USA (1,380,571) > Rhode Island (8,388) > Washington County (1,721) > South Kingstown (295)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to South Kingstown are also found through the Washington County and Rhode Island pages.
Arnold Collection - Birth Records New Horizons Genealogical Services
Arnold Collection - Church of the Ascension, Wakefield, Baptism Records, 1842 - 1883 New Horizons Genealogical Services
Births, marriages and deaths taken from Nailer Tom Hazard's diary, So. Kingston, R.I. FamilySearch Library
South Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island computer printout ; births or christenings, 1769-1850 FamilySearch Library
Adams-Sweet Lot Find a Grave
Adams-Sweet Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Babcock Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Babcock Lot Find a Grave
Babcock Slave Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Babcock-Marchant Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Babcock-Marchant Lot Find a Grave
Bates Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Benedict Eldred Lot Find a Grave
Benjamin B Sheldon Lot Find a Grave
Benjamin Northup Lot Find a Grave
Benjamin Wells Lot Find a Grave
Bentley Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Beriah B. Gardner Lot Find a Grave
Billington Lot Find a Grave
Brenton Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Brigadier General Isaac P. Rodman Lot Find a Grave
Brightman Tucker Lot Find a Grave
Brown Chapel Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Brown Chapel Cemetery Find a Grave
Brown Lot Find a Grave
Brown Lot- Bridgetown Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Browning Lot Find a Grave
Bull Block House Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Bullock Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Caleb Gardiner Lot Find a Grave
Caleb Greene Lot Find a Grave
Capt Christopher Gardner Lot Billion Graves
Captain Christopher Gardner Lot Find a Grave
Captain Thomas Truxton Harvey Lot Find a Grave
Carpenter Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Carpenter Lot Find a Grave
Cemeteries in South Kingstown, Rhode Island. WorldCat
Champlain - Holland Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Champlin Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Clark Crandall Lot Find a Grave
Clark Randall Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Clarke-Sweet Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Clarke-Sweet Lot Find a Grave
Colonel Ephraim Gardiner Lot Find a Grave
Colonel Thomas Potter Cemetery Find a Grave
Congdon Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Congregational Church Yard Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Congregational Churchyard Find a Grave
Cottrell Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Cottrell Lot Find a Grave
Court House Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Daniel P. Gavitt Lot Find a Grave
Daniel Stedman Lot Find a Grave
David Sherman Lot Find a Grave
Dawley Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Dawley Lot Find a Grave
Doctor James I Sweet Lot Billion Graves
Doctor James I. Sweet Lot Find a Grave
Ebenezer Adams Lot Find a Grave
Eldredge Crandall Lot Billion Graves
Eldredge Crandall Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Eldredge Crandall Lot Find a Grave
Elijah Tefft Lot Find a Grave
Elisha Watson Lot Find a Grave
Ezekiel James Lot Find a Grave
Gardner Tefft Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Gardner Tefft Lot Find a Grave
Gardner Tefft Lot Find a Grave
Gavitt Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Gavitt Lot Find a Grave
George Babcock Lot Billion Graves
George Babcock Lot Find a Grave
George H. Sherman Lot Find a Grave
George Hazard Lot Find a Grave
George Rose Lot Find a Grave
George Schaeffer Lot Find a Grave
Gideon Clarke Lot Find a Grave
Gould - Tourgee Lot Billion Graves
Gould-Tourgee Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Gould-Tourgee Lot Find a Grave
Grinnell Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Grinnell Lot Find a Grave
Harrington Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Harrington Lot Find a Grave
Hazard Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Henry Gardner Lot Find a Grave
Henry Holland Lot Find a Grave
Henry Moore Lot Find a Grave
Herman Roundtree Lot Find a Grave
Holland Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Holley - Oatley Lot Billion Graves
Holley-Chapel Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Holley-Chappell Lot Find a Grave
Holley-Oatley Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Holley-Oatley Lot Find a Grave
Holloway Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Holloway Lot Find a Grave
Hull Family Burial Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Hull Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
James Knowles Lot Find a Grave
James Lot Find a Grave
James R. Northup Lot Find a Grave
Jeremiah Brown Lot Find a Grave
Jeremiah Knowles Lot Find a Grave
Jesse Cottrell Lot Find a Grave
John B. Dockray Lot Find a Grave
John B. Stedman Lot Find a Grave
John Clarke Jr Lot Find a Grave
John Nichols Lot Find a Grave
John Potter Lot Find a Grave
John R Sherman Lot Find a Grave
John Rose Lot Find a Grave
John Tefft Lot Find a Grave
John Tucker Lot Find a Grave
John Watson Lot Find a Grave
Jonathan Steadman Lot Find a Grave
Joseph Hull Lot Find a Grave
Joseph Reynolds Lot Find a Grave
Joseph Segar Lot Find a Grave
Joshua Tucker Lot Find a Grave
Josias Tanner Lot Find a Grave
Knowles Family Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Knowles-Rathbun Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Knowles-Rathbun Lot Find a Grave
Larkin-Worden Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Liberty N May Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Luke Curtis Lot Billion Graves
Luke Curtis Lot Find a Grave
Marriages previous to 1800 on file in the Town Clerk's Office, South Kingstown, R.I. WorldCat
Matthew Chappell Lot Find a Grave
Moses Barber Lot Find a Grave
Mumford Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Nathan Gardner Lot Find a Grave
Nathaniel C Peckham Lot Billion Graves
Nathaniel C Peckham Lot Find a Grave
Nathaniel Perkins Lot Find a Grave
New Fernwood Cemetery Billion Graves
New Fernwood Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
New Fernwood Cemetery Find a Grave
New Saint Francis Cemetery Billion Graves
New Saint Francis Cemetery Find a Grave
Northup Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Northup Lot Find a Grave
Noyes Family Farm Cemetery Find a Grave
Oak Dell Cemetery Find a Grave
Oakdell Cemetery Billion Graves
Oakdell Cemetery-Peacedale Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Oatley Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Old Fernwood Cemetery Billion Graves
Old Fernwood Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Old Fernwood Cemetery Find a Grave
Old Niles Family Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Old Quaker Cemetery Find a Grave
Old Saint Francis Cemetery Find a Grave
Oliver Stedman Lot Find a Grave
Oliver Watson Lot Find a Grave
Othonial Wilcox Lot Find a Grave
Palmer Gardiner Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Palmer Gardiner Lot Find a Grave
Parketa Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Peckham - Hazard Lot Find a Grave
Peckham Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Peckham-Hazard Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Peleg Brown Lot Billion Graves
Peleg Brown Lot Find a Grave
Peleg Brown Lot Find a Grave
Peleg Slocum Lot Find a Grave
Perry Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Perry Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Perry Underwood Lot Find a Grave
Perryville Church Cemetery Billion Graves
Perryville Church Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Perryville Church Cemetery Find a Grave
Polodor Gardner Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Poor Farm Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Quaker Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Quaker West Meeting Ground Billion Graves
Quaker West Meeting Ground Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Quaker West Meeting Ground Find a Grave
Queens River Baptist Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Queens River Baptist Cemetery Billion Graves
Queens River Baptist Cemetery Find a Grave
Rathbun Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Reuben Gavitt Lot Find a Grave
Rhode Island historical cemeteries, Kingston, Rhode Island : Bible records from New York FamilySearch Library
Rhode Island town of South Kingstown historical cemeteries FamilySearch Library
Riverside Cemetery Billion Graves
Riverside Cemetery Find a Grave
Riverside Cemetery-Wakefield Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Robert Brown Lot Find a Grave
Rowland R. Gardner Lot Find a Grave
Sheldon Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Sheldon-Smith Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Sherman Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Sherman Lot Find a Grave
Small Pox Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Solomon Carpenter Lot Find a Grave
Some cemeteries in the south west quarter of the town of South Kingstown, Rhode Island, in the vicinity of Matunuck; literal copies of the gravestones Internet Archive
Some family burying-grounds in South Kingstown [i.e. Kingston], R.I. : District No. 14 (Tuckertown) south of Worden's Pond LDS Genealogy
Some family burying-grounds in South Kingstown [i.e. Kingston], R.I. : District No. 14 (Tuckertown) south of Worden's Pond Internet Archive
South Kingstown, Rhode Island historical cemeteries WorldCat
South Kingstown, Rhode Island, historical cemeteries FamilySearch Library
Steadman Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Stephen C. Carpenter Lot Find a Grave
Stephen G. Tefft Lot Find a Grave
Stephen Northup Lot Find a Grave
Stephen S. Grinell Lot Find a Grave
Sweet Briggs Jr Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Sweet Briggs Jr Lot Find a Grave
Sweet Briggs Sr Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Sylvester Wilcox Lot Find a Grave
Tanner Cemetery Find a Grave
Taylor-Rooms-Reynolds Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Tennant Tefft Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Tennant Tefft Lot Find a Grave
Thomas B. Tanner Lot Find a Grave
Thomas Brown Lot Find a Grave
Thomas Champlin Lot Find a Grave
Thomas Webster Lot Find a Grave
Thomas-Johnson-Walmsley Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Thomas-Johnson-Walmsley Lot Find a Grave
Town Farm Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Tucker-Clarke Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Wakefield Baptist Cemetery Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Wakefield Baptist Cemetery Find a Grave
Walter Watson Lot Find a Grave
Watson Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
William C. Gardner Lot Find a Grave
William W. Webster Cemetery Find a Grave
Williams Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Wilson Lot Find a Grave
Wisner Townsend Lot Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission
Wisner Townsend Lot Find a Grave
Worden Family Cemetery Find a Grave
Washington County, Rhode Island 1790 Federal Census South Kingstown Town US Gen Web Archives
Arnold Collection - Church of the Ascension, Wakefield, Baptism Records, 1842 - 1883 New Horizons Genealogical Services
Arnold Collection - Church of the Ascension, Wakefield, Marriage Records 1843 - 1881 New Horizons Genealogical Services
Church records, 1743-1810 (Society of Friends. South Kingstown Monthly Meeting (Rhode Island)) FamilySearch Library
Church records, 1743-1892 (Society of Friends. South Kingston Monthly Meeting (Washington County, Rhode Island : Gurneyite)) FamilySearch Library
Church records, 1781-1927 (First Baptist Church (South Kingston, Rhode Island)) FamilySearch Library
Church records, 1844-1916 (Society of Friends. South Kingstown Monthly Meeting (Washington County, Rhode Island : Wilburite)) FamilySearch Library
Peace Dale Congregational Church Records Archive Grid
South Kingston, Washington, Rhode Island computer printout ; births or christenings, 1769-1850 FamilySearch Library
The Narragansett Friend's Meeting in the XVIII century, with a chapter on Quaker beginnings in Rhode Island FamilySearch Library
Rhode Island City Directories (includes South Kingstown 1915, 1925, and 1927) Ancestry
South Kingstown City Directory 1910 MyHeritage
South Kingstown and Narragansett (Rhode Island) city directories FamilySearch Library
South Kingstown, Rhode Island, City Directory, 1910 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
South Kingstown, Rhode Island, City Directory, 1915 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
South Kingstown, Rhode Island, City Directory, 1925 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
South Kingstown, Rhode Island, City Directory, 1927 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
South Kingstown, Rhode Island, City Directory, 1930 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry
South Kingstown/Narragansett RI 1910-1925 City Directories Allen County Public Library
Arnold Collection - Death Records New Horizons Genealogical Services
Births, marriages and deaths taken from Nailer Tom Hazard's diary, So. Kingston, R.I. FamilySearch Library
Marriages and deaths, 1850-1914 FamilySearch Library
A history of South-Kingstown FamilySearch Library
A history of South-Kingstown LDS Genealogy
A history of South-Kingstown Internet Archive
Land evidence 1696-1885 FamilySearch Library
Mortgage deeds 1715-1788 FamilySearch Library
Town Council minutes 1851-1876 FamilySearch Library
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from South Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island, 1903 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from South Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island, 1910 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from South Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island, 1921 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from South Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island, 1935 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from South Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island, 1935-1946 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from South Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island, July 1891 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from South Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island, July 1896 Library of Congress
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from South Kingstown, Washington County, Rhode Island, November 1885 Library of Congress
Arnold Collection - Church of the Ascension, Wakefield, Marriage Records 1843 - 1881 New Horizons Genealogical Services
Arnold Collection - Kings Towne Record of Friends - Marriages New Horizons Genealogical Services
Births, marriages and deaths taken from Nailer Tom Hazard's diary, So. Kingston, R.I. FamilySearch Library
Dr. Joseph Torrey and his record book of marriages FamilySearch Library
Marriages and deaths, 1850-1914 FamilySearch Library
Marriages previous to 1800 on file in the Town Clerk's Office, South Kingstown, R.I. WorldCat
North Kingstown, South Kingstown, Exeter and Richmond, Rhode Island marriages from the probate records, 1692-1850 FamilySearch Library
Court records 1782-1821 FamilySearch Library
Rhode Island town of South Kingstown historical cemeteries FamilySearch Library
South Kingstown, Rhode Island, historical cemeteries FamilySearch Library
South Kingstown, Rhode Island, town council records, 1771-1795 FamilySearch Library
Town meeting records 1776-1868 FamilySearch Library
Voting list, 1862-1863 FamilySearch Library
Independent 07/16/2003 to Current Genealogy Bank
Narragansett Times 01/21/2009 to Current Genealogy Bank
North Kingstown, South Kingstown, Exeter and Richmond, Rhode Island marriages from the probate records, 1692-1850 FamilySearch Library
Town Council records 1704-1943 FamilySearch Library
Wills [abstracts, ca. 1704-1814], South Kingstown, Rhode Island FamilySearch Library
South Kingstown Town Records Collection, 1733-1902 Archive Grid
Highway tax lists, 1797-1854 [South Kingstown, Rhode Island] FamilySearch Library
South Kingstown Town Records Collection, 1733-1902 Archive Grid
South Kingstown, Rhode Island, tax lists : 1730-1799 FamilySearch Library
Tax book, South Kingstown (R.I. : Town) Genealogy Gophers
Tax lists 1735-1867 FamilySearch Library
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