1940 U.S. Federal Census of Gladsden, Richland, South Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Carolina > Richland County > 1940 Census of Gladsden

A Surnames B Surnames D Surnames E Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAnnie born about 1934
AdamsCharlie born about 1901
AdamsDarcas born about 1898
AdamsDoctor born about 1926
AdamsDorthory born about 1922
AdamsErlich born about 1918
AdamsFrank born about 1896
AdamsFrank Jr born about 1922
AdamsJohn born about 1920
AdamsJohn born about 1928
AdamsJulia Rborn about 1910
AdamsLucy born about 1936
AdamsMary Jborn about 1924
AdamsMillie born about 1919
AdamsRosa born about 1922
AdamsSarah born about 1932
AdamsSarah Bborn about 1896
AdamsWillie Wborn about 1926
AdamsWillis born about 1895
AdkinsFleetwood born about 1904
AdkinsLucile born about 1925
AllenAnnie Mborn about 1933
AndersonChristina born about 1930
AndersonEddie Jborn about 1933
AndersonGeorge born about 1908
AndersonGeorge born about 1912
AndersonGeorge born about 1927
AndersonJannie born about 1926
AndersonJessie born about 1929
AndersonJessie born about 1930
AndersonJohn Dborn about 1910
AndersonJosephine born about 1939
AndersonLucinda born about 1911
AndersonMary born about 1918
AndersonMary born about 1923
AndersonMary Janeborn about 1940
AndersonMillie born about 1921
AndersonNancy born about 1870
AndersonRuben born about 1939
AndersonSane born about 1924
AndersonSessie born about 1926
AndersonSillie Mborn about 1917
AndersonWillie born about 1918
AndersonWillie Jr born about 1937
ArthurCaroline Wborn about 1861
ArthurCaroline Wborn about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BeltoreEhtel Mborn about 1928
BiggerstaffFaye born about 1922
BiggerstaffLeatha born about 1898
BiggerstaffMarion born about 1895
BooksAllen born about 1922
BooksElsie born about 1920
BooksFrankie born about 1924
BooksLee born about 1885
BooksMalesia born about 1887
BrownAlbert born about 1922
BrownAnnie Rborn about 1908
BrownBobbie born about 1936
BrownCora born about 1913
BrownDicy born about 1865
BrownEdward born about 1923
BrownErnest born about 1902
BrownHattie born about 1905
BrownJohn born about 1922
BrownLeola born about 1937
BrownMildred born about 1927
BrownNancy born about 1910
BrownNathanial born about 1924
BrownPeter born about 1902
BrownRobert born about 1932
BrownRossevett born about 1934
BrownSaw born about 1901
BrownTalley born about 1908
BrownWillie Rborn about 1918
BrownWillis born about 1916
BurdenAnnie Bborn about 1905
BurdenBen born about 1927
BurdenCharlotte born about 1915
BurdenHilary born about 1932
BurdenIsaac born about 1936
BurdenJannie born about 1929
BurdenJoe Lborn about 1939
BurdenLouise born about 1930
BurdenLucretia born about 1939
BurdenLucy Mborn about 1923
BurdenNancy born about 1935
BurdenWaddell born about 1933
BurdenWillie born about 1932
BurdenWillie Jborn about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanelsWillie Bborn about 1904
DarbyJ Prestonborn about 1907
DarbyJ Preston Jrborn about 1932
DarbyMary Lborn about 1907
DarbyMary Lborn about 1937
DarbyTheadare Hborn about 1934
DavisEllen born about 1868
DavisHenry born about 1940
DavisJ Oborn about 1932
DavisJessie born about 1918
DavisJessie Jr born about 1940
DavisJoseph born about 1936
DavisLucy Mborn about 1938
DavisMaryjane born about 1934
DavisRosalee born about 1913
DavisSallie Bborn about 1920
DawsonAlena Iborn about 1897
DawsonBetty Rborn about 1928
DawsonCharlotte Rborn about 1925
DawsonFrancis Wborn about 1919
DawsonJosiah Bborn about 1890
DenkinsBen born about 1935
DenkinsDavid born about 1912
DenkinsLeota born about 1934
DenkinsMary Aborn about 1916
DuglassAnnie Mborn about 1923
DuglassEddie born about 1922
DuglassMartha born about 1881
DuglassMose born about 1878
DuglassSammie born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EliottJoseph Mborn about 1891

G Surnames

GarrickAdline born about 1906
GarrickBeverly born about 1892
GarrickBeverly Jr born about 1920
GarrickCarrie born about 1925
GarrickDarcas born about 1924
GarrickHelen born about 1921
GarrickJacob born about 1926
GarrickJames born about 1920
GarrickJoseph born about 1931
GarrickJosephine born about 1892
GarrickKathrine born about 1891
GarrickMargaret born about 1895
GarrickMargaret born about 1929
GarrickRoosaveett born about 1933
GarrickRosena born about 1924
GarrickRuben born about 1902
GarrickRuben born about 1928
GayAnnie Bborn about 1922
GayDorthory Mborn about 1928
GayJohn born about 1885
GayLena born about 1931
GayRobert born about 1926
GayRosie Bborn about 1924
GoodwinAmanda born about 1921
GoodwinDave Jr born about 1932
GoodwinDavid born about 1925
GoodwinEddie born about 1933
GoodwinEdward born about 1930
GoodwinHarry born about 1878
GoodwinHarry born about 1909
GoodwinJames born about 1925
GoodwinJames born about 1927
GoodwinJohn Cborn about 1928
GoodwinLaurenia born about 1870
GoodwinLewis born about 1914
GoodwinLilla born about 1885
GoodwinLucretia born about 1908
GoodwinMargarette born about 1929
GoodwinMary born about 1860
GoodwinNellie born about 1919
GoodwinRobert born about 1923
GoodwinSam born about 1938
GoodwinTonnie born about 1923
GrayCathrine born about 1916
GrayDan Wborn about 1915
GraySathrine born about 1938
GreenCaroline born about 1900
GreenEstella born about 1928
GreenFannie born about 1921
GreenGeorge born about 1898
GreenGeorge Jr born about 1922
GreenNancy born about 1930
GreenWilliam born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HarmanJohn born about 1920
HayneAnnie Dborn about 1876
HayneCicile Wborn about 1939
HayneIsaac born about 1905
HayneJ Adamborn about 1872
HayneLillah Aborn about 1904
HayneSusie Sborn about 1914
HugueniarJames born about 1930

J Surnames

JacksonCathrine born about 1931
JacksonCharlie born about 1921
JacksonDavid born about 1919
JacksonEvamae born about 1940
JacksonGeore Annaborn about 1924
JacksonIsabelle born about 1928
JacksonJames born about 1936
JacksonJessie born about 1932
JacksonJoe born about 1915
JacksonJohn born about 1931
JacksonLucy born about 1890
JacksonRebecca born about 1895
JacksonRebecca born about 1936
JacksonRichard born about 1890
JacksonRichard Jr born about 1920
JacksonRobert born about 1924
JacksonRosa born about 1934
JacksonSane born about 1926
JacksonVernels born about 1922
JeffersonArthur born about 1912
JeffersonHattie Bborn about 1915
JeffersonJohn born about 1934
JeffersonTommie born about 1939
JeukinsGeorge born about 1885
JeukinsGeorge Jr born about 1922
JeukinsMary born about 1908
JeukinsRobert born about 1925
JonesCharlie born about 1917
JonesFreddie born about 1935
JonesJune Mborn about 1925
JonesMargaret born about 1934
JonesMartha born about 1933
JonesMellie born about 1920
JoynerWilhelmena born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LawmanCorrey born about 1920
LawmanDaisy born about 1936
LawmanEaster born about 1890
LawmanFreddy born about 1922
LawmanLillybell born about 1932
LawmanRosebell born about 1928
LawmanRowland born about 1924
LendersonHenry born about 1932
LendersonJames born about 1926
LendersonJessie born about 1930
LendersonJohn born about 1919
LendersonMatilda born about 1902
LendersonPrecilla Aborn about 1925
LendersonSallie Bborn about 1929
LowmanLuza born about 1894
LowmanRobert born about 1875
LunterJames born about 1920
LunterJessie Mborn about 1925
LunterJessie Mborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MillerDonald Lborn about 1935
MillerGeorge Eborn about 1932
MillerGeorgell born about 1915
MillerGrover Cborn about 1907
MooreAmanda born about 1922
MooreDinah born about 1916
MooreJannie born about 1935
MooreLewis born about 1933
MooreMary Bborn about 1899
MooreMary Jborn about 1936
MooreRose born about 1889
MooreSallie born about 1938
MooreWilhelmena born about 1939
MooreWilliam born about 1937
MosleyCarrie born about 1918
MosleyCharlie born about 1917
MosleyChristine born about 1892
MosleyJulia born about 1939
MosleyRachel born about 1870
MosleyRobert born about 1937
MosleySattie Mborn about 1938
MosleyTannie born about 1919
MosleyWilhelmina born about 1921
MosleyWiliam Jr born about 1939
MosleyWilliam born about 1916
MyersGoomas born about 1934
MyersJames born about 1938
MyersLawrence Wborn about 1935
MyersPelham born about 1937
MyersPorvell born about 1939
MyersRebecca born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NathanAnny born about 1927
NathanBessie born about 1921
NathanEvelin born about 1930
NathanGertrude born about 1920
NathanHannah born about 1860
NathanLettie born about 1904
NathanMinnie born about 1901
NathanMinnie born about 1927
NathanNellie born about 1924
NathanWilliam born about 1898
NathanWilliam born about 1922
NixonElla born about 1925
NixonLaura born about 1910
NixonWilliam born about 1905
NixonWilliams born about 1927
NowellRoosevelt born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParteeCarrie Mborn about 1892
ParteeIrvine born about 1880
PerkinsBetsie born about 1924
PerkinsEveline born about 1895
PerkinsNancy born about 1920
PerkinsPauline born about 1930
PerkinsSarah born about 1922
PerkinsSaw born about 1898
PerkinsWilliam born about 1926
PhilipAlexander born about 1910
PhilipAnny born about 1887
PhilipJulia born about 1926
PorteeFrancis born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RawlinsonJannie born about 1902
RawlinsonJannie born about 1918
RawlinsonLillie Rborn about 1924
RawlinsonWilliam born about 1895
RawlinsonWillie Jr born about 1915
ReeseAllie Mborn about 1891
ReeseFrances born about 1920
ReeseJack born about 1883
ReeseJosephine born about 1918
ReeseLila Mborn about 1921
ReeseMargaret born about 1930
ReeseMarretta born about 1917
RiversAlice born about 1900
RiversAlice born about 1939
RiversGrant born about 1920
RiversJohn born about 1880
RiversJohn Sborn about 1926
RiversLeora born about 1929
RiversMary Jborn about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

ScottAlice born about 1893
ScottJanny born about 1865
ScottJohn Nborn about 1877
ShiverAnny born about 1925
ShiverBelly born about 1921
ShiverEaster born about 1933
ShiverEddie born about 1917
ShiverJack born about 1888
ShiverJannie born about 1921
ShiverJohn Wborn about 1928
ShiverLeroy born about 1940
ShiverMarie born about 1923
ShiverMary born about 1897
ShiverMary born about 1931
ShiverMinnie born about 1924
ShiverNancy born about 1920
ShiverPeter born about 1916
ShiverPeter born about 1939
ShiverSallie born about 1875
ShiverSelina born about 1923
ShiverSip born about 1874
ShiverSip 3rd born about 1939
ShiverSip Jr born about 1918
ShiverWilliam born about 1934
SimerWillis born about 1932
SimsCarrie Bborn about 1939
SimsDavid born about 1928
SimsDoctor born about 1901
SimsDoctor born about 1925
SimsEdward born about 1930
SimsErnest born about 1932
SimsGracy born about 1872
SimsHattie born about 1916
SimsHenry born about 1924
SimsIrene born about 1924
SimsIsaac born about 1940
SimsJoe Lborn about 1932
SimsJohn born about 1915
SimsJohn born about 1935
SimsJosephine born about 1922
SimsLeroy born about
SimsLillie Aborn about 1925
SimsLottie born about 1922
SimsLucile born about 1925
SimsMaggie Lborn about 1926
SimsMargaret born about 1929
SimsOllie born about 1902
SimsOllie born about 1927
SimsPinkney born about 1930
SimsPreston born about 1927
SimsRachel born about 1938
SimsRebecca born about 1919
SimsRebecca born about 1932
SimsRebecca born about 1938
SimsRena born about 1893
SimsSallie born about 1891
SimsThomas born about 1883
SimsThomas Jr born about 1923
SimsWilliams born about 1938
SmithAmy born about 1928
SmithDavid Eborn about 1935
SmithEmma born about 1910
SmithHenry born about 1912
SmithHenry born about 1933
SmithJames born about 1926
SmithJoseph born about 1893
SmithJulia born about 1923
SmithMark born about 1919
SmithMary born about 1917
SmithMary born about 1931
SmithMoses born about 1939
SmithRobert born about 1937
SmithSimon Wborn about 1922
SmithSussanna born about 1906
SumterFrank born about 1919
SumterJohn born about 1872
SumterLaura born about 1900
SumterLeola born about 1926
SumterMay Eborn about 1934
SumterMelton Jr born about 1923
SumterRosa born about 1915
SumterWelton born about 1897
SumterWillis born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorJonnie born about 1927
TaylorJube born about 1868
TaylorSeah born about 1880
ThompsonGracy born about 1905
ThompsonRobert born about 1921
ThompsonSane born about 1895
ThornSue Rborn about 1873
TuckerLucy born about 1900

W Surnames

WebberJohn Hborn about 1914
WestonAlma born about 1939
WestonC Tuckerborn about 1893
WestonCelea born about 1901
WestonCelia born about 1933
WestonEnglish Hborn about 1922
WestonEthel Mborn about 1924
WestonHellen born about 1931
WestonJeff born about 1929
WestonLizzie born about 1937
WestonMary born about 1926
WestonMary Hborn about 1892
WestonMasiena born about 1936
WestonSam born about 1939
WestonWessie born about 1895
WilliamsAnnie born about 1899
WilliamsEartherine born about 1924
WilliamsHarry born about 1883
WilliamsJerry born about 1870
WilliamsJohnson born about 1919
WilliamsLouise born about 1875
WilliamsPearl born about 1928
WilliamsRebecca born about 1920
WilliamsSolomon born about 1877
WilliamsVernell born about 1930
WilsonDella born about 1896
WilsonEmaline born about 1860
WilsonMary born about 1895
WilsonRichard born about 1871
WilsonStephen born about 1850
WrightCharlie Gborn about 1939
WrightHenry born about 1935
WrightJames born about 1938
WrightJohn born about 1932

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