1940 U.S. Federal Census of West Mahoning Township, Indiana, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Indiana County > 1940 Census of West Mahoning Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlabranEarl born about 1928
AlabranFulbert born about 1905
AlabranFulbert Pborn about 1933
AlabranIsabelle born about 1922
AlabranLeona born about 1909
AlabranMartha born about 1878
AlabranMerle born about 1939
AlabranRaymond born about 1926
AlabranRichard born about 1938
AlabranThomas born about 1935
AlabranWalter born about 1930
AlabranWayne born about 1920
AlabranWilliam born about 1875
AlabranWilliam born about 1914
AllenBernard born about 1905
AllenFanmie born about 1908
AllenRay born about 1936
AllenWayne born about 1933
AndersonLaura born about 1873
AndersonWilliam born about 1908
AulJames Mborn about 1867
AulMary Hborn about 1875
AyersAlfred born about 1907
AyersCarrie born about 1862
AyersEilleen born about 1936
AyersLucille born about 1933
AyersMyrtle born about 1909
AyersRobert born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BarnettDonald Cborn about 1927
BarnettEffie Vborn about 1923
BarnettJohn born about 1865
BarnettR Daisyborn about 1923
BarnettWilliam Cborn about 1930
BarrettAlbert Mborn about 1878
BarrettBetty born about 1934
BarrettCarl Eborn about 1900
BarrettClyde born about 1934
BarrettCora Eborn about 1879
BarrettCyrus Hborn about 1875
BarrettHarold born about 1938
BarrettHerbert Mborn about 1871
BarrettIsabel Mborn about 1921
BarrettLarue born about 1909
BarrettLeonard born about 1932
BarrettLeroy born about 1911
BarrettMay Eborn about 1880
BarrettMyra Eborn about 1920
BarrettNancy Eborn about 1871
BarrettTwila Mborn about 1897
BarrettVelma born about 1916
BarrettViolet born about 1913
BarrettVirginia Hborn about 1874
BarrettWeston born about 1908
BarrettWilliam born about 1870
BeamElva born about 1869
BeamGeorge born about 1868
BeamMaggie born about 1890
BeamMay born about 1916
BeamWilliam born about 1882
BeckCharles Cborn about 1885
BeckIrene Lborn about 1888
BeckRalph Kborn about 1927
BeckTurney Eborn about 1921
BeckW Dickborn about 1919
BeekIda Mborn about 1867
BeekLuther born about 1856
BeyerHarry born about 1878
BeyerLottie born about 1878
BeyerWilbur born about 1875
BlackCora born about 1879
BlackMae Nborn about 1887
BlackMerle Lborn about 1886
BlackWalter born about 1875
BloseHoward born about 1923
BolemanTillie Jborn about 1882
BossardElsie born about 1891
BossardGlen born about 1914
BossardVera born about 1924
BowserAlda born about 1909
BowserArnold born about 1872
BowserClair born about 1915
BowserElizabeth born about 1885
BowserLaird born about 1919
BowserLydie born about 1867
BowserOra born about 1883
BowserRay born about 1923
BowserWilson born about 1866
BrinkAldine born about 1929
BrinkCharles born about 1862
BrinkGladys born about 1911
BrinkLaura born about 1865
BrinkRoy born about 1902
BrinkWalter born about 1935
BrinkWilliam born about 1939
BurrowsEarl born about 1872
BurrowsLillian born about 1925
BurrowsMerle born about 1922
BurrowsWalter born about 1919
BushMary born about 1892
BushMaxine born about 1929
BushMccurdy born about 1893

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C Surnames

CalhoonCatherine born about 1911
CalhoonFannie born about 1882
CalhoonLaird born about 1917
CalhoonRobert born about 1911
CalhoonSteele born about 1877
CasedyAlfred Cborn about 1915
CasedyBeverly Mborn about 1937
CasedyCharles Rborn about 1936
CasedyGary Aborn about 1935
CasedyHarold Gborn about 1898
CasedyHarry Aborn about 1911
CasedyL Vallieborn about 1902
CasedyLaura Eborn about 1913
CasedyLaurie Aborn about 1872
CasedyLaurie Wborn about 1909
CasedyMabel Lborn about 1915
CasedyMinnie Cborn about 1877
CasedyNorma Gborn about 1932
CasedyR Warrenborn about 1938
CheathanAnnie born about 1854
ClarkHyatt born about 1887
CochranAma born about 1933
CochranClara born about 1882
CochranEdward born about 1875
CochranHarry born about 1922
CochranIvan born about 1902
CochranJohn born about 1912
CochranRuby born about 1912
CochranRussel born about 1909
CochranRuth born about 1934
CochranShirley born about 1936
CochranVera born about 1908
ColemanLeslie Bborn about 1890
ColemanMaggie Bborn about 1860
ColemanOlive Cborn about 1888
ColemanSadie born about 1870
ColganNorman born about 1894
ColganRhoda born about 1894
ColganRichard born about 1926
ColganRosie born about 1921
CondronBarbara Jborn about 1935
CondronC Ellborn about 1862
CondronCharlie born about 1869
CondronEarl born about 1929
CondronGrant born about 1866
CondronHoward born about 1900
CondronJacob Cborn about 1858
CondronKathleen born about 1936
CondronKenneth born about 1918
CondronLucy born about 1902
CondronMarie born about 1913
CondronMartha Eborn about 1913
CondronWilliam Cborn about 1907
CormanClara born about 1933
CormanClara Bborn about 1891
CormanDolly born about 1931
CormanEugene born about 1925
CormanHoward born about 1915
CormanJoseph born about 1883
CormanMary born about 1927
CormanRoy born about 1923
CormanSamuel born about 1890
CormanVernia born about 1890
CormanWayne born about 1919
CraigAnabella born about 1922
CraigJames born about 1939
CraigJohn Hborn about 1914
CraigRuth born about 1919
CrawfordAnnie Bborn about 1879
CrawfordAnnie Lborn about 1926
CrawfordB Bruceborn about 1878
CrawfordButler born about 1907
CrawfordCarie Eborn about 1886
CrawfordClark born about 1915
CrawfordCora Annborn about 1920
CrawfordDale born about 1899
CrawfordFrances born about 1908
CrawfordFrances born about 1930
CrawfordLillian born about 1902
CrawfordM Dborn about 1870
CrawfordMarcus born about 1911
CrawfordMary Hborn about 1873
CrawfordMinnie born about 1895
CrawfordPauline born about 1912
CrawfordRaymond born about 1896
CrissmanNorma Gborn about 1930
CrissmanSylvia Mborn about 1899
CrissmanWilliam Mborn about 1893

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D Surnames

DaughertyAudrey born about 1911
DaughertyCathryn born about 1929
DaughertyDale born about 1915
DaughertyDonald born about 1933
DaughertyEthel born about 1890
DaughertyEugene born about 1933
DaughertyFred born about 1911
DaughertyJay born about 1905
DaughertyJoan born about 1931
DaughertyKay Gborn about 1939
DaughertyLaverne born about 1926
DaughertyMargaret Aborn about 1937
DaughertyMaud born about 1912
DaughertySam born about 1909
DaughertySilas born about 1886
DaughertyWayne born about 1921
DickeyFlorence born about 1914
DickeyPaul born about 1939
DickeyRobert born about 1915
DickeyThomas born about 1936
DickeysClara born about 1880
DickeysEdward born about 1877
DodsonGeorge Cborn about 1881
DodsonNancy Eborn about 1939
DodsonRobert Hborn about 1928
DodsonTheodore born about 1899
DodsonTheodore T Jrborn about 1925
DodsonVelma Hborn about 1899
DodsonWilliam Hborn about 1935
DoromireCurtt born about 1877
DoromireJacob born about 1917
DoromireMart Oborn about 1874
DrakeAlbert born about 1868
DrakeFaye born about 1911
DrakeJoshan born about 1918
DrakeLenora Sborn about 1881
DrummondCora born about 1890
DrummondEdward born about 1888
DrummondElmer born about 1915
DrummondNelson born about 1917
DunierAlvin Hborn about 1940
DunierHoward Pborn about 1912
DunierJ Richardborn about 1939
DunierMary Rborn about 1913

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E Surnames

EadieBetty Jborn about 1921
EarhartElla born about 1903
EarhartJohn Rborn about 1928
EarhartRichard born about 1898
EckmanBlair born about 1903
EckmanClair born about 1930
EckmanClara born about 1912
EckmanHora born about 1933
EckmanLeora born about 1935
EckmanMildred born about 1937
EckmanRobert born about 1939
EdmundsDavid born about 1858
EdmundsTillia Rborn about 1865
EdwardBert born about 1884
EdwardsArbutus born about 1915
EdwardsJames Kborn about 1938
EdwardsJane Hborn about 1936
EdwardsNoma Lborn about 1939
EdwardsTheodore born about 1915
EdwardsTheodore Tborn about 1934
ElkinA Florenceborn about 1905
ElkinAlice born about 1918
ElkinAnnie born about 1881
ElkinBlaine born about 1925
ElkinBruce born about 1920
ElkinD Merleborn about 1935
ElkinDavid Aborn about 1885
ElkinDick Bborn about 1925
ElkinEffie born about 1894
ElkinElizabeth born about 1887
ElkinEllen Jborn about 1928
ElkinElmer Bborn about 1915
ElkinEmma born about 1888
ElkinEmory Lborn about 1926
ElkinF Beattyborn about 1876
ElkinHarry Sborn about 1931
ElkinHazel Rborn about 1898
ElkinHelen Lborn about 1916
ElkinIrwin born about 1876
ElkinJ Elmarborn about 1877
ElkinJames Hborn about 1935
ElkinLaura Bborn about 1871
ElkinMary born about 1937
ElkinNellie Fborn about 1900
ElkinOlive Eborn about 1903
ElkinRobert born about 1875
ElkinRobert Aborn about 1938
ElkinRobert Dborn about 1894
ElkinRosette Pborn about 1931
ElkinSarah Lborn about 1935
ElkinTheodore Cborn about 1867
ElkinThomas born about 1883
ElkinThomas Pborn about 1929
ElleinAnnie Fborn about 1876
ElleinJohn Aborn about 1866
ElleinRobert Cborn about 1903

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F Surnames

FelixLawrence born about 1926
FelixMary Annborn about 1925
FerringerBessie born about 1915
FerringerCarl born about 1910
FerringerDonald born about 1932
FerringerHelen born about 1910
FerringerLouise born about 1928
FerringerMarion born about 1936
FerringerMarjorie born about 1934
FerringerMartin born about 1918
FisherMildred born about 1913
FitzgeraldDavid born about 1911
FitzgeraldJohn born about 1880
FitzgeraldScot born about 1885
FultonLola Mborn about 1896
FultonS Catherineborn about 1922
FultonW Maxineborn about 1924

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G Surnames

GahaganAda Dborn about 1864
GahaganArthur born about 1922
GahaganElizabeth born about 1858
GahaganFloyd born about 1908
GahaganGeorge Gborn about 1873
GahaganIra born about 1874
GahaganJohn born about 1915
GahaganMarion born about 1931
GahaganMarjorie born about 1933
GahaganRobert born about 1924
GahaganSerena born about 1910
GallagherAlberta born about 1924
GallagherBertha Eborn about 1890
GallagherElmer born about 1892
GallagherHarold born about 1921
GallagherKatherne born about 1929
GallagherLisle born about 1922
GallagherW Paulborn about 1927
GaulClarence Eborn about 1920
GearhartBeulah born about 1901
GearhartCecil born about
GearhartCharles born about 1930
GearhartEdith born about 1918
GearhartEdward born about 1900
GearhartEleanor born about 1921
GearhartEllsworth born about 1928
GearhartEmil born about 1922
GearhartFred born about 1919
GearhartHarry born about 1907
GearhartIrwin born about 1879
GearhartJohn born about 1935
GearhartMary born about 1879
GearhartRobert born about 1932
GearhartRuth born about 1929
GlennHarry Mborn about 1868
GlennLucy Mborn about 1867
GoodAlice Cborn about 1868
GoodBetty Anneborn about 1940
GoodClair Eborn about 1910
GoodClark Gborn about 1884
GoodEdith born about 1921
GoodEva born about 1889
GoodF Catherineborn about 1913
GoodGeorge born about 1918
GoodMary Janeborn about 1931
GoodRobert Eborn about 1934
GoodWilliam Lborn about 1887
GravisDolores Jborn about 1930
GravisDonna Eborn about 1937
GravisElmo Mborn about 1928
GravisH Merrillborn about 1903
GravisLaird Dborn about 1924
GravisMuriel born about 1904
GravisYuonne Kborn about 1926
GriffethEdward Bborn about 1917
GriffithCarl born about 1918
GriffithClifford born about 1939
GriffithEarl born about 1879
GriffithEvan born about 1851
GriffithJames born about 1940
GriffithLaura born about 1881
GriffithLottie born about 1918
GroveCatherine Jborn about 1909
GroveIrwin Tborn about 1911
GroveNancy Leeborn about 1939

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H Surnames

HaireJosephine Pborn about 1874
HaireMae born about 1880
HaireShirley born about 1930
HazelettAnnie born about 1896
HazelettJames born about 1896
HazelettJames Dborn about 1928
HazelettSilas born about 1857
HelmanBert Cborn about 1925
HelmanBlair Eborn about 1916
HelmanEarl Eborn about 1923
HelmanMartha Aborn about 1927
HelmanMary Lborn about 1929
HelmanMary Mborn about 1887
HelmanWayne Eborn about 1922
HenryJohn born about 1889
HenryMargaret born about 1859
HenryWilliam born about 1887
HooverAugus born about 1886
HooverCarl born about 1926
HooverCurtt born about 1923
HooverDelphin born about 1910
HooverFrank born about 1888
HooverHazel born about 1891
HooverHileman born about 1919
HooverJohn born about 1923
HooverLula Leolaborn about 1911
HooverOlive born about 1909
HooverPearl born about 1889
HooverThomas born about 1858
HooverV Blancheborn about 1874
HooverVergil born about 1922
HooverWilliam Eborn about 1934
HuberGrace born about 1922
HuberHale born about 1929
HuberJack born about 1919
HuberJean born about 1921
HuberJerry born about 1893
HuberLena born about 1896
HuberMary born about 1921
HuberRedford born about 1924
HuberRuby born about 1925
HuberWilbur born about 1927
HyskellMary Cborn about 1849
HyskillClair born about 1932
HyskillMargaret born about 1940
HyskillMarshall born about 1907
HyskillMartha born about 1916
HyskillMary Kborn about 1935
HyskillOlive Pborn about 1936
HyskillWinfred Cborn about 1914

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I Surnames

IrwinAnnie born about 1862

J Surnames

JagemanDonna Lborn about 1936

K Surnames

KellyMaggie Eborn about 1863
KellyWilliam Hborn about 1863
KennedySamuele Cborn about 1884
KerrClark born about 1889
KerrDean born about 1925
KerrDonald born about 1928
KerrErnest born about 1914
KerrGeorge born about 1915
KerrHelen born about 1885
KerrHoward Jborn about 1884
KerrJeannette born about 1923
KerrJoseph born about 1874
KerrMaggie born about 1889
KerrMaud born about 1884
KerrRoland born about 1917
KerrWilliam born about 1887

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L Surnames

LakeHarry born about 1925
LakeJohn born about 1929
LakeMaud born about 1897
LanceJohn born about 1935
LancePaul born about 1939
LanceRuth born about 1915
LanceRuth Tborn about 1937
LawsonOwen born about 1924
LemarBertha born about 1905
LemarFlorence born about 1929
LemarWilliam born about 1926
LewisA Claytonborn about 1892
LewisAlma Geneborn about 1920
LewisAnnie Rborn about 1910
LewisAugusta Fborn about 1887
LewisBessie born about 1926
LewisBoyd Mborn about 1915
LewisCarl Eborn about 1888
LewisDale born about 1913
LewisDavid Aborn about 1900
LewisDavid Cborn about 1880
LewisDora born about 1922
LewisEva Janeborn about 1920
LewisHazel born about 1898
LewisHomer Eborn about 1872
LewisHugh born about 1893
LewisIva Jane Dborn about 1940
LewisJane born about 1928
LewisJohn Nborn about 1868
LewisJoshua born about 1874
LewisLester Aborn about 1908
LewisLula Eborn about 1874
LewisMargaret born about 1932
LewisMargaret Lborn about 1883
LewisMargaret Nborn about 1876
LewisMary born about 1859
LewisMildred born about 1932
LewisRaymond Lborn about 1903
LewisRussel born about 1895
LewisSadie born about 1869
LewisSarah born about 1906
LewisViola Hborn about 1867
LingenfelterCraig born about 1907
LittleCarl born about 1928
LittleClair born about 1924
LittleE Eldaborn about 1893
LittleElsworth born about 1926
LittleHarry Rborn about 1930
LittleJerry Sborn about 1888
LukehartIrene born about 1908
LukehartMartin born about 1906
LydickAlice born about 1921
LydickCathern born about 1924
LydickCherlyl born about 1939
LydickEvelyn born about 1932
LydickFred born about 1899
LydickJane born about 1931
LydickKeith born about 1925
LydickLeslie born about 1928
LydickMarilyn born about 1931
LydickMary born about 1902
LydickMildred born about 1902
LydickRuban born about 1901
LydiksenAlice born about 1921
LydiksenCathern born about 1924
LydiksenCherlyl born about 1939
LydiksenEvelyn born about 1932
LydiksenFred born about 1899
LydiksenJane born about 1931
LydiksenKeith born about 1925
LydiksenLeslie born about 1928
LydiksenMarilyn born about 1931
LydiksenMary born about 1902
LydiksenMildred born about 1902
LydiksenRuban born about 1901

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M Surnames

MarshallKathleen born about 1915
MarshallRobert born about 1938
MarshallWade born about 1915
MaukBetty born about 1939
MaukEthel Mborn about 1900
MaukHarvey Aborn about 1898
MaukHelen born about 1919
McCellandClara born about 1895
McCellandEdgar born about 1920
McCellandLon born about 1896
McCellandRobert born about 1916
McClellandBurlyn born about 1918
McClellandC Hborn about 1867
McClellandCharloloh born about 1914
McClellandCharlotte born about 1917
McClellandDoloris Mborn about 1933
McClellandDonald Cborn about 1939
McClellandMargaret Lborn about 1935
McClellandMartha born about 1874
McClellandMary born about 1868
McClellandWilber Eborn about 1937
McConellArveta born about 1901
McConellBonita born about 1930
McConellHarry born about 1890
McConellJohn born about 1932
McConellLuther born about 1935
McConnellAllan born about 1939
McConnellBill born about 1933
McConnellBob born about 1933
McConnellCarole born about 1936
McConnellDora born about 1907
McConnellHelen born about 1934
McConnellRay born about 1909
McConnellShirley born about 1930
McCormickBennett Lborn about 1935
McCormickCarol Ruthborn about 1938
McCormickEleanor born about 1925
McCormickHelen Lborn about 1928
McCormickJohn Bborn about 1903
McCormickMable Kborn about 1874
McCormickMae born about 1900
McCormickMargaret Eborn about 1902
McCormickMary born about 1921
McCormickThomas Aborn about 1930
McCormickVance born about 1915
McGregorMary Cborn about 1910
McGregorR Doloresborn about 1928
McHarryClark born about 1924
McHarryGeorge born about 1913
McHarrySid born about 1931
McHenryAlverda born about 1870
McHenryC Cborn about 1846
McHenryIsrial born about 1869
McKeeLucile born about 1917
McKeeWilliam born about 1914
McKillenJohn born about 1919
McMurpheyFlora born about 1869
MorganJames born about 1920

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N Surnames

NealCharles born about 1929
NealEthel born about 1920
NealEva Gborn about 1896
NealHerbert born about 1895
NealIlene Oborn about 1922
NealLeon born about 1915
NealMartha Aborn about 1880
NealMaud born about 1885
NealMax Mborn about 1916
NealSarah born about 1916
NealWade born about 1882
NealWilt Jborn about 1879
NeilAnn born about 1931
NeilClara born about 1865
NeilFrank born about 1908
NeilJanet born about 1932
NeilJohn Fborn about 1934
NeilLetha born about 1908
NeilMildred born about 1928
NevilleMargaret Rborn about 1917
NielEdward born about 1895
NielGeorge born about 1924
NielGrace born about 1890

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P Surnames

PefferPearl born about 1873
PollockMerle born about 1883

R Surnames

RearickDelores Gborn about 1936
RearickElva Mborn about 1933
RearickIrwin born about 1894
RearickNellie born about 1904
RearickWard Lborn about 1924
ReedMelvin Lborn about 1931
ReedMyron Hborn about 1928
ReedSadie Aborn about 1900
ReedSamuel Fborn about 1897
ReithmillerBetty Aborn about 1932
ReithmillerClair born about 1930
ReithmillerClyde born about 1899
ReithmillerGeorge Eborn about 1861
ReithmillerMabel born about 1902
ReithmillerRobert born about 1927
ReithmillerRuth born about 1924
ReithmillerSallie Aborn about 1868
ReithmillerShirley born about 1935
ReitzAnnie born about 1880
ReitzBernice born about 1916
ReitzCharles born about 1870
ReitzClark born about 1872
ReitzDorothy born about 1906
ReitzHeelen born about 1923
ReitzMatilda born about 1875
ReitzPaul born about 1908
ReitzRichard born about 1929
ReitzTwila born about 1896
RitchieAnna Bellborn about 1929
RitchieAugus born about 1878
RitchieBetty Louborn about 1928
RitchieDonna Gborn about 1935
RitchieEthel Mborn about 1939
RitchieEva Maeborn about 1909
RitchieFred born about 1918
RitchieHelen born about 1922
RitchieMae born about 1882
RitchieWilliam Aborn about 1909
RobinsonAnnie Pborn about 1886
RobinsonClinton born about 1923
RobinsonJames born about 1925
RobinsonJames Cborn about 1874
RoushAlice Cborn about 1869
RoushAlvena Rborn about 1908
RoushDorothy born about 1907
RoushGeorge Aborn about 1903
RoushGeorge Hborn about 1896
RoushHarold born about 1933
RoushJohn Eborn about 1875
RoushJohn Gborn about 1860
RoushMary Aborn about 1856
RoweWilliam Jborn about 1918
RowlandCharles Gborn about 1874
RowlandMallie Kborn about 1875
RummelCyrus Eborn about 1906
RummelDella born about 1915
RummelEvelyn Jborn about 1936
RummelFrances Cborn about 1934
RummelNaomi born about 1910
RummelShirley Aborn about 1932
RummelStella born about 1876
RummellBarbara Aborn about 1938
RummellClifford born about 1912
RummellDonna born about 1936
RummellMargaret Hborn about 1915

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S Surnames

SchwabAlfred born about 1900
SchwabAllen born about 1928
SchwabDorothy born about 1924
SchwabGerald born about 1933
SchwabHelen born about 1925
SchwabLois born about 1936
SchwabMary born about 1902
SchwabMary Lanborn about 1930
SchwabThomas born about 1920
SchwabThomas born about 1923
ShirleyAnganetta born about 1910
ShirleyGlen born about 1907
ShirleyGlen born about 1939
ShirleyGrant born about 1910
ShirleyMary Jborn about 1937
ShraugerLaura Jborn about 1863
ShraugerMilton born about 1866
ShrockClair born about 1924
ShrockFloyd born about 1902
ShrockLorraine born about 1937
ShrockMiriam born about 1903
SmithEthel born about 1911
SmithJeff born about 1878
SmithMildred born about 1913
SnyderPauline born about 1918
SnyderRussel Bborn about 1893
SnyderRuth Cborn about 1892
StearAlbert Tborn about 1880
StearCharles born about 1873
StearClair Oborn about 1901
StearClara Gborn about 1911
StearDessie born about 1870
StearDonald Cborn about 1939
StearDuane born about 1935
StearE Rastusborn about 1870
StearEvyland Jborn about 1930
StearFaye born about 1900
StearH Wborn about 1876
StearJohn born about 1869
StearLaura born about 1911
StearLeroy born about 1939
StearMargaret Pborn about 1906
StearMarie born about 1880
StearMartha Eborn about 1878
StearMary born about 1871
StearMary Tborn about 1877
StearMaurice Dborn about 1900
StearS Merleborn about 1909
StearThelma Iborn about 1912
StearVan born about 1880
StearWayne born about 1899
StearWilliam Lborn about 1931
StephsonFrank born about 1900
StephsonJohn born about 1930
StephsonMargery born about 1906
StephsonMark born about 1939
StitelerAlda born about 1923
StitelerAlice born about 1925
StitelerAlma born about 1923
StitelerBarbara born about 1936
StitelerBessie born about 1901
StitelerBetty Janeborn about 1920
StitelerCarl Gborn about 1911
StitelerCharles born about 1880
StitelerClay born about 1888
StitelerD Clarenceborn about 1881
StitelerDean Wborn about 1915
StitelerDorothy born about 1931
StitelerDula born about 1892
StitelerEarl born about 1921
StitelerEdward Eborn about 1934
StitelerEugene born about 1939
StitelerFlorence Eborn about 1920
StitelerFred born about 1915
StitelerGeorge Lborn about 1919
StitelerHazel born about 1895
StitelerHelen Ruthborn about 1926
StitelerIrene born about 1920
StitelerJanet born about 1929
StitelerJay Eborn about 1914
StitelerJosephine born about 1884
StitelerKeith born about 1939
StitelerKenneth born about 1926
StitelerLyda Graceborn about 1924
StitelerMalvern born about 1934
StitelerMargaret Bborn about 1883
StitelerMary Bborn about 1928
StitelerMildred Cborn about 1905
StitelerMinnie Jborn about 1881
StitelerPaul Eborn about 1892
StitelerPaul Wborn about 1930
StitelerQuinten Wborn about 1921
StitelerRobert Bborn about 1928
StitelerRonald Rborn about 1939
StitelerRuth Jborn about 1929
StitelerV Glennborn about 1932
StitelerVergil born about 1905
StitelerVernon Cborn about 1903
StitelerVirginia born about 1938
StitelerWalter born about 1924
StitelerWilliam Jborn about 1907
StockdaleBessie born about 1890
StockdaleEdna Mborn about 1920
StockdaleElizabeth born about 1925
StockdaleMarie born about 1924
StockdaleRobert born about 1933
StockdaleTurney Kborn about 1887
StockdaleW Carlborn about 1929
StrausbaughBetty Jborn about 1925
SullivanEmma born about 1880
SullivanJohn Lborn about 1876
SwartsBetty Roseborn about 1926
SwartsDaniel Fborn about 1929
SwartsDaniel Lborn about 1873
SwartsRosanna Cborn about 1885
SweeneyEdward Eborn about 1901
SweeneyEdward E Jrborn about 1928
SweeneyIda Vborn about 1909
SweeneyJames Aborn about 1926
SweeneyMonabell Bborn about 1931

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T Surnames

TaylorBonnie L Aborn about 1935
TaylorDale Lborn about 1926
TaylorGrace Lborn about 1901
TaylorMax Bborn about 1929
TaylorThomas Mborn about 1900
TaylorWynne Jborn about 1933
ThompsonDella Mborn about 1900
ThompsonG Elaineborn about 1929
ThompsonJames Hborn about 1923
ThompsonRobbie Lborn about 1925
ThompsonRobert Pborn about 1938
ThompsonWindle born about 1900
TrutmanGertrude Eborn about 1899
TrutmanJacob Bborn about 1889
TrutmanJohn Jborn about 1924
TrutmanSarah Fborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UncapherEdith Aborn about 1922
UncapherFrank Cborn about 1881
UncapherFrank Mborn about 1915
UncapherJessie Mborn about 1919
UncapherMargaret Bborn about 1883
UncapherMildred Lborn about 1920

V Surnames

VanhornBlaine born about 1927
VanhornClair born about 1923
VanhornHarry born about 1888
VanhornHelen born about 1927
VanhornIrene born about 1888
VanhornJame born about 1886
VanhornMerle born about 1919
VanhornRalph born about 1916
VanhornTwila Mborn about 1931
VanhornWalter born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerDean Hborn about 1915
WagnerJ Leroyborn about 1922
WagnerJohn Cborn about 1892
WagnerRobert Lborn about 1928
WagnerWilda Cborn about 1892
WalkerJ Wayneborn about 1900
WalkerLouise Lborn about 1900
WalterGeorge Rborn about 1875
WalterJames born about 1919
WalterLula born about 1884
WeaverBetty Jeanborn about 1937
WeaverCamdom born about 1879
WeaverDorothy Lborn about 1931
WeaverEarl born about 1921
WeaverFreda Lborn about 1911
WeaverH Leroyborn about 1933
WeaverHarry born about 1910
WeaverHomer Lborn about 1906
WeaverJames born about 1925
WeaverJoseph born about 1912
WeaverJoseph Cborn about 1935
WeaverKenneth born about 1939
WeaverLula born about 1886
WeaverMary born about 1916
WeaverMary born about 1924
WeaverMaxine born about 1912
WeaverMila born about 1910
WeaverPaul born about 1939
WeaverPeter Aborn about 1883
WeaverVelma born about 1913
WeaverWilliam Mborn about 1936
WelchDora Hborn about 1884
WelchGeorge Lborn about 1884
WelchLorine Eborn about 1920
WelchonceJoana born about 1860
WelchonceMelvina born about 1874
WelchonceS Cborn about 1855
WhitesellFred born about 1916
WhitesellJean born about 1921
WhitesellRonald born about 1939
WilhelmMatilda born about 1863
WilliamsonFrank born about 1880
WilliamsonMay born about 1882
WilsonForrest born about 1909
WilsonLouise born about 1937
WilsonPauline born about 1912
WilsonRobert born about 1932
WingardBlair born about 1912
WingardCharles born about 1884
WingardJames born about 1928
WingardJean born about 1921
WingardJohn born about 1925
WingardLawrence born about 1907
WingardMary Sborn about 1887
WingardMildred born about 1921
WingardRuth born about 1923
WissingerEarl born about 1935
WissingerEugene born about 1938
WissingerMerrill born about 1907
WissingerMyrtle born about 1917
WolfeLarry Cborn about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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