1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mechanicsville in Darlington County, Darlington, South Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Carolina > Darlington County > 1940 Census of Mechanicsville in Darlington County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottBetty Louborn about 1939
AbbottElizabeth born about 1927
AbbottMarion born about 1892
AbbottOlivette born about 1936
AbbottOzelma born about 1903
AbbottRandolph born about 1923
AbbottShelba Gborn about 1938
AdamsMonroe born about 1903
AlfordAnnie born about 1920
AlfordJessie born about 1936
AlfordJoseph born about 1902
AlfordLilly born about 1911
AlfordOnslow born about 1923
AlfordPolly Annaborn about 1930
AlfordWilliam born about 1918
AndersonGeorge born about 1882
AndersonMinnie born about 1891
AronJoe born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BacataeBeatric born about 1922
BacataeJosephine born about 1901
BacataeJunius born about 1891
BackardDavid born about 1928
BackersFrank born about 1930
BackersHelen born about 1933
BackersJack born about 1894
BackersNathan born about 1932
BackersRoosevelt born about 1931
BackersTiny born about 1900
BackersWilliams born about 1926
BacoteAlbert born about 1919
BacoteAnnie Maeborn about 1919
BacoteRoosevelt born about 1935
BastonAlbert born about 1939
BastonArthur born about 1927
BastonHerbert born about 1934
BastonMartha Maeborn about 1939
BastonRosa born about 1929
BastonRosa Meborn about 1922
BastonSam Jr born about 1931
BlackmanAlma born about 1885
BlackmanJ Oborn about 1882
BostonAnnie Dborn about 1921
BostonFrank born about 1885
BostonFrank Krborn about 1912
BostonIsabelle born about 1931
BostonJoseph born about 1924
BostonJosephine born about 1887
BostonJosephine born about 1933
BostonLouise born about 1917
BostonMac born about 1915
BostonNathaniel born about 1926
BostonSporty born about 1935
BriggsDelphina born about 1913
BrownBernice born about 1938
BrownDaisy Maeborn about 1940
BrownDianna born about 1934
BrownGeorge born about 1912
BrownGeorge Jr born about 1930
BrownLouray born about 1914
BrownSusania born about 1936
BryantClarence born about 1901
BryantH Lborn about 1878
BryantLizzie born about 1891
BryantTom born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CappellsWillie born about 1922
CarrawayBobby born about 1889
CarrikerCarrie born about 1887
CarrikerCharles born about 1883
CarrikerNed born about 1926
CassinJohn born about 1890
CherryBertha born about 1936
CherryDora born about 1908
CherryEloise born about 1925
CherryEthel born about 1927
CherryFrank born about 1903
CherryFrank Jr born about 1932
CherryMagaret born about 1929
CherryMitt born about 1939
CherryRachel born about 1934
CookeB Rborn about 1902
CookeGeneva born about 1932
CookeIola born about 1906
CookeLilla born about 1909
CookeLonie born about 1882
CookeMckever born about 1904
CookeWilliam born about 1928
CritcherLoula born about 1870
CritcherM Mborn about 1863
CritcherMartin born about 1936
CritcherMildred born about 1934
CritcherTheola born about 1918
CritcherWheeler born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanielT Jborn about 1918

E Surnames

EarlyD Aborn about 1901
EdwardArchie born about 1934

G Surnames

GallowayAlice born about 1914
GallowayAlice born about 1938
GallowayDouglas born about 1911
GallowayDouglas Mborn about 1936
GallowayJ Sborn about 1881
GallowaySim born about 1917
GardnerAlbert born about 1938
GardnerBleese born about 1914
GardnerCarrie born about 1880
GardnerFairdrien born about 1925
GardnerIshmael born about 1938
GardnerMary born about 1916
GardnerRoosevelt born about 1910
GipsonAddie born about 1906
GipsonChanie born about 1931
GipsonDorothy born about 1932
GipsonElva born about 1903
GipsonMary born about 1922
GipsonPauline born about 1930
GipsonPerry born about 1921
GipsonWalter born about 1921
GreenAndrew born about 1900
GreenNeomia born about 1930
GreenPearly born about 1924
GreenRobert born about 1917
GreggJay Jr born about 1928
GreggsAnnie born about 1915
GreggsBernetha born about 1925
GreggsBeulah born about 1911
GreggsEdna born about 1897
GreggsFred born about 1939
GreggsHildman Jr born about 1929
GreggsThomas born about 1934
GreggsWillie born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HammonBuck born about 1868
HammonMagaret born about 1897
HamptonMollie born about 1884
HamptonRuby born about 1930
HamptonSamuel born about 1882
HamptonSamuel born about 1939
HarrisBenetha born about 1929
HarrisErnestine born about 1935
HarrisJames born about 1927
HarrisPearl born about 1925
HarrisSarah born about 1893
HarrisWillie born about 1886
HelmsE Lborn about 1894
HelmsElveyn born about 1926
HelmsErnest Jr born about 1929
HelmsLila born about 1896
HelmsLila Maeborn about 1924
HelmsRuth born about 1922
HolmesEarlie born about 1916
HolmesJosephine born about 1918
HudsonEvelyn born about 1929
HudsonF Lborn about 1935
HudsonFrank born about 1908
HudsonGlades born about 1938
HudsonLastnas born about 1912
HudsonLawpen born about 1916
HudsonMary Eborn about 1930
HudsonQueen Eborn about 1910
HudsonWalter born about 1906
HudsonWillie born about 1932
HunterAngrus born about 1929
HunterDorothy Maeborn about 1931
HunterEstelle born about 1908
HunterJ Jborn about 1904
HutchinsonFrances born about 1931
HutchinsonG Eborn about 1903
HutchinsonG E Jrborn about 1927
HutchinsonIola born about 1907
HutchinsonVirginia born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonEarlie born about 1925
JacksonMae born about 1918
JacksonMary Aborn about 1939
JacksonMozell born about 1920
JamesChalmas born about 1930
JamesJohn born about 1920
JamesJohnie born about 1917
JamesLanie born about 1898
JamesRufus born about 1916
JamesSam born about 1914
JamesWillie born about 1918
JohnsonIke born about 1899
JohnsonKary born about 1902
JohnsonMamie born about 1903
JohnsonMinnie born about 1908
JonesAlmeta born about 1939
JonesDavid born about 1917
JonesRosa born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KellyRena born about 1938
KellyWilson born about 1937

L Surnames

LeeBertha born about 1905
LeeEdith born about 1890
LeeEdith born about 1931
LeeH Jborn about 1890
LeeLaula born about 1922
LeeOram born about 1890
LeeOram Jr born about 1925
LeeRebecca born about 1927
LeeZelphia born about 1924

M Surnames

McCallLugenia born about 1905
McInullaMaude born about 1889
McInullaT born about 1884
McInullaThomas born about 1927
McKeverClarence born about 1910
McKeverEstell born about 1915
McQueenBlanche born about 1917
McQueenKate born about 1909
McQueenMarshall born about 1900
McQueenNeil born about 1915
MoodyBearnice born about 1920
MoodyC W Jrborn about 1924
MoodyClaton born about 1891
MoodyColman born about 1922
MoodyElla born about 1880
MoodyEloise born about 1897
MoodyHoward born about 1925
MoodyJ Hborn about 1868
MoodyLelia Maeborn about 1925
MoodyLestus born about 1896
MoodyM Jborn about 1856
MoodyMable born about 1906
MoodyManly born about 1932
MoodyTed Kborn about 1927
MurfphyAllia Zaneborn about 1935
MurfphyCatherine born about 1926
MurfphyElizabeth born about 1901
MurfphyInez born about 1932
MurfphyIsabelle born about 1927
MurfphyRobert born about 1924
MurfphyRosa Leeborn about 1939
MurfphyVirgil born about 1930
MurfphyWalter born about 1873
MurfphyWilliam born about 1922
MurryAllsono born about 1921
MurryBaby Dborn about 1939
MurryJeff born about 1886
MurryMartha born about 1892
MurryMartha born about 1934
MurryMollie born about 1937
MurryThomas born about 1923

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N Surnames

NelsonBen born about 1913
NelsonMartha born about 1918

P Surnames

PetekinBeatric born about 1926
PetekinCleveland born about 1939
PetekinColeman born about 1938
PetekinFrances born about 1910
PetekinJames born about 1925
PetekinJohn born about 1921
PetekinJohn Hborn about 1932
PetekinLanner born about 1920
PetekinSarah born about 1873
PetekinStephen born about 1919
PierceEthel born about 1911
PierceFrances born about 1890
PierceFred born about 1927
PierceLula born about 1890
PierceMonroe born about 1917
PiercePrecely born about 1900
PierceStephen born about 1880
PierceTheo born about 1915
PlayBoyd born about 1912
PlaySlyvia born about 1913
PlayersClariene born about 1938
PlayersJim born about 1918
PlayersJulia born about 1907
PlayersLillian born about 1928
PlayersLucile born about 1932
PlayersManie born about 1931
PlayersWinnie born about 1875
PooleAnnie Aborn about 1894
PooleIsalah born about 1923
PooleW Mborn about 1875

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R Surnames

RichardsonAlbert born about 1939
RichardsonClyde born about 1915
RichardsonClyde Jr born about 1929
RichardsonEaster Maeborn about 1934
RichardsonGeorgia born about 1913
RushAmos born about 1913
RushAmos Jr born about 1938
RushBetty Sueborn about 1935
RushCurley born about 1923
RushHallie Mborn about 1934
RushIola born about 1914
RushJohn born about 1896
RushThelma born about 1907
RushWilla born about 1932

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S Surnames

SamuelCurlie born about 1923
SamuelFrank born about 1935
SamuelHelen born about 1930
SamuelLawrence born about 1901
SamuelLilly Maeborn about 1928
SamuelLonnie born about 1925
SamuelMae born about 1908
SamuelMagnolia born about 1939
SamuelRobert born about 1937
ScippisAda born about 1917
ScippisCorrine born about 1938
ScippisJ Cborn about 1917
ScippisJanie born about 1938
ScippisLaura born about 1920
ScippisMarie born about 1931
ScippisMarie born about 1932
ScippisWilson born about 1911
ScippisWilson Jr born about 1935
StricklandBlease born about 1917
StricklandCarliene born about 1922

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T Surnames

ThomasChapman born about 1923
ThomasCokes born about 1933
ThomasElouise born about 1926
ThomasHerman born about 1938
ThomasIda born about 1914
ThomasJunior born about 1939
ThomasLay born about 1894
ThomasMamie born about 1921
ThomasMinnie born about 1900
ThomasMonroe born about 1931
ThomasNancy born about 1892
ThomasRoosevelt born about 1936
ThomasRuth born about 1926
ThomasThelma born about 1934
ThomasWitt born about 1900
ThreadgillBlanche born about 1889
ThreadgillVan born about 1929
TurnerAnna Jborn about 1894
TurnerBill born about 1884
TurnerBill Jr born about 1919
TurnerCurtis born about 1927
TurnerJames Wborn about 1921
TurnerJoseph born about 1926

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W Surnames

WarrJane born about 1870
WarrMarie born about 1902
WarrMarie Fborn about 1897
WarrR Lborn about 1890
WashingtonDaniel born about 1873
WhiteAlbert born about 1915
WhiteAlmeta born about 1939
WhiteAndrew born about 1934
WhiteBertha born about 1935
WhiteDavid born about 1920
WhiteDavid born about 1940
WhiteElla born about 1920
WhiteElla Meborn about 1933
WhiteFred born about 1927
WhiteGeorge born about 1882
WhiteHenry born about 1924
WhiteJunior born about 1937
WhiteLaura born about 1937
WhiteLee born about 1936
WhiteLinda born about 1923
WhiteLouise born about 1918
WhiteMagaret born about 1933
WhiteMamie born about 1935
WhiteMartha born about 1924
WhiteNancy born about 1897
WhitePrince born about 1882
WhiteSadie born about 1926
WhiteVenia born about 1878
WildsJuanita born about 1931
WildsOcalia born about 1902
WildsWalter born about 1939
WildsWillie born about 1902
WilliamsAlice born about 1932
WilliamsAndrew born about 1896
WilliamsAndrew Jr born about 1925
WilliamsBennie born about 1921
WilliamsClarence born about 1940
WilliamsEdith born about 1937
WilliamsElouise born about 1939
WilliamsHattie born about 1935
WilliamsHenerritta born about 1917
WilliamsJames born about 1915
WilliamsJames born about 1927
WilliamsJames Jr born about 1936
WilliamsJanie born about 1903
WilliamsJoe born about 1893
WilliamsJoe Jr born about 1929
WilliamsLouise born about 1917
WilliamsMagaret born about 1915
WilliamsMartha born about 1928
WilliamsOria born about 1921
WilliamsRandolph born about 1933
WilliamsSammie born about 1925
WilliamsSammie born about 1937
WilliamsSarah born about 1936
WilliamsonAgnes born about 1930
WilliamsonAlma born about 1929
WilliamsonBertha born about 1925
WilliamsonJames born about 1928
WilliamsonMarion born about 1934
WilliamsonRobert born about 1927
WilliamsonSoloman born about 1932
WilliamsonThelma born about 1936
WilsonSarah born about 1875
WingateAndrew born about 1914
WingateEloise born about 1916
WitherspoonHanesworth born about 1922
WitherspoonJanie born about 1921
WitherspoonMalinda born about 1895
WitherspoonMalinda born about 1931
WitherspoonViola born about 1927
WitherspoonWilkins born about 1924
WitherspoonWilliam born about 1930

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