Portsmouth Genealogy (in Newport County, RI)

USA (1,380,571) > Rhode Island (8,388) > Newport County (1,154) > Portsmouth (133)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Portsmouth are also found through the Newport County and Rhode Island pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Death Records Histories and Genealogies Immigration Records Land Records Map Records Marriage Records Military Records Miscellaneous Records Newspapers and Obituaries Probate Records School Records Tax Records

Portsmouth Birth Records

Births and deaths from Newport and Portsmouth : births of seamen 1798-1799, Job Townsend coffins 1803-1828, Benjamin Pearce coffin record 1835-1841, and deaths copied from Almanac no. 1, 1803-1844 FamilySearch Library

Births and deaths from Newport and Portsmouth [Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island computer printout ; births or christenings, 1851-1862 FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth, Rhode Island computer printout ; births, 1636-1850 FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth, Rhode Island, vital records and indexes 1636-1975 FamilySearch Library

The town book of records : marriages, birth and deceases, 1684-1853 FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth Cemetery Records

Almy Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Almy Lot Find a Grave online

Almy-Reynolds Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Almy-Reynolds Lot Find a Grave online

Benjamin Chase Lot Find a Grave online

Births and deaths from Newport and Portsmouth : births of seamen 1798-1799, Job Townsend coffins 1803-1828, Benjamin Pearce coffin record 1835-1841, and deaths copied from Almanac no. 1, 1803-1844 FamilySearch Library

Borden Slocum Lot Find a Grave online

Captain George Lawton Cemetery Find a Grave online

Chase and Cory Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Chase-Cory Lot Find a Grave online

Darius Dennis Lot Find a Grave online

David Albro Lot Find a Grave online

Deacon Gideon Lawton Lot Find a Grave online

Dexter Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Doctor Peter Wales Lot Find a Grave online

Edward Almy Lot Find a Grave online

Eldred-Sanford Stones Find a Grave online

Fish Cemetery Find a Grave online

Genealogical collections (Daughters of the American Revolution (Rhode Island)) FamilySearch Library

George Brownell Lot Find a Grave online

George Sisson Lot Find a Grave online

Gibbs Cemetery Find a Grave online

Giles Slocum Lot Find a Grave online

Hall - Child Lot Find a Grave online

Hall Lot Find a Grave online

Historical cemeteries of Portsmouth, Rhode Island WorldCat

James C. Wood Cemetery Find a Grave online

John Coggeshall Cemetery Find a Grave online

John Cook Jr. Lot Find a Grave online

John Mitchell Lot Find a Grave online

Kirby-Sanford Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Love General Hospital Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Lovell General Hospital Cemetery Find a Grave online

Marmaduke Ward Burying Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Mccurrie Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Nicholas-Hassard Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Nichols Hassard Burial Ground Find a Grave online

Old Allen Farm Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Allen Farm Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Old Portsmouth Cemetery Find a Grave online

Place-Boyd Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Portsmouth Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Portsmouth Friends Churchyard Find a Grave online

Portsmouth Friends' Churchyard Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Portsmouth historical cemeteries FamilySearch Library

Priory Cemetery Find a Grave online

Priory Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Prudence Island Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

RI Historical Cemetery Portsmouth 41 Billion Graves online

Robert Wilcox Lot Find a Grave online

Rowland Allen Lot Find a Grave online

Rowland Hazard Lot Find a Grave online

Saint Mary's Episcopal Churchyard Find a Grave online

Saint Pauls Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sherman Burial Ground Find a Grave online

Sherman Burial Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Sherman Lot Find a Grave online

Sherman Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Shrieve Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Sisson Place Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Sisson-Carr Lot Find a Grave online

Sisson-Carr Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

St Mary's Episcopal Churchyard Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

St Paul's Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Thomas Brownell Lot Find a Grave online

Thomas Cornell Lot Find a Grave online

Thomas Potter Lot Find a Grave online

Thurston-Lawton Family Cemetery Billion Graves online

Thurston-Lawton Lot Find a Grave online

Town Farm Lot Find a Grave online

Town Farm Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Trinity Cemetery Find a Grave online

Trinity Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Union Cemetery Find a Grave online

Union Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

Walter Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission online

William Anthony Lot Find a Grave online

Portsmouth Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Portsmouth, Rhode Island LDS Genealogy online

Newport County, Rhode Island 1790 Federal Census Portsmouth Town US Gen Web Archives online

Portsmouth Church Records

Church records, 1820-1904 (Portsmouth Methodist Episcopal Church (Portsmouth, Rhode Island)) FamilySearch Library

Monthly Meeting records, 1638-1899 (Society of Friends. Rhode Island Monthly Meeting (Newport, Rhode Island)) FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth Methodist Episcopal Church Records (in New England Select United Methodist Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island computer printout ; births or christenings, 1851-1862 FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth City Directories

Resident and business directory of Tiverton, Little Compton, Portsmouth, Middletown, Rhode Island, 1910 LDS Genealogy online

Resident and business directory of Tiverton, Little Compton, Portsmouth, Middletown, Rhode Island, 1910 Internet Archive online

Rhode Island City Directories (includes Portsmouth 1910-1935 selected years) Ancestry online

Tiverton, Portsmouth, Middletown (Rhode Island) city directories FamilySearch Library

Tiverton, Portsmouth, Middletown, and Little Compton City Directory 1937 MyHeritage online

Tiverton/Portsmouth/Middletown, RI 1906-1925 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Portsmouth Death Records

Births and deaths from Newport and Portsmouth : births of seamen 1798-1799, Job Townsend coffins 1803-1828, Benjamin Pearce coffin record 1835-1841, and deaths copied from Almanac no. 1, 1803-1844 FamilySearch Library

Births and deaths from Newport and Portsmouth [Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth, Rhode Island, vital records and indexes 1636-1975 FamilySearch Library

Register of deaths, 1851-1922 [Portsmouth, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth Histories and Genealogies

Documentary history of Rhode Island FamilySearch Library

History of Portsmouth, 1638-1936 LDS Genealogy online

History of Portsmouth, 1638-1936 Internet Archive online

The Centennial celebration of the Battle of Rhode Island : at Portsmouth, R.I., August 29, 1878 Ancestry online

Portsmouth Immigration Records

Rhode Island, Davisville, Melville, Newport, and Quonset Point, Airplane Passenger and Crew Lists, 1955-1957 Family Search online

U.S., Atlantic Ports Passenger Lists (includes Portsmouth 1930, 1944 ) Ancestry online

Portsmouth Land Records

Land evidence records, 1647-1901 [Portsmouth, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Miscellaneous town records FamilySearch Library

Town records, 1638-1850 FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth Map Records

Newport - Middletown - Portsmouth 1907 Map Historic Map Works online

Newport - Middletown - Portsmouth 1907 Map (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage online

Newport - Middletown - Portsmouth, 1907 Map (in U.S. Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases) Ancestry online

Portsmouth Marriage Records

Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island computer printout; marriages, 1636-1850 FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth, Rhode Island, vital records and indexes 1636-1975 FamilySearch Library

The town book of records : marriages, birth and deceases, 1684-1853 FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth Military Records

Portsmouth historical cemeteries FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth Miscellaneous Records

The early records of the town of Portsmouth Ancestry online

The early records of the town of Portsmouth FamilySearch Library

Town meetings, 1697-1890 [Portsmouth, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Treasurer's book, 1796-1825 FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Portsmouth

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Sakonnet Times. (Portsmouth, R.I.) 1967-Current

Portsmouth Probate Records

Probate bonds, 1829-1926 [Portsmouth, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Probate index cards, A-Z, 1700-1996 [Portsmouth, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Probate records, 1824-1919 [Portsmouth, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Town council and probate records, 1697-1930 [Portsmouth, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library

Town records, 1638-1850 FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth School Records

Minutes of meetings, 1828-1880 FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth Abbey School - Raven Yearbook (Portsmouth, RI), 1952 E Yearbook online

Portsmouth Abbey School yearbook, 1952, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1975, 1976, 1980, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Portsmouth High School yearbook, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Portsmouth Town Records Collection, 1808-1857 Archive Grid

Record of the proceedings of the tax payers [sic] in School District no. one in Portsmouth Rhode Island FamilySearch Library

Portsmouth Tax Records

Portsmouth Town Records Collection, 1808-1857 Archive Grid

Tax Books of the Town of Portsmouth 1877, 1880, 1883, 1887, 1892, 1895, 1900 US Gen Web online

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