USA (1,380,571) > Pennsylvania (70,756) > Berks County (3,026) > Albany in Berks County (63)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Albany in Berks County are also found through the Berks County and Pennsylvania pages.
Cemetery Records | Death Records |
Census Records | Histories and Genealogies |
Church Records | Marriage Records |
Bern Twp., Bernville, Berks Co., Pa.; inscriptions from gravestones in Bernville, North Heidelberg, and Hain's graveyards FamilySearch Library
Burial record, Friedens Union, Stony Run, Albany Twp., Berks Co., PA Archive Grid
Burial record, Jerusalem Union Church (Red Church) Story Run, Albany Twp., Berks Co., PA Archive Grid
Burials at Jerusalem Union Church, aka Red Church, Stony Run, Albany Twp US Gen Web Archives
Burials, Jerusalem Union Church, Stony Run, Albany Township, Berks County FamilySearch Library
Friedens Union Church Cemetery; Stony Run, Berks Co, Pa. (Albany twp.) FamilySearch Library
Jerusalem Union Church US Gen Web
Pastoral records of Rev. Henry S. Fegley & Rev. Alfred O. Ebert, 1874-1934 : baptisms, confirmations, marriages, burials FamilySearch Library
Snyders Evangelical Cemetery Find a Grave
Federal Census of 1940, Albany Township in Berks County, Pennsylvania LDS Genealogy
Federal Census of 1940, Albany in Berks County, Pennsylvania LDS Genealogy
Pennsylvania Census 1790 : Albany Township US Gen Web Archives
US Federal Census 1800: Albany Twp US Gen Web Archives
Albany Lutheran and Wessnersville Union Church records of Albany township, Berks county, Penn. WorldCat
Baptismal records of Jerusalem Lutheran and Reformed Church, Berks County, Pennsylvania FamilySearch Library
Burial Records - the Jerusalem Church, 1811 - 1813 New Horizons Genealogical Services
Burial record, Friedens Union, Stony Run, Albany Twp., Berks Co., PA Archive Grid
Burial record, Jerusalem Union Church (Red Church) Story Run, Albany Twp., Berks Co., PA Archive Grid
Burials, Jerusalem Union Church, Stony Run, Albany Township, Berks County FamilySearch Library
Church book of the Lutheran church erected in Albany in Allemangel, in which it is also permitted to the Reformed to hold Divine Services FamilySearch Library
Church record of Jerusalem Church in Albany Township, Berks County, Penna., [1768-1863] FamilySearch Library
Church record of Jerusalem Church, Albany Township, Berks County FamilySearch Library
Church record of the Allemaengel or Albany Lutheran Church, also called New Jerusalem Church, Albany Township, Berks County, 1768-1863 FamilySearch Library
Church record of the Friedens Union Church : Albany Township, Berks Co., Pa., 1771-1874 WorldCat
Church record of the Friedens Union Church, Albany Township, Berks Co., Pa., 1771-1874 FamilySearch Library
Church record of the Rosenthal, New Bethel or Corner Church in Albany Township, Berks County, Pa., 1761-1855 FamilySearch Library
Church record, Rosenthal, New Bethel or Corner Church, Albany Twp., Berks Co., PA Archive Grid
Church records of Friedens Lutheran and Reformed Church, Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania FamilySearch Library
Church records of twenty-eight churches in the Easton Public Library (Pennsylvania) FamilySearch Library
Church records, 1768-1973 [Jerusalem Lutheran and Reformed] FamilySearch Library
Church records, 1771-1876 [Friedens Lutheran and Reformed] FamilySearch Library
Church records, 1841-1874, of Friedens Lutheran and Reformed Church, Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania FamilySearch Library
Confirmations - the Jerusalem Church, 1755 - 1770 New Horizons Genealogical Services
Confirmations - the Jerusalem Church, 1779 - 1780 New Horizons Genealogical Services
Confirmations - the Jerusalem Church, 1812 - 1857 New Horizons Genealogical Services
Events at Allemangel FamilySearch Library
Frieden's Union CHurch, Albany Township, Berks County, Pa. WorldCat
Frieden's Union Church : Wessnerville (now Stony Run), Berks County, Pennsylvania FamilySearch Library
Friedens Lutheran Church, Stony Run (Wesnersville), Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania; parish register 1771-1855 FamilySearch Library
Index to the listings in the ... Baptismal records of Jerusalem Lutheran and Reformed Church, Berks County, Pennsylvania by John L. Kistler FamilySearch Library
Jerusalem Lutheran and Reformed Church (union since 1812), Albany Township, Berks Co., Pa FamilySearch Library
Pastor's record, 1853-1907 [Alfred Jasper Herman] FamilySearch Library
Pastor's record, 1908-1957 : Reformed churches in York Co. (Lischey's and Mt. Zion); in Berks Co. (Bethel, Dunkel's, Red/Jerusalem) FamilySearch Library
Pastoral records of Rev. Henry S. Fegley & Rev. Alfred O. Ebert, 1874-1934 : baptisms, confirmations, marriages, burials FamilySearch Library
Records of Friedens (New Alemangel, White Church) Wessnersville, Albany Township, Berks Co., Pennsylvania, 1772-1867 (Friedens Lutheran Church (Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania)) FamilySearch Library
Tauf Buch of the Friedens Church, Wessnerville, Albany Township, Berks Co., Pa. : baptismal record, 1841-1874 FamilySearch Library
The history of Jerusalem Allemaengel Church; Albany Township, Berks Co., Pa.; two hundredth anniversary, 1747-1947 FamilySearch Library
Transcript of church records, 1770-1855, illustrated by Daniel Schumacher (Friedens Lutheran Church (Albany Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania)) FamilySearch Library
Two hundred twenty-fifth anniversary, 1747-1972; Jerusalem Lutheran and United Church of Christ Church; Kempton, R.D. 1, Pa FamilySearch Library
Burial Records - the Jerusalem Church, 1811 - 1813 New Horizons Genealogical Services
Centennial history book of Kempton and AlbanyTownship, 1874-1974 FamilySearch Library
History of Albany Township, Berks County FamilySearch Library
Pastoral records of Rev. Henry S. Fegley & Rev. Alfred O. Ebert, 1874-1934 : baptisms, confirmations, marriages, burials FamilySearch Library
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