Charlestown Genealogy (in Washington County, RI)

USA (1,380,571) > Rhode Island (8,388) > Washington County (1,721) > Charlestown (111)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Charlestown are also found through the Washington County and Rhode Island pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Death Records Histories and Genealogies Land Records Marriage Records Miscellaneous Records Newspapers and Obituaries Probate Records

Charlestown Birth Records

Charlestown, Rhode Island births, deaths and marriages 1738-1849. WorldCat

Charlestown, Washington, Rhode Island computer printout ; births or christenings, 1747-1850 FamilySearch Library

Charlestown Cemetery Records

Albert A Peckham Lot Find a Grave online

Aldrich Potter Lot Find a Grave online

Aldrich Potter Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Allen Green Lot Find a Grave online

Babcock-Gavitt Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Babcock-Gavitt Lot Find a Grave online

Benjamin Burdick Lot Find a Grave online

Burdick Lot Find a Grave online

Caleb Kenyon Lot Billion Graves online

Captain Amos Greene Lot Find a Grave online

Card Lot Find a Grave online

Card-Sullivan Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Card-Sullivan Lot Find a Grave online

Cemetery burials in the town of Charlestown, R.I., USA FamilySearch Library

Champlin - Church Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Champlin - Church Lot Find a Grave online

Charlestown, Rhode Island historical cemeteries FamilySearch Library

Charlestown, Rhode Island historical cemeteries WorldCat

Church Lot Find a Grave online

Church-Perry Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Church-Perry Lot Find a Grave online

Clarke - Webster Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Crandall Lot Find a Grave online

Cross Mills Cemetery Billion Graves online

Cross Mills Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Cross Mills Lot Find a Grave online

Daniel Peckham Lot Find a Grave online

Deacon Daniel Stanton Lot Find a Grave online

Dennis Ennis Lot Find a Grave online

Frederick Linslie Lot Find a Grave online

General Joseph Stanton Lot Find a Grave online

George Austin Lot Find a Grave online

George N. Crandall Lot Find a Grave online

George Thurston Lot Find a Grave online

Grand Pri (Memorial Park) Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Grand Pri Park Memorial Find a Grave online

Green Lot Find a Grave online

Green Lot Find a Grave online

Green-Johnson-Webster Lot Find a Grave online

Haley Lot Find a Grave online

Harriet Crandall Lot Find a Grave online

Hezekiah Kenyon Lot Find a Grave online

Hiscox Lot Find a Grave online

Holloway Lot Find a Grave online

Indian Church Burial Ground Find a Grave online

James L. Davis Lot Find a Grave online

Jonathan David Hood Lot Find a Grave online

Joseph Macomber Lot Find a Grave online

Joshua Card Lot Find a Grave online

Kenyon Lot Find a Grave online

Kenyon Lot Find a Grave online

Lewis Kinyon Lot Billion Graves online

Lewis Kinyon Lot Find a Grave online

Lodowick Hoxie Lot Find a Grave online

Lyman Perry Lot Find a Grave online

Nelson Green Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Oliver Crandall Lot Billion Graves online

Perry - Card Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Peter English Lot Find a Grave online

Rhode Island towns, Charlestown : showing location of historical cemeteries FamilySearch Library

Royal Burial Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Samuel Perry Lot Find a Grave online

Samuel Stanton Lot Find a Grave online

Scranton Chappell Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Scranton Chappell Lot Find a Grave online

Sheffield Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Sheffield Lot Find a Grave online

Simeon Crandall Lot Find a Grave online

Simeon Tucker Lot Find a Grave online

Simeon Tucker Lot Find a Grave online

Stanton Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Stephen Browning Lot Find a Grave online

Taylor Lot Find a Grave online

Thomas Lot Find a Grave online

Tobias Saunders Lot Find a Grave online

Tucker Lot Find a Grave online

Ward and Perry Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Ward and Perry Lot Find a Grave online

Wilcox Johnson Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Wilcox Johnson Lot Find a Grave online

Charlestown Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Charlestown, Rhode Island LDS Genealogy online

Washington County, Rhode Island 1790 Federal Census Charlestown Town US Gen Web Archives online

Charlestown Church Records

Arnold Collection - First Baptist Church, Cross Mills, Members New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Charlestown, Washington, Rhode Island computer printout ; births or christenings, 1747-1850 FamilySearch Library

Charlestown City Directories

Charlestown, RI 1917-1925 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Hopkinton and Charlestown (Rhode Island) city directories FamilySearch Library

Rhode Island City Directories (includes Charlestown 1924-1925) Ancestry online

Charlestown Death Records

Charlestown, Rhode Island births, deaths and marriages 1738-1849. WorldCat

Charlestown Histories and Genealogies

Charlestown, Rhode Island in the mid-19th century : as seen through the eyes of Uncle Phineas (Nelson Byron Vars) FamilySearch Library

Reflections of Charlestown, Rhode Island, 1876-1976 : a memorial to the bicentennial celebration of the United States of America FamilySearch Library

The Town's first 250 years [Charlestown, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

The historical story of Charlestown, Rhode Island, 1669-1976 FamilySearch Library

Westerly (Rhode Island) and its witnesses : 1626-1876 : including Charlestown, Hopkinton, and Richmond Ancestry online

Westerly (Rhode Island) and its witnesses : for two hundred and fifty years, 1626-1876 : including Charlestown, Hopkinton, and Richmond until their separate organization, with the principal points of their subsequent history LDS Genealogy online

Westerly (Rhode Island) and its witnesses : for two hundred and fifty years, 1626-1876 : including Charlestown, Hopkinton, and Richmond until their separate organization, with the principal points of their subsequent history Internet Archive online

Westerly and its witnesses : for two hundred and fifty years, 1626-1876 ; including Charlestown, Hopkinton, and Richmond, until their separate organization, with the principal points of their subsequest history FamilySearch Library

Charlestown Land Records

Land evidence books 1738-1931 FamilySearch Library

Land evidence records 1738-1770 FamilySearch Library

State of Rhode Island and Providence plantations preliminary survey report : town of Charlestown, June 1981 FamilySearch Library

Charlestown Marriage Records

Arnold Collection - Kings Towne Record of Friends - Marriages New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Arnold Collection - Marriage Records New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Charlestown, Rhode Island births, deaths and marriages 1738-1849. WorldCat

Charlestown Miscellaneous Records

Records of the council, 1850-1863 FamilySearch Library

State of Rhode Island and Providence plantations preliminary survey report : town of Charlestown, June 1981 FamilySearch Library

Charlestown Newspapers and Obituaries

Charlestown Press 08/03/2006 to 12/05/2013 Genealogy Bank online

Offline Newspapers for Charlestown

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Chariho Times. (Charlestown, R.I.) 1977-1981

Charlestown Probate Records

Charlestown (R.I.) probate and town council records, 1738-1916 FamilySearch Library

Probate records, 1798-1878 FamilySearch Library

Town records, 1738-1889 [Charlestown, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

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