1940 U.S. Federal Census of Wissahickon, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Pennsylvania > Philadelphia County > 1940 Census of Wissahickon

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbbatAnna born about 1918
AbbatCatherine born about 1884
AbbatElla born about 1916
AbbatMonroe born about 1882
AdamsCharles born about 1884
AdamsJoseph born about 1907
AdamsJoseph born about 1918
AdamsMargaret born about 1922
AdamsMartha born about 1916
AndersElizabeth born about 1938
AndersMarion born about 1911
AndersPhilipp born about 1904
ArrisaAlfred Jborn about 1868
ArrisaJohn born about 1893
ArrisaMargaret born about 1875
ArrisaMargaret born about 1901
AshworthElsi born about 1914
AustinAnna born about 1911
AustinCatherine born about 1936
AustinThomas born about 1905
AustinThomas Jr born about 1934

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B Surnames

BallbackJohn born about 1916
BallbackLe Nelleborn about 1916
BarnesAmos Wborn about 1867
BarnesFrank born about 1931
BarnesJames Wborn about 1930
BarnesRaymond born about 1891
BarnesVera Lborn about 1901
BarnesWilliam Mborn about 1928
BarralKatherine born about 1880
BarralWilliam born about 1877
BarthaAnne born about 1898
BatesAgnes born about 1912
BatesJames born about 1912
BatesWilliam born about 1938
BatzleEleanor born about 1914
BawesMary born about 1891
BawesRaymond born about 1891
BeavanFredrick born about 1894
BeavanJohn born about 1924
BeavanMyrtle born about 1886
BeckAmelia born about 1892
BeckAmile born about 1920
BeckDorothy born about 1923
BeckElizabeth Aborn about 1923
BeckFrances born about 1893
BeckGeorge born about 1932
BeckRay Mborn about 1885
BeckRichard born about 1926
BeckWilliam born about 1918
BergerEmma born about 1887
BergerHelen born about 1917
BergerMary born about 1920
BergerRudolph born about 1880
BerryAlice born about 1900
BerryFrank born about 1864
BerryJosephine born about 1874
BeryCharlotte born about 1882
BeryJames Wborn about 1879
BishopAlice Mborn about 1894
BishopEmily born about 1862
BishopHerbert Lborn about 1928
BishopJack Jr born about 1916
BishopJanet born about 1903
BishopJessie born about 1900
BishopJohn Eborn about 1891
BishopMildred Gborn about 1919
BishopRobert Nborn about 1931
BittleClarance born about 1889
BlampyJames born about 1880
BogleMabelle born about 1906
BogleRobert born about 1939
BolesCatherine born about 1893
BolesOrval born about 1892
BolesThomas born about 1924
BolesWayne born about 1921
BoothAnna Fborn about 1909
BoothAnne Eborn about 1940
BoothCharles Eborn about 1892
BossBernard born about 1912
BossCharles born about 1887
BossLavinia born about 1893
BossViola born about 1889
BossWilliam Bborn about 1866
BossWilliam B Jrborn about 1895
BotteauxBetty born about 1915
BotteauxJohn born about 1913
BowellLewis born about 1888
BowellMary born about 1897
BowenHelen born about 1866
BowenThomas born about 1901
BowerAmelia born about 1891
BowerJohn born about 1891
BoyleCecelia born about 1875
BoyleRobert born about 1904
BoyleWilliam born about 1873
BradleyEleanore Gborn about 1907
BradleyFreeman born about 1879
BradleyJame born about 1879
BradleyLawrence born about 1914
BradleyRalph Eborn about 1907
BranzBarbara born about 1866
BrennanDorothy born about 1916
BrennanMinnie born about 1883
BrennanSarah born about 1917
BrennanWalter born about 1881
BrenzFreda born about 1915
BritzAugusta born about 1880
BrombackEarl born about 1866
BrownBeverly born about 1937
ButlerCaroline born about 1874
ButlerLouis born about 1869
ByronCatherine born about 1899
ByronCatherine born about 1924
ByronMargaret born about 1921
ByronWilliam born about 1926

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C Surnames

CampbellMary born about 1886
CapmanJohn Mborn about 1916
CapmanWilliam born about 1914
CarrDavid born about 1905
CarrElsie born about 1904
CarrIrma born about 1925
CarsonCaroline born about 1886
CastleMayme Mborn about 1881
ClairMaxwell born about 1878
ClairPauline born about 1881
ClampfferAnna Mayborn about 1880
ClampfferHarvy born about 1909
ClampfferRobert born about 1920
ClampfferWarren born about 1916
ClampfferWilliam Fborn about 1873
ClarkAnna born about 1910
ClarkBob born about 1935
ClarkCharles born about 1928
ClarkEdward born about 1904
ClarkEdward Jr born about 1927
ClarkeLouisa Cborn about 1892
ClarkeWilliam born about 1891
ClarkeWilliam Jr born about 1917
CohenEmanuel born about 1898
CohenRose born about 1909
ColtartAnnie born about 1883
ColtartFrank born about 1884
ConwayMae born about 1876
CookOlga born about 1902
CostelloBerneice born about 1921
CostelloFrances born about 1925
CostelloGeorge born about 1894
CostelloJames born about 1892
CostelloJames Jr born about 1919
CostelloJulia born about 1938
CostelloMargaret born about 1910
CostelloMary born about 1893
CostelloRita born about 1918
CostelloRolph born about 1906
CostelloRolph Jr born about 1937
CostelloWilliam born about 1926
CoxCharles born about 1893
CoxCharles Jr born about 1917
CoxNan born about 1931
CoxPauline born about 1901
CoxRoy born about 1922
CrawfordSophie born about 1885
CrennanJule born about 1904
CrietzJacob born about 1869
CrietzLilly born about 1871
CrosbieElsie Mborn about 1908
CrosbieJeannie Mborn about 1883
CrosbieWillard born about 1888
CrowtherAnna born about 1858
CrowtherCatherine born about 1884
CrowtherEdna born about 1900
CulpJoan born about 1935
CulpLillion born about 1904
CulpWesley born about 1907
CupmanGertrude born about 1918
CupmanJohn born about 1938
CurronNelly born about 1886
CurryGeorge Aborn about 1856
CurryRobert B Srborn about 1885

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D Surnames

DagerCatherine born about 1875
DagerMargaret born about 1899
DagerWilliam born about 1861
DagerWilliam Jr born about 1898
DaleyJames born about 1896
DaleyJames Jr born about 1930
DaleyJohn born about 1938
DaleyMargaret born about 1932
DaleyMary born about 1907
DaleyWilliam born about 1935
DanielsAdelaide born about 1869
DavisAmanda born about 1881
DehavenEmma born about 1920
DehavenMildred born about 1895
DehavenScott born about 1922
DehavenWinfield born about 1893
DemottDavid born about 1928
DemottMay born about 1909
DilkesHarry Pborn about 1894
DilkesHelen born about 1896
DillOliver born about 1855
DransfieldDorthy born about 1902
DransfieldElizabeth born about 1922
DransfieldStanert Jr born about 1923
DransfieldStewart born about 1895
DuffyClair born about 1934
DuffyDonald born about 1932
DuffyFredrick born about 1928
DuffyJames born about 1900
DuffyJames born about 1907
DuffyJames Jr born about 1926
DuffyJoseph born about 1912
DumtraGeorge born about 1900
DwyerCatherine born about 1883
DwyerJames born about 1872

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E Surnames

EdeleJohn born about 1925
EdeleMary born about 1900
EggenbergerJune born about 1928
EggenbergerLavina born about 1902
EggenbergerWilliam born about 1899
EggenbergerWilliam Jr born about 1924
EllisAnna born about 1887
EllisJesse Leeborn about 1880
EricksonElizabeth born about 1912
EricksonManual born about 1905
EricksonOscar born about 1908
EricksonRodoha born about 1907
EsslingerFrank born about 1884
EsslingerFrank Jr born about 1913
EsslingerMary born about 1888

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F Surnames

FarrahGeorge born about 1913
FarrahMarie born about 1912
FarrellFrancis born about 1909
FarrellJames born about 1914
FarrellJames Jr born about 1939
FawleyElizabeth Hborn about 1866
FawleyHelen Eborn about 1937
FawleyHelen Sborn about 1916
FawleyJ Russellborn about 1915
FawleyJ Russell Jrborn about 1939
FawleyJoseph Lborn about 1866
FergusonDar born about 1878
FergusonFredric born about 1901
FergusonGrace born about 1904
FerryJohn born about 1910
FerryJohn Jr born about 1938
FerryMargaret born about 1911
FichterKatie born about 1876
FitzpatrickJames born about 1909
FitzpatrickMary born about 1912
FitzpatrickPatricia born about 1937
FleckMatthew born about 1921
FlynnNellie born about 1892
FlynnRobert born about 1893
ForkertElsa born about 1882
ForkertPaul born about 1881
FoxHubert born about 1859
FoxLucy born about 1889
FoxWilhelmina born about 1862
FrameCatherine born about 1897
FramePauline born about 1872
FrameRuth born about 1910
FredrickElizabeth J Cborn about 1918
FredrickMary born about 1904
FredrickMerrill Jborn about 1916
FredrickMiles born about 1906
FriedChristian Jr born about 1893
FriedMary born about 1872

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G Surnames

GaethLewis born about 1891
GaethLewis Jr born about 1921
GaethMartha born about 1878
GaethMary born about 1894
GallagherKenneth born about 1922
GallagherMargaret born about 1899
GallagherNorman born about 1918
GallagherThomas born about 1897
GemberlingEthel born about 1897
GemberlingRaymond born about 1895
GilingerCarl born about 1877
GilingerCaroline born about 1876
GilliardKathryn born about 1888
GilliardMinnie born about 1875
GilliardStephen Cborn about 1890
GirillAlberta born about 1897
GirillRobert born about 1920
GirillSamuel born about 1889
GirillSamuel Jr born about 1918
GloverDonald born about 1913
GloverEvert born about 1916
GloverJohn born about 1909
GloverKatheryn born about 1924
GloverLou born about 1887
GloverWilliam born about 1922
GoshowEdna Dborn about 1887
GoshowWilliam Hborn about 1885
GraserEmily born about 1881
GreeneAnna born about 1882
GreeneDonald born about 1922
GreeneEsther born about 1911
GreeneGeraldine born about 1940
GreeneHarry born about 1882
GreeneJohn born about 1900
GreeneLida born about 1926
GriffinBuzzie born about 1934
GriffinHelen born about 1912
GriffinMarie born about 1909
GriffinReta born about 1913
GriffinS Francisborn about 1914
GriffinVincent born about 1910
GriffisMargaret born about 1879
GuentherErna born about 1864
GuentherHanna born about 1888
GuentherRichard born about 1861

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H Surnames

HaasCarl born about 1900
HaasCarl Jr born about 1925
HaasMarbynn born about 1933
HaasMary born about 1900
HaasRuth born about 1923
HaltJames born about 1876
HaltLena born about 1875
HaltMarble born about 1909
HaltWilliam born about 1909
HaltWilliam Jr born about 1930
HamiltonCatherine Jr born about 1922
HamiltonMary born about 1892
HamiltonMary born about 1929
HamiltonWilliam born about 1885
HamiltonWilliam Jr born about 1919
HanlonAlexander born about 1875
HardingLida born about 1884
HardingRobert born about 1883
HarmerMary born about 1884
HarmerWalter born about 1885
HaroldLaura born about 1887
HarringtonAnna born about 1905
HarringtonCatherine born about 1867
HarringtonJames born about 1899
HarringtonJohn born about 1906
HarringtonMary born about 1901
HarrisonMary born about 1864
HarrisonMichael born about 1864
HarrissAdaline born about 1894
HarrissJohn born about 1892
HarronMargaret born about 1937
HarronMarjorie born about 1918
HarronMichael born about 1913
HarronMichael Jr born about 1938
HauptElizabeth born about 1912
HazzardCecelie born about 1909
HazzardWilliam born about 1908
HeidenwagEmma born about 1874
HeidenwagThelma born about 1906
HeidenwagWilliam born about 1907
HelmsBlanche born about 1884
HelmsCharles born about 1885
HelmsCharles born about 1923
HelmsEva born about 1886
HelmsH Sborn about 1874
HelmsHarry born about 1913
HelmsJay Kborn about 1916
HelmsJohn Bborn about 1918
HeneryCarrie born about 1871
HenrchElizabeth born about 1864
HenrchJulius born about 1866
HenryEleanor born about 1915
HenryHorace born about 1909
HicksEdwin Kborn about 1863
HicksEstella born about 1885
HicksRuth born about 1897
HobbyCharles born about 1877
HobbyGeorge born about 1912
HobbyMinnie born about 1854
HolgateElizabeth born about 1883
HolgateJ Eborn about 1879
HolgateJohn born about 1908
HopkinsCharles born about 1937
HopkinsErnest born about 1900
HopkinsGertrude born about 1905
HopkinsMary born about 1939
HopkinsPolly born about 1925
HoppleAnna born about 1883
HoppleEvylyn born about 1914
HoppleLeroy born about 1912
HoppleMerlyn born about 1924
HuddersCatherine born about 1902
HuntingtonHelen born about 1922
HuntingtonOwen born about 1891
HuntingtonOwen Jr born about 1919
HuntingtonWilhelmina born about 1896
HyndsElizabeth born about 1892
HyndsMary born about 1882
HyndsMildred born about 1902

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I Surnames

IngrahamHarriett born about 1861
IngrahmLulie Mborn about 1882
IngrahmP Cborn about 1878

J Surnames

JacksonAlfred born about 1882
JacksonFlorence born about 1888
JerniganAnna born about 1892
JerniganFrank born about 1889
JerniganRobert born about 1920
JohnsonBenjaman born about 1869
JohnsonCara born about 1868
JohnstonArthur born about 1868
JohnstonBertha born about 1886
JohnstonGrand born about 1886
JohnstonHelen born about 1907
JohnstonLaura born about 1872
JohnstonSidney born about 1905
JohnstonTheodore born about 1908
JonesBella born about 1880
JonesCatherine Hborn about 1858
JonesEarl born about 1890
JonesHorace born about 1907
JonesMae born about 1904

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K Surnames

KaiserAnna born about 1889
KaiserEugene born about 1900
KammererElla born about 1871
KammererJenny born about 1867
KammererVally born about 1865
KaneJohn born about 1906
KaneMargaret born about 1904
KaneWilliam born about 1861
KeckArthur born about 1890
KeckSusan born about 1881
KerberEva born about 1887
KerberMargaret born about 1886
KerberWilbur born about 1887
KernHettie born about 1887
KernHoward born about 1885
KilroyFrancis born about 1921
KilroyJames born about 1933
KilroyJohn born about 1919
KilroyLuke born about 1894
KilroyMargaret born about 1895
KilroyMargert born about 1924
KilroyThomas born about 1926
KindonAmelia born about 1890
KindonJohn Jborn about 1920
KindonWilliam born about 1884
KingAnna born about 1903
KingJoseph born about 1927
KingThomas born about 1895
KingThomas Jr born about 1926
KippFrank born about 1877
KippFrank born about 1908
KippJames born about 1935
KippMabel born about 1911
KirbysonEva born about 1902
KirbysonRuth born about 1925
KirbysonThomas born about 1902
KiscadenEmily born about 1903
KiscadenGeraldine born about 1934
KiscadenWilliam Rborn about 1903
KiscadenWilliam Roy Jrborn about 1926
KleinEdna born about 1893
KleinHarold born about 1911
KleinHelen born about 1905
KleinWilliam born about 1892
KleinWilliam born about 1898
KleinWilliam Jr born about 1940
KlingerEllen born about 1869
KlingerRoy born about 1894
KochCharles born about 1905
KochDorothy born about 1934
KochElane born about 1938
KochJanet born about 1936
KochMarion born about 1903
KochMarion born about 1929
KochStanley born about 1932
KoehensEliza born about 1872
KulakEdward born about 1904
KulakHenry born about 1937
KulakVeronica born about 1909
KyrissFlorance born about 1906
KyrissWilliam born about 1901

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L Surnames

LamvovMillicent born about 1875
LaugheryEdward born about 1886
LaugheryEdward Jr born about 1919
LaugheryMargaret born about 1891
LaugheryPeggy born about 1925
LegowerBetty born about 1916
LegowerHelen born about 1918
LegowerMarie born about 1911
LegrowerFrancis born about 1914
LegrowerMarion born about 1914
LeveringCarry born about 1892
LeveringDonald born about 1898
LeveringFern born about 1914
LeveringMaud born about 1871
LeveringPerry born about 1895
LeveringWalter born about 1902
LevickieAnna born about 1900
LevickieJoseph born about 1902
LintonGrace born about 1886
LintonRoss born about 1884
LintonRoss born about 1917
LougheryAnna born about 1897
LougheryCatherine born about 1890
LougheryJoseph born about 1900
LoughhanAnna born about 1897
LoughhanCatherine born about 1890
LoughhanJoseph born about 1900
LoveAgnes born about 1878
LoveEllen born about 1877
LoveMary born about 1910
LoveNancy born about 1913
LukensAnna born about 1910
LukensWilliam born about 1908
LukensWilliam Jr born about 1930
LukenvichAnna born about 1910
LukenvichWilliam born about 1908
LukenvichWilliam Jr born about 1930
LyndallCaroline born about 1881
LyndallErvin born about 1877
LyonsJohn Lborn about 1875
LyonsMary Fborn about 1882
LyorJohn Lborn about 1875
LyorMary Fborn about 1882

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M Surnames

MacdougallEarl born about 1905
MacdougallElsi born about 1908
MagillJack born about 1938
MagillJohn born about 1883
MagillMary born about 1935
MagillRoseli born about 1895
MahoneyAndrew born about 1899
MahoneyMae born about 1919
MahoneyWallac born about 1930
MaidenEarl born about 1910
MaidenEdna born about 1915
MaidenLidia born about 1882
MaidenThomas born about 1917
MaidenWilliam born about 1879
MainwaringArthur born about 1882
MainwaringElsie born about 1882
MainwaringElsie born about 1919
MainwaringHarriett born about 1916
MaleyBetsy born about 1927
MaleyCathleen born about 1929
MaleyGeraldine born about 1934
MaleyHelen born about 1890
MaleyHelene born about 1925
MaleyMargaret born about 1923
MaleyMartin born about 1890
MaleyMary born about 1922
MarkleEdwin born about 1868
MarriottAlice born about 1902
MarriottClara born about 1877
MarriottHaydn Jr born about 1908
MarriottHayrtu* born about 1874
MarshallLloyd born about 1901
MarshallLloyd born about 1924
MarshallMarion born about 1899
MarshellArthur born about 1890
MarshellClara Bborn about 1890
MartinEleanor born about 1899
MartinGeorge born about 1938
MartinHarry born about 1867
MartinHelen born about 1925
MartinJane born about 1919
MartinJoseph born about 1894
MartinJoseph born about 1922
MartinMartin born about 1899
MasonAlice born about 1909
MasonEmma born about 1878
MasonEmma Eborn about 1905
MasonHarry born about 1876
MasshallHawey born about 1927
MatlackAnn Eborn about 1926
MatlackDavid Jborn about 1891
MatlackDavid Rborn about 1923
MatlackEmily born about 1896
MatlackWilliam Fborn about 1929
MattisDavid born about 1915
MattisHelen born about 1917
MayerBernard born about 1876
MayerEva born about 1879
McAlisterAdele born about 1899
McAlisterHelen born about 1924
McAlisterWilliam born about 1896
McCorkleJane born about 1938
McCorkleMildred born about 1901
McCorkleRalph born about 1905
McCullissBernice born about 1935
McCullissClara born about 1896
McCullissJoseph born about 1933
McCullissLeonard born about 1895
McCullissLeonard Jr born about 1921
McCullissRegina born about 1926
McGillEilein born about 1915
McGillRaymond born about 1912
McGoughEvelyn born about 1926
McGoughFrancis born about 1905
McGoughHelen born about 1908
McLaughlinMary born about 1861
McMahonBernadette born about 1924
McMahonDenis born about 1884
McMahonHugh born about 1917
McMahonJohn born about 1913
McMahonJoseph born about 1921
McMahonMary born about 1888
McMahonTeresa born about 1923
MellerPaymond born about 1922
MellonEmma born about 1860
MellonNeva born about 1888
MermanAnne born about 1906
MermanJohn born about 1936
MermanMarianne born about 1936
MermanP Hardborn about 1938
MermanRaymond born about 1906
MermanRaymond Jr born about 1935
MieczneckCletta born about 1921
MieczneckIrene born about 1923
MieczneckJoel born about 1936
MieczneckMarie born about 1925
MieczneckMary born about 1901
MieczneckThomas born about 1894
MillerBeatrice born about 1901
MillerCatherine born about 1906
MillerDorotha born about 1893
MillerHarry Jr born about 1938
MillerHerman born about 1875
MillerLaura born about 1860
MillerLawrence born about 1899
MillerLeona born about 1876
MillerLeona born about 1909
MillerMarion born about 1914
MillerMary born about 1917
MillerRobert born about 1939
MillerRueben born about 1911
MillsDorothy born about 1904
MillsJohn Alvinborn about 1904
MillsSarah Aborn about 1934
MooreMargert born about 1872
MooreRobert born about 1867
MorrisonFrank born about 1894
MorrisonFrank Jr born about 1930
MorrisonMarion born about 1927
MorrisonPearla born about 1897
MorrisonSarah born about 1866
MorrissEleanor born about 1879
MorrissEleanor born about 1899
MorrissJohn born about 1863
MorrissRobert born about 1900
MottEugene born about 1874
MottLillian born about 1879
MoyerAlmyra born about 1874
MoyerEdith born about 1872
MoyerRalph born about 1874
MuskoErnest born about 1919
MuskoErwin born about 1922
MuskoMichael born about 1886
MuskoMildred born about 1918
MuskoVernon born about 1933

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N Surnames

NagleAdaline born about 1906
NagleCathleen born about 1912
NagleChristopher born about 1904
NagleChristopher Jr born about 1937
NagleGarrett born about 1908
NagleJean born about 1934
NagleJoseph born about 1938
NaylorBeverly born about 1938
NaylorElizabeth born about 1908
NaylorNelson born about 1902
NaylorVirginia born about 1933
NealHoward born about 1889
NealLa Rue born about 1918
NealRichard born about 1915
NealRichard Jr born about 1938
NealRuth born about 1926
NealSarah born about 1889
NelsonCatherine born about 1848
NeumyerEdna born about 1911
NeumyerHarry born about 1910

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O Surnames

OberholtzerElizabeth born about 1873
OberholtzerJohn born about 1871
OdonellJohn born about 1861
OtteyEmma born about 1869
OtteyGrace born about 1892
OtteyWilliam born about 1866

P Surnames

PalmerFrank born about 1900
PalmerJohn born about 1909
PalmerJosephine born about 1916
PalmerMark born about 1939
PastoretAnna born about 1866
PastoretAnna born about 1891
PastoretViola born about 1902
PattonElizabeth born about 1920
PattonMary born about 1885
PattonWilliam Jr born about 1876
PaughAlbert born about 1918
PaughFrank born about 1923
PaughHorace born about 1897
PaughJane born about 1897
PaughJane born about 1931
PaughRichard born about 1921
PeckCatherine born about 1898
PeckHarry born about 1885
PeneunziAngelina born about 1899
PeneunziCarolina born about 1865
PenizKatherine born about 1900
PercinskiMary born about 1914
PercinskiStanley born about 1912
PerryAnne born about 1874
PerryCharles born about 1865
PetermanBertha born about 1889
PetermanHarry born about 1910
PetersHarry born about 1890
PetersonEdna born about 1890
PetersonKatty born about 1866
PhilippsJoseph born about 1909
PhilippsMargaret born about 1907
PhilippsPaul born about 1911
PhillipsMary born about 1891
PierceGeorge Jborn about 1899
PierceJean Dorisborn about 1932
PierceMildred born about 1903
PierceRuth Cborn about 1923
PierceVerna Catherineborn about 1935
PlahAlice born about 1891
PlahKenneth Lborn about 1920
PrattWilliam born about 1866
ProbascoAlmeda Hborn about 1917

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R Surnames

RamseyClara born about 1865
RamseyOlga born about 1893
RamseyRuth born about 1918
RamseyTheodore born about 1887
RamseyTheodore Jr born about 1912
RaudenbushCarl born about 1933
RaudenbushCaroline born about 1898
RaudenbushDoris born about 1925
RaudenbushFrank born about 1892
RaudenbushPaul born about 1937
RaudenbushRobert born about 1923
ReganEleanor born about 1914
ReganJames born about 1912
ReillyThomas born about 1906
ReillyVirginia born about 1901
ReitzClaire born about 1906
ReitzGertrude born about 1908
ReitzRonald born about 1940
RennerRos born about 1885
RenshawCharles Aborn about 1908
RenshawCharles Jborn about 1930
RenshawJohn born about 1873
RenshawJohn born about 1929
RenshawLeroy born about 1935
RenshawMargaret born about 1875
RenshawTeresa born about 1910
RhoadsFrank born about 1877
RichElla born about 1898
RichJohn born about 1926
RichShirley born about 1923
RichWalter born about 1874
RickterElizabeth born about 1880
RishelClark born about 1887
RishelEdna born about 1891
RishelMiriam born about 1924
RivardMary born about 1873
RobertsonAloysius born about 1894
RobertsonElizabeth born about 1878
RobinsonAlice born about 1894
RobinsonAnna born about 1914
RobinsonFlorence born about 1875
RobinsonFrank born about 1912
RobinsonHugh born about 1862
RobinsonMary born about 1927
RobinsonSamual born about 1894
RobinsonSamual Jr born about 1918
RodebaughBruce born about 1939
RodebaughEarle born about 1910
RodebaughJulia born about 1917
RogersHarry born about 1859
RootHarry born about 1886
RootHiram born about 1884
RootSusan born about 1860
RudolphMargaret born about 1852
RumlerCatherine born about 1918
RumlerMary born about 1900
RushworthEmily born about 1873
RushworthWalter born about 1876

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S Surnames

SalmonMaria born about 1857
SandsGertrude born about 1880
SandsRobert born about 1921
SandsRuth born about 1924
SandsWilliam born about 1918
SantarcangeloFrank born about 1894
SantarcangeloPauline born about 1916
SantarcangeloTeresa born about 1895
SaylorCharles born about 1878
SaylorCharles born about 1904
SaylorEvelyn born about 1916
SaylorIrene born about 1891
SaylorIsabelle born about 1925
SaylorLeah born about 1883
SaylorMargurite born about 1930
SaylorMiriam born about 1921
SaylorPaul born about 1918
SaylorRaymond born about 1885
SaylorRaymond born about 1918
SaylorWilliam born about 1919
ScarboroughAnn born about 1919
ScarboroughCharles born about 1925
ScarboroughFrances born about 1888
ScarboroughHoward born about 1883
ScarboroughMarion born about 1926
SchafferCharles born about 1895
SchafferCharles Jr born about 1924
SchafferHazel born about 1899
SchafferLois born about 1930
SchafferRobert born about 1926
SchilerFrancis born about 1882
SchilerMichael born about 1880
SchmiegEdward born about 1912
SchmiegThelma born about 1914
SchraderGeorge born about 1863
SchraderMinnie born about 1867
SchrotFrances born about 1913
SchrotFrank born about 1877
SchrotJoseph born about 1914
SchrotMary born about 1882
SchrotMary born about 1921
ScrivenCelia born about 1889
ScrivenLlewellyn born about 1890
SellersIda Sborn about 1915
ShiveGertrude born about 1909
SilverthorneJames born about 1877
SilverthorneRaymond born about 1903
SinesCaroline born about 1898
SinesMarie born about 1920
SinesWilbur born about 1922
SkrobanekElsie born about 1894
SlyeMargaret born about 1876
SlyeWilliam born about 1868
SmithMabel born about 1862
SmithMabel born about 1891
SmytheAlice born about 1897
SmytheKay born about 1918
SmytheThomas born about 1892
SpeakAnna born about 1903
SpeakFrank born about 1903
SpencerSidney born about 1907
SpencerTommil born about 1913
StaffordJames born about 1896
StaleyCarroll born about 1914
StaleyCharles born about 1884
StaleyClyde born about 1921
StaleyElizabeth born about 1881
StaleyIda born about 1889
StaleyJean born about 1928
StelleElizabeth born about 1909
StevasonDoris born about 1912
StevensonKatherine born about 1885
StevensonLaura born about 1860
StewartCharles born about 1933
StewartJohn born about 1918
StewartMargaret born about 1911
StraderNelly born about 1890
StraderRobert born about 1890
StrineCatherine born about 1910
StrineClayton born about 1910
SuperIda born about 1875
SuperNewton born about 1866
SwaffordJeanette born about 1877
SwaffordS Otisborn about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalsonAlbert born about 1870
TalsonAlfred born about 1936
TalsonGladys born about 1904
TalsonMack born about 1901
TalsonMildred born about 1926
TaylorMary Eborn about 1867
TaylorMary Wborn about 1911
TaylorMildred born about 1902
TaylorMildred born about 1928
TaylorWilliam born about 1868
TaylorWilliam Bborn about 1903
ThielOlga born about 1863
ThomasDorothy born about 1894
ThomasElizabeth born about 1865
ThomasFrederick born about 1863
ThomasHelen born about 1892
ThomasW Lizabethborn about 1888
ThomisonHoward born about 1936
ThomisonPearl born about 1918
TicknerJoe Annborn about 1933
ToddJohn born about 1917
ToddLani Jeanborn about 1938
ToddRegina born about 1917
TonerJohn born about 1912
TonerJoseph born about 1914
TonerPaul born about 1910
TonerWilliam born about 1869
TonerWilliam Jr born about 1908
TrysonHelen born about 1906
TrysonVincent born about 1916
TyrellJoan born about 1928
TyrellJoseph born about 1908
TyrellJoseph born about 1935
TyrellNora born about 1912
TyrellWinafred born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UlrichEdward born about 1917
UlrichFrank Jr born about 1911
UlrichFrank Sr born about 1889
UlrichWilliam born about 1918
UtwillerRose born about 1867

V Surnames

VarlaroJoseph born about 1916
VaughanHerbert born about 1880

W Surnames

WackerHarry born about 1901
WackerHarry born about 1928
WackerIsabelle born about 1926
WackerMargaret born about 1904
WalshRose born about 1886
WalshRuth born about 1915
WalterEmma born about 1888
WaltersJames Jborn about 1933
WaltersJohn Pborn about 1910
WaltersJohn P Jrborn about 1932
WaltersMary born about 1906
WardleEmma born about 1899
WatchornBetty born about 1938
WatchornEdith born about 1905
WatchornNancy born about 1935
WatchornRobert born about 1905
WatkinsJames born about 1913
WatkinsMartha born about 1869
WatsonEva born about 1894
WatsonJohn born about 1886
WatsonJohn Jr born about 1919
WebbEdward born about 1890
WebbIrma born about 1901
WentzJohn born about 1908
WestBrinton born about 1908
WestDavid born about 1929
WestElsa Barthborn about 1896
WestLouise born about 1910
WestStanley born about 1894
WestStanley Jr born about 1926
WetterHarry born about 1874
WhitcombElizabeth born about 1888
WhitcombFrank born about 1889
WhiteBertha born about 1879
WhiteGrace born about 1919
WhiteJohn born about 1914
WhiteMadlyn born about 1905
WilfongAnne born about 1880
WilfongJohn born about 1864
WilfongMargaret born about 1917
WilleyElsie born about 1887
WilleyEmerson born about 1884
WilliamRobert born about 1914
WilliamZada born about 1915
WilliyIsabel born about 1912
WilsonEmily born about 1875
WinchesterMary born about 1902
WinchesterRobert born about 1901
WinchesterRobert Jr born about 1924
WinchesterWilliam born about 1928
WoodJames born about 1873
WoodMary born about 1903
WoodSarah Annborn about 1875
WraggElizabeth born about 1865
WraggEmma born about 1860
WraggEvelyn born about 1914
WraggSarah born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarnellAda born about 1881
YarnellAda born about 1917
YarnellFredrick born about 1862
YatesBlanch born about 1876
YatesJ Williamborn about 1877

Z Surnames

ZahonDorothy born about 1897
ZahonGeorge born about 1889
ZahonMary born about 1867
ZelnerClarence born about 1914
ZelnerMartha born about 1914

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