn about 1909
HaddenMargaret Aborn about 1920
HaddenMartein Jborn about 1913
HaddenStella Mborn about 1879
HaggertyAlice Vborn about 1939
HaggertyBlanche Vborn about 1926
HaggertyCarl born about 1922
HaggertyDaniel Aborn about 1935
HaggertyFlorence Vborn about 1936
HaggertyGeorge Aborn about 1913
HaggertyJack born about 1929
HaggertyJenney Aborn about 1925
HaggertyJohn Rborn about 1931
HaggertyMargaret Lborn about 1940
HaggertyMinnie born about 1894
HaggertyMyrtle Mborn about 1921
HaggertyPatrick born about 1891
HaggertyRay Pborn about 1937
HaggertySara Aborn about 1916
HaggertyWalter Tborn about 1919
HamilSilas Hborn about 1908
HankinsonCarl Bborn about 1927
HankinsonDelores Mborn about 1929
HankinsonKathryn Iborn about 1933
HankinsonLynn Dborn about 1939
HankinsonMelvin Wborn about 1922
HankinsonStanford Dborn about 1920
HankinsonValjean Eborn about 1924
HankinsonVera Tborn about 1901
HankinsonWalter born about 1894
HarmanBeyrl Wborn about 1918
HarmanCharles Mborn about 1885
HarmanCora Gborn about 1891
HarmanElizabeth Bborn about 1892
HarmanFrank Sborn about 1928
HarmanLuther Cborn about 1925
HarmanRobert Mborn about 1921
HarmanWalter Lborn about 1891
HawkAdam Cborn about 1893
HawkCharles Vborn about 1931
HawkClara Rborn about 1924
HawkElaine Tborn about 1933
HawkHerbert Cborn about 1929
HawkLeo Sborn about 1927
HawkLillian Mborn about 1926
HawkMyrtle Aborn about 1898
HawkMyrtle Kborn about 1937
HawkRussell Eborn about 1935
HeitzenraterAmber Aborn about 1916
HeitzenraterClyde Eborn about 1915
HelmanMargaret Jborn about 1865
HendersonBurton Lborn about 1925
HendersonClara born about 1891
HendersonDavid Lborn about 1940
HendersonDonald Mborn about 1929
HendersonGlloria Jborn about 1931
HendersonHelen Eborn about 1919
HendersonLee Rborn about 1884
HendersonMartha Eborn about 1936
HendersonMilo Eborn about 1916
HendersonRonald Lborn about 1939
HertnekTony born about 1876
HillDavid Rborn about 1891
HillDavid Wborn about 1935
HillDora Vborn about 1926
HillFlorence Lborn about 1924
HillHannah Dborn about 1895
HillHarold Kborn about 1922
HillOlive Cborn about 1929
HintonClarence Eborn about 1916
HintonEthel Mborn about 1920
HintonFloyd Fborn about 1923
HintonFredrick Mborn about 1918
HintonGeorge Cborn about 1892
HintonHarold Hborn about 1925
HintonHazel Mborn about 1933
HintonMinnie Cborn about 1894
HintonWalter Mborn about 1928
HopkinsAda Mborn about 1924
HopkinsBetty Eborn about 1930
HopkinsGeorge Lborn about 1895
HopkinsLawrence Eborn about 1926
HopkinsMargaret Lborn about 1928
HopkinsSara Eborn about 1898
HudsonCarrie Aborn about 1872
HudsonCharles Lborn about 1872

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J Surnames

JackAcquilla Rborn about 1867
JackAquilla Hborn about 1923
JackJulia Aborn about 1871
JackWilliam Gborn about 1922
JamisonClark Oborn about 1883
JamisonSara Bborn about 1897
JewartArchie Rborn about 1904
JewartCharles Wborn about 1932
JewartCharlotte Fborn about 1896
JewartDwain Tborn about 1929
JewartFlorence Mborn about 1906
JewartGlenn born about 1915
JewartHarry Aborn about 1896
JewartSara Gborn about 1914
JewortAnny Wborn about 1909
JewortBetty Lborn about 1936
JewortHazel Vborn about 1912
JewortHerbert Lborn about 1899
JewortViolet Lborn about 1935
JohnstonEllen born about 1882
JohnstonEllis Gborn about 1898
JohnstonEthel Aborn about 1918
JohnstonEthel Cborn about 1906
JohnstonGrace born about 1900
JohnstonHarold Wborn about 1916
JohnstonHarvey Eborn about 1902
JohnstonHomer Bborn about 1940
JohnstonIna Mborn about 1876
JohnstonJames Mborn about 1938
JohnstonJames Wborn about 1874
JohnstonJohn Wborn about 1912
JohnstonMary Aborn about 1868
JohnstonMurray Eborn about 1892
JohnstonNola Vborn about 1919
JohnstonRobert Gborn about 1924
JohnstonRuby Fborn about 1921
JohnstonSara Mborn about 1936
JohnstonThomas Aborn about 1918
JohnstonTwila Bborn about 1921
JohnstonVernie Bborn about 1884
JohnstonWilliam Lborn about 1884

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K Surnames

KeislerEleanor Dborn about 1938
KeislerGladys Lborn about 1907
KeislerJohn Mborn about 1935
KeislerNellie Lborn about 1930
KeislerPaul Bborn about 1903
KeislerThelma Lborn about 1933
KelleyFlorence Mborn about 1932
KelleyWilliam Lborn about 1930
KepnerDale Hborn about 1922
KepnerDean Wborn about 1925
KepnerHarold Sborn about 1894
KepnerMildred Lborn about 1928
KepnerVera Mborn about 1895
KeppleSamuel Vborn about 1870
KernerGertrude Lborn about 1925
KernerGlenn born about 1898
KernerHarold Gborn about 1930
KernerJohn Wborn about 1927
KernerVernie Gborn about 1907
KerrBetty Iborn about 1931
KerrHarriet Yborn about 1939
KerrHarry Vborn about 1912
KerrIsabella Lborn about 1908
KetteringBurce Mborn about 1926
KetteringChristopher Nborn about 1888
KetteringHelen Hborn about 1926
KetteringJohn Aborn about 1886
KetteringNora May Eborn about 1931
KlineAgnes Bborn about 1892
KlineCharles Wborn about 1912
KlineElizabeth born about 1926
KlineFrank Aborn about 1921
KlineHelen Lborn about 1923
KlineJohn born about 1933
KlineJosephine born about 1934
KlineMartha born about 1927
KlineWenzel Lborn about 1884
Kunkle??? Fborn about 1936
Kunkle??? Mborn about 1917
Kunkle??? Pborn about 1937
KunkleBert Bborn about 1886
KunkleDorsey Fborn about 1912
KunkleHelen Bborn about 1931
KunkleJames Mborn about 1938
KunkleKenneth Nborn about 1936
KunkleLemon Hborn about 1938
KunkleLyle Sborn about 1917
KunkleMarie Aborn about 1929
KunkleMary Jborn about 1933
KunkleMaurice Jborn about 1934
KunkleMaurice Sborn about 1908
KunkleMaxine Sborn about 1933
KunkleRose Tborn about 1923
KunkleRuby Gborn about 1926
KunkleSheridon Pborn about 1885
KunkleTillie Mborn about 1889
KunkleVernon Aborn about 1920
KunkleViola born about 1888
KunkleWillard Lborn about 1910

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L Surnames

LarsonJohn Iborn about 1919
LarsonValjean Lborn about 1923
LedrunkoElizabeth born about 1927
LedrunkoFelix born about 1917
LedrunkoGeorge born about 1919
LedrunkoGerald born about 1929
LedrunkoJulia born about 1930
LedrunkoMary born about 1887
LedrunkoMetro born about 1896
LightcapBilly born about 1925
LightcapImogene born about 1927
LightcapLaura Vborn about 1884
LightcapMary born about 1923
LightcapRalph born about 1909
LightcapRuth born about 1918
LindenbergFrancis Lborn about 1928
LindenbergGeorgetta Eborn about 1925
LindenbergHarry Cborn about 1901
LindenbergHarry Eborn about 1924
LindenbergOlive Vborn about 1902
LingenfelterAdolph Lborn about 1924
LingenfelterClara Rborn about 1897
LingenfelterDwight Eborn about 1928
LingenfelterEdward Eborn about 1926
LingenfelterHovis Dborn about 1923
LingenfelterJohn Hborn about 1900
LingenfelterRuth Lborn about 1922
LiszewskiEdward Cborn about 1932
LiszewskiJohn born about 1897
LiszewskiJohn Cborn about 1928
LiszewskiTeofila Bborn about 1889
LiszewskiVeronica Aborn about 1930
LittleAnna Mborn about 1860
LittleAnnabelle Lborn about 1930
LittleBarbara Dborn about 1882
LittleEarl born about 1909
LittleEliza Pborn about 1916
LittleHarvey Gborn about 1864
LittleHelen Mborn about 1925
LittleLarry Hborn about 1878
LittleMary Bborn about 1875
LittleNellie Oborn about 1905
LittleRoy Vborn about 1892
LittleScott Aborn about 1886
LittleStella Mborn about 1914
LohrGeorge Fborn about 1876
LohrMary Hborn about 1880
LohraGeorge Fborn about 1876
LohraMary Hborn about 1880
LukehartAlvin Cborn about 1932
LukehartAnna Mborn about 1852
LukehartBernard Lborn about 1931
LukehartCarl Dborn about 1929
LukehartCatherine born about 1870
LukehartCharles Rborn about 1938
LukehartClair Fborn about 1899
LukehartDonald Hborn about 1930
LukehartGlenn Aborn about 1936
LukehartGrace Bborn about 1904
LukehartHershey Eborn about 1868
LukehartNioma Jborn about 1935
LukehartRebecca Jborn about 1906
LydicWilbur Fborn about 1879

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M Surnames

MahanEdna Lborn about 1932
MahanRobert Aborn about 1926
MahanRobert Mborn about 1884
MahanSara Eborn about 1901
MahanWilliam Tborn about 1867
MarlinEarl Bborn about 1883
MarlinIra Mborn about 1875
MarlinJohn Cborn about 1911
MarlinTizarh Bborn about 1872
MarrisonMary Jborn about 1939
MarshallAlbert Cborn about 1873
MarshallLizzie born about 1874
MarshallPearl Cborn about 1888
MarshallWilbur Bborn about 1888
MatteJohn born about 1892
MattyAdam born about 1888
MattyAndrew Lborn about 1923
MattyJohn Eborn about 1940
MattyJohn Nborn about 1915
MattyMargaret Mborn about 1918
MattyMary Bborn about 1922
MattyMary Tborn about 1890
MattyMatilda Lborn about 1925
MattySteve Tborn about 1928
MauckBrice Mborn about 1893
MauckEsther Aborn about 1904
MauckGrace Nborn about 1927
MauckJohn Aborn about 1939
MauckRobert Bborn about 1930
McCreightJohn Fborn about 1869
McCreightMary Aborn about 1880
McCurdyConstine Lborn about 1877
McCurdyLeola Cborn about 1885
McFarlandAda Bborn about 1881
McFarlandJohn Hborn about 1873
McIntireDonald Lborn about 1931
McIntireEdward Jborn about 1874
McIntireJenney Mborn about 1873
McIntireMartha Lborn about 1909
McIntirePaul Lborn about 1910
McMillenEmmett Gborn about 1890
McMillenFloyd born about 1897
McMillenGeorge Aborn about 1893
McMillenHelen Vborn about 1928
McMillenJames Rborn about 1938
McMillenJessie Pborn about 1895
McMillenLucille Mborn about 1925
McMillenLula Mborn about 1926
McMillenMerle Dborn about 1888
McMillenRonald Rborn about 1923
McMillenThelma Mborn about 1907
McMillenVerda Rborn about 1897
McMillenWilliam Eborn about 1929
MillerAlice Bborn about 1936
MillerAlvin Cborn about 1928
MillerBeyrl Cborn about 1914
MillerBryan born about 1877
MillerBryan born about 1926
MillerCharles Cborn about 1907
MillerCharlotte Rborn about 1931
MillerClark Aborn about 1912
MillerClayton born about 1890
MillerClea Kborn about 1922
MillerDaisy Hborn about 1913
MillerDonald Dborn about 1933
MillerDoris Aborn about 1937
MillerDorothy Mborn about 1914
MillerEdgar Lborn about 1937
MillerFrank Mborn about 1911
MillerGlenn Cborn about 1911
MillerHelen Rborn about 1929
MillerHenry Oborn about 1923
MillerIsabelle Gborn about 1931
MillerJane Lborn about 1908
MillerKenneth Wborn about 1910
MillerLillian born about 1925
MillerMabel born about 1888
MillerMargie Eborn about 1937
MillerMarjorie Lborn about 1917
MillerMarjorie Lborn about 1928
MillerMartha Jborn about 1935
MillerMary Aborn about 1878
MillerMaude born about 1887
MillerMilla Jborn about 1925
MillerMillo Cborn about 1897
MillerNewell Lborn about 1921
MillerOra Eborn about 1886
MillerPaul born about 1922
MillerPauline born about 1922
MillerRalph Hborn about 1909
MillerRebecca Vborn about 1912
MillerRobert Jborn about 1939
MillerRonald Eborn about 1918
MillerRuth Lborn about 1899
MillerSilas Wborn about 1889
MitchellJames Gborn about 1870
MogleBasil Wborn about 1917
MogleNancy Jborn about 1939
MogleVirginia Jborn about 1922
MorgantiAlbert born about 1928
MorgantiAlda Rborn about 1917
MorgantiAntonia Mborn about 1890
MorgantiDora born about 1926
MorgantiGena born about 1914
MorgantiJames Vborn about 1916
MorgantiKathryn Mborn about 1924
MorgantiLena born about 1920
MorgantiNelo Aborn about 1922
MorgantiPeter born about 1888
MorockDominick born about 1920
MorockJohn born about 1923
MorockJoseph born about 1881
MorockRose born about 1886
MorrisonClauris Wborn about 1913
MorrisonStella Pborn about 1876
MorrisonViola Jborn about 1918
MulburgerAmbrose Gborn about 1874
MulburgerCarin Bborn about 1875
MyersDorothy Jborn about 1898
MyersOtto Sborn about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NesbitGeorge born about 1871
NesbitJohn Kborn about 1917
NesbitMary Lborn about 1881
NesbitSara Rborn about 1908
NesbitVirginia Gborn about 1914
NickolMyrtle Bborn about 1870
NolfHarry Wborn about 1908
NolfJames Hborn about 1936
NolfMildred Fborn about 1907
NorthJohn Eborn about 1877
NylandBetty Aborn about 1930
NylandJean Vborn about 1933
NylandJohn Gborn about 1922
NylandRobert Lborn about 1924
NylandRose Vborn about 1899
NylandWilliam Eborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OharaMatty born about 1884
OharaPete born about 1895
OharaSteve born about 1921
OligherArthur Eborn about 1926
OrrArthur Wborn about 1939
OrrBernard Hborn about 1915
OrrBernon Dborn about 1936
OrrBertha Lborn about 1927
OrrBessie Aborn about 1930
OrrBessie Jborn about 1880
OrrChristine Gborn about 1936
OrrDean Bborn about 1936
OrrDoris Jborn about 1935
OrrEarl Bborn about 1897
OrrEarl Dborn about 1927
OrrEdith Iborn about 1912
OrrEdna Mborn about 1914
OrrErma Jborn about 1932
OrrEva Mborn about 1915
OrrFlorence Lborn about 1920
OrrGlenn Rborn about 1913
OrrHarry Eborn about 1928
OrrHarry Fborn about 1902
OrrHelen Iborn about 1905
OrrJames Eborn about 1873
OrrJames Mborn about 1936
OrrJenney Mborn about 1877
OrrJessie Lborn about 1918
OrrJohn Jborn about 1878
OrrJoseph Aborn about 1913
OrrKathryn Pborn about 1930
OrrLaird Fborn about 1927
OrrLeon Jborn about 1938
OrrMargaret Rborn about 1934
OrrMartha Lborn about 1938
OrrMatthew Lborn about 1916
OrrMildred Rborn about 1905
OrrNorma Jborn about 1928
OrrOrma Jborn about 1932
OrrPaul Dborn about 1924
OrrRaymond Lborn about 1924
OrrRaymond Lborn about 1928
OrrRobert Lborn about 1938
OrrRoger Bborn about 1937
OrrRoy Aborn about 1903
OrrRussell Gborn about 1928
OrrVernice Vborn about 1908
OrrVernie Mborn about 1902
OrrWilbur Lborn about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParkAnnie Bborn about 1885
ParkClair born about 1912
ParkClyde Eborn about 1905
ParkEdna Mborn about 1901
ParkEdward Jborn about 1927
ParkGeneva Kborn about 1915
ParkGilbert Cborn about 1914
ParkHattie born about 1869
ParkHomer Rborn about 1867
ParkJohn Aborn about 1873
ParkLee Jborn about 1912
ParkLula Bborn about 1915
ParkMelvin Hborn about 1901
ParkRichard Eborn about 1923
ParkSusie Aborn about 1876
ParkWilliam Cborn about 1877
ParksAnna Lborn about 1868
ParksCarl Lborn about 1917
ParksHarriet Eborn about 1891
ParksJoseph Aborn about 1884
ParksRaymond Pborn about 1920
PattersonArthur Wborn about 1868
PattersonJames Hborn about 1910
PattersonKenneth Rborn about 1936
PattersonMary born about 1913
PattersonMary Lborn about 1933
PattersonRichard Cborn about 1938
PattersonWilliam Kborn about 1913
PepleyHarvey Mborn about 1884
PepleyNora Mborn about 1885
PerottiAugustin born about 1886
PerottiEdward Lborn about 1914
PerottiEdward Lborn about 1939
PerottiOlive Rborn about 1915
PerottiPeter born about 1879
PerottiTony born about 1908
PetermanArdella Jborn about 1880
PetermanBrice Aborn about 1876
PetermanHarmon Eborn about 1873
PetermanLoretta Bborn about 1873
PetersonBertha Lborn about 1907
PottsArthur Rborn about 1903
PottsBetty Iborn about 1924
PottsCecil Eborn about 1918
PottsCharles Eborn about 1939
PottsClara Bborn about 1894
PottsClyde Lborn about 1921
PottsDavid Hborn about 1926
PottsEsther Eborn about 1902
PottsGlenn Eborn about 1916
PottsJacob Eborn about 1882
PottsJoseph Bborn about 1888
PottsJoseph Eborn about 1890
PottsJulia Aborn about 1889
PottsMax Bborn about 1929
PottsPaul Rborn about 1922
PottsSadie Aborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaineyBetty Lborn about 1933
RaineyLynn born about 1911
RankinAdabelle born about 1926
RankinAnna Jborn about 1932
RankinCharles Rborn about 1930
RankinEdward Cborn about 1939
RankinEllen Jborn about 1921
RankinGayenelle born about 1937
RankinHarry Cborn about 1898
RankinHarry Pborn about 1923
RankinJohn Lborn about 1934
RankinMary Lborn about 1936
RankinRichard Eborn about 1924
RankinRoxie Eborn about 1904
RayAlexander Pborn about 1865
RayElizabeth born about 1865
RayFrank Aborn about 1939
RayHazel Mborn about 1910
RayRalph Kborn about 1895
RearickCharles born about 1881
RearickCharles Dborn about 1907
RearickClara Mborn about 1884
RearickDavid Eborn about 1911
RearickElma Rborn about 1912
RearickMurray Rborn about 1932
ReedGlenn Gborn about 1928
ReeferClara Mborn about 1935
ReeferHomer Bborn about 1885
RichardsArthur Gborn about 1922
RichardsHllen Lborn about 1931
RichardsJoseph Dborn about 1928
RichardsLavinia Bborn about 1897
RichardsVada Aborn about 1927
RichardsVirgil Hborn about 1930
RichardsWalter Dborn about 1898
RichardsWalter Mborn about 1920
RoffBernard Wborn about 1925
RoffMary Mborn about 1893
RoffMilo Cborn about 1892
RoffPauld Eborn about 1919
RoskoAndy born about 1880
RummelAnsley Cborn about 1906
RummelDiaran Mborn about 1939
RummelMargaret Eborn about 1912
RummellAgnes Iborn about 1934
RummellAlvin Fborn about 1931
RummellFrances Cborn about 1936
RupertBetty Iborn about 1934
RupertBilly Lborn about 1929
RupertEarl Dborn about 1926
RupertHarold Lborn about 1933
RupertJohn Eborn about 1891
RupertLawrence Rborn about 1937
RupertMary Jborn about 1906
RupertRuby Eborn about 1938
RupertSara Jborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SacolAgnes Mborn about 1926
SacolChester Rborn about 1924
SacolJoseph Bborn about 1922
SaddlerArchie born about 1876
SaddlerCora Eborn about 1885
SawckiPete born about 1896
SchuergerGeorge Jborn about 1902
SchuergerJenney Aborn about 1899
SchuergerMarilyn Aborn about 1933
ScottDaniel Sborn about 1895
SenisJoseph born about 1891
SeylerMargaret born about 1875
ShafferGeorge Aborn about 1935
ShafferGrace Nborn about 1912
ShafferHale Dborn about 1933
ShafferHomer Kborn about 1930
ShafferLucille Jborn about 1932
ShafferWilbur Dborn about 1909
ShefferAfton Bborn about 1880
ShefferIda Mborn about 1884
ShieldsClarence born about 1878
ShieldsLuella Rborn about 1918
ShieldsRobert Fborn about 1919
ShieldsTorence Bborn about 1908
ShinerAgnes born about 1864
ShinerWalter born about 1892
ShonkBetty Eborn about 1926
ShonkDonna Mborn about 1939
ShonkElizabeth Mborn about 1905
ShonkGone Mborn about 1928
ShonkKathryn Iborn about 1931
ShonkLevi Jborn about 1908
ShonkMaryln Lborn about 1933
ShonkMedina Mborn about 1927
ShonkMildred Wborn about 1936
ShonkSherman Vborn about 1930
ShonkShirley Jborn about 1937
SkinnerClarence Jborn about 1936
SkinnerEdith Jborn about 1933
SkinnerElla Mborn about 1931
SkinnerMerritt Eborn about 1884
SkinnerPaul Eborn about 1927
SkinnerRalph Eborn about 1929
SkinnerThelma Lborn about 1908
SmeltzerBlair born about 1915
SmeltzerCatherine Lborn about 1913
SmeltzerCharles Dborn about 1912
SmeltzerDoris Jborn about 1933
SmeltzerElizabeth Vborn about 1879
SmeltzerJames Dborn about 1938
SmeltzerJohn Mborn about 1882
SmeltzerMelva Cborn about 1913
SmeltzerRobert Wborn about 1935
SmeltzerRuby Aborn about 1937
SmeltzerRuby Eborn about 1924
SmeltzerWilliam born about 1905
SmithAlla Eborn about 1918
SmithDorothy Mborn about 1931
SmithElizabeth born about 1910
SmithElsie Eborn about 1937
SmithJessie Iborn about 1933
SmithLaird Iborn about 1903
SmithLola Hborn about 1922
SmithMartha Lborn about 1935
SokoskiDorothy Dborn about 1927
SokoskiEdward Fborn about 1937
SokoskiFrank Lborn about 1897
SokoskiIrene Eborn about 1906
SokoskiRonald Fborn about 1939
SourwineDorothy Mborn about 1920
SourwineJay Vborn about 1885
SourwineRaymond Cborn about 1923
SourwineSadie Bborn about 1878
SpenceArthur Eborn about 1935
SpenceBertha Mborn about 1884
SpenceCaroline Nborn about 1869
SpenceDale Jborn about 1903
SpenceDavis Bborn about 1932
SpenceEdna Bborn about 1903
SpenceEva Rborn about 1899
SpenceFloyd Rborn about 1928
SpenceGladys Eborn about 1904
SpenceIda Bborn about 1865
SpenceJessie Wborn about 1894
SpenceLeonard Aborn about 1898
SpenceLouise Mborn about 1923
SpenceNorman Mborn about 1897
SpenceReid Hborn about 1926
SpenceRussell Cborn about 1900
SpenceSamuel Tborn about 1864
SpencerAnna Bborn about 1871
SpencerBoyd Rborn about 1903
SpencerThelma Jborn about 1930
SpenerAlphonsia Lborn about 1932
SpenerBernard Eborn about 1936
SpenerHilda Fborn about 1908
SpenerLeonard Bborn about 1924
SpenerRobert Bborn about 1905
SpenerRobert Lborn about 1929
StatesCharles Wborn about 1919
StatesDavid Cborn about 1934
StatesEdna Kborn about 1921
StatesElla Jborn about 1931
StatesJames Lborn about 1915
StatesLynn Jborn about 1923
StatesMary Lborn about 1890
StatesMerle Dborn about 1926
StewartAnnie Bborn about 1915
StewartBeatrice Iborn about 1940
StewartEleanor Iborn about 1928
StewartElsie Lborn about 1924
StewartEthel Mborn about 1904
StewartIla Cborn about 1930
StewartJames Wborn about 1910
StewartJohn Lborn about
StewartJohn Lborn about 1894
StewartJohn Rborn about 1865
StewartLillian Lborn about 1932
StewartRonald Pborn about 1934
StewartVivian Lborn about 1938
StuchellAnnie Eborn about 1861
StuchellHarold Lborn about 1907
StuchellHutora Lborn about 1932
StuchellJoseph Sborn about 1864
StuchellMabel Jborn about 1934
StuchellMabel Lborn about 1883
StuchellRoy Lborn about 1886
StuchellTheodore Lborn about 1936
StuchellVirginia Gborn about 1908
StuckellArabella Mborn about 1867
StuckellJames Lborn about 1868

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T Surnames

ThayerFranklin Rborn about 1914
ThayerLeonard Eborn about 1940
ThayerMildred Mborn about 1914
ThayerRobert Cborn about 1939

U Surnames

UherNancy Jborn about 1939
UherRuby Cborn about 1915
UherWayne Aborn about 1916
UlmerWilliam born about 1874

V Surnames

VanhornRoen born about 1877
VarholAgnes born about 1929
VarholMargaret born about 1925
VarholMarie born about 1932
VarholMary born about 1893
VarholPauline born about 1927
VarholPete born about 1923

W Surnames

WaddingBrnice Lborn about 1931
WaddingClair Dborn about 1929
WaddingIva Mborn about 1908
WaddingThomas Cborn about 1903
WagnerAnnie Mborn about 1871
WagnerClair Mborn about 1912
WagnerDavid Eborn about 1883
WagnerDavid Eborn about 1935
WagnerDorothy Eborn about 1927
WagnerFrank Rborn about 1874
WagnerGeraldine Lborn about 1936
WagnerIrene Lborn about 1923
WagnerMary Eborn about 1929
WagnerMary Oborn about 1907
WagnerNellie Wborn about 1933
WagnerNorman Dborn about 1900
WagnerRuby Nborn about 1903
WagnerRuth Oborn about 1931
WagnerSara Eborn about 1918
WallaceCharles Wborn about 1928
WallaceClara Mborn about 1867
WallaceGeneva Rborn about 1931
WallaceJames Wborn about 1897
WallaceJenney Eborn about 1907
WallaceJohn Cborn about 1936
WallaceLarue Mborn about 1927
WaltersJoseph Eborn about 1893
WaltersWilliam Eborn about 1918
WangamanAnna born about 1884
WangamanEllen Gborn about 1906
WangamanHarry Cborn about 1880
WangamanMary Mborn about 1925
WangamanWard Mborn about 1909
WarnerFrances Gborn about 1927
WarnerMildred Eborn about 1891
WarnerSylvester Eborn about 1929
WatsonElizabeth Jborn about 1938
WatsonJames Rborn about 1923
WatsonLoura Aborn about 1921
WatsonMatthew Cborn about 1929
WatsonOrville Mborn about 1916
WatsonThomas Wborn about 1924
WattersonDella Aborn about 1912
WattersonElder Lborn about 1912
WattersonGabriel Lborn about 1884
WattersonHarold Oborn about 1913
WattersonHelen Eborn about 1914
WattersonJames Lborn about 1933
WattersonVirginia Eborn about 1934
WhiteAletha Lborn about 1924
WhiteBarbara Mborn about 1928
WhiteConnie Lborn about 1936
WhiteGertrude Oborn about 1896
WhiteHelen Mborn about 1913
WhiteNioma Aborn about 1902
WhitePaul Sborn about 1896
WhitePorter Jborn about 1899
WhiteRichard Eborn about 1925
WilliamsEvan Rborn about 1903
WilliamsHarold Eborn about 1929
WilliamsHelen Gborn about 1930
WilliamsLarue Eborn about 1904
WilliamsRichard Fborn about 1932
WissingerAlice Jborn about 1933
WissingerAnna Gborn about 1913
WissingerBetty Jborn about 1928
WissingerBetty Vborn about 1924
WissingerBlaine Aborn about 1912
WissingerCyrus Pborn about 1885
WissingerDorothy Mborn about 1926
WissingerFlorence Lborn about 1921
WissingerGoldie Rborn about 1883
WissingerJames Aborn about 1930
WissingerJames Gborn about 1891
WissingerMildred Mborn about 1903
WissingerPeggy Lborn about 1938
WissingerRussell Eborn about 1936
WissingerViola Mborn about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeomansDaniel Sborn about 1903
YeomansEthel Jborn about 1929
YeomansNancy Jborn about 1867
YeomansNora Vborn about 1910
YeomansWilburt Cborn about 1906
YonickAnna born about 1927
YonickCatherine born about 1935
YonickDorothy born about 1908
YonickJohn born about 1928
YonickNick born about 1898
YountEugene born about 1927
YountHomer Cborn about 1939
YountIlene Dborn about 1933
YountJohn Mborn about 1883
YountKenneth Eborn about 1937
YountMary Eborn about 1908
YountRose Mborn about 1935
YountVirginia Rborn about 1931
YumansFranklin Jborn about 1904
YumansRuby Gborn about 1924

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