Jamestown Miscellaneous Records
Town meetings, 1858-1925 FamilySearch Library
Little Compton Miscellaneous Records
Town records, 1697-1886 [Little Compton, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library
Middletown Miscellaneous Records
Financial records, 1770-1811 FamilySearch Library
Overseers' records, 1875-1833 FamilySearch Library
Town records, 1743-1895 FamilySearch Library
Newport Miscellaneous Records
A list of the polls and estates real and personal of the proprietors and inhabitants of the town of Newport in the colony of Rhode Island FamilySearch Library
Newport City Manual (includes names of civil authorities) 1919 US Gen Web
Newport illustrated in a series of pen & pencil sketches FamilySearch Library
Public notary certificates, 1755-1798, 1860-1866 FamilySearch Library
Town meeting records, 1682-1776 [Newport, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library
Portsmouth Miscellaneous Records
The early records of the town of Portsmouth Ancestry
The early records of the town of Portsmouth FamilySearch Library
Town meetings, 1697-1890 [Portsmouth, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library
Treasurer's book, 1796-1825 FamilySearch Library
Tiverton Miscellaneous Records
Tiverton town meetings and receipts from 1600's FamilySearch Library