Slate Lick Genealogy (in Armstrong County, PA)

USA (1,380,571) > Pennsylvania (70,756) > Armstrong County (892) > Slate Lick (7)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Slate Lick are also found through the Armstrong County and Pennsylvania pages.

Slate Lick Cemetery Records

Blue Slate Cemetery Find a Grave online

Buffalo United Presbyterian Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Slate Lick Cemetery Find a Grave online

Slate Lick United Presbyterian Cemetery Find a Grave online

Slate Lick City Directories

White pages and Yellow Pages, Kittanning, July 1936 through Kittanning 1947 Library of Congress online

Slate Lick Histories and Genealogies

Armstrong County, the 19th century and before FamilySearch Library

Slate Lick : an account of a reunion of present and former residents held at Slate Lick, PA, August 30-31, 1887, together with the addresses and papers prepared for the occasion FamilySearch Library

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