1940 U.S. Federal Census of Edisto, Orangeburg, South Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Carolina > Orangeburg County > 1940 Census of Edisto

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AblerB Jborn about 1901
AblerVictoria born about 1908
AblesHattie born about 1902
AblesWallace born about 1904
AdamsTannie born about 1893
AdicksAnnie Leeborn about 1928
AdicksCarl Wborn about 1933
AdicksCharles Kborn about 1935
AdicksCora born about 1893
AdicksEdward born about 1925
AdicksGlen born about 1922
AdicksGrover Cborn about 1886
AdicksGrover Cborn about 1930
AdicksJohn Henryborn about 1923
AdicksLizzie born about 1920
AikenAlice born about 1935
AikenBetty Jeanborn about 1939
AikenEliott born about 1912
AikenEllese born about 1937
AikenJessie born about 1914
AlbanyCornelia born about 1873
AlbanyGeorge born about 1875
AllenMose born about 1900
AllenQuincy born about 1924
AntleyAgnes Bborn about 1891
AntleyAnne Marieborn about 1940
AntleyAnnie born about 1877
AntleyBerta born about 1887
AntleyBessie born about 1886
AntleyCarl born about 1924
AntleyClarence Eborn about 1888
AntleyD Lewisborn about 1876
AntleyDoris born about 1927
AntleyEthel born about 1889
AntleyFurman Aborn about 1874
AntleyG Rufusborn about 1879
AntleyGeorge Rborn about 1906
AntleyHaseltine born about 1924
AntleyHattie born about 1867
AntleyHattie born about 1918
AntleyHazel born about 1928
AntleyJames born about 1925
AntleyJoe born about 1906
AntleyMarcus Kborn about 1881
AntleyMarvin born about 1924
AntleyMelvin Lborn about 1936
AntleyMiriam born about 1926
AntleyMurry born about 1925
AntleyNeville born about 1921
AntleyPauline born about 1890
AntleyPearl born about 1902
AntleyRobert Jborn about 1937
AntleyRuby born about 1916
AntleyShirley born about 1939
AntleyT Dibbleborn about 1885
AntleyT Rborn about 1922
AntleyWilhelmena born about 1935
AntleyWillie Aborn about 1897
ArgoeWillie born about 1880
AsheC Bleaseborn about 1914
AsheCorrie born about 1914
AsheEugene Mborn about 1887
AsheHenry Boydborn about 1929
AsheIrma Wborn about 1899
AsheJohn Cborn about 1884
AsheJohn Henryborn about 1906
AsheLula Eborn about 1922
AsheMelvin born about 1919
AsheMeta born about 1909
AsheOllie Wborn about 1892
AsheRobert Lborn about 1888
AsheRosa born about 1883

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B Surnames

BinnickerAlvin born about 1929
BinnickerAnnie Louborn about 1904
BinnickerBeatrice born about 1927
BinnickerC Lborn about 1925
BinnickerEdward born about 1921
BinnickerGeneva born about 1896
BinnickerIrma Louborn about 1916
BinnickerLouise born about 1927
BinnickerMarie born about 1932
BinnickerMildred born about 1919
BinnickerNeb born about 1902
BinnickerVivian born about 1917
BinnickerWilbur born about 1934
BinnickerWillie born about 1888
BirchmoreLula born about 1873
BlitchingtonHarry born about 1907
BlitchingtonJames born about 1875
BlitchingtonLila Mborn about 1908
BlitchingtonLouise born about 1931
BlitchingtonLydia born about 1877
BlitchingtonWillie born about 1913
BonaparteBernice born about 1920
BonaparteDavid Leeborn about 1936
BonaparteElton born about 1928
BonaparteFlossie born about 1931
BonaparteFreddie born about 1926
BonaparteGeorge born about 1898
BonaparteGeorge born about 1924
BonaparteL Cborn about 1933
BonaparteMary Elizabethborn about 1939
BonaparteRosa Leeborn about 1898
BonaparteWilton born about 1929
BowmanErtha Leeborn about 1924
BreelandGerad born about 1915
BrickleArthur born about 1924
BrickleArthur Bborn about 1882
BrickleBessie born about 1889
BrickleElmer born about 1916
BrickleFlorence born about 1939
BrickleHerman Sborn about 1897
BrickleJesse born about 1888
BrickleJim Lborn about 1914
BrickleLois Oborn about 1919
BrickleLurline born about 1909
BrickleMaxine born about 1938
BrickleThomas Clarklandborn about 1939
BrickleThomas Lborn about 1911
BrickleThomas Pborn about 1883
BrownAulee born about 1937
BrownDaisy Maeborn about 1922
BrownEarl born about 1935
BrownEmma Ruthborn about 1930
BrownErthell born about 1932
BrownHerman born about 1918
BrownJames born about 1932
BrownJames born about 1934
BrownJanie Bborn about 1936
BrownNelson born about 1900
BrownNelton born about 1922
BrownOra Bellborn about 1921
BrownRebecca born about 1921
BrownReese born about 1919
BrownSimuel born about 1933
BrownSusan born about 1912
BullBarney Cborn about 1893
BullBeatrice born about 1922
BullClifton born about 1924
BullConnie born about 1898
BullMaetrude born about 1928
BullMarion born about 1925

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C Surnames

CainesAda Bellborn about 1918
CainesAlice born about 1900
CainesEthel born about 1935
CainesEva born about 1920
CainesOtis born about 1937
CainesWilber born about 1917
CainesWilber born about 1939
CainesWilla Maeborn about 1936
CallawayEdna born about 1916
CallawayHenry born about 1915
CallawayRosebud born about 1939
CalterFelix born about 1908
CappsAudrey born about 1907
CappsHarvey born about 1938
CappsHarvey Wborn about 1906
CarlAddison Gborn about 1926
CarlCharles Pborn about 1929
CarriggDorothy born about 1929
CarriggElanor born about 1928
CarriggFrancis born about 1931
CarriggFranklin born about 1931
CarriggJimmie Louborn about 1933
CarriggMargie born about 1910
CarriggRobert born about 1936
CarriggW Frankborn about 1907
ChisolmCornell born about 1880
ChisolmCornell born about 1924
ChisolmEugene born about 1915
ChisolmHenry born about 1922
ChisolmMinnie born about 1886
CollerDorothy Mborn about 1936
CollerHazel born about 1930
CollerLena born about 1907
CollerLouie Maeborn about 1934
CollerMalaci born about 1932
CollerReese born about 1906
CollerReese born about 1938
CollerSallie Dborn about 1928
CrainJanette born about 1874
CrainJohn born about 1870
CrealAsbury born about 1891
CrealB Cborn about 1929
CrealMinnie born about 1902
CurryAlbert born about 1936
CurryAllen born about 1910
CurryAnnie born about 1888
CurryDavid born about 1937
CurryDoretha born about 1933
CurryEugene born about 1935
CurryHelen born about 1914
CurryJames born about 1928
CurryShedrick born about 1939
CurrySinie Maeborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DantlzerBessie born about 1911
DantlzerCarrie born about 1914
DantlzerChester born about 1902
DantlzerHattie born about 1878
DantlzerHegward born about 1915
DantlzerMerle born about 1915
DantlzerRisher born about 1903
DashMamie born about 1900
DashMildred born about 1928
DashRetha Maeborn about 1922
DashThomas born about 1898
DavisAdelade born about 1927
DavisAnnie born about 1940
DavisBertha born about 1913
DavisGeorge born about 1919
DavisHerby born about 1930
DavisJanie Leeborn about 1924
DavisLois born about 1925
DavisVelus born about 1918
DemmeFrank Lborn about 1913
DemmieDewey Lborn about 1895
DempseyAnnie Louborn about 1921
DempseyClio born about 1925
DempseyCurtis born about 1875
DempseyElla born about 1874
DempseyFlorrie born about 1900
DempseyJames born about 1919
DempseyJames Rborn about 1893
DempseyLeroy born about 1893
DempseyParker born about 1927
DempseyRobert born about 1933
DempseyRosa Leeborn about 1903
DempseyRuby born about 1921
DewberryErtha born about 1929
DewberryHattie born about 1895
DewberryJacob born about 1931
DewberryLevie born about 1924
DewberryLouise born about 1925
DraytonGeorge born about 1912
DraytonGeorge born about 1938
DraytonLillie born about 1936
DraytonMary born about 1932
DraytonSarah born about 1910
DukesAlpine born about 1913
DukesElmer born about 1920
DukesEulie born about 1881
DukesGannie born about 1911
DukesLinnie born about 1872
DukesLloyd born about 1933
DukesManuel born about 1875
DukesMary Cborn about 1938
DurantMardice born about 1931

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E Surnames

EasterlinFreddie born about 1919
EasterlingCatherine born about 1922
EasterlingElloise born about 1937
EasterlingFreddie born about 1939
EdgmonAileen born about 1908
EdgmonClyde born about 1930
EdgmonErnest born about 1928
EdgmonJames born about 1931
EdgmonJohn Lborn about 1872
EdgmonLarry born about 1928
EdgmonLarry Lborn about 1894
EdgmonMae born about 1903
EdgmonThomas born about 1926
EdgmonWillie Mborn about 1924
EdwardWillie born about 1905
EthridgeMary Aborn about 1862
EvansEllese born about 1936
EvansJoseph born about 1907
EvansLeila born about 1903
EvansMary born about 1876
EvansPerry born about 1940

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F Surnames

FaganeIola born about 1870
FairKatie born about 1870
FasierCharlie born about 1936
FasierFrankie Lborn about 1937
FasierLottie Bborn about 1911
FasierMargie born about 1932
FasierPearlie Lborn about 1934
FasierWillie born about 1910
FeldersCharlie Fborn about 1883
FeldersMaggie born about 1869
FrasierAlafare born about 1922
FrasierBeatrice born about 1936
FrasierClyde born about 1927
FrasierDentist born about 1915
FrasierEarnest born about 1927
FrasierEmma Juliaborn about 1905
FrasierEra born about 1910
FrasierErtha Leeborn about 1930
FrasierEssie Louborn about 1908
FrasierEstha Maeborn about 1926
FrasierEugene born about 1907
FrasierEugene born about 1920
FrasierEugene born about 1934
FrasierFrank born about 1882
FrasierFranklin born about 1939
FrasierHelen born about 1927
FrasierInez born about 1925
FrasierJ Cborn about 1937
FrasierJames born about 1931
FrasierJanette born about 1874
FrasierJohn born about 1924
FrasierJosie Louborn about 1932
FrasierLavinia born about 1920
FrasierLawrence born about 1878
FrasierLucinda born about 1881
FrasierLucinda born about 1937
FrasierMack born about 1939
FrasierMagaline born about 1939
FrasierMall born about 1907
FrasierMaxwell born about 1923
FrasierOletha born about 1933
FrasierOrie Leeborn about 1939
FrasierRevel born about 1939
FrasierSank born about 1922
FrasierWilbert born about 1931
FrasierWilliam Lborn about 1933
FrasierWillie born about 1905
FrasierWilmer born about 1928
FrasierWoodrow born about 1927

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G Surnames

GarrickHarry born about 1919
GarrickL Mborn about 1922
GloverAnna born about 1880
GloverAnna Fborn about 1910
GloverClifton born about 1940
GloverClinther born about 1918
GloverEvaline born about 1914
GloverFlorine born about 1922
GloverInether born about 1921
GloverLeola born about 1938
GloverPriscilla born about 1902
GloverRutha Mayborn about 1920
GloverSamson born about 1911
GloverW Mborn about 1936
GloverWilliam born about 1871
GovanErtha Mborn about 1922
GovanWillie Lborn about 1919
GreenAdolph born about 1917
GreenMinnie Bellborn about 1920
GriffinAnnie Maeborn about 1927
GriffinHenry born about 1907
GriffinHenry born about 1932
GriffinIrma Leeborn about 1905
GriffinJames Earlborn about 1937
GriffinL Bborn about 1935
GriffinLula born about 1929
GriffithFannie Bborn about 1882
GriffithMary born about 1865
GriffithRalph born about 1905
GriffithThomas Rborn about 1878

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H Surnames

HamptonBennie born about 1902
HamptonClinton born about 1939
HamptonErnest Lborn about 1914
HamptonFlorine born about 1915
HamptonJames born about 1937
HamptonMaggie born about 1890
HamptonMinnie Lborn about 1935
HanberryClifton born about 1922
HardyFrancis born about 1927
HardyFrank born about 1892
HardyHelen born about 1933
HardyHerbert born about 1931
HardyLeroy born about 1920
HardyOneil born about 1923
HardySarah born about 1891
HardyWilhelmena born about 1925
HarrisonEvalina born about 1932
HarrisonFrancis born about 1910
HarrisonJerry born about 1906
HarrisonQueen Estherborn about 1925
HarveyAdeline born about 1877
HarveyEthel Jeanborn about 1931
HarveyGeorge born about 1937
HarveyJulius born about 1912
HarveyJulius born about 1936
HarveyLiza born about 1919
HarveyQueen Estherborn about 1915
HarveySeddie Leeborn about 1934
HarveyWillie born about 1910
HarveyWillie Edwardborn about 1936
HaywardLouis born about 1915
HaywardMartha born about 1918
HaywardMay Ellaborn about 1939
HegwardMamie Leeborn about 1920
HeywardElla born about 1916
HeywardEmma Louborn about 1936
HeywardFrancis born about 1938
HeywardFrank born about 1904
HeywardFrank born about 1934
HeywardFrank born about 1936
HeywardHattie born about 1938
HeywardJames born about 1912
HeywardJames born about 1933
HeywardVernell born about 1916
HolmanHenry born about 1907
HolmanHenry born about 1940
HolmanJohn Wesleyborn about 1934
HolmanMary Eborn about 1916
HolmanPearline born about 1936
HughesAlma born about 1876
HughesAmanda born about 1851
HughesArtie Gborn about 1876
HughesBernice born about 1925
HughesBertin born about 1920
HughesBlanche born about 1918
HughesBlanche Gborn about 1905
HughesCatherine born about 1926
HughesElvin born about 1921
HughesEmma Aborn about 1910
HughesEugenia born about 1876
HughesEugenia born about 1924
HughesFlossie born about 1890
HughesGeorge born about 1910
HughesGeorge born about 1914
HughesGuy born about 1917
HughesJean born about 1932
HughesJean Eborn about 1932
HughesJohn Dborn about 1922
HughesLouis born about 1920
HughesLurene born about 1929
HughesMargaret Tborn about 1935
HughesMason born about 1912
HughesRichard Jborn about 1893
HughesVera born about 1909
HughesWillie Lborn about 1896
HughesWilmon Mborn about 1903
HughesWilmon Pborn about 1928
HultsEva Leeborn about 1921
HungerpillerSam Rborn about 1858
HungerpillerSamuel Bborn about 1912
HungerpillerThomas born about 1908
HuntAnnie Cborn about 1870
HuntCarl Asheborn about 1925
HuntConnie Aborn about 1897
HuntDaisy born about 1903
HuntEddie born about 1907
HuntGuyles born about 1922
HuntJohn Louisborn about 1929
HuntMaidie Leeborn about 1927
HuntThomas born about 1935
HutchinsAnnie Louiseborn about 1916
HutchinsAubrey born about 1927
HutchinsClyde born about 1918
HutchinsJames born about 1924
HuttoJames Jborn about 1911

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I Surnames

IzlarInez born about 1936
IzlarNathan born about 1933

J Surnames

JamisonMargaret Annborn about 1895
JenkinsWhaley born about 1903
JennigsArthur born about 1913
JennigsDavid born about 1939
JennigsJim born about 1935
JennigsLila born about 1915
JennigsMary Leeborn about 1930
JennigsStebe born about 1935
Jennings??? born about 1887
JenningsAgnes born about 1902
JenningsAgnes born about 1929
JenningsAnlester born about 1924
JenningsAnnie born about 1906
JenningsAnnie Leeborn about 1927
JenningsAnnie Maeborn about 1920
JenningsBessie born about 1932
JenningsBeulah born about 1900
JenningsBruce born about 1920
JenningsCarrie Maeborn about 1936
JenningsCary Gborn about 1929
JenningsCavinia born about 1868
JenningsCharlotte born about 1869
JenningsChirlee born about 1926
JenningsClarence Wborn about 1916
JenningsClayton born about 1925
JenningsCleveland born about 1887
JenningsCleveland born about 1913
JenningsCleveland born about 1940
JenningsCoell born about 1929
JenningsDavid born about 1888
JenningsDorothy born about 1931
JenningsDouglas born about 1920
JenningsDrayton born about 1888
JenningsEdith born about 1923
JenningsElizabeth Cborn about 1911
JenningsElla Noraborn about 1885
JenningsEllen born about 1886
JenningsEllese Bborn about 1920
JenningsEmma born about 1923
JenningsEugene born about 1920
JenningsEugene born about 1926
JenningsFlorrie Kborn about 1863
JenningsGabriel born about 1880
JenningsGeorge born about 1939
JenningsGwindell born about 1922
JenningsHarold born about 1937
JenningsHerny born about 1883
JenningsIsiah born about 1931
JenningsJames born about 1936
JenningsJames Jborn about 1865
JenningsJenette Eborn about 1872
JenningsJimmie born about 1892
JenningsJimmie born about 1919
JenningsJohn born about 1893
JenningsJohn Marryborn about 1928
JenningsJohn Weslyborn about 1928
JenningsJohnnie born about 1880
JenningsJonas born about 1915
JenningsJoseph born about 1923
JenningsJunelle born about 1916
JenningsLendo born about 1927
JenningsLizzie born about 1884
JenningsLuther born about 1885
JenningsMarion born about 1881
JenningsMartha born about 1931
JenningsMary born about 1926
JenningsMary born about 1934
JenningsMary Lborn about 1900
JenningsMattie born about 1883
JenningsMattie born about 1916
JenningsMilton born about 1918
JenningsMinnie Aliceborn about 1935
JenningsNehimiah born about 1918
JenningsNomie born about 1896
JenningsNorma born about 1932
JenningsOscar born about 1938
JenningsOwen Rborn about 1867
JenningsOwen Rborn about 1895
JenningsR Cborn about 1939
JenningsRebecca born about 1935
JenningsRetha born about 1925
JenningsRichard Sborn about 1908
JenningsRosa Bborn about 1897
JenningsRosa Leeborn about 1916
JenningsRosena born about 1883
JenningsRuby born about 1927
JenningsRuby born about 1935
JenningsSam born about 1882
JenningsSammie born about 1925
JenningsSopie born about 1880
JenningsSusan born about 1866
JenningsTedie born about 1929
JenningsVera born about 1922
JenningsVernon born about 1927
JenningsWilliam Clydeborn about 1935
JenningsWillie Mborn about 1924
JenningsWilmont born about 1925
JohnsonAlma Cborn about 1915
JohnsonAlmeta born about 1925
JohnsonElla born about 1870
JohnsonEthel born about 1916
JohnsonEthel born about 1929
JohnsonEugene born about 1917
JohnsonEzell born about 1902
JohnsonJanette born about 1924
JohnsonJasper born about 1910
JohnsonJesse Rborn about 1910
JohnsonJoe born about 1930
JohnsonJudge born about 1900
JohnsonJulian born about 1930
JohnsonLeroy born about 1903
JohnsonLoula Maeborn about 1928
JohnsonMalaciah born about 1919
JohnsonMary born about 1913
JohnsonMary born about 1927
JohnsonOlin born about 1938
JohnsonRachel born about 1926
JohnsonRobert Carolborn about 1939
JohnsonWillie born about 1936
JohnsonWillie Leeborn about 1926
JonesAmelia born about 1884
JonesElmer born about 1922
JonesHerman born about 1928
JonesJoe Collieborn about 1925
JonesSpencer born about 1878
JudyAllie Sborn about 1898
JudyJesse Jborn about 1886
JudyMiriam born about 1929
JudyWilson Harveyborn about 1923

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K Surnames

KettreellBeulah born about 1891
KettreellSara born about 1922
KettreellWebb born about 1889
KittrellAngus Jborn about 1877
KittrellGrace born about 1934
KittrellHallie born about 1896
KittrellHarold born about 1921
KittrellHenry Eborn about 1892
KittrellJacob born about 1936
KittrellKathaleen born about 1925
KittrellMalcolm born about 1927
KittrellMeta born about 1927
KittrellObin Jborn about 1918
KittrellRoosevelt born about 1932
KittrellRosa born about 1894
KittrellViltoria born about 1906

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L Surnames

LafluerMaggie born about 1870
LeachElloise born about 1924
LebbyBenjaman born about 1932
LebbyBeulah born about 1897
LebbyHenry born about 1898
LebbyIrish born about 1928
LebbyOneil born about 1923
LebbySheldina born about 1922
LebbyVernell born about 1936
LeeAmelia born about 1916
LeeCatherine born about 1924
LeeEthel born about 1901
LeeHerbert born about 1939
LeeJames born about 1928
LeeMatthew born about 1918
LeePaul born about 1932
LeeWillie born about 1901
LeeWillie Joeborn about 1925
LivingstonDavid Fborn about
LivingstonSallie Wborn about 1881
LockwoodGertrude born about 1924

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M Surnames

MayAnna born about 1865
MaysBernice born about 1918
MaysRebecca born about 1916
MaysSue born about 1872
McClellanBessie born about 1920
McClellanBessie Maeborn about 1934
McClellanLonnie born about 1923
McClellanShedrick born about 1928
McClellanWillis born about 1882
McClellanWilmon born about 1924
McMichaelBooker Tborn about 1934
McMichaelClyde born about 1936
McMichaelElloise born about 1915
McMichaelErnest born about 1931
McMichaelGlem Genevaborn about 1936
McMichaelJames born about 1902
McMichaelJames born about 1929
McMichaelJennie Louiseborn about 1937
McMichaelJoseph born about 1939
McMichaelRaymond born about 1932
McMillanAnie born about 1890
McMillanBillie born about 1932
McMillanCecilia born about 1925
McMillanChappell born about 1920
McMillanCozell born about 1921
McMillanDorothy born about 1914
McMillanGeorge born about 1898
McMillanJohn Jborn about 1891
McMillanMartha born about 1938
McMillanMary Ettaborn about 1919
McMillanMildred Tborn about 1913
McMillanQueen Estherborn about 1901
McMillanRobert born about 1922
McMillanRobert born about 1933
McMillanRobert Aborn about 1912
McMillanRobert Aborn about 1931
McMillanSybil born about 1927
McMillanSybile born about 1934
McMillanSylvia born about 1927
MettsAgnes born about 1908
MettsClinton born about 1915
MettsEdna Rborn about 1939
MettsEdwin born about 1929
MettsFrankie Lborn about 1922
MettsHenrietta born about 1870
MettsHenry born about 1909
MettsIda Jborn about 1874
MettsJohn Eborn about 1872
MettsLessie born about 1903
MettsLottie born about 1889
MettsMadelyn born about 1939
MettsMannie born about 1879
MettsMartha born about 1938
MettsSadie born about 1918
MettsSarah born about 1927
MettsThelma born about 1911
MettsWalter born about 1900
MeyersAlbert born about 1923
MeyersAnnie Maeborn about 1929
MeyersClara Bellborn about 1920
MeyersDollie born about 1914
MeyersDorothy born about 1931
MeyersElvin born about 1934
MeyersEthel born about 1923
MeyersEthel Louborn about 1922
MeyersFlossie born about 1894
MeyersGabriel Sborn about 1877
MeyersGeorge Annborn about 1877
MeyersHenrietta born about 1939
MeyersJake born about 1895
MeyersJames born about 1896
MeyersJames Albertborn about 1938
MeyersJennie Sueborn about 1934
MeyersJessie born about 1900
MeyersJohn born about 1933
MeyersJohnnie Lborn about 1904
MeyersLena Mborn about 1936
MeyersLois born about 1939
MeyersMamie Louborn about 1916
MeyersMary born about 1894
MeyersMckinley born about 1925
MeyersRobert born about 1918
MeyersShelton born about 1921
MeyersSmith born about 1927
MeyersSonnie Bborn about 1907
MeyersSusie born about 1883
MeyersTherman born about 1931
MeyersThomas born about 1937
MeyersTom born about 1905
MillerDaisy born about 1937
MillerJessie Maeborn about 1919
MillerJohn born about 1917
MillerLouise born about 1938
MillerMary born about 1939
MillerMilton born about 1935
MillerWillie born about 1907
MontgomeryElvin born about 1919
MontgomeryEsa Bellborn about 1910
MontgomeryLula born about 1900
MontgomeryPatrick born about 1873
MoodyGeorge born about 1934
MoodyJoseph born about 1923
MoodyMarie born about 1895
MoodyRetha born about 1928
MoodyRobert born about 1926
MoorerMary Louborn about 1935
MoorerN Cborn about 1936
MoseleySallie born about 1884
MoseleyUlysis born about 1923
MoultrieAllzenia born about 1920
MoultrieJoe born about 1892
MoultrieJosephine born about 1924
MoultrieL Gborn about 1939
MoultrieLurline born about 1891
MoultrieMae Ellaborn about 1932
MoultrieMatthews born about 1937
MoultrieRoyal born about 1916
MurphyAda born about 1882
MurphyAppolus born about 1867
MurphyBelton born about 1917
MurphyD Warrenborn about 1880
MurphyElla born about 1881
MurphyElla born about 1885
MurphyEllen born about 1918
MurphyJoe born about 1872
MurphyMary Hborn about 1874
MurphyMary Vborn about 1933
MurphyPearle born about 1911
MurphyVance born about 1917
MurphyWebster born about 1912
MurphyWyman born about 1914
MurphyWyman Rborn about 1935

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N Surnames

NettlesDavid Cborn about 1895
NettlesFairey born about 1913
NettlesFrank born about 1864
NettlesGeorgia born about 1901
NettlesIrene born about 1939
NettlesJason born about 1933
NettlesJohn Davidborn about 1926
NettlesMiller born about 1909
NettlesSallie born about 1873

O Surnames

ObrienCurlee born about 1939
ObrienDrucinda born about 1907
ObrienJulius born about 1885
ObrienOrrie born about 1934
ObrienThomas born about 1932
ObrienWilbur born about 1938
OdomJames born about 1924
OttClyde born about 1923
OttGeneva Mborn about 1898
OttJulia Rayborn about 1933
OttJulius Hborn about 1894
OttMary born about 1929
OttMary born about 1934
OttMilton born about 1921
OttMinnie Mborn about 1897
OttNell born about 1925
OttNesebeth born about 1927
OttO Eborn about 1932
OttOen Eborn about 1898
OttThomas born about 1931
OttWarren born about 1922
OttWilbur born about 1927
OwensIda born about 1926

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P Surnames

PalmerAileen born about 1936
ParkerClay born about 1912
ParkerEdward born about 1935
ParkerInez born about 1912
ParkerLouie Bellborn about 1937
ParkerPauline born about 1932
ParkerWilber Leeborn about 1939
ParlerDavid born about 1939
ParlerDouglas born about 1895
ParlerRodelle born about 1912
ParlerThomas born about 1936
PaughAllonese born about 1928
PaughJefferson born about 1924
PaughKathleen born about 1916
PaughMadeline born about 1927
PaughWilhelmena born about 1893
PaughWillis born about 1890
PelzerArthur born about 1933
PelzerClyde born about 1937
PelzerFannie Mayborn about 1929
PelzerIsiac born about 1913
PelzerJervey born about 1935
PelzerLeroy born about 1930
PelzerLillie Maeborn about 1911
PelzerLizzie born about 1881
PelzerMorgan born about 1903
PelzerRufus born about 1930
PelzerSam born about 1928
PelzerWallace born about 1933
PorterGeneveve born about 1923
PorterMyrtle born about 1889
PorterNelda born about 1915
PorterPaul born about 1921
PorterThomas Cborn about 1883
PorterThomas Howardborn about 1913
PrinceEsther Lborn about 1931
PrinceJohn Eborn about 1927
PrinceLizzie born about 1912
PrinceLizzie Rborn about 1929
PrinceMorris born about 1908
PrinceRoosevelt born about 1934
PrinceSt Claireborn about 1937
PrinkleDennis born about 1919
PrinkleInez born about 1919
PrinkleLizzie Maeborn about 1939
PrinkleLucille born about 1939
PrinkleSaralee born about 1921
PrinkleWesley born about 1918
PrinkleyDora born about 1890
ProctorAddie born about 1890
ProctorAddren Hborn about 1916
ProctorBoyd Bborn about 1923
ProctorFloyd born about 1927
ProctorFownsel born about 1918
ProctorHalcomb born about 1889
ProctorMarion born about 1921
ProctorMary Sborn about 1925
ProctorRalph born about 1920
ProctorSadie Bborn about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RedfordMary born about 1898
ReevesDantzler born about 1877
ReevesJannie born about 1888
ReevesJohnnie born about 1918
RichardsonCorine born about 1930
RichardsonInez born about 1927
RichardsonThelma born about 1925
RickenbakerAda Mayborn about 1933
RickenbakerArthur born about 1905
RickenbakerArthur born about 1935
RickenbakerCarlisle born about 1932
RickenbakerErnest born about 1937
RickenbakerFlorrie born about 1914
RickenbakerJeremiah born about 1901
RickenbakerJeremiah born about 1934
RickenbakerJervaline born about 1915
RickenbakerLaxine born about 1937
RickenbakerMarie born about 1927
RickenbakerMary born about 1907
RickenbakerNover born about 1902
RickenbakerNover born about 1930
RickenbakerRoosevelt born about 1939
RickenbakerSylvia born about 1940
RileyAda born about 1885
RileyAdell born about 1934
RileyAlberta born about 1932
RileyCarrie Maeborn about 1936
RileyCharlotte born about 1910
RileyEdna born about 1928
RileyGeorge born about 1930
RileyJacob born about 1923
RileyJake born about 1869
RileyMae Westborn about 1938
RileySallie born about 1918
RileyTom born about 1908
RiversDora born about 1930
RiversFreddie born about 1910
RiversFreddie born about 1939
RiversIrene born about 1913
RiversOlin born about 1935
RiversThomas born about 1928
RobinsonA Dborn about 1922
RobinsonDannie Clayborn about 1925
RobinsonEdward born about 1936
RobinsonEugene born about 1928
RobinsonHenry born about 1934
RobinsonJ Dborn about 1927
RobinsonJohn born about 1892
RobinsonLourie born about 1930
RobinsonMattie Mieborn about 1919
RobinsonSammie born about 1931
RobinsonVictoria born about 1903
RobinsonWilliam born about 1876
RusselBarbara Annborn about 1933
RusselBowles born about 1907
RusselJacqulyn born about 1935
RusselLucille born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SallayAbraham born about 1875
SallayElizabeth born about 1886
SallayEstelle born about 1921
SallayJohn Fborn about 1922
SallayLevi born about 1923
SallayNadine born about 1925
SalleyAileen born about 1922
SalleyAlex born about 1900
SalleyAlex born about 1931
SalleyCecil born about 1929
SalleyEvaline born about 1924
SalleyHattie Mborn about 1899
SalleyJ Cborn about 1936
SalleyMamie Gborn about 1933
SallyDorothy born about 1923
SanfordSpurgeon Eborn about 1909
ShulerAnnie Maeborn about 1923
ShulerHattie born about 1905
ShulerJames born about 1929
ShulerJanie born about 1932
ShulerWillie born about 1891
ShulerWillie born about 1924
SimmonsFlorence born about 1920
SimmonsLawton born about 1916
SimpsonAlberta born about 1928
SimpsonAlice born about 1890
SimpsonAmy born about 1915
SimpsonAnna born about 1891
SimpsonAnnabelle born about 1895
SimpsonClarence born about 1926
SimpsonCorine born about 1931
SimpsonEdna Mborn about 1919
SimpsonEdwina born about 1939
SimpsonElla Mborn about 1937
SimpsonEnoch born about 1939
SimpsonFlorence born about 1912
SimpsonHazel born about 1920
SimpsonJ Dborn about 1918
SimpsonJames born about 1934
SimpsonJasper born about 1940
SimpsonJoy Wborn about 1913
SimpsonKnowlton born about 1917
SimpsonLeo born about 1927
SimpsonLila Bborn about 1923
SimpsonLizzie born about 1935
SimpsonLouise born about 1928
SimpsonMarion born about 1884
SimpsonMarion born about 1929
SimpsonMarion Leeborn about 1938
SimpsonMary Cborn about 1933
SimpsonMattie born about 1920
SimpsonNathan born about 1918
SimpsonNelson born about 1929
SimpsonPerry born about 1923
SimpsonRuthebell born about 1936
SimpsonTheodore born about 1939
SimpsonWalter born about 1925
SimpsonWilhelmena born about 1931
SimpsonWillie Lborn about 1934
SimpsonWillis born about 1908
SlaughterEugene born about 1928
SlaughterShedrick born about 1923
SlaughterWalter born about 1930
SmithBessie Maeborn about 1939
SmithErtha Leeborn about 1924
SmithJay born about 1920
SmithLeon born about 1923
SmithLou born about 1898
SmithNora born about 1932
SmithRebecca born about 1935
SmithVanderbilt born about 1885
SmithVelton born about 1928
SmithVernell born about 1922
SmoakAzalee born about 1934
SmoakBetty Jeanborn about 1934
SmoakCatherine Rborn about 1903
SmoakCecil Iborn about 1898
SmoakCharles born about 1927
SmoakChristine born about 1926
SmoakConrad born about 1927
SmoakElliott Sborn about 1903
SmoakEmory born about 1905
SmoakEthel Jeanborn about 1930
SmoakEugene born about 1920
SmoakFlossie born about 1908
SmoakFrancis born about 1922
SmoakFrank born about 1903
SmoakGrace born about 1912
SmoakGrace born about 1928
SmoakHenry Leeborn about 1930
SmoakIvey born about 1899
SmoakJanie born about 1863
SmoakJoyce born about 1931
SmoakMabel born about 1913
SmoakMattie born about 1887
SmoakNellie born about 1879
SmoakRebecca born about 1882
SmoakShellie born about 1889
SmoakSusan Eborn about 1869
SmoakTom born about 1893
SmoakVera born about 1925
SmoakVerda born about 1904
SmoakWalker born about 1938
SmoakWalter born about 1923
SmoakWalter Fborn about 1876
SmoakWillie born about 1889
SmoakWilson born about 1915
SmoakZilla Maeborn about 1927
SmoakeGeorge Lesterborn about 1920
SpellsJohn Eborn about 1939
SpellsJoseph born about 1917
SpellsLaula Maeborn about 1919
SpellsLilla born about 1900
SpellsMaria born about 1938
StevensonAlma born about 1921
StevensonAndrew born about 1914
StevensonBen Fborn about 1891
StevensonBennie born about 1911
StevensonDaniel born about 1917
StevensonEdward Lborn about 1936
StevensonFannie born about 1895
StevensonHenry born about 1928
StevensonMary born about 1916
StevensonThomas Aborn about 1872
StevensonWinnie born about 1873
StoneMargaret born about 1912
StrockCarl born about 1888
StrockHarold born about 1924
StrockLula born about 1889
StrockVirginia born about 1931
StrockWoodrow born about 1922
SummersHenry born about 1873
SummersSarah born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TatumWillie born about 1861
ThomasBaldwin born about 1890
ThomasCarrie born about 1885
ThomasClyde born about 1921
ThomasDaisy born about 1900
ThomasIvery born about 1927
ThomasJohn born about 1932
ThomasMary born about 1910
ThomasOrlemon born about 1939
ThomasPaul born about 1883
ThomasPaul born about 1929
ThomasWhitfield born about 1924
ThompsonMary born about 1876
TurnerPerry Pborn about 1884
TylerBen born about 1931
TylerBetty born about 1935
TylerBooker Tborn about 1920
TylerElijah born about 1940
TylerErtha Leeborn about 1930
TylerJ Tborn about 1925
TylerJerome born about 1905
TylerLillian born about 1933
TylerLurline born about 1919
TylerNeoni born about 1939
TylerRachel born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UlmerSusie born about 1927

V Surnames

ValentineElizabeth born about 1924
ValentineFrancis born about 1920
ValentineHarry born about 1927
ValentineJ Harryborn about 1887
ValentineLois born about 1916
ValentineMartha born about 1922
ValentineMary Hborn about 1919

W Surnames

WadeEugenia born about 1866
WalferDaniel born about 1935
WalkerAdell born about 1925
WalkerBennie born about 1883
WalkerBennie born about 1912
WalkerBernice born about 1928
WalkerElizabeth born about 1938
WalkerHerman born about 1939
WalkerJames born about 1921
WalkerJanie born about 1923
WalkerJohn Albertborn about 1936
WalkerLizzie born about 1893
WalkerOla born about 1914
WalkerShellie born about 1931
WalkerWillie born about 1918
WannamakerFlorrie born about 1904
WannamakerGeorge born about 1900
WannamakerGeorge Wborn about 1929
WannamakerMartha Jborn about 1935
WannamakerVernell born about 1926
WashingtonClay Cborn about 1912
WashingtonClyde born about 1935
WashingtonDavid Leeborn about 1937
WashingtonGanell born about 1916
WashingtonGeorge born about 1890
WashingtonGeorge born about 1932
WesburyAndrew Jborn about 1883
WesburyLessie born about 1883
WhaleyErtha born about 1898
WhaleyThomas born about 1897
WilliamsAlberta born about 1921
WilliamsAledxander born about 1881
WilliamsAnnie Maeborn about 1930
WilliamsBen born about 1893
WilliamsBen Bernetteborn about 1939
WilliamsC Wborn about 1924
WilliamsCatherine born about 1888
WilliamsCelvin Jborn about 1939
WilliamsCharles born about 1928
WilliamsCladine born about 1935
WilliamsClifton born about 1927
WilliamsCohens born about 1922
WilliamsConnie Maeborn about 1892
WilliamsCorine born about 1925
WilliamsDavid born about 1919
WilliamsDavid Hborn about 1880
WilliamsElijah born about 1910
WilliamsEnoch born about 1935
WilliamsEstelle born about 1898
WilliamsEstill born about 1933
WilliamsEthel born about 1910
WilliamsEvelyn born about 1890
WilliamsFlonnie born about 1905
WilliamsFrank born about 1914
WilliamsGladys born about 1921
WilliamsH Jborn about 1933
WilliamsHarold born about 1925
WilliamsHerbert born about 1908
WilliamsHerbert born about 1935
WilliamsHiram Jborn about 1883
WilliamsInez born about 1907
WilliamsInez born about 1910
WilliamsJeryl born about 1936
WilliamsJessie born about 1901
WilliamsJessie Maeborn about 1920
WilliamsJohn born about 1882
WilliamsJohn Henryborn about 1936
WilliamsJohnnie born about 1918
WilliamsJoseph born about 1890
WilliamsJoseph born about 1933
WilliamsJuellen born about 1928
WilliamsJulia Annborn about 1932
WilliamsKelly born about 1931
WilliamsL Cborn about 1928
WilliamsLaurie born about 1924
WilliamsLawrence born about 1895
WilliamsLawrence born about 1922
WilliamsLeon born about 1918
WilliamsLessie Cborn about 1894
WilliamsLevi born about 1914
WilliamsLewis born about 1889
WilliamsLottie Bborn about 1931
WilliamsLou born about 1899
WilliamsLurline born about 1928
WilliamsMack Cborn about 1885
WilliamsMacky Cborn about 1933
WilliamsMargie born about 1922
WilliamsMary born about 1890
WilliamsMary born about 1903
WilliamsMary born about 1916
WilliamsMary Leeborn about 1938
WilliamsMary Mborn about 1890
WilliamsMavers born about 1927
WilliamsMelvin Jborn about 1938
WilliamsMinnie born about 1920
WilliamsNettie Bellborn about 1918
WilliamsOneil born about 1921
WilliamsPaulie born about 1885
WilliamsRosa Mborn about 1923
WilliamsRosebud born about 1934
WilliamsRubert born about 1933
WilliamsSalina born about 1926
WilliamsSarah born about 1916
WilliamsTony born about 1873
WilliamsVernese born about 1925
WilliamsWillie born about 1905
WilliamsWillie Clayborn about 1931
WilliamsonBernice born about 1922
WilliamsonBerzela born about 1888
WilliamsonMarion born about 1915
WilliamsonMinnie born about 1917
WilliamsonThomas Wborn about 1892
WolfeAllie born about 1885
WolfeEdgar born about 1918
WolfeElloise Jborn about 1913
WolfeGeorgia born about 1922
WolfeJ Marionborn about 1904
WolfeJackie born about 1937
WolfeJacob Hborn about 1869
WolfeJames born about 1934
WolfeLeonard born about 1938
WolfeMaggie born about 1875
WolfeMarion born about 1885
WolfeMartha born about 1931
WolfeNettie born about 1870
WolfeOra Bellborn about 1922
WolfeP Millerborn about 1871
WolfeRogers born about 1919
WolfeShellie born about 1878
WolfeThomas born about 1934
WolfeThomas Dborn about 1904
WolfeThomas Dborn about 1935
WolfeVirginia born about 1920
WolfeWillard born about 1930
WolfeZelma born about 1910
WorthamCheese born about 1925
WorthamChellie born about 1899
WorthamJoe born about 1888
WorthamMarie born about 1924
WrightMinnie born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZeiglerAnne Porcherborn about 1928
ZeiglerAnnie Lborn about 1901
ZeiglerElizabeth Aborn about 1874
ZeiglerJohn Tborn about 1892
ZeiglerJohn Tborn about 1926
ZimmermanEddie born about 1937

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