Hanover in Lehigh County Genealogy (in Lehigh County, PA)

USA (1,380,571) > Pennsylvania (70,756) > Lehigh County (1,687) > Hanover in Lehigh County (17)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Hanover in Lehigh County are also found through the Lehigh County and Pennsylvania pages.

Hanover in Lehigh County Cemetery Records

Christ Lutheran Congregation (Burials, Baptisms & Marriages Records 1782-1856) Ancestry online

Hanover in Lehigh County Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Hanover Township in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania LDS Genealogy online

Hanover in Lehigh County Church Records

Allen Township, Northampton Co., Pa. Schoener's Union Church, 1782-1862 (Christ Lutheran and Reformed Church (Shoenersville, Pennsylvania)) FamilySearch Library

Christ Lutheran Congregation (Burials, Baptisms & Marriages Records 1782-1856) Ancestry online

Church record of Christ Lutheran Congregation at Schoenersville, Hanover Township, Lehigh County, 1782-1833 FamilySearch Library

Church record of Christ Reformed Church, Shoenersville, Hanover Township, Lehigh County, 1781-1859 FamilySearch Library

Church record of Christ Reformed Congregation, Shoenersville, Lehigh County, 1781-1856 FamilySearch Library

Pennsylvania German Marriages: Marriages and Marriage Evidence in Pennsylvania German Churches (includes Christ Lutheran Church, 1782-1833) (included in My GPC Library subscription) Genealogical.com online

Hanover in Lehigh County Death Records

Lehigh Valley, Pa. deaths and marriages, v. 2A, as reported in the Catasaqua Dispatch 1873-1882, the Allentown Democrat 1847-1878, and the Morning Call Jan 1895-June 1896 issues FamilySearch Library

Lehigh Valley, Pa. deaths, volume 3, as reported in The Catasaqua Dispatch 1883-1885, and the Morning Call, July 1896-December 1896 issues FamilySearch Library

Lehigh Valley, Pa. deaths, volume 4, as reported in The Catasaqua Dispatch 1889-1896, and the Allentown Daily Chronicle 1870-71 issues FamilySearch Library

Lehigh Valley, Pa. deaths, volume 5, as reported in the Easton Whig 1854-1858, and the Easton Argus 1853-1860 issues FamilySearch Library

Lehigh Valley, Pa. deaths, volume 6, as reported in the Catasauqua Dispatch 1897-1898, and the Easton Argus 1861-1865 issues FamilySearch Library

Hanover in Lehigh County Marriage Records

Christ Lutheran Congregation (Burials, Baptisms & Marriages Records 1782-1856) Ancestry online

Lehigh Valley, Pa. deaths and marriages, v. 2A, as reported in the Catasaqua Dispatch 1873-1882, the Allentown Democrat 1847-1878, and the Morning Call Jan 1895-June 1896 issues FamilySearch Library

Pennsylvania German Marriages: Marriages and Marriage Evidence in Pennsylvania German Churches (includes Christ Lutheran Church, 1782-1833) (included in My GPC Library subscription) Genealogical.com online

Hanover in Lehigh County School Records

History of the public schools of Catasauqua, Pennsylvania : with a brief sketch of the schools of Hanover Township in the olden time FamilySearch Library

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