1940 U.S. Federal Census of Drake, Marlboro, South Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Carolina > Marlboro County > 1940 Census of Drake

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsCharles Lborn about 1937
AdamsFred Bborn about 1937
AdamsLeanna born about 1935
AdamsLiela born about 1900
AdamsLucille born about 1936
AdamsMarshal Leeborn about 1935
AdamsOllie Vborn about 1912
AdamsPaul born about 1933
AdamsQueenie born about 1923
AdamsRobert born about 1940
AdamsSallie Maeborn about 1931
AdamsWill born about 1890
AdamsWilliam born about 1909
AdamsWillie Maeborn about 1932
AdamsWillie Jr born about 1929
AlfordBelton born about 1937
AlfordCarrie Bellborn about 1908
AlfordCliff born about 1928
AlfordCorrie Maeborn about 1939
AlfordEssie Nellieborn about 1923
AlfordHenry born about 1874
AlfordJames born about 1926
AlfordLe Roy born about 1927
AlfordLucy born about 1935
AlfordMary born about 1886
AlfordMary born about 1931
AlfordPerry born about 1925
AlfordSusan Annaborn about 1933
AlfordWillie Bellborn about 1924
AlfordWillie Jr born about 1940
AustinBritt born about 1923
AustinJohn born about 1895
AustinRachael born about 1902

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B Surnames

BaileyBen born about 1930
BaileyClyde born about 1932
BaileyErnest born about 1934
BaileyGordon born about 1926
BaileyHarrey born about 1938
BaileyJunius born about 1939
BaileyR Cborn about 1928
BaileyRobert born about 1936
BetheaHattie Leeborn about 1918
BetheaJames born about 1918
BetheaLula Maeborn about 1937
BradfordJames born about 1924
BridgesBookette born about 1900
BrighnanBen Fborn about 1872
BrighnanEtta born about 1881
BrownArthur Leeborn about 1937
BrownEtta Maeborn about 1915
BrownFannie born about 1893
BrownHarrison born about 1898
BrownHarry born about 1919
BrownLillie Bellborn about 1934
BrownNaham born about 1932
BrownSam born about 1914
BrownSamuel born about 1932
BrownSara born about 1916
ByrdBoyd born about 1922
ByrdCarl born about 1925
ByrdCarolyn born about 1934
ByrdCarrie born about 1884
ByrdMildred born about 1936
ByrdSam Jr born about 1927
ByrdW Samborn about 1880

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C Surnames

CaulkLois born about 1924
CaulkMarjorie born about 1921
CaulkPeter born about 1870
CaulkPeter Jr born about 1923
ClarkClayde born about 1916
ClarkErnest born about 1907
ClarkMyrtle Dborn about 1912
ClarkeAaron born about 1936
ClarkeArden born about 1929
ClarkeEvans born about 1926
ClarkeFannie born about 1907
ClarkeFred Aborn about 1903
ClarkeNeville born about 1934

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D Surnames

DrakeCorrie born about 1891
DrakeLula born about 1931
DrakeWilliam born about 1925
DrakeZachariah Aborn about 1880
DriggersEarleen born about 1926
DriggersEdward born about 1931
DriggersHubert born about 1935
DriggersJ Pborn about 1934
DriggersMatthew born about 1887
DriggersRobert born about 1928

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F Surnames

FaulkVal Jborn about 1902
FergersonKatie born about 1904
FordBessie born about 1893
FordColumbus born about 1880
ForeBessie born about 1913
ForeClara Leeborn about 1936
ForeMaybelle born about 1938
ForePrentice born about 1912
ForePrentice Jr born about 1939
ForeWillie Leeborn about 1932
FurbyOla born about 1931
FurbySusie born about 1915

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G Surnames

GarnerEdith born about 1884
GrangerAleise born about 1926
GrangerFloride born about 1923

H Surnames

HarleeJohn born about 1927
HarleeLe Roy born about 1931
HarleeMartha born about 1879
HarleeMaybelle born about 1910
HarleeVirginia born about 1914
HayesAlise born about 1930
HayesCarrie Leeborn about 1921
HayesKenneth born about 1924
HayesNick born about 1898
HayesNora born about 1879
HayesW Cborn about 1933
HollidayFlorene born about 1900
HollidayHenry born about 1930
HollidayLaurence born about 1894
HollidayNathainel born about 1931
HollidayNorene born about 1935
HollidayOra Bellborn about 1926
HollidayOra Leeborn about 1933
HollidayRosa born about 1925
HollidaySimon born about 1928
HyattHart born about 1895
HyattLillie born about 1885
HyattOrrie Janeborn about 1859

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I Surnames

IveyBessie born about 1927
IveyBrandford born about 1936
IveyCharlie born about 1933
IveyEdward Juniorborn about 1930
IveyHazel born about 1924

J Surnames

JamesCurtis born about 1939
JeffersonDie born about 1872
JeffersonJefry born about 1884
JenkinsDarrie Leeborn about 1931
JenkinsDorothy Maeborn about 1935
JenkinsHattie born about 1901
JenkinsHattie Maeborn about 1932
JenkinsJane Leeborn about 1938
JenkinsLeona born about 1923
JenkinsMary Elizaborn about 1927
JenkinsNelly Mayborn about 1937
JenkinsPete born about 1897
JenkinsPete Jr born about 1925
JenkinsRachael Janeborn about 1937
JenkinsRay Lonnieborn about 1927
JohnsonArch born about 1896
JoseyElla born about 1897
JoseyIssac born about 1896
JoseyWillie Leeborn about 1933

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M Surnames

MartinAnnie Maeborn about 1926
MartinArneta born about 1939
MartinClifton born about 1935
MartinDella born about 1908
MartinEdward born about 1934
MartinLe Verne born about 1936
MartinLige born about 1912
MartinRenie born about 1886
McDowellAnnie Maeborn about 1883
McDowellArchie born about 1926
McDowellHollis born about 1923
McDowellRoy born about 1925
McIverMandy born about 1905
McIverNeil born about 1902
McIverSallie born about 1908
McLeeGeorge born about 1900
McLeeHattie born about 1912
McLeeMary Lillyborn about 1927
McLeeWillie Jr born about 1931
MedlinAnna Liza Pborn about 1854
MeggsHenry born about 1916
MeggsHubert born about 1939
MeggsMertie Pborn about 1918
MillsG Cborn about 1873
MillsNora born about 1875
MonahanHattie born about 1908
MonahanJulia born about 1935
MonahanJulius born about 1910
MonahanKatherleen born about 1934
MonahanMargaret born about 1936
MonahanNeoma born about 1938
MosbyJames born about 1924
MosbyLucy Janeborn about 1892
MosbyMaggie born about 1925
MosbyScott born about 1882

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P Surnames

PattersonRose born about 1903
PearsonClarence born about 1935
PearsonJohnnie born about 1925
PeterkinBertha born about 1915
PeterkinJ Hborn about 1894
PoseyMartha Ellen Cborn about 1906
PoseyRobert Mborn about 1892
ProctorHugh born about 1908
ProctorMary Elizabethborn about 1924
ProctorNettie born about 1897

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R Surnames

RobitePeter born about 1868
RobiteSallie born about 1887
RouseDoris Elmaborn about 1940
RouseLizzie born about 1919

S Surnames

ScottAnnie Cborn about 1913
ScottCharles Pborn about 1909
ScottMargaret Annborn about 1939
SmallEliza born about 1910
SmallElizabeth born about 1929
SmallErnest born about 1923
SmallJames born about 1927
SmallJoe born about 1891
SmallJohn Royborn about 1926
SmallJosephine born about 1927
SmallMabel born about 1920
SmallMary Francesborn about 1934
SmallNina born about 1914
SmallSandy born about 1910
SmallSara born about 1924
SmallTonnie Janeborn about 1905
StevensMary born about 1900

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T Surnames

TaylorFred born about 1922
TlimAlberta born about 1923
TownsendRena born about 1922

W Surnames

WallaceMinnie born about 1885
WallaceNina born about 1922
WallaceTravis born about 1921
WatsonAnsel born about 1935
WatsonBettie born about 1936
WatsonCarrie Leeborn about 1938
WatsonLucy Janeborn about 1911
WatsonRufus born about 1910
WildsGeorge Jr born about 1932
WildsRobert born about 1939
WilliamsGeorge Rborn about 1930
WilliamsJamie born about 1933
WilliamsJessie born about 1931
WilliamsLeon born about 1935
WilliamsNettie born about 1905
WilliamsRavenell born about 1905
WillisJohn Wesleyborn about 1934

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