1940 U.S. Federal Census of Gaspee, Kent, Rhode Island

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Rhode Island > Kent County > 1940 Census of Gaspee

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AllweilerGertie Mborn about 1883
AllweilerPhilip born about 1867
AlsfeldRichard Jborn about 1913
AlsfeldRoy Cborn about 1939
AlsfeldViolet Cborn about 1910
ArnoldJoan Hborn about 1931
ArnoldRose Tborn about 1907
ArnoldWilliam J Jrborn about 1935
ArnoldWilliam Jamesborn about 1905

B Surnames

BarneyAlice Aborn about 1895
BarneyMegron born about 1893
BarneyNorman Wborn about 1936
BarryFrances Mborn about 1926
BarryJames Aborn about 1899
BarrySarah Aborn about 1912
BarrySarah Lborn about 1874
BeathyJames Mborn about 1938
BeathyRuth Tborn about 1909
BeathyWillard Cborn about 1901
BelangerArthur born about 1896
BelangerArthur Nborn about 1922
BelangerRobert Fborn about 1938
BennettAnnette Aborn about 1916
BennettWilliam Gborn about 1908
BishopCharles Bborn about 1895
BitherChester Mborn about 1924
BitherIsaiah Mborn about 1902
BitherMarie Eborn about 1901
BothnerJorgen Aborn about 1891
BothnerLilian Eborn about 1890
BothnerLloyd Hborn about 1921
BrackenAnna Cborn about 1861
BrennanAndrew Jborn about 1893
BrennanAndrew J Jrborn about 1918
BrennanAndrew J Jrborn about 1918
BrennanBarbra Jborn about 1923
BrennanCatherine Tborn about 1896
BrennanJohn Pborn about 1921
BricksonChristina born about 1872
BricksonEdwin H Rborn about 1903
BricksonHilda Vborn about 1899
BricksonWilliam born about 1872
BrightStanley born about 1893
BrightVioletta born about 1891
BrooksLena Jborn about 1893
BrooksSarah Jborn about 1870
BrownMary born about 1892

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C Surnames

CambiaHelen Bborn about 1901
CambiaJohn Gborn about 1891
CambiaJohn G Jrborn about 1927
CameronAny born about 1900
CameronHerald Bborn about 1904
CarmodyGerard Sborn about 1939
CarmodyMary Sborn about 1908
CarmodyMary Sborn about 1936
CarmodyThomas G Jrborn about 1937
CatlowArnold Oborn about 1933
CatlowJoseph Sborn about 1909
CatlowMildred Wborn about 1907
CatlowRaymond Aborn about 1927
CollnsWilliam Jborn about 1919
ConleyAnn born about 1901
CoonanDaniel Jborn about 1891
CoonanDaniel J Jrborn about 1916
CoonanElizabeth Hborn about 1891
CoonanJohn Jborn about 1919
CotterMargaret Bborn about 1917
CotterWilliam H Jrborn about 1912
CramClinton Hborn about 1908
CramJeanelle Lborn about 1910

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D Surnames

DoleyAlma Wborn about 1909
DoleyPeter born about 1908
DougBarbra Aborn about 1939
DougGertrude Aborn about 1903
DougJerome Eborn about 1903
DougWilliam Cborn about 1938
DyerFrancis Aborn about 1897
DyerMary Fborn about 1900
DyerMary Fborn about 1931
DyerSheila Aborn about 1934

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E Surnames

EasterAlice Cborn about 1900
EasterBrooks Frank Nborn about 1887
EasterbrooksFrank Dborn about 1905
EasterbrooksFrank Dborn about 1933
EasterbrooksHazel Cborn about 1907
EasterbrooksRichard Cborn about 1934
EberleEmm Aborn about 1896
EberleGertrude born about 1923
EberleHildegard born about 1922
EberleKarl Wborn about 1892
EberleLottie Lborn about 1920
EberleLottie Lborn about 1920

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G Surnames

GatelyBarry De Oborn about 1934
GatelyEdward Jborn about 1907
GatelyEdward J Jrborn about 1930
GatelyEdward J Jrborn about 1930
GatelyLouise Mborn about 1907
GoloskieSusan Cborn about 1910
GoloskieTheodore Fborn about 1902
GordonAgnes Mborn about 1903
GordonClayton Cborn about 1902
GordonMartha Pborn about 1905
GordonMartha Pborn about 1931
GordonNancy Wborn about 1930
GordonNancy Wborn about 1930
GreenhalghKatherine born about 1891
GreenhalghSquire born about 1891
GuildElizabeth Hborn about 1896
GuildTheodore Pborn about 1898
GuildTheodore P Jrborn about 1926
GuilmetEdward Fborn about 1897
GuilmetEdward Fborn about 1937
GuilmetFrances Lborn about 1903

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H Surnames

HallEleanor Mborn about 1910
HallJohn Wborn about 1910
HallMatissa Cborn about 1938
HallSally Wborn about 1937
HalleneDororthy Mborn about 1919
HardyArthur Eborn about 1907
HardyKathryn Aborn about 1911
HardyPhyllis Aborn about 1937
HarrisAnnie Lborn about 1889
HarrisGeorge Hborn about 1889
HarrisMyrtle Aborn about 1917
HartreyHenry Gborn about 1932
HartreyMary Aborn about 1934
HarwoodChristine Rborn about 1913
HiltonGertrude born about 1897
HiltonNorman Aborn about 1934
HiltonWilliam born about 1901
HiltonWilliam Rborn about 1924
HollandAlice Hborn about 1913
HollandEarl Wborn about 1887
HollandRobert Lborn about 1935
HornGladys Lborn about 1911
HornWayne Bborn about 1907
HortonFanny born about 1870
HulbEmma Cborn about 1871
HulbThomas born about 1867

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J Surnames

JolicocurArthur Jborn about 1903
JolicocurMargaret Eborn about 1899
JonesAlyce Gborn about 1882
JonesDevorah Annborn about 1938
JonesDonald Sborn about 1910
JonesHelen Hborn about 1910
JonesPercival Wborn about 1885

K Surnames

KaingA Jborn about 1883
KaingViola Fborn about 1883
KarlsonOscar born about 1895
KarlsonOscar Vborn about 1929
KarlsonSarah born about 1890
KennyAnn Aborn about 1898
KonterHermann born about 1889
KonterHildur born about 1890

L Surnames

LambertEmma Aborn about 1890
LambertIra Dborn about 1890
LanphearClayton Dborn about 1899
LanphearClayton D Jrborn about 1924
LanphearElizabeth Jborn about 1926
LanphearOlive Wborn about 1902
LefevreClaire Evelynborn about 1926
LefevreEdward Blairborn about 1903
LefevreEvelyn Rosevereborn about 1904
LennonEdith Aborn about 1899
LennonEdward Aborn about 1899
LittleElizabeth Aborn about 1892
LittleJoan Mborn about 1934
LittleWalter Fborn about 1928
LittleWilliam Gborn about 1892
LittleWilliam G Jrborn about 1929
LutherAlice Ruthborn about 1920
LutherAlice Ruthborn about 1920

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M Surnames

MacleodMary Aborn about 1905
MacleodNorman born about 1899
MaguireGeorge Fborn about 1887
MaguireMadelaine Tborn about 1887
MartinJohn Dborn about 1910
MartinMarguerite Cborn about 1912
MccormickAlfred Jborn about 1897
MccormickMargaret Mborn about 1896
MccormickRaymond Jborn about 1924
MccormickRobert Jborn about 1930
MccormickRobert Jborn about 1930
MckennaPhilip Hborn about 1873
MerrickCharles Hborn about 1886
MerrickOlive Rborn about 1890
MilleoDora Eborn about 1901
MilleoRaymond Lborn about 1901
MoranEdward Rborn about 1888

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N Surnames

NicholsHanna Mborn about 1864

O Surnames

OchsHarold born about 1905
OchsHelen Mborn about 1907
OchsJean Mborn about 1939
OtisCharles Eborn about 1916
OtisOlive Pborn about 1885

P Surnames

PaigeEarl Tborn about 1908
PaigeEthel Rborn about 1912
PaigeGail born about 1937
PaigePhilip Bborn about 1934
PapineanBeatrice Aborn about 1921
PettisEdna Jr born about 1916
PettisWilliam Wborn about 1913
PicardMarie B Fborn about 1918
PicardMarie B Fborn about 1918
PierceMary Lborn about 1913
PurdyGertrude born about 1873

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Q Surnames

QuatersMary born about 1899
QuatersMary Lborn about 1924
QuatersRobert Jborn about 1927
QuatersWilliam Fborn about 1895
QuatersWilliam F Jrborn about 1921

R Surnames

RidderheimDavid Sborn about 1900
RidderheimDavid S Jrborn about 1937
RidderheimIngrid S Bborn about 1903
RisleyCharles Rborn about 1903
RisleyHilda ?born about 1908
RoseDavid Crockerborn about 1935
RoseHelen Elizabethborn about 1904
RoseWells Hallborn about 1904
RoundsBeverly Aborn about 1932
RoundsLeon Aborn about 1909
RoundsRuth Aborn about 1906
RouthierHarry Hborn about 1897
RouthierKathleen Vborn about 1905
RueratAlbert Pborn about 1903
RueratEdna Eborn about 1902
RuggieriDorothea born about 1931
RuggieriJames born about 1906
RuggieriJames Aborn about 1928
RuggieriJohn Dborn about 1938
RuggieriLillian Aborn about 1928
RuggieriLillian Cborn about 1906
RuggieriLucille Mborn about 1926
RuggieriMartha Lborn about 1934
RuggieriRalph Jborn about 1932
RuggieriWilliam Cborn about 1936

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S Surnames

SaundersGeorges Hborn about 1894
SaundersGertrude Pborn about 1901
SchmidtDoris Vborn about 1901
SchmidtJohn Mborn about 1897
SelbyJenny born about 1880
SettleDorothy Jborn about 1932
SettleEdythe Mborn about 1904
SettleFrank Tborn about 1906
SevensonJohn E Jrborn about 1920
SevensonJohn E Jrborn about 1920
SharplesFlorence Lborn about 1890
SharplesGeorge Eborn about 1881
SharplesJean Lborn about 1923
ShawFlorence born about 1880
ShawGeorge Eborn about 1867
SimonsAlfred Sborn about 1891
SimonsElvira born about 1900
SimonsPatrica Eborn about 1929
SkillenEva Jborn about 1899
SkillenJames Mborn about 1893
SmithFrank Eborn about 1887
SmithLillian Mborn about 1886
SolleElin born about 1900
SolleHenry born about 1906
SteinbrennerFrances Aborn about 1910
SteinbrennerFred Jborn about 1905
SteinbrennerFredrick Jborn about 1933
SteinbrennerJeanne Hborn about 1931
StewartGeorge Wborn about 1891
StewartGertrude born about 1916
StewartMary Hborn about 1893
StewartRetia Gborn about 1919
SweeneyAnn Maryborn about 1940
SweeneyEdward Jborn about 1929
SweeneyMary Rborn about 1901
SweeneyWilliam Bborn about 1897
SweeneyWilliam B Jrborn about 1935
SweetingAlfred born about 1893
SweetingFrances born about 1896

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T Surnames

TaborAlbert Bborn about 1882
TaborAlbert B Jrborn about 1916
TaborRena Dborn about 1886
TillinghastAllyn Hborn about 1905
TillinghastIsabelle Mborn about 1905
TillinghastJoan born about 1924
TillinghastWalter Cborn about 1930
TillinghastWalter Cborn about 1930

V Surnames

VoccioJoseph Bborn about 1932
VoccioLewis Pborn about 1929
VoccioMary born about 1904
VoccioPaul Lborn about 1931
VoccioPeter Pborn about 1897
VoccioPeter P Jrborn about 1936
VoccioRichard Mborn about 1938

W Surnames

WellsMary born about 1887

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