Central Falls Genealogy (in Providence County, RI)

USA (1,380,571) > Rhode Island (8,388) > Providence County (3,465) > Central Falls (115)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Central Falls are also found through the Providence County and Rhode Island pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Death Records Histories and Genealogies Land Records Map Records Marriage Records Newspapers and Obituaries Probate Records School Records

Central Falls Birth Records

Central Falls (R.I.) vital records, 1850-1915 FamilySearch Library

Records of births, marriages and deaths of Central Falls : 1725-1948 FamilySearch Library

Central Falls Cemetery Records

Burials of St. Matthew Catholic Church, Central Falls, Rhode Island, 1906-1988 WorldCat

Moshassuck Cemetery Billion Graves online

Moshassuck Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Moshassuck Cemetery Find a Grave online

Central Falls Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Central Falls, Rhode Island LDS Genealogy online

Topographical map of the city of Pawtucket and the city of Central Falls , R.I. FamilySearch Library

Central Falls Church Records

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Baptisms of Notre-Dame Catholic Church : Central Falls, Rhode Island 1873-1988 FamilySearch Library

Baptisms of Notre-Dame Catholic Church, Central Falls, Rhode Island, 1873-1988 WorldCat

Baptisms of St. Matthew Catholic Church : Central Falls, Rhode Island 1906-1988 FamilySearch Library

Burials of St. Matthew Catholic Church : Central Falls, Rhode Island 1906-1988 FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1868-1967 [Central Falls, Rhode Island] (Embury Methodist Episcopal Church (Central Falls, Rhode Island)) FamilySearch Library

Embury Methodist Church Records (in New England Select United Methodist Church Records collection) Ancestry online

First United Presbyterian Church, Minutes and Records, 1898-1921 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

First United Presbyterian Church, Register, 1939-1962 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Les Mariages de Notre-Dame, Central Falls, R.I. (1873-1979) FamilySearch Library

Marriages of Notre-Dame Catholic Church : Central Falls, Rhode Island, 1873-1988 FamilySearch Library

Marriages of St. Matthew Catholic Church : Central Falls, Rhode Island 1906-1988 FamilySearch Library

The marriages of St. Mathew's, Central Falls, Rhode Island, 1906-1978 FamilySearch Library

Central Falls City Directories

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Central Falls City Directory 1948 MyHeritage online

Central Falls City Directory 1950 MyHeritage online

Central Falls City Directory 1959 MyHeritage online

City Directories, 1890 Census Substitute Ancestry online

Pawtucket (Rhode Island) city directories FamilySearch Library

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1873 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1876 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1877 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1879 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1886 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1888 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1889 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1890 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1891 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1892 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1894 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1895 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1896 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1897 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1898 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1899 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1901 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1905 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1908 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1909 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1910 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1911 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1912 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1913 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1914 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1916 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1918 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1919 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1920 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1921 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1923 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1924 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1925 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1926 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1927 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1928 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1929 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1930 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1931 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1933 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1934 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1935 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1937 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1940 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1941 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1942 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1943 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1944 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1948 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1949 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1950 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1952 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1955 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1956 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1957 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1958 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1959 MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls City Directory 1960 MyHeritage online

Polk's Pawtucket and Central Falls (Providence County, R. I.) directory : containing an alphabetical directory of business concerns and private citizens, a directory of householders, occupants of office buildings, and other business places, including a complete street and avenue guide, a map...a buyer's guide and a complete classified business directory FamilySearch Library

Rhode Island City Directories (includes Central Falls 1901, 1917-1919, and 1940-1941) Ancestry online

The Pawtucket and Central Falls, Rhode Island, directory 1910 : containing a directory of the citizens, street directory, city record an d business directory FamilySearch Library

The Pawtucket and Central Falls, Rhode Island, directory : gives names, occupations and addresses of all men and women eighteen years old or over and all business houses ... 1924, 1930 FamilySearch Library

Central Falls Death Records

Central Falls (R.I.) vital records, 1850-1915 FamilySearch Library

Records of births, marriages and deaths of Central Falls : 1725-1948 FamilySearch Library

Central Falls Histories and Genealogies

An illustrated history of Pawtucket, Central Falls and vicinity : a narrative of the growth and evolution of the community FamilySearch Library

An illustrated history of Pawtucket, Central Falls, and vicinity : a narrative of the growth and evolution of the community, 1897 Ancestry online

The lower Blackstone river valley; the story of Pawtucket, Central Falls, Lincoln, and Cumberland, Rhode Island; an historical narrative LDS Genealogy online

The lower Blackstone river valley; the story of Pawtucket, Central Falls, Lincoln, and Cumberland, Rhode Island; an historical narrative Internet Archive online

Central Falls Land Records

Deeds, 1873-1926 [Lincoln, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Central Falls Map Records

Bird's eye view map of Pawtucket & Central Falls, R.I. 1877. Library of Congress online

Pawtucket and Central Falls 1877 Bird's Eye View Map Historic Map Works online

Pawtucket and Central Falls 1877 Bird's Eye View Map (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage online

Pawtucket and Central Falls, 1877 Bird's Eye View Map (in U.S. Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases) Ancestry online

Topographical map of the city of Pawtucket and the city of Central Falls , R.I. FamilySearch Library

Central Falls Marriage Records

Central Falls (R.I.) vital records, 1850-1915 FamilySearch Library

Intentions and returns of marriage, 1896-1897 [Central Falls, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Marriages of Notre-Dame Catholic Church : Central Falls, Rhode Island, 1873-1988 FamilySearch Library

Marriages of St. Matthew Catholic Church : Central Falls, Rhode Island 1906-1988 FamilySearch Library

Records of births, marriages and deaths of Central Falls : 1725-1948 FamilySearch Library

The marriages of St. Mathew's, Central Falls, Rhode Island, 1906-1978 FamilySearch Library

Central Falls Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Central Falls

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Central Falls Journal, and Wage-Earner's Advocate. (Central Falls, R.I.) 1900-1901

Central Falls Journal. (Central Falls, R.I.) 1895-1900

Evening Times. (Pawtucket-Central Falls, R.I.) 1978-1991

Weekly Visitor. (Central Falls, R.I.) 1869-1891

Central Falls Probate Records

Probate dockets, 1890-1923 [Central Falls, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Probate records, 1733-1917 (Lincoln, Rhode Island) FamilySearch Library

Central Falls School Records

Central Falls High School - Souvenir Yearbook (Central Falls, RI), 1941, 1954, 1956, 1967 E Yearbook online

Central Falls High School yearbooks, 1941, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1959, 1967, 1969, 1980, 1999 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Sacred Heart Academy - Esto Vir Yearbook (Central Falls, RI), 1952 E Yearbook online

Sacred Heart Academy yearbook, 1952, 1960 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

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