1940 U.S. Federal Census of Eutaw in Orangeburg County, Orangeburg, South Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Carolina > Orangeburg County > 1940 Census of Eutaw in Orangeburg County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AdkinsBetty born about 1936
AdkinsClarence born about 1927
AdkinsDewey born about 1908
AdkinsDorothy Maeborn about 1938
AdkinsEdgar born about 1931
AdkinsEdna born about 1931
AdkinsHattie born about 1901
AdkinsJ Cborn about 1925
AdkinsJames Lborn about 1867
AdkinsLouise born about 1879
AdkinsSampson born about 1914
AdkinsWill born about 1929
AmosLeya born about 1890
AndersonCleveland born about 1919
AndersonCorine born about 1918
AndersonElizabeth born about 1886
AndersonElla born about 1902
AndersonElla Maeborn about 1938
AndersonEugenia born about 1935
AndersonGeorge born about 1891
AndersonGeorge born about 1924
AndersonJames Edwardborn about 1931
AndersonJohn born about 1925
AndersonMary born about 1893
AndersonMary Janeborn about 1890
AndersonMillie born about 1870
AndersonMorris born about 1940
AndersonNerine born about 1918
AndersonRosevelt born about 1928
AndersonRufus born about 1868
AndersonRufus Jr born about 1926
AndersonWakefield born about 1918
AndersonWiley Lborn about 1872
AndersonWiley L Jrborn about 1915
AndersonWilliam born about 1938
AndersonWillie born about 1901
AndersonWillie Jr born about 1927
AntleyBuron born about 1933
AntleyEdward Dborn about 1907
AntleyEdward D Jrborn about 1931
AntleyGladys born about 1911
AntleyJeanette born about 1935
AshbyJosephine born about 1900
AshleyElouise born about 1920
AshleyFranklin born about 1939
AshleyGeorge Jr born about 1918
AtkinsBarla Annborn about 1935
AtkinsBertha born about 1907
AtkinsEdgar born about 1928
AtkinsJasper born about 1933
AtkinsMary Louiseborn about 1930
AtkinsMellie Maeborn about 1925
AtkinsMelvin born about 1923
AvingerBetty Sborn about 1931
AvingerHebert Fborn about 1894
AvingerHelert Mborn about 1933
AvingerKatie Eborn about 1925
AvingerSusan Eborn about 1897
AyersEthel Eborn about 1914
AyersEugene born about 1931
AyersLilly Maeborn about 1929
AyersMarion Samuelborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyBennie Leeborn about 1939
BaileyGeorge born about 1910
BaileyGeorgie Bellborn about 1935
BaileyIvory born about 1900
BaileyJohn Richardborn about 1938
BaileyJulian born about 1855
BaileyNancy born about 1918
BakerAnnie Leeborn about 1924
BakerAnnie Ruthborn about 1936
BakerBuster born about 1913
BakerKinley born about 1900
BakerLaura born about 1915
BakerLilly born about 1903
BakerLouis Jr born about 1933
BanisterAgnes born about 1904
BanisterEliger born about 1895
BanisterEliger Jr born about 1930
BannisterAnnie Leeborn about 1934
BannisterCharlotte born about 1900
BannisterEddie born about 1905
BannisterEddie Jr born about 1933
BannisterFortune born about 1926
BannisterFreddie born about 1930
BannisterHarry born about 1938
BannisterHattie born about 1919
BannisterJames born about 1917
BannisterJoseph born about 1937
BannisterMargaret born about 1886
BannisterRebbeca born about 1907
BannisterSamuel born about 1915
BannisterSolomon born about 1935
BannisterVirginia born about 1921
BarleyAugusta born about 1910
BarleyBeatrice born about 1926
BarleyJohn Henryborn about 1928
BarleyJoseph born about 1932
BarleyWillie born about 1898
BarnesLida born about 1913
BarnesLider born about 1903
BarnesWilliam born about 1903
BarnesWilliam born about 1915
BarnesWilliam Jr born about 1934
BarnesWillie Jr born about 1934
BaunannElla born about 1917
BaunannMosses born about 1936
BaunannRobert born about 1937
BaunannThomas born about 1916
BaunannThomas Jr born about 1938
BelcherAllnene born about 1911
BelcherGeorge born about 1906
BenbowJames born about 1914
BenbowJames Jr born about 1935
BenbowJauinita born about 1939
BenbowMattie Maeborn about 1912
BenlowI Dborn about 1904
BenlowMyrdell born about 1939
BenlowMyrle born about 1914
BennefttFrank born about 1882
BennefttMaria born about 1895
Bennett??? born about 1885
BiltonCaroline born about 1925
BiltonDannie born about 1937
BiltonDolan born about 1919
BiltonElma born about 1923
BiltonEmily Cborn about 1894
BiltonFred born about 1923
BiltonJannie Tborn about 1939
BiltonJessie born about 1886
BiltonJessie born about 1939
BiltonJoe born about 1919
BiltonMarvin born about 1921
BiltonSaidy born about 1916
BiltonShirley born about 1938
BiltonThomas born about 1927
BiltonWilliam Rborn about 1916
BiltonWilliam Wborn about 1889
BlanchardAlice born about 1900
BlanchardBessie born about 1924
BlanchardHebert born about 1922
BlanchardHerbert born about 1892
BlanchardJames born about 1922
BlanchardJohn born about 1929
BlanchardKatie born about 1866
BlanchardMilton born about 1916
BlantizerLouise Gborn about 1880
BlantizerMarion Fborn about 1897
BluntAndrew born about 1883
BluntArthur born about 1921
BluntRivers born about 1910
BluntSusie born about 1917
BolesMallie born about 1903
BolgerAngerline born about 1899
BolgerCharlie born about 1918
BolgerJim born about 1888
BolgerPaul born about 1924
BoltinBety Janeborn about 1936
BoltinDorothy born about 1933
BoltinJacob born about 1910
BoltinJeane born about 1932
BoltinWillabella born about 1916
BooneRochie born about 1902
BowmanAnnie born about 1901
BowmanHenry born about 1888
BowmanHenry Jr born about 1928
BowmanJames born about 1933
BowmanJonny born about 1926
BowmanLeroy born about 1937
BowmanRichard born about 1932
BowmanWilman born about 1927
BradshawAnna Bellborn about 1922
BradshawDave born about 1936
BradshawEssie Leeborn about 1932
BradshawFlorence born about 1900
BradshawJames born about 1925
BradshawJessie Bellborn about 1926
BradshawKatie born about 1927
BradshawLynn born about 1894
BradshawMaggie born about 1929
BradshawMaybell born about 1928
BradshawRebecca born about 1939
BradshawSam born about 1895
BradshawTommie born about 1913
BradshawVirginia born about 1905
BranchGeorge born about 1909
BranchtonBubber born about 1924
BraugtonAnnie Maeborn about 1923
BraugtonCarrie born about 1931
BraugtonDaniel born about 1897
BraugtonFrancis born about 1929
BraugtonFrank born about 1919
BraugtonJeannie born about 1898
BraugtonMary born about 1927
BraugtonRobert born about 1921
BraugtonSara born about 1925
BraugtonSharlaw born about 1932
Braun??? born about 1927
BraunAbraham born about 1898
BraunCatherlina born about 1912
BraunCelia born about 1871
BraunCharlotte born about 1893
BraunEarline born about 1924
BraunJoseph born about 1925
BraunJune born about 1939
BraunMaliza born about 1922
BraunNathaniel born about 1933
BraunPaul born about 1896
BraunRichard born about 1889
BraunRichard born about 1924
BraunRosina born about 1904
BrinsonAndrew born about 1939
BrinsonBulah born about 1927
BrinsonHampton born about 1930
BrinsonLeonard born about 1934
BrinsonLillis born about 1900
BrinsonSamuel born about 1890
BritonRabecca born about 1870
Broughton??? born about 1891
Broughton??? born about 1939
BroughtonAma Maeborn about 1927
BroughtonAnnie born about 1901
BroughtonCarrie born about 1925
BroughtonCatherline born about 1919
BroughtonEarl born about 1922
BroughtonEdwin born about 1900
BroughtonEdwin Jr born about 1935
BroughtonGharlow Jr born about 1927
BroughtonHenry born about 1931
BroughtonJoseph born about 1924
BroughtonJulia born about 1892
BroughtonLander born about 1932
BroughtonLaurence born about 1936
BroughtonLucile born about 1929
BroughtonMaria born about 1875
BroughtonMary Leeborn about 1918
BroughtonRebecca born about 1931
BroughtonRozetta born about 1921
BroughtonSara Bellborn about 1937
BrougtonCaroline born about 1908
BrougtonJohnny born about 1933
BrougtonMaria Eborn about 1938
BrougtonPearline born about 1913
BrounCarrie born about 1936
BrounGenevia born about 1928
BrounLula born about 1900
BrounMaria born about 1865
BrounMary born about 1940
BrowderEarle born about 1937
BrowderHallie born about 1926
BrowerEmma Aborn about 1933
BrowerErvin born about 1935
BrowerJennie born about 1914
BrowerSam Eborn about 1910
Brown??? born about 1936
BrownAdam born about 1903
BrownAdam Jr born about 1936
BrownAffie born about 1877
BrownAllen born about 1932
BrownAnnie Maeborn about 1925
BrownArine born about 1935
BrownCarrie born about 1885
BrownCharles born about 1930
BrownClay Bellborn about 1930
BrownDaisy born about 1875
BrownDavid born about 1906
BrownDouglas born about 1911
BrownDouglas Jr born about 1931
BrownElouise born about 1910
BrownFrank born about 1897
BrownFrank born about 1904
BrownHager born about 1894
BrownHenry born about 1919
BrownHero born about 1870
BrownIda born about 1920
BrownInfant born about 1939
BrownIrene born about 1929
BrownJames born about 1919
BrownJames Jr born about 1939
BrownJean Etheaborn about 1938
BrownJeneatta born about 1911
BrownJessie born about 1925
BrownJoe Louisborn about 1939
BrownJohn Henryborn about 1931
BrownJulia born about 1919
BrownJulius born about 1925
BrownKatie Leeborn about 1925
BrownKatie Meborn about 1932
BrownLessie born about 1936
BrownLouis born about 1939
BrownManda born about 1920
BrownMargaret born about 1912
BrownMarjie born about 1929
BrownMartha born about 1936
BrownMary Francisborn about 1921
BrownMaybell born about 1927
BrownMiddleton born about 1876
BrownNelly born about 1907
BrownPaul born about 1921
BrownPaul born about 1937
BrownRachel born about 1889
BrownRilla born about 1904
BrownRobert born about 1927
BrownRobert born about 1936
BrownRosa Leeborn about 1927
BrownRyer born about 1923
BrownSaccrs born about 1924
BrownSammy born about 1935
BrownSammy born about 1936
BrownSara born about 1917
BrownSibby born about 1889
BrownSister born about 1939
BrownSusie Maeborn about 1939
BrownTommie born about 1938
BrownWilburn born about 1918
BrownWillie born about 1896
BrownWillie born about 1930
BrownWillie Fborn about 1939
BrownWillie Jr born about 1932
BryantAnnie born about 1897
BryantAnnie born about 1912
BryantAnnie born about 1928
BryantAnnie Leeborn about 1937
BryantBenjamin born about 1934
BryantBolan born about 1926
BryantBossey born about 1932
BryantChristina born about 1876
BryantEdward born about 1938
BryantElizabeth born about 1940
BryantErnestine born about 1938
BryantEssie Maeborn about 1925
BryantEstell born about 1932
BryantEstelle born about 1939
BryantEthel born about 1937
BryantEvelyna born about 1919
BryantFrank born about 1937
BryantHenry born about 1915
BryantHesika born about 1934
BryantInfant born about 1940
BryantJessie Maeborn about 1933
BryantJimmie born about 1900
BryantJimmy born about 1937
BryantJoseph born about 1939
BryantJulia born about 1928
BryantLee born about 1921
BryantLiza born about 1921
BryantLizzy born about 1917
BryantLizzy born about 1934
BryantMary born about 1920
BryantMinnie Leeborn about 1932
BryantMollie born about 1933
BryantPeter born about 1936
BryantQueen born about 1937
BryantRachel born about 1919
BryantRichard born about 1920
BryantRosa Leeborn about 1931
BryantSammie born about 1929
BryantSammy born about 1911
BryantSammy born about 1924
BryantTillia born about 1928
BryantViola born about 1918
BryantWilliam born about 1915
BurchEarnest born about 1913
BurchEdgar born about 1927
BurchFrancis born about 1889
BurchHarold born about 1922
BurchHenry born about 1909
BurchJack born about 1871
BurchJack born about 1934
BurchJack Jr born about 1924
BurchJanie Ruthborn about 1931
BurchJohn born about 1915
BurchLizzy Maeborn about 1930
BurchLloyd born about 1920
BurchLucile born about 1910
BurchMary born about 1911
BurchMinnie born about 1902
BurchMinnie Leeborn about 1920
BurchMiriam born about 1929
BurchNelly born about 1874
BurchPaul born about 1931
BurchPeter born about 1925
BurchRichard born about 1905
BurchRosa Leeborn about 1933
BurchSie born about 1859
BurchSie Jr born about 1932
BurchVirginia born about 1912
BurgessGettys Clydeborn about 1907
BurgessSusie Nellborn about 1905
BurthJohnny born about 1938
BurthThelma born about 1935
ButlerAdaline born about 1927
ButlerBessie born about 1919
ButlerDinal born about 1924
ButlerDorothy born about 1933
ButlerJoe born about 1928
ButlerRollie born about 1936
BuzzardMagie Leeborn about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalhounLucy born about 1861
CashCaroline born about 1934
CashEthel born about 1915
CashHeneretta born about 1937
CashOscar born about 1931
CashOtway born about 1905
CashRoosevelt born about 1925
ChaneyBolly born about 1939
ChaneyCarolyn born about 1936
ChaneyCharlie born about 1924
ChaneyDorothy Maeborn about 1929
ChaneyEstelle born about 1927
ChaneyLila born about 1926
ChaneyMaggie born about 1901
ChaneyMartha born about 1880
ChaneyNancy born about 1855
ChaneyPernell born about 1924
ChaneyRachel born about 1922
ChaneyRollie Jamesborn about 1925
ChislomCaroll born about 1922
ChislomJohn born about 1927
ChislomLeola born about 1921
ChislomPeter born about 1912
ChislomSily born about 1875
ChislomWillie born about 1916
ChislonMargaret born about 1939
ChislonRebecca born about 1919
ChislonRobert born about 1916
ClapsBenjamin born about 1939
ClarkAndy born about 1931
ClarkAnn born about 1934
ClarkAnne Rborn about 1937
ClarkAnnie Maeborn about 1922
ClarkAzalec born about 1919
ClarkBessie born about 1927
ClarkCarrie born about 1936
ClarkCharlies born about 1925
ClarkDaisy born about 1922
ClarkDaniel born about 1939
ClarkEdgar born about 1928
ClarkEllener born about 1875
ClarkEvan born about 1890
ClarkForrest born about 1934
ClarkGladys Kborn about 1891
ClarkHarry born about 1880
ClarkHarry born about 1910
ClarkHarry Jr born about 1929
ClarkJeff born about 1927
ClarkJohn Dborn about 1922
ClarkJulia born about 1920
ClarkLizzie born about 1895
ClarkLizzy born about 1904
ClarkMabel born about 1918
ClarkMadeline born about 1931
ClarkMary born about 1927
ClarkMary Annborn about 1936
ClarkMinnie born about 1900
ClarkMose born about 1915
ClarkPusha born about 1924
ClarkRachel born about 1934
ClarkSam born about 1902
ClarkSam born about 1921
ClarkSilly born about 1935
ClarkSusan born about 1895
ClarkWestin born about 1929
ClarkWilliam Johnborn about 1938
ClydeAddie born about 1930
ClydeEllen Maeborn about 1926
ClydeJessie Leeborn about 1934
ClydeMary Janeborn about 1939
ClydePearl born about 1894
ClydeWilliam Jr born about 1928
ColenHerman born about 1919
ColenMary born about 1895
ColenMoses Aborn about 1893
ColenRita born about 1925
CollierJanie born about 1912
Connor??? born about 1927
ConnorEstelle born about 1890
ConnorFred born about 1894
ConnorFred Jr born about 1924
ConnorLawton born about 1881
ConnorLawton Rutledgeborn about 1935
ConnorRose born about 1902
ConnorRose born about 1926
ConnorRutledge Jr born about 1928
ConnorRutt?? born about 1884
ConnorVirginia born about 1888
CooperJohn Mborn about 1929
CooperRebecca born about 1886
CooperRebecca Mborn about 1931
CooperRosa Leeborn about 1927
CooperWilliam Cborn about 1933
CreechGeorge Wborn about 1885
CreechMargaret born about 1937
CreechWilhema born about 1904
CrewsHenry Austinborn about 1920
CroftCharles Fredborn about 1883
CroftEsther Eborn about 1886
CroftIsadoc born about 1915
CrossCarrie Maeborn about 1875
CrossJerome Tborn about 1911
CrossMickel Bborn about 1875
CrumleyEdna born about 1920
CrumleyFloyd born about 1936
CrumleyH Jborn about 1904
CrumpGarland born about 1925
CrumpMarjie Cborn about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaileyJoahua born about 1932
DaileyMattie Maeborn about 1912
DailyMarie born about 1860
DantzierEffie Maryborn about 1867
DantzierInez M??born about 1897
DantzierInez Miltidiaborn about 1927
DantzierJohn Williamborn about 1925
DantzierLeroy Adairborn about 1894
DantzierLeroy Adari Jrborn about 1923
DantzierMary born about 1920
DantzlerArthur Medicusborn about 1921
DantzlerElvin Hborn about 1891
DantzlerEva Graceborn about 1924
DantzlerEva Mborn about 1896
DantzlerJames Mborn about 1910
DantzlerMaggie Dborn about 1873
DantzlerWorton Oborn about 1869
DavidHebert born about 1925
Davis??? born about 1905
Davis??? born about 1927
DavisAbarham born about 1938
DavisAlma born about 1930
DavisAnnie born about 1875
DavisAnnie born about 1901
DavisAnnie born about 1902
DavisAnnie born about 1927
DavisAnnie Leeborn about 1913
DavisAnnie Lewisborn about 1938
DavisAnnie Louborn about 1923
DavisAnnie Maeborn about 1932
DavisAron born about 1909
DavisBella born about 1911
DavisBenjman born about 1880
DavisBenjman Jr born about 1939
DavisBessie born about 1933
DavisBetsey born about 1872
DavisCarrie born about 1902
DavisCash born about 1911
DavisClaus born about 1917
DavisCliford born about 1938
DavisClinton born about 1931
DavisCurlie born about 1936
DavisCyntha born about 1935
DavisDavid born about 1934
DavisDora born about 1933
DavisEdmond born about 1889
DavisElijah born about 1930
DavisElise born about 1921
DavisElise born about 1937
DavisElla Maeborn about 1926
DavisEmma born about 1886
DavisEmma born about 1913
DavisErnest born about 1924
DavisErnstine born about 1934
DavisEvelyn born about 1934
DavisEvelyn born about 1937
DavisFennie born about 1934
DavisFlander born about 1919
DavisFlorie Maeborn about 1915
DavisFoster born about 1925
DavisFreddie born about 1919
DavisFreddie born about 1920
DavisGenevia born about 1926
DavisGeorge born about 1927
DavisGeorge born about 1928
DavisGertrude Ruthborn about 1930
DavisHackless born about 1901
DavisHackless Jr born about 1937
DavisHenry born about 1921
DavisHenry born about 1922
DavisHenry born about 1936
DavisIsacce born about 1910
DavisIzick born about 1939
DavisJack born about 1928
DavisJackie born about 1901
DavisJake born about 1896
DavisJames born about 1885
DavisJames born about 1897
DavisJames born about 1932
DavisJames Jr born about 1923
DavisJim born about 1931
DavisJohn born about 1922
DavisJonny born about 1919
DavisJonny born about 1936
DavisJonny born about 1937
DavisJosephine born about 1934
DavisJulia born about 1919
DavisJulia born about 1934
DavisJune born about 1904
DavisLaura born about 1917
DavisLaura born about 1921
DavisLe Royborn about 1935
DavisLeonard born about 1922
DavisLessie born about 1918
DavisLidia born about 1926
DavisLillie born about 1889
DavisLouis born about 1927
DavisLouise born about 1900
DavisLouise born about 1927
DavisLula born about 1918
DavisMartha born about 1934
DavisMary born about 1917
DavisMary born about 1921
DavisMary Emmaborn about 1930
DavisMary Janeborn about 1929
DavisMattie born about 1924
DavisMildred born about 1914
DavisMoses born about 1883
DavisOllie born about 1936
DavisPatience born about 1914
DavisPaul born about 1892
DavisPearline born about 1930
DavisPompie born about 1915
DavisProphet born about 1911
DavisRachel born about 1934
DavisRebecca born about 1892
DavisReulen born about 1932
DavisRobert born about 1878
DavisRobert born about 1903
DavisRobert born about 1927
DavisRufus born about 1928
DavisRuth born about 1932
DavisSara Bellborn about 1919
DavisSibbie born about 1885
DavisSidia born about 1910
DavisSilver born about 1923
DavisStacey Maeborn about 1936
DavisStephen born about 1871
DavisStephen born about 1923
DavisStephen born about 1924
DavisStepney born about 1918
DavisSuddie born about 1904
DavisSusan born about 1894
DavisThelma born about 1929
DavisThomas born about 1916
DavisThomas born about 1921
DavisThomas Jr born about 1931
DavisTommie born about 1934
DavisWilliam born about 1923
DavisWillie born about 1938
DavisZackers born about 1920
DessawJames born about 1926
DessawJulia born about 1927
DessawThelma born about 1923
DessonEstell born about 1924
DessonJennie born about 1909
DessureEmma born about 1914
DessureGeorge Jr born about 1938
DessureHarold born about 1913
DessureInfant born about 1940
DessureJames Jr born about 1933
DessureJosephine born about 1915
DessureJuneata born about 1919
DessureLaura born about 1882
DessureMoses born about 1907
DessureNathinel born about 1925
DessureNellie born about 1870
DessurePeter Jr born about 1922
DessureRebecca born about 1912
DessureRilla born about 1924
DessureSara born about 1905
DessureSusie Maeborn about 1937
DessureTom born about 1921
DessureTom born about 1931
DessureWillie born about 1900
DevoeMitt born about 1878
DevoeSteve born about 1914
DingleAnnie Ruthborn about 1921
DingleAnnie Ruthborn about 1930
DingleDavid born about 1900
DingleElija born about 1922
DingleEllen born about 1925
DingleEstell born about 1904
DingleFlorence born about 1926
DingleIsabella born about 1924
DingleJames born about 1890
DingleJames Jr born about 1939
DingleJanie born about 1914
DingleJim born about 1936
DingleJohnny born about 1918
DingleLurlie born about 1938
DinglePernile born about 1929
DingleRenie born about 1937
DingleRichard born about 1932
DingleSinclair born about 1937
DinglerEllinor born about 1876
DinglerEva born about 1897
DinglerJingo born about 1928
DinglerSusan born about 1923
DinglerWesley born about 1924
Doctor??? born about 1936
DoctorAder born about 1919
DoctorAlfred born about 1909
DoctorAndrew born about 1934
DoctorAnnie Jr born about 1939
DoctorBenjamin born about 1925
DoctorDorothy born about 1940
DoctorEarline born about 1923
DoctorEdward born about 1900
DoctorEdward born about 1922
DoctorEdward Jr born about 1938
DoctorEffie born about 1918
DoctorEliza born about 1923
DoctorElla born about 1890
DoctorEmily born about 1930
DoctorEmma born about 1885
DoctorEmmie born about 1935
DoctorEstell born about 1905
DoctorEvalna born about 1925
DoctorFlora born about 1929
DoctorFrank born about 1920
DoctorFranklyn born about 1926
DoctorFrazer born about 1919
DoctorGeorge born about 1939
DoctorHarry born about 1933
DoctorHattie born about 1928
DoctorHenry born about 1917
DoctorJames born about 1927
DoctorJessie Maeborn about 1926
DoctorJobey born about 1900
DoctorJohn born about 1919
DoctorJohn born about 1930
DoctorJulia born about 1931
DoctorLawrence born about 1922
DoctorLee born about 1928
DoctorMaggie born about 1939
DoctorMartin born about 1912
DoctorMay Bellborn about 1925
DoctorMay?? born about 1936
DoctorMorses born about 1926
DoctorPaul born about 1938
DoctorRebecca born about 1891
DoctorRobert born about 1930
DoctorRosa born about 1919
DoctorRufus born about 1915
DoctorSam born about 1870
DoctorSamuel born about 1928
DoctorTom born about 1932
DoctorWilla born about 1915
DoctorWillie born about 1936
DollasonArthur born about 1907
DollasonElsie born about 1907
DollasonHenry born about 1936
DorisVirginia born about 1936
DraytonNeitha born about 1924
DraytonPeter born about 1927
DraytonRebecca born about 1892
DraytonSam born about 1890
DraytonWillie born about 1926
DychesCharles born about 1929
DychesCollen born about 1927
DychesHarry born about 1906
DychesMargaret born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EllisMaria born about 1900
ElmoreAmrion born about 1887
EzierMae born about 1918

F Surnames

FavorEllen born about 1923
FavorHelen born about 1870
FavorJames born about 1921
FavorLena born about 1870
FelderAffie born about 1870
FelderMabel born about 1918
FelderMarcus born about 1866
FelderThedo born about 1916
Fenly??? born about 1926
FenlyJake born about 1901
FenlyJoe born about 1930
FenlyMaria born about 1933
FenlyMary born about 1900
FenlyPaul born about 1928
Fenny??? born about 1874
FergusonAda born about 1928
FergusonCarrie born about 1927
FergusonCatherine born about 1931
FergusonDora born about 1925
FergusonJoseph born about 1932
FergusonMary born about 1895
FergusonSaul born about 1890
FischerMary Louborn about 1928
FischerThomas born about 1890
FischerViola born about 1900
FloydEdward born about 1915
FloydMattie born about 1920
FloydShelby born about 1939
ForterW Mborn about 1890
FrazierAnna born about 1900
FrazierCarrie born about 1893
FrazierJohn born about 1888
FrazierKittie born about 1866
FrazierLewis born about 1905
FrazierLouis born about 1883
FrazierNathan Joeborn about 1929
FreezieAnnie born about 1934
FrezierSam born about 1900
FrideJohn born about 1913
FrostJacob Abrahamborn about 1934
FrostJoe born about 1914
FrostLouise born about 1918
FrostLula Maeborn about 1936
FullerAbraham born about 1916
FullerAmie born about 1913
FullerAndrew born about 1909
FullerAnna born about 1933
FullerBertha Leeborn about 1934
FullerBetsy born about 1873
FullerCaroline born about 1937
FullerCarrie born about 1904
FullerCharles Andrewborn about 1939
FullerCleveland born about 1935
FullerDavid born about 1886
FullerEliza born about 1915
FullerEmily born about 1920
FullerEstell born about 1930
FullerEthel Tborn about 1925
FullerEvelyn born about 1938
FullerGertrude born about 1939
FullerHannah Leeborn about 1931
FullerHenry born about 1931
FullerJames born about 1908
FullerJanie born about 1890
FullerJanie Maeborn about 1924
FullerJohn born about 1892
FullerJohn Jborn about 1933
FullerJosephine born about 1932
FullerJulius born about 1868
FullerJulius born about 1902
FullerLerline born about 1915
FullerMae Greenborn about 1924
FullerMamie Leeborn about 1924
FullerMaria born about 1895
FullerMillie born about 1935
FullerPerneal born about 1930
FullerSara Bellborn about 1917
FullerWilliam born about 1939
FullerWillie born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GadsonDennis born about 1884
GadsonEllis born about 1928
GadsonEmpire born about 1906
GadsonEugene born about 1938
GadsonJohn Wborn about 1936
GadsonLoton born about 1880
GadsonMaybell born about 1911
GadsonRosa Leeborn about 1931
GaillandEliza born about 1880
GaillardAbraham born about 1887
GaillardAnn born about 1865
GaillardAzlie born about 1880
GaillardCogburn born about 1916
GaillardDorothy Maeborn about 1933
GaillardFred born about 1928
GaillardJune born about 1924
GaillardLaura born about 1902
GaillardLee born about 1918
GaillardLeon born about 1939
GaillardMary Leeborn about 1921
GaillardPeter born about 1876
GaillardSara born about 1923
GaillardThomas born about 1935
GainerJames Leeborn about 1937
GainerJohn born about 1939
GainerOllie born about 1905
GainerRoosevelt born about 1933
GainerSamuel born about 1935
GainerWillie born about 1900
GareyEthel born about 1920
GareyEugene born about 1936
GareyLilly born about 1904
GareyMary born about 1880
GarrisFlorence Iborn about 1889
GaskinEddie Jr born about 1923
GaskinEstell born about 1934
GaskinPaul born about 1924
GaskinWillie Jr born about 1936
GaskinsFlorence born about 1931
GaskinsJames born about 1876
GaskinsJunior born about 1932
GaskinsLease born about 1930
GaskinsRebecca born about 1890
GathensAnnie born about 1928
GathensEddie born about 1892
GathensEther Leeborn about 1921
GathensJulius born about 1926
GathensMary born about 1898
GathensPaul born about 1924
GathersAnnie Leeborn about 1929
GathersBertha Leeborn about 1934
GathersCharles born about 1939
GathersDaisy Bellborn about 1939
GathersDessy born about 1939
GathersEddie born about 1927
GathersEloise born about 1920
GathersEmmie born about 1926
GathersEvelenia born about 1932
GathersFlora born about 1886
GathersFranklyn born about 1937
GathersJames born about 1936
GathersJim born about 1903
GathersJohn born about 1926
GathersJoseph born about 1910
GathersLeroy born about 1929
GathersMargaret born about 1860
GathersMary Leeborn about 1921
GathersPrince born about 1880
GathersRobert born about 1920
GathersRosa Leeborn about 1931
GathersRufus born about 1935
GathersSadye born about 1937
GathersSara Bellborn about 1936
GathersVictoria born about 1905
GathersViola born about 1918
GathersWesley born about 1919
GatonAlec born about 1924
GatonAmio born about 1937
GatonGeorge born about 1939
GatonIssac born about 1932
GatonJames born about 1900
GatonLavenia born about 1908
GatonRobert born about 1935
GatonWillie born about 1927
GatsonHaley born about 1926
GatsonJulia born about 1891
GatsonVictoria born about 1934
GavinAnnie Janeborn about 1936
GavinEthelee born about 1926
GavinFrank born about 1930
GavinGladys born about 1936
GavinIzick born about 1913
GavinJessie born about 1932
GavinJosephine born about 1914
GavinLoton born about 1911
GavinLouise born about 1920
GavinMarie born about 1884
GavinRebecca born about 1913
GavinVera born about 1927
GelzerQuintillia born about 1905
Gibbs??? Leeborn about 1937
GibbsAnnie Ruthborn about 1925
GibbsAnnie Vborn about 1919
GibbsArron born about 1905
GibbsEdgar born about 1927
GibbsEdmund born about 1913
GibbsEvelyna born about 1924
GibbsFannie born about 1883
GibbsJake born about 1900
GibbsJessie born about 1899
GibbsJulius born about 1914
GibbsLeon born about 1931
GibbsMadeline born about 1917
GibbsMaggie born about 1905
GibbsMiltida born about 1935
GibbsNora born about 1914
GibbsPeter Sr born about 1874
GibbsSara born about 1934
GibbsSophie born about 1875
GibsonGenieva born about 1922
GibsonLovey born about 1896
GibsonMervelle born about 1916
GibsonWilliam Lborn about 1888
GibsonWilliam L Jrborn about 1927
GibsonWinston Cborn about 1918
GilbertCarrie born about 1922
GilbertIda born about 1888
GilbertJames born about 1927
GilbertJohn born about 1924
GilbertRosa born about 1930
GilbertThelma born about 1934
GillanJulius born about 1933
GillanLucell born about 1907
GillanSam born about 1931
GillanShila born about 1936
GillanShilo born about 1907
Gilliard??? born about 1895
GilliardAnna Sborn about 1863
GilliardBerthe Leeborn about 1926
GilliardCharlie born about 1905
GilliardCharlie Jr born about 1936
GilliardChristfer born about 1928
GilliardClarene born about 1923
GilliardDave born about 1907
GilliardElla born about 1902
GilliardElouise born about 1907
GilliardEstelle born about 1902
GilliardFrancis born about 1930
GilliardGalriel Mborn about 1926
GilliardHarry born about 1932
GilliardHattie Maeborn about 1931
GilliardHenretta Sborn about 1923
GilliardHenry Jr born about 1930
GilliardJames born about 1922
GilliardJames Sborn about 1857
GilliardJanie born about 1939
GilliardJohn born about 1937
GilliardJohn Welseyborn about 1929
GilliardKatheline born about 1928
GilliardKatie born about 1938
GilliardLizzie born about 1874
GilliardLizzy born about 1922
GilliardMaggie born about 1933
GilliardMallie born about 1874
GilliardMarthena born about 1924
GilliardMattie Maeborn about 1934
GilliardNancy born about 1917
GilliardRichard Kborn about 1921
GilliardRuth Bellborn about 1935
GilliardThomas born about 1935
GilliardTiney born about 1934
GilliardVirginia born about 1938
GilliardWilliam Sborn about 1890
GilliardWilliams born about 1919
GilliardWillie born about 1923
GilliardWillie born about 1924
GilliardWillie Annborn about 1933
GilliardWilson born about 1936
GillingAnna born about 1900
GillingAnnie Mayborn about 1929
GillingCatherline born about 1933
GillingDaisy Bellborn about 1930
GillingEliga born about 1926
GillingGeorge born about 1897
GillingGeorge Jr born about 1925
GillingJohn born about 1921
GillingMary Leeborn about 1931
GillingMoses born about 1922
GillingsSaul born about 1932
GillsAnnie born about 1934
GillsBenjman Jr born about 1938
GillsBilly born about 1938
GillsBrownell born about 1923
GillsCharlie born about 1888
GillsElla born about 1934
GillsEllen born about 1938
GillsEllen born about 1939
GillsElouise born about 1920
GillsEmma born about 1925
GillsEstelle born about 1935
GillsFloreen born about 1914
GillsFranklin born about 1924
GillsHarry born about 1933
GillsHelen born about 1928
GillsIda born about 1912
GillsIzick born about 1875
GillsJames born about 1928
GillsJames Wborn about 1923
GillsJanie born about 1902
GillsJonny born about 1936
GillsLaura born about 1932
GillsLizzy born about 1922
GillsMaggie born about 1926
GillsMary born about 1894
GillsMary born about 1909
GillsMose born about 1919
GillsPeter Jr born about 1911
GillsRebecca born about 1930
GillsRebecca born about 1932
GillsRobert born about 1931
GillsSam born about 1914
GillsSarah born about 1932
GillsWillie born about 1901
GilsonJack born about 1912
GlencampEliza born about 1922
GlencampElizabeth born about 1875
GlencampIzick born about 1878
GloverAnnie born about 1912
GloverDiana born about 1903
GloverEddie born about 1886
GloverErnest born about 1928
GloverFrank born about 1924
GloverFreeman born about 1922
GloverGeorgie born about 1936
GloverHenry born about 1939
GloverHerbert born about 1925
GloverHetty born about 1870
GloverJames born about 1917
GloverJane born about 1939
GloverJanie Maeborn about 1923
GloverLambert born about 1916
GloverLeroy born about 1932
GloverLily born about 1920
GloverLutha born about 1914
GloverMary born about 1887
GloverMary Leeborn about 1918
GloverMattie Anneborn about 1933
GloverMinnie born about 1937
GloverNora Leeborn about 1938
GloverPrimos born about 1897
GloverSadye Maeborn about 1928
GloverVirginia born about 1892
GloverWilliam born about 1901
GoodwinBenjamin born about 1927
GoodwinCalhoun born about 1935
GoodwinCarrie born about 1922
GoodwinEdith born about 1933
GoodwinElla Maeborn about 1930
GoodwinEloise born about 1921
GoodwinFrank born about 1919
GoodwinJohn born about 1917
GoodwinLizzy born about 1935
GoodwinMary born about 1890
GoodwinMary born about 1939
GoodwinRena born about 1936
GoodwinSam born about 1887
GoshinMollie born about 1901
GoshinWillie born about 1900
GourdineAlice Maeborn about 1936
Graham??? born about 1907
GrantGurnie born about 1917
GrantMena born about 1920
Green??? born about 1936
GreenAda born about 1927
GreenAlbertha born about 1928
GreenBertha Leeborn about 1933
GreenBessie born about 1921
GreenBetthelee born about 1922
GreenBoodas born about 1901
GreenBootsie born about 1933
GreenClarence born about 1930
GreenDan born about 1889
GreenDavid born about 1929
GreenDouglas born about 1896
GreenEliouse born about 1932
GreenEmmie born about 1895
GreenFragile born about 1924
GreenIda born about 1875
GreenJake born about 1924
GreenJames born about 1900
GreenJames born about 1926
GreenJames Jr born about 1935
GreenJanie born about 1904
GreenJohn born about 1896
GreenJohn born about 1939
GreenLiza born about 1922
GreenLizzy Maeborn about 1936
GreenMable born about 1905
GreenManda born about 1888
GreenMary Bborn about 1887
GreenNallie born about 1901
GreenNolie born about 1924
GreenQuinnie born about 1923
GreenRebecca born about 1892
GreenRosalee born about 1928
GreenRudolph born about 1921
GreenSimmon born about 1892
GreenSimon born about 1884
GreenThomas born about 1921
GreenWilliam born about 1930
GriffinJohnny Aborn about 1896
GriffinLillian Eborn about 1891
GriffinRembert Rborn about 1920
GriffinTilliam born about 1891
GrodwinBen born about 1886
GrodwinBen Jr born about 1928
GrodwinSarah born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HallAlbertha born about 1934
HallAnnie born about 1917
HallBenkie born about 1936
HallDaisy born about 1902
HallDavid born about 1910
HallEdward born about 1923
HallEliza born about 1927
HallElizabeth born about 1920
HallErnest born about 1940
HallEstelle born about 1927
HallJennie born about 1900
HallJessie born about 1926
HallMartha born about 1878
HallMartha born about 1925
HallMay born about 1933
HallRachel born about
HallRebecca born about 1921
HallSam born about 1889
HallSaul born about 1937
HallSopia born about 1891
HallThomas born about 1938
HallWilliam born about 1922
HallWillie born about 1923
HallackBernise born about 1917
HallsDaniel born about 1924
HallsJeannie born about 1905
HankAron born about 1913
HarrisCarolyn born about 1938
HarrisCharles Hborn about 1913
HarrisLeona born about 1918
Haskell??? born about 1894
HaskellAnnie Maeborn about 1926
HaskellBenjamin born about 1923
HaskellErkley born about 1937
HaskellEva born about 1906
HaskellFortune born about 1871
HaskellFortune Jr born about 1919
HaskellHenry born about 1891
HaskellJames born about 1934
HaskellLe Royborn about 1933
HaskellLenora born about 1928
HaskellLouise born about 1931
HaskellNellie born about 1923
HaskellRabecca born about 1931
HaskellRena born about 1922
HaskellRobert born about 1894
HaskellRogerstine born about 1939
HaskellRosa born about 1927
HaskellSam born about 1904
HaskellSamuel born about 1923
HaskellWillie Maeborn about 1900
HatchellAlbert born about 1900
HawellRana born about 1936
HaywordClara born about 1865
HazirskiHarold born about 1936
HearingJames born about 1928
HearingJeneter born about 1895
HearingWilliam born about 1889
HendleyElizabeth born about 1918
HicksEdward born about 1900
HighJodie born about 1914
HighRosa born about 1900
HighSmutty born about 1920
HighWillie born about 1880
HinnittJohn Lborn about 1890
HinnittJohn L Jrborn about 1924
HinnittLois born about 1922
HinnittMaudie Mborn about 1895
HjowellJames born about 1920
HollidayEugene born about 1938
HollidayIvory born about 1917
HollidayJenett born about 1939
HollidayJoe born about 1914
HolmanMervine born about 1938
HorgerEdgar Dborn about 1880
HorgerInez born about 1884
HorgerWilliam born about 1921
Howell??? born about 1923
HowellAnnie born about 1913
HowellCharles born about 1937
HowellDauley born about 1935
HowellEdward born about 1895
HowellEdward Jr born about 1920
HowellElizabeth born about 1921
HowellGerald born about 1932
HowellInfant born about 1939
HowellIssac born about 1930
HowellLena born about 1934
HowellMary Leeborn about 1927
HowellPaul born about 1925
HowellRebecca born about 1930
HowellRosa born about 1900
HowellRubin born about 1910
HugerAdam born about 1920
HugerAnna born about 1918
HugerClair born about 1925
HugerDave born about 1922
HugerEvara born about 1891
HugerFortune born about 1891
HugerGeorge born about 1922
HugerHarriet born about 1916
HugerHeneretta born about 1928
HugerJames born about 1921
HugerJohn born about 1887
HugerJohn Jr born about 1926
HugerMaggie born about 1895
HugerRichard born about 1922
HugesAbraham born about 1931
HugesBeaula born about 1914
HugesJake born about 1935
HugesJames born about 1901
HugesJames Jr born about 1938
HugesJulius born about 1933
HugginsHattie born about 1894
HugginsTom born about 1899
HugginsTom born about 1907
Hughes??? born about 1917
HughesCharles Henryborn about 1939
HughesEarnestine born about 1933
HughesEdna born about 1908
HughesFloyd born about 1935
HughesGeorge Hborn about 1902
HughesInfant born about 1940
HughesIssac born about 1897
HughesNathaniel born about 1930
HusserCora born about 1917
HusserManning born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonBoston born about 1906
JacksonCharlotte born about 1937
JacksonCharollet born about 1855
JacksonClemon born about 1899
JacksonFloree born about 1915
JacksonHanna born about 1938
JacksonJoe born about 1939
JacksonLucas Eborn about 1873
JacksonMarvin born about 1909
JacksonMary born about 1869
JacksonMary born about 1890
JacksonMary Hborn about 1898
JacksonMaybell born about 1921
JacksonRudolph born about 1928
JacksonSamuel Tborn about 1875
JacksonVirgle born about 1912
JakinsCatherine born about 1920
JakinsPeter born about 1918
JakinsRichard born about 1920
JakinsSally born about 1890
JallyAntonette born about 1934
JallyJames born about 1915
JallySadia born about 1916
JamesAffie born about 1905
JamesAlbert born about 1923
JamesAmos born about 1898
JamesAnnie Maeborn about 1933
JamesBen born about 1868
JamesBetty born about 1931
JamesBetty born about 1935
JamesBossey born about 1924
JamesCeaser born about 1927
JamesDaisy born about 1903
JamesDaisy Maeborn about 1933
JamesDinky born about 1875
JamesDorothy Maeborn about 1937
JamesEarth Leeborn about 1934
JamesEddie born about 1877
JamesElise born about 1931
JamesElnora born about 1932
JamesElsie born about 1880
JamesEstell born about 1939
JamesEthel born about 1920
JamesFrank born about 1906
JamesGeniva born about 1919
JamesGeorge born about 1938
JamesHannah born about 1885
JamesHarold born about 1935
JamesHenry born about 1912
JamesHorris born about 1918
JamesHoyt born about 1933
JamesIda born about 1910
JamesIda Maeborn about 1938
JamesInfant born about 1940
JamesJeffery born about 1892
JamesJeffry Jr born about 1939
JamesJenny born about 1939
JamesJessie born about 1926
JamesJimmy born about 1928
JamesJoseph born about 1937
JamesLeila born about 1900
JamesLeroy born about 1929
JamesLucas born about 1923
JamesLydia born about 1901
JamesM Cborn about 1919
JamesMabel born about 1939
JamesMattie Maeborn about 1936
JamesMelta born about 1866
JamesMelvin born about 1870
JamesMena born about 1919
JamesNathineal born about 1936
JamesO Harrietteborn about 1921
JamesPaul born about 1940
JamesPerine born about 1924
JamesRina born about 1897
JamesRosa born about 1927
JamesRosa Bellborn about 1914
JamesRuth born about 1935
JamesWalter born about 1907
JamesWalter Leeborn about 1939
JamesWilliam born about 1921
JamesWillie born about 1927
JamisonCaroline born about 1937
JamisonCorilee born about 1922
JamisonEdward born about 1915
JamisonIssac born about 1916
JamisonJames born about 1905
JamisonLeo born about 1920
JamisonNathaniel born about 1939
JeamsKatie Maeborn about 1933
Jefferson??? born about 1896
JeffersonBenjiman born about 1918
JeffersonBernice born about 1939
JeffersonBertha born about 1922
JeffersonBooster born about 1939
JeffersonCarrie born about 1910
JeffersonCarrie born about 1921
JeffersonClaudie born about 1921
JeffersonDavid born about 1926
JeffersonElise born about 1923
JeffersonEliza born about 1927
JeffersonEvelyn born about 1938
JeffersonFrank born about 1877
JeffersonFrank born about 1936
JeffersonGeorge born about 1931
JeffersonHammerson born about 1927
JeffersonHector born about 1905
JeffersonJames born about 1931
JeffersonJim born about 1918
JeffersonJoe born about 1921
JeffersonJoe Louisborn about 1940
JeffersonJohn Arthurborn about 1932
JeffersonLe Royborn about 1939
JeffersonLena born about 1933
JeffersonMaple born about 1925
JeffersonMaria born about 1880
JeffersonMaria born about 1924
JeffersonMary Leeborn about 1922
JeffersonMinnie born about 1921
JeffersonNellie born about 1915
JeffersonRana born about 1919
JeffersonRennie born about 1933
JeffersonRomie born about 1939
JeffersonRosa Leeborn about 1896
JeffersonSalie Bellborn about 1924
JeffersonSara born about 1919
JeffersonWillie born about 1917
JenkinsAgnes born about 1936
JenkinsAlice born about 1938
JenkinsAma Bellborn about 1927
JenkinsAnna born about 1886
JenkinsBen born about 1917
JenkinsBen born about 1932
JenkinsBessie born about 1908
JenkinsBessie born about 1915
JenkinsBeula born about 1917
JenkinsBobby born about 1936
JenkinsEcwese born about 1929
JenkinsEdmund born about 1918
JenkinsElise born about 1916
JenkinsEliza born about 1902
JenkinsEliza Jr born about 1936
JenkinsEloise born about 1906
JenkinsEmlie born about 1931
JenkinsEmma born about 1926
JenkinsEmma born about 1936
JenkinsEssie born about 1910
JenkinsEthel born about 1928
JenkinsEvelyn born about 1935
JenkinsGeorge born about 1916
JenkinsGeorge Jr born about 1937
JenkinsGussie born about 1925
JenkinsIsiah born about 1895
JenkinsIsiah Jr born about 1930
JenkinsIsick born about 1921
JenkinsIziar born about 1933
JenkinsJimmie born about 1879
JenkinsJohn born about 1924
JenkinsJosephine born about 1922
JenkinsJulia Annborn about 1933
JenkinsLawton born about 1905
JenkinsLawton Jr born about 1933
JenkinsLe Royborn about 1924
JenkinsLeroy born about 1933
JenkinsMargaret born about 1875
JenkinsMary born about 1885
JenkinsMary born about 1937
JenkinsMary born about 1938
JenkinsNathaniel born about 1920
JenkinsNellie born about 1906
JenkinsPearl born about 1934
JenkinsPeggy born about 1923
JenkinsPrince born about 1913
JenkinsPrince Jr born about 1939
JenkinsRebecca born about 1923
JenkinsRosa born about 1922
JenkinsRosa Leeborn about 1910
JenkinsRosa Leeborn about 1936
JenkinsSammy born about 1916
JenkinsSamuel born about 1921
JenkinsSolomon born about 1924
JenkinsSt Clairborn about 1918
JenkinsTommie born about 1931
JenkinsTommie Jr born about 1904
JenkinsTommie Jr born about 1935
JenkinsViola born about 1920
JenkinsViola born about 1934
JenkinsWilliam born about 1880
JenkinsYellow born about 1930
JenkinsZudie born about 1923
JohnsonAddie Maeborn about 1927
JohnsonAllen born about 1919
JohnsonBen born about 1892
JohnsonCharlie born about 1875
JohnsonChris born about 1919
JohnsonClay born about 1919
JohnsonDavid born about 1924
JohnsonDora born about 1902
JohnsonEddie born about 1895
JohnsonFred born about 1885
JohnsonGeorge born about 1920
JohnsonGeorge born about 1935
JohnsonHarold born about 1927
JohnsonHarry born about 1935
JohnsonHattie Maeborn about 1925
JohnsonHenry born about 1905
JohnsonJames born about 1915
JohnsonJames born about 1939
JohnsonJames Jr born about 1934
JohnsonJefferson born about 1933
JohnsonJoe born about 1911
JohnsonJohn born about 1929
JohnsonJoseph born about 1926
JohnsonJoseph Jr born about 1928
JohnsonJunior born about 1930
JohnsonLery born about 1915
JohnsonLilly Maeborn about 1932
JohnsonLouis born about 1932
JohnsonMamie Leeborn about 1933
JohnsonMaria born about 1919
JohnsonMary Janeborn about 1890
JohnsonMaryann born about 1865
JohnsonMurder born about 1923
JohnsonNoah born about 1921
JohnsonNomie born about 1911
JohnsonPernell born about 1910
JohnsonPrezzy born about 1900
JohnsonRebecca born about 1900
JohnsonRosa Leeborn about 1915
JohnsonRose Annborn about 1915
JohnsonSam born about 1885
JohnsonSam Jr born about 1938
JohnsonSamuel born about 1905
JohnsonSibbie born about 1879
JohnsonWilhimia born about 1934
JohnsonWillie born about 1870
JonesErnistine born about 1930
JonesKittie born about 1926
JonesWillie born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KareshKatie born about 1881
KelchAllen born about 1926
KelchFred Josephborn about 1930
KelchMay Louiseborn about 1927
KellyClyde born about 1901
KellyFrancis born about 1912
KellyHelen born about 1930
KellyRoy born about 1940
KellyTommie born about 1935
KennedyDonald born about 1916
KershewCarrie born about 1912
KershewJames born about 1934
KershewPaul born about 1905
KershewPaul Jr born about 1939
Ketching??? born about 1922
KetchingJimmie born about 1939
KetchingWoodrow born about 1914
KinderEd born about 1875
KnottsAlfred born about 1907
KnottsEdna Maeborn about 1927
KnottsMay born about 1907
KnottsReulen born about 1938
KnottsRuby born about 1936
KnottsWilliam born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LadsonAlma born about 1931
LadsonGussie born about 1886
LadsonOllie born about 1924
LambLeona R Eborn about 1880
LambrightAnne Maeborn about 1916
LambrightJulia born about 1937
LambrightMorris born about 1935
LambrightRobert born about 1918
LancasterAnnie born about 1901
LancasterBerthelee born about 1928
LancasterBilly born about 1868
LancasterCaroline born about 1936
LancasterCeaser born about 1866
LancasterDavid born about 1914
LancasterDolly born about 1921
LancasterFennie born about 1926
LancasterFrank born about 1898
LancasterFrank Jr born about 1931
LancasterGerdline born about 1937
LancasterIdella born about 1904
LancasterJoe Jborn about 1892
LancasterJunior born about 1930
LancasterLilla born about 1901
LancasterLucell born about 1909
LancasterMamie Leeborn about 1929
LancasterMarjie born about 1927
LancasterRoosvelt Pborn about 1933
LancasterRosa Leeborn about 1923
LancasterSeae born about 1907
LancesterBoy born about 1905
LancesterEllen born about 1885
LancesterWilliam born about 1927
LathrapCarl born about 1882
LathrapHattie born about 1885
LathrapMartha born about 1851
LathrapSallie born about 1919
LatsonEdgar born about 1927
LatsonElizabeth born about 1934
LatsonFanny born about 1937
LatsonFrank born about 1912
LatsonFrank Jr born about 1939
LatsonLovell born about 1935
LatsonMary born about 1885
LatsonMaybell born about 1914
LatsonWillie born about 1921
LavallAnnia born about 1929
LavallIssac born about 1927
LavallLena born about 1895
LavallMaria born about 1921
LavallMattie born about 1916
LavallMoses born about 1923
LavallVictoria born about 1925
LavallWilliam Jr born about 1934
LawtonBobby born about 1921
LawtonWilliam born about 1925
LeeAzilee born about 1916
LeeBernise born about 1935
LeeCharlie born about 1937
LeeDaniel born about 1878
LeeEthel Maeborn about 1934
LeeFrank Jr born about 1937
LeeIziar born about 1939
LeeJames Iborn about 1928
LeeJanie born about 1915
LeeJennie born about 1924
LeeJim born about 1914
LeeJim Jr born about 1906
LeeJohn born about 1913
LeeJohn Leeborn about 1935
LeeJulia born about 1903
LeeLucy born about 1885
LeeLydia born about 1916
LeeMabel born about 1937
LeeMaybelle born about 1907
LeeMickinley born about 1939
LeeRobert born about 1911
LeeRobert born about 1923
LeeRose born about 1922
LeeRuth Ammieborn about 1939
LeeSimon born about 1938
LeeThomas born about 1872
LeeThomas Eborn about 1929
LeeThomas Hborn about 1936
LeeThomas Jr born about 1916
LeeViola born about 1922
LeeWalter born about 1931
LeeWalter born about 1935
LeeWillie born about 1918
LeeWillie Jr born about 1933
LegareEddie born about 1874
LegareLizzy born about 1892
LeprinceCharles Eborn about 1887
LeprinceCharles E Jtborn about 1925
LeprinceGeorgie Pborn about 1901
LeprinceJoan Pborn about 1936
LittleCenia born about 1934
LittleJennie Bborn about 1939
LittleJunior Lborn about 1937
LittleLucell born about 1932
LittleMary born about 1898
LittlePeggie born about 1929
LittleViola born about 1930
LongA Lborn about 1890
LouisG Lborn about 1894
LouisMcqueen born about 1875
LucasAlbert born about 1913
LucasGeorge born about 1908
LucasJohn born about 1904
LucasMamie born about 1915
LucasRuth born about 1922
LudsonAnnie born about 1895
LudsonCatherine born about 1923
LudsonCentra Maeborn about 1927
LudsonElliott born about 1922
LudsonJenkins born about 1887
LumpkinJames born about 1925
LumpkinMarriet born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MackAnnie Leeborn about 1939
MackBilly born about 1911
MackBilly Jr born about 1932
MackBul born about 1921
MackCarolina born about 1894
MackCarolyn born about 1931
MackCattie born about 1916
MackCharles born about 1934
MackDaina born about 1850
MackDorothy born about 1929
MackEdgar Eborn about 1895
MackElease born about 1924
MackElijin born about 1918
MackErnest born about 1922
MackGrace born about 1924
MackIda born about 1919
MackJ Cborn about 1937
MackJames born about 1917
MackJohn Wborn about 1921
MackJohnny born about 1935
MackJonny Leeborn about 1936
MackLilly Maeborn about 1916
MackLouise born about 1938
MackLucene born about 1922
MackMary born about 1935
MackRaymond born about 1918
MackRebecca born about 1900
MackRose born about 1939
MackSallie born about 1875
MackVenette born about 1938
MackVenis born about 1921
MackVictoria born about 1887
MackVirginia born about 1933
MackWillie Maeborn about 1919
MarantFrank born about 1875
MarcusHarry born about 1908
MarcusJanie born about 1892
MarlinAngie Leeborn about 1890
MarlinCharles Mborn about 1921
MarlinHenry born about 1890
MarlinJerome Pborn about 1936
MarlinLouige born about 1935
MarlinOlive born about 1911
MarlinRoddy Tborn about 1911
MarlinWalter Wborn about 1904
MarlinWalter W Jrborn about 1931
MartinAgnew born about 1921
MartinAndrew born about 1892
MartinAuduis Hugoborn about 1932
MartinBessie Cborn about 1904
MartinCarley born about 1918
MartinCaroline born about 1928
MartinElizabeth Cborn about 1876
MartinEloise born about 1905
MartinFrank born about 1910
MartinFredrick born about 1893
MartinGene Mckayborn about 1936
MartinGlenn Eborn about 1909
MartinJames born about 1922
MartinJohn Hamptonborn about 1878
MartinJonny born about 1912
MartinJoseph Dennisborn about 1903
MartinKatherine Eborn about 1937
MartinMackie born about 1871
MartinMary born about 1924
MartinPrelsey born about 1873
MartinRona Violaborn about 1916
MartinThomas born about 1926
MartinWalter Rayborn about 1893
MartinWilliam ???born about 1931
MartinWilliam Cborn about 1900
MartinWilliam C Jrborn about 1934
MathewBauman born about 1914
MathewNathan born about 1937
MathewSam born about 1938
MathewSonny born about 1935
MazikieConstan born about 1915
MazikieNancy born about 1890
MazikieSharlaw born about 1919
McAllesterJoseph born about 1924
McAllisterCaroline born about 1930
McClaryAnnie born about 1926
McClaryBlanch born about 1914
McClaryHeneretta born about 1896
McClaryI Lickborn about 1923
McClaryJeff born about 1891
McClaryJohn Leeborn about 1928
McClaryLee born about 1935
McClaryP Hborn about 1885
McClaryRena born about 1892
McCoyEdith born about 1894
McCoySara born about 1917
McDonaldAnthony born about 1895
McDonaldEloise born about 1915
McDonaldHenry born about 1928
McDonaldMary born about 1927
McKleinJohn born about 1923
McKnightFlori Leeborn about 1929
McKnightLoramer born about 1899
McKnightMartin Laurenceborn about 1935
McKnightSara born about 1899
MeetzeAnnie Louborn about 1916
MeetzeHenry born about 1913
MeetzeJulia born about 1938
MeetzeLa Vonborn about 1934
MeetzeSara born about 1939
MeetzeWilliam born about 1936
MelsonEstell born about 1930
MerrittAlexander born about 1893
MerrittCharlotte born about 1925
MerrittCurtis born about 1927
MerrittEllenor born about 1935
MerrittEsther born about 1931
MerrittEthel Leeborn about 1922
MerrittMary Looborn about 1938
MerrittRobert born about 1920
MerrittRuth born about 1897
MerrittRuth born about 1923
Middleton??? born about 1921
Middleton??? Annborn about 1886
MiddletonAlice born about 1935
MiddletonAnna Bellborn about 1921
MiddletonAnna Bellborn about 1937
MiddletonAnnie born about 1914
MiddletonAnnie Mayborn about 1920
MiddletonCarrie born about 1924
MiddletonCeamon born about 1918
MiddletonCharlie born about 1937
MiddletonCicero born about 1901
MiddletonCloie born about 1886
MiddletonDorothy born about 1934
MiddletonDuda born about 1932
MiddletonE Vborn about 1880
MiddletonEliza born about 1894
MiddletonElouise born about 1915
MiddletonElouise born about 1932
MiddletonEmma born about 1939
MiddletonEmma Louborn about 1929
MiddletonEstell born about 1926
MiddletonFranklin born about 1916
MiddletonFranklyn born about 1916
MiddletonGenieva born about 1934
MiddletonGeorge born about 1916
MiddletonGrace Annborn about 1928
MiddletonHarper born about 1881
MiddletonHarry born about 1883
MiddletonHasel born about 1904
MiddletonHazel born about 1908
MiddletonIda born about 1905
MiddletonJames born about 1935
MiddletonJanell born about 1932
MiddletonJanie born about 1910
MiddletonJoe born about 1922
MiddletonJohn born about 1892
MiddletonJohn Henryborn about 1926
MiddletonJohn Jr born about 1928
MiddletonJulia born about 1931
MiddletonKatora born about 1928
MiddletonLilla Maeborn about 1938
MiddletonLucell born about 1918
MiddletonLula born about 1923
MiddletonManda born about 1919
MiddletonMartha born about 1937
MiddletonMary born about 1905
MiddletonMary Leeborn about 1938
MiddletonMattie Leeborn about 1928
MiddletonMattie Maeborn about 1922
MiddletonMattie Maeborn about 1939
MiddletonMay Carrieborn about 1939
MiddletonNancy born about 1900
MiddletonPaul born about 1927
MiddletonRabecca born about 1894
MiddletonRachel born about 1936
MiddletonRebecca born about 1904
MiddletonReulen born about 1926
MiddletonRichard born about 1880
MiddletonRichard born about 1934
MiddletonRilla born about 1890
MiddletonRilla Maeborn about 1930
MiddletonRobecca born about 1890
MiddletonRobert born about 1934
MiddletonRosa born about 1924
MiddletonRosa Leeborn about 1939
MiddletonRose born about 1923
MiddletonRuimas born about 1915
MiddletonSamuel born about 1921
MiddletonSamuel born about 1924
MiddletonSara born about 1888
MiddletonSara Bellborn about 1930
MiddletonSeamon born about 1917
MiddletonViola born about 1938
MiddletonWilhemia born about 1937
MiddletonWilla Maeborn about 1934
MiddletonWilla Maeborn about 1937
MiddletonWilliam born about 1908
MiddletonWilliam born about 1928
MiddletonWillie born about 1900
MiddletonWillie born about 1922
MiddtelaLizzie Maeborn about 1926
MiddtelaMay born about 1937
Midleton??? born about 1921
MilesElizabeth born about 1923
MilesHenrietta Jborn about 1887
MilliganAble born about 1870
MilliganAnnie born about 1919
MilliganDunnie born about 1914
MilliganJames born about 1934
MilliganJenkins born about 1911
MilliganJohn born about 1939
MilliganJunin born about 1936
MilliganJunior born about 1937
MilliganRebecca born about 1921
MilliganRosa Leeborn about 1885
MilliganWilliam born about 1906
MilliganWoodrow born about 1934
MimsBernise born about 1926
MimsBetty Eugeneborn about 1934
MimsCaroll Bborn about 1923
MimsConelius Aborn about 1893
MimsCynthia born about 1853
MimsDonald Eugeneborn about 1932
MimsFrank Oborn about 1892
MimsGlorie born about 1929
MimsHarry Eborn about 1928
MimsHessie Eborn about 1894
MimsHulie born about 1932
MimsKenneth Hborn about 1926
MimsLeile Gborn about 1898
MimsLela Mborn about 1901
MimsLeola born about 1928
MimsLucille born about 1908
MimsLutrel H Jrborn about 1922
MimsLutrell Hborn about 1895
MimsMary born about 1908
MimsMary Elizabethborn about 1925
MimsQuintillia born about 1924
MimsRichard born about 1931
MimsRobert Eborn about 1897
MimsRobert E Jrborn about 1927
MimsRuby born about 1901
Mines??? born about 1901
MinesAnnice born about 1903
MinesCarlila born about 1926
MinesEugene born about 1938
MinesJuanita born about 1930
MinesWilburn born about 1932
MitchumAda born about 1924
MitchumBetty born about 1929
MitchumDavid born about 1929
MitchumElizabeth born about 1905
MitchumEvelyn born about 1915
MitchumFreddie born about 1928
MitchumIzick born about 1902
MitchumJessie born about 1924
MitchumJohn born about 1922
MitchumJoseph born about 1922
MitchumLula born about 1885
MitchumMary born about 1908
MitchumMary born about 1926
MitchumMattie Maryborn about 1927
MitchumMose Jr born about 1905
MitchumMose Sr born about 1877
MitchumOllie Maryborn about 1935
MitchumRena born about 1937
MitchumResa Bellborn about 1931
MitchumRichard born about 1930
MitchumRosa Bellborn about 1927
MitchumSara born about 1921
MitchumStclair born about 1914
MitchumThelma born about 1933
MitchumViola born about 1926
MizikeAnderson born about 1916
MizikeBen Jr born about 1940
MizikeEarstine born about 1934
MizikeIssac born about 1925
MizikeJessie Maeborn about 1936
MizikeLeo born about 1921
MizikeMinnie born about 1916
MizikeSara Bellborn about 1938
Montgomery??? born about 1886
Montgomery??? born about 1928
MontgomeryClare Bellborn about 1927
MontgomeryDon Jr born about 1935
MontgomeryEarnest born about 1930
MontgomeryEddie born about 1936
MontgomeryEliza born about 1914
MontgomeryEliza Maeborn about 1936
MontgomeryEloise born about 1917
MontgomeryEva Clairborn about 1939
MontgomeryGeorge born about 1912
MontgomeryIssac born about 1916
MontgomeryIssac Jr born about 1938
MontgomeryJeff born about 1939
MontgomeryMae Catherineborn about 1936
MontgomeryPearl born about 1916
MontgomeryRachel born about 1918
MontgomeryRobert born about 1915
MontgomeryRobert born about 1938
MontgomeryRobert Jr born about 1934
MontgomeryRosa Leeborn about 1935
MontgomeryWillie born about 1915
Moore??? born about 1933
MooreBarleston born about 1900
MooreEarnestine born about 1938
MooreLeroy born about 1915
MooreMary born about 1902
MooreRosa born about 1879
MooreSister born about 1934
MooreTom born about 1930
MooreWesley born about 1911
MooreWillie Jr born about 1930
MoorerIda Belleborn about 1919
MorantBertha Leeborn about 1922
MorantEdward born about 1896
MorantJulia born about 1900
MorantJulia Maeborn about 1936
MorantRosa Bellborn about 1939
MorrisJohn Hborn about 1866
Morton??? born about 1935
MortonAma Bellborn about 1924
MortonAnnie Lborn about 1927
MortonBetty Louborn about 1937
MortonClara Belleborn about 1922
MortonClaybell born about 1922
MortonEarl born about 1931
MortonElizabeth born about 1875
MortonElizabeth born about 1936
MortonEthel born about 1925
MortonFrank born about 1927
MortonHeneretta born about 1904
MortonHenry born about 1935
MortonJames born about 1928
MortonJanie Maeborn about 1932
MortonJohn Arthurborn about 1931
MortonJohn Henryborn about 1900
MortonJohnny born about 1931
MortonLily born about 1920
MortonLouise born about 1934
MortonMaggie born about 1900
MortonNick born about 1933
MortonPaul born about 1913
MortonPearl born about 1932
MortonPricilla born about 1931
MortonRebecca born about 1921
MortonRena born about 1926
MortonRosa born about 1914
MortonSamuel born about 1927
MortonSamuel born about 1933
MortonSiras born about 1910
MortonSiras Jr born about
MortonSister born about 1922
MortonThelma born about 1933
MortonVictoria born about 1910
MurryDora born about 1917
MurryFred born about 1875
MurryIziar born about 1908
MurryIziar Jr born about 1937
MurryJacob Jr born about 1937
MurryJoseph born about 1926
MurryMary born about 1924
MurryMattie Pearlborn about 1916
MyersAnnie Bellborn about 1889
MyersAuden Bryanborn about 1881
MyersCarolyn born about 1927
MyersCharles born about 1919
MyersIrene born about 1889
MyersLeroy born about 1921
MyersMarvin born about 1925
MyersShelly Pborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashWilliam born about 1912
NelsonCharlotte born about 1871
NelsonCumberland born about 1869
NelsonDaisy Maeborn about 1918
NelsonDorothy Mborn about 1927
NelsonHarry born about 1916
NelsonJulia born about 1872
NelsonRena born about 1893
NelsonSammie Leeborn about 1938
NelsonSusan born about 1880
NelsonSusie Maeborn about 1939
NelsonVirginia born about 1936
NorrisCaroline born about 1932
NorrisFred Kborn about 1883
NorrisFred K Jrborn about 1928
NorrisGladys born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

Oliver??? born about 1924
Oliver??? born about 1935
OliverAlice born about 1897
OliverBen born about 1897
OliverBootis born about 1934
OliverEddie born about 1905
OliverElla Maeborn about 1937
OliverHenretta born about 1898
OliverHenry born about 1891
OliverJake born about 1882
OliverJames born about 1918
OliverJenny born about 1926
OliverJohn Henryborn about 1929
OliverJunior born about 1938
OliverLiza born about 1930
OliverLouis born about 1928
OliverLouise born about 1904
OliverMaple born about 1906
OliverMaria born about 1936
OliverMary born about 1916
OliverMary born about 1937
OliverPeggy born about 1892
OliverPernell born about 1925
OliverPeter born about 1913
OliverPeter born about 1923
OliverRachel born about 1924
OliverRebecca born about 1934
OliverRobert born about 1933
OliverRobert born about 1935
OliverRolly born about 1921
OliverSammie born about 1932
OliverSara born about 1870
OliverWarren born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PalmerAnnie born about 1880
PalmerBenjamin born about 1928
PalmerEstell born about 1920
PalmerFloreta born about 1927
PalmerFranklin born about 1917
PalmerJoe born about 1893
PalmerJoe Siborn about 1932
PalmerJohn Williamborn about 1936
PalmerLillie Mayborn about 1930
PalmerLouise born about 1896
PalmerNathaniel born about 1935
PalmerRobert born about 1890
PalmerSadie born about 1897
PalmerSamuel born about 1939
PalmerWilliam Davidborn about 1938
ParkerCharlie Boydborn about 1879
ParkerEdward born about 1880
ParkerLucell Sborn about 1900
ParkerRoddy Janeborn about 1890
PaunIsaac born about 1929
PelserCarley born about 1894
PelserCarrie born about 1931
PelserEstell born about 1905
PoliteCora born about 1928
PoliteDoshie born about 1908
PoliteJames born about 1930
PoliteJanie born about 1901
PoliteJanie born about 1932
PoliteJunior born about 1933
PoliteJunior born about 1937
PoliteKatheline born about 1922
PoliteKato born about 1899
PoliteKato Jr born about 1935
PoliteLizzy born about 1922
PolitePatsy born about 1924
PoliteQunnie born about 1926
PoliteRena born about 1937
PoliteRoosevelt born about 1909
PoliteRosa born about 1933
PoliteToots born about 1911
PoliteWilliam born about 1927
PowellFloria Mborn about 1928
PowellGloria born about 1938
PowellJesse born about 1905
PowellJesse Jr born about 1932
PowellLizzy born about 1913
PowellMorgan born about 1934
PowellRosa Bellborn about 1935
PralioueElios born about 1862
PregeeAnnie born about 1921
PregeeDave born about 1873
PregeeRoosvelt born about 1924
PucketGuy born about 1914
PuglerJane born about 1871
PuglerThomas born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaleighJuinnie born about 1905
RaleighWillie born about 1900
RambertAnnie born about 1870
RamseyClara born about 1887
RamseyDavid born about 1911
RamseyElla Maeborn about 1936
RamseyElnoria born about 1921
RamseyEve Annborn about 1939
RamseyIzsck born about 1930
RamseyJessie Maeborn about 1928
RamseyJulia born about 1912
RamseyLawarence born about 1932
RamseyMargaret born about 1878
RamseyRobert born about 1910
RandolphGladys born about 1928
RastElizabeth born about 1902
RastEmily Louiseborn about 1905
RastFrancis born about 1933
RastHessie born about 1900
RastJames Bborn about 1937
RastWilliam born about 1939
RastWitte Bborn about 1897
RavenalOneitha born about 1927
RavenellCain born about 1890
RavenellCain Jr born about 1921
RavenellClara born about 1924
RavenellMinnie born about 1901
Rembert??? born about 1930
RembertAnnie born about 1940
RembertGeorge born about 1918
RembertIda born about 1933
RembertMaggie born about 1880
RembertPatience born about 1885
RembertRachel born about 1920
RettlerJoe born about 1908
RichardBill born about 1909
RichardLura born about 1917
RichburgCharlie born about 1882
RichburgPearline born about 1911
RicherAnnie born about 1909
RicherJoe Cborn about 1898
RicherJosephine born about 1934
RicherLaura Annborn about 1936
RicherMiriam born about 1929
RicherRosa Janeborn about 1931
RicksSue born about 1890
Rivers??? born about 1922
RiversAlgreen born about 1931
RiversEstell born about 1928
RiversFlorence born about 1890
RiversFrancis born about 1937
RiversFrederica born about 1934
RiversHenry born about 1870
RiversJacob born about 1938
RiversJohn born about 1915
RiversJohn born about 1938
RiversJulia born about 1936
RiversJulian born about 1936
RiversLizzie born about 1895
RiversMargaret born about 1868
RiversMary born about 1880
RiversRobert born about 1939
RiversRosa born about 1921
RiversVirginia born about 1922
RiversWashington born about 1935
RiversWest born about 1925
RiversWilliam born about 1921
RiversWoodrow born about 1921
RobertsonAgnes born about 1871
RobertsonCharles Dborn about 1895
RobertsonElla Fborn about 1906
RobertsonHelen born about 1932
RobinsonAddie born about 1888
RobinsonBertha born about 1913
RobinsonBoots born about 1936
RobinsonEvelyn born about 1939
RobinsonHelen born about 1933
RobinsonMamie born about 1895
RobinsonMary born about 1890
RobinsonRoy born about 1936
RockAbarham Jr born about 1939
RockEdward born about 1928
RockFranklin born about 1930
RockHenry born about 1923
RockJeff born about 1934
RockLilly Bellborn about 1919
RockLucell born about 1920
RockMartha born about 1939
RockMary born about 1937
RockRebecca born about 1873
RockRebecca born about 1925
RogersIda born about 1899
RogersJohn born about 1894
RogersMay born about 1925
RogersMildred born about 1927
RovenellMoses born about 1886
RovenellSarah born about 1891
RussellBower born about 1908
RussellDelbert born about 1919
RussellLelsie born about 1914
RussellMarjie born about 1925
RussellRosa born about 1883
RussellRosa born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalleyReef born about 1892
SampleCatherlee born about 1920
SampleHardy Cborn about 1905
SampleSkidmore born about 1925
SandersArnold born about 1891
SandersIva Belleborn about 1891
ScottJames Eborn about 1909
ScottJames E 3rdborn about 1939
ScottMaryetta born about 1912
SellersA Bborn about 1938
SellersAzalee born about 1921
SellersGeorge born about 1918
SellersJessie born about 1939
Senkler??? born about 1930
SenklerCharlie born about 1927
SenklerIsham born about 1934
SenklerLevy born about 1922
SenklerMary born about 1903
SenklerMary born about 1932
SenklerSusan born about 1926
SenklerWilliam born about 1900
SenklerWilliam Jr born about 1938
ShephardAnna born about 1925
ShephardMary born about 1870
ShermanAnsel born about 1939
ShermanJoe born about 1918
ShermanLilles born about 1865
ShermanMaggie born about 1917
ShermanMoses born about 1937
ShinglerBertha Wborn about 1890
ShinglerClarence born about 1890
ShinglerClarence Jr born about 1926
ShinglerElizabeth born about 1923
ShulerCressy born about 1888
ShulerDorris born about 1923
ShulerEthel Oborn about 1894
ShulerEva Clairborn about 1928
ShulerHays Sborn about 1920
ShulerJoyce born about 1926
ShulerLarry born about 1914
ShulerLilly Maeborn about 1919
ShulerLinda born about 1938
ShulerMary born about 1890
ShulerNolan born about 1885
ShulerPreston Wborn about 1889
ShulerRutledge born about 1913
ShulerSally Maeborn about 1907
SimmonsAlice born about 1881
SimmonsAnnie Leeborn about 1935
SimmonsBen born about 1923
SimmonsBen born about 1927
SimmonsCarrie born about 1900
SimmonsDafney born about 1932
SimmonsEddie born about 1923
SimmonsEdward born about 1894
SimmonsElla born about 1926
SimmonsEmma born about 1930
SimmonsFrancis born about 1884
SimmonsHenry born about 1940
SimmonsIzick born about 1921
SimmonsJack born about 1919
SimmonsJacob born about 1921
SimmonsJames born about 1936
SimmonsJessie Maeborn about 1919
SimmonsJohn born about 1883
SimmonsJoseph born about 1917
SimmonsJosephine born about 1914
SimmonsJulia born about 1891
SimmonsJulia Annborn about 1922
SimmonsKatie born about 1895
SimmonsKating born about 1895
SimmonsLenny born about 1890
SimmonsLeroy born about 1931
SimmonsLucell born about 1923
SimmonsLula born about 1922
SimmonsMackie born about 1937
SimmonsMary born about 1925
SimmonsNemire born about 1939
SimmonsPolly born about 1934
SimmonsRobbie born about 1925
SimmonsSallie born about 1919
SimmonsSam born about 1919
SimmonsWilliam born about 1880
SimmonsWillie born about 1923
SinklerAnna born about 1871
SinklerHarriet Clareborn about 1938
SinklerHarriet Jborn about 1878
SinklerHenry born about 1934
SinklerJanes born about 1880
SinklerMadeline born about 1906
SinklerWilliam Henryborn about 1873
SinklerWilliam Henryborn about 1939
SinklerWilliam Henry Jrborn about 1906
SkipperDorothy Annborn about 1935
SkipperEmilie born about 1904
SkipperGloria born about 1934
SkipperHarris Marieborn about 1937
SkipperIda Leeborn about 1924
SkipperNolley born about 1898
SkipperNollie Jamesborn about 1928
SkipperRichard Walkerborn about 1930
SmallAlbert born about 1925
SmallBertha Leeborn about 1922
SmallDavid born about 1922
SmallFlorine born about 1933
SmallLucious born about 1934
SmallMary Annborn about 1903
SmallMary Leeborn about 1931
SmallRose born about 1870
SmallSolomon born about 1922
SmithAbraham Jr born about 1940
SmithAdam Tborn about 1879
SmithBlandell born about 1927
SmithCharies born about 1936
SmithD Sborn about 1911
SmithDaisy Eborn about 1882
SmithFlamm born about 1938
SmithHenerette born about 1911
SmithJanie born about 1900
SmithJohn Williamborn about 1932
SmithLaura born about 1911
SmithMattie Mborn about 1938
SmithOllie Maeborn about 1929
SmithSam born about 1895
SmithSusie Maeborn about 1936
SmithWilliam born about 1908
SnellBuddy born about 1879
SnellDaniel born about 1916
SnellDaniel Jr born about 1934
SnellElizebeth born about 1891
SnellJames born about 1920
SnellMary born about 1920
SnellMarylee born about 1924
SnipeElick born about 1911
SnipeFrancis born about 1933
SnipeLe Myerborn about 1925
SnipeMary Leeborn about 1935
SnipeRosa Leeborn about 1939
SnipeSara born about 1890
SnipeWillie born about 1936
SnowdenAnn born about 1853
SpamAnnie Leeborn about 1923
SpamJack born about 1926
SpamJackie Jr born about 1883
SpamJohn born about 1924
SpamJulia born about 1893
SpamSister Leeborn about 1921
SpannDorothy born about 1925
SpannIda born about 1899
SpannLouis born about 1936
SpannRabecca born about 1874
SpassonJackie born about 1850
SpottsAlfred born about 1932
SpottsBaker Jeanborn about 1937
SpottsFuller Dborn about 1907
SpottsLucia Aborn about 1916
SpottsPhillip born about 1935
StackerLydia born about 1881
StackerPatrick Lborn about 1875
StanleyCharlie born about 1870
StarnesKittie born about 1873
StevensMary born about 1898
StevensRobert born about 1931
StromanJean born about 1917
StromanWatts Bborn about 1913
StromanWinona born about 1939
StronnJosephine born about 1910
StronnTom born about 1905
SumterFrancis born about 1918
SumterMargaret born about 1895
SweatCrowel born about 1875
SweatMary Bborn about 1882
SweeperAlbert born about 1873
SweeperAlbert Jr born about 1934
SweeperClara Bellborn about 1937
SweeperDouglas born about 1921
SweeperEliza born about 1875
SweeperEmlie born about 1910
SweeperErnest born about 1925
SweeperHennie born about 1900
SweeperLilla born about 1898
SweeperMattie Maeborn about 1939
SweeperPrince born about 1918
SweeperRobert born about 1911
SweeperSolomon born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TasteAnnie Bellborn about 1926
TasteBessie born about 1912
TasteBetty Maeborn about 1934
TasteCharlie born about 1926
TasteElijah born about 1928
TasteElouise born about 1908
TasteEmmie born about 1901
TasteEucile born about 1922
TasteJacob born about 1916
TasteLaura born about 1910
TasteLula born about 1914
TasteMary Ellenborn about 1936
TasteMary Leeborn about 1920
TasteMoses born about 1886
TasteNed born about 1906
TasteRia born about 1929
TasteRichard born about 1923
TasteRina born about 1889
TasteRobert born about 1924
TasteSamuel born about 1910
TasteSinclair born about 1930
TasteSport born about 1904
TasteSthephen born about 1890
TasteWilliam born about 1918
TaylorFlora born about 1891
TaylorLincoln born about 1916
TerrellLilly Maeborn about 1880
TerrellWalter born about 1857
TerryJames born about 1921
ThericeAlmeta born about 1905
ThericeBell born about 1933
ThericeBlease born about 1935
ThericeCarrie born about 1924
ThericeEmma born about 1930
ThericeErnest born about 1926
ThericeGeniva born about 1933
ThericeJacob born about 1939
ThericeJames born about 1908
ThericeJames Jr born about 1937
ThericeLawrence born about 1882
ThericeLizzy born about 1929
ThericeMaggie born about 1928
ThericeManda born about 1935
ThericeMary born about 1910
ThierceAnnie Louborn about 1940
ThierceCharlie born about 1914
ThierceEloise born about 1915
ThierceEstell born about 1929
ThierceHeneretta born about 1915
ThierceHeneretta born about 1932
ThierceJames born about 1913
ThierceRuth born about 1934
ThomasJulius Hborn about 1914
ThomasMary Juliaborn about 1858
ThompsonEloise born about 1915
ThompsonEmma born about 1884
ThompsonEmma Jborn about 1927
ThompsonHenry Leeborn about 1929
ThompsonHilderd born about 1865
ThompsonJame born about 1875
ThompsonLeroy born about 1935
ThompsonNellie Maeborn about 1926
ThompsonSam born about 1878
ThompsonSam born about 1910
ThompsonVan Hallborn about 1923
ThompsonWillie Maeborn about 1919
TraxlerDoris born about 1930
TraxlerLouise born about 1906
TraxlerSimcon born about 1903
TrotteAnnie Fborn about 1919
TrotteGerald born about 1938
TrotteHenryette born about 1905
TuckerEzelibeth born about 1934
TuckerHarry born about 1934
TuckerHenry born about 1896
TuckerJohn Henryborn about 1923
TuckerJoseph born about 1929
TuckerLizzie Maeborn about 1935
TuckerRina born about 1898
TylerCherrie Eborn about 1911
TylerOctis born about 1912
TylerRobert Leeborn about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

ValentineEnnis born about 1878
VanceCharlie born about 1933
VanceEleke born about 1920
VilliardGeorge born about 1874
VogtJames born about 1926

W Surnames

WalkerBertha Leeborn about 1930
WalkerEd born about 1919
WalkerEddie born about 1925
WalkerJohn born about 1939
WalkerRenna born about 1922
WaltersElizabeth born about 1932
WaltersMary Francisborn about 1928
WaltersPearl born about 1910
WaltersPeter Jr born about 1930
WaringJames born about 1934
Warley??? born about 1927
WarleyLaurence born about 1875
WarleyLouise born about 1885
WashingHenry born about 1925
WashingKatherlin born about 1927
WashingtonAnnie born about 1917
WashingtonAnnie Bellborn about 1914
WashingtonAnnie Leeborn about 1938
WashingtonAnnie Ruthborn about 1939
WashingtonAzalee born about 1925
WashingtonBen born about 1902
WashingtonBen Jr born about 1934
WashingtonBessie born about 1936
WashingtonBoket born about 1911
WashingtonCatherine born about 1932
WashingtonCelie born about 1909
WashingtonCloie born about 1873
WashingtonElizabeth born about 1922
WashingtonElouise born about 1914
WashingtonEmma born about 1931
WashingtonErline born about 1915
WashingtonEssalina born about 1925
WashingtonEstell born about 1934
WashingtonEva born about 1923
WashingtonEva Maeborn about 1939
WashingtonFlorence born about 1901
WashingtonFloyd born about 1926
WashingtonFrank born about 1922
WashingtonGeorge born about 1906
WashingtonGeorge born about 1933
WashingtonHarry born about 1930
WashingtonHattie born about 1914
WashingtonHenry born about 1912
WashingtonHeram born about 1928
WashingtonIrene born about 1917
WashingtonIssac born about 1914
WashingtonJames born about 1916
WashingtonJames born about 1919
WashingtonJames born about 1930
WashingtonJames born about 1937
WashingtonJohn born about 1932
WashingtonJohn born about 1939
WashingtonJonny born about 1880
WashingtonJosephine born about 1923
WashingtonJulia Maeborn about 1938
WashingtonJunior Wborn about 1936
WashingtonLauda born about 1938
WashingtonLettie born about 1910
WashingtonLiza born about 1929
WashingtonLouise born about 1936
WashingtonLucile born about 1926
WashingtonMamie born about 1923
WashingtonMarie born about 1934
WashingtonMary born about 1889
WashingtonMary Leeborn about 1924
WashingtonMaybell born about 1925
WashingtonMollie born about 1937
WashingtonMorris born about 1932
WashingtonMose born about 1919
WashingtonPearline born about 1937
WashingtonPeter born about 1885
WashingtonPeter born about 1916
WashingtonPeter born about 1933
WashingtonQunnie born about 1904
WashingtonRabecca born about 1915
WashingtonRobert born about 1927
WashingtonRose born about 1928
WashingtonSam born about 1910
WashingtonSam born about 1933
WashingtonSammie born about 1932
WashingtonSilly born about 1923
WashingtonSires born about 1905
WashingtonSonny born about 1930
WashingtonThomas born about 1926
WashingtonVernee born about 1927
WashingtonWilliam born about 1936
WashingtonWillie born about 1925
WashingtonWillie born about 1936
WashingtonWillie Leeborn about 1937
WatkinsBeaulah born about 1893
WatkinsCherrie born about 1919
WatkinsWroten born about 1922
WatsonGordon born about 1901
WattsJasper Uborn about 1881
WattsJosephine born about 1886
WayHamp born about 1878
WayLeila born about 1919
WaymckGeorgie Maeborn about 1913
WaymerDorothy born about 1933
WaymerGeorge Louisborn about 1937
WaymerJessie born about 1905
WaymerMarie born about 1932
WaymerMartha born about 1935
WaymerMary born about 1935
WaymerPezzy born about 1904
WaymerQueen Eborn about 1930
WearingAnnie born about 1918
WearingDan born about 1915
WearingEllen born about 1940
WearingJeannie born about 1931
WearingPrince born about 1937
WearingWilliam born about 1936
WeasingFranklin born about 1922
WeasingJohn born about 1920
WeathefordCarolyn born about 1933
WeathefordEmma born about 1899
WeathefordGeorge Dborn about 1899
WescottJanie Cashborn about 1915
WescottJoe born about 1875
WescottLula born about 1890
WestArchie Jborn about 1937
WestBulah born about 1879
WestDwight Eborn about 1905
WestJune born about 1900
WestMartha born about 1903
WestPaul Fborn about 1877
WestPaul F 3rdborn about 1934
WestReulen Aborn about 1907
WestReulen Aborn about 1935
WestRichard Eborn about 1939
WestRuth born about 1912
WhiteCharlie born about 1881
WhiteEmma Leeborn about 1936
WhiteHarold born about 1935
WhiteHelen born about 1920
WhiteJohn born about 1939
WhiteLennise born about 1914
WhiteLoton born about 1936
WhiteLula born about 1938
WhiteMartha Annborn about 1931
WhiteMinnie born about 1886
WhiteMorris born about 1923
WhiteReveneker born about 1934
WhiteRobert born about 1919
WhiteSammie Leeborn about 1939
WhiteVirgil born about 1912
WhiteVirgil Jr born about 1934
WigfallAron born about 1922
WigfallColumbus born about 1890
WigfallEdward born about 1927
WigfallEffie born about 1932
WigfallElla born about 1887
WigfallHenry born about 1916
WigfallIda born about 1903
WigfallJames born about 1912
WigfallKatheline born about 1928
WigfallLevenia born about 1924
WigfallMary Francisborn about 1934
WigfallNancy born about 1917
WigfallRichard born about 1886
WigfallRobert Cborn about 1938
WigginsCamilla born about 1904
WigginsDave born about 1931
WigginsThomas Tborn about 1899
WilliamsClifford born about 1918
WilliamsCos born about 1918
WilliamsDorothy born about 1938
WilliamsEllen born about 1908
WilliamsJosephine born about 1920
WilliamsMary born about 1913
WilliamsMattie Bellborn about 1939
WilliamsMitchum Jr born about 1939
WilliamsRoy born about 1913
WilliamsVirginia born about 1939
WilliamsWalter Vborn about 1940
WilsonAnnie Bellborn about 1915
WilsonMary Jborn about 1864
WinterShelly born about 1890
WirghtAlice born about 1881
WirghtMatilda born about 1922
WirghtThomas born about 1880
WoffordLynn born about 1912
WorleyCharley born about 1905
WorleyCharley Jr born about 1936
WorleyElma born about 1907
WorleyJames born about 1925
WorleyLois born about 1938
WorleyMaria born about 1939
Wright??? born about 1902
Wright??? born about 1905
Wright??? born about 1921
Wright??? born about 1924
Wright??? born about 1939
WrightAbarham born about 1920
WrightAbraham born about 1921
WrightAbraham born about 1931
WrightAlice born about 1916
WrightAmis born about 1876
WrightAnna Bellborn about 1934
WrightAnnie born about 1906
WrightAnnie Leeborn about 1923
WrightAnnie Leeborn about 1930
WrightBernise born about 1927
WrightBessie born about 1874
WrightBessie Maeborn about 1931
WrightCarolina born about 1929
WrightCaroline born about 1922
WrightCarrie Leeborn about 1936
WrightClarence born about 1921
WrightCollett born about 1888
WrightDick born about 1861
WrightEdgar born about 1928
WrightElizabeth born about 1927
WrightEloise born about 1932
WrightErnest born about 1926
WrightEstell born about 1913
WrightEve born about 1939
WrightEve Maeborn about 1923
WrightEx Oraborn about 1939
WrightFranklin Rborn about 1926
WrightGeniva born about 1927
WrightGeorge born about 1900
WrightGeorge Jr born about 1927
WrightHattie born about 1888
WrightHattie born about 1899
WrightHenry born about 1897
WrightHenry born about 1914
WrightHenry born about 1918
WrightHenry born about 1923
WrightIsaac born about 1867
WrightJacob born about 1902
WrightJacob born about 1929
WrightJake born about 1912
WrightJames born about 1919
WrightJames born about 1921
WrightJames born about 1936
WrightJane born about 1866
WrightJanie born about 1936
WrightJessie born about 1892
WrightJessie Bellborn about 1936
WrightJoe born about 1915
WrightJohnny born about 1916
WrightJulius born about 1901
WrightKelly born about 1936
WrightLillie born about 1925
WrightLula born about 1900
WrightLula Maeborn about 1920
WrightMae ???born about 1925
WrightMaggie born about 1920
WrightMamie born about 1895
WrightMargaret born about 1929
WrightMartha born about 1939
WrightMary born about 1910
WrightMary Leeborn about 1906
WrightMary Leeborn about 1934
WrightMary Leeborn about 1939
WrightMay Bellborn about 1938
WrightMelia born about 1934
WrightMiltidia born about 1925
WrightMollie born about 1890
WrightMollie born about 1910
WrightMorris born about 1928
WrightMorris born about 1936
WrightNelly born about 1868
WrightNelly born about 1931
WrightNelly born about 1933
WrightNora born about 1915
WrightPaul born about 1934
WrightPrince born about 1889
WrightRabecca born about 1902
WrightRabecca born about 1926
WrightRebecca born about 1926
WrightRichard Sborn about 1938
WrightRobert born about 1896
WrightRobert born about 1902
WrightRobert born about 1930
WrightRobert born about 1936
WrightRosa Leeborn about 1917
WrightRose born about 1895
WrightRuth born about 1928
WrightRuth Maeborn about 1932
WrightSam born about 1891
WrightSam Jr born about 1917
WrightSamlen born about 1914
WrightSamuel born about 1928
WrightSamuel born about 1932
WrightSara born about 1921
WrightSimpson born about 1891
WrightThelma born about 1929
WrightWilliam born about 1928
WrightWillie born about 1925
WrightWillie born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungLorraine born about 1932
YoungSadie born about 1906
YoungSam born about 1902

Z Surnames

ZaksS born about 1893
ZelersJohn born about 1925

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