1940 U.S. Federal Census of Eau Claire, Richland, South Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Carolina > Richland County > 1940 Census of Eau Claire

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbrahamsonGunter born about 1902
AbrahamsonRoberta born about 1902
AdamsVidessa born about 1916
AddyCarroll born about 1902
AddyEloise born about 1908
AddyJane born about 1935
AikenElla born about 1895
AikenLula born about 1895
AikenMattie born about 1863
AikenWilliam born about 1888
AlcornCarolyn born about 1931
AlcornJessie born about 1893
AlcornLloyd born about 1934
AlcornMary born about 1925
AlcornMaurice born about 1893
AlcornMaurice Jr born about 1926
AllenAddie born about 1898
AllenCorrrie born about 1873
AllenDorothy born about 1925
AllenJesse born about 1879
AncellRobert born about 1913
AndersonLessie born about 1886
AndrewsAnnie born about 1883
AndrewsEber born about 1885
AndrewsJudy born about
AndrewsJulia born about 1875
AndrewsMadelyn born about 1911
AndrewsRebecca born about 1935
AndrewsWillie born about 1908
AriailAnna Margaretborn about 1928
AriailBelva born about 1904
AriailJames Mborn about 1884
AriailThomas born about 1919
ArialAnnie born about 1895
ArndtAnnie born about 1884
ArndtCharles born about 1884
ArndtFred born about 1916
ArndtLouise born about 1855
ArndtLula born about 1881
ArndtRobert born about 1921
AshleyErnest born about 1896
AshleyErnest Jr born about 1925
AshleyKenneth born about 1929
AshleyMissouri born about 1926
AshleyNonie born about 1892
AshleyPaul born about 1936
AskinCarolyn born about 1895
AskinGene born about 1932
AskinGeorge born about 1918
AskinJohn born about 1887
AskinLufsey born about 1922
AskinMary Francesborn about 1924
AskinRobert born about 1926
AttawayAnnie born about 1910
AullRowena born about 1918
AullaEdna born about 1912
AullaJames Lborn about 1892
AullaMyrna born about 1939
AxonHerbert born about 1935
AxsonElla born about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyKizzie born about 1888
BaileyRufus born about 1884
BalinBessie born about 1900
BalinErnest born about 1900
BallardJanie born about 1900
BallardLouis born about 1905
BallengerGilbert born about 1931
BallengerJo Ann born about 1928
BallengerJohn Trallborn about 1933
BallengerMargaret born about 1905
BallengerMargaret born about 1930
BarberMay born about 1887
BarfieldBurline born about 1928
BarfieldBurrell born about 1888
BarfieldFrances born about 1909
BarfieldGeorge born about 1907
BarfieldGeorge Wborn about 1934
BarfieldHarold born about 1923
BarfieldLula born about 1890
BarkerRay born about 1914
BarnardFrances born about 1895
BarnardJefferson born about 1884
BassMaude born about 1872
BassRobert born about 1874
BauerBetty Janeborn about 1920
BauerEarl born about 1908
BauerMayme born about 1906
BauerRamona born about 1932
BaughmanBeverly born about 1936
BaughmanBilly born about 1935
BaughmanEugene born about 1930
BaughmanHarman born about 1903
BaughmanOra Leeborn about 1916
BeachemBessie born about 1890
BeachemClifton born about 1927
BeachemHenrietta born about 1909
BeachemJohn born about 1890
BeachemWilliam born about 1919
BealLillian born about 1885
BeallLaura born about 1874
BeallMary born about 1911
BeanEarle born about 1930
BeardElizabeth born about 1872
BeardTom born about 1871
BeiselGeorge born about 1878
BeiselGeorge Jr born about 1927
BeiselMinnie born about 1899
BenchoffHenry born about 1916
BenchoffRuby born about 1919
BennetEthel Mayborn about 1931
BennetJohn born about 1887
BennetMattie born about 1905
BerfootBelle born about 1886
BerfootBertie born about 1887
BerfootCharles born about 1879
BinleyElizabeth born about 1904
BinleyJames born about 1891
BlackBessie born about 1871
BlackElizabeth born about 1938
BlackLettie born about 1903
BlackSarah born about 1902
BlackWalker born about 1904
BlackburnBessie born about 1886
BlackburnCharles born about 1930
BlackburnEmmie born about 1892
BlackburnFrank born about 1914
BlackburnMary born about 1916
BlackburnSydney born about 1887
BlackburnSydney Jborn about 1926
BlainIva born about 1902
BlainJoe born about 1896
BlalockAlice born about 1873
BlalockJohn born about 1916
BlalockRuth born about 1913
BlazeJosephine born about 1889
BlazeLewis born about 1881
BlazeLewis Jr born about 1908
BlazeLouis 3rd born about 1937
BlazeRobert born about 1934
BlazeVivian born about 1912
BleaseMinnie born about 1901
BleaseThomas born about 1885
BlizaradElla born about 1893
BlizaradFairy born about 1924
BlizaradFrances born about 1927
BlizaradPearl born about 1922
BlizaradRobert born about 1912
BlizaradRobert Jr born about 1918
BlockerGeraldine born about 1913
BlockerJacob born about 1910
BlockerJacob Jr born about 1930
BlockerJessie born about 1934
BlockerYvonne born about 1939
BodieArmand born about 1924
BodieBen born about 1895
BodieFrancis born about 1900
BodiePaul born about 1933
BodieSally born about 1893
BolandAnna born about 1883
BolandGeorge born about 1876
BolesBetty born about 1937
BolesCulson born about 1906
BolesGlenda born about 1933
BolesJasper born about 1929
BolesLaura born about 1909
BolesNancy born about 1931
BondFrances born about 1929
BondLeonard born about 1924
BondLindsay born about 1904
BondLossie Mayborn about 1906
BondMoris born about 1937
BoneyAlice born about 1885
BoneyBrooks born about 1922
BoneyDorothy born about 1910
BoneyDurham born about 1880
BoneyJane born about 1920
BoneyJohn born about 1919
BonknightCaroll born about 1930
BonknightClyde born about 1922
BonknightDella born about 1898
BonknightDwight born about 1935
BonknightEleanor born about 1937
BonknightErby born about 1924
BonknightHerman born about 1932
BonknightJoe born about 1897
BonknightLindberg born about 1928
BonknightVernetta born about 1926
BookerSally born about 1881
BookertBessie born about 1918
BookterDorothy born about 1919
BoozerAnne born about 1932
BoozerBertha born about
BoozerCharles born about 1919
BoozerEdward born about
BoozerEverette born about 1909
BoozerEverette born about 1938
BoozerGeorge born about 1905
BoozerGerald born about 1918
BoozerJames born about
BoozerJames born about 1893
BoozerJames Jr born about 1922
BoozerLaura born about 1922
BoozerMiriam born about 1928
BoozerThomas born about 1924
BoozerVelma born about 1897
BoozerVirginia born about 1919
BoulwareAlda born about 1877
BoulwareIrene born about 1917
BoulwareJohn born about 1929
BoulwareMary born about 1914
BoulwareSally born about 1898
BowmanCarlton born about 1910
BowmanCarlton Jr born about 1935
BowmanHazel born about 1916
BowmanS H Marieborn about 1940
BowmanThomas born about 1938
BowserAnne born about
BowserBillie born about 1935
BowserJuanita born about 1909
BowserWilliam born about 1909
BowserWilliam Aborn about
BozemanClara born about 1891
BozemanHelen born about 1927
BozemanJohn born about 1886
BozemanJohn Wborn about 1911
BozemanLeon born about 1918
BozemanMarion born about 1929
BozemanMerle born about 1920
BrabhamLillian born about 1884
BradfordAlbert born about 1904
BradfordAlbert Jr born about 1938
BradfordNellie born about 1908
BranhamAlvin born about 1911
BranhamBetty born about 1934
BranhamBeulah born about 1914
BranhamBilly born about 1936
BranhamBoykin born about 1908
BranhamEvelyn born about 1913
BranhamFred born about 1918
BranhamGaynelle born about 1921
BranhamGloria born about 1937
BranhamJames born about 1939
BranhamLewis born about 1938
BranhamLilla born about 1922
BranhamLuther born about 1906
BranhamSallie born about 1907
BranhamSydney born about 1915
BrawleyBarbara born about 1933
BrawleyBen born about 1913
BrawleyBen Jr born about 1937
BrawleyNora born about 1914
BrazelBirg born about 1900
BrazelColie born about 1932
BrazelHarvey born about 1937
BrazelLaura born about 1909
BrazelLeona born about 1930
BrazelMose born about 1923
BrazelNora born about 1909
BrazelPearl born about 1933
BrazelVera born about 1932
BrazelVernon born about 1909
BrazelWillis born about 1928
BrazellCora born about 1911
BrazellJesse born about 1911
BrelandBetty born about 1910
BrennanAlmeda born about 1931
BrennanErnest born about 1926
BrennanHoward born about 1921
BrennanJohnny born about 1932
BrewerMinnie born about 1909
BrewerRaymond born about 1905
BriceAlma born about 1924
BriceCharles born about 1917
BriceMary born about 1887
BriceWilson born about 1882
BrightFrances born about 1919
BrightOrville born about 1918
BrigmanHattie born about 1868
BroadwayGrace born about 1914
BrokstonAnnie born about 1890
BrokstonHelen born about 1919
BrokstonKennedy Jr born about 1912
BrokstonKennidy born about 1890
BrokstonThomas born about 1937
BrooksClara born about 1911
BrooksClaudia born about 1923
BrooksCleo born about 1904
BrooksHenrietta born about 1892
BrooksJohn born about 1905
BrooksJohnnie born about 1935
BrooksLarry born about 1936
BrooksSandra Fayborn about 1938
BrooksWilhemina born about 1921
BroomeAnn Louiseborn about 1930
BroomeCauthen Dborn about 1912
BroomeEdith born about 1914
BroomeGwendolyn born about 1916
BroomeJune born about 1937
BroomeLaye born about 1939
BroomeMarjorie born about 1936
BroomeMary born about 1909
BroomeMorris born about 1911
BroomeWilliam born about 1935
BroomeWilliam Dborn about 1909
BrothersEarl born about 1906
BrothersSybil born about 1907
BrownBetty born about 1929
BrownBingham born about 1916
BrownBlanch born about 1904
BrownBrooks born about 1904
BrownBurks Jr born about 1936
BrownElnora born about 1895
BrownGertrude born about 1901
BrownGrace born about 1866
BrownHarriet born about 1933
BrownHarry born about 1900
BrownJim born about 1895
BrownMabel born about 1897
BrownMabel Claireborn about 1922
BrownMagdalen born about 1910
BrownMarie born about 1930
BrownRobert born about 1880
BrownWestley born about 1893
BrownWilliam born about 1863
BrowningJudson born about 1908
BrowningJudy born about 1931
BrowningJulia born about 1910
BrowningLaura born about 1916
BrowningRichard born about 1906
BrunsonBessie born about 1897
BrunsonFrances born about 1914
BrunsonJames born about 1924
BrunsonJohn born about 1877
BrunsonJohn Jr born about 1908
BrunsonJulius born about 1908
BrunsonKatherine born about 1911
BrunsonKatherine born about 1930
BrunsonLindsay born about 1933
BrunsonMarvin born about 1939
BrunsonRalph born about 1938
BuffBilly born about 1926
BuffBobby born about 1930
BuffFrances born about 1923
BuffJune born about 1931
BuffLovella born about 1902
BuffMary Louborn about 1935
BuffMildred born about 1924
BuffSally born about 1928
BuffTom born about 1898
BullardFay born about 1918
BullardThomas born about 1916
BurkettGlen born about 1914
BurkettHarry Tborn about 1923
BurkettJames born about 1899
BurkettJames Lborn about 1921
BurkettMabel born about 1899
BurkettNellie born about 1917
BurksGeorge born about 1918
BurksGeorge Jr born about 1940
BurksLavern born about 1918
BurroughsBessie born about 1879
BurtKatherine born about 1911
BurtOliver born about 1903
ButlerEdgar born about 1877
ButlerElizabith born about 1885
ButlerFrances born about 1918
ButlerHerman born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldwellGilbert born about 1903
CaldwellGrogia born about 1931
CaldwellSarah born about 1901
CallowayGrace born about 1890
CallowayJohn born about 1885
CallowayNorma born about 1927
CameronNillia born about 1868
CannonAlice born about 1877
CannonCarolyn born about 1917
CannonDan born about 1892
CannonDavid born about 1873
CannonEarl born about 1884
CannonElla born about 1876
CannonEmma born about 1881
CannonFred born about 1923
CannonGrace born about 1926
CannonJames Eborn about 1876
CannonJessie born about 1894
CannonJessie Maryborn about 1934
CannonJudson born about 1924
CannonKatherine born about 1918
CannonLee born about 1901
CannonMargaret born about 1919
CannonMartha born about 1919
CannonMary born about 1889
CannonMary born about 1911
CannonMay born about 1891
CannonThomas born about 1921
CannonWalter born about 1921
CarrollAnnie born about 1864
CarrollArthur born about 1888
CarrollTed born about 1926
CarrollThomas born about 1891
CarterAlice born about 1874
CarterBilly born about 1926
CarterD born about 1910
CarterElliot born about 1927
CarterGertrude born about 1901
CarterHelen born about 1905
CarterJulian born about 1931
CarterKatherine born about 1933
CarterPaul born about 1929
CarterRobert born about 1935
CarterUlysses born about 1908
CarterWilliam born about 1902
CatheyBetty born about 1923
CatheyBilly born about 1925
CatheyCharles born about 1927
CatheyMary born about 1897
CatheyTracy born about 1892
CaushlyLeona born about 1894
CaushlyMay born about 1871
CauthernCharles born about 1898
CauthernCharles Jr born about 1932
CauthernLela born about 1870
CauthernMattie born about 1871
CauthernRachel born about 1898
CauthernSarah Mborn about 1925
CawthenDelores born about 1910
CawthenHenry Jborn about 1932
CawthenJohn born about 1907
CawthenJohn Vborn about 1929
ChaneyJoan born about 1938
ChaneyMary born about 1916
ChaneyMoran born about 1915
ChaplinMyrtis born about 1921
ChilesPaul Fosterborn about 1938
ChilesRuth born about 1915
ChilesWalter born about 1907
ChilesWalter Jr born about 1935
ChilwoodEula born about 1898
ChilwoodLewis born about 1898
ChilwoodRobert born about 1931
ChristiePhyllis born about
ChristiePolly born about 1919
ChristieRobert born about 1939
ChuslieRobert born about 1914
ClarkAnn Johnborn about 1930
ClarkDonald born about 1934
ClarkEarl born about 1875
ClarkJames born about 1867
ClarkJohn born about 1902
ClarkRosalyn born about 1934
ClarkRuby born about 1906
CleggBessie born about 1884
CleggHerbert born about 1915
CleggMargaret born about 1917
CleggNell born about 1939
CleggRay born about 1912
CleggRobert born about 1922
CleggRufus born about 1883
CleggTudora born about 1914
ClementsEssie born about 1889
ClementsFrank born about 1890
ClementsMary Essieborn about 1926
ClevelandHarriet born about 1903
ClevelandJane born about 1867
ClevelandMary born about 1896
ClineLeatha born about 1898
ClineRobert born about 1898
ClineRobert Jr born about 1923
CloydBarbara born about 1931
CloydCynthia born about 1934
CloydJames born about 1892
CloydKatherine born about 1893
ClyburnJason born about 1904
ClyburnJesse born about 1900
ClyburnMargaret born about 1904
ClyburnMyrtle born about 1924
ClyburnSarah born about 1937
ColemanGrace born about 1896
ColemanRay born about 1892
ComptonJames born about 1885
ComptonJames Jr born about 1920
ComptonSusan born about 1884
CooperAurelia born about 1905
CooperEdgar born about 1887
CooperEdgar born about 1923
CooperEthel born about 1921
CooperEunice born about 1882
CooperMargaret born about 1920
CooperSarah born about 1923
CooperThomas born about 1880
CooperVera born about 1888
CooperW B Jrborn about 1920
CopeHazel born about 1921
CopeJack born about 1919
CopeJames Aborn about 1890
CopePearl born about 1894
CorbinJames born about 1897
CorbinJames Jr born about 1927
CorbinMartha born about 1901
CostinMrs Bert born about 1879
CouchCharles born about 1890
CouchEdith born about 1889
CouchMay born about 1928
CountsAlma born about 1879
CountsEd born about 1880
CountsEvelyn born about 1923
CountsJanie born about 1886
CountsJohnnie born about 1926
CountsLillie Belleborn about 1926
CountsRufus born about 1876
CowetteJoanne born about 1861
CoxJanie born about 1880
CoxeEleanor born about 1919
CoxeEmma born about
CoxeHarwood born about 1935
CroomAlbert born about 1874
CroomBarbara born about 1931
CroomMary born about 1875
CroomRobert born about 1907
CroomSelbert born about 1905
CulpRuth born about 1914
CulpWayne born about 1913
CulpWayne Lborn about 1938
CurrieKatherine born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanielDorothy born about 1932
DanielHerman born about 1887
DanielHerman Wborn about 1931
DanielLela born about 1901
DanielRonetta born about 1862
DanielWilliam born about 1940
DarbyDorothy born about 1925
DarbyLawson born about 1920
DarbyMalcom born about 1900
DarbyMyrtle born about 1906
DavisAlice born about 1924
DavisBelle born about 1918
DavisBetty born about 1939
DavisBetty Janeborn about
DavisCarolyn born about 1939
DavisCharles born about 1915
DavisCharlie born about 1927
DavisDale born about 1931
DavisDan born about 1895
DavisDaniel born about 1916
DavisElizabeth born about 1919
DavisEugene born about 1926
DavisEverette born about 1874
DavisGardner born about 1911
DavisGeorge born about 1910
DavisGladys born about 1910
DavisGloria born about
DavisGrover born about 1921
DavisIda born about 1903
DavisJames born about 1927
DavisJane born about 1921
DavisJuanita born about 1919
DavisKate born about 1895
DavisKatherine born about 1936
DavisLarry born about 1935
DavisMary born about 1908
DavisMary born about 1933
DavisMelvin born about 1928
DavisMinnie born about 1901
DavisNan born about 1936
DavisOlin born about 1937
DavisOsburn born about 1925
DavisPreston born about 1921
DavisRena born about 1912
DavisRosher Dborn about 1890
DavisRosher Wborn about 1918
DavisRuby born about 1919
DavisSarah born about 1881
DavisSarah Mayborn about 1929
DavisViola born about 1881
DavisWalter born about 1936
DavisWilson born about 1896
DehiknoDarcus born about 1922
DehiknoGibbs born about 1908
DehiknoJoseph born about 1934
DehiknoLee born about 1896
DehiknoLee Jr born about 1918
DehiknoLoree born about 1896
DehiknoMary born about 1877
DelaneyJames born about 1917
DelaneyLestine born about 1920
DelaneyLillie Mayborn about 1939
DelkLenora born about 1912
DennisEarl born about 1911
DennisJimmelle born about 1916
DennisJohn born about 1935
DennistonArgent born about 1939
DennistonCharles born about 1901
DennistonCharles Eborn about 1869
DennistonCharles Jr born about 1939
DennistonMargaret born about 1905
DerrickAnnie born about 1930
DerrickBoyd born about 1930
DerrickCora born about 1884
DerrickErnest born about 1900
DerrickErnest Jr born about 1921
DerrickFrancis born about 1938
DerrickGary born about 1926
DerrickHerbert born about 1923
DerrickJames born about 1922
DerrickJohann born about 1939
DerrickJohn born about 1912
DerrickJohn born about 1923
DerrickLucy born about 1881
DerrickMary born about 1933
DerrickMattie born about 1903
DerrickMinnie born about 1886
DerrickMinnie born about 1902
DerrickNelson born about 1926
DerrickPate born about 1918
DialHenry born about 1899
DickertAndrew born about 1877
DickertDorothy born about 1916
DickertJames born about 1919
DillardClaudia born about 1890
DoarLorena born about 1881
DoarRussell born about 1880
DobbinsDell born about 1893
DobbinsLuther born about 1895
DobbsMartha born about 1901
DobbsRobert born about 1896
DobbsRobert Jr born about 1932
DornClifton born about 1876
DornMyrtie born about 1896
DouglasLouis born about 1933
DouglasRobert Leeborn about 1935
DowdeyClarence born about 1915
DowdeyCloude born about 1913
DowdeyHeyward born about 1913
DowdeyThomas born about 1938
DowdeyVirginia born about 1919
DoweHerbert born about 1906
DraftsBobby born about 1934
DraftsFrank born about 1914
DraftsLois born about 1916
DrakeJean born about 1939
DrakeSally born about
DubEugene born about 1933
DuboseCharles born about 1916
DuboseE Cborn about 1922
DuboseEdna born about 1891
DuboseEnest Fborn about 1912
DuboseErnest born about 1889
DuboseJames born about 1914
DuboseJohn born about 1928
DuboseLouise born about 1930
DuensingBetty born about 1930
DuensingErnest born about 1886
DuensingHans Rborn about 1927
DuensingLucille born about 1892
DuensingWilliam born about 1917
DunneJohn born about 1894
DunneJohn R Jrborn about 1927
DunneJoseph Mborn about 1922
DunneMamie born about 1897
DunneMay Jborn about 1926
DysonAlma born about 1905
DysonPowell Mborn about 1872
DysonWoodrow born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EargleHarry born about 1893
EargleJames born about 1927
EargleNancy born about 1931
EargleNeva born about 1907
EastmanCharles born about 1926
EastmanEdith born about 1920
EastmanJean born about 1920
EastmanJohn Wadeborn about 1923
EastmanKatherine born about 1892
EastmanLee born about 1895
EastmanLee Barberborn about 1923
EdwardsAnn born about 1933
EdwardsAnnie born about 1886
EdwardsAnnie Belleborn about 1887
EdwardsFulton born about 1894
EdwardsJohn born about 1919
EdwardsJulian born about 1885
EdwardsJulian Jr born about 1917
EdwardsRuth born about 1913
EldersDallas born about 1885
EldersDora born about 1885
EldersHugh born about 1884
EleazerAlva born about 1888
EleazerAlva born about 1924
EleazerDavid born about 1896
EleazerDorothy Leeborn about 1927
EleazerEllen born about 1925
EleazerHenry born about 1919
EleazerHoward born about 1906
EleazerLouise born about 1902
EleazerRae born about 1924
EntzmingerFlorence born about 1924
EntzmingerLouise born about 1905
EntzmingerLovella born about 1926
EntzmingerLula born about 1872
EntzmingerTheod born about 1902
ErgleLora born about 1873
EstesAlbert born about 1897
EstesAlbert born about 1923
EstesAubrey born about 1908
EstesJune born about 1930
EstesRobert born about 1932
EtheridgeHenry born about 1890
EtheridgeKame born about 1929
EtheridgeLillian born about 1893
EtheridgeWilliam born about 1922
EvansCharles born about 1905
EvansChristine born about 1911
EvansJohn born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FairElizabeth born about 1910
FairRay born about 1907
FallanBarnell born about 1903
FallanRobert born about 1900
FallonMarie born about 1902
FarisFlorence born about 1890
FarisLessie born about 1910
FarisMarie born about 1916
FarisRoscoe born about 1889
FarisRoscoe Jr born about 1918
FarrellBessie born about 1896
FarrellCecil born about 1920
FarrellLewis born about 1871
FarrellMargaret born about 1917
FarrellMary born about 1876
FarrellMaurice born about 1902
FaulkFrank born about 1916
FaulkLouise born about 1918
FaulkMurray born about 1939
FayDavid born about 1922
FayTom born about 1889
FeasterEngland born about 1934
FeasterEugene born about 1921
FeasterJ Eborn about 1927
FeasterJoyce born about 1937
FeasterJuanita born about 1930
FeasterRuby born about 1897
FeecheyElbert born about 1891
FeecheyElbert Jr born about 1921
FeecheyFrances born about 1898
FeecheyHarriet born about 1927
FetnerAddie born about 1918
FetnerRalph born about 1919
FetnerRalph Jr born about 1939
FiddlerFlora born about 1921
FillerEtta born about 1891
FillerHenry Rborn about 1891
FinneyAlice born about 1883
FittsBeulah born about 1884
FittsDelia born about 1920
FittsGlen born about 1924
FittsJohn born about
FittsJohn born about 1915
FittsRalph born about 1921
FittsRaye born about 1884
FlynnJohn born about 1910
FlynnLillian born about 1911
FlynnMargaret Annborn about 1939
FlynnMary born about 1938
ForrestElza born about 1872
ForrestSally born about 1884
FosterArthur born about 1874
FosterLida born about 1882
FowlerMary born about 1916
FowlerMilburn born about 1914
FowlerSandra born about 1938
FrappJanie born about 1894
FrappJohn born about 1891
FreemanCornelia born about 1912
FreemanJohn born about 1939
FreemanMinnie born about 1876
FreemanRobert E Lborn about 1937
FreemanRobert L Jrborn about 1911
FreemanRobert Sr born about 1877
FrickAnna born about 1886
FrickElla born about 1862
FrickLoyd born about 1901
FrickMary born about 1922
FrickNell born about 1910
FrickTalmadge born about 1917
FriedAda born about 1872
FrostCelestine born about 1884
FrostWesley born about 1869
FulmerAlbert born about 1916
FulmerHarriet born about 1909
FulmerHattie born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GadsonWesley born about 1913
GalbreathMamie born about 1888
GalbreathOmer born about 1892
GanttCorinne born about 1911
GanttDoris born about 1929
GanttJohn born about 1898
GarbadeWalter born about 1922
GardnerIsabell born about 1865
GardnerJessie born about 1897
GardnerLillian born about 1899
GardnerWilliam born about 1894
GarnerFrank born about 1911
GarnerMyrtis born about 1915
GarrisonEffie born about 1877
GarvisOlin born about 1891
GaskinAlbert born about 1914
GaskinMyrtis born about 1914
GeigerSam born about 1873
GeorgeLouise born about 1915
GibbonsMary born about 1865
GibbsFrank born about 1922
GibbsThomas born about 1926
GibertHugh born about 1930
GibertMarie born about 1906
GibertPaul born about 1890
GibertPaul Jr born about 1921
GibertPierre born about 1925
GilbertClara born about 1925
GilbertWilliam Jborn about 1930
GilletteHerbert born about 1862
GilstonDorothy born about 1924
GilstonEtta born about 1892
GilstonJohn born about 1887
GlenIda born about 1891
GlenMargaret born about 1860
GodboldLucille born about 1901
GoffCarl born about 1914
GoffEssie born about 1918
GoftBuford born about 1935
GoftCharlie born about 1939
GoftHomer born about 1902
GoftJane born about 1934
GoftMartha born about 1906
GoodaleJames born about 1924
GoodaleNelle born about 1894
GoodalePhyliss born about 1933
GoodaleTravis born about 1896
GoodaleTravis Helenborn about 1921
GoodaleWilliam born about 1929
GoodyanFrankie born about 1902
GoodyanGenevra born about 1869
GoodyanWebber born about 1897
GrahamBertha born about 1894
GrahamJames born about 1892
GreenElizabeth born about 1893
GreenErnest born about 1886
GreenErnest Jr born about 1921
GreenGeorge born about 1924
GreenwoodDonald born about 1930
GreenwoodDorothy born about 1929
GreenwoodElizabeth born about 1906
GreenwoodPearl born about 1907
GreenwoodWallace born about 1906
GreeverJessie born about 1935
GreeverVirginia born about 1909
GreeverWalton born about 1903
GreeverWilhelmia born about 1908
GriffinLaura born about 1886
GriffinWilliam born about 1908
GriffithAnna born about 1870
GriffithJohn Dborn about 1906
GriffithLouise born about
GuildsJohn born about 1886
GuildsJohn Jr born about 1924
GuildsLucille born about 1886
GunterBlanche born about 1914
GunterEdward born about 1882
GunterMary born about 1887
GunterWallace born about 1920
GunterWilber born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HairIone born about 1894
HallAlma born about 1909
HallMary born about 1923
HallPrice born about 1924
HallmanDelores born about 1906
HamerAvis born about 1905
HamerLawrence born about 1898
HamerPhillip born about 1939
HamiltonFrances born about 1890
HamiltonMarvin born about 1927
HamiltonMary born about 1882
HammondJames born about 1918
HammondKatherine born about 1919
HammondWayne born about 1939
HammondsCarrie born about 1883
HammondsFletcher born about 1876
HammondsFletcher Jr born about 1905
HanahanAlice born about 1934
HanahanJames born about 1904
HanahanLois born about 1905
HanahanMary born about 1932
HanahanPatricia born about 1938
HancockNell born about 1915
HancockOliver born about 1916
HancockWrenna born about 1939
HarleyGeorge born about 1901
HarleyMerle born about 1916
HarleyRobert born about 1938
HarmanGeorge born about 1898
HarmanSally born about 1890
HarmonMaggie born about 1904
HarmonMargart born about 1901
HarmonShelby born about 1904
HarrisAnsel born about 1900
HarrisBlanche born about 1901
HarrisFannie born about 1876
HarrisForney born about 1910
HarrisLila born about 1916
HarrisonBertha born about 1918
HarrisonMarion born about 1916
HartBill born about 1919
HartinOla born about 1877
HartinSamuel born about 1902
HartinTheo born about 1911
HartinWilliam born about 1938
HattonRebecca born about 1914
HavirdCyril born about 1924
HavirdGeorgia born about 1901
HavirdHenry born about 1885
HavirdMary born about 1926
HawleyBetty born about
HawleyJames Cborn about 1939
HawleyJames Hborn about 1916
HawleyMary born about 1919
HayesCarrie born about 1924
HayesEvelyn born about 1929
HayesFletcher born about 1920
HayesFrances born about 1926
HayesJohn born about 1877
HayesSadie born about 1921
HayesSally born about 1888
HaynesElizabeth born about 1913
HaynesJohn born about 1916
HeiglarEvelyn born about 1916
HeiglarHarry born about 1911
HeiglarWyman born about 1939
HellerAdam born about 1868
HellerBessie born about 1891
HembreeMayme born about 1890
HendersonBertha born about 1890
HendersonOnie born about 1911
HendrickJohn Wborn about 1911
HendrickRuby born about 1916
HendrixSue born about 1912
HendrixWilford born about 1911
HenniesBauer Jr born about 1919
HenniesBertie born about 1896
HenniesBowen born about 1892
HenniesGeorge born about 1923
HenniesRobert born about 1925
HensonAlbert born about 1912
HensonAlbert Jr born about 1934
HensonAnnie born about 1875
HensonBarbara born about 1936
HensonIrene born about 1914
HensonLillian born about 1912
HerseyCarolyn born about 1932
HerseyJamesina born about 1909
HerseyMelton born about 1938
HerseyWarren Fborn about 1909
HesseyBetty born about 1925
HesseyCeleste born about 1923
HesseyCharlie born about 1898
HesseyMay born about 1901
HeuserClaire born about 1887
HillElbert born about 1908
HillElizabeth born about 1907
HillGeorge born about 1892
HillWilliam born about 1934
HinsonAthaleen born about 1920
HinsonPatricia born about 1939
HinsonRolen born about 1914
HoggCarol born about 1912
HoggMerrill born about 1901
HoggRoger born about 1938
HollandElizabeth born about 1916
HollisEmma born about 1896
HollisGlen born about 1893
HollisJack born about 1928
HolstBetty born about 1925
HolstJessie born about 1898
HolstLouis born about 1888
HoltClara born about 1903
HoltD Wborn about 1922
HoltInez born about 1895
HoltMannie born about 1891
HoltMargaret born about 1926
HoltPit born about 1901
HoltVera born about 1924
HoodCharlie born about 1906
HoodEula Maryborn about 1913
HopkinsCarl born about 1913
HopkinsLowell born about 1936
HopkinsRubye born about 1914
HopkinsSwane born about 1934
HorineHelena born about 1870
HorineJohn born about 1870
HorineRobert born about 1912
HorneJohn born about 1915
HorneMary born about 1914
HornsbyMarie born about 1900
HornsbyShirley born about 1931
HornsbyWilliam born about 1893
HornsbyWilliam Jr born about 1930
HortonArthur born about 1898
HortonBruce born about 1924
HortonElizabeth born about 1894
HortonJack born about 1929
HortonWilliam born about 1926
HowardBobby born about 1932
HowardCyrus born about 1936
HowardFranklin born about 1919
HowardGiles born about 1867
HowardHarry born about 1909
HowardIsabelle born about 1915
HowardRebecca born about 1911
HowardSallie born about 1885
HowardWilliam born about 1884
HudsonAnnie born about 1922
HudsonMargaret born about 1920
HudsonOlive born about 1923
HudsonPeter born about 1927
HuffmanAda born about 1895
HuffmanCarl born about 1886
HuffmanCarl E Jrborn about 1926
HuffmanCharlie born about 1880
HuffmanFlorence born about 1928
HuffmanLillian born about 1915
HuffmanMary Louborn about 1919
HuffmanMettie born about 1888
HuffmanMonroe born about 1923
HugginsCharles born about 1914
HugginsCharles Jr born about
HugginsMarjorie born about 1916
HugheyDahlia born about 1879
HugheyTom born about 1876
HunterAlberta born about 1911
HunterBlondell born about 1909
HutchisonBeulah born about 1887
HutchisonJoseph Bborn about 1886
HutchisonThomas born about 1929
HuylerEvelyn born about 1918
HuylerFrank born about 1917
HyattEvans born about 1920
HyattIsaac born about 1892
HyattJulia born about 1917
HyattMary Kborn about 1910
HyattMary Ruthborn about 1922
HyattNelle born about 1890
HyattRuby born about 1895
HyattSidney born about 1889
HymanHarry born about 1900
HymanHarry Jr born about 1924
HymanIrene born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonCalvin born about 1914
JacksonCalvin Jr born about 1937
JacksonEthelyn born about 1917
JacksonGeorgia born about 1926
JacksonJohn born about 1931
JacksonMargaret born about 1900
JacksonNelle born about 1915
JacksonWalter born about 1901
JacksonWilliam born about 1931
JamesClarence born about 1930
JamesGeorge born about 1932
JamesHenrietta born about 1912
JamesJohn born about 1906
JarvisAnnie Belleborn about 1910
JarvisCharlotte born about 1924
JarvisCorrie Leeborn about 1935
JarvisDavid born about 1892
JarvisEddie born about 1933
JarvisElise born about 1926
JarvisJames born about 1919
JarvisJohnnie born about 1922
JarvisMoses born about 1936
JarvisStephen born about 1930
JarvisThomas born about 1936
JarvisVirginia born about 1930
JavisElnoraw born about 1918
JavisLeroy born about 1914
JavisLeroy Jr born about 1936
JavisMoses born about 1939
JavisWilliam born about 1938
JeffcoatAnnie Lannieborn about 1922
JeffcoatLois born about 1915
JeffcoatOtis born about 1912
JeffcoatSylvia born about 1939
JenkinsAlberta born about 1881
JenkinsAlberta born about 1909
JenkinsChristine born about 1924
JenkinsEdward born about 1882
JenkinsEdward Jr born about 1918
JenkinsFlorence born about 1926
JenkinsMargaret born about 1905
JenkinsVirginia born about 1918
JenningsEmily born about 1862
JohnsonAnnie Lborn about 1895
JohnsonCecil born about 1924
JohnsonCharles born about 1921
JohnsonCharles born about 1927
JohnsonCharles born about 1938
JohnsonEason born about 1893
JohnsonEason born about 1930
JohnsonErnestine born about 1875
JohnsonEugene born about 1880
JohnsonFrances born about 1892
JohnsonFrances born about 1907
JohnsonFranklin born about 1936
JohnsonHattie born about 1909
JohnsonJulia born about 1897
JohnsonJulian Lborn about 1927
JohnsonKathleen born about 1919
JohnsonLoretta born about 1920
JohnsonLouise born about 1905
JohnsonMargaret born about 1923
JohnsonMargarete born about 1922
JohnsonMarion born about 1905
JohnsonMarion Eborn about 1929
JohnsonMelvin born about 1930
JohnsonPaul born about 1929
JohnsonPhillip born about 1933
JohnsonRichard born about 1917
JohnsonRita born about 1940
JohnsonRose born about 1916
JohnsonRose Annborn about 1936
JohnsonSylvia born about 1936
JohnsonThomas born about 1915
JohnsonThomas born about 1928
JohnsonTomas born about 1876
JohnsonTommy born about 1938
JohnsonWilliam born about 1904
JohnsonWilliam Jr born about 1925
JohnsonWillie Maeborn about 1917
JonesAndrew born about 1918
JonesBessie born about 1913
JonesBlanche born about 1911
JonesEdwin born about 1923
JonesElla born about 1924
JonesFrances born about 1907
JonesHarriet born about 1871
JonesHerbert born about 1924
JonesMary born about 1853
JonesP Samuel Jrborn about 1884
JonesRachel born about
JonesRobert born about 1876
JonesRobert born about 1911
JonesSadie born about 1885
JonesSamuel Jr born about 1910
JonesWilliam born about 1869
JordanRosa Cborn about 1863
JowersBetty born about 1938
JowersLawrence born about 1922
JowersMinnie born about 1903
JowersNelle born about 1915
JowersVerdyne born about 1903
JowersVernon born about 1917
JoyBill born about 1919
JoyCharlie born about 1884
JoyKate born about 1885
JoyKatie Belleborn about 1917
JumperMaude born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeckEvelyn born about 1932
KeckMattie born about 1909
KeckMax born about 1896
KeckMax Jr born about 1939
KeckNancy born about 1939
KeelsJane born about 1914
KeelsMcqueen Jr born about 1910
KeelsRonald born about 1937
KeisterJeanett born about 1882
KeisterLaverne born about 1906
KeisterMargart born about 1911
KellDelia born about 1884
KellEunice born about 1923
KellMinnie born about 1916
KellSam born about 1874
KellSam Hborn about 1927
KellTom born about 1921
KellyCharles born about 1938
KellyCora born about 1907
KellyElbert born about 1906
KellyJulia born about 1913
KellyLuther born about 1917
KempsonGeraldine born about 1922
KendrickHelen born about 1932
KendrickHerbert born about 1910
KendrickLamberle born about 1909
KendrickWilliam born about 1930
KerniganDouglas born about 1930
KerniganHerbert born about 1923
KerniganLottie born about 1900
KerniganTroy born about 1899
KerrBoffy born about 1930
KerrMary born about 1896
KerrMary born about 1902
KerrRobert born about 1899
KerrWilliam born about 1893
KerrWilliam Jr born about 1920
KilgoJames born about 1880
KilgoRhoda born about 1887
KillingsworthEmma born about 1878
KillingsworthJohn born about 1871
KinardEstelle born about 1906
KinardKarl born about 1903
KinardKarl Nborn about 1936
KirbyAnnie born about 1898
KirbyBernice born about 1928
KirbyEthel born about 1897
KirbyHowell born about 1893
KirbyJohnnie born about 1918
KirbyJuanita born about 1927
KirbyRobert born about 1921
KirbyThomas born about 1888
KirkleyAlice born about 1928
KirkleyBessie born about 1910
KirkleyBessie born about 1937
KirkleyEarl born about 1891
KirkleyEarl Jr born about 1923
KittrellAddielou born about 1888
KittrellDolly born about 1921
KittrellDonny born about 1886
KittrellElla Mayborn about 1913
KittrellEvelyn born about 1924
KittrellGerome born about 1913
KittrellGerome Lborn about 1939
KittrellLavern born about 1920
KluttzGlen born about 1901
KluttzJessie born about 1904
KluttzJohn born about 1929
KluttzMary Juneborn about 1927
KoonAlma born about 1907
KoonBille born about 1894
KoonEdwin born about 1910
KoonErnest born about 1899
KoonJohn born about 1901
KoonLela born about 1938
KoonLillian born about 1893
KoonRosabelle born about 1900
KoonRufus born about 1884
KoonRuth born about 1913
KoonW Dborn about 1892
KullAlice born about 1938
KullFlorence born about 1931
KullFrances born about 1929
KullHerbert born about 1903
KullJoyce born about 1934
KullRaye born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LancasterHomer born about 1902
LancasterLoran born about 1913
LandrumCamilla born about 1925
LandrumJoe born about 1899
LandrumJoe Jr born about 1929
LandrumRose born about 1901
LathropGeorge born about 1884
LeDella born about 1907
LeEloise born about 1925
LeEmma born about 1940
LeRobert born about 1886
LeachJoe born about 1923
LeachJohn Sborn about 1880
LeachLola born about 1884
LeaghartElla Bborn about 1897
LeaghartJack born about 1929
LeaghartKathleen born about 1920
LeaghartMary born about 1919
LeaghartMichael Jborn about 1898
LeaphartFrank born about 1915
LeaphartGrace born about 1924
LeaphartJames born about 1919
LeaphartLouise born about 1912
LeaphartMay born about 1892
LeeAlice born about 1906
LeeBen born about 1855
LeeBetty born about 1927
LeeBilly born about 1925
LeeErnest born about 1912
LeeEugene born about 1934
LeeHenrietta born about 1915
LeeJoe Jborn about 1921
LeeKathleen born about 1924
LeeMaryela born about 1937
LeeWilliam born about 1900
LeeWilliam born about 1939
LeitmerBuster born about 1919
LeitmerEliza born about 1898
LeitmerJosephine born about 1927
LeitmerPearl born about 1924
LeverLander born about 1892
LeverMyrtis born about 1906
LewisBetty born about 1928
LewisEdgar born about 1894
LewisFrances Cborn about 1897
LewisMargaret born about 1900
LewisRebecca born about 1864
LewisSarah born about 1922
LindforsElise born about 1868
LindforsEsther born about 1909
LindforsEula born about 1899
LindforsHenry Aborn about 1867
LindforsHubert born about 1880
LittleAnnie Belleborn about 1912
LittleBarbarann born about 1932
LittleWakefield born about 1911
LivingstonCecil born about 1929
LivingstonEdward born about 1935
LivingstonEvelyn born about 1940
LivingstonJohn born about 1904
LivingstonMargaret born about 1927
LivingstonOla born about 1908
LoganAllie born about 1915
LoganAllie Joeborn about 1939
LoganJoe born about 1914
LongAnne born about 1936
LongEvelyn born about 1911
LongMary born about 1938
LongWilber born about 1908
LorickDovie born about 1878
LorickHarold born about 1908
LorickHarold Jr born about 1938
LorickPearl born about 1909
LoudettJean born about 1910
LouikLeroy born about 1903
LouikMarie born about 1908
LucasCarolyn born about 1927
LucasElizabeth born about 1915
LucasGeorge born about 1887
LucasGeorge Jr born about 1917
LucasMarie born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MabryJennie born about 1891
MabryMary born about 1918
MabryThomas born about 1888
MangunCatherine born about 1913
MangunEarl born about 1936
MangunLeroy born about 1909
MangunLeroy Jborn about 1930
MardenIsabelle born about 1863
MardenOphelia Rborn about 1894
MardenWalter Hborn about 1892
MarstellaAnnie born about 1858
MartinDoris born about 1918
MartinFletcher born about 1915
MartinJanet born about 1918
MartinJohn born about 1922
MartinLitha born about 1920
MartinMyrtis born about 1928
MartinRobert born about 1879
MartinSandra born about 1939
MartinSusan born about 1897
MartinTheodosia born about 1925
MartinWilliam Fborn about 1918
MasonJanie born about 1883
MasonLois born about 1917
MasonMargaret born about 1878
MasseyCarl born about 1920
MasseyElla born about 1873
MasseyJohn born about 1868
MasseyLouise born about 1917
MathiasErnest born about 1913
MathiasVivian born about 1920
MattoxEarl born about 1900
MattoxEginald born about 1930
MattoxFrances born about 1907
MattoxFrances born about 1928
MayorDorothy born about 1939
MayorEvelyn born about 1916
MayorLeroy born about
MayorThomas born about 1906
MayorThomas Jr born about 1937
McArthurDee born about 1901
McArthurDorothy born about 1928
McArthurElizabeth born about 1933
McArthurErnest born about 1935
McArthurRuth born about 1910
McCaaElise born about 1906
McCaaIsabelle born about 1916
McCaaJohn Wborn about 1919
McCaaTheo born about 1881
McCabeDorothy born about 1921
McCabeFlorence born about 1928
McCabeGeorge born about 1907
McCabeJames born about 1924
McCabeJim born about 1876
McCabeJinelle born about 1919
McCabeMinnie born about 1910
McCabeSally born about 1884
McCainCarrie born about 1900
McCainDorothy born about 1920
McCainGeorge Eborn about 1931
McCainJohn born about 1925
McCainMargaret born about 1922
McCainMarshall born about 1933
McCainRoberta born about 1928
McCainWilliam Aborn about 1888
McCainWilliam Jr born about 1919
McCallaEarl born about 1916
McCallaLucille born about 1917
McCaskillWilliam born about 1930
McCormacJohn born about 1882
McCormacLouise born about 1891
McCormacMary born about 1925
McCraveyAmy born about 1892
McCraveyJohn born about 1893
McCraveyLaura born about 1933
McDonaldLee Royborn about 1897
McDonaldNelle born about 1901
McDowellDolly born about 1906
McDowellMargie born about 1938
McDowellMary born about 1937
McDowellSallie born about 1935
McDowellWilliam born about 1907
McGradyAlice born about 1900
McGradyAlice born about 1923
McGradyDonald born about 1928
McGradyJames born about 1926
McGradyMarian born about 1933
McGradyRuby born about 1921
McIlwainHelen born about 1911
McIlwainHelen Mayborn about 1929
McIlwainJames Wborn about 1932
McIlwainSamuel born about 1936
McIlwainThomas born about 1937
McIlwainWilliam born about 1901
McManusJeane born about 1936
McManusLydia born about 1910
McManusWilliam born about 1903
McManusWilliam born about 1938
McRearyCamillus born about 1886
McRearyLaura born about 1887
MearsAlice born about 1893
MearsMarion born about 1875
MeetzeClifford born about 1929
MeetzeEunice born about 1909
MeetzeJanice born about 1933
MentionCarol born about 1934
MentionEdward born about 1931
MentionJoseph born about 1936
MentionOdell born about 1933
MercerFlorence born about 1916
MercerJohn Bborn about 1935
MercerMattie born about 1875
MettsBernice born about 1929
MettsBertha born about 1911
MettsBilly born about 1930
MettsEarl born about 1905
MettsJean born about 1932
MetzeCarolyn born about 1882
MetzeJames born about 1872
MewbornJohn born about 1913
MewbornJohn Jr born about 1938
MewbornPauline born about 1916
MeyersCharles Jborn about 1921
MeyersLillie born about 1915
MeyersLou born about 1919
MeyersPearl born about 1888
MeyersShirley born about 1927
MiddletonWillie Maeborn about 1936
MilesAlma born about 1939
MilesEvelyn born about 1922
MilesLorene born about 1939
MilesVirginia born about 1909
MilesWoodrow born about 1913
MileyGretchen born about 1905
MileyGrita born about 1931
MileyHugh born about 1903
MileyHugh Jr born about 1933
MileyTommy born about 1935
MillerAlice born about 1900
MillerBarbara born about 1938
MillerCamelia born about 1939
MillerGeorge born about 1907
MillerKathaleen born about 1926
MillerLorene born about 1910
MillerRichard born about 1890
MillerRuth born about 1898
MillerWilliam born about 1932
MimmsDorothy born about 1916
MimmsEarl born about 1915
MitchellAnnie born about 1888
MitchellBonie born about 1918
MitchellErnest born about 1916
MitchellJames born about 1914
MitchellJimmie born about 1938
MitchellPauline born about 1920
MitchellPhyllis born about 1936
MitchellRobert born about 1918
MitchellRobert Jr born about 1940
MonroeWilliam born about 1932
MonteithHenrietta born about 1915
MonteithHenrietta Annborn about 1938
MonteithRobison born about 1913
MontiethBetty born about 1931
MontiethCharles born about 1906
MontiethCharles Jr born about 1925
MontiethElizabeth born about 1884
MontiethGalloway born about 1873
MontiethGertrude born about 1906
MontiethMae born about 1921
MontiethRichard born about 1924
MontsErnest born about 1936
MontsEugene born about 1903
MontsJames born about 1893
MontsJeanette born about 1931
MontsMarian born about 1899
MontsSarah born about 1909
MooreCarrie born about 1894
MooreCharles born about 1918
MooreJanie born about 1895
MooreMay born about 1881
MoorePeggy born about 1921
MooreSarah born about 1880
MooreTom born about 1895
MooreWilliam born about 1878
MooseBernice born about 1894
MooseJohn born about 1886
MorlineAnne born about 1906
MorlineWallace born about 1894
MorrisAda born about 1925
MorrisAnn born about 1933
MorrisAughter born about 1913
MorrisBradley born about 1929
MorrisClarence born about 1902
MorrisClarence Jr born about 1926
MorrisClester born about 1924
MorrisEunice born about 1902
MorrisMack born about 1934
MorrisOscar born about 1925
MoselyJohn born about 1912
MoselyJohn Jr born about 1938
MoselyRuth born about 1906
MotleyJimmy born about 1938
MotleyRuby born about 1917
MoydAnnie born about 1882
MoydLenora born about 1908
MoydMayme born about
MoydWilliam born about 1909
MurdockPearl born about 1898
MurphyJames born about 1918
MurphyLeon born about 1915
MurrayClaude born about 1928
MurrayNorman born about 1898
MurrayNorman Jr born about 1932
MurrayRobert born about 1930
MurraySarah born about 1899
MurraySarah born about 1925
MylesAnnie born about 1892
MylesD Eborn about 1925
MylesDaisy born about 1919
MylesJessie born about 1924
MylesMay born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NanceElizabeth born about 1913
NanceNorma born about 1939
NanceRobert born about 1906
NeeleyBaxter born about 1920
NeeleyJohn W 3rdborn about 1922
NeeleyJohn W Jrborn about 1894
NeeleyMary born about 1905
NeeleyNorbert Hborn about 1925
NeeleyRobert Cborn about 1931
NeelyCharlotte born about 1922
NeelyElla born about 1886
NeelyJohn born about 1858
NeelyWilton born about 1917
NesbittClyde born about 1939
NesbittEugene born about 1906
NesbittFlorence born about 1907
NesbittFrank born about 1891
NesbittFrank born about 1927
NesbittGene born about 1930
NesbittMinnie born about 1904
NesbittRuth born about 1924
NewmanAdelaide born about 1916
NewmanCharles born about 1894
NewmanCharles Jr born about 1928
NewmanErnest born about 1917
NewmanFred born about 1913
NewmanFred Jr born about
NewmanJean born about 1925
NewmanLouise born about 1903
NewmanMyrtle born about 1922
NewmanPansy born about 1914
NewsomeEllie born about 1883
NickersonCrawford born about 1897
NickersonCrawford Jr born about 1930
NickersonRuth born about 1907
NolandAlice born about 1881
NolandHubert born about 1895
NolandHubert Jr born about 1923
NorthAnnie born about 1925
NorthAnnie Pearlborn about 1903
NorthGeorge born about 1905
NorthGeorge Jr born about 1929
NuckolsBetty born about 1934
NuckolsCarolyn born about 1932
NuckolsFritz born about 1910
NuckolsMildred born about 1909
NungezerAnnie born about 1875
NungezerAnnie born about 1905
NungezerGeorge born about 1911
NungezerLille born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OakleyCharlsie born about 1931
OakleyLeetha born about 1895
OakleyLeo born about 1918
OakleyMarylinn born about 1926
OakleyNellie Leeborn about 1922
OdelleKeith born about 1926
OdomsLeland born about 1898
OdomsMayme born about 1898
OdomsRobert born about 1924
OliverWilhemenia born about 1901
OswaldHessie born about 1890
OswaldLuther Dborn about 1888
OswaldLuther Jr born about 1919
OswaldMildred born about 1920
OttJames born about 1896
OttJessie born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PalmerAbbie Mayborn about 1936
PalmerJacquelin born about 1914
PalmerJacquelin born about 1938
PalmerJames born about 1914
PalmerJames born about 1915
PalmerJames Jr born about 1939
PalmerLouise born about 1937
PalmerRemel born about 1933
PalmerRosa born about 1920
PalmerSolomon born about 1934
ParkerBetty born about 1928
ParkerCarolyn born about 1900
ParkerFlavia born about 1892
ParkerFred Howardborn about 1900
ParkerHelen born about 1924
ParkerHubert born about 1893
ParkerLewis born about 1923
ParkerLovella born about 1874
ParkerMartha born about 1933
ParkerWill born about 1871
PatrickCooper born about 1917
PatrickGuy born about 1919
PatrickLee born about 1886
PatrickLeyla born about 1887
PatrickRobert Lee Jrborn about 1920
PaulArther Tborn about 1893
PaulArther Jr born about 1929
PaulMamie born about 1895
PayneColine born about 1893
PayneCora born about 1894
PayneGeneva born about 1921
PayneHercules born about 1917
PayneJohn born about 1939
PayneLowell born about 1894
PayneMary Sueborn about 1924
PayneMina born about 1928
PearceLee born about 1923
PearsonAdolph born about 1905
PearsonClara born about 1914
PearsonLillian born about 1912
PearsonOtto born about 1932
PearsonRobert born about 1929
PearsonTheodore born about 1930
PendergrassAudrey born about 1929
PendergrassDarby born about 1927
PendergrassSam born about 1896
PendergrassSue born about 1900
PendergrassSusie born about 1925
PierceAline born about 1897
PierceRalph born about 1889
PiersonJames born about 1872
PiggGrace born about 1918
PikeEdwin born about 1886
PikeEdwin Jr born about 1921
PikeGilbert born about 1880
PikeJames born about 1924
PikeMary born about 1930
PikeRoland born about 1915
PikeRubille born about 1926
PikeRuby born about 1890
PooleBetty born about 1930
PooleDavid born about 1896
PooleEllie born about 1896
PooleLeon born about 1923
PooleLouise born about 1897
PooleMiriam born about 1925
PooleMolly born about 1886
PooleRichard born about 1894
PooleRoy born about 1933
PooleSabia born about 1867
PopeCharles born about 1907
PopeRuth born about 1908
PoseyJosephine born about 1883
PowellDaisy Bborn about 1887
PowellLeroy born about 1927
PowellRobert Sborn about 1920
PowersNannie born about 1884
PowersRoss born about 1872
PriceAnnie Bborn about 1877
PriceBeatrice born about 1902
PriceDonald Mborn about 1930
PriceElmira born about 1903
PriceIrene born about 1888
PriceMarvin born about 1900
PriceMary born about 1875
PricePickens born about 1862
PriceRobert born about 1915
PriceStyles born about 1913
PulleyJohn born about 1894
PulleyLouis born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RabbDaniel born about 1937
RabbElizabeth born about 1905
RabbJames born about 1906
RabonAlice born about 1910
RabonEdwin Bborn about 1913
RainesMansle born about 1916
RainesPeggy born about 1920
RawlCaroline born about 1936
RawlFrank born about 1930
RawlJasper born about 1900
RawlOniel born about 1931
RawlSadie born about 1904
RawlSadie Rborn about 1933
ReadyAlvin born about 1901
ReadyAnnie born about 1903
ReadyAustin born about 1928
ReadyBilly born about 1923
ReadyEvelyn born about 1930
ReadyRay born about 1932
ReadyThelma born about 1925
ReaganAlvey born about 1891
ReaganClara born about 1895
RectorSarah born about 1916
ReedDerring born about 1914
ReedPauline born about 1911
ReederEvelyn born about
ReederJames born about
ReevesElisitine born about 1926
ReevesFlossie born about 1920
ReevesFrances born about 1930
ReevesHarling born about 1921
ReevesJerry born about 1928
ReevesJohnnie Mayborn about 1918
ReevesMattie born about 1886
ReevesSylvester born about 1923
RegisterBetty born about 1932
RegisterEsther born about 1893
RegisterL Cborn about 1883
RegisterPaul born about 1926
RegisterRuth born about 1929
ReynoldsAdelle Hborn about 1911
ReynoldsBessie born about 1912
ReynoldsCharles born about 1877
ReynoldsElizabeth born about 1917
ReynoldsFrances born about 1935
ReynoldsHester born about 1888
ReynoldsJack born about 1922
ReynoldsJesse born about 1938
ReynoldsJo Ann born about 1937
ReynoldsJoanne born about 1932
ReynoldsKatherine born about 1924
ReynoldsLeslie born about 1915
ReynoldsLester born about 1916
ReynoldsMinnie born about 1904
ReynoldsNancy born about 1911
ReynoldsNannie born about 1894
ReynoldsNell born about 1931
ReynoldsRobert born about 1884
ReynoldsRoland born about 1939
ReynoldsWade born about 1915
ReynoldsWade Hborn about 1877
ReynoldsWalter born about 1914
RhodesMarvin born about 1921
RhodesRuth born about 1923
RhodesVirginia born about 1922
RhyneConnie born about 1918
RhyneWalter born about 1915
RichardsMargette born about 1902
RichardsonDavid born about 1896
RichardsonEdna born about 1888
RichardsonElton born about 1922
RichardsonJanie born about 1885
RichardsonJohn born about 1919
RicheyDavid born about 1913
RicheyDavid Jr born about 1935
RicheyJimmie born about 1937
RicheyMcdwain born about 1915
RickenbakerJohn born about 1897
RickenbakerMemmeyer born about 1913
RicksDan born about 1922
RicksHattie born about 1890
RicksHerbert born about 1917
RicksNellie born about 1918
RicksStocker born about 1885
RiddingFred born about 1911
RiddingJackie born about 1939
RiddingJean born about 1936
RiddingMary born about 1917
RiggsBen Fborn about 1921
RiggsElizabeth born about 1940
RiggsLillie born about 1920
RileyAlys born about 1933
RileyAnne born about 1928
RileyClaudia born about 1892
RileyElizabeth born about 1878
RileyHarriet born about 1925
RileyHerbert born about 1902
RileyJack Wborn about 1934
RileyJoanna born about 1933
RileyJoseph born about 1910
RileyLawrnce born about 1891
RileyLelia born about 1907
RileyLorena born about 1907
RileyRoberta born about 1909
RileyWilliam born about 1907
RobersonCarrie born about 1877
RobersonPage born about 1914
RobersonPage born about 1938
RobersonRivers born about 1920
RobersonVirgil born about 1877
RobertsKathrine born about 1869
RobertsonJim born about 1881
RobertsonMabel born about 1888
RobertsonMattie born about 1884
RobinsonFrank Eborn about 1887
RobinsonMay born about 1888
RogersBetty Lynnborn about 1896
RogersHarry born about 1925
RogersJesse born about 1895
RogersMarion born about 1922
RogersNan born about 1931
RogersRay born about 1928
RuckerDorothy born about 1932
RuckerMargaret born about 1905
RuckerMargaret born about 1930
RuckerWalter born about 1896
RuckerWalter Jr born about 1935
RuffElla born about 1875
RussellAlbert born about 1868
RussellAnnie born about 1911
RussellAnnie born about 1917
RussellDorothy born about 1917
RussellDorothy born about 1937
RussellFred born about 1908
RussellHerbert born about 1910
RussellOla born about 1881
RussellRobert born about 1932
RussellRoy Lborn about 1910
RussellSam born about 1910
RussellWilliam born about 1908
RussellWilliam born about 1933
RutherVirginia born about 1923
RutherfordBrannon born about 1929
RyanAndrew born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersAdger born about 1899
SandersAlbert born about 1935
SandersDaisy born about 1899
SandersEvelyn born about 1900
SandersJeannette born about 1881
SandersMarilyn born about 1916
SandersRaymond born about 1914
SandersRichard born about 1877
SandersRodman born about 1904
SandersWilbert born about 1916
SavageGeorgianna born about 1911
SavageIsaac born about 1925
SavageJames born about 1928
SavageSamuel born about 1930
SaviskyJoe Jr born about 1939
SaviskyJoseph born about 1910
SaviskyPauline born about 1912
SaylorJames born about 1884
SaylorJames Jr born about 1922
SaylorMargaret born about 1888
SchachnerKarl born about 1917
ScottLexie born about 1902
ScottMargaret born about 1924
ScottNash born about 1900
ScottNash Jr born about 1925
SeastrunkBeverly born about 1925
SeastrunkJasper born about 1891
SeastrunkLudie born about 1892
SeayAlfred born about 1929
SeayJames T Srborn about 1915
SeayJames Jr born about 1936
SeayLayton born about 1883
SeayLottie born about 1939
SeayNelle born about 1919
SeayOra born about 1892
SeayRobert born about 1931
SessionEmma born about 1909
SessionThomas born about 1874
ShacklefordEthel born about 1891
ShacklefordRichard born about 1887
ShafferFary Belleborn about 1905
ShafferKelley born about 1901
ShafferKelly Jr born about 1936
SharpeAlice born about 1872
SharpeBetty born about 1927
SharpeBilly born about 1932
SharpeBobby born about 1930
SharpeElizabeth born about 1926
SharpeEster born about 1900
SharpeEster Jr born about 1927
SharpeEvelyn born about 1912
SharpeHerbert born about 1906
SharpeHerbert Eborn about 1935
SharpeJosephine born about 1904
SharpeLavina born about 1902
SharpeMary Louborn about 1936
SharpeRaymond born about 1931
SharpeRobert born about 1905
SharpeSamuel born about 1929
ShawCarl born about 1924
ShawCarrie born about 1900
ShawDan born about 1888
ShawGraham born about 1909
ShawGraham Jr born about 1938
ShawKathleen born about 1936
ShawLeonard born about 1926
ShawLeroy born about 1928
ShawMarie born about 1912
ShawMary born about 1933
ShawRussel born about 1939
ShealeyAlma born about 1919
ShealeyDrayton born about 1917
ShealyEva born about 1913
ShealyHarold born about 1915
ShiderEncenie born about 1897
ShiderGeorge born about 1927
ShiderJulian born about 1924
ShiderWalter born about 1920
SimcokeClaudine born about 1914
SimcokeWilliam born about 1912
SimcokeWilliam Jr born about 1939
SimonDavid born about 1902
SineathMary born about 1872
SingletaryCarolyn born about 1926
SingletaryCharlotte born about
SingletaryLela born about 1905
SingletaryLeon born about 1895
SingletaryLeon Jr born about 1928
SingletonClara born about 1906
SingletonLilly born about 1902
SingletonLouetta born about
SingletonRiley born about 1910
SingletonRobert born about 1939
SkenesInez born about 1909
SkenesJenelle born about 1926
SkenesNathaniel born about 1904
SkenesRonny born about 1933
SlighDorothy born about 1931
SlighIna born about 1925
SlighMary born about 1927
SlighRuth born about 1907
SlighRuth born about 1929
SlighStrother born about 1901
SloanJohnson born about 1916
SloanMirian born about 1939
SloanRebecca born about 1861
SloanWilliam born about 1914
SmithAdville born about 1882
SmithAlberta born about 1918
SmithAlex born about 1911
SmithAlice born about 1924
SmithBobby born about 1931
SmithCarolyn born about 1924
SmithCurtis born about 1916
SmithEarl born about 1892
SmithEdgar born about 1918
SmithEffie Maeborn about 1897
SmithEldon born about 1914
SmithFrances born about 1915
SmithGerald born about 1916
SmithGrace born about 1934
SmithHarold born about 1940
SmithHelen born about 1939
SmithJacquelin born about 1927
SmithJames born about 1907
SmithJames born about 1936
SmithLeona born about 1927
SmithMargaret born about 1917
SmithMargaret born about 1922
SmithMargarite born about 1913
SmithMargarite born about 1922
SmithMary born about 1924
SmithPearl born about 1938
SmithPurvis born about 1917
SmithPurvis Jr born about 1935
SmithRobert born about 1939
SmithSandra born about 1936
SmithVivian born about 1913
SmithWeeta born about 1893
SmithWilliam born about 1921
SowersRobert born about 1911
SowersSarah born about 1917
SpenceBertha born about 1911
SpenceCellie born about 1886
SpenceClarence born about 1921
SpencePearl born about 1902
SpenceRobert Eborn about 1908
SpenceRobert Jr born about 1935
SpenceVirginia born about 1924
SpenceWilliam born about 1937
SpiveyHazel born about 1906
SpiveyJeannette born about 1935
SpiveyMarion born about 1909
SradeyAgnes born about 1926
SradeyAnnie born about 1925
SradeyDavid born about 1938
SradeyHazel born about 1901
SradeyJay born about 1898
SradeyThomas born about 1927
StackJeanette born about 1935
StackMargaret born about
StackVirginia born about 1913
StackWalter born about 1910
StackWalter Jr born about 1937
StamesAlice born about 1896
StarnesAnne born about 1903
StarnesHenry Gborn about 1875
SteeleBobby born about 1937
SteeleHattie born about 1915
SteeleJesse born about 1905
SteeleLudlow born about 1912
SteeleMary born about 1868
SteeleSybil born about 1933
SteeleTommy born about 1940
SteeleUlysses born about 1864
StillerEarl born about 1887
StillerMrs Earl Jr born about 1921
StillerNettie born about 1897
StirewaltCaroline born about 1881
StirewaltMartin born about 1883
StirewaltTurzah born about 1856
StokesEtolia born about 1888
StokesJoe born about 1879
StokesMarian born about 1921
StokesSydney born about 1920
StoneAlma born about 1916
StoneHelen born about 1919
StoneJohn born about 1911
StoneMary born about 1939
StoneObie born about 1887
StoneObie Jasborn about 1925
StoneShirley born about 1935
StoneVessie born about 1884
StorkCharles born about 1913
StorkJessie born about 1913
StorkLeslie born about 1911
StorkMary born about 1915
StorkSandra born about
StreetMaggie born about 1878
StricklandAnnie born about 1897
StricklandMary born about 1879
StricklandThomas born about 1877
StuckeyCarlton born about 1929
StuckeyClarence born about 1892
StuckeyRuby born about 1907
SturgeonRudolph born about 1898
SummerErnest born about 1877
SummerMartha born about 1878
SummerWilbur born about 1904
SummersLanie born about 1915
SuttonAlonzo born about 1897
SuttonClaire born about 1908
SuttonJessie born about 1894
SuttonKay born about 1939
SwygertJulius born about 1913
SwygertMargarite born about 1913
SylvanFrances born about 1896
SylvanGustaf born about 1869
SylvanLucille born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaitDavid born about 1897
TaitMary born about 1900
TalbertKatherine born about 1908
TalbertLaney born about 1907
TalbertLaney born about 1929
TalbertPatsy born about 1935
TalbertTommy born about 1938
TalbertWilliam born about 1903
TalbertWilliam Jr born about 1929
TalbertWillie born about 1904
TallonRuth born about 1922
TarrerClyde born about 1902
TarrerLouise born about 1928
TarrerMarie born about 1906
TarrerMinnie born about 1927
TaylorAlvin born about 1935
TaylorBennie born about 1939
TaylorBernice born about 1904
TaylorBilly born about 1922
TaylorBilly born about 1925
TaylorBobby born about 1935
TaylorDewitt born about 1902
TaylorDoris born about 1933
TaylorErma born about 1893
TaylorEugene born about 1926
TaylorHelen born about 1927
TaylorHope born about 1924
TaylorJack born about 1914
TaylorJeanne born about 1932
TaylorJohn born about 1892
TaylorJoyce born about 1932
TaylorJuanita born about 1912
TaylorLester born about 1877
TaylorLois born about 1930
TaylorLula born about 1881
TaylorMarjorie born about 1938
TaylorMartha born about 1910
TaylorMillus born about 1897
TaylorMyrtis born about 1925
TaylorNancy born about 1930
TaylorNellie born about 1904
TaylorOlin born about 1935
TaylorPriscilla born about 1895
TaylorRobert born about 1928
TaylorSally born about 1902
TaylorSamuel born about 1923
TaylorVivian born about 1929
TaylorWillene born about 1924
TeagueHenry born about 1883
TeagueMildred born about 1911
TeagueNina born about 1920
TeagueThomas born about 1909
TeeterDocia Leeborn about 1922
TempletonKatie born about 1893
TempletonLafayette born about 1886
TempletonPercey born about 1913
TharpeAnnie born about 1890
TharpeDewey born about 1913
TharpeGrace born about 1927
TharpeJames born about 1917
TharpeLafayette born about 1887
TharpeTaylor born about 1920
TharpeVirginia born about 1923
ThirlboldCharles Mborn about 1888
ThomasAmy born about 1911
ThomasBen born about 1895
ThomasGloria born about 1934
ThomasJohn born about 1911
ThomasLucy born about 1930
ThomasSusie born about 1900
ThomasTerry born about 1935
ThomasWilkins born about 1930
ThompsonBraxton born about 1912
ThompsonLucille born about 1909
ThompsonMay born about 1882
ThompsonMinnie born about 1905
ThompsonPatsy born about 1937
ThompsonRay born about 1920
ThompsonWilliam born about 1862
ThornberryHazel born about 1924
ThornberryLillian born about 1926
ThornberryMargaret born about 1901
ThornwellBelle born about 1916
TillinghastBurette born about 1903
TillinghastBurette Jr born about 1931
TillinghastMary Sueborn about 1928
TillinghastPauline born about 1909
TopsheElizabeth born about 1902
TopsheEvelyn born about 1898
TopsheGeorge born about 1883
TopsheJoseph born about 1907
TopsheMarie born about 1887
TopsheMary born about 1904
TurbevilleFrank born about 1933
TurbevilleLona born about 1908
TurbevilleMargaret born about 1936
TurbevilleWalter born about 1907
TurnerEugene born about 1900
TurnerLouise born about 1916
TurnipseedLois born about 1911
TurnipseedWade born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VannersonHelen born about 1908
VannersonJohn born about 1931
VannersonRobert born about 1906
VaughanMargaret born about 1889
VeenvanBernard born about 1876
VickMabel born about 1921
VinsonLucy born about 1901

W Surnames

WadeKate born about 1866
WalkerCarl born about 1921
WaltersHarry born about 1892
WardCharlotte born about 1883
WardMargaret born about 1911
WardWilliam born about 1915
WarrenClifton Jr born about 1925
WarrenJohn born about 1931
WarrenMargaret born about 1901
WatkinBessie born about 1921
WatkinFlorence born about 1926
WatkinIda born about 1893
WatkinJames born about 1911
WatkinLoyd born about 1937
WatkinTally born about 1917
WatsonAlaster born about 1908
WatsonCarol born about 1938
WatsonDoris born about 1935
WatsonEdna born about 1913
WatsonSally born about 1934
WatsonSue born about 1938
WatsonThelma born about 1914
WayCarl born about 1934
WayCurtis born about 1936
WayEarl born about 1931
WayJoseph born about 1922
WayLouise born about 1918
WayOlin born about 1938
WayStephen born about 1889
WayVanella born about 1900
WayneEdward born about 1903
WayneEdward Jr born about 1933
WayneGertrude born about 1927
WayneMargaret born about 1931
WayneThelma born about 1905
WebberBetty Roseborn about 1920
WebberBetty Wborn about 1865
WebberRosalie Lborn about 1897
WebberWilliam Wborn about 1896
WeimerMarie born about 1897
WeimerMary born about 1931
WertzCharles born about 1910
WertzInez born about 1913
WertzRebecca born about 1934
WertzRose Maryborn about 1932
WertzWesley Iborn about 1939
WessingerEssie Leeborn about 1917
WheelerAnnie born about 1894
WhiteEmma born about 1889
WhitlockFrank born about 1906
WhitlockFrank Jr born about 1937
WhitlockIrene born about 1909
WhitlockJanet born about 1935
WhittleDoris born about 1935
WhitworthAnnie born about 1923
WhitworthAveda born about 1928
WhitworthElizabeth born about 1898
WhitworthWilliam born about 1932
WiedemanCarl born about 1884
WiedemanCarl Jr born about 1925
WiedemanClara born about 1916
WiedemanElizabeth born about 1920
WiedemanLoyd born about 1927
WiedemanOadie born about 1893
WiedemanRachel born about 1919
WiedemanRay born about 1930
WiedemanRobert born about 1930
WiedemanRoy born about 1930
WilliamsAdeline born about 1881
WilliamsEd born about 1912
WilliamsErlene born about 1938
WilliamsEva born about 1920
WilliamsEvelyn born about 1932
WilliamsLillie born about 1902
WilliamsNettie born about 1920
WilliamsRubylee born about 1937
WilliamsRufus Sborn about 1918
WilliamsTheodore born about 1898
WillisHarold born about 1907
WillisJames born about 1910
WilsonAlma born about 1924
WilsonBarbara born about 1939
WilsonBob born about 1939
WilsonBonnie born about 1911
WilsonErnest born about 1909
WilsonJohn born about 1873
WilsonKnox born about 1912
WilsonLouis born about 1902
WilsonMargaret born about 1906
WilsonMargart born about 1925
WilsonMaud born about 1885
WilsonMaude born about 1919
WilsonSandra born about 1939
WilsonSarah born about 1919
WimberlyEdward born about 1889
WimberlyJake born about 1918
WimberlyPearl born about 1889
WimberlyRachel born about 1922
WimbishJohn born about 1912
WimbishMary born about 1913
WinderJanet born about 1923
WinderOrville born about 1896
WinderRobert born about 1920
WiseAlberta born about 1924
WiseAlice born about 1894
WiseCornelia born about 1867
WiseEvelyn born about 1937
WiseFrank born about 1895
WiseWillie born about 1914
WolfeEunice born about 1895
WolfeHarry born about 1933
WolfeHazel born about 1928
WolfeLewis born about 1893
WoodAuburn born about 1886
WoodBertha born about 1877
WoodDorothy born about 1920
WoodEdna born about 1924
WoodEthel Maryborn about 1892
WoodMolly born about 1879
WoodRaliegh born about 1891
WoodWilliam born about 1909
WoodellClaude born about 1904
WoodellEdna born about 1902
WoodellIna born about 1908
WoodellJack born about 1929
WoodellMarion born about 1926
WoodellRuth born about 1925
WoodellSue born about 1934
WoodellVera born about 1928
WoodsHazel born about 1915
WoodsMarion born about 1911
WoodsWilliam born about 1940
WootenGertrude born about 1874
WootenWilliam born about 1875
WozaEric born about 1892
WyseEmma born about 1891
WyseMargaret born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesLou born about 1939
YatesMay born about 1916
YatesWalter born about 1910
YoumansRose born about 1938
YoungBetty Jeanborn about 1931
YoungWalter born about 1902
YoungWillen born about 1907

Z Surnames

ZahelAudrey born about 1910
ZahelBill born about 1916
ZahelEdwin 3rd born about 1937
ZahelEdwin Jr born about 1906
ZeiglerJohnie born about 1910
ZeiglerMargarite born about 1913
ZimmermanDavid born about 1920
ZimmermanEthel born about 1892

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