USA (1,380,571) > Pennsylvania (70,756) > Bedford County (955) > Bedford County Marriage Records (12)
USA (1,380,571) > Pennsylvania (70,756) > Pennsylvania Marriage Records (1,837) > Bedford County Marriage Records (12)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Bedford County are also on the Pennsylvania Marriage Records page.
1852-1968 Pennsylvania, Marriages Ancestry
Bedford County Court House index to the divorces : 1804-1920, volume I WorldCat
Bedford County courthouse index to the divorces, 1804-1920 FamilySearch Library
Bedford County marriage records, Bedford County, Pennsylvania, Oct 1885-April 1890 FamilySearch Library
Marriage License Dockets - Bedford County 1885-1963 Pennsylvania State Archives
Marriage license dockets, 1885-1963 FamilySearch Library
Names of persons for whom marriage licenses were issued in the province of Pennsylvania previous to 1790 FamilySearch Library Marriage Index, 1800s-1999 Ancestry
Pennsylvania Marriages, 1852-1854 Ancestry
Bedford Marriage RecordsSt. Thomas the Apostle Roman Catholic church; records of baptisms and births, marriages, and deaths FamilySearch Library
Dunnings Creek Marriage RecordsPennsylvania Quaker Records From A Book of Quaker Monthly Meetings (Bedford County) Ancestry Fishertown Marriage RecordsRecord of births, baptisms, marriages, and deaths in the Centre Evangelical Lutheran Church, Fishertown, Pennsylvania FamilySearch Library