1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mechanicsville in Lee County, Lee, South Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Carolina > Lee County > 1940 Census of Mechanicsville in Lee County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBen Wborn about 1910
AdamsBetty Sueborn about 1932
AdamsDon born about 1937
AdamsDorothy Eborn about 1931
AdamsFrank Rborn about 1928
AdamsHazel born about 1937
AdamsJames born about 1931
AdamsJoan born about 1932
AdamsLena born about 1910
AdamsLois born about 1921
AdamsMary Susanborn about 1906
AdamsPaul born about 1935
AdamsThomas born about 1939
AdamsWilliam born about 1890
AdamsWilliam Fborn about 1926
AlbertCarrie born about 1927
AlbertDessie born about 1925
AlbertIsaac born about 1928
AlbertLilly Belleborn about 1921
AlbertRebecca born about 1894
AlbertSilas born about 1891
AlbertWisdom born about 1919
AlexanderJ Boyeborn about 1916
AlslonLevance born about 1932
AltmanEdgar Lborn about 1889
AltmanHarry born about 1925
AltmanHerbert Lborn about 1916
AltmanJames born about 1922
AltmanLouise born about 1918
AltmanMinta born about 1893
AltmanWarren born about 1928
AndersonEdith born about 1897
AndersonEunice born about 1922
AndersonJames Iborn about 1919
AndersonJessie Sborn about 1899
AtkinsonClarendon Bborn about 1898
AtkinsonClifton born about 1913
AtkinsonEmma Leeborn about 1919
AtkinsonFrances born about 1929
AtkinsonLillian Carrolborn about 1938
AtkinsonRudolph born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaggettBeatrice born about 1900
BaggettDoris born about 1922
BaggettHarvey born about 1925
BaggettJohn Henryborn about 1893
BaggettJohnifey born about 1934
BaggettRalph born about 1936
BaggettVernon born about 1920
BaileyBetty Jborn about 1932
BaileyNellie born about 1906
BaileyRobert Kborn about 1939
BaileyWilliam Dborn about 1906
BaileyWilliam D Jrborn about 1927
BakerAnnie Maeborn about 1909
BakerAnnie Ruthborn about 1938
BakerBayne born about 1913
BakerD Aborn about 1928
BakerElla born about 1880
BakerEsther born about 1932
BakerHoyt born about 1908
BakerJ Pleasantborn about 1908
BakerJabe Dborn about 1881
BakerJunius born about 1929
BakerMary Cborn about 1935
BakerRebecca born about 1916
BakerRuth born about 1909
BarefootAmanda born about 1912
BarefootEmanuel born about 1910
BarefootJinmie born about 1935
BarefootVivian Louiseborn about 1937
BellThomas Eborn about 1917
BeltonGrace born about 1891
BeltonRebecca born about 1916
BeltonWillie born about 1917
BeltonWillie Jr born about 1932
BerryBonnie born about 1925
BerryCalvin born about 1927
BerryDaniel Hborn about 1888
BerryDeanie born about 1930
BerryEllis born about 1920
BerryHowell born about 1932
BerryJoy born about 1936
BerryMaggie born about 1895
BerryMinnie Ruthborn about 1922
BerryPearl born about 1914
BerryRobert Hborn about 1939
BerryWanda born about 1934
BlackmonCarl born about 1937
BlackmonEaddy born about 1931
BlackmonHelen born about 1932
BlackmonJames Cborn about 1910
BlackmonMary born about 1938
BlackmonOneda born about 1909
BlackmonRufus born about 1934
BlandingDarkes born about 1883
BlandingDarkes born about 1933
BlandingDorothy born about 1933
BlandingEdward born about 1929
BlandingJohnnie Eugeneborn about 1930
BlandingLucius born about 1939
BlandingMamie Leeborn about 1936
BlandingRebecca born about 1918
BooneAnnie Maeborn about 1918
BooneBarbara Annborn about 1936
BooneGeneva born about 1940
BooneHenry born about 1914
BooneHenry Jr born about 1939
BooneLillie Maeborn about 1936
BooneRose born about 1938
BooneSadie Mborn about 1913
BooneThomas Rborn about 1909
BooneThomas Jr born about 1934
BoswellColene born about 1911
BoswellEdward born about 1921
BoswellEvandor Wborn about 1867
BoswellGenevieve born about 1933
BoswellHubert born about 1922
BoswellJimmie born about 1936
BoswellLuther Wborn about 1901
BoswellMary born about 1925
BoswellTonmie born about 1938
BradfordAbraham born about 1900
BradfordAbraham born about 1934
BradfordEvelena born about 1902
BradfordJunius born about 1932
BradhamJames Rborn about 1906
BradhamLucile Bborn about 1905
BramlettDorothy born about 1937
BramlettEarnest born about 1936
BramlettFrancis Carrolborn about 1935
BramlettLottie born about 1934
BramlettLuther born about 1939
BramlettMary born about 1914
BramlettMary Ellenborn about 1932
BramlettOlive born about 1910
BramlettRoderick Hborn about 1880
BramlettRoy born about 1904
BramlettRoy Jr born about 1931
BramlettWilliam born about 1921
BranhamAnnie born about 1900
BranhamEstelle born about 1922
BranhamHarvey born about 1929
BranhamJames born about 1927
BranhamLouise born about 1932
BranhamMae born about 1935
BranhamNaomi born about 1937
BranhamPaul born about 1939
BranhamThelma born about 1924
BranhamWilliam Jborn about 1899
BroadwayBertha born about 1883
BroadwayHenry Jborn about 1886
BroadwayHenry J Jrborn about 1926
BrooksVelma Mborn about 1909
BrownAnnie born about 1890
BrownArthur born about 1911
BrownBeauford born about 1925
BrownDonald Sborn about 1902
BrownDorothy Maeborn about 1929
BrownJerome born about 1928
BrownManning born about 1869
BrownMary born about 1877
BrownMaude born about 1915
BrownMccoy born about 1935
BrownMildred born about 1907
BrownNathan born about 1892
BrownRozine born about 1933
BrownRuby Leeborn about 1919
BrownWillard born about 1939
BrownWillie born about 1914
BurrowsMary born about 1920
ButlerJeffery born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CabbagestalkBeulah born about 1908
CabbagestalkBrent born about 1902
CabbagestalkPhillip Jr born about 1926
CainAdil Wborn about 1902
CainLucile Fborn about 1912
CallicuttA Dborn about 1931
CallicuttJames born about 1930
CallicuttLouise born about 1928
CallicuttMack born about 1887
CallicuttMary born about 1922
CallicuttMaude born about 1904
CapersHayes born about 1880
CapersHayes Jr born about 1925
CapersLucius born about 1919
CapersMary Elizaborn about 1921
CapersMary Janeborn about 1865
CapersPauline born about 1883
CapersRosa Leeborn about 1924
CapersSara born about 1922
CathcartDaisy Vborn about 1894
CathcartJ Fosterborn about 1928
CathcartJean born about 1931
CathcartJohn Vborn about 1924
CathcartThomas Jborn about 1919
CathcartThomas Mborn about 1893
CaughmanArthur born about 1923
CaughmanBernard Fborn about 1884
CaughmanBuddie born about 1927
CaughmanEarnest born about 1921
CaughmanEthel born about 1900
CaughmanHerbert born about 1925
CaughmanJohn Rborn about 1923
CaughmanL Frankborn about 1919
CaughmanLouise born about 1927
CaughmanRoy born about 1925
CaughmanRuby Jborn about 1922
ChampaigneDora born about 1915
ChampaigneWillie born about 1905
CharlesBernice born about 1934
CharlesBessie born about 1914
CharlesChristena born about 1931
CharlesFayette born about 1907
CharlesJim born about 1932
ColemanMaizie born about 1912
ColemanOllie born about 1913
CookCharles born about 1937
CookJack born about 1933
CookJane born about 1870
CookNavice born about 1900
CookRebecca born about 1901
CookRobert born about 1924
CookThomas born about 1930
CookVermel born about 1875
CookWilliam born about 1922
CookWillie Eborn about 1891
CookWylie born about 1900
CotaBen born about 1920
CotaDoc born about 1898
CotaDoc Jr born about 1937
CotaEmma born about 1901
CotaEmma born about 1927
CotaMarie born about 1924
CotaMary born about 1921
CotaRachel born about 1918
CottonMary Lborn about 1919
CraftMelva born about 1919

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D Surnames

DavisAnnie born about 1895
DavisArthur born about 1930
DavisArthur born about 1940
DavisAsbury born about 1897
DavisBazzal Bborn about 1899
DavisBilly born about 1934
DavisBobbie born about 1924
DavisBuck born about 1880
DavisCammie born about 1921
DavisCarrie born about 1880
DavisCharlie born about 1925
DavisChessie born about 1905
DavisDorothy Deanborn about 1936
DavisEarnest born about 1926
DavisEdward born about 1934
DavisEdward Vborn about 1878
DavisElla born about 1909
DavisEthel Maeborn about 1926
DavisEugene born about 1927
DavisFloride born about 1921
DavisGeorge born about 1918
DavisHarry born about 1916
DavisHattie born about 1905
DavisHosie born about 1919
DavisInez born about 1922
DavisJasper born about 1929
DavisJessie Jamesborn about 1933
DavisLaddie Mooreborn about 1918
DavisLanie born about 1922
DavisLewis Aborn about 1926
DavisLillian born about 1914
DavisLucius born about 1932
DavisMac born about 1865
DavisMargie born about 1925
DavisMartha born about 1895
DavisMary born about 1939
DavisMary Aliceborn about 1938
DavisMolly Annborn about 1932
DavisOffie born about 1924
DavisOlin born about 1938
DavisSanmie Leeborn about 1928
DavisShelby Jeanborn about 1939
DavisTonnie born about 1933
DavisWilfred born about 1930
DavisWillie born about 1922
DavisWilson born about 1916
DicksonAbbigill born about 1901
DicksonBurrel born about 1928
DicksonFrances born about 1917
DicksonJohnnie born about 1935
DicksonMarie born about 1922
DicksonRosa Bellborn about 1938
DicksonWalter born about 1926
DowMabel born about 1920
DowTom born about 1919
DozierJack born about 1909
DozierMartha born about 1921
DozierRea born about 1917
DuboseAndrew born about 1898
DuboseAndrew Jr born about 1936
DuboseAnna born about 1927
DuboseBertha born about 1931
DuboseDorothy born about 1927
DuboseEdward Eborn about 1895
DuboseEdward Jr born about 1921
DuboseElizabeth Eborn about 1925
DuboseGertie born about 1932
DuboseGiretha born about 1908
DuboseHarmon born about 1929
DuboseHenry born about 1898
DuboseHenry born about 1918
DuboseIsabelle Gborn about 1893
DuboseJames Sborn about 1936
DuboseJerushia born about 1921
DuboseJohn Edwardborn about 1934
DuboseLucille born about 1901
DuboseMathelma born about 1928
DubosePerstell born about 1917
DuboseRenna born about 1925
DuboseThomas born about 1912
DuboseWalter Tborn about 1937
DuvallEunice born about 1922
DuvallEvelyn born about 1925
DuvallFaye born about 1928
DuvallFelton born about 1931
DuvallFlorence born about 1895
DuvallIris born about 1930
DuvallSamuel Tborn about 1892
DuvallViolet born about 1936

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E Surnames

EaddyBuggatee born about 1917
EaddyJohn born about 1917
EaddyMinnie born about 1917
EaddyRachelle born about 1937
ElmoreAnnie born about 1878
ElmoreJulius Cborn about 1919
ElmoreSim born about 1872
EvansD Chandlerborn about 1910
EvansDaisy Wborn about 1921
EvansDora born about 1917
EvansEdna born about 1939
EvansEdward Bborn about 1919
EvansHarrison Eborn about 1872
EvansLucius born about 1914
EvansMiriam born about 1936
EvansRalph born about 1937
EvansRobert Eborn about 1870
EvansVirginia born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FergusonJanie born about 1901
FieldsAnnie born about 1915
FieldsElijah Mborn about 1912
FieldsWayne Mborn about 1940
FisherEmma born about 1894
FisherTheodore born about 1883
FloydDoris born about 1938
FloydGeneral born about 1913
FloydHazel Leeborn about 1920
FloydLawrence Ellenborn about 1937
FranklinFranklin born about 1925
FranklinJohn born about 1893
FranklinMary born about 1855
FreemanDonald born about 1937
FreemanEdna born about 1915
FreemanEllen Leeborn about 1938
FreemanJerald born about 1939
FreemanPat born about 1902
FreemanRichard born about 1935
FrickBennye Aborn about 1908
FrickBeverly Annborn about 1938

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G Surnames

GaineyBertha born about 1908
GaineyEva born about 1930
GaineyGloren born about 1927
GaineyHarold born about 1933
GaineyJ Marionborn about 1904
GaineyMildred born about 1928
GallmanArthur Vborn about 1899
GallmanEber born about 1939
GallmanElsie Fborn about 1940
GallmanElsie Maeborn about 1910
GallmanRay born about 1931
GallowayBobby born about 1931
GallowayBonnie born about 1932
GallowayPearl born about 1911
GallowayRaymond born about 1905
GallowayTommie born about 1934
GandyCharlie Eborn about 1929
GandyDoris born about 1932
GandyFestus born about 1904
GandyGrace born about 1914
GarrettDee born about 1896
GarrettDoris born about 1927
GarrettFranklin Dborn about 1937
GarrettHattie born about 1896
GarrettMargaurite born about 1925
GarrettMarion born about 1929
GarrettMartha born about 1933
GarrettPeggy Annborn about 1935
GarrettRussell born about 1924
GaudyDorothy born about 1918
GaudyGladys born about 1920
GaudyHattie Aborn about 1890
GaudyJohn Tborn about 1880
GaudyLeon born about 1924
GivensLeola born about 1918
GrantClarence Dborn about 1936
GrantClyde Dborn about 1940
GrantFred Rborn about 1918
GrantGertrude born about 1910
GrantJohn Gborn about 1913
GrantJohn Jr born about 1939
GrantLouise born about 1913
GrantNancy Jeanborn about 1932
GrantOlin born about 1907
GrantPatsy Ruthborn about 1930
GrantWilliam Jborn about 1929
GreenCharlie born about 1881
GreenCharlie born about 1930
GreenHenry born about 1890
GreenHenry Jr born about 1914
GreenLawrence born about 1935
GreenLouise born about 1900
GreenLouise born about 1923
GreenMary born about 1919
GreenPaul born about 1932
GreenSusie born about 1886
GrierBessie Cborn about 1863
GrimesAlice born about 1918
GrimesJohn Henryborn about 1939
GrimesJohn Henry Jrborn about 1914
GrimesMary Aliceborn about 1940

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H Surnames

HallAllie born about 1907
HallArnold born about 1926
HallDorothy born about 1929
HallFranklin Dborn about 1934
HallJoe Fborn about 1904
HannibalAida Bellborn about 1936
HannibalAlice born about 1928
HannibalEva born about 1937
HannibalEva Belleborn about 1922
HannibalHamp born about 1870
HannibalHenry born about 1902
HannibalLula Belleborn about 1924
HannibalMarie born about 1939
HannibalMartha born about 1867
HannibalMartha born about 1930
HannibalMary born about 1933
HannibalMary Sueborn about 1907
HannibalRosa Leeborn about 1919
HarringtonBenjamin born about 1938
HarringtonDavid born about 1925
HarringtonEssie born about 1921
HarringtonInez born about 1916
HarringtonJacob born about 1912
HarringtonJames born about 1937
HarringtonLouise born about 1927
HarringtonLucille born about 1920
HarringtonManuel born about 1923
HarringtonPreston born about 1885
HarringtonPreston Jr born about 1919
HarringtonRosa Belleborn about 1929
HarringtonSara born about 1886
HarringtonSara born about 1939
HarrisDessie born about 1932
HarrisHenry born about 1928
HarrisLeila born about 1930
HastyMamie born about 1922
HastyWilliam born about 1919
HatfieldBillie born about 1933
HatfieldBobbie born about 1933
HatfieldElla born about 1872
HatfieldHarold born about 1929
HatfieldLeslie Kborn about 1902
HatfieldMabel born about 1908
HawkinsAnna Laurieborn about 1931
HawkinsAubrey born about 1929
HawkinsLula born about 1900
HawkinsSamuel Wborn about 1888
HawkinsThomas born about 1936
HawkinsWilbur born about 1925
HayesBenterell born about 1930
HayesCathalene born about 1905
HayesClifton born about 1908
HayesEdwin born about 1936
HayesElla Maeborn about 1936
HayesEvelyn born about 1932
HayesFrances born about 1927
HayesHilma born about 1915
HayesJ Austinborn about 1885
HayesJames born about 1934
HayesJoyce born about 1940
HayesKenny born about 1936
HayesLena Raeborn about 1932
HayesLucile born about 1924
HayesMarion born about 1939
HayesNellie born about 1935
HayesRobert born about 1916
HayesSara born about 1916
HayesSarah born about 1924
HayesShuford born about 1912
HayesThomas born about 1933
HayesVirginia born about 1922
HayesWilma Jeanborn about 1938
HeltonBeulah born about 1939
HeltonGeorge born about 1928
HeltonJames born about 1934
HeltonJanie born about 1907
HeltonJuanita born about 1937
HeltonLang born about 1899
HeltonLang Le Royborn about 1924
HeltonMarch Sborn about 1926
HeltonNeomie born about 1931
HeltonRobbie born about 1935
HendersonArthur Wborn about 1887
HendersonCora born about 1893
HendersonFrank born about 1927
HendersonJean born about 1931
HendersonKeith born about 1929
HenryAtla born about 1924
HenryCarola born about 1926
HenryCutlino born about 1928
HenryIsaac born about 1894
HerringLillie born about 1894
HerringLonnie born about 1907
HerriottAnnie Leeborn about 1937
HerriottRebecca born about 1915
HickmanGeorge born about 1927
HickmanJimmie born about 1929
HickmanJohn born about 1906
HickmanJohnnie born about 1930
HickmanRobert Leeborn about 1939
HickmanVera born about 1935
HickmanVermel born about 1912
HolmesAlex born about 1912
HolmesDority born about 1929
HolmesEartha Maeborn about 1936
HolmesElsie born about 1930
HolmesErnest born about 1926
HolmesGertrude born about 1938
HolmesJulia Annborn about 1871
HolmesLazarus born about 1872
HolmesLouis born about 1936
HolmesMarie born about 1916
HolmesRuth born about 1939
HolmesSammie born about 1927
HolmesShirley Maeborn about 1927
HolmesThelma born about 1927
HolmesWilliam born about 1865
HolmesWilliam born about 1932
HolmesWillie born about 1926
HugginsCarolyn born about 1937
HugginsColey Rborn about 1908
HugginsColey Jr born about 1935
HugginsMary Dellborn about 1934
HugginsMaude born about 1909
HumphriesElizabeth born about 1902
HumphriesFrancis Mborn about 1940
HumphriesGarris born about 1930
HumphriesJohnson Mborn about 1936
HumphriesLevy Jborn about 1899
HumphriesManuel Lborn about 1928
HumphriesMary Leeborn about 1924
HumphriesRobert Mborn about 1938
HumphriesWilliam Cborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonEmanuel Jborn about 1893
JacksonHarold born about 1926
JacksonLeona born about 1931
JacksonLloyd born about 1934
JacksonSudie born about 1894
JacksonWinston born about 1929
JamesElma Rayeborn about 1940
JamesEssie Vborn about 1900
JamesHarold born about 1917
JamesJeannie Hborn about 1922
JamesJessie born about 1930
JamesPortice Eborn about 1927
JamesPortice Jborn about 1898
JamesRosalee born about 1918
JamesThora Fayeborn about 1933
JenkinsAncrum born about 1925
JenkinsBrown born about 1925
JenkinsCoralee born about 1927
JenkinsDelores born about 1900
JenkinsFairey born about 1901
JenningsBeatrice born about 1927
JenningsColzie born about 1903
JenningsEmma born about 1865
JenningsFortune born about 1940
JenningsFrances born about 1937
JenningsGooler born about 1933
JenningsIrene born about 1924
JenningsIrene born about 1927
JenningsJames born about 1901
JenningsJames born about 1925
JenningsJanie born about 1910
JenningsJanie Sborn about 1900
JenningsMabel born about 1931
JenningsMinnie born about 1912
JetCarola born about 1916
JetCellastine born about 1920
JetGladys born about 1937
JetJames born about 1933
JetJames Leeborn about 1937
JetLorean born about 1937
JetLouise born about 1919
JetMarie born about 1931
JetMary born about 1873
JetMinnie Leeborn about 1938
JetRuth Eborn about 1933
JohnsonDabbie born about 1921
JohnsonDaisy born about 1925
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1928
JohnsonIsaac born about 1934
JohnsonJim born about 1929
JohnsonLyn born about 1897
JohnsonLyn Jr born about 1939
JohnsonMamie Leeborn about 1933
JohnsonMaude born about 1900
JohnsonSanmie Leeborn about 1931
JohnsonSusananna born about 1920
JohnsonWillie born about 1937
JonesEthel born about 1921
JonesJohnnie Leeborn about 1938
JonesMcneil born about 1908

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K Surnames

KelleyAlma born about 1924
KelleyElizabeth born about 1903
KelleyMary Juliaborn about 1923
KelleyRacine born about 1936
KelleyRoland born about 1902
KelleyRutledge born about 1927
KelleyWylie born about 1874
KirbyCarry Mborn about 1909
KirbyHeyward Fborn about 1904
KirbyHeyward F Jrborn about 1928
KirbyMarion Hborn about 1931
KirkseySadie Craigborn about 1893

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L Surnames

LackeyClyde born about 1930
LackeyDuke born about 1925
LackeyEaster born about 1896
LackeyEva born about 1893
LackeyHenry born about 1922
LackeyJohn Rborn about 1896
LackeyJohn R Jrborn about 1925
LackeyMabel born about 1924
LackeyPhares Mborn about 1889
LackeyPhares M Jrborn about 1930
LaytonElzine born about 1914
LaytonHilton Gborn about 1911
LaytonJ Bborn about 1921
LaytonJessie Kborn about 1885
LaytonMamie born about 1890
LaytonOlin Beasleyborn about 1935
LaytonWillie Hildaborn about 1933
LisenbyBetty Jeanborn about 1932
LisenbyBobby born about 1930
LisenbyCatherine born about 1908
LisenbyCoyt born about 1903
LisenbyMuriel born about 1936
LisenbyThomas born about 1924
LockmanRuth Genevaborn about 1908
LowryAnnie Maeborn about 1913
LowryBeulah born about 1937
LowryCharlie born about 1905
LowryCharlie Jr born about 1933
LowryDave born about 1901
LowryDiamie born about 1875
LowryGladys born about 1931
LowryJunior born about 1939
LowryNettie born about 1913
LowryRosa Leeborn about 1936
LowrySammie born about 1938
LowrySue born about 1907
LowrySusie Maeborn about 1934
LutherLillie Maeborn about 1916

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M Surnames

MagazineCaleb born about 1900
MagazineChristena born about 1927
MagazineJosephine born about 1926
MagazinePaul Jr born about 1930
MagazinePauline born about 1897
MagazineRosa Annaborn about 1894
MagazineRosanna born about 1933
MarkArthur born about 1920
MarkBert born about 1910
MarkDaisy born about 1902
MarkElijah born about 1928
MarkElla Maeborn about 1914
MarkElliott born about 1907
MarkJames born about 1926
MarkJulia born about 1886
MarkOmie born about 1882
MarkOmie Jr born about 1914
MarkRebecca born about 1917
MarkRoosevelt born about 1937
MarkRosa born about 1908
MarkRosa Leeborn about 1939
MarkThomas born about 1914
MartinAlgie born about 1898
MartinFrank born about 1889
MartinRosa Leeborn about 1932
MathenyOlive Robertborn about 1893
McDanielAllie Janeborn about 1924
McDanielCarrie Leeborn about 1905
McDanielChristene born about 1912
McDanielElvira born about 1887
McDanielEva born about 1913
McDanielGeorge born about 1874
McDanielIsaac born about 1933
McDanielJames born about 1906
McDanielJames born about 1931
McDanielJames Jr born about 1932
McDanielSaul born about 1910
McDuffieBen born about 1916
McDuffieDella born about 1918
McDuffieElias born about 1890
McDuffieElijah born about 1934
McDuffieEmma born about 1922
McDuffieEmma born about 1923
McDuffieEthel born about 1917
McDuffieJames born about 1926
McDuffieJoseph born about 1938
McDuffieJoshua born about 1932
McDuffieMabel born about 1935
McDuffieMary Sueborn about 1938
McDuffieMasren born about 1910
McDuffieMattie born about 1911
McDuffieQueen born about 1931
McElveenDorothy Nellborn about 1928
McElveenDorothy Oborn about 1920
McElveenEllie Maeborn about 1925
McElveenGarris Eborn about 1917
McElveenJames Eborn about 1895
McElveenMartha Eborn about 1894
McElveenVirginia born about 1923
McGeeAlfred born about 1905
McGeeAlfred Jr born about 1939
McGeeAmelia born about 1911
McGeeJanie Maeborn about 1931
McGeeRobert Leeborn about 1937
McGuirtFaye born about 1931
McGuirtJoe Ashwoodborn about 1935
McGuirtJohn Rborn about 1905
McGuirtLillian born about 1910
McGuirtRayford born about 1929
McLeodMabel born about 1926
McMillanAbraham born about 1916
McMillanBertha born about 1904
McMillanDoreta born about 1925
McMillanHampton born about 1926
McMillanHampton born about 1928
McMillanHarry born about 1917
McMillanHattie born about 1917
McMillanIrene born about 1937
McMillanLizzie born about 1897
McMillanMaggie born about 1896
McMillanMarion born about 1921
McMillanMary Lizzieborn about 1937
McMillanMckinley born about 1901
McMillanRosa born about 1918
McMillanTed born about 1890
McMillanThelma Leeborn about 1924
McMillanVirginia born about 1936
McMillanWalter born about 1925
McMillanWilamena born about 1919
McMillanWilliam born about 1939
McQuillaAlice born about 1891
McQuillaEdward born about 1876
McQuillaEthel Maeborn about 1924
McQuillaHatie Qborn about 1933
McQuillaHeyward born about 1915
McQuillaRoosevelt born about 1935
McQuillaRosalee born about 1918
McQuillaSam born about 1917
McQuillaSam Leeborn about 1939
McWarrenEliza born about 1901
McWarrenEliza born about 1926
McWarrenGeneva born about 1930
McWarrenJanie born about 1924
McWarrenRebecca born about 1922
McWarrenSoloman born about 1898
McWarrenSoloman Jr born about 1928
MeltonAnna born about 1935
MeltonCarola born about 1906
MeltonFrank born about 1887
MeltonGeorge born about 1940
MeltonMartha born about 1938
MeltonRobert born about 1937
MeltonRuth born about 1934
MickensBetty Louise Infantborn about 1940
MickensCarrie Leeborn about 1923
MickensElijah born about 1902
MickensElijah Jr born about 1932
MickensEmma born about 1914
MickensEmma born about 1922
MickensGertrude born about 1928
MickensIda born about 1910
MickensIsaac born about 1929
MickensJames born about 1927
MickensJohnnie born about 1918
MickensJosh born about 1912
MickensLou Berthaborn about 1925
MickensLouise born about 1930
MickensMary born about 1904
MickensMose born about 1901
MickensMose Jr born about 1930
MickensRebecca born about 1929
MickensRobert born about 1926
MobleyDavid born about 1921
MontgomeryCealey born about 1886
MontgomeryElisha born about 1929
MontgomeryEliza born about 1913
MontgomeryHarmon born about 1888
MontgomeryHarmon born about 1936
MontgomeryMaggie born about 1905
MontgomeryRobbie Leeborn about 1928
MontgomeryRoosevelt born about 1933
MontgomeryRosa Leeborn about 1933
MontgomeryZinnaman born about 1903
MontgomeryZinnaman Jr born about 1934
MooneyhamArchie Lborn about 1912
MooneyhamAthlyn Jborn about 1938
MooneyhamSylvia Maeborn about 1935
MooneyhamWillie Maeborn about 1916
MorrowGenie Bborn about 1886
MorrowHubert born about 1925
MorrowJessie Bborn about 1928
MorrowLoretta Annborn about 1940
MorrowPauline born about 1922
MorrowRoland born about 1918
MorrowSadie born about 1920
MorrowThomas born about 1922
MoseleyCarol born about 1937
MoseleyClaire born about 1935
MoseleyClaud Dborn about 1907
MoseleyLee Wborn about 1917
MoseleyLouise born about 1912
MoseleyMaude born about 1920
MoseleyPatricia Annborn about 1939
MyersAletha born about 1930
MyersAnnie Maeborn about 1921
MyersBetty born about 1928
MyersCarrie born about 1900
MyersCarrie born about 1918
MyersElizabeth born about 1896
MyersFrances born about 1931
MyersHerbert born about 1919
MyersJack born about 1926
MyersJanie born about 1917
MyersJohn Fborn about 1891
MyersJohn F Jrborn about 1922
MyersLe Roy born about 1924
MyersRandolph born about 1924
MyersRebecca born about 1888
MyersRoosevelt born about 1931
MyersRosa Leeborn about 1935
MyersRosa Maeborn about 1937
MyersSara born about 1916
MyersStepney born about 1920
MyersWillie Jeanborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NewmanDelorme Hborn about 1889
NewmanEarnest born about 1916
NewmanElizabeth Bborn about 1892
NorrisDorothy born about 1923
NorrisJames Eborn about 1896
NorrisLeon born about 1925
NorrisRuby born about 1930
NorrisThomas born about 1928

O Surnames

OliverBeatrice born about 1894
OliverDailine born about 1930
OliverDonald born about 1936
OliverJohn born about 1890
OliverJohn Ivyborn about 1927
OliverMarion born about 1933
OverstreetAlph born about 1930
OverstreetAnnie Lauraborn about 1922
OverstreetJim born about 1898
OverstreetJinmie born about 1939
OverstreetRalph born about 1930
OverstreetVera born about 1925
OverstreetZellie born about 1900
OwensEleanor born about 1934
OwensHerbert Lborn about 1906
OwensMarguerite born about 1932
OwensRichard Wborn about 1915
OwensSara Rborn about 1915
OwensThelma Rborn about 1920
OwensWilliam Rborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaceJohn Williamborn about 1937
PaceMannie born about 1911
PaceMary Florenceborn about 1877
PaceSara Florenceborn about 1939
PaceWilliam Eborn about 1910
PaceWilliam Wborn about 1887
ParkerCharlie born about 1924
PearsonCatherine born about 1860
PearsonCornelia born about 1902
PearsonGeorge born about 1916
PearsonGeorge Jr born about 1937
PearsonJulia Annborn about 1905
PearsonJunior born about 1932
PearsonMarian born about 1920
PearsonSallie born about 1903
PearsonViola born about 1919
PearsonWarren born about 1900
PearsonWinnie born about 1935
PerryAnnie Maeborn about 1927
PetersonCarrie Maeborn about 1929
PetersonEdna born about 1908
PetersonHenry born about 1912
PetersonIsaac Eborn about 1935
PetersonLincolm born about 1903
PettersonAlexander born about 1937
PettersonAnnie Bellborn about 1936
PettersonAnnie Maeborn about 1914
PettersonCora Leeborn about 1939
PettersonLoula born about 1880
PettersonMaggie born about 1923
PettersonPerry born about 1911
PettersonViola born about 1927
PhillipsGertrude born about 1921
PiverBlanche born about 1892
PiverCharlie born about 1927
PiverClaud born about 1918
PiverEsther Maeborn about 1921
PiverRoetta born about 1924
PiverTalmadge Mborn about 1887
PiverTalmadge Jr born about 1931
PlayerEunice born about 1896
PlayerMary Aliceborn about 1923
PlayerRichard born about 1915
PlayerRuby Leeborn about 1936
PlayerWilliam Pborn about 1895
PlayerWillie Maeborn about 1928
PlowdenAzallee born about 1917
PlowdenC Emmetteborn about 1912
PlowdenCharles E Jrborn about 1939
PlowdenLaura Annborn about 1937
PlowdenSara Evelynborn about 1935
PoagRosalee born about 1923
PoagRuth born about 1935
PoagSallie born about 1875
PriceAlice Gertrudeborn about 1940
PriceImogene born about 1917
PriceJohn born about 1907
PrinceAlbertis born about 1902
PrinceAlbertis Jr born about 1935
PrinceCalethea born about 1936
PrinceEliza born about 1915
PrinceEvelena born about 1925
PrinceGlenn born about 1930
PrinceJames Edwardborn about 1936
PrinceMary Ellaborn about 1933
PrinceRaymon Leeborn about 1937
PrinceRebecca born about 1932
PrinceSusanna born about 1904
PrinceSusanna born about 1934
PrinceWilliam born about 1928
PrinceWillie born about 1900
PrinceWillimena born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RayBen Tborn about 1899
RayBennie born about 1933
RayGeorge Henryborn about 1920
RayJack born about 1931
RayLeon born about 1927
RayLois born about 1922
RayMyrttle born about 1936
RayNannie born about 1901
RayPeggy born about 1939
ReamesRuth born about 1933
RembertEva Tborn about 1892
RembertHattie Fborn about 1892
RembertHenry Dborn about 1890
RembertJulian born about 1922
RembertMarion born about 1922
RembertSnowden born about 1906
RoachSarah Francesborn about 1922
RobertsonAddie born about 1918
RobertsonAline born about 1921
RobertsonBilly born about 1923
RobertsonLeila born about 1878
RogersAnna born about 1885
RogersCarrie Dellborn about 1918
RogersEanest born about 1925
RogersHanna born about 1886
RogersHaskel born about 1908
RogersIsaiah born about 1886
RogersJanie Leeborn about 1919
RogersLizzie born about 1908
RogersLucile born about 1912
RogersMary Aliceborn about 1940
RogersMendel born about 1909
RogersRachel Leeborn about 1929
RogersSeldon born about 1916
RogersThomas Lborn about 1922
RogersTillman born about 1918
RogersWash born about 1861
RufusAlex born about 1927
RufusBessie born about 1906
RufusHenry born about 1902
RufusWillie born about 1928
RufusWylie born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersLaney born about 1876
SandersRachell born about 1874
SandersRuth born about 1923
SandersSim born about 1870
ScarboroughAnnie born about 1882
ScarboroughSam born about 1852
ScottErlean born about 1933
ScottIris born about 1908
ScottIris Jr born about 1935
ScottLewis born about 1938
ScottMabelle born about 1910
ScurryBetty Jeanborn about 1939
ScurryDavid born about 1928
ScurryHarold born about 1930
ScurryJames Hborn about 1902
ScurryJames Tborn about 1926
ScurryJim Edwardborn about 1936
ScurryMarie born about 1934
ScurryRoland born about 1932
ScurryRuby Jborn about 1938
ScurryWillie Gborn about 1907
ScurryWillie Maeborn about 1924
ShawJohn born about 1936
ShawMary Emmaborn about 1875
ShawPearl born about 1923
ShiverClement born about 1920
SimmonsAlice Mborn about 1935
SimmonsEmily Jeanborn about 1934
SimmonsLewis Eborn about 1894
SimmonsLewis E Jrborn about 1938
SimmonsNina born about 1917
SkinnerCatheline born about 1925
SkinnerIrene Mborn about 1918
SkinnerJames Cborn about 1927
SkinnerJames Lborn about 1883
SkinnerMary Wborn about 1887
SkinnerThomas Lborn about 1913
SkinnerThomas Wayneborn about 1939
SkinnerVirginia born about 1920
SmithAnnie Margaretborn about 1936
SmithBessie Davidborn about 1938
SmithBetty Jeanborn about 1931
SmithBill born about 1929
SmithBill born about 1930
SmithConly born about 1910
SmithDorothy Deanborn about 1933
SmithFrances born about 1931
SmithHenry Paulborn about 1917
SmithHenry Thomasborn about 1939
SmithHomer born about 1916
SmithHubert Lborn about 1911
SmithHugh born about 1923
SmithJames born about 1926
SmithJasper born about 1915
SmithJuanitta born about 1925
SmithKatheline born about 1936
SmithLillian born about 1898
SmithLizzie Maeborn about 1917
SmithLuther Wborn about 1893
SmithMaggie born about 1866
SmithMaggie born about 1886
SmithMelvin born about 1922
SmithOdell Eborn about 1938
SmithPaul born about 1901
SmithPauline born about 1937
SmithPearl born about 1901
SmithRuth born about 1910
SmithThelma born about 1890
SmithVernon born about 1927
SmithVirginia Annborn about 1935
SmithWalter born about 1927
SmithWarren born about 1923
SmithWelborn born about 1929
SmithWilliam Rborn about 1890
SpannMary Leeborn about 1937
SpannRobert born about 1916
SpannSara born about 1918
StaffordArthur born about 1883
StaffordJanie born about 1890
StaffordLawrence born about 1922
StuckeyAurelia Aborn about 1916
StuckeyEarnest born about 1923
StukesCarrie born about 1940
StukesCharlie born about 1919
StukesCharlie Dborn about 1937
StukesFrank born about 1910
StukesFrank Jr born about 1931
StukesJohn Henryborn about 1935
StukesJohnnie born about 1914
StukesJohnnie Jr born about 1936
StukesMaggie born about 1917
StukesMarie born about 1921
StukesMary Aliceborn about 1914
StukesRebecca born about 1929
StukesRosa Leeborn about 1938
StukesShirley Maeborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorMathew born about 1880
ThomasCalvin born about 1907
ThomasJames born about 1935
ThomasWinnie born about 1909
TuckerFloyd born about 1914

W Surnames

WalkerBertha born about 1912
WalkerMarion born about 1935
WallaceArchie Lborn about 1892
WallaceArchie L Jrborn about 1932
WallaceBlanche born about 1923
WallaceBoyd born about 1902
WallaceBoyd born about 1918
WallaceEvelyn born about 1928
WallaceFlorence born about 1898
WallaceMaggie born about 1907
WallaceOllie Maeborn about 1919
WatkinsAgnes Tborn about 1939
WatkinsDaisy Aborn about 1923
WatkinsElla Maeborn about 1934
WatkinsEva born about 1897
WatkinsEva Sborn about 1932
WatkinsGeorge Wborn about 1886
WatkinsGeorge Jr born about 1919
WatkinsJurmie born about 1923
WatkinsNannie born about 1926
WatsonElmon born about 1888
WatsonElmon Jr born about 1922
WatsonMartha born about 1897
WattsBeulah Nborn about 1908
WattsHazel born about 1934
WattsRuthallee born about 1932
WattsWilliam Rborn about 1904
WattsWilliam R Jrborn about 1939
WeatherfordCarl born about 1916
WeatherfordEdwin born about 1922
WeatherfordMarion born about 1931
WeatherfordMarvis Annborn about 1938
WeatherfordPauline born about 1917
WeatherfordRosa Lborn about 1900
WeatherfordVirginia born about 1928
WeatherfordWilliam Cborn about 1892
WelchAzalea born about 1925
WelchCreola born about 1901
WelchEarnest born about 1929
WelchJames born about 1934
WelchJeanette born about 1939
WelchLuvell born about 1923
WelchMalcolm Gborn about 1900
WelchMalcolm G Jrborn about 1932
WelchPauline born about 1936
WellsAndrew born about 1900
WellsAndrew Jr born about 1928
WellsFlossie Maeborn about 1935
WellsJames Cborn about 1931
WellsMalichia born about 1927
WellsOtencie born about 1905
WheelerJohn Tborn about 1893
WheelerJohn T Jrborn about 1918
WheelerSallie Maeborn about 1901
WhetstoneOnie Maeborn about 1914
WhiteMary born about 1917
WilliamsAnnakie born about 1873
WilliamsBenjamin born about 1902
WilliamsBrown born about 1911
WilliamsDaniel born about 1933
WilliamsDavid born about 1931
WilliamsDavid Jr born about 1931
WilliamsJames born about 1907
WilliamsJames born about 1929
WilliamsJessie Maeborn about 1937
WilliamsLillie Maeborn about 1931
WilliamsMaggie born about 1913
WilliamsMary born about 1900
WilliamsMary born about 1910
WilliamsMollie born about 1878
WilliamsRose born about 1900
WilliamsRuby Nellborn about 1940
WilliamsRuth Maeborn about 1934
WilliamsViola born about 1921
WilliamsWillie born about 1890
WilliamsonHarold D Gborn about 1863
WilsonAzalea born about 1908
WilsonRobert born about 1908
WindhamBessie born about 1902
WindhamBoyd born about 1893
WindhamDorothy Annborn about 1940
WindhamEdward Mborn about 1933
WindhamElvis born about 1936
WindhamFaye born about 1938
WindhamMary born about 1928
WindhamWilliam born about 1930
WiseHarry born about 1918
WoodhamEarley Wborn about 1876
WoodhamJames Cborn about 1920
WoodhamJanie Louborn about 1939
WoodhamMaggie Louborn about 1912
WrightAbel born about 1900
WrightClarence Dborn about 1896
WrightClarence Jr born about 1921
WrightJessie born about 1902
WrightJune born about 1933
WrightSim born about 1923
WrightVictoria born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarboroughCecil born about 1921
YarboroughDan born about 1934
YarboroughElwyn born about 1929
YarboroughLoren Oborn about 1892
YarboroughLoren Jr born about 1919
YarboroughOlivia born about 1896
YarboroughVoncile born about 1924
YatesJohn born about 1923

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