1940 U.S. Federal Census of Broxton, Colleton, South Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Carolina > Colleton County > 1940 Census of Broxton

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AikenRufus born about 1900
AldretF G Jrborn about 1916
AldretJ Wborn about 1938
AldretPolly born about 1920
AllGeorge Hborn about 1869
AllMittie Eborn about 1880
AllenBulah born about 1898
AllenEdger born about 1875
AltmanDorothy born about 1931
AltmanEdna born about 1901
AltmanH N Jrborn about 1933
AltmanHenry Mborn about 1897
AnantBerry born about 1927
AnantCarsle born about 1933
AnantClark born about 1926
AnantJeannette born about 1930
AnantJohn Wborn about 1883
AnantJulian born about 1925
AnuntRebecca Aborn about 1866
AyersBetty born about 1874
AyersCatherlene born about 1900
AyersCleveland born about 1924
AyersDaisy Bellborn about 1928
AyersDennie born about 1864
AyersEtteler born about 1890
AyersEva born about 1931
AyersFred born about 1890
AyersGirlene born about 1908
AyersHoward born about 1926
AyersJames born about 1888
AyersLiza Janeborn about 1928
AyersLorance born about 1928
AyersLue Grimerborn about 1932
AyersM Gborn about 1927
AyersMargreth born about 1921
AyersMartha born about 1938
AyersMinnie born about 1923
AyersMurlisher born about 1910
AyersOna Ellaborn about 1873
AyersReder born about 1918
AyersRichard born about 1870
AyersRosa born about 1924
AyersRumell born about 1929
AyersRuth Mayborn about 1922
AyersWoodrow born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BailyDoyle Dborn about 1930
BailyMamie Gayborn about 1928
BailyZethellea Rborn about 1910
BaldronBell Rborn about 1915
BaldronGeorge W Srborn about 1910
BaldronGeorge Jr born about 1930
BaldronJackie Sborn about 1932
BallsEstell born about 1932
BallsEthel Leaborn about 1936
BallsLenora born about 1912
BallsMargaretta born about 1930
BallsWilliam born about 1934
BallsWillie born about 1911
BarnesEarnstine born about 1911
BarnesEula born about 1870
BarnesJ Dborn about 1869
BarnesJimmie born about 1939
BarnesLorene born about 1938
BarnesRaymond born about 1911
BarnsBenjamin born about 1925
BarnsGrace born about 1932
BarnsJohn born about 1928
BarnsMarion born about 1930
BarnsMary born about 1926
BarnsOliver born about 1923
BarnsPearl Mrs born about 1901
BarringtonJames born about 1901
BarringtonJane Dborn about 1905
BarringtonMary Jborn about 1939
BarringtonNancy Jborn about 1932
BasticAlice born about 1924
BasticClarence born about 1923
BasticElise born about 1922
BasticMabel born about 1895
BasticPaul Bborn about 1885
BasticTiny born about 1926
BellFrancis Fborn about 1901
BellFrancis Lborn about 1934
BellIsaac born about 1873
BellL Eborn about 1910
BellMamie Sborn about 1881
BellMargie born about 1922
BellMarion born about 1908
BellMary born about 1930
BellMary born about 1931
BellMurdel Bborn about 1931
BellNewton Eborn about 1917
BellNora Oborn about 1908
BellPearl Eborn about 1909
BellSwindel born about 1919
BellWillie Kborn about 1898
BennettAlonezi Eborn about 1929
BennettBeaulah Mborn about 1921
BennettBobby born about 1936
BennettCannie Tborn about 1889
BennettCary Leeborn about 1922
BennettDonnie Vborn about 1900
BennettEddie born about 1880
BennettEddie Pborn about 1898
BennettEdith born about 1901
BennettEthel Bborn about 1896
BennettFeddie Mborn about 1922
BennettGladys born about 1932
BennettHarold Eborn about 1922
BennettHarry Wborn about 1928
BennettHarry Jr born about 1913
BennettIvy Bborn about 1890
BennettJinnie Lborn about 1937
BennettJosie Iborn about 1890
BennettLeroy Bborn about 1886
BennettLeroy Bborn about 1923
BennettLimall born about 1920
BennettLois born about 1920
BennettLouis Bborn about 1916
BennettRuma Bborn about 1920
BennettRussel Lborn about 1939
BennettSarah Mborn about 1918
BennettSonnie Sborn about 1894
BennettWilliam Jborn about 1926
BentonRobert born about 1890
BerryBofery born about 1932
BerryEmmliy born about 1930
BerryLola born about 1901
BerryMarion Nborn about 1896
BestEmitt born about 1883
BestNell born about 1893
BestWilliam born about 1932
BingBridena born about 1922
BingDanie born about 1916
BingDelnia born about 1939
BingMathew born about 1937
BingleyRosa Cborn about 1930
BingleyWilmell born about 1924
BintonRufus born about 1915
BintonSylvester born about 1911
BisherHoward born about 1911
BishopAllene Eborn about 1939
BishopAllie born about 1902
BishopArchie born about 1928
BishopBessie Leeborn about 1917
BishopCecil born about 1935
BishopCoe born about 1926
BishopDenny Lborn about 1908
BishopE Rborn about 1887
BishopEdward born about 1938
BishopElla Rborn about 1892
BishopFannie born about 1903
BishopFletcher born about 1930
BishopFrank born about 1918
BishopGeraldine born about 1939
BishopGloria born about 1934
BishopHaskel born about 1914
BishopHelen born about 1924
BishopHerbert born about 1925
BishopI Wborn about 1891
BishopIra born about 1887
BishopJasper Jr born about 1935
BishopJetter Rborn about 1902
BishopJohn Oborn about 1873
BishopLorine born about 1928
BishopMadason born about 1924
BishopMamie Eborn about 1891
BishopMarhsal Lborn about 1934
BishopMarium born about 1917
BishopMary Jborn about 1936
BishopNed born about 1929
BishopNora born about 1915
BishopOla born about 1901
BishopPynald born about 1932
BishopRay born about 1916
BishopReba Rborn about 1928
BishopReginald born about 1937
BishopRosa born about 1873
BishopRosa Maeborn about 1936
BishopSarah born about 1922
BishopSheoldona born about 1923
BishopWalter Eborn about 1904
BishopWendel born about 1936
BishopWilliam Jr born about 1900
BishopWillie Rborn about 1897
BishopWinston born about 1930
BishopZula born about 1916
BlackFairy Vaeborn about 1939
BlackFlossie born about 1902
BlackHenry born about 1898
BlackHurelu born about 1930
BlackIsadora born about 1924
BlackLouise born about 1932
BlackOverl born about 1934
BlackPearlstine born about 1928
BlackS Cborn about 1936
BlockCharlie Aborn about 1874
BlockerMargaret Jborn about 1913
BoatrightAdams Jborn about 1862
BoatrightAnnie born about 1906
BoatrightClarence born about 1938
BoatrightGeorge born about 1931
BoatrightHattie born about 1870
BoatrightJulia born about 1934
BoatrightLawton born about 1862
BoatrightOdell born about 1926
BoatrightRuth born about 1920
BobsEdna born about 1902
BobsEdward born about 1936
BobsErnestine born about 1929
BobsGlynn born about 1932
BobsHercules born about 1934
BobsWilliam born about 1892
BodleyGeorge born about 1919
BodleyGeorge Jr born about 1939
BodleyInez Jborn about 1921
BodleyJames Fborn about 1939
BowersBlanch born about 1925
BowersDoris born about 1922
BowersErma born about 1938
BowersGatsy Leeborn about 1923
BowersHenry born about 1932
BowersHorice born about 1898
BowersHorice Jr born about 1934
BowersMaxine born about 1930
BowersSarah born about 1902
BoystonArchie born about 1915
BoystonAudry born about 1916
BoystonDavid Lborn about 1940
BoystonEarnest born about 1917
BoystonEdith born about 1921
BoystonHoward born about 1919
BrabhamDoris Mayborn about 1935
BrabhamDorris born about 1925
BrabhamDorthy born about 1937
BrabhamElizabeth born about 1914
BrabhamHelen born about 1924
BrabhamHenry born about 1853
BrabhamJ Aborn about 1898
BrabhamJ D Jrborn about 1926
BrabhamJames Eborn about 1936
BrabhamJannie Rborn about 1930
BrabhamJesse Dborn about 1882
BrabhamJoe born about 1907
BrabhamJohn Fborn about 1926
BrabhamLaura Mborn about 1902
BrabhamLucy born about 1870
BrabhamMarion Jborn about 1912
BrabhamMary Lborn about 1933
BrabhamMay Dborn about 1903
BrabhamNetter born about 1908
BrabhamPhillis born about 1873
BrabhamSalie born about 1874
BriesterAngus born about 1931
BriesterCurtis Aborn about 1939
BriesterHarme born about 1908
BriesterLeroy born about 1926
BriesterMinnie Dborn about 1909
BriesterRobert born about 1928
BrocklandJames born about 1909
BrocklandLester born about 1872
BrocklandLizzie born about 1873
BrocklandMary born about 1921
BrownAbbie born about 1915
BrownAnnabelle born about 1921
BrownBarney born about 1923
BrownCarrie born about 1865
BrownClarence born about 1920
BrownClarence born about 1925
BrownClemson born about 1923
BrownConnie born about 1939
BrownDelma born about 1925
BrownDenton born about 1922
BrownEarl born about 1926
BrownEleanore born about 1935
BrownEugene born about 1928
BrownFlorance born about 1927
BrownJohn born about 1928
BrownLeeoyd born about 1934
BrownMamie born about 1890
BrownMary Annborn about 1927
BrownMitty born about 1885
BrownNorman born about 1921
BrownPansy born about 1934
BrownRobert born about 1915
BrownRosalea Bborn about 1903
BrownRuby born about 1903
BrownSam born about 1900
BrownSam Jr born about 1925
BrownSara born about 1935
BrownWalter born about 1916
BrownWillie Louborn about 1926
BrownZipp born about 1926
BrunsonAbe Sborn about 1903
BrunsonNettie Pborn about 1911
BryantAzel born about 1912
BryantClemetine born about 1880
BryantClemson born about 1934
BryantDouglas born about 1938
BryantGladys born about 1926
BryantHattie born about 1912
BryantHenry Hborn about 1883
BryantJ Cborn about 1894
BryantJanie Leeborn about 1923
BryantJunior born about 1936
BryantMary born about 1921
BryantMcgresha born about 1921
BryantNaopoleon Oborn about 1910
BryantOz born about 1915
BryantShelly Dborn about 1895
BryantThelma born about 1918
BryantTiller Lborn about 1902
BuchananDan Jborn about 1878
BuckerAlberta born about 1930
BuckerBell born about 1936
BuckerBesse Leeborn about 1924
BuckerDorothy Cborn about 1937
BuckerFranklin born about 1940
BuckerFreddie born about 1933
BuckerJulia born about 1901
BuckerLeni born about 1927
BuckerRena born about 1926
BuckerUlysee born about 1932
BuckerVirginia born about 1922
BuckerWalter Bborn about 1898
BuckhananJanie born about 1870
BucknerAlice born about 1906
BucknerArchie born about 1889
BucknerArthur born about 1931
BucknerBell born about 1922
BucknerBergelee born about 1939
BucknerBerk born about 1920
BucknerClara Maeborn about 1939
BucknerClemmons born about 1900
BucknerCorla Leeborn about 1924
BucknerEdward born about 1938
BucknerErnestine born about 1923
BucknerEthel born about 1937
BucknerFrancis born about 1921
BucknerFrank born about 1908
BucknerHarold born about 1927
BucknerHarris born about 1933
BucknerInez born about 1902
BucknerJane born about 1926
BucknerJulius born about 1929
BucknerJunior born about 1934
BucknerL Bborn about 1928
BucknerLaurence Hborn about 1936
BucknerLee born about 1890
BucknerLee born about 1927
BucknerLillie born about 1880
BucknerLouise born about 1921
BucknerPearlie born about 1939
BucknerPosie born about 1891
BucknerQueenie born about 1912
BucknerRobert born about 1895
BucknerRobert born about 1930
BucknerSheldonia born about 1927
BucknerSunnie Maeborn about 1924
BucknerVersie born about 1905
BucknerViola born about 1888
BucknerW Bborn about 1914
BucknerWilliam born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldwellAlvin Eborn about 1919
CaldwellC Hborn about 1891
CaldwellCharlie Sborn about 1882
CaldwellChestey J Dborn about 1883
CaldwellEdith Lborn about 1925
CaldwellEdwin Bborn about 1928
CaldwellElizabeth Cborn about 1891
CaldwellElla born about 1856
CaldwellEthel born about 1895
CaldwellFletcher Mborn about 1892
CaldwellJack Hborn about 1932
CaldwellJeanette Cborn about 1875
CaldwellJesse Hborn about 1877
CaldwellJohn J Dborn about 1915
CaldwellJulian Lborn about 1921
CaldwellLaura Aborn about 1901
CaldwellLaura Pborn about 1937
CaldwellLilly Fborn about 1933
CaldwellMarion Eborn about 1907
CaldwellMary Aborn about 1920
CaldwellNancey Bborn about 1890
CaldwellRoberta Bborn about 1906
CaldwellRose Lborn about 1929
CaldwellSadie Aborn about 1914
CaldwellWalter born about 1887
CaldwellWillie Bborn about 1902
CalesClara born about 1918
CalesHerman born about 1919
CalesJulia born about 1917
CampbellCharlie Hborn about 1874
CampbellPauline born about 1878
CapusAlberta born about 1920
CapusAlbertha born about 1920
CapusBettie born about 1937
CapusCecil born about 1932
CapusClarence born about 1939
CapusClemson born about 1907
CapusDorothy born about 1919
CapusEddie Cborn about 1902
CapusElla born about 1900
CapusElla born about 1913
CapusEmile born about 1933
CapusEula Maeborn about 1917
CapusEunice born about 1918
CapusEvelyn born about 1939
CapusGladys born about 1931
CapusHanna born about 1903
CapusHattie born about 1908
CapusHerbert born about 1932
CapusIrene born about 1926
CapusJames born about 1928
CapusJames Gborn about 1885
CapusJohnnie Fborn about 1937
CapusJunior born about 1939
CapusKenneth born about 1937
CapusLaura born about 1930
CapusLeon Cborn about 1895
CapusLeonel born about 1935
CapusLeroy born about 1935
CapusLilla born about 1930
CapusLula born about 1928
CapusLuther born about 1934
CapusMarian born about 1937
CapusMary born about 1934
CapusNorris born about 1929
CapusOnurie Cborn about 1918
CapusReatler born about 1926
CapusRiddick born about 1935
CapusRudalph born about 1927
CapusSadie Maeborn about 1853
CapusSam born about 1891
CapusSam Jr born about 1936
CarollEugen born about 1916
CarsonMarie born about 1908
CarterA Pborn about 1880
CarterA P Jrborn about 1916
CarterAlice born about 1934
CarterAlma born about 1909
CarterAnnie Jborn about 1881
CarterBessie Leeborn about 1914
CarterBlanchard born about 1911
CarterBlanchard Jr born about 1933
CarterC Jborn about 1886
CarterCarey Lborn about 1915
CarterCarey Pborn about 1879
CarterCoyd born about 1900
CarterDanid Mborn about 1888
CarterDavid born about 1923
CarterDorothy Eborn about 1920
CarterE Jborn about 1885
CarterE J Jrborn about 1920
CarterElinor born about 1916
CarterElizabeth born about 1937
CarterEllen Susborn about 1886
CarterErnestine born about 1935
CarterFranklin born about 1923
CarterH Nborn about 1889
CarterHelen Aborn about 1923
CarterJ Lborn about 1894
CarterJasper Tborn about 1880
CarterJoe Hborn about 1940
CarterJoe Pborn about 1884
CarterJunita born about 1892
CarterLena born about 1894
CarterLoninia born about 1866
CarterLucy born about 1917
CarterLue born about 1892
CarterMcteer born about 1915
CarterMinie Eborn about 1881
CarterPriolean born about 1890
CarterRalph Rborn about 1916
CarterRandel Wborn about 1923
CarterRuby born about 1908
CarterRufus born about 1919
CarterRuth Lborn about 1914
CarterTom born about 1909
CarterWillis Jborn about 1937
CasteenDorothy Janeborn about 1937
CasteenJames Wborn about 1885
CasteenLeamon Jr born about 1935
CasteenLeomon Wborn about 1910
CasteenMildred Iborn about 1915
CasteenNancy born about 1896
CeaseAnnie Lueborn about 1934
CeaseGeorge born about 1880
CeaseMamie born about 1886
CeaseRuth born about 1927
CheslnuttSam born about 1880
ChristenEloise born about 1931
ChristenHenry Sborn about 1897
ChristenIrene born about 1907
ChristenLogan born about 1939
ChristenLottie born about 1937
ChristenMoseban born about 1934
ChristenNorman born about 1922
ChristenNorris born about 1928
ChristenReta Bellborn about 1927
ChristineHattie born about 1894
ChristineKeneth born about 1924
ChristineTom born about 1922
ClaytonFelix born about 1895
CoaxsumBurnice born about 1904
CoaxsumJohn born about 1898
ColeJim born about 1911
ColeJim Jr born about 1939
ColeJosei Bellborn about 1919
ColeLee Royborn about 1937
ColemanAlbert born about 1931
ColemanGeraldine born about 1935
ColemanIrene born about 1924
ColemanRadel born about 1927
CollayAlene born about 1926
CollayGreen born about 1875
CollayLevoidd born about 1934
CollayLillia born about 1885
CollayLouise born about 1938
ConeCharles Sborn about 1937
ConeEddie Eborn about 1900
ConeMargarette born about 1905
ConeRobert born about 1933
ConeVirginia Dborn about 1931
ConnellyAnnie Lborn about 1890
ConnellyGeorge born about 1911
ConnellyHam Wborn about 1881
ConnellyHarris Jborn about 1918
ConnellyJennie born about 1905
ConnellyM Cborn about 1903
ConnellyMary Sborn about 1880
ConnellyPerry Dborn about 1921
ConnellyRalph Gborn about 1918
ConnellySherly born about 1935
ConnellyWilliam Pborn about 1899
CookAddie born about 1891
CookAuther born about 1921
CookCatie born about 1929
CookDaisy born about 1898
CookDaisy born about 1936
CookDaniel born about 1934
CookDella born about 1910
CookDessie Dborn about 1910
CookDorthy born about 1928
CookEvelyn born about 1917
CookF Jborn about 1893
CookFlorrie born about 1933
CookFrank born about 1878
CookFred Cborn about 1907
CookGeorge Wborn about 1872
CookGertrude Mborn about 1925
CookGladys born about 1931
CookHarry born about 1907
CookIda born about 1886
CookJake born about 1939
CookJennings born about 1927
CookJohn born about 1920
CookJohn Wborn about 1913
CookJulia born about 1874
CookLois born about 1919
CookMartha born about 1920
CookMary born about 1934
CookMary born about 1936
CookMinnie born about 1937
CookNorris born about 1925
CookPaul born about 1926
CookRoby Nellborn about 1931
CookRuth born about 1928
CookSadie born about 1929
CookUrel Lborn about 1928
CookVera Leeborn about 1920
CookW Jborn about 1922
CookWalter Wborn about 1907
CookWilbur born about 1934
CookWillie born about 1909
CopelandAurtha born about 1927
CopesAnna born about 1870
CoveA Jborn about 1909
CoveAddie Lborn about 1875
CoveC Jborn about 1875
CoveFranklin born about 1935
CoveIris born about 1914
CoveSadie Lborn about 1889
CoveW Fborn about 1884
CoxanAndrew born about 1921
CrosbyAndrine born about 1931
CrosbyArenza born about 1936
CrosbyBarts Hborn about 1900
CrosbyBennie born about 1900
CrosbyBertha Eborn about 1893
CrosbyClyde born about 1921
CrosbyDan born about 1900
CrosbyDan Eborn about 1867
CrosbyDane Wborn about 1896
CrosbyDelano born about 1933
CrosbyDozier born about 1888
CrosbyE Bborn about 1897
CrosbyEdward Rborn about 1926
CrosbyEliose Sborn about 1892
CrosbyElnora Sborn about 1924
CrosbyEugene Mborn about 1903
CrosbyEugenia born about 1927
CrosbyEvelyn Lavreborn about 1936
CrosbyFlorance born about 1925
CrosbyFlorie born about 1888
CrosbyFlorie Lborn about 1915
CrosbyGertrude born about 1897
CrosbyHarold born about 1916
CrosbyHelen born about 1926
CrosbyHerbert born about 1933
CrosbyJanie born about 1896
CrosbyJanie Lborn about 1928
CrosbyJoseph Rborn about 1930
CrosbyJunior Dborn about 1924
CrosbyLavinia born about 1925
CrosbyLawrence Eborn about 1884
CrosbyLenon Cborn about 1911
CrosbyLouise born about 1922
CrosbyLucile born about 1933
CrosbyMadell born about 1922
CrosbyManuel Fborn about 1920
CrosbyMary Eborn about 1929
CrosbyMary Hattieborn about 1927
CrosbyMildrie born about 1937
CrosbyMinnie born about 1886
CrosbyMinnie Mborn about 1894
CrosbyNed born about 1929
CrosbyRichard born about 1919
CrosbyRinannah born about 1896
CrosbyRolla born about 1921
CrosbyRuth born about 1926
CrosbySadie born about 1920
CrosbySadie born about 1924
CrosbySheelia Maeborn about 1926
CrosbyVenetia born about 1893
CrosbyVivian born about 1934
CrosbyWendal born about 1924
CrosbyWilliam Aborn about 1884
CrosbyWillie Bborn about 1911
CroslyHenrietta born about 1930
CummingsDena born about 1894
CummingsGrace born about 1923
CummingsGraham born about 1933
CummingsH Hborn about 1894
CummingsJerial born about 1921
CummingsJohn born about 1929
CummingsMildred born about 1927
CutteronMartha Maeborn about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DailyJames born about 1905
DailyOrlene born about 1901
DavisAnnie Rborn about 1929
DavisArchie Lee Dborn about 1935
DavisAretha born about 1932
DavisArrie born about 1909
DavisAthline born about 1891
DavisBessie born about 1904
DavisBetty Jborn about 1939
DavisBulah Mborn about 1931
DavisCarey born about 1926
DavisCenie born about 1899
DavisCharlie born about 1924
DavisCharlie Eborn about 1879
DavisClair Rborn about 1934
DavisCrish born about 1925
DavisDimplea born about 1939
DavisEdgar born about 1915
DavisEzekiel born about 1920
DavisGilbert Rborn about 1897
DavisGrubber born about 1905
DavisHattie born about 1924
DavisHelen born about 1927
DavisJames born about 1932
DavisJerney born about 1925
DavisJohn born about 1899
DavisLee born about 1919
DavisLester born about 1925
DavisLucille born about 1922
DavisMarshal born about 1923
DavisMarshal born about 1931
DavisRetell Dborn about 1937
DavisSuzie born about 1929
DeleachHenretta born about 1860
DempseyElise born about 1923
DempseyFlossie born about 1899
DempseyHoward born about 1930
DempseyJene born about 1935
DempseyRobbie born about 1894
DempseyRosabelle born about 1925
DempseyRoy born about 1920
DempseyRoy born about 1926
DepseyKay born about 1930
DermanDan Jborn about 1930
DermanFelix Hborn about 1872
DermanFelix H Jrborn about 1928
DermanJulia Mborn about 1922
DermanOnie Lborn about 1885
DoctorJoe born about 1883
DoctorJosephine born about 1905
DoctorLatoon born about 1933
DopsonAlice born about 1938
DopsonBettie Jborn about 1932
DopsonCathrine born about 1930
DopsonCharlie born about 1916
DopsonEddie born about 1913
DopsonEddie R Jrborn about 1938
DopsonEdna Jborn about 1898
DopsonEdward born about 1918
DopsonEmmett Eborn about 1885
DopsonEugene Gborn about 1896
DopsonHarold Jborn about 1924
DopsonHermon Hborn about 1926
DopsonJoe Wborn about 1909
DopsonLouis Hborn about 1920
DopsonNathaniel born about 1895
DopsonNell Wborn about 1909
DopsonRuth born about 1924
DopsonSallie born about 1886
DopsonVera Eborn about 1904
DopsonVertie Rborn about 1922
DopsonVirginia Allanborn about 1873
DrawdyCalhorn born about 1919
DrawdyLaura born about 1913
DrawdyLonnie born about 1911
DrawdyPearl born about 1922
DrawdyWilber born about 1870
DuboisClarence born about 1881
DuboisDella Nborn about 1895
DuboisEllen born about 1874
DuboisEmma born about 1885
DuboisFrank Bborn about 1872
DuboisHam Jr born about 1877
DuboisHarry born about 1911
DuboisHubert born about 1926
DuboisJessie Leeborn about 1926
DuboisLilla born about 1933
DuboisLillie born about 1894
DuboisLu born about 1872
DuboisMartin born about 1894
DuboisOliver born about 1923
DuboisVernon born about 1921
DuboisWillie Jborn about 1922
DuboiseCharles Hborn about 1871
DuboiseEna Mborn about 1917
DuboiseHelen Mborn about 1935
DuboiseHerman Cborn about 1904
DuboiseJ Bborn about 1937
DuboiseJames Bborn about 1873
DuboiseJames Bborn about 1916
DuboiseMaude born about 1904
DuboiseNaomi born about 1929
DuboiseNathaniel born about 1918
DuboiseWilhelmine born about 1927
DukesC Wborn about 1913
DuramGrace Mborn about 1906
DuramR Aborn about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdgarsWoodrow born about 1922
EdisonBetsey born about 1911
EdisonHerbert born about 1921
EdisonJohn born about 1900
EdisonJohnson born about 1924
EdisonKaty Bellborn about 1929
EdisonLouise born about 1926
EdwardLeland born about 1932
ElliottArgious born about 1925
ElliottBenjamin born about 1911
ElliottBessie Leeborn about 1910
ElliottCharlotte born about 1926
ElliottCozzie born about 1922
ElliottEzekiel born about 1931
ElliottHarley born about 1880
ElliottJames born about 1928
ElliottJoseph born about 1930
ElliottLandie born about 1931
ElliottNemier born about 1924
ElliottRuby born about 1939
ElliottZuria born about 1893
EllisCurtie born about 1888
EllisHenry born about 1938
EllisLewis born about 1917
EllisMartha born about 1893
EllisMyrle born about 1922
EllisNezy born about 1920
EllisSugar born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarrisPaul born about 1917
FeelingVirginia born about 1928
FendenBenjima Fborn about 1870
FendenRay born about 1928
FendenRay born about 1929
FendenVermelia Bborn about 1894
FendenVernon born about 1932
FendenWoodrow born about 1925
FenderBetty born about 1936
FenderBocham born about 1913
FenderC Wborn about 1910
FenderClaudia born about 1929
FenderEmily born about 1924
FenderFlorence born about 1937
FenderHansford Jborn about 1918
FenderJames born about 1905
FenderJohn born about 1886
FenderJulia Helenborn about 1939
FenderLucy born about 1892
FenderMerle born about 1916
FenderW H Mrsborn about 1890
FenelDorothy born about 1924
FenelHousie born about 1900
FenelLucille born about 1928
FenelMargarett born about 1939
FenelSadie born about 1926
FenelSheldonia born about 1917
FenelSolina born about 1938
FenelValorine born about 1933
FennelClara born about 1870
FennellDan Hborn about 1925
FennellEvelyn Rborn about 1930
FennellJohn Lborn about 1884
FennellNoris Rborn about 1928
FennellRosalee Fborn about 1887
FennellVeldon Fborn about 1921
FinellBlanchard born about 1915
FinellDorothy Cborn about 1920
FinellJeannette born about 1939
FinellLanerne born about 1937
FiskAdam Bborn about 1900
FiskBessie born about 1922
FiskClenie Cborn about 1920
FiskDerrell born about 1937
FiskEddie Mborn about 1939
FiskJacob Eborn about 1919
FiskLois Eborn about 1920
FiskMary Louborn about 1931
FiskRoselle born about 1884
FiskViola born about 1910
FlowersBessie born about 1901
FlowersBillie born about 1925
FlowersDaisy born about 1929
FlowersJoseph born about 1936
FlowersWilliam Lborn about 1895
FockGeorge Hborn about 1879
FoekAnnie Eborn about 1917
FoekCharlie born about 1904
FoekHenry Wborn about 1909
FoekMrs M Eborn about 1877
FoekSamuel Cborn about 1914
FolkDaisy born about 1876
FolkEther born about 1910
FolkLucy born about 1875
FolkMary Mborn about 1918
FolkMonrow born about 1931
FolkNelson born about 1865
FolkSarah Pborn about 1891
FoxBirchmore born about 1924
FoxC Bborn about 1898
FoxEugene born about 1930
FoxFrancis born about 1922
FoxH Wborn about 1905
FoxJessie Mborn about 1926
FoxMaggie Jborn about 1900
FoxW Mborn about 1870
FralixAdalia Oborn about 1919
FralixAmelia born about 1930
FralixDanid Sborn about 1887
FralixDavid Vborn about 1915
FralixEsdna Eborn about 1908
FralixGeorge Wborn about 1886
FralixGerthrude born about 1897
FralixGloria born about 1936
FralixGrace born about 1914
FralixKate Lborn about 1883
FralixLa Verne born about 1933
FralixMcghee Hborn about 1923
FralixMyrtle Gborn about 1912
FralixN Dborn about 1907
FralixNollie born about 1920
FralixPamelia Mborn about 1862
FralixParker Wborn about 1917
FralixRiddick Eborn about 1927
FralixRuby Mborn about 1910
FralixRufus born about 1907
FralixSadie Mborn about 1885
FralixValma born about 1932
FralixZack Jborn about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GanttAnna born about 1932
GanttAnnette born about 1915
GanttDorothy born about 1930
GanttMelvina born about 1895
GanttRufus Fborn about 1891
GanttSarah Eborn about 1877
GanttWilliam Lborn about 1869
GarninAnnie Lborn about 1890
GarninArelhia born about 1927
GarninCharles born about 1926
GarninJennie Leeborn about 1922
GarninJosiah born about 1915
GarninMannie born about 1920
GattieElane born about 1921
GattieHarnie born about 1918
GeorgeBarbery Annborn about 1938
GeorgeElizabeth born about 1933
GeorgeHarold born about 1917
GeorgeHenry born about 1895
GeorgeHerman born about 1919
GeorgeLenel born about 1897
GeorgeLue Ellenborn about 1939
GeorgeMary Jborn about 1917
GeorgeRuth born about 1918
GibsonBell Iborn about 1901
GibsonBrantley born about 1907
GibsonEdna born about 1906
GibsonGerthude born about 1926
GibsonGladys born about 1930
GibsonHenry born about 1930
GibsonLorine born about 1935
GibsonLoyde Jborn about 1933
GibsonLoyle Jborn about 1903
GibsonMargie Eborn about 1926
GibsonMorris born about 1928
GibsonNorman born about 1937
GibsonRoy born about 1928
GibsonSallie born about 1908
GibsonValarie born about 1939
GibsonViolet born about 1931
GibsonWilber born about 1928
GibsonWilliam born about 1926
GibsonWillie Eborn about 1897
GilbertCow Lborn about 1917
GilbertCoy Jr born about 1940
GilbertEarnest born about 1935
GilbertMargurett born about 1937
GilbertVirginia born about 1918
GillJerry Fborn about 1913
GloverArchie born about 1923
GloverClara born about 1891
GloverJohn born about 1890
GloverJohn Bborn about 1916
GodleyAlice born about 1932
GodleyCarl Cborn about 1911
GodleyCharles born about 1929
GodleyCleoment born about 1930
GodleyCullen born about 1933
GodleyDe Louis born about 1939
GodleyDortha born about 1924
GodleyEdna born about 1905
GodleyEdward Kborn about 1927
GodleyEdward Lborn about 1902
GodleyH Eborn about 1898
GodleyHeyward Mborn about 1896
GodleyJachaia born about 1932
GodleyJames born about 1925
GodleyJeanette born about 1937
GodleyJohn born about 1900
GodleyJuanita Lborn about 1928
GodleyKatie Lborn about 1908
GodleyLa Vern born about 1935
GodleyLida born about 1906
GodleyLizzie born about 1907
GodleyMaggie born about 1932
GodleyMyrum born about 1926
GodleyNora born about 1924
GodleyNorris Lborn about 1928
GodleyOlivia born about 1925
GodleyRuby born about 1905
GodleySherman born about 1912
GodleySuzan Aborn about 1853
GodleyWilliam Mborn about 1847
GodleyWillie Eborn about 1902
GoodwinArie Pborn about 1904
GoodwinBulah born about 1882
GoodwinBulah born about 1938
GoodwinDaisy Nborn about 1934
GoodwinGeorge born about 1915
GoodwinHamp born about 1870
GoodwinJames born about 1916
GoodwinLezia born about 1915
GoodwinLighsey born about 1932
GoodwinMary Sborn about 1933
GoodwinRachell born about 1917
GoodwinRed Hborn about 1936
GoodwinSwinden born about 1917
GoodwinSwinden Jr born about 1934
GoodwinW Oborn about 1900
GoodwinW O Jrborn about 1938
GoodwinWilliam born about 1928
GoodwinWillie Jborn about 1936
GordenMabell Jborn about 1904
GordenMarium born about 1927
GordenR Wborn about 1903
GordenRussell Gborn about 1932
GrandSilver born about 1870
GransondGeorge Jr born about 1906
GransondGladys born about 1925
GransondRuth born about 1916
GrantAddie born about 1906
GrantAmelia born about 1938
GrantAudrey born about 1924
GrantBertha born about 1929
GrantCarrie Mayborn about 1935
GrantCharlie born about 1875
GrantClair born about 1921
GrantCleo born about 1939
GrantCleveland born about 1934
GrantClinton born about 1929
GrantConcelia born about 1901
GrantConrad born about 1912
GrantDascher born about 1881
GrantDavid born about 1882
GrantDavid Jr born about 1920
GrantDock born about 1889
GrantEddie born about 1899
GrantElim born about 1901
GrantElla Maeborn about 1926
GrantElleroe born about 1937
GrantEmeleet born about 1921
GrantEmma Lborn about 1915
GrantEther born about 1884
GrantEther Mayborn about 1935
GrantEva Ellaborn about 1918
GrantFaire born about 1915
GrantGeorge born about 1873
GrantHute born about 1907
GrantIrene born about 1887
GrantIsadore born about 1922
GrantJames born about 1932
GrantJunior born about 1935
GrantLouise born about 1936
GrantMamie Leeborn about 1925
GrantMamie Leeborn about 1929
GrantMary Louborn about 1931
GrantMinnie Lborn about 1930
GrantMinnie Mborn about 1901
GrantOaretta born about 1923
GrantRachell born about 1938
GrantRane born about 1930
GrantRinso born about 1935
GrantRosco born about 1921
GrantRoy born about 1938
GrantRufus born about 1925
GrantRuth Mborn about 1928
GrantSatis Mborn about 1936
GrantThelma born about 1927
GrantTheodore born about 1902
GrantU Sborn about 1896
GrantVelmer born about 1927
GrantVerleene born about 1915
GrantVirginia born about 1926
GrantWalter born about 1929
GreenAnnie born about 1890
GreenEdna born about 1922
GreenHarvey born about 1914
GreenJoe born about 1905
GreenLottie born about 1924
GreenPercella born about 1917
GreenVerneal born about 1918
GreeneLilia Wborn about 1905
GruberAnn Mrs born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HalyardDesser born about 1898
HalyardEarle born about 1928
HalyardFrancis born about 1931
HalyardNeom born about 1933
HalyardOliver born about 1925
HalyardScott born about 1899
HalyardScott Jr born about 1937
HamiltonEmma born about 1902
HamiltonMack Donaldborn about 1893
HarleyLane born about 1920
HarleyMae Annborn about 1862
HarleyMccoy Lborn about 1920
HarretLucy born about 1905
HarretRobert born about 1900
HarrisonCarrie Lborn about 1883
HarrisonDouglas Jborn about 1932
HarrisonHayward born about 1914
HarrisonHeywood Jr born about 1939
HarrisonIda Mborn about 1890
HarrisonJoseph Cborn about 1889
HarrisonLucille born about 1920
HarrisonLucy born about 1937
HarrisonMila Doraborn about 1880
HastingAlice born about 1911
HastingEthel born about 1927
HastingIdelia born about 1939
HastingJ Wborn about 1922
HastingMary Louborn about 1936
HastingMisslera born about 1934
HastingWright born about 1897
HayHenrietta born about 1895
HayWilliams born about 1873
HayWillie born about 1924
HayesEd born about 1873
HayesHattie born about 1884
HayesJuanita born about 1885
HaynesAddie born about 1924
HaynesAlbertha born about 1909
HaynesAnnie Leeborn about 1926
HaynesDan born about 1913
HaynesFrancis born about 1938
HaynesGeorge born about 1923
HaynesIsrael born about 1921
HaynesIzola born about 1916
HaynesJulia born about 1900
HaynesLee Royborn about 1936
HaynesLewis born about 1872
HaynesLewis Jr born about 1924
HaynesLula born about 1885
HaynesMarvin born about 1921
HaynesMary born about 1936
HaynesMary Louborn about 1919
HaynesPearl born about 1918
HaynesPurnell born about 1932
HaynesShelby born about 1895
HaynesWeb born about 1898
HaynesWeb Jr born about 1935
HaynesWillie born about 1934
HeidtEula Jborn about 1883
HeidtT Pborn about 1882
HendersonBrook born about 1877
HendersonFrank born about 1914
HendersonGrady born about 1923
HendersonMamie born about 1886
HerindonDorothy born about 1931
HerindonHerbert born about 1935
HerindonHolland born about 1921
HerindonJames born about 1928
HerindonLeonel born about 1926
HerindonLeroy Lborn about 1893
HerindonLizzie born about 1899
HerindonMable Lborn about 1938
HerindonNorman born about 1919
HerindonReba born about 1924
HerindonRuth born about 1934
HerindonWillie born about 1930
HerndonFarrow born about 1906
HernslonEric born about 1927
HernslonG Wborn about 1894
HernslonThelma born about 1904
HiattCecil born about 1919
HiattIda born about 1888
HiersAlbert Pborn about 1923
HiersAnnie Dborn about 1935
HiersGladys Eborn about 1905
HiersGussie born about 1900
HiersH Eborn about 1880
HiersHarold Bborn about 1932
HiersHelen Mborn about 1926
HiersHerbert Jborn about 1910
HiersJames Jborn about 1913
HiersJoe La Verneborn about 1936
HiersJoseph Sborn about 1895
HiersJulia Oborn about 1888
HiersLulla Fborn about 1934
HiersMabley Mborn about 1870
HiersMary Rborn about 1928
HiersMiley Kborn about 1906
HiersPerry Jborn about 1930
HiersRenny born about 1910
HiersVonlehe born about 1920
HiersWilliam Gborn about 1889
HiersWillie Maeborn about 1929
HiersWillie Tborn about 1919
HilsonJohn Hborn about 1904
HilsonMaggie Hborn about 1901
HindmanChester Aborn about 1895
HindmanEthel born about 1895
HindmanEugene born about 1931
HindmanGlinnes born about 1922
HindmanJames born about 1928
HindmanWilliam Cborn about 1919
HiresCaperus born about 1920
HiresDeblia born about 1888
HiresE Lborn about 1888
HiresEarnestine born about 1920
HiresEdder born about 1910
HiresEmma born about 1878
HiresFilder born about 1911
HiresGeorge born about 1938
HiresGeorge Lborn about 1940
HiresHatty Sborn about 1886
HiresJames born about 1933
HiresJoe born about 1890
HiresJonnie born about 1930
HiresKineth born about 1918
HiresLillian born about 1902
HiresM C Mrsborn about 1865
HiresM Hborn about 1871
HiresMarie born about 1892
HiresMarion born about 1922
HiresMary born about 1874
HiresMary Janeborn about 1865
HiresPerry born about 1888
HiresReba born about 1922
HiresT Dborn about 1926
HiresThomas born about 1938
HiresTillman born about 1905
HiresVirgina born about 1918
HiresWildon born about 1896
HiresWillie born about 1915
HuffCharles Hborn about 1929
HuffEana born about 1938
HuffEva born about 1936
HuffFrank Tborn about 1901
HuffK Dborn about 1934
HuffLillie Mborn about 1911
HuffPerry born about 1932
HuffRuth Hborn about 1930
HughesDavid born about 1923
HughesEthell born about 1901
HughesGeorge born about 1934
HughesJohn born about 1933
HughesPauline born about 1936
HughesTilda born about 1927
HughesViola born about 1938
HughesWilliam Bborn about 1883
HuntCarl Tborn about 1921
HuntDannie born about 1902
HuntDannie Jr born about 1921
HuntDora Lborn about 1873
HuntRaymond born about 1932
HuntVivien born about 1925
HunterFrank Lborn about 1938
HunterJ Lborn about 1909
HunterLucille born about 1919
HunterPrezilla born about 1939
HutsonAnnie Lborn about 1890
HutsonVirginia Mborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

InabinetCatherine born about 1935
InabinetEther born about 1915
InabinetFred born about 1913
InabinetJessie born about 1936
InabinetJoe Wborn about 1894
InabinetLessie born about 1939
InabinetLilly born about 1905
InabinetLuhter born about 1925
InabinettBen Cborn about 1886
InabinettC Bborn about 1931
InabinettHarrell born about 1939
InabinettHeyward born about 1938
InabinettJohn Dborn about 1898
InabinettJohn Jr born about 1934
InabinettLamar born about 1934
InabinettLamerle born about 1936
InabinettLenene born about 1933
InabinettLuke born about 1935
InabinettMary born about 1936
InabinettRoy born about 1939
InabinettSpencer born about 1915
InabinettStephens Vborn about 1905
InabnettIdell born about 1928
InabnettJullie born about 1900
InabnettLillie born about 1904
InabnettNorris born about 1919
InabnettO Nellborn about 1925
InabnettSusie born about 1921
InabnettWillie born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonJemimah born about 1900
JamersonAllofoe Eborn about 1937
JamersonJake Lborn about 1933
JamersonLathan born about 1908
JamersonMarion Maeborn about 1935
JamersonVictoria born about 1910
JamersonVirgie Maeborn about 1931
JamesCleveland born about 1922
JamesClifford born about 1893
JamesClifton born about 1921
JamesJonas born about 1860
JamesMartha born about 1865
JamesMendell born about 1920
JamesMinnie born about 1901
JamesThomas born about 1927
JamisonAngelee born about 1931
JamisonCharlie born about 1934
JamisonGerthrude born about 1939
JamisonMary born about 1912
JamisonNadine born about 1935
JamisonPhilip Eborn about 1937
JamisonRollie born about 1910
JamisonThelma born about 1932
JammersonAlberta born about 1917
JammersonAlice born about 1903
JammersonAnn Nellborn about 1936
JammersonAnnie Lborn about 1903
JammersonBarton born about 1920
JammersonBessie born about 1911
JammersonBrooks born about 1908
JammersonCatherine born about 1929
JammersonChris born about 1906
JammersonClara born about 1905
JammersonClara Maeborn about 1936
JammersonClarence born about 1926
JammersonClaretha born about 1934
JammersonEdward born about 1922
JammersonEugene born about 1932
JammersonFurman Aborn about 1938
JammersonGerthrude Eborn about 1940
JammersonH Mborn about 1926
JammersonHarry Jborn about 1901
JammersonHeber born about 1935
JammersonHerbert born about 1903
JammersonHerman born about 1922
JammersonHildridge born about 1933
JammersonHoyt Mborn about 1929
JammersonJackie Lborn about 1928
JammersonJanie born about 1938
JammersonJennell born about 1937
JammersonJessie born about 1922
JammersonJoe born about 1903
JammersonJoe Jr born about 1929
JammersonJohn Lborn about 1873
JammersonJohnnie born about 1934
JammersonJunior born about 1938
JammersonJustine born about 1914
JammersonLalie born about 1910
JammersonLawton born about 1870
JammersonLena born about 1907
JammersonLeonard born about 1927
JammersonLewis born about 1936
JammersonLilla born about 1875
JammersonLillie born about 1904
JammersonLinia born about 1936
JammersonLizzie born about 1890
JammersonLouise born about 1925
JammersonMinnie born about 1913
JammersonMonroe born about 1898
JammersonNathaniel born about 1927
JammersonNoma born about 1930
JammersonNorris born about 1928
JammersonOzell born about 1935
JammersonPearl born about 1934
JammersonReddick Jborn about 1933
JammersonRosco born about 1937
JammersonRumell born about 1926
JammersonSallie born about 1871
JammersonSally born about 1875
JammersonSam born about 1924
JammersonVan born about 1931
JammersonVermell born about 1934
JammersonVernell born about 1932
JammersonVirginia Rborn about 1926
JammersonWilliam born about 1895
JammersonWilliam Aborn about 1867
JammersonWillie Pborn about 1939
JammersonWillis born about 1939
JenkinsAlbert born about 1916
JenkinsCatey born about 1904
JenkinsCatherine born about 1880
JenkinsElsie born about 1908
JenkinsHerbert born about 1903
JenkinsJimmie born about 1928
JenkinsMary born about 1926
JenkinsPearl born about 1917
JennessBarbara Aborn about 1924
JennessIrine Lborn about 1906
JennessJackie born about 1926
JennessJames Aborn about 1890
JennessJinni Aborn about 1929
JennessLouise Iborn about 1932
JennessMary Cborn about 1927
JohnsCharles Wborn about 1931
JohnsEugune born about 1926
JohnsMartha born about 1923
JohnsP Mborn about 1885
JohnsP M Jrborn about 1921
JohnsRobert born about 1926
JohnsRosa Leeborn about 1887
JohnsRosine born about 1929
JohnsonDollie born about 1916
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1935
JohnsonEllis born about 1933
JohnsonEthell born about 1918
JohnsonFannie born about 1900
JohnsonFreddie born about 1911
JohnsonJack born about 1915
JohnsonJack Jborn about 1920
JohnsonJanie Wborn about 1938
JohnsonNatha born about 1841
JohnsonPauline born about 1921
JohnsonVictoria born about 1920
JohnsonVoock Kborn about 1876
JohnsonWilhelmina born about 1921
JohnsonWilliam born about 1881
JonesAdell born about 1932
JonesAline born about 1912
JonesAllen born about 1925
JonesAllie Louborn about 1925
JonesAlma born about 1930
JonesBen born about 1874
JonesBerkley born about 1877
JonesBetty born about 1936
JonesBillie Lborn about 1893
JonesBillie Lborn about 1930
JonesCaldonia born about 1893
JonesCalvin born about 1928
JonesCecil born about 1911
JonesCecil E Srborn about 1913
JonesCecil Jr born about 1933
JonesChalmer born about 1924
JonesClarence Rborn about 1888
JonesCleo born about 1924
JonesColine born about 1914
JonesDola born about 1879
JonesDonal born about 1924
JonesDonell born about 1927
JonesDoode born about 1895
JonesDorris born about 1926
JonesDouglas born about 1925
JonesEddie born about 1922
JonesEdna born about 1921
JonesEleck born about 1936
JonesElizabeth born about 1924
JonesElla born about 1919
JonesEtta born about 1897
JonesEugene Wborn about 1890
JonesEugene Jr born about 1928
JonesEugune born about 1927
JonesEula Leeborn about 1927
JonesEva born about 1901
JonesEva born about 1927
JonesEvelyn Rborn about 1915
JonesFrank Nborn about 1873
JonesGadley Almaborn about 1889
JonesGladys born about 1924
JonesGladys born about 1930
JonesHattie born about 1922
JonesHelen born about 1923
JonesHenry Eborn about 1900
JonesHenry Fborn about 1931
JonesHerman born about 1921
JonesHollie born about 1926
JonesHomer born about 1937
JonesHubert born about 1928
JonesHugo born about 1923
JonesIrene born about 1932
JonesJ D Mrsborn about 1905
JonesJamie Rborn about 1908
JonesJane Dborn about 1936
JonesJeannette born about 1933
JonesJefferlee born about 1925
JonesJessie born about 1917
JonesJim born about 1885
JonesJoe Sborn about 1894
JonesJoseph Nborn about 1884
JonesJunior born about 1924
JonesK Cborn about 1869
JonesKenneth born about 1924
JonesL M Mrsborn about 1882
JonesLatemay born about 1910
JonesLeila born about 1896
JonesLeon born about 1926
JonesLeon born about 1930
JonesLola Vborn about 1877
JonesLossie born about 1902
JonesLouise born about 1935
JonesLucille born about 1923
JonesM J Jrborn about 1934
JonesMaggie born about 1918
JonesMarshall born about 1936
JonesMarvelene born about 1932
JonesMarvin born about 1911
JonesMary born about 1864
JonesMary born about 1884
JonesMary born about 1912
JonesMaude born about 1915
JonesMaude Gborn about 1888
JonesMcalnia born about 1912
JonesMildred born about 1928
JonesMonroe born about 1926
JonesNathan Hborn about 1894
JonesNellie Bborn about 1892
JonesNita born about 1902
JonesPorter born about 1890
JonesRachel born about 1938
JonesRadine born about 1926
JonesRay born about 1936
JonesRebecca born about 1871
JonesRetha born about 1900
JonesRoy born about 1931
JonesRussell born about 1913
JonesS Cborn about 1908
JonesS Jborn about 1867
JonesSamuel born about 1922
JonesSarah born about 1906
JonesSue born about 1893
JonesSuzan born about 1884
JonesSylvina born about 1939
JonesWarren born about 1934
JonesWillard Bborn about 1891
JonesWillelmina born about 1929
JonesWilson born about 1920
JonesWoodrow born about 1919
JonesZelma born about 1928
JoynerAlice born about 1920
JoynerCharlie born about 1934
JoynerCleo born about 1937
JoynerCurtis born about 1930
JoynerFannie born about 1910
JoynerFreddie born about 1922
JoynerGeorge born about 1918
JoynerJ Wborn about 1933
JoynerJr born about 1924
JoynerLouis born about 1923
JoynerNadine born about 1939
JoynerRoefortha born about 1923
JoynerThomas born about 1890
JoynerWalter born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KearesGladys born about 1934
KeyCarey born about 1906
KeyCarol born about 1938
KeyHelen born about 1929
KeyLillian born about 1872
KeyMary born about 1908
KeyMary Millianborn about 1940
KeyVern born about 1930
KicklighterArthur born about 1895
KicklighterDoris born about 1929
KicklighterJessie Fborn about 1889
KicklighterPoland born about 1915
KicklighterRussel born about 1933
KinardAllie born about 1930
KinardAlma Mborn about 1938
KinardAlonzo born about 1891
KinardAnnie born about 1905
KinardAnnie Lauraborn about 1907
KinardBlondell born about 1933
KinardBurnell born about 1899
KinardBurnice born about 1878
KinardCathrine Pborn about 1899
KinardClifton Dborn about 1940
KinardClyde Wborn about 1932
KinardDarwin born about 1934
KinardDolores Cborn about 1934
KinardDottie Jborn about 1939
KinardDuglas born about 1924
KinardEdna born about 1922
KinardElla born about 1937
KinardEmery Mborn about 1933
KinardErssie Dborn about 1904
KinardFrancis Mborn about 1937
KinardH Hborn about 1874
KinardH Nborn about 1906
KinardHarry born about 1929
KinardHelena Eborn about 1927
KinardHerbert born about 1927
KinardJ Fborn about 1890
KinardJames born about 1927
KinardLamon born about 1925
KinardLilla born about 1897
KinardLincoln Wborn about 1931
KinardLouise born about 1919
KinardLouise born about 1929
KinardLuca born about 1900
KinardMarie born about 1925
KinardMarjorie born about 1932
KinardMyrtle born about 1931
KinardNathaniel born about 1932
KinardNelson Pborn about 1868
KinardPerry born about 1938
KinardRandolph Pborn about 1918
KinardRonnal born about 1937
KinardRufus Cborn about 1896
KinardRufus C Jrborn about 1930
KinardRupert Hborn about 1929
KinardRussell born about 1917
KinardSallie born about 1875
KinardSherley born about 1935
KinardTheadn Dborn about 1937
KinardThelma Lborn about 1907
KinardVernell born about 1933
KinardWillie born about 1914
KinardWillie born about 1936
KingColeman Lborn about 1897
KingElla Kborn about 1882
KingLola born about 1904
KirklighterCathrine Lborn about 1931
KirklighterJohn Aborn about 1895
KirklighterMyrtice born about 1926
KirklighterRumell born about 1908
KyleMargurette born about 1885
KyleR Pborn about 1879
KyleR P Jrborn about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaneKeith born about 1922
LansonLizza Mborn about 1902
LansonPerry Jr born about 1932
LansonPerry Sr born about 1888
LawtonBenjamin Eborn about 1917
LawtonBernice born about 1934
LawtonEdgar born about 1937
LawtonEtta Maeborn about 1920
LawtonEugene born about 1935
LawtonEva born about 1921
LawtonFlydel born about 1937
LawtonHubert born about 1938
LawtonInez Lborn about 1917
LawtonLourizana born about 1939
LawtonManning born about 1923
LawtonMarie born about 1926
LawtonMattie Cborn about 1919
LawtonOrdry born about 1921
LawtonPeter born about 1924
LawtonRosie born about 1890
LawtonTommie born about 1911
LawtonTommy born about 1940
LawtonWillie born about 1914
LeeEarle born about 1910
LightseyAnnie born about 1932
LightseyFrank born about 1888
LightseyFrank Jr born about 1938
LightseySarah Eborn about 1916
LyonsG Wborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MableyF Bborn about 1892
MableyMary Mrs born about 1898
MableyMildred born about 1927
MableySarah Eborn about 1922
MaleBuddy born about 1934
MaleCarrie born about 1894
MaleHarris born about 1916
MaleHelen born about 1930
MaleJoe born about 1888
MaleJunior born about 1923
MaleMattie Leeborn about 1913
MaleMckinley born about 1918
MaleRudolph born about 1925
MaleRuth born about 1926
MarshClinton born about 1926
MarshFrank born about 1896
MarshFrank Jr born about 1919
MarshLeon born about 1922
MarshMarnin born about 1928
MarshRunell born about 1924
MarshStella born about 1905
MarshWestley born about 1923
MartinAustin born about 1893
MartinBessie born about 1897
MartinCharlie Mborn about 1892
MartinClyde Bborn about 1915
MartinDarrell born about 1928
MartinDoris born about 1937
MartinEd born about 1905
MartinEddie Jr born about 1928
MartinEdward Pborn about 1877
MartinElla Oretaborn about 1932
MartinEtta Wborn about 1871
MartinFannie Lborn about 1900
MartinFreta Mayborn about 1935
MartinGloria Maeborn about 1940
MartinHarold born about 1922
MartinHarrison Wborn about 1935
MartinHenry born about 1891
MartinJack born about 1925
MartinJames born about 1927
MartinJanie Eborn about 1933
MartinJennie born about 1932
MartinJoe Lborn about 1884
MartinJohn Wborn about 1878
MartinJohnnie born about 1931
MartinJones Eborn about 1925
MartinLelia Mayborn about 1923
MartinLeon Mborn about 1914
MartinLillian Cborn about 1885
MartinLilly born about 1939
MartinLouise born about 1937
MartinMamie born about 1905
MartinMargarett born about 1928
MartinMary born about 1926
MartinMary born about 1928
MartinMinnie Lborn about 1893
MartinNellie Hborn about 1886
MartinNora born about 1883
MartinNora born about 1895
MartinPaul Lborn about 1895
MartinRichard born about 1922
MartinRose Leeborn about 1932
MartinRuth Eborn about 1926
MartinRuth Mborn about 1935
MartinSam Jborn about 1907
MartinSamuel Jr born about 1935
MartinSibber Jborn about 1939
MartinVera Kborn about 1910
MartinWilliam born about 1920
MartinWilliam Pborn about 1886
MartinWillie born about 1933
MartinWillie Mborn about 1911
MartinWoodrow born about 1923
McMellianCerlistine born about 1939
McMellianEllovise born about 1933
McMellianEunice born about 1926
McMellianMarshall born about 1937
McMellianNathinal born about 1924
McMellianPearline born about 1931
McMellianSammie Mayborn about 1904
McMellianTimothy born about 1896
McMellianZelma born about 1929
McMilkenBesse Lee Lborn about 1915
McMilkenClint Eborn about 1907
McMilkenEffie Sborn about 1933
McMilkenHazel born about 1939
McMilkenHeber born about 1915
McMilkenJoan born about 1938
McMilkenMadison Hborn about 1940
McMilkenMamie Lborn about 1920
McMilkenValeria born about 1906
McMilkenWillie Sborn about 1913
McMilkenWillie Jr born about 1930
McMillanAlex born about 1902
McMillanCharlie Hborn about 1897
McMillanEula Gborn about 1903
McMillanEurell born about 1922
McMillanHezekiah born about 1924
McMillanJennie born about 1935
McMillanJustein born about 1901
McMillanMary born about 1867
McMillanMildred born about 1923
McMillanRonula born about 1931
McMillanTheodel born about 1924
McMillanThomas born about 1929
McMillanVirgie Leeborn about 1927
McMillenElis Jborn about 1931
McMillenJohn Dborn about 1924
McMillenJohnston Sborn about 1890
McMillenJulia Bborn about 1891
McMillenStephen Jborn about 1916
McMillerChesley J Dborn about 1903
McMillerElizabeth Eborn about 1876
McMillerKate Gborn about 1906
McMillianIda born about 1872
McPhersonArchie Aborn about 1895
McPhersonCora Leeborn about 1936
McPhersonEdith born about 1939
McPhersonEstell born about 1911
McPhersonLeroy born about 1931
McPhersonNazurine born about 1932
MearsAllie born about 1913
MearsAnnie Sborn about 1892
MearsBernard born about 1930
MearsChristain Mborn about 1892
MearsDanil born about 1912
MearsDeat born about 1899
MearsDethater born about 1922
MearsDois born about 1915
MearsDunk born about 1910
MearsEd Hborn about 1910
MearsEliza born about 1920
MearsFaber Lborn about 1920
MearsGallina born about 1937
MearsGladys born about 1916
MearsHelena born about 1938
MearsHoward born about 1928
MearsJenevad born about 1927
MearsJohn born about 1890
MearsL Gborn about 1916
MearsLawton born about 1926
MearsLetric born about 1932
MearsLonnie born about 1913
MearsNadine Mborn about 1932
MearsRudolph born about 1915
MearsSaltine born about 1910
MearsSarah born about 1898
MearsVera Eborn about 1918
MearsVinion born about 1923
MearsW Eborn about 1866
MearsWalter Jborn about 1909
MearsWilliam Aborn about 1864
MearsWoodrow born about 1919
MilbesJ B Jrborn about 1914
MilbesOllie Maeborn about 1913
MileyEssie born about 1924
MileyGale born about 1934
MileyGrace born about 1899
MileyH Dborn about 1887
MileyJ Eborn about 1890
MileyJ Lborn about 1923
MileyLaura born about 1917
MileyMelinda born about 1896
MillerJames B Sborn about 1870
MillerJosephine born about 1870
MillerMatilda born about 1921
MillerMedell born about 1920
MillerSuzan born about 1852
MillesCurtis born about 1921
MillesLester born about 1922
MillsElizabeth born about 1894
MillsHenry Wborn about 1886
MillsWillie born about 1924
MiltonTill born about 1923
MingleCharlie born about 1884
MingleDocker born about 1928
MingleEthell Mayborn about 1925
MingleHazel born about 1930
MingleMable born about 1919
MingleMary born about 1888
MingleRetha born about 1921
MingleToxie Bellborn about 1923
MingoAnnie born about 1918
MingoEstell born about 1939
MingoJim Jborn about 1912
MingoJohn born about 1913
MingoJoshway born about 1934
MingoJulia Lborn about 1910
MingoMolley born about 1936
MitchelEnea Rayborn about 1923
MitchelRichard born about 1913
MitchelRumel born about 1939
MitchellAngeline born about 1924
MitchellAnnie Leeborn about 1922
MitchellJonnie born about 1920
MitchellLoala born about 1928
MitchellVictoria born about 1898
MoldNathaniel born about 1919
MoldNora Leeborn about 1921
MonroeBoates born about 1918
MonroeClara born about 1928
MonroeJosephine born about 1923
MonroeLittie born about 1921
MonroeOzel born about 1926
MonroeRobert born about 1881
MonroeShelly born about 1931
MonroeSusie born about 1923
MooreFabbie Rborn about 1880
MooreW Mborn about 1881
MooreW M Jrborn about 1915
MorganAngus Mborn about 1906
MorganRita Bborn about 1903
MullerCatie born about 1918
MullerFrancis born about 1916
MullerJohn born about 1923
MullerSophia born about 1883
MullerWilliam born about 1861
MurdaughAdrienna born about 1920
MurdaughAlzenium born about 1933
MurdaughAnalauria born about 1913
MurdaughAndrew Wborn about 1872
MurdaughAnnie born about 1888
MurdaughAnnie Bellborn about 1927
MurdaughAnnie Jborn about 1893
MurdaughB Oborn about 1886
MurdaughBarbara Aborn about 1930
MurdaughBerry born about 1890
MurdaughBoraguard born about 1870
MurdaughBrook born about 1880
MurdaughCaroler born about 1885
MurdaughCecil born about 1908
MurdaughCharles born about 1934
MurdaughCharles born about 1938
MurdaughCharles Dborn about 1925
MurdaughCharles Oborn about 1916
MurdaughCharlie born about 1933
MurdaughCharlie Hborn about 1936
MurdaughClarence born about 1931
MurdaughClinton born about 1929
MurdaughClyde born about 1904
MurdaughConnie Cborn about 1878
MurdaughCordozia born about 1888
MurdaughDimples Nborn about 1932
MurdaughDorie Vborn about 1935
MurdaughDorothy born about 1940
MurdaughDorris born about 1924
MurdaughEarnest born about 1925
MurdaughEd Dborn about 1908
MurdaughEd Jr born about 1938
MurdaughEdith Dborn about 1882
MurdaughEdna Wborn about 1912
MurdaughEdrian born about 1928
MurdaughElla Nborn about 1926
MurdaughErma born about 1933
MurdaughEthell Leeborn about 1931
MurdaughEugene born about 1925
MurdaughEula born about 1925
MurdaughFrancis born about 1895
MurdaughFreelove born about 1892
MurdaughGeorge born about 1892
MurdaughGeorge Jr born about 1921
MurdaughGeraldine born about 1930
MurdaughGerthrude born about 1907
MurdaughGettie Lborn about 1905
MurdaughGladys born about 1920
MurdaughGlen born about 1939
MurdaughGrady Wborn about 1908
MurdaughHannie Wborn about 1892
MurdaughHarold born about 1927
MurdaughHarry Wborn about 1897
MurdaughHarvey born about 1900
MurdaughHarvey Jr born about 1937
MurdaughHattie born about 1920
MurdaughHay born about 1882
MurdaughHayward born about 1919
MurdaughHazel Dborn about 1906
MurdaughHelen born about 1927
MurdaughHenry Bborn about 1869
MurdaughHenry Ellaborn about 1874
MurdaughHenry Jborn about 1891
MurdaughHenry Wborn about 1907
MurdaughHoward born about 1931
MurdaughHoyt Lborn about 1921
MurdaughIda Ameliaborn about 1883
MurdaughIdella born about 1915
MurdaughIsac Jr born about 1930
MurdaughIssac born about 1898
MurdaughJ Cborn about 1938
MurdaughJackie born about 1935
MurdaughJake Rborn about 1906
MurdaughJames born about 1921
MurdaughJeanette born about 1937
MurdaughJennie born about 1934
MurdaughJerusia born about 1903
MurdaughJessie Gborn about 1876
MurdaughJessie Mborn about 1932
MurdaughJoe born about 1892
MurdaughJoe Floydborn about 1922
MurdaughJohn Cborn about 1888
MurdaughJohn Wborn about 1876
MurdaughJoice born about 1916
MurdaughJonnie Leeborn about 1933
MurdaughJoseph born about 1920
MurdaughJoseph Jborn about 1924
MurdaughKye born about 1924
MurdaughLaura born about 1908
MurdaughLemual born about 1939
MurdaughLeon Wborn about 1937
MurdaughLillian born about 1913
MurdaughLinora born about 1937
MurdaughLizie Annborn about 1921
MurdaughLizzie Eborn about 1876
MurdaughLorine born about 1932
MurdaughLou Annaborn about 1922
MurdaughLou Cborn about 1892
MurdaughLouise born about 1903
MurdaughMaebell born about 1903
MurdaughMamie born about 1910
MurdaughMamie Eborn about 1879
MurdaughMartha Fborn about 1934
MurdaughMary Aborn about 1929
MurdaughMary Lborn about 1931
MurdaughMary Lborn about 1940
MurdaughMaude Bborn about 1897
MurdaughMelvin Pborn about 1906
MurdaughMinnie Jborn about 1867
MurdaughMyrtile born about 1920
MurdaughNeula born about 1885
MurdaughNita born about 1906
MurdaughNonnie born about 1924
MurdaughNonrie born about 1929
MurdaughOlen born about 1937
MurdaughOlie born about 1900
MurdaughOrene Eborn about 1913
MurdaughOreta born about 1929
MurdaughOsgood Dborn about 1872
MurdaughPalmer born about 1912
MurdaughPatsy born about 1938
MurdaughPaul born about 1926
MurdaughPearl born about 1914
MurdaughPearl born about 1930
MurdaughPurophy born about 1923
MurdaughRadulph born about 1921
MurdaughRolland born about 1936
MurdaughRonnie Kborn about 1930
MurdaughRoosevelt born about 1904
MurdaughRosevelt born about 1935
MurdaughRuby born about 1925
MurdaughRuth Aborn about 1884
MurdaughSamuel born about 1924
MurdaughSarah born about 1877
MurdaughSarah born about 1931
MurdaughSeabrook born about 1917
MurdaughSheldonia born about 1929
MurdaughSilliar born about 1880
MurdaughSuzan Mborn about 1873
MurdaughTheo born about 1929
MurdaughThomas Hborn about 1880
MurdaughVera born about 1923
MurdaughVernell born about 1923
MurdaughViola born about 1894
MurdaughVirlen born about 1926
MurdaughWilber born about 1932
MurdaughWilhelmina born about 1927
MurdaughWillard Lborn about 1937
MurdaughWinton Cborn about 1933
MurdaughWoodrow Wborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NettlesElla born about 1914
NettlesFarey Lborn about 1913
NeutonLouise Gborn about 1913
NewtonAdria born about 1921
NewtonBlanche born about 1924
NewtonCarrie born about 1893
NewtonEstenust born about 1910
NewtonZlnna born about 1922
NixonBeatrice born about 1931
NixonBeattie Rborn about 1937
NixonEdgar born about 1923
NixonEthel born about 1927
NixonHarrell born about 1932
NixonLoddie born about 1934
NixonMaude born about 1922
NixonNeta Rborn about 1903
NixonSidney born about 1925
NutlesAlbert born about 1921
NutlesEsdorn born about 1925
NutlesLillian born about 1932
NutlesLina born about 1901
NutlesMelvin born about 1888
NutlesWillis born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OatamsAnn born about 1877
OatamsIsaac born about 1870
OquinnAuston Pborn about 1915
OquinnMary born about 1917

P Surnames

PadgettAnnie Rborn about 1901
PadgettBell born about 1889
PadgettC Mborn about 1905
PadgettCatherine born about 1922
PadgettClyde born about 1923
PadgettDoney Eborn about 1912
PadgettEdith Pborn about 1924
PadgettHenry Rborn about 1878
PadgettJessie Dborn about 1897
PadgettJoyce born about 1934
PadgettJunior born about 1930
PadgettLacy Aborn about 1925
PadgettLee Hborn about 1888
PadgettLella Mborn about 1899
PadgettLeroy born about 1912
PadgettMaggie born about 1895
PadgettMary Cborn about 1910
PadgettMary Cborn about 1935
PadgettMary Eborn about 1934
PadgettMittie Rborn about 1887
PadgettMonie Lborn about 1915
PadgettMoye Jr born about 1933
PadgettNathaniel Jborn about 1923
PadgettOrdrie born about 1923
PadgettQuincy Mborn about 1883
PadgettRachell born about 1919
PadgettRalph born about 1924
PadgettRuffus born about 1915
PadgettSonnie born about 1906
PadgettVernon born about 1932
PadgettZelma Rborn about 1908
ParnellEurell Cborn about 1933
ParnellEwell Cborn about 1896
ParnellOttie Maeborn about 1903
ParnellSarah Mborn about 1935
ParrishBertha Mborn about 1903
ParrishDoyce Wborn about 1930
ParrishJames Tborn about 1892
ParsonEddie Lborn about 1932
ParsonEra born about 1897
ParsonFred Jr born about 1923
ParsonFred Sr born about 1898
ParsonJames Gborn about 1936
ParsonQuillie born about 1918
ParsonStella Vborn about 1924
ParsonThelma Bborn about 1930
PellumClaudia Pborn about 1881
PellumEdward Mborn about 1879
PellumJewel Lborn about 1915
PellumRosevelt born about 1921
PellumWasher Eborn about 1911
PenningtonBetty born about 1934
PenningtonEdward born about 1928
PenningtonEthell Mborn about 1902
PenningtonJewell born about 1937
PenningtonJuanita born about 1925
PenningtonN Ruthborn about 1931
PenningtonRoss born about 1895
PenningtonRoss Jr born about 1921
PernisAllen Tborn about 1911
PernisBernard Lborn about 1916
PernisCyril Rborn about 1928
PernisJanie Lborn about 1904
PernisPauline born about 1922
PernisRobert born about 1880
PernolAlma born about 1921
PernolClifton born about 1905
PernolCosie born about 1895
PernolEdward born about 1935
PernolEzekial Jborn about 1936
PernolEzekial Wborn about 1910
PernolHelen born about 1927
PernolHonnie born about 1930
PernolJessie born about 1875
PernolLennie Hborn about 1874
PernolLester born about 1932
PernolMattie born about 1889
PernolQuillie Lborn about 1880
PernolSoloman born about 1901
PernolVerdia Mborn about 1928
PernolWillie Dborn about 1938
PetersBetty Mborn about 1929
PetersEula born about 1920
PetersFurman Dborn about 1934
PetersHazel Mborn about 1919
PetersHenry Aborn about 1924
PetersLamar born about 1915
PetersLamar Rborn about 1937
PetersMerideth born about 1927
PetersOtis Aborn about 1938
PetersP Sborn about 1918
PetersRuby Mborn about 1895
PetersVirginia born about 1940
PladgettAdam born about 1910
PladgettEunice born about 1935
PladgettJunior born about 1934
PladgettOnnie Bborn about 1918
PladgettSadie Maeborn about 1937
PolkAlbert Bborn about 1898
PolkAlma Maeborn about 1930
PolkAngus Sborn about 1898
PolkBerchial Cborn about 1914
PolkBillie Dborn about 1937
PolkCarienn born about 1915
PolkCarl born about 1928
PolkCatherine Vborn about 1938
PolkClyde born about 1923
PolkCora Bborn about 1880
PolkDorothy born about 1932
PolkEdgar born about 1905
PolkEdith born about 1912
PolkEdna Gborn about 1902
PolkElla Gborn about 1873
PolkEmie born about 1914
PolkEunice Vborn about 1925
PolkFaber Mborn about 1929
PolkFrank Lborn about 1896
PolkFranklin born about 1927
PolkGordon born about 1930
PolkHarry born about 1908
PolkHarry born about 1936
PolkHattie Mborn about 1925
PolkHazel Mborn about 1926
PolkHeber born about 1908
PolkHenry Wborn about 1884
PolkHensley born about 1925
PolkJ Eborn about 1936
PolkJacquline born about 1938
PolkJasper Lborn about 1896
PolkJaunita Aborn about 1932
PolkJesse born about 1893
PolkJessie Lborn about 1929
PolkJohn Bborn about 1898
PolkLaura born about 1895
PolkLeroy Rborn about 1885
PolkLilly Jborn about 1906
PolkLotus Wborn about 1901
PolkLucy Hborn about 1930
PolkLucy Rborn about 1925
PolkLulla Lborn about 1899
PolkMarie Aborn about 1888
PolkMarshal Pborn about 1926
PolkMary born about 1932
PolkMary Fborn about 1894
PolkMary Pborn about 1874
PolkMattie Hborn about 1891
PolkMattie Sborn about 1898
PolkMiley born about 1926
PolkMinnie Mborn about 1901
PolkMiriam Rborn about 1933
PolkMyrtle born about 1928
PolkNetum Eborn about 1882
PolkNorman Lborn about 1935
PolkOdessa born about 1925
PolkOlivia Oborn about 1922
PolkOrna born about 1904
PolkPreston born about 1935
PolkReginald Mborn about 1933
PolkRether Cborn about 1910
PolkRobert Aborn about 1929
PolkThennis born about 1933
PolkThomas Eborn about 1893
PolkTravis Cborn about 1918
PolkWendal Cborn about 1922
PolkWendel Rborn about 1924
PolkWilliam Bborn about 1892
PolkWillie Wborn about 1883
PolkZola Mborn about 1915
PondsAnnie Vborn about 1900
PondsCharles Bborn about 1885
PondsElla Eborn about 1892
PondsEvelyn born about 1928
PondsHenry Bborn about 1895
PondsJoe Joeborn about 1935
PondsJosiah Gborn about 1890
PondsJosiah Pborn about 1855
PondsMinnie born about 1893
PondsMiriam born about 1926
PondsViolet Mborn about 1923
PondsWillis born about 1938
PopeAnna born about 1891
PopeBernice born about 1917
PopeMarion born about 1921
PopeMarion Jborn about 1891
PorcheaSpencer born about 1928
PriesterEstelle Wborn about 1897
PriesterJennie born about 1938
PriesterLouise born about 1932
PronoeJoe Fborn about 1875
PronoeRoza born about 1904
PurnisRobert born about 1914
PurnisRuth born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinWillie Tborn about 1895

R Surnames

RadishPeter born about 1880
RadishRay born about 1916
RadishSivere born about 1935
RahnBarbara Annborn about 1939
RahnEdith Maeborn about 1933
RahnIda Maeborn about 1884
RahnJessie Pborn about 1879
RahnMaggie Aborn about 1914
RahnMarion Lborn about 1914
RahnMyrtie Mborn about 1917
RahnRachel born about 1934
RahnRobert Hborn about 1912
RahnRobert Lborn about 1931
RahnRuby Lborn about 1936
RahnVernon born about 1937
RapusAnnie born about 1911
RapusElla Hborn about 1931
RapusErnestine born about 1936
RapusLee Arthurborn about 1910
RapusVermel born about 1938
RaymondDave born about 1892
RaymondGrover Cborn about 1896
RaymondJulius born about 1916
RaymondMary Magelineborn about 1937
RaymondSarah born about 1869
RaymondVera Georgianborn about 1922
RaymondVera Gruthrudeborn about 1939
RedishFilman born about 1914
RedishGeorge Annborn about 1919
RedishR Bborn about 1938
RedishRandoulph born about 1939
RentzBertha Cborn about 1890
RentzCecil Aborn about 1919
RentzFrancis born about 1928
RentzGenernieve born about 1917
RentzHornie born about 1912
RentzHoward born about 1930
RentzJim Lborn about 1865
RentzMarion Wborn about 1890
RentzMary Eborn about 1862
RiceClara born about 1890
RiceLewis born about 1870
RiceVirgile born about 1919
RiceWilber born about 1920
RichJohn Cborn about 1890
RichMary Dborn about 1891
RichersonDorthey born about 1933
RichersonEdna born about 1908
RichersonFay born about 1935
RichersonGladys born about 1907
RichersonJohn born about 1936
RichersonSanra Bborn about 1899
RilesAda born about 1880
RilesElean born about 1921
RilesEmma born about 1919
RilesLee Sborn about 1917
RilesRosa Leeborn about 1939
RilesSam born about 1910
RineJimmie Hborn about 1905
RineJohnnie Peeborn about 1915
RisherAnnie born about 1937
RisherAnnie Lborn about 1926
RisherCharlie born about 1870
RisherClarice born about 1886
RisherEdgell Lborn about 1921
RisherElizabeth born about 1919
RisherFrancis born about 1935
RisherGeorgie Leeborn about 1938
RisherMildred born about 1936
RisherMinnie Lborn about 1903
RisherTimothy Rborn about 1917
RitaJenny born about 1920
RitesEmeley born about 1926
RitesRobert born about 1921
RizerClefton Tborn about 1888
RizerG Gborn about 1880
RizerG G Jrborn about 1917
RizerI Nborn about 1926
RizerJulia Cborn about 1916
RizerMarie born about 1874
RizerMary Ruthborn about 1920
RizerMrs M Iborn about 1887
RizerOttielia born about 1918
RizerRoselle born about 1929
RizerThomas born about 1924
RoadIseral born about 1916
RoadRosallie born about 1917
RobersonCay Mborn about 1908
RobertsAlena born about 1892
RobertsBerry Wborn about 1892
RobertsHayman Wborn about 1924
RobertsLloyd born about 1921
RobertsMargie Jborn about 1926
RoyserHenry Rborn about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SamuelAlene born about 1927
SamuelEthell born about 1911
SamuelLouis born about 1911
SandersCasket born about 1919
SandersEdith Sborn about 1933
SandersJane born about 1914
SandersJanie Lborn about 1873
SandersLoyd born about 1915
SandersMannie Rborn about 1936
SandersMattie born about 1922
SandersVernie born about 1940
SauleAugustus born about 1912
SauleSaniar born about 1915
SauleV Wborn about 1906
SaulsAnna born about 1901
SaulsCharlie born about 1891
SaulsDavid born about 1938
SaulsFlorrie Mayborn about 1924
SaulsGenernieve born about 1937
SaulsGeorge Annborn about 1916
SaulsJ Cborn about 1911
SaulsJ Eborn about 1920
SaulsJunior born about 1932
SaulsMary Mborn about 1931
SaulsPete born about 1935
SaundersAlice born about 1932
SaundersCleo born about 1934
SaundersJames born about 1929
SaundersJohn born about 1910
SaundersLottie born about 1931
SaundersLottie Mayborn about 1934
SaundersLouise born about 1930
SaundersMartha born about 1915
ScottHattie born about 1932
ScottJohn born about 1922
ScottL Jborn about 1937
ScottLila born about 1930
ScottLilla born about 1900
ScottLoyal born about 1890
ScottRosevelt born about 1926
ScottSalina born about 1850
ScottTampa born about 1935
SeaseAnne Eborn about 1932
SeaseBlanch born about 1900
SeaseClaude born about 1897
SeaseFrank Pborn about 1867
SeaseHelen born about 1925
SeaseMary Tborn about 1928
SeaseMattie Jborn about 1872
SenethBernice born about 1916
SenethM Lborn about 1884
SeymoreAnnie born about 1900
SeymoreBenjaman born about 1923
SeymoreColhorn born about 1933
SeymoreDorris born about 1918
SeymoreHollie born about 1885
SeymoreJ Tborn about 1932
SeymoreOllie born about 1919
SeymorePatrick born about 1924
SeymoreRebecca born about 1928
SeymoreVirginia born about 1926
SeymoreWillard born about 1935
SimmonsJr born about 1922
SimmonsPhyllis Maeborn about 1934
SimmonsSadie born about 1925
SincathAlec Cborn about 1917
SincathLucille Rborn about 1922
SincathWillie Eborn about 1922
SineathAlma born about 1922
SineathAugusta Kborn about 1915
SineathBillie Eborn about 1926
SineathBlanch Rborn about 1935
SineathCharles born about 1892
SineathCharles Lborn about 1933
SineathDora Eborn about 1884
SineathEddie Fborn about 1904
SineathGeorge Hborn about 1906
SineathHarnie Jborn about 1918
SineathHaskell Pborn about 1881
SineathHaty Kborn about 1906
SineathJ Cborn about 1919
SineathJoe born about 1916
SineathJohn Jborn about 1888
SineathLelland born about 1910
SineathLou Sborn about 1871
SineathLouise Cborn about 1915
SineathMamie born about 1918
SineathMamie Aborn about 1893
SineathMaude Rborn about 1912
SineathMildred Mborn about 1922
SineathMollie born about 1884
SineathNollie born about 1915
SineathRobert Aborn about 1928
SineathRobert Wborn about 1885
SineathRoy born about 1916
SineathRuth born about 1919
SingletonMarie born about 1916
SingtonArchie born about 1922
SingtonEllison born about 1880
SingtonRosa born about 1894
SmithAnnie Lborn about 1911
SmithBen born about 1931
SmithDora born about 1934
SmithDora Maeborn about 1928
SmithElbridge Mborn about 1910
SmithErnest born about 1927
SmithFaith born about 1892
SmithFlorrie born about 1938
SmithFrancis Maeborn about 1935
SmithGassie born about 1907
SmithGeorge Wborn about 1892
SmithGeorge Jr born about 1920
SmithHettie born about 1915
SmithJ Bborn about 1919
SmithJack born about 1918
SmithJames Hborn about 1920
SmithJames V Jrborn about 1940
SmithKenneth Nborn about 1928
SmithLatson born about 1897
SmithLouise born about 1923
SmithLula born about 1901
SmithMcclleon born about 1932
SmithMinnie born about 1900
SmithQuince Pborn about 1901
SmithQuincey Eborn about 1926
SmithQuincey Lborn about 1901
SmithSammie Leeborn about 1919
SmithVernon born about 1911
SmithW Mborn about 1890
SmithWilken born about 1898
SmithWilliam born about 1921
SmithWillie Jr born about 1926
SmoakAbraham born about 1905
SmoakBenjiman born about 1920
SmoakDorothy born about 1932
SmoakEssie Bellborn about 1939
SmoakEthel born about 1914
SmoakGeorge Hborn about 1887
SmoakGrady born about 1919
SmoakJ Cborn about 1919
SmoakJane Sborn about 1880
SmoakJohn Tborn about 1922
SmoakLoyd born about 1935
SmoakMarshel born about 1938
SmoakMiriam born about 1920
SmoakRiddick born about 1933
SmoakSadie born about 1888
SmockC L Mrsborn about 1898
StanleyCarl born about 1908
StanleyCarline born about 1935
StanleyEmma Lborn about 1876
StanleyEmonley born about 1936
StanleyFrancis born about 1911
StanleyFrancis born about 1937
StanleyHelen born about 1939
StanleyJanie Bborn about 1905
StanleyJanie Jr born about 1933
StanleyJohn Lborn about 1906
StanleyJohn Wborn about 1894
StanleyMary Francisborn about 1927
StanleyMary Hborn about 1907
StanleyTiny Eborn about 1922
StephensBelford born about 1873
StephensBen born about 1917
StephensBen Fborn about 1918
StephensCharles Bborn about 1936
StephensCharlie born about 1914
StephensDan born about 1916
StephensDorothy born about 1937
StephensDorothy born about 1940
StephensEarl born about 1921
StephensEmmerson born about 1929
StephensFado born about 1926
StephensFranklin born about 1939
StephensHattie born about 1882
StephensHommer born about 1938
StephensIda born about 1864
StephensIda Maeborn about 1924
StephensIda Maeborn about 1932
StephensInez born about 1928
StephensIrene born about 1908
StephensJennie born about 1917
StephensJeremiah born about 1913
StephensKinlaw Jr born about 1933
StephensKinlow Sborn about 1885
StephensKlein Hborn about 1907
StephensMajor born about 1914
StephensMarie born about 1940
StephensMonnie born about 1916
StephensO Dborn about 1923
StephensOlen born about 1935
StephensPearl born about 1907
StephensPete born about 1933
StephensRebecca born about 1914
StephensRosie Leeborn about 1918
StephensRosser born about 1885
StephensRuthalee born about 1932
StephensSally Lborn about 1878
StephensSam born about 1920
StephensSampson born about 1934
StephensSey born about 1884
StephensShaffer born about 1913
StephensSimpson born about 1930
StephensSusie born about 1875
StephensThomas Jborn about 1939
StephensVaniette Pborn about 1931
StephensVirginia born about 1935
StephensWheeler born about 1879
StephensWillelmena born about 1910
StephusHay born about 1876
SteveVirgile Nborn about 1936
StoneBobby born about 1935
StoneDora born about 1904
StoneNewton born about 1933
StoneWiliam Aborn about 1906
StoneZelma born about 1938
StricklandHelen born about 1934
StricklandHomer Kborn about 1913
StricklandVivian born about 1915
SullivanAnnie Lizaborn about 1897
SullivanSam born about 1917
SullivanWilliam Gborn about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorAnna born about 1902
TaylorB Cborn about 1917
TaylorInfant born about 1939
TaylorJoe Tborn about 1892
TaylorMary born about 1927
TaylorRuby Nborn about 1921
ThomasAgnus Nborn about 1935
ThomasBernice born about 1922
ThomasCurtis Bborn about 1910
ThomasEass born about 1921
ThomasEdna Lborn about 1938
ThomasFlorrie Jborn about 1898
ThomasGidel born about 1911
ThomasH Mborn about 1894
ThomasHester Leeborn about 1910
ThomasJames Jborn about 1933
ThomasJaney born about 1936
ThomasJenett born about 1924
ThomasJunius Tborn about 1932
ThomasLeon born about 1914
ThomasMinnie born about 1897
ThomasSadie Lborn about 1930
ThompsonElise born about 1899
ThompsonHattie Jborn about 1918
ThompsonJack born about 1926
ThompsonKate Almaborn about 1938
ThompsonMamie Mrs born about 1890
ThompsonMargis born about 1924
ThompsonMarshal born about 1916
ThompsonR Bborn about 1902
ThompsonRachell born about 1911
ThompsonRalph Jr born about 1930
ThompsonRobert born about 1875
TidwellSonnie born about 1874
TidwellVerda Eborn about 1875
TrapherLaurance Sborn about 1869
TrapherSula born about 1878
TruesdellCarrie Bborn about 1918
TruesdellCarrie Lborn about 1935
TruesdellCarrie Mborn about 1937
TruesdellElvinia born about 1939
TruesdellLam born about 1913
TruluckEdna Mborn about 1904
TruluckTommie born about 1933
TurmanAlfred born about 1912
TurmanAlfred born about 1936
TurmanMary born about 1910
TurmanMaude born about 1932
TutenGrover C Jrborn about 1907
TutenHelen Mborn about 1911
TutenMary Hborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UlmerEffie born about 1890
UlmerGrace born about 1922
UlmerJohn Wborn about 1929
UlmerPearl born about 1912
UlmerW Pborn about 1886
UlmerW P Jrborn about 1931

V Surnames

VarnAda born about 1901
VarnAlbertha born about 1934
VarnAlfreda born about 1932
VarnBrantley born about 1903
VarnBulah born about 1910
VarnCallie born about 1932
VarnCinclair born about 1923
VarnClifford born about 1914
VarnD Mborn about 1864
VarnJ Cborn about 1897
VarnJannie born about 1880
VarnJennie born about 1873
VarnJoseph Wborn about 1869
VarnJr born about 1925
VarnMary Ellaborn about 1927
VarnR Cborn about 1874
VarnSusie Bellborn about 1926
VarnadoEdward born about 1919
VarnadoJulia born about 1923
VarnadoeElizabeth born about 1931
VarnadoeFrancis Wborn about 1911
VarnadoeFranklin born about 1933
VarnadoeLella born about 1913
VarnadoeMae born about 1924
VarnadoeMoubee born about 1918
VarnadoeRosa Leeborn about 1932
VarnadoeShirley Maeborn about 1936
VarnadoeStephen born about 1885
VarnedoeJack born about 1926
VarnedoeJames born about 1922
VarnedoeLiza Pborn about 1882
VarnedoeMiles Aborn about 1876
VarnodoeJames Mborn about 1864

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaldronBetty Jborn about 1936
WaldronBillie born about 1933
WaldronBrantley born about 1915
WaldronCharlie born about 1939
WaldronCharlie Fborn about 1872
WaldronDerman born about 1918
WaldronEmma born about 1891
WaldronEmma born about 1924
WaldronEmma Mborn about 1912
WaldronEthel born about 1918
WaldronEvelyn born about 1934
WaldronFlory Maeborn about 1915
WaldronGeorge Aborn about 1865
WaldronHarry born about 1903
WaldronJames Wborn about 1891
WaldronJoan born about 1937
WaldronJoe born about 1915
WaldronLela born about 1903
WaldronLourie Cborn about 1895
WaldronLugie born about 1927
WaldronMannie born about 1924
WaldronMargie born about 1935
WaldronMarie born about 1906
WaldronMartha Jborn about 1938
WaldronMartin born about 1925
WaldronMary Cborn about 1875
WaldronTrudie born about 1934
WaldronVilisha born about 1928
WaldronWilliam Hborn about 1910
WalkerAdie born about 1920
WalkerAllen born about 1928
WalkerAnna born about 1902
WalkerBessie born about 1925
WalkerCevie born about 1913
WalkerDesselee born about 1919
WalkerDozer born about 1900
WalkerErie born about 1922
WalkerHenry born about 1920
WalkerHildred born about 1880
WalkerJames born about 1891
WalkerJerome born about 1935
WalkerJerry born about 1923
WalkerMargie born about 1930
WalkerOdesa born about 1920
WalkerVera born about 1922
WalkerVera born about 1934
WalkerViola born about 1901
WallieBetty Ruthborn about 1940
WallieGeorge born about 1909
WallieWillie Maeborn about 1918
WallingCaspers Mborn about 1936
WallingElease born about 1911
WallingHettie born about 1928
WallingLaurie born about 1900
WallingLaurie Jr born about 1931
WallingMarshell born about 1933
WallingRobert Eborn about 1936
WallingShelery Jborn about 1936
WaltersAudry born about 1914
WaltersEvelyn born about 1933
WaltersLizzie born about 1874
WaltersMcmcclen born about 1904
WaltersMurry born about 1935
WaltersRalph born about 1940
WaltersRosa Ellaborn about 1930
WaltersRosevelt born about 1936
WaltersRuth born about 1911
WaltersRuth Mborn about 1935
WaltersVernell born about 1918
WarrenAgnes born about 1893
WarrenCarrie born about 1925
WarrenCharlie born about 1914
WarrenDonnie born about 1911
WarrenEarthleen born about 1935
WarrenEffie Ruthborn about 1917
WarrenEster Lborn about 1929
WarrenEugana born about 1923
WarrenF Wborn about 1891
WarrenHayward born about 1912
WarrenMary born about 1927
WarrenRozzie born about 1909
WarrenSarah Jborn about 1939
WashingtonJohn born about 1928
WatsonCora born about 1902
WatsonMartha born about 1906
WayE Bborn about 1874
WayGertrude born about 1878
WhiteJerone born about 1926
WhiteOla Cborn about 1882
WhiteRosco born about 1922
WhiteSue Carryborn about 1931
WigginsBob born about 1900
WigginsDollie Bborn about 1934
WigginsErline born about 1905
WigginsIda born about 1916
WigginsJohn Lborn about 1914
WigginsLouise born about 1936
WigginsPeoples born about 1870
WigginsRchard Lborn about 1935
WigginsReyman born about 1926
WigginsRobert born about 1928
WigginsSallie born about 1843
WigginsSusie born about 1881
WigginsWilfred born about 1939
WilliamsAlberta born about 1929
WilliamsAlice Mborn about 1925
WilliamsAlice Sborn about 1874
WilliamsAmarzeen born about 1923
WilliamsBartha born about 1927
WilliamsBenjamin born about 1927
WilliamsBertha born about 1897
WilliamsBuran born about 1911
WilliamsBurnard born about 1924
WilliamsCarey born about 1886
WilliamsCarl born about 1930
WilliamsCeliste born about 1922
WilliamsCleo born about 1926
WilliamsCleveland born about 1904
WilliamsClinton born about 1935
WilliamsCluddie born about 1928
WilliamsConnie born about 1939
WilliamsDottie Mayborn about 1916
WilliamsEddie born about 1903
WilliamsEliza Jborn about 1871
WilliamsElizabeth born about 1932
WilliamsElla born about 1906
WilliamsElla Maeborn about 1925
WilliamsEllnora born about 1923
WilliamsElridge Jborn about 1927
WilliamsEsdorne born about 1935
WilliamsEsther born about 1933
WilliamsEthel born about 1916
WilliamsEthell Leeborn about 1937
WilliamsEugene born about 1932
WilliamsEunice born about 1913
WilliamsEva Jborn about 1907
WilliamsFrance born about 1939
WilliamsFrank born about 1916
WilliamsFrank born about 1928
WilliamsHarnie born about 1902
WilliamsHarry born about 1934
WilliamsHarvey born about 1924
WilliamsHattie Rborn about 1889
WilliamsHelen born about 1930
WilliamsHelen Hborn about 1934
WilliamsHenry born about 1880
WilliamsHessie born about 1900
WilliamsHesther born about 1935
WilliamsHezekiah born about 1920
WilliamsHolland born about 1927
WilliamsHurbert Lborn about 1928
WilliamsIda Mayborn about 1888
WilliamsInez born about 1917
WilliamsJames born about 1919
WilliamsJames born about 1921
WilliamsJames born about 1932
WilliamsJennie born about 1930
WilliamsJoe Fborn about 1922
WilliamsJohn Fborn about 1926
WilliamsJohn Sr born about 1895
WilliamsJonnie Lueborn about 1934
WilliamsJosiah born about 1893
WilliamsJuanita born about 1920
WilliamsJulia born about 1884
WilliamsJunior born about 1931
WilliamsLeon born about 1937
WilliamsLeroy born about 1927
WilliamsLillian born about 1939
WilliamsLillie born about 1905
WilliamsLonnie born about 1910
WilliamsLoyde born about 1917
WilliamsLula Maeborn about 1933
WilliamsMarie born about 1918
WilliamsMartha born about 1926
WilliamsMary born about 1919
WilliamsMary born about 1926
WilliamsMckinley born about 1927
WilliamsMedicus born about 1915
WilliamsMinnie born about 1901
WilliamsMonique born about 1920
WilliamsMutrie born about 1923
WilliamsNasha Wborn about 1924
WilliamsNettie born about 1890
WilliamsNettie born about 1935
WilliamsNettie Wborn about 1866
WilliamsOdell born about 1933
WilliamsOnix born about 1929
WilliamsOtis born about 1892
WilliamsPalmer born about 1934
WilliamsPat born about 1937
WilliamsPearl born about 1913
WilliamsPennie born about 1910
WilliamsPrline born about
WilliamsRosa Leeborn about 1935
WilliamsRosa Leeborn about 1937
WilliamsSam born about 1920
WilliamsVandser Eborn about 1907
WilliamsW Eborn about 1937
WilliamsWatson born about 1932
WilliamsWilfred born about 1929
WilliamsWillie born about 1936
WilliamsWinford born about 1931
WilsonAnna Bellborn about 1940
WilsonDaisy Maeborn about 1936
WilsonDavid born about 1926
WilsonJ Ruthborn about 1937
WilsonJennett born about 1924
WilsonJennie Lborn about 1932
WilsonLuther born about 1928
WilsonMary Doseborn about 1934
WilsonMinnie Lborn about 1931
WilsonNorman born about 1900
WilsonRebecca born about 1905
WilsonSisroe born about 1921
WindhamAllen born about 1924
WindhamEster born about 1927
WindhamLena born about 1904
WindhamMose born about 1895
WrightTimothy born about 1930
WymonAngus born about 1910
WymonSula born about 1880
WymonWillie born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesD Rborn about 1894
YatesEssie Coneborn about 1902
YatesJacquelyn born about 1927
YoungAtha Lee Mborn about 1906
YoungBeverly born about 1933
YoungHarold born about 1908
YoungJustine born about 1914
YoungO Lborn about 1904
YoungbloodCora born about 1926
YoungbloodFrankie born about 1939
YoungbloodMary Leeborn about 1920
YoungbloodNora born about 1898
YoungbloodWillie born about 1870
YoungbloodWillie Eliaborn about 1918
YoungbloodZola born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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