1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mica, Pickens, South Carolina

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > South Carolina > Pickens County > 1940 Census of Mica

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesM Surnames
F SurnamesN Surnames

A Surnames

AndersBuss born about 1869
AndersEva born about 1892

B Surnames

BarkerJosie Finleyborn about 1892
BarkerLula Graceborn about 1924
BlakeLewis born about 1885
BlakePauline born about 1891
BowenMrs Millie Mborn about 1867
BurgessEula born about 1908
BurgessLouis Clavinborn about 1939
BurgessNovel Leonborn about 1931
BurgessRoy Nborn about 1928
BurgessSims born about 1908
BurrissAmilia born about 1937
BurrissBalt born about 1932
BurrissBrice born about 1935
BurrissLina born about 1910
BurrissMary Fborn about 1939
BurrissPaul born about 1907
BurrissPaul Jr born about 1928
BurrissRoy born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

ChandlerJohnson born about 1875
ChandlerLula born about 1877

E Surnames

EarleyDorthy born about 1924
EarleyGladys born about 1932
EarleyJimmie born about 1935
EarleyJohn born about 1927
EarleyJohn Fborn about 1864
EarleyJulia Mborn about 1900
EarleyRobert Fborn about 1897
EarleyRobert Jborn about 1938
EarleyVera Gborn about 1930
ElrodFlorence born about 1904
ElrodJame Jborn about 1869
ElrodLeila born about 1872
ElrodLeroy born about 1892
ElrodRogers born about 1931
ElrodSallie born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FinleyClarie born about 1894
FinleyDonald born about 1935
FinleyElizabeth born about 1909
FinleyMrs M Sborn about 1860
FinleyNora Alieborn about 1933
FinleyOscar born about 1905
FinleyRubie born about 1916
FinleySandra born about 1930
FinleyTillie born about 1925

H Surnames

HendricksB M Lborn about 1890
HendricksBobbie born about 1930
HendricksJennie Jborn about 1894
HendricksSmith born about 1922
HendricksThomas born about 1926
HolderBillie Jborn about 1939
HolderBobbie Jborn about 1937
HolderElla born about 1917
HolderFess born about 1910

J Surnames

JonesE Lborn about 1862
JonesLawrence born about 1888

L Surnames

LandersHarold born about 1929
LandersLille Maeborn about 1886
LandersMilton born about 1911
LandersNettie born about 1925
LandersWill born about 1887
LandoraJosie born about 1858
LooperBettie born about 1917
LooperChristine born about 1903
LooperCora Leeborn about 1893
LooperD Eborn about 1900
LooperFannie Bborn about 1888
LooperFrank born about 1915
LooperFrank Jr born about 1938
LooperGeorge born about 1908
LooperHarold born about 1923
LooperHarold born about 1936
LooperHattie born about 1875
LooperInez born about 1898
LooperIrene born about 1907
LooperJim Frankborn about 1905
LooperJoe Annborn about 1935
LooperJoe Lborn about 1866
LooperJoseph Eborn about 1884
LooperLoyd born about 1923
LooperMarion born about 1864
LooperOpal Jeanborn about 1930
LooperRobert Earleborn about 1919
LooperSainell born about 1927
LooperSam born about 1875
LooperWallace born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

McCallArtelles born about 1927
McCallCannon born about 1886
McCallCorrie born about 1888
McCallDoris born about 1920
McCallGlynn born about 1922
McCallOtto born about 1926
McCallVernon born about 1930
MedlinAlvin Jborn about 1936
MedlinAndrew born about 1886
MedlinCarrie born about 1924
MedlinColumbus born about 1859
MedlinDorthy Lborn about 1938
MedlinGladys born about 1918
MedlinGracie Lborn about 1927
MedlinJ Fborn about 1929
MedlinJames born about 1922
MedlinJames Aborn about 1939
MedlinJoe born about 1887
MedlinJoe Cborn about 1939
MedlinLester born about 1914
MedlinMamie born about 1874
MedlinMary Lborn about 1914
MedlinNa Normanaborn about 1915
MedlinRamond Eborn about 1936
MedlinRosa Leeborn about 1922
MedlinSidney born about 1912
MedlinThenia born about 1895
MedlinWilford born about 1914
MedlinWilliam Osenborn about 1935
MedlinWillie Louiseborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaborsJack born about 1860
NaborsJake born about 1886
NaborsLizzie born about 1890
NaborsPondes born about 1918

R Surnames

RainesAndrew born about 1919
RainesArthur born about 1929
RainesCassie born about 1893
RainesClaude born about 1935
RainesEugene born about 1925
RainesEula Elizabethborn about 1917
RainesFannie born about 1927
RainesJ Dborn about 1922
RainesJosie Mborn about 1915
RainesMinnie born about 1931
RainesRobert Lborn about 1893
RainesRobert Lborn about 1921
RiceBertram born about 1938
RiceBettie Sueborn about 1933
RiceBeulah born about 1913
RiceClyde born about 1932
RiceDebra born about 1936
RiceElmer born about 1903
RiceSybie born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TurnerSarah Eborn about 1915
TurnerWm born about 1860
TurnerWm Fborn about 1894

W Surnames

WilliamsEva Sueborn about 1918
WilliamsKenneth born about 1918
WilliamsKennith Jr born about 1938
WilliamsLawrence born about 1875
WilliamsLawrence Jr born about 1900

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